Unsolved mysteries of mankind and the world. Secret and unknown

landscaping 29.09.2019

Human civilization has existed on Earth for a very long time, and the Earth has existed for millions of years. So it is not surprising that there are secrets left by ancient civilizations that modern man unable to understand and explain.
Here are 12 mysterious and strange discoveries made in the field of archeology. Science still cannot fully explain them.
1) Baltic Sea Anomaly: A crew of Swedish divers discovered a large, disk-shaped object at the bottom Baltic Sea. No one is sure of the origin of this object.

2) Baghdad batteries: These terracotta pots were created in Mesopotamia and are regarded as ancient galvanic cells, created 2000 years before the birth of their inventor Alessandro Volta.

3) Crystal Skulls: These are artifacts from pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (Aztec or Mayan civilization) made from clear or white quartz.

4) Ancient aircraft: These are small models of flying aircraft. However, a man first took to the air only in 1780, and then on hot-air balloon. So how did ancient civilizations learn enough about flight to make models and sketches of flying machines?

5) Coexisting dinosaur and human footprints: Although many of the fossils have been proven to be fakes, there are some examples of human and dinosaur fossil footprints in ancient rock formations that remain a mystery. If they are indeed real, then this would violate the theory of evolution.

6) Radioactive remains found in ancient cities: In the ruins of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the level of radiation is so high that it is believed that around 1500 BC the population of these cities died from the explosion of an atomic bomb

7) Puma Punku Stonework: In Bolivia, there is a large megalithic complex built from huge blocks of stone connected together like Lego bricks.

8) Voynich Manuscript: This has been proven to be a genuine copy of a manuscript from the Middle Ages, but no one has yet been able to decipher it. This is the most famous case in the history of cryptography.

9) Antikythera Mechanism: This is a mechanism from the Hellenistic period, it is an ancient analogue of the modern computer, which was developed to predict astronomical events and eclipses. The biggest mystery is that nothing like this has been created in two thousand years. What happened to technology?

10) Cocaine and Tobacco Residues on Mummies: Residues from these drugs have been found on Egyptian mummies. How they got the drugs remains a mystery.

11) Pipes in Bai Gong Mountain: These pipes are evidence of plumbing communications in ancient China. Many people believe that these technological advances are traces of a visit to our planet. extraterrestrial civilization.

12) Stone Spheres in Costa Rica: Their diameter reaches 2 meters, and their weight is 16 tons. There are many myths surrounding these stones. Some claim they came from Atlantis itself.

The most annoying thing is that no matter how much scientific research done, we will never unravel these mysteries.

Our world is full of secrets and mysterious events. Some of them yesterday seemed mysterious and mystical, and today their secrets have been unraveled by scientists. We invite you to learn the secrets of some mysterious objects and phenomena that have not been scientifically explained for a long time.

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1. Moving stones of the Valley of death

Stones in Death Valley

death valley- this is nothing more than the bottom of the dried-up Lake Racetrack Playa in the United States. And it is known for a very interesting phenomenon - its moving stones. As if an unknown force moves these stones from place to place from time to time, leaving only small grooves on the dried mud. The sizes of stones can be different, from several kilograms to hundreds of kilograms ( up to a maximum of 300kg.) No one saw these stones in motion, but it was obvious that the stones moved without the help of people or animals.

This phenomenon gave rise to many speculations about its nature. Almost all explanations of the phenomenon of moving stones were reduced to the influence of supernatural forces.

From the middle of the 20th century moving stones representatives of science began to actively study. Many scientific explanations for this movement have been proposed, but most of them have not been supported by anything. Thus, the only correct answer to the question " what or who sets these stones in motion? The scientists didn't.

Heavy stone in Death Valley

The only more reasonable explanations were in which the stones could be set in motion by the force of the wind under certain conditions. weather conditions such as moisture on the surface of the earth. But it was hard to imagine how the wind could move a 300 kg block.

In the 70s of the last century, a theory began to take shape, according to which the stones were set in motion by a wind load, and a thin layer of ice helped them slide, which could form from moisture in rainy season. This theory has been more and more confirmed by scientific calculations and research.

In 2011, a group of young American explorers decided to investigate the moving rocks in Death Valley, they set up a time-lapse camera, a weather station to measure wind gusts, and installed GPS beacons on 15 different rocks in Death Valley.

The hardest part was the wait. No one could know exactly when the stones would move. It is known that stones can stand for years without moving. But they were lucky. In December 2013, the stones "floated" and their mystery was completely solved.

The reason for the movement of stones was heavy rain and snow, which left behind a 7-cm water column at the bottom of the lake. This water froze at night, turning into layers of ice, which, under the midday sun, broke up into large floating patches of ice.

In turn, the stones, doused with rain, formed a small crust of ice on their surface during the night, which significantly reduced the coefficient of friction with the surface. Thus, ice floating on the surface, icy rocks and a light wind turned out to be those rare ideal conditions for drifting boulders. The rocks left footprints in the mud below the icy surface. After a few months, these marks dried up, leaving only small grooves on the surface.


Over the village of Shuknavolok near Vedlozero (Karelia), they observed the passage of a cylindrical ten-meter body, from the tail of which a flame came out. Having broken through the ice of the lake, the mysterious object went under water. Since then, local residents began to meet on the shore a strange big-headed creature a little more than a meter tall with thin arms and legs, which, when people appeared, dived back into the water. In the photo - Vedlozero (Karelia, Russia) today


The first documented sighting of the monster Nessie in the Scottish Loch Ness. To date, about 4000 observations and meetings with him have been noted. A sonar survey of the entire volume of the lake in 1992 found 5 giant lizards.


In October 1943, in the United States, in an atmosphere of extreme secrecy on the destroyer Eldridge, the Philadelphia experiment, which had no analogues in history, was carried out to create a warship invisible to enemy radars. As a result of the creation around the ship of a very strong magnetic field, the ship allegedly disappeared, and then instantly moved in space for several tens of kilometers. Of the entire crew, only 21 returned unharmed. 27 people literally fused with the structure of the ship, 13 died from burns, exposure, damage electric shock and fear.


Mass invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).


The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich (Müller, Bormann and others). No remains found. The appearance of versions about their escape to latin america. The photo shows Martin Bormann and, presumably, his skull, whose ownership was disputed.


July 7 in Magdalena (New Mexico, USA) crashed an unknown aircraft. Among the wreckage, 6 corpses of creatures similar to humans were allegedly found. In the photo - presumably one of the humanoids who died in a UFO crash in Roswell (New Mexico, USA), July 22, 1947


July 1952 America is in shock. What is happening in the sky over Washington defies logical explanation and gives rise to the most incredible rumors. And the reason for this is the wave of UFO sightings that swept through the District of Columbia. Unidentified flying objects with enviable constancy appeared over Washington in the period from 12 to 26 July. In the photo: UFO squadron over the Capitol.


In Hopkinsville (Kentucky, USA), after the explosion of a UFO, a small luminous man with huge eyes was seen for some time.


An explosion of unknown nature that struck under the bottom of the battleship Novorossiysk on the night of October 29, 1955, claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The huge ship capsized and sank in the Northern Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.


In August, a UFO chased a fighter for 20 minutes at a British air base, after which it disappeared into the air. The photo is believed to be a UFO. USA, California, 1957


On December 14, the Youth of Yakutia newspaper wrote about a giant monster that lives in Lake Labynkyr. Local Yakut residents believe that some huge animal lives in the lake - the "Labynkyrsky Devil", as they call it. According to the descriptions of the Yakuts, this is something of a dark gray color with a huge mouth. The distance between the eyes of the "devil" is equal to the width of a raft of ten logs. According to the legend, the “devil” is very aggressive and dangerous, attacks people and animals, and is able to go ashore. In the photo - Lake Labynkyr (Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, Russia)


On February 1, a group of experienced tourists led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to the top of "1079" (Mountain of the Dead). We didn’t manage to get up before dark and pitched a tent right on the slope. We started to settle down for the night. And then something terrible happened ... As the investigators later established, having cut the wall of the tent with knives, the tourists in panic horror rushed to run down the slope. They ran, who was in what: in underwear, half-dressed, barefoot. Later, the corpses of all nine members of the group were found down the slope. Most died of hypothermia. Several people had terrible internal injuries, while the skin was not damaged. The cause of the tragedy is still unknown. The last shot of the Dyatlov group on the Mountain of the Dead:


During maneuvers naval forces The United States off the coast of Puerto Rico noticed a moving object that developed an unprecedented speed for a ship - about 280 km / h.


On November 22, 1963, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that Kennedy's killer - Lee Harvey Oswald was captured a few hours later, the true motives and customers of the most high-profile assassination of the 20th century have not yet been established.


In the valley of Bluff Creek, a female "Bigfoot" was captured on film (the author of the film is Roger Patterson).


The official date of the death of Yuri Gagarin. Few believed in his death. The soothsayer Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut did not die, but "was taken."


The landing of the Americans on the moon. The fact itself is still disputed. The version of falsification has many supporters.


"Petrozavodsk wonder": September 20 at 4 o'clock in the morning a UFO in the form of a bright star, from which rays of red color departed, was seen above the main street of Petrozavodsk - Lenin Street. The phenomenon was accompanied by mass sightings of UFOs in the northern regions of the USSR and in Finland. Later, large holes with very sharp edges were found in the glass of the upper floors. Pictured is a copy of the only famous photo"Petrozavodsk Diva" - the stage of fiery rain and fig. V. Lukyants "Solovki" (magazine "Technology - Youth" No. 4, 1980)


In the Tsemess Bay (Black Sea), on one of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, all the clocks stopped on board. In the photo - Tsemesskaya Bay today


On January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk. In the photo - the crash site and part of the "exhibits" from the crash site: metal drops of various nature with holes inside, black vitreous particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as loose scales in the form of a mesh of quartz fibers 30 microns thick, each of which is twisted from even thinner quartz flagella, each of which, in turn, is inserted with a gold thread.


Mass suicide of 2000 dolphins - they threw themselves on the coast of Brazil. Pictured: pilot whale dolphins that washed ashore in New Zealand in 2009.


140 whales have died off the southern coast of Chile. Mass suicide occurs for the fourth time.


Explosion on April 12 in Sasovo (Ryazan region), when UFOs were observed over the city. Until now, anomalies have been recorded near the funnel - the reprogramming of calculators and the failure of electronic devices. In the photo - the place of the explosion in 91 and in our time.


For 10 months, 48 ​​ships and more than 200 sailors have disappeared in the so-called "Pacific Triangle" near Western Micronesia.


Near the Czech city of Celakovice, a "cemetery of vampires" was found - a strange burial site dating back to the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. In 11 pits lay the remains of 13 people, bound with leather straps and with aspen stakes stuck in the heart. Some of the dead also had their hands and heads cut off. According to pagan beliefs and rituals, this was done with vampires who rise from their graves at night and drink human blood.


In the Movil cave (Romania), a closed ecosystem was first discovered, not connected with the earth. 30 species of plants and animals (crustaceans, spiders, centipedes and insects) have been found here, living in isolation in the dark for 5 million years.


A strange half-dead creature was discovered in a cemetery in the village of Kaolinovy ​​near Kyshtym by a lonely pensioner Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina. The creature became known as the "Kyshtym dwarf". The creature ate human food and looked and smelled strange. The body length of the creature was approximately 30 cm, it had a torso, arms, legs, a head with a high frontal lobe, a mouth and eyes. The pensioner gave the creature baby name, - "Alyoshenka". "Alyoshenka" lived in the pensioner's house for about a month.

Alyoshenka was also seen by other people: Tamara Prosvirina's daughter-in-law, as well as some acquaintances. Subsequently, Tamara Prosvirina was placed in a psychiatric hospital due to an exacerbation of schizophrenia. In the end, the creature died, and the causes of death have not been finally established, among them death from improper feeding and lack of care, or murder under unclear circumstances, is most often indicated. Tamara Prosvirina died on August 5, 1999 - she was hit by two cars at night. At this time, representatives of a Japanese television company were going to interview her, who were filming a documentary about this phenomenon. The house where the Kyshtym humanoid lived:

The mummy of the creature was discovered in August 1996 by police captain Yevgeny Mokichev (pictured) during his investigation of the theft electric cable. The policeman who discovered the mummy handed it over to his colleague, Vladimir Bendlin, who began his own investigation into the origin and nature of the creature, but soon the mummy "Alyoshenka" disappeared under strange circumstances. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

Do you know what secrets disturb the minds of millions of people around the world? Today you will learn about the most famous unsolved mysteries peace.

No. 10. Rongo-rongo

Rongo-rongo is a system of mysterious records that was discovered on Easter Island in the 19th century. Rongo-rongo is believed to represent a lost writing system or proto-writing.

The first mention of Rongo-rongo was found in a letter from the monk Eugene Ayrault, who arrived on Easter Island on January 2, 1864. Numerous attempts to decipher Rongo-rongo were unsuccessful. Perhaps their deciphering would give an answer to main riddle the islands are the destination of the giant statues of Easter Island.

Several dozen wooden items with Rongo-rongo inscriptions have been found on Easter Island. Now they are exhibited in museums around the world, some of them are in private collections.

No. 9. Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument sometimes referred to as the "American Stonehenge" (which leads to confusion with the Indian structure of the same name).
The height of the monument is more than 6 meters; it consists of six granite slabs with a total weight of about 100 tons. One plate is located in the center, four - around it. The last slab sits on top of these five slabs, aligned according to astronomical events.
Erected in Elbert County, Georgia in 1979. The stones are engraved with inscriptions in 8 languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Each inscription contains one of the 10 "new" commandments of the "Age of Reason".

1. May the earthly population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing to the world court only nationwide problems.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancer for the earth, leave a place for nature too!

Although the monument itself does not contain encrypted messages, its purpose and origin are shrouded in mystery. The monument was erected by a man who is known only under the pseudonym "R.K. Christian".
Among the 10 commandments come across very controversial. For example: "To maintain the human population of 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature." Some conspiracy theorists even believe that the commandments were designed by some secret society to create a new world order.

No. 8. Zodiac Letters

Zodiac is a serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco (USA) in the late 1960s. The identity of the offender has not yet been established.
Zodiac is an alias used by the killer. He sent scathing and brash letters to local newspapers. In letters, he sent cryptograms in which he allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three of the four cryptograms still remain undeciphered.

The Zodiac committed murders between December 1968 and October 1969. According to the statements of the Zodiac itself, the number of his victims reaches 37, but investigators are sure of only seven cases.
During the investigation, many suspects were named, but there was no conclusive evidence linking any of them to the killings. In the California Department of Justice, the Zodiac case has remained open since 1969 to this day.

No. 7. Signal "Wow!"

Signal "Wow!" (“Wow!” signal) was registered by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977. At the time, the doctor was working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. When Eiman heard the signal, he was so startled that he wrote "Wow!" on the side of the fixed characters. ("Wow!"). This signature gave the signal its name. All characteristics of the received signal corresponded to the parameters of extraterrestrial signals. The radio signal observation time was 72 seconds.

Astronomers from the United States suggest that hydrogen around the nuclei of comets discovered after 2005 and not taken into account as possible signal sources in earlier work could serve as a possible source of the signal.

No. 6. Case of Taman Shud

The Taman Shud case is a criminal case initiated on the fact of the discovery of the body of an unknown man on December 1, 1948 on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. The incident also became known as the Somerton Mystery Man Incident.
The case is considered one of the most mysterious mysteries in Australian history. There are many versions on the identity of the deceased and the causes of his death.
Public interest in this incident remains very significant for a number of reasons: for example, during the investigation, some facts emerged that indicate the possible involvement of special services in the incident. In addition, for more than half a century, the investigation has not been able to either establish the identity of the deceased, or accurately determine the method of his killing. The biggest resonance was caused by a piece of paper discovered during the deceased, torn from a copy of a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”).

After a thorough search, the police managed to find one of the copies of the book with Khayyam's poems and with the last page torn out. On the back of the book were several words written in pencil that looked like a cipher.

No. 5. Monument at Shagborough

At Shugborough in Staffordshire, on the grounds of an old manor that once belonged to the Earl of Lichfield, there is a memorial monument mid-eighteenth century. The bas-relief depicts a copy of the 2nd version of Poussin's painting "The Arcadian Shepherds" in mirror image and with the classic inscription "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" in the correct reflection. Below the bas-relief, the letters O U O S V A V V are carved - framed by two more letters D and M. DM can mean Diis Manibus, while the central abbreviation remains incomprehensible. The set of letters is a kind of code, the deciphering of which has been going on for more than 250 years.

Some enthusiasts, among whom were the greatest minds of the world (Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin), suggested that the code could be the key to the information left by the Templars about the location of the Holy Grail.

No. 4. Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos disk is a unique monument of writing, presumably of the Minoan culture of the Middle or Late Bronze Age, found in the city of Phaistos on the island of Crete. Its exact purpose, as well as the place and time of manufacture, are not known for certain.
Many works have been devoted to the study of the Phaistos disc, and the latter have repeatedly made statements about deciphering the inscription on its surface. However, none of the proposed readings has become generally accepted in scientific community.

The work on the study of the Phaistos Disc is progressing slowly, which is primarily due to the brevity of the message and the isolation of the writing system used in it. According to most experts, in order to successfully decipher the Phaistos disk, it is necessary to find other monuments of the same script. There are a number of hypotheses about the non-linguistic nature of the images of the Phaistos disc.
The Phaistos Disc is currently on display at Archaeological Museum Heraklion (Crete, Greece). Today, the disc remains one of the most famous puzzles in archeology.

No. 3. Bale cryptograms

Bale's cryptograms are three ciphertexts supposedly containing information about the location of the treasure: thousands of pounds of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was allegedly buried in Virginia near Lynchburg by a party of gold miners led by Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818.
It is known that for the first time information about the "treasures of Bale" appears in 1865, along with the publication of a pamphlet by an unknown author, the full title of which read as follows: "The Bale Papers or a book containing true facts regarding a treasure buried in 1819 and 1821 near Bufords, Bedford County, Virginia, and not found to date." The publisher was James Beverly Ward, who provided the manuscript to the Library of Congress, where it is kept to this day.

The author preferred to remain anonymous, explaining this by a desire to protect himself from the persistent attention of the press and potential treasure hunters. The pamphlet was produced by Virginian Book in Lynchburg, Virginia, and was priced at 50 cents.
Cryptograms 1 and 2 were deciphered by the author of the pamphlet. Cryptogram #1 described the exact location of the cache, and cryptogram #2 was a listing of its contents.

The third cryptogram, which allegedly contained the addresses and names of potential heirs, has not yet been read. The riddle of cryptograms has not been solved so far, in particular, the question of the real existence of the treasure remains controversial.

No. 2. Cryptos

Kryptos is a sculpture with ciphered inscriptions created by artist Jim Sanborn. The sculpture is installed in front of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

November 3, 1990 - the date of installation of the sculpture. From that moment on, attempts to decipher the mysterious message do not stop. The content of the three of the four tables have already been revealed, but the remaining last table, containing 96 characters, remains an unsolved world mystery ...

No. 1. Voynich book

The Voynich Manuscript, or the Voynich Manuscript, is an illustrated codex written in the 15th century by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The pages of the manuscript contain many colorful drawings of strange schemes, descriptions of events, drawings of plants that do not correspond to any known species.
Greg Hodgins, a University of Arizona chemist and archaeologist, determined that the parchment for the manuscript was made between 1404 and 1438 during the early Renaissance, based on radiocarbon dating of four fragments of the manuscript.
The manuscript has been intensively studied by cryptography enthusiasts and cryptanalysis professionals. Neither the entire manuscript, nor even part of it, could be deciphered. A series of failures turned the manuscript into a well-known subject of cryptology.

In the world today there are many theories about the nature of the origin of the manuscript. Some believe that this is a textbook on pharmacology. Other researchers believe that the drawings of plants point to a textbook on alchemy. The fact that many of the diagrams have astronomical content, combined with unidentifiable drawings of biological life forms, suggests an extraterrestrial origin for the unusual manuscript. None of the assumptions has received unambiguous confirmation and recognition in the scientific community.
The book bears the name of the antiquary Wilfried Voynich, who acquired it in 1912. In 1959, second-hand book dealer Hans Kraus bought the manuscript from heiress Ethel Voynich for US$24,500 and donated it to Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book Library in 1969.
P.S. One of the most famous mysterious incidents that happened on the territory of Russia is the mystery of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. Several Italian scientists have hypothesized that the Tunguska meteorite crater could be Lake Cheko on the Kimchu River, which is located 8 km northwest of the epicenter of the explosion.

Many people like to solve all sorts of riddles. And especially attract those of them that have not yet been solved. Ciphers, riddles and coded public messages tease us with their intrigue: why is this message encrypted? what great secrets can it hide in itself?

There are a great many such mysteries, but we decided - in the spirit of the times - to compile some Top 10 mysteries of the world that have not yet been solved.

In the first place, of course, is the Voynich manuscript. Named after the Polish-American antiquarian dealer Wilfrid M. Voynich, who acquired it in 1912, the Voynich Manuscript is a detailed book, quite thick at 240 pages, written in a completely unknown language.

Unknown so far! And there is not even any suggestion what kind of language it might be. Its pages are also filled with colorful drawings and strange diagrams, images of incredible events, and plants that are unlike any other. known species, which only adds to the intrigue of a document that cannot be deciphered. The author of the manuscript is unknown, but radiocarbon analysis, as well as several examinations, showed that its pages were made somewhere between 1404 and 1438. The manuscript has been called "The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World".

In second place is Kryptos, a mysterious cipher-covered sculpture., created by artist Jim Sanborn, located in front of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, USA. It is so mysterious that even the CIA itself could not fully decipher its code.

The sculpture contains four ciphers, and although three of them have been deciphered, the fourth one has not yet been deciphered. In 2006, Sanborn gave a hint that the first cipher contained clues to the fourth, and in 2010 revealed another one: the characters 64-69 NYPVTT in the fourth part mean the word "Berlin".

In third place is the Bale cipher. The Bale Cipher is a set of three ciphers that purportedly reveal the location of one of the greatest buried treasures in the world. American history: many thousands of pounds of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was originally mined by a mysterious man named Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818 during a gold mining operation in Colorado.

Of the three encryptions, only the second was decoded. Interestingly, it seems that the key to the cipher is the American Declaration of Independence - amazing fact, given that Bale's name is the same as the author of the Declaration.

The deciphered text pointed to the area where the treasure was located: Bedford County, Virginia, but its exact location appears to be encrypted in one of the remaining ciphers. Today, treasure hunters scour the (often illegally) hills of Bedford County for this untold treasure.

In fourth place is the Phaistos disc. The Phaistos Disc Mystery is like an Indiana Jones story. Discovered by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the ruins of the Minoan palace at Phaistos, the disk is still one of the most famous mysteries in archeology. It is made of baked clay and contains mysterious symbols, which may represent an unknown form of hieroglyphs. It is believed that it was made somewhere in the II millennium BC.

Some scholars believe that these hieroglyphs are reminiscent of the "Linear A" and "Linear B" characters, in other words, the written languages ​​that were once used in ancient Crete.

Then what is the problem? That "Linear A" is indecipherable.

In fifth place is the encryption from Chaboro. It is actually the 18th century Shepherd's Monument in Staffordshire, England. If you look at it from afar, you can mistake it for a sculptural reproduction of the famous painting by Nicolas Poussin "The Arcadian Shepherds". But as soon as you look closer, a strange sequence of letters immediately becomes noticeable: DOUOSVAVVM, a code that has not been deciphered for more than two and a half centuries. Although the author of this cipher remains unknown, some believe that this code may be a clue left by the Knights Templar regarding the location of the Holy Grail.

Many of the world's greatest minds have tried to decipher this code and failed, including Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin.

In sixth place is the so-called Tamam Shud case. Considered one of Australia's biggest mysteries, the Tamam Shud case revolves around an unidentified man who was found dead in December 1948 on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. Apart from the fact that the man was never identified, the matter became even more mysterious when a tiny piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" was found in a secret pocket sewn into the man's trousers. This phrase translates as "finished" or "completed" and is used on the last page of Omar Khayyam's collection of poems "Rubaiyat". In addition to this mystery, a copy of the Rubaiyat was soon found, which contained a strange cipher, supposedly left by the dead man himself.

Due to the content of the poems of Omar Khayyam, many believe that this message was a posthumous note of some kind, but it still remains unsolved, as well as the case itself.

In seventh place is not an object - a signal. One summer night in 1977, Jerry Eman, a volunteer for the SETI program (a widespread program for searching for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence), became perhaps the first person to receive a message from another planet. Jerry Eman was scanning radio waves from deep space in the hope of accidentally stumbling upon a signal bearing the hallmarks of an intelligent race when he noticed a jump in his measurements. And stumbled. The signal lasted 72 seconds, the longest possible sample duration allowed by Jerry Eman's equipment and scanning range. It was loud and seemed to be coming from a place no human had ever been: from the constellation Sagittarius, from a point near a star called Tau Sagittarii, 120 light-years from Earth.

Jerry Eman wrote the word "Wow!" on the original printout of the signal, which is why it was called "Wow! Signal". All attempts to catch the signal again failed, leading to much debate about the nature of its origin and its meaning.

In eighth place is the so-called "Letters of the Zodiac", but this has nothing to do with the signs of the zodiac. The Letters of the Zodiac is a series of four encrypted letters believed to have been written by the famous Zodiac, serial killer, which terrorized the inhabitants of San Francisco in the second half of the 60s and early 70s of the last century. Letters are written with icons, partly resembling letters, partly runes. There is no separation of words from each other.

The letters were probably written as a way to tease journalists and the police, and although one letter (or rather, three fragments of it) was deciphered, the other three remain unsolved. The deciphered message suggests that in three months, the Zodiac from a ready-made Aztec priest became a victim of his own addiction to homicide, tearfully begging to help him stop killing people (by putting him, for example, in a gas chamber). Also, Starliper's transcript ends with the sentence "My name is Lee Allen". By the way, the identity of the Zodiac himself has also never been established, the killer is not caught, although the murders of the Zodiac have not been identified since the 70s.

In ninth place are the waystones of Georgia. The Georgia Waystones, sometimes referred to as the "American Stonehenge", is a granite monument erected in Elbert County, Georgia in 1979. The stones contain engravings in eight languages ​​- English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian - and each contains ten "new" commandments for the "Age of Reason". They look like four steles, practically connected in a cross with a pillar in the middle and covered on top with a "cap" of a small square slab.

Well, what's the mystery here, most will ask. The monument does not contain any encrypted messages! Yes, it does not. Its purpose and origin remain a mystery. It was erected by a man whose identity has never been definitely established, and who was hiding behind the pseudonym R.C. Christian. Where he got these commandments from is also unknown, for no sources contain anything like that.

Of these ten commandments, the first is perhaps the most controversial: "Keep the number of mankind below 500 million in eternal balance with wildlife." Many believe that this is a calling to reduce the human population to the specified number, and critics of the Waystones even demanded their destruction. Some fans of conspiracy theories even believe that they were created by the "Secret Society of Lucifer", calling for a new world order.

There is a version that these giant "letters" were also installed taking into account some astronomical considerations - hence, in fact, the name: "American Stonehenge".

In tenth place are Rongo-rongo boards. These mysterious wooden planks with the writings of the inhabitants of Easter Island. It is currently not clear whether each character represents a single word or syllable. To date, only about 25 "plates" have been preserved in museums around the world. Traditionally, they are numbered with letters of the Latin alphabet, which, however, is not the only way to designate "tables", among which there is one wand, two inscriptions on the breast decoration of the reimiro, as well as an inscription on the snuffbox and on the tangata manu figure.

The "tablets" were discovered in 1864 by Bishop E. Ayro, who claimed that these tablets were in almost every Aboriginal home, but the islanders could hardly read them. Two years later, almost all the tablets that E. Eiro saw died: either from his own hands, or during civil strife. It is believed that they were written in the Rapanui language. The last Rapanuian who knew Rongo-Rongo, Vike, died in 1866.

Since then, scientists from all over the world have been trying to decipher rongo-rongo. A significant contribution to the study was made by T. Bartel, Yu. V. Knorozov and N. A. Butinov, I. K. Fedorova and many others. However, there is no consensus even on the definition of the type of writing, let alone specific readings. The well-known grammar theorist I. Gelb believed that this was not writing, but only magical drawings, arguing that his signs are so similar to each other, differing only in relation to small parts that the attempt to differentiate them encounters enormous difficulties.

Butinov and Knorozov prove that this is by no means a pictography, but a morphemic-syllabic writing. New Zealand researcher S.R. Fisher (in a 1997 monograph) believes that the tablets "for the most part reproduce the magical formula of fertilization, recorded in the later version of the creation of the world, and are built on the repetition of the producing formula: agent X combined with agent Y and gave birth to object (s) Z". According to the ironic characterization of linguists K.I. and I.K. Pozdnyakov, "it turns out a leapfrog, in which everyone copulates in the most incredible combinations."

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