How to install a plastic window sill. How to install the windowsill on plastic windows? Classical installation of PVC windowsill do it yourself! How to fix the windowsill from PVC

Gardening 30.08.2019

The window in the apartment, whether it is plastic or wooden, without such an element like a window sill, looks unattractive and bad. Therefore, in each house, this element is provided by architects. When replacing the window, the board is always replaced under it.

As a rule, the installation of the window sill is made by experts, but the work can be performed by itself. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules. Before installing a plastic window sill, you should familiarize yourself with the instruction of the entire process.

Preparatory work

First you need to prepare a tool and material. Here is what you need to have:

  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Perforator with a set of roller and chisels;
  • Foam assembly.
Lining provide a dense fitting of the window sill to the frame

In addition, bars from wood or special linings from PVC can be useful, as well as a gun for mounting foam. Based on the state of the window turnout, these elements may not be enough. In this case, the perforated plates should be plucking for fastening the windowsill.

Fit in size

When all tools and materials are prepared, you can proceed to the next step of work. It consists in holding a measurement with the transfer of marking on the PVC board. To do this, add 10 cm. This measure is needed to create an attractive view of the entire window work.

At the first stage, the windowsill are performed

As soon as the markup is performed, you need to cut the PVC window sill. This process is easily performed by the jigsaw, but when it can be used in conventional hacksaw. But the slopes require great effort. Where the installation of a plastic window sill will be made, it is necessary to make a stride. Their depth should be 5 mm more than the length of the part installed.

For the insertion of the windows board in the slopes are done by grooves

The grooves in the slopes do the best of all the chisel that we set into the perforator. They must have a smooth form that it will not prevent the goofitters. After dumping, the discovery is required to be cleaned of garbage. And then proceed to the next stage.

Installing the windows in the level

The base and slopes are prepared, it means that you can go to the fitting. To do this will need building level. Before installing the plastic window sill, it should be put on the base. On small windows there will be enough two backups, and no less than three should be used for balcony. This operation is easy to perform yourself.

Plastic panel is installed on lining

Lining should lie strictly in the level of the window, which will allow you to highlight the windowsill of plastic before changing it. When everything is ready, you should try the item in a new place. To do this, we insert a plastic board in the slopes grooves. Next, move it to the stop. This process should not interfere.

Next, the mounting of the window sill continues to exhibit the optimal slope. This is necessary to remove condensate natural way. It should not accumulate at the base of plastic windows. To do this, omit the edge of the plate, looking inside the room, for a couple of degrees. Construction level will show how much a bias change. In order for the outlook remained smooth, the provision is required at the edges and the middle.

The slope of the front edge of the windowsill is 2-3 mm

Level adjustment is made by lining. Without them, the installation of a new window sill will be very problematic. It is recommended to purchase special elements from plastic, but they can be replaced with wooden lining. To work, use an ax or a chisel.

It is necessary to install a plastic window sill with your own hands so that there is no crack between it and the window frame. This is very important momentwho should be given close attention. The clearance is eliminated by sins put under the product. It is recommended to fix the edges of the panel when the position will match the desired one. Each change must be checked by the construction level so that PVC windowsill does not change its position.

Construction fastening

After fitting when the correct position is reached, start the mounting step. This action is made by mounting foam, evenly filling the space. But before installing the windowsill, the cylinder needs to heat a little. The temperature allows to increase the efficiency of the foam, which better fills free spaces.

Best way Heat the cylinder is placing it in warm water. But you can use the heating system if the installation of the plastic window sill passes from the fall in spring. The heated cylinder shake well, stirring its contents. Next begins filling the space under the stove. Void should not remain.

Space under the windowsill thoroughly foam

On this work does not end. The fact is that polyurethane foam is distinguished by a huge extension. This circumstance is rendered negative influence On the position of the board between the slopes. In order not to spoil the job, it is necessary to strengthen the element. Many use conventional bricks for this purpose, which are installed on the surface of the plate.

For the product should not worry, because inside the product there are ribs of rigidity. They maintain a larger load, allowing an adult man to stand freely on the window loan.

Installation of the window sill on the balcony

Modern loggias and balconies are actively glazed today. It is not surprising because additional effective area No one will be superfluous. And how much is such a pleasure, everyone knows no first. Therefore, the windowsill on the balcony is no longer a wonder.

Mostly the installation of a plastic window sill on the balcony is carried out at the time of the glazing. But if this was not done, then mount this element of the interior standal.

Before replacing the windowsill, metal brackets should be prepared. This is necessary, provided that there is no possibility to start it under the available windows. In most cases, metal elements are required, which greatly simplifies the process. Brackets are attached to the parapet using anchors. They also allow to strengthen the windowsill, which contributes to an increase in the beneficial loads on it.

Fastened brackets must stand apart at a distance of no more than 1 meter. The building level is checked horizontal slope. Before conspiring holders, you should pull the thread. This will make it possible to achieve even the horizon and simplify the performance of work.

When the brackets are fully fixed, the installation of PVC windowsill begins with your own hands. It is fixed using self-tapping screws, which are twisted at the bottom of the element. This operation is better to produce a screwdriver, because it significantly accelerates the process.

Fix the windowsill with the help of screws

After mounting, the windowsill on the balcony must be treated with sealant. This measure is needed to get rid of the possible gap, which is formed due to irregularities in the edges. Unlike the installation in the window pass, the balcony windowsill does not need to strengthen polyurethane foam. All plastic elements quickly occupy their places where they are firmly sitting, performing the tasks.

Replacement of windowsill in a wooden house

Plastic window sill installation circuit wooden house Very similar to the process performed in the apartment. First, the old wooden window sill is dismantled, the basis is prepared. Side slopes must be put in order to plastic detail Freely ranked his place.

To not cut and freely mount the plastic window sill, it is better to cut the sidewalls from the tree. For this work it will take a bit, a hammer. So the grooves are obtained, where the mount will be made. It happens that they can be ready and there was a wooden window sill.

The windows panel are installed in the grooves

As soon as the grooves are ready, the lining is put on the base. Installation in the opening of a plastic window sill with their own hands is made only on them. The position of the support can be fixed so that they do not move under the mounted element. Before fixing the product, you need to check the position of the plate. After it, it is fixed and fill the emptiness under it with mounting foam. Many ask a question how to put the windowsill in another way. But foam is the best and efficient option.

These products, appearing on the market, immediately won consumer confidence. And even today they are still incredibly popular. PVC profile is an environmentally friendly and safe material, and all products from it pass to special control and have appropriate certificates.

Such types of window sills have significant advantages. First of all, their weight is not heavy, they are easy to operate, do not need painting, are impact-resistant, pretty resistant to heat and light, are not subject to rotting, as well as they are so faintless. In addition, the technology of installation of the PVC window sill is quite simple and does not require specific experience or peculiar tools.

Plastic window sills modern market Presented in a fairly broad assortment. This allows you to install them on any of the windows in the room, including on the loggia and the balcony. However, choosing such a design, everyone will have to face the choice how to install a plastic window sill - with your own hands or using professionals. Of course, the second option is easier, but is more expensive, so often the first options are choosing the first option.

Of course, a person who first encountered this question may have many questions. So that there are no problems, you should carefully read with all stages of work. After all, even the whole process is to install the window and the covering of slopes - for the one who knows how to keep the instrument in their hands, will not create a lot of difficulties. The only moment is to carefully examine all the nuances of this process to avoid serious mistakes And do everything right.

Technology for installing plastic windowsill, several methods

There are several ways to install. The first way assumes that the windowsill is attached using a special composition. This is a fairly old method and today it is practically not applied due to the fact that new, more modern and convenient appeared.

Most. fast way is the use of screws. To do this, drill a hole in the frame, into which these parts are screwed. The joint place is processed with the help of silicone sealant, then the edge of the windowsill should be started under the frame and attracted it with self-draws. The stiffness of the window sill give special lining, and the place under the product is processed using the mounting foam.

The following method involves the installation plastic window sillswhich uses metal spring brackets that are screwed to the profile with self-draws. In the groove that was formed between the frame and the bracket, and the product is established.

Finally last method Does not involve the use of additional devices of the type of screws or brackets. This is the longest method, however, it is considered the most reliable. Its meaning is that special linings are put under the windowsill until its edge will be under the frame of the window tightly.

The last three ways are used. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. So, the plastic window sill on self-drawing can not be installed in the place that the sash opens. To make the right choice, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of each method, after which it is optimal for yourself. These methods differ only in how plastic window sills are inserted under the frame, all other stages of work are identical.

Preparatory stage of work

Installing the windowsill do it yourself today is available to everyone. First of all, you need to purchase all materials and tools that will be required during the work. By the way, the first rule of professionals states that the quality of work directly depends on the quality of the tools used. Therefore, you should not save on them. Firstly, good tools And it is more convenient to work, and secondly, they will be required in the future, given that the window sills will be installed under each window of the apartment or at home.

To correctly install the PVC windowsill, you must correctly measure measurements. Not so much depends on appearanceHowever, how much the product copes with its functions, as well as how strong the design is durable. Professionals often suggest that they come to correct the mounted wooden or plastic window sill, which was not installed correctly due to the fact that the measurements were incorrect. In this case, all stages of work must be done again.

In this process, it is important to take into account not only properties and characteristics. pVC profile, but also a number of additional parameters. In particular, this is the height of the radiator located under the windowsill. If the distance between these two products is small, then it will break the circulation of air, and as a result, the microclimate will deteriorate significantly.

When measuring the future window sill, it should be borne in mind that it should be more than a few centimeters than the width of the window. The width of the product is selected by its own preferences, the most optimal option is the situation when the product performs from the wall for no more than 8 cm. The situation when the windowsill will be too wide, can adversely affect the radiator functions. Determining the size of the product, it is recommended to check the air circulation that is formed in this zone.

Considering that the product is mounted directly under the window, modern products have a special profile intended for fastening low tide.

Second stage of work - trimming

This stage is the subcastroves. The product can be ordered in already absolutely finished videowhich can be immediately used for mounting, or cut it out of the PVC profile. It is necessary to lay extra centimeters - about 5, they will be suitable later.

Initially, you need to check the product. In other words, it corresponds to the size and color of the order, as well as the presence of defects that can spoil the appearance. Sometimes it is necessary to trim the windowsill so that it corresponds to the size of the opening. In this case, you should first place the product with the help of a construction pencil.

The maximum length of the windowsill from the PVC profile can be 3 m. The product width may vary from 25 to 70 cm. If the windowsill width is too big, excess the product can be cropped from the part with which it is attached to the wall. It is recommended to outline the cutting line special attention. It should pass behind the ribs of stiffness located inside the product, 0.5 - 1 cm. Thanks to this, the windowsill will not doubt and it will be rigidly shy with the window frame. This is explained by the docking of the windowsill and windows. The product comes under the window and rigidly shedding with wedges and foam. If the edge of the product "will lose" the ribs of stiffness, then its inner surface will not save the desired shape at the place of the joint, bending the inside.

The windowsill is cut with a saw or electric logs. It is possible to use a special hacksaw on plastic. In this process, it is important to be neat and not pressed to the device strongly, not allowing the appearance of scratches or other defects on the product. Sawing plastic, should not forget about safety measures. If you do not pay for due attention to them, it can be in the eyes of it. In the process of work, it is recommended to use special gloves or working mittens.

Third Stage of Work - Lining Lining

When preparatory work Made, and the windowsill found the necessary form, It should be done by the next step - laying lining. For this, bars are used, they must be put under the windowsill. They take the load from the windowsill. Mounting foam is used if there are potholes or slots. At this stage, it is necessary to check the density of the adherence of the entire design to the frame, since this indicator ensures the strength and reliability of the window sill.

The same stage includes all moments associated with slopes. The lower part of them must be cut down to the wall, after which the installation location should be cleaned of garbage. Wedges on which the windowsill is mounted, should not go beyond the wall, moreover, it is better to immediately fix it. The windowsill must enter the resulting groove. In this case, the windowsill must pretrately adjust the window box, and the gap between the windowsill and the walls should not be more than 4 mm. The moment is important that the "ears" of the window sill, that is, that of its part, which stands for the inner slopes, should be tightly adjacent to the wall, the presence of gaps is unacceptable.

For the window sill is not deformed, metal strips included in the lower plug design should be installed under it.

Fourth Stage of Work - Installation

When the windowsill is ready to install it, it should be installed. Initially, the design is aligned, after which it must be fixed. Fastening, as mentioned above, can be made in several ways. You can choose any, most convenient.

It is important to consider here that the length of the windowsill should be more distances between the slopes. In the slope, the product should be from 2 to 3 cm. At the same time, the windowsill can perform 3-5 cm. If this figure is greater, it will not give air to raise the heating device to the window, as a result of which condensate may appear. As a rule, the windowsill is installed directly above the radiator. In this case, you should leave a distance of at least 10 cm between the upper part of the heating device and the windowsill.

When the installation site was cleaned, the windowsill should be set. This is done with the help of beacons, as a rule, wooden, the step of which is 60-80 cm, after which the windowsill is fixed with two-component foam.

The windowsill is exhibited using a construction level, slightly tilting it down. This is the case when the air bubble is not in the center, but somewhat shifted, but nevertheless is within the limits of permissible boundaries. Due to this action, the moisture will not be assembled under the window, running out naturally. In principle, 100% horizontal mounting of the windowsill is also not prohibited.

From the front of the product should have a support point - these are bearing pads. They are customary to be installed with a certain step, which does not exceed 50 cm. In addition, these pads should not go beyond the surface of the wall. At the edges of the product, the pads must be installed at a distance of up to 10 cm from the side slopes.

Now it is necessary to install the load on the window sill so that the mounting foam does not raise it, after which the processing of the foam space is possible. In this case, it is important not to overload the product, otherwise its surface can be deformed. Installation foam, on which, by the way, it is better not to save, and immediately acquire professional, used at the final stage. With the help of her "remove" the slots under the product and emptiness, as well as the edges of the slopes are processed. For convenient work it is advisable to use a special pistol. If, in the process of work, part of the substance fell on clothes, it must be wiped before the moment the foam did not have time to frost.

After the foam dries, it increases in volume, so it should not be treated with it too active. Foam freezes for 2-3 days. At this time it is necessary to provide the windowsill full of peace. Excess foam is trimmed with construction knife. If after processing the foam, cracks or gaps remained, they should be treated with silicone sealant.

Now that all stages of work are completed, it is necessary to wear end plugs and secure them with a special glue intended for pVC material, and remove the protective film from the product. The plugs must be selected in accordance with the installation site and the fastening method. These products are made of universal length with side edges, the form of them can be diverse. If the length of the product does not fit, it is easy to correct by circumcision of the protruding end using conventional scissors.

Wooden window sill

Installing a wooden window sill with their own hands occurs in the same way. It is possible to mount it with the help of special brackets and fasteners. For this, brackets with cylindrical screws are screwed or with a half-hearted head screw. For this, the layer of solution is used, the brackets are installed at a distance of 0.6 m and are used for products, the length of which does not exceed 2 m.

There is one more difference in how to install a wooden window sill - from the bottom it is necessary to install the insulation. Usually for these purposes felt used. And on the edge of the product (at a distance of 6 cm), they usually make a special chute, promoting water waste, its depth is usually 2 cm.

Installing slopes

After the mounting of the window sill is completed, it should be proceeded with the installation of slopes. Initially, it is necessary to completely align the window opening, that is, horizontally, and vertically. Usually this process is carried out using a mounting foam. By the way, it is also the main means that protects the slopes from freezing.

Now that panels are prepared, you should check the quality of foam filling. It is carried out visually. If there are its costs, they must be cut, and if the disadvantage is found, it is necessary to re-use the foam.

Next, you need to prepare the installation groove. To do this, use a foam sample that prevents the output of the panel to the window frame. However, it should be noted that sometimes these panels are mounted with rims. Then this groove is not required. Initially, the top panel is installed, which goes throughout the length of the window, and then the side panel is fixed.

Panels can be secured by several methods. First, this is their installation using a rim frame, by the way, it is also used as a platform that aligns the panels. Then the panel is fixed using nails or brackets, but it is necessary to do everything as carefully, not allowing damage to the surface of the windowsill.

The second method of fixing the panels is their installation using polyurethane foam and painting tape. In this case, the surface is again processed by foam. This method is the most simple and convenient, but its drawback is that the panel is frozen and fixed longer.

Rules of installation of windowsides

Svet windowsill for the inner surface of the wall should be equal half The width of the heating device under it. However, at the same time, as mentioned above, the distance between the radiator and the windowsill should be at least ten centimeters. It is important not to overlap the air flow from the battery to the window. If the windowsill is wide, then the installation of convection channels is necessary. They will be able to ensure the influx warm airthat will avoid condensate.

In the case when the edge of the product is made by the premises of more than 10 cm relative to the wall, it should be strengthened. Metal corners are used for these purposes. They help to give rigidity to the edge of the product. However, it is necessary to remember this and throughout the service life. You should not load the edge of the window sill, as this can lead to its deformation.

Absolutely dense adjoining of the windowsill, wooden or plastic, can be achieved by installing a spring bracket. It must be attached using self-build. The step between the brackets should be 20-25 cm. Now the windowsill must be latched in them.

When installing the window sill on the balcony, the product should go for door boxwithout overlapping the angle and leaving no more than 1.5 cm. Under the box, the windowsill can enter at least 0.5 cm, tightly adjacent to it along the entire length. The windowsill over the entire surface should be treated with silicone or glue for this profile.

If the distance from the profile to the wall is more than 15 cm, measures should be taken that prevent the product's deflection. For this, special support pads and stones are used. Support pads must be mounted, which ensures fixation.

When the opening under the windowsill is not very big, it can be stamped. It should be remembered that a constructively new product will always be higher for a distance from 2 to 4 cm. As a consequence, the wallpaper under the product is usually not saved. This place is processed construction mixture For subsequent coloring or pasting wallpaper.

There is another moment that should be remembered before installing the windowsill on the loggia or in any other room. The product itself is desirable to withstand some time at a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Installation foam should be applied in the middle of the product and on its ends. It is important to take into account that the distance from the wall should not exceed 30 cm. The fixture used during the installation can be removed after the foam drying. In the process of mounting the windowsill, it is allowed to use glue and silicone sealantif the product is attached to smooth surface. All surfaces must be carefully cleaned, after which it is possible to apply sealant. The product is finally fixed after checking the correctness of the entire installation.


Summing up, it becomes clear that, despite the fact that the entire process of installation is simple, it has a number of nuances and subtleties, which lies that all the efficiency of work is lost. The installation of plastic window sills is the final stage of the installation of PVC windows. And it is from him that the appearance of the entire window depends in many ways.

If you do not install the windowsill, then in addition to the unreal, uncomfortable view of the room also appears. In particular, these are sublifting condensate, which is formed during the cold season. In this case, the fluid will flush on the wall, leaving ugly traces on the wallpaper, as a result of which annual repairs will be required.


Plastic window sill is installed at the final stage of the PVC window mounting. Typically, these works are included in the range of services of the organization, which was engaged in the manufacture of a window block with its further installation. But, given the relatively simple process of mounting the windowsill, it is quite realistic to put it on its own. To make it right, it is recommended to adhere to the appropriate instruction.

Removing measurements

You can install a plastic window sill, only if its dimensions were determined in accordance with the features of the window block, opening and slopes. Its width is determined by the thickness of the carrier wall from the window. In addition, the reserve on the edge is taken into account (the protruding part of the window sill above the radiator), as well as a plot located under window block (1-2 cm).

For this, the glass pack manufacturer provides a special profile. Optimal release On the edge, it will be about 7-8 cm. Plastic windowsill of such a width does not prevent the heat outflow from the radiator.

The length will correspond to the width of the window, only about 10 cm is added to this size (5 cm on each side). To correctly fasten the windowsill, the added 5 cm surface should enter the slope. The amount of work depends on what state the carrier wall in the opening window (there is a slope, whether or so on.).

Preparation for mounting

If you plan to install the windowsill independently, it is necessary to consider that the edges of the PVC profile of the carved product must enter the slope. To do this, you will have to break the site along the lower edge of the slopes.

In a situation where the finishing of the window opening surface is not yet fulfilled, carrier walls At the corresponding level, you need to make grooves using the method of sticking. Their depth should correspond to the size of the reserves left on each side (5 cm). These works do not need to be performed if plasterboard slips are planned.

Required tool for work

To properly install the windowsill, you will need a set of tools: Lobzik / Circular saw, construction level, gun for mounting foam, pencil, roulette, perforator and chisel (required for sticking).

If the profile is designed, it is performed with your own hands, but you can order the manufacture of the window sill on the specified dimensions. The window of the window opening, where it is planned to install it, is cleared of the construction system. Remove dust with a rag moistened in water.

Stages of performance

Regardless of who removed the measurements and cut out the window sill with the necessary parameters, an additional fit of the product may be required. This is usually done on sites, because of which the plastic block does not enter the window opening. For independent trimming, a Bulgarian / Electrolovik is used.

Mounting diagram of imaging

Now you can install the windowsill: at the bottom of the window, a special profile is laid, where it is inserted. The billet should enter into a slot to 2 cm. At this stage, you need to organize a slope of not more than 1 cm in the direction of the dwelling.

It is usually taken to mount the windowsill through wooden wedges. They are installed on black coat Window opening under the blank at a distance of up to 40 cm from each other. This allows you to correctly install the PVC profile, and, in addition, it helps the dense contact of the block with the frame.

Check for the absence of distillation and the accuracy of the workpiece is performed by construction profile. If irregularities are detected, it is necessary to choose additional chips. They are recommended to be put under the wedges below the window sill, which is already started in the window.

The final stage of work is the fixation of the design. This is done using a mounting foam and a special pistol. Depending on which filling composition is used, the sufficient weight of the load is determined.

Errors and recommendations of installation work

If the usual foam is used, then in order to avoid the deformation of the profile, it is desirable to load the entire surface. This can be organized by water bottles. The filling of the voids of the mounting foam is performed as carefully as possible, since the reliability of the window sill will depend on it.

Then the design must dry completely, to which 24 hours is given. After that, the surplus foam is cut.

What do you need to know?

When installing, some features should be taken into account:

  • when wedges are installed under the windows, they must be slightly recessed, otherwise they will have to trim;
  • before fixing the workpiece, you need to remove the protective film from the profile, but not all over the surface, but only where the windowsill will enter the groove under the window;
  • when applying the foam, it is desirable not to leave voids, but also you do not need to cry with its amount, since when drying it can squeeze even the load installed on the windowsill;
  • while working with the mounting foam, it is recommended to keep a special cleaner at hand, if suddenly something is dirty;
  • if experience in such works is a bit, it is possible instead of load (water bottles) to use struts: wooden bars All are installed on horizontally oriented boards, which, in turn, are stacked on the windowsill.

Thus, the installation process itself is quite simple, but if some features were missed, then as a result, the windowsill will have to stack again. To properly install the workpiece, the construction level is used.

The sufficient level of load on the windowsill is determined on the basis of which composition of the mounting foam is used: two-component or ordinary. The second of the above options requires the use of a significant load.

Companies engaged in windows are often not brought to the end. And the customer remains a naked window opening, which needs finishing. But it also happens that for the purpose of saving, the person himself is taken for the installation of the windows. Then the question arises - how to install the windowsill so that it is firmly held and not freezed. From the correctness of the installation, it also depends, whether condensate will be on the windows, and therefore mold. Before starting work, you need to carefully read the guide below!

PVC panels for window sills occupy a leading place in terms of sales. And no reason! After all, they specifications give a large number of Advantages when installing.

The panel has rigidity ribs

Top 5 benefits of plastic windowsill

Installation of plastic window sill with their own hands has the following advantages:

  1. The size of the panel can be adjusted at the place. If acrylic or stone models have a strictly specified size, then the windowsills from PVC are easily cutting. For this, the electrolovka or saw for plastic is suitable.
  2. The material is characterized by steam and moisture resistance (absolute impermeability). It will not be drinking moisture from possible condensate or droplets of rain, like a wooden analog. Additional advantage - the design is not sensitive to ventilation disorders that are often found in modern apartments.
  3. Ease of installation. Installing the window sill with your own hands - a very sink task for a beginner.
  4. Heat insulating properties. Due to the special structure, the panel additionally prevents heat loss.
  5. No pores, in which dirt and harmful microorganisms usually accumulate.

Video: how to install the windowsill do it yourself

How to choose high-quality material

Before you buy and install the PVC window sill, carefully examine its certificate. What should be paid attention to:

  • on the maintenance of PVC (it should be at least 50%, better - 60%);
  • percentage of chalk content (no more than 5% permissible);
  • the thickness of the rigidity should be at least 1.2 cm and no more than 3.5 cm;
  • the thickness of the panel itself is from 2 cm.

PVC panel "under the tree"

The most durable panels produces Germany. The second place is divided by Russia.

Truth in size - choose the optimal parameters

Installation of plastic window sill with your own hands should be started with a thorough measurement. How to choose optimal parameters? Focusing on the following conditions:

  1. Depth. On average, this indicator ranges from 20 to 50 cm. The pattern here is one: the panel is already, the more reliable and stronger. And, the greater weight is able to withstand when pressed.
  2. Width. Praphrazing the classics, even the windowsill have "ears". So the protrusions on the sides of the window are called. They are needed, firstly, to fix slopes. Secondly, to compensate for the temperature expansion inherent in plastic. And thirdly for a more complete and aesthetic type of window.

Measurements should be done from concrete base.

Tip! Fantasy depth, add 15 mm to enter the frame and 50 mm for departure. it optimal dimensions windowsill.

Dimensions of the windowsill

Correct location:

  • set at least 10 cm from the radiator (battery);
  • departure panel should not overlap the heating source more than ⅔;
  • the windows board should not be at an angle of 90 ° to the window - a slope is needed inside the room at least 1 °.

Installation Process - Phased Management

Right sequence Works and compliance with technical nuances - a guarantee of the quality of the windowsill. The fastening process to the plastic window is not difficult and does not take much time.

Priority of work - how to avoid mistakes

At what stage of repairing the installation of a plastic window sill is most relevant? The correct answer is immediately after installation windows, before finishing inner slopes.

If you set it later, the slopes will have to be partially or completely removed. After all, it will take to choose the grooves in the slopes. It is not recommended to shoot with plastic board protective film until the end of all repair work.

Tip! When mounting the windowsill protective covering You need to delete not to the end. But only in those places where the panel enters the grooves (near the frame and sides). If this is not done immediately, the film will be difficult to remove completely.

PAZ for mounting in the slopes

Preparatory stage - Create a strong support

How to install the windowsill on plastic windows:

  1. If the window is installed in your own hands, form a mounting seam from the foam under the frame. Sow more than 8 cm should be stupid in several occasions at an interval of 7 minutes. And after frozen (after 20 minutes) - to install a vapor insulation tape from above. If the window mounting is carried out by the wizard, this stage must be performed.
  2. How to install the windowsill if the window is already worth? Select grooves on the sides of the window opening (from 10 to 60 mm depending on the size of the "ears"). If for this you need a Bulgarian, double-glazed windows at work time it is better to close with cardboard sheets. Since flying sparks can damage the windows (melted plastic).
  3. Wrap the support screws of 51 mm in the coach profile under the frame under the frame. They must be located at a distance of 17-19 mm from its bottom edge. This technique will increase maximum pressurewhich can withstand the design.
  4. If the windows distance exceeds 40 mm, it should be increasing with plaster. After all, with this size, the foam will not be polymerized. What will lead to a decrease in its supporting and thermal insulation characteristics.
  5. Next, it is necessary to carefully clean the windowsill with building vacuum cleaner either brushes. And also - to project the rough surface. The point here is in the features of the mounting foam. For clutch with the surface, the latter should be wet. Also primer additionally increases adhesion.
  6. Measure the surface and, if necessary, adjust the plastic board in size. Do not place the end to the wall. You need to leave 1 cm for temperature expansion.
  7. Laying the support points in 50-60 cm increments. For this, plastic wedges fold the "currency" and rewind with a tape or painting tape. For reliability, you can grab the reference points with self-draws, since when installing it is necessary to ensure that you do not move them from the spot.

Tip! If during the priming part of the liquid fell on the glass, it is necessary to wipe it immediately. Since when frozen, the composition forms a film that is difficult to remove.

Stand Profile - 16

Fix the windowsill - the secrets of competent installation

How to put the window sill to the plastic window:

  1. Check the windowspace for emptiness in the mounting foam. If there are gaps in the wall, make them to prevent wind turmoration.
  2. With effort to install the windowsill in the profile. Align it in the center so that it has 2-3 mm tilt from the level inside the room for every 20 cm depth. This is necessary to flow moisture.
  3. Simple space under the window. Top to install cargo (for example, 5-liter bottles) throughout the perimeter. Foam has an expanding property, squeezing the board. That this does not happen, the cargo is necessary.
  4. Install end stubs.
  5. Apply a layer of sealant on all the cracks.
  6. After full frosting of the foam (about 12 hours), remove the cargo.

How to prevent foam

Professional advice - how to get the perfect result

How to install window sills on plastic windows - Secrets of skill:

  1. If the windowsill overlaps the battery, it is necessary to cut the hole across the width. And after - to drown it with a grid.
  2. To overcome windows, you need to use the principle of directional blowing. To do this, in plastic (in the center of each glass package), the round holes should be powered. You can do this with a special crown. Then set round lattice in the locations of the propilis. Thus, it is normalized by blowing and condensate will not be collected on the windows.
  3. If a deep windowsill is required (for example, for a sofa on the window), you will need to install an additional support. The brackets are better not to use, as the plastic is fragile on bending. Optimal option - Make imitation fireplace portal, laying out the walls on the sides of the radiator.
  4. The windows board must withstand the load of at least 30 kg per 1 kV. m. But the mounting of the window sill to the plastic window should withstand point loads up to 100 kg. After all, rubbing the window, the owners rest on the plastic with all weight. To do this, you must lay the support points under the board. These can be treated with an antiseptic chunks of wood, plastic wedges, etc.

Attention! Most vulnerable rear end windowsill. It is at her that it accounts for all the load during the washing of windows. Therefore, a dense clamp is needed to increase the strength of the structure.

Directional blowing glasses

The windowsill on the loggia - the Spanish installation method

Classic wayHow to install a plastic window sill on the loggia is based on the next rule. The windows board should be mounted last. As a result, to make it qualitatively, a lot of measurements and adjustments are required. This leads to a colossal loss of time and strength.

The Spanish method allows you to reduce installation time by 4 times! And the strength of the design is 2 times higher. What is his essence? In that the windowsill should be installed at the very beginning. And already secure the guides. This significantly reduces the number of measurements.

The installation process in steps looks like this.

IN plastic frame Screw the screws of 51 mm at a distance of 3 mm from the lower edge of a special undercut profile.

Minting clamping sampes

Install between scammers and the windowsill frame. How to attach the windowsill to the plastic window? To fix it to the frame by Samores 71 mm at an angle in several places. The depth of the screw of the screws is 1-2 mm. It is necessary to prevent design.

Mounting window sill to the frame

At the bottom of the plastic board, attach the upper guide from the bar with a width of 40 mm. Fix it with a self-pressing of 51 mm. The distance from the "Naute" of the window sill to the upper guide - 8 mm. This distance is necessary to install the casing panels.

Installation of the upper rail

Using a plumb to install the lower guide. Grab it through the screws to the floor along the edges. Align the lower guide in terms of the level and secure self-pressing to the floor with a step of 50 cm.

Installation of the bottom guide

Vertical guides (strips) attach to the upper and lower slats.

Fixation of vertical regions

Align the board with a carbon (at 90 ° or with an inclination of 2-3 mm from the level). Wrap the screws 71 mm to the end.

Align the windowsill with the help of a square

Secure the middle guide to vertical planets.

Fixation of the middle frame

Skillful handles - two ways to independently manufacturing

Save on purchase plastic panel is quite real! To do this, you can go the following ways:

  1. Smonimit concrete window sill. To do this, make a non-removable formwork and pour the first layer of concrete. Next, set the upper removable formwork. Make a wire mesh 1.5-2.0 mm with a cell 50x50 mm. This will help strengthen the design. Then - pour concrete and polish it after drying. From above you can lay a tile or mosaic.
  2. The second way to make the windowsill himself is to glue it from the germ. To strengthen the design, they will be needed. The board must be preloaded and preloaded, and after - to be lacquered in several layers. Install such a windowsill better on liquid nails.

Tip! For growing colors on a wooden design, it is better to use special linings. They can be glued to the tree.

Make a window with your own hands at the same time and simple, and difficult. On the one hand, it does not require serious skills and special tools. And on the other, it will be quite difficult to correct the mistakes. Therefore, entrusting the installation of the windows board is still better to professionals!

If there are windows in the house, then the window sills should be. Qualitatively installed windowsill It performs not only a decorative function - it serves as a premises protection against cold penetration.

Constructions can be wooden, granite or PVC. The installation of PVC windowsill can be carried out only after studying the technology of installation of polyvinyl chloride products.
  1. Why PVC window sills
  2. Preparation of place of installation
  3. General recommendations

Why PVC window sills

  1. Unlike wooden window sills, PVC products are perfectly opposed to sharp temperature differences.
  2. High stability indicator and scratches.
  3. Does not need an anti-corrosion coating.
  4. The presence of cameras provides good thermal insulation qualities.
  5. Mounting the windowsill can be carried out independently.
  6. Easy care during operation.
  7. PVC perfectly opposes the long-term influence of moisture.
  8. The possibility of installation both for plastic and for wooden structures windows.

Selection of tools and material

High-quality installation of a plastic window sill with their own hands can be carried out only with proper choice Source material, tools and accurate implementation of installation recommendations.

During installation, you will need:

  • The windowsill from polyvinyl chloride and plugs on his ends.
  • Corner, construction level, marker and roulette.
  • Silicone sealant and mounting foam.
  • Electrolovka, perforator and screwdriver.
  • Cement mortar.
  • Knife stationery and pure rag.

Preparation of place of installation

The new PVC window sill will look good if you carefully prepare a place to install it. This is especially important when replacing old windows. After dismantling the outdated window opening, the presence of chips and cracks around the window is checked. If necessary, laying should be restored. Small litter and dust remove, and to apply primer to the base.

Important! Before installing PVC windowsill, check the quality of installation. window RamaTo avoid penetration into the house of the cold.

When a new window is installed and thoroughly prepared the basis for mounting the PVC windowsill, you can proceed to the measurement of the space and preparation of the window sill to the installation. Before installing a plastic window sill, it will have to trim the width and length of the opening.

The windowsill width can be the same as the slopes or a little more. In length, it is necessary to cut the product to 4-6 cm more than the distance between the slopes. Two horizontal underlishes are made in the vertical slopes, which will be inserted.

Plastic window sills can be set in three ways:

  • A mounting foam or special glue is used for fastening the product.
  • The windowsill are fixed using brackets.
  • To install the PVC window sill use profile.

Instructions for working with glue

Step number 1. On the side slopes of the window opening at one level, cut two recesses, and the submool base is clearly cleaned and, if necessary, deepen.

Step number 2. Surfaces before installing the new window sill dry and cover the primer.

Step number 3. Cut sized window sill insert into the grooves under the window frame.

Step number 4. Squeeze the windowsill between the frame and the windows opening with wooden wedges. Insert wedges in the middle and edges of the window sill.

Important! There should be no gaps between the windowsill and the window frame.

Step number 5. Between the windowsill and opening windows, install lining so that the design surface is horizontal.

Step number 6. Download mounting foam With a small expansion coefficient between PVC windowsill and window opening. So that the windowsill rose, the load on it is on top.

Step number 7. Install on the side sections of the plug.

Important! The windowsill strongly protruding beyond the walls must be strengthened by applying cement mortar.

Step number 8. 12 hours after the gate of the window sill, remove the cargo.

Installation instructions for a rigid basis

This installation of the PVC windowsill is considered the most durable and durable.

Step number 1. Marking and cutting of the windowsill do, as in the previous installation option.

Step number 2. On a pre-cleaned window opening, perform a cement screed. The height of the screed to fit so that the new window sill exactly entered the grooves of the window frame.

Step number 3. For fastening the product, use liquid plastic or silicone glue.

Instructions for working with brackets

Step number 1. Under the window, the standing profile is installed and securely fixed. In it, no less than 4 brackets are mounted in self-reserves. The maximum distance between the brackets is leveling 25 cm. Fastening is best made self-draws with press-washers.

Step number 2. Installation of the PVC window sill to the brackets is made. With proper tight placement, a click should be coming.

Step number 3. The windowsill with the frame are connected using screws.

Step number 4. Wide window sill Additionally fixed on cement mortar.

Instructions for working with metal

Step number 1. In the horizontal position to the bottom block to attach metallic profile R or p-shaped.

Step number 2. Cut from the window sill to install in the groove and secure self-sales.

Step number 3. Free space between new design And the reason to blew foam.

Step number 4. Additionally, it is possible to strengthen the design with a cement solution.

  1. While working with the perforator, protect hands with mittens, and eyes with special glasses.
  2. The mounting foam is much better sticking to the moistened surface. Before gating, moisten the base surface and the back side of the window sill with a spray gun.
  3. The sealant is best to pump stripes, leaving space between them.
  4. The windowsill behind the window of the slopes of the window should not be more than 60 mm, and the length exceed the width of the window opening to a maximum of 15 cm.
  5. If the window sill must be strictly horizontal, then the width needs to make a small bias from the window. The magnitude of the slope should not exceed 3%.
  6. During the installation of the windowsides, it is necessary to take into account the location of the heating devices so as not to worsen the microclimate of the room.
  7. The rigidity of PVC windowsill increases significantly when using a wooden substrate. All bars must be the same sizes. Brousa length is equal to the distance from the window frame to the edge of the opening. The distance between the fixed plars is 25 cm.
  8. After complete hardening of the foam, its surplus is removed. The wall under the window sill is put off and start decoking.

After reading the article to the end, you learned how to properly install the windowsill from polyvinyl chloride in several ways. In each method of installation there are advantages and disadvantages. For proper approach And the installation of a new window sill is not as complicated, as it seems at first glance.

Look another video of the installation of the window sill. The owner of the apartment is divided by its mounting experience.

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