How many square meters of the seller's workplace. Sanpin for office workers

Engineering systems 26.09.2019

Every seasoned and novice entrepreneur is worried about the question. In our country, this issue is regulated at the legislative level. Fundamental regulatory documents that establish the minimum area of ​​the workplace in the office, are: the labor code, rules for the design of administrative premises, as well as sanitary standards. General requirements in sum, and give an idea of ​​what should be the area of ​​the workplace in the office.

So, let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the workplace:

1. If only one plasma or liquid crystal monitor is installed at the workplace, then the area per employee is at least four and a half square meters. In the event that additional electrical appliances, a scanner, a printer, etc. are installed, the area must be expanded, since they provide additional electromagnetic radiation.

2. When a monitor equipped with a cathode-ray tube is installed in the workplace, the area per employee should be allocated in a volume of six square meters... It can be reduced to the indicator specified in the previous paragraph if he spends no more than four hours at the workplace. Similarly, additional devices require an increase in area.

3. For employees in management positions, the overall the area of ​​the workplace in the office allocated at least four square meters. In the event that it is also equipped with a personal computer or other equipment, the above rules apply.

4. When it comes to the employees of the design bureau, their workplace area in the office must be at least six square meters, and even better, even more. Its size does not depend on whether the designer works on a PC or manually on a drawing board.

5. People with disabilities who belong to the so-called low-mobility groups of the population must have a workplace area in the office, equal in volume to at least 5.65 square meters. When it comes to wheelchair users, minimum area increases to 7.65 square meters.

Please note that these figures reflect exactly the area of ​​the workplace and do not include additional area for installing equipment, furniture or aisles between tables. A separate area is provided for these units.

When choosing a space for an office, you must be guided not only by the specified norms, but also by other nuances that must be borne in mind when equipping workplaces in the office. For example, employees' desks should be located at a distance of at least two meters, and between their side parts - at least one meter and two hundred centimeters. If the employees have very nervous and stressful work, then between them it is necessary to additionally erect partitions of at least one and a half and no more than two meters. The ideal office location is a room facing north or northeast. It is advisable to place the monitors at an angle to the window.

All these conditions help to create optimal comfortable conditions for effective work employees of the organization. Only knowing what should be the area of ​​the workplace in the office, you can provide employees with working conditions close to ideal.


Tell me the standards for the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe premises, per employee? Can we accommodate 4 people in a 12m2 room without violating any rights or laws?


In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation state regulatory requirements labor protection contained in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, establish rules, procedures, criteria and standards aimed at preserving the life and health of employees in the process of working.

In accordance with clause 3.4 of SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 “2.2.2. Occupational hygiene, technological processes, raw materials, materials, equipment, working tools. 2.4. Hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization. Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards ", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003:

Square for one workplace an employee who spends more than four hours a day, should be at least 6 sq. m (if the computer has a monitor based on a cathode-ray tube) or 4.5 sq. m (if the monitor is liquid crystal or plasma).

In the event of a violation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the Administrative Code (Code of Administrative Offenses) is in effect. Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code establishes responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of the current sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures. The revealed violations entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days; on the legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.

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Last Updated 2017-10-17 23:55

We bring to your attention the service of compiling statement of claim to courts of general jurisdiction at a special price for Moscow and the Moscow region of 3000 rubles.

for PCs with monitors with CRT - 6 square meters per employee;
for PCs with LCD monitors - 4.5 square meters per employee (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03)

Excerpt from SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03:

III. Requirements for premises for working with a PC

3.1. Premises for the operation of personal computers must have natural and artificial lighting. Operation of a PC in rooms without natural light is allowed only with appropriate justification and the presence of a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued in established order.

3.2. Natural and artificial lighting must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documents... Windows in rooms where computers are used should be primarily oriented to the north and north-east.
Window openings should be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

3.3. It is not allowed to place the seats of PC users in all educational and cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents in the basement and basements.
3.4. The area for one workplace of PC users with VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) should be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2.
When using PVEM with RCCB based on CRT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements international standards safety of computers, with a duration of less than 4 hours a day, a minimum area of ​​4.5 m2 is allowed per one workplace of a user (an adult and a student of higher education) vocational education).
3.5. For interior decoration the interior of the premises where the PC is located, diffuse-reflecting materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7 - 0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.
3.6. Polymer materials used for interior decoration of premises with a personal computer in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
3.7. The premises where workstations with a personal computer are located must be equipped with protective earth(grounding) in accordance with the technical requirements for operation.
3.8. Workplaces with a PC should not be placed near power cables and bushings, high-voltage transformers, technological equipment, interfering with the work of the PC.

In the event of a violation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the Administrative Code (Code of Administrative Offenses) applies:

Article 6.3. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and legislation on technical regulation

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of the current sanitary rules and hygienic standards, requirements technical regulations, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, -
(as amended by Federal law from 28.12.2009 N 380-FZ)
shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.
(as amended by Federal Laws of 09.05.2005 N 45-FZ, of 22.06.2007 N 116-FZ)

A comfortable workplace is a guarantee of high productivity of an employee. Of course, comfort is a broad concept that often depends on the focus of a person's work. Sanitary norms and rules provided for manufacturing enterprises and office space vary. However, both the first and the second are established by SanPiN 2.24.54896 under the title "Hygienic standards of the microclimate in production."

Since the beginning of 2017, new Sanitary and Hygienic Requirements for production facilities have been introduced. They were approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor by his Resolution No. 81 on June 21 last year. The updated SanPiN standards set requirements for:

  • Microclimate;
  • The level of noise and vibration;
  • Exposure to electro-, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.

These norms are the boundary-possible indicators of factors. Compliance with the requirements for production facilities can protect employees who are at the workplace eight hours a day (forty hours a week) from the development of pathologies or occupational diseases associated with the specifics of the performance of work duties.

Introduction of new hygienic requirements for the microclimate industrial premises cancel the effect of previously approved standards. For example SanPiN 2.2.41191-03 regarding the effect of electromagnetic fields.

The most important issues regulated by SanPiNs are the temperature and microclimate at the workplace of office employees.

Temperature regime in the office

Maintaining a normal temperature is an important condition for the normal functioning of a company. The temperature in the office affects not only the health indicators of employees, but also their productivity, as well as the normal functioning of the entire enterprise.

Temperature standards are regulated by SanPin 2.2.4 548 96. The fifth and sixth sections of the Rules are devoted to optimization and boundary temperature indicators depending on the season (warm or cold).

Office workers, whose work can be classified as intellectual, characterized by a low level of physical activity, as well as a sedentary position, Labor Code and SanPin puts it in category Ia. For this category of employees, a temperature of twenty-three to twenty-five degrees (in summer) and twenty-two to twenty-four degrees (in winter) must be provided.

If the temperature in the room does not meet the specified standards, employees have the right to require the employer to reduce the duration of work shifts.

If the temperature indicators exceed the value of plus twenty-nine, the labor time is reduced to three to six hours (in accordance with the functions performed). If the temperature in the office exceeds thirty-two degrees, it is forbidden to work for more than one hour.

There are indicators for the cold season. At temperatures below nineteen degrees, the duration of the shift is reduced by an hour. At temperatures below thirteen degrees, the working day cannot exceed one hour.

The work of an organization whose management constantly disrupts temperature regime premises can be temporarily stopped for up to three months.

Requirements for the microclimate in the office

Sanitary rules stipulate requirements not only for the temperature regime, but also for the quality of air in the office. Therefore, the ventilation equipment of the organization is one of the most important criteria for the comfort of workplaces.

Office service involves long-term presence of workers in the building. Each employee has their own preferences and needs for improving performance indicators. Some prefer coolness, others are afraid of drafts and air conditioners.

To create a comfortable office microclimate requires a set of measures aimed at meeting the standards:

  • Temperature regime;
  • Air humidity level;
  • Ventilation of air streams;
  • Air speed;
  • The presence of foreign particles in the air (dust).

These standards are provided by SanPin, as well as GOST 30494 96 regarding the parameters of the microclimate of residential and non-residential premises... A comfortable office microclimate in the warm season provides for:

  • Temperature regime within twenty two to twenty five degrees;
  • Air humidity thirty to sixty percent;
  • The air flow rate is not higher than 0.25 meters per second.

For the cold season, the indicators change:

  • Temperature readings range from twenty to twenty-two degrees;
  • Air humidity - from thirty to forty-five percent;
  • Air movement 0.1 - 0.15 meters per second.

Permissible differences in temperature readings are one to two degrees.

The moisture level is an essential component of the comfortable work of office workers. What should be the humidity directly depends on the temperature conditions of the room. High humidity at normal temperature does not negative impact on the human body... A dry warm air can cause diseases of the mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract.

Light level

Office lighting is an important component that employers should not forget. Low light levels lead to rapid eye fatigue, and also reduces the overall performance of a person.

SanPin sets the lighting standards for an average office, which houses a computer, at five hundred lux. The permissible values ​​of room illumination are from two hundred to three hundred lux.

What if there is not enough light? It will be necessary to install an additional light source at each workplace. When choosing bulbs, preference should be given to energy-saving ones with “cold” white light. Such lamps do not heat up, which is important for the summer period.

Noise level

Background noise affects the productivity of office workers. The upper limit of the norm of such noise should not exceed fifty-five dB. Old computers, lamps, and conversations on the street make noise.

New office equipment can cope with the problem of extraneous noise, metal-plastic windows, partitions with sound insulation.

Responsibility of the employer

Security comfortable conditions in the workplace is the employer's responsibility, not a gesture of goodwill. Only by creating proper working conditions, the employer has the right to demand from employees to work on schedule. This rule is enshrined in article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If the norms stipulated by the sanitary rules are violated, the employer takes immediate measures to eliminate them.

An employee has the right to apply to the State Labor Inspectorate for the protection of his rights.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, upon a complaint by any worker, can inspect the enterprise. If violations are detected, a fine (from ten to twenty thousand rubles) is imposed.

The workplace, equipped with a personal computer with a modern liquid crystal (or plasma) monitor, must be located on an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters - provided that it is not equipped with additional devices that consume electricity and are a source of additional electromagnetic radiation. Additional equipment (second monitor, printer, fax, scanner) requires additional space. 2. A computerized workstation with a monitor based on an ELP (cathode ray tube) requires at least 6 square meters of space in the office. However, if an employee spends at the computer no more than half of the working day (less than 4 hours), then the area of ​​his workplace can be the same 4.5 sq. M. As in the first case, auxiliary devices, if necessary, must be installed in additional space. 3.

Space rate for 1 person in the office

In our country, almost a third of the population is employed office work... At the same time, not all Russian citizens know that the employer is obliged to ensure the minimum level mandatory requirements presented to the employee's workplace. There is even a special area for 1 person in the office, spelled out in the current legislation.
According to the portal, based on established rules design of premises and sanitary standards, a workplace in any office must comply with the following parameters:

  1. An office employee, whose work involves the use of a personal computer with a modern monitor, is provided with a workplace area of ​​at least 4.5 sq. M. Moreover, the presence additional equipment consuming electricity and emitting electromagnetic waves, requires the obligatory provision of a separate area.

Sanpin for office workers

Workplaces with a PC should not be located near power cables and inputs, high-voltage transformers, technological equipment that interferes with the operation of a PC. In case of violation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, the Administrative Code (Code of Administrative Offenses) is in force: Article 6.3. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and legislation on technical regulation (as amended by

2009 N 380-FZ) Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of the current sanitary rules and hygienic standards, the requirements of technical regulations, failure to comply with sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures - (as amended by

Office space rates for 1 employee

III. Requirements for premises for work with PC 3.1. Premises for the operation of personal computers must have natural and artificial lighting. Operation of a PC in rooms without natural light is allowed only with appropriate justification and the presence of a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued in accordance with the established procedure. 3.2. Natural and artificial lighting must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

Windows in rooms where computers are used should be primarily oriented to the north and north-east. Window openings should be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc. 3.3. Placement of places for PC users in all educational and cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents in basements and basements is not allowed.

The norm of the area of ​​the workplace for one person in the office

In the room for management employees, each of them is allocated at least 4 square meters - if personal computers are not used in this room. If the manager's workplace is equipped with a personal computer, then points 1 and 2 apply to it. 4. Each employee of the design bureau must have at least 6 square meters of office space, regardless of whether he works on a drawing board or on a PC.
5. Employees from low-mobility groups of the population (disabled) must have a workplace with an area of ​​at least 5.65 square meters per person, and wheelchair users - at least 7.65 square meters. It should be noted that all the parameters of the area given above refer specifically to workplaces, and do not include either aisles between the rows of tables, or the space for installing additional equipment. common use(for example, a copier) or furniture (wardrobe, racks for papers).

The main provisions of sanpin on the area per person for office work

Requirements for temperature and humidity, office illumination, and sometimes even furniture are strictly regulated. So, if the average daily temperature outside the window is above 10 ° C, the office should be general rule 23-25 ​​° С, and if below this limit - 22-24 ° С. It is also determined how the working day is shortened if the room is colder than the permissible or, on the contrary, it is very hot.
For example, if the air temperature in the office is 19 ° C, then you can stay in it no more than seven hours, and if 18 ° C - no more than six hours, etc. (SanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements To physical factors at workplaces ", approved. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 81). Separate standards exist for those who use computers in their work. The workplace area of ​​such employees cannot be less than 4.5 square meters.

How many square meters per person in the office


The temperature at the workplace in the office for them should be at least 20 and not more than 28 degrees above zero for a normal eight-hour working day. IN summer period most optimal temperature is considered 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. If the thermometer rises to 29 degrees, the working day cannot exceed 6 hours; up to 32.5 degrees - 1 hour.

In winter, the normal temperature in the office is set within 22-24 degrees. Lowering the temperature to 19 degrees will reduce the working day by 1 hour. And if it drops to 13 degrees, office workers have the right to leave work an hour after the start.
  • Illumination of the workplace in the office In the premises where managers work with personal computers, both artificial and natural lighting should be provided.

Workplace standards in the office


We are talking about a printer, a second monitor and other office equipment.

  • A workplace using a computer with an outdated monitor must allocate at least 6 sq. M. When working on it for less than 4 hours, the specified area may be reduced to 4.5 sq. M. The presence of auxiliary office equipment also requires additional space.
  • For each employee in office space, apart from the computer-equipped workplace, an area of ​​4 sq.m. should be allocated.
  • For employees of the design office, the employer is obliged to allocate more than 6 square meters.

in the office space.
  • If the employee has a disability, he is entitled to from 5.65 sq.m. If the employee uses a wheelchair, then the indicated figure rises to 7.65 sq. M.
  • The current norm of the area for 1 person in the office, spelled out above, applies exclusively to the workplace.

    Norm m2 per person in the office

    When choosing a space for an office, one should take into account not only the recommended area standards for one employee, but also other important aspects of the placement of workplaces in office space... Thus, the distance between the tables should not be less than two meters, and the distance between the sides of the monitors should be less than 1.2 meters. It is desirable that the windows in such a room face the north or north-east side, and the monitors are located at an angle to the window. If the work of employees is related to high loads on the nervous system, between workplaces it is necessary to build partitions with a height of one and a half to two meters.
    If the monitor is outdated (based on a cathode-ray tube), then the norm for the area of ​​the workplace in the office is at least 6 sq. m. per person. For CRT screens, 4.5 sq. m / person, but only if the working day lasts less than 4 hours, and in the process of work no additional devices are used (scanner, copier, printer, etc.) sides of their computers) - at least 1.2 m. Minimum distance between the backs of the monitors of colleagues should be 2 m or more.
    Copier and other office equipment should be located at a distance of 0.6 m from the nearest wall or table, and at least a square meter of free space should be left in front of it.

    • SanPin temperature carries office managers and other workers mental labor to category Ia.

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