The main ways of resolving labor conflicts. compliance with the rules for the formation and functioning of temporary units

The buildings 21.09.2019

The explanation of the labor conflict from the point of view of the category of contradiction also implies the need to investigate its specific causes. Their knowledge is necessary for the correct interpretation of the conflict situation, the determination of the possibilities and principles of its resolution. It is necessary to distinguish between cause and incident, i.e. some random fact of the relationship, which turns out to be the reason for the beginning of conflict behavior. The reason may be a deliberately created situation.

The causes of labor conflicts can be divided into objective and subjective. The labor conflict may be based on objective shortcomings, weaknesses, errors in the organization of labor; it is they that push people together, make confrontation between individuals and groups inevitable. Objective organizational and labor causes of conflicts suggest two situations: a certain principle of organization must either be canceled altogether in order to resolve conflicts, or simply improved in details, methods of implementation, etc. In a word, there are peculiar "antagonistic" and "non-antagonistic" organizational and labor contradictions as the causes of conflicts.

A labor conflict can also be based on the subjective characteristics and conditions of individuals and groups. Moreover, individuals and groups sometimes bring into their organizational and labor relations external conflict moods that arise outside of labor.

The objective and subjective causes of labor conflicts are not always distinguishable, sometimes there are no clear boundaries between them. Objective contradictions in the organization of labor can ultimately lead to deep personal dislikes, and personal dislikes can distort organizational and labor relations and complicate them. In addition, there is a category of causes that could be defined as objective-subjective. For example, labor conflicts arise due to the fact that individual workers or entire labor groups have not sufficiently adapted to the new principles of labor organization, have not understood their meaning accurately enough. In a word, the labor conflict occurs about, and not as a result of a certain organization of labor. The problem of human relations is connected with production, but its main source is the workers themselves.

The causes of labor conflicts can be considered more specifically, based on the types of contradictions that underlie them.

1. Problems of distribution relations. They are usually rated as the most likely factor in conflict situations in the workplace. Individuals and groups are in conflict primarily about the appropriation of any goods and values.

The main difficulty of the distributive conflict lies in the fact that it is possible in any system of distributive relations. There is no such distribution algorithm that would absolutely exclude conflict. For example, a too strong dependence of wages on age or length of service gives rise to natural discontent among young people; betting on ability as a criterion for reward turns into disputes over who has what abilities; the actual results of labor and their implementation are also so ambiguously evaluated by people that the question of correct and fair payment still remains debatable.

A non-conflict social organization of labor is based not only on a certain principle of distribution, but also on the adaptation of people to this principle (it is necessary to “get used to” any principle of payment, but any principle of payment eventually “tires”, i.e. fully and obviously manifests its contradictions).

2.The complexity of functional interaction. This is one of the most hidden, difficult to study causes of labor conflict. The conflicting parties are individuals and groups included in common functional relations connected by differentiation and cooperation. labor activity, which creates the possibility of crossing targets. Observations of practitioners show that those who are especially active conflict more often (the more active the activity of each of the subjects of relations, the more likely the contradictions in these relations). It has also been noted that the cause of a conflict situation is often inaction (or supposedly inaction) of some compared to others. The imbalance of functions, their duplication, lack of timely mutual information, culture and experience of interaction, and much more lead to conflicts.

In this case, the labor conflict occurs not over the distribution of some benefits, but over the organization of joint activities; the subjects of this conflict are not competing, but interacting, cooperating individuals and groups. The following contradiction can be called the main one here: the more complex the differentiation and cooperation of labor activity, the more active and responsible the attitude of people themselves towards it, the more likely social clashes.

3. role conflicts. Conflict situations in organizational and labor relations are often created by roles performed by individuals and groups, i.e. role conflict occurs. We single out two aspects of the problem - objective and subjective.

Firstly, in organizational and labor relations, there are objectively roles that are not only significantly different, but also opposite in terms of the goals and methods of behavior of subjects, for example, specialists and workers, producers and consumers (receivers) engaged in the main and auxiliary labor, working for different stages of sequential work, economists (financiers, accountants) and controllers, etc. Relations between them are based on special responsibility, incompatibility of interests, strict contractuality and formality. Here, certain actions of one side bring either significant damage or significant benefit to the other, which determines a high degree of probability not only of mutual alienation, but also of struggle and rivalry. One of the features of a conflict situation on a role-based basis is the setting of subjects for certain actions, despite the awareness of the possibility of conflict as a result of these actions (after all, the latter are an obligation).

Secondly, conflicting roles not only objectively exist, but are subjectively interpreted and expected. Subjects of organizational labor relations, performing opposite tasks and functions, have their own ideas and views about the roles of each other. If the “performing” of one's role by one side does not correspond to the idea of ​​this role by the other side, then this discrepancy leads to a conflict, i.e. the cause of the conflict is the non-realization of the mutual role expectations of the subjects.

Role conflicts also occur due to the fact that the subjects of organizational and labor relations either exaggerate or underestimate the inconsistency, the opposite of their roles.

4. Purely business disagreements. In this case, the conflict is also not related to the struggle for appropriation. It is based on differences in professional thinking, differences in views on how to organize work, solve production problems, what should be the norms of relationships, etc. Usually labor conflicts due to business disagreements are not group, massive, they are acute. Such an "ideological" conflict is not easy to distinguish from a conflict for distributive reasons. None of the conflicting parties is completely sure that behind the purely professional position of the opponent there are no personal and hidden interests of an economic nature.

5. Division of guilt, responsibility. If the organization is experiencing failure, trouble, if serious organizational and labor violations have occurred in it, then this can also cause a conflict situation. Quite rarely, the entire labor group, the organization as such, takes responsibility, more often there is a painful process of identifying a specific culprit, personifying guilt, which becomes the cause of a labor conflict.

6. Leadership. Along with formal leadership in organizational and labor relations, processes of abnormal rivalry, initiative, and dominance always appear. The self-consciousness of individuals and groups gives rise to all sorts of personal and professional-business ambitions, as well as ambitions of social superiority, which collide with each other.

Leadership and the labor conflict based on it can manifest itself not only in complex, but also in simple types of labor activity, where the most primitive tasks and functions are performed. Any problem in a joint work activity can be deliberately used to fight for leadership in "correctly understanding and solving it."

A labor conflict based on leadership can proceed as a struggle: a) for power and domination; b) for employment, preservation own work; c) for mentoring; d) for the performance of prestigious roles.

7. Abnormal working conditions. In the very organizational and labor relations in this moment there are no such contradictions that would give rise to conflict, and yet it arises. One of the reasons is abnormal working conditions, which contribute to irritation, leading to hostility among workers, intolerance to any problems. Special attention in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to socio-spatial, communicative working conditions. high density workplaces, the “crowding” of workers in the premises, the forced high intensity of contacts are a completely independent cause of labor conflicts, although this is not always realized.

8. Incompatibility. By incompatibility is meant significant differences in the characteristics of the subjects that interfere with their normal relationship. More often this concept is used in relation to individuals, although the phenomena of intergroup incompatibility are also possible.

In the organizational and labor sphere, the following cases of incompatibility are significant:

1) in experience, qualifications, education (different schools of study, team, mentors);

2) in economic psychology and attitude to work (some are guided by a minimum of activity and a maximum of remuneration, others - by a maximum of activity and a maximum of remuneration, others - by a minimum of activity and a minimum of remuneration; if these types are forced to interact, then conflicts between them are inevitable).

Incompatibility is not only an objective phenomenon, but also a subjective one; conflict in organizational and labor relations is introduced not only by actual differences, but also by opinions about these differences.

In some cases, the problem of incompatibility is solved in the process of interaction, in others, the subjects of relations are initially selected on the basis of similarity in essential qualities.

9. Gender composition of the organization. Gender and age differences are also sometimes considered in connection with labor conflicts.

There are the following views of theorists and practitioners on the inter-gender aspect of organizational and labor relations:

a) gender differences are important in organizational and labor relations, can cause conflict through incompatibility, and also due to many ideological stereotypes;

b) gender differences are positive in organizational and labor relations, contribute to a normal social climate, and protect against conflicts.

In some countries, studies have been conducted on the purely sexual behavior of people at work and the impact of this behavior on the working atmosphere, management style, and relationships between workers (Japan, France).

With regard to inter-age differences and their significance in organizational and labor relations in theory and practice, the following problems are most often discussed that cause conflict.

Firstly, a young worker sometimes tends to overestimate his abilities, underestimate the experience of his elders.

Secondly, experienced senior workers do not provide assistance to young people, especially during the adaptation period.

Third, experienced older workers sometimes underestimate the abilities of younger ones.

Fourthly, young people do not always understand some of the specific difficulties and needs of older workers.

Fifth, older workers are sometimes too jealous of the "too fast" career of the young, their achievements.

It is believed that with an appropriate culture of relations, it is precisely the composition of the personnel of a working community or group that gives the best indicators of the social climate and contributes to professional and economic success.

10. social differences. Labor conflicts in organizations can be provoked by differences between people of a class, racial, ethnic, religious, or political nature. It requires not only the culture of the people themselves, but also the talent of the administrator in preventing such conflicts. It is necessary to be competent enough to fully and correctly understand complex social differences, to create an optimal team on their basis.

Resolution of labor conflict is a process or purposeful activity that eliminates its causes and consequences. The resolution of a labor conflict can be organized or arbitrary, spontaneous. It is not always possible to establish clear boundaries between conflict resolution and the conflict itself, since it sometimes proceeds as a constructive overcoming of labor problems.

The resolution of a labor conflict can be described using such basic categories as factors of complexity, models, types, forms, modes and dysfunctions of behavior.

From a theoretical point of view, the solvability of a labor conflict depends on the degree of its complexity. However, in reality, the latter is rather difficult to determine and predict. The most insignificant problems turn into an acute conflict situation, and the most significant ones sometimes never develop into an open and prolonged conflict. Let us formulate several specific factors that determine the complexity of the labor conflict.

1. Scale of the conflict is determined by: a) the total number of individuals involved in one way or another in the conflict, affected by the conflict; b) the number of parties, positions in the conflict. So, in the process of conflict, contrary to expectations, three, four, etc. may appear. conflicting parties, positions, which complicates its resolution. The number of participants is not an unambiguous factor. Labor conflict between groups can be as simple as between individual workers. Moreover, in the interindividual conflict are more pronounced personal factors, which complicates its resolution. In an intergroup conflict, participants can be aware of its scale, the consequences associated with it, risk, responsibility, therefore they are especially striving to resolve it, in an interindividual advantage is that here easier process discussions; it can take place promptly, in working order (if the conclusion of a specialist or the opinion of the administration on some problem is not required), however, the “collective mind” is weaker here, and the likelihood of a compromise is less likely.

2. duration of the conflict. The resolution of the conflict in initial stage may be simpler than in the later one, in the sense that: a) the conflict has not yet been personified (has not received the character of personal hostility); b) the destructive consequences of the conflict are still small; c) the complex and intricate structure of the participants in the conflict has not been formed. All this suggests that the conflict must be resolved as early as possible. At the same time, the late stage of the conflict may also have its advantages, since a) the cause of the conflict has become clear and understandable to everyone; b) everyone is tired of the conflict and wants to resolve it; c) the motive of the game is replaced by the motive of risk.

3. The novelty or standardity of the conflict. If such a labor conflict has already taken place before, now it will occur in a less acute form. Participants treat the problem of conflict as already familiar, ordinary, they are calm, they know the solution to this problem.

4. Objective or subjective causes of the conflict. The technology of conflict resolution for objective reasons is more complex in the sense that organizational and labor changes are required here. At the same time, realizing the objective, transpersonal nature of the problem, participants can treat the conflict itself more calmly and constructively. The conflict in this case simply turns into the expectation of appropriate organizational and labor changes.

5. Subjective characteristics of the conflicting parties. If the participants in the conflict have experience, culture, education, then they are able to better and faster see the solution to the problem, to find ways to best behave in the conflict. However, acute conflicts are possible not only at the level of workers, but also at the level of specialists, administrators, not only in production labor groups, but also in collectives of intellectual workers. A high level of culture sometimes contributes to conflicts due to a more principled attitude of people to business.

Let us single out specific models for resolving a labor conflict, which differ in terms of mutual settlement of the economic claims of the conflicting parties.

1. If the conflicting parties do not see a way to agree, then they mutually renounce their own claims in order to maintain social peace in the organization or between organizations.

2. One of the conflicting parties renounces its claims, realizing them as less significant, fair, and its ability to “win” the conflict as weaker.

3. The conflicting parties find a compromise, sacrificing part of their claims in order to create the possibility of their reconciliation (their claims cannot be fully reconciled).

4. Both parties can realize their claims; this is possible if “new resources” are found, if the conflict problem is solved at the expense of a third party.

From the point of view of the relationship of the conflicting parties with environment There are different types of conflict resolution autonomous and corporate. In the first case, specific subjects of organizational and labor relations are able to solve problems on their own, within the boundaries of their own tasks and functions; in the second case, a particular labor conflict can be resolved only on the basis of general, broad organizational changes.

There are also independent, public, administrative types conflict resolution. With independent conflicting parties, they themselves solve the problem, relying on their own capabilities, desires and abilities; in public, others are involved in resolving the conflict; it is they who resolve the conflict with sympathy, advice, approval or condemnation; with the administrative type, the settlement occurs only through the intervention and the appropriate decision of the administration.

The public participation of the administration in resolving a labor conflict is effective due to such factors as moral support, sanctions, and information. The collective and the administration play the role of a “third party” in resolving the conflict. The conflicting parties trust this person if he: a) takes a truly disinterested, impartial position; b) competent in the problem that became the source of the conflict situation.

The following forms of labor conflict resolution are distinguished.

1. Reorganization, change in the organizational and labor order that caused the conflict, and not struggle and persuasion in relation to the conflicting parties.

2. Informing, i.e. socio-psychological regulation aimed at restructuring the image of the situation in the minds of the conflicting parties, achieving a correct view of the conflict, promoting the benefits of peace in this particular case.

3. Transformation, i.e. transition of the conflict from a state of useless hostility to a state of negotiations.

4. Distraction, i.e. shifting the attention of the conflicting parties to other problems or positive aspects of their relationship; focusing the attention of the conflicting parties on something in common, which contributes to rallying.

5. Distancing, i.e. exclusion of conflicting parties from general organizational and labor relations through personnel replacements, transfer to other jobs.

6. Ignoring, i.e. intentionally neglecting the conflict so that it resolves itself or so that focusing on the conflict does not contribute to its aggravation.

7. Suppression, i.e. a situation in which the causes of the conflict are not removed, but any conflict behavior is prohibited under the threat of administrative sanctions for one or both parties.

8. Conformal preference, i.e. decision in favor of the majority, satisfaction of the interests of the socially stronger side.

The solvability and resolution of a labor conflict is largely determined by the characteristics of the behavior of individuals and groups in its conditions. Let's pay attention to some negative behavioral phenomena in the conflict:

§ dramatization of the conflict, exaggeration by the conflicting parties of the significance of their claims, the consequences of their non-realization;

§ installation on the conflict as an end in itself, turning the conflict into a game, building one's position into a principle, treating compromise as a loss of dignity; conflict as "creativity";

§ Exploitation of the conflict, i.e. interest in it as a condition for achieving some goals; the "threat of hostility" characteristic of many subjects as a way of self-affirmation;

§ personalization of the conflict, giving the objective problem a personal character and meaning, morally extreme mutual actions and statements that create almost irresistible hostility “forever”, even if the cause of the conflict has already been removed.

The stated theory of the labor conflict is general. It can be more specifically developed in three directions: 1) conflicts between workers and labor groups; 2) conflicts between staff and administration; 3) conflicts between the organization as a whole and the external socio-economic environment.

test questions

1. What is conflict from a social point of view?

2. What is R. Dahrendorf's point of view on the conflict?

3. What circumstances are needed for a successful conflict resolution?

4. What are the stages and phases of the conflict?

5. What are the causes of socio-economic conflict?

6. What is the essence of the conflict of needs?

7. What are the main social groups of society come into conflict?

8. Sources of tension in industrial conflicts?

9. What contradictions underlie the labor conflict?

10. Who are the subjects of the labor conflict?

11. What are the negative consequences of labor conflict?

12. What are the causes and ways of resolving labor conflicts?

13. What is the process for resolving labor disputes?


1. Adamchuk V.V., Romashov O.V., Sorokina M.E. Economics and sociology of labor: Textbook for universities. – M.: UNITI, 1999.

2. Daft R. Organizations: A textbook for psychologists and economists. - St. Petersburg: Prime-EUROZNAK, 2001.

3. Dorin A.V. Economic sociology: Proc. allowance. – Minsk: Ecoperspective, 1997.

4. Zaitsev A.K. social conflict. – M.: Academia, 2000.

5. Conflicts in modern Russia (problems of analysis and regulation) / Ed. E.I. Stepanova. – M.: Editorial URSS, 1999.

6. Nagaichuk A.F. Conflict of Interest in the Sphere of Social Policy // Sotsiol. research - 2006. - No. 3. – P. 48–54.

7. Romashov O.V. Sociology of labor: Proc. allowance. – M.: Gardariki, 2001.

8. Social conflictology: Proc. allowance for students of higher education. textbook institutions / N.P. Dedov, A.V. Morozov and others. Ed. A.V. Morozov. – M.: Academy, 2002.

Resolution is the final stage of the conflict process. It is carried out either through a change in the objective situation, or through a psychological restructuring of the subjective image of the situation that has developed among the warring parties. In both cases, a twofold resolution of the social conflict is possible - complete and partial. Complete resolution means the cessation of the conflict at the level of external and intrapersonal confrontation, when the "image of the enemy" is transformed into the "image of the partner", and the focus on the struggle is replaced by an orientation towards cooperation. With a partial resolution of the conflict, only open conflict behavior disappears, but the internal motivation to continue the struggle remains, restrained by willpower, weighty arguments, or fears of third-party sanctions.

An example of a complete resolution of a labor conflict is distancing"opponents" who worked in one team, by transferring one of them to another. With limited resources - as an object of confrontation - finding additional means (financial, organizational, informational) that reduce social dissatisfaction leads to a complete solution. Partial removal of the severity is carried out by imposing administrative sanctions on one or both sides of the conflict. However, this type of imperious influence does not give the desired effect.

Possible ways of solving social conflicts in the field of enterprise management.

The most effective and promising:

Based labor rights workers (as participants in the process of production of goods and services):

  • a) introduction of changes and additions to the traditional model of the collective agreement (charter of the enterprise), aimed at expanding the scope of the rights of employees in the field of production management and distribution of its results, established by the legislation of the country;
  • b) establishment of workers' control;
  • c) the creation of the so-called supporting structures of industrial democracy in the form of well-established in many countries incubators, advisory services, a system of economic education for workers, and some others.

On the basis of property rights (the rights of shareholders, shareholders of their enterprise):

  • a) consolidation of individual shareholdings of employees;
  • b) inclusion in the charter of the enterprise of the Regulation on the establishment of the Fund for corporatization of employees of the enterprise;
  • c) buying shares from employees-shareholders who left the enterprise on favorable terms for them;
  • d) development of systems and mechanisms of motivational incentives that encourage external shareholders, as well as shareholders from among the former employees of the enterprise, to convert their shares from the category of ordinary (voting) to the category of preferred ones;
  • e) transfer on a trust basis of shares owned by employees, and thereby the right to vote, to their trustee for general meeting shareholders, in other management bodies of the enterprise;
  • f) sale of employees' shares to outsiders with social and investment conditions: carrying out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, maintaining jobs, indexing wages in accordance with the level of inflation, improving the skills of employees, improving the system of labor protection and health of employees, etc.

There are several fairly universal principles of conflict management:

  • 1) institutionalization of the conflict, i.e. establishment of norms and procedures for the settlement or resolution of the conflict. Typically, institutionalization includes:
  • 1. prohibition on the use of violent means;
  • 2. limiting the number of participants and areas of manifestation of the conflict;
  • 3. the adoption by all parties of certain rules for resolving the conflict - organizational and ethical standards, clear agreements, etc.;
  • 4. control by third parties (state bodies, arbitrators, etc.);
  • 5. legitimization of the conflict resolution procedure, i.e. recognition by all its parties of the legitimacy and fairness of a certain procedure for resolving the dispute;
  • 6. structuring conflicting groups, i.e. determination of the composition of the participants in the conflict;
  • 7. reduction of the conflict, i.e. its consistent weakening by transferring to a softer level of confrontation or confrontation.

The manner in which people behave in a conflict coincides in meaning with the way it is resolved. The graphical grid of Thomas-Kilmenn reflects five ways of settlement: evasion, accommodation, confrontation, cooperation, compromise.

Determination of a strategy for resolving a particular conflict is associated with the choice of a method of action that is equivalent to the style of conflict behavior. At the same time, a number of significant circumstances have to be taken into account, which in one way or another come down to the use of incentive measures, including persuasion and coercion.

Firstly, the main task in resolving any conflict is to, if possible, give it a functional positive character to minimize the inevitable damage from negative consequences confrontation or sharp confrontation. Such a result is achievable if the parties to the conflict show an honest and benevolent approach to resolving their differences, a common interest in this, if they make joint efforts to find a positive solution based on consensus, i.e. stable, stable agreement of all parties.

With consensus, it is not at all necessary that the general agreement be unanimous - a complete coincidence of the positions of all participants in the conflict settlement process. It is enough that there is no objection from any of the opponents, because the consensus is incompatible with the negative position of at least one of the parties participating in the conflict.

Secondly, a twofold outcome of a particular conflict is possible - its full or partial resolution. In the first case, an exhaustive elimination of the causes that caused the conflict situation is achieved, and in the second case, there is a superficial weakening of disagreements, which over time may again reveal themselves.

When fully resolved, the conflict stops both on the objective and subjective levels. Conflict situation undergoes drastic changes, its reflection in the minds of opponents means transformation, the transformation of the “image of the enemy” into the “image of the partner”, and psychological attitude to fight, opposition is replaced by an orientation towards reconciliation, consent, partnership cooperation.

Partial resolution does not eradicate the causes of the conflict. It, as a rule, expresses only an external change in conflict behavior while maintaining an internal motivation to continue the confrontation. The measures taken are aimed at persuading or forcing the conflicting parties to stop hostile actions, to exclude someone's defeat, and to point to means that promote mutual understanding.

Thirdly, an individual or social group, correlating the interests of the conflicting parties and the parameters of their behavior, they choose the priority method for themselves to resolve the conflict, the most accessible and acceptable in the given conditions. It is necessary to understand that not every style, and therefore a method, is suitable for a particular situation. Each of the methods is effective only in resolving a certain type of conflict.

The method of confrontation is often chosen by participants in collective labor disputes, local and general social conflicts. Often they bring their disagreements with employers on social and labor issues to an extreme form - strikes, using the threat of causing significant economic damage, as well as psychological pressure through rallies, demonstrations and hunger strikes, putting forward political demands on the authorities, etc. Cooperation is a very effective way of resolving conflicts in organizations, which allows, through open collective discussion and mutual agreement, to achieve the satisfaction of the interests of the conflicting parties.

A common way to resolve conflicts is through compromise. In particular, this is due to the fact that our time is characterized by an increased dynamism of events and a close conjugation of social forces. A certain balance and balance are required, an indispensable consideration of both what leads to rapprochement towards cooperation, and what disrupts partnerships, gives rise to competition, confrontation and aggravation of conflicts.

Fourthly, the conflicting party can, under certain conditions, use not one, but two or three or even all methods of resolving the conflict. This circumstance also confirms the fact that none of the five styles of behavior in conflicts, methods of their resolution can be singled out, recognized as the best and, accordingly, as the worst. The main thing is that you need to acquire the ability to use any of the methods with benefit, to consciously make one or another choice, based on a specific conflict situation.

Labor conflicts and methods of their resolution Oseev A.A.

Despite the multiplicity of scientific approaches to the definition of conflict, two main trends stand out. First. A broad definition of conflict is given. The conflict is seen as a clash of opposing positions, opinions, values, and ideas that people try to resolve through beliefs or actions. Second. A narrow definition of conflict is given. The conflict is seen as conflict action and behavior of the parties; clash of interaction caused by the opposite direction of goals and interests, positions and views.

So, the conflict in general is a clash of interaction caused by the opposite direction of goals and interests, positions and views. Conflict (conflict situation) as a type of social and labor relations is a stage of exacerbation of contradictions in labor relations.

Labor conflict is a kind of social conflict. Labor conflict is a special type of communication, which is based on contradictions in the system of social and labor relations. Labor conflict is collision of oppositely directed actions of workers caused by the divergence of interests, values ​​and norms of behavior. It is expressed in the mutual opposition of the members of the team, which is accompanied by a state of tension in the relationship. Labor conflict, depending on the stage of development, can take various forms. - signs manifestations: silent discontent, boycott, open discontent, quarrel, strike, labor dispute, mass layoffs, etc.

Objective components of the conflict.

The main participants in the conflict. They are usually called parties or opposing forces. These are the subjects of the conflict that directly take active actions against each other. Participants in a labor conflict can be very different depending on the level structural organization subjects of social and labor relations. These are: an individual - an employee, an employer (entrepreneur), a state; ...

Quite common is the fact that in a conflict they try to single out the parties that first started conflict actions. They call her the initiator of the conflict. If one of the parties initiates a conflict, then this does not mean that she is not right.

support groups. The complexity of the conflict as a social phenomenon lies in the fact that in addition to the main participants in the conflict, there may be forces (individuals, groups) that share the positions of the warring parties. These forces either directly, actively support the main participants by their actions, or by their presence and tacit consent they can influence the development of the conflict. Despite the fact that individual incidents occur without witnesses, the outcome of the conflict is largely determined by the existence of support groups.

Other members. This group are those subjects that have an episodic impact on the course and results of the conflict. In the literature, the use of terms - instigators and organizers of the conflict - is becoming common. Instigator- this is a subject (person, organization, etc.) that pushes the other participant to the conflict. The instigator himself may not participate in this conflict. Its task is to provoke, unleash the conflict and its development. Organizer- a subject planning a conflict and its development, providing for various ways of providing and protecting participants, etc. production organization it can be a formal or informal leader, a trade union, etc.

2. The subject of the conflict, <конфликтная ситуация>.

So, subject of conflict- this is an objectively existing or imaginary problem that serves as the basis of the conflict. It should be noted that since an imaginary problem is perceived as an objective reality, then when resolving a labor conflict with it, it should be considered as a reality and deal with its elimination.

3. The object of the conflict. An attribute of any conflict is an object - an element of the material or spiritual sphere, which is located at the intersection of personal, group, public or state interests of subjects. The object of the conflict can be a material (resource), social (power) or spiritual value (idea, norm, principle), which opponents seek to possess or use.

Structural resolution conflict involves either an objective change in the state of the object itself, accessibility to it, or a subjective perception of the problem itself. For example, the system of remuneration of labor can be changed taking into account the requirements of workers; or the workers changed their attitude towards the object of the conflict - they agreed with the current system of remuneration and withdrew their demands for its change.

4. Incident. For a conflict to occur, it is necessary to accumulate discontent and actions on the part of the participants aimed at mastering the object.

Socio-psychological components of the conflict.

Interests the opponent represent conscious needs that provide focus on the object of the conflict, and contribute to the implementation of his conflict behavior. It should be emphasized that, along with material interests, opponents in a conflict can also defend spiritual values. These can be universal values ​​(for example, the truth of judgments, the fairness of decisions), as well as personal values ​​(self-esteem, honor, honesty, responsibility, self-esteem, etc.).

motives in conflict - this is the personal meaning that the subject puts into his conflict behavior. It is the motive that explains what interests the opponents pursue in the conflict. The motives of the opposing parties are specified in their goals. Target- this is a conscious image of the anticipated result, to achieve which the actions of a person are aimed.

Functions of labor conflicts.

1.Signal . The emergence of a labor conflict indicates the emergence of disagreements in the system of social and labor relations, the aggravation of contradictions in the life of a production organization and the fact that the parties entered into business contacts in order to solve urgent problems.

2. Integrative (disintegrative) . The labor conflict leads to the fact that the previously single team is divided into separate groups, the members of which are united among themselves; the parties come to the conclusion that it is not more expedient to achieve success alone and join their efforts to achieve the goal. As a result, there is a change in the balance of individual, group, collective interests. For example. The conflict of workers with the administration, on the one hand, increases the confrontation in the relationship between the administration and the workers, and, on the other hand, increases the cohesion of the workers.

3. Innovative, socializing. In the course of a labor conflict, new rules and norms of labor interaction are developed, with the help of which obstacles in the system of social and labor relations that hinder the economic and social development of the team are overcome. New norms of behavior, values ​​and attitudes are being developed among the subjects of the conflict.

4. Positive (negative). The positive function of the labor conflict lies precisely in the improvement of the system of social and labor relations. If a labor conflict leads to the disintegration of production and is accompanied by tangible losses of resources (industrial, economic, labor, etc.), then the negative function of the conflict is evident.

5. Socio-psychological the function of the labor conflict is to change the socio-psychological, emotional climate in the production organization. A labor conflict is often accompanied by emotional tension in the relationships between the subjects of the conflict; individual employees and members of the administration develop mutual hostility, irritability, incontinence in communication, which makes it difficult to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem due to the stresses that arise among its participants. , through confrontation between private and public interests.

Regulation of labor conflicts involves knowledge of their types and causes.

Types of labor conflicts .

Depending on the structural level of organization of subjects involved in a labor conflict, vertical and horizontal conflicts, interpersonal and intergroup, are distinguished.

Causes of labor conflicts

Among the typical causes of labor conflicts are:

Deficiencies in the work of the administration in planning and organizing work; this is all that is connected with the violation of the principles of management (see Fayol's principles of management);

Bureaucratic attitude of the administration to the interests of workers;

Inaction of the administration in improving working conditions;

Ignorance or ignorance by the employer of the norms of the current labor legislation;

Devaluation of labor culture values;

Decreased labor and social guarantees for employees;

Low wages, unfair rates;

Late payment of wages;

Misappropriation of financial resources by managers;

Violation of contractual obligations for deliveries, payments, etc.;

Rising unemployment;

The impoverishment of the population, including hired workers.

Labor conflict as a social phenomenon is a complex socio-psychological process.

Labor conflict as a socio-psychological process: stages, phases, flow mechanism.

Among the forms (signs) of manifestations of discontent and resolution of contradictions in the system of social and labor relations, the following stand out:

1. Silent discontent, boycott. A fairly common form of manifestation of labor conflict. An example could be a situation where, for example, due to delays in wages, employees try to minimize communication with the company's management, do not want to speak at production meetings, etc.

2. Open discontent - oral or written statements. This can be: speaking at meetings of workers, appealing to higher management, appealing to the press on radio and television, appealing for support to people's deputies, parties, making demands directly or through intermediaries (for example, trade unions), appealing to commissions on labor disputes.

3. Conflict actions: organization of pickets, lockouts, strikes.

The concept of social tension helps to understand the labor conflict as a socio-psychological process. A labor conflict is a stage in the development of social tension and the development of contradictions in the system of social and labor relations.

There are the following forms of labor conflict resolution.

1. Reorganization - a change in the organizational and labor order that caused the conflict, and not a struggle and persuasion in relation to the conflicting parties.

2. Informing, i.e. socio-psychological regulation aimed at restructuring the image of the situation in the minds of the conflicting parties, achieving a correct view of the conflict, promoting the benefits of peace in this particular case.

3. Transformation, i.e. transition of the conflict from a state of useless hostility to a state of negotiations.

4. Distraction - shifting the attention of the conflicting parties to other problems or positive aspects of their relationship; focusing attention on something in common, which contributes to cohesion.

5. Distancing - the exclusion of conflicting parties from general organizational and labor relations by, for example, transferring to other jobs, to other divisions, personnel replacements.

6. Ignoring - deliberate inattention to the conflict so that it resolves itself or so that focusing attention on the conflict does not contribute to its aggravation.

7. Suppression is a situation in which the causes of the conflict are not removed, but any conflict behavior is prohibited under the threat of administrative sanctions for one or both parties.

8. Comfortable preference - a decision in favor of the majority, satisfaction of the interests of a socially stronger side.

The solvability and resolution of a labor conflict is largely determined by the characteristics of the behavior of individuals and groups in certain conditions. Let's pay attention to some negative behavioral phenomena in the conflict:

dramatization of the conflict - exaggeration by the conflicting parties of the significance of their claims, the consequences of their non-realization;

installation on the conflict as an end in itself - turning the conflict into a game, raising one's position into a principle, treating compromise as a loss of dignity;

exploitation of the conflict, i.e. interest in it as a condition for achieving some goals; the “threat of hostility” characteristic of many subjects as a way of self-affirmation, taking a certain position;

personalization of the conflict - giving the objective problem a personal character and meaning.

The stated theory of the labor conflict is general. It can be specifically developed in three directions: conflicts between workers and labor groups; conflicts between staff and management; conflicts between the organization as a whole and the external socio-economic environment.

Business negotiations as a way to prevent and resolve conflict. It should be noted that negotiations are not just a set of methods for resolving a conflict in general and a labor conflict in particular. Negotiation should be considered as a complex phenomenon: Negotiation is a process of communication to jointly solve the problem and meet the needs of the subjects, the mutual interests of the parties. During the negotiation process, knowledge and coordination of the interests of the subjects, an emotional mood is formed, the very ways of realizing these interests are determined and developed .

The importance of understanding the use of negotiations as a means of preventing and resolving contradictions and conflicts lies in the fact that such an approach helps to maintain a state of peaceful interaction between the warring parties. This indicates the need to find ways to solve the problem before the forceful actions taken by one of the parties (or all parties involved in a state of confrontation) to achieve their goals make peaceful cooperation impossible. . Orientation to negotiations as a way to prevent conflict is a factor of deterrence from conflict actions.

Organizational institutions for resolving labor conflicts.

Agreements and contracts, collective agreement, labor dispute commission or court, departmental and interdepartmental conventions .

1. The most important mechanism for the peaceful resolution of labor conflicts are agreements and contracts, a collective agreement containing the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, including in the event of a conflict.

In those organizations where collective agreements are not concluded, and a contractual system of regulation of social and labor relations operates, it is the content of contracts that will serve as a criterion in resolving labor disputes. Hence the conclusion: the employee and the employer must be well aware of their obligations and strictly fulfill them.

Another effective way to prevent and resolve labor conflicts is the procedure for concluding a collective labor agreement. The purpose and procedure for the adoption of a collective agreement at general meetings of employees make it possible to take into account the interests of employees and employers and thereby reveal in advance the causes of labor conflicts and determine measures to resolve them.

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in an organization and is concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives. The collective agreement is the most important element of the organization of labor relations, legal form balancing the interests of the employer and employees. The content and structure of the collective agreement are determined by the parties. The collective agreement may include mutual obligations of employees and the employer on the following issues: forms, systems and amounts of wages, working hours and rest periods, including issues of granting and duration of holidays, improving working conditions and labor protection for workers, including women and youth, etc. .

2. Other institutions for resolving labor conflicts between employees and employers may be a labor dispute commission or a court. The employee has the right, without the consent of the elected trade union body, to apply to the court after the conflict has been considered by the commission on labor disputes.

Court. The decision of the court is binding on the conflicting parties. Going to court sometimes becomes the only way to resolve a labor conflict in situations where other ways to resolve a conflict situation have not given the desired effect. The court, guided by the norms of labor legislation, considers incoming claims and makes its decision. That is why it is so important for the subjects of labor relations to correctly conclude agreements and contracts, collective agreements and other legal documents that stipulate the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and serve as objective criteria in resolving labor conflicts.

4. The adoption of departmental and interdepartmental conventions is becoming more widespread. between government officials, employers and trade unions. Control over the implementation of the adopted agreements, on the one hand, is carried out by a tripartite commission, and on the other hand, is carried out by the parties independently in accordance with their functions. In cases where labor collectives undertake not to resort to strikes during the period of validity of contracts, then collective agreements become a legal mechanism for regulating labor conflicts.

Another way to resolve a labor conflict is mediation.

5. Mediation.

The essence of the method is to provide opponents or contracting parties with the right to solve the problem of developing a solution to a third party. The mediator is a party independent of the problem. The task of the mediator is to help the parties achieve the desired result. He organizes and manages the process of reaching a mutually acceptable agreement, while the content remains within the competence of the disputing parties. In a production team, an intermediary can be either an organization located, according to its formal status, outside or above the conflicting parties (for example, the same court, trade unions or a higher organization), or a formal or informal leader, an ordinary member of the team, or a specialist, invitations from<стороны>and trusted by the parties.

In the solution of a labor conflict in sociology, they understand the process of managerial influence (in the form of a set of methods, methods, forms, etc.) on the course of a labor conflict in order to remove (eliminate) the causes of its occurrence and negative consequences. Such a view does not deny the possibility of resolving the conflict in a natural way, since the "managerial" influence of factors on the course of the conflict in this case will be random.

The decision is not seen as some independent process behind the labor conflict. This is actually the final stage of the conflict process. It is carried out either through a change in the objective situation, and therefore at the price of a psychological restructuring of the subjective image of the situation that has developed among the warring parties. In both cases, a twofold resolution of the social conflict is possible: complete and partial. A complete solution means the cessation of the conflict at the level of external and internal personal confrontation, when the "image of the enemy" is transformed into the "image of a partner", and the orientation towards the struggle is replaced by an orientation towards the worker's singing. According to a partial solution, only open conflict behavior is leveled, but the internal impulse to continue antagonism is preserved, restrained by the will, reasonable arguments, or the violation of sanctions by a third party oroni.

An example of a complete resolution of a labor conflict is the distancing of "opponents" who worked in one team, by transferring one of them to another environment of limited resources - as an object of opposition - until a complete solution leads to the attraction of additional funds (financial, organizational, informational), reducing social dissatisfaction. Partial relief of tension is carried out by imposing administrative sanctions on one or both sides of the conflict. However, this type of power influence (unless, of course, the punishment is perceived as fair) does not give the proper effect.

There are three fundamentally different ways of regulating labor conflicts in the literature:

Compromise, based on the coordination of interests between the parties, conflict (for example, between the administration and workers), while each of them makes concessions;

Unilateral, which consists in the suppression of one side by the other (for example, the organization of strikebreaking, the introduction of troops, forced coercion to work);

Integrative, in which new ways and models of behavior of conflicting parties are developed and implemented, in the area that caused the conflict (for example, the privatization of an enterprise if the administration and employees cannot reach a final agreement.

Agree that it is often the integrative way of resolving the conflict that is optimal, since the compromise and unilateral methods only hinder the development of such conflicts, not completely extinguishing "into hotbeds of tension", not achieving a complete settlement of the conflict (for example, the constantly "smoldering", unresolved conflict between the government of the country and miners of Donbass.

It should be noted that the solution of conflicts caused by objective contradictions provides for a timely accurate diagnosis, a joint search for ways to overcome them. To do this, you need to get rid of the stereotypes of the struggle, the accumulated "image of the enemy", hostility and mistrust towards each other. This is achieved on the basis of a goal that is significant for each group and at the same time such that it unites opponents on a wider platform. In addition, the parties must understand that a goal based on mutually beneficial interest can only be realized through joint efforts.

The main methods of resolving social conflicts in the sphere of production include: compromise, negotiations, the use of force (power, law, tradition)

Compromise is a way to solve a problem when opponents realize their interests through mutual concessions: either concessions to a weaker side, or one that has managed to prove the validity of their demands to the one who voluntarily renounced part of their claims. This rarely happens; more often compromises are acquired as a result of difficult business negotiations.

Negotiations are a specific type of institutionalized conflict regulation. In the narrow sense of the word, this is a mechanism for regulating relations between social actors, based on the simultaneous existence of the interaction of homeownership and disagreement of interests.

Conditions conducive to negotiation include the following points: 1) the participation of parties with different value systems and striving for mutually opposite or sharply different goals, 2) the parties take part in a specific area of ​​activity where they have a zone of common interests, 3) the attitude of the parties to the subject of negotiations is not the same, that is, there is a serious difference in approaches to resolving the conflict, up to their opposite; 4) the parties have a great desire to reach a mutually acceptable agreement, 5) they are aware of the need to take into account the interests and positions of each other, 6) the parties sharply assess the situation, the desired outcome of the negotiations, the balance of power - their own and the enemy.

Only properly conducted negotiations can resolve a social conflict. Often business negotiations are based on a flexible balance of interests and resources of the parties, on the desire for compromise. True, sometimes they end with a choice between alternatives. Of considerable importance is the socio-psychological background of the negotiations; the great influence of the psychological appearance of the participants in the negotiations, both initial and what appeared during the negotiations. Elements of verbal communication (disputes, discussions) play their role, the purpose of which is to protect one's own interests and change the opponent's position.

The use of force occurs every time the parties are confident in their strength, that is, that they are able to impose their decision on the opponent.

The following forms of application are distinguished: information, experience of communication with different partners, the social status of a parliamentarian, official powers in decision-making, reputation, personal potential. It should not be forgotten that the power strategy involves the deliberate infliction of damage to the opponent or the elimination of support from a third party; that negotiations could break down at any moment.

Another way to resolve conflicts, where the forces of the opponents are clearly unequal or the position of one of the parties is more convincing, is a retreat. Sometimes it is more useful to retreat with certain losses than to lose everything by being unyielding. The ability to give in in a timely manner is a sign of the high culture of conflict behavior of most Ukrainian enterprises.

In the literature, the following forms of resolving a labor conflict are distinguished

reorganization, that is, a change in the organizational and labor order that caused the conflict, and not the struggle and persuasion of the parties to the conflict;

informing, that is, socio-psychological regulation aimed at restructuring the image of the situation in the minds of the parties, achieving the correct view of the conflict, promoting reconciliation and the benefits of this about (in this particular case)

transformation, i.e. transferring the conflict from a state of useless hostility to a state of negotiations;

distraction is the transfer of the attention of the parties in conflict to other problems or positive aspects of their relationship; orientation of the attention of the parties to something in common, which contributes to the unification;

distancing - the withdrawal of the conflicting parties from the general organizational and labor relations by, for example, moving to other jobs, to other divisions, personnel replacements;

ignoring - deliberate neglect of the conflict so that it resolves itself or so that focusing on the conflict does not contribute to its aggravation;

suppression is a situation in which the causes of the conflict are not eliminated, but any conflict behavior is prohibited under the threat of administrative sanctions for one or both parties;

comfortable advantage is a decision in favor of the majority, satisfaction of the interests of the stronger in social sense sides

Successful resolution of labor conflicts requires possession of a set of means, forms and methods of solution, the ability to combine their varieties according to real conditions

At the end of the consideration of the topic, we note that the social labor conflict is the stage of maximum development of contradictions between the subjects of social and labor relations, behavior directly in the sphere of labor activity or related areas (distribution, exchange, consumption, etc..

The labor conflict is based on the struggle between individuals (or groups) for the achievement (or preservation) of the means of production, economic position, power or other values ​​that have social recognition, as well as the subordination, neutralization, elimination of the real (or imaginary) enemy.

Labor conflict - complex social phenomenon, has its own structure and functions. The structure is formed by all participants - both individuals and groups. The main functions of the conflict include: integration, signaling, information, innovation, transformation, stabilization, socialization. Labor conflicts have both positive and negative consequences.

A social and labor conflict is a social process that has a length in time and stages (stages): pre-conflict, conflict and post-conflict situation

Among the causes of labor conflicts, there are: objective and subjective; associated with conditions, reinforcing or encouraging the unity of value opposites; aggressive attitudes directly lead to conflict behavior, psychological processes that reinforce confidence in incompatibility between the two.

The solution of a labor conflict is a process of managerial influence (in the form of a set of methods, methods, forms, etc.) on the course of a labor conflict in order to eliminate the causes of its occurrence and negative consequences.

. Questions for self-control

1. How does sociological science understand labor conflict?

2. How does the concept of "labor conflict" differ from the concepts of "competition", "hostility", "rivalry"?

3. What social processes underlie the labor conflict?

4. What social signs inherent in the labor conflict?

5. What elements form the structure of a labor conflict?

6. What functions are inherent in the labor conflict?

7. Through what stages does the process of the emergence and development of a labor conflict go through?

8. What causes labor conflicts?

9. On what grounds is the classification of labor conflicts carried out?

10. What elements does the process of resolving a labor conflict consist of?

1. Bandura. A. M,. Friends. V. A. Conflictology X, 1997

2. Borodkin. F. M,. Koryak. NM Attention: conflict. Novosibirsk, 1984

3. Gromova. O. N. Conflictology. M, 1993

4. Danakin. N.S. Diatchenko. L. I,. Speransky. VI Conflicts and technology of their prevention. Belgorod, 1995

5. Zaitsev. AK Social conflict at the enterprise. Kaluga, 1993

6 conflictological expertise: theory and methodology:. Materials of the international seminar /. Ed. A. M. Gornyak et al. K, 1997. Issue 1

7. Lukashevich. M. P,. Tulenkov. MV Special and branch sociological theories. K, 1999

8. Lukashevich. N. P. Sociology of labor. K, 2001

9. Perebenesyuk. V. P,. Bekeshkina /. E. Social conflicts and youth. K, 1994

10. One and a half k. V. A. Sociology of labor: a reference book. Dnepropetrovsk, 1997

11. Romashov. O. V. Sociology of labor. M, 1999

12. Satskov. N. Ya. Methods and methods of activity of managers and businessmen. K, 1993

13. Sociology: encyclopedic dictionary /. Ed. V. I. Volovich. K, 1998

14. Sociology of labor:. Textbook /. Ed. N. I. Dryakhlov,. A. I. Kravchenko,. V. V. Shcherbina. M, 1993

15. Shalenko. VN Conflicts in labor collectives. M, 1992

16. Frolov. SF Sociology: cooperation and conflicts:. Study guide. M, 1997


Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1 The concept of conflict. Types and functions of conflict

2 Causes of conflicts in the world of work

Chapter 2. Analytical part

1 Conflict resolution analysis

2 Conflict prevention

3 Methods of resolving labor conflicts in modern conditions and characteristic features of conflicts at enterprises



“Conflict is an open clash between members of a team, which is characterized by their confrontation based on oppositely directed motives (needs, interests, goals, ideals, beliefs) or judgments (opinions, views, assessments, etc.).”

Inside the organization, the conflict can always be settled in one way or another in a finite time, but the conditions of struggle in the external environment of the organization will inevitably affect the emergence of conflicts within the organization. The simplest variant of such a conflict is a lack of resources in the external environment, which forces the organization to work in conditions of a shortage of resources, and in the internal environment there will also be a need to fight for them.

There is another definition of conflict as “the lack of agreement between two or more parties, which may be individuals or groups. Each side does everything to get its point of view or goal accepted, and prevents the other side from doing the same.

The modern view is that even in well-managed organizations, some conflict is not only possible, but may even be desirable.

In many situations, the conflict helps to reveal the diversity of points of view, provides additional information, helps to voice big number alternatives or problems. This makes the decision-making process of the group more efficient, gives people the opportunity to express their thoughts and thereby satisfy their personal needs for self-respect, which can also lead to more effective implementation of plans.

Analysis of the studied sources and literature. The chosen topic is quite relevant in modern society. Its study was undertaken by many authors both abroad and in Russia. The most famous works of domestic authors: I.E. Vorozheikin, A.Ya. Kibanov, D.K. Zakharov, A. Komarov, E. Komarov, V.P. Ratnikov and others.

The goal is to give recommendations on how to resolve them based on research on conflicts in the field of management at Russian enterprises.

consider the nature, essence and structure of conflicts;

show the methodology of conflict resolution, methods of diagnostics and prevention;

explore conflicts at Russian enterprises, show the general principles, rules, recommendations used in conflict management.

The object of the study is conflicts arising in the sphere of labor and methods for their solution.

The subject of the study is conflicts in the sphere of management in modern conditions.

The theoretical and methodological basis in the course work was the structural, systematic and analytical approaches.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

.1 The concept of conflict. Types and functions of conflict

A conflict is an open clash between team members, which is characterized by their confrontation based on oppositely directed motives (needs, interests, goals, ideals, beliefs) or judgments (opinions, views, assessments, etc.).

Social ties inherent in society as complex system and holistic education, have a stable character and are reproduced in the historical process, passing from one generation of people to another. They are real, because they are carried out with joint activities in certain time and to achieve specific goals. These connections and relationships are established not at someone's whim, but objectively, under the influence of the conditions in which a person exists, performs actions, and creates.

Moreover, society is not a simple collection of individuals and their relationships. Representing an integral system with its characteristic qualitative state, it is primary in relation to the individual. Each individual, being born, finds a formalized structure of previously established connections and, as he socializes, is included in it, assimilates the knowledge and values ​​​​that have become accessible to people by that time, and the determined norms of behavior.

It is legitimate to assume that interpersonal conflictis one of the ways in which human beings interact. The purpose of the conflict was and is to overcome excessively aggravated contradictions, to find the optimal way out of the confrontation that has arisen, to maintain the interaction of subjects social connections in the conditions of a serious divergence of their interests, assessments, goals.

The conflict should be perceived as a completely normal social phenomenon, process and way of interaction between people. Like a person, society by its very nature cannot be absolutely perfect, ideal, conflict-free. Disharmony, contradictions, conflicts are constant and inevitable components community development.

Conflict is a conscious phenomenon, a deliberate action. The conflict appears as an awareness at the level of an individual, a social group or a wider community of the inconsistency of the process of interaction and relationships, differences, and even incompatibility of interests, value assessments and goals, as a meaningful confrontation.

Next feature: under social conflictunderstand any kind of struggle between individuals, the purpose of which is the achievement of means of production, economic position, power or other values ​​​​that enjoy social recognition, as well as the subordination, neutralization or elimination of a real enemy

Conflict-free- this is an illusion, a utopia, and even more so not good. Conflicts, like any social contradictions, are a form of real public relations, which just express the interaction of individuals, the relationship of social groups and communities in case of discrepancy, incompatibility of their needs, motives and roles.

It is very significant that conflict- this is a social phenomenon, a way of interaction between people in the event of a clash of their incompatible views, positions and interests, a confrontation between two or more parties that are interconnected, but pursue their own goals.

And one more important feature, which is expressed in the fact that conflict is a predictable phenomenon subject to regulation. This can be explained by the very nature of the emergence of conflict clashes, the forms of interaction between the parties involved in them, and the interest in the outcome and consequences of the confrontation.

Firstly, conflict interaction is distinguished by the fact that the confrontation in it of representatives of diverging interests and goals serves as a link for them at the same time.

Secondly, any participant in a conflict confrontation, one way or another, must argue his position, justify claims and make efforts to implement his demands.

If we summarize the above about the conflict and proceed from its widespread understanding as a clash of parties, opinions and forces, then for management science and the applied significance of conflictology, the following definition will probably be the closest and most acceptable: conflict - this is a normal manifestation of social ties and relationships between people, a way of interaction in the event of a clash of incompatible views, positions and interests.

Types of conflicts

Approaches to classification can be very different. Thus, sociologists pay attention primarily to the macro or micro level of conflicts, to their main types, such as socio-economic, national-ethnic and political. Lawyers distinguish between intra- and extra-systemic conflicts, the spheres of their manifestation, including family, domestic, cultural, social and labor conflicts, as well as a wide variety of economic, financial and property conflicts that arise in a market economy.

Conflicts in labor collectives are classified according to various criteria:

)by nature of occurrence- business and emotional. Business conflicts have a production basis and arise in connection with the search for ways to solve complex problems, with an attitude to existing shortcomings, the choice of a manager's style, etc. They are inevitable. Emotional conflicts are purely personal in nature. The source of these conflicts lies either in personal qualities opponents, or in their psychological incompatibility;

)by direction of interaction- vertical and horizontal, that is, between opponents of different ranks and the same rank;

)on the impact on the development of the workforce- destructive and constructive. Constructive ones are useful and find expression in disputes and discussions; destructive ones hinder the development of the labor collective;

)by number of participants- intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, between individuals and a group.

· intrapersonal conflict.This type of conflict does not fully meet the definition. Here, the participants in the conflict are not people, but various psychological factors. inner world personalities that are often incompatible: needs, motives, values, feelings.

Intra-personal conflicts associated with work in an organization can take various forms. One of the most common forms is it's a role conflict, when different roles of a person make conflicting demands on him. For example, being a good family man (the role of a father, mother, husband, wife, etc.), a person must spend the evenings at home, and the position of a leader may oblige him to stay at work. Or: the head of the workshop instructed the foreman to release a certain number of parts, and the technical manager at the same time - to carry out a technical inspection of the equipment. The reason for the first conflict is the mismatch of personal needs and requirements of production, and the second - a violation of the principle of unity of command. Internal conflicts can arise in the workplace due to work overload or, conversely, the lack of work if you need to be at the workplace.

· Interpersonal conflict.This is the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Many leaders believe that the only reason for it is the dissimilarity of characters. Indeed, there are people who, due to differences in characters, attitudes, and behavior, find it very difficult to get along with each other. However, a deeper analysis shows that such conflicts, as a rule, are based on objective reasons. Most often, this is a struggle for limited resources: material assets, production space, equipment use time, labor, etc. Everyone believes that it is he who needs the resources, and not the other. Conflicts arise between a leader and a subordinate, for example, when the subordinate is convinced that the leader makes exorbitant demands on him, and the leader believes that the subordinate does not want to work at full strength.

· Conflict between the individual and the group.Informal groups establish their own norms of behavior and communication. Each member of such a group must comply with them. Deviation from the accepted norms is considered by the group as a negative phenomenon, a conflict arises between the individual and the group. Another common conflict of this type is the conflict between the group and the leader. The most difficult such conflicts occur with an authoritarian leadership style.

· Intergroup conflict.The organization consists of many formal and informal groups, between which conflicts can arise. For example, between management and executors, between employees of various departments, between informal groups within departments, between administration and the trade union.

Unfortunately, disagreements between higher and lower levels of management, that is, between line and staff personnel, are a frequent example of intergroup conflict.

Conflict functions

There are a number of functions that are, in particular, of the most significant importance in the management of the organization and the behavior of personnel.

One of the main functions of the conflict is the one due to which an integrating effect is achieved, affects the stability and stability of the social system, the formation and consolidation of groups, the ratio of individual and collective interests, and the readjustment of the management mechanism.

Intra-group conflict usually has a positive ending, allows you to learn useful lessons from the mistakes and mistakes of group members, stabilize their relationships, strengthen cooperation, orient everyone towards the observance of common norms of behavior, raise the bar of social optimism and business ethics, which ultimately ensures coherence and increased effectiveness. collaboration.

The most important function of the conflict is the activation of social ties, giving the interaction of people and their relations more dynamism and mobility. This affects the pace of socio-economic development both in society and within a single organization, determines one or another degree of business spirit.

For any group, cohesion is important, a measure of attraction to each other and to the group as a whole. The basic basis of such attraction is formed, firstly, by the attractiveness of the goals of the association, and secondly, by the similarity of views and value orientations of its members, the effectiveness and ease of group ties.

However, it should be borne in mind that the cohesion achieved, the unifying principles within the team, are fraught with the risk of replacing individual egoism with group egoism, which is expressed by antipathy, hostility, enmity and even hatred towards other groups (collectives).

More often than others, the subjects of confrontation in intergroup relations are employees of various inspection services, which carry out, in particular, technical control, including product quality, sanitary and environmental supervision, inspection of labor protection and safe work, audit and other forms of financial and economic revisions.

Significant functions of the conflict include signaling about the centers of social tension. Conflict collision allows not only to detect unresolved issues and serious blunders in the conduct of the case, but also provides an opportunity for open expression of the needs, interests and aspirations of people, their dissatisfaction or protest. In conflict conditions, people are more clearly aware of both their own and alien interests, objective trends and contradictions in social development, the need to overcome obstacles to progress and achieve maximum benefit.

Original, re-formulated ideas, rejection of ingrained habits and outdated traditions very often encounter rejection, resistance, and negative reaction.

Usually, the conflict stimulates initiative, creativity, mobilization of creative forces, the search for non-standard approaches to solving complex problems, the optimal choice of alternative options - a choice that ultimately leads to an increase in the efficiency of joint work.

At the same time, the conflict can also intensify manifestations of hostility in relations between those involved in the confrontation, causing dissatisfaction with the results of interaction, depression of the spirit, "withdrawal into oneself", and a decrease in work efficiency.

An important function of the conflict is the prevention (prevention) of destructive confrontations. Achieving a détente between the parties to the conflict, settling the disagreements that have arisen and aggravated, it is possible to avoid clashes with significant material damage and moral losses, long-term discord in the team, knocking the whole organization out of the normal track.

The main task is to give the conflict, if possible, a functionally positive character, to minimize the inevitable damage from its negative consequences.

Among the typical causes of labor conflicts are:

1) Resource allocation. Even in the largest organizations, resources are always limited. Management can decide how to allocate materials, people, and finances in order to achieve the organization's goals in the most efficient way. It doesn't matter what this decision is specifically about - people always want to get more, not less. Thus, the need to share resources almost inevitably leads to various types conflict.

2) Task Interdependence. The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person or group is dependent on another person or group for tasks. Certain types organizational structures increase the potential for conflict. This possibility increases, for example, with the matrix structure of the organization, where the principle of unity of command is deliberately violated.

3) Differences in purpose. The potential for conflict increases as organizations become more specialized and broken down into divisions. This is because departments can formulate their own goals and pay more attention to achieving them than to achieving the goals of the organization. For example, a sales department may insist on producing as many different products and varieties as possible because this improves competitiveness and increases sales.

4) Poor communications. Poor communication can be both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand the situation or the perspectives of others. For example, if management fails to communicate to workers that a new performance-based pay scheme is not intended to “squeeze” workers but to increase the company's profits and position among competitors, subordinates may react by slowing down the pace of work. Other common communication problems that cause conflict are ambiguous quality criteria, the inability to accurately define the job responsibilities and functions of all employees and departments, and the presentation of mutually exclusive work requirements. These problems may arise or be exacerbated by the inability of managers to develop and communicate to subordinates an accurate job description.

)Ignorance or ignorance by the employer of the norms of the current labor legislation.

6)Reduction of labor and social guarantees for workers.

7)Inaction of the administration in improving working conditions.

Chapter 2. Analytical part

.1 Conflict resolution analysis

The resolution of labor conflicts inherently involves changing the conflict situation itself.

First. Quite often, the so-called mechanical way conflict resolution. Its essence boils down to the fact that the object of the conflict can be withdrawn from circulation, or it can be replaced by another object. An example is the situation when one wage system that caused labor conflicts is replaced by another; time for piece work. Either all opponents, or one of the parties, can be eliminated or their rank will change. Quite often, we observe when employees who are dissatisfied with the wage system or the size of wages, the administration, under some pretext, tries to fire them or transfer them to another job site.

It should be noted that the mechanical way to resolve the conflict, when one of the opponents is removed, is not always justified. In relation to our example, it often happens that new employees hired to replace laid-off workers, finding themselves in similar conditions, also begin to express dissatisfaction with the wage system. In this regard, other schemes for resolving labor disputes become important.

Second.Changing the attitude of opponents to the object due to changes in the characteristics of opponents and the object; the qualities of the object change, the accessibility of this object to opponents changes, or any conditions will be imposed on the manipulation of this object. For example, in the course of negotiations with the administration, employees became convinced of the fairness of wages and changed their claims, their attitude towards the object of the conflict. (Changing the characteristics of opponents.) There was a process of reconciliation of opponents without changing the object - increasing wages or changing the pay system.

Of course, there are also cases when an attempt is made either to ignore the conflict or to suppress it through a ban on discussing its causes, threats of sanctions, etc. Such situations actually lead to a loss of control over conflict processes. Studies have repeatedly proven that only the very fact of discussing the problem by the parties has already led to the removal of social tension. Therefore, it is rightly considered that the most effective methods of preventing and resolving labor conflicts in the early stages of their occurrence are negotiations.

Business negotiations as a way to prevent and resolve conflict. It should be noted that negotiations are not just a set of methods for resolving a conflict in general and a labor conflict in particular. Negotiations should be viewed as a complex phenomenon: negotiationthis is a process of communication to jointly solve the problem and meet the needs of the subjects, the mutual interests of the parties. In the process of negotiations, the interests of the subjects are known and coordinated, an emotional mood is formed, the ways of realizing these interests are determined and developed.

The importance of understanding the use of negotiations as a means of preventing and resolving contradictions and conflicts lies in the fact that such an approach helps to maintain a state of peaceful interaction between the warring parties. This indicates the need to find ways to solve the problem before the forceful actions taken by one of the parties (or by all parties involved in a state of confrontation) to achieve their goals make peaceful cooperation impossible.

2.2 Conflict prevention

There are a number of obstacles that reduce the possibility of preventing conflicts and directing their development in a constructive direction.

This obstacle is of a psychological nature and is associated with such a generic quality of human psychology, which is characterized as an irresistible human desire for freedom and independence.

The existence of certain generally accepted moral norms that regulate human relationships.

This obstacle is of a legal nature and is due to the fact that in countries with developed democratic traditions, some universal norms of morality have taken the form of legal norms that protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.

Therefore, successful conflict prevention activities can only be carried out within the boundaries established by psychological, moral and legal requirements for the regulation of human relationships.

“Conflict prevention is essentially an impact on those socio-psychological phenomena that can become elements of the structure of a future conflict, on its participants and on the resources they use. Since each conflict is associated with the infringement of certain needs and interests of people, both material and spiritual, its prevention should begin with its distant, deep prerequisites, with the identification of those causes that potentially contain the possibility of a conflict.

As noted, all the various causes of conflict can be represented as having two levels:

) objective, or social;

) subjective, or psychological.

Objective or social causes- these are economic, political and spiritual contradictions of social life. Methods for preventing the causes of conflicts at this level are reduced to:

pursuing an economic and cultural policy based on the principles of equality and social justice;

strengthening in all spheres of society the principles of law and order;

raising the cultural level of the population.

The implementation of these social programs is the most reliable means of excluding destructive conflicts from social life, as well as many other negative phenomena.

The most important role among these programs is played by the influence, primarily through the media, on the spiritual world of people, the elimination of the “subculture” of violence and aggression from the mass consciousness, the change in value orientations towards respect for individual rights, goodwill in relationships, strengthening mutual trust, overcoming intolerance and violence.

Knowing and taking into account in practice the common causes of various conflicts helps, on the basis of the application of the deductive method, the movement from the general to the particular, to understand the sources of not only interpersonal conflicts, but also conflicts within small groups, as well as those large-scale confrontations that sometimes cover the whole of society. .

By the deductive method, i.e. Based on general ideas about the causes of conflicts, it is possible to predict, predict the possibility of a wide variety of social conflicts and prevent them in a timely manner.

Conflictology distinguishes among the causes of conflicts, in addition to social, also causes of a different kind - psychological.

A developed psyche is an integral quality of a person, which manifests itself in all forms of his activity, and it is also a subjective reflection of objective reality. But this feature of the human psyche, its high level of development, also determines its relative independence, independence from the natural and social environment with which it is connected.

Such are the conflicts generated by feelings of deceived trust, mutual hostility, hurt pride, doubts about the correctness of the chosen life path and other purely psychological reasons.

It is possible to prevent or weaken the conflict of the psychological level only by neutralizing the aggressive feelings and aspirations of people, which is a very, very difficult task.

However, in the work of preventing conflict of any kind, one cannot hope for the use of some quick-acting, miraculous means. This work is not one-time, but systematic, everyday, everyday. The most reliable way to prevent conflicts both psychological and social level is the creation in the family, in the organization, in the team, and finally, in society as a whole, such a moral and psychological atmosphere that excludes the very possibility of the emergence of aggressive aspirations leading to a serious conflict.

Achieving this lofty goal is possible only as a result of the consistent implementation of a whole range of thoughtful measures to strengthen relations of cooperation and mutual assistance between people.

A universal way to prevent such conflicts is to pursue a policy of strengthening cooperation, which is consistently carried out both at the social and psychological levels.

Maintaining and strengthening cooperation, the relationship of mutual assistance is the central problem of all conflict prevention tactics. Its solution is complex and includes methods of a socio-psychological, organizational, managerial and moral and ethical nature.

The most important of the socio-psychological methods focused on correcting the thoughts, feelings and moods of people are as follows:

The consent method involves carrying out activities aimed at involving potential conflict parties (participants in the conflict) in a common cause, during the implementation of which potential opponents have a more or less wide field of common interests, they get to know each other better, get used to cooperating, jointly solving emerging problems.

The method of benevolence, or empathy (sympathy, empathy), the development of the ability to empathize and sympathize with other people, to understand their internal states, involves the expression of the necessary sympathy for a workmate, partner, readiness to provide him with practical assistance. This method requires the exclusion from the relationship of unmotivated hostility, aggressiveness, impoliteness.

A method of preserving the reputation of a partner, respect for his dignity. In the event of any disagreement fraught with conflict, the most important method of preventing a negative development of events is the recognition of the dignity of a partner, the expression of due respect for his personality.

Another effective tool conflict prevention is a method of mutual complement.

It involves relying on such abilities of a partner that we ourselves do not have.

The method of complementarity is especially important in the formation of working groups, which in this case often turn out to be very strong.

The method of non-discrimination of people requires the exclusion of emphasizing the superiority of one partner over the other, and even better - and any differences between them.

To this end, in management practice, especially in Japanese firms, elements of equalizing material incentives for all employees in the firm are often used.

In the interest of increasing anti-conflictof the organization's potential, it is advisable to share merits and awards among all, even if they largely belong to one person. This principle is widely applied in everyday life.

And, finally, the last of the psychological ways of preventing conflicts is borrowed from animal trainers, from animal trainers, who, as you know, always reward their pupils for well-executed commands.

This method can conditionally be called the method of psychological stroking. He assumes that people's moods, their feelings can be regulated and need some support.

For this, the practice has developed many methods, such as anniversaries, presentations, various forms of joint recreation by members of work collectives.

These and similar events relieve psychological stress, promote emotional relaxation, evoke positive feelings of mutual sympathy, and thus create a moral and psychological atmosphere in the organization that makes it difficult for conflicts to arise.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be emphasized that everything that ensures the preservation of normal business relations, strengthens mutual respect and trust contributes to the prevention of conflict.

2.3 Methods of resolving labor conflicts in modern conditions and the characteristic features of conflicts at enterprises

social labor protest conflict

Permission - the final stage of the conflict process. It is carried out either through a change in the objective situation, or at the cost of a psychological restructuring of the subjective image of the situation that has developed among the warring parties. In both cases, a twofold resolution of the social conflict is possible - complete and partial. Complete resolution means the cessation of the conflict at the level of external and intrapersonal confrontation, when the "image of the enemy" is transformed into the "image of the partner", and the focus on the struggle is replaced by an orientation towards cooperation. With a partial resolution of the collision, only open conflict behavior disappears, but the internal impulse to continue antagonism remains, restrained by will, reasonable arguments, or fears of third party sanctions.

An example of a complete resolution of a labor conflict is distancing"opponents" who worked in one team, by transferring one of them to another. With limited resources - as an object of confrontation - finding additional means (financial, organizational, informational) that reduce social dissatisfaction leads to a complete solution. Partial removal of the severity is carried out by imposing administrative sanctions on one or both sides of the conflict. However, this type of imperious influence does not give the desired effect.

Characteristic features of conflicts in enterprises

According to studies, there are three types of "protest enterprises" in Russia:

The first type is those whose workers protest against non-payment of wages, reduction in employment, deterioration of their financial situation, closing of the enterprise, etc. To date, such "protest enterprises" are the majority.

The second type is enterprises whose employees protest against the change of administration by new owners. The motives are very different: possible "punitive" actions by the old administration (if it persists); disclosure of plans of new owners to reduce production, re-profiling it, cutting jobs, etc.

The third type is enterprises whose employees raise the level of their demands: the abolition of the authoritarian system of enterprise management and the democratization of economic power in the enterprise, regardless of the type of ownership, including the so-called employee ownership, which in fact in most cases is "management". This circumstance contributes to the ongoing collapse of illusions about such a form of ownership, and above all in its joint-stock form, the size of which is decreasing rapidly. Many, if not most, Russian workers have learned from their own experience that formal shareholding, even if they own a controlling stake, does not provide them with the ability to make managerial decisions.

Ways to democratize economic power outlined in the demands of workers of this type of "protest enterprises" in Russia:

a) division of economic power. This fits well with the world practice of splitting property rights - the rights of ownership, use and disposal, and makes it possible for workers to actually participate in enterprise management;

b) a radical redistribution of economic power in the enterprise from capital and its representatives to labor in the person of the bodies authorized by them: the trade union committee, the council of the labor collective, the working committee, etc. This kind of requirement is put forward primarily in the conditions of bringing the enterprise to artificial bankruptcy through:

· secondly, the release of the enterprise's products to "friendly" intermediary firms at prices often below cost;

· thirdly, the purchase of raw materials and materials also from "friendly" intermediary firms at inflated prices compared to market prices (part of the difference in prices ends up in the pocket of its general director).

Research has shown:

Firstly, the progress achieved towards the implementation of the above goals:

a) the removal of the old administration and the arrival of a new one, some of which recognize the right of workers to participate in the management of the enterprise, as is the case;

b) introduction of employee representatives into the management bodies of the enterprise;

c) fixing the right of employees to real participation in the management of the enterprise in a collective agreement;

d) the establishment of workers' control, for example, control over the shipment of products and the receipt of payment for it;

e) development of forms of democracy at the workplace level;

f) taking economic power in the enterprise on the basis of property rights.

Obstacles that stand in the way of democratization of economic power in the enterprise. The main barriers stand out:

-First barrier. Hostile external environment - political, ideological, economic. This environment does its best to suppress the workers' protest movement in any of its developed forms.

-Second barrier. Attempts, and not without success, to force workers to play other people's games. Third barrier. On the whole, the degree of solidarity of the labor collectives of the “protest enterprises” of the country and the coordination of their actions is weak.

-Fourth barrier. The commitment of the managerial hierarchy to authoritarian methods of leadership.

-Fifth barrier. Low competence of employees, and often their leaders, in matters of the economic life of the enterprise.

Possible ways of solving social conflicts in the field of enterprise management.

We also highlight the most effective and promising:

Based on the labor rights of workers (as participants in the process of production of goods and services):

a) introduction of changes and additions to the traditional model of the collective agreement (charter of the enterprise), aimed at expanding the scope of the rights of employees in the field of production management and distribution of its results, established by the legislation of the country;

b) establishment of workers' control;

c) the creation of the so-called supporting structures of industrial democracy in the form of well-established in many countries incubators, advisory services, a system of economic education for workers, and some others.

On the basis of property rights (the rights of shareholders, shareholders of their enterprise):

a) consolidation of individual shareholdings of employees;

b) inclusion in the charter of the enterprise of the Regulation on the establishment of the Fund for corporatization of employees of the enterprise;

c) buying shares from employees-shareholders who left the enterprise on favorable terms for them;

d) development of systems and mechanisms of motivational incentives that encourage external shareholders, as well as shareholders from among the former employees of the enterprise, to convert their shares from the category of ordinary (voting) to the category of preferred ones;

e) transfer on a trust basis of shares owned by employees, and thereby the right to vote to their trustee at a general meeting of shareholders, in other enterprise management bodies;

f) sale of employees' shares to outsiders with social and investment conditions: carrying out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of production, maintaining jobs, indexing wages in accordance with the level of inflation, improving the skills of employees, improving the system of labor protection and health of employees, etc.

There are several fairly universal principles of conflict management:

1) institutionalization conflict, i.e. establishment of norms and procedures for the settlement or resolution of the conflict. Typically, institutionalization includes:

a ban on the use of violent means;

limiting the number of participants and areas of manifestation of the conflict;

the adoption by all parties of certain rules for resolving the conflict - organizational and (or) ethical standards, clear agreements, etc.;

control by third parties (state bodies, arbitrators, etc.);

) legitimization of the conflict resolution procedure, i.e. recognition by all its parties of the legitimacy and fairness of a certain procedure for resolving the dispute;

) structuring conflicting groups, i.e. determination of the composition of the participants in the conflict;

) conflict reduction, i.e. its consistent weakening by transferring to a softer level of confrontation or confrontation.

Two interrelated lines of conflict reduction can be distinguished, depending, firstly, on the nature of the opponent's perception; secondly, on the nature of the rivalry.

The style of behavior in a conflict coincides in meaning with the way it is resolved. With regard to communication between people, style is a manner of behaving, a set of characteristic techniques that distinguish the mode of action, i.e. in this case, a way to overcome the conflict situation, to solve the problem that led to the conflict. Therefore, the path to conflict resolution lies through the five ways that the Thomas-Kilmenn grid has found graphic representation, namely: avoidance, accommodation, confrontation, cooperation, compromise.

Determination of a strategy for resolving a particular conflict is associated with the choice of a method of action that is equivalent to the style of conflict behavior. At the same time, a number of significant circumstances have to be taken into account, which in one way or another come down to the use of incentive measures, including persuasion and coercion.

Firstly, the main task in settling any conflict is to give it, if possible, a functionally positive character, to minimize the inevitable damage from the negative consequences of confrontation or sharp confrontation. Such a result is achievable if the parties to the conflict show an honest and benevolent approach to resolving their differences, a common interest in this, if they make joint efforts to find a positive solution based on consensus, i.e. stable, stable agreement of all parties.

With consensus, it is not at all necessary that the general agreement be unanimous - a complete coincidence of the positions of all participants in the conflict settlement process. It is enough that there is no objection from any of the opponents, because the consensus is incompatible with the negative position of at least one of the parties participating in the conflict.

Secondly, a twofold outcome of a particular conflict is possible - its full or partial resolution. In the first case, an exhaustive elimination of the causes that caused the conflict situation is achieved, and in the second case, there is a superficial weakening of disagreements, which over time may again reveal themselves.

When fully resolved, the conflict stops both on the objective and subjective levels. The conflict situation is undergoing cardinal changes, its reflection in the minds of opponents means transformation, the transformation of the “image of the enemy” into the “image of a partner”, and the psychological attitude to fight, opposition is replaced by an orientation towards reconciliation, consent, partnership cooperation.

Partial resolution does not eradicate the causes of the conflict. It, as a rule, expresses only an external change in conflict behavior while maintaining an internal motivation to continue the confrontation. Restraining factors are either strong-willed arguments coming from the mind, or the sanction of a third-party force that influences the participants in the conflict. The measures taken are aimed at persuading or forcing the conflicting parties to stop hostile actions, to exclude someone's defeat, and to point to means that promote mutual understanding.

Thirdly, an individual or a social group, correlating the interests of the conflicting parties and the parameters of their behavior, chooses a priority method for resolving the conflict, the most accessible and acceptable under the given conditions. It is necessary to understand that not every style, and therefore a method, is suitable for a particular situation. Each of the methods is effective only in resolving a certain type of conflict.

To confirm this, let us turn to the situation described in the book by V.P. Sheinova "Conflicts in our life and their resolution." (p. 157).

Private enterprise is booming. Owners - individuals, two persons, work at the same enterprise. They receive large dividends on invested capital. The chief accountant, in addition to wages and vacation bonuses, has nothing. He is literally overwhelmed with work. There are a lot of unclear and contradictory things in the legislative acts. But the chief accountant skilfully "breaks" through the palisade of laws, regulations and instructions, providing additional profit through tax savings. Regulatory authorities, the tax inspectorate have no claims, however, in order to achieve this, one has to systematically rework. The chief accountant is annoyed that he, for his professionalism, processing and creating additional profits in material terms has nothing. Moreover, its income is incomparably less than the income of the founders.

The founders, on the other hand, believe that they fulfill the terms of the agreement and do not want to change anything. A conflict is brewing. Formally, the owners of the enterprise, who also have a higher rank, are right: the salary of the chief accountant and the procedure for his bonuses are provided employment contract, which is performed without violations. In this case, the founders can justifiably leave the claims of their employee unattended, choosing a method of evasion to resolve the overdue conflict.

But in such a choice of founders, there is a big risk of facing serious troubles in the future if, in response to their inaction, the chief accountant is less resourceful in maintaining financial records, ceases to be creative in work, or even leaves for another company. The development of a conflict according to any of the mentioned options threatens the enterprise with the loss of part of the profit. It may lose an experienced accountant. Therefore, it is more profitable for the owners to make a concession, to increase the financial interest of the chief accountant by changing the contractual terms of payment for his work. In this case, on their part, the method of adaptation will be a priority.

The method of confrontation is often chosen by participants in collective labor disputes, local and general social conflicts. Often they bring their disagreements with employers on social and labor issues to an extreme form - strikes, using the threat of causing significant economic damage, as well as psychological pressure through rallies, demonstrations and hunger strikes, putting forward political demands on the authorities, etc. Cooperation is a very effective way of resolving conflicts in organizations, which allows, through open collective discussion and mutual agreement, to achieve the satisfaction of the interests of the conflicting parties.

Let's take a specific situation as an example. Regarding the restructuring project of one of the main workshops of a large industrial enterprise, completely different approaches to solving the problem collided. A group of specialists, supported by shop workers, proposed an option for upgrading equipment and improving existing technology without interrupting the production process. A group of specialists, representing general plant services, came up with a more radical project, designed to completely replace the equipment and transfer the shop to a new technology. Both groups appealed to the management of the enterprise, proving the advantages of their project and the unacceptability of the other. Conflict grew between them.

The General Director decided to hold a plant-wide meeting for a preliminary review of the proposed projects for the reconstruction of the shop. He also turned to the scientists of the branch research institute with a request to give an expert opinion on the mentioned projects.

A comprehensive discussion of the projects for the reconstruction of the workshop proposed for consideration and the authoritative judgment of the research institute specialists made it possible to identify strong and weak sides projects, to understand the essence of the author's justifications. In the course of the discussion, the positions of supporters of different projects converged, and in the end, a common opinion was formed regarding the parameters of the optimal variant. The orientation of the enterprise management towards creating favorable conditions for cooperation made it possible not only to reconcile the conflicting parties, but also to resolve the growing conflict in such a way as to direct the common efforts of all specialists to the implementation of an important production and technical task ...

A common way to resolve conflicts is now a compromise. In particular, this is due to the fact that our time is characterized by an increased dynamism of events and a close conjugation of social forces. A certain balance and balance are required, an indispensable consideration of both what leads to rapprochement towards cooperation, and what disrupts partnerships, gives rise to competition, confrontation and aggravation of conflicts.

A classic example of a compromise - the relationship of the seller and the buyer - in the market, including in the small wholesale trade in food and non-food products. The result of the purchase and sale (mainly an agreement on price) is the desired fruit of a compromise, mutual concessions that suit both parties.

At the same time, the constant appeal to compromises shows that there are no universal, only suitable means, that any method as a set of techniques and rules has limitations depending on the situation, the participants in the conflict and the tasks they solve. Compromise is convenient because it does not oppose other methods of conflict resolution, does not exclude their use on an equal footing or in combination with oneself.

Fourthly, the conflicting party can, under certain conditions, use not one, but two or three or even all methods of resolving the conflict. This circumstance also confirms the fact that none of the five styles of behavior in conflicts, methods of their resolution can be singled out, recognized as the best and, accordingly, as the worst. The main thing is that you need to acquire the ability to use any of the methods with benefit, to consciously make one or another choice, based on a specific conflict situation.


Having considered the problem of conflicts in the field of management, we can conclude that conflict is a normal manifestation of social ties and relations between people, a way of interaction in the event of a clash of incompatible views, positions and interests, a confrontation between two or more parties that are interconnected, but pursuing their own goals. Other definitions are also possible.

Consequently, the main task is to make the conflict as positive as possible, to minimize the inevitable damage from its negative consequences.

The way to resolve the conflict is a compromise of the parties who admitted they were wrong: some (the management of the construction department) - on the merits of the problem, others (workers at the site) - on the defiant form of protest. As a result, a functionally positive result prevailed.

The time of post-conflict emotional experiences, disorders, disorder of human relations, disruption of business contact, as a rule, can many times exceed the time of the conflict itself. From the point of view of the mental state of the opposing sides, the conflict acts at the same time both as a defensive and as a response, emotionally colored reaction.

Any conflict in the organization is a direct result of the accumulation of dissatisfaction with the existing situation, the growth of contradictions, and the aggravation of social tension. AT Russian Federation General factors of such tension at the present time, in particular, are: dissatisfaction with the course and results of economic reform; high social costs of introducing market relations; administrative and legal lawlessness; an increase in crime and signs of moral degradation. This can be supplemented by the conditions inherent in a particular sector of the economy, region of the country or a particular organization.

Everything that ensures the maintenance of normal business relations, strengthens mutual respect and trust contributes to the prevention of conflict.

Possible ways to resolve social conflicts in the field of enterprise management:

establishment of workers' control;

· Creation of the so-called supporting structures of industrial democracy.

· consolidation of individual blocks of shares of employees;

buying up shares from employees-shareholders who left the enterprise on favorable terms for them;

transfer on a trust basis of shares owned by employees;

sale of employee shares

List of used literature and sources

1.The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Chapter 2, Articles 18, 19, 22, 37) - Moscow, 2009

2.Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 2, Articles 16, 38) - Moscow, 2010-2011

.AND I. Antsupov, A.I. Shipilov. Conflictology. - Moscow, 2006 - p. 551.

.Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology Dictionary - 2009 - p. 545.

.Vorozheikin I.E., Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K. Conflictology. Textbook. - M., 2007. - p. 224.

.Dubrovin Yu.I. Conflictology and Security - 2006 - p. 230.

.Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Textbook - 2nd ed. - Moscow, 2008 - S. 265.

.Kozyrev G.I. Introduction to Conflictology - M.: 2008 - p. 511.

.Conflictology / Ed. V.P. Ratnikov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2008. - 512 p.

10.Meshcheryakov B.G., Zinchenko V.P. Psychological Dictionary - 2008 - p. 642.

11.Ostapenko Yu.M. Labor Economics: Proc. allowance - 2nd ed. - INFRA, 2007 - 272 p.

.Reznik S.D. Organizational Behavior: Textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2006 - S. 321.

.Social conflicts in modern Russia - M.: URSS, 2007 - p. 346.

.Dictionary IN AND. Dahl - 2006 - p. 1426.

.Yandex. Dictionaries - psychology.

. - methods of resolving labor disputes

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