Quotes on business. Tag Archives: business success quotes

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Most beginners and even experienced entrepreneurs often face a lack of motivation. There are moments when nothing works out the way you planned, and it seems that you are in vain marking time in one place. In such situations, more than ever, we need the advice and support of a wise mentor - but even the smallest thing - the saying of a person who has achieved recognition and success - can restore the desire to move forward. Therefore, we bring you a selection of 12 motivational quotes from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved tremendous success in their industries despite hostile circumstances.

“Think differently. New ideas don't come from sitting still. Talk to people, observe the world, get out of the office cage, ask questions and try.
Steve Jobs, American engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Apple

« The biggest risk is not taking risks».

— Mark Zuckerberg, American programmer and entrepreneur, founder of Facebook
"If you want to be on the path to innovation, then you have to be able to make intuitive judgments."
— Fred Smith, American entrepreneur, founder and CEO of FedEx
“Customers discover who we are as they interact with us. A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn a reputation by being good at challenging tasks. People notice this over time. I don't think there's a shortcut anywhere."
— Jeff Bezos, American entrepreneur, CEO and founder of Amazon.com

"There's only one way to do great work, and that's to love her."
- Steve Jobs
« There is nothing more criminal financial well-being than to invent great idea and not bother to implement it ».
— Donald Trump, American businessman, president of Trump Org
“Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won’t have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.”
— Warren Buffett, American entrepreneur, President of Berkshire Hathaway

“The more you try and fail, the more likely you are to stumble upon something worthwhile.”
— Sergey Brin and Larry Page, American entrepreneurs, founders of Google
"No one is defeated until he admits he is defeated."
— Napoleon Hill, American public figure, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the best-selling books of all time
“If you want to have what you never had, you have to do what you never did.”
— Coco Chanel, French fashion designer and founder of Chanel
"If you hit every hole on the first shot, you'll get tired of golf very soon."
— Warren Buffett
"Most failures are people who didn't know how close they were to success when they gave up."
— Thomas Edison, American inventor and entrepreneur

Do not be afraid to try, and sooner or later you will achieve your goal. Just believe in yourself, firmly go to your dream, try, experiment, develop and work hard!

Success, like most things, starts with your attitude towards it. And if you are fighting for it, then a new selection of motivating quotes about success and achievements will help you with this.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to just wait.
Henry David Thoreau

The starting point of any success is desire.
Napoleon Hill

The best things go to those who do their business in the best way.
John Wooden

If you don't want to risk the usual things, you'll have to put up with them.
Jim Rohn

Take an idea. Make it your life - think of it, dream of it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. Here it is - the path to success.
Swami Vivekananda

To be successful, stop chasing money, chase your dreams.
Tony Hsieh

Opportunities don't really just happen. You create them yourself.
Chris Grosser

It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best adapts to change.
Charles Darwin

The secret to a successful life is to understand what you are meant to do and do it.
Henry Ford

Even if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill

What sometimes seems like a severe test to us can turn into an unexpected success.
Oscar Wilde

Don't be afraid to sacrifice the good for the better.
John D. Rockefeller

There are two kinds of people who will tell you that you can't achieve something: those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed.
Ray Goforth

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

If you want to achieve perfection, you can come to it even today. Just stop doing anything imperfectly this very second.
Thomas J. Watson

All progress happens outside your comfort zone.
Michael John Bobak

I don't know what is the key to success, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone.
Bill Cosby

Courage is overcoming fear and coping with it, not its absence.
Mark Twain

You can only succeed if you want to succeed, you can only fail if you are willing to fail.
Philippos (Philippos)

Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive to be easier, strive to be better.
Jim Rohn


The French are worthy of being called winners, and the Russians are invincible.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Success in business requires training, discipline, and hard work. But if that doesn't scare you, there are more opportunities today than ever before.

Steve Jobs:

I am convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved my job. You need to find what you love. And this is as true for work as it is for relationships.

Your work will fill most life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do.

Robert Kiyosaki:

Most of all in my life I was lucky in that. what i faced the real world at 13 years old.
In a money game, the main thing is not money, but the game itself.

Knowledge is the money of our time, and intelligence is the most valuable asset God has given us.


Transparency business is a wonderful thing. Until you begin to understand that it is based not so much on internal honesty as on lack of imagination.

John Fowles

... the world begins to gradually lose its transparency, grows cloudy, becomes more and more incomprehensible, rushes into the unknown, while a person betrayed by the world runs into himself, into his anguish, into his dreams, into his rebellion and allows himself to be deafened by the voice of his sick soul to such an extent that no longer hears the voices that speak to him from outside.

Life is not divided into semesters. You do not have summer holidays and very few employers interested in helping you find yourself.

Bill Gates

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to work hard. Perhaps nothing will work out for you, perhaps circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you don’t try, you will be bitter and hurt that you didn’t try.

Eugene Kaspersky

AT modern world There is no point in business being a creative thinker if you can't sell what you create. Managers do not recognize good ideas unless they are presented to them by a good salesperson.

David Ogilvy

If you are in business, put your employees first, your customers second, and your shareholders third.

Richard Branson

The highest salary in any company is for an employee named Total.

The soul either submits to natural inclinations, or struggles with them, or overcomes them. From this - the villain, the crowd and people of high virtue.

Life is given to us to contribute to it. Otherwise why are we in this world?
Steve Jobs

I clearly understand that others who have come to the place of the dismissed will be the same as their predecessors: someone will know the essence of the problem worse, someone better, someone will not understand anything at all. In the end, it will turn out the same as it was, if not worse.

Hiring only people you know is a surefire way to ruin your business. If you want to bury the business, if you want to never return the investment - just do it!
Oleg Tinkov

If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.
Thomas Watson

You can increase your value in the market only by increasing your performance.
Bodo Schaefer

If faith in success and devotion to the idea are unshakable, they cannot be resisted.
Pavel Durov

If within working week all you do is count how many hours and minutes are left before the weekend starts, you will never become a billionaire.
Donald Trump

The only way to live is to let live.
Mahatma Gandhi

William Bernbach

The staff of the enterprise is like a football team: the guys should play as a single team, and not a bunch of bright personalities.
Lee Iacocca

I don't cry well wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages.
Robert Bosch

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.
Blaise Pascal

The wisest thing is time, for it reveals everything.
Thales of Miletus

I urge you to do everything possible to ensure that wealth serves humanity and does not rule it.
Pope Francis

There are two kinds of money problems: one is when there is not enough of them, the other is when there is too much of them. What problem do you choose?
Robert Kiyosaki

Business is a great game: constant competition and a minimum of rules. And the score in this game is kept in money.
Bill Gates

Before it's too late, remember that the business of life is not a business, but life.
Charles Forbes

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same mindset and the same approach that led you to the problem.Albert Einstein

Money is only vehicle that gives you options, and I say that there is only one thing that money cannot buy - poverty.Jerry Doyle

You learn the fastest in three cases - up to 7 years, at trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. Stephen Covey

The Internet does not change the business model, it can only give new powerful tools to existing ones.

If you want to do business, develop and become rich, it is best to learn from those who have reached certain heights in this area. Quotes about business and the success of great people lift the veil of secrecy on a special way of thinking that goes beyond the stereotypical.

"Golden" percentage

In the UK, Oxford is home to the international confederation Oxfam, which includes 17 organizations public type operating in 94 countries. The direction of their activity is the search for ways to solve and injustice.

According to Oxfam data published in early 2016 under the heading "Economy for the One Percent", 1% has the capital equivalent to the total capital of 99% of the rest of the planet's inhabitants. To carry out statistical calculations, the indicators of 2015 taken from the report of Credit Suisse Group, a Swiss financial conglomerate, were used.

Great people

In fact, it is much more interesting how people become so successful and rich and how you can learn this. Since thinking is primary in relation to the actions taken, then perhaps it contains the key to understanding. There is no way to meet such people in person and ask them a bunch of questions. But it is still possible to walk along the tangent of their worldview ...

John Davison Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are the undisputed authorities in the field of making big fortunes. Some features of their views on doing business, and on life in general, thanks to the means mass media available to the general public today. The statements of financial magnates are parsed into quotes about business, leadership, success, achievements, the value of time and self-confidence.

John Davison Rockefeller

John Davison Rockefeller (07/08/1839 - 05/23/1937) - the world's first dollar billionaire. He founded the Standard Oil Company, the University of Chicago and according to Forbes, in 2007 terms, his fortune was estimated at $318 billion. Famous Rockefeller business quotes by John Davis:

  • Don't be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes.
  • A person who works all day has no time to earn money.
  • A person who succeeds in life must sometimes go against the current.
  • I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own.
  • I have always tried to turn every adversity into an opportunity.
  • The clarity and specificity of the goal is one of the main components of success, regardless of what exactly a person is striving for.
  • There is no other quality so essential for success in any field of activity as perseverance.
  • Every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity an obligation, every possession a duty.
  • First earn a reputation, then it will work for you.
  • The growth of business activity is the survival of the fittest.
  • The main task of capital is not to bring more money, but to increase money for the sake of improving life.
  • I got the impression that I was successful and profiting from everything, because the Lord saw that I was going to turn around and give it my all.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. According to Forbes, in terms of the exchange rate of 2012, his fortune was estimated at $188.1 billion. about Henry Ford's business:

  • Exploring many different roads to wealth, trying and making mistakes, people do not notice the shortest and easiest way - through work.
  • More often than not, people give up on their own rather than fail.
  • Whether you think you're capable of something or you think you're not, either way you'll be right.
  • For the older generation, the most popular advice is saving. But don't save money. Treasure yourself better: love yourself, invest in yourself. It will help you get rich in the future.
  • Think is the most hard work. Perhaps that is why so few do it.
  • When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that planes take off against the wind.
  • Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress. With it, you can do anything.
  • Successful people get ahead by using the time that others are wasting.
  • Quality is doing something well even when no one is watching.
  • You can't build a reputation with intentions alone.
  • Along with the belief that we have provided for ourselves for the rest of our lives, the danger creeps up on us imperceptibly that, at the next turn of the wheel, we will be thrown off.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates (October 28, 1955) is one of the founders of Microsoft. According to the Forbes magazine version, it takes 1st place in the list the richest people the world as of 2017. His fortune is 86 billion dollars. Popular business quotes from Bill Gates:

  • Between the "fifth point" and the sofa, the dollar will not fly.
  • Do not confuse reality and what is shown on the TV screen. In life, most of the time people spend in their workplaces, and not in coffee shops.
  • If you are not satisfied with something in your work - create your own business. I started my business in a garage. You should spend time only on what you are really interested in.
  • When it comes to your mind good idea, act immediately.
  • Do not rush to blame your parents for every failure. Do not whine, do not rush about with your misfortunes, but learn from them.
  • Celebrating success is great, but more important is the ability to learn from your failures.
  • Stop acting like you have 500 years left to live.

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett (08/30/1930) is the head of the holding company Berkshire Hathaway. According to the Forbes magazine, he takes 2nd place in the list of the richest people in the world at the time of 2017. His fortune is 75.6 billion dollars. Witty quotes about Warren Buffett's success:

  • It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will see things differently if you think about it.
  • Even if you are incredibly talented and put in incredible effort, it just takes more time to achieve some results: you will not have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.
  • Knowing what not to focus on is just as important as knowing what to focus on.
  • If your boat is constantly leaking, instead of patching holes, it is wiser to direct efforts to find a new unit.
  • Postpone the search better work sitting on the one that destroys you is the same as postponing sex until retirement.
  • If you are all so smart, then why am I so rich?
  • The most - those who are doing their favorite thing.
  • Do business with people you like and share your goals.
  • The chance is extremely rare, but you should always be ready for it. When gold pours from the sky, you should have a bucket in your hands, not a thimble.

The presented statements reflect some facets of the worldview and self-awareness of the richest people in the world. Quotes about success and business of these authors can be considered as advice from "those who know a lot about prosperity", containing the quintessence of wisdom, knowledge and practical experience. They can also serve as a good basis for starting the formation of a new "rich" thinking, changing the habitual way of action and improving the quality of life.

Winning the heart of a business woman is a deadly number, akin to jumping from under the dome of the circus into the jaws of a tiger flying through burning rings.

For many, the phrase “it’s just a business, nothing personal” is a life credo, but I have always considered my business a matter of life and I don’t understand how you can not worry about it, but consider it just a soulless set of financial transactions.

To be successful in business, you just have to always do a little more than everyone else: study more, work more, prepare and, of course, dream.

As life experience shows, thinking with your own head is the most difficult job, which is why so few people do it.

There is no such thing as "pity" in business. Here the weak either becomes strong or dies, there is no third way.

When it comes to big business, the Internet is capable of real miracles.

Business communication rests on three pillars: metaphors, stories and speed of speech.

Entering the difficult path of big business, every woman risks not only being left with nothing, but also losing her femininity once and for all.

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

Who wants - looking for a way, who does not want - looking for a reason. – Socrates

If you are unable to remember, then write down what I am about to say. The most nonsense and unpromising project, but already launched and working on the Web, will bring much more results and profits than the most perfect project, which, due to its constant pre-launch improvement, will never be launched. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first autoresponder email services, creator of over 110 various projects, multimillionaire)

Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. - Albert Einstein

Of course, there are people for whom money is above all. Usually these are people who will never become rich. Only he achieves wealth who is talented, lucky, and does not constantly think about money. – (Steve Jobs, 1946, chief executive Apple Computers, billionaire)

What is the height of Mount Everest? You may not know this, but believe me, everyone who conquered it knows this height. And she was known to them before they began to climb this mountain. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first autoresponder mail services, creator of over 110 different projects, multimillionaire)

Everyone can command, many can lead, only a few can manage!

Everyone who opens a new business, registers enterprises, should be given a medal for personal courage. — Vladimir Putin

When they say: “It's not about money, but about principle,” don't believe it. It's about money. — Keane Hubbard

It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.

Helping others is noble. Accumulating good market experience, relying only on your own sources of income is a worthy aspiration. Not to burden others with your insecurity, to have the ability and desire to provide and support others is noble. Therefore, I believe that financial independence is a worthy pursuit. – (Jim Rohn, an outstanding American business coach and motivator, developed the strategy for the work of I.B.M., Coca-Cola, Xerox, General Motors, etc.)

To become a billionaire, first of all, you need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize - HUGE, but most importantly, most importantly - you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is that state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you. — Paul Getty

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want to have, not the job you have. – Donald Trump

To keep pace with the changing market environment, Microsoft underwent another major reorganization approximately every two years. These structural transformations have another side, an internal one. Getting used to their usual work and feeling very comfortable, people often stop growing professionally and are unable to perceive fresh ideas. Personnel changes give them the opportunity to take on new challenges. For example, it can be useful to rotate specialists between development and sales departments. By including programmers in your customer service team, you give them the opportunity to better understand market requirements and further improve the performance of their products. - (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance.

First of all, get it right on your nose: never use the term “recession” for your business. Recession implies a rollback. Use the word "revolution" instead. The decline in activity means that your entrepreneurial activity passed a certain stage at which you can no longer stay, otherwise you are doomed to failure. A revolution is coming. It is necessary to change priorities, re-arrange the accents and move on towards new success. – (Terry Dean, Internet Marketing Veteran with over 7 years of experience)

Opening a store is easy; keeping it open is an art.

Apple has great people. But at the executive level, they had neither a goal nor a strategy. They worked in completely different directions in the hope that at least one of them would lead to the goal. Hundreds of new products were being developed at the same time. We had to do something to get away from it. – (Steve Jobs, 1946, CEO of Apple Computers, billionaire)

Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. — Charles de Gaulle

People always blame circumstances for the way they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who succeed in this world are the people who can rise up and look for the circumstances they need, and if they can't find them, they create them. - Bernard Show

Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. – John Davison Rockefeller

If there is nothing to eat, you need to do what brings money immediately, at no cost. But after gaining confidence that the family will not starve, you need to find those pleasant things that you like. – Evgeny Chichvarkin

People buy on the basis of emotion. Even if your customers are owners of a business, no matter how large and reputable it may be, they still remain people with all the ensuing consequences. It is people who decide to make a purchase, it is people who click on the “Order!” button, enter payment information in the fields of the order form, and so on. And all these people buy for their own reasons. Own "I" and own emotions. – (Michel Fortin, renowned copywriter and professional consultant)

Astrology taught me a lot. For four years I studied at the Russian Astrological School of Alexander Zaraev and received a certificate. Astrology, in my opinion, gives the best explanation of what our physical world. Take, for example, the fact that the moon affects the state of the liquid. We all know why tides ebb and flow. The human body is 90% liquid. And if you take astrological chart a person and look at what happened at his birth, what is happening now, what crises have happened, you can understand what will happen next. -(Vladimir Samokhin, founder and CEO of Rocolor)

I left Harvard to start my own business, and I do not regret it, but when, referring to my example, someone claims that education is not necessary for successful business, I always clarify: this is true only when the realization of an idea that has captured a person urgently, and he is convinced that such a chance will never come again. In all other cases, it is better to finish your studies. If only because a young person is rarely taken seriously in business. In addition, a degree can subsequently play a decisive role in obtaining the desired job. An example is Microsoft itself, in which key positions are almost never hired by people who have not completed their education. And this despite the fact that it was founded by two college dropouts. - (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Whatever you own, you either use it or you lose it! – (Henry Ford, 1863-1947, American engineer, industrialist, inventor, one of the founders of the US automobile industry)

If you're on a boat that's constantly leaking, it's best to focus your efforts on finding a new boat rather than patching holes. — Warren Buffett

If you want to have enough money for you and your family - work yourself ... If you want to provide for your future generations - make people work for you. - Karl Marx

There is only one thing that a person can completely control, and that is his own attitude towards life. – (Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970, millionaire, best-selling author on philosophy, psychology, and the practice of success)

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied! – (Michael Dell, 1965, founder and former CEO of Dell Computer Corporation, billionaire)

Success depends on effort. - (Sophocles, 496-406 BC, ancient Greek poet-playwright, politician)

Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned.

Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. - Henry Ford

If we don't start experimenting, our model will become obsolete, and we can't afford it. As happens with colleagues who want reliability. Television is arranged in such a way that the most promising strategy is to develop, make mistakes, but find something new. And “reliable” quickly becomes obsolete, the audience is extremely spoiled. - (Konstantin Ernst, producer, CEO Channel One TV)

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