Education portal. Island of unbearable lessons.docx - scenario of extracurricular activities "in the country of unbearable lessons"

Landscape design and layout 01.10.2019
Landscape design and layout

This fairy tale was designed based on the work of L. Gerassina "in the country of unbearable lessons. In the passage there were only a few mathematical problems. The material is suitable for both schoolchildren of grade 1-4 and for 5-6 class. The script was used to set a fairy tale on the subject week .

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"Scenario of fairy tales in the country of unbearable lessons"

Based on the fairy tales: Leah Heraskin. In the country of unbearable lessons

Scene 1. Viti at home

Behind the distant fields, in the deep seas, behind the high mountains, the medium of Lazid Polyan, in some kingdom of the state, there was a student of 4th grade Vitya ...


Above us, the sun shines,

Nor life, but grace.

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand.

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand.

We are small children

We want to walk.

And we say that catat

Shorter hypotenuses.

And I tell you enough

I'm tired of this burden.

Shorter hypotenuses.

Pa - Ra - Pa - Ra - Ba - Pa - Pa - Ra

I'm tired of this burden.

Ah, get up at dawn,

To remove the notebook in the table.

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand.

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand.

We are small children

We want to walk.

And we are told Athens

War went to Sparta.

And I say to leave

I want as soon as possible.

Pa - Ra - Pa - Ra - Ba - Pa - Pa - Ra

War went to Sparta.

Pa - Ra - Pa - Ra - Ba - Pa - Pa - Ra

I want as soon as possible.

Vitya: (goes slowly)

Today I am not lucky from the morning. We had five lessons. And at each caused me. And for each subject I received a two. Only five bobs per day! Four two, probably, I received for what I would have answered not as I would like to teachers, but the fifth two was put quite unfair. It is even ridiculous to say, because of what we shook this unfortunate twice. For some kind of multiplication table !!!

I began to learn her, even opened the right page ... And then the cartoon began, and then the tablet charged .... Well, in general, never learned ... In my opinion, we tried very, but the teacher, of course, did not agree. I have long noticed that the teachers rarely agree with us. They have such a negative minus.

Comes to home.

Mom: Vitya, you walked from school long, lost a lot of time! And what is it, five bobs! You have no will! Sit for lessons!

Vitya: (sits down at the desk) For lessons when I'm so tired! So, again set the multiplication table to repeat. I will not do this, of course. It is useless to repeat what you still do not know. Decisive better task

So ... some farms are digging unknown for what some trench. Some task is very difficult and stupid.

Comes out

Vitya: Five excavations dug a trench in a hundred rowing meters in four days. Well, excavations! How to be with them? Maybe multiply them to meters?

Cat: not byaaado multiply, you still do not know anything.

Vitya: Oh, Kuzya, yes you are talking! No, I still multiply the farms. True, I didn't recognize anything good about them ... Well, then I divide meters on the farms.

Cat: do not share

Vitya: No, I'm still a boom! .... Well, it turns out nonsense. It turned out that the work was to perform a half farm. Why is one and a half? How do I know! Come on, comes down ...

Cat: Here is a second task ... Here you have to find out how much costumes will be sewed to sew the tailor ... 28 meters of fabric, 3 meters per suit ....

Vitya (decides): TAAAAAK. Here, I decided ... 27 costumes, and still the rest remains!

Cat: Well, comes down ... .. Now about the brother and sister's task

Vitya: (decides) And this decided! They will meet in 60 years!

Cat: and Taaaapa comes .... The main thing was decided. And will we repeat the multiplication table ???

Vitya: No, she is uninteresting.

Cat: here I am, for example, interesting multiplication table can come up with! Look!

Three times one - I eat sausage!
Three times two - delicious halva!
Three three - the nose of the sortie!
Three times four - chocolate, delicious in the world!
Three times five - I was wrong again!
Three times six - I want to eat!
Three times seven - never soup!
Three times eight - please help!
Three times nine - the world cats do not believe!
Ten times ten - nothing weigh!

Vitya: Oh, the nonsense turns out ... That's again, the twin shields ... Yes, these lessons are already tired !!! (throws books)

Suddenly there is a knock

Vitya: Oh, who can it be ???

Mathematics textbooks 1-4 classes

Song and dance of textbooks.

1) what children now right

No controls on them,

We spend our health,

But they do not care for it.

Such, fucking here,

Did not learn lesson.

Such, fucking here,

Slesh only could.

2) Today it is necessary for children.

They would dance to fall,

They would have songs to dawn,

And they don't have any things before.

3) Children - our punishment.

Let us want to form.

These children are naughty

They learn very boring.

Vitya: And who will you be?

M1: You look attentive! Maybe you know

M2: he is not used to looking at us carefully

Vitya: Yes, this is our tutorials!

M3: Nobody and anywhere on the globe so does not handle textbooks!

M4: You draw all nonsense on our pages!

Choir: Five Two!

Vitya: But today we have prepared lessons!

M2: Today you have not solved a single task!

M3: And the multiplication table did not learn! But we will help you!

M4: For correctional works we send you to the country of unbearable lessons!

M3: This country is full of surprises!

M2: All the journey consists of difficulties. This is clear how twice two four

M1: Every step there is threatened with a danger to life! And until you fix it, there is no way back!

Vitya: Maybe, just at this journey, I will be able to develop the will and acquire character. And then everyone around says: no character, no will !!

Cat: for sure! Now come back from there with character - that's going to be surprised!

Vitya: So be. Let's go to this dangerous country!

Textbooks Choir: Solved!

M4: I need a spherical object. The soccer ball will suit.

You fly, soccer ball,

Not scorch

Do not go on the way

Right in that country fly,

Where Viti's mistakes live

So he among events

Full of fear and anxiety,

I could help myself.

Blowing wind, all demolides the curtain

Scene 2. In the country of unbearable lessons.

Fabulous music

4 black swans appear.

Dance and song bobbies.

And I'm a little twice,

And I'm a little beg. Sure sure.

I knew errors

And they strive to ask.

I scare children at night

I adore Creek and Bran.

And I'm a little nasty,

And I'm a little rubbish.

I have a big neck, a long tail.

And all lazy people in the world have a question

How to part with me quickly, without clauses.

Only it is so not just faithful.

Who made friends with me - very, very, very in vain.

From me not to take up - I am very glad.

Here he is - Vitya - does not know the multiplication table! Do not open the door to those who do not know the multiplication table! Grand hell!

Twos are trying to catch and tie a cat and vitu.

Vitya: I remember soon, we have already learned it for so many years!

Kuzya with Vitea:

Five five to twenty five

six six hundred and thirty six

six eight-sneak eight

three three people.

Twosses fall and crawl quietly.

Cat. (wipes sweat)Wow birds!

Scene 3. Excavators

Walk out zepers

Cat: hide, hide me soon! I'm afraid ... I see ... legs! I am very afraid when the legs themselves, without the owner.

Vitya: And where is everything else? What is the above belt?

Excrace 1: Boy! You're vitty!? My comrade asks where his head is?

Vitya: Yes, this is the same excavations from that ill-fated task. (rushing in his pocket, finds a crumpled leaf, thinks)I'll fix everything now (decides)The answer is two. The work will be performed by two farms.

Excavations rejoice

Song of farms.

Excrace is famous

Highly qualified, about the EU.

We copento, smashed,

In-depth, and this, about the EU.

And ditch and tranne

Vygvanto Un Momesto, about the EU.

And for this respect,

We are in the task of placed.

2 excavation.

Both bowed:

1: in work, in life and work

We wish you good luck.

2: Learning always, learn everywhere

And correctly solve the task.

Scene 4. Old and an old man

There is an old woman, leaning on a wand.

Vitya: Grandma, and why on you a pioneer tie?

Grandma: Because I am a pioneer, and you, a boy, from what class?

Vitya: Fourth.

Grandma: And I'm out of the fourth ... Oh, how my legs hurt! I have passed many thousands of kilometers. Today, finally should meet with his brother. He goes to meet me.

One boy solved the task. Of the two villages, the distance between which is twelve kilometers, the brother and sister took towards each other ...

The boy decided that they would meet in sixty years. We obeyed this stupid, evil, incorrect decision. And here everything goes, we go ... I am angry, raised ...

An old man came out.

Old man: Hello, sister!

They hugged and cried

Vitya: So I am - that boy Vitya, let's decide the task again!

With the cat solved the task

You had to meet in two hours!

Olders immediately turned into pioneers, and they were very pleased.

We are now not gray

We are young guys.

We are not old people now,

We are again disciples.

We finished the task.

No need to walk!

We are free. It means

You can sing and dance!

Brother and sister worship for farewell and ran away.

Scene 5. Tailor

There is a tailor:

Vitya: Look, Kuzya, what kind of sad uncle. Let him help him too! Who are you?!

Tailor: I'm innocently convicted. I am an unhappy tailor, I was accused of stealing. And to blame for all the boy Vitya!

As the head of the sewing workshop, I received twenty-eight meters of fabric. It was necessary to know how much costumes can be sewed out of it, on every costume 3 meters. And now on my grief, this very Vitya decides that I should sew out of twenty-eight meters twenty-seven costumes and even get one meter in the rest. Well, how can you sew twenty-seven costumes, when on just one costume goes three meters?

Cat: This boy is!

Vitya: Yes, that's me that boy. But I'll fix everything, let's decide the task again! (decides) You had to sew only nine costumes

Tailor: Hooray, you are well done, you decided my task! Thank you! Glory mathematics!

P1. There is a math math,

That she in order the mind leads

Because good words

Often talking about her in the people.

Do you, math, give us

For victory difficulty hardening,

Youth learns with you

Develop both will and smell.

P2. And for the fact that in creative labor

Help out in difficult moments

Today we sincerely sincerely

We send Thunder Applause!

See, Vitya, how much you have done! Who prevents you from learning well?

There is such a person! It myself! But I decided to fight with him. I realized that knowledge is very necessary in life.

It includes a five.

Well done, Vitya, this is the main thing, you finally realized that you must overcome all the difficulties! Now you can raise the will and character, and will cope with all the difficulties in life! Your adventure ended. You can come back home!

Under the song teach in school everyone gather on stage and sing chorus

Thanks for attention!


    Mom (bathrobe) -


    Cat (cat cap, tail, vest) -

    Mathematics 1 (Figures with Figures and Grade 7) -

    Math 2 (Class 2 Cloak and Textbook 2) -

    Mathematics 3 (Figure Cloak and Grade Tutorial) -

    Mathematics 4 (Figures with Figures and Grade 4)

9,10 A half excav worker (one in a cap, shirt, overalls, in the hand of the shovel; the other dies, the shirt covers his knees) -

11,12 Grandmother and Grandader (Pioneer Ties, Costumes Boy-Girls and Old Clothes) -

13,14 Tailors (meter, ruler, fabrics) -

15,16,17,18 Two

19 Five-


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"Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation [Autoshot]"

Based on tales Lii Heraskina

6 A represents

Task number 2.

On 1 tailor costume spend

28-1 \u003d 27 (costumes) - and 1 m residue

Task number 3.

12x6 \u003d 60 (hours)

5 excavations digging out

for 4 days 100 meters of trenches. How many landcraft do you need to dig over the same time 40 meters of trenches?

100: 5 \u003d 20 (m) Each farmer digs

40: 20 \u003d 2 (excavation)

Task number 2.

On 1 tailor costume spend

3 meters of fabric. How many suits it will save from 28 m?

28: 3 \u003d 9 (suits) - and 1 m residue

Task number 3.

Of the two villages, the distance between which is 12 km away, the brother and sister came to meet each other. What time will they meet if the speed of rapprochement is 6 km / h?

12: 6 \u003d 2 (hour)

MBOU "Sobolev Central Secondary School"

Scenario Events

"In the country of unbearable lessons"

Prepared a senior countertime: incorrect. IN.,

teacher of the first qualifying category.

2017 year

Purpose: - introduce students with the holiday"International day literacy » ;

Contribute to the development of oral speech students, the ability to clearly respond to the questions issued;

Contribute to the formation of the need and desire for knowledge.

Develop curiosity and interest in global processes and phenomena.

Equipment: Cards, projector, laptop.

Event flow:

Leading: Today, July 8, 2017 declared an international day of literacy. Guys, do you consider yourself competent? (children's responses). View presentation.

Lead 1. - What do you think, why should you go to school? (Answers children )

Lead 2. - You think correctly, we learn at school in order to receive education and be competent people.

Lead 1. - Literacy is the necessary component of a person's life. The result in the elimination of illiteracy will be achieved completely when all people on Earth will be educated. I suggest you see the cartoon about the boy who did not want to learn.

View cartoon"In the country of unbearable lessons."

Teacher: Children, do you want to be similar to Vitu Perestorkin? (children's responses)

Lead 2. - You have already learned a lot. Now you will have the opportunity to show your knowledge and skills in practice. (divide the class for two commands). We go to the competitive program.

1. Workout.

1. How many letters in the Russian alphabet? (33 )

2. How many consonant sounds in Russian? (42 sounds:6 vowels and36 consonants )

3. Part of speech denoting subject (noun ).

4. The word "white" in relation to the word "black" (antonyms ).

5. It happens between the root and the end of the word (suffix ).

6. Undefined verb shape (infinitive ).

7. Changing the verb on persons and numbers (conjugation ).

8. Word or a combination of words, called who (what) is addressed (appeal ).

9. Part of the word without completion (the foundation ).

10. Member of the Offer responsible for questionswhat? whose? ( definition ).

11. Offer with two grammatical foundations (sophisticated ).

12. Section of the Russian language, studying sounds and letters (phonetics ).

2. You give the word Owl, you need to write 5 words for every letter in this word, I invite 5 brave from each team.
3. Recall the words with the letter O. come up with a word from 1, with 2, 3rd.
cat, thief, mouth, floor, count, tol
Kolos, Frost, Island, Fire
Gold, hammer, milk, interpretation
4 . "Collect the Word"

Collect the words that hid in other words. Listen carefully, make a note in the worksheets (for each word - 1 point).

1) The prefix - in the Word ran up, and the root - in the word Snowflake, suffix - in the word Lester, and the ending - in the word students (Snowdrops).

2) Root - in the word janitor, suffix - in the word dining room, the end - in the word green (yard).

3) The prefix - in the word approach, root - in the word of the city, suffix - in the word side, ending - in the Word Winter (fence).

4) Root - in the word young, suffix - in the word fingers, ending - in the word grass (well done).

(Musical charging. Under the music of portray the letters that leads the lead)

5. Transfer the words correctly: (Boy, bunny, kettle, coat, shirt, schoolboy, read, rifle, premium, attack, sister, bonfires, starting, snake, spear, underwear, fast, army,).

6. "Tell me different"

Toy for Christmas tree - ... (Christmas tree toy)
The hero of the fairy tales- ... (fabulous hero)
Apple juice- ... (apple juice)
Milk Soup - ... (Milk Soup)
Strawberry jam- ... (strawberry jam)
Porridge from buckwheat- ... (buckwheat porridge)
Water from the river- ... (river water)
Well in the castle - ... (keyhole)
Wheat flour - ... (Wheat flour)

Juice from tomato- ... (tomato juice)

Ripple chicken - ......

A student with tops- ... (excellent student), etc.

7. Add the word of the opposite value
I'll tell you the word is high
and you answer low,
i'll tell you the word far away
and you answer close
I will tell you the word coward
And you tell you the brave.
Now the beginning, I will say
Well answer the end!

So, the guys our quiz approached the end, andoka jury summarizes the results I suggest you check your vocabulary To do this, follow the task:

Who will make more words from the word"Dictionary"
Words, Owl, thief, ditch, sour, roller, fish, bark, strength, rice, soring, fox, hair, fat, dew, braid, temple, roller, moose. Salok, Var, Vika, Kila, Lira, etc.
Thanks for participating in our quiz, and we ask the winners not to be accomplished and reward them with "valuable gifts."
Winner's reward ceremony .

All execute the song "If there were no schools" - Cartoon "In the country of unbearable lessons"

Music Head of the I category, Izaleeva Yuliya Valerievna, Music Head of the I category, MBDOU "Kindergarten of the general and aesthetic development of the artistical development

Scenario of the holiday "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

based on the fairy tale L. Geraskina "in the country of unbearable lessons"

Educators - Leading holidays enter the hall.

1 presenter:

We waited for everything with impatience

And now he has come - let the excitement devour,

How to release will be, we are still unknown,

For us, he is a mystery, he is a wonderful holiday!

2 leading:

But where is the culprits of our Bala?

Such a surprise did not expect

1 leading: yes here they are near, almost next door,

In the beautiful and fabulous city of childhood! (Poems O. Syuvukhina)

Entrance graduates, dance "Childhood World" words and music A. Eutodiev

1 Requirements:

From a fabulous country with chief childhood

We'll have to go away to everyone.

But, of the country where they lived next door

And laughter and tears do not forget us.

2 baby :

And adults, probably forgot,

What are the small ones themselves!

How lived in this fabulous country

You can return there only in a dream!

3 baby :

Today, parting with a kindergarten,

We decided that you need to return,

Although for a minute in childhood to visit!

And we can always show you here!

4 child :

And our kindergarten is beautiful!

Walking here could and without mom!

But, my mother was afraid without me

And I kept my hand,

When I led me here ...

Now you are not afraid, yes?

5 baby :

We grew here and developed,

And how beautifully performed,

What kind of balls we gave!

6 child :

Bouquets, music, poems,

And bright from the smile hall -

All this is us, graduates!

Today is our last ball!

Song "Kindergarten, do not be sad"

Because probably very difficult

Children to give his heart.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!"


You have matured, baby, now

You learned a lot.

Here in the world you opened the door,

To bold you walked.

Became kindergarten to you native

As if the mother's look.

But beat the clock, part with him

They are told to you.

Under the rustling of the leaves of September

You will enter a bright class.

But we will not forget you,

And you ... You remember us!

Farewell Waltz

Children move back to semicircle

Song "We will come back"

Pre-designated 5 - 7 people go slowly and are built in Lineshek ahead, sitting on their knees. The following 5-7 (according to the phrases they are built behind them, the following sides, the staff of the kindergarten are suitable for the 4th phrase. Music stops, the teacher says: "The last photo of preschool childhood ..." Songs sounds, everyone is being photographed

Given the word head of MDOU

Response word of parents and presenting gifts to children.

Lead : (After congratulations and awards) Dear our graduates, I ask you to take your balls. I know guys that each of you have your own cherished dream. Today, when you are standing on the threshold of the school, let's release our dreams, let them rise to swell and be sure to come true. Letting let go of the ball in the sky, you will make a desire that will surely come true.

Extracurricular event.
Mokrischev S.V
pedagogue psychologist;
primary school teacher.
Maou School № 143

Purpose: Creation of a festive atmosphere at the end of the school year
Tasks: to promote the comprehensive development of personal qualities
every student of the younger school through self-realization by creating
gaming and creative situations;
develop creativity and initiatives of children;
to form the guys the skills of collective and organizational
provide social security and psychological comfort
every child;
increase the psychological culture of parents through
joint activities;
Equipment: Music Center, Materials for Quests,
selection of children's song about holidays.
Venue: School Territory.
Competition is held on the school. Sounds music (cheers, vacation).
Host: So comes to the completion of our study. All of us studied
differently. Someone caught every word of the teacher and shuffled all the lessons someone
just came to school to communicate. But however, each of us did not study
we still have not yet learned all the lessons. And we invite you today on
Island of unbearable lessons.

But not everyone may take a walk on such an ice. Island
nearby lessons are considered a wild island and there are many savages on it.
So you are ready, then way. (Sucking music sounds)
Discier output.
Dicks with loud cries, swinging a tannin, run out on stage.
1 savage: smell I am not better than a pig,
Not combed, not washed,
But but in the hands of a duby
And the otnaya appetite.
Because of the hunt
I go, how to work.
2 Skar:
I do not know what is
Telephone and internet.
Being my simple
I have no secrets.
I shout and flop,
All bubble bale.
And therefore not in vain
Everyone is afraid of a savage.
3 Sawn:
All student students
I'm going to hunt.
Primitive nature
Wants meat, wants a skin!
Need a new outfit -
Bay bay all in a row! (all savages are wade on children, frighten
After all, it does not want without a gift
Get home Dick.
(Sing the song "Between us speaking ...)
Between us speaking,

Sleep in bed, just spend time in vain,
We are sleeping under the roof, it is stuffy for us,
We must, brothers, scatter in the forests.
And the edge of the abyss
And the tiger in the mouth
Do not lose cheerry
And believe in happiness.
And the edge of the abyss
And the tiger in the mouth
Do not lose cheerry
And believe in happiness.
1 Digar: who granted today
Restress our peace.
2 Skar: This is a young tribe.
All with a bright head.
3 Dick: Yes, I tell you friends,
I am very happy for you. (rubs hands)

1 Sawn: Well, why did they come.
2 Skirt: Such pretty ...
3 Sawn: so smart ..
Host: Dear Dicks Do not frighten our guys, they finish
the school year and decided to get acquainted with your unusual island.
1 savage: Okay, but not so, just be on our guest, today we are you
check ...
2 savages: ha, ha, ha, and eat everyone.
3Dikar: ha ... We frightened we joked. We are very pretty ...
Host: Dear Dicks We will try to prove that we are worthy
get acquainted with your "Island of unbearable lessons."
1. Game "Cotton"
Now we will see
Clap who knows how loud?
Who! Boys Ile Girls?

To find out who is right from us
We praise now.
Do not spare your fingers
Dear boys ... (claw boys)
In the cams knock ringlets
Swimming girls ... (clap girls)
And now for the winners
Let their parents praise ... (Parents clap))
2. Agra "Attentive savage" and then! NOT THAT!
The master pronounces the text, and all students scream "And then!", If we agree, and
"Not that!", If you do not agree.
Do we guys friendly? (And then! ")
Nobody needs? (Not that!")
Are we guys big? ..
Covered with all twins? ..
Do we guys bold? ..
Strong, skillful? ..
Are we generous guys? ..
Sometimes we are harmful? ..
Do we guys deft? ..
Nose all carrots? ..
Are we smart guys? ..
In the lessons noisy? ..
Are we honest guys? ..
Famous fights? ..
We guys are well done? ..
How is one, all deals? ..
3. Blackbum - cool song
So that we understand the language of the savages let's learn from the cherished words
Pupils repeat the words: Chika boom, Chika boom
Chicabum cool song ....................
We will sing it all together ...................
If you need a cool noise ....................
Sake with us Chicabum ....................

I sing a bumperbum .......................

I sing a bugberkorkamikamibum ...
Ooo ......................................
Aaa ......................................
Quitter ..................................
1 savage:
An ax in the morning wave, getting every time.
Savages are resting only the best of us.
You can't hurt them home and do not take the stars.
I don't have a speaker yet, you will not understand the taste of life.
2 Skar:
Test your deposits, speak your limit.
Laying in yourself Mystery for good idle cases
Enjoy the lawlessness, without excessive bustle.
Remembering between the case: "Dicks you, school 143"?
3 Sawn:
Come one representative from the class and we will give you
map of our island.
(give a map with the name of the main stops of the island)
Quest Quest (for Stations)
1.Buchta "Live letters"
Task for Command: From the letters to make a word: vacation.
2.Tropine "Movement Rules"
Tasks for teams on knowledge of traffic rules.
3. Row "Vegetables and Fruits"
We offer players to crash for 2 teams. And answer the question:
Pear, apple, banana,
Pineapple from hot countries.
These delicious products
Together, everyone is called ... (fruit).

Do you like fruit? And vegetables?
Tell me why you need to eat fruits and vegetables? (not
be sick, be strong, etc.)
Dicks eat everything they get. Your task: Run to the bump, on
which lie fruits and vegetables, take one any item, bring to your
team and put in a basket. Defeats the team that completed the first and
the correct task.
4. Called "Armistice"
Attention! Attention!
A truce is declared on the core of unbearable lessons.
Teams are invited to water. It will be necessary to type the syringe
water from the bucket and gently bring it into your bottle. Who has a number
water will be more, the team gets a victorious point.
5. Like "Guess" (puzzles)
It is necessary to collect large puzzles. Guess what dicaries drew.
6. Kangaroo degree.
Guess the riddle:
Unusual wonder
Although your eyes do not believe!
Famously jumps on savannah,
And the kid sits in his pocket. (kangaroo)
Now each of you will try yourself as a kangaroo. Contacting Apron I.
put in the pocket of the little one, it is necessary to darken on two legs to the house and
back, then transfer the apron to the next member of your team.
7. "Frame painting"
Dikari love to draw on the rocks, your task is to
also leave your mark in history.
On the asphalt students in classes draw a picture on the topic: Island
nearby lessons.
8. Lake "Magic Mirror"

Children offer inverted text and mirror. It is necessary to guess that
written dicks.
9. Friendly dicaries (blind and guide)
Participants become pairs and take hands. One of the pair in dark
glasses (glasses of glasses are sealed with paper). Condition: Conduct Saviar Comrade
snake between racks. At the end of the relay segment, the couple changes
points and glasses dresses another. Return and transfers the relay
next pair.
Host: (after passed on the route list of general
Worked all together.
Now we need to dance.
We learn the words and movements of the song "Aram Zamzam"
Two cotton knees.
Two cotton in front of them.
Two cotton knees to a neighbor.
Two cotton in front of them.
I stroke yourself on your head with the words: I am very smart
Two cotton in front of them.
Twice the stroit of your neighbor on the back: you are smart
Two cotton in front of them.
Host: will remain quite a bit and a favorite season will come
all guys. This summer
Let's play a favorite game in the conclusion of today's holiday
our savages.
Children are divided into two halves. Team of girls pronounces summer, team
boys sea.
If everything around blooms,
And we are sinks,

You can splash in the river
So it came ... Summer.
Here and the vacation approached.
No conversations
How we will rest
On distant blue ... sea.
Next, the lead tries to confuse the hall, showing not on those who should
pronounce words.
In sundresses, shorts, shirts,
Light headdress
We go through the forest, field
And I love it ... Summer.
Surf noise, beach, sunbed,
Here the wave splashed somewhere ...
Well, in life there is
What is called ... by the sea.
How we like to play
Run, jump on the square,
These joys are simple
We will give us only ... Summer.
We are on a white steamer ...
In all white dressed ...
Ahead of the flock dolphins,
What is the beauty of this ... the sea.
Past butterfly fly,
But they will disappear soon
Because speed
Expensive our ... Summer.
In the mountains we went to the campaign,
The fire has all the songs of the Sweets.
Vacation quickly ended,
But even in full swing ... Summer!
Today there are no losers,
There are just the best of the best.
Let in every heart of friendship light,
He will lit a good ray actions.

Savage 2:
We rested on glory
Won everything right
Dick 3:
Praise decent and rewards
And we have a surprise to give you glad!
Award all the teams
Host: Thank you all for your attention
Zador and ringing laughter.
For fire competition
Provided success.
That is the moment of the train,
There will be a brief our speech.
Speak everyone goodbye
Before happy new meetings!
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2.Http: //www.xn28sbxpv.xnp1ai/index. PHP / 2011.
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Davydova Irina Stanislavovna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten №300"
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: Scenario of prom "in the country of unbearable lessons"
Publication date: 05.11.2017
Section: preschool education

Graduation "in the country of unbearable lessons."

Vedas : We invite everyone to the holiday

Good, bright, mischievous.

Holiday sad and cheerful

Our pre-school graduation.

Exit "Big Horovod"

1st Reb. : Drugged kindergarten

Do not know straight!

And the girls and guys like mothers.

2nd reb : Supported pants,

Pure washed hands

And excitement - just us

Watch in the first class.

3rd Reb. : To be honest to understand

How do we not worry?

How many years we lived here,

Having fun and Shalily.

4th reb : We will never forget

Our pre-school island,

Kindergarten our cozy

Warm, light teremok.

The song "Running the year, hurry"

5 child:

Outside the window, poultry poultry, starfish Lilac,

With a kindergarten will be forgiven on this summer warm day.

6 Requirements:

Goodbye, our kindergarten, educators, friends!

Everyone is happy for us today, but moms glitter.

7 child:

Do not worry our moms! We will not let you down.

Warm autumn, we will go to school for school!

8 child:

We will meet us, we will find friends!

Every year your children will be better and adults.

9 Reb: The arrow was rushed years, and the school is waiting for the guys.

Only a quiet dance flashed a kindergarten.

10 Rev.: Let we break up, here will not forget us,

To my memory, everyone will give the pre-school this waltz.

Dance "Waltz". Sit to seats.

The queen of the five and the cat is a scientist.

Queen of the five: Hello, my dear boys and girls! I-Queen

pyatnok's knowledge, and with me a scientist cat. How I'm glad to see you! What are you today

elegant! I did not know you immediately! Today you have a holiday! And you know what?

Responses of children.

Cat scientist : Meow! What are smart and well-read guys. We need these.

Queen of the five: Today we have a holiday dedication to first graders! After all

you are now completely adults! Many of you can write, read, decide

examples! And this means that it's time to say goodbye to a kindergarten

and to change into a new, no less exciting world - to school! You want to go

Responses of children.

Queen of the five: Are you ready to go on the road, yes? Well, we go.

Doubles run away.

First two: Look for them! To school they gathered!

Second Two: Ha! To school! And what to do there, in this school? Why go there? You

do not even know what you can do there, but what is not.

Children: We know.

First twitch: Well, then, a cheerful company, a good attention!

1. In the lessons you will sleep -

For the answer you will ... (not five, and two)

2. Cooking excellent your head:

Five plus one turns out ... (not two, and six)

3. I have a black cat there,

He has tails at ... (not six, and one)

4. Alphabetical family

He heads the letter ... (not Yu, a)

5. Round shape head,

The same form of the letter ... (not and, and o)

Queen of the five.Well, two, you understood that our guys are well done? At school

they will behave well, listen to the teacher and receive only 5 and 4!

Second Two: Five and fours? Guys yes you just look at us

for twos! What are we beautiful, bold, do nothing, just lazy! Beauty!

First two: You need this school! It's not at all interesting! But here we

in the country of unbearable lessons, you can lie all day on the sofa, there are cakes

and ice cream, drinking Coca-Cola ... Mmm!

Second Two: Let's better with us! In the country of unbearable lessons! Well,

Children: Not!

First two: And we will take your queen five. If you do not save it,

it will forever remain in the country of unbearable lessons, which means that

and you will never get to school!

Grab the queen and run away.

Cat scientist. Oh, guys, you need to save the queen! Well, let's go to the country

nearby lessons? We are not afraid of bodies? We can write and read,

Children: Yes!

Cat scientist: We are sent with the guys to save our queen five!

We are not afraid of testing in the country of unbearable lessons! And who else goes here?

Vitya Restorkin comes out, drags a portfolio behind him. Song "Two"

Vitya:Oh, well, help someone ... See, the child is dug ... well

help ... (draws attention to children) That's yes! Where did I get it!?

Cat: Boy, and who are you? You probably got lost?

Vitya: Not a! I walked lessons. I am Vitya Perestkin. ! Why are you all

did you dress up? (Answer children) Yes, I know, I know, I myself was a graduate last year,

like you! Well, yes, it is already in the past. I'm doing something - you know, and students

only lessons asked, and twos in the diary put. We as many lessons asked! Here

now I will show you my diary, everything is recorded there!

Opens a diary, two and units are hidden from there.

Cat: Oh, guys, what is it? ... Yes, the same Vitins estimates fell out! Twos, units.

Vitya Furmingly collects estimates back to the diary.

Cat: This is a student!

Vitya: So well, this study, these lessons are tired of me. And in general, I am when growing up

traveler will become. Different countries there are all sorts!

Cat: The traveler must be able to read and write, and write, and you learn to one

two. You have no will of the will, no character!

Vitya:Oh! And where to take them?

Cat:Character must be educated! A real boy must have a will,

perseverance, despise the dangers, deal with difficulties!

Vitya:I would despised! I would fight! Yes, only where to take them difficulties?

Cat:Where to take them? Let's go with us in the country of unbearable lessons, help us

release the queen five, and at the same time and temper your character.

Vitya. With pleasure.

Song "Expensive Good"

A cow appears. It is aggressively set up

Cow: who are?

Vitya: (frightened) ah ... We are travelers ... And what are you going to do?

Cow: nothing special! I just eat you! First eat you and then all

Vitya is trying to hide behind the tree.

Vitya: Oh, what are you, what are you? Cows do not eat children!

Cow: ha ha!

Vitya: Yes, yes! That everyone knows!

Cow: No, not all! For example, Vitya Perestkin said that the cow is

carnivore! And everyone knows that carnivores are predators! That's therefore

i ate all small animals here! Clear? Ukh! Catch this thread!

Cow Badges a tree

Vitya: Cow! You should eat grass!

Cow: Figures! I'm carnivore! Predator!

Vitya: No, no! (crawls) You're this ... frosting, no ... Sainting! No no!

Leading: Guys, help! ... you are tra-in-poison!

Cow: (joyful) of course, herbivore! (sings) Herbushka,

muravichka green ...

Vitya: (looks out of the tree) means you won't eat us?

Cow: Now I will not! After all, you corrected the mistake of Viti Perestorkin!

Vitya: Hurray !!

Cow leaves

Cat. So, we fell into a threestened state. Let's see what we find here.

Stage "Three Friends"

Three girls sit at the table, the boy stands behind them and let soap bubbles,

as if by depicting the "dreams" of girls.


Three girlfriends per day Spring

Were in a cute mood,

On the bench stolen

And about the future dreamed.

1 girl: That's when I registered, immediately marry I will go,

My husband will choose like dad, so that I was met by the ladder.

Ah, I forgot to say: I will fly in the sky,

I want to become a stewardess in the plane.

2 Girl: You do not get distracted, Mila.

1 girl: And then I will become mom

And I will tell you right,

That your children, Natasha,

I will not bother porridge.

Every day they will be in the zoo to drive

And feed ice cream.

2 Girl: That's your daughter to become!

1 girl: You can only dream!

2 Girl: I want to become an artist,

To perform on stage,

So that the flowers have always been given,

About me only talked

The roles were given,

I have not forgotten about me.

I received a lot of money

What I want - everything bought.

Why are you silent? (to the 3rd friend)

Do not say anything?

3 Girls: I will learn at school at school

I promise not to be lazy.

Because the substrast

I want to become a scientist

And computer to explore.

With mathematics to be friends

Geography to own (shows the globe)

To watch the world to see.

Biology and Russian

Geometry, french,

At school you need to explore -

To be smart to be!

Leading: Here are your children,

Everyone wants to know in the world.

We wish them good luck

To solve all tasks.

Song "Three girlfriends"

Doubles run away.

Two: Well, well, well! Here you came to the first state. Let's see how you

cope with our first task (pulls out a note from the portfolio with the task.)

oh, yes, where will you cope with such a task! You can not!

Cat scientist: You, two, before rejoice, better tell me what we need

to do, and we will think about it, we can task or not!

Two: And you need guys, collect your briefcase! But put in the portfolio it is necessary

only those items that will use you at school. Tell Vitya, in the portfolio all

do you have something to come in handy at school.

Vitya:Of course, see:

(pistol) -it is to nobody stick.

(brick)-so nobody offended!

(a car) -so that I could play!

(Pillow) -and, of course sleep.

Two: Well, there are bold and skillful among future first-graders?

Children: Yes!

The contest "Gather a portfolio" is held.

Cat scientist: Well, check!

Twos check whether portfolios are collected correctly.

Cat scientist: Make sure that the guys are well done and are ready to go to school? They are

they know what come in handy at school, and what not. Even Vitya coped with the task

Two: Yes ... You coped with our task! But we are still more difficult task

you will come up with you for sure to stay forever in the country of unbearable lessons!

In the meantime, for the correct task, we give you 1. Card with the letter "O".

Two: In each country, you will receive such a card with the letter if

of course, cope with the task! When you collect all five cards and fold from them

word, learn where we hide the queen five!

Vitya: Cat, I really liked to cope with the tasks, let's go further.

Song "If there was no schools"

Cat: And now we fell into the country of great mathematicians. Probably here we are waiting

some kind of test.

Second Two: Of course, how did you think?

Second Two: So, and here is the second task. I have and my sisters have twins

chamomile. Mathematical examples are recorded on my daisies on the petals,

and my sister - answers. You must sort one petal, solve

example, and then tear off the other chamomile petal with the correct answer.

Ready? Begin!

Mathematical Competition "Chamomile"

Second Two: Could manage? Horrible! Do you really know all the answers? Such

sophisticated examples were able to solve! But with the tasks, do not cope accurately. Yes I.

assistant you have a dummy! Truth? Vitya Perestkin?

Vitya: Not true! I will try to not bring the guys, and the guys will help me!

Two rides tasks.

1. Moved mom - duck 10 small ducklings.

3 Duckling in the pond duck on the go. The rest sunbathe on the green shore!

So how many ducks sunbathe on the shore

2. Ten Serious Mice

Cork to divide rushes.

Escaped one thing to do

All mice left (9)

3 .. Three green frogs

Sunbathe up the abdomen.

Three decided to eat Mukhu,

And all frogs (6)

4. We inflated three balls,

Flew into the sky two.

Now sit down, sad

After all, a ball stayed (1)

5. Seven bananas in a backpack

Three hold in your hand.

I wonder how much weigh

All bananas. Them here (10)

Two:So be, get a second card! (Gives card CO 2. Letter "M").

Cat: Guys ours - Well done! But now you can arrange a change! And in change

you can play.

Vitya: Hooray! turn!

The game-relay "Transfer the ball"

Cat: Rest, guys? Then go further.

Vitya:And where are we now?

Cat: And now we got into the country of the musicLandy! I wonder what awaits us?

Other twice runs out.

Two: I'm sorry, what? Musical task!

Here is a very difficult task - you need to fulfill music on the musical

tool. This is not for the power!

But let's see!

Orchestra and "Hand Choir" "Lullaby Adeline"


But you do not know how to behave in school.

Cat scientist:

Guys, now there will be riddles!

We answer "no" or "yes" -

Just think first!

At school, you can sing lyrics?

At school, you can be fun?

Does the party draw?

Can you run in the corridor?

Write chalk on the fence?

Equations solve?

At the board all answer?

Two will receive?

Physical culture to visit?

German talk?

Later to school come?


We have to give 3 card with the letter "s". And why do you need to go to school, well, what you are there

Song "What is taught in school"

Next stop - Country "Fizkultland"!

1 Two:

Guys, and now you have to show what you are friendly and sports! we

prepared for you music, which you should dance without confusing.

But not just to dance, but show us Flashmob (a number of movements performed

large people at the same time)

Music sounds, children get up and start dancing. Twos during execution

also repeat the movements, only incorrectly.

Performed dance "Flashmob"

2 Two:

You not only can examples to decide, you still won what sports and friendly!

All movements without errors are fulfilled! Well, ka, sister, give them a card, they


1 Two gives children 4. Care with the letter "A".

2 Two:

The next country is "key".

1 Two:

And here is the task! Dropped out of the alphabet letter

Well, guys, try to assemble the word from these letters! I think you have nothing

will not work!

Cat scientist:

Very even come out! We are with the guys, in contrast to you, we know all the letters of the alphabet.

Let's guys prove these two that we all know and not scary to us

no tasks.

Merry music sounds, children collect the word from the letters. (Everyone has one letter,

need to get up so that it turned out the word)

2 Two:

Again coped! Well, it is necessary! When you just have time to learn? When you


1 Two:

The sister, they are so soon and will find their top five!

2 Two:Yes, you are right, but in my reserve there is another task, they are exactly

will not fulfill!

1 Two:And forever will remain in the country of unbearable lessons!

Cat scientist:

Do not stay. True guys!

Here are our children -

Everyone wants to know in the world!

We wish them good luck

To solve all the tasks!

Poor you know our guys, let's give your task!

Two: Fix errors in a fairy tale!

Vitya Perestkin: A, well, this is when I answered a lesson, I was touching something.

Cat scientist:: Maybe you will try again, and if it does not work, the guys will help.

Vitya Perestkin: Okay, I will try! I retell a fairy tale about fisherman and ... spray, and

her ... Chukovsky.

Children: "A fairy tale about fisherman and fish" wrote A. S. Pushkin

Vitya Perestkin: Clear. He lived an old man with an old woman at the Red Sea ...

Children: In the blue sea!

Vitya Perestkin: They lived in a studio apartment (in the dugout) exactly 100 years

4 years (3 years).

The old man caught spinning (by the univid) fish, old woman chinila

(Entile) tights (yarn).

Once he threw a rod in the river (sea), -

And he repeated it 5 times (3rds)

And he caught the silver (golden) fish.

And the fish prayed:

"Let me go to my kids. And if you wish, then say:

"By whining the courage, in my opinion ..."

"Let you go, older, I'm in the sea,

Dear for yourself Dame Spump. "

He let go of a silver pike (Golden Fish)

And he told her: "Durachina you, a diverse!"

(God with you, Golden Fish!

Your sputter I do not need! "

Vitya Perestkin:

Here thank you, helped me fix everything, and now you can open another 5 letter

1 Two:

Sitis, you look, and with this task they coped! And I thought nothing

they will not work ... well, take the card (gives a card with the letter "sh", you


Cat scientist:

Guys, we now have all the cards! Let's collect the word from them and find out where

same twos hide the queen five!

Children collect the word " LOCK".

Cat scientist:

Well, twos, give us our queen five! We know where you are her

1 Two:

Cat scientist and children:

2 Two:

Guess! Cope! Guard! But no, we just do not give up, let your dads and

Competition "Make the Word"Well, the most brave go out, now we will withdraw you

on clean water (4 dads are caused, which make up words from letters on the chest and

on the back (JSC, EI, SP, NL). Here are the letters to you - one on the chest, the second - on the back, I

i will ask questions, and you must make your answers from these letters.

It happens to fish, it happens tool (saw)

2. Tree, from the colors of which brew tea (linden)

3. It happens wheat, the football (field)

4. What you do not hide in the bag (awl)

5. Wheel shoes (tire)

6. It happens the sea, happens for shaving (foam)

7. Little horse (ponies)

Coming the Queen of the five.

Queen of the five:

My dear guys, thanks you are huge! You are so well done! So much tests

passed to save me! I won't forget your kindness! Reward you in a royal!

And you, twos, turn in the top five, so that you are a diligent disciples, and not

lazy, and went to go to school.

The Queen of the five makes a pointer by a pointer, utters magical words. Two, V.

time to pronounce magical words change rims with a number "2", on the rim with

the digit "5" and ... become five.

For sale, you will remind you the proverb:

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness",

Remember her, friends!

Goodbye, I have time!

In school we will meet, friends!

The queen of the fide and the tops leave.

Cat scientist:

Everything starts with school bell

The road to the stars, the secrets of the ocean,

Everything will be late or early

Everyone is ahead you have yet!

♫ "Who to become" Defile


Today we are graduates,

No longer reached.

We are waiting for funny calls

And new guys.


We will pass in an unfamiliar class

According to school corridors.

Farewell, our kindergarten!

We never remember you with a smile!


We are goodbye to SPOO -

Let everyone give this song

Let this song May Day

Flies on Bella Light!

Performed song "In Good Hour!" Poems (rap, mambo dance)

1 child:

In the abdomen we are sitting

Sweet tooth appetite.

He is bouffroot, it will be worse.

Who will calm down a poor thing?

Porridge from the morning

Cook your cooks!

Expensive chefs,

Adults and children

Thank you talk,

From the soul thank you

For borshs, cutlets, porridge ...

We appreciate your job!

Sheen sheet does not happen!

After all, our faith is so erased

What Tet Asya is resting!

Whiteness so sparkles

Towel and bathrobe.

Pure is striking

Our favorite kindergarten.

4th child: day worker at the head

It is very difficult to predict.

Then the flood hangs the threat

Then plumbing again,

Here broke the battery,

There is a revision.

Stay did not have time

The garden was closed for repairs.

Without charity how to live?

You, Nina Vladimirovna, Hurry to thank!

No lessons are more interesting

Musical and louder.

Danced with you together

And they tried that there are urine.

Teach you to sing us

And play and listen.

Even those who bear

Stepped on the ears

Our holiday farewell

We spend with us

Most musical

Our leader

3 child:

Educaters in the morning in the garden we met

Mom replaced my mother all day.

Read books, taught writing,

Teach senior respect.

Build, glue and sculpt,

Motherland love to love!

1 Required:

And our kindergarten is beautiful!

Walking here could and without mom!

But, my mother was afraid without me

And I kept my hand,

When I led me here ...

Now you are not afraid, yes?

Nursery educators

You accepted our children with babies,

Which are bad still say.

Diligently spoons eat themselves,

But do not want to dress yet ...

Children teaching hard to order

There is a lot to explain to them:

And how to wash, and do the charge,

Walking on the pot and fall asleep in the sleep.

And tears and snot it is necessary to wipe

Distract, calm, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to move together

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And moms calmly go to work,

We know - in the reliable hands of the kids.

For your love and for your concern,

For work, we are grateful to you from the soul!

Thanks for care and attention,

For what helped in the upbringing,

There is very difficult to be nanny, we understand.

We are grateful to you, and we congratulate you!

In the group we always have purity.

Sparkles floor and dishes.

Our nurse is in the morning

Arrives order everywhere.

Our kids tears

On the table to cover and tidy to be.

Each pitchfire, of course, knows:

The work of our nanny needs to appreciate.

4. How do you guys do? How to learn and when?

How to walk and entertain, we do not know, that's the trouble!

But the advice is a whole sheet writes to all of us Methodist.


Educators and nanny

Nurse and cooks

Wrapping our, guard,

Methodistus and renovation,

We say: "Thank you!"

For heat, smiles, joy

Everything that you tried to us,

Every day, hurry here -

Be happy always!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

Scene "Kindergarten".

(In the hall put furniture:

chair and table with telephone and papers for heads)

Child-presenter: Early morning, conversation at 7 o'clock:

Mom (adult): - Daughter, daughter, breakfast ready.

Children-head: - Mommy, a little bit of poll.

Mom (adult): - But then I will not wake you up,

Get up! Wake up! In the garden it's time!

Children-head: - Oh, I do not want today there!

Mom (adult): (Tikhonechko): - Daughter, you need!

(the head takes the bag, goes to work)

Children-head: - I go to kindergarten. 8:30 in the morning.

In the kitchen there are already a chef.

Corridors, Toilets, Groups, Halls, Cabinets ...

Everything must be checked, security is observed.

(sitting at the table, on the paper table, phone)

Baby-lead: here on the clock 9 am,

And on the threshold is already a nurse:

Nurse child: - We have a number one problem:

In the Tulip group again quarantine.

Need to run in the garden,

Nurse is most likely to collect together.

Chlorine and soap, brushes, water.

SES to us will begin, again as always.

Baby-lead: 9:15 - Phone calls

(Head takes a handset)

The event must be given to the area.

Again the problem: everyone needs to be collected,

Quickly decide how and what to show.

Children-head (looks at the clock) 10:00 - as a steam locomotive,

At the door to me enters our cute zehometry:

Baby-breeding: - No heating, Topit Basement!

Pipes rotted, full of breath!

In Hue, urgently call,

Locking urgently send them to ask.

Baby-lead: 11 smoothly. Methodist runs:

Baby Methodist: - A computer virus to our garden penetrated!

Computers urgently need treatment

Otherwise, all files will die very friendly!

Children-head: 13:00 - I have a pedisset,

Equipments need to give a good advice.

And about the salary is not sad.

Baby-lead: 14:30 - runs to the area.

Skolzko! Fortunately, not far.

There they are, of course, for everything will be filled ...

Money does not want to give money.

Children-head: 17:00 - I go to the office,

In my opinion, I missed lunch.

Only I can not eat now,

I am at a meeting in the runway.

19:00 - the janitor went away,

He found a better job.

What should I do? How should I be?

New janitor where to get?

While a man in place found

Later at night I came home.

Only closed eyes with me

Mom (adult): - Daughter, Get up, It's time in the garden,

In the garden there are already all the defortion.

Children's head: - No! I will not go there!

Better die, drown, shoot !!!

Mom (Tikhonechko): - Daughter, you need!

You are the head of the kindergarten!

Song on bis "Russia"

The word head, parents

Oath first grader

throw and not tear ... swear! Perform fully homework ...

I swear! To come to school without late ... Klyanomystaysty for the year is smart and

adhesions ... I swear! Become the pride of parents and teachers ... we swear!

presentation of diplomas, gifts to graduates.

Children - Well done, but on the people of parents it is clear that they are not ready for

school life, so I want you to utter an oath that I for you

invented. You must talk loudly and clearly yes!

1. Do you always help children in learning? - Yes!

2. To children have a school proud? -Yes!

3. You do not frighten the tasks of the leapsman? -Yes!

4. Formulas remember nonsense for you? -Yes!

5. Klyamy Children are never dead! -Yes!

6. Only lightly bother sometimes? -Yes!

7. Will we be calm, how in the river water? -Yes!

8. We will be wise as a star in the sky? -Yes!

9. We will get up in the mornings in the cold,

To catch and there and here? -Yes!

10. When Strada's studies are completed,

Together with children we take a walk then? -Yes!

1 Vedas How difficult to part with you,

And you from under the wing to release.

We became relatives, we became friends,

And better than you, it seems, do not find.


In our kindergarten there is a tradition - let go of the balls of dreams in the sky ...

Ball of childhood you let go in the sky

And wishes will come true, cherished dreams!

A lot of good things are waiting for you ahead.

We wish you a happy way!

We recommend to read
