Contests for the new year for the school matinee. New Year competitions and games for children

Decor elements 01.10.2019
Decor elements

Team competitions and competitions for the new year on a matinee in high school will lead children to wild delight. Thematic games, quiz support the magical mood of students and split the children's team. Competitive tasks from Santa Claus will postpone schoolchildren in a fairy tale that they will never forget.

    Game "New Year's Cap"

    Players divide equally for 2 teams. Each group is built in a row at each other at a distance of 1 meter. The first representative of each team receives a New Year's frowning cap and puts it on his head. The second participants are issued along a long stick. This stick they should remove the cap from the first player and put it on themselves. After the second participants caught a New Year's cap, they transfer the stick to the next contestant and so to the end. The last player of each group must transfer the first cap and stick. The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

    2 people participate in the competition. It will take 2 assistants for him, preferably high growth boys. They hold the rope stretched on both sides, for which fruits are trained with threads: apples, tangerines, oranges.

    Participants tie their eyes, issue a basket and scissors. The task of players is to collect as much fruit as possible. Before proceeding with the collection, contestants are spinning. After that, assistants omit the rope to the knee level, then they can raise it back. From time to time they change the position of the rope. Finding a fruit, the player must cut it with scissors. The participant wins, who will collect more fruit for the allotted time.

    Snow game

    2 teams for 2 people participate in the game. Participants are issued for 2 toilet paper rolls, a small bucket, carrot, scarf and marker. The task of players - with the help of such materials to make a snowman: wind the partner toilet paper, draw a mouth, eyes, put on the head of the bucket, tie on the neck of the scarf and shove your carrots in my mouth. The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.

    Up to 5 people participate in the competition. On the table before each participant there is a large plate, on which fruits are mixed: kiwi, tangerines, oranges, apples (identical number). All fruits should be cleaned and cut or divided into slices. Next to the dish are empty plates. Each participant is issued by Chinese sticks.

    The task of players is to sort all the fruits on plates with the help of sticks. For the complication of the competition of participants turn back to the table. In this position, reducing the arms back, the players must perform the task. The participant wins, which will quickly cope with the task.

    3 teams of 5 people participate in the competition. Children are built in 3 columns. The last player of each team shows the picture or refers to the ear item to draw: New Year tree, gift, snowman, etc. He begins to draw on his back in front of the player's standing picture. The child who painted on his back should understand and draw the same drawing on the back of the participant standing in front of him, and so on to the first contestant. The first players must guess and call a mysterious subject. The team defeats, the first participant of which correctly rents the word or calls the closest in meaning to him.

New Year's games and entertainment for schoolchildren

The game offered in the article will allow you to organize for everyone who remained in the house, the classroom of the tournament of the entertaining all-around. Competitions can be held in the Olympic system: participants are divided into pairs, the losers are dropped out of the game and become fans, and the winners are among themselves. With each task tour, the target is increasing: the distance to the target is increasing, the number of items that need to be remembered, the size of the rings for throwing, the size of targets, etc. is reduced. Everything you need for amusement games must be prepared in advance - it will make them more dynamic. The role of the judges usually perform the owners of the house or those who prepared the evening.

And do not forget about gifts to the winners! Try to understand that it is not expensive a gift, but expensive attention. "Gift system" can be completely diverse. Much depends on your imagination.

Individual and collective games

"Game as a gift". A rope is tied to the width of the room, the paper bags with gifts are tied to it at a distance of 10-15 cm (the number of bags should be equal to the number of guests). All participants depart 1-2 m, with the help of counting, choose who will be the first gift owner. He is tied with eyes, spin around him around 5 times and send to the side where the rope is extended. His task is to cut the "his" bag. Then the next participant is chosen, and the game is repeated first until each guest finds himself a gift.

"What changed?". 3-4 people participate in the game. On the table there are various items (toys, pencils, keys, coins, etc.), the number of which depends on the age of playing. Participants of the game are offered within 1 -2 minutes to remember the location of the items on the table and the leading signal to turn or exit the room; In the meantime, some of the items are shifted to other places or are removed at all. Wins the answer to the question "Does all objects stay on the table and what are the rearranged?" - It will be more accurate. The game can be complicated by using chess, checkers, bones, domino, etc. for this purpose.

"Do not drop."At the same time, 5-6 people participate in the game. They sit on the chairs in 4-5 steps against each other. Each of them is issued props: a small stick, a pencil or a rolled tight paper. The task of playing: stand on the signal and keeping the object vertically on the tip of the finger, reach the chairs "enemy" and sit on it, while not dropping the subject from the finger. If the subject falls, then the game participant gives the leading phanta and comes out of the game. And at the end of the evening, Phanta "bounces". "Ransom" should not be delayed, the task gives the leading evening. They must be simple and easy-to-fulfill. For example: Sneak one song song, say typography, etc.

"Who is more accurately an eye enemy?". 4 people participate in the game. To carry out this game, you need a ruler and several sheets of unlike paper. Each competing is issued a sheet of paper folded in 5-7-9 (necessarily odd number) equal in the width of strips. The task of playing is to determine the length of the length and width of the strip and the entire sheet.

Leading using a ruler determines the winner. Who will have more accurately, he won. You can put other tasks: determine the length of the circumference of the table, the growth of some of the players and others.

"Who is stable?".3-4 people are involved. On the floor of the floor strips or twine, the ribbon is stretched - the track for which you need to pass with closed eyes. In turn, each of the participants tie their eyes, spin around around them 3 times and send to the track.

Wins the larger number of accurate steps on the ribbon.

"Pass with binoculars". 3 - 4 people participate. On the floor put a rope long a few meters; We must put to the eyes of binoculars with wide lenses (thereby the rope from the playing will be given). The task of playing - go through exactly the rope to the end.

Wins the one who fulfilled the task correctly.

"Defined without looking." There are 4 people at the same time. The game participants can be suggested to determine the touch type of fabric, the type of cereals, the material from which the subject is made, and even the names of the magazines. In the latter case, the competing first is given the opportunity to watch magazines (in appearance they should not significantly differ from each other). At the signal leading, the eyes tie their eyes. Their task - in 2 minutes it is properly determined by the material from which the proposed items are made (their number should not exceed 5 pieces).

The one who gave the most correct answers is defeated.

"Basket with" snowballs ". At the same time two players participate.

On the crossbar, located at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the floor, hang two paper baskets. They are decorated with white corrugated paper. On paper, you can stick pale blue snowflakes.

Games are handed 7-10 snowballs. Their task is to throw the maximum number of "snowballs" in a swinging basket. The winner will be the one who will learn more "Snowballs".

Make "Snowballs" is very simple: Sure round small bags of dense matter and gain them with cotton.

"Take a prize". 5-6 people participate. On a chair or stool under a bright cap lay a prize (toy, fruit, candy). The presenter offers one of the playing stand back to the chair, put on the mask with the missed eyes (or, if there is no mask, tie the eyes with a handkerchief), go ahead with 5 steps, turn around and, returning to the chair, lift the cap. Wins the one who raised the cap. He picks up a prize to himself.

"Nose Snowman!". 3-4 people are involved. Of the gauze, wool, papier-mache and wire frame make a snowman in human growth. He put on his head with a hat, in his hands give a broom. Instead of eyes glue coals, and where there should be a nose, draw a circle.

The playing stands at a distance of 5-7 steps from the snowman, he put on a mask with mischievous eyes. Give carrots made from papier-mâché, and offer to walk to a snowman and put the nose-carrot. If the playing gets carrots in a circle, he is given a prize.

Snowman can be made of flat (from plywood or cardboard).

"Collect the bumps." At the same time, two people participate. Each player gives a basket and tie their eyes. Cubes, balls, cones, pencils, etc. are put on the platform, in the amount of 15 pieces. These are "bumps", which in the lead signal start blindly look for competing and put in the basket. For the collection of "cones" is given one minute.

Wins the one who collected the "cones" most.

"Bubble". 4 people at the same time take part in the game. Players are obtained by a bottle of soap bubbles.

Task: blow that there are strength.

Wins the one who will release as much as possible soap bubbles as possible. A participant who has less in the number of soap bubbles, comes out of the game.

In the second duel, three players participate. They need to inflate one large soap bubble. Wins the one who has the biggest bubble.

"Distributing a bowl foot."Two play. They are tied to the left foot three balloons.

Task: crush the opponent's balls and protect your own. Wins the one who has at least one ball.

"Tarakanya Bega".3-5 people take part in the game. We need ropes, kegli, cubes. Each player is tied up with a rope around the belt so that her tip hangs from the back side like the tail. To the tail tie a bow. Ahead of the participant is a cube. According to the signal of the leading players must hold a cube of keglee to the finish line without hands.

Wins the one who will come to the finish.

"Get up to the prize." Two players are taken by right hands for palm of each other. Ahead of everyone, two meters from it, put the prize to the floor. Each of the players pulls the enemy to his side, trying to take a prize with his left hand.

The one who turns the enemy will overcome and take a prize.

"Who is faster." There are 4 people at the same time. Competitions are divided into pairs. In the hand of each book on which there is a small prize, such as a chocolate. At the signal of leading players come closer, each of them tries to take a prize from the book of the enemy. The book can be started at your back, but if the prize falls to the floor - the player loses. The one who took the opponent's prize and did not drop his own.

"Extend prize". There are 10 people at the same time. 10 ribbons hang out of a large box, the prize is in the box, is attached only to one of them, the remaining ribbons are empty. Players are taken behind the tape and in the signal signal at the same time pull on one ribbon. Who the tape was with the prize, he won.

"Chicks". 3-4 people are involved at the same time. Before each participant on the floor, the deployed newspaper is spilled or a sheet of paper is placed. The right hand players are at the back, and the left at the sign of the leading, bent, begins to make a hitch of the newspaper, trying to collect the entire leafle in the fist.

The one who fastests everyone jumps the newspaper and who will have the smallest lump.

"Fishing rod". Play three. For an attraction, you need 3 bottles and 3 fishing rods. Each playing is given a fishing rod with a ring at the end - rings can be made of wire, they must be of this size so that they can be put on the neck of the bottle. At a distance of 1.5-2 m (depends on the length of the fishing rod) opposite each participant put bottles. By the leading signal, each player begins to "fish".

Wins the one who earlier the ring on the bottle.

"Moters". Play 2 people. To the rope of 3-4 m long binds from two ends along a stick or on a pencil, the middle of the rope mark the ribbon. Two players take sticks and divert each other, pulling the rope. According to the signal of the lead, everyone begins to quickly wind up the rope on the stick, moving forward.

Wins the one who wins faster rope to the middle.

"Opay the tail in the bottle." 5-6 people can take part in the game. We need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied up with a rope around the belt so that her tip hangs from the back side like the tail.

Pencil tie to the tail. Behind the participants are empty bottles. At the signal of the lead, each participant is trying to lower his tail in the bottle.

The one who first falls the pencil in the neck of the bottle.

"The most attentive". A small team of 6-7 people can take part in this game. The presenter with the game "Who has more buttons" determines the leading this game. They become a person who has any more or all fewer buttons. He comes out of the room and changes anything in his appearance. For example: unbuttoning the jacket, takes off the tie, takes the newspaper, it is unusually narrowed, etc. (such changes should be no more than 6). Prepared in this way, he enters the room where they are waiting for playing. Everyone tries to see how he changed in his appearance, and immediately aloud says everything that noticed. The lead fixes the answers of playing.

The winner is the one who has noted the more changes.

"Spinning hoops." Play 4 people. They get four hoops. The participants of the game put them on the floor on the edge and the leading signal begin to twist. Whose hoop scrolls longer, he won.

"Take through the hoop." Play 3 people. Each player is given a hoop and a box with children's cubes. According to the lead signal, you need to open a box, put all the cubes one on the other slide and carry them on one hand from the start to the finish line, where it lies on the floor of the hoop (approximate distance - 5-6 steps). Continuing to keep the slide of cubes, you need to sit down, take the hoop into your hand and crawl through it, not putting it and not dropping the slide of cubes.

If the hill fall apart on the path, the player collects it on the place where it suffered a failure, and continues the game further.

The one who quickly coped with this difficult task.

"Cheerful box". Play 3-4 people in turn. The air ball is suspended at the height of the breast. A boxing glove is put on his arm. Playing becomes 10 steps from the ball. He ties his eyes, spin 2-3 times and offered to reach 10 steps to the ball and one blow to knock off the place.

Committed this task is handed a prize.

"Hold snowflake." The number of players is 10-15 people. The presenter distributes wishing to play a small lump of wool, it should be disappeared so that you can be a puck and he would fly like a fluff.

The task is not to give the "snowflake", you must blow on it, supporting in the air. You can not raise the fallen "snowflake".

The game begins at the lead team.

The player won the "snowflake" in the air longer than other participants.

"Find the clothespin." Participate3-4 pairs. One playing from each pair leads the eye bandage, the other gives 5 ordinary clothespins, which he clings to herself. The task of the player with a bandage in the eyes - to find a touch of clothespins.

Wins one who will find all 5 clothespins faster.

"War in the rope". Two play. For the game you need a rope or tape with a length of 8-10 meters. Players become from different ends of the rope, winding it once around them. According to the signal of the lead, they begin to rotate forward, winding the rope for themselves until they encounter together.

The winner is the player who wound more than a rope meters.

"Sketch Lasso to the horse." Up to 4 people can participate at the same time. In the American films of the wild West cowboys, Lasso on the Mustangs are thrown on, the same accuracy will have to demonstrate to our players.

From the rope of 3 m long they make Lasso or Arkan. At a distance of 2.5 m, they put a large children's guard or from plywood cut the horse's head, nourish a stick to it.

According to the signal leading players make 3 attempts to throw a lasso on the horse.

Those who do not succeed, reach out of the competition.

The one who made the greatest number of accurate throws wins.

Command Games

"Running with a burning candle." Two teams of 4 people participate.

With the help of kegiles, the start and finish movement of players is determined.

The presenter gives players a plate to which the burning candle is glued. Competed run to the finish line, watching the candle does not go out. The first numbers, devasting to the finish, return to the start and transmit a plate with a burning candle to the next participant.

The team wins, the first ending the game and which the candle in the process of running did not go out.

"Distributing a ball." Play teams for 2 people. The presenter gives each pair by one inflatable ball. Participants hold the ball with belly by closing on both sides.

According to the signal of the lead, everyone should start hard to put on the balls.

The couple wins, whose ball will burst, not withstanding push.

"Hurry to dress."Play two teams of 5 people. At the finish, before each team on the chair, sharovars, fur coat and cap are put on the chairs. According to the signal, the first players of both teams, devasting to the chairs, wear lying clothes, then run back, remove clothes and transmit the next player.

He should put on the harslers, a fur coat, a cap and run to the chair, there to undress and run back, touch the hand to the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes off, etc.

The team that ended with dressing before the other is defeated.

"Chamomile". In this game, 2-4 teams of 5-6 people can participate. It is necessary to make a flower chamomile flower and on the reverse side of white petals to write tasks. Then the representative of each team comes to the chamomile, takes off the petals and returns to the team, which should prepare the proposed task for 3-4 minutes, and then show it. Options:

1. You know that there is a "dance with sabers", and you come up with dance

With boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With swabs, etc.

2. Perform a song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" as if you were:

Indians from the Mumba-Yamba tribe;

Gypsies from the device;

Highlandes of the Caucasus;

The ensemble of songs and dance, etc.

3. Imagine that you have learned to speak, and you can only bark, wash, squeeze. Here and fulfill the song in the animal language "in the forest. The Christmas tree" or the "small Christmas tree is cold in winter".

4. Make a "drum", i.e. write a poem to the given rhymed words:

Winter - cold;

Snowflake - Puffcine;

Frost - nose;

Christmas tree - needle.

"Put match boxes". Two teams of 4 people participate.

The lead puts on the shoulders to the first players matchboxes like epaulets, one box on the right and left shoulders. The task is to reach the specified place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players at number one transmit boxes to the next participants of their team.

The second participant does the same. If the boxes fall, the participant raises it, puts on his shoulder and starts movement from the place where the boxes dropped.

The team defeats, the first ending the game and which had fewer cups.

"Tell another". This is a very simple and funny game, 3-4 pairs or two teams of 5-6 people can participate in it.

The upper part of the matchbox is taken and put on the nose of the first participant. Task: Transfer without the help of hand boxes from your nose on the nose of another player. If the box fell from the nose, the dropping raises him, puts himself on his nose and transmits the next player.

We win those who are faster and more successfully coped with the task.

There are several varieties of this game:

1. Participants are given an orange or apple. The player holds the orange, pressing his chin to his chest, and tries, without dropping, to convey another / another participant without the help of hands, he also tries to intercept the orange, pressed to his chest.

2. Pulling the pencil between the upper lip and nose, convey to another, without dropping.

Magic I. long-awaited holidaywhich is so awaiting our children already on the threshold. You still have time to prepare for his meeting with children, plan the script and explore contests and games for the new year.

Games and contests

Game "yes" and "no"

The presenter asks questions to which the participants of the game should quickly, without thinking, answer "yes" or "no". He who was wrong dropping out of the game.

Santa Claus - Merry old man?
- Yes.
- Does love jokes and jokes?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Eat all your chocolates?
- Not.
- He will hear the guys christmas?
- Yes.
- Hide threads and needles?
- Not.
- Does he not grow soul?
- Yes.
- Will we warm on the street?
- Not.
- Joulupukkah - Brother Frost?
- Yes.
- blossomed under the snow rose?
- Not.
- New year is going closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- Not.
- Santa Claus carries gifts?
- Yes.
- In the new year, all the masks are bright?
- Yes.

Exists another option This game. The lead calls the items, and the participants also quickly, without thinking, answer whether they are suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

Multicolored flappers?
- Yes.
- Blankets and pillows?
- Not.
- Not.
- Marmalaka, chocolates?
- Yes.
- Glass balls?
- Yes.
- Wooden chairs?
- Not.
- Teddy bears?
- Yes.
- Buvari and books?
- Not.
- Multicolored beads?
- Yes.
- And garlands are bright?
- Yes.
- Snow from white wool?
- Yes.
- Brave soldiers?
- Not.
- Shoes and boots?
- Not.
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Not.

"Snow task"

For this game, you can use a small ball or make a "snow" com. Participants of the game are in the circle and transmit the "snow" com. At the same time sentences:
Snowball we all ride
Up to five we all consider.
One, two, three, four, five -
You will play a song!

Who on the last phrase turns out to be a "snowball", he fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: "Do you read poems!", "You dance to you!", "To tell you a fairy tale!" etc.

"Anecdote" with a beard ""

Competition participants are beginning to tell jokes. If someone from those present knows the continuation, the "beard" is attached by the story, which is replaced by a piece of watts. Wins the one who in the end will be less than wool pieces.

"Competition of cooks"

For a certain time (for example, 5 minutes), the game participants must compile the New Year's menu. All dishes in it should begin with the letter "H" (New Year). The dishes in the menu for Santa Claus should begin with the letter "M", and for the Snow Maiden - with the letter "C". Wins the one who has the biggest menu.

"Now SPO!"

In the New Year, it is customary to sing songs and drive around the chicken trees. But this occupation can be diversified. For example, the master's cotton is all starting to sing a famous song "Little Christmas tree cold in winter ...". On the second cotton, singing out loud, but all participants in the game continue to sing about themselves. On the third cotton, everyone again is beginning to sing out loud. The one who joined the neppea is dropped.

"Fairy Character"

On the table there are cards on which the names of fabulous characters are written, cartoon heroes (inscriptions down). The participant of the game pulls out any card and, after reading what is written there, should with the help of facial expressions, gestures, characteristic sounds to portray this character so that those present understand what compete. The first guessed pulls out the next card.


Two people participate in the game. Each participant ties eyes and offer to disassemble their slide, in which peas are mixed, beans, lentils, dried rowan (ingredients can be changed, depending on what is in the house). Participants with tied eyes disassemble the fruits by groups. The one who first cope with the task, he won.

"Mysterious Prize"

A small gift (notepad, handle, etc.) wrap in paper on which a sheet with a mystery is glued. Once again wrapped in paper - and stick a sheet with a mystery again. Such layers can be as used, it all depends on the number of players. The participant unfolds one paper layer, reads a riddle and speaks out loud to himself aloud. Then turns the next layer, reads the riddle again and says the guess. If he does not know the answer - he reads a riddle out loud. The first who guess this mystery turns the next paper layer. Wins the one who solved the last riddle will get to the gift.

"Mobile phone"

The participants of the game call numbers in order. Those who drop out a number 5 or a multiple of her numbers, say "Dzin-Dzin". Those who fall out the figure 7 and the multiple of her numbers, say "Din-Dilin". He who was wrong dropping out of the game.

"Choose a prize!"

A long rope is attached various gifts wrapped in kules. The participant of the game tie their eyes and give scissors. He must cut some gift that he gets.

"Cinderella's Shoe"

The participants of the game make their shoes in a bunch and tie their eyes. The lead mixes the shoes in a bunch and gives the command: "Find your shoe!". Participants with tied eyes need to find their pair of shoes and go. Who will quickly cope with the task, he won.


For this contest, you will need a sweet jelly or, for example, Halva. Wins one who is faster to eat all with the help of toothpicks offered to him a portion.

"Crop collectors"

The game participants are divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to transfer for a certain time (for example, 10 minutes) as many oranges or tangerines as possible without the help of hands.


Each participant of the game is attached to the back a piece of paper with the name of any animal, subject, etc. (for example, elephant, handle, pear, aircraft), but so that the players do not know that they are written in their pieces. But they can read what is written on the back of others. The participants of the game must ask each other with the leading questions to find out what they are written on their back. Answers can only be "yes" or "no". The one who first gues its "name", the winner. The game is being done to the last guess. All get incentive prizes.


This contest is best done on the street. The presenter calls the letter, and the participants of the competition must cut out of the snow any thing starting to this letter. Who is blind faster and more reliable - he won. At home you can spend this contest using plasticine.


Instructure these simple tricks, and in the New Year's Eve in the eyes of your guests you will become an unsurpassed magician.

Thread on the jacket

You notice a white thread on your jacket and try to smear it, but the thread remains on the jacket. Then you take her for the tip and pull. To your surprise (and surprise other people), it stretches further. You pull farther and further until several meters of thread ends.

Focus secret: Before displaying the focus you put in the inner pocket of the jacket, a small pencil, which is wounds a few meters of thread from the coil. The tip of the thread with the help of a needle is trying through the fabric of the jacket outward. The main thing is that in your pocket, after a focus demonstration, there are no traces left if especially watchful viewers will decide to inspect your pockets. Therefore, the thread is wound on the pencil.

Three glasses and paper

Put two glass glasses at some distance one from the other. Put the paper sheet on top.

Take in the hands of the third glass and offer the audience to put it between two glasses on a sheet of paper so that the paper does not rush. No one, of course, does not work. Then you demonstrate your "magic" abilities.

Focus secret: Paper sheet fold the harmonica along the long side, then it will easily endure the weight of even a glass cup.

Magic rope

You get in front of the audience at the table, demonstrate to them the rope, put it on the table and say: "I will tying a knot on this rope without help hands."

After that, cross your hands on the chest. Taking one end of the rope with your left hand, and the other - right, you divor the hands to the sides. A knot appeared on the rope!

Focus secret: There is no special secret here. You just need to take a rope at least 1 meter long. And, of course, carefully rehearse the room to be able to grab from the table both end of the rope.

Magic "Piglet"

You ask for the audience two coins worth 1 and 5 rubles. We put a coin in 1 ruble on a small piece of paper, blaming the markup around it and then cut the hole, in the diameter equal to this coin in 1 ruble. After that, we offer the audience to push a 5-ruble coin into this hole. Nobody guess how to do it. Then you easily decide the proposed task.

Focus secret: Of course, in such a small hole 5-ruble coin will not pass. But if you bend a piece of paper in half so that the fold line will be in the center of the hole, the hole will turn into a slot. A little stretch paper - the hole diameter is quite enough for the coin with ease through it easily.

Do not see the hands

Take a large flat plate, put a coin on it and pour with a small amount of water so that it covers the coin. Then offer the audience to take a coin without sleeping hands.

Focus secret: You set fire on a piece of paper and put it in a glass. Then quickly turn the glass and put it on a plate near the coin. When the paper in the glass will progrit and go out, the water from the plate will be sidden under it, and the coin will be on a dry place.

Three layouts

Take any 21 card and spread them up three cards in seven rows. You must have three vertical columns of seven cards in each. Invite one of the audience to remember some one card and say, in which column it is located. Gently, one after another, fold the cards of each column in the stack, and then all the stacks in one stack. In this case, the stack of cards from the column with the selected card must be put in the middle between the two others. Then turn the stack with pictures down, decay the cards again in three columns of seven cards in each and again ask the viewer so that it indicates which column is the selected card. Match the cards on the columns and the specified card column again put in the middle. Finally, for the third time, spread the cards and again the column with the selected card, put between the other two. Count ten cards. The eleventh comes the migrant card.

Focus secret: The main thing is to always put a column with a mandated card between two others.

Sly trick

Take the deck of cards. Invite one of the audience to choose and remember some card and put it on top of the deck, you do not show you. Then remove the deck and the lower part of it on the upper one. Enclosure pictures up and unmistakably specify the specified map.

Focus secret: To find a molded card, we apply a little trick. Before demonstrating the focus I remember the lowest deck card. Now when laying the deck, the specified card will lie before the card that we spied.

Magted map

You offer four viewers to sit with you at the table. All distribute five cards. After that, the audience must remember on the same map of those that they have in their hands. You collect cards and lay them on the table in five stacks. Spectators choose one of the stacks. You take the cards and a fan show them to the audience. After that, ask who of them sees their card. Having received an answer, you unmistakably point out that card that they remembered.

Focus secret: You start collecting cards from the viewer, who sits on the left of you and below - clockwise. And you collect all five cards at once, and not one. Your cards you will gather the last, and they will be at the top of the decks. When you fold the cards on five stacks, in any one of them the cards lie in the order in which the audiences are sitting at the table. If, for example, "his" card identifies the third viewer, it will be the third, considering the stack on top, etc.

Kings and ladies

Kings and ladies are selected from the deck. You post them in front of the audience in two rows - separately by the kings and separately the ladies. Fold the cards, putting a stack from the kings on the stack from the ladies. Obtained a deck of eight cards, viewers can take any number of times. Then you hide cards behind your back, take away two cards and show the audience. They see that this is the king and lady of one suit.

Focus secret: Initially, you fold the maps so that the sequence of textures in both decks is the same. Behind your back, you share a deck for two four cards and take from each mini-deck upper card. It will always be the king and lady of one suit.

Intended number

Invite one of the audience to think about the number. After that, the viewer must multiply it by 2, then add 8, divided into 2 and take away the number he has conceived. After a meaningful pause, you declare that the resulting number is 4.

Focus secret: No secret, clean mathematics!

Students are sitting at the tables in the classroom. Each table is a team, whose representatives are involved in various competitions. The winners of the competitions are awarded with candy, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc.

Competition "Business Card"

Each table team is the name and motto. After that, each participant appears on the chest emblem.
Warming up (for the right answers a candy is awarded)
1. How much will it be 2 + 2 * 2? (6)
2. How much will it be, if the fifty divide half? (2)
3. Name the pronouns that interfere with drivers on the road. (I - we)
4. What pronouns are the cleanest? (you are-you)
5. Name words in which one hundred identical letters. (STAN, STO-P, STO, ST-L)
6. Why is the canary called Canary? (come from the Canary Islands)
7. Where does Siberian cats come from? (from South Asia)
8. What animal is attached to one place all life? (coral)
9. What birds are the wings covered with scales? (Penguins)
10. Who has the longest language? (Muravded)
11. Why a glass of water in which sugar is located, will cool faster than a glass without sugar? (The process of dissolving sugar requires heat)
12. From the bird begins, the animal ends like the city is called? (Raven-hedgehog)
13. Name the bird capable of digest metal. (ostrich)
14. What is easier: Iron or Sun Pone? (weigh the same)

Competition "Apple Puree"

(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates)
More than 200 years ago, the new year celebrated on September 1. Dear guests were treated with apples straight from the trees. What is like half of the apple? On the second half. So, the competition is to cook apple puree. Playing is issued by 2 identical in the magnitude of the apple, each of the grater and plate. The speed and quality are taken into account. The winner is awarded the prize, the second apple.

Competition "Get an apple"

Before each participant of the competition put a bowl of water. The condition of the competition is to get a floating apple without hands.

Competition "Relay"

(saucepan, spoon, glass of water)
Each member of the team with the help of a spoon transfers water from the pan into a glass. Who is faster and who in a glass will have more water.

Competition "Take the Prize"

(Chair, prize)
The stool holds a package with a prize. Around chair - participants of the competition. The host reads the poem "times, two, three!". Those who tried to grab the prize inadequately drop out of the competition.
I'll tell you the story
One and a half dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
The prize immediately take!
Once pike we caught,
Planted, and inside
Fish small numbers -
And not one, but two.
Dreams of a boy ordered
Become an Olympic champion
Look, at the start not the fuck,
And wait for the team once, two, seven.
When you want to remember poems,
They are not bubbling until late night,
And about them to repeat
Sita, the other, and better five!
Recently train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
But what are you a prize, friends, did not take
When was the opportunity to take?

Contest "Theatrical"

(cards with tasks)
The wishing to contestants are issued cards with the task they are performed without preparation. We must walk in front of the tables like:
- woman with heavy bags;
- Gorilla by cell;
- Sparrow on the roof;
- stork on the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- girl in a narrow skirt at high heels;
- watch, guarding food warehouse;
- Baby, just learned to walk;
- The guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the song execution.

Competition "Make a Word"

On the blackboard they wrote "strange" words. In them over "to rearrange the letters in such a way that the word ceases to be" strange. "
OPLE - (field)
Rvania - (January)
Lauci - (Street)
Badus - (fate)
Cleroz - (mirror)

Competition "Soap Bubble"

(air balloons)
Wishing boys inflate balls. Then divided into pairs, each of which is trying to "crush" the ball with its belly. The surviving ball is a reward.

Competition "Get candy"

(bowl, flour, candy)
In the bowl of the hill poppy of flour. Candy is inserted into it so that she sticks out the tip for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, the cheeks are not dirty to flour, candy can be taken as a prize. Not representatives of the teams can take part in this competition, but all those who want to test their dexterity.

Competition "Merry Pictures"

(chalk, board)
On the board you need to draw simultaneously: one hand is a triangle, and the other is a square.

Competition "Mosaic"

(envelopes with postcards)
An envelope is issued for each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. Task - Collect a postcard. (You can "restore" a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer).

Competition "Times of the ring, two rings"

(Items, Rings)
At a distance of 2-3 meters from the contestants there are objects wrapped in paper. Each is issued for 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters from dense cardboard. Competition participants must draw rings on these items. The item on which the ring hit is becoming the ownership of what.

Competition "Merry Chephach"

(Paper strips sets with text)
This contest improves the mood of those present, gives the holiday to the festival.
In the leading two sets of paper strips. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The lead is bypassing the tables, which are alternately "blindly" pull out the question (read out loud) that answer. It turns out cheerful nonsense.
Use your fantasy when drawing up questions and answers. The more the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations.
Approximate questions:
- Do you read other people's letters?
- Do you sleep quietly?
- Do you listen to other people's conversations?
- Do you beat dishwashes with anger?
- Can you put a pig to the friend?
- Do you write anonymously?
- Do you spread gossip?
- Do you have a habit to promise more your opportunities?
- Would you like to marry the calculation?
- Do you have intrusive and rude in your actions?
Sample answers:
- This is my favorite lesson;
- occasionally, for the joke;
- only in summer nights;
- When the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if this is not related to material costs;
- especially in someone else's house;
- This is my old dream;
- No, I am a very shy man;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Jump-Skok"

Competition participants are in one line. With the word of the lead "sushi", everyone jumps forward, with the word "water" - back. Competition is carried out in a rapid pace. The presenter has the right instead of the word "water" to pronounce other words, for example: the sea, river, bay, ocean; Instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Jumping the nefple drop off, the winner becomes the last player - the most attentive.

Competition "Chamomile"

(Chamomile from paper)
A large chamomile has been made, which has so many petals, how many tables in the classroom. The representative of each table takes off the petal with the task. The whole team takes part in the competition.
Possible tasks:
- Show advertising of goods;
- portray a silent picture of the fairy tale;
- play a scene from school life, etc.

Competition "His hand - Vladyka"

(rope, scissors, "candy", gifts)
The same "candy" hangs on the rope, within which it is indicated that he will receive as a gift with the knotted eyes cut off the "candy".

At the end of the holiday, the presenter (or representatives from each table) can read the poem:

Came to us again the new year,
And the days of wonderful come!
And thirty first will leave:
And for sale will take
All our two and sadness.
And the wishes are clear
And every year alone and the same:
Peace and peace for the whole country
And children of different embroidery
Boots, caps and pants
Change once a year - but no less often;
There is sweet, protect the stomach;
Roll, but not a hooligan;
Chop cutlets, there is compote;
Go to the cinema, the theater and in the bath;
So - fight, well, with those - be friends,
And in general - to do as it should
And to go to school every day,
For that without requiring an award!

Probably many parents care: what to take a child during the holiday? If you do not want your children to borrow, try to play with them in fun games and spend several contests. The country of tips suggests new Year competitions for school children.

Younger schoolchildren can already offer some more complex contests than reoxoiths. At the same time, they still remain children who believe in a fairy tale and sincerely rejoice in festive entoux.


Presenter (better, if it is someone from adults) gives all the players funny nicknames, in some way related to Happy New Year: flashlight, snowman, garland, snowflake, clap, etc. Children become in a circle, and leading inside The circle passes from one player to another and asks each of them various questions. The snag is that players must respond to any question with nicknames. You can decline the word and add pretexts to it if necessary.

Dialogues of players and leading may look something like this:

What's your name?
- Snowflake.
- What holiday we celebrate today?
- Snowman.
- Where do you study?
- in a snowdrift!
- What do we decorate the New Year tree?

The task of the master is to choose questions so that the answers are as unexpected and funny. The task of players is not laughing, answering questions or listening to other answers. The one who laughed is dropping out of the game and gives the leading phanta. We defeat the most "persistent and serious." The lead awards them, and then plays the phantas.


This game is quite popular among children, and among adults. It will help children to show and develop their fantasy and creativity. Who knows - Maybe you will discover poetic talent in your tea?

Pre-hardened cards with rhymes by the number of players. Rhymes can be the most simple, for example:

january - calendar
Nose - Moroza
Bright - Gifts
Grandfather - Years
Year - is coming

Distribute to each player card with rhymes and announce the task: for the allotted time you need to write a poem to the specified rhymes. You can even somewhat - just enough time and fantasy. When all the poems are ready, the authors read them in turn, and then the best poem is chosen.

If you are afraid that it will be hard to define the winner, or those children whose poems did not win, offend, you can come up with different nominations (by the number of players) and separately award the most original poem, the most New Year poem, the most productive poet, etc. In this case, no child will remain without gifts.

Dance or frozen

This competition team is best to conduct it with a large number of participants. Divide the children into two teams and put them in a car opposite each other. For each team in turns include music. The task of players is to dance. But the whole team should do one definite movement, and the maximum synchronously. When the music ends, put a musical fragment for the second team, which dances his movement. Team movements should not be repeated.

The game continues until one of the teams will "freeze", no chance to come up with another movement. The "frozen" team is considered a loser. The winners are awarded a prize (for example, candy or tangerines), and the loser team again put the music so that she stanle and "warmed up."

Find Eli

This competition can be held both on the school matinee and on the New Year holiday in the family circle. If there are a lot of children, scatter out of several teams, if not - let everyone play himself for himself. Each team or player is handed a pen and sheet of paper. For the allotted time you need to come up with as many words as possible, in which there is a "spruce" syllable: April, droplets, blizzard, sweater ... five to ten minutes will be enough, if you give more time, children can bother.

The trick of the game is that most players will only remember those words that end on the "fir", especially if at the beginning lead them exactly such an example. And only the most curly will understand that the syllable "spruce" can stand in the beginning or in the middle of the word, for example: gorge, dolphin, spruce, loaf, businesslike ...

For each invented word, the command (or player) is charged one score. Wins the one who gains the largest number of points. This player (or team) is awarded a sweet prize.

We hope that the New Year's contests and games for children offer us will help you entertain schoolchildren by making holiday fun and interesting.

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