The brief biography of Christopher Columbus is the most important thing. Biography Columbus - History of mysteries without deposits

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Christopher Columbus was a famous navigator who was born and grew up in Spain. It was he who opened America. It is also known that Christopher was the first navigator who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and came out in the Water of the Caribbean Sea. He one of the first began to explore the territory of Central and South America, and he also owns the discovery of large Antille Islands.

Most of the biographers and historians are confident that he was born 1451, presumably in the fall, on the territory of Genoa. As soon as he shouted for 20 years, he began to travel, namely to kill the Mediterranean Sea like a sailor. In 1476, he moved to Portugal, where it becomes part of a group of merchants who often travel around the waters of North Atlantic. In 1484, Columbus tries to cause interest in the Portuguese ruler, an expedition was sent in the direction of Asia, but the king rejects his proposal, so Columbus intends to go back to Spain.

At that time, Izabella Castilskaya and Ferdinand Aragonsky, who are ready to offer him traveling on travels, took the ruling place. They were ready to fully provide the fleet and supply it with everything necessary, in order to conquer new lands and open places previously not affordable for an ordinary person traveling on ships.

The first expedition is sent in 1492, it consists of three ships. One of the islands, the so-called Bahamas becomes the first discovery. Columbus mistakenly believed that Asia was reached, so Local considered the Indians. The second journey begins in the fall of 1943, when the expedition opens the Virgin Islands, this time 17 crews went to the expedition.

During the third journey, he will open Trinidad. And only in the fourth journey, he approaches America to the shores. Thus, he proved that there is another mainland between the two oceans. Although his dream until the last moment was the discovery of Asia, he became the discoverer of America. The most insultant is that America itself was named not in honor of Christopher Columbus, but in honor of a later researcher and traveler.

Option 2.

Christopher Columbus famous Spanish navigator. It was he who began researching Central and South America, including the nearest islands. He also went to the Caribbean and Sargasso Sea.

Christopher Columbus originally from Italy. External data are known only by portrait. They were written after death. It can be determined that there was a high tall, the nose is a large, eyes of gray-blue, light skin of the face with a blush, had a beard and a mustache, red hair.

The navigator graduated from the University of Pavia. In his youth, participated in the trade expeditions by sea.

Later, at the end of the 15th early XVI centuries, Columbus took part in 4 research expeditions. During them, Columbus led the magazine, his copy was preserved.

The first expedition began on August 3, 1492. The direction is taken towards the Canary Islands. A few days later, the Columbus team fell into a strange place where a lot of algae appeared. The campaign appeared hardly. So it was open to Sargassovo Sea. Next, the course is changing to the south-west direction. A week later she landed on Earth, later she was called - San Salvador. From the inhabitants of Columbus found out about the island where there is gold. During this trip, Haiti, Torchuga are open. March 15, Columbus returned back to the port in Spain.

The second expedition took place larger. The composition consisted of several ships. According to about 17. Monks, clergy, employees, nobles and courtiers also went to this expedition. During the expedition, Espanyola was investigated. Next was the path to Western India. South Coast of Cuba was investigated.

For the third expedition of the navigator, fewer ships went. He had a little money. At this expedition, the naval group is open - Trinidad. At this time, Vasco da Gama paved the way to East India. And brought from there Dara. Columbus was canceled by the right to open a new land. And he was arrested and sent back to Spain. Later, the charges were removed.

In the fourth expedition, the navigator Columbus continued to look for his seaway to South Asia. On this expedition, the navigator opened the coast of America.

Despite all discoveries, Columbus could not get his laid privileges and rights. The last days he spent in the disease. Traveler died aged 55 years. Burizona dust in Seville. It is stored in the Seville Cathedral. Of particular importance to his loss did not attach. Since the importance of discoveries was recognized only in the middle of the XVI century. This is due to the discovery of Mexico and Peru.

Message about Columbus

Christopher Columbus is a researcher who is attributed to the opening of America. Of course, at that time, people already lived in America, whom we call indigenous Americans. There was even European Leif Ericsson, who used to live in America. However, precisely, Columbus's journey laid the beginning of the study and colonization of North and South America.

Why it all started

Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. Later he lived in Lisbon, where he worked as a trader. He learned to make cards and manage the ship.

Columbus and his brother of Bartholomew knew that in China and East Asia there are big wealth. However, the journey on land, on the Silk Road, was dangerous, and the sea route around Africa seemed too long. Columbus thought that he could swim in a straight line to China and crossed the Atlantic Ocean.

It turned out that Columbus was wrong. The Earth was much more than he thought, and between Europe and Asia was another country, North and South America.

Three ship and long journey

Columbus spent years trying to convince someone to pay for his journey. At first he tried to force the king of Portugal John II to pay for his journey, but it was not interested in king. Finally, he was able to convince Queen Isabella and King of Spain Ferdinand to pay a trip.

He sailed on August 3, 1492 on three ships called Nina, Pint and Santa Maria. The journey was long and difficult. At some point, his people threatened the rebellion and wanted to turn back. Columbus promised them that he would return two days if they won't find the earth. However, in his diary he wrote that he was not going to return.

In search of land

October 12, 1492, the Earth was noticed. It was a small island on the bugs, which Columbus would call San Salvador. There he met the natives, who called the Indians, because he was convinced that he landed on the islands off the coast of East Asia. He also visited other islands in the Caribbean, such as Cuba and Espanyol.

Returning home

Having done his discovery, Columbus sought to return home to Spain and demand his wealth. However, only Pinta and Nina were able to return to Spain, since Santa Maria was crashed off the Espanyola coast. Columbus left 43 people on the island to start the outpost.

Returning home, with Columbus appealed as hero. He presented some of the things he found, including turkeys, pineapples and some locals he captured. The King of Spain was enough to finance future expeditions.

More travels!

Columbus will make three more flights to America. He explored more Caribbean and even saw the mainland of America. He had some difficulties as the local governor, and he was even arrested for his behavior and poor handling of some of the colonists. Columbus died on May 20, 1506. He died, thinking that he opened the way to Asia across the Atlantic Ocean. He never knew what an amazing discovery he did.

Interesting Facts about Christopher Columbus

Columbus was first buried in Spain, but his remains were later transported to Santo Domingo to a new world, and then again to Spain.

Columbus led horses to a new world during the second journey.

In his initial calculations, he thought Asia would be 2400 miles from Portugal. He was far away. In fact, it turned out to 10000 miles! Not to mention the huge continent between them.

5, 6, 7 class. Geography. History

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Columbus Christopher (1451-1506) - the most famous navigator in the history of mankind. H.Ch. Columbus in Genoa in the family of a weaver. All the life of this was connected with the sea, and it is not surprising that a teenager Columbus made his first navigation. After some time, he moves into, which at that time was a major sea power. Marrying there, Columbus donkey for a long time in this state. It was in Portugal that Columbus finally matured his great idea - to reach India to Western way.

In the plan of Columbus, the right assumptions were combined with false. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe shag-likeness of the Earth, known in antiquity and during the time of Columbus did not cause special doubts among the people formed, neighboring the idea that on the earth's surface, a single landing array essentially prevails over the one ocean. And if so, the swimming in Western way is not only possible, but should be much shorter than the eastern one. Columbus calculated the path and eventually received the distance from to the islands, which was 3.5 times less than genuine. When counting, Columbus relied on the information about. The Columbus Expedition project was rejected, apparently because of practical failure.

In the summer of 1485, Columbus left Portugal to try her happiness in the neighboring, where humiliation and poverty fell out of his share and poverty. Seven long years he wandered on the dusty roads of Spain before achieving his own. Columbus managed to enlist the support of influential persons who have shifted the deal from the dead point and persuaded the royal covers to take the project. If the success of Columbus was to become an admiral, the vice-king and the ruler of all open lands, to receive the tenth of all income from them, but pay the eighth of the expedition expenditure costs. In case of failure, Columbus did not get anything.

For swimming quickly picked up three suitable ships: "Pint", "Ninya", "Santa Maria". Columbus was very difficult to gain teams, as the port sailors did not want to contact a stranger.

In August 1492, the ships sailed off the port of Palo. Columbus decided to cross on the breadth of the Canary Islands. And the course quickly carried the trial in the right direction. Over time, everything was superbly: a calm sea, a steady passing wind and the full confidence of the entire crew in the proximity of success. However, the dissatisfaction of the sailors began to emerge, which rapidly increased. They were disturbed by a steady oriental wind and travel duration. There were talk about what to return to Spain, having passed such a huge distance against the wind, it will be simply impossible. In these difficult days, excerpt and courage did not leave Columbus. He managed to convince the sailors to wait with the return to Spain another three or four days. The fate of the plan hung in the hairs, but on the third day, October 12, 1492, the Earth appeared, and Columbus solemnly landed on the first open territory; Being confident that I have reached the approach to, he called the landing destiny of local residents of the Indians who escaped to the place of landing in the Indians, and this name was fixed behind the inhabitants of the entire continent until the past days. The land itself, Columbus called "San Salvador" - "Holy Savior". From the San ships moved to the southwest. Columbus was looking for Japan, who was convinced, quite not far. On the way, he opened: Bahamas ,.

However, in late December, misfortune happened: "Santa Maria" broke into reefs, and she could not be saved. "Pint" disappeared from the field of sight of Columbus two weeks ago. In Haiti, it was decided to build the fort, in which there are 39 sailors left, and Columbus on Ninier took the course to Spain. There was a long and difficult to return: there was a winter, one of the coldest and ferocious, the ship often fell into the strong storms, and only the experience of collecting Columbus allowed to complete this swimming and return to Palo. It lasted 224 days.

The second journey took place in 1493-1496. During his Columbus opened and explored many islands from a group of large and small antilles, as well as the Virgin Islands. His return to Spain was counted kindly, but cold. Gold was found relatively few, and again open lands no longer instilled great hopes, but the question of the third swimming was resolved positively. This was facilitated by obtaining information on the preparation in the Portugal of the expedition to India around. However, the Columbus could not be ahead of the Portuguese: When, on May 30, 1498, his expedition sailed from Sanlukar, the squadron was already standing on the raid in India. The time of the third travel from Columbus for the first time landed on the mainland, where Orinoco explored. The third swimming as such it ended. Its main result was the discovery of South American mainland. Before returning to Spain, there were still more than two years, which Columbus spent on Haiti. In 1500, Columbus returned to Spain in the skies, as the judge of the auditor was sent to Haiti, who received many denunciations on the admiral and arrested him. In Spain, Columbus was fully justified, but he could never forget about his humiliation.

Soon the Columbus with great difficulty was able to achieve permission for another, fourth swimming in India. His idea was simple - moving to the West, reach India, then go bend and return to Spain. That was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe first round-the-world travel! Alas, it was not possible to realize his Columbus. The expedition quickly approached the shores, and in search of the strait to the shores of India, Columbus went to the southwest. It was a grave way. People were exhausted, and seriously sick admiral ruled the ship himself. The discontent of the exhaust crew forced Columbus to turn back, and in November 1504, after spending a year and a half in swimming, he returned to Spain. Columbus himself considered this swimming great, because it was rich in events and adventures, but also brought frustrated: it was not possible to get to India itself.

In 1506, a year and a half after return, died. His death passed unnoticed for contemporaries. His dust rests in the monastery. Contrary to his own conviction that he kept until death, Columbus was not given to fulfill the task he devoted all his life, but it was his expedition that he was the beginning of the great era of the Renaissance, in particular the final proof of the shag-formation of the Earth.

In the XIX century, one of the states in began to be called.

What Christopher Columbus did, you will learn from this article.

What did Christopher Columbus opened? Opening Christopher Columbus

The navigator is the most mysterious personality of the era of great geographical discoveries and travels. His life is full of mysteries, dark spots, inexplicable coincidences and actions. And all because humanity became interested in the navigator 150 years after his death - important documents were already lost, and the life of Columbus remained overdue conversion and gossip. Plus, Columbus himself hid his origin (for incomprehensible reasons), the motives of their actions and thoughts. The only thing that is known is 1451 - a year of his birth and the place of appearance on the light is the Genoese Republic.

He made 4 expeditions, which were provided by the Spanish king:

  • The first expedition - 1492-1493.
  • Second Expedition - 1493-1496.
  • The third expedition - 1498 - 1500 years.
  • Fourth Expedition - 1502 - 1504 years.

During the four expeditions, many new territories and two seas were opened by the navigator - Sargassovo and Caribbean.

Earth open by Christopher Columbus

Interestingly, all the time the navigator thought that he opened India, and behind her he would find rich Japan and China. But it was not. He belongs to the opening and study of the new light. The islands are open by Christopher Columbus. This is the Bahamas and Antilles, Saman, Haiti and Dominica, Small Antilles, Cuba and Trinidad, Jamaica and Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe and Margarita. He is the discoverer of the land of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, as well as the northern shores of South America and the Caribbean part of Central America.

Opening of America Christofore Columbus

But the most important thing is that during his expedition Christopher Columbus opened America. It happened on October 12, 1492, when he landed on the island of San Salvador.

And it all started: on August 3, 1492, the expedition of the European navigator in the composition of the ships "Santa Maria", Ninya and Pinta entered the long way. Sargassovo Sea was opened in September. They walked three weeks. On October 7, 1492, the Columbus team changes their course to the southwest, believing that they did the Japan, which they so wanted to open. After 5 days, the expedition stumbled upon the island called Christopher Columbus in honor of the San Salvador Savior. This date - October 12, 1492 is considered the official day of the opening of America.

During the day later, Columbus carried out disembarking ashore and hoisted the Castilian banner. So he formally began to own the island. Using the nearby islands, the navigator sincerely believed that this is the surroundings of Japan, India and China. The first time open lands were called West India. Christopher Columbus returned to Spain on March 15, 1493 on the Ninya ship. As a gift, King Ferdinand II Aragon, he brought gold, natives, unprecedented by Europeans plants - potatoes, corn, tobacco, and bird feathers and fruits.

We hope that you learned from this article, what the discovery of Christopher Columbus became famous for the whole world.

Today, about 6 Italian cities are trying to prove that the Owner of America was born in one of them. Before Columbus, 1472 lived in the Genoese Republic, which had one of the largest trade fleets of that time. After 4 years, it moves to live in Portugal. The reconquist was still in full swing on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

Columbus offered a navigation project to India to the West of his homeland, then the Portuguese king. Both times rejected it. In Spain, it also failed, because military actions were taken against the Arab Granada and the free funds were nothing.

In 1492, after taking the Mavrov's Ottop in the south of the Peninsula, Queen Isabella and the King Ferdinand give a positive assessment of the idea of \u200b\u200bChristopher Columbus. He is assigned the title of nobleman.

From 1492 to 1503, Christopher Columbus will make four expeditions to the West. Three ship will go to the first swimming: Santa Maria, Pint and Nigna. Sailors Roptali, which will fall on the edge of the earth and even persuaded turn back.

Opening the islands of the Caribbean Sea, Columbus called them in West India, which meant Western India. The local population was called Indians, but in the Russian version are referred to as the Indians.

On the first island, the inhabitants introduced the Spaniards with tobacco and cotton, but they failed to find any gold deposits. However, the Indians had small decorations. With me, the proof of open lands brought precious metals, captured Indians, plants and exotic animals.

Only Ninia and Pint, who arrived with the difference in a few days due to a storm could come from the first trip.

A dispute arises between the Spaniards and the Portuguese due to the opening of "India", it was necessary to intervene the Pope and divide the world on the spheres of influence on meridian in the Atlantic Ocean.

In 1499, Christopher Columbus deprive all privileges and arrest. The reason was the opening of the paths around Africa in India.

05/20/1506 Columbus died in the Spanish city of Seville, forgotten and rejected Spanish. Only in 1540 after the conquests of Cortez and Pissaro, the remains of the greatest traveler were buried in the new world and recognized his merits to Spain. Place of restoring Christopher Columbus - Santo Domingo.

Biography 2.

Christopher Columbus (adapted from Cristobal Colon) was born in 1451 in a poor family and was not the only child. The boy had brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, it is not known exactly the city where Christopher was born. On his right to be called the birthplace of the famous Morelode for a long time to argue 6 cities!

By 20 years, the guy studied at the university and was already married (chief of a young man became the daughter of the navigator). At the same age participates in the first trade expeditions by sea. Starting from 1476, a young sailor travels through such countries as Iceland, England, Ireland, Guinea, lives in Portugal. Up until 1483, Christopher collects knowledge, information and everything that could be learn about Western lands from the inhabitants of these countries. In 1483, refers to the Portuguese king Juan II with a proposal and a project of traveling to India through Western waters. At first, almost agreed, the king subsequently refuses Columbus.

3 years later, Christopher finds a man who was interested in his project. But even finance of such a title as the Duke of Medina-Sili is not enough to maintain Columbus plans, and he is forced to contact the royal advisers in the field of finance, bankers and merchants.

Christopher travel plan was carefully studied and criticized over the next 4 years by the Commission, consisting of monks, astronomers, theologians, financiers and lawyers. The navigator never received a positive response or favor. Subsequent years, Columbus is repeatedly looking for people who can contribute to him in the travel project. In 1491, the King Ferdinand refuses him under the pretext of large costs for hostilities in the Granada War. Even after the fall of Granada, the king rejects the requests of Columbus due to the "unacceptability and excessiveness" of the requirements. But Queen Isabella, inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bapplying attack on the Ottoman Empire (which was part of the plans of Columbus), the liberation of the coffin of the Lord, manifests his favor.

In the early time, April 1492, Christopher and all his heirs are given the title "Don", and also give a promise that if his overseas journey is crowned with success, he will still be recognized as the Sea-Ocean Admiral, the vice-king of those lands that he It is lucky to open. But the funds for making their travel from Columbus should have found himself.

Martin Alonso Pinson played one of the main roles in this story. He not only equipped on the journey Pintta's personal ship at his own expense, but also lent the Christopher amount formally necessary for submission under the contract.

The first expedition under the leadership of Columbus opened the Caribbean Europeans (Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti). The navigator himself believed that it was located in East Asia, the name of the land of West India. The second expedition was marked by the opening of Antille (small and large) islands, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Christopher is still sure that the step by step opens the land of India. During the third expedition, Columbus, the navoclier of Vasco da Gama opened the road to the sea to this India. Columbus was declared a deceiver and arrested, taking the right to the opening of lands. After a while, the king still allows the navigator to go to the fourth expedition. So the shores of Central America were open.

Unrecognized with contemporaries, the discoverer was seriously sick before his death. Died in 54-55 years in Valladolid. The land open and brought knowledge about them were estimated only by the 16th century.

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  • Despite the fact that the famous navigator was able to open America with the help of the Spanish king, he himself was from Italy. The young years of life fell on a stay on the Apennine Peninsula. He was born in Genoa in 1451, and I received education at the University of Pavia. From birth, he lived next to the sea and decided to devote himself to travel. The fact is that the years of the life of Christopher Columbus fell on the era of geographical discoveries, when Europeans left the Waterwater of the Mediterranean and began to look for the way to India.

    The beginning of navalism

    Christian governments financed seafarers in order to gain access to expensive resources. Even before Columbus, Portuguese researchers went east along the shores of Africa. In the 70s, Christopher decided to find a way to a distant country with Western way. According to its calculations, it was necessary to go in this direction by the latitude of the Canary Islands, after which it will be possible to reach the shores of Japan.

    At that time, he lived in Portugal, which was the center of the entire European navigation. He participated in the expedition to Guinea, where in 1481 Ellmina fortress was built. At the same time, an ambitious researcher attended England, Iceland and Ireland, where he learned about local legends about Winland. So in the previous times, the Vikings was called the land open. These were the shores of North America. Due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, there were no strong ties between the Pagan Scandinavia and Christian Europe, this discovery remained unnoticed.

    Travel organization to the West

    For many years of the life of Christopher Columbus were spent to convince various governments or merchants to finance the expedition to the West conceived by them. At first he tried to find a common language with nonsense from his native Genoa, but they refused to risk their money. In 1483, the project was put on Zhuan II table. He also rejected a risky vent.

    After this failure, Christopher went to Spain. There he managed to enlist the support of local dukes who brought him with the king and queen. Formally, Spain has not yet existed. Instead, there were two states Castile and Aragon. The marriage of their rulers (Ferdinand and Isabella) allowed us to unite the two crowns in one. Spouses gave an audience to the navigator. A commission was appointed, which had to estimate the costs and how justified for the treasury. The first results were disappointing for Columbus. He was refused and offered to revise the project. Then he tried to negotiate with the king of England and Portugal (again).

    Treaty with Spain

    In 1492, Spain captured Granada and finished the reconquist - the expulsion of Muslims from the Pyrenean Peninsula. The king and queen again freed themselves from political issues and engaged in the expedition of Columbus. The decisive word said Isabella, who agreed to even lay all his personal treasures and decorations in order to provide ships and provisions. The navigator was promised that he would become the vice-king of all the lands that he would open. He was also immediately given by the title of nobleman and the sea-ocean admiral.

    In addition to the authorities, Columbus helped the shipowner Martin Alonso Pinson, who offered one of his ships ("Pint"). The first expedition also participated in the Karakka "Santa Maria" and the Ninya ship. In total, a team from a hundred people was involved.

    First expedition

    The years of the life of Christopher Columbus were spent not in vain. He finally could realize his long-standing dream. Many details of his first travel to West are known to us thanks to the ship's magazine, which he led every day. These invaluable records have been preserved due to the fact that the priest Bartolome de Las Casas made a copy of the papers in a few years.

    On August 3, 1492, the ships left the Spanish harbor. September 16, Sargassovo Sea was opened. October 13, an unknown land was on the path of ships. Columbus joined the island and licked on it the banner of Castile. He was named San Salvador. Here the Spaniards first saw tobacco, cotton, maize and potatoes.

    With the help of Aborigines, Columbus found out about the existence of a large island, which was somewhat south. It was Cuba. Then the expedition thought that she was somewhere in East Asia. Some aborigines found pieces of gold, which inspired the team to continue the search for treasures.

    Further discovery

    Second expedition

    Even before that, the second journey of Christopher Columbus began. This time under his command was already 17 ships. This is not surprising, because Admiral has now enjoyed the Grand Most of the King, Queen and numerous Spanish faeodals, who willingly began to give him money for travel.

    The second trip of Christopher Columbus was distinguished from the first team. This time on the vessels were not only sailors. They added monks and missionaries to them in order to observe local peoples. Officials and nobles also occupied his place that had to organize the life of a permanent colony in the West.

    After 20 days, Dominica and Guadeloupe were opened, where the Caribbeans lived, distinguished by an aggressive attitude towards civil neighbors. The first clash with them occurred on the shores of the island of Santa Cruz. Then the Virgin Archipelago and Puetro Rico was opened.

    Colonization of the islands

    The team wanted to get to the sailors left at Haiti during the first expedition. On the site of the fort were found only corpses and remains. Then the forts of La Isabella and Santo Domingo were founded. Meanwhile, in Spain, the government decided to convey the exclusive rights of Columbus to another sailor - Amerigo Vespucci. Christopher, having learned about it, went to Europe to prove his right point. With the royal court, he stated that he had already reached Asia (in fact it was Cuba). Also Christopher Columbus briefly spoke about what is exactly there is gold and now in new expeditions you can use the work of prisoners for great economic benefits.

    Third expedition

    So the third expedition of Christopher Columbus began. In 1498, his ships warked Haiti and went to the south, where, according to the convictions of the captain, gold mines should have been. So it was opened as well as the mouth in the current Venezuell. Making this voyage, the expedition returned to Haiti (Espanyol), where local colonists have already managed to make a riot. They did not like that they were given little land. Then it was decided to allow the local Indians to slavery and increase personal puts.

    However, this did not solve the main task that the opening of Christopher Columbus was put in front of him. Gold has not yet been received to Spain. Meanwhile, the Portuguese navocator Vasco da Gama was able to reach real India. In accordance with the Treaty with Castile, he reinforced Africa and was in the long-awaited country. From there he brought expensive spices to Portugal, which was not in Europe. They appreciated the weight of gold.

    Spanish power, realizing that he loses the ocean race to his neighbor, decided to withdraw the monopoly law of Columbus for research. He himself was returned to Europe in chains.

    Fourth expedition

    The story of Christopher Columbus could end up completely bad if he had not acquired a lot of influential friends - magnates and nobles during his successful expeditions. They persuaded the king Ferdinand to give the navigator another chance and go to the fourth journey.

    This time, Columbus decided to go strictly to the west, bypassing the numerous islands. So he opened the coast of modern Central America - Honduras and Panama. It became clear that the Atlantic Ocean closes a certain huge territory. On September 12, 1503, Columbus left the islands discovered on them forever and returned to Spain. He also seriously fell ill.

    Death and the value of discoveries

    From this point on, other navigaters took up discoveries, and not Christopher Columbus. America has become a magnet for numerous adventurers and those who want to get rich. The life of Christopher Columbus, in the meantime, complicated by the disease. He died on May 20, 1506 at the age of 54. This loss remained almost unnoticed in Spain. The value of the discoveries of Columbus became clear only in a few decades, when the conquistadors opened gold in America. This allowed Spain to get rich and for several centuries to become the most influential European monarchy.

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