How the Old New Year is celebrated - rituals and fortune-telling. Conspiracies for the old new year

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How to celebrate Old New Year? Traditions, customs and folk omens. How to cover festive table. Prophetic divination.

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On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This is the most unusual and strange holiday. It is also called "rich" or "generous Vasiliev evening." That evening, a generous table was laid and treated to those who would come to visit. For unmarried girls this date is interesting because in the evening you can guess the fate, predicting the future and the betrothed.

History of the Old New Year

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year comes from the discrepancy between the calendar dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Julian is the "old style" calendar, and the whole world now lives according to the Gregorian. In 1918, Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian calendar, so that there would be no time difference with Europe. After that, the Julian calendar was abolished, however Orthodox Church continued to celebrate the holiday according to the old regime - January 14th. The tradition turned out to be tenacious and perfectly preserved to this day.

Traditions and customs of the Old New Year

From the evening of January 13 to the morning of the 14th, they celebrate the arrival of the Old New Year. The eve of this celebration is called the Generous Evening, which was called Vasiliev's Evening. On this day, the church celebrates the memory of the patron saint of pig breeders, St. Basil.

On the evening of January 13, the housewives prepare a generous kutya seasoned with meat and bacon, which is traditionally placed in the corner with icons. One of the main dishes on the table was considered a roasted pig - a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock. On this evening, from sunset until midnight, teenage girls go to their neighbors to be generous, wishing their owners health, happiness and good luck in the new year.

On the morning of January 14, men sow grain from godparents, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. According to popular belief, on this day a man should enter the house first. This will bring happiness in the coming year. Sowers congratulate the New Year, wish wealth and abundance. The owners in return give pies, sweets and fruits, and sometimes money. The grain after sowing is left until the evening. It is customary not to sweep it with a broom, but to carefully collect it, and use it for sowing in the spring.

Folk signs of the Old New Year

There are many beliefs in the Old New Year. So, in some villages to this day, on the night of January 13-14, they burn old clothes and put on new ones, which symbolizes the beginning of a new and good life. The rite of January 14 has been preserved, when the housewives with three lit candles go around the whole house clockwise and are baptized. This will protect the house from all troubles. And the male owners on this day lightly knock on the threshold of the house with an ax, saying "life, health, bread."

Young people have a tradition associated with matters of the heart. For example, a previously rejected guy could try his luck in love again and offer a lady a hand and a heart. Matchmaking is also common on this day. If you get engaged on January 13, then the marriage will be successful.

V folk beliefs The Old New Year is also associated with other signs that say:

  • On the eve of the holiday, you cannot pronounce the number 13.
  • January 14 is not considered a trifle, otherwise the year will be whiny.
  • You can’t take out the trash on January 14, otherwise take happiness out of the house with it.
  • If on the morning of January 14 the branches are covered with fluffy hoarfrost, it means that a lot of honey will be born next year.
  • On the Old New Year you can not borrow anything, otherwise the year will be in debt.
  • On a holiday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness, make peace and resolve conflicts. Reconciliation and forgiveness cannot be denied.
  • If you get sick on this day, then you will be sick all year.
  • Morning snow - the winter will be snowy, and the spring will be late.
  • Ice on the street is a good harvest.
  • Want to collect big harvest apples, then at midnight shake the snow from the apple tree.
  • To be born on this day promised a rich life.

Festive table for the Old New Year

On this evening, the whole family sits down at the table in clean, ironed and tidy clothes. On this holiday, things are given Special attention. The festive table must comply with the canons of Old Slavonic traditions. Traditionally, pies and pancakes are baked for the Old New Year, dumplings are made with cheese and cottage cheese. This food is served to those who come to the house with songs, dances and congratulations. Also, on the eve of Vasiliev's evening, a pig is usually slaughtered in every family, from which hearty dishes are prepared. Among the ancestors, the pig denoted a symbol of the fertility of livestock and family well-being. Especially a lot of jelly was cooked on the Generous Evening, it was he who was the main treat (after kutya) for those who came to visit.

The most important dish on the Generous Evening is kutia, which is cooked in a special way: at night at a certain hour, with conspiracies. If the dish turned out good, they ate it, bad - they threw it into the river so that it would take the trouble with it. Ritual porridge is prepared from buckwheat and barley, but today they still use peeled rice. Dried fruits, honey, nuts, grapes are added to it. Each product has its own meaning: grain symbolizes the beginning of a new life, raisins - longevity, honey - good news, nuts - health, poppy seeds - prosperity. The richer the filling, the better.

Our ancestors were attentive to fortune-telling rites. The main tradition at the festive table was eating dumplings with a surprise, where, along with the filling, they hid any items, from bay leaves to coins. With what filling the dumpling will get, then it is worth waiting for next year. Each filling symbolizes the following prediction:

  • Cherry - temptation.
  • Cabbage is money.
  • Ring - wedding.
  • Thread - a long way.
  • Button - new clothes.
  • Salt - chagrin.
  • Money is wealth.
  • Sugar is the sweet life.
  • Pepper - thrill.
  • Beans - children.
  • Flour - torment.

Divination for the Old New Year

It is believed that fortune-telling at Christmas time is the most truthful. Therefore, according to tradition, the girls gathered together on the evening of January 13th. To create a mysterious and magical atmosphere, the lights were turned off, the windows were covered with curtains, and the room was lit with candles. In this room, fortune-telling was carried out on the narrowed one, the future, desires, etc.

Divination for a future husband:

  1. Before going to bed, 4 kings are placed under the pillow and they say: "The betrothed-mummer come to me in a dream." In the morning, the interpretation of the dream is judged: the king of the cross dreamed, the husband will be an entrepreneur or a military man, the peak one is much older or jealous, the red one is handsome and rich, the diamond one is marriage for great mutual love.
  2. Bread, a brush, a ring and a cigarette are covered with a plate so that the fortuneteller does not know where and what is. After the girl randomly chooses one plate. If there is bread under it, then the husband will be rich, the brush - a simple profession, the ring - a dandy, tobacco - dysfunctional.
  3. To find out the name of the betrothed, the girls go outside after midnight and ask the first man they meet for the name. There was a belief that whatever name he called would be the name of his future husband.
  4. The girls threw their shoes on the road. Where the toe of the shoe that fell to the ground showed, on that side the husband will be. If the shoe turned with its toe to the fortuneteller's house, she would not see a crown.
  5. Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair and says: "Narrowed, mummers, come and comb my hair." This comb is placed under the pillow. The dreaming guy will be narrowed.
Fortune telling on desires:
  1. Several wishes are written on identical leaves. They are folded in half and placed under the pillow. Waking up in the morning, they take out one piece of paper. What is written on it will come true.
  2. Grains (rice, millet, barley, etc.) are poured into the container. They make a question and take out a handful of grain with their left hand, which they count. An even number - the wish will come true, an odd number - no.
  3. A question is asked in the mind. Take your favorite book, call the page number and line. Read, interpret the answer.
Fortune telling on a guy in love with you:
  1. During the day, they break off a small sprig of spruce, which they put under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “I lie down on Monday, I put a spruce tree at the head, dream of the one who thinks of me.”
  2. They take 3 bay leaves, which they put under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams of me, let me dream about it.”
Divination for marriage:
  1. Water is poured into the basin and two nut shells are lowered. The water is mixed with a finger so that the shells float. If they come close, then soon the girl will get married.
  2. Take a handful of peas or beans, which are poured into a bowl. After that, one pea is transferred to another container and sentenced: “I will get married (one pea) - I won’t get out (second pea)”. On which pea the first bowl is empty, it will be so.
Divination for the future:
  1. Four glasses were half filled with water. Salt was poured into one, sugar was poured into the other, the ring was third, the fourth was left empty. These glasses were placed behind the girl's back, so that she could not see. A friend alternately runs her finger along the glasses, and asks “is this glass?”. On that glass, on which the fortuneteller will say "this" and the prediction is judged. Water with salt (you need to try it) - promises sadness, sugar - success and happiness, a ring - a wedding, fresh - an ordinary year.
  2. Pebbles, cereals, a scarf, bread, a ring and a hook were placed in different bags. The fortune-telling girl is given to choose one of them. If bread is caught, it means that a rich life awaits, a hook - a difficult fate, a ring - a happy marriage, cereals - a well-fed life, and a scarf - a poor one.
Video about the old New Year - history, customs and traditions:

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The Old New Year continues the series of winter holidays that are so loved by many. Despite the fact that vacations and weekends are over for almost everyone, celebrations and visits continue.

Girls with pleasure at this time are guessing at their betrothed, for the future. Christmas time gives them a chance to enjoy those rituals that are treated with caution at other times.

Since ancient times, the New Year has been considered a holiday of reconciliation and forgiveness. People believed that Melania would give them a quiet year without conflicts and quarrels. It was on this evening that matchmakers were sent again to the girl who refused the guy at the matchmaking, in the hope that the young lady would change her mind and now be more supportive of young man. People at that time believed that this date and the holiday itself were filled to the brim with magic. Many still think so, hoping that the holiday will bring a miracle.

Conspiracies for the old New Year.

Since the evening from January 13 to 14 was considered magical by many, many conspiracies and rituals were carried out at that time. People invested in them all their faith and desire to make their cherished dream come true.

For example, many on such an evening made a simple conspiracy to fulfill a wish. It should be noted that such a ritual exists in our time. To do this, it was necessary on the morning of January 13 to listen to yourself, and understand which dream is the most cherished, it must be specified. After that, you need to write it on a piece of paper, but be sure not to tell anyone what is written. A leaflet with a desire must be carefully rolled up, tied with a red ribbon and put the craft. Such a scroll should stay there until the next morning, and then it should be well hidden so that no outsider can find it. Be sure to once a month you need to pull out a piece of paper and re-read the desire again, but after it comes true, just burn this sheet of paper. No one can say for sure whether what is written will really come true, but if a person sincerely believes in it and reinforces his faith with certain actions, then the success of such an event is quite possible. It is necessary not only to believe, but also to do something in order to take small steps, but constantly move closer to your dream.

A conspiracy that will help get rid of trouble.

Today you can find a conspiracy from troubles that came to us from our ancestors. On the evening of January 13, you need to sit down for desk, take clear sheet paper and a pen that writes well and describes in detail all your problems and troubles. It doesn’t matter at all what plan they will be. It may be unlucky in your personal life, or there are some problems in the family. Maybe in material terms difficulties arose. You can write about what really worries you, but each item must be specific. In such a presentation, there should be no complaints about the fate of simply certain facts and events from which one would like to get away forever and improve one's life. You need to try to write legibly and beautifully. After all the problems are transferred to the paper, you just need to bring it to a candle and burn it, thinking that all troubles are burned in this fire. It is imperative to make such a request to the Lord, so that through the fire he will help get rid of troubles. A person's thoughts and desire must be honest and sincere.

On the old New Year, you can carry out a simple conspiracy, which, if you believe in it, should drive away all troubles and bring good luck and prosperity to this house. This will require a minimum of effort and preparation. When the countdown of the first minutes of the coming old New Year begins, you need to come up and stand on the threshold and ask three times for the year that is leaving forever to take with it all the troubles, troubles, quarrels and grant this family and home well-being and good luck in all matters.

Spell for prosperity and wealth.

The problem with money is always relevant and for everyone it's just that someone needs it more, sometimes less. There is a ritual that is carried out specifically to ensure that money appears in the house. In order to start it, you need to wake up first in the house. If in the evening it was decided to carry out such a ceremony, then you can set an alarm clock so as not to oversleep and have time in silence and without prying eyes to do everything. At the moment when everyone is sleeping, you need to take an unpainted metal plate or bowl, pick up water. It can be from a spring, a well or from a jar, but it must be consecrated. You need to fold your fingers as at the moment of baptism, dip your hand into the water and baptize it. All these manipulations must be accompanied by a conspiracy. Its essence is to ask God for blessings for your entire family, getting rid of problems, illnesses and material difficulties. Ask the Lord to grant good luck in business, peace in the house and tranquility. Such a request must necessarily end with the word: "Amen." Such a request must be made 12 times, this number symbolizes the number of months in a year. After the plot is read, it is imperative to sprinkle all the corners and walls of the house with this water, and simply pour the remaining water at the threshold. If you do such a ceremony in an apartment, then you need to calculate the amount of water so that in the morning relatives do not see a puddle on the threshold, the origin of which could not be explained.

Believe in the old New Year.

In addition to conspiracies, rites and divination, the old New Year also has its own certain beliefs. For example, it was believed that if a woman enters the house as a guest first on January 14, then she will bring bad luck and problems for the family, which will haunt them all the coming year. If the first guest is a man, then he will definitely bring good luck, happiness, prosperity and peace to this family.

It was believed that if the family celebrates this holiday, having at least some savings in reserve, then material wealth will accompany them throughout the coming year. This must be so, if you remember that on such a day no one can borrow money, neither relatives, nor acquaintances, nor even those who really need them. If with financial difficulties entered into New Year they will continue for the next 12 months.

V modern world such a holiday as the old New Year is celebrated, but the majority of the population still has to go to work. Even at such a moment, you can conduct a simple ceremony that should help in the realization of a cherished dream. Before leaving the house, you need to take some bread crumbs, if there were none in the house, then crumble cookies, it can replace bread. After that, you can safely go to work. When leaving the house, crumbs need to pour out a sparrow, before that, concentrating on the desire itself and mentally say: “I give, I receive, I make my dream come true.” This completes the ritual, you can safely send it on business, and the birds will peck such a treat, somehow miraculously helping you get closer to your dream. If you don’t need to go to work in the morning, then all this can be done even on the balcony. The main thing is the desire and belief that everything will definitely work out.

The Old New Year is a wonderful holiday that gathers the whole family at the table. Already at this time, a miracle can happen, because all loved ones and relatives are nearby, they share their joy and love, and little tricks on this holiday will simply add confidence that everything will definitely be fine. Magic or not, everyone decides for himself, but need to believe.

Thanks to the "quarrel" of the Julian calendar with the Gregorian calendar for the fact that this event gave us another wonderful winter holiday!

The night from January 13 to January 14 is also called Vasily's evening, in honor of the memory of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea, canonized. Fortune-telling and rituals on this night are very effective, so let's not miss this opportunity!

Of course, be sure to set the festive table! After the meal, we will go out onto the balcony or outside and shake out the tablecloth, while repeating 3 times:

How many crumbs on the tablecloth, so much wealth and happiness in our house!

In addition, collect all the bones left after gala dinner. In the morning you will bring them under a magnificent tree growing near the house. It is advisable to take boiling water with you in a thermos to thaw the frozen ground a little. Place the bones in the hole and say over them:

How can this tree grow stronger, grow,

So I bring good to the house!

A tree to live and live,

Me love and happiness meet!

Dig in the bones and go home, trying not to talk to anyone along the way.

If it is very difficult to perform this ritual on the street, you can replace the trip to the tree by burying a few seeds in a flower pot.

But choose perennial and better with a tree trunk, such as ficus, laurel, hibiscus.

The day before the Old New Year, tie on left hand ribbon made of natural fabric. After 12 hours, remove it and burn it in a metal dish, saying:

I take off the tape, I excommunicate trouble from myself.

The tape burns out, frees me from melancholy.

Tape smolder, I get well.


At 12 o'clock open the door of the house, stand on the threshold, you can even become the whole family and say:

A stern year is passing away, problems are blowing away.

New Year is coming, good luck!

Instead of the word “problems”, you can list all the bad things that happened in the past year. This simple plot can be used as a toast!

On the eve of the celebration, if you decide to start cleaning, do not forget to add a few drops of essential oil to the water. Do you want to get married and are waiting for the prospective groom to visit? Add orange oil to water. And not only in the water for cleaning, but also in the bath, which you will then take.

If you are baptized, say the following over the cleaning water:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the Jordan River flows, it washes its banks, it moves mountains, it rolls stones, so you, water, wash my dwelling with a generous river, clean water. Health, bring me good luck; take sickness, illness, lessons, slander and quarrels with you. My word is strong. May it be so! Amen.

An important area of ​​our life is financial. A love spell of money is just as important as a love spell of a loved one, without which you see no point in living.

If you are worried about your income, on the eve of the Old New Year or Epiphany, go to the church and give alms to at least three beggars. When submitting, be sure to say to yourself:

"To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother"

With this simple ritual, you will surely attract money from where you did not expect at all.

There are special flavors that money loves. This is the smell of rosemary, bergamot, cloves and orange. Put a few drops of essential oil on a tablespoon of sugar or, even better, honey. Let it soak in, then dissolve in a jug of water, which you pour over after a shower. Throw some coins into the same jug yellow color small diameter.

After acceptance water procedures pour water on yourself and read the plot:

As sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows to me, sticks.

As the Jordan River flows and its water is enough for everyone, so much good comes to me.

Water flow, I take good care.

After that, collect the money, put it in a beautiful pot and put it in dark place. Do not forget to shake the pot sometimes, and show the money to the full moon.

It is very good to burn green and gold candles to attract money to the house on the Old New Year, and pink and red to attract love.

Seeming little things are not such, as they program your mind for what you want!

Therefore, make the holidays beautiful, and let your whole life be like that.

Happy Old New Year to you! All the best to you and GOOD LUCK!

The New Year holidays are one of the most suitable periods to take advantage of magical help and correct existing shortcomings in various aspects of your life. On January 14, it is customary to read conspiracies that do not differ in effectiveness from those used for Christmas or December 31.

Conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year

In the old days, the New Year was celebrated on January 14, but since the advent of the new calendar, it has not been canceled and is celebrated. People have always believed that magical energy reigns around these days and can be used to improve the quality of their lives. There are numerous rituals and conspiracies for the old New Year to improve your health and financial stability, find love and get pregnant. This list can be continued for a long time, so if you wish, everyone will have a chance to find a suitable option.

Not only conspiracies for the old New Year are known, but also magical signs that arose in antiquity and remain common in the modern world. For example, according to the most common superstition, a male representative should be the first to cross the threshold in the morning, which will ensure happiness for the whole year. An important tradition of this holiday is the arrival of sowers, and so they can be given various treats, and money is prohibited, because with them you can lose your well-being. There are other interesting and important magical signs:

  1. You can not throw garbage, because you can lose happiness.
  2. Do not consider January 14 a trifle to avoid frequent tears.
  3. In the morning, it is necessary to shake off the snow from fruitful trees so that there is a good harvest.
  4. On this holiday, it is customary to discharge the Christmas tree and the last decoration taken off will be a powerful amulet that will protect the whole year. You can hang it anywhere.
  5. February 14 is the day of St. Basil, who is the patron saint of pigs, so there should be treats from this meat on the table to attract good luck.

Conspiracy for money for the old New Year

Financial problems in different time probably experienced by everyone, but they can always be corrected. In addition to hard work, special magical rituals will help. It should be said that conspiracies for wealth on the old New Year are not and millions will not fall on their heads, because magic only creates favorable conditions and gives energy to reach new heights.

For the presented ritual, you need to purchase essential oils. Conspiracies are read on ethers that attract financial well-being: bergamot, orange, rosemary and cloves. You can choose any of the oils presented and add a few drops to a large spoonful of honey or granulated sugar. When they are absorbed, the mixture should be dissolved in a container of water. Put a few small yellow coins there as well.

Take a bath, and then, slowly pour the prepared liquid over the clean body, saying a special conspiracy. Coins do not need to be thrown away, but put them in a small pot, which should be placed in a dark place. It will work like a money magnet. It is recommended to periodically shake it so that the coins ring, and also show the contents of the pot full moon, which will increase the growth of finance.

Good luck spells for the old New Year

The presented rite will be useful for every person, since luck is a useful companion in life, helping to cope with problems more easily, avoid troubles and reach heights. Strong conspiracies on the old New Year, they will take care not only of the person conducting the ritual, but also of all members of his family. It does not require prior preparation. It is important to start the ceremony immediately after midnight. Stand on the threshold of the house and say the plot at least three times.

A conspiracy to wish for the old New Year

How do you want all dreams to become real and with the help of magical rituals you can significantly increase your chances of realizing your plan by receiving support Higher powers. There are special conspiracies for the old New Year, helping to bring your desires to life. At night, you need to walk around the house and sprinkle walls and corners with holy water.

On paper, write the year that has come, and start by imagining how it became a reality. Conspiracies for the old New Year must be repeated seven times and the text presented is no exception. Roll the sheet with the written number into a tube and fix it with a red thread. Put the bundle in a secret place so that no one can see it.

Beauty conspiracy for the old New Year

The power of magic during the days of the holiday is enormous, and it can work wonders. Special conspiracies for the old New Year help to cope with shortcomings in appearance, increase one's attractiveness and prolong youth. For the ritual, prepare spring water poured into a cup and place it near your bed on the night before the holiday. In the morning, take it with your left hand and, without getting up, say a conspiracy to beauty on the eve of the old New Year. Then drink half a cup of water in one gulp, and pour the second on your head so that it runs down your body to the very toes.

Conspiracies for love for the old New Year

Many single girls who dream of meeting a worthy man use various magical rituals. There is love plots for the old New Year, which have been used since antiquity, which proves their effectiveness. The presented ritual is carried out on Old New Year's Eve from 10 pm to 11 pm, and for this, put on new clothes and sit at the table. Hair should not be braided.

With the help of a red thread, three candles (red, golden and white) should be tied into a single bundle. Important - the length of the thread should be selected so that you can wrap your left wrist three times. Place candles in a glass of water and it is better if it is made of crystal. Put it on a mirror, which must certainly have round shape. Light the candles and say a plot. When the text is spoken, the candles should be left to burn out completely, and the cinders and water should be thrown out behind the house.

Conspiracy for the old New Year for marriage

Many female representatives dream of hearing the long-awaited question: “Will you marry me?”, But for some reason this significant event not happening. As a result of this, various effective conspiracies appeared for the old New Year, for other holidays, and not only. For them to work, faith in success and a pure soul are important. Exactly at midnight on January 14, read these words:

Conspiracy for pregnancy for the old New Year

For many couples, the problem of successful conception is relevant. To remedy the situation, you must first go to the temple for confession and communion. There, before noon, seven candles should be purchased for the ritual. Change, if it is after the purchase, it is important to leave in the donation box. There are conspiracies on the night of the old New Year and it is best to conduct them in the church.

In the temple, it is necessary to arrange the purchased candles in a certain order. The first is placed near the image of Jesus Christ, the second is near the Virgin, and the third is near St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The remaining four candles are allowed to be placed near any icons, but they must be different. It is important to bear in mind that you cannot leave the image immediately after lighting the candle and you need to stand before it burns out to the middle. During this, read the prayers and say the plot once.

After repeating all these manipulations near all seven images, you need to stand in the center of the temple for some time, imagining yourself pregnant. To complete the ritual, before going to bed, you should repeat another conspiracy three times with your spouse. It is allowed to carry out such a ritual not only on this holiday, but also until the moment when pregnancy is confirmed.

Conspiracies for the old New Year to work

Many a large number of time are at work, so I want it to be to my liking, bring pleasure and give good earnings. No less important is the microclimate in the team and the attitude of the boss. Conspiracies read on the old New Year can improve the situation in all these matters. To conduct the ceremony in the morning after waking up or before leaving for work, you need to take some bread crumbs or any cereal and go outside or balcony. Think about your goal for a while, and then, roll the crumbs by saying a plot.

Conspiracies for the old New Year for health

Important for every person good health, because without it, any benefits and events will not bring pleasure. Various magical rituals help to get the help of the Higher powers to get rid of existing ailments and strengthen own health. Many are interested in what conspiracies are read for the old New Year in order to prevent the development of various diseases, so the presented ritual should be started at midnight, and to implement it, simply remove yourself and burn some thing, saying a conspiracy

Conspiracy from drunkenness for the old New Year

Alcohol addiction is a common problem. It is very difficult to cope with it, and the main thing is the desire of a person to start new life. You can enlist magical support by performing special rites. For those who are interested in what conspiracies for the old New Year they read to cope with, a strong ritual for holy water is offered. At night, when everyone is asleep, put a glass of water on the table in front of you, holding it in your right hand. Cross the water with a candle and speak a conspiracy. After that, the liquid should be drunk, the flames extinguished and crossed.

Weight loss conspiracy for the old New Year

Relevance of the problem excess weight causes the presence of numerous methods that are designed to correct the figure. Those who believe in magic can use rituals that help create energy aimed at getting rid of fat reserves. It is customary to implement conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year at night and best of all at midnight, when their capabilities are at their peak. The magical text must be copied on paper with one's own hand. When the time comes, light a church candle and read the plot. Extinguish the flame, and put the paper under the pillow.

The January holidays are a unique period with a huge energy reserve. At this time, you can perform all kinds of rituals that help to fulfill the most secret desires. By performing, for example, a ceremony for money, you will provide for your family and yourself material well-being for the entire coming year.

The holiday, called the old new year, was born in 1918, as a result of the transition of the USSR to a new chronology. In general, this is nothing more than a new year according to the Julian calendar. Until 1918, it was celebrated in the same way as now - on the night of December 31 to January 1. With the introduction of the Gregorian chronology, the date shifted.

The roots of the holiday can also be found in pre-Christian times. January 14 was the day of Melania and Vasily. According to popular belief, they came to visit each house to inform the owners about the upcoming celebrations. Traditionally, a generous table was laid on this day, and after a hearty and hearty dinner, people should settle all conflicts among themselves, put up, in order to enter the new year in harmony and harmony.

Money rituals for the old new year

Celebration of the old new year on a grand scale, a plentiful table is a personal matter for everyone. Also, each person has the right to decide for himself whether to practice magic this day or not. In any case, there will definitely not be any negative from this - the energy of the holiday is positive and simply cannot lead to a negative result.

Ritual after the gala dinner

A very simple ceremony, for which you only need to set the festive table. After the feast, the hostess should take the tablecloth along with the crumbs left on it after the feast and go out with it to the street or to the balcony. The tablecloth shakes out with the words:

“How many crumbs are on the tablecloth, so much wealth and happiness to our home!”

The plot is repeated 3 times.

Love spell for the old new year

To improve your financial situation, go on the eve of the old new year (or on the eve of Epiphany) to the temple and give alms to at least three beggars. When serving, say to yourself the phrase:

"To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother."

The ceremony helps to attract money from the most unexpected sources.

Conspiracy for money under the old new year

The action of the conspiracy is calculated for the whole coming year. Its mission is to help you achieve life and financial well-being. The conspiracy is read on January 14, early in the morning.

To perform this money ritual, get up early in the morning, before all members of your family. Go to a spring or well, collect water in a small container (preferably in an unpainted metal one). Or you can go to church and take holy water there. Returning home, proceed to the ritual. right hand dip it into a vessel with water and begin to make the sign of the cross on the liquid, while pronouncing a conspiracy:

“I will rise, God's servant (my name), early in the morning, I will bless all the creatures of God, the whole earth and the sky, the whole air and water, all the stars, the sun and the early month. I will bless the New Year of the Lord and all the days to come. I will pray to God alone, I will ask the Lord: my God, the creator of all beings visible and invisible, the creator of time and everything that exists, bless the year that begins, the year that we consider from Your incarnation for the salvation of mankind. Allow, Lord, to spend this year with my family and me in harmony and peace, strengthen the one Holy Church on earth - the one that You Himself granted and sanctified to us. Give my family longevity and peace, health, the fruits of earthly abundance, clean air. Save your sinful servant (your name), save, protect from evil, show the way, like a True Shepherd. Grant, O God, prosperity and well-being to this house, and silver, daily bread and Your peace. Amen - 3 times ”.

The plot is repeated 12 times - according to the number of months in a year. If the performer is a male person, the phrase “servant of God” is changed to “servant of God”. After you finish reading the plot, take your hand out of the water and cross yourself. Sprinkle crosswise all the corners and walls in your house with charmed water. Drain the rest of the liquid at the threshold of your home.

"Fragrant" conspiracy for money

So named because the ritual is done with the involvement essential oils, the smell of which “attracts” finances. These oils include:

  • bergamot,
  • orange,
  • rosemary,
  • carnations.

Take any of the oils listed above and put a few drops of it on a tablespoon of honey or sugar. Wait until the oils are absorbed and dissolve the resulting mixture in a jug of water. Place a few yellow coins of small diameter in the vessel as well. Take a bath or shower, then slowly pour yourself water from a jug, while saying the plot:

“As sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows to me and sticks. As the Jordan River flows and there is enough water for everyone, so much good comes to me. Water - flow, and I - take care of good.

In addition to all the rituals listed above, it is useful for the old new year. light green and gold candles- they have the ability to attract money into the house.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

We recommend reading
