I can't explain my thoughts. There is one rather amusing and interesting exercise for developing your literary abilities.

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Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean at all that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that a person who knows how to speak beautifully can be listened to for hours! However, it should be noted that there are many various nuances, which are important to take into account when developing the skill of rich colloquial speech.

It is important to breathe properly when speaking Surely, listening to the smooth speech of the announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if the technique of speech is developed. However, first of all, for this you should learn how to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Pay attention to the fact that speech breathing is different from ordinary breathing. This is a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, shoulders and upper divisions chest remain practically motionless. You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between the abdomen and chest - on the area of ​​​​the diaphragm. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly, the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by a contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and chest. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten). When the speech process occurs, the value of the exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, it is worth taking a quick and deep breath, which is carried out both through the nose and through the mouth. Meanwhile, only the mouth is involved during speech exhalation. Proper speech breathing can be called the basis of a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, then this will lead to instability of the voice. Speak confidently, clearly and distinctly When speaking, try to avoid mumbling - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books aloud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but keep talking with expression. Gradually, you will develop the skill of this manner of speaking and in Everyday life.You need to constantly train gestures and facial expressions Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or a mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and "off the mark". Sometimes, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and an excessive display of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may just look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Nowadays, many people are concerned about the question of how to learn how to express their thoughts correctly. Because simple communication business meeting, with colleagues, with loved ones require certain skills. And everyone can learn them.

With business partners, you can talk in a frivolous manner, but with relatives during dinner, you should not communicate in a presentable tone. Maybe each of you noticed that people who communicate at work, study official receptions, are often not sincere in communication. A man who courts a woman, a woman who coquettishly communicates with a man, do not suspect that they are using complex psychological techniques.

Communication brings people a new impulse, joy, pleasure, they allow you to cope with boredom, with the routine of everyday life, and in professional activity can take it to the next level. Communication is the process of establishing and developing relationships between individuals, the ability to understand each other, the exchange of information, and so on.

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What is the right way to express your thoughts?

The ability of a person to express his thoughts is the ability to communicate. Agree that it is difficult to communicate with a person who is not able to say what he wants. For example, if you are talking to a person while intoxicated. He has many philosophical thoughts, but he fails to put them into words.

Naturally, this is an extreme case, but in life, every sane person has a minimum vocabulary.

You could meet a person who lacked words to explain his emotions, his own impression. He could not label the images and thoughts in his head. Some words can often be heard in conversation, such as "uh" and others. Maybe it happened to you too? Then you have a little problem with the expression of thoughts. It is small because it is surmountable. Next, we will tell you about the exercises that can develop this ability.

How to learn to communicate: exercises

Read more

In order to be able to express thoughts smoothly and consistently, it is necessary to have a large vocabulary. In order for it to be so, you need to increase your own degree of erudition, read books, magazines, newspapers, literature, and so on. You will have words that have a similar meaning, and you can learn the meaning of new words from dictionaries.

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Communicate more

Discussing various topics with people or just talking to people can help you learn more. If you have a large vocabulary of words, this does not mean that you will be able to use them correctly. If you have come across this, now we will give you some tips.

  1. Take any word and define it in the form of a coherent complete sentence, as if asking yourself: “What is ... a smile?”, “What does it mean ... to breathe?”
  2. Think of 3-4 words for yourself and use them to make a sentence, and the more you make them, the better. It is also useful to conduct such training with a small child.

Difficulties in communicating with people

When a person communicates in incomprehensible words

It is impossible not to recall the difficulties that arise in communication if a person speaks phrases or words that are incomprehensible to other people. It can be scientific terminology, a set of slang phrases, obscene language. It has to do with culture and education. In this case, you should feel the interlocutor, ask if he understands these words or explain them to him.

Communication approach

It's pretty important point, because the ability to choose words for the audience that listens to you is worth a lot. This is a manner of communication, a style. It is necessary to use words that will be appropriate and understandable to this circle of listeners. in different social groups, you need to use different words, for example, in a circle of friends one, and at a meeting others.

To find out if the words are appropriate or not, just put yourself in the place of the person you are addressing, and evaluate yourself from the outside. For specific situations, it is better to use specific phrases and expressions.

If you say loudly “Respect and respect” at the interview, then you can immediately be put out the door. Communication is expressed by the degree of his interest and attitude towards the interlocutor.

Required rate of speech

It depends on the situation, for example, for a heated debate, you can use a fast pace, and in another situation, a slow one will do. But it is important that the pronunciation is measured and even. Even if there is a desire to convey some news or there is a surge of emotions, you need to try to get thoughts into a coherent speech in your head first, and only then turn them into words.

There is an exercise that will help express thoughts at the same pace. When you walk, just say something, either to yourself or out loud, and for each subsequent step, say the same number of words, about two words per step.

Sense of humor

Any communication cannot do without this component. Humor can defuse tense situations. Even during a meeting, a joke will be quite appropriate, just inserted at the right time.

Video lessons

The ability to competently, clearly and distinctly express one's thoughts is a very important quality for any person. Many people spoil the initial impression of themselves by simply starting to speak illiterately, tongue-tied or uncertain. Perhaps you also have some shortcomings in oratory? Even if you don’t need oratory in your work, and you don’t plan to work as a television news announcer, wedding presenter or tour guide in the near future, it’s still beautiful speech and correct pronunciation - it is an integral part of a successful personality! By listening to the way you speak, many people form an impression of you, and it is up to you to make sure that it is positive. In addition, a person who knows how to speak beautifully and competently more often bypasses the opponent in a dispute, giving relevant arguments in time at a time when the interlocutor is only trying to convey his thought.

Step-by-step instruction

Building correct sentences

If so far you can’t immediately build each of your sentences correctly, then regular practice and training will help you. It will be helpful if you start The Diary. Every evening, describe in it the events of the past day and your attitude towards them. Re-read what you have written. You will immediately understand which phrases and words are knocked out of the general text and do not harmonize with it. In addition, it will be very useful to listen to audio books, at any convenient opportunity - when you eat in the car, do household chores, put on makeup and the like.

Reading books will help increase vocabulary

Probably, nothing is able to increase vocabulary as much as reading literature. We are talking not only about the classics, but also about contemporary authors. A person who reads a lot gradually not only increases his intellectual level and comprehends new knowledge, but also learns to express his thoughts beautifully. Choice good books very large, and you can easily find what you like. If you want to spend your time usefully and are interested in science, then pay attention to such an author as F. Stephen and his work “The Book of General Fallacies”.

Perhaps you want to immerse yourself in some exciting plot - read Bulgakov's Master and Margarita or Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Fans of foreign detective stories may be interested in works about Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, or Agatha Christie and her unsurpassed Ecrucle Poirot. Perhaps, you feel the need for philosophical literature? You may like "Nausea" by Jean Paul Sartre or " The little Prince» Antoine Exupery. Poetry lovers should pay attention to the work of Brodsky, Akhmatova, Nekrasov and many other talented poets.

Practice gestures and facial expressions

This is a very significant point in oratory. It's one thing to talk on the phone or write messages, and it's another thing to speak in front of an audience that can see you. Even correct speech and a rich vocabulary can cause rejection among listeners if you do not own your gestures and facial expressions. To get started, try recording your speech, with which you intend to appear in front of other people, on video. Watch the recording, and pay attention to the expression on your face and where you put your hands when talking. You will see how you look from the outside. Rehearse speeches in front of a mirror more often, observing yourself. If you want to look harmonious when speaking in public, watch videos regularly public speaking famous people which you like. Take note of all the nuances - facial expression, hand position, posture, look, intonation.

Diction and pronunciation - read tongue twisters

Perhaps the tongue twister is one of the most effective ways improve your diction and work on correct pronunciation. Correct articulation is also of no small importance. You can often meet people who read a lot of books, have an excellent vocabulary, clearly and beautifully express their thoughts by correspondence, but at the same time they are not the best interlocutors due to fuzzy diction. To avoid this, try not only to pronounce tongue twisters more often, but also to read books aloud with expression. Read an excerpt from any work, making a recording on a voice recorder. Listen to your speech. Do you feel like you can speak more clearly and beautifully? Read the passage again, and study the recording again - do this until you are satisfied with your pronunciation. For the sake of achieving a positive result, it is worth reading aloud for at least half an hour a day. Some speakers prefer to underestimate the benefits of breathing exercises and correct posture. Meanwhile, without these two points it is simply impossible to pronounce long speech with expression and correct clear diction.

If you think that the ability to clearly, competently and clearly express your thoughts is necessary only for work and success in business, then you are greatly mistaken! Clearly instructing the husband what to buy, instructing the son to take out the garbage, borrow money from a neighbor, clearly answer in a lesson at school - these are all examples of the fact that a person knows how to convey his thoughts to others. This needs to be taught from an early age.

Reasons why a person cannot clearly formulate his thought

  1. Lack of good command of the topic of conversation.

    In order not to “swim in the subject”, study the subject in detail, ask additional questions, consult with experts or colleagues. Don't be afraid to appear ignorant. Especially if you are into something new. After all, if you hesitate to clarify important details in advance, the work will not be done qualitatively from and to.

    Start learning logic. This will help your thoughts to gain some "harmony". You will acquire the skill to present theses consistently and coherently, and conclusions - briefly and deeply. You will convey thoughts clearly and concisely, without abundance small parts that can "drown" the meaning of your messages.

  2. You are hindered by fear.

    Thousands of students and schoolchildren are preparing for exams seriously, and at the last moment they become tongue-tied and cannot connect two words. Develop public speaking skills in front of family and friends. After all, next to them you are always less lost than with an unfamiliar audience.

    Gradually expand the circle of people by practicing speech with strangers, including store clerks or random fellow travelers. Smoothly switch to colleagues and superiors. It's good for your career and good for the wallet.

  3. Insufficiently developed control of their speech.

    Poor diction can disorient the interlocutor, even if you are deep in your subject, unable to be embarrassed and lost. YouTube is full of exercises for developing diction. Use materials that are freely available if paid training is not affordable for you.

    Here is an example of one of them:

What exercises will help develop eloquence:

Read fiction, preferably classic. Russian, foreign - it doesn't matter. On the masterpieces of world literature, you will learn to appreciate the beauty of the language and thoughts of the author. Your vocabulary will be enriched and speech will become more beautiful

Practice quotes from books with your friends, try talking to them in the language of a hero from your favorite book. The highly intelligent phrases of musketeers and kings in the novels of Dumas père will help you gain a reputation cultured person. It is clear that in modern life these are not the most common expressions. But they'll give you a level common culture and the gloss of an intellectual.

Now it has become fashionable to have a personal blog or diary online. Refill it every day well-aimed quotes and my own reasoning. An online diary is even more useful - your thoughts are read and discussed by others. Therefore, this will motivate you to hone your style of presentation.

Communicate! As much as possible. Everywhere. With neighbors, vendors, teachers, colleagues. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Overcome your shyness, learn to defend yourself in a dispute. It is very useful.

All these simple tricks will help you become eloquent and captivate your interlocutor with your conversation.

Eloquence and expressing thoughts "on the case" makes people think about your rightness, thereby bringing you closer to public recognition.

Anyone can learn to express their thoughts correctly. To do this, you need to monitor the ornateness of the syllable, literacy, and even the intonation of your statements.

We build sentences correctly

The first brick in the foundation of the building called “how to learn to speak beautifully” is a clear and grammatically correct construction of sentences. After mastering this wisdom, the newly minted speaker will be able to produce stylistically correct sentences, while not thinking about how this is done.

Most likely, at the beginning of training, it will be a little difficult to generate semantically correct constructions on the fly. Therefore, before delivering a scheduled report, it is better to write down the basic maxims on paper - this way it will be easier for you to generate your speech.
As you prepare your speech, consider:

  • interesting thoughts,
  • expressions and word forms that come to mind.

Review the information received, it will facilitate your further work.

So, one of the working methods of developing the skill of beautiful oral speech is keeping a diary. It records the events that happened to a person during the day. On the one hand, this method helps to organize thoughts, on the other hand, it teaches how to express them beautifully and, as a result, helps to learn how to speak beautifully.

Thesaurus Improvement

Communicate more with different people

In the event that learning to speak beautifully is your goal, you need to realize once and for all that the wider your vocabulary, the more ornate and interesting your speech will be. In order for your thesaurus to be constantly updated, it is recommended to read more books and, drawing unfamiliar words from them, study and memorize their meaning. The same can be done when communicating with people.

The more words you know, the more diverse your social circle will become, because you will be able to maintain a conversation with representatives of different professions and social strata. That's right, thanks to the practice of communication and reading, you will significantly expand your vocabulary and make the speech more ornate.

To replenish vocabulary, experts recommend reading complex books with an abundance of unfamiliar words. Thus, you can achieve amazing results in a fairly short time.

Reading classical works is the key to competent and beautiful speech

Read books

Everyone has long known that classical literary works help people learn how to speak beautifully - it’s not for nothing that the whole world admires them. Remember that not every reading is useful for the formation of competent speech. So, reading the tabloid press or mediocre women's novels, you will never master the Virgil style. And vice versa, when reading classical literature - Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - a person puts precious speech turns into a piggy bank, which will certainly come in handy when conducting a conversation or reciting a speech.

Remember that writers and poets are called upon not only to entertain people and give them a sense of beauty. It is they who can make a world-class orator out of a tongue-tied person. Remember that well-delivered speech directly depends on reading.

However, you should not focus solely on the classics - today, there are great amount modern writers who introduce their own, unique and unlike anything style into the written word. Milorad Pavic, Boris Vian, Richard Brautigan - their work is permeated with a fairy tale, their style can literally be felt. By reading high-quality literature, you will notice that, over time, your speech will become more interesting, saturated with synonyms and metaphors. Now people will reach out to you with a request to teach them how to speak beautifully.

Technique of conducting public disputes

To learn how to speak beautifully, you should determine for yourself a few points. First, why do you need a beautiful, staged conversation? Do you just want to match up with your friends by talking to them as equals, or is your goal to become a professional public speaker who can turn the crowd on?

Different goals require different means. So, chatting with a few friends will never compare with public speaking to huge audiences. Even as a person with a perfectly delivered speech, before going to a meeting with large quantity people, be it a rally or a concert, you need to think through every phrase to the smallest detail and write down the result, in case you succumb to excitement or forget what you wanted to say.

Of course, it is necessary to plan performances of this kind in advance. In addition, after creating the perfect sketch, you should periodically re-read it - you may want to add or change something. Among other things, while proofreading your speech, you will probably find a few mistakes in it that are worth correcting.

The role of gestures and facial expressions in the construction of a monologue

Having understood how beautiful it is to communicate, you will certainly notice that even the most beautiful speech will be dry and uninteresting without the use of facial expressions and gestures. So, to be sure that your speaking skills are really good, you should practice near the mirror and understand what your skills are. strengths and what are you doing wrong.

At first, your gestures will look a little funny, but as you practice, you will understand what should be removed from the process, and what points look bright, they are better left. You should not assume that the implausible, forced smile that will become your companion throughout the monologue will be the ideal solution. Remember that people feel fake, and the more natural you look, the better you will be perceived. Practicing in front of the mirror long enough, you will certainly achieve tangible results.

As in any business, motivation is important in oratory. Be persistent, remember that you will never master the technique of competent presentation of thoughts.

The beauty of speech is in its confidence

Some people cannot express their thoughts clearly and clearly, not because of a lack of knowledge or an insufficient vocabulary base, sometimes the reason lies in banal shyness. If you notice that this problem concerns you, it is worth, first of all, to cross the inner barrier and stop being afraid of people. If you have already learned how to express your thoughts in the family circle or your mirror image, this does not mean that you do not hesitate in front of a lot of people. Practice self-control and, in time, you will be able to.

Highlight the main points

Of course, the variety of details in your monologue is a positive thing, however, sometimes your interlocutor can simply lose the thread. Remember too long literary works - have you ever wanted to put the book on the far shelf just because the climax will never come? This is also the case in the construction of a monologue.

Remember that even the most interesting information presented boringly loses all meaning and deprives the interlocutor of interest. When creating a speech, be guided by the main rule - stipulate the most important and interesting postulates, while omitting minor details that the interlocutor, if desired, will ask himself.

  • all in all,
  • as if,
  • exactly this,
  • type,
  • shorter.

A voice recorder will help you get rid of them, on which you can record part of your monologue and, after listening to it, highlight your own inserted words that haunt you.

It doesn't matter what you record, our goal is to identify extra words in the process itself. Many people, having started recording themselves on a dictaphone, are simply amazed at the amount of unnecessary garbage flying out of their mouths.

Remember - a person who expresses his thoughts beautifully and correctly always stands out from the masses, they begin to imitate him, he literally becomes an ideal in terms of communication.

Do not forget that grandiloquent communication is a wonderful process, but it is far from always appropriate. It is worth delimiting circles of communication, understanding where you are at a particular moment in time and with whom you are having a dialogue. Sometimes, in order to achieve understanding, it is worth starting to communicate with people in the language that they understand to a greater extent.

Also, remember two necessary moment, which should be present when conducting a discussion or a simple friendly conversation. It's about self-control and maintaining self-control.

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