How to get a purple team unit in minecraft. How to give yourself a command block in the game "MiniKraft"

Garden technique 10.10.2019
Garden technique

The same teams as in the usual chat. What is the command block, how to get it and how to use? In this article we will tell you about him!

This is really a very useful block and it expands the possibility of creating cards in Minecraft

You can find a complete list of commands on, but not all of them work in Minecraft on Android, iOS and Windows 10 versions.

+ Command Blocks in MCPE:

  • Unlike the PC version, in PE, command blocks do not make long loads, i.e. FPS will be stable.
  • The command block interface is adapted for mobile devices.
- Command Blocks in MCPE:
  • Too small functionality.
How to get a command block?
In the game, it is impossible to get a command block by crafting, but it can be issued using the command / Give Steve Command_Blockwhere Steve. The player's nickname to whom the team will give this block. Instead of STEVE, you can also use @p, i.e. you give the block to yourself. Do not forget to enable cheats in the settings of the world.

How to enter the command to the command block?
To do this, open its interface. It is done very easily, just tap it. In field Enter team The comja herself fits, which will execute the command unit. Low below is a field in which you can see a mistake if you have entered something wrong.

Examples of teams:
  • give @P Apple 5 - gives the player five apples.
  • setblock ~ ~ + 1 ~ Wool - places in the coordinates of the player's coordinates.
  • tP Player 48 41 14 - Player player moves to point by coordinates x \u003d 48, y \u003d 41, z \u003d 14
Who do command blocks work with?
Thanks to the pointers, you can specify a player or creature on which the command will be performed:
  • @P - a player who activated the command.
  • @a - all players.
  • @R - a random player.
  • @e - all entities (including mobs).
Auxiliary pointers:
And how to make it so that we say moving all the players to some point, except for yourself? Yes, it is easy to use additional pointers for this, for example: tP @a 228 811 381 - teleports all players, except for a player with nickname Admin. exactly x \u003d 228, y \u003d 811, z \u003d 381. All parameters:
  • x - coordinate on the X axis. If you put instead of value ~
  • y-coordinate on the Y axis. If you put instead of value ~ The point will be the command block.
  • z - coordinate along the z axis. If you put instead of value ~ The point will be the command block.
  • r is the maximum search radius.
  • rm is the minimum search radius.
  • m - game mode.
  • l is the maximum level of experience.
  • lM is the minimum level of experience.
  • name - player's nickname.
  • c is an additional argument for @a, which limits the number of players to execute the command. For example, if you enter @a, the team will affect the first five players from the list, @a on the last five of the list.
  • type - as an example, the / kill @e team will kill all skeletons, and the / kill @e command will kill all the entities that are not a player.
Sample team:
  • give @p Gold_ingot 20 - gives the nearest player that is within the radius of 10 blocks of 20 gold bars.

Command Block Modes

Three command units mode are available: pulse, chain, and repetition - the block color varies depending on the mode.
  • Pulse mode (orange): activates the specified command
  • Chain mode (green): The command will work if the unit is attached to another command unit and connects to other command blocks.
  • Repetition mode (blue): The command repeats each TIK while the unit has power.

Impauls mode
These are the usual command blocks that are used to interact with chain blocks, but you can also execute commands and simply in these blocks.

Chain mode
I think that already out of the name, and so it is clear that this command block mode works according to the chain scheme.

Please note that the chain type is needed to work a command unit with a pulse, which will just send a signal, as well as a block of red stone, without which the command unit with a chain type will not work.

Team title And its parameters:
  • title Clear - Clears the messages from the player's screen.
  • title Reset - Clears the messages from the player's screen and resets the parameters.
  • title Title - title that shows text on the screen.
  • title Subtitle is a subtitle that is displayed when the title appears.
  • title ActionBar - Displays an inscription on the inventory.
  • title Times - appearance, delay and disappearing of text. By default, the following values \u200b\u200bare: 10 (0.5 s), 70 (3.5 s) and 20 (1 s).
Example of command execution:
  • title @a title ยง6 Incidently - header with orange color.
  • title @a ActionBar Hi! - Displays text above inventory.
  • title @a subtitle Chapter 1 - subtitle.

When creating any playable card, which will differ from randomly generated locations, construction, pixelart or plot scenarios, the server administrator can not do without using "embedded" functions. To implement them, you can use the command unit. This is a special device in which you can record the system team, starting from getting a resource player and ending with its teleportation to the specified location. But how to give yourself a command block?

A warning

There are only two ways to acquire this item. Both are that you will need to use system teams. This comes from what to do (scaffold) with infirred materials is impossible. That is why the question is: "How to give yourself a command block?" - always relevant. Whatever fashion you have set, no matter how experimented with the ingredients, you will not have anything. Anyone who claims that by downloading his mod, you can create command blocks - a fraudster who seeks to "throw a virus" to you. So how to give yourself a command block?


The first method of obtaining the command block is that you can create a map in "Creativity" mode. The command unit will be available to get among other items.

The second method is slightly harder. To do this, have to use how to give yourself a command block using the system? To do this, you will have to open the chat and write the following: / Give [Name: Command_Block [Number]. Also, this team will answer the question how to issue another player.

All syntax is written without brackets. Instead of the name of the character, you must specify the nickname of the right player, the number is the number of command blocks obtained. By the way, the main condition for the work of this command is the permission to use cheats. If this feature is disabled, you will not receive this item in anyone or in a multiplayer game.


So, let's say you figured out how to give yourself a team unit, and it lies with you in inventory. Now let's learn to use it.

In order to place a block on the ground surface, drag it to the shortcut panel. After that, highlight it and click on the right place. At this point, you will open the control interface, with which we will enter the function. It should take into account that one command unit can only perform one instruction.

However, it is not always necessary that the player can find a command block and use it. It is much more interesting that the user can click on the lever, and the mountain of gold or the necessary items appeared before him. In this case, you can use red stone schemes.


In order to use the command block, a little know how to get it or install it. The most important thing is to be able to correctly register the syntax instructions. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

  1. First, the command itself is written. Here, any feature that is activated using the console can be spelled.
  2. Then the "zone of application" is given. That is, the player to which the effect or coordinate appearance of the subject will be applied.
  3. And finally, additional arguments to clarify the characteristics of the object.

In general, the command will look like this.

/ [Team] [Nick Player or Coordinates] [Parameters]

To better be clear, let's give a few real examples. Let's start with how to issue items by the command block.

/ give @p iron_ingot 30

With this instruction, the command unit will give the nearest player within the radius of 10 blocks of iron bars - 30 pieces. Now let's see how to work with coordinates.

/ SPAWN 10 20 30 / Summon Enderdragon

Actually, from the syntax and so it is clear that the team calls on certain dragon coordinates. Finally, we note that the complete list of commands used by the command block can be seen by entering the chat / Help.

It is possible that this item is not particularly familiar to you, moreover, its use and activation in this game are generally riddles. But if you start playing over the network, you will be useful for you to know how to use the command block to minecraft, and why it is needed. However, everything is in order!

As you have already noticed, the Minecraft game makes it possible to interact with a multitude of different blocks. They differ from each other by functions, appearance and placement in space. Having gathered all their together, each hero seems to open for himself a new world!

There are so many different blocks that can be worn as an inventory and then place in the game again. Of these, after processing process, various materials can be obtained, which can also be subsequently subject to change.

Actually, the whole essence in minecraft is based on blocks. Among them are one that is absolutely not like that everything is a command unit. Its most likely can be attributed to the so-called console teams that are of great importance in the game. Let's figure it out why.

Teams in Minecraft

It is difficult to guess about the presence of the console, if you constantly play only in solitary mode. And all because it matters only in multiplayer mode. Thanks to her, the game functionality is significantly expanding. Server admin controls the gameplay using the console in which it prescribes commands. The command block in the game does, too, only a little differently. To be clearer, let's understand the principle of using commands.

If the administrator wants to make changes to the game, then he only needs to call the console and enter into it the appropriate command. It can make changes at any stage of the gameplay, ranging from minor adjustments (introducing additional mobs to the game) and ending with impressive changes (changing the game mode).

Thus, the admin with the help of teams has the opportunity to make the game as he represents it. It is equated in the Minecraft game to the creator with unlimited possibilities. But if the administrator has the ability to activate the commands, only by entering them into the console, then something else need something?

Lovers of the game (not everything, of course, but most of them) do not even think about the fact that there is a command block. But even when they are aware of what it is, then how to use them, have no idea. Although there is nothing complicated. With this block, some commands are automated and accurate conditions and events are created.

In other words, as soon as Admin contains a command block on the map, and will write specific commands for it, and the player will activate, a new event will come in the game space. You can register a lot in the block of the block, for example, what effects will be or to whom they will act. As you can see, in order to make the game more diverse, it is enough just to use the command blocks in Minecraft.

Who has access to the command block?

The command unit in the version of minecraft 1.5.2, and, of course, in those reliefs that came out later, is not only a powerful, but also very functional object. And they will not argue here. This is the reason for the simple player it is unavailable. They can only enjoy server admins. It is impossible to create or get by knocking out from mobs during the game.

There are, of course, one option for ordinary players, but taking advantage of them, be prepared for what you can ban on the same moment. We are talking about cheat codes. But even if the ban will overlook you, it does not mean that you can have access to the server. And all because the use of the command block you will not be able to remain unnoticed.

That is, you have one option - to play according to the rules. But still, there is another way: create your own server yourself and then control in the game will be entirely and completely only at your disposal.

How to use the command block in Minecraft?

The command unit is very easy to use. First you need to register the command: The right key, the administrator calls the window with the field. In this field, it indicates all that it is necessary: \u200b\u200bconditions, teams and so on. For example, messages in the form of text addressed to players. The next thing to do the admin is to put the block into the game. And there it will be found players.

Be sure to be installed in each such block, a red stone must be installed. He, if you activate it, give a signal to the command block. In order for this command to be constant or periodic with the same intervals, you just need to specify the conditions in a certain way.

That is, knowing how to use the command unit in Minecraft, you can specify specific conditions for the command you need. And since these commands can be any please, players on your server will be interested in playing depending on the conditions created here.

How to activate the command block in minecraft?

In Minecraft, the red stone has its own special purpose: it leads to the work command block. You ask: how to activate it? Everything is very simple! To create your own server, you need to fully configure everything separately. You are waiting for a lot of work. In order to resolve the question of whether you will or will not have a command bloc, you need to go to the server, or rather - in its properties. There you will see the next entry:


If you specify TRUE, then you activate the block, and if you select FALSE, turn it off.


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Today we will tell you what is the command block in minecraft, how to get it, why is it needed and how, where and for which it can be used.

What are command blocks?

In the game Minecraft, the command unit (CB) can automatically perform certain console commands until the red stone is activated.

They work in adventure mode, and allow maps creators to improve interaction with the player. At the same time, the player is not able to destroy the blocks and build new ones.

In the "Survival" mode with command units you can not interact or destroy them.

They cannot be created using crafting, and they are not found in the inventory playing in creative mode. Creative mode players and server administrators can use the Give Console command to get KB or make it available for other players. It looks like this:

/ Give Minecraft: Command_Block

When typing, remove the brackets on the edges of the player name and quantity:

/ Give AtomBox Minecraft: Command_Block 1

KB has a graphical interface with a text field, affordable on the right click of the mouse.

Place command units, enter commands and save changes only players in creative mode and players with the administrator status on the server.

To use them in a single game or multiplayer worlds, you must enable LAN mode and allow cheats.

Where command blocks are used

Have you ever played adventure maps, where is always the night, or where the weather never changes? You could download the cards where players receive special awards, improvements or experience by pressing the button or for completing the task. All this becomes possible thanks to the KB. When creating your Minecraft card, you need command blocks if:

  • You want a permanent day or night;
  • You want to change the weather;
  • You want to change the complexity of the game;
  • You want to reproduce a specific sound;
  • You want to send a message to the player;
  • You want to teleport to another location;
  • You want to give to players subjects.

YouTube has many videos describing a variety of Minecraft cards. Multiplayer cards are especially popular. There are many categories available for downloading Minecraft maps that use command blocks to improve the player's convenience. There are a lot of reasons for their use by card developers. They include maps of the following categories:

  • Adventure cards;
  • Parkur cards;
  • Puzzle cards;
  • Cards for survival;

Adventure cards sharpened on the plot, and Gamer acts as the main character of the narrative. Previously, adventure cards relied on the story story through signs and books, and now the narrative is available through dialogues and sounds, and all thanks to the KB.

Parkur cards Forced the player to get from one end of the world to another with a minimum number of deaths. Often they contain incredible jumps and other deadly obstacles. Command blocks make it possible to install spanea points (appearance) of the character in front of complex obstacles.

Puzzle cards They focus on the skills of solving problems, offering labyrinths, traps and other difficulties. Some such maps have a plot, like adventure. The use of KB allows such maps easier to offer directions related to the plot dialogues and sounds.

Cards for survival Can be focused on survival in a single game or in a multiplayer, or simply include the plot. KB can give players a starting point of spauna, as well as the information associated with the plot. Features here are endless.

How to use a command block

Their installation is easier than the most players think in Minecraft. Commands can be confusing, but some of them (such as setting the day) are very simple for programming. Large projects can be planned later, and for beginnings, try to master the basics of placement, settings and use of the KB.

Do not forget that command blocks can only appear in creative game mode. To go to it, you need appropriate privileges on the server (if available) or activated cheats.

In the chat field, type "/ Gamemode C", "/ Gamemode Creative" or "/ GameMode 1" without quotes.

2. Pressing the command block right mouse button

In creative mode, to access the command block, click on it with right mouse button. To generate it, you need to use the "Give" command, as described above in the text:

/ Give Minecraft: Command_Block

Command blocks work, only being connected to the electrical chain of a red stone (by the way, there is a good mod that allows you to increase the distance of energy transmission). Pressing the right mouse button opens a dialog box where you can enter the server command. The maximum command length can be 254 characters.

3. Enter the command and click Finish

When you enter the command to the block, you need to specify, on which player it is directed. This can be made by entering a player name or a choice of three different variables: "@p" (nearest player), @R (random player) or @a (all players). These variables are especially useful in situations when the player activating the team is unknown. By setting the command, click Finish to save it.

Remember that one KB can only execute one command!

Practical examples of use

The following examples are simple and practical command bloc applications in a single and multiplayer game in Minecraft worlds.

How to change the rules of the game

Gaming rules are a relatively new feature that allows players and command blocs to change certain basic settings of the Minecraft world. There are nine described gaming rules that can be controlled using the command block on the map.

You can use game rules for creating permanent daylight or darkness, disconnect the spun mobs, loss of items from mobs and much more. When entering the "Gamerule" command, use the following command:

Gaming Rule Effect of rule
commandBlockoutput. Includes / Disables Text Entering to KB
dodaylightCycle Turns on / off day / night cycle
dofireTrick. Includes / Turns off the distribution / disappearance of fire
domobloot. Includes / disables the loss of objects from mobs
domobspawning Includes / Disables Spauning Mobs
dotiledrops. Includes / disables the loss of objects from the KB when they are destroyed
keepinventory. Includes / Disables the saving of items in the inventory after the death of the player
mobgriefing. Includes / Turns off the destruction of KB cripers or wanderer edge
naturalRegeneration. Includes / Disables Health Regeneration from Players

How to set the weather

Some cards use a dark topic, which is perfectly combined with rainy weather or thunder, whereas to play better with a clear sky. There are many options to manage the weather using the command blocks. Simple example of weather team:

In this case, the word input can be replaced with "Clear" (Clear), Rain (rain) or Thunder (Thunder).

You can connect the button or lever to the command block to switch the weather manually, or create an automatic red stone schema for permanent weather switching. It is easily achieved by using repeaters, buttons and construction block.

How to install a spa point

Spound points are an important component of many Minecraft cards, including adventure, parkur cards, puzzles and others. The need every time with the death of moving the map from the very beginning extremely annoying. Using the SpawnPoint command, you can save game progress and reborn after the death of the nearest checkpoint passed. The team looks like this:

By connecting the command unit to the construction button or pressure plate, players can set the spa point at the location of the KB.

If you need something more complicated, you can add the coordinate command to set the place of the spoun point.

Run from one place to another tires, especially on a multiplayer server. With the use of the Teleport command, players can move on certain coordinates of the world of Minecraft or in the location of other players. Enter the command to the command unit:

With them you can have a specific set of coordinates for the teleportation of the player, such as the location of the next part of the adventure card.

If the block is not intended for a particular player, you can use @p to select the nearest player.

If you are on a multiplayer server, you can bind the command block to yourself by applying your username in Minecraft.

These are just a few options how to use command blocks in single-user and multiplayer Minecraft games. There are many significantly more complex teams and diagrams from red stone that apply maps creators.

The command unit appeared in the popular Minecraft game only with 1.4 versions, which opens the latest functions for the participants of the game. From this version, gamers learned about such a concept as a command unit, as well as his connections with the console team. It is impossible to create it yourself.

The command block is a special item, you can enter and record various ciphers. After that, it begins to perform the intended command when the Redstone signal receives. Such a universal thing significantly expands the powers and capabilities of maps creators in which adventure mode is present. In such places you can darn the terrain. It can be opened in minecraft using the right key mouse. As a result, you will see a window in which certain characters are prescribed.

How to make it

Most players will be forced to upset, because it is impossible to make an independent thing. The reason for such a restriction is due to the fact that it opens incredible opportunities, namely, what thanks to him you can manage the card, communicate in the chat with all players at once. Therefore, it is impossible to do it yourself, but there is a unique chance - to get.

Acquisition options:

  1. If you are the creator of the server, you can easily use it.
  2. You can also get at the administrator of a specific server, namely asking for rights. To make a similar action, use the following feature - Give Player Command_Block. Specify the name of your character.
  3. You can make a command unit in minecraft using a special cheat code. But it will be necessary to play only on a specific server that supports the use of such codes. The final stage is activation that is carried out thanks to the action of a red stone.


If you have a desire to get the entire list of commands that can be used, then use the chat and enter the word HELP. For example, to get ten iron bars, you must register the following form - Give @P Iron_ingot 10. Other - will allow teleport to the desired point with the specified coordinates, namely TP Player 42 21 60.

Pointers on players in minecraft.

  • @e - absolutely all entities in the game;
  • @a - all members of minecraft;
  • r is the maximum search radius rate;
  • rm is the minimum radius;
  • m is a game mode.

As you can see, it is quite practical, interesting and convenient to use a program that allows you to increase your powers, adrenaline and enjoyment in the game to the maximum. It is important, it is impossible to build it or scream independently, so you need to use a special team, then you will succeed. Successful game and new victories.

When creating any playable card, which will differ from randomly generated locations, construction, pixelart or plot scenarios, the server administrator can not do without using "embedded" functions. To implement them, you can use the command unit. This is a special device in which you can record the system team, starting from getting a resource player and ending with its teleportation to the specified location. But how to give yourself a command block?

A warning

There are only two ways to acquire this item. Both are that you will need to use system teams. This comes from what to do (scaffold) with infirred materials is impossible. That is why the question is: "How to give yourself a command block?" - always relevant. Whatever fashion you have set, no matter how experimented with the ingredients, you will not have anything. Anyone who claims that by downloading his mod, you can create command blocks - a fraudster who seeks to "throw a virus" to you. So how to give yourself a command block?


The first method of obtaining the command block is that you can create a map in "Creativity" mode. The command unit will be available to get among other items.

The second method is slightly harder. To do this, have to use how to give yourself a command block using the system? To do this, you will have to open the chat and write the following: / Give [Name: Command_Block [Number]. Also, this team will answer the question how to issue another player.

All syntax is written without brackets. Instead of the name of the character, you must specify the nickname of the right player, the number is the number of command blocks obtained. By the way, the main condition for the work of this command is the permission to use cheats. If this feature is disabled, you will not receive this item in anyone or in a multiplayer game.


So, let's say you figured out how to give yourself a team unit, and it lies with you in inventory. Now let's learn to use it.

In order to place a block on the ground surface, drag it to the shortcut panel. After that, highlight it and click on the right place. At this point, you will open the control interface, with which we will enter the function. It should take into account that one command unit can only perform one instruction.

However, it is not always necessary that the player can find a command block and use it. It is much more interesting that the user can click on the lever, and the mountain of gold or the necessary items appeared before him. In this case, you can use red stone schemes.


In order to use the command block, a little know how to get it or install it. The most important thing is to be able to correctly register the syntax instructions. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

  1. First, the command itself is written. Here, any feature that is activated using the console can be spelled.
  2. Then the "zone of application" is given. That is, the player to which the effect or coordinate appearance of the subject will be applied.
  3. And finally, additional arguments to clarify the characteristics of the object.

In general, the command will look like this.

/ [Team] [Nick Player or Coordinates] [Parameters]

To better be clear, let's give a few real examples. Let's start with how to issue items by the command block.

/ give @p iron_ingot 30

With this instruction, the command unit will give the nearest player within the radius of 10 blocks of iron bars - 30 pieces. Now let's see how to work with coordinates.

/ SPAWN 10 20 30 / Summon Enderdragon

Actually, from the syntax and so it is clear that the team calls on certain dragon coordinates. Finally, we note that the complete list of commands used by the command block can be seen by entering the chat / Help.

Command block - not a transparent unit that cannot be screaming. This unit is required to activate a wide variety of commands that are prescribed in the command console.

How to get a command block in minecraft?

To get it, in the chat it is necessary to register the following command without brackets: / Give [Your_nik] Command_Block [Desired Number of Blocks]. For example, / Give Razmik Command_Block 1. After pressing the ENTER button, the command unit will appear in your inventory.

How to activate the command block in minecraft?

Cut the activation of the code you can in the command block is possible due to the lever, Redstone, Redstone Torch, or through the button.

We will analyze the most simplest commands that can be used in the command block.

  • Changing the time of day. For example, you want to come night. To do this, set the block by clicking on it the LKM and we register in the console the following command: / Time Set Night.
  • Teleportation. For example, you need to teleport in some point on the map. To do this, go to the selected point, press F3 and remember the X, Y, Z coordinates. Then we go to the command block and prescribe the following command: / TP @P 252 56 -175. Figures 252 56 -175 These are x, y, z coordinate values.

The teams have a huge amount, above are the simplest of them.

Account Distributions / Keys / Bases / Freebie

Perform any actions appointed by the participants of the game are carried out by command blocks. It is not possible to create a similar team playing in Survival mode. It will not work and call them as tools while using the Creative game mode. To functionally get such blocks, you need to apply a pair of sufficiently simple commands, which, in fact, will allow them to call them. Consider a few simple methods.

Get a command unit in Minecraft: Method 1

Run Minecraft and select Single Mode. Perform the creation of a world in which cheats are included.

Open the chat window and press the "/" key. This symbol will open the window in which commands can be entered.

Enter the assignment you need by selecting from the following lines:

  • "/ Give" name Minecraft: Command_Block and the desired number - after its introduction to the console, the encountered items will appear among tools;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - this line turns one of the blocks into another, making it command, and to find it, you need to press F3 and select one of the found;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Entering this sequence, the game participant will call the blocks where he needs.

Get a command unit in Minecraft: Method 2

Run the game, select Single Mode. Log in to the world's existing, it may be the server. Enter the chat required to task commands by clicking on "/".

Enter one of the options proposed:

  • "/ Give name Minecraft: Command_block The desired number" - this line allows you to call the desired number of items and add them to the existing inventory;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - if you enter such a text, you can replace any available command to the command, and to determine the place in which it is located, you need to press the F3 key;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Blocks will appear on a given plot.

Get a command block in Minecraft: Method 3

  • The "E" key drag the unit and place on the panel. Press the right mouse button and place the item on the ground.
  • Click on it again the same mouse button. After that, a menu will open in which you can configure actions.
  • In this window you need to enter the "/" symbol. The options of these blocks resemble those used in the chat. They are sometimes associated with an electric board. This allows commands automatically.
  • Press the "/" key, the console window will appear in which you write the word "HELP". After it, dial the name of that object to which the command sequence is prescribed.

Perform any actions appointed by the participants of the game are carried out by command blocks. It is not possible to create a similar team playing in Survival mode. It will not work and call them as tools while using the Creative game mode. To functionally get such blocks, you need to apply a pair of sufficiently simple commands, which, in fact, will allow them to call them. Consider a few simple methods.

Get a command unit in Minecraft: Method 1

Run Minecraft and select Single Mode. Perform the creation of a world in which cheats are included.

Open the chat window and press the "/" key. This symbol will open the window in which commands can be entered.

Enter the assignment you need by selecting from the following lines:

  • "/ Give" name Minecraft: Command_Block and the desired number - after its introduction to the console, the encountered items will appear among tools;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - this line turns one of the blocks into another, making it command, and to find it, you need to press F3 and select one of the found;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Entering this sequence, the game participant will call the blocks where he needs.

Get a command unit in Minecraft: Method 2

Run the game, select Single Mode. Log in to the world's existing, it may be the server. Enter the chat required to task commands by clicking on "/".

Enter one of the options proposed:

  • "/ Give name Minecraft: Command_block The desired number" - this line allows you to call the desired number of items and add them to the existing inventory;
  • "/ Setblock x y z minecraft: command_block" - if you enter such a text, you can replace any available command to the command, and to determine the place in which it is located, you need to press the F3 key;
  • "/ Summon Item X Y Z (Item: (ID: Minecraft: Command_Block, Count: 1))" - Blocks will appear on a given plot.

Get a command block in Minecraft: Method 3

  • The "E" key drag the unit and place on the panel. Press the right mouse button and place the item on the ground.
  • Click on it again the same mouse button. After that, a menu will open in which you can configure actions.
  • In this window you need to enter the "/" symbol. The options of these blocks resemble those used in the chat. They are sometimes associated with an electric board. This allows commands automatically.
  • Press the "/" key, the console window will appear in which you write the word "HELP". After it, dial the name of that object to which the command sequence is prescribed.

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