Ready-made business plan for a cafe: what does it consist of? How to open a cafe from scratch: a ready-made cafe business plan.

reservoirs 16.10.2019

Recently, everything is opening in our country large quantity Cafe. Statistics say that many of them begin to close six months after opening. There could be many reasons for this. For example, mismanagement, lack of advertising, and even tasteless food. For those who want to open a similar institution, a cafe business plan is useful. It will help the owner not to go into a minus, but to get further profit and many customers.

Description of the cafe project

Any business plan begins with a description of the project. It must indicate the type of institution to be opened and the place where it will be located. In addition, it is necessary to list the number seats, the area of ​​the premises, and the staff who will work in the cafe.

You should also indicate a complete list of inventory and equipment that will be purchased or rented. If the activity of the cafe will be carried out not in 2, but in one shift, it will be necessary to hire a waiter, administrator, cleaner and cook. The number of people will depend on the type of cafe, the area of ​​​​the premises and the amount of investment.

If planned shift work personnel, the number of people should be doubled. If a business plan is needed in order to receive a grant from the state, then in this case it is necessary to take into account the benefits that such a cafe will bring to the population. In addition, attention should be paid to social indicators, relevance and the possibility of creating additional jobs. If a business plan is created in order to receive investments, then the calculation of income and expenses (profitability), as well as the time and payback of the establishment, must be clearly calculated.

How to open your own cafe

Which cafe to choose and how to analyze the market

Before preparing such a catering establishment for opening, it is imperative to analyze the nearest competitors. These actions will help to find out what kind of institution will be in demand in a particular city. To do this, you need to define the following points:

  • whether there will be demand for dishes on the menu;
  • what is the income of the population in a particular place;
  • where the establishment will be located;
  • how the number of older people, the working population, and also the youth is distributed.

After such an analysis is carried out, it will be possible to pay attention to the pricing policy of public catering. In addition, you need to choose the type of institution, as well as choose a branded menu. The next step is to analyze the activities of competitors. Special attention you need to pay attention to the mistakes that they make and not make them yourself.

The type of establishment will determine the cost of opening a cafe.

Pancake shops, anti-cafes, cafes for children, as well as sushi bars are considered to be the most popular and relevant today.

Not so long ago, Internet cafes were popular, but they have been replaced by ordinary cafes, since every establishment of this kind now has to have wi-fi. The password for the Internet is provided to the guests during the visit.

What determines the success of the cafe

This factor is influenced by the competent location of such an institution. It is best to open such a business in a densely populated and very busy area. At the same time, it must be remembered that in big cities will be popular anticafe. As for small settlements, it is better to open children's cafeterias or institutions that have a banquet hall. They can be used for weddings, birthdays and corporate events.

It is very important that there are convenient access roads to the building. This also applies to parking, because most guests will arrive in their own cars. It is also better to have a cafe near a crowded place. These include bus stops, shopping malls, railway and bus stations. At the same time, you need to remember about the purpose of such an institution. For example, when opening a cafe for children or young people, you need to make sure that there is an institute, a park or other places that such people like to visit near the building.

It should be borne in mind that the rent in this case will be one and a half to two times higher than in residential areas. If the cafe is rented near business centers, then it is best to include business lunches in your menu. For starters, after opening, you can slightly reduce the price of such dishes. This will be especially beneficial if there are competitor establishments nearby.

Cafe design example

Business registration

In order to make it easier to register your organization, you can turn to the help of special Internet services. They have everything you need to complete the necessary documentation. To do this, you need to select the type of registration LLC or IP. In the second case, you need fewer documents and reporting is much easier.

In addition, you can save on the services of an accountant by turning to the help of online services. They will help produce necessary calculations and save a lot of money. All reporting will be generated automatically and signed using an electronic signature.

A well-designed menu is the key to success

One of the most important points in creating a cafe is the development of its menu. It is recommended to prepare both a banquet (festive) and a standard everyday one. At the same time, you need to remember that all dishes included in the menu must correspond to the type of cafe.

For example, in an institution intended for children, you should not use alcoholic drinks, spicy or fatty foods. Not only delicious food, but also the original name of the dishes can attract guests to the cafe. It is best that they are not banal and standard. It is desirable to introduce originality both in the name and in the description.

It is necessary to decide in advance in which place the purchase of products for cooking will be made. You also need to choose good suppliers. As a rule, in the standard menu in the cafeteria there are about 20 types of drinks and twice as many dishes. They include both hot and small snacks. It is best to update the corporate menu every time for certain holidays, which are celebrated by almost all residents of the city.

Business plan on the example of opening a certain cafe

In this example, you can see how to open a cafe for children with 48 seats.

Such a ready-made business plan is developed for any city whose population does not exceed 1.5 million people. It is planned that average check will be 700 rubles. from one person. The cafe should be in a passable place, and consist of a kitchen and several small utility rooms. As for the target audience, it will include couples with a child, as well as children with their mothers, grandparents. Standard business hours are from 8:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

It is best to choose a room for a cafe near places where people most often gather. These are parks or subway stations. It is advisable to choose an area where there are no such catering establishments.

This will allow you to quickly get into a plus and make a profit. One of the most obvious competitive advantage before the rest of the cafes are discounts for regular customers, an animation program, as well as a bright and memorable design.

The original interior of the cafe

Cafe design

Experts say that the most eye-catching colors are yellow, green and orange. It is not recommended to use red and other aggressive colors for the cafe facade and decoration. In addition, holding pranks for children will be very effective. To do this, you can arrange win-win lotteries, and choose small inexpensive souvenirs as prizes.



The next step is to purchase or rent equipment. For this, contracts for its supply are concluded. For example, this business plan provides for the purchase of 2 refrigerators, 1 gas or electric stove, 5 kitchen tables. Among other things, you will need comfortable chairs or armchairs for cafe guests (48 pieces). As for tables for visitors, 12 pieces are enough for the establishment. Also, do not forget about the purchase of a juicer, a microwave oven and 12 hangers for


The next step is to hire staff. These are three waiters, two cooks, one administrator and two cleaners with a shift schedule. In order to save on an accountant, you can hire a freelancer with the appropriate education.

Cozy cafe


The calculation will consist of the following items:

  • cafe renovation 155,000 rubles;
  • rent 35000 rub. per month;
  • use of design services 120,000 rubles;
  • advertising (leaflets and social networks) 18,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees 245,000 rubles;
  • chairs, tables and equipment 370,000 rubles;
  • purchase of products for dishes in a cafe 75,000 rubles.

According to this calculation, if there are own funds, but 250,000 rubles are missing, then you can contact the Ministry of Economy and receive this money according to the small business support program. To do this, you must provide a sample with calculations to the local administration of the city or other locality. You should know that in order for the cafe not to cause losses, one check must be at least 700 rubles on average.

In this case, the business will pay off in 12 months and the institution will have a profit.

Customer acquisition

Despite the first flow of visitors, such advertising campaigns must be carried out regularly. Experts recommend doing this every 3-4 months. In the future, when the cafe starts to make a profit, you can advertise once every 7-8 months or once a year. This will allow the business to stay afloat and bring new profits by attracting customers.

Effective advertising media include business cards, posters, and media advertising. In addition, we should not forget about the partnership exchange. This means that the cafe can be advertised in taxis. In turn, in a cafe on each table there may be business cards of such a service. No less effective is the creation of advertising pages in social networks. This will enable a large number of audience.

As a supplement, you need to provide special services in the price list of the institution. Additional income will be brought by holding children's birthdays, other holidays, as well as weddings and corporate parties. It is best to allocate a separate room for these purposes.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that according to the law Russian Federation, establishments located on the first and other floors of residential buildings should only work until 11 o’clock. Therefore, it is recommended to rent or acquire ownership of a building that stands separately.

Cafe design example

Opening procedure and nuances to consider

In order to properly organize a business, you should be very careful about resolving legal issues. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur (through the tax or MFC);
  • notify the FIU;
  • choose which system of taxation will be used;
  • draw up a contract for the sale of premises or its lease;
  • install fire alarm(coordinate this with the State Fire Supervision Authority);
  • contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in order to obtain a conclusion on the normal sanitary condition of the premises.

At the same time, one should not forget about food. When opening a cafe, you should conclude supply contracts with trusted suppliers. Information about them can be found on the Internet.

Before choosing who will carry out activities (LLC or IP), it is necessary to decide whether alcohol products will be sold in the cafe. The fact is that it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages in our country only legal entities(OOO). Concerning individual entrepreneurs, in the Russian Federation they are not issued licenses to sell alcohol.

What else to consider

When choosing a room for such a catering establishment, experts recommend paying attention to the layout, the price for rent, the number of exits and entrances, as well as its condition. In addition, one should take into account the distance from bus or tram stops, as well as compliance with SanPin and fire safety standards. Among other things, you should find out exactly how such a room was used before renting it out.

It is not recommended to choose a room that is located on the second floor and above. It is best to give preference to the first floor. In addition, the appearance of the cafe is very important. The design of such a catering should correspond to its type and reflect its name. In order for the cafe to make a profit in the future, it is recommended to hire designers who will provide an example with calculations for design. There is no need to skimp on this point.

Depending on what dishes will be presented on the menu, the cost of equipment will depend. This must be written in the business plan. It must be borne in mind that you will need equipment not only for preparing certain dishes, but also for storing them. It must be remembered that the room must be well ventilated. Otherwise, the products may deteriorate. Experts distinguish the following types of classic equipment for cafes:

  • electric or gas oven;
  • tableware;
  • freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • sinks;
  • kitchen appliances.

The latter include toasters, French fryers, ovens, blenders, mixers, meat grinders, etc. At the same time, you need to remember that it is best to choose high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it can break very quickly, and this will lead to the appearance extra expenses. This list can include plumbing fixtures, lighting, as well as furniture for utility rooms and a hall in which it is planned to receive guests of the cafe.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to approach the choice of an employee in a cafe most responsibly. Unprofessional staff is able to ruin any catering establishment. This also applies to savings on wages.

Despite the fact that a cafe is expensive and not easy to create, the money invested will return and multiply for a short time, if you approach this issue correctly.

Cafe is a very promising business option. Pizzeria, coffee shop, fast food in mall or a special institution for children - any of these options can provide a stable income. It is important to accurately calculate the prospects of the business, choose the right premises, the right concept and the best prices.

The business is highly competitive, but there are always niches in the restaurant market that a newcomer should occupy. How to open a cafe from scratch? Step-by-step instruction contained in our new publication!

The main difference between a cafe and a restaurant is a more democratic format. The prices here are more affordable, which attracts visitors with different income levels.

How to open a restaurant in Moscow and other cities of Russia from scratch and draw up a competent business plan? The answer is contained

For an entrepreneur, the cafe format is attractive due to the absence of strict regulations. This type of establishment may not have a cloakroom required for a restaurant. Service by waiters or distribution of dishes at the counter is possible. A cafe can have an extensive kitchen and cook all meals on the spot or reheat convenience foods.

Future restaurateurs can choose any cafe concept. Establishments with mono-dishes reflected in the name are very popular: patisserie cafes, ice cream parlors, coffee shops, sandwich shops, and dumpling shops. Establishments with national cuisine are no less in demand: Russian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, French, American.

Specialized places include art cafes, establishments aimed at children, students, and youth. This category also includes those who rely on communication.

How to open a cafe: where to start, step by step instructions

When deciding to open a cafe, it is important to consider a whole list of questions:

  • The work begins with defining the concept of the future institution. The future owner needs to determine whether the cafe will prepare food on its own or rely on semi-finished products. Possible and combined option. For example, snacks, soups and hot dishes are prepared in cafes, and desserts are ordered on the side.
  • Find the right space. It depends on the concept, price level and other factors. For example, a trendy cafe with a fairly high price tag is best opened in the city center, a children's cafe is more conveniently located near a park, inexpensive fast food can be opened at the food court of a large shopping center.

Usually the premises are taken on a long-term lease. Well, if there is a possibility of subsequent redemption.

  • Register a legal entity. Usually catering establishments, this applies even to large chains. This form of registration allows you to significantly save on taxes.
  • Take care of permits. It is easier to get it for the premises in which the enterprise was already located Catering. A separate important topic is the license for alcohol. If you plan to limit yourself to selling beer, you don't need a license. It can be obtained after the opening of the cafe. Separate documents are also needed to open a summer playground.
  • The next step is the purchase of equipment. You will need cutting tables, electric stoves and sinks, combi steamers and refrigerated chests. The hall must be equipped with showcases, both horizontal and vertical. The better the display of dishes, the higher the sales.
  • Hire staff. The cafe needs waiters, cashiers, baristas, dishwashers, cooks, confectioners, cleaners. Some positions may overlap. Mandatory hall manager, who monitors the work of the cafe, resolves conflict situations.
  • Develop a menu and set prices. Do not abuse discounts that reduce profits. A variety of culinary festivals, dishes of the month, special Lenten, children's, summer or holiday menus will help to make the menu more diverse.
  • Get into advertising. You can promote your cafe in the press, through blogs and social networks. This is the most accessible opportunity to tell about your institution. Communicating with potential and real guests, you can better know their preferences to make adjustments to the cafe.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch and what documents are required for this - read

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

Many novice restaurateurs make mistakes that bring significant losses to the enterprise and interfere with the normal development of the company. These include:

  • blurry concept;
  • too cramped room, which does not make it possible to accommodate the required number of guests;
  • extensive menu. The shorter the list of dishes, the easier it is to control their quality;
  • unsuccessful location of the cafe;
  • insufficient control over staff.

Cafe business plan: an example with calculations

Business plan - visual diagram expenses and income. The more detailed this document is, the easier it is to determine the profitability of the business. The plan is necessary for entrepreneurs who are going to receive loans, subsidies, attract investors and partners.

But even if you plan to run a business on your own and invest only your own funds, you cannot do without a business plan.

For example, consider the plan of a small city cafe. The enterprise is located on the first floor of the building, the total area of ​​the premises is 250 sq. m. It is assumed that half of the premises will be used as a trading floor, the second will be occupied by the kitchen and utility rooms.

The basis of the menu is Russian cuisine. Take-away trade is expected, part of the desserts is purchased in a large confectionery, pastries are prepared on the spot from semi-finished products. Business lunches are not provided, there is a 20% discount at lunchtime.

You can learn how to draw up a business plan for a confectionery and download a sample of it, you can

What equipment will be required?

  • bar counter;
  • professional coffee machine;
  • 2 refrigerated showcases for the hall;
  • Refrigerated chest;
  • combi steamer;
  • 2 electric stoves;
  • 2 freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • pancake;
  • grill;
  • juice cooler;
  • tables and chairs made of chipboard;
  • hangers-racks for the hall;
  • furniture for a children's corner;
  • wooden screens for zoning the hall.

Total equipment costs: 3,000,000 rubles. Part of used equipment.

Ready business plan for a cafe: types of establishments + analysis of the catering sector. How to write a summary of a finished business plan? Premises for a cafe and characteristics of services, a list of equipment + cost calculation.

Capital expenditures: 1,438,000 rubles.
Payback period: 1.5 years.

Before you get a ready-made cafe business plan, there is a need to figure out what kind of institution it is in general, what are its main differences from a restaurant, club and other places.

Understanding the basic concept of this place will lead to an understanding of what steps it takes to create your own cozy corner that everyone wants to visit.

The main difference between a cafe business plan and a restaurant business plan is that a cafe can offer a smaller range of products, sometimes even self-service. Hence, lower costs and a wider target audience.

But, nevertheless, the cafe should always have a cozy and neat atmosphere. It can be both a place for a business lunch with a business partner, and a place to relax with friends.

1. What are the types of cafes?

To decide on the main points of a ready-made cafe business plan, it is important to decide how it all should look or how it might look like in general?

There are such types of catering establishments:

    Bistro- a place whose purpose is not an atmosphere for communication and high culinary delights, but the opportunity to come in and have a bite to eat in a short period of time, without waiting for half an hour for your dishes.

    But still, nothing prevents us from making its atmosphere more adapted in order to have a good time away from home.

    coffee house- the name itself suggests that the main highlight of such a place is a warming and fragrant drink, namely coffee.

    But do not overdo it, remember: a resume is only a brief introductory part that gives a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe business. All details will be disclosed in the rest of the business plan for opening a cafe.

    4. Premises for opening a cafe

    The choice of premises depends on several main points. Since we are talking about a catering establishment, you will have to build on the established sanitary standards.

    The development of a ready-made business plan for a cafe should be fully based on such a document as the “State Sanitary and Epidemiological Norms of the Russian Federation”, namely “SanPiN2.3.6.1079-01”.

    More details can be found on them:

    The main attention when choosing a room should be paid to such points:

    • Accommodation, as the cafe is located should be in a suitable location.

      If we are talking about a residential area, then it is worth doing everything so that it does not violate the surrounding order.

    • The presence of water supply is very important in any activity, but for a catering establishment it is something without which a full-fledged work is simply impossible.
    • Possibility of food production and storage.

      Namely, the availability of space to put all the necessary equipment.

    • In addition to a place to install all the equipment, you need to provide a power supply system that will be safe enough.
    • Powerful ventilation so that processes and odors from the kitchen do not reach the hall where visitors are.
    • The absence of pests, rodents or insects, as this must be taken care of before equipping a cafe.

    For a business plan for an average cafe, you can choose a room with the following parameters:

    Plan for a small roadside cafe

    In addition to renting, you can think about buying a room. This decision has a number of positive points, such as:

    • Buying a property is much more profitable than renting it in the long run.
    • There are no special restrictions in terms of repair.
    • There will be no problems with the owner of the building.
    • There are no unexpected costs if the market value of the rent rises.

    5. Services, products and their characteristics in the business plan

    The average range of products sold by a standard cafe is:

    • first meal;
    • cold and hot snacks;
    • desserts;
    • drinks (cold and hot).

    It can be not only your own kitchen, but also the sale of semi-finished products, custom-made bakery products, etc.

    In any case, even if we are talking about semi-finished products, the market needs a really high-quality product. And this implies high-quality raw materials, equipment and service.

    The menu depends on what theme of the institution is chosen, but it must be taken into account in the business plan without fail. It is obvious that the positions will change in the course of the cafe's activities. Nevertheless, it is important to display its main assortment as much as possible.

    If any positions run out, they are added to the stop list and the waiters are informed. Adjustments are made to the menu only if you decide to abandon this dish forever.

    6. Equipment for opening a cafe

    In order to organize production, you need to determine what equipment you need to provide your cafe.

    EquipmentCost (in rubles)
    Total:551,000 rubles
    Electric stove
    coffee machine
    Professional mixer
    Additional equipment (pots, knives, kettles, etc.)
    Refrigerator (more than one possible)
    From 180,000 (total)

    In addition to the main working equipment, you will need cutting tables, air conditioners, etc.

    The exact amount depends on what equipment to buy (new or used). But for a room at 25-35 square meters the amount will be from 450,000 rubles.

    In some cases, if we are talking about renting a room that is intended for a catering establishment, some landlords offer their equipment for use for an additional fee.

    It will be much cheaper than buying new or used. But, if the lease is terminated, you are left with nothing - do not forget about it.

    7. Staff to open a cafe

    most convenient organizational structure will be where the director himself will perform the duties of an administrator. Hiring a large number of employees at first is an extremely unprofitable investment.

    In addition to the administrator, you will need:

    Since restaurants are more complex structures, the chef in them performs the function of the organizer of the kitchen process. But the chef in a small cafe is a person who, in addition to the main work on his shift, will help in compiling the menu and creating some "signature" dishes.

    Requirements for personnel are drawn up based on how the entrepreneur sees the future institution. This can be, as well as secondary specialized education, and the presence of a complete secondary + special courses.

    8. Capital costs and expenses for opening a cafe

    Calculation of capital investments

    Calculation of monthly expenses

    Capital costs include the costs of the first 2 months of operation, since, on average, the enterprise will begin to make a profit only from the third month.

    As a result, the cost of opening a cafe from scratch will be 1,438,000 rubles.

    In order for the opening of a cafe to pay off in 1.5 years, the profit must be at least 80,000 rubles per month. Considering the amount of monthly expenses, the expected revenue will be from 444,000 rubles per month.

    Secrets of how to open a coffee shop from scratch and what you need to make

    business plan for its implementation, in this video:

    Conclusion on what a ready-made cafe business plan consists of

    More detailed calculations and conclusions in order to to create a ready-made cafe business plan, can only be done after marketing research specifically at the place of the planned opening, as well as taking into account the theme of the institution.

    As mentioned earlier, capital costs can be significantly reduced if the equipment is rented along with the premises. Also, in this case, if it was originally intended for a place of public catering, it will be possible to save money on major repairs, installation of hoods.

    There are also items of monthly expenses, the size of which will vary. For example, for more detailed analysis project, it is worth determining which item is the most expensive.

    Most of the expenses will be spent on such an article of the ready-made cafe business plan as raw materials (involves the purchase of food, drinks and various disposable materials - napkins, etc.).

    It should be borne in mind that in certain seasons the cost of certain products will fall. Also, in the course of work, the purchase of raw materials will be commensurate with their consumption.

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The cafe business plan below highlights in detail the choice and concept of the establishment, obtaining the necessary and requirements for the premises. In general, this is about how to open a cafe from scratch. The article also tells what equipment needs to be purchased for a cafe, and how much investment will be needed. We hope that this business plan will help you understand the features of the business related to .

  • Investments: 1,486,000 rubles
  • Average monthly revenue: 1,045,000 rubles
  • Net profit: 234,850 rubles
  • Payback: 6.2 months

Objective of the project:
Determining the economic feasibility and effectiveness of investments in opening a cafe. The business plan provides for the creation of a new institution that meets the standards of qualified high-class service.

The restaurant business, which includes cafes, eateries, and other establishments of a similar type, is always a profitable business. Of course, if it is properly organized. Creating a restaurant itself is a very complex costly project, and sometimes unprofitable. But opening a small cafe will require much less effort, time and investment. In addition, the risks will also be significantly lower.

The cafe and its business plan involves the opening of an enterprise of a democratic type. The establishment will be designed for visitors of medium and low income levels. Many customers are expected to be attracted by the menu's affordable prices. Potential visitors will be office workers, youth. In the evening, the contingent can significantly expand due to those people who make appointments in a cafe or just come in for a bite to eat and relax.

1. How to open a cafe, where to start?

What is a cafe and how exactly it differs from other catering establishments, you can find out from the State Standard R 50762-2007. According to this document, a cafe is an enterprise that organizes the rest and meals of visitors. The product range is quite limited. The menu includes signature dishes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Unlike a cafe, the restaurant has a wider range of dishes, it presents dishes that are complex from a culinary point of view. Here is the best selection of spirits, elevated level service, the rest of visitors is combined with their entertainment. Cafes are classified according to the following basic criteria:

  • By product range. There may be specialized establishments (for example, a pancake shop, an ice cream parlor, a pizzeria, a confectionery cafe) and non-specialized ones. AT this category includes establishments with national cuisines.
  • By location: in residential or public buildings, recreation areas, hotels, sports clubs, etc.
  • Orientation to an audience, for example, art or, club, children, anti-cafe, etc.
  • By seasonality: permanent and seasonal.
  • By type of service: with the presence of waiters or self-service.
  • Mobility: stationary and mobile (cafe on wheels).

As you can see, there are a lot of varieties of cafes. The main thing is to choose the format of the institution that will meet the goals and give the desired result.

1.1. How to choose a cafe concept

The creation of the concept of the institution is closely related to the classification of the cafe.

Firstly, you need to determine which visitors it will be aimed at (children, youth or older visitors), what kind of cuisine or menu you are ready to offer, where you plan to open your outlet.

Secondly, think about how exactly your cafe will be different (of course, in better side) from many other establishments. In other words, you need to find a "zest", a way to stand out from the crowd, to interest customers.

According to experienced restaurateurs, all the costs and efforts to create a cafe concept can fail if the subsequently found premises do not harmonize with it in terms of engineering, design or other parameters. Therefore, if your start-up capital is limited, first select the premises, and only after that proceed to the development of the concept.

Also, do not forget that the menu and pricing policy must be consistent with the style, design and format of the cafe. For example, if you are planning to open an institution for students and youth, it is not advisable to make a conservative design or include expensive drinks and dishes on the menu.

1.2. How to choose the premises and location of the cafe

The success of the restaurant business largely depends on a good location. Sometimes this factor becomes the main one in terms of business profitability. Economy category cafes are especially dependent on the location, with extremely affordable prices.

A small establishment can fit on an area of ​​70-200 m 2 . Experts advise when choosing a room for a cafe to build on the following principles:

1.3. Cafe room requirements

Basic requirements for catering establishments:

  1. The rooms should be located so that the connections between them are minimal.
  2. The layout of the premises should take into account the system of exits / entrances. The entrance to the trading floors can be from the side of the street, and to the warehouse and production areas - from the yard. At the same time, production and storage areas are made non-passage.
  3. Zoning should be such that in the event of a fire to ensure the rapid evacuation of people.

The full set of requirements can be found by reading SNiP The characteristics of the premises under the cafe must comply with the specified document, as well as fire safety standards.

1.4. Cafe equipment

All the necessary equipment for a cafe can be divided into the following basic groups:

thermal: pits, ovens, food warmers, cabinets, shish kebabs, pancake makers, deep fryers, heat showcases, boilers, etc.

Electromechanical: bread slicers, mixers, slicers, vegetable and dish washing machines, vegetable cutters, potato peelers, etc.

Refrigeration: refrigerating chambers/cabinets, wine display cases, bathtubs, bar refrigerators, refrigerated tables, etc.

bar: blenders, coffee makers and grinders, food processors, toasters, ice makers, mixers, juicers, etc.

General: trash cans, tables, shelves, carts, ventilation hoods, cabinets, washing tubs, etc.

For meat processing: saws, tops, sausage fillers, meat mixers, cutlet molding machines, etc.

bakery: flour sifters, batchers, dough mixers, dough dividers, dough moulders, etc.

Miscellaneous equipment: water softeners and filters, distribution lines, scales, salad bars.

In total, you will have to spend at least 300,000 rubles on the purchase of basic equipment for a small cafe. It should be borne in mind that you will need to purchase air conditioning, dishes, kitchen utensils, textiles, office equipment and furniture, which will require at least 120,000 rubles.

In this way, general investment in cafe equipment will amount to about 420,000 rubles.

1.5. Documents and permits for opening a cafe

To open a restaurant of this type, you need to issue the following permits:

  • Coordination room project. In case of redevelopment, a technological project, a technical opinion, projects for reconstruction, water supply / sewerage, communications (heating, air conditioning, ventilation, electricity) and facade reconstruction will be required. These documents must be made by a design organization that has the appropriate license. Then they will be coordinated in the SES, the fire service, the DEZ, the architect and the prefecture.
  • Notification about the start of the activity. Provided to the territorial service of Rospotrebnadzor. If necessary, the recipe of the dishes will be coordinated there.
  • License on the retail alcohol.

1.6. Recruitment for a cafe

Good staff is an important aspect of the successful operation of the cafe. The staff of a small institution, taking into account shifts, consists of:

  • chef;
  • 2 chefs;
  • 2 administrators;
  • 4 waiters;
  • cleaners;
  • dishwashers.

In our case, it is planned that 11 people will work in the cafe.


Quantity Salary Total, rub.
Chef 1 30 000 30 000
Cook 2 20 000 40 000
Administrator 2 15 000 30 000
Waiter 4 10 000 40 000
Dishwasher 1 8 000 8 000
Cleaning woman 1 8 000 8 000
Total 11 --- 156 000

The number of employees depends on the size and concept of the institution. At first, too large a staff can lead to unjustified costs. Cafe staff must have health books . The next step is to choose the optimal one. In our case, it is advisable to dwell on, but in some cases you can choose labor.

1.7. Cafe interior and design

Most people consider a cafe to be such an institution where you can eat delicious food and have a good time. Therefore, it is important not only to provide an excellent cuisine, but also to take care of an attractive design. Appearance plays a significant role in attracting customers. In fact, stylish design cafe interior - 50% of the institution's success.

Conceptual interior solutions should be approached with the utmost responsibility and absolutely everything should be thought through, down to the smallest detail from the menu design to the design of windows and bathrooms in the establishment. The term "design" here means both the aesthetic appearance of the cafe, and convenient layout areas for work, and a place for the free movement of staff around the institution, and comfortable areas where customers will relax.

Practice shows that establishments with separate recreation areas (for non-smokers and smokers) are very popular. If the cafe is located, for example, in a business center, its interior should match the design of the entire building or be in harmony with it.

The first thing a person sees when entering a place is the sign. It also needs to be designed according to the concept of the institution and the interior design of the cafe. Otherwise, many visitors may experience disappointment when they enter, for example, an institution with a high-tech sign, but instead find themselves in a hall stylized as a baroque.

Below are interesting, in our opinion, interior designs of cafes, bars, restaurants (photos are clickable to view in full size):

Remember that a cozy atmosphere can only be created by a harmonious combination of lighting and color solutions, furniture, decorative elements. You should get a whole attractive picture.

This point must be taken into account, because original design the cafe is able to retain the client and attract new ones through viral marketing.

2. Assessment of the feasibility of opening a cafe

  • Activity type- cafe-bar (public catering establishment).
  • Location in the business district of the city.
  • The target audience people with low and middle income.
  • Average check amount- 600 rubles.

2.1. Capital costs (investments)

Item of expenses Amount of expenses, rub.
Room rental + utilities 135 000
Repair and decoration of the premises 150 000
Purchase and installation of equipment 420 000
Furniture 210 000
Purchase of goods 360 000
Advertising 30 000
payroll fund 156 000
other expenses 25 000
Total 1 486 000

To open a cafe, you need to invest about 1.5 million rubles.

The largest costs (up to 29%) must be invested in the purchase and installation of equipment.

2.2. Income (profit) cafe

The restaurant business is seasonal. So, on weekends and holidays, incomes grow at times, on weekdays profits fall. Having calculated the approximate monthly income, we determine the average monthly revenue. It is approximately 1.045 million rubles.

2.3. Cafe Profitability Calculation

We turn to the assessment and calculation of the profitability of the future enterprise.

2.4. Payback period for a cafe

Then we calculate the payback period of the cafe.

It can be seen from the calculations that under the most successful set of circumstances cafe payback period will be about 6.2 months .

3. Organizational moments

3.1. Choice of organizational form

You can open your own cafe by registering as an LLC or. When choosing organizational form you need to remember the following features:

  1. Sole proprietors may not trade in liquor, with the exception of cider, mead, poiret, beer and drinks based on it. This is stated in FZ-171, dated 11/22/1995. If you intend to include other alcoholic beverages in the menu, you need to register an LLC.
  2. Opening a catering establishment is more profitable and easier for individual entrepreneurs, especially if you choose.

As way out of the described situation. you can use this option. Register a cafe on IP, and for the sale of alcohol, register a bar as an LLC. The business activities of a catering establishment can be described by the following OKVED codes:

  • 55.30 – activity of cafes and restaurants;
  • 55.40 – functioning of bars;
  • 52.25 – trade (retail) of alcoholic and other beverages;
  • 52.63 - Retail sale of other goods outside the store.

3.2. Taxation system

If the cafe is designed as an LLC, the most optimal scheme taxation is UTII. But the service hall should have an area of ​​up to 150 m 2 . This is considered an area for leisure and / or eating. It is important to constructively separate this space from other premises, and its area - to be legally fixed in the inventory title documents. Otherwise, there may be problems with tax authorities relating to the misuse of UTII.

For individual entrepreneurs, the most profitable are PSN (patent system) and UTII. The first scheme can be applied if the area of ​​the service hall does not exceed 50 m2. For such institutions, the cost of a patent will be 180 thousand rubles. annually. If there are several similar cafes with separate halls up to 50 m 2 in one building, then only 1 patent is needed.

3.3. Accounting

Keeping your accountant on staff is too expensive. It is advisable to keep accounting on your own (if you have the relevant knowledge) or entrust this function to an outsourcing company specializing in accounting. The latter option is preferable, since it allows you to streamline reporting documentation for relatively little money and free the business owner from paperwork.

4. Marketing strategy

First of all, the marketing plan includes the original design of the establishment, beautifully designed shop windows and a signboard. It is desirable to place advertising in the press, on the Internet, on television and radio. Also, it does not hurt to inform employees located near enterprises about the opening of the cafe, to organize advertising campaigns. It is possible to conclude long-term contracts with the heads of companies for servicing their employees.

5. Cafe franchise

The cafe can also be franchised. We are talking about creating an institution operating under the brand name of a popular chain brand. Today, you can buy a franchise from Chocolate Girl, Baskin Robbins, Subway, and so on.

The advantage of such a business is that the franchise provides an ideally calculated and verified model of the institution. Therefore, the enterprise is guaranteed to be successful. The disadvantage of working on a franchise is the presence of additional costs in the form of regular royalties, one-time contributions, deductions to funds, etc.

Opening a franchise cafe will be much more expensive, the cost of franchises for catering establishments starts from 1,000,000 rubles, but using a ready-made brand is more likely to succeed!

There is also no opportunity to make changes to the business scheme, guided by your own opinion and taste. Therefore, before purchasing a franchise for a cafe, weigh all the nuances in detail and possible consequences to determine if this form of activity is right for you.

6. Conclusion

The financial and economic analysis of this project allows us to conclude that the cafe business plan can be implemented with high level efficiency. There is a favorable general background of threats to business. Demand for the offered products is permanently high.

If the institution will satisfy the qualitative and emotional needs of customers, the quantitative risk factors are very low. This allows you to count on a steady demand for the products of the new enterprise, an increase in profits as the establishment develops and the range of services expands.

7. Download a ready-made cafe business plan

In our instructions for opening a cafe, we considered key points necessary for the future enterprise. Also, a selection of materials on this topic, in which the finer details of this business are analyzed, can help you. You can download the business plan for free at the link below, we hope that the information provided will help you when opening your own catering establishment.

From the presented article, you learned about how to open a cafe and what you need for this. Please note that all calculations in the article are indicative and vary greatly depending on the region of business activity and other related factors. Others can be viewed in the corresponding

Choosing an industry in which to implement successful business, many entrepreneurs prefer the field of catering. This is well justified.

Opening a cafe is a great way to start a business.

Such projects usually pay off quickly and bring big profits in the long run.

That is why all kinds of coffee houses, pizzerias, coworking centers, cafes appear at every step.

We will figure out what actions need to be taken to open a cafe so that it becomes popular. How to open a cafe? We will draw up an approximate business plan, but first we will deal with the features of this area.

Why cafe

In Russia, the catering segment is considered quite free, despite the demand for such a business.

This is because half of the establishments close during the year.

The situation can be explained by a lot of competition, an unsuccessful concept of institutions or poor-quality services.

That is why it is so important to draw up a cafe business plan. Those who approached this responsibly manage to successfully operate in the market.

Each new cafe has its own characteristics, which invariably attracts visitors, some of whom become regular customers.

There are plenty of reasons why such a business is in demand among newly minted entrepreneurs:

  • growth in the well-being of the population;
  • striving for a modern way of life;
  • the opportunity to communicate in a relaxed comfortable environment;
  • development of office centers and shopping and entertainment complexes, whose employees need to eat;
  • interest in thematic institutions;
  • the existence of lovers of culinary delights, as well as bachelors;
  • celebration of celebrations.

Planning as a basis for success

It is important at the very beginning to honestly assess your strengths and capabilities.

Indeed, in order to feed people, it will be necessary to obtain a number of permits (IP, sanitary and epidemiological service, firefighters).

Subsequently, all standards and norms must be strictly observed. When “laying the foundation”, a competent and attentive approach is important, otherwise additional costs cannot be avoided.

The organization of the cafe should not be the result of yesterday's "insight" with this idea. Any business needs to be calculated to the smallest detail!

This is the secret of a successful business. The result begins to form with the planning of indicators: budget, scope, timing of the launch and implementation of the project.

The success of the enterprise rests on these three pillars. Think about how much you are ready to invest in a cafe, how long will it operate and how long will the investment pay off?

If you are able to answer these and a number of related questions, moreover, you understand the relationship between all processes, then your project to open a cafe will certainly bring significant income.

The level of service provision in a cafe is simplified compared to a restaurant, so there is no need to perform a super task.

Let us consider in detail what issues need to be given maximum attention.

Permits and Required Documentation

The organization of a cafe requires a mandatory solution of such legal issues.:

  • business registration;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • collection of documents (lease agreement; permission to place a public catering establishment in a specific room; results of a medical examination by staff);
  • licensing (for trade activities, sale of tobacco and alcohol products);
  • registration of cash registers;
  • conclusion of contracts for: garbage disposal, fire examination, fire alarm, panic button (security), deratization and disinfection, accounting support;
  • obtaining the conclusion of the SES (on the compliance of the selected premises with all sanitary standards);
  • obtaining permission to carry out activities from the fire safety authorities;
  • signing contracts for the supply of products.

In any case, you will not succeed in avoiding the documentary component, so use all your strengths and connections to resolve the issues listed.

Planning to open your own cafe should be based solely on sanitary standards. Customizing the project for them is not the best solution.

All rules for catering establishments regarding compliance with sanitary standards are reflected in the provisions of San Pin Following them is a manifestation of respect for the clients who provide your earnings.

Market and competition analysis

Analysis of the catering segment is very important. It will help you find out which type of cafe is most in demand, and which one will be a novelty. Initially, you need to define the following parameters:

  • the total number of the population and the proportion of young people and people of working age in it (they will make up the main contingent);
  • the average level of income of residents;
  • a breakdown of the number of cafes by niche;
  • territorial location of establishments;
  • demand and supply for services;
  • average check size.

By comparing all these parameters, you will be able to understand the trends inherent in the market, competently build pricing policy, create a menu and choose the concept of an institution.

Then study the activities of such institutions in your city, analyzing their pros and cons, the target audience.

The flaws that competitors make are especially important.

Try to avoid them by improving the best practices and contributing your ideas.

It is important to identify the factors that determine the attendance of an institution in a particular place. If you have free funds, market analysis can be ordered from consulting agencies.

In this case, a professional niche assessment with detailed details and a forecast of industry trends is provided. If the prospects of your idea turn out to be illusory in fact, such companies will select a project that is more profitable.

Selecting the type of institution

The budget is planned on the basis of a business plan, based on the type of cafe. Focus on both your own preferences and the number of similar establishments.

Children's cafe - interior

Today cafes are considered promising on the market:

  • children's;
  • vegetarian;
  • Internet cafe;
  • with karaoke;
  • hookah;
  • sushi bars;
  • franchised;
  • fast foods (providing takeaway food);
  • anti-cafe (paid for the time of stay, not the cost of dishes on the menu);
  • thematic (literary, sports, musical, national style, etc.).

Whatever type of institution you choose, take into account the specifics of institutions. For example, the presence of dishes "from the chef" and the branded labeling of cutlery are characteristic of the artsy restaurant style. Do not pursue luxury you do not need, this will only entail extra costs.

But bags of sugar, on the packaging of which comics from your institution are depicted, will be just right. You can also make napkins with a logo or name, a special uniform for staff or a compliment from the establishment to regular customers.

Remember, "zest" is always welcome, and no matter where - in the menu, interior or service.

Location selection

If you are counting on a wide audience, make sure that the location of the cafe is convenient for people:

  • was in the first zone of visibility;
  • disposed to rest (absence near busy highways and noisy highways);
  • provided parking and transport access.

Location, of course, affects the attendance of the institution. You need to choose places with high traffic (central squares, walking areas, shopping and entertainment centers, railway stations and metro stations) or focus on the main idea.

The concept is an important factor in determining the location of the institution. Understanding the target audience will help you choose the right area, street or shopping center. For example, youth cafes can be placed near the main places of entertainment in the city, cafes for vegetarians - near the centers of spiritual practices.

In the case of the main emphasis on business lunches, you should choose places near business centers in the business districts of the city. In a residential area, you can count on banquets, near motor transport hubs - on quick snacks.

Coffee houses are popular in the city center, because it is convenient to meet there to talk about some business for 15-20 minutes.

Features of the room and interior

The premises for the cafe can be bought, built or rented. When choosing, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • rent or cost;
  • room dimensions;
  • the presence of halls and utility rooms;
  • layout;
  • proximity to public transport stops;
  • remoteness from automobile, pedestrian traffic;
  • number of storeys (preferably the first one);
  • availability of entrances and exits (preferably from the street);
  • "Labyrinths" indoors;
  • window exit (great if the room is located at the intersection, and the windows face 2 streets);
  • view from the window;
  • availability of ventilation systems;
  • compliance with the norm (firefighters, SES);
  • the condition of the electrical wiring (what is the maximum load the room can withstand);
  • previous purpose of operation of the premises;
  • the need for repair or restoration.

It is necessary to clearly understand how many halls and seats in them for guests will be needed to implement your idea on a full scale. The best option according to the legislation - area 280 m² / 50 seats.

Do not forget to calculate, in addition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dining area, the dimensions of the kitchen, toilet rooms, storage spaces, staff rooms, accounting, management. How more precisely the plan you draw, the clearer it will be for you and investors, and the more likely it is to bring the project to life in its original form.

Interior design should match the name of the cafe and reflect its concept. Come up with some kind of "chip" that will help attract customers and make the institution recognizable in the market. This can help designers, decorators, florists, marketers.

We can recommend a win-win trick that will attract the attention of guests - fresh flowers on the tables. It is not so expensive, but it always “works.” For a themed cafe, the idea should be traced in absolutely everything: from paintings and musical accompaniment to the uniforms of the staff and the names of the dishes on the menu. it required condition for such establishments.

Don't skimp on the budget to beat the idea. After all, it is this factor that allows you to inflate prices on the menu. Remember, in the right atmosphere, the client loses a sense of time and reality, a feeling of relaxation arises. This can compensate for the shortcomings in the kitchen and service.


The amount of the estimated cost of purchasing equipment for the full-fledged operation of the cafe depends on the business plan, which sets out the list of dishes that you are going to offer visitors.

Some products must be stored under certain conditions. This may require additional cameras storage. Others require special processing devices. Evaluate all the nuances of cooking before adding them to the menu.

For a cafe, a standard set of equipment includes:

  • plates;
  • cutting tables;
  • grill;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • combi steamer;
  • washing equipment;
  • tableware;
  • kitchen equipment (mixers, coffee machine, slicers, microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, etc.).

Also calculate the amount of furniture, lamps, decorative elements, dishes, textiles, appliances and appliances needed to decorate the hall.

It is advisable to divide the estimate (calculated in the business plan) by type of goods (kitchen equipment, furniture, plumbing, interior elements). This will allow you to receive volume discounts when delivering products.


It is undesirable for a new institution to risk its reputation from the first days by hiring unqualified staff. It is foolish to hope that employees will learn everything directly at the workplace.

Food that doesn't taste good or doesn't match the name will turn customers away from you once and for all. The impolite and awkward staff, dirty dishes, "stale" halls do not contribute to the popularity.

It is important that employees are:

  • cultural;
  • smiling;
  • professional;
  • healthy;
  • neat;
  • interchangeable.

To operate a small cafe, no more than 10 employees working in shifts will be needed:

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 waiters;
  • 2 washers;
  • 1 bartender-cashier;
  • 1 administrator;
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 cleaner.

We compose the menu

To work, you need a basic and banquet menu, developed taking into account the specialization of the institution.

It is important to work out a meal plan:

  • diet menu;
  • children's menu;
  • business lunches (complex lunches);
  • compliments for guests;
  • alcohol card.

Try to avoid banal names of dishes. Introduce something unusual or change the names.

The breadth of the range is welcome. However, it is worth observing the measure. Too many dishes on the menu indicate that they are prepared from semi-finished products or stale products in violation of sanitary standards.

In addition, choose only trusted suppliers. Random purchases at low prices can turn into a big problem.

A standard full menu should contain up to 50 dishes and up to 50 items of various drinks. This is quite enough. It is better to update it every quarter, and also for the holidays (Halloween, Easter, New Year etc.).

Advertising and PR

An advertising campaign can be carried out once, but it is better to do it on an ongoing basis (in this case, these costs must be included in the cafe business plan). When developing a marketing policy, consider two components of a successful campaign:

  • internal marketing (implies ensuring the maximum level of competence and loyalty of the staff);
  • external marketing (implies a series of activities to generate demand from potential customers). You can use:
  • billboards;
  • posters;
  • advertising booklets;
  • business cards;
  • discount flyers;
  • radio advertising.

Something can be distributed in shopping malls, office centers, crowded places. Good partnership option. You place taxi business cards in your place, they, on the contrary, advertise you. At the same time, mutual small discounts on each other's services will have a double effect.

It is appropriate to create pages and groups in social networks, as well as place information about your cafe in thematic directories. Of course, if the budget allows, you can make your own website. But remember that it needs to be promoted. This is costly and quite difficult.

Therefore, it is better to postpone it until the cafe is “untwisted”. Think about how to keep your customers. Perhaps you should introduce loyalty programs for regular customers.


The profitability of such institutions depends on:
  • scale of activity;
  • the location of the object;
  • institution themes;
  • working hours;
  • the quality of the "kitchen";
  • staff qualifications;
  • pricing policy;
  • amenities and atmosphere;
  • the amount of investment.

For example, now fashionable Internet cafes and anti-cafes have a profitability of about 100%! But they are in demand only in metropolitan areas.

The children's cafe is characterized by a profitability of about 30%. Equipping a children's playground with animators and hiring a confectioner can double the profitability of such an establishment.

Cafe business plan with calculations

Let's bring short example business plan for opening a cafe "Old City".

Target: organization of a compact cafe or pastry shop.

Description of the project. Cafe "Old City" is located in the old part of the city (which is reflected in the name) in a rented room with 1 hall (capacity 40 seats) and 1 kitchen area.

The premises used to function as a cafe, so the cost of purchasing equipment will be reduced.

It is supposed to open an institution with the concept of national cuisine in a low price category.

The average price of a check is expected to be $5.5. Target audience: students, employees of the office center, tourists. Working hours: 10-22 daily.

Market analysis. The place is popular for walking among residents and visitors of the city. There are a lot of similar establishments, with a similar concept - only one.

Competitive advantages will be obtained by extending the cafe's opening hours by an hour, holding "dish of the day" campaigns, and reducing prices by 5%.

Marketing policy. Large-scale advertising will be carried out once. Further, it is supposed to advertise through social networks, the sale of booklets, discount coupons and business cards.

Equipment. Most of the equipment in the room is (in good condition). Need to buy:

  • refrigerators - 2 pcs.;
  • microwave oven - 1 pc.;
  • bar counter - 1 pc.;
  • production table - 1 pc.;
  • new tables for visitors - 10 pcs.;
  • armchairs in the hall - 40 pcs.;
  • hangers - 2 pcs.

Staff. According to the plan, it is supposed to hire 6 employees: administrator, cook, waiter, bartender, washer/cleaner, accountant (incoming).

Financial indicators. The costs will be:

  • rent - $ 2 thousand / month;
  • purchase of products (including alcohol) - $ 3 thousand / month;
  • utility bills - $ 1 thousand / month;
  • cosmetic repairs of the premises - $ 2 thousand;
  • furniture - $ 5 thousand;
  • equipment - $ 7 thousand;
  • advertising - $ 1 thousand;
  • fund wages– 3 thousand $ / month. (including deductions).

Investments in the amount of 40 thousand $ / month are expected. Projected net profit - 3-4.5 thousand $ / month. The return on investment is 1-1.5 years. The planned income is possible at 50% load. The profitability of the cafe is 30-40%.


Many of us visit cafes. Some want to have a bite, others want to celebrate a joyful event, others want to meet friends, and others want to hold business negotiations.

For urban residents, this is the norm of life, and for entrepreneurs, it is an interesting and promising type of business.

Stylish cafe - opening

The organization of a cafe seems to be quite expensive, but the efforts and invested funds will pay off with a vengeance if you approach this issue correctly and balanced.

The most important component in this case is a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations.

We recommend reading
