Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Three levels of the Universe.

Decor elements 29.09.2019
Decor elements

Now I would like to highlight a little the topic related to the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations (EC). The information that I received from the VI states that there are no non-humanoid communities in the universe . All Extraterrestrial Civilizations - human roots ! Other intelligent beings simply do not exist in the universe. A variety of "horror films" with snake heads and other Hollywood blockbusters are the fruit of the sick imagination of the authors. However, it should be noted that humanoid creatures, separated in Space by billions of light years, indeed, may look peculiar, may not be quite similar to us, today. The appearance of our brother in mind directly depends from the Informative Density of the Space in which it exists . However, the human form can always be seen in them. By the way, they have absolutely no aggression so there can be no threat to us from them. We need to fear ourselves, not them. People of Higher Information Density receive enough ready-made Life Energy and do not need to search for it additionally. We are in search of additional energy, therefore we have a strong instinct of a “hunter”, a getter, a killer! People of Higher Information Density do not need to fight for their survival, so they do not have the “hunter” instinct. Star Wars is pure fantasy.

People of Higher Information density (they are also people of the third level of development) prefer a solitary lifestyle. They do not have cities, states, other human clusters and constraints. They come together only when there is a need to develop new living territories, when the problem can be solved only by collective efforts. Despite the distance people of Higher Information density are united at the Universal level by Channels of Communication which they are fluent in.

In my time our solar system was designed, namely, by people of the highest information density when more than 80% of the system's objects were borrowed from outside and towed into circumsolar space in order to protect the habitable planets they made over 4 and a half billion years ago. For example, Jupiter is a trap of large asteroids. Saturn is a "vacuum cleaner", he cleans up meteor swarms. And at the edges of the solar system, our guardians have created a gravity belt to protect the system from space debris.

How can you understand the level of people of the Highest Information Density is the level of access to all the Universal Information and, consequently, to the Universal Mind. This is the level to which we all need to go, gradually gaining experience, from life to life. Global issues of search or creation of habitable planets are solved by people of Higher Information Density remotely. They lack secrecy.

People of the first and second levels of development live in High Information Densities . They are an order of magnitude less developed than people of higher information density. However, people of lower levels of development can always get an answer to any question asked, which will provide them with the "top" level. It is only necessary to master the Channels of Communication, and then make contact with the Higher Information Density.

Now living on Earth are also divided into three levels of development . I called them - estates ».

The first estate is made up of the youngest souls . These are those who have lived from one to several dozen lives. Each life is a certain segment of the development of some information density. The first estate and other estates master the lower Information density, when the Life Channel supplies ready-made informenergy below 35% from absolute necessity. Each Information Density, no matter what percentage of security it has, can be mastered several times. After each lived life, a person of the first estate returns to the 1st level of VI, to the "on duty" biodome, where he was "identified" instead of someone's erased Information. When the soul lives life, i.e., the development of the next Inform density is underway, the "duty" biod can be occupied by another person. This is why a suicide cannot immediately return to the "on duty" biodome. He did not master the necessary time for gaining experience through his own fault, and the house is occupied according to the old schedule. His soul will toil in anticipation of the release of his "duty" biodome. Those who died a violent death also cannot return to their "biodome" and are immediately reborn in order to continue mastering the information density in which they lived and left it against their will. And, in general, the first level is the most risky, because the initial information of people of the first level is most often subjected to erasure. Failed the test of existence - kindly dematerialize !

The second estate consists of older souls . They "worked out" from several tens to several hundreds of lived lives. After each visit to the next Informdensity, they return to the second level. There are fewer of them than the subjects of the first estate. Mutant people subject to erasure in the second estate are much less than in the first, because, assimilation experience in this case already more.

The third estate already has a more solid experience in the development of lived lives . They began the development of their life on Mars, capturing a branch of the Great Migration. When returning to the "biodome", the souls of the third estate are based on the second (upper) half of the Second level. When all Informative Densities are qualitatively mastered, when sufficient experience is acquired, a representative of the third estate never returns to any Information Density of the Universe. People who have reached the Highest level dissolve in the Universe, become the Universe, and their Information essence goes to the Information Bank of the Universal Humanity. We can say that Man, polished by Infinity, becomes similar to God. He can do everything, because all the Information of the Universe is available to him, and only the Absolute can do it. The mask of a "temporary" person is thrown off him forever .

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to surprise a person with anything. We've probably got used to almost everything. , Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot... no longer excite people's minds. Only one sphere, as before, attracts a person, throws up new sensations, reveals its secrets - space. Man has always been interested, similar to ours, whether there are intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations (EC).

Powerful receivers every second different types radiation, tuned to receive information from space, are waiting for a signal. However, the cosmos is silent and does not want to betray its secrets. Are we really alone in this endless world?

But, in reality, we do not want to believe in our loneliness. How could God, creating such a huge world, populate only one planet? Is it reasonable? Why then do we need other planets, stars, galaxies and universes? The question of the search for extraterrestrial civilizations has occupied and does not cease to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers.

There are many hypotheses, conjectures, assumptions. We will also try to figure out if extraterrestrial civilizations really exist, and is contact with them possible? Moreover, the interest in extraterrestrial civilizations, in fact, also turns out to be an interest in clarifying the role of earthly humanity in the processes of our Universe.

Now it is possible to speak with confidence - in addition to the planet Earth, in our Universe there are other inhabited planets that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Representatives of these civilizations can communicate with earthlings and send them important information about how other worlds work, what problems their inhabitants face and how they are able to help earthlings.

We are inhabitants of the Earth and there are representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. On Earth, we are in a kind of business trip.

QUESTION: Why do people not find signs of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: If we make an assumption that the level of technical progress of extraterrestrial civilizations is very high, and they are able to hide their presence using various means, then everything falls into place. For some reason, it is simply too early for us to know about this... All inhabited planets of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are carefully protected from the curiosity of earthlings. Because people do not need to look for an alien mind, but to clean their energy and go through karmic lessons.

The protection works in such a way that, passing by a spaceship, or the same UFO, you simply will not see it. And what about terrestrial telescopes, which seek to see life on other planets ...

QUESTION: For what reason do Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not seek to inform us of their existence?

ANSWER: Moreover, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not interested in this. Why? Fear is to some extent an engine on Earth. If we know for certain that all real troubles, problems are tests, exams, then will we experience acutely, suffer, think, work on ourselves? No. And when in the minds of people this life is the only one, then all sensations, all events, all questions become incredibly acute. What is necessary for a complete and high-quality cleaning. No wonder it is said that suffering purifies the soul.

Therefore, the EC has no interest in discovering itself. The earth, as a training base for these civilizations, will immediately lose its meaning.

QUESTION: What extraterrestrial civilizations are currently known?

ANSWER: These are such extraterrestrial civilizations as Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri. The division into Extraterrestrial civilizations is, firstly, territorial, and secondly, despite the similarity of the ultimate goal of development, any Higher civilization has its own accents, methods, its own Path. These VCs are located in the Milky Way galaxy. Life also exists in other Galaxies, there are also civilizations, but they are far behind in their progress along the Spiritual Path.

QUESTION: What do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations look like?

ANSWER: The word "civilization" implies a reasonable society. In science fiction films, as a rule, the image of some green men, creatures with tentacles, etc. is used.

In fact, the inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations are ordinary people. At the level of extraterrestrial civilizations, the same laws of biology, physics and chemistry operate as on Earth. The difference is only in intelligence and the level of Consciousness. That is, biologically and physically they are similar to us, but they have an expanded consciousness.

QUESTION: What is expanded consciousness?

ANSWER: This is the ability to synthesize information, to navigate not by superficial data, but by deep ones, to realize abilities, to operate with energies, to cover many incoming elements at once. For example, on Earth we have certain ethical standards. Everyone knows that stealing is bad. And representatives of the EC do not need such norms. After all, numerous norms on Earth are political and social regulation, not designed for high Consciousness.

High Consciousness does not need many norms. It is on Earth that it is necessary to introduce a law that stealing is bad, and to determine a certain punishment for this theft. And extraterrestrial civilizations have no need for such a law. He is absurd. The sin of stealing is so obvious there that it does not need to be reminded and threatened with punishment.

QUESTION: That is, there are no criminal codes in extraterrestrial civilizations?

ANSWER: No. They do not need such codes. But the inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations have their own principles:

Do not offend the weak.
Don't get angry, but be patient.
Communicate only with those who are pleasant and sincere. Do not lie unnecessarily, and there is only one need for a lie - to save fate.

Do no harm.
Ask the teacher's consent.
Love everything that surrounds you.

QUESTION: These principles are similar to those of the earth...

ANSWER: Yes, it is. But unlike the Earth, these principles are fulfilled by the inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations consciously and everywhere. Ideally, the basic principle is the same. For the inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations, God is Truth and Supremacy, and Love is ubiquitous and unconditional.

QUESTION: Are there descriptions of extraterrestrial civilizations in religious sources?

ANSWER: In many religious and esoteric sources there is a description of the EC. For example, the Bible begins with these words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

“Heaven” is Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces, and “Earth” is Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Dark Forces. The Bible also contains information about the arrival of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth. Genesis 6:4: “At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, from of old glorious people.”

QUESTION: The Vedas say that above the level of the earth are the planets of the demigods or the heavenly planets. Who are the demigods?

ANSWER: Demigods are the inhabitants of extraterrestrial civilizations. Since they have an expanded consciousness and, accordingly, more extensive possibilities, they are described as demigods.

QUESTION: The Vedic scriptures contain information that time passes more slowly on the higher planets. Approximately the following ratio operates: 360 years pass on Earth, and only one year passes in the EC. Is it really so?

ANSWER: All because the passage of time on Earth is set artificially. This is done so that all processes go not so much deep as sharp. There is practically no time at the EC.

Three levels of the universe

QUESTION: What levels is our Universe divided into?

ANSWER: Very conditionally, our Universe can be divided into three levels. There are light forces - the forces of Good. This is the Hierarchy of Light Forces (ISS), but there are dark forces, the forces of Evil. This is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces (ITS). Accordingly, extraterrestrial civilizations are divided according to the same principle. Civilizations Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya - all this is the CC of the Hierarchy of Light Forces.

There is also the ground level. This is the level of incarnation planets, purgatory, where a person undergoes purification.

In general, ISS is the Spiritual world, which is in direct contact with God.

One of the first descriptions of the levels of the Universe can be found in the Vedas. For example, Extraterrestrial civilizations ITS is the mode of ignorance. (incarnation planets of the Earth type) - the mode of passion. Extraterrestrial civilizations ISS - the mode of goodness.

One can aspire from purgatory to the mode of ignorance (EC ITS) or to the mode of goodness (EC ISS). It is in purgatory that the direction of this striving is determined. In the Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ISS, passion is manifested, but there is no ignorance. Passion is manifested in ETC civilizations, but there is no goodness.

QUESTION: What is the fundamental difference between the worlds of ITS and the worlds of ISS?

ANSWER: Differences can be found in everything. First of all, the difference is in energies, including the energy of Time. Absolutely different organization of the psyche, mind, Consciousness. Hence the other ideology. Alien and disgusting. Just try to imagine: in one picture - filled sunlight blooming garden. This is ISS. In another picture - a gloomy damp mustiness of a gray-brown basement and a rotting environment.

This is ITS. Life is in full swing both in the ISS and in the ITS. There is a constant struggle (not a war!) between the worlds of ISS and ITS for Souls, for Time, for Space, for additional energy capacities.

QUESTION: Is it possible for residents to migrate from the CC ISS to the CC ITS?

ANSWER: Yes, such a transition is possible. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, there are more people leaving for ITS. This was a signal that certain measures must be taken.

The relationship of extraterrestrial civilizations among themselves

QUESTION: How do ECs interact with each other?

ANSWER: Extraterrestrial civilizations are in intensive contact with each other, exchanging various scientific and technological achievements. For example, Dessa borrows all the technical developments from Sirius. Although this was not always the case.

QUESTION: Are the cinematic star wars echoes of past events, the ideological confrontation between different CCs?

ANSWER: The time has passed when controversial issues were resolved in this way. Only on Earth, due to weak consciousness, the violent solution of issues continues, and in the EC there is already enough culture and level of consciousness to manage with negotiations.

QUESTION: Do ECs help each other in critical situations?

ANSWER: Anything has happened in the historical development of civilizations, including coming to the aid of dying civilizations. But, sadly, such assistance did not play its positive role. Because, for whom the time has come to die, you yourself understand ...

But death can never happen just like that. And there is no such thing as death. There is a termination of a certain program of action. For example, at one time the planet Earth had the potential for its own path of development, its own life. But this development has come to a standstill. There were attempts to come to the aid of dying civilizations, but these attempts were in the nature of youthful maximalism on the part of those who were eager to help. In fact, no help was needed. You just had to let the program finish. This program ended anyway with these civilizations.

The social structure of extraterrestrial civilizations

QUESTION: Is there a social division of people in the EC?

ANSWER: There is no social division of people in Extraterrestrial civilizations as such. Residents of the EC differ from each other only in the level of consciousness. And a certain level of consciousness attracts people with the same level of consciousness. Therefore, in Extraterrestrial civilizations there is a division according to the levels of consciousness. This division determines the type of activity of each. It is conditionally possible to divide the entire population into three levels.

The first level is, let's say, engineers who are engaged in certain work, for example, the introduction of any technology, improving the standard of living, exploring new planets, etc.

The second level is the scientists involved in the development of these technologies. And the third level is the clergy. Representatives of the clergy are engaged in preaching life in the Lord. It is from the third level of the EC that a person can move into the Spiritual World.

QUESTION: In theory, representatives of the EC, having such an expanded consciousness, should all or almost all strive for God. Is there any need to preach this additionally?

ANSWER: Everyone goes to God. But before you fully devote yourself to Him, you must complete all worldly affairs, fulfill everything that was planned. Otherwise, the rebellion of the Spirit will not give concentration.

QUESTION: To some extent, representatives of the EC are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism. How does this fit in with Spiritual striving?

ANSWER: We are talking about the first two levels. Their representatives must follow the path of materialism and pragmatism. You can't refuse what you haven't done. Material experience is still necessary for immature Souls.

UFO (unidentified flying objects)

QUESTION: UFOs that earthlings see are spaceships of extraterrestrial civilizations?

ANSWER: What earthlings take for, as a rule, these are not VC spaceships, but clots of imperil (energy slag), periodically breaking through from the Earth's core. Often they take the oval shape of plates, the shape of cigars.

Yes, there are many photographs, videos, which allegedly capture these same UFOs. It may well be that some of them are actually images of real UFOs. Everything else is a variety of optical effects, images of probes, rocket stages, airplanes, meteorites, cold plasma ejections, etc. UFOs exist, but you will never see them, even if you really want to. Because they know how to block space so that you walk by and don't notice.

Everything you see is usually very dangerous! Only one thing can be said: if you see a plate, run away. It's definitely not the Sirians and not the Orions ... Someone else.

QUESTION: Why can UFOs be dangerous?

ANSWER: The fact is that the extraterrestrial civilizations we talked about have already studied the Earth quite well. Therefore, they do not need to fly to Earth. There are special portals that make it possible to transfer information, move simple objects, rarely, but people can also pass. Known to all esotericists, this is not some kind of world, but a central portal connecting the Earth with the Sirius Adaptation Center.

But in the Universe there are other worlds, other civilizations. It is the representatives of these civilizations that can visit the Earth and kidnap earthlings. These are perfectly developed civilizations, the most powerful from a technical point of view. But they experience a certain lack of biostructures. And they have the ability to periodically raid. Victims, as a rule, are those who pass their life on Earth not quite qualitatively. Everything is interconnected.

Family relations in extraterrestrial civilizations

QUESTION: Are there families in the EC?

ANSWER: Although there are also families in ETC, there is no longer family kinship, but spiritual kinship is valued there. There are no lonely people. This is the pathology of the Spirit - to be alone. Even in the Spiritual World, liberated Souls live in communities.

QUESTION: What does a family look like in the EC? Answer: The family in the understanding of extraterrestrial civilizations is the Unity of Souls in the pursuit of improvement and growth. Unity, of course, presupposes the Path together. But this does not mean the sameness and dissolution in each other. The Lord honors individuals who are equal to each other in potential and Consciousness and at the same time are able to combine their individualities.

QUESTION: How are children born in extraterrestrial civilizations?

ANSWER: Children are born in exactly the same way, not by cloning, not by budding, or somehow artificially. Everything is the same as on Earth.

QUESTION: How do residents of the EC feel about infidelity?

ANSWER: In extraterrestrial civilizations, spouses do not suffer from a sense of ownership, and do not treat Love as a Duty. This is their expanded consciousness.

In the EC, people live out of necessity to live with each other, and not out of duty, not out of economic expediency, not because of accepted traditions. Everyone is free to be who they are. And while he, as he is, suits a partner, people live together. And when they live together, then the need to live with someone else does not arise. Because as soon as such a need (to live with someone else) appears, this is a signal that the need for the first partner is falling, and the dominant need for another partner has appeared. People disperse, remaining friends, like-minded people.

Adultery is promiscuity and the satisfaction of momentary desires. Therefore, every marriage in extraterrestrial civilizations is tested by periodic celibacy.

About extraterrestrial civilizations

Over the past few decades, the problem of the search for extraterrestrial civilizations has ceased to be considered as the sphere of activity of science fiction writers and has taken its place among other scientific problems. General discussions about possible forms of life and intelligence outside the Earth are replaced by calculations of radio communication systems applicable for distances of tens and hundreds of light years, estimates of the possible number of inhabited worlds in the Galaxy, etc. So, according to the famous Drake formula, more than 10,000 intelligent civilizations can exist in the Universe.

A lot of indirect facts speak about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. For example, how to relate to the fact of the sudden emergence in certain areas of the Earth of civilizations that, in terms of their level of development, were not nearly inferior to the modern one? , Indian, Atlantis, ? Perhaps the arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth at that time became the impetus that raised earthly civilizations to an unknown level of development?

How to relate to the fact that more than 20% of people are firmly convinced that they were eyewitnesses of the appearance of aliens on Earth? Many witnesses enjoy authority in scientific circles and therefore it is at least stupid not to listen to them.

Also, some researchers believe that contacts of people with the EC actually existed, but only in a very distant time.

Now even the theory of paleocontacts has been created, according to which representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations flew to Earth and communicated with our ancestors. An ardent supporter of such a theory is the Swiss Erich von Däniken. In 1968, he even published a book on this subject, which was published under the title “Memories of the Future. Unsolved mysteries of the past. The book found a warm response in the hearts of readers, in which the author talked about a number of extraordinary archaeological finds, which were given a simple explanation - contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

Deniken says that people at the time of such contacts were so underdeveloped that they could not reliably present information about aliens and only mentioned them in their myths and legends. Deniken argued that representatives of the EC not only often visited the Earth, but also actively intervened in the affairs of earthlings. The author talks about how the aliens even changed the DNA of people to increase his intelligence. Or maybe they created DNA?

Representatives of the EC actively helped people: they erected pyramids, taught astronomy, medicine and construction. The author even claimed that some of the events mentioned in the Bible were caused precisely by the intervention of representatives of the EC. In particular, they warned Noah about the impending catastrophe, they punished people who were mired in sins with a flood, they sent their representative Jesus Christ to Earth to show people how to live. According to Deniken's hypothesis, numerous evidence of the presence of representatives of the EC remained on Earth, whether it be rock paintings depicting astronauts in helmets with antennas.

Numerous megaliths (religious buildings made of stone blocks), which are located almost all over the world, allegedly testify to extraterrestrial intelligence. The main proof of Deniken is that such gigantic structures were erected at a time when cranes have not yet been invented. For example, in Brittany (Western France) there is a vertical column-block, which reaches a height of 20 m and weighs more than 380 tons.

In Thebes (Egypt) more than 3200 years ago, a gigantic figure of Pharaoh Ramses was erected, weighing more than 100 tons. The pyramids in Egypt consist of many stone blocks, each of which weighs more than 2 tons. Finally, dozens of huge stone figures are installed in the Pacific Ocean, each of which weighs several tons.

Deniken believes that there are many other evidences of the presence of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations on Earth. The Nazca Desert in Peru is "painted" with spirals, geometric shapes and images of animals that can only be seen from a bird's eye view. The lines, stretching for many kilometers, supposedly resemble ancient runways. Researchers have noticed that some signs in the desert are oriented to the setting or rising of the moon, to the stars in the constellations Orion or Ursa Major. A strange coincidence, but according to some sources, it is these constellations that are inhabited.

Although Deniken's hypotheses cannot be fully trusted, they still have a rational grain - there are many objects on Earth, the origin of which can hardly be attributed only to earthlings. There are many people who, according to them, receive a lot of important information from representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, maintain regular contact with them, moreover, act as assistants to these beings on Earth.

Researchers have been trying to find contacts with aliens for a long time, but the theoretical justification for this search has remained unchanged since ancient times. Today, only the following fact is considered reliable: there is life on Earth, but it has not yet been found outside of it.

O extraterrestrial civilizations mentioned at one time the philosopher Anaxagoras, who argued that on space bodies there may be intelligent beings, since the stars are made of the same matter as the Blue Planet. In the Middle Ages, the church denied the existence of any life other than earthly.

Only thanks to astronomy, experts began to apply special methods to search for hypothetical humanoids or their traces in outer space.

If aliens exist.

When alien civilization will be able to master space, it will colonize the Galaxy. The colonization itself, according to many scientists, will last approximately 10 million years.

According to experts, modern astronomical telescopes, which will be raised into near-Earth orbit, will be able to detect terrestrial-type celestial bodies in the Galaxy by the movement of stars and changes in their spectrum.

By finding Earth-like planets, researchers will be able to determine whether they could be inhabited by extraterrestrial civilizations. The fact is that when a planet rotates around a star, the force of gravity shifts the movement of this star. The spectrum pattern remains mobile, and the spectral lines begin to shift. Relative to the observer, the speed of the star will change under the influence of the mass of the planet.

Search for aliens.

Some experts are looking for extraterrestrial intelligence in other planetary systems, based on the analysis of the spectral lines of gases of artificial and biological origin. Scientists have come as close as possible to unraveling the conditions under which life can arise, as well as the duration of this process.

It should be noted that organic molecules are widely distributed in space. But people still do not know for sure how the first living cell turned out. If we assume that this is an accident, and not the result of a logical process, then, in accordance with the statistical calculation, such an event in the Galaxy can occur in as many years as the Universe exists.

According to astronomers, there may be from one to a million extraterrestrial civilizations in space. If we start from the average value, then we can calculate with what density civilizations are distributed in the Galaxy. So, alien peoples will be from each other at a distance of a thousand light years.

Space exploration.

All attempts to detect radio voices alien mind until they got results. On the different frequencies experts examined more than 2 thousand stars. Indeed, according to astronomers, this moment time, only 0.1% of the work required to survey space in all frequency bands has been done.

As one professor once said, trying to find aliens can be compared to looking for a needle in a haystack, but they are justified by the huge value of this needle.

→ Are there alien civilizations?

Extraterrestrial civilizations can have such a high level of development that their logic and behavior are absolutely inaccessible to our understanding.

In order to determine what an extraterrestrial civilization is, you must first understand what humanity is like. In earthly nature, many communities of organized beings exist and coexist. Bacteria colonies live their own lives and have no idea about ant communities. Ants also live their own lives, they can already use colonies of bacteria for some of their own purposes. But they also do not even know about the world of people. The tribes of the natives of Africa or the Amazon have a good knowledge of the nature around them, but they know little about other human communities, cities and countries. The borders of their world end in those places that the hunters of the tribe reached. Outside of these places lives a community of people who consider it very civilized, reasonable, perfect and highly organized.

People intervene in the lives of all beings at lower levels of development. But with all this, they themselves still know little about the universe around them. The people of this society, for obvious reasons, do not show a desire to show off their knowledge in front of the aboriginal tribes. Extraterrestrial civilizations, standing at the next stage of development, for the same reasons, are unlikely to try to show off their knowledge and technologies to people. Humanity's mistake is that it endows extraterrestrial civilizations with a logic that is understandable to it. It's the same if, for example, the natives believed that a large silver bird flying over them had the same logic as their own. But the natives, not to mention bacteria, insects, plants or animals, are inaccessible to the logic of people from outside world.

Similarly, people are unlikely to be able to access the logic of extraterrestrial civilizations. Extraterrestrial civilizations are able to manipulate the world of people, just as people do it with creatures and organisms that are at the lower stages of development. Obviously, extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability and means to instantly destroy our civilization. They do not do it simply for humanitarian reasons, just as people try once again not to touch the dwellings of aborigines, anthills and bird nests. It is very likely that the community of people participates in the general ecosystem of the Universe, being its necessary, or perhaps even a very important link. Our terrestrial ecosystem would also suffer a catastrophe if colonies of bacteria suddenly disappeared from it. If humanity exists, then someone in the Universe really needs it. We do not know anything about this, we do not yet have an idea higher powers nature, who created our world for some of their own purposes.

Extraterrestrial civilizations observe our life with the help of means, the structure and principle of which is beyond the limits of the available technical knowledge.

When they talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, for some reason they almost always mean a biological form of life. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is also conducted solely as a biological life form using radio waves. In fact, it is not known what form of life the nearest to our solar system could have an intelligent and superior civilization. It is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and there are many of them, but we do not see them for the simplest reason - they have a completely different form of life, practically unknown to us. Therefore, even the most advanced earthly means and instruments will be practically impossible to detect them. If these are very ancient civilizations, they could visit our planet long before the appearance of intelligent humanity on it.

It is possible that it was one of them that could create the world in which we now live. It may have means of observing our lives that are visible to people, but nevertheless completely invisible to them. Mankind, already at the dawn of its space age, could send automatic research probes into deep space to study other worlds. We do not even suspect that the elements of the environment can be such means of observing ourselves. Imagine those same natives whose life is filmed by a video camera with remote control disguised as stone or wood. The natives do not even suspect that someone is watching them, being at this time from them at a great distance. Even if one of them accidentally discovers it, still not a single sorcerer or elder will be able to explain what it is. The only conclusion they will draw is something supernatural from another world. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not visit our planet, they do not have any special need for this.

The distance from the nearest star to the solar system is just under 5 light years. Even if accelerated to a speed exceeding the speed of light, it would take a very long time to fly from it to our planet. A highly developed civilization can hardly afford to spend it like that. There are many dangers in open space - hard radiation, radiation, meteorites, etc. For a biological life form, such a flight would be extremely dangerous and very risky. In addition, for a long flight, huge reserves of energy and life support are needed. Unless, of course, this civilization is so developed that it is able to move over such distances in a very short time at minimal cost. But in any case, visiting our planet by a highly developed civilization must have some important purpose.
There are different versions of what exactly might interest her on our planet.

First of all, these are the people themselves, as experimental subjects for some biological experiments. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of such reports. Even if this is true, it remains unclear why these experiments were not carried out earlier, long before the advent of the space age. Humanity as a biological species has been living on the planet for at least several hundred millennia. During such a time, any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could already fully satisfy its anatomical curiosity. It also remains unclear why the captures of earthlings for experiments are taking place so defiantly. If an extraterrestrial civilization prefers to remain invisible and imperceptible to earthlings, then it would try to do it without witnesses. Another version says that aliens want to take over our planet and enslave its inhabitants. It's not worth taking seriously at all. This could have been done much earlier, when mankind did not have rockets with nuclear charges. This can be done now, humanity is unlikely to be able to oppose anything. If this does not happen, then simply only for the reason that highly developed space civilizations do not have any need for this.

The next version says that alien civilizations are interested in unusually large reserves of minerals and resources of our planet. But it is absolutely inexpedient to extract and transport even a few tons of even the most valuable minerals from here to another planetary system. It's like carrying several kilograms of coal from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk across the country, and all the fuel, spare parts, food and breathing supplies for the crew also need to be carried with you. There are so many of these minerals and other minerals in space that we cannot even imagine. The dark spot in Jupiter's atmosphere alone contains more hydrogen than our entire planet. Of all the observed UFOs, almost 97% in one way or another have a completely earthly and explainable origin. It is possible that the remaining 3% can also be explained by phenomena, the nature of which is simply not yet known to science. They are credited with the appearance on the wheat fields of mysterious signs in the form of circles and other geometric shapes.

It is alleged that in this way extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to declare their presence on our planet and establish contact. True, at the same time, no one can answer the question why this is done in such a puzzling and original way. Imagine that you need to meet a representative of an aboriginal tribe somewhere in the depths of Africa. Which way of establishing contact will be the easiest and most understandable for them - show them intricate puzzles, or just say a friendly greeting in their language and give them something interesting? Obviously, for a highly developed civilization, addressing the inhabitants of the planet in common languages ​​​​is not a big problem.

Crop circles and signs are actually made so that space satellites taking photographs of the planet's surface can correct and adjust their optical systems based on them. It is much easier and cheaper than building and maintaining a lot of special ranges. In addition, the mysterious signs and circles have almost ceased to appear recently. The reason for this may be that new generations of satellites have more advanced optical systems.

There is no need for extraterrestrial civilizations, which are far ahead of us in their development, to make contact with the inhabitants of our planet. They simply have nothing to communicate with us, we will not understand them, but it will be boring and not interesting with us. The governments of different countries will ask them first of all for weapons and technologies that would allow them to gain superiority over other countries and peoples. How such superiority can turn out for humanity is well known to everyone. Probably, those who are watching us understand this well. Therefore, they do not give any of the nations such superiority. All the mysterious stories about the use of extraterrestrial technologies in samples of military or computer equipment produced in one of the states of the world are nothing more than disinformation.

There is a lot of evidence of various contacts of the inhabitants of our planet with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is not possible to check the reliability of the vast majority of them. Photos and videos with incomprehensible light phenomena also cannot be taken seriously. They do not give a definite answer, but only give rise to more questions. Also, they do not give an unambiguous answer, do not give various traces left at the landing site of unknown aircraft. Usually all reports about such places come from little-known contactees and ufologists. 15-20 years ago, the anomalous zone in the Molebka region in the Perm region became widely known. Information about UFOs came from there regularly, as from an official alien spaceport, and became almost everyday news. But serious ufologists did not find anything there and did not observe any unusual phenomena.

Over time, everything somehow calmed down by itself and now no one remembers this place. As mentioned earlier, extraterrestrial civilizations do not have any special reasons for staying on our planet. And they are unlikely to waste time just for the sake of entertaining us. Probably, extraterrestrial civilizations still sometimes visited our planet in different time and left some evidence of this fact. Rock paintings and legends could not have come from the imagination of our ancestors alone. But now it is not known exactly who these aliens were. Perhaps these were not aliens at all, but mechanisms or biorobots sent by them to explore an unknown planet for them. Earthlings also sent and are sending such mechanisms to study other planets - lunar rovers, rovers, research probes and stations.

There is an opinion that the facts of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as all material evidence of such cases, are carefully hidden by the governments of different countries. But if such a civilization really wanted to meet with earthlings in order to declare its presence, its power and superiority, it would hardly begin to secretly meet only with governments. And even more so - to allow anyone to control themselves. Do not forget that any extraterrestrial civilization that has reached our planet will, in any case, be ahead of the earthly one by several orders of magnitude in its development. Presumably, she will solely decide for herself when, with whom she will meet, and whether she needs it at all. Therefore, one should not be naive to assume that aliens only think how to meet with one of the homegrown ufologists.

Also, the earthlings themselves should not strive to seek meetings with them. With such a difference in technical and technological development, this meeting will not do the seekers anything good. Even if we all know for sure that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is present on our planet or near-Earth outer space, then it is not known what to do with this understanding. It is very doubtful that even the governments of some countries will have the final say here. Most likely, you will just have to put up with this fact, especially since no one touches earthlings yet.

Extraterrestrial civilizations are hypothetical civilizations that have arisen and are developing (developing) not on Earth. The concept is used mainly in the scientific field, as well as in science fiction and ufological theories. Existence (as well as non-existence) of extraterrestrial civilizations is currently not strictly proven, but it is statistically possible.

Mankind has always been interested in whether there is still somewhere in the Universe a life similar to ours, whether there are intelligent Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Every second, powerful receivers of various types of radiation, tuned to receive information from space, are waiting for signals. But the cosmos is silent and does not want to reveal its secrets. Are we really alone in this endless world?

But, in fact, we do not want to believe in our loneliness. How could the Lord create such a huge world and populate just one planet? Is it reasonable? Why then do we need other planets, stars, galaxies and universes?

The question of the search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations has occupied and continues to occupy the minds of thousands of scientists and self-taught researchers. There are a huge number of hypotheses, conjectures, assumptions. We will also try to figure out whether Extraterrestrial Civilizations really exist, and is contact with them possible? Moreover, the interest in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, in fact, also turns out to be an interest in clarifying the role of terrestrial humanity in the processes of our Universe.

Now we can already say with confidence - in addition to the planet Earth, in our Universe there are other inhabited planets that are part of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Representatives of these Extraterrestrial Civilizations have the opportunity to communicate with earthlings and convey to them important information about how other worlds work, what problems their inhabitants face and how they can help earthlings.

We are the inhabitants of the Earth and there are representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. On Earth, we are in a kind of business trip.

QUESTION: Why do we not find signs of the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Assuming that the level of technical progress of Extraterrestrial Vivilizations is very high, and they have the ability, with the help of various means hide your presence, then everything falls into place. For some reason, it's just too early for us to know about it...

All inhabited planets of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are carefully protected from the curiosity of earthlings. Because earthlings do not need to look for an alien mind, but to clean their energy and go through karmic lessons.

The protection works in such a way that, passing by a spaceship, or the same UFO, you simply won’t see it. And what about terrestrial telescopes, which seek to see life on other planets ...

QUESTION: Why do Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not seek to inform us of their existence?

ANSWER: Moreover, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not interested in this. Why? Fear is to some extent the engine on Earth. If we know for sure about the continuation of life after life, that all real troubles, problems are tests, exams, then will we experience acutely, suffer, think, work on ourselves? No. And when, in our imagination, this life is the only one, then all sensations, all events, all questions acquire an unprecedented sharpness. What is required for complete and high-quality cleaning. It is no coincidence that it is said that the soul is cleansed by suffering.

Therefore, Extraterrestrial Civilizations have no interest in discovering themselves. The Earth, as a training base for these Extraterrestrial Civilizations, will immediately lose its meaning.

QUESTION: What Extraterrestrial Civilizations are currently known?

ANSWER: These are such Extraterrestrial Civilizations as Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri. The division into Extraterrestrial Civilizations is, firstly, territorial, and secondly, despite the similarity of the ultimate goal of development, each Extraterrestrial Civilization has its own accents, methods, and its own Path.

These Extraterrestrial Civilizations are located in the Milky Way galaxy. Life also exists in other Galaxies, there are also civilizations, but they are far behind in their progress along the Spiritual Path.

QUESTION: What do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations look like?

ANSWER: The word "civilization" implies a reasonable society. In science fiction films, the image of some kind of green men, creatures with tentacles, etc. is usually used.

In fact, the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are ordinary people. At the level of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, the same laws of biology, physics and chemistry operate as on Earth. The difference is only in intelligence and the level of Consciousness. That is, biologically and physically they are similar to us, but they have an expanded consciousness.

QUESTION: What is expanded consciousness?

ANSWER: This is the ability to synthesize information, to navigate not by superficial data, but by deep ones, to realize abilities, to operate with energies, to cover many incoming elements at once.

For example, on Earth we have certain ethical standards. Everyone knows that stealing is bad. And representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not need such norms. After all, numerous norms on Earth are political and social regulation, not designed for high Consciousness. High Consciousness does not need many norms. It is on Earth that it is necessary to introduce a law that theft is bad, and to determine some kind of punishment for this theft. And for Extraterrestrial Civilizations such a law is not needed. He is absurd. The sin of stealing is so obvious there that it does not need to be reminded and threatened with punishment.

QUESTION: That is, there are no criminal codes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: No. They do not need such codes. However, the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations have their own principles:

Do not offend the weak.

Don't get angry, but be patient.

Communicate only with those who are pleasant and sincere.

Do not lie unnecessarily, and there is only one need for a lie - to save fate.

Do no harm.

Ask the teacher's consent.

Love everything that surrounds you.

QUESTION: These principles are similar to those of the earth...

ANSWER: Yes, it is. But unlike the Earth, these principles are fulfilled by the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations consciously and everywhere. Ideally, the basic principle is the same. For the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, God is Truth and Supremacy, and Love is ubiquitous and unconditional.

QUESTION: Are there descriptions of Extraterrestrial Civilizations in religious sources?

ANSWER: In many religious and esoteric sources there is a description of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. For example, the Bible begins with these words: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

“Heaven” is Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces, and “earth” is Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Dark Forces. The Bible also contains information about the arrival of representatives of the EC on Earth. Genesis 6:4: “At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter into the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, from of old glorious people.”

QUESTION: The Vedas say that above the level of the earth are the planets of the demigods or the heavenly planets. Who are the demigods?

ANSWER: Demigods are the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Since they have an expanded consciousness and, accordingly, more opportunities, they are described as demigods.

QUESTION: The Vedic scriptures contain information that time passes more slowly on the higher planets. Approximately the following ratio operates: 360 years pass on Earth, and only one year passes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Is it really true?

ANSWER: The whole point is that the flow of time on Earth is set artificially. This is done so that all processes go not so much deep as sharp. There is practically no time in Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Form start

Three levels of the Universe

QUESTION: What levels is our Universe divided into?

ANSWER: Very conditionally, our Universe can be divided into three levels. There are forces of light - the forces of Good. This is the Hierarchy of Light Forces (ISS), but there are dark forces, the forces of Evil. This is the Hierarchy of Dark Forces (ITS). Accordingly, Extraterrestrial Civilizations are divided according to the same principle. Civilizations Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daiya - all these are Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the Hierarchy of Light Forces.

There is also the ground level. This is the level of incarnation planets, purgatory, where a person undergoes purification.

In general, the Hierarchy of the Light Forces is the Spiritual world, which is in direct contact with God.

One of the first descriptions of the levels of the Universe can be found in the Vedas. For example, Extraterrestrial Civilizations ITS is the mode of ignorance.

Purgatories (incarnation planets of the Earth type) are the mode of passion. Extraterrestrial Civilizations ISS is the mode of goodness.

One can aspire from purgatory to the mode of ignorance (Extraterrestrial Civilizations of ITS) or to the mode of goodness (Extraterrestrial Civilizations of ISS). It is in purgatory that the direction of this striving is determined. In the Extraterrestrial Civilizations of the ISS, passion is manifested, but there is no ignorance. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations of ITS, passion is manifested, but there is no goodness.

QUESTION: What is the fundamental difference between the worlds of ITS and the worlds of ISS?

ANSWER: Differences can be found in everything. First of all, the difference is in energies, including the energy of Time. Completely different organization of the psyche, mind, Consciousness. Hence the other ideology. Alien and disgusting. Just imagine: in one picture - a flowering garden filled with sunlight. This is ISS. In another picture - the gloomy damp mustiness of a gray-brown basement and a rotting environment. This is ITS.

Life is in full swing both in the ISS and in the ITS. There is a constant struggle between the worlds of ISS and ITS for Souls, for Time, for Space, for additional energy capacities.

QUESTION: Is it possible for residents to migrate from ISS Extraterrestrial Civilizations to ITS Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Yes, such a transition is possible. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, there are more people leaving for ITS. This was a signal that certain measures must be taken.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, self-generated and oldest Extraterrestrial Civilization. An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest of the stars visible from Earth.

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. It means that the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of the Lord, and not other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. That is, it is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent being - a person. There are also Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which "spun off" from the older civilization. For example, Daiya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that spun off from Dessa.

QUESTION: How is the rigidity of the Sirians manifested?

ANSWER: Rigidity is manifested only in relation to their earthly incarnants for their own benefit, as well as in relation to the organization of civilization itself. I mean the social plan. But at the same time they strictly distinguish between the external and the internal. There must be order on the outside. And this order: planning, discipline and control - provides dynamics, movement, growth by virtue, first of all, of ordering energies, balancing energies, realization. And the inner world is soulfulness and spirituality, which must be treated carefully and legibly.

The Sirians take up 80 percent of planning and calculation, and they leave 20 percent of their feelings to their personal affairs, to a narrow circle of interests.

QUESTION: Many beliefs and traditions of the ancient world were brought by Extraterrestrial Civilizations to Earth as a foundation for the development of culture. Was Sirius involved in this?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. An example is the cult of Osiris in ancient Egypt.

QUESTION: Are there representatives of Sirius on earth?

ANSWER: The representatives of Sirius on Earth are the yellow race (Mongoloids) and the red race. But such a division existed at the very beginning of the settlement of the Earth. Now the peoples have mixed up, and there is no longer a strict division by race.

The Baltic states, India, Japan, France, Spain, Brazil are the sphere of interests and influence of the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius. Although this influence is no longer as clear as it used to be. In connection with the development of transport, communications, the erasure of borders between countries, such a division into spheres of influence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations on Earth is gradually being erased.

Religious doctrine on Earth - Eastern religions.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Orion

This is a very famous Extraterrestrial Civilization. She, like Sirius, is mentioned by many esoteric sources. Located in the constellation of the same name.

Orion is also a self-generated Extraterrestrial Civilization. For Orion, strength is of great importance: the strength of the body, the possibility of physical influence and influence.

“A hand full of power can do more than a bag full of laws” - this is the credo of this Extraterrestrial Civilization. For them, "power techniques" are very important.

Helping Orions create something is equivalent to helping destroy. Orions do not suffer from ethical and philosophical issues. Orion is a executor of orders in exchange for the services he needs. The methods of execution are dictated by the situation, and not by the norms imposed by the public of the Universe. Orion does not take politics and diplomacy well. Prefers forceful methods: ultimatum, stubbornness, insisting on one's own.

At the same time, the Orions are intelligent and spiritually developed people. It's just that Orion adapts better than any other Extraterrestrial Civilization in unexpected conditions. By the way, Orion has the strongest medicine. The Orions have solved the problem of disease and body changes.

QUESTION: How does the spirituality of the Orions fit in with their aggressiveness?

ANSWER: When it comes to aggression in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, it is not necessary to attribute this aggression to the one known on Earth under this concept. Rigid obedience to rules is also aggression.

Orion is a strong and dynamic civilization. This means that Orion incarnants, under the conditions of the rough vibrations of the Earth, acquire not only dynamism, but also aggressiveness. That is why many terrorist organizations often pretend to be Islamic, although they are not.

Orion prefers not soft methods of persuasion and "recruitment", but hard power. In this way, Orion maintains a strategy of strength and saves time. And Orion has become more active just recently.

There is another moment. All extraterrestrial civilizations are going through stages of formation and growth. Orion is currently experiencing a growth crisis. After the crisis has passed, it will be possible to speak of Orion as a full-fledged Extraterrestrial Civilization of the Hierarchy of Light Forces. So far, Orion is only a "candidate".

QUESTION: What countries are under the supervision of Orion?

ANSWER: These are countries where Islam is the main religion. This also includes China. Representatives of this Extraterrestrial Civilization on Earth are the Negroid race and the Arabs.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Dessa

Dessa is an Extraterrestrial Civilization born by Sirius. It is located in the constellation Cygnus.

Dessa is characterized by community, unity, brotherhood, but not equality. Everything is based on Love for yourself and for your neighbor. This is a civilization of cheerful, loving and quite problematic people.

Dessites (inhabitants of Dessa) are emotional and sensitive. This is an impulsive, violently experiencing civilization. In her resentment, she is quite vengeful, but in sympathy she is sacrificial. Therefore, there are some difficulties in interpersonal relationships. They also have certain contradictions between heart and mind. At the same time, they have a very careful attitude to nature and a complete lack of pragmatism. This is the most sincere Extraterrestrial Civilization.

Extraterrestrial Daya Civilization

Extraterrestrial Civilization Daya is located in the constellation Ursa Major. Daiya is a civilization born by Dessa a very long time ago. So long ago that the connection with the "parents" is lost, but there is a good disposition and friendly attitude. It is a powerful and beautiful civilization.

The inhabitants of Daya are a strong and intelligent people, but they are stubborn. The Dayans are endowed with sufficient pragmatism and are prone to politics. The representatives of this civilization on Earth are the Jews.

Religious doctrine on Earth - Judaism. The main idea is the suppression of the Ego through a narrowly limited community, chosenness. In a narrowly limited community, that is, in a relatively small team, a person more clearly demonstrates the features of his individuality, and this, in turn, means that it is easier to work with those manifestations that negatively affect the evolution of the genus. The manifested is already material for work. Until a flaw is found, there is nothing to work with. And in a large team, these shortcomings are hidden. Therefore, we are talking about a narrowly limited community, for example, a tribal clan.

Extraterrestrial Civilization Alpha Centauri

To be more precise, this is not an Extraterrestrial Civilization, but an inhabited planetary administrative system bringing together governments and scientific institutes all Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Ideas of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: What ideas are there in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Any thinking space, and our Universe is such, cannot exist without an idea. As soon as the idea disappears, spiritual evolution stops, and after a while the reverse process begins - spiritual degradation. You can observe a similar stop on Earth. The technical revolution replaces the Spirit.

The material world is a crossroads of ideas. Each Extraterrestrial Civilization has its own priorities, its own method of translating ideas into reality.

More specifically, prioritization can be illustrated by the example of the approach to medicine. Sirius: improving medical technology. Growing new cells, new organs, cloning. Renewal of the body by replacing the old with the new, the sick with the healthy. Dessa: searching for and eliminating the causes of painful changes in the functioning of the body, due to the harmonious development of the Spirit and the body. Orion: from the very birth of a person, the prevention of disease and change. Mode, diet, exercises aimed at improving the body.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” is Orion. "Healthy mind - healthy body" - this is Dessa. "High tech - health" is Sirius.

On Earth, Sirius's idea of ​​health was sublimated into the saying: "If we had money, we would buy health."

QUESTION: Residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are also engaged in self-improvement, their spiritual growth, like earthlings?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. They also believe that true growth is possible only with a full and deep awareness of one's "I", which is achieved only through the accumulation of experience in each individual.

However, just like on Earth, the representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism.

Daiya, however, has a different approach. Daiya is a supporter of the collective mind. Daiya does not accept the infinity of the Self, immortality, and accordingly, she cares little about medical and physiological improvements.

It is necessary to distinguish between Soul and individuality. The soul is immortal, but the individual can be mortal. Upon contact with the monad, individuality is destroyed, only the Soul remains.

Daiya is focused on the Soul, and not on the individual. Whereas other Extraterrestrial Civilizations are more inclined to combine both the immortality of individuality in constant development and the development of the Soul.

QUESTION: Is there a priority idea in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The general idea or, so to speak, the meaning of life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is the improvement of the material world and the evolution of consciousness. Such an evolution as selection acts in the God's Plan as a mechanism for the improvement of the already Spiritual World. Thanks to this evolution, it becomes possible to build new worlds.

Extraterrestrial Civilizations are already at the level of evolution of consciousness and Spirit, and on such planets as the Earth, the evolution of matter is still going on.

The physical world is given as an arena of experience, thanks to which the hidden Divine powers of a person are developed so that through suffering, joy and all sorts of trials, he reaches the goal: to become a self-conscious spiritual center, acting in accordance with the law of the world, in other words, with the will of God.

This golden rule of ethics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations contains the history of the world and the answer to the question why the Human Spirit is placed in a physical shell.

Interrelations of Extraterrestrial Civilizations among themselves

QUESTION: How do Extraterrestrial Civilizations interact with each other? ANSWER: Extraterrestrial Civilizations are in intensive contact with each other, exchanging various scientific and technological achievements. For example, Dessa borrows all technical developments from Sirius.

Although this was not always the case.

QUESTION: Cinematic star Wars- are these echoes of past events, the ideological confrontation of various Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The time has passed when controversial issues were resolved in this way. Only on Earth, due to weak consciousness, the violent solution of issues continues, and in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, the level of culture and the level of consciousness is already enough to manage with negotiations.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations help each other in critical situations?

ANSWER: Anything has happened in the historical development of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, including coming to the aid of dying civilizations. But, sadly, such assistance did not play its positive role. For, for whom the time has come to perish, you yourself understand ...

But death is never easy. And there is no such thing as death. There is a termination of a certain program of action. For example, at one time the planet Earth had the potential for its own path of development, its own life. But this development has come to a standstill.

There were attempts to come to the aid of dying civilizations, but these attempts were in the nature of youthful maximalism on the part of those who were eager to help. In fact, no help was needed. You just had to let the program finish. This program ended anyway with these civilizations.

State structure of extraterrestrial civilizations

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have any state structure?

ANSWER: In the material world, for all Extraterrestrial Civilizations, not only the same physical and biological laws apply, but also laws social structure. There is a Law of Hierarchy for the entire manifested world. It is this law that determines the subordination of some segments of the population to others. This determines the presence of governments in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, the Council of Governments and the rulers themselves, on the one hand, and various services and organizations, on the other hand. And all together they are the people.

QUESTION: What forms of government do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have?

ANSWER: The form of government in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, speaking in our earthly terms, is communism. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Communism is the form of society that is implemented in Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

On Earth, communism is still utopian. The idea itself is good, but it requires a developed consciousness.

QUESTION: Are there such services in Extraterrestrial Civilizations as militia, judicial authorities, prisons?

ANSWER: There is no need for them in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. There are legal research bodies that resolve contentious issues. But disputes in Extraterrestrial Civilizations never reach such a level that violence is used, both by the arguing among themselves, and from outside, by the judges.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have governments?

ANSWER: The Government of the Extraterrestrial Civilization is two rulers and the Governmental Council. The two rulers act as balancing forces. One ruler oversees technical, scientific, administrative and material activities. Another ruler is culture, creativity, humanitarian and spiritual activities. These are all different energies.

QUESTION: Do Extraterrestrial Civilizations have constitutions, laws, codes?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations there are Laws of Space, personal codes, there are

Social structure of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Is there a social division of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: There is no social division of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations as such. Residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations differ from each other only in the level of consciousness. And a certain level of consciousness attracts people with the same level of consciousness. Therefore, in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there is a division according to the levels of consciousness. This division determines the type of activity of each. It is conditionally possible to divide the entire population into three levels.

The first level is, let's say, engineers engaged in certain work, for example, the introduction of some technologies, improving the standard of living, exploring new planets, etc.

The second level is the scientists who develop these technologies.

And the third level is the clergy. Representatives of the clergy are engaged in preaching life in the Lord. It is from the third level of Extraterrestrial Civilization that a person can move into the Spiritual World.

QUESTION: In theory, representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, having such an expanded consciousness, should all or almost all strive for God. Does it need to be preached further?

ANSWER: Everyone goes to God. But before you fully devote yourself to Him, it is necessary to complete all worldly affairs, to fulfill everything that was planned. Otherwise, the rebellion of the Spirit will not give concentration.

QUESTION: Representatives of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, to some extent, are not alien to both materialism and pragmatism. How does this fit in with Spiritual aspirations?

ANSWER: We are talking about the first two levels. Their representatives must follow the path of materialism and pragmatism. You can't refuse what you haven't done. Material experience is still necessary for immature Souls.

Education in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there educational institutions in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Yes, of course. People, despite the expanded consciousness, in Extraterrestrial Civilizations are constantly learning. If a person knew everything, both the meaning of life and the Path would be lost.

QUESTION: Do children go to school in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Of course. The school has three classes. There, everyone is given the basics, the basics. Then there is individual training. Training in each class lasts depending on the state and abilities of the student. In the third grade, a child may be up to the age of majority, which occurs at 21 years of age.

Training is completely based on an individual approach. It lies in the fact that the beginning of training does not depend on age. There are children who should go to the 1st grade at the age of 10, and there are those at the age of 5. At the heart of this approach is human energy. For the Mind to work actively, certain energy indicators are needed, otherwise disturbances develop. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, this is very significant, but on Earth everyone, in general, is one size fits all. The result is many suffering children.

The basic principle of education is life itself - it is both a subject and a visual aid. This makes the learning process easy and interesting. The child goes through what he sees. And what adult uncles and aunts wrote to him, as a rule, is boring.

QUESTION: What subjects are required to study?

ANSWER: A compulsory educational subject is the literacy of communication, perception and delivery of information. If a child from the cradle will not be able to convey his thought and perceive someone else's thought, conflicts will be necessary. And conflicts are the accumulation of negative energies. Negative energies in the body are bad health.

Therefore, the basics of communication are the main topic of training. Everything else the child learns by living life. He pays attention to something. And what he drew attention to, the teacher immediately gives explanations. This is the basic principle.

On Earth, this approach has not yet taken root. A “tradition” has developed here that the main thing is not concern for anyone, but power. The authorities dictate a completely different approach. The main thing is to organize, squeeze into the framework, and any protruding - on the top of his head.

Interrelations of people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there any differences in the relationships between people in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Extraterrestrial Civilizations have a slightly different dynamics of development human relations, a different speed of the flow of internal mental processes of a person. Everything is much slower there. And there is less joy. Because you have to think more. Therefore, there are much fewer reasons for joy than it seems. On Earth, it's the other way around. There is more spontaneity, therefore more joy and emotions. There is less spontaneity in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. However, the joy is deeper there. And on Earth there is more joy, but it is poorly motivated.

A person is always emotional, wherever he is. We hold back the emotion or immediately release it - it does not matter. Emotions are always there. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, people are always aware of where this emotion comes from, for what and why. On Earth, first they will throw out an emotion, and then they begin to think ...

QUESTION: So people on Earth are more spontaneous?

ANSWER: This is what makes the Earth so attractive. Without spontaneity is also not very good. Spontaneity allows a person to be surprised more often. And get upset. There is less surprise in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. And their surprise turns out to be too “wise”, because everything else is very easily predicted and understood even before it happened. They always keep in mind the entire amount of information: a chain of events, consequences that are hidden for a spontaneous person.

QUESTION: Love in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is spontaneous?

ANSWER: Although love is spontaneous there, it is always calculated. A resident of an Extraterrestrial Civilization may not like a certain person, but he will always understand why.

Everyone has feelings. In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, a person always gives an account of what his feelings will lead to. He is always responsible for any of his feelings. For what can happen to him and to another person. And if this feeling can harm someone, he knows about it in advance.

This is a very good model just for the Earth, because in Extraterrestrial Civilizations there are more opportunities, but fewer dangers. Such a philosophy would be very useful to many earthlings who react sharply to something.

QUESTION: It turns out that life in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is largely predetermined, calculated?

ANSWER: This is not entirely true. People in Extraterrestrial Civilizations are thinking and responsible for all actions, for all steps. You can only be responsible if you know where, what, when and where. In this knowledge answers to many, many questions. Everything else is irresponsible. Spontaneous feelings, they are, in a certain sense, irresponsible, because they can do a lot of things that would be sinful from the standpoint of philanthropy, humanism, etc. etc.

For example, there was something spontaneous. That is, you are not responsible for it. So where will this take you? Maybe it will lead you to murder? Or to something else?

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, if a person feels something, he knows perfectly well that he will never allow any meanness towards the object of his feelings. This responsibility can only be based on knowledge. Responsibility is never based on feelings. This is the expanded consciousness.

Everything is there on earth. And the sea of ​​feelings, and dirty tricks, and spontaneity. Full set. And this is very good, from the point of view of working out the negative.

Family Relations in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there families in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Although there are also families in Extraterrestrial Civilizations, it is no longer family kinship that is valued there, but spiritual. There are no lonely people. It is a pathology of the Spirit to be alone. Even in the Spiritual World, liberated Souls live in communities.

QUESTION: What does a family look like in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: The family in the understanding of Extraterrestrial Civilizations is the Unity of Souls in the pursuit of improvement and growth. Unity, of course, presupposes the Path together. But this does not mean the sameness and dissolution in each other. The Lord honors individuals who are equal to each other in potential and Consciousness and at the same time are able to combine their individualities.

QUESTION: How are children born in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: Children are born in exactly the same way, not by cloning, not by budding, or in any other way artificially. Everything is the same as on Earth.

QUESTION: How do the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations relate to treason?

ANSWER: In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, spouses do not suffer from a sense of ownership, and do not treat Love as a Duty. This is their expanded consciousness.

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, people live out of need to live with each other, and not out of duty, not out of economic expediency, not because of accepted traditions. Everyone is free to be who they are. And while he, as he is, suits a partner, people live together. And if they live together, then the need to live with someone else does not arise. For as soon as such a need (to live with someone else) arises, this is a signal that the need for the first partner is falling, and the dominant need for another partner has appeared. People disperse, remaining friends, like-minded people.

Adultery is promiscuity and the satisfaction of momentary desires. Therefore, every marriage in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is checked by periodic celibacy.

Medicine in Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Do inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations get sick?

ANSWER: Although medicine in Extraterrestrial Civilizations is much higher than on Earth, their inhabitants get sick various diseases, since biological bodies remain biological bodies, the environment remains the environment, and life, from bacteria to higher beings, also exists. Accordingly, there are already problems associated with heavy energy, with the penetration of infections, etc. etc. - all this has the possibility of being.

QUESTION: Residents of Extraterrestrial Civilizations pay less attention to their health than earthlings?

ANSWER: Each inhabitant of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, unlike earthly man, knows perfectly well about his energy state, about the state of his subtle bodies. This state affects not only physical health, but, first of all, the dynamics of a person's movement along the steps of spiritual and personal evolution.

Spiritual and personal evolution is directly related to physical health. If a person does not grow, if he does not move, then very soon he begins to get sick. Illness puts all energies into a mode of stressful action. The stress action of energies causes cell death, old age of the whole organism.

However, if on Earth the emphasis in medicine is still placed on treatment, then Extraterrestrial Civilizations pay more attention to prevention, strive to prevent disease. It's like doing arithmetic in first grade. Health issues are also strictly and clearly posed, because not only physical health, but also mental, spiritual, and evolution itself depend on prevention. On Earth, they don’t understand this and they treat it only when all the roosters have expelled everything.

In Extraterrestrial Civilizations, as a rule, protections, blocks, filters are already initially set up and, accordingly, control is exercised. This is the required level. As earthlings can read and write, so the inhabitants of Extraterrestrial Civilizations are able to diagnose diseases and monitor their condition.

Spiritual Teachings of Extraterrestrial Civilizations

QUESTION: Are there Spiritual Teachings in Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: A single Spiritual Teaching operates in Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The exception is the Daiya Extraterrestrial Civilization. In fact, the higher the level of development of civilization, the less differences in what unites people, that is, in the perception of the Highest Divine Beginning of each being.

Earthlings can make differences in rituals, in manifestations of religiosity. After all, each of us, carrying God inside, has an individual perception. Confessional differences are only external manifestations single Divine Origin. Extraterrestrial Civilizations do not strive to demonstrate these differences. They are more inclined to demonstrate the Unity of their inner worlds, and God is the One.


QUESTION: UFOs - unidentified flying objects that earthlings see - are they spaceships of Extraterrestrial Civilizations?

ANSWER: What earthlings take for UFOs, as a rule, these are not spaceships of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, but clots of imperil (energy slag), periodically erupting from the core of the Earth. Often they take the oval shape of plates, the shape of cigars.

Yes, there are a huge number of photographs, videos, which allegedly capture these same UFOs. It is possible that some of them are really images of real UFOs. Everything else is various optical effects, images of probes, rocket stages, aircraft, meteorites, cold plasma ejections, etc.

UFOs exist, but you will never see them, even if you really want to. Because they know how to block space so that you walk by and don't notice.

Everything you see is usually very dangerous! We can only say one thing: if you see a plate, run away. It's definitely not the Sirians and not the Orions ... Someone else.

QUESTION: Why can UFOs be dangerous?

ANSWER: The fact is that the Extraterrestrial Civilizations we spoke about have already studied our Earth quite well. Therefore, they do not need to fly to Earth. There are special portals that allow you to transfer information, move simple objects, rarely, but people can also go. Known to all esotericists, Shambhala is not some kind of world, but a central portal connecting the Earth with the Sirius Adaptation Center.

But in the Universe there are other worlds, other civilizations. It is the representatives of these civilizations that can visit the Earth and kidnap earthlings. These are perfectly developed civilizations, the most powerful from a technical point of view. But they experience a certain lack of biostructures. And they have the ability to periodically raid. Victims, as a rule, are those who pass their life on Earth not quite qualitatively. Everything is interconnected.


The Moon is an artificial satellite created by Extraterrestrial Civilizations back in the days of Atlantis. On the Moon there are technical bases of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, with the help of which the observation of the Earth and earthlings is carried out.

An interesting fact is that the diameter of the Sun is 400 times the diameter of the Moon. Also, the Sun is about 400 times farther from the Earth than the Moon. Thanks to this alleged coincidence, the sizes of the Moon and the Sun, which we see from the Earth, are almost the same. And during a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun. Is this a coincidence? Maybe during a total solar eclipse there are some events on the moon that we should not see?

Of course, nothing is random. During eclipses, equipment moves. Earthlings should not see this. Therefore, earthlings cannot see the other side of the Moon either.

QUESTION: How strongly does the Moon influence our planet?

ANSWER: The Moon is a registrar satellite and has no effect on the Earth. It simply coexists synchronously and registers the state of the magnetic field. The Moon is an artificial satellite and is rather itself dependent on the Earth.

QUESTION: Scientists say that on the days of the full moon, crime and suicide rates increase. Due to what then does this happen if the Moon does not have any influence on the Earth?

ANSWER: Information about the increase in suicide and crime on the full moon is not correct. It's not about the Moon, but the suspiciousness of the unstable psyche of the asocial elements of society.

The Galactic Federation (GF) was created over 4.5 million years ago in order to prevent the invasion of evil forces from other galaxies that want to rule this Galaxy. The Galactic Federation now includes over 200,000 different star nations, confederations and alliances.

Approximately 40% of them are humanoids, and the rest are other life forms.

Extraterrestrial races, civilizations - The Galactic Federation is a structural subdivision of the Madar Intergalactic Coalition and performs the functions of the Coalition's Watch Detachment in the galaxy. Also, the Galactic Federation provides the necessary assistance to planets (civilizations) in their development from gross to subtle types.

There is a document in the Galactic Federation, the so-called. "Main Directive" forbidding to interfere in the development of civilization, if she did not ask for such help. Until recently, this also applied to the Earth.

On Earth, many documents of the GF are known, mainly - instructions to "unreasonable Humanity", including: III and IV appeals of KOH (on behalf of the Madar Coalition), a lot of contactee materials, including the "Interplanetary Federation" and others, according to many signs - the Bible.

In addition to the GF, there are other interplanetary extraterrestrial races of unification in the galaxy, mostly of a dictatorial system. These are, for example, the Orion Empire, the Draco Merciless Federation and the Markab Confederation. Each of these associations includes one main civilization and several captured planets with their civilizations.

All the associations mentioned consider the Earth to be theirs. The GF from these positions helps the civilization of the planet with access to the Cosmic Commonwealth on a common basis, Orion, Draco and Markab each try to add the planet to their "collection", naturally, not as the main civilization. All these associations need a conscious decision of the Earth's civilization to join. This is an indispensable condition.


Almost all types of aliens have a great interest in human biology. Very often eyewitnesses or victims of abductions describe medical experiments on the reproductive organs of people. Some report being forced into interspecies sexual relations. Others were shown embryos or newborns resulting from such contacts between humans and aliens.

Intentions: Why the Hybrids were created by the Grays differ among researchers: to create a "superior race" by combining best qualities human and the Grays, prevent the extinction of the Grays as a species due to the overuse of cloning, or save humans. Perhaps they want to relocate groups of people to distant planets, because our society is on the way to self-destruction.

Origin: The result of crossing Grays and humans

Height: 1.74 - 2 meters

Weight: 40 - 55 kg.

Eyes: Human, blue

Hair: Dark brown, black

Skin: Pale gray

Gender: Man and woman

Breeding: Possibly the result of selective breeding between Grays and humans. The Grays remove eggs and sperm from humans and combine the DNA of the Grays with the DNA of humans specially selected for this purpose to create the Hybrids.

Communication: Telepathic and verbal

Characteristics: The look is very similar to humans; subtle body; high forehead; the head is slightly rounder and slightly larger than that of humans. "Hybrids" are more similar to people than other aliens, although they retain the gray color of the skin typical of aliens.

Earth's ancient reptiles

Lacerta Information:

We evolved from local lizards through the natural evolution of reptiles and have been living on Earth for millions of years. We were worshiped by the Egyptians and the Incas. Christianity calls us "evil snakes." We are the natives of the Earth, we have colonies in the solar system.

We have an ancient symbol - a blue snake with 4 white wings on a black background, and there is a more common one - a dragon in the shape of a circle with 7 white stars in the middle on blue background. The dragon means Earth, and the 7 stars are our colonies on the Moon, Mars, Venus and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Two of them are no longer in use.

We have UFOs, but many UFOs are not ours, but other aliens. There are human UFOs usually camouflaged. Our UFO is cigar shaped, from 20 to 260 meters, makes a buzzing sound and has 5 red lights. If it is noticed, then it is negligence or it is faulty. There is a small flotilla of disc-shaped ships. Each ship has a powerful device that makes people think that the ship is invisible or looks like a human plane.

65 million years ago, the first war of aliens took place on Earth - humanoids from the constellation Procyon and reptoids from the Intergalaxy due to the division of the Earth's resources. The Reptilians won by using an experimental thermo-nuclear bomb that exploded in the ocean in the region of Central America. After that, winter came for 200 years. The reptoids themselves left the Earth due to radiation. Within 20 years, almost all dinosaurs and reptiles became extinct. One of the surviving species acquired the rudiments of thinking after 30 million years, and after another 20 million years, its varieties appeared, which began to compete with each other. After another 50 million years, the most adapted species stood out, which began to develop as a reasonable one. Big cities were built, technologies improved, colonies were founded on other planets.

10 million years ago, monkeys - your ancestors - descended from the trees and they had the first rudiments of thinking. For a long time you would have developed in a natural way, but 1.5 million years ago, aliens Lloyim arrived on Earth. Their interest is advanced monkeys, whom they wanted to make their servants.

They came from the Aldebaran solar system. They looked like tall humanoids with blond hair and white skin. Capturing 100,000 monkeys, they transported them to their place and returned a few hundred years later, similar to people. These people could use tools and fire. Lloyimy left and returned several times, selectively experimenting in the development of both individual species and entire civilizations. The first highly developed civilization existed 700 thousand years ago. We lived in parallel with them, without coming into contact. There is nothing left of the old civilizations. The fifth civilization left the "Egyptian pyramids" built 75,000 years ago. The sixth civilization left the ruins of a city at the bottom of the ocean near Bimini Atoll, built 16,000 years ago. The last, your civilization, the seventh in a row, was bred 8500 years ago. This is stated in your religious writings.

There was a long war between us and lloyim. last fight occurred 5000 years ago in the orbit and surface of the planet. The people who watched it describe it as a battle of the gods and did not understand its essence. After this war, the Lloyim left the planet. Whether they will return is unknown. But over the past 4900 years, many other types of aliens have arrived on Earth and humanity is in danger. Some of them use people's programming to believe in "God". Mankind is not the result of natural evolution, 2 million years is not enough for this. You are genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial species, created for a specific purpose. There are currently 14 types of aliens on Earth. 11 from our Universe, 2 from the Extragalaxy, 1 from another plane. Three of them are hostile, the rest are studying you. Perhaps the 15th race will soon arrive, about which nothing is known. They may have already arrived 3 years ago. All aliens abduct and use raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA.

Today, like thousands of years ago, we live underground in voids at a depth of 2-8 km, so you have no archaeological data about us. The voids, ranging in size from 2.5 km to 25 km, are connected to the earth's surface and to each other by tunnels. We live in colonies in large and modern cities built in these voids. The main cities are located in the Arctic, Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. There are equipped places on the surface in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

The exit to the surface can be in the form of a cave in which unusually warm air, air movement, walls, as you move deeper, become more even. Behind the gray door are technical rooms, ventilation and trigger shafts. But we will already know about your presence! The entrance to the dungeon may belong to another race, including a hostile one. For humans, the presence of aliens in the caves is very dangerous.

In ancient times, people met us and described, sketched. We use mimicry to contact you. From birth, we can telepathize and use telekinesis.

star wanderers

Wanderers are a nomadic civilization. Has extensive knowledge and valuable resources, makes contact and willingly makes deals, but these deals are unreliable. They may turn out to be beneficial for earthlings, just as a gift. For example, they can exchange a Mona Lisa painting for a three-year full supply of resources for the entire Earth. But they can deceive using their developed skills.

Zeta reticula

Zeta Reticuli - Aliens from the star Zeta, have the Zeta Talk website. They left their tortured planet and settled on Earth. Their task is to create a new hybrid race of Zetas and humans. The first hybrids were created in the 1950s. They live under water. There is a base in the Gobi Desert. Their planet, Nemesis, is moving towards Earth to pump resources. She is the discovered 10th new planet on the outskirts of the solar system. Obey the Orions. In ancient times they were known as goblins and elves.

According to another classification:

The civilization "Zeta Reticulians" (Zeta Reticulians) does not exist. Most Americans are deeply convinced that the Grays are Zeta Reticulians. In fact, Marjorie Fish made a mistake and incorrectly deciphered the Betty Hill star chart, she has nothing to do with Zeta Reticulians, this is a view from the system Sirius.

"Goblins" are a completely different civilization from another galaxy, by the way, it is they who are responsible for the phenomenon known as animal mutilations (or "strange harvest"). They have nothing to do with the Sirians (Greys).

winged reptiles

Tall (6-7 feet), large red eyes, the inevitable hypnotic gaze, induces a sense of fear in people. Energy is negative.

In general, the existence of this race of aliens is questionable, different researchers understand reptiles from Orion, reptiles from Jupiter, etc., it is not entirely clear whether these are different species and civilizations, or subspecies of the same race of reptiles from Orion (Draco Federation).

Perhaps the confusion arose in connection with the different places of residence of the intelligent race of reptiles: Orion, Jupiter, etc., while despite the completely different locations, we are dealing with one cosmic race, however, possibly having a different statehood.

Moon-eyed - descendants of Nordic blonds

7-8 feet tall, pale blue skin, bulging eyes, possibly distant relatives of the Nordics from Lyra or Andromedans.

martian race

The Martian race is much older than the human race, but they did not save the relevant knowledge in their time. When they came to their senses, it was too late, in the process of evolution, the Martians completely outlived their glands responsible for communication with the Cosmos. Attempts to recreate them genetically have not led to anything. The problem of the Martians was that without the use of the so-called Merkaba, civilization could develop to a certain, fairly low level. And then she gets stuck. The Martians saw that their technocratic world had reached such power that it simply destroyed the ecology and turned them into its appendage. Biological protective properties organisms no longer work and they quickly degrade. Then a struggle began, lasting a million years, - no longer for prosperity, but for the existence of the race. As a result, today, in the three-dimensional dimension of Mars, life remains in the form of bacteria, insect-like creatures and small animals that have managed to adapt to a dead planet. On the other dimensions, Mars has always been uninhabited. And some of the Martians, who managed to build the Merkaba externally, tried to settle on Earth, but failed. Now, part of the descendants of the Martians under the name "Greys" hangs out on our neighboring overtones, and part, having assimilated in other races, in particular with the Hebru tribe, settled the Orion belt and mainly concentrated at Alnilam. The "gray" ones, in an attempt to recreate the once lost glands in themselves, use humanity as a raw material base for their, so far unsuccessful, genetic experiments. And humanity was chosen because we are at the very beginning of development and do not yet guess what we have. For them, we are like natives who can exchange gold items for glass beads or a rusty knife, and everyone will be happy.

Extraterrestrial civilizations can have such a high level of development that their logic and behavior are absolutely inaccessible to our understanding.

In order to determine what an extraterrestrial civilization is, you must first understand what humanity is like. In earthly nature, many communities of organized beings exist and coexist. Bacteria colonies live their own lives and have no idea about ant communities. Ants also live their own lives, they can already use colonies of bacteria for some of their own purposes. But they also do not even know about the world of people. The tribes of the natives of Africa or the Amazon have a good knowledge of the nature around them, but they know little about other human communities, cities and countries. The borders of their world end in those places that the hunters of the tribe reached. Outside of these places lives a community of people who consider it very civilized, reasonable, perfect and highly organized.

People intervene in the lives of all beings at lower levels of development. But with all this, they themselves still know little about the universe around them. The people of this society, for obvious reasons, do not show a desire to show off their knowledge in front of the aboriginal tribes. Extraterrestrial civilizations, standing at the next stage of development, for the same reasons, are unlikely to try to show off their knowledge and technologies to people. Humanity's mistake is that it endows extraterrestrial civilizations with a logic that is understandable to it. It's the same if, for example, the natives believed that a large silver bird flying over them had the same logic as their own. But the natives, not to mention bacteria, insects, plants or animals, are inaccessible to the logic of people from the outside world.

Similarly, people are unlikely to be able to access the logic of extraterrestrial civilizations. Extraterrestrial civilizations are able to manipulate the world of people, just as people do it with creatures and organisms that are at the lower stages of development. Obviously, extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability and means to instantly destroy our civilization. They do not do it simply for humanitarian reasons, just as people try once again not to touch the dwellings of aborigines, anthills and bird nests. It is very likely that the community of people participates in the general ecosystem of the Universe, being its necessary, or perhaps even a very important link. Our terrestrial ecosystem would also suffer a catastrophe if colonies of bacteria suddenly disappeared from it. If humanity exists, then someone in the Universe really needs it. We do not know anything about this, we still do not have access to the plan of the higher forces of nature that created our world for some of their own purposes.

Extraterrestrial civilizations observe our life with the help of means, the structure and principle of which is beyond the limits of the available technical knowledge.

When they talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, for some reason they almost always mean a biological form of life. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is also conducted solely as a biological life form using radio waves. In fact, it is not known what form of life the nearest to our solar system could have an intelligent and superior civilization. It is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and there are many of them, but we do not see them for the simplest reason - they have a completely different form of life, practically unknown to us. Therefore, even the most advanced earthly means and instruments will be practically impossible to detect them. If these are very ancient civilizations, they could visit our planet long before the appearance of intelligent humanity on it.

It is possible that it was one of them that could create the world in which we now live. It may have means of observing our lives that are visible to people, but nevertheless completely invisible to them. Mankind, already at the dawn of its space age, could send automatic research probes into deep space to study other worlds. We do not even suspect that the elements of the environment can be such means of observing ourselves. Imagine those same natives whose life is filmed by a remote-controlled video camera disguised as a stone or tree. The natives do not even suspect that someone is watching them, being at this time from them at a great distance. Even if one of them accidentally discovers it, still not a single sorcerer or elder will be able to explain what it is. The only conclusion they will draw is something supernatural from another world. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not visit our planet, they do not have any special need for this.

The distance from the nearest star to the solar system is just under 5 light years. Even if accelerated to a speed exceeding the speed of light, it would take a very long time to fly from it to our planet. A highly developed civilization can hardly afford to spend it like that. There are many dangers in open space - hard radiation, radiation, meteorites, etc. For a biological life form, such a flight would be extremely dangerous and very risky. In addition, for a long flight, huge reserves of energy and life support are needed. Unless, of course, this civilization is so developed that it is able to move over such distances in a very short time at minimal cost. But in any case, visiting our planet by a highly developed civilization must have some important purpose.
There are different versions of what exactly might interest her on our planet.

First of all, these are the people themselves, as experimental subjects for some biological experiments. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of such reports. Even if this is true, it remains unclear why these experiments were not carried out earlier, long before the advent of the space age. Humanity as a biological species has been living on the planet for at least several hundred millennia. During such a time, any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could already fully satisfy its anatomical curiosity. It also remains unclear why the captures of earthlings for experiments are taking place so defiantly. If an extraterrestrial civilization prefers to remain invisible and imperceptible to earthlings, then it would try to do it without witnesses. Another version says that aliens want to take over our planet and enslave its inhabitants. It's not worth taking seriously at all. This could have been done much earlier, when mankind did not have rockets with nuclear charges. This can be done now, humanity is unlikely to be able to oppose anything. If this does not happen, then simply only for the reason that highly developed space civilizations do not have any need for this.

The next version says that alien civilizations are interested in unusually large reserves of minerals and resources of our planet. But it is absolutely inexpedient to extract and transport even a few tons of even the most valuable minerals from here to another planetary system. It's like carrying several kilograms of coal from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk across the country, and all the fuel, spare parts, food and breathing supplies for the crew also need to be carried with you. There are so many of these minerals and other minerals in space that we cannot even imagine. The dark spot in Jupiter's atmosphere alone contains more hydrogen than our entire planet. Of all the observed UFOs, almost 97% in one way or another have a completely earthly and explainable origin. It is possible that the remaining 3% can also be explained by phenomena, the nature of which is simply not yet known to science. They are credited with the appearance on the wheat fields of mysterious signs in the form of circles and other geometric shapes.

It is alleged that in this way extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to declare their presence on our planet and establish contact. True, at the same time, no one can answer the question why this is done in such a puzzling and original way. Imagine that you need to meet a representative of an aboriginal tribe somewhere in the depths of Africa. What way of establishing contact will be the most simple and understandable for them - show them intricate puzzles, or just say a friendly greeting in their language and give them something interesting? Obviously, for a highly developed civilization, addressing the inhabitants of the planet in common languages ​​​​is not a big problem.

Crop circles and signs are actually made so that space satellites taking photographs of the planet's surface can correct and adjust their optical systems based on them. It is much easier and cheaper than building and maintaining a lot of special ranges. In addition, the mysterious signs and circles have almost ceased to appear recently. The reason for this may be that new generations of satellites have more advanced optical systems.

There is no need for extraterrestrial civilizations, which are far ahead of us in their development, to make contact with the inhabitants of our planet. They simply have nothing to communicate with us, we will not understand them, but it will be boring and not interesting with us. The governments of different countries will ask them first of all for weapons and technologies that would allow them to gain superiority over other countries and peoples. How such superiority can turn out for humanity is well known to everyone. Probably, those who are watching us understand this well. Therefore, they do not give any of the nations such superiority. All the mysterious stories about the use of extraterrestrial technologies in samples of military or computer equipment produced in one of the states of the world are nothing more than disinformation.

There is a lot of evidence of various contacts of the inhabitants of our planet with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is not possible to check the reliability of the vast majority of them. Photos and videos with incomprehensible light phenomena also cannot be taken seriously. They do not give a definite answer, but only give rise to more questions. Also, they do not give an unambiguous answer, do not give various traces left at the landing site of unknown aircraft. Usually all reports about such places come from little-known contactees and ufologists. 15-20 years ago, the anomalous zone in the Molebka region in the Perm region became widely known. Information about UFOs came from there regularly, as from an official alien spaceport, and became almost everyday news. But serious ufologists did not find anything there and did not observe any unusual phenomena.

Over time, everything somehow calmed down by itself and now no one remembers this place. As mentioned earlier, extraterrestrial civilizations do not have any special reasons for staying on our planet. And they are unlikely to waste time just for the sake of entertaining us. Probably, extraterrestrial civilizations still sometimes visited our planet at different times and left some evidence of this fact. Rock paintings and legends could not have come from the imagination of our ancestors alone. But now it is not known exactly who these aliens were. Perhaps these were not aliens at all, but mechanisms or biorobots sent by them to explore an unknown planet for them. Earthlings also sent and are sending such mechanisms to study other planets - lunar rovers, rovers, research probes and stations.

There is an opinion that the facts of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as all material evidence of such cases, are carefully hidden by the governments of different countries. But if such a civilization really wanted to meet with earthlings in order to declare its presence, its power and superiority, it would hardly begin to secretly meet only with governments. And even more so - to allow anyone to control themselves. Do not forget that any extraterrestrial civilization that has reached our planet will, in any case, be ahead of the earthly one by several orders of magnitude in its development. Presumably, she will solely decide for herself when, with whom she will meet, and whether she needs it at all. Therefore, one should not be naive to assume that aliens only think how to meet with one of the homegrown ufologists.

Also, the earthlings themselves should not strive to seek meetings with them. With such a difference in technical and technological development, this meeting will not do the seekers anything good. Even if we all know for sure that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is present on our planet or near-Earth outer space, then it is not known what to do with this understanding. It is very doubtful that even the governments of some countries will have the final say here. Most likely, you will just have to put up with this fact, especially since no one touches earthlings yet.

It is located in the constellation Canis Major. This is the leading, self-generated and oldest Extraterrestrial Civilization. An amazing coincidence, because Sirius is the brightest of the stars visible from Earth.

QUESTION: What is a "spontaneous civilization"? Can something be born on its own?

ANSWER: In fact, everything is the Creation of the Lord. It means that the Extraterrestrial Civilization Sirius is a derivative of the Creativity of the Lord, and not other Extraterrestrial Civilizations. That is, it is a civilization that was formed in the process of spiritual evolution. From a stone to a highly organized intelligent being - a person. There are also Extraterrestrial Civilizations, which "spun off" from the older civilization. For example, Daiya is an Extraterrestrial Civilization that spun off from Dessa.

In technical terms, Sirius was ahead of all other Extraterrestrial Civilizations of our Universe for many centuries. This is a very pragmatic, tough and disciplined Extraterrestrial Civilization.


In addition to the Adamic race, there are three other groups of Pleiadians currently working with our planet. Only one of the three groups is visible to the human eye in the third

Fourth Density Pleiadians

It was about these creatures that the famous Swiss farmer Billy Meyer spoke.

They are tall, feminine and peaceful (even men are very feminine). They are easily identified by their elongated earlobes and long silver hair. There are even photographs of some of them, although the government is doing everything to make them difficult to obtain. Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate and very complex in design. They also use devices that make the ship either visible or invisible.

The idea of ​​extraterrestrial civilizations appeared in the 17th century thanks to the invention of the telescope by Galileo, as a result of which it was possible to refute the previous idea of ​​the divinity of the supralunar world. Mountains and valleys were discovered on the Moon, and an assumption was made about the existence of lunar natives - "Selenites". Later, the existence of Martians was suggested. In the future, the location of extraterrestrial civilizations was transferred deep into space. Extraterrestrial civilizations symbolize the future of mankind. Ufology has had a strong influence on science fiction and on modern religious movements (cf. Raelites).

The hypothesis of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations follows from the ideas about the natural origin of man, which occurred as a result of the appearance of life on Earth and its evolution. By modern ideas, such processes could occur in a colossal number of places in the universe.

Science knows only one civilization - terrestrial, located on the planet Earth, which revolves around the Sun. The Earth is not the only planet in the solar system, although, according to modern ideas, the rest of the planets in our system are most likely lifeless. However, the solar system is also not the only one, the Sun is one of many stars. Stars form a galaxy in which there are more than 100 billion of them. Research shows that most of them seem to have planets (called exoplanets) orbiting them. The Galaxy itself is also not unique. Telescopes observe billions of galaxies, many of which are very similar to ours.

Scientific and technical progress

Ideas about scientific and technological progress suggest that extraterrestrial civilizations, most likely, should be developed much more than we are. It is impossible to imagine what limitations their capabilities may have. It is possible that from our point of view they will be gods. However, it is possible that civilization is the first and most developed in the universe.

Contact problem

Most people are enthusiastic about the idea of ​​contact between our civilization and another. When contact between Earth civilizations occurred in the history of the Earth, this usually led to the flourishing of trade, economy and culture. In addition, many place their hopes on extraterrestrial civilizations to solve our eternal problems - need, illness, death, etc.

On the other hand, in the event of a clash of civilizations, another development of events is not ruled out - a military one. Although it can be assumed that a certain level of development makes military resolution of contradictions unacceptable, this option cannot be completely ruled out.

But is contact possible in principle?

If extraterrestrial civilizations exist, then they most likely must exist near other stars. But the distances between the stars are huge. The nearest star to us is at a distance of about 40,000,000,000,000 km. It would take modern spacecraft over 40,000 years to reach it. The distances to the rest of the stars are thousands and tens of thousands of times greater, and the distances to other galaxies are even more by the same number of times!

In other words, a practical visit to "brothers in mind" at the current stage is technically impossible. In addition, modern science imposes fundamental limits on the possible speed of movement. According to the theory of relativity, it cannot exceed the speed of light. And although the speed of light is huge (about 300,000 km / s), but it is not enough for normal interstellar contacts. So, it takes 4 years to fly to the nearest star at the speed of light, to the bulk of the stars of our Galaxy - thousands and tens of thousands of years, to other galaxies - millions and even billions of years.

Will the limit on the speed of light ever be overcome? Modern scientists cannot imagine how this is possible. There is hope that only the future development of science will reveal the horizons of teleportation as a method of controlled movement.

However, is contact possible at a distance? Modern means connections suggest that contact at a distance is fundamentally feasible. Therefore, attempts were made to send signals into space that could be received and understood by extraterrestrial civilizations. The most famous of these projects is NETWORKS. However, even in this case, doubts arise: if civilization developed in a completely different place and in its own way, will they not be so different from us that we cannot simply understand each other?

The paradox of the "Great Silence"

See also Fermi paradox

To date, there is no exact scientific confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, which, combined with statistical findings about the wide distribution intelligent life in the Universe, creates the so-called paradox of the “Great Silence of the Universe” by Fermi.

Among the possible resolutions of the paradox are the following:

extraterrestrial civilizations simply do not exist; for some reason, humanity is a unique phenomenon; or, for some reason, civilizations perish by themselves, for example, as a result of wars, natural, environmental or social disasters;

extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but are located in remote parts of the Universe and due to the vast distances, contact with them is impossible;

extraterrestrial civilizations exist, their level is close to ours, and they are more inclined to observe, looking for other people's signals, than to give their own.

extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but their level of development is too low to contact our civilization.

extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but the level of their development is too high, and civilization does not contact because of the backwardness of our principles of deep space communication, because of the lack of interest in our civilization, or because of the policy of non-interference.

extraterrestrial civilizations exist, contact is possible and has taken place, but interested influential forces within our civilization hide the fact of contact. This option is one of the favorite topics of the so-called conspiracy theorists.


It is widely believed that contacts took place in the past, but we have forgotten about them, or do not perceive them specifically as contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The spectrum of hypotheses ranges from explaining by contact certain unusual phenomena in the past (for example, the construction of cyclopean structures by people of the past, without corresponding technical development), to declaring as contact all real or imaginary collisions with the supernatural, described, for example, in religious books.

Stanislav Lem
Concerning the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations

translation from Polish. B.N. Panovkina
Ed. "Problem of CETI" (under the editorship of S.A.Kaplan) / Moscow: Mir, 1975, pp. 329-335.
Typing Bezgodov M.V.

1. The mystery of space civilizations, like a nesting doll, contains the problems of all scientific disciplines. After the existence of at least one extraterrestrial civilization of the terrestrial type becomes a confirmed fact, we can expect great changes in numerous branches of knowledge. However, the consequences of the establishment of interstellar communication seem to me unpredictable.
2. The existence of only one of our civilizations in the Galaxy seems unlikely, and in the Metagalaxy - simply impossible. But such a thought is still far from being the assertion that the problem of receiving space communications signals admits of a simple dichotomous resolution ("there are other civilizations" or "they are not"). If during the search the signals are detected relatively soon, then the data obtained will make it possible to concretize the ways of further research. However, another possibility, which seems to me very plausible, is that searches, even carried out on a wide front, that is, at the expense of significant funds and the use of a large number of specialists, will turn out to be fruitless in a period of time measured in years and decades. This possibility must be taken into account now. Therefore, it would be possible to create something in the spirit of an “autofuturological group” within CETI, which would deal with the problem of how the main principles of the signal search program will change in the most plausible way in cases where signals are not detected within 10, 20, or 30 years.
3. I consider unreasonable hypothetical assumptions that there are either no extraterrestrial civilizations, or the "density of signals" created by them is very small and their detection is on the borderline of the possible. Therefore, I consider such an organization of "auto-forecasting" within the framework of CETI to be very important. The easiest and simplest way, of course, is to "get rid" of the problem of the absence of signals by "explaining" that there are no "others". But other hypotheses may turn out to be more fruitful in their consequences. These hypotheses explore the development path of an average, scientifically oriented civilization, as well as the general strategic principles from which such a civilization can proceed if it decides to send signals.
4. The mystery of the "silent universe" can be solved in the right way, even if there are a significant number of civilizations in the Galaxy at the same time. Among the principles of CETI there is also this: signals can be detected if within the reach of our equipment there are civilizations (or at least one civilization) that send radio signals in an isotropic or almost isotropic way (at least not narrowly directed radiation, as in an already established communication channel ). The strategy of a betraying civilization, technically superior to that of the earth (and it is only from such a civilization that we have the right to expect signals), cannot be the result of the mere fact that it has sufficient energy for isotropic transmission. The strategy of the transmitting civilization depends on the complex of its astrophysical and "exosocial" knowledge. Isotropic transmission requiring the highest energy and material costs, can be carried out if the distribution of habitable planets is absolutely or almost random. It is then easy to conclude that if a transmitting civilization has two different methods of "broadcasting", one of which is 10,000 times more expensive than the other, then although the signals sent to the addressee by the second technology will be 1000 times more difficult to receive and distinguish from background of natural noises, it is still most likely that the transmitting civilization will prefer the cheaper method, and here is why. When moving from anisotropic to non-addressed isotropic transmission, the costs increase exponentially; in addition, the transmitter knows that the technological potential of possible recipients is also developing exponentially. Therefore, it is much more rational to wait several hundred years until the possible addressee reaches more than high level than wasting colossal "stellar" powers in vain, only to, say, the signals reach the recipient, who, like earthlings at present, is at a very "amateur" and "infant" level of development of radio reception. In other words, the transmitter has the right to believe that the addressee himself should "try" a little and make a certain contribution to the matter, since his expenses will be many orders of magnitude less than the expenses of the sender of signals for isotropic "broadcasting". The corresponding figures will be huge if the average distance between civilizations is at least 100 light years (and it can be 500 or even 1000 light years).
5. When studying the possible strategy of a highly developed transmitting civilization, the following essential points remain for us (let's leave aside the motives for which such a civilization transmits at all).
a. Is it possible, with the development of astrophysical knowledge, to single out some regions of the Universe with an exceptionally high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations in them? (Or: is there a range of observable astronomical phenomena that are not randomly correlated with the existence of a civilization?) It could, for example, turn out that the Earth is a singularity, not because there is a civilization on it, but because of its position in the Galaxy (if would, for example, with a very high probability of civilization develop not in those regions of the spiral arms, where the density of stars is relatively low).
b. What happens to a civilization that has already passed the exponential stage of its scientific and technological development, which civilization is now experiencing? Since, at distances between civilizations of the order of 1000 light-years, isotropic signal transmission requires stellar energy potentials, it is obvious that if "astroengineering" activity is not the rule for the evolution of civilizations, but represents a rare exception, or is not possible at all (for reasons unknown to us yet), then no one, even if he really wanted to, he cannot "afford himself" to conduct an isotropic transmission. Particularly implausible from such a pessimistic (regarding astroengineering) point of view is the construction of radio transmitters of enormous power. Rather, it can be assumed that civilizations, if they really want to transmit signals, will either try to use natural astronomical phenomena of an appropriate power, for example, to modulate the radiation of a star, or, which seems even easier, to use phenomena such as maser or laser radiation in the surrounding interstellar gas ( this would be a kind of "communication adaptation" to natural sources of radiation). Since it is not clear what share of energy and what part of the technical means can be spent by Earth civilizations for the purposes of space communications, and since it is not known how confidently we can distinguish an artificial signal from a background of natural radiation, the problem becomes purely technical. Must be done with hardware high resolution thorough reviews of all "suspicious" astronomical objects (at the same time, the fact that a certain source emits only "ordinary noise" during the first observations should not, from the standpoint of CETI, immediately discredit it as a potentially artificial object).
6. It seems to me that until now little attention has been paid to the situation of interstellar communication, taking into account the actions on both sides of the communication channel. In particular, almost no account was taken of all the restrictions that may be imposed on the actions of the transmitter. The above considerations about a possible strategy are, of course, only an unusually superficial, primitive and crude example of how one can "imagine oneself in the place of the sender." I consider it fundamentally unreasonable to attribute to civilizations some kind of "charitable" generosity in establishing interstellar communications. I think that any civilization has its own problems that are difficult to solve. Recently we have faced the problem of the instability of the earth's biosphere; it became clear to us that we can easily upset the balance with disastrous consequences for ourselves - such a situation should not be an exception to some rule that supposedly consists in the fact that "the universe is favorable to the civilizations living in it." Apparently, it is more plausible that the problems of violation of the ecological balance should have their continuation on the scale of the astrophysical activity of mankind, which can lead to the fact that all operations with its central luminary or with the nearest stars will not be rational, even when this is purely technically feasible. . Intuitively, it is already clear that the creation of a synthetic exosphere, after the inevitable pollution or destruction of the biosphere that gave rise to civilization, is a matter of exceptional difficulty. And we see in our still small scale that civilization in the course of development has a noticeable tendency to turn the parameters of its system (its planet), which were unchanged up to a certain point, into variable values, which leads to a violation of the regulation of the homeostatic system that naturally arose in the process of evolution. It is possible, for example, to "unintentionally" change the Earth's albedo - and we, apparently, are already doing this. In a word, the development goes in the direction of achieving states with their own high stability, but rather, towards states that are simultaneously less and less thermodynamically probable and less and less suitable for self-organizing automatic feedback that guarantees the parametric nature of the main constants (physical) of the biosphere. If we extrapolate this reasoning, then there is no reason to expect that the solution of the problem of stabilizing the biosphere, spoiled by technoevolution, will automatically lead to some kind of high-equilibrium state. Rather, one should think that in the process of further transformation of the environment, an increase in energy power and technical equipment, the number of parameters that turn into variables will increase, and that these variables will already depend on such parameters that civilization cannot fully control. (Roughly speaking, this would be a state in which civilization manages a number of certain parameters and thereby turns them into variables, and at the same time it turns out that the system as a whole is transformed not in the planned direction, but in a direction determined by a random set of values ​​that those parameters have acquired and over which civilization has no power at this stage.) If it were otherwise, if the development of civilization were not a kind of conquest of hard-to-reach peaks, then it would look like the Universe is specially arranged "beneficially" for the mind, and this is extremely improbable . The idea that the highest phase of development corresponds to the control of the largest number of parameters turned into variables and at the same time corresponds to reaching a certain "plateau" of perfect and automatic homeostasis, comes, in my opinion, from the era of utopian and mythological thinking, which always saw a certain "golden age" beyond the horizon of the future. or some similar embodiment of paradise. Therefore, since a civilization cannot achieve a certain definite stabilization in its development, hypotheses of a catastrophic type turn out to be unnecessary in the problem of interstellar communication, since the consideration that a civilization establishing contact is almost "omnipotent" and "free" in its endeavors seems (at least least to us now) extremely far from prosaic activity. Consequently, not only purely theoretical obstacles limit the freedom of action of the transmitting civilization: since there are real difficult problems, then practically no civilization that is potentially capable of transmitting can do this because of the strong restrictions imposed on its own. practical activities real situation. Specific situations of this type can turn out to be extremely fantastic, but the general rule that can be deduced is that any activity must be practically meaningful. It follows that in anticipation of interstellar transmissions, we should adhere to reasonable skepticism and moderate pessimism in our view of the "omnipotence" of the most advanced civilizations and should not, even if we do not detect signals for a long time, jump to the conclusion that "there is no one in the Universe no", for example, because all civilizations commit suicide.
7. There is no evidence in favor of the hypothesis that the degree of heterogeneity of the paths of development of various civilizations decreases with evolution, rather, on the contrary, the number of different variants of paths of development increases with the course of evolution. If so, then there is no reason to assert that another dichotomous resolution is mandatory: either there is one optimal interstellar communication channel with the corresponding technology, or there is none. Just as different peoples on Earth developed different languages, different channels of communication could also have arisen in different galaxies. One can also think that progress in interstellar communication is not only linear, i.e. consists not only in increasing the reliability, power, efficiency of transmitters and the sensitivity of receiving devices, but also in using very different technical methods links that can be consistently achieved in the process of technological progress. Intuitively, it seems to me that getting into the Space Club is much more difficult than, being already a member, using the various technical methods used in this club. This would mean that the "entry fee" is disproportionately large and, in order to become a member of the club, it is necessary to spend correspondingly more money and effort - than later, already as a member - on improving the methods of communication and switching from primitive and expensive methods. to more perfect ones.
8. Of essential importance in the strategy of a transmitting civilization is the average distance between civilizations, since if it exceeds 500 light years, then "conversations" are practically impossible, and in this case, any representative sample taken from several cubic parsecs of outer space will contain information, consisting to a high degree of fragments of monologues, and not parts of two-way messages. If "monologue" is the norm (and in the case of intergalactic communication this is the only option), then this circumstance should play a certain role in the strategy of the transmitter. Transmitting civilizations cannot expect the costly isotropic phase to last for a short time until the call sign is acknowledged by the addressee. In such a situation, transmitting civilizations would rather be inclined to send relatively weak isotropic signals, carrying only information about where and how to look for an anisotropic transmission.
But if so, then only those recipients who, due to purely random circumstances (from their point of view) will fall into the zone of anisotropic transmission, can be in a privileged position. The above reasoning indicates that the program of practical research should provide for a strong auto-predictive group, on which it is necessary to expend effort and money. It may turn out, for example, that the type of receiving devices with their sensitivity and resolution, which we now consider the most perfect (and therefore the most expensive), will turn out to be either not yet suitable, or at best hardly suitable for detecting signals (or detecting phenomena that can be considered signals with some probability).
In this regard, the situation seems, from the point of view of our current information, to be very unfavorable for intercivilizational contact. It can be so unfavorable that the "silence of the Universe" will become a generally accepted fact for many decades of searches and observations, while a relatively large number of civilizations can exist in the Galaxy (distances of the order of 100-500 light years)
In the future, it may turn out to be reasonable to organize extensive automation of observations using the appropriate programming of observation tools. Not being competent in this area, I cannot answer the question to what extent such systems should be specialized and, especially, whether strong specialization, allowing for the detection of signals, will lead to the fact that these systems will be completely discounted as a means of "ordinary" astrophysical research. However, it seems to me that the degree of specialization should be high, and the costs can and should be no less than the total costs of modern astronomy and astrophysics.


1. Let us suppose that in a certain country a nearly blind foreigner is imprisoned in premises which the natives may freely enter, but the foreigner himself is not allowed to leave his dwelling. Let, further, this foreigner by nature Don Juan and try to make a close acquaintance with the maximum number of beautiful natives. At first glance, it seems that the number of possible love affairs is determined by the same formula as the number of civilizations with which we will be able to make radio contact, i.e. what part of the local population are beautiful women, what percentage of these women can visit a foreigner, what means of improving vision does local medicine have, etc. However, it is easy to understand that there may be no correlation between the final value that such a calculation will give and the actual number of love affairs of a foreigner. Similarly, the existence of an additional correlation between the number of technologically advanced civilizations in the Galaxy and the chances of contact with them is possible, but not at all necessary, and certainly the existence of "others" cannot be a guarantee of ease of contact. The chances of establishing contact can vary greatly, depending on the conditions that the just given general scheme does not consider at all. The existence of suitable civilizations is necessary, but not sufficient condition(as well as in the above example, the existence of attractive women is a necessary, but not decisive, circumstance for the fulfillment of the dreams of our Don Juan). After all, the calculation scheme lays down such a model of reality, which, perhaps, will never be fully realized. The decisive factor for the success of CETI is not the "density of civilizations" in the part of the Universe surrounding us, but the "density of signals" in it. But the relationship between these two uncertain quantities is itself an unknown quantity.
2. The above-mentioned "density of signals" in the surrounding space is determined both by limitations of a purely physical nature, and by limitations that are not consequences of astrophysical and biogenetic phenomena, but arise from the laws of the development of civilizations. Appeals to "apocalyptic" hypotheses and "superstrong" statements such as the "regularities of the degeneration of civilizations" of the law of self-destruction of psychozoics (animate beings) to explain the "silent Universe" are methodologically illegal and simply "throw out the baby with water." The chances of contact are determined, in addition to physical and psychogenetic conditions, by the strategy of behavior of each civilization potentially capable of interstellar transmission. And this strategy is a function of the situation of each of these civilizations. Therefore, the reconstruction of the optimal strategy of the transmitting civilization is a matter of vital importance for the CETI program. Since such a strategy is determined by many conditions that we do not know, it is necessary to build a number of models ("scenarios") of various situations in which transmitting civilizations can find themselves in order to establish within what possible limits the optimal strategy of transmitting civilizations can change. Then it would be necessary to develop such signal search programs that would allow one to count on the detection of signals for all or at least almost all possible strategies of transmitting civilizations. In this regard, the design of special equipment and methods of analysis based on physical conditions are only a first approximation, the next step should be a kind of compromise with the first step, which takes into account the system of models of probable transmission strategies.
3. The way the signal is emitted is almost certainly a function of the average distance between civilizations, i.e. determined by astrophysical data, which we do not have, but which the transmitter may have. If the distribution of civilizations in the Universe were not random and obeyed certain patterns associated with observed astrophysical phenomena, then the chances of a quick contact would be the lower, the stronger the relationship between these patterns and the characteristics of the interstellar medium would be expressed, the more the distribution of civilizations would differ from random. It cannot be ruled out a priori that there are astronomically observable indicators of the existence of civilizations. One of the driving forces of evolution is the change in environmental conditions during certain periods of development, and, perhaps, the anthropogenetically optimal limits of change in these conditions (i.e., the heterogeneity of environmental conditions "favorable" for intelligent beings) correlate with the specific characteristics of the central star of the planetary system. It follows from this that the CETI program among its principles should also have one that would take into account the relativity, the transient nature of our astrophysical data, take into account that they will be revised over time and that new discoveries will affect the change in the fundamental principles of the CETI program. In other words, the program must be very unorthodox compared to the usual, everyday work of astrophysicists, given that it is not customary in science to talk about "what we do not know", patching up "holes" with our own conjectures.

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