Humorous sketches for elementary school. Interesting New Year's scenario for elementary school

Landscaping and planning 18.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Magical New Year's Carnival - scenario for grades 5-9

It sounds like a dance tune. On the stage - a group of "masks" performs their dance. At the end of the dance, the Host and the Host enter the stage.
Hello, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.
Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. Indeed, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.
It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe? I am sure that you will be able to see this if you become a member of our New Year's carnival.
We invited interesting guests to our holiday, prepared exciting contests, funny musical and dance surprises, so we hope that no one will be bored.
And today we are given unique opportunity make a trip to different countries of the world and find out what traditions of celebrating the New Year exist at different latitudes the globe. And foreign guests who are invited to our carnival will help us in this.
With the arrival of white Januarys
We all become "wiser" -
New Year's signs
We take from all over the world.
What to eat, what to drink, what to wear...
Gray-haired New Year's Eve
In Italian, trash in the windows
Throw - with grief in half.
That, according to the eastern axiom,
Rearranging furniture in the house
And we calculate endlessly -
Who is the Mouse, who is the Tiger, and who is the Sheep...
From Father Frost ov of different suits
We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.
And we believe that heaven
We are all preparing miracles ...

The music plays, the song "New Year's" of the group "Disco" Crash ". Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2 enter the stage.

Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up?

Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Grandfather Frost to congratulate children on the holiday, to give gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: And why did you decide that it was you who would go to the holiday? After all, we are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I must go. Why do we need a junk like you on a holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Look at yourself better, I’ll also get a present for the holiday! It would be better if it snowed.

Snow Maiden 2: What is it, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, you won’t erase such a gift as you, as you draw, you won’t turn off with any bulldozer, you won’t drive around on a crooked mare!

Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my elder sister, the Veteran Snow Maiden! Don't turn up your nose. Grandfather Frost will come, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!

Snow Maiden 1: Let's call him!

Shout together:

Santa Claus, get up, it's time,

Waiting for gifts for the kids!

(Sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back).

Santa Claus: I slept for almost a year, although there is a lot of work. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate on the holiday, give gifts. As always, the New Year is walking around the world, and each time the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation gives out tasks on where to go this year. I will tell you, my dear granddaughters, that this year I was given a difficult task, to congratulate ... And why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened?

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!

Father Frost: What for? I have already received gifts. Look at the whole bag!

(Puts the bag in a conspicuous place).

Snow Maiden 2: The fact is, Grandfather, that I believe that the youngest, most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.

Snow Maiden 1: And my centuries-old experience, experience, you don’t take into account at all? Just imagine, you will come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children will not recognize you, they will still be frightened. And I'm a completely different matter!

Father Frost: Granddaughters, do not quarrel!

(Snow Maiden 1 slowly takes a bag with gifts).

Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandpa! It's a shame indeed. I waited a whole year, prepared a congratulation for a whole month, dressed up ...

Snow Maiden 1: Been on a diet all day...

Snow Maiden 2: And you did make-up all day, smeared wrinkles ...

Snow Maiden 1: It was me who covered up the wrinkles, it was me ... Yes, I you ...

(He chases her and tries to hit her with a sack. She runs away. As a result, Snegurochka 1 hits Santa Claus on the head with a sack).

Snow Maiden 2: Ouch! What have we done!

Father Frost: Stop fighting. In my opinion, something terribly irreparable happened. I'm afraid no one will go to the party. And someone this year will be left without gifts.

Snow Maiden (together): Why?

Father Frost: At my age, it is very reckless to make sudden movements in the head area. And you, my kind granddaughters, my dear granddaughters (he says maliciously), hit her, so to speak, with a blunt object - a bag. And now, now (almost crying) I forgot where I was supposed to go, where the Supreme Duma of the ancient convocation sent me to celebrate. Now everything is gone!

Snow Maiden(together): Terrible!

Father Frost: I know that horror! There is nothing more terrible than a holiday that does not exist.

Snow Maiden 1: Something must be done!

Snow Maiden 2 Q: What can we do now?

Snow Maiden 1: Calm, just calm. My life experience tells me that if you lose something, then you need to look for it.

Snow Maiden 2: Well, you're the head! That's right, let's hit the road! Let's go and find our holiday!

Father Frost: That's just which way to go, I'll never know! I forgot everything! I only remember that the place is so unusual, some kind of exotic, not close, not far away, the name is so warm, warm, almost native.

Snow Maiden 2: If warm and exotic, then this is probably Africa!

Snow Maiden 1: What Africa! A close and distant place! And Africa is definitely far away. So I think that distant, close, warm and exotic is something like Italy. Correctly?

Father Frost A: Maybe let's go see.

Father Frost: The place, of course, is exotic, but somehow too much! And not so warm. Maybe look for something warmer.

(The song “Over the Four Seas” of the “Brilliant” group sounds).

Father Frost: Phew, I'm tired, granddaughters!

Snow Maiden 1: Don't worry, grandfather, we have already reached a very warm and exotic country.

Snow Maiden 2: There are palm trees and elephants. Look, and people are so cheerful, smart, all in multi-colored sheets!

Father Frost: Ba! Yes, this is India!

Speech on the meeting of the New Year in India. Young woman.

Hello, Dear guests! Dancers from the Indian folk theater troupe greet you. New Year's Eve in India is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. On this day, it is forbidden to quarrel, get angry. It is believed that the whole year will turn out the way it began. You need to get up early, put yourself in order, slowly remember the past and think about the future. During the day, archery competitions are held, kites. The performances of our folk theater are especially popular and gather huge crowds in the streets and squares. And now you will meet with the famous Indian magician and magician, magician and fakir, the mysterious Raja.

A magician appears in a long cloak, holding a black box with a hole in his hands. The magician bows, greets the guests, invites those who wish to take part in the competition.


I suggest you see the mysterious, fabulous oriental night. To see it, you need to close one eye, and look into the round opening of the box with the other. And so the miracle begins...

The participant looks into the hole, for greater effect, a magician's cloak is thrown over his head. But he didn't see anything there.


Well, what did you see? The participant saw nothing.


That is, how to understand it? You see darkness. This is the magical, mysterious oriental night! And now I will show you some tricks.

"Vagaries of the Flame"

The magician lights a candle, blows lightly on the flame, it deviates into opposite side. Then he takes the funnel, blows on the candle through the funnel. The flame is deflected towards the funnel. (Explanation In the funnel, an area of ​​low pressure is created, into which the flame is drawn). He puts a bottle in front of a burning candle, blows on it. The candle went out. (Explanation: the air stream split into two streams, then joined and blew out the candle).


The magician takes a glass of water, puts a card on the glass. Holding the card with his hand, he quickly turns the glass over and removes his hand: the water does not pour out. (Explanation: air presses on the card and presses it against the glass).


And now I invite the audience to help me perform magic tricks.

Those who wish come out.

"Magic Coin"

The magician asks the participant to pick up one of the five coins, squeeze it in his hand and hold it. The coin is then placed on the table. The magician mixes them and finds the right one. (Explanation: the one held in the hands will be warmer than the others).

"Hand snake"

The magician suggests rubbing a plastic ruler on the wool and bringing it to the kite: it will raise its head. (Explanation: the ruler acquires electric charge and begins to attract light objects).


Thank you for your attention! And the prizes from the Christmas tree can be taken by those who explain the last two tricks.


Our folk Indian theater says goodbye to you, wishes you happiness in the new year.

Father Frost: My brains started to thaw from this heat. I think that they could not send me to such a noisy place, this is for young Santa Clauses. And where I had to go, I have no idea!

Snow Maiden 1: I think I do. If the place is calm, balanced, with strict rules, age-old traditions, then we are on the road to the United Kingdom, to Great Britain.

Father Frost: Oh, and it's good in the UK! And the porridge is delicious, just right for me, the old man. And how romantic it sounds: "Oatmeal, sir!"

Snow Maiden 1: Yes, what is this exotic! I can't stand this mess since childhood. That's all sorts of seafood: mussels, squid, crabs and sushi with them.

Snow Maiden 2: And poking around with chopsticks.

Snow Maiden 1: Well, at least with chopsticks. But you know how interesting. After all, the main thing in eating is the process, the ceremony, as in Japan.

Father Frost: Well, maybe we’ll really rush to Japan.

Sounds like Japanese music.

presenter: Winter has come to the Japanese islands. Snowflakes swirled, covering the ground with a white fluffy carpet, and all ordinary Japanese began to expect the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the Japanese decorate their house. Pine branches and colored paper are hung on bamboo sticks.

Several people represent the house, two people - the Japanese in kimono, who "decorate" the "house".

First Japanese: Akutagawa, Kadamatsu! Kadamatsu!

Leading(translates): Masha, let's decorate our house with a pine - this is a symbol of longevity and strength!

Second Japanese: Agi, agi! Take, take, Yamamoto! Harakiri, the samurai!

Leading(translates): Of course, Vanya, come on! And we also need to decorate with bamboo, it will help us become hardy next year, add strength and help resist the blows of fate.

Japanese(together): Ikebana, banzai!

Enter two guests. On skis, also dressed in kimonos.

Guests(together): Akutagawa, Yamamoto, runesuke!

Leading(translates): Masha, Vanya, hello!

Japanese(together): Ryuunesuke, yakuza! Kimono!

Leading (translates): Hello friends! Get undressed.


Hello dear friends! I have come to you from Japan to wish you all a Happy New Year. In our country, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to give cards with the image of an animal, under the sign of which the New Year begins. Before the holiday, you must also pay off your creditors. The Japanese consider the numbers 100 and 8 to be lucky, so in the temple, 108 bells announce the onset of the new year. With the last blow, it is supposed to go to bed in order to get up before dawn, go outside and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but, as it were, a common birthday. The one hundred and eighth stroke of the New Year's bell added a year to every Japanese. In the morning, the traditional procession of the "Dancing Tiger" passes through the central streets. He is portrayed by four masked men dressed in colorful fabrics. And now I invite you to take part in such a procession. To do this, I need several participants. One group will make the head of the tiger, the other - the tail. The "head" must catch the "tail".

The music is playing and the game is being played.

First Japanese: Takeshi Kitano! Deduk Moroka and Sneguraki!

Leading(translates): Since everyone is ready for the beginning of the holiday, we must call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

The Japanese and the guests (shouting together): Deduk Moroki and Sneguraki!

Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden enter. They are also wearing kimonos.

Deduki Moroka: Banzai, Pokémon!

Leading(translates): Hello, children! How long have I not seen you! How well you decorated the house and prepared for the New Year!

Sneguraki: Sensei, chime!

Host (translates): It's time to get the bell, each stroke of which drives away one of the evils.

Takes out the bell. Every time she hits him, the host translates.

Host: Ding!

Snow Maiden 1: This is the country! Not a country, but a solid exotic! Everything is so amazing, extraordinary!

Snow Maiden 2: What's the point, they didn't expect us there anyway.

Father Frost: You, granddaughters, do whatever you want, but I'm already tired. It is hard for me, an old man, to chase around the world, to look for someone to congratulate on the holiday. Nothing can be done, you have to return home with nothing.

Snow Maiden 1: So, someone this year will still be left without a holiday, congratulations, a gift. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go home.

Snow Maiden 2: Or maybe we will visit some other countries on the way home?

Music sounds, children in African costumes take the stage. 5th grade performance Miss Africa: Hello guys, nice to see you here! Despite the absence of snow and frost, Africa also celebrates the new year. A traditional Christmas tree is in almost every home (whether plastic or spruce-like "eucalyptus"). At different peoples their special traditions of meeting the new year. In Africa, on the land of the Abidji, who settled in the southern regions of Côte d'Ivoire and consider themselves Christians, the spirits of fire, water and forest rule at the New Year's festivities. Villagers gather for ritual dances, general meditations and races on all fours with an egg in their mouths. The winner in the race is the one who first reached the finish line and did not break the shell - a symbol of the fragility and fragility of human existence. After all, the Abidji egg is a symbol of life. Ritual New Year's dances can be watched to the end only by a person with strong nerves, because the dancers, to the enthusiastic cries of the public, slash themselves with daggers. Surprisingly, there is almost no blood, and the scars are healed before the eyes. However, there is an explanation for this - from generation to generation, the secrets of miraculous ointments were passed on, which made the body of a warrior immune to pain. And after a general meditation, they say, real miracles happen: the sick recover, ulcers heal, and even someone may have the gift of foresight.

For example, in one of the tribes of Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, their fellow tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. This is a very exotic custom, but don't worry, we won't spit on each other, but we'll try to congratulate you in African style.

Miss Africa: Africa - hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungle and temperamental, incendiary dances to the sounds of tom-tom. I'm announcing an African dance marathon.

Dance "Jumbo"

During the dances, we choose the best "leader" of the tribe of dancers and present a prize - a New Year's loincloth (tinsel ribbon.)

Father Frost

Granddaughters, I just received a message. But I can't understand anything. The text is written in some strange letters.

Snow Maiden 1 Let me see. So, of course, these are Arabic letters. But what is written here? Maybe among our guests there are connoisseurs of Arabic? Only with their help will we decipher the message.

Iranian music sounds, a young man and two girls in Iranian outfits come out.


Greetings to you, friends, from the people of Iran. We sent you New Year's greetings, wishes of good luck, joy and prosperity. In our country, on New Year's Eve, the father of the family gives everyone beautiful clothes decorated with patterns. I suggest you do something similar. I invite two young men. They will decorate the costumes of my assistants with various little things that they find in the hall or beg from the audience. When the decorations are collected, the participants will be blindfolded and then they will act by touch. The one whose girlfriend is more elegant wins.

Snow Maiden 2. Our journey continues. We are welcomed by the Scots.


Happy new year friends! New Year is a long-awaited and beloved holiday for us. A few days before January 1, musicians and singers performing folk songs take to the streets. All New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, tweeters, masks, balloons. All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns all the hardships of the old year, think about the future, and when the hands of the clock approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide open - while the clock strikes, it is believed that the Old Year comes out and New included. Santa Claus - Father Frost - comes to every house, and children play with him. Favorite game is hide and seek. I suggest you do something similar.


1. Blindfolded, get up from a chair. Following the leader's commands (4 steps forward, 4 to the right, 4 to the left, etc.), return to the chair and sit on it.

2. Team members stand one after another, the next one puts his hands on the shoulders of the previous one, everyone except the "guide" is blindfolded, the "guide" must lead the team through the maze, bypassing the chairs, skittles. The goal is not to knock things down.

Scot. Once again, I congratulate everyone on the New Year. I want to wish that next year you do not have to make wrong steps, playing hide and seek with fate.

Snow Maiden 2. We received a package. This is a dogwood branch decorated with bright paper and flowers. And a note is attached to it: "Surva, surva, merry time." Who knows what country?

The guys answer, a Bulgarian song sounds, girls enter with a pie.

Young woman.

Hello everyone from sunny Bulgaria! Those who celebrate the New Year in our country are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. seeing off old year, the lights go out in the houses. When the clock strikes midnight, everything is plunged into darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark and kiss him. Since, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. As soon as the light comes on, festive table they put a New Year's cake with a secret: small objects are hidden in each piece of it: a nut (to crack a hard nut in the new year), a coin (a win awaits you), a paper clip (a meeting with good friend), a ball of foil (autumn brilliant idea), and if a branch of a rose comes across, there will be happiness in love. We want to treat you to such a pie. (Treat). And we have one more surprise. Everyone knows that dreams come true on New Year's Eve. And today, those who will take part in the contest "Dance of my dreams" will be able to fulfill their dream.

5-8 girls are invited, the same number of boys. First, the girls take out notes from the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys choose notes from the baskets and stand in front of the girls. Then the first girl is invited to read the note aloud. She reads: "I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school." The young man, whose note says "the best dancer", comes out and stands next to the first girl. So all other notes are read. After everyone is divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.

Note texts for girls

1. I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.

2. I would really like to be invited to a dance by a tiger tamer.

3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.

4. I want to dance with the sea captain.

5. I dream of dancing with a chef.

6. .I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.

The young men, respectively, have the best dancer, tiger tamer, famous film actor, sea captain, chef, world champion in weightlifting.

Good evening! We welcome you to Hungary. There, on New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, pipes disappear from the shelves. According to popular belief, the piercing and not always pleasant sound of these musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the dwelling and calls prosperity and joy to the houses. And now we will try to do something similar.

The participants of the competition are given pipes, a harmonica, a whistle, a trumpet, or you can make instruments from improvised materials, or imitate playing “your” instrument. You need to imagine yourself as a member of a brass band and "play" some popular song.

At the end of the competition, participants choose prizes and souvenirs on the Christmas tree.

Young woman.

We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all a cheerful mood and good luck.


As a musical gift, we have prepared for you a potpourri of incendiary dance melodies. Everyone dances!

The melodies of rumba, cha-cha-cha, rock and roll), lambadas sound. Everyone who wants to dance.

Snow Maiden1

Our journey around the world continues.

The sound of broken dishes, crackling, rattle, rumble is heard.

Snow Maiden2

What's happening? It must be an earthquake.

Snegurochka1 For example, I know a riddle about one country, which we will just look at on the way. Listen:

Everything that is worn to holes

Forks, spoons and glasses,

Chairs, bedside tables, sofas,

It flies down on you in…Italy.

Italian music sounds, an Italian comes out.


Good evening friends! Do not worry! Nothing bad is happening. It's just the Italians celebrating the New Year. On New Year's Eve, at the very last minute of the old year, everyone throws out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is generally accepted that if you throw away on New Year's Eve old thing, then next year you will buy a new one. All Italian children are looking forward to the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and through the chimney fills with gifts children's stockings, specially hung on the fireplace. And at 175 Europe Boulevard, Rome, Italy, lives an Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And he sent you a very interesting music competition as a gift. It's called the "dance of numbers".

The facilitator explains the rules of the game.

All comers are divided into circles of 5-6 people, each takes a number from 1 to 5 (6). At the command "Start!" music sounds and everyone in the circle, holding hands, dancing, move to the right side. But then the music stops, the presenter loudly calls the number, for example, “third!” At this command, a melody sounds - Russian, gypsy, lambada, lezginka, the participant under this number goes into a circle and dances. Then the game continues, another number or two are called at once.

A game is being played, the best dancers choose prizes on the Christmas tree.


I congratulate you all on the most happy holiday I wish you good mood, good luck, love.

Father Frost: Oh, mama mia, santa lucia, presto contabele, legato, stocatto!

Snow Maiden 1: Grandpa, what are you, Italian language you know?

Father Frost: Si, bella donna!

Snow Maiden 2: Grandpa, do you still remember the Russian language?

Father Frost: Oh, oh-oh-oh! It seems that the second blow to my poor head also did not go unnoticed. I think I remembered who to congratulate, where to go!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): It can't be!

Father Frost: The place is so unusual, exotic, not close, not far away, the name is so warm, warm, almost native - this is Russia!

We can find Russians for the new year in warm countries. Let's take a look at them. Action 1: Young couple relaxing by the sea

He: (plays the guitar and sings an American song)

She is: Listen, Nikit, well, I don’t understand something: the New Year is on the nose, and we are steaming here in Hawaii, no holiday.

He: Listen, it's so great: the sun, the heat, the beach, the girls, you live like in Christ's bosom, the climate is wonderful, the ocean is nearby. New Year is coming, what else do you need?

She is: Girls, girls ... snowmen are much better. Like this! I want to go home. Not the climate, but the heat, not the ocean, but hot compote, not the New Year, but a mountain of worries.

Hawaii D.M., Hawaii Baba Moroza and a horse come out to the music "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

G.D.M.: Good afternoon and good hour! I salute you all! Believe Gut! Salam aleykom! Boynes Cyris, vast east das?

She is: What is this pretzel?

He: And the devil knows

G.D.M.: I am Hawaii Santa Claus, This is Hawaii Baba Frost. We offer you only magic. Only with us and only now a preferential fare for a trip to Siberia! Just for a little fun stuff (shows dollars).

She is: Oh, yes, we have this nonsense ... but if you keep your word, send it home ?!

G.D.M.: No problem. Kanishna send!

She is:(the mood immediately rises and begins to sing) We will go, we will rush on deer in the early morning and desperately break right into the polar circle. Let's go skiing and try icicles, in general, we will have a great New Year's leisure.

He: Nastya, look how fun it is! And you got it right: home and home! Let's stay a!

She is: Well, you are on your own again. I don't want to be here, I want to be there! I want frost, ice, snow in the end!

G.D.M.: What is snow?

She is: Well, you're a grandfather, I generally watch that one. Yes, now Nikita will explain everything to you better than me.

Sings the song "Somewhere in the world", the girls dance.

G.D.M.: Oh-oh-oh, heat is good, cold is bad!

She is: Yes, you take it! Cold is cool! Especially when it's sweet. Here you are! This is the most advanced anti-fry remedy.

He: She eats this remedy even in the cold, and here, on the beach, she is just a champion in eating ice cream.

He begins to sing a song: if you want me to show you something, I won’t tell anyone about it. All the girls on earth love it, it's just ice cream)

She is: That was great. At such a moment, you always remember that the camera is bye-bye.

He: Listen, Santa, come on, take a picture of us with Nastya, with your snow maiden and with the filly. We will show our friends at home (they are photographed)

shutter sound

Grandma Frost: By the way, the horse is a symbol of the new year 2014. To all those born in the year of the horse, he promises success in all endeavors, good luck and happiness. This is your year!

She is: That is, how, Baba Moroz, but what about me, Nikita, how are we?

Grandma Frost: Don't worry, Nastya, you better try the lottery!

She is:(takes out a lottery and reads) Your cherished wish will come true. You will soon see your native places, where fun and an unforgettable experience awaits you. Hooray, I'm going home (getting ready to leave, then returns) Nikita, are you with me or what?

He: Nastya, stop it. You yourself perfectly understand that all this is nonsense. It will be possible to go only from January next year.

She is:(looks at G.D.M. with resentment) That is, like this, yes, liars!

G.D.M.: Nastya swear, we need to improve: the desire will be fulfilled, together in the winter we will move

Magic Music

Action 2: In Russia

She is: Here we are at home, we are at home! (joyfully). Opa, and here is the Snow Maiden, and you are here! Oh it's just unreal

Snow Maiden: Well, hello, my dears, you recovered somehow, but you tanned.

He: As we tanned, so we will turn blue. Some even did not want to collect things (pushing her by the shoulder), now the tooth does not fall on the tooth!

She is: Well, okay, so be it, but it's more fun. We're home!

He: So no fun, where is that grandfather with gifts ah, no? Yes, it would be better if we stayed in Hawaii!

Snow Maiden: So, now we'll settle everything, SMS to Santa Claus: we are ready for the New Year, we look forward to it. Snow Maiden

To the song “The Holiday is Coming to Us”, D.M. comes in: on his head is an erokez, in his hand is a sled, where Harley Davidson is written

D.M.: I'm tired, Snow Maiden! Oh, tired! Where have I not been today! (Unfolds a sheet of paper) I was at the North Pole, I was at the South Pole ... penguins, you know, they went completely crazy with this New Year! Gifts are demanded, dances are danced, he barely escaped ... Moreover, this damn Harley Davidson did not start. Oh, where are my faithful deer?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, so here are the children.

D.M.: Where? So they are already big, it’s not like dancing with them. Let them entertain us now.

Beat the Kremlin chimes

She is: Time!!

Father Frost: Childish time!!!

The music starts and all the children dance a flash mob to the song "Non-Children's Time"

Snow Maiden 1: Grandfather, we received a telegram: they are waiting for us at the boarding school in the city of Oktyabrsky. Well, who will you take with you to the holiday: her or me?

Father Frost: This is a common thing! And then, we have been together since the first grade, and we are also responsible for everything that we do together.

Snow Maiden 1: Okay, grandfather, we agree.

Snow Maiden 2: We won't let you down. After all, we are one family!

Father Frost: My dear children! I congratulate you on the New Year, in which one of you will graduate from school and, I hope, successfully enter a technical school.

Snow Maiden

Father Frost: In order for this dream of yours to come true, you must be healthy, hardworking, hardy!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): We wish it to come true!

Father Frost: Well, those who are still in the 8th grade, let them also reinforce their successes with excellent grades and good mood!

Snow Maiden(in chorus): We wish it to come true!


Snow Maiden 1: Why are we standing? Waiting for anybody?

Snow Maiden 2: We are waiting for the director of the boarding school Tabrik Raisovich. Let him congratulate the guys on the upcoming new year.

Happy New Year! (Slams the clapperboard).

Snow Maiden.1

According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like that. So let's all dance together around the Christmas tree and sing, so that the coming year will be kind and cheerful.

He takes everyone to the Christmas tree, everyone dances, they sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost.

Well, well done! You will have a merry New Year. We sang with you, danced! But they are waiting for me in other places. I wish you a happy new year, see you next year!


Now it's time for us to say goodbye. It is a pity that the holiday ended so quickly.


But we hope that you will manage to keep the mood of fun, joy, expectation of something unusual for the whole year. We do not say goodbye to you, we say to you: "See you again!"

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Any discs, cassettes, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden 1: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost: DJ, DJ, let's call him guys together.

(All shout together with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you are, young man, disks and cassettes for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Snow Maiden 2: Everyone dances!

Holiday script for elementary school

"New Year's performance around the Christmas tree!"

Prepared by: teacher primary school

MOU "Zykovskaya secondary school"

Saransk urban district of the Republic of Mordovia

Ukhtinskaya Elena Gennadievna

1 account Everyone, hurry up and run here.

Gather in this room

If you want to see

New Year's carnival!

2ac. There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn

But the best holiday in the world

The best holiday is New Year!

Performance of the song: "A cheerful winter has come"

A merry winter has come

Snowflakes all around.

Don't sleep, get up early

Hurry up and get your skates

Happy winter has come!

The sun froze to ice

I go to the skating rink in the morning.

And pinches a painful nose

Angry Santa Claus

The sun froze to ice.

Snowballs are flying fast

None of the guys are cowards.

And a fierce fight broke out

Although we are friends with you

Snowballs are flying fast!

The first verse is repeated.

3 account Happy New Year

Both hosts and guests!

Good luck to all, I wish you well

And fine, clear days!

4ac. Happy New Year Happy New Year

Congratulations to everyone, and then

And we walk in a round dance

Let's dance and sing!

5 accounts The wind blows over the fields

In painted felt boots,

Luck awaits in the New Year

Both big and small!

6ac. Stars shine above the earth -

Not simple, scarlet.

New Year brings with it

Happiness is unprecedented!

7ac. Let's hold hands, friends

And we will stand in a round dance,

Not every day, but once a year

The New Year is coming.


1. The days are shorter, the evening comes early,
Imperceptibly the rivers are covered with ice.
And a blizzard's voice is heard,
And the snow lies on the roofs, -
New Year is coming!
New Year's snowstorm sings songs,
Outside the window, snowflakes dance.
The lights on the trees are shining
And the children rejoice
New Year is coming!

Chorus: New Year is coming to us
And we all believe
That miracles will happen again.
New Year is coming -
Open the doors!
After all, he comes only where he is expected.

2. Let the abundance of doubts and adversity

The outgoing year will take with it.

And let under the white snow

He will hide all the problems

New Year is coming!

Celebrating the holiday, we know in advance

That the coming year will bring us happiness.

Wishes will be fulfilled

Expectations come true

New Year is coming!

Chorus (2 times)

8 accounts A guest came to us today

In the winter New Year's holiday

We dressed her up

Warmed up, revived.

Leading: - What kind of guest came to us?

9 account Hello tree, how happy we are

That you came to us again.

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!

10ch. On the branches of your toys

And the lanterns are on

colorful crackers,

Beads different hang!

11 accounts Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the blaze of radiant lights,

She seems to be the most beautiful

All greener and more magnificent!

12. A fairy tale is hiding in the greenery,

The white swan is swimming.

Bunny slides on a sleigh

The squirrel gnaws nuts.

13. And now we will stand in a circle,

Let's take hands

And in a cheerful round dance

Let's go with a song.

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Gentle music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out.

Snow Maiden : I love frosty frost.

You can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

The Snow Maiden turns to the guys, smiles at them.

Snow Maiden : Hello my dear girls and boys!

How many of you are in the hall today.

You must have been waiting for me.

And I hurried to you guys,

And I am very glad to meet you

My grandfather is coming soon

And the New Year will come again!
Are you all funny and smart?

And now I'll check.

Snow Maiden : And I know this game. I will ask questions. If I say it right, you will clap your hands cheerfully, and if I say it wrong, then stomp. Understandably?

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? - Right!

He arrives promptly at seven. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? - Right!

He wears a fur coat and galoshes. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? - Wrong!

He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? - Right!

The deuces were carried in the diary. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is coming soon. Right? - Right!

Bring gifts to everyone. Right? - Right!

Snow Maiden : Well done boys! I see that you are all cheerful and quick-witted.

There is a noise, a whistle, a clatter. The Snow Maiden looks into the distance and speaks bewilderedly.

Snow Maiden: Willows bend, spruces groan.

Snow covered the road.

Really… really

Is that Santa Claus coming?

(A phonogram of the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds)

Baba Yaga and Leshy come out.

Baba Yaga. Hello girls and boys!

Hooligans, boasters,

Doppelgangers and lazybones

Truants and slackers.

Goblin : Slobs and fighters

Clumsy and liars!

(Baba Yaga pushes him after each phrase.)

Goblin: I cheerful grandfather Freezing

He brought you all slingshots (takes out a slingshot).

I brought you gum(pulls out a large pack of chewing gum).

Brought you cigarettes

(Baba Yaga pushes him in the side.)

Goblin: BUT!!! I am a cheerful Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa! What about you!

You are not like that

You are insidious, cunning, evil-

Real Water.

Baba Yaga : What are you talking about!

You look carefully.

(Demonstrates Santa Claus.)

Real Santa Claus

Here is the hat, here is the nose.

Has a gas bottle

And a disposable staff.

Snow Maiden : Who are you?

Baba Yaga: I? Snow Maiden - a slender figure

Long pigtails, black eyelashes.

I go to school every day

With you, children, I am friends.

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don't look like Santa Claus, do you guys? And even more so for the Snow Maiden, because the Snow Maiden is me.

Baba Yaga : Oh, father, you're late!

Goblin: I told you, get dressed quickly, we'll be late. The real Snow Maiden has already arrived.

Baba Yaga: Don't push! I had to put myself in order, I'm a woman!

Snow Maiden: guys, do you recognize them? Correctly! This is Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga: Yes! I am Granny, I am Yagusya.

I am very proud of this!

Goblin: And I'm Leshy, not at all evil,

Not old and not young.

I live in the forest, I serve,

And who will come to me in the forest,

It will fall into my paws!

(The phonogram of the melody “Sailor O. Gazmanov” sounds. Baba Yaga and the goblin dance. Baba Yaga sings.)

Baba Yaga: I live in the wilderness of the forest,

Yes, in a bone hut,

I'm friends with Kikimora

I often visit with her.

I don't like funny laughter

I am more harmful and angrier than all of you,

I never work

I'm proud of myself.

Chorus: I'm Granny, I'm Yaga,

I am a bone leg.

I will ruin your holiday

I won't let you have fun.

I'm a grandmother, so I want

I'll conjure, I'll whisper

Santa Claus will not come to you

The New Year will not come.

Goblin : ( Sings the song "My Bunny")

My grandmother, I am your Lyokha.

I feel very bad without you.

My hedgehog is evil - evil,

My grandmother, dear.

Baba Yaga : You are my goblin, evil, insidious,

Cunning such and nightmarish,

Bunny you are my headless,

Hedgehog you are my stupid,

Together: My bunny!!!

Santa Claus won't come to you

The New Year will not come

It won't come, it never will.

We'll outsmart everyone around, we'll do something here,

We are more harmful than anyone in the world, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Snow Maiden: And where is Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: He sits in his hut,

The frogs guard him.

So don't wait for it

Everyone get out of here.

Snow Maiden: But this is impossible! The guys gathered for the holiday, they were waiting for it so much, they studied well, tried and now the holiday should come.

Goblin: Is it a holiday for them? Are they excellent students?

(Approaches the children, knocks on the head, the soundtrack of the sound of an empty dish sounds).

Goblin: Grandma, you were right

They have an empty head

And my head is full of mind!

(Knocks on his head - there is a ringing of empty dishes.)

Goblin: Yes, they are losers and kolyshniks, and not some excellent students.

Snow Maiden: And that's not true! Our guys are all good students and know how to make friends.

Baba Yaga: Here we are testing them.

Let's tell them riddles.

Behind the back, a big bag
Santa Claus will come in winter
Inviting all the people
Meet together ... (New Year)

Everywhere on this holiday there is a roar!
Explosion, then merry laughter!
Very loud toy
New Year's ... (Clapperboard)

There is a Christmas tree in the corner
By the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top,
All are beautiful…


He has a huge bag
Walking through the forest...
Who got up a little light today
We are carrying a bag of sweets ...

He comes in the new year

Will we light the tree on the tree?

Who is this? Here is the question!

Let's say together...

(Father Frost)

We bought them for the holidays
The Christmas tree was dressed up.
And now the flowers are burning

Shine bright...


Santa Claus for the New Year
Bring the Christmas tree to the kids.
And it's like a fire on it
Everything sparkles big ...


Here comes the old grandfather,
Dressed in a red coat.

Nose red as a beet

Long stick in hand
On the shoulder weighs - a bag,
In the beard glitters - snow.
(Father Frost)

Christmas balls -
The best gift for kids.
Fragile, fabulous and bright
This festive…


These painted chains
Children glue paper.

Which christmas toy
Shooting loud like a cannon?

He is strict, he is kind,
All overgrown with a beard,
Hurrying to us now for the holiday,
Who is this? …

Snow Maiden: -Well, have you seen how smart and quick-witted we are?

Baba Yaga. And we are with my Leshak

We dance best and sing.

Who wants to compete with us?

And then we'll laugh.

Snow Maiden. _ Children, let's show, how we can sing!

SONG "Our Christmas Tree"

1. All around was covered in blizzard-turmoil.
Zimushka winter captivated with its beauty.
We are from fairy forest we carry a Christmas tree.
Let's all sing a song together!

Frost lace on your pins and needles.
The most beautiful will be our Christmas tree.
We will wrap you in a rain of silver.
Our Christmas tree will become absolutely magical!

2. Soon the magic will happen, just wait.
You catch him in the lodoshi and do not miss.
Soon the bright garlands of the Christmas tree will burn
And with a cheerful song, the new year will come to us.


Baba Yaga: - And now we will show our achievements, repeat all the movements after Lyokha.

(Dance “We will go first to the right ...”)

(Baba - Yaga and Leshy do not succeed.)

Snow Maiden: Are you sure now?

We dance better than you!

Baba Yaga. I'll tell you a secret -

I'm friends with Stallone

I know Schwarzenegger

I play sports with him

After all, I'm not just an artist -

I am a granny bodybuilder.

And now we'll prove to you

Let's show our speed!

Hey, who's brave, come out!

Show your speed!

(Several children are called. They must ski around the Christmas tree. Who is faster. Baba Yaga and Leshy run with them.)

Snow Maiden. - Hey, well done guys! It's great you beat Baba - Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga. - Oh, oh, I feel bad!

Goblin: - The doctors! The doctors!

(An ambulance siren sounds. A doctor comes running.)

Doctor: - Ouch. Grandma turned pale.

What, Yagusya, got sick?

Ill, no problem

Eat the frog from the pond.

There is no reliable medicine

than the natural environment.

Baba Yaga: These kids are smarter and faster and friendlier.

I'm burning with anger

I am losing my strength. (Falls.)

Doctor: I will help Yozhka.

Find my hammer

I'll bring her to her senses.

(He takes a hammer, knocks on her knee, her leg jumps, a strong creak is heard, Baba Yaga gets up).

Baba Yaga: - Guard! Kill! Did you fall from the attic? Here I am now! (Runs after the doctor around the Christmas tree.)

Doctor: - Grandma is alive! (Runs away.)

Baba Yaga: Our scam has failed.

Santa Claus is coming.

Eh, we didn't make it.

They ruin the New Year.

(The clatter of hooves is heard. The New Year enters.)

New Year: _ Come on, let me through. Make way for the young!

Baba Yaga:- And you do not rush and do not be rude.

Look, a young one has turned up!

New Year: - Hello, girls and boys!

Baba Yaga: - New Year!

New Year: With youth in your eyes

The New Year is on the threshold

In the blue flying snowfall

With a free wind far and wide.

I think you are happy with me?

Baba Yaga: So glad! Last year he came, brought only trouble. Here listen:

The hut burned down

The broom flew away

The potion was brewed

She even poisoned Koshchei.

Lived in a den

Outside legs.

Didn't get enough sleep, didn't eat

I suffered all year without fly agarics.

Instead of a stick - a simple stick ...

Well, don't you feel sorry for me???

Goblin: - Yes, yes, this is such nonsense,

Only nasty things from you and saw.

New Year : Baba Yaga, this old year was bad for you, and I am new, young. And young people are always dear to us.

Baba Yaga: - Ah, young! Tell me, do you want your year to last forever?

Goblin: -Do you want eternal life?

Baba Yaga : Do you want to never grow old? And be forever young?

Goblin : Do you want power and respect?

New Year: - Want!!! But as?

Baba Yaga: - You're doing great, son! We have vitamins. Eat your vitamin!

Goblin: Eat for health!

Snow Maiden : Don't take anything from them!

Baba Yaga: Don't listen to her, she's jealous of you! And you eat, son! (New Year eats a vitamin.)

Goblin: (in a whisper, turning to Baba Yaga.)- What is this vitamin?

Baba Yaga: Vitamin I!

Goblin: - Something I have never heard of such vitamins!

Baba Yaga: - Anyone who swallows at least one vitamin will forget about everyone in the world and begin to think only about himself. Everyone will quarrel, and maybe even fight. There is nothing worse than vitamin I! After taking it, everyone thinks only of themselves!

Goblin: - You are the most brilliant grandmother in the world! And nothing can help him?

Baba Yaga: - Only vitamin WE can help! And the box with the WE vitamin is securely hidden in my deepest pocket!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy leave.)

Snow Maiden: (referring to the New Year)-New Year, look what a smart Christmas tree we have, what beautiful and cheerful children. They have been waiting for you for a long time. Sing with them, dance!

New Year: - I?! I won't! And the Christmas tree is prickly!... And the toys are bad!... And the guys are harmful!... And what should I do here, so handsome and young?

Snow Maiden: - What's wrong with him guys?(Guys talk.)

Snow Maiden: What? Oh God! This is a very dangerous vitamin, the one who swallows it thinks only of himself, forgets about his friends, becomes rude, lazy, constantly repeats the word I! Alas, I am powerless here! What to do? Let's try to disenchant with a fun song!

The song "If there was no winter ..."

1. If there was no winter in cities and villages.

The baby would not circle around the snow woman,

The track would not wind, if only, if only, if only.

2. If there was no winter, there is no secret in this,

We would fade from the heat, we would get tired of summer.

A blizzard would not come to us, at least for a day,

And the bullfinch would not sit on the spruce, if only, if only, if only.

3. If there was no winter, but that's all summer time,

We would not know this New Year's mess.

Santa Claus would not rush to us through potholes.

The ice on the river would not freeze, if only, if only, if only.

If there was no winter in cities and villages.

We would never have known these happy days.

New Year: - Bad song! And you sing badly! Here I am…

Snow Maiden: - And the song doesn't help! Guys, maybe you know how to heal the New Year? What? Vitamin WE? This is not found in any magical book! Here would be Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden : Girls and boys,

My fingers are cold

Ears get cold, nose gets cold,

It can be seen close ... (Santa Claus)!

( (Soundtrack of the clatter of hooves.)

Do you hear? Rides! Rides!

To meet the guest together,

Tell everyone, guys, you need to:

"Santa Claus, we are waiting for you!" (repeat).

(Santa Claus enters.)

Father Frost : Hey friends! I'm with you again!

How do you live? How healthy?

I walked for a long time. Along the way

I have gone to many schools.

Happy New Year with a new happiness

Both the Snow Maiden and me

Congratulations, friends!

I was with you a year ago,

I am glad to see you again.

All the same, I'm gray-haired,

But just like being young.

Together with you even now

I'm ready to dance!

( Everyone dances to the Russian folk music "Kalinka".)

Father Frost : - Snow Maiden, I don’t understand something! On all the Christmas trees we are greeted by the New Year. Helps to play with the kids. Is there something that happened here?

Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus, Baba Yaga and Leshy enchanted the New Year. They fed him vitamin E.

Father Frost: - Hidden?

Snow Maiden: - Yes, only vitamin WE can save.

Father Frost: - That's the trouble! Where have these thugs gone? (Children suggest. Santa Claus goes out into the corridor, there is a noise and a cry. Santa Claus appears with Baba - Yaga and Leshy.)

Baba Yaga: - These kids! Little liars! We didn't feed anything this year! Itself, to see, has eaten any nonsense.

Goblin: - And dumps on us!

Father Frost: - I know that children do not cheat! So guys? (Yes.)

Well, lay out the vitamin WE! Otherwise, I'll freeze it and turn it into ice statues on the city tree!

Baba Yaga and Leshy: - Forgive us! We won't do that anymore!(Give vitamin WE.)

Snow Maiden: - Guys, let's believe their promise? (children's answers.)

Snow Maiden: - Hold on, New Year's vitamin WE.(New Year eats vitamin and then spins.)

New Year : - What happened to me? Guys, let's play, have fun!

Song: " Song "Santa Claus"

1. Santa Claus conjured all night.
He painted a pattern on glass.
And on the Christmas tree, on the green
He put on toys.
Lanterns hung in a row.
Look how bright they burn!
And crystal bells
Everyone is invited to the masquerade.

The lights of the round dance swirled,
Golden rain falls from the sky.
Happy new year friends,
Happy New Year!
With new happiness,
And with a new dream!

2. And under the mask of different animals
You will recognize your friends.
Here on holiday
All the pranksters
One is more fun than the other.
And in the evening it will be dark
Make one wish.
New Year's star will flash,
It will come true right away.

Snow Maiden: Today, guys, on our holiday,

We will sing, play, dance,

So that only happy faces are around,

We will have fun today, friends.

Grandfather, the Christmas tree is sad,

Why doesn't it light up?

Father Frost:-Of course, Snow Maiden, what a New Year without festive lights, we will fix this trouble!

May any of your dreams

Will come true. Come true

Let the lights on our Christmas tree

Burning bright!

For kids fun

Let the fires burn on it.

( The lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

Snow Maiden : -Guys, let's sing a song for Santa Claus.

Song: "Christmas song"

Outfit shines with stars

Christmas trees.

All over the country our friendly class

Sending hello today!

Chorus.We go one after another

We don't stand still.

All hands we beat

And we dance together.

Santa Claus to our Christmas tree

Rolled the sled.

He brought us toys

And tell stories.

The chorus is the same.

The hare jumps obliquely,

Jumping jackdaws.

Together with the red fox

The mustachioed cat is dancing.

The chorus is the same.

Snow Maiden: I wish you all a Happy New Year

Happiness and luck,

Good health in addition!

Holidays joyful, cheerful,

And do well in school!

Father Frost: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you to be healthy!

Only joy and laughter.

Only happiness and success!

And to sing for a whole year -

Start a round dance!

(To the dance music, children with Santa Claus dance around the Christmas tree.)

Snow Maiden: - Santa Claus, the guys want to play with you.

( Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden hold competitions for children and parents.)

"Sledding" (carry balloons in a candy box around the Christmas tree.)

Running in bags around the Christmas tree.

"ball for two". Two pairs of children hold balloons with their shoulders and run around the Christmas tree. One pair of children with a ball runs in one direction, the second in the other. Who will run to Santa Claus faster.

Who will inflate the balloon faster.

Who will burst the balloon faster.

Running in Santa Claus felt boots around the Christmas tree.

Music game"Santa's mitten" Children pass the mitten to the music. The music stops, which of the children has a mitten in their hands, they go out to Santa Claus in a circle. When there are 6-7 children, dance music sounds and the children dance around the Christmas tree with the heroes of the holiday.

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather Frost, the guys have prepared poems for you.

(Children read poems prepared in advance.)

Snow Maiden: Shakes and tree branches,

Must be saying goodbye to us.

Let's say to the Christmas tree together:

"Farewell, see you next winter!"

Father Frost : Goodbye, dear friends! See you soon!

Scenarios of fairy tales for the New Year

Everyone knows that the New Year is fabulous holiday where hopes and dreams come true. Children especially need fairy tales. So I want to believe in a fairy tale, in goodness, in justice. Our fairy tale scenarios for the New Year will help you have a fun holiday and sow goodness in the souls of people. always defeat the evil ones, let the children believe that it will be so in life.

For adults, there are also funny scenarios of theatrical fairy tales that will allow you to laugh heartily. They are designed for 2-3 or more actors. But there are scenes for 1 person, for example, speeches from the symbol of the year. It's cool when an old fairy tale is made in a modern manner.

The scenario of a fairy tale in a new way for the New Year - download from our website for free and use it to your health!

New Year's fairy tales 2019

Name Description Number of people Price Buy script*
1. Scenario of a modern fairy tale for children: "Peppa Pig and Despicable Me" Interactive, musical and entertainment program with modern cartoon characters… 27 people 299 rub In garbage
2. Scenario for the school: "Morozko" (for the Year of the Pig) Steep contemporary script based on Morozko, but with humor for high school students + music tracks ... 10 people 299 rub In garbage
3. Fairy tale for school Japanese style: "Zayushkina's hut" (in a new way) comic Christmas story in a new way in the Japanese style, for students in grades 5-6 ... 10 people 199 rub In garbage
4. Alice at the New Year's ball at the Queen of Hearts (fairytale performance for children) An interesting musical New Year's fairy tale for the DC, the school in a new way ... 25 people 199 rub In garbage
5. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale 2019: "In search of Santa Claus" A beautiful fairy tale-play (musical) with screensavers, for a children's theater or a school holiday for the year of the pig! ... 16 people 199 rub In garbage
6. Scenario for the New Year for children junior school: “The Snow Queen” A musical fairy tale in a new way, beautiful presentations, for school, theater ... 29 people 199 rub In garbage
7. Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for children: “For a New Year's dream or Keys from a fairy tale” A fun New Year's fairy tale for elementary and high school students ... 13 people 199 rub In garbage
8. Scenario for children in a rural recreation center: "A fairy tale with a happy ending" The scenario for holding a children's New Year's holiday in a village (or in a city is easy to adapt) ... 9 people 199 rub In garbage
9. Scenario of a fairy tale for children: “New Year's pig” + music tracks and presentation A fun New Year's fairy tale for children with the symbol of the year 2019 - a piglet ... 9 people 199 rub In garbage
10. Scenario of a fairy tale for children: “The Singing Piglet” + music tracks and presentation For the year of the pig, you can hold an interesting performance with the participation of the main character - a piglet ... 6 people 199 rub In garbage
11. Scenario of the play for children: "New Year's Trouble" The good and evil heroes of fairy tales got their roles mixed up, the Snow Maiden became harmful and evil, and Baba Yaga became kind and accommodating ... 11 people 199 rub In garbage

How to pay for the script?

*Click the "Add to Cart" button next to the selected fairy tale scenario. Leave your name, e-mail and phone number in the application. Pay with Visa&Mastercard or choose another method. After payment, we will send you the script by e-mail.

Tales for the New Year for children

These fairy tales will delight children of different ages: toddlers - 2-3 years old, preschool - 4-6 years old, junior school - 7-9 years old, as well as middle-class children who will be happy to take part in the performance themselves.

The scene "Whose help is better?"


Alina, Polina, Evelina - daughters of the king.

King(daughters). Today I walked around our palace and was just horrified: a complete mess! Books are lying on the floor, shoes are on the windowsills, and clothes are on the beds! And everywhere - candy wrappers! And so I decided to do some cleaning today. And I want to ask you: how will you help me?

Alina. Here's how I can help. When you start cleaning, I will turn on the record player and play your favorite record "Kings Can Do Anything". With this fun song, you will instantly clean up!

Pauline. I'd rather turn on the TV. There will be shown the program "Visiting a fairy tale." I will watch it carefully and tell you everything. And you will clean the whole palace fabulously fast!

King(turning to Evelina with a sigh). What will you turn on?

Evelina. I will turn on the vacuum cleaner. No, first I'll put everything in its place. Then I'll take a broom and sweep all the garbage. Then I will remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. After that, wipe the window sills and all the furniture with a damp cloth. And when everything is clean, we will all sit down together and watch TV.

King. Well, now I found out that I have only one real assistant!

Scene "At the doctor's"


A student with a briefcase is standing in front of the doctor's office. He is indecisive.

Student. What to do? To go or not to go? And suddenly kicked out? No I'm not going. Yes, what about control? No, you have to go. Was not! (He pulls out a towel from his briefcase, ties it around his head. Then he knocks on the door.)

Doctor. Yes, yes, come in!

Student(included). Can?

Doctor(writes something, then stops writing, looks at the student). Come in, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about?

Student. Feeling very bad.

Doctor. Specifically, what hurts?

Student. Head. Stomach. Ear stuffed up. I hear nothing and understand nothing. Then, this, dizziness, pressure and palpitations.

Doctor. The temperature is?

Student. There is, there is! Thirty-eight and eight. Or forty-four and four. I do not remember.

Doctor. Clear. Do you remember your last name?

Student. No, I don't remember... I forgot.

Doctor. And forgot the name too?

Student. Yeah. And patronymic. Because my head hurts.

Doctor. And in what class do you study, and in what school - also forgot?

Student. Class ... it seems, the sixth "yu". And I completely forgot school.

Doctor. OK. Open the horn wider and say: "Aaaa."

Student. A-a-algebra.

Doctor. What is "algebra"? Control, or what, today?

Student. No, tomorrow. Oh no, I don't remember.

Doctor. Hmm yeah. (Looks at student over glasses.) Very Hard case! You can't go to school. You have to stay at home for two weeks.

Student(happily). Houses?

Student. What about English?

Doctor. It is forbidden!

Student. What about geography?

Doctor. In no case!

Student. Can you go to the cinema?

Doctor. Didn't I say? Necessarily! Twice a day - morning and afternoon!

Student. Thanks a lot!

Doctor. To health! All. You can go.

Student. Goodbye. Oh, and help?

Doctor. What help?

Student. Exemption from school. You didn't give me!

Doctor. Ah, liberation. No, unfortunately it won't work!

Student. Why?

Doctor. How can I write you a certificate if I don’t know your name, surname, or the school where you study!

Student. Oh, I think I'm starting to remember.

Doctor. Well done! What's the last name?

Student. Kotikov.

Student. Vasya! That is, Vasily Egorovich.

Doctor. Very well, now remember the class, the school.

Student. Sixth "b" class, school number twenty-five.

Doctor. Now think about algebra.

Student. About what algebra?

Doctor. About the one on which the control is tomorrow. Remembered?

Student. I remembered.

Doctor. Amazing! You see how quickly you recovered from me! And you don't even need a referral! Or is it still necessary? To the principal of school number twenty-five?

Student. Not necessary.

Doctor. Then goodbye. Kotikov Vasily Egorovich. Yes, don't forget to take the turban off your head, it doesn't suit you!

The student removes the towel from his head and leaves.

Scene "Grandmothers and grandchildren"


Two grandmothers.

First grandmother. Hello my dove! Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother. What the hell, I haven't done my homework yet.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother. Now it is fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. I want to try it, although it is probably non-pedagogical.

First grandmother. Why is it non-pedagogical? Yes, I have been doing lessons for my grandchildren all my life. If anything - ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem: “There is a green oak near the seashore, a golden chain on that oak ...”

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother. "... Both day and night, the dog is a scientist ..."

First grandmother. What other dog?

Second grandmother. Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

First grandmother. Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood?

Second grandmother. Ah, I got it, I got it! Well, then I’ll start first: “At the seashore, there is a green oak, a golden chain on that oak, day and night, a scientist cat ... goes to the grocery store with a string bag.”

First grandmother. With what bag? Which deli? Learn the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I have so many more lessons! One grandson is in the sixth grade and the other is in the first. His teacher asked to bring cash to school.

First grandmother. What checkout? From the store, right? Don't drag me into this!

Second grandmother. Well, where is the store? Cashier is the alphabet. Okay, I'll do it myself, and you help me solve the problem.

First grandmother. So... (takes a textbook, reads) "...two pipes are connected to the bathroom..." Remember, in order to solve a problem, you need to have a good idea of ​​what it says. “Two rude pipes are connected to the bathroom ...” - did you imagine?

Second grandmother. Yes, yes, I did.

First grandmother."... Through one water flows in, through another it pours out." Presented?

Second grandmother. Introduced! (Running away.) Presented-ah!

First grandmother. Wait! Where are you running?

Second grandmother. Water is pouring out! Can fill the whole floor ...

First grandmother. Take it easy. In fact, the water does not pour out. This is only mentioned in the task! Now tell me, when will the bath be filled?

Second grandmother. Will never fill up. They themselves said - the water does not pour ...

First grandmother. Goodbye. You will be taken to the hospital. And I have more homework not done: an experiment in botany must be carried out - to grow beans.

Second grandmother. Oh, yes, yes, I remember you took beans from me.

First grandmother. Yes, something does not grow these beans! Apparently poor quality...

Second grandmother. How poor quality? Well, do good to people! It can be said that I tore off the beans from myself - I took them out of the soup.

First grandmother. Wait, wait, how - from the soup? It's me, it turns out, raised boiled beans? Thank you, cheered...

Second grandmother. Well, I didn’t know why you need beans, don’t be offended!

First grandmother. What do you think, if we continue to study so hard, maybe they will give us some grade?

Second grandmother(whispers). Between us, it's already been placed.

First grandmother. Yes? And what is the rating?

Second grandmother. Kol!

First grandmother. Why such a bad rating?

Second grandmother. Because we don't mind our own business.

First grandmother. Adults do everything for the children, and then they are surprised: “Ah, they grow up with white hands! ..”

The old ladies leave.

Scene "Enchanted letter"


Denis. Once Alenka, Mishka and I were playing in the yard. It was before the New Year. They brought a tree to our yard. She lay large, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood like fools and smiled. And suddenly Alenka said:

Alenka. Look, there are SENSES hanging on the Christmas tree!

Denis. Mishka and I rolled like that!

bear. Oh, I'm dying of laughter! Investigations!

Denis. Well gives: detectives!

Bear. The girl is five years old, but she says "detectives." Oh, I can't! Oh, I feel bad! Oh water! Give me more water! I'm going to faint now! (Falls, laughs.)

Denis. Oh, I even started to hiccup with laughter! Hic! Hic! I'll probably die now! The girl is already five years old, she will soon marry, and she is a detective!

Alenka(offended). Did I say that correctly! This is my tooth falling out and whistling. I want to say "spy", but I whistle "spy".

bear. Think! Her tooth fell out! .. I have fallen out as many as three and one is staggering, but I still speak correctly. Listen here: chuckles! What? Really, great? HIGHLIGHTS! I can even sing

Mihka clubfoot

Walking through the forest

Khyhki collects

And he puts it in his pocket.

Alenka(shouts). Ah-ah-ah! Not right! Hooray! You say "snickers", but you have to - "detectives"!

bear. No, it's necessary - "chuckles"!

Alenka. No, detectives!

Bear. No, "snickers"!

Alenka. No, detectives! (Obarevut.)

Denis. I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I'll go home. Here are the freaks! Why are they arguing so, since both are wrong? After all, it is a very simple word. No "detectives", no "snickers", but briefly and clearly: "fifties"! That's all.

According to the materials of the newsreel "Yeralash"

Scene "Day of Help to Parents"


Anton. Mum.

Three classmates of Anton.

Anton appears on the stage. He wipes the dust with a rag, sweeps the floor with a brush, dancing and singing: "My baby, I miss you ...".

Mom enters in outerwear, freezes in place.

Mum. Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened, mom. Let me help you undress. (Helps take off jacket.)

Mom enters the room, notices that the dust has been wiped off.

Mum. Did you dust off? Myself?

Anton. Myself.

Mum. Tell me honestly, Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened.

Mum. Am I being called to school?

Anton. Not...

Mom walks across the room, notices that the floor has been swept.

Mum. Have you swept the floor? Myself?! Unbelievable... (She puts her hand to her forehead, checking to see if she has a fever.)

Anton. Mom, don't worry. I washed the dishes and did my homework.

Mum. Lessons done ... I beg you, Anton, tell me what happened after all? (Clutches his heart, sits down on a chair.)

Anton. Well, I'm telling you: nothing happened! The doorbell rings. Enter three children.

1st. Good evening! How was Parenting Day?

2nd. Hak, cleanliness, order. Wiped the dust, swept the floor ...

3rd(opens magazine). Check mark! (Ticks with a pencil.)

Anton. Helping Parents Day, Helping Parents Day! Here, look what your Parenting Day has brought a person to! (Pointing to mom.)

Children surround mother from all sides.

1st(vigorously). Valerian! Water! (Counting drops.) 23, 24, 25! (Gives mother a drink.) How nervous all mothers are! It was necessary to first explain that it was only for one day and tomorrow everything would be the same!

Scene "About a kitten who could not read"


Yasha is a kitten.

One day Murka's cat, Yasha's mother, said to the kitten:

Murka. It's time for you, Yasha, to learn to read.

Yasha. I'll still succeed!

Murka. Nothing to be lazy. Let's start right now. Sit down, I'll show you the letters.

Yasha reluctantly sits down.

Murka. Let's start with the simplest letter - "O". (Shows the letter "O")

Yasha. Some circle...

Murka. Yes, it looks like a circle. This letter is called "O". Repeat!

Yasha. This letter is called "O". What words contain this letter?

Murka. In many. For example, in the words "cat" and "cat". (Shows cards with words written on them.)

Yasha. And in the word "kitten"?

Murka. And in the word "kitten" there are even two letters "O". Look. (Shows a card with a written word.)

Yasha. See see! Two mugs! And three? Three letters "O" happens in words?

Murka. Certainly. There is such a good word - "milk". (Shows a card.)

Yasha. Truth! Three whole circles! Is there a letter in the word "ice cream"?

Murka. There is. And also three. Look. (Shows a card.)

Yasha. Good word! And in two ice creams, that means six letters "O". And in three...

Murka. Don't talk nonsense! And in general, we now have no arithmetic! That's all for today. Go for a walk!

Yasha. What a good letter! And it happens in the best words! And the tastiest!

Yasha approaches the screen, on which hangs a sign with the inscription: “Caution! Angry dog!"

Yasha. What a beautiful sign! And three words are written on it ... And in the first word there are whole ... one, two, three, four ... Wow!

As many as four letters "O"! Blimey! There must be something very tasty or pleasant here! ..

The kitten looks behind the screen. From there, a deafening bark is heard. Yasha jumps out from behind the screen, tears off the sign and runs to her mother.

Murka(seeing the excited Yasha). What happened to you? Why are you so disheveled and trembling all over? What happened?

Yasha. Mom, I was walking, I saw a fence, a beautiful sign hung on the fence (gives the sign to mom), three words are written on it, and in the first word there are four letters “O”! I thought that there must be something very tasty or pleasant...

Murka. So! I understand everything! This is what happens when you can't read! Do you know what is written on this plate? "Carefully! Angry dog!".

Yasha. Yes, it is written there correctly, the dog is really angry ... You know what, mom, let's learn the rest of the letters!

Scene "Word game"


Petya is a son.

Two boys - one older, the other younger - go on stage, sit on chairs. In the hands - pictures and pencils.

Petya. Dad, draw me something.

Dad. No, we will take turns drawing and play word at the same time.

Petya. Like this?

Dad. That's how. We will invent words for any letter and depict these words with drawings. Take, for example, the letter "P". I start. (Draws a briefcase, shows.)

Petya. Clear. And I'll draw ... (draws a locomotive).

Dad. Well done! The ship is like a real one! And I came up with this ... (draws and shows the belt).

Petya. No belt! He's not on the letter "P"!

Dad. It's not a belt, it's a belt!

Petya. Well you figured it out! Then I will draw ... (draws and shows a cat).

Dad. But you can’t have a cat, it’s not with the letter “P”!

Petya. And this is not just a cat, but Fluff!

Dad. Oh you sly one! Good. I will draw ... (draws and shows a portrait).

Petya. Who is it?

Dad. It's nobody. It's just a portrait.

Petya. Great. And I'll draw ... (draws and shows uncle).

Dad. And who is this?

Petya. It's nobody. It's just a passerby.

Dad. Well done! And I'll draw a parrot. (Draws and shows.)

Petya. Great! And I'll draw a penguin. (Draws and shows.)

Dad. Look. (Shows the boy in the picture.)

Petya. Who is this? If it's a boy it doesn't count.

Dad. What, didn't you know? After all, this is Petya, that is, you!

Petya. Now found out! And I'll draw ... (draws and shows uncle).

Dad. Who is this? If uncle, it does not count!

Petya. What, didn't you know? It's dad, that is you!

Dad. Now I know. And here's what I came up with. (Draws and shows a woman.) This is our mother. I drew her because she is a teacher and teaches singing.

Petya. Great! And here's what I came up with! (Draws and shows a calendar.)

Dad. Calendar? Why?

Dad. Correctly. And on this day we will present to her ... (draws a gift and flowers).

Petya. A gift is understandable. What about flowers? They are not in the letter "P" ...

Dad. So what? Anyway, mom will be happy!

Extracurricular activities

Sketches for the school for the New Year

Very soon the New Year will come - everyone's favorite holiday. Every child dreams of them. And it doesn’t matter if he is a toddler, an elementary school student and already a high school student. Everyone is waiting for Christmas miracles! And at school, miracles are in charge, of course, the teacher. New Year school matinee should be fun and unforgettable, so that every student feels the approach of the holiday. A modern teacher, loaded with work, is not always able to independently write a script and conduct children's holiday and often looking for ready-made solutions. Our funny sketches for school for the New Year will help you easily organize an event.


A small scene-parody of the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin. The scene is simple to stage, it does not have complex scenery.



1st girl

2nd girl

3rd girl



Mobile phones

Stage design and costumes

The girls sit on a bench, which can be made from chairs covered with cloth. Behind the bench is a cardboard window. You can attach a Wi-Fi icon to the window. All characters can be dressed in modern clothes, but with "fabulous" elements (crowns, kokoshniks). The conductor - in a regular suit, to which the Russian Railways logo is attached, holds a sign in his hands with the inscription "Lukhovitsy-Paris" (use the name of your locality). The gourmet is holding a ladle.


There were three sisters

Instagram girls.

Each of them led

Blog about various things.

"How to go abroad" -

Written by the first sister.

The second one has a girl

Culinary page.

The third and so - and so,

But with the theme cant.

Now about pictures, then about songs -

She was interested in everything.

Three maidens by the window

Instagram tonight

The post was about love

Arching an eyebrow.

The girls are sitting on a bench staring at their phones.

1st girl:

"If I were a queen, -


The first girl writes, -

1st girl:

I would have a father-king

I would take you to the sea!

In the New Year - yes to Tahiti.

You will marry me the king!

Ol inclusive, sea, pictures...

Farewell, warm tights!”

2nd girl:

"If I were a queen, -


Her sister writes here -

2nd girl:

That is for the whole baptized world

I'd make a buffet!

Foie gras, shrimp, sushi,

Oysters, pig ears...

And chocolate fondue

Tsar-father delight.

I don't like diets

I will feed the autocrat.”

3rd girl:

"If I become a queen, -

The third girl writes a post, -

Then I am the father-king

I'll give you the fourth Sony.

He's tired of ruling the world

We need to slow down the pace.

He will play in Sony

Eat well and sleep well."

Hundreds of likes have arrived.

And knocking in a personal to her

Prince Elisha.

The Tsar enters the stage and takes the 3rd girl by the hand.

Tsar :

What a miracle, what a miracle!

And you are wise and beautiful.

You understand sometimes

In male psychology!

I'll hurry up with the matter

I will marry you right away.

1st and 2nd girl:

How embarrassing! God sees

I'll blog about it!

Tsar :

Don't make noise, girls.

Color your eyelashes.

I also marry you

I'll give you all, finally.

Conductor and Gourmet enter the stage, everyone joins hands.


The king, of course, well done,

He gave them all away.

The husband of the first is a conductor,

I'm used to travel.

With him is the first girl

Everyone travels abroad.

The second husband is a gourmet esthete

Knows the entire composition of cutlets.

All in unison:

The fairy tale is not a lie -

Happiness is where you do not expect.

"The Big Book of Winter Tales and Poems" is a great gift for any child. Under one cover there are collected wonderful classic fairy tales "Moroz Ivanovich", "Snow Maiden", "By the Pike's Command", "Two Frosts" and poems by such famous poets as F. Tyutchev, F. Fet, Sasha Cherny, S. Yesenin, A Bely, A. Usachev, M. Druzhinina. Wonderful children's illustrations perfectly complement the text. Winter is a wonderful time for fairy tales and poems. After all, it is in winter that the wonderful New Year holiday comes - the time of magic, miracles and gifts. Here's our book is perfect for this holiday. After all, here children will find the most winter fairy tales and the most New Year's poems. This is a great gift for any child!


His class will gladly help the teacher to prepare and have a fun New Year's school concert. This funny scene scenario will be appreciated by both a modern high school student and a middle school student. A fun school scene for the New Year about traditions will not only cheer up schoolchildren, but also expand their knowledge about celebrating the New Year in different countries Oh.


Teacher (or class leader)


    a glass of water or a water pistol;

  • a large box of matches;

    a trash bag with small debris (scrap paper, cardboard, etc.);

    popper with confetti.

Scene 1

Three students and a teacher.

Teacher :

Yes, guys. New Years is soon. It is necessary to make an original matinee, and not like last time - they led a round dance and dispersed. Should be fun. Make a modern holiday!

Student 1: Can I blow something up?

Teacher: No explosions! It's a children's party, safety is paramount.

Student 2: Can something be broken?

Teacher: No! You are a schoolboy, turn on your head, remember what you learned interesting in the lessons.

Student 3: I recently read about the New Year traditions of different countries. We can arrange the New Year in the style of some country ...

Teacher: And this great idea! Well done ... Think about it. Maybe instead of a Christmas tree, we'll dress up a palm tree, and instead of a round dance, we'll dance some kind of tribal dance! See you tomorrow, show us what you've got. Let's get creative!

Scene 2

On stage they are the same, but with props.

Three students stand around a table with props. The teacher enters. 1st student pours water on him).

Teacher: What are you doing? Why did you douse me? It's not funny!

Student 1: Happy Thai New Year! Hooray!

The teacher wipes face .

Teacher: What a stupid joke...

Student 1: Nothing is a joke. Splashing with water is a Thai New Year tradition.

Pupil 2 rolls a log to the teacher's feet, picks up matches.

Student 2: And now we will burn! How Europeans burned their Christmas log!

Teacher: Stop! Don't burn me or the log! This tradition does not suit us.

Student 2 sadly rolls the log under the table.

Student 3 comes out with a trash bag and starts throwing trash around.

Teacher: What are you doing? Just cleaned up for the holidays! Stop it now.

Student 3: What about me? It was the Italians who came up with the idea of ​​throwing garbage into the street on New Year's Eve!

Teacher: Stop, stop ... What other traditions do you have in store?

Student 1: We also wanted to hit the cymbals like the Swedes.

Student 2: And set fire to a barrel of tar, like the Scots ...

Teacher: You know what, you don’t have to beat and set fire to anything. It seems to me that our traditions are the most humane traditions in the world! We will decorate the Christmas tree, dance, call the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus, and we will go on vacation alive and healthy.

Student 3 blows up a firecracker. The teacher runs off the stage screaming.

Student 3: Hey! Well, it's our tradition!

Scenarios of fairy tales in a new way are very popular from year to year. Children love to imagine famous fairy-tale characters in a new role.

This book is like a box of chocolates! Here, every story is a delicious candy. No two are alike, each one contains original ingredients and toppings. Laughter and tears, joy and disappointment, love and separation, magic and reality - twenty-two of the best Russian authors have prepared a wonderful collection for real gourmet readers. You “eat” all the stories instantly, because inside there are miniature masterpieces from the best literary “confectioners”: Narine Abgaryan, Andrey Kivinov, Alexander Tsypkin, Vitaly Seroklinov, Vladimir Zisman, Masha Rupasova, Mikhail Shakhnazarov...


This funny scene for the New Year at school about how Ivan Tsarevich married his daughter. If the role of the main character is played by a tall and strong young man, and the role of the Thumb Boy is a fragile girl, this will make the production even more fun.


The narrator

Ivan Tsarevich

Toad Princess

Tsar's daughter (high schooler)

Bogatyr (we suggest portraying this character as a traffic policeman)

Old Man Hottabych (important to focus on the beard)

Thumb boy (a short hero in the form of a biker or rocker)

Musical arrangement

    "I'm not handsome" V. Syutkin

    "Bomb" gr. "Leningrad"

    “Well, why are you so scary” Aleksina

    Song of Fun "But I don't want by calculation"

    "Beard" Timati

    "Back in black" AC/DC

The narrator :

In some kingdom

In a strange state

Once upon a time there was Ivan Tsarevich,

Those places are the king.

Appearance was handsome -

Looks a bit like a moose.

The chorus of the song "I'm not handsome" by Valery Syutkin is playing. Ivan comes out and dances to the music. Sits on the throne.

The narrator:

He had a wife

Princess Toad.

Good, they say, ba ... (cough) girl.

Plays the chorus of the song "Bomb" of the group "Leningrad". The Toad Princess enters the stage and dances, sits down next to Ivan.

The narrator:

And they had a daughter

Poured Ivan exactly the same.

Well, she looks a lot like her father!

The same ro... (cough) the face is the same, in general.

The Tsar's Daughter comes out and dances to the song "Well, why are you so terrible." Gets up next to your parents.

Ivan Tsarevich:

In the state all the way

We live well in it.

Wars in the past, peace and quiet.

To rule a kingdom is grace.

However, there is one problem -

The daughter is getting older every year.

She's fifteen years old

There are no suitors.

Toad Princess:

What are you up to, you old bastard?

All puffed up like an owl!

Well, think, annoyance -

You have to marry your daughter.

On such a beauty

Anyone gets married right away.

Ivan Tsarevich:

Where can you get this right now?

So that a sensible son-in-law came out.

To be kind, rich

And... a little blind.

To the song “But I don’t want it by calculation,” the Princess demonstrates her indignation.

Ivan Tsarevich:

You, daughter, are not a miracle!

Press download let's go.

From doubts and troubles

Sports always save everyone!

Toad Princess:

Are you a father or not a father?

He drives his daughter down the aisle ...

You arrange at least a casting.

Suddenly, a scoundrel will marry?

The sound of a siren is heard. Bogatyr appears on the scene in a traffic police suit.

The narrator:

Here he is, the Russian hero!

And his face is not a ghoul.

The girl looked at him

I immediately pulled in my stomach...

Ivan Tsarevich :

Nothing like a groom

We will arrange the wedding for them...

Bogatyr ( addressing the king):

Me your coyote face

It suddenly reminded me of someone...

But aren't you, my clear king,

Did you run red on Wednesday?

The hero takes out a notebook and writes out a fine. Ivan Tsarevich clutches his heart.

Ivan Tsarevich:

For what sins

To us such grooms?

Well you! Go to the garden!

Something son-in-law I'm not happy.

The hero leaves the stage.

To the chorus of the song “Beard”, the Old Man Hottabych comes out and dances.

The narrator :

Here is Hottabych. He's an old man

Wears a dyed wig.

Ivan Tsarevich :

Here's a great candidate!

And solid, and rich.

beard hair -

Here are those dachas and ponds.

Toad princess:

You are not averse to him as a son-in-law!

Have pity on your own daughter!

For borscht and basturma

Shave his beard...

Daughter loves to eat.

Daughter :

Yes ... that is - that is.

Hottabych leaves the stage. To the song« Back in black ” comes out Boy-with-a-finger.

The narrator :

A boy-with-a-finger, though small,

And quite brutal.

Thumb boy:

About princess beauty

I heard it in the forest.

They say she's just a glance

Kill a fox on the run...

The Tsar's daughter coquettishly shyly. Thumb boy walks up to her.

What a neck! Like a bull.

Good to the point of indecent.

Do you want to be mine?

I will wear it in my arms!

The boy-with-a-finger tries to raise the Tsar's daughter, but after unsuccessful attempts, she herself takes him in her arms.

The narrator :

The king and queen agree:

Everything about this couple is great!

After the wedding Thumb

He drove off with the princess to Nalchik.

And they lived soul to soul,

Like a tomato and a pear.

Students love dress-up scenes. And what if on stage is not just a classmate in disguise, but a classmate dressed as Santa Claus, dressed as a rock star? .. This is even more interesting. We fantasized about what images our favorite hero could appear on New Year's Eve. And that's what the next scene is about.

"Journey of the Blue Arrow" is a kind fairy tale for those who believe in miracles! Poor boy Francesco really wanted to get a toy train as a New Year's present. And his dream came true! Animated toys escaped from the toy store. They really wanted all the kids to be happy. Brave selfless toys sacrifice themselves in order to give joy to babies. A good fairy tale teaches us not to pass by someone else's misfortune, teaches us to help each other, to go towards our goal, overcoming difficulties. Teaches that everyone can work miracles.


Students of all ages can participate in this skit. If you give free rein to the imagination in the manufacture of costumes, you get a very funny and spectacular performance.


Snowflake (dressed in the latest fashion, can be taken as a prototype of the hosts of the Fashion Sentence program)


Hipsta-grandfather and Hipster (hipster images: rolled up jeans, shirts, glasses)

Grandfather of Warcraft and Snegeymochka(images of gamers: unkempt appearance, chips and game joysticks in hands)

Blog Frost and Selfurochka(images of bloggers: they are constantly filming something on their phones and mumbling)

Santa Claus and SneguROKchka(images of rockers: leather jackets, chains, leather pants, guitars)

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka(classic images)

Musical arrangement

    The melody of the screensaver of the program "Fashionable Sentence"

    "Kool thing" by Sonic Youth

  • "Likes" of the group "Bi-2"
  • Music from the game «World of Warcraft»

    "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

To the melody from the program “Fashionable Sentence”, a Snowflake, a Snowman and a Squirrel appear on the stage.

Snowflake :

Fashion changes every year: they wear leopard leggings, then louboutins, then jeans are tucked into socks. Every year something new! Everywhere, but not here. Santa Claus walked in his wadded coat, and walks. The Snow Maiden, as she braided her long braid, is braiding it. What is retrograde? It's outdated and boring! It's time to follow fashion trends! I'm announcing a Santa Claus contest!

Snowman :

Well, why is all this? We also like the old grandfather ...

The snowflake "gives in the eye" to the snowman. The snowman screams.


What happened to you?

Snowman :

Nothing. A snowflake hit my eye.

Snowflake :

The first candidate Hipsta-grandfather and Hipsturochka. Dressed according to fashion, though not according to the weather.

To the song "Kol thing"Sonic Youth comes out Grandfather and Snow Maiden, dressed like hipsters (necessarily in rolled up jeans). They dance.


Yes, these ankles will freeze in our winter. Not only will they not reach Ustyug, they won’t reach the next entrance!

Snowflake :

The next participants are Ded of Warcraft and Snegeymochka.

Music from “World of Warcraft” sounds, under it Grandfather comes out in an elongated and dirty T-shirt, unhaired, with a bottle of cola and a pack of chips, with him the Snow Maiden in the same form and with game joysticks in his hands. They dance.

Snowman :

What are you! These Grandfather and Snegurka sat at the computer all night, they will sleep all day.

Snowflake :

The next candidates for the place of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are Blog Moroz and Selfurochka.

The refrain of the BI-2 song “Like” sounds, Grandfather and Snow Maiden come out in the form of bloggers. The Snow Maiden constantly takes selfies, Grandfather takes pictures of everything around. They dance.


Yes, while they will take selfies with a deer, they will steal all their gifts!

Snowflake :

The next couple is Santa Claus and SneguROKchka.

An AC / DC song sounds, to which Father Frost and Snegurochka come out in the form of metal rockers. They dance.

Snowman :

Are you crazy, Snowflake? They scare all the kids. And gifts will be sold to buy new guitars. Best case scenario...

Snowflake :

You won't please at all! The last candidates are Ded Moroz and Snegurochka traditional. Outdated version.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka come out to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" in traditional outfits. With a bag of gifts.

Father Frost :

Hello guys! Happy New Year! I brought you gifts.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden present gifts to everyone present on the stage, then they approach the Snowflake, holding out a bundle to her.

Snowflake :

I don't take bribes!

Father Frost :

This is a new iPhone.

Snowflake :

We have a new winner!

General dance.

Of course, do not forget about the symbol of the coming year - the pig. It is about her that our next scene for the New Year at school.

More interesting stuff:(and other popular characters optional)

Pig (a girl in a pink dress; outwardly touching character)

Musical arrangement:

    Song "Who let the dogs out"

    Melody from the movie "Pirates" caribbean»

    Melody from the movie "Star Wars"

    Melody from the cartoon "Peppa Pig"

The narrator :

The end of 2018 was approaching. The symbol of the year the Dog began to behave like the last dog.

To the song “Who let the dogs out”, the Dog comes out, surrounded by girls, sits on a chair.

The narrator :

The dog lost the trust of the citizens and could no longer remain the symbol of the year. The World Council decided to elect someone else. But the Dog was against it.

The dog expresses displeasure.

To the sound of a gong in the ring, a girl with a poster "Symbol of the Year 2019" walks across the stage.

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" sounds, under which Jack Sparrow appears.

Heroes fight. Jack Sparrow injures the Dog, but the Dog still wins.

The song “Who let the dogs out” sounds again, the Dog salutes the audience (this happens after each victory).

Darth Vader comes out to the music from the Star Wars movie. From the movements of Vader's hand, the Dog bends and grimace. But then he gets on all fours, runs up to Vader, portraying a "good dog". Darth Vader pets him, and the Dog surprises him and wins.

The melody from the cartoon "Peppa Pig" sounds, Pig comes out under it.

Dog (through laughter):

Yes, it's a piglet!

A dog wounded in battle loses strength. He falls to the floor. Laughter turns into a cough. The pig approaches him and kicks him lightly.

Dog :

Well, you are a pig!

Pig: Not a pig, but a symbol of the year!

You can end the scene with a dance of all the characters.

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