Map of events by date of birth. Natal Map free online: drawing up and features

Reservoirs 28.06.2020

Often, to learn more about your own future, people turn to magic, namely: to fortunate on maps, coffee, mirrors and other magical instruments. But this is not the only way to solve the secrets of fate. In practice, the astrological solitaire shows itself well, but more informative method is , wherein

the main tool can be called a natal map. It is built at a specific time, date, geographical location of a person and is the basis of an individual horoscope.

Features of the compilation of a natal card

For those who are just starting to learn astrology aces, before starting building a natal card, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with some compulsory rules that will help to carry out quality analysis and eventually interpret its results correctly. Otherwise, the novice risks confused in the variety of characters, which will negatively affect the analysis process.

Knowing all the nuances whose execution requires natal horoscope,you will have the opportunity to correctly define causal relationships between past and future events.

So, it is important to know, at the birth of a person, heavenly shovels and each of the planets known to us are located in one of the 12 astrological houses in a particular astrological sign. And all angular relationships that exist between the elements of the horoscope are called aspects.

Natal card with decoding - This is a great opportunity to predict fate, find out which surprises it is worth waiting, and which events can be avoided. But that its analysis is as accurate as possible, it must be performed in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to celebrate the shining in the houses.
  2. Next, fix the houses in signs and determine aspects that affect the formation of the personality.
  3. At the next stage, it is necessary to determine the position of fictitious points, in relation to homes, aspects and signs (it is important to take into account the rulers associated with some particular home from 12 possible).

After such simple actions, we eventually get a picture that contains all the elements of the natal card. These are precisely these elements and require further interpretation. Of course, in this case you can use online interpretation,but, if you really want to professionally engage in astrology, deciphering such a horoscope is better to fulfill yourself, in order to obtain experience.

We decipher astrological houses

Astrological houses symbolize the main events in a person's life, and deciphering their meanings depends on the numbering of the house itself:

  • 1st symbolizes man's temper;
  • 2nd means acquisition, be it real estate or money;
  • 3rd indicates the exchange;
  • The 4th decodes how home the hearth;
  • 5th is customary to interpret as creation;
  • 6th - this is the present that there is at the moment;
  • The 7th symbolizes the Union.
  • The 8th is alienation.
  • 9th can be interpreted as an ideal, which implies optimism or traveling;
  • 10th denotes independence, as well as position in society;
  • 11th is the desire, hopes and plans;
  • The 12th is deciphered as the power of will and achievements.

Decrypt heavenly luminaries and planets

To decipher what heavenly luminaries and planets in the map can be used astroprocessor,a universal astrological program that absolutely accurately performs the construction of an individual horoscope. But you can know these secrets on your own, familiar with some nuances.

So, the moon symbolizes the subconscious and everything that concerns it. The heavenly sun is associated with a person's personality, its disadvantages, as well as advantages. Mercury is responsible for communication connections. Jupiter is your professional development. Mars means the degree of activity manifested in solving important tasks. Venus symbolizes love. Saturn is responsible for ambitions. Uranus can warn about unreasonable deeds. And Pluto is nothing but intrapersonal metamorphosis.

Zodiac signs and aspects in natal map

In the natal horoscope, the signs of the zodiac are characteristics. As a rule, all other indicators are necessarily passing through the prism of one of them. It is these signs that give their features to all indicators, and this directly affects the fate of a person.

As for aspects, they constitute the relationship between the planets and show the nuances that allow the individual to become unique.

Decoding "Strange Icons"

When all the indicators are known, the only thing that causes questions is "strange badges" existing on the natal map. Therefore, their decoding requires special attention:

  • The letter "Omega" symbolizes suffering and phobias (Rahu-karma);
  • A circle, the letter "K" is located on the cat - the career area (mid-sky);
  • The letter "H" is a family, housing necessary for a comfortable existence (the depth of the sky);
  • Inverted "Omega" is responsible for the purpose of man in life (Rahu-Dharma);
  • Unpainted month icon is associated with luck (white moon);
  • The icon of the shaded month, located on the cross, is responsible for all negative, which is in the shower and for our mistakes (black moon);
  • "MS" - human relationships (Despondent);
  • "AS" - symbolizes our individuality (ascedent). For example, Ascendant in Scorpioindicates a strong person involved in the world around.

Horoscope by date of birth

We offer you to take advantage of the free service for drafting a personal natal horoscope and to decipher the natal card with accurate interpretation.

As you can see, the compilation of a natal map is a difficult lesson, requiring certain knowledge in astrology, the receipt of which will allow to perform the decoding of the horoscope with ease.
We offer you to watch an overview video about self-decoding natal card

The zodiac sign is only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be recognized by reading common horoscopes. It is necessary to make an individual horoscope. Today, many people and Internet services provide such a service for money. I will teach you to do it yourself and absolutely free, so that you will soon can earn on it. But this is not the most basic advantage of the knowledge of astrology. First of all, it will allow you to become practically extrasensus: help you know deeper and others, understand your psychological problems, find out the life vocation, arrange your personal life, predict the future and answer the questions:
About love:
- What will be my husband (wife)?
- Where do we meet?
- When will you marry (marry)?
- What date is it better to choose for a wedding?
- Why me is not lucky in his personal life and how can this be changed? Is there a crown of celibacy on me?
About kids:
- How many children do I have?
- What will I have a relationship with them?
- When is it better to give birth?
- Do I have problems with pregnancy? Do I'm not blinked?
- How to better educate my child?
About money:
- Do I grow rich in this life and how to achieve this?
- In what field of activity will I wait for financial success?
- What will be the dollar rate in a week? ( yes, yes, there is a section of financial astrology (see, which may predict Forex, many astrologers are so rich)
- In what direction should I develop better?
- What are my talents and abilities?
- What keeps me to build a career?
- Do I like this man?
- Is it possible to entrust money?
- Are we sexually compatible?
- Will I marry this person?
- What qualities in me are annoyed and how to deal with this irritation?
- Is it ridiculous to me?
- Do my partner have a tendency to violence?
- Is it possible between us?
- Why do I have such relationships with parents?
About health:
- What diseases can I threaten in this life?
- What methods of treatment are most effective for me?
- when it is better to make an operation
- What should fear?
- How long will I live?
- What is my karmic task and how to implement it?
- What is waiting for me tomorrow?
- Where to find a lost thing?
- Is it worth starting this business and what will happen?
and many many others.
But so that you can answer all these questions over time, I will need the maximum of your patience and care.

To make an individual horoscope enough to know date, time and city \u200b\u200bof birth man. Based on this data, a publicly available computer program will build a natal map. Natal map - the basis of any horoscope. The basis of a natal map is a zodiacal circle and symbols on it, denoting planets and zodiac signs. Learn these characters by heart:
ricinuk 1.1.

To better understand what is a natal map, let's imagine a sunny system in the form of a circle (pizza - top view). As you remember from the school year of geometry, a circle \u003d 360 degrees. We share it on 12 equal sectors (every 30 degrees each) and remove each sector for one of the 12 zodiac signs. This is a zodiacal circle. The sequence of signs on the circle does not change, that is, after the Aries sector, the sector of the fish always goes, after the fish of the Aquarius and so on.
In the solar system 8 planets (not counting our), sun, moon and other celestial bodies. Each of them has a certain influence on the ground, and therefore on its inhabitants. The closer the planet, the stronger the effect. The strength and sphere of influence also depends on the astronomical (physical) data of the planet. All planets are constantly moving along the solar system, and therefore in our circumference, Kachuya from the sign in the sign (from the sector in the sector). The further the planet from the Sun, the slower it moves, therefore slower moves along the zodiacal circle. Depending on its position (in a particular zodiac sign) relative to the Earth, the planet can enhance, reduce or lose its influence on people and their lives at all. These provisions are repeated, therefore, to facilitate the interpretation of the influence of planets in them, and the zodiacal circle was invented, the signs of the zodiac, and the holotal map.
Natal word comes from Latin Natalis - Birth. The natal map is compiled at the time of the birth of a person to determine its character, opportunities, talents, life prospects and tasks, as well as the difficulties that he comes to this reincarnation.
Choose here Under the heading "Standard Map" Single Card. On the page that opens, enter your date, time (seconds optional) and the city of birth. Click "Calculate" and see what your natal map looks like.
figure 1.2.

Components of a natal card, which will be taken into account when deciphering symbols (see. Lisp 1.1) and the compilation of an individual horoscope:

  • Planets in the signs of the zodiac. The natal map shows what kind of degree as the sign of the zod at the time of your birth was one or another planet. Proper interpretation and comparison (synthesis) of all these provisions, we will learn in subsequent chapters, will give you answers to all of the above questions. The sign in which the sun hit on the map (see Syno 1.2), gives you the basic qualities of character - this is actually your main sign of the zodiac. Signs in which other planets hit no less affect the different areas of your life and character. For what sphere is that such or another planet, we will look at in the next chapter.
  • Aspects of the planets. On the map you see black and red lines (see Figure 1.2) - these are so-called aspects, they show how and at how the corner of the planet influenced each other at the time of your birth, they are also of great importance when drawing up a horoscope. I'll tell you about them in the third chapter.
  • House of horoscope. Another component of a natal card is homes marked with Roman numbers on the outside of the circle (see Figure 1.2). They, like signs, 12, they also do not change their sequence, and just like the planets, each house has its own sphere of influence. AS, DS, MC, IC are the most basic (angular) houses of the horoscope (1st, 7th, 10th and 4th, respectively). Read more about it In the fourth chapter.
  • Degree planets and houses. Show how much such or another planet or house "mired" in a particular zodiac sign. If the planet turned out to be close to the boundary of the signs, then the properties of both of these signs will be taken into account.
  • The direction of the movement of the planet in orbit. It is usually the direct (correct), but sometimes it can become retrograd (reverse, refractory). It depends on the main quality of the planets, the element and the sign to which it will patronize at this stage of its movement. I just behave in the next chapter.
If you do not know the time of birth, such a cat will be called cosmogram And it is considered not entirely complete, as it does not take into account the influence of houses. More, why a map without houses is considered defective, I will tell In the fourth chapter.

Since ancient times, people sought to understand the relationship between the location of the heavenly bodies at the time of the birth of a person and his character, appearance and events of life. Astrology is rooted in the distant past of human civilization. Understand your destiny and the purpose will help the natal map composed by the date of birth with deciphering the most important astrological indicators.

Individual horoscope

Translated from the Latin language "NATAL" means "native", i.e. Natal map is the landmark that a person receives at birth, what he comes to life. Here is its talents and inclinations, the circumstances of life and achievements, fatal events and personal will.

Forecasts that are compiled by the solar sign of the zodiac reflect the most common trends. To understand your individuality and foresee the main events of subsequent life, you can independently make a horoscope by date of birth. How to use the information received, will indicate the location of the planets and important points in the signs of the zodiac and houses.

Those who are just getting acquainted with astrology, it is better to start with the compilation of their own card. To do this, you need to know the place, date and as much as possible time of your birth. Technical work and accurate calculations can be entrusted with an astroprocessor, a computer program, which includes astrological ephemerides. They make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the planets at the desired time interval.

Planets and zodiac signs

Knowing the primary properties of the planets and characteristics of zodiac signs, you can proceed to decipher the natal card independently. The strongest, most pronounced planet in the horoscope creates a certain type of personality. Each zodiac sign is associated with one or two governors who have a related energy:

A sign that planet rules is its abode. Being in this sign, it gets strength. Here, its qualities appear brightly. The opposite sign for her place fall. Finding here, the planet acquires a weak status and can create difficulties.

For example, Venus in the Taurus manifests itself strongly and harmoniously. In Scorpio, it is in fall, it is uncomfortable here. Scorpio is not consonant with Venus.

Four elements in a cosmogram

Each of the four elements belong three zodiac signs. To understand the features of the person, you need to appreciate what element in the cosmogram is presented stronger. The more planets are in the signs of the elements, especially it is expressed in the horoscope:

Principles of Horoscope Analysis

The cosmogram shows the basis of the personality, its basic potential. It is easy to draw up a natal map. As the planets in the signs of the zodiac are associated with the inclinations and abilities of the personality, you can understand using principles of Horoscope Analysis:

It is important for beginners to remember that no matter where the sun is located at birth, others planets can be in different signs. A typical representative of the sign is the one who, in addition to the daylight, several planets are located in the same sign. Especially if they manage ascendent and meridian.

You can learn this person in pronounced properties of character. It is more difficult to decipher the information concerning those in the sunny zodiacal sign there are no other planets.

Astrological houses

It is necessary to consider the value of the houses of the horoscope to independently make a natal card with decoding. As the astrological sector affects, it allows you to understand the top of the house, i.e. the point in which it begins. Like the zodiac sign, the house has a ruler, which will show how successfully things will develop in this area of \u200b\u200blife. For example, if the VII house begins in the Taurus, it is ruled by Venus. To make a forecast for affiliate and marital relations, you need to proceed from the location of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Values \u200b\u200bof astrological houses.

Natal card (natal horoscope or cosmogram) is associated with the moment of birth, and this name itself comes from the Latin word Natalis. The natal horoscope is a kind of stellar passport of a person, which is based on at the exact time and date of birth in a certain geographical location. The term "card" indicates that this horoscope is presented in a graphic, visual form.

- This is a personal astrological characteristic, showing the location of the planets of the solar system and the moon on the celestial sphere - in the signs of the zodiac, houses of the horoscope, as well as aspects (angular distances) between the planets - during the person's birth in this geographical point. A cosmogram is built with the purpose of its further interpretation.

Below is a form for free calculation and building a holotal card online with planets in the signs of the zodiac at the time of your birth. Here you can read the decoding - interpretation - its natal card. Additional interpretations can be obtained on the service page.

Instructions for filling outform

To get a natal map online:

1. Imagine your name (it will be indicated in the text of the natal horoscope).

2. Specify the date and time of birth. If time is unknown, select 12:00.

3. Specify the place of birth (for example, Moscow), select the country from the list (for example, Russia).

4. Click the City button.

5. If the settlement is found, the message will appear "Related cities." Click the city name in the list, after this field "area", "latitude, longitude:" and "time zone:" will be filled automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

6. If the settlement is not found, enter only the first few letters from which the name begins, and click the "City" button.

7. The message "Found similar cities will appear." and list of founded. Click on the name of the desired city, the field "area", "Latitude, Longitude:" and "Time Zone:" will be filled automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

8. If the locality failed to find, select the city, which is closest to the right place. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

You can independently enter the coordinates and time zone of the rightmost locality.

Now astrology is very popular. Astrological forecasts for zodiac signs can be found in newspapers, magazines and on television. But under each of the signs is born 1/12 part of all mankind, and hardly, you admit that all representatives of your sign break their heads over the same problems as you. Sign forecasts are approximate and very far from the specific situation of each person. Therefore, professional astrology is based on the construction of natal cards that take into account the data of birth with an accuracy of the minute.

The natal card is a few circumference placed in each other, divided into 12 sectors - 12 zodiac signs and 12 houses. The planets represented by the symbol icons are arranged in accordance with their real position in the sky at the time of birth. The aspect lines connect the conditional planet icons, the angle between which is a special value - an astrological aspect. Major astrological aspects are a compound, opposition, quadrature, trigon and sextile.

Natal card is unique, and unlike magazine horoscopes can tell a really much about a particular person. Today, to build a natal map there is no need to pay a facial monetary amount of the astrologer, because now it is possible to do this for free, through online services. It is enough just to score in the search engine a combination "Build a natal card free online", and you can build your natal card with the machine interpretation in a few seconds and absolutely free.

Despite the fact that the machine interpretation is significantly inferior as a professional astrologer as an interpretation, it will be much more concrete and treat you personally. The data required for building is the date of birth, birth time and place of birth.

Make a natal map online

In order to build your birth horoscope (Natal Card) Enter your name, date and time of birth. By default, the page is enabled on the GMT mode (World Time) mode. To introduce a local birthday, you should definitely switch the checkbox to the "local" time. Remember that the individual horoscope is very important to accuracy of birth time! Permissible approximation - plus-minus 5 minutes.

Choose from the list of country, area and city where you were born. In the windows, longitude and latch do not need to be entered anything, they are filled automatically! In the absence of your settlement, choose the city closest to the place of your birth, but then the horoscope will not be accurate. Further click the "Create Horoscope" button.

The page will appear "Natal Horoscope" with your birth card. To obtain a free full interpretation of your individual horoscope, you need to select the "Horoscope" section "Interpretation" in the drop-down menu.

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