How to grow hydrangea from seeds from China correctly. Indoor hydrangea: reproduction and care at home Propagation of hydrangeas by seeds

landscaping 14.06.2019

Hydrangea attracts flower growers with a variety of shapes and shades of flowers, patterned leaves, interesting stem bark. It is often found as shrubs or vines on summer cottages, in the gardens. But the home hydrangea, which grows in pots indoors, is not at all like its garden relative, but is also very beautiful.

For planting at home, semi-shrub is often chosen. large-leaved hydrangea with inflorescences similar to balls of blue, pink or white color. it perennial, the length of the stem of which can vary from 40 cm to one and a half meters.

Growing hydrangeas from seeds is a rather laborious and troublesome process, but many flower growers breed it this way.

If all the necessary subtleties of this breeding method are strictly observed, the plant blooms profusely for several months a year.

Seed selection and sowing time

Seeds for sowing must be carefully selected. They should be oblong, without flaws or damage, have a brown evenly distributed color. Seeds are sown at the end of winter, but some flower growers recommend doing this in the first winter month. By the summer, such crops manage to give small bushes with shoots.

Sowing features

For sowing, a low container is used, filling it with a mixture of soddy and leafy soil with the addition of one part of peat and one part of sand. Humus is not recommended. When sowing, the seeds are not buried, only slightly sprinkled with soil and slightly moistened with a spray bottle. To protect the soil from drying out, the sowing is covered with a film or glass, which are periodically opened to ventilate the sown seeds.

After the emergence of seedlings, the protective structure is removed.

Transplanting seedlings

When the seedlings have two leaves, they are transplanted in groups into a wider box. After some time, they are each transplanted into their own pot, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 ... 7 cm. The pot for planting should be small, otherwise all the strength of the plant will go into a set of green mass, and not into flowers.

The soil in it is similar in composition to that which was used when sowing seeds. From above, the soil is covered with mulch (sawdust, needles, hay, etc.) to protect it from drying out. In the room where young hydrangeas are located, it is necessary to maintain a cool temperature (+14 ° C ... + 20 ° C). Lighting should be intense, but diffused enough.

Growing conditions

For normal development and long flowering of the plant, it should be created comfortable conditions. When growing hydrangeas, it is important:

  • choose the right lighting;
  • withstand temperature regime during the active and winter period;
  • observe the technology of watering, fertilizing, transplanting.


The place where the pot will be installed should be sufficiently lit, but not hot. The plant should not be in a draft, as well as near heating appliances. It should not be allowed to overheat; on hot days, it is recommended to spray the hydrangea. Direct sun can cause leaf burns.

Insufficient light leads to stretching of the shoots, which prevents the hydrangea from flowering.

rest period

In winter it indoor plant, as well as garden views falls asleep, and wakes up in the spring. During the dormant period, hydrangeas rarely need to be watered, and fertilizing is not recommended at all. It is recommended for this time to place it in a room without light with a temperature of +3 °C ... +8 °C. In the spring, the plant is pruned, removing unnecessary shoots (weak, too long, etc.). You can also prune in late autumn after flowering is complete. In the active period after winter sleep, hydrangea requires regular and abundant watering. However, she does not tolerate stagnant water near the roots. And this needs to be carefully monitored. If the mode of keeping the plant at rest is violated, it will bloom only the next year.


Watering can be done not only directly into the soil, but also by briefly immersing the pot in a pan of water. Excess moisture after this procedure is removed. Water for irrigation should be purified from salts and impurities (boiled, filtered, settled, thawed, rainwater).

But when watering, it should have a temperature surrounding plant environment.

top dressing

When feeding, the following technology should be observed:

  1. in spring / summer, they are fed 2 times a month, using either complex mineral fertilizers or special top dressings designed for indoor flowering plants;
  2. during the flowering period, watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, which has a faint pink color;
  3. in the fall they switch to top dressing once a month;
  4. during the dormant period, no additional substances are added to the soil.


Young plants are transplanted annually after the end of the flowering period, and already rooted - after 2 years. In this case, the transshipment method is used, when a clod of earth is stored near the roots. With this method, the plant tolerates the process of transplanting much easier. new pot should be a third or half more than the previous one. Given the horizontal placement of hydrangea roots, wide but low pots should be preferred. Top part The root should be at ground level.

In total, the plant lives at home for about 4 years.

Hydrangea flowers will be white, red, or pink when soil acidity is low, and blue or blue when soil is high.

The procedure for planting and growing hydrangeas from seeds

Hydrangea from seeds needs constant care. Flower seeds are treated to improve germination and placed in prepared soil.

How to grow hydrangea

Hydrangea is a shrub with a height of 1 to 3 m. The leaves are large, oval, with jagged edges. Flowering begins in spring and continues until winter. The inflorescences are in the form of a ball with a diameter of 20 cm.

Source: Depositphotos

Hydrangea from seeds produces red, pink, white, purple inflorescences

Seeds propagate large-leaved varieties. In autumn, after flowering, seeds ripen in boxes. Collect them for planting or purchase ready-made planting material. Plant seeds in January or February.

Boarding order:

  1. Prepare a substrate of soddy soil, peat and river sand in a ratio of 4:2:1.
  2. Pour the soil mixture into containers.
  3. Deepen the seeds and moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  4. Cover the container with foil or glass.

Keep planting at 14-20°C. After the sprouts appear, move them to a lighted place. As the first leaf develops, dive the hydrangea into separate 7 cm wide containers.

Spend the second pick in May. After transplanting, leave the plants for fresh air under protection from sun rays and rain.

Conditions for hydrangea

The flower is demanding on moisture and soil quality. Hydrangea is left to grow at home in a pot or planted in open ground.

Growing conditions:

  • The soil. Grow a flower in fertile light soil. The plant prefers neutral or slightly acidic soil. For oxidation, add peat to the pot.
  • Watering. Apply moisture weekly. Water twice a week in summer. Loosen the soil after watering.
  • Mulching. A layer of mulch helps keep the soil moist. Use bark, wood chips, peat.
  • Top dressing. Before flowering, water the hydrangea with a solution of urea. Dissolve 2 g of the substance in 1 liter of water. In autumn, apply a complex flower fertilizer when watering.
  • Pruning. In the spring, cut off broken and dry branches. For rejuvenation, shorten the shoots by 1/3 of the length. Eliminate wilted inflorescences in autumn.
  • Shelter. In open ground for the winter, bend the branches to the ground, cover with earth and cover with a non-woven fabric.

At home, hydrangea grows for 5 years. Plant two-year-old seedlings in open ground. The plant blooms 3 years after planting.

Propagation of hydrangeas by seeds is a laborious method. For successful cultivation, plant seeds in acidified soil, and take care of the plant by watering and fertilizing.

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful, exquisite flowers. They are often found in suburban areas. Flower growers fell in love with the plant for lush bloom from spring to the onset of cold weather. The bush grows luxurious, its dark greens are pleasing to the eye, and spherical inflorescences exude a delicate floral aroma. How to grow hydrangea from seeds at home? Step-by-step instruction with photos and videos will help to successfully cope with the task.

Hydrangea is one of the most beautiful, exquisite flowers.

Hydrangea: planting and care in open ground e

Breeders have bred many varieties of hydrangeas that are perfectly adapted to growing in the Russian climate, and now the plant is perfectly adapted to harsh winters and cool summers. The most common way to grow hydrangeas is cuttings. However, it is much easier to collect the seeds of the flower you like on your own or buy them in a specialized store. Planting material does not require special preparation and is ready for sowing from the package. The term for planting seeds in open ground is the end of April - the beginning of May.

The seed sowing technology is very simple, but not used for propagation hybrid varieties obtained by breeders. Before sowing the seeds, you should carefully examine them. If they have damage, signs of illness, or they are lethargic, they are rejected. To stimulate growth, the inoculum can be soaked in the Epin solution according to the instructions for the drug. This will reduce the likelihood of developing flower diseases and speed up seed germination.

Before sowing, they begin to prepare the soil, which consists in digging up the territory and applying fertilizers, leaf humus, and sand. Seeds are sown superficially. You don't need to cover them with soil. It is enough to crush with a small layer of sand and moisten with a sprayer. The first shoots will appear in 25-30 days, provided that the ground is constantly wet.

Garden hydrangea is a very moisture-loving plant and does not bloom well in sunny places. A shady area protected from the wind is the most the best place for sowing hydrangea seeds. By providing crops with moisture, you can get a beautifully flowering plant.

How to grow hydrangea from seeds at home for seedlings?

The technology for sowing seeds is very simple, but is not used to propagate hybrid varieties obtained by breeders

It should immediately be borne in mind that growing hydrangeas at home is not an easy task, requiring a lot of time from the grower. Caring for a flower is not difficult, but the seedlings will need to dive several times as they grow. The process of growing seedlings takes 2 years and only in the 3rd year the plants are planted in a permanent place in open ground. By this time, the hydrangea stems will grow to 30-35 cm.

To plant hydrangeas in a shallow seedling box, germinated seeds are sown. In order for them to germinate, they are pre-treated with the Epin preparation, and then placed in a moistened rag.

For sowing germinated seeds, it is recommended to use loose, sandy soil, fertilized with humus. Seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of sand, irrigated with water from a sprayer. The seedling box is covered transparent film, thus forming a micro-greenhouse. Care comes down to regular watering and regular fertilization.

Growing hydrangeas from seeds at home, video:

How to grow hydrangea from seeds at home? The answer to this question is of interest to many summer residents and flower growers. After all, each of them wants to grow a beautiful and well-groomed hydrangea bush. Read the reviews, recommendations in the article, video, and you are guaranteed to get what you want soon.

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How to grow hydrangea from seeds from China at home

An excellent decoration of any garden or home will be a hydrangea. This plant has a huge variety, which allows you to decorate your garden in a unique and inimitable way. At the same time, many flower growers prefer to grow given flower from seeds. This article will tell you about how seeds are planted, and what care is then required for a young hydrangea.

Choosing seeds

Reproduction of hydrangea is carried out different ways. In some situations, seeds brought from Asia (China, Japan, etc.) are used to obtain a new plant, where this flower grows in the wild.

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If you have chosen seeds as a breeding option, then here you should choose the right planting material. Hydrangea seeds that you will use for growing at home must meet the following requirements:

  • be solid and undeformed;
  • not have traces of illness, freezing, etc.;
  • assessment of the characteristics of the variety whose representative you plan to grow at home.

When choosing planting material, one should evaluate such an aspect as frost resistance. Hydrangea is a flower that grows in the subtropics. Therefore, not all varieties are able to tolerate climatic conditions our country, including harsh winters. If a young plant is planted in open ground, then you should choose those varieties that are characterized by at least a slight frost resistance.

Planting process

Planting flower seeds does not involve pre-sowing preparation. Therefore, here planting material for growing a plant at home can be immediately sown in boxes specially prepared for seedlings. But some flower growers claim that excellent germination can be achieved by first germinating the planting material. To do this, the seeds are poured onto disheveled cotton wool and placed on the bottom of the saucer. After that, they are covered with another layer of cotton wool. Then we pour boiled water in a saucer and leave the resulting structure in this position for several days.

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In this case, you need to periodically check the seeds, as they may become covered with mucus or begin to smell unpleasant. In such a situation, they must be urgently washed in running water and repeat the procedure again. Seeds that have been sent for germination can only be planted when they swell or form a root. If you did not germinate planting material, then planting will be carried out with dry seeds.

When growing hydrangeas from seeds at home, you need to take care of the soil. Optimal is the land that contains peat, sand, coniferous, sod, forest or leafy soil, as well as humus. If it is not possible to make such a soil mixture, you can use the earth collected from molehills.

If hydrangea from seeds reproduces massively, then you can use wooden boxes. At the same time, at home, you can use the usual flower pot. Regardless of whether a pot or a whole box is used for growing, the seeds must be covered with glass. An ordinary glass jar is also suitable for a pot.

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Consider the planting process in more detail using the example of wooden boxes:

  • in this situation, you will need a fairly large wooden box, the depth of which should be approximately 15 cm;
  • put soil in the box. At the same time, about 3-5 cm should be left to the sides. free space;
  • then sow dry seeds. Please note that sowing should be done without forming depressions in the ground. From above, they also do not need to be covered with earth;
  • after that, water the soil abundantly with water and put glass on top. It can be replaced with film.

The film is removed when the first shoots have appeared. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. To do this, periodically carry out airing of the earth. By the same principle, seeds are sown at home in a flower pot.

If the seeds are immediately planted in open ground, then the process of planting them is carried out as follows:

  • we dig a small bed;
  • scatter randomly dry seeds;
  • then we trample them down and sprinkle with sand. Instead, you can pour a layer ordinary earth about 1 cm thick.

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Please note that seeds should be planted in open ground only when it is well warmed up. Therefore, the best time for this is May and early June. In this situation, the first sprouts will appear in three weeks. Using the seedling method of getting sprouts from seeds, you will get a much younger plant sooner. In this case, the flowering of the bush will also begin earlier.

Using seedling method, when the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings should be planted in separate pots. When the bushes reach 7-10 cm, they can be planted in open ground (if it is spring outside). If the weather outside is not favorable, then we transplant the bushes into a pot with a depth of up to 10 cm.

Remember that for hydrangea plays great importance place of growth. Therefore, before planting seedlings, you need to choose the optimal landing site. This plant loves cool and shady places. When choosing a place, you should avoid the situation of direct sunlight on the flower. Otherwise, the bush will often hurt and burn. Also, the selected location must be protected from strong winds. Hydrangea can be planted at a permanent place of growth in spring, summer or autumn.

Video "Seeds for seedlings"

Care and cultivation

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In order for the seeds to eventually turn out to be a tall and healthy bush, a planted seedling or a young plant requires proper care. Care for young bushes involves the following manipulations:

  • top dressing. Fertilizers for top dressing should be purchased in special stores. For this flower, the acidity of the soil should be at a pH of 5.5. If you want to get a bush with flowers of blue color, then care involves the introduction of sulfate, sulfur or aluminum salts into the soil. In order for the color transition to be smooth, these substances should be applied unevenly;
  • watering. Care here involves maintaining constant moisture in the soil. When the top layer of the earth dries up, re-irrigation is carried out. Remember that it is not recommended to flood the plant. Care in terms of creation water regime must be optimal;
  • weeding a bush from weeds;
  • preventive measures aimed at preventing the appearance of pests.

In addition, hydrangea care involves pruning. But there are time limits for its implementation:

  • the first pruning is carried out when the bush has reached 5-6 years;
  • after the first pruning, pruning should be carried out annually.

During pruning, dried and broken branches should be removed from the bush. This procedure is carried out in the spring. As you can see, caring for young bushes is not very difficult. But when you perform all the necessary procedures, your hydrangea will not only bloom beautifully, but will also become a strong and tall bush.

Reproduction of hydrangea and its types

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Hydrangea can be propagated in several ways:

  • seeds. This method has been described in detail above. We only point out that propagation by seeds is not the most popular method;
  • cuttings. This is the most common method of flower propagation. the best planting material here are the green cuttings. They should be received in mid-July. The green petiole is the leafy part of the stem, on which there is one or more buds. Petioles, when grown at home, can be placed in a jar;
  • layering. Reproduction by layering occurs in early spring until bud break. The method involves laying shoots in the ground in furrows specially prepared for this. The laid shoots are covered with earth and roots will soon form on them;
  • offspring. This type reproduction involves careful separation from mother bush coppice shoot and growing it to an independent seedling.
  • seedlings. This is the simplest way of reproduction, as it involves only right choice landing sites and the procedure itself.

Guided by the above data, you can easily grow hydrangeas at home even from seeds, which will become a real decoration of your garden.

Video "How to choose seeds for hydrangea"

Seed selection is one of milestones growing flowers at home or in your garden. This video tutorial will help you do it right.

Hydrangea is a common flower that is used for landscaping the garden and decorating the interior of the house. There are many varieties of hydrangeas and they are all well-behaved, as soon as they bloom. If you have a persistent desire to add some variety to the monotonous process of growing hydrangeas, you should buy seeds that are brought directly from China. A feature of growing hydrangeas from seeds from China is that they use wild flower material. It is not adapted to home or garden cultivation, but has evolved through a process of natural adaptation to environmental conditions.

How to prepare hydrangea seeds from China?

Is there a special technique for caring for and growing such seeds, or can they be planted according to the usual hydrangea breeding pattern? In order for wild seeds to take root, they need to be properly prepared and planted, choosing high-quality soil material. Hydrangea seeds are sprinkled with water in advance, and then dried with a paper towel. Inspect them for damage. Seeds must be intact, without holes, cracks and deformation. It is sometimes difficult to determine traces of illness or freezing, but it is still possible to tell at first glance whether they are suitable for planting.

Hydrangea can only be grown on organic, loose soils with stable acidity. Growing hydrangeas from Chinese seeds has several features: the material is not adapted for planting in the northern region, which is famous for its low temperatures. Seeds from China are accustomed to a warm climate, so they need to be grown in greenhouse conditions, and after a couple of years they can be transplanted into open ground.

The soil substrate for seeds from China should consist of peat and sand - the latter must be processed before mixing - sod and leafy or coniferous soil, humus. In this mixture, first of all, soils should be purchased - turf and a second choice, then a little less peat and sand, and in last place in terms of volume - humus. Mix the ingredients in such a way that they are connected to each other and do not form different layers.

You need to plant hydrangea from seeds from China in wooden boxes. Let's start with the bottom layer soil mixture, then we plant the seeds and cover with another, not thick layer, so that the material for sowing can easily break through the thickness of the earth. Seeds must be dry when planting, otherwise they will begin to rot in the ground. It is worth watering the seeds in the ground regularly, but wait until its top layer is dry, otherwise you risk flooding the hydrangea at the first stage of reproduction.

Shoots appear a few weeks after planting. After waiting for the leaves on the stems to hatch, you can dive the hydrangea into small containers, water and fertilize each of them separately. Loosen regularly upper layer soil, so that the seeds from China do not experience a lack of moisture, so that air can pass to the root system with ease. After a couple of years, it can be planted in open ground - then Asian seeds, sufficiently adapted to our soil, will develop.

(8 rated, rating: 6,75 out of 10)


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