Scenario of the graduation party “First-class dudes leave the kindergarten. Modern script for a kindergarten graduation

Water bodies 10.10.2019
Water bodies

Svetlana Eliseeva
"First-class dudes leave kindergarten." Graduation Party Script

Stylized graduation party«»

Solemn music sounds, the presenter, educators, musical director enter. (rock and roll dance performed)

Suddenly the phone rings

Someone from the adults raises a pipe: "Hello?".

The adult answers: Yes, we are listening to you attentively.

"And we graduates of the children's garden and we want to get into first class dude school

The adult answers: "Want to? Then come along. We look forward to seeing you ".

Music sounds. The adults disperse. The doorbell rings in the recording. The clatter of heels.

Someone from the adults approaches the door, from there a girl enters the hall to the music.

Children entrance on matinee"And the handles clap-clap-clap"

After the dance, the children stay in the center of the hall. Read poetry.

1 child:

Since the times of great-grandmothers, for a long time

There was a cool "trend" in the Union.

Although many did not like it,

But that was a time of change.

2 child:

Many years have passed since then,

Hipsters are back in fashion,

Bright light emanates from them

At any time, in any weather.

3 child:

Styles do not know peace:

Merry and noisy

Beautiful both in appearance and in soul

And very smart!


(children show cards with letters and decipher)






4 child:

Dudes! Live fun!

Dudes! They dance and sing!

Dudes! It's more fun with us

We will ignite with our energy.

The phonogram sounds, rebuilds to the song, the song is performed « RELEASE CATAVASIA»

Children sit on high chairs, the screen is stretched, preparation for dramatized on pots(1 child-boy, 2 and 3 girls)


Many years ago

You came to us in Kindergarten.

With babies - babies

Katyushkas, Irishkas ...

Here under the windows stood

They were worried about the child.

And it seemed to you then

He will always cry.

Days passed like an instant.

And your excitement passed

That hour has already come -

Conduct them to first grade.

We just want to remember

How difficult it was for them!

1 reb: (whimpering) I don't want to go to the garden,

Better to be at home with mom!

2 reb: Well, don't cry, well, calm down!

3 reb: It's calm here, don't be afraid!

2 reb: Our kindergarten is good,

You can't find a better garden!

3 reb: Here they cook for us very tasty,

Borsch, mashed potatoes, salad with cabbage.

2 reb: Buns and casseroles

Apples, semolina pie.

Where else do you sing like that?

1 reb: I want to see my mom!

Together: What a weirdo!

3 reb: Listen, don't cry!

Better take an example from us!

We don't cry for a long time

Let's have fun here and jump!

2 reb: We go to the gym together,

You need to get well!

3 reb: We eat porridge with butter,

And then we sit here!

2 reb: We dance, we play, we drink cocktails, and we walk ...

It's cozy and warm here

It is beautiful and light here.

3 reb: They are waiting for us here and even love,

Calm down, savor.

2 reb: So that's enough, friend, cry,

Stop suffering soon!

1 reb: Aren't they going to hurt me here?

2 and 3 together: Not!

1 reb: Well, will they see my success?

2 and 3 reb: Yes!

1 reb: I'm not going to starve here?

2 and 3 together: Not!

1 reb: Well, won't I forget my mother?

2 and 3 together: Not!

1 reb: OK I will try,

I am probably wrong.

I will go to the kindergarten.

I won't shed more tears.

2 reb: You can do it! So you should know!

Together: Aunt Lena, wipe it off!

The song is being sung « Kindergarten like chocolate "


What does it mean today to be reputed to be a dude?

It is not enough to have bright clothes and a forelock on your head to become first-class dude... You also have to be a positive, dynamic person, of course, be the smartest and really - really love life, freedom. But about freedom in more detail ...

Stage"Liberty" (girl and boy involved)

Boy 1: Hurray, hurray, finally it's time!

Girl 1: I do not understand why you are glad that leaving kindergarten?

Boy 1: Well, yes. I won't sleep during the day!

Boy 1 .: But I will not eat porridge!

Girl 1: If you want to get up, they will say to sit down!

Boy 1: We'll come home early.

Girl 1: And we won't find mom at home! Into the fridge myself, lunch myself, my own lessons!

Boy 1: And the neighbor? I'll invite Vovka to visit.

He and I will eat whatever we find.

Then we'll go for a walk with him,

Let's take his cat to Marusya and play with her a little.

Then we will fight in the sea battle.

Girl 1: Wait, please, wait!

Then solve the task, because you can get a deuce and upset mom very much!

Together: Yes, brother, such is the case, as you can see, youth has passed!

(Fedya starts the car)

Leading: Fedya, I don’t understand something, we have high school graduation, and you still can't play enough?

Fedya came to the garden with a bibika.

I was sitting in a corner with her.

And around the guys screaming

We rushed between cases.

Margarita saw here

How good the bibika is.

Instantly flew up to Fedya

Take it from the kid.

Fedyaa did not give the Bibik.

Got it in the eyebrow for this.

How many roars, squeaks!

What love is there!

Well, the kids had a little fight.

Margarita pacifier - in the mouth,

And in revenge I guessed:

The tractor will bring it tomorrow!


The music of Peppy Long Stocking sounds. The girl runs out with a large suitcase.

Peppy: Allow introduce myself: Peppilotta-Victuolina-Rolgardina-Longstocking, the strongest girl in the world! You can - just Peppy.

Leading: Hello Peppy.

Peppy: And you are saying hello wrong! You need to greet with your noses, as in Patagonia, and to get acquainted - you need to circle in one place three times, as in Lapland. Let's all greet (greet any of the children, and now get acquainted (everyone is spinning around)... Well, so we said hello, and met, and now let's tell us what kind of holiday you have? (Answers of children)... Why wasn't I invited? Well, okay, I'm not offended! Since you have a holiday, so let's have fun.


So, so, so, are you going to school? (Answers of children) Will they let you in there? (Answers of children) And don't dream! Well, okay, if you guess my riddles, then I will help you get there. may be. Well, agree (Answers of children) Then listen!

Whimpers without fatigue at every little thing.

Maybe the girl is sick? Not! Quite healthy!

Guess who is she? Well, of course.

Children: Roar!

Peppy: Exactly! Exactly! You guessed it! I know that all the girls are roars! And these, and these! (Points to girls) Really boys? (Answers of children) Oh no? Then listen to the next riddle!

In the morning I met Egorka near the hill -

Dirty, angry, shaggy, unwashed.

I almost died of fear! Here I got it.

Children: Slut!

Peppy: You guessed it! You guessed it! I know, I know that all boys are slovens! Agree with me, girls? (Answers of children) How not? Let me see! And, really, everyone is so beautiful, clean! Well nothing! Here's your next riddle!

I asked Nadia:

Let me play with the doll!

But she didn’t allow:

The doll really wants to sleep! -

You guys all understand Nadine's excuse.

It's not the doll's fault, it's just Nadia.

Children: Greedy!

Peppy: Quite right! Wow, how amiably they answered! It is immediately obvious that you are all madam!

Leading: You're wrong, Peppy! We have no roars, no sluts, no greedy ones!

Peppy: Can not be!

Leading: And most importantly, each of these wonderful children has their own dream.

Peppy: Real-real

Leading: The most real, but for example….

Staging"Three girlfriends" (3 girls involved)


Leading (child): Three girlfriends on a spring day

Were in a sweet mood

They cooed on the benches and dreamed of the future.

1 girl: That's when I grow up,

I'm going to get married right away, I'll choose a husband, like dad,

To meet me at the gangway. Oh, I forgot to tell:

I will fly in the sky. I want to become a stewardess,

I'll fly in the plane.

2 girl: Don't be distracted, Nastya, what have you forgotten there next?

1 girl: And then I will become a mother, and I will tell you straight.

That my children, Natasha, I will not stuff porridge,

I’ll take them to the cinema, pay them back for the popsicle!

2 girl: Would you like to become your daughter?

1 girl: You can only dream!

2 girl: (referring to 3 girls) I want to become an artist so that stage to perform,

So that flowers are always given, They only talked about me.

To be filmed in films, they gave the main roles,

I got a lot of money, I bought everything I want!

Why are you silent, don't you say anything?

3 girl: I will study at school, I promise not to be lazy,

Because as I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer, be friends with mathematics,

To own the geography, To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian, Biology, French

At school you need to study, To be the smartest!

Leading: These are our children! Everyone wants to know in the world

Let's wish them good luck to solve all the problems.

And so that you study at "5", can I play with you?

Games "Get to the top five" and "Who is faster" are held

Leading: Peppy, what's in your suitcase?

Peppy: Oh, here I have my father's gift, my dearest treasure.

Music of crooks. The crooks appear.

1 rogue. Have you heard?

Some red-haired girl -

A whole treasure and money in a suitcase.

2 rogue. Then we surround this red-haired monster and select the treasure. It is harmful for children to have a lot of gold. So your money will be ours! Even copper!

1 rogue. You and me are different case:

tired of saving

we do not know how to do anything

and the need - oh-ho-ho!

2 rogue. And eat and get dressed -

money is needed, funds are needed,

and when it’s unbearable,

then we go out to the robbery!

(Together) Surround, take away!

Peppy. Why take away?

I'll give you a suitcase myself if you sing with us! Do you even know how to sing?

Crooks (together): Yes. (singing)

Peppy: Do you call this singing? Listen to how you should sing!

The song is being sung "Delightful glamor"

Crooks: Well, okay, you sing well, but give us the suitcase!

Peppy: Well, since you can't sing, then play with us.

Crooks (joyfully)... Let's play, let's play, but what?

Into the cards? Dominoes? Lotto?

Peppy. No, we have other games, more interesting!

I'm starting the fun moments - my math jokes.

(Crooks confuse children, they say the wrong answers)

1. A rooster flew up the fence,

I met two more there

How many roosters are there?

Who has the answer ready? (3)

2. Six funny cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired

Left behind comrades,

Now find the answer

How many bears are ahead. (5)

3. Once a hedgehog walked through the forest,

Found mushrooms for lunch:

Two - under a birch tree,

Two - under the aspen.

How many there will be

In a wicker basket? (4)

Crooks together. How is it all not interesting?

A you know how to style?

Peppy: Che. what what?

Crooks: well, that's our way, stylish, dance.


We can't sit still,

We love to have fun

We can sing and play

Boogie Woogie Dance!

Dance "Boogie Woogie"

1 rogue. They dance well! And the suitcase is now ours! (They try to lift the suitcase.)

Looks like there are too many treasures, I can not lift!

Peppy. You are not ashamed! You cannot lift a light suitcase!

(Picks up the suitcase and lets the rogue go.)

2 rogue. Ay! Ouch! What a strong girl!

Peppy. The most ordinary.

Any child lifts this suitcase! (Children raise.)

Have you seen? You need to do physical education!

The crooks again try to lift the suitcase, push, snatch from each other - the suitcase opens and school supplies and various toys fall out of it.

2 rogue. Together. What about! And this is your treasure?

Little deceiver!

It is not good to deceive adults.

Peppy. And I'm not a deceiver at all, you thought that treasures are gold and jewelry, but no. This is something without which it is impossible to get to the land of Knowledge.

And you guys, what are you taking with you to school.

And now, who is braver,

Collect your portfolio soon!

The game "Collect a portfolio".

The crooks recruit 2 teams of 5 people each. Each of the participants brings 1 school item and puts it in a portfolio. The crooks get in the way, slipping various unnecessary items into the children.

Peppy: Well done. (Checks portfolios) All this will come in handy at school.

2 rogue: We overheard that you kids are going to school? Do you want us to give you gifts?

1 rogue: Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot the birds!

2 rogue: Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other!

1 rogue: You need to knock out windows with this heavy stone!

2 rogue: Wave this lifesaver in all directions! Like this! (They run around the hall scaring children and guests)... Are our gifts good?

Peppy: And not at all good, take them back! These are not gifts, but very bad things that, I think, are not needed at all at school. Really guys ?.

1 rogue: Yes. Convinced. I was amazed. Your kids are ready to go to school. Yes, after such a spectacle, I somehow do not want to engage in our craft. I'll leave him!

2 rogue:: Right! Let's give it up! We go with the guys to school. After all, they say it's never too late to learn.

1 rogue: I agree. Deal!

2 rogue: Do you know what I was thinking? Since we decided to start new life, let's do something good for the guys.

1 crook: Let's. What shall we do?

Peppy: And I came up with it, it's not for nothing that they say that Peppilotta-Victuolina-Rolgardina-Longstocking is the smartest girl in the world!

2 rogue: Pepi-vitu-dina ... pah you, Pippi, share your thoughts, girl!

Peppy: Let's give the guys something as a keepsake.

1 rogue: Like what?

Peppy: When my dad is the captain, left his native land, he gave me a photo that read "For a good long memory", this is the best gift for me

2 rogue: Exactly, let's go.

Peppy: (hands over an album with photos) Let this photo book give you good memories of the country that you leaving, entitled Kindergarten.

1 rogue: Well, we guys say goodbye to you.

2 Swindler We now also have a thought to go to school.

Peppy: See you at school in September.

1 rogue: It's never too late to learn.

Peppy: Till….

Soundtrack, crooks and Peppy leave the hall

The song is being sung "GOODBYE"

Scenario moment"Leafing through the photo album" (giving gifts to employees)

Fragment script« First-class dudes leave kindergarten»

The phonogram sounds,

Guys, let's turn the pages of this album together again.

(children come up to the teacher, the teacher sits on a chair, the children stand around him, photos from the album are projected onto the screen)


And when did we have time?

So suddenly matured!

The school is waiting for us with flowers

Real first grade!

It's a pity we're leaving the garden.

Everyone needs to say thank you.

How many holiday balls -

There will be so many kind words.

1 frame: (manager)

Oh, look, but well-versed in everything,

Our beloved manager.

Nowadays, no, it's not easy

Lead the kindergarten.

Every day a million questions

All of them must be solved.

Yes, work is not honey here,

Not everyone could do it.

The fact that our kindergarten lives -

Thank you!

Let work bring you

Positive attitude!

Well, different problems

Let them pass by!

2 frame: (to the methodologist)

Here is a whole sheet of activities

Methodist writes to children!

What are the guys to do

How to learn and when,

How to walk and have fun

Always controls.

We are with warmth of heart

We say thank you,

Thank you from parents and children!

3 frame: (psychologist)

But we fantasize, we play,

And we put something together

In a great mood,

The office is unusual.

Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash -

Our psychologist loves everyone.

Psychology is a science

Difficult thing, brothers.

Without a psychologist in our age

Man cannot live.

4 frame: physical education instructor

And here, guys, we are in physical education,

After all, sports will help to become strong, dexterous.

In a couple of years, everyone will learn from the newspapers ...

Which of us will become an athlete

Our Garden will glorify the whole world,

Julia Sergeevna, thank you,

From the guys, their dads and moms!

5 frame: Musical director

And here we are karaoke stars

And to dance for us is no problem.

And how we all love to perform,

Since there is talent, why hide.

Thank you for your songs,

That they danced with us

That the music of all our days

It sounded more fun with you!

6 frame Nursing staff:

And here is the photo - fidgets

Give you a hassle:

The knee is torn

The forehead is slightly broken.

You didn't sit around:

Drip the nose, rinse the eye.

You were good at kindness

Our abrasions heal.

Children will not forget this

And thanks to you from us.

The best nurses in the world

Those that give children joy!

7 frame: chefs

1. Look here we have grown, strengthened,

No doubt the merit is yours.

Were delicious soups, cutlets

And, of course, a crumbly porridge.

You got up very, very early

And they hurried to the stove.

Everything turned out well for you,

They don't cook like that anywhere else!

We will tell the cooks to everyone "Thank you".

We appreciate your hard work.

Let's not forget how much to wash the dishes

You had to feed the kids here!

(Gift for chefs)

8 frame: Nanny

With a clear dawn, until dark

She is in our kindergarten.

Who will bring us lunch

And will clean up the dishes?

We helped, of course,

We set the tables

And learned not to crumble

And do not apply sand.

Our group is not more beautiful.

Clean and light around!

Maybe our Lilia Sergeevna,

And not two, but ten hands?

Let's say thank you to her now

For care and comfort

And for the fact that it's time

She dedicated her work to us!

9 frame: Educators

1. Our family educators,

You were like second mothers to us.

You taught us a lot -

We are ready to go to first grade.

You showed us a big world,

They took us there with them.

And let the years fly by

We will never forget you!

2. You got the hard work -

It needs a lot of attention

After all, everyone understands himself

Children what education means.

While the working day dragged on -

You replaced the mother for the children.

And today everyone wants

Thank you for everything!

3. Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And it's light on a gloomy day.

You felt sorry for us, you loved us,

You are like flowers, raised.

Wish we can get you

Take with you in first grade.

Doors, lights, carpets,

And sand for the kids

Curtains and toys

Blankets and pillows

We brought furniture to the kindergarten

Wonderful caretaker!

Washes, ironing

On an ironed sheet

In a quiet hour, we do not press our backs.

On a snow-white pillow

Sleep comes undisturbed.

The linen in the garden has a sauna.

There the director is Aunt Tanya!

The host reads the final after all the congratulations

About our funny Kindergarten

We speak with warmth:

Year after year for all the guys

It is open like a house!

For playfuls and fidgets.

Cunning, mischievous

Here breakfast, dinner and lunch.

Care and love!

Here you were taught to play.

Sculpt and craft

And sing songs and dance

To be educated!

You need an eye and an eye,

You are not averse to fooling around.

But we love each of you,

Like a son or daughter!

Before graduation

And now the solemn hour comes,

He is very serious and important to you!

Handed over first award in life,

Graduation Diploma kindergarten!

May you have many awards

But first in life - more expensive than a treasure!

Congratulations from the administration. Graduations

1 adult:

So our holiday has come to an end.

We want to tell you guys

That the moment of parting is hard

Let's not talk "Goodbye",

We will tell you all "Goodbye"!

2 adults:

It's a little sad in the soul of the guys,

After all, it's time for us to part.

No more rushing to Kindergarten.

It was all yesterday.

3 adults:

You have become family members in these five years

All of us in this kindergarten .

And how nice it is to receive in return

Smiles, love, kindness from you!

4 adults:

Today guys, we congratulate you,

You will go to school to study, be friends,

We wish you success, health,

And your child the garden will never be forgotten!

Everything: You Hipsters are top class!

Go to first grade!

Final song « FIRST PLATE»

Name: Scenario of the graduation party "First-class dudes leave kindergarten"
Nominated: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, graduation, Preparatory group

Position: musical director of the first category
Place of work: GBOU SOSH SPDS "Solnyshko" s. Verkhniye Belozerki
Location: with. Verkhnie Belozerki municipal district Stavropol, Samara region

Stylized graduation party "First-class dudes leave kindergarten"

The hall is decorated with old records. Music by Glen Miller played. The hosts enter.

1 presenter: Good afternoon, dear parents!

Host 2: Hello, dear guests!

1 presenter: There are various holidays in the year,

And today is a holiday - we have:

First graders will go for the first time

To your friendly school class.

Leading 2: And parents are sitting on the sidelines

And they look at them with excitement,

As if they saw for the first time

Their grown-up children.

1 host: Today is our graduation

It's not even simple

Reckless, reckless,

Cheerful and stylish.

A child looks out from behind the curtain and says the password.

Child: Uncle Yosya works in kindergarten?
2 presenter: What are you, he has been retired for a long time!

Child: And we are from Nolik

1 presenter: Get on Broadway, have a good time

2 presenter: Meet our dudes!

Graduates run in to the music of Glen Miller "Good Mood".

1child : We only recognize a bright color
Our world plays like a rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

2 child: Bright ties, dresses and trousers,
Brushed hairstyles, fun all around
And there is no place here just for boredom
And we don't give a damn if they don't understand us.

3 child: We are touched by the glances of passers-by,
We give all people our positive
We are all different, among us are not alike,
And each of us has our own creativity!

4 child: Today is graduation in the garden,

We got together with the whole family.

Dads, moms are watching now

And they try to understand:

Are we out of worries?

Or start?

Song "We are students" music by Struve

5 child: Spring day, sunny. We have a graduation ceremony.
Mom can't wait to go home in the evening.

6 child: Let the grandmothers gossip - we should sneeze at them.
Youth is not eternal - you have to take a walk.
7 child: Dudes!

All: Live merrily!
8 child: Dudes!

All: Dance and sing!
9 child: Dudes!

All: It's more fun with us,
We will ignite with our energy.
10 child: Toss, jump won't be quiet,
The support is chic and twist,

After all, dances come out with us very dashingly,
And in this we have reached our heights.

11child: Let's release the energy to freedom,

Together we are strong, we feel the drive
We do not tempt our nature,
We dance with a break, and this is the whole thrill!
Dance "I love boogie-woogie". After the dance they sit on the chairs

A knock on the door.

1 presenter: Someone is knocking on our door,

And he is afraid to enter here.

I'll go and take a look

And I will invite guests to the hall (looks out the door, opens it).

1 presenter. A centipede is hurrying to us.

Centipede exit .

1 baby: I woke up before everyone else

Earlier than all, I put on shoes

Stretching 40 feet

40 small boots.

The presenters take off the leading fabric.

1 presenter. Oh, it's not a centipede, it's our kids.

2 baby: We are little dudes,

But we'll grow up soon

And also after you

We will go to first grade

3 baby: We envy you a little:

You are almost schoolchildren.

And we sincerely wish

Good journey to you!

Dance "Boogie-woogie" (right arm forward).

12 graduate child: Don't be bored, kids,

We will tell you from the bottom of our hearts -
We will not forget our garden

We will come running here! ( escorts the kids to the door)

1 presenter: Oh, funny, funny!

There were you, too.
When moms are on the show

Have brought you for the first time
13th graduate child: And we remember how we first came to kindergarten! And now we will tell you about it

Song "Little by little" music by G. Sukachev.

Music sounds. Graduate and Grandma come out

Graduate: Grandma, the prom is very soon, and I don't have a dress.

Grandma: Don't worry, granddaughter, I have one dress, I wore it 60 years ago. Fitted, sleeveless, and fluffy skirt. I "threw a break across the Brod" in it!

Graduate: What kind of language is this?

Grandma: Yes, I was a dude. And this was our language - slang. It was a glorious time ...

Graduate: Granny, tell me!

Grandma: After the war, people wanted to dress up. Most often, the outfits were sewn by themselves, but sometimes they were exchanged with visiting foreigners. So I exchanged a Russian souvenir for this dress, I really liked it. The American woman was satisfied with the exchange. And me too!

Host 2: Well, let's start our walk along Broadway. To become a real dandy, you need to follow the dandy rules. Rule one "Hipsters are bright clothes"

14 child: Stylish style. He's unusual

This is a bold, catchy, elegant outfit.

Gorgeous hairstyles, cook as usual,

Red lipstick, natural look.

15 child: The guy-dudes have short pants,

To show the colored socks.

Tight tie, rubber boots

Wide jackets with patch pockets

16 child: dude girls dressed nicely

The top and short sleeves were open.

Bright hats, scarves - all playful

Beads, bracelets - stylish composition

17 child: Dress - a flower with a flared skirt,

In large peas. Or the print is mischievous.

The belt is wide at the fragile waist,

The hairstyle is high with a cool ribbon.

18 child: Hipsters from all our pop stars

Lagging behind in nothing, never, nowhere

At our holiday without a phonogram

They will play you together, and later they will sing.

A dude and a jazzman come out.

Jazzman: Graduation in kindergarten, playing the button accordion, balalaika, trumpet, drums.

Hipster: Can I play the saxophone?

Jazzman: Don't you know that the saxophone is equated with melee weapons. Come back in 10 years, when jazz will be played at matinees in kindergarten, then we will play.

Children's orchestra "Rock and Roll"

Host: Well, let's continue our walk along Broadway. Rule two - dudes are ideological show-offs

Scene "Dreams"
1. My years are growing,
There will be seventeen.
What should I work with then?
What should I do?
I will read books,
Strive for knowledge.
To become very smart
To go abroad.

3. And when I grow up,

I'm going to get married right away.

I will choose such a husband

Like Natasha Koroleva.
The dresses are very fashionable

I will wear it.

About me as Natasha
Everybody will speak

4. Can I become a deputy?

Everyone can be that.
I will ride with a flashing light

And share the budget for everyone.

5. I will be a businesswoman,
Let them teach me!
I'll buy a fur coat for mom,
Dad - "Jeep" abruptly!

6. Businesswoman is good,

And the model is better!
I really, really want to become
Top catchy model.
But grandma says

That they are all "boards".

7. Well, a model, and what is it?
What did you find cool in her?
I'm going to run for president
I will receive presents
I will rule the country
All salaries to add!
8. Are you guys interested in
Only fame and salary.
And I have my own dream

There is simple beauty in her.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and from school
It all begins.
Kids come to the garden
both artist and banker,
And then they find themselves
To conquer the whole world!

Everything: We told you dreams
Clap, try.
You brought us up
So figure it out.

1 presenter: Here are the most stylish and funny guys from the "Real Boys" group. They will share their dreams too.

Dance-song "Boy's Dreams" music by E. Shashin

Host 2: Our walk on Broadway continues. Rule three - music is always with you

2 presenter: The record will start at the dances,

No one could resist on the spot.

And the sleeping town shuddered,

From the stomp of two hundred feet!

2 dudes come out.

Hipster: Listen, Bob, I have a request for you, teach me to dance stylishly, which is difficult for you, two taps, three kicks

Bob: Jazz is not polka, not square dance, you don't need faster, stronger, higher, you need drive.

2 presenter: Noise, laughter, fun and good mood because the coolest girls are performing!

Girls' dance "Hipsters".

After the dance, the bell appears
Call: Hello friends! I'm a good old school bell ( looks at parents) I see, I see familiar faces. Vaughn ( Pope's first and last name) here and ( mom) found out. How did you grow up, matured ...
1 presenter: Dear Call! They have long been called by name and patronymic. And today, your former students are accompanying their children to school.
Call: Are these kids the future first graders? Well, I'll definitely make friends with them. Yes ... I've seen a lot in my life. And how many guys have I helped out, what a sin to hide. It used to be that the guys came to school with unlearned lessons and they are waiting, they can’t wait for the bell to ring, so that their teacher doesn’t ask. And I'm right there. And now I'm going to a vocal lesson - I need to support my voice. It must be ringing, melodic, so that on September 1, it does not fake.

Song "I love rock and roll".

Pyaterochka runs into the hall.

5: Hello guys! Hello Call!

Call: Hello, Pyaterochka. How are you doing?
5: Terribly missed school, excellent students. After all, they rejoice at every five. And how are you?
Call: I can't wait for the school year either, so I tuned my voice. I can call the game. (rings a bell)

5: Good activity... I just know a very decent game.

Game "Cheerful Counting"

Children stand in a circle and go to the music. When the music stops, Pyaterochka says: "We line up in groups of 2 (3,4,5)". Children must follow the command.

5: Well done! We did the job well. Hopefully we will remain great friends.

After the game, the children sit on the chairs, music sounds, Unit runs in
Unit: General hello to everyone, everyone! Hello, crammer! Probably all you talk about knowledge? What are they needed for. The more you know - so the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know, and if you don’t know anything, there is nothing to forget.
Call: Smart. At least write it down!
Unit: At heart it is easy from such "deep" knowledge, I even want to sing.
Sings a song to the tune of the song "Our Neighbor"
1. I live and do not miss, because there is not even a day,

To make school lazy people forget about me.
If your studies are tight, the subject does not go in any way,

2. I will decorate your notebook and diary with love.

I do not need your knowledge, be calm, student.
Let them put you in a corner, I have one answer:

That for you there has never been a better friend and no one else.
Unit: Something like that! .. Just like Laima Vaikule. Or this ... as her Christina Rob
Call: I'm also a pop connoisseur. Do not rob, but Orbakaite. Eh, you fool, one word is one.

5: Shame on you! Nobody loves you or waits for you at school. Because without knowledge, there will be nothing good in the world. Get out of here!

Unit: Well, I'll leave, but not just like that…. ( angry). I - I will smear September 1st on the calendar. And from you, call, I will tear out your sinful tongue ... ( stake runs away)
Call: And we were not scared. I ring the game again. ( ringing a bell)

Game "Pencil case, notebook and book"

Children put on their hats and run around the hall to the music. With the end of the music, the children must collect the pencil case, notebook and book together and stand up three together.

After the game, Call and Five say goodbye: "See you at school!" and go away.

Host 2: And the last rule of dudes, rule four - life is like a holiday. This holiday began 7 years ago with the birth of our Babies.

Presentation "Hipsters in childhood" music by Caruso

Leading 2: Well, time has flown by quickly,

And the last hour of the graduation party has struck

We all join hands before parting

And rock and roll, merry, we will dance for you now

Forgiven bny rock and roll

1 presenter: Goodbye, I propose to bake a cake

The game "Cake" is being held
All children join hands and line up in one long chain. The leader is ahead of all. On command, the children begin to “bake the cake”: the presenter turns around, winding the whole chain. The presenter spins until a big “Cake” is obtained. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the presenter, you should stop.
1 presenter: This is how the cake turned out! ( asks children) What is he with us?
Children's answers: With thanks to the kindergarten staff
1 presenter: What's missing on the birthday cake?

Children: Candles. ( everybody put my hands up)

1 presenter. That's how many candles! Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake(hands in the ring). Treat everyone.
Children scatter into different sides, get up scattered and read poetry.

Child: Dear kindergarten staff

All without exception, please accept our good wishes.

And heartfelt congratulations

Child: Galina Ivanovna, our manager

In the whole world there is no more beautiful you

We all know without embellishment

You love us very much.

Child: Thanks to the washerwoman, nurse

Psychologist, caretaker

And the physical education teacher, and everyone, everyone, everyone

And the musician too.

Child: Thanks also to the cooks.

Without your delicious porridge,

Don't grow up for all of us

Child: Thanks to the educators

We'll say many times

And to our sweet nanny

We love you very much!

Child: We wish you love and happiness

High ideas and salaries

The whole future is in your power

All together: Long live our Kindergarten!

Farewell song "Shalyai-go ahead"

Children and caregivers get up together and say goodbye

Go ahead and play.

1. Here and again here we are in this hall
All flowers, smiles are all for us
Here they did not know worries with you, they did not noticeably grow up
Kindergarten in our hearts, graduation happens once
We say goodbye to him today.

We thought we didn't need
Letting go of your childhood
We hoped we'd have enough time
Live and play carefree
But ... but now we see that childhood leaves with the stencil "don't be bored"

Wait, hold on, at least for a day,
Go ahead and play!

The school is waiting for your children
So goodbye kindergarten
Go ahead and play.

2.We know, because everything is fine.
And school life awaits us.
This is our wonderful funny era,
It gives us strength
Let's remember the lovely faces and say goodbye to the educators
And may love keep us all
Go ahead and play.

Chorus: Goodbye kindergarten
The school is waiting for your children
Childhood is left behind, don't forget about us
So goodbye kindergarten
Go ahead and play.

1. Once I came to the kindergarten

My dad left immediately.

But I didn't miss much

Little by little I got used to it.


2. All the kids were screaming

Take it away as soon as possible.

But I plugged my ears

Little by little I got used to it.


3. They prepared food for us

Porridge and butter for trouble.

I gagged and hiccupped

Little by little I got used to it.


4. I love to jump very much,

Jump, run and screech.

I felt like I was small

Little by little I got used to it.


5. Here they could keep me busy

Taught how to play.

I understood and comprehended everything

Little by little I'm used to it.

Eeee…. little by little

6. Year after year, time passed

Graduation time has come

And I'm in a stopper again

You have to get used to school. Eeee….

I love Rock and Roll

I love ripped jeans
I really like to sing with the guitar.
Listening to the mother of Philip Kirkorov,
And grandmother loves Sofia Rotaru ...

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I don't like silly songs

And the whole school knows about me

Let them say that pop is more interesting

Only she's not for me

After all, I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll

I respect sports

And I have no bad habits

Who disagrees with me do not argue

I'm not the last and not an excellent student

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll!

I only love rock and roll! 3 times

Dance-song "Boy's Dreams"

music - Egor Shashin, lyrics - Natalia Kuzminykh

This morning on an amazing flight,

The cheerful plane called me again.

We will fly higher than the mountains, even ahead of the birds,

Say hello from the clouds.

Lumps, icebergs do not scare me.

I heard fairy tales somewhere more terrible.

And with a brave ship, we will go around the world,

We will find unknown countries.

CHORUS: We are kids, inseparable friends,

But each one only dreams of his own.

Walk on the seas, play, invent something there.

It is only important to become a person in life.

Captains and pilots of the last century.

Understand computer should a person.

I'll create a robot for you, he will do everything himself.

There is no limit to miracles.

I sing every day from morning to evening,

Today I am a good doctor Aibolit,

Well, tomorrow Dartanyan is in a hurry to everyone.

Life is like an eternal game, and I will become an actor,

Friends will smile at you from the screen.

"Hipsters - show!"

Sounds of the city (cars, people, (records are folded in the corner of the hall)

2 janitors enter, sweep and conduct a dialogue:

1: Great, Ivanych! Are you sweeping everything?

2: Hello, hello! Metu ... How are you?

1: Yes, and I'm sweeping ... Look, someone forgot the records. Let me see. Wow, how hackneyed ... Can we listen?

2: Come on!

(take one record and leave)

(quiet retro music sounds. The presenters come out)

1 Lead: Good evening, dear guests!

We are happy to greet you.

2 presenter: We invite you to a retro musical excursion entitled “Back to the Future! "

1 Lead: The atmosphere in the hall promises to be iridescent, romantic, with a slight breath of nostalgia.

2 Lead: So, sit back and enjoy your journey!

(the song "We love boogie-woogie" from the movie "Hipsters" starts playing and the children run into the hall and get up in checkerboard around the hall. The presenters stand with the children in the back in the center of the hall.)

Dance "Boogie-woogie"

(children stand in a semicircle)

1 child: We grey colour do not recognize

Our world plays like a rainbow

Chanson, we don't sing romances

We are attracted to jazz and boogie!

2 child: When we walk down the street

You will follow us

We are leaving kindergarten

And we sing songs of different years!

Song "Soon to School"

Vadim: We got together today

To celebrate our holiday

Sophia A .: Well, what are we celebrating?

Ilya Zh.: Well, of course graduation!

Dima T .: What kind of holiday is he?

Who is the hero of the occasion

Nastya E .: Well of course you and me

All the boys and girls

That are now standing on the sidelines.

Sonya P ,: Greet us-

1st grade candidates!

Zakhar V .: This is us the most

Brave! Active!

Sports! Nimble!

Smart! Curious!

All in all: attractive!

Zakhar P .: Is that all?

Roma M .: No. We also:

Lovers to talk to a neighbor.

We quarrel and immediately make up.

We love to chat over lunch.

The loudest group in kindergarten.

A headache for educators.

Our favorite day of the week is Sunday.

Song "Kindergarten"

Dima K .: Today is an unusual day

Wonderful, great

There is only one reason for this.

Everyone understands it!

Very soon, very soon

We'll go to school

And it's time to wish us neither fluff nor feather!

Katya M .: One last time in this party hall

We will be in the spotlight

Well goodbye

Our favorite hall

You often called us here for the holidays.

Clap your hands song

1. We go on stage for the last time,

Eyes, like suns, are burning.

All of us were waiting for this concert-

Even the youngest of the guys.

We all love dances, jokes, songs.

We are ready to perform all day.

We are very interested today

Meet all parents together


Clap your hands

We will sing for you.

Such a concert is good

This is our last time.

Both grandmothers and mothers

They are worried about us.

Clap your hands

We will sing for you -2 times


2. I chose the dress for the whole evening,

I'm tired of trying on bows

I was terribly looking forward to this meeting,

In order not to disappoint you.

Grandma and mom did not sleep at night,

Even the ginger cat was worried,

Repeated the song stubbornly

Dad, brother and neighbor Fedot.

Chorus: the same

3. Soon we will become disciples,

Soon we'll go to first grade together

We will not stop surprising you.

School will become our home, like home!

And now for the last time on stage

We will remember this day forever!

We will all be the best reward,

Friendly (kind) smiles of dads and moms!

Chorus: the same.

Scene "Freedom"

Ilya N .: Hurray, hurray, finally it's time!

Katya Kh .: I don’t understand why are you glad that you are leaving kindergarten?

Ilya N: Well, yes. I won't sleep during the day!

Katya Kh .: And you will read and write everything.

Ilya N .: But I will not eat porridge!

Katya Kh .: If you want to get up, they will tell you to sit down!

Ilya N .: We'll come home early.

Katya Kh .: And we won't find mom at home! Into the fridge myself, lunch myself, my own lessons!

Ilya N .: And the neighbor? I'll invite Vovka to visit. He and I will eat whatever we find. Then we'll go for a walk with him, take his cat to Marusya and play with her a little. Then we will fight in the sea battle.

Katya Kh .: Wait, please, wait! After all, you need to read, rewrite, retell, then solve the task, because you can get a deuce and upset your mother very much!

Together: Yes, brother, such is the case, as you can see, youth has passed!

1 Lead: Well, let's continue. Here are the most stylish and funny guys of the preparatory group.

Dance-song "Boy's Dreams"

Alyosha: This morning on an amazing flight,

The cheerful plane called me again.

We will fly higher than the mountains, even ahead of the birds,

Say hello from the clouds.

Lumps, icebergs do not scare me.

I heard fairy tales somewhere more terrible.

And with a brave ship, we will go around the world,

We will find unknown countries.

ALL CHORUS: We are kids, inseparable friends,

But each one only dreams of his own.

Walk on the seas, play, invent something there.

It is only important to become a person in life.

Alyosha: Captains and pilots of the last century.

A person must understand a computer.

I'll create a robot for you, he will do everything himself.

There is no limit to miracles.

I sing every day from morning to evening,

All toys have their own wonderful song.


Alyosha: I will be funny Dartanyan

With a sword very sharp in his hand.

Life is like an eternal game, and I will become an actor,

Friends will smile at you from the screen.


1 presenter: For all guests and graduates, a musical gift from Masha Averina and her mother.

1 Oriental dance

2 presenter: Great room! Another surprise for you from Efimochkina Nastya.

2 Oriental dance

1 presenter: What a great dance! How much enthusiasm and fire there is, the legs just asked to dance. And I saw with what admiration our guests watched. This suggests that our graduates are real artists.

2 Presenter : I wonder who our girls dream of becoming?

Scene "Three friends"

1 Leading.

Three girlfriends on a spring day

Were in a sweet mood

On the bench cooing

And dreamed of the future!


That's when I grow up

I'm going to get married right away.

I will choose a husband, like dad,

To meet me at the gangway ...

Oh, I forgot to say:

I will fly in the sky

I want to become a stewardess,

I'll fly in the plane.

Nastya R .:

Ulyana: And then I'll become a mom

And I'll tell you straight

Here's what: your kids

I will not stuff porridge,

I will take them to the cinema

Buy them popsicle.

Masha A .: That would be your daughter!

You can only dream!

Nasya R .: I want to become an artist

To perform on stage

So that flowers are always given

They only talked about me

To be filmed in a movie,

The main roles were given!

I used to get a lot of money,

What I want - to buy everything!

Why are you silent, don't say anything! (refers to the third)

Masha A.:

I will study at school

I promise not to be lazy, because as I grow up -

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer.

To be friends with mathematics,

To own the geography so that the whole world can be seen.

Geometry and Russian, Biology French

You need to study at school in order to be the smartest!

2 Lead: These are our children

Everyone wants to know in the world.

1 Lead: These are our children

Everyone wants to know in the world.

Host: Dreamers and visionaries

The school is always looking forward to it.

We believe that everyone

To your dream soon

The paths of knowledge will come!

Game with parents `School lottery`.

2 Lead: The child will go to study soon

School life is coming for you.

It will bring you new worries and troubles,

It will force you to rebuild your whole life.

And we are here now in front of everyone,

Today we will find out what will happen in families ...

Several parents leave. The facilitator asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or a card with an answer from the bag and reads the answer. Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, Vaska the cat, a neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who to follow the form of the first graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?

7. Who will cry when they are exhausted?

8. Who is to blame if the child received a deuce?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take the first grader to school?

1 presenter: And now I would like to know how mothers and fathers will collect their children for school.

Game "Get your child to school"

2 Lead: The next number will not leave anyone indifferent. He will give you joy, excitement and thrill of the soul!

Dance "Father and Daughter"

Arthur J: Autumn will approach silently,

Having dropped an elegant leaf from a branch.

On gilded roads

September will come slowly

For boys and girls

Starting the school year.

Zakhar P .: We go to school and say:

Beloved kindergarten, thank you for everything!

The song "Now we are first graders"

1. So autumn has come,

It's time to get ready

The house is huge, which is called a school.

Ended yesterday 2 p.

Play in kindergarten.

Everything has passed and will not return.

Chorus: Earrings, Dashki, Sashki,

Now we are first graders

And we look down on yesterday's friends.

They stayed in the kindergarten:

Kirill, Kati, Vadiki,

They haven't heard the school bell yet.

2. They don't sleep in class,

Only the pens creak

Above the calligraphy notebook.

Only we write like this: 2p.

Everything is out of order.

Well, why do we need such suffering?


3. Soon we will know

How to set up experiments in chemistry.

After all, learn from you 2p.

We came to first grade.

We can congratulate each other on this.

Game "Estimates"

There are cards on the table, turned over to face him. To the music, children run scattered around the hall and should, after the music ends, take any card, lift it up, turn it towards their parents with an assessment. Here are the grades your children will learn: Someone at `4`, someone at` 5`! Well done!

(removes cards)

And now we invite our parents to participate in the game. (several parents go out into the hall). (the presenter takes out other cards with marks). Let's see what grades did your parents go to? The task is the same ... But with the end of the music, the parents notice that some had `3`.

Leading. And now we look into the future 50 years ahead.

Staging “This is a meeting!

Matvey: Lena, hello! Is that you?

How glad I am to meet you!

I remember our favorite kindergarten so often!

Varya: Hello, I'm also glad that I recognized me, friend,

Remember we didn't share in younger group pie?

Matvey: The pies were great, good, so good

I still remember that we ate them with all our hearts!

Varya: Oh, what were the years!

Do not return them, do not catch up,

Even in venerable old age, we will remember the kindergarten.

Matvey: For a long time we will remember you dear kindergarten! (embracing, leave)

Child: We will not be sad, suffer.

It's time to dance the farewell waltz

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Sasha S .: We grew up here, we played here

We made friends here.

But the years passed quickly

And we became a little older.

Arina: Now it's time for us to go to school -

Books are waiting for us, and knowledge ...

To our family's kindergarten

We'll say, “Goodbye! "

Sophia A .: Do not be sad, our nannies, our educators!

We will come to visit you, we will be sure!

Ilya Zh.: Thank you for your kindness,

Patience and affection

A tale told.

For a warm, motherly look,

Your love and tenderness

We, remembering kindergarten,

More than once “Thank you! "Let's say.

Leading: The sun shines tenderly in the sky

The breeze plays with the foliage

Well, today we are very sad,

We say goodbye to our beloved children!

Leading: We want to wish you, dear children,

Learn, grow, meet new friends.

We will always be very proud of you,

Walk the ladders of life boldly!

(Presentation of diplomas, certificates and gifts to children)

Poems of thanks to the team from the parents of kindergarten graduates

Parents: Perhaps silence is golden

But how can we keep silent now!

Our funny guys

I am absolutely delighted with you!

They grow up a little -

You look - they will get to the crown!

They will forever preserve everything that

You gave them to the end!

Hearts, souls and nerves,

Endless supply of talent!

Although the children only go to the first,

You are always top class for them!

Head and security,

And nannies, janitors - everyone:

"Thank you for your calling

Amusing to love fidgets! "

We wish you love and happiness!

High ideas and salaries!

The whole future is in your power!

Long live our kindergarten!

(give flowers, Thanksgiving letters employees)

Enter 2 janitors, carrying a plate.

1. Sorry, we took a record here to listen to. Here, take it.

2. Such a good song, and most importantly, sincere. (leave)

Ved. : This is how we got a retro-excursion route 50-2000s. Judging by your smiles and applause, you liked her. (further words at the request of the presenter)

Targets and goals:

  • Creation of a positive emotional mood in children;
  • Improving school knowledge;
  • Strengthen communication skills.

(quiet retro music sounds. The presenters come out)

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear guests!
We are happy to greet you. We invite you on a retro musical excursion called
"First-class dudes leave kindergarten"

2 Presenter
: The atmosphere in the hall promises to be iridescent, romantic, with a slight breath of nostalgia.
So, sit back and we ... begin!

2 janitors come out, sweep. We saw the record.
- Let's listen to her. Run away.

(The song "We love boogie-woogie" from the movie "Hipsters" is played.
Children run into the hall and get up in a checkerboard pattern. They start dancing.
The presenters stand with the children in the back in the center of the hall.)

Dance "Boogie-woogie"
(children stand in a semicircle)

1 child: We do not recognize gray,
Our world plays like a rainbow.
Chanson, we don't sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie!

2 child: When we walk down the street,
You will turn to us on the trail.
We are leaving kindergarten
And we sing songs of different years!

Boy: Here are pipe-pants and a cook on the head,

Girl: Here is a skirt with wide brim,

Girl: We are not like that, you think, like everyone else.

Child: No, we are simply against boredom, dullness, sadness.

Leading: What does it mean to be known as a dude these days?
Be a positive, dynamic person
And very, very much to love life!

The song "Mal-by-Malu"

author's words by I.V. Syzgantsev, music by G. Sukachev (revised)

1. Once I came to the kindergarten
My dad left immediately.
But I didn't miss much
Little by little I got used to it.

2. All the kids were shouting:
Take it away as soon as possible.
But I plugged my ears,
Little by little I got used to it.

3. They prepared food for us
Porridge and butter for trouble.
I gagged and hiccupped
Little by little I got used to it.

4. I love to jump very much,
Jump, run and screech.
It seemed to me that I was small
Little by little I got used to it.

5. Here they were able to change to borrow,
Taught how to play.
I understood and comprehended everything,
Little by little I'm used to it.

6. Year after year, time passed,
The time for release has come.
And I'm in a stopper again -
You have to get used to school.

Boy: We have gathered today,
To celebrate our holiday.

Girl: Well, what are we celebrating?

Boy: Well, of course graduation!

Child: What kind of holiday is this?
Who is the hero of the occasion?

Child: Well, of course you and me,
All the boys and girls
That are now standing on the sidelines.

Girl: Greet us -
1st grade candidates!

: We are the most
Brave! Active!
Sports! Nimble!
Smart! Curious!
In general: Hipsters !!!

Boy: And it's all?

Boy: Not.
We also:

- Lovers to talk to a neighbor.

- We quarrel and immediately put up.

- We love to chat over lunch.

- The noisiest group in kindergarten.

- Headache of educators.

- Our favorite day of the week is Sunday.

- But we still love our kindergarten.

Exercise with balls and toys "Little country"

Child: Today is an unusual day,
Wonderful, great.
There is only one reason for this -
Everyone understands it!

Very soon, very soon
We will go to school.
And it's time to wish
we have no fluff, no feather!

Girl: We are in this hall for the last time
We will visit the center of attention.
Well, goodbye
Our favorite hall.
You often called us here for the holidays.

The song "Clap your hands" Words by E. Zaritskaya

1. We go on stage for the last time,
Eyes, like suns, are burning.
All of us were waiting for this concert -
Even the youngest of the guys.

We all love dances, jokes, songs.
We are ready to perform all day.
We are very interested today
Meet all parents together.

Clap your hands
We will sing for you.
Such a concert is good
This is our last time.
Both grandmothers and mothers
They are worried about us.
Clap your hands
We will sing for you - 2 times

2. I chose the dress for the whole evening,
I'm tired of trying on bows
I was terribly looking forward to this meeting,
In order not to disappoint you.

Grandma and mom did not sleep at night,
Even the ginger cat was worried,
Repeated the song stubbornly
Dad, brother and neighbor Fedot.

Chorus: the same

3. Soon we will become disciples,
Soon we'll go to first grade together
We will not stop surprising you.
School will become our home, like home!

And now for the last time on stage
We will remember this day forever!
We will all be the best reward
Friendly (kind) smiles of dads and moms!

Chorus: the same.

They sit on the chairs.

1 Presenter: Well, let's continue. Here are the most stylish and funny guys of the preparatory group.
It is not enough to have clothes and a forelock on your head to become a first-class dude. There is still a lot to know. And now we offer the guys to pass the test. It is called "Wits".

Joke tasks

There is an oak tree in the field. There are three branches on the oak, three apples on each branch. How many apples are there? ( Apples do not grow on oak)

How many ears do three mice have? ( six)

Grandmother Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,
cat Fluff, dog Druzhok.
How many grandchildren does a grandmother have? ( One granddaughter Masha)

Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox -
Oblique bunny.

Following them -
The hedgehog and the frog.
How many toys
Arranged by Andryushka. ( six)

Rebuilding game.

The word STYLAGA is written on 7 discs. 7 children participate in the game. Everyone has a record with one letter in their hands. The presenter reads the quatrains, the children make up the words.

All enemies defeated
Bogatyrskaya - POWER!
Forests of dark beauty
Redhead cheat - FOX!
In a thick album, white and clean,
Anyone is familiar with paper - SHEET!
Old woman, evil hag,
Everyone knows a woman from childhood - YAGA!
Smart guy, graduate, hard worker,
Today at the holiday you are - STYLAGUE!

Leading: Well done boys! I think that the first test was passed with dignity.

2 Presenter: I wonder what our children dream about?
We do not keep it a secret ...

Scene "Dreams"

1. My years are growing,
I will be seventeen.
What should I work with then?
What should I do?

2. I really want to become
Top catchy model.
But grandma says
That they are all "boards".

3. And I will be a showman,
All mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel
Receive gifts.

4. The showman is good,
And it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Baskovs,
Let them teach me!

5. And I want to sing like Galkin,
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I will like it too!

6. We have read poems to you,
Clap, try.
You brought us up
So figure it out!

Leading: Dreamers and visionaries
The school is always looking forward to it.
We believe that everyone
To your dream soon
The paths of knowledge will come!

1 Presenter: For all guests and graduates, a musical gift - meet the "Brilliant" group.

Song "For 4 Seas" (3 girls)

1 Presenter: Great number! Another surprise for you.

Dance with flower arches

1 Presenter: What a great dance! And I saw with what admiration our guests watched. This suggests that our graduates are real artists.

Game with parents "School lottery".

2 Presenter: The child will go to study soon,
School life is coming for you.
It will bring you new worries and troubles,
It will force you to rebuild your whole life.
And we are here now in front of everyone,
Today we will find out what will happen in families ...

Several parents leave. The facilitator asks a question, the participant pulls out a cube or card from the bag and reads the answer.

Answers: mom, dad, the child himself, the cat Vaska, the neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.

1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. And who to follow the form of the first graders?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the portfolio?

7. Who will cry when they are exhausted?

8. Who is to blame if the child received a deuce?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take the first grader to school?

1 Presenter: And now I would like to know how mothers and fathers will collect their children for school.

Game "Get your child to school"

2 Presenter: The next number will not leave anyone indifferent. He will give you joy, excitement and thrill of the soul!

Dance "Dads and Daughters" (Rainbow group)

Choreographer's dance (Cloud group) and the poem "Star"

Child: Autumn will suit silently,
Having dropped an elegant leaf from a branch.
On gilded roads
September will come slowly
For boys and girls
Starting the school year.

Child: We go to school and say:
Beloved kindergarten, thank you for everything!

Song about kindergarten.

Leading: And now we look into the future 50 years ahead.

Staging "This is a meeting!"

Misha: Lena, hello! Is that you?
How glad I am to meet you!
I remember so often
our favorite kindergarten!

Girl: Hello, I'm glad too,
that he recognized me, friend,
Remember we didn't share
a pie in the younger group?

Boy: The pies were great,
good, so good
I still remember
we ate them heartily!

: Oh, what were the years!
Do not return them, do not catch up,
Even in venerable old age
we will remember the kindergarten.

Boy: We will remember you for a long, long time, dear kindergarten! (embracing, leave)

Child: We will not be sad, suffer.
It's time for us to dance the farewell waltz.

Dance "Farewell Waltz"

Child: We grew up here, we played here,
We made friends here.
But the years passed quickly
And we became a little older.

Child: Now it's time for us to go to school -
Books are waiting for us, and knowledge ...
To our family's kindergarten
We'll say, "Goodbye!"

: Don't be sad, our nannies,
our educators!
We will come to visit you,
we will definitely!

Boy: Thank you for your kindness,
Patience and affection
For a kind voice, for a game,
A tale told.

For a warm, motherly look,
Your love and tenderness.
We, remembering kindergarten,
More than once "Thank you!" let's say.

Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us!
And to everyone who just loved us.

Bow to you and thank you!

Children present flowers to the kindergarten staff. They sit down.

Leading: The sun shines tenderly in the sky,
The breeze plays with the foliage
Well, today we are very sad,
We say goodbye to our beloved children!

Leading: We want to wish you, dear children,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Go boldly along the ladder of knowledge!

Song: "You have to have fun" Music by Sosnin

Enter 2 janitors, carrying a plate.
1. Sorry, we took a record here to listen to. Here, take it.
2. Such a good song, and most importantly - sincere. ( go away)

Leading: This is how we got a retro-excursion route 50-2000s. Judging by your smiles and applause, you liked her. ( further words at the request of the presenter)

(Presentation of diplomas, certificates and gifts to children)

Poems of thanks to the team from parents, kindergarten graduates

Parents: Perhaps silence is golden,
But how can we keep silent now!
Our funny guys
I am absolutely delighted with you!

They grow up a little -
You look - they will get to the crown!
They will forever preserve everything that
You gave them to the end!

Hearts, souls and nerves,
Endless supply of talent!
Although the children only go to the first,
You are always top class for them!

Head and security,
And nannies, janitors - everyone:
“Thank you for your calling
Amusing to love fidgets! "

We wish you love and happiness!
High ideas and salaries!
The whole future is in your power!
Long live our kindergarten!

(give flowers, letters of thanks to employees)

Graduation party "Hipsters - show!"

Summary of the prom for kindergarten on the theme of Hipsters

Graduation at the preschool educational institution "Our teremok, goodbye!"

Kobzeva Irina Vladimirovna, educator, GBOU School №1381, Moscow.
Musical director: Vyrovskaya Lyubov Vasil'ena, musical director, GBOU School №1381, Moscow.
Leading entrance.
We are opening the graduate ball
The adult road will begin with him
And trees will grow from small sprouts
And it all began at this threshold.
(there is a photo of a kindergarten on the screen)
Children entrance and dance with daisies of the muses. N Man "And the chamomile field has blossomed"

Carefree days passed unnoticed
You have grown stronger, matured, soon you will be students
Finally, dreams come true, studies are ahead
Everywhere bright flowers, today is a special day
"Teremok" is ours, goodbye!
We're leaving for first grade
Though the parting is sad
Do not worry about us
Sasha M.
There are desks and a blackboard waiting for us
Tutorials, bookmarks
Rulers, pens, diaries
Pencil cases and notebooks
We will read so many books at school
Page by page!
Goodbye, our dear "Teremok"
We are all going to study
The song "We are now students" music G. Struve
Anya J..
Who is the hero of the occasion?
Well of course you and me
All the boys and girls
That are now standing on the sidelines.
Merry and noisy
And very smart!
We are STYLES!
One by one they say the words.
- Most
- Talented
- Intellectual
- Curious
- Bright
- Ingenious
- Inventive
- Hipsters!
Live fun!
Everything: Hipsters!
They dance and sing!
Everything: Hipsters!
It's more fun with us
We will ignite with our energy.
Dance of Hipsters.

Children scatter
Leading: Guys, what does it mean to be stylish?
I think you have to be special and interesting
It is not enough to have stylish clothes and a hairstyle, You need to find in life what is interesting to you, then you will be interesting to others.
Right. Everyone has a talent in their hearts, a secret that has been known for a long time,
Someone is a poet, someone is an athlete, or a lovely musician,
Each of you has a light inside,
And it is important to carry this light through life.
Mom says the kids
Must be talented.
That these talents are needed,
For myself and for the country.
I'll be leaving the garden soon
I'll go to school soon.
So I need talents
"Type on the go"
I am assembling a constructor
I study poetry in the garden.
Well, well, in general, I do not know
Who I want to be in my life
Who will tell you, who will teach, whom do we better work with?
I will become a skilled cook
I will cook everything delicious for you.
Dumplings and shish kebab
okroshka and salad,
taste my sushi
everyone will be happy.
And I want to be a chauffeur - to carry different loads.
I dream of ballet - there is no better ballet in the world!
I want to be a cool doctor
I will treat everyone with medicine
I don’t tea a soul in paints,
I dream of becoming an artist
Order me a portrait
I can handle it - there is no doubt
And I will go to the presidency!
I will rule the country
All salaries to add!
I dream of becoming a teacher of children,
Sing, play, walk with them,
Celebrate birthdays.
No, I won't go to kindergarten
I will find a quieter job
All day childish din
Screams, quarrels here and there
Neither sit down nor step away
You can go so crazy.
Okay! What do you! Stop it!
Still, we have a holiday here
And today in this hall
We will reveal the secret for you.
To work in the garden, live,
We must love all children.
We promise, we will grow up
We will come to work in kindergarten!
ANYA I. But I'm going to be a nanny
I'll put things in order here!
VOVA.... And I, will be Uncle Vova
I will plan and saw here.
Old toys, chairs
I will glue and fix
I haven't decided yet
But I'll be back, for sure
A physician or a speech therapist,
Well, I'll think about it again.
CAMILLA. A. I will be the manager
I won't forget about you kids.
The children sit down.
Scene "One day to the head of the kindergarten"
Music sounds A child passes through the middle of the hall with a sign "8.30"
I go to kindergarten (takes off my coat)
8.30 in the morning.
The cooks are already doing magic in the kitchen.
Corridors, toilets
Groups, halls, offices
I must check everything
Safety to comply
Music sounds. A child walks through the middle of the hall with a sign "9.00"
It's already 9 in the morning on the clock
And the nurse is already on the doorstep
A child is coming out - a nurse
Child nurse.
We are facing problem number 1 !.
We have chickenpox!
Quarantine again!
We need to run through everyone as soon as possible
As a nanny, get everyone together
Soap, "Progress", brushes, water
Rospotrebnadzor will come rushing to us,
again as always!
(Looks at his watch. The phone rings.)
9.15. The phone rings
(picks up the phone, listens)
Should the event be given to the district? (holding his chin. Thinks)
- Another problem! All you need to collect!
Quickly decide how and what to show!
runs out the door, runs out the door again. Looks at the clock)
10.00 Like a steam locomotive! Our sweet caretaker comes into our door.
No heating! The basement is drowning! Pipes rotted a complete crunch!
Again a problem, I call the PRUE
(speaking into the phone)
Locksmith urgently send them, I pray!
(looks at his watch)
Eleven exactly. The psychologist is running!
Child Psychologist:
A computer virus entered our kindergarten!
Computers urgently need treatment!
Otherwise, all files will die very amicably!

A Child with a "Noon" sign passes by
12.15 I'm writing the table! You need to hand over urgently,
I'm in a hurry!
13.00. I have a teacher's council. Educators need to be given good advice so that everyone will protect the category and not be sad about their salary.
(Runs in place)
14.30 - I run to school,
we have been a big family with them for a long time.
(stops, pats herself on the head)
There, of course, we will be reprimanded for everything,
At the same time, they do not want to give money!
17.00 - I go into the office.
I think I missed lunch
(strokes the stomach).
I just can't eat now,
I'll run to the meeting room
(Runs in place)
A lot of parents will come to visit,
they are worried that the children are waiting for them.
(Sits down at the table and picks up the phone).
18.15. The phone rings
Girl on the phone
An open lesson should be given to the area.
Did they call you this morning?
Of course, we are waiting for you tomorrow, gentlemen!
A child with a sign passes by
"19.00. It's evening and it's not over yet "
Child-Manager(resting his head on his hand)
The janitor is gone! He found a job at a higher price! What should I do? How can I be? A new janitor, where to get it!
A Child with a "Night" sign passes by
While I found a person in place.
I came home late at night! (Falls asleep)
- - - - - - - -- -
The pupils of the junior group have come to greet you.
Children with a teacher enter to the music.
1 kid:
We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you!
We all gathered at the prom,
But all were not allowed! And we broke through!
2 baby:
Eyebrows - "house", cilia,
A bang and two pigtails
Small nose - "snub nose"
And in the little eyes - a question:
3 baby:
Are you the same?
Or have you forgotten a little?
4 baby:
And we also have a question -
And not jokingly, but seriously:
Leave us toys -
Dolls, bears and crackers?
5 kid:
And you won’t take the cars,
When will you go to school?
Good! Then we will ...
All babies: Seeing off to first grade!
6 baby:
At school, you friends, do your best
Only get A's!
It will be difficult, come -
We will take you to the kindergarten again!
Dance with kids.
(graduates give gifts and see off the kids).

Well, guys, did you remember what you were when you came to our Teremok? Now let's say goodbye to our toys
Children come out with toys
I decided to whisper with toys,
After all, it's time for us to say goodbye.
No, I won't stop playing at all
But still, less often: I will become a schoolgirl.
Goodbye my darling
Teddy bear is a chubby
Have you smeared your shirt with jam again?
Well, okay, I'll wash today ...
How will you be without me, Mikhas, I don't know ...
I combed the Lyalka doll today,
And tied a bow on the curls,
- Do not eat candy: you will be allergic!
And who will wake you up in the morning?
I say goodbye to you, I'm now bunny,
I grew up and it's not my fault
Years can fly fast
Well, it's not until the wedding to sit in the garden!
Song and dance with toys “Fluffy childhood of Muses R. Gutsalyuk.

LIYA Heroes of good fairy tales to us
They are already in a hurry to visit the hall,
To the land of wonderful knowledge
See your guys off!
RUSTAM... We were friends with a fairy tale in the garden,
We ask - a fairy tale, come!
Kind fairytale heroes
Bring me for you!
A deuce runs in to the music.
Deuce: Finally, I have you.
Will they take me to first grade?
Educator: Who are you?
Deuce: I'm a deuce! The best grade in school! It's always easy to learn with me. You just need to be lazy more.
Educator: And our guys are not used to being lazy and the grade at school will not be useful to them at all. Our children will take hard work, diligence and perseverance to school.
Deuce: Is it really necessary at school? You guys didn’t come up with the idea. All this is hopelessly outdated. Here, without me, you will not go there and not here! I am a super deuce, I am a star!
You need to be friends with me
and do not grieve about studying!
Educator: but our guys are used to working hard and getting good marks for it.
Deuce: AAA. everything is clear to me. Do you want to become excellent students? So knowledge is needed for this.
Educator: And our guys just have the knowledge.
Deuce: where is their knowledge? What knowledge? A. and now we will check what knowledge they have. So.
Listen carefully:
Do they learn to write at school?
Read different books?
Are they pushing at breaks?
Then. Calling names?
Do breast problems solve?
Do they play different toys?
Well then, do you get deuces?
How not? How do you not get deuces?
Well, it just can't be!
Educator: They don't get it like that. Attention attention! The hunt for good marks starts on the first of September. Do you guys want to take part? Guys, then let's play and conduct interesting game.
Game: "Merry Five".
In the center of the hall there are chairs in a circle with their backs facing inward, sitting outward, the numbers five and two are laid out on them, funny music sounds, children jump around the chairs in a circle, with the music stopping, children should sit on the chair and raise the number with the mark.
Deuce How is there not a single deuce? I cannot bear such an insult. The last time I want to ask you - will you take me to first grade? Will you take it? Will you take it? Well, okay, I'll go to a nearby kindergarten, maybe graduates need a grade there.
Music sounds Peppi enters - long stocking
- Hello, let me introduce myself.
I'm Peppy Long Stocking!
Leading: Peppy, what's in your suitcase?
Peppy: Oh, here I have my father's gift, my dearest treasure.
Music sounds. The crooks appear.
1 rogue... Have you heard?
Some red-haired girl -
A whole treasure and money in a suitcase.

2 rogue.
Then we surround this red-haired monster and select the treasure. It is harmful for children to have a lot of gold. So your money will be ours!
1 rogue. You and me are a different matter:
tired of saving
we do not know how to do anything
and the need - oh-ho-ho!
2 rogue. And eat and get dressed -
money is needed, funds are needed,
and when it’s unbearable,
then we go out to the robbery!
Together. Surround, take away!
Peppy. Why take away?
I'll give you a suitcase myself if you sing with us! Do you even know how to sing?
Crooks(together): Yes. (singing)
Peppy: Is that what you call singing?
Here's how to sing!
The girls perform the song and dance "Lady Jazz".

Crooks: Well, okay, you sing well, but give us the suitcase!
Peppy: Well, since you can't sing, then play with us.
Crooks(joyfully). Let's play, let's play, but what?
Into the cards? Dominoes? Lotto?
Peppy. No, we have other games, more interesting!
I'm starting the fun moments - my math jokes.
(Crooks confuse children, they say the wrong answers)
1. A rooster flew up the fence,
I met two more there
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer ready? (3)
2. Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired
Left behind comrades,
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead. (5)
3. Once a hedgehog walked through the forest,
For lunch I found mushrooms:
Two - under a birch tree,
Two - under the aspen.
How many there will be
In a wicker basket? (4)
Crooks together. How is it all not interesting?
And the suitcase is now ours! (They try to lift the suitcase.)
Looks like there are too many treasures, I can not lift!
Peppy. You are not ashamed! You cannot lift a light suitcase!
(Picks up the suitcase and lets the rogue go.)
2 rogue. Ay! Ouch! What a strong girl!
Peppy. The most ordinary.
Any child lifts this suitcase! (Children raise.)
Have you seen? You need to do physical education!
The crooks again try to lift the suitcase, push, snatch from each other - the suitcase opens and school supplies and various toys fall out of it.
Crooks. Together. What about! And this is your treasure?
Little deceiver!
It is not good to deceive adults.
Peppy. And I'm not a deceiver at all, you thought that treasures are gold and jewelry, but no. This is something without which it is impossible to get to the land of Knowledge.
And you guys, what are you taking with you to school.
And now, who is braver,
Collect your portfolio soon!
Game "Collect a portfolio".
Pippi recruits from children 2 teams of 5 people. Each of the participants brings 1 school item and puts it in a portfolio. The crooks get in the way, slipping various unnecessary items into the children.

Peppy: Well done. (Checks briefcases) This will all come in handy at school.
2 rogue: We overheard that you kids are going to school? Do you want us to give you gifts?
1 rogue: Here's a slingshot for you guys to shoot the birds!
2 rogue: Here's a noisy pistol to scare each other!
1 rogue: You need to knock out windows with this heavy stone!
2 rogue: Wave this lifesaver in all directions! Like this! (They run around the hall to scare children and guests). Are our gifts good?
Peppy: And not at all good, take them back! These are not gifts, but very bad things that, I think, are not needed at all at school. Really guys ?.
1 rogue: Yes. Convinced. I was amazed. Your kids are ready to go to school. Yes, after such a spectacle, I somehow do not want to engage in our craft. I'll leave him!
2 rogue: Right! Let's give it up! We go with the guys to school. After all, they say it's never too late to learn.
1 rogue: I agree. Deal!
2 rogue: Do you know what I was thinking? Since we have decided to start a new life, we will do something good for the guys.
1 crook: Let's. What shall we do?
Peppy: And I came up with it, it's not for nothing that they say that Peppilotta-Victuolina-Rolgardina-Longstocking is the smartest girl in the world!
2 rogue: Pepi-vitu-dina ... pah you, Pippi, share your thoughts, girl!
Peppy: Let's give the guys something as a keepsake.
1 rogue: Like what?
Peppy: When my dad is a captain, he left his native land, he gave me a photograph on which was written "In good long memory", this is the best gift for me
2 rogue: Exactly, come on.
Peppy:(hands over an album with photographs) Let this photo book give you good memories of the country you are leaving, called Kindergarten.
1 rogue: Well, we guys say goodbye to you.
2 Rogue We now also have a thought to go to school.
Peppy: See you at school in September.
1 rogue: It's never too late to learn.
Peppy: Till….
The phonogram sounds, crooks and Pippi leave the hall.
Moment "Leafing through the photo album" (handing flowers to employees)
Music sounds
Leading. Guys, let's turn the pages of this album together again.
(the teacher sits on a chair, photos from the album are projected onto the screen)
And when did we have time?
So suddenly matured!
The school is waiting for us with flowers
Real first class!
It's a pity we're leaving the garden.
Everyone needs to say thank you.
How many holiday balls -
There will be so many kind words.
Frame: (manager)
Oh, look, but well-versed in everything,
Our beloved head - Galina Yurievna
Nowadays, no, it's not easy
Lead the kindergarten.
Every day a million questions
All of them must be solved.
Yes, work is not honey here,
Not everyone could do it.
The fact that our kindergarten lives -
Thank you!
Let work bring you
Positive attitude!
Well, different problems
Let them pass by
Doors, bulbs, carpets
And sand for the kids.
Curtains and toys
Blankets and pillows
We brought furniture to the kindergarten
Wonderful caretaker.
The child may have speech problems.
Then I will give some practical advice.
The solution to the issue will provide
Lyubov Ivanovna is our speech therapist.
And here is the physical education instructor Yulia Valerievna
WORLD. And here, guys, we are in physical education,
After all, sports will help to become strong, dexterous.
In a couple of years, everyone will learn from the newspapers ...
Which of us will become an athlete
Our Garden will glorify the whole world,
Julia Valerievnaa, thank you,
From the guys, their dads and moms!
Here you need to try and believe in yourself, Accelerate in the water, without sparing your strength.
Develop sports anger in yourself
Strive for victories and achieve them.
Endure and fight, forgetting about the pain
And to win the main most important swim.
Educator: Music Director Lyubov Vasilievna
And here we are karaoke stars
And to dance for us is no problem.
And how we all love to perform,
Since there is talent, why hide.
Thank you for your songs,
That they danced with us
That the music of all our days
It sounded more fun with you!
Educator: Our nurse Svetlana Alexandrovna.
And here is the photo - fidgets
Give you trouble:
The knee is torn
The forehead is slightly broken.
You didn’t sit around:
Drip the nose, rinse the eye.
You were good at kindness
Our abrasions heal.
Children will not forget this
And thanks to you from us.
The best nurses in the world
Those that give children joy!
Who came to kindergarten in the morning?
These are our chefs.
The porridge is ready for breakfast.
The porridge is cooked. Hooray!
Who cooked the scented soup
And a side dish of different cereals?
Who baked buns for us
Or apple pie?
These are our chefs
They have been working since 6 in the morning.
Dear chefs
We say thank you
And thank you for everything.
With a clear dawn, until dark
She is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch
And will clean up the dishes?
We helped, of course,
We set the tables
And learned not to crumble
And do not apply sand.
Our group is not more beautiful.
Clean and light around!
Maybe our nanny
And not two, but ten hands?
Let's say thank you to her now
For care and comfort
And for the fact that it's time
She dedicated her work to us!
Frame: Educators.
Our family educators,
You were like second mothers to us.
You taught us a lot -
We are ready to go to first grade.
You showed us a big world,
They took us there with them.
And let the years fly by
We will never forget you!
You got the hard work -
It needs a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands himself
Children what education means.
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the mother for the children.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!
Children give flowers to employees and line up for a dance. First graders.
Thanks to all the staff
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And it's light on a gloomy day.
You felt sorry for us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Wish we can get you
Take with you to first grade.
Dance First graders of Muses And Cool.

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