Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor. Fundamentals of scientific organization of labor and production logistics

garden equipment 26.09.2019

And excellence. The term "HOT" usually characterizes the improvement organizational forms use of living labor within a single labor collective(for example, businesses) or society as a whole.

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    Tasks that are solved within the framework of the NOT:

    1. Improving the forms of division of labor;
    2. Improving the organization of jobs;
    3. Rationalization of labor methods;
    4. Optimization of labor rationing;
    5. Workforce training.

    An example of the activities of the NOT laboratory plan of the Severo-Gundorovskaya mine No. 3 of the Gundorovugol trust (USSR) with the recommendations of the Donetsk (Rostov region) and Shakhty research institutes, taking into account the materials of the meetings of the NOT mine council and workers' proposals:

    • reconstruction of the work of the 2nd bias;
    • transition from rolling with an endless rope to belt conveyors;
    • transition of the mine to work with two days off;
    • introduction of rational schedules;
    • concentration of treatment works in the smallest number of longwalls;
    • bringing the track economy into exemplary order;
    • timely preparation of warm-ups;
    • mechanization for replacing batteries in electric locomotive garages;
    • improvement of the condition of the rolling stock;
    • providing a good tool;
    • additional training of workers;
    • mechanization of delivery of people, etc.

    The final result of the analysis of the actual organization of labor was the determination of the composition of work processes and operations, the sequence and required time for their implementation, rational modes of operation of machines and equipment, rational forms of labor organization and work methods, labor productivity reserves and used machines for each workplace.

    According to this plan, the NOT provides for an increase in the average daily production at the mine by 10.4%, a decrease in fatigue and the release of the number of workers at the VSHT (in-mine transport) section of 35 people and the achievement of an economic effect of 79.4 thousand rubles a year.

    History of the development of the scientific organization of labor


    The beginning of the application of new methods of organizing the work of workers was laid by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), who outlined his views in the monograph "Principles scientific management» (1911).

    His experiments with a scientific approach to the organization of routine, hard physical labor aroused great interest and laid the foundation for the search for ways of scientific rationalization. labor processes by carefully studying and designing methods and techniques of work using chronometric observations, improving the organization of workplaces, establishing reasonable work and rest regimes, and other measures.


    A major theorist in the field of labor organization in the early years of Soviet power was Professor Osip Arkadyevich Yermansky (1866-1941), who introduced the term "scientific organization of labor" or "NOT" into scientific circulation. His book, The Taylor System, was published in . Then - the book "The Scientific Organization of Labor and Production and the Taylor System", which withstood from 1922 to 1925. five editions, translated in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries. In it he wrote that the problem scientific organization work "represents a rare combination of deep theoretical interest with the practical significance of an acutely urgent problem." The most famous work of O. A. Yermansky was Theory and Practice of Rationalization, published in 1925 and reprinted five times until 1933.

    Aleksei Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1939) was a prominent figure in the field of scientific organization of labor and production, an outstanding researcher and organizer of science, and the author of over 200 scientific papers. His main scientific works: "How to work" (1921), "Labor installations" (1924). "Rationing and organization of labor" (1929), "Scientific organization of labor" (1935). A. K. Gastev was an original scientist and writer. But his main "work" was the Institute of Labor he created at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which he created in 1920, transformed in 1921 into (TsIT), the permanent leader of which he was until his arrest and tragic death.

    In 1955, the Scientific Research Institute of Labor was established - the Research Institute of Labor, the research problems of which included issues of organization, regulation, remuneration and working conditions.


    Between 1948 and 1975, Toyota executives Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, and Eiji Toyoda developed the principles of sound production management later called the Toyota Production System.

    The system was based on a previously developed and implemented Just-in-Time concept, complemented by a management philosophy and practice called Dao Toyota.

    The Toyota Production System, in turn, is the forerunner of the more general concept of Lean Manufacturing, which is being implemented by many organizations.

    Scientific organization of labor (SOT)

    1 Introduction

    2 The history of the development of the scientific organization of labor

    3 "How to work"

    4 "Post-Soviet" period

    5 Modernity

    6 Literature


    An important feature of NOT is its focus on solving interrelated groups of problems:

    Economic (saving resources, improving product quality, increasing production efficiency);

    Psychophysiological (improvement of the working environment, harmonization of psychophysiological stress on a person, reduction of the severity and neuropsychic tension of labor);

    Social (increasing the diversity of labor, its content, prestige, ensuring full wages).

    The organization of labor is an integral part of the organization of production.

    Scientific organization of labor (SOT) - the process of improving the organization of labor based on the achievements of science and best practices. The term "NOT" usually characterizes the improvement of the organizational forms of the use of living labor within a single labor collective (for example, an enterprise). At the same time, under socialism, the scientific approach is also characteristic of the organization of labor within the framework of the whole society.

    The development of ideas about the tasks of the NOT is the provisions on its functions, i.e. specific features of the manifestation of HOT in the enterprise, its impact on various aspects of production. The "function" category provides an opportunity to specify general tasks NOT, to highlight within each of them the special directions of the impact of NOT on production and its subject - a person, to identify the fundamental differences between the organization of labor scientific and "ordinary", which often misses important points in the organization labor activity, which is fraught with losses for production.

    The last circumstance should be especially emphasized. One can often come across the opinion that the word "scientific" is superfluous in the concept of "scientific organization of labor".

    Tasks that are solved within the framework of the NOT:

    Improving the forms of division of labor;

    Improving the organization of jobs;

    Rationalization of labor methods;

    Optimization of labor rationing;

    Workforce training.

    History of the development of the scientific organization of labor

    Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) is considered the founder of the scientific organization of labor, hence its other name - Taylorism.

    In Russia and then the USSR, one of the first theorists of the science of organization was Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov, the author of the fundamental work “Tectology. General Organizational Science".

    If the first edition of the book (1912), according to A. A. Bogdanov, was “ideologically unclaimed”, then the subsequent years of “great disorganization as well as great organizational attempts” gave rise to “an urgent need for a scientific formulation of organizational issues. Partial applied sciences of this type are developing - on the organization of a workshop, on the organization of an enterprise, an institution in general, an army ... ".

    A. A. Bogdanov - a man of great erudition (doctor, philosopher, economist, political figure, natural scientist) - in his theory of organization he appeared as one of the pioneers of a systematic approach in the knowledge of various phenomena. The ideas of the science formulated by him - tektology: about the meaning and role of feedback, about modeling the processes of organization - anticipated the ideas of cybernetics.

    A major theorist in the field of labor organization in the early years of Soviet power was Professor Osip Arkadyevich Yermansky (1866-1941). In 1918, his book The Taylor System was published. Then - the book "The Scientific Organization of Labor and Production and the Taylor System", which withstood from 1922 to 1925.

    How to work

    For the correct operation of an enterprise or institution, it is necessary, first of all, to place employees in certain jobs and entrust each with specific labor functions. This is achieved by choosing the best forms division of labor or the division of the entire scope of work into separate components, each of which is performed by a specific employee.

    The division of labor also implies the separation of the main work, aimed directly at processing the product or part, from the auxiliary - preparatory and auxiliary work, which are intended for waste collection, delivery of materials, tools, etc. This helps to improve the use of the working time of skilled workers.

    However, the division of labor also implies its cooperation, i.e., the unification of the joint efforts of workers performing individual parts of the work to complete the entire scope of work. At enterprises, labor cooperation is carried out between workshops (inter-shop), various sections within workshops (intra-shop) and between performers (intra-sector, intra-team).

    In order for the labor process to proceed successfully, a certain

    organization of jobs, i.e. their correct layout and equipment in accordance with the nature of the work, as well as the organization of maintenance of workplaces (providing them with raw materials, materials, tools). The more rationally organized the workplace, the more convenient it is, the better it is provided with everything necessary for uninterrupted and rhythmic work, the less tiring and more attractive the work, the higher the level of labor productivity of the worker.

    Of great importance for the organization of labor is the establishment of the best techniques and methods by which certain work can be performed. This allows you to significantly increase labor productivity and efficiency. This is facilitated and good conditions labor external environment in which the employee works, the production environment that surrounds him at work), they make the work attractive, and also have a good effect on human health, his performance. Unfavorable working conditions lead to rapid fatigue, reduce productivity.

    Improving the organization of work largely depends on the correct regulation of labor, on the training of personnel (training workers, during which they acquire a profession), on improving their qualifications, and observing labor discipline by employees.

    In many cases, the introduction of NOT reduces, and sometimes completely eliminates the need for capital investments, as it ensures the growth of labor productivity as a result of the use of the most advanced technologies. organizational methods labor processes.

    "Post-Soviet" period

    Brought far away full review events and activities related to the second wave of the development of the NAT in our country, indicates that in the late 60s and in the 70s the NAT became a universally recognized phenomenon, and as for practical activities work on the scientific organization of labor has become large-scale and versatile. However, no illusions should be built that all the actions and activities carried out on NAT have had the desired effect. Due to the vices inherent in the administrative-command economy, much of what was carried out had a campaign character. The NOT measures, forcibly planned for enterprises, gave rise to a formal approach to them, which led to the compromise of reasonable and really useful deeds. The apparent shortage of professionally trained specialists in labor organization led to the fact that LOT issues were often dealt with by incompetent people, and this did not contribute to its popularity.


    At present, work on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor is legally assigned to the competence of enterprises, which is a generally positive fact. However, it is becoming more and more obvious that a number of labor management functions at the state level, such as, for example, coordinating scientific research on labor organization problems, organizing the development of intersectoral norms and labor standards, methodological guidance of the labor organization design system at the stage of developing projects for new enterprises, organizing training of specialists in the organization and regulation of labor, it is necessary to restore it in a form adequate to market transformations. Leaders of different levels come to understand this, as evidenced by the materials " round tables» and discussions on productivity, organization and work rationing held in 2000 in the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation.

    The modern scientific organization of labor includes both organizational-technical and technical-economic, as well as psycho-physiological aspects of the organization of labor and management. Improving the organization of labor and personnel management in the industrial developed countries is the object of special study by numerous research institutions, public and private consulting firms.

    Currently, NOT is developing within the framework of engineering psychology and management.


    Gastev A.K. How to work. M., "Economics", 1972

    Lenin V.I. "Scientific" system of squeezing sweat // Full. coll. soch., 5th ed., v. 23;

    Lenin V.I. Taylor's system - the enslavement of man by a machine // Full. coll. soch., 5th ed., v. 24;

    Taylor F.W. Scientific organization of labor, 2nd ed., M., 1925;

    Rofe A.I. Organization and regulation of labor. "MIK", 2003

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    Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor (NOT)

    AT modern conditions development of production, in the conditions market economy and applications flexible technologies, equipping with means of mechanization and automation, the scientific organization of labor (SOT) is of particular importance.

    The scientific organization of labor at enterprises of various forms of ownership, including car repair, is understood as such an organization of labor, which is based on the achievements of science, best practices that are being introduced into production and allow the best way to combine equipment and people in the production process. The organization of production includes the solution of three problems: the organization of labor, the rational use of the means of production, management and planning in production. The organization of labor is the main content of the NOT and covers the following issues:

    Establishment of forms of division of labor that meet modern conditions.

    The study of advanced techniques and methods of work.

    Improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces.

    Technical regulation, which provides for the establishment of technically justified time standards and cost analysis for the performance of technological operations.

    Improvement and relief of working conditions.

    Introduction of industrial aesthetics.

    Improving the work of auxiliary workers and engineers (engineering and technical workers).

    The scientific organization of labor considers all aspects of the activity of workshops, sections and the plant as a whole, and therefore is a scientific, engineering, economic and social problem.

    The economic aspect of the NOT is aimed at achieving high level labor productivity; efficient use of tools and objects of labor; reduction of loss of working time; improving the organization of jobs.

    The social task of the NOT is to create conditions for the constant growth of the qualifications of workers, to increase the degree of attractiveness and content of labor through more advanced forms of division of labor and cooperation. The psychophysical task of NOT is to provide the most favorable conditions in the workplace, in maintaining the health and performance of labor resources.

    Scientific and engineering tasks NOT solve questions rational placement means of production, the degree of utilization of production capacities, the correspondence between the technical development of production and the technology used. The organization of workplaces, their maintenance, the use of rational methods and methods of work is based on a number of particular organizational principles:

    • 1. The principle of economy of movements, which means the elimination of unnecessary, superfluous, inefficient labor movements in the process of work.
    • 2. The principle of combining labor movements and actions, which involves the improvement of labor due to the parallel execution of individual works.
    • 3. The principle of rationality in the sequence of movements and actions, which is achieved by a reasonable layout of workplaces, improvement of technological equipment.
    • 4. The principle of regulated maintenance of workplaces, which provides for strict coordination of work on the supply of materials, tools and products.
    • 5. The principle of matching the qualifications of the employee to the nature of the work performed, which provides for the provision of such an arrangement of workers that allows them to more fully use their knowledge and practical skills.
    • 6. The principle of compliance of labor standards with the organizational and technical conditions of a given enterprise, which involves the establishment of such shift production that corresponds to the level of technology, technology and organization of production.

    Stages of NOT implementation at workplaces. At the first stage, the analysis of indicators characterizing the state of the labor organization is carried out:

    • analysis of labor productivity;
    • use of productive capacity;
    • Rhythm during the work shift;
    • the use of working time;
    • expediency existing form division of labor;
    • organization of workplaces (supply, lighting, ventilation, etc.);
    • working conditions in the workplace.

    After the analysis, the stage of designing a new, more rational labor process at the workplace in question begins. A concise presentation of the design solution is presented in the form of a map of the organization of labor. This is a concentrated presentation of the developed project, which is based on scientific research and rational solutions in the field of organizing labor processes. The labor organization map contains seven sections:

    The first section - "Initial data", includes an analysis of the state of technology and labor organization, and proposals for their improvement, the form of labor cooperation and its payment.

    The second section - "Labor process", contains a project for the organization of the labor process: the content and sequence of operations, progressive time standards for their implementation. Recommendations are given on the optimal working area, the trajectory of movement, advanced techniques and methods of work.

    The third section is “Workplace”, it designs the necessary list of organizational equipment, improved layout of the workplace. This section of the map is compiled on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the current organization of the workplace and the use of standard workplace projects.

    The fourth section - “Maintenance of the workplace”, contains a list of functions, their specific performers, the frequency and methods of performing maintenance work and the time spent on their implementation. The means of communication of the workplace with the functional services of the shop and the rational distribution of functions between the main and auxiliary workers are indicated.

    The fifth section - "Working conditions", is devoted to the design of a favorable production environment, the rationale for work and rest regimes. The section presents environmental factors that affect working conditions at a given workplace (lighting, vibration, noise, color, dustiness ...) and their standard values.

    The sixth section - “Labor standards”, contains progressive production standards, which should consolidate all the proposals provided for in the previous sections of the map, the level of use of the working time fund of equipment, labor, the composition of the working time fund.

    The seventh section - “Requirements for the contractor”, is the final part of the workplace organization map, which contains the requirements for the employee related to the specifics of his work. The required qualifications, work experience, necessary physical and mental qualities are indicated. These requirements create conditions for ensuring the most complete correspondence of the qualities of an employee to the nature of the functions performed by him in production.

    After the workplaces and production sites are brought into full compliance with the conditions that are designed in the map, the organizing engineers teach the workers new techniques and methods of work.

    The scientific organization of labor is considered to be implemented when all employees begin to use the projected activities of the map, master the standards and achieve the projected reduction in the labor intensity of work at a given workplace. Of great importance is the economic justification of the designed enterprises, the calculation of the economic effect that can be obtained from their implementation.

    Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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    Scientific organization of labor

    The organization of labor is an integral part of the organization of production. For the correct operation of an enterprise or institution, it is necessary, first of all, to place employees in certain jobs and entrust each with specific labor functions. This is achieved by choosing the best forms of division of labor or dividing the entire scope of work into separate components, each of which is performed by a specific worker. This is an organization of labor based on the achievements of science and best practices, systematically introduced into production, allowing the most effective combination of equipment and people in a single production process and ensuring an increase in labor productivity and the preservation of human health.

    The main goal of the scientific organization of labor is to systematically improve the organization of living labor, to bring its forms and methods in line with the existing level of engineering and technology at a given enterprise.

    The division of labor also implies the separation of the main work, aimed directly at processing the product or part, from auxiliary work - preparatory and auxiliary work, which are designed to clean up waste, deliver materials, tools, etc. This helps to improve the use of the working time of skilled workers.

    However, the division of labor also implies its cooperation, i.e., the unification of the joint efforts of workers performing individual parts of the work to complete the entire scope of work. At enterprises, labor cooperation is carried out between workshops (inter-shop), various sections within workshops (intra-shop) and between performers (intra-sector, intra-team).

    In order for the labor process to proceed successfully, a certain organization of workplaces is necessary, that is, their proper layout and equipment in accordance with the nature of the work, as well as the organization of maintenance of workplaces (providing them with raw materials, materials, tools). The more rationally organized the workplace, the more convenient it is, the better it is provided with everything necessary for uninterrupted and rhythmic work, the less tiring and more attractive the work, the higher the level of labor productivity of the worker.

    Of great importance for the organization of labor is the establishment of the best techniques and methods by which certain work can be performed. This allows you to significantly increase labor productivity and efficiency. This is also facilitated by good working conditions, the external environment in which the employee works, the production environment that surrounds him at work), they make the work attractive, and also have a good effect on human health, his performance. Unfavorable working conditions lead to rapid fatigue, reduce productivity.

    An integral part of the process of organizing labor is the correct routine that regulates a certain alternation of work and rest times throughout the work shift, week, month, year. Establishing the most rational modes of work and rest, taking into account the achievements of science and practice, is one of the main tasks of improving the organization of labor. Inattention to it entails a decrease in labor productivity, a deterioration in the quality of products, causes such phenomena as increased morbidity and injuries, and staff turnover.

    Improving the organization of work largely depends on the correct regulation of labor, on the training of personnel (training workers, during which they acquire a profession), on improving their qualifications, and observing labor discipline by employees.

    When it comes to the organization of labor, we mean the labor of workers, which is directly spent by them in the production of products, and a system of measures that ensures an increase in its productivity. Scientific organization of labor (NOT) is such an organization of labor in which the practical implementation of specific activities is preceded by scientific analysis labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves are based on the achievements of science and practice. The scientific organization of labor at any enterprise should ensure the most rational use of labor and equipment at a given level of development of technology and production technology.

    In many cases, the introduction of NOT reduces, and sometimes completely eliminates the need for capital investments, as it ensures the growth of labor productivity as a result of the application of the most advanced organizational methods of labor processes.

    Theoretical and historical foundations of labor rationing

    In any social production, collective labor objectively implies the rational organization of labor processes and the measurement of the cost of working time in order to determine the quantitative measure of labor and assess its quality, payment, incentives and motivation. In order to assess the place and role of the problem of organizing and rationing labor in modern conditions, it is necessary to consider the main stages of its solution in the pre-reform period. The foundations of the domestic theory and methodology of labor organization were created simultaneously with the development of the country's economy and have not lost their theoretical and practical significance at the present time.

    The stage of analytical labor rationing originates from the works of F.U. Taylor, who based his system of organizing and evaluating labor on a scientific study of labor processes and the establishment of clear regulations for their implementation. In Russia, for the first time, an attempt to use scientific methods labor assessments were undertaken by I.M. Sechenov. The laboratory he created for the study of machine modes of processing materials, the search for the best ways to connect them with labor processes, the introduction of chronometric methods for evaluating labor was in many respects a pioneer in the formation of analytical rationing.

    It should be noted that the works of the largest Russian scientists, physiologists I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlova, V.M. Bekhterev contributed to the formation of a truly scientific basis for the study of man in the labor process. Proceedings of I.M. Sechenov "Physiological criteria for setting the length of the working day" (1894) and "Essay on the working movements of a person" (1901) have a direct practical value for the organization and regulation of labor processes. The teachings of I.P. Pavlova about higher nervous activity, the formation of conditioned reflexes, the processes of excitation and inhibition of reactions in the cerebral cortex, and others largely substantiated the patterns of labor processes.

    Theory of V.M. Bekhterev about personality, based on a comprehensive study of the relationship between a person and the physical, biological and especially social world surrounding him, allows us to consider labor rationing not only as a highly technical, but also a social discipline.

    A significant contribution to the theory of labor was also made by M.S. Uvarov, G.V. Khlopin, F.F. Erisman and others. Unfortunately, the political events that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century interrupted the natural process of combining the theory and practice of organizing and evaluating labor, and the development of analytical labor rationing.

    However, already in the 1920s, the solution of the problem of restoring the national economy confronted the Soviet government with the problem of restoring the rationing system in the country. The doctrine of labor is one of the main provisions of the Marxist-Leninist theory. In the 1920s A mass movement for the improvement of labor processes, all-round economy and rational use of working time unfolded, which was explained by the objective need for a radical increase in labor productivity in order to develop the country's national economy.

    The rationing of labor was of a "tariff nature", i.e. served as the basis for calculating labor rates by determining the norms of time for the production of a unit of output. Time norms were established by the experimental-statistical method or on the basis of a demonstration of the performance of a standardized labor process by highly qualified workers. For methodological guidance and control of the work on the rationing of the pile, tariff-rate-rationing bureaus (later - technical-rationing bureaus) were created at enterprises. On a nationwide scale, the General Tariff Regulations (1920) were adopted. Research institutes, laboratories and other various industries National economy.

    In 1921, the Decree of the Council of Labor and Defense on the organization of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) was approved. The CIT played a huge role in the formation and development of the basic principles of scientific organization and labor rationing. A.K. Gastev is the founder of the scientific organization of labor and its main directions.

    The first policy document of the Institute was the formulated rules (commandments), which gave the name to the book by A.K. Gastev "How to work". These rules, in the form of posters, leaflets, and the like, could be seen above the locksmith's workbench and in the People's Commissariat office in the Kremlin office. The author called these rules "practical, labor organization methodology". Theoretical and practical developments of the CIT were popular and were used not only in our country, but also abroad.

    The activities of the Institute were distinguished by three important circumstances:

    1) a comprehensive solution of organizational issues with the technological process and equipment design. Along with solving the problems of organizing and maintaining workplaces, improving labor processes, acceptances and methods of work based on the use of photographic and filming, tasks of labor rationing, the CIT was engaged in mechanization manual labor, the introduction of progressive technology and high-performance equipment, the increase in its operating modes, the rationalization of organizational and technical equipment;

    2) the predominance of the production principle, because each of his laboratories was a real workshop, where the issues of organizing the labor process and the subsequent introduction of scientific developments at enterprises were empirically worked out;

    3) close relationship with the branches of the Institute throughout the country, where conferences on the exchange of experience were regularly held, the results of scientific and practical developments were promoted, etc. CIT and its branches provided enterprises with methodological and advisory assistance. No less important are the methods of teaching developed by the Institute and the system of labor pedagogy, which, in their time, were widely used 11 both in domestic practice and abroad, and have not lost their relevance at the present time.

    These years are characterized by the publication of a large amount of literature on the scientific organization of labor. Journals (“Time”, “Organization of Labor”, “Issues of Labor Organization and Management”, etc.), as well as monographs on issues of organization, labor protection, etc., were systematically published. Many of them are also of interest in relation to modern economic conditions. labor, taking into account specific organizational, technical, economic and social conditions. For the first time, the definition of the scientific organization of labor was adopted by the All-Union Conference on the Organization of Labor in 1924, at the same time, on the basis of the scientific principles of the organization of labor processes, certification of each workplace was carried out.

    By the middle of the 1930s, active work was launched in the country to form sectoral regulatory bodies and develop model standards. This large-scale work required methodological substantiation. The main problem the creation of a unified industry-wide regulatory framework, there was a large differentiation of enterprises in terms of the equipment used, the level of organization of production, the actual conditions of the enterprises' activities, and the qualifications of the working personnel.

    Subsequently (1935-1940) restructuring is carried out organizational structure labor rationing management bodies, experimental statistical norms are replaced by technically justified ones. At the enterprises, departments of labor and wages (OTW) and technical and standardization bureaus are being created. The first regulatory materials were developed for the regulation of various types of work in the sectors of the national economy, provisions on the organization of labor regulation, guidelines etc. During these years, the concept of "technical regulation" of labor began to be widely used, the system of training, retraining and advanced training of labor specialists at the state level, as well as directly at enterprises, was widely developed.

    The military situation made new demands on the organization of labor. During the years of the Great Patriotic War in connection with the constantly growing needs of the front and the lack of labor resources, it was necessary to find ways to maximize the use of labor and equipment, etc. New forms of labor organization are being developed, including brigade, multi-machine service, combination of professions (works, functions), etc. In the postwar years, the stage of centralization of the solution of issues of organization and regulation of labor at the state level began. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 24, 1955, the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages was formed. Under him, the Research Institute of Troupes (Research Institute of Labor) and the Central Bureau of Labor Standards were created. The Research Institute of Labor continued the traditions of the CIT, expanding the scope of research on the problems of organization and regulation of labor. The expansion of the scope of the work carried out was facilitated by the creation of branches of the Institute of Labor in the republics and regions.

    An important milestone in the development of work in the sphere of labor was the All-Union Conference on the organization of labor in industry and construction, convened in June 1967. It clarified the definition of the concept of scientific organization of labor (NOT), taking into account the requirements of the time. The tasks, content and main directions of labor organization, its scientific substantiation and interrelations with the improvement of the organization of production were determined. The regulation of labor is considered as one of the main directions of the scientific organization of labor. The recommendations of the meeting were the basis for the continuation of research and practical work in the field of labor organization and remain relevant to this day.

    In 1974, the definition of the scientific organization of labor was enshrined in the state standard GOST 19605-74 “Organization of labor. Basic concepts, terms, definitions”. According to this GOST, NOT is a scientific organization of labor based on the achievements of science and best practices, systematically introduced into production, which allows you to most effectively combine equipment and people in a single production process and ensures an increase in labor productivity, the preservation of human health and the gradual transformation of labor in the first need of life. In the 1980s in order to accelerate the socio-economic development of society, a qualitative improvement in the organization and rationing of labor was required, the establishment of comprehensively substantiated labor standards (labor measures) of equal intensity at an optimal level of labor intensity. During these years, certification and rationalization of workplaces, brigades, sections and shops were developed in order to effectively use the production and labor potential.

    By the 90s. In the 20th century, domestic scientists, specialists and practitioners not only created a management system, theory and methodology for standardizing and organizing labor for all categories and groups of workers, but also trained specialists in this field. The normative base for labor of intersectoral and sectoral purposes included more than 750 items of collections of normative materials for the regulation of the labor of workers, specialists and employees of various positions and professions in relation to all sectors of the national economic complex. A domestic Basic system of microelement time standards (BSM) was developed. Also, the main provisions of the organization of the rationing of the pile and the system of control over the state of the problem were determined in relation to various levels of labor management, planning and financing the development of regulatory materials, etc., as evidenced by the available methodological developments and recommendations, special literature, the experience of enterprises, monographs, etc. P. The Labor Code determined the guaranteed length of working hours, work and rest regimes, as well as the main types of labor standards, the conditions for their establishment, implementation, revision and replacement, issues of ensuring normal conditions work to meet production standards, etc.

    Elements - methods and techniques of labor, labor rationing, forms of organization, etc., the totality of which forms a system for organizing living labor in a team.

    Directions are the ways of practical activity that characterize the process of improving elements.

    Main directions:

    1. Development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor (selection, placement of workers).

    2. Determination of the most rational forms and sizes of labor collectives.

    3. Development and implementation of intra-shift, daily, weekly, monthly, annual modes of work and rest.

    4. Planning, equipping and maintenance of workplaces for the main and auxiliary works.

    5. Rationing of labor of workers employed in various works in agriculture.

    6. Improving the basic and additional wages.

    7. Personnel training, professional development.

    8. Improvement of sanitary-hygienic, psycho-physiological, aesthetic working conditions.

    9. Strengthening labor discipline.

    10. Development and use of rational methods and techniques of work, the use of best practices.

    Basic principles (requirements) of the NOT:

    The principle of scientific character (to obtain objective data on the organization of labor, research and analysis of labor processes are carried out);

    The principle of complexity (all developments in the NOT, in all areas should be developed comprehensively);

    The principle of optimality (of all the proposed options for the organization of labor, the optimal one, i.e. the most suitable one, must be chosen);

    The principle of economic efficiency (all proposed measures for the organization of labor must give a certain economic effect);

    The principle of humanity (all developed measures should contribute to the preservation of human health, increase the content of labor).

    NOT is designed to solve the following tasks:

    1. Technical and technological. Design of workshops, development of new technological processes, design of equipment and tooling, etc.

    2. Economic. Creation of such a system of interrelation of a person with the means of production and with each other, which ensures maximum labor productivity, minimum cost of production, high profitability of production. (reasonable and intense labor standards, optimal cooperation and division of labor)

    3. Psychophysiological. Creation of favorable working conditions at workplaces that ensure high and stable human performance during long period time, maintaining his health. (modes of work and rest, optimal pace of work)

    4. Social. Increasing the content and attractiveness of work. The optimal combination of physical and mental efforts of employees in the performance of the functions or work assigned to them.

    Organization of workplaces.

    The workplace as the primary and main link of production is provided with raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, various types energy, tool. The equipment requires adjustment, lubrication, repair. The effectiveness of the use of equipment, the productivity of the worker depends on how timely and efficiently they are carried out.

    It is possible to equip the workplace with the latest machines, high-performance equipment and tools, but as a result of interruptions in the supply of electricity, workpieces, untimely adjustment and repair of equipment, labor productivity will not only not increase, but may even decrease.

    According to the Research Institute of Labor industrial enterprises about 70% of all intra-shift losses of working time occur due to deficiencies in the maintenance of workplaces. A questionnaire survey of machine operators at some factories showed: 40-60% of them have downtime due to lack of workpieces; 70--85% are forced to bring the blanks themselves; about 30% fix tools and equipment on their own; machine operators spend 15–20 minutes per shift to obtain a tool.

    In the presence of large losses and unproductive expenditure of working time for the main production workers, due to lack of service at many enterprises, auxiliary production is very expensive, auxiliary work is occupied a large number of labor resources. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory maintenance of jobs are: insufficient level of specialization auxiliary production, which most often has a universal character; low mechanization of auxiliary works; low common culture auxiliary production; shortcomings in the organization of labor of auxiliary workers.

    Highly organized service of workplaces is the most important component scientific organization of labor on the site of the master. The whole complex set of works on maintenance of workplaces can be represented as relatively separate functions. For each such function, specialized sections, brigades are created, or individual performers are allocated. Their actions must be linked and coordinated by a system of plant-wide planning and production scheduling. The content of each service function in relation to the machining section of a machine-building plant is considered in the main features below.

    The production and preparation function is reduced to current planning, preparation and operational management of production. It is carried out by the planning and dispatching bureau (PDB) or the planning and distribution bureau of the shop (PRB) under the direct supervision of the head of the shop or his deputy.

    The transport function is to provide jobs with transport services: delivery of blanks and materials; loading and unloading operations; movement of objects of labor between workplaces, sections and workshops along the technological flow; packaging and transportation finished products to the warehouse; collection and transportation of industrial waste. This function is performed in part by each machine operator, auxiliary and transport workers of a section or workshop, and a general factory transport service.

    Tool function includes following works: production and repair of technological equipment and non-standard tools; acquisition, issuance and delivery of tools and equipment to workplaces; timely restoration and sharpening of worn tools; accounting and storage of tools and equipment. The instrumental function is carried out by the personnel of the tool management bureau, tool shop, tool-distributing storerooms, tool-grinding departments, partly adjusters and machine operators.

    Adjustment function is to adjust, adjust and adjust technological equipment. It is carried out by site adjusters, partly by electricians and machine operators themselves, especially in small-scale and single-piece production.

    The repair function covers all types of overhaul maintenance of equipment in the period between equipment shutdowns for medium and capital

    repair: monitoring the implementation by machine operators of the rules for operating equipment and instructing; checking equipment for technological accuracy; checking the technical condition of the equipment with the elimination of minor faults; systematic lubrication of machine tools; current repairs with the restoration and replacement of worn parts and non-critical components without decommissioning the equipment for long term. These works are carried out by the personnel of the departments of the chief mechanic and chief power engineer, mechanical and electrical repair shops, shop repair service and partially (when combining professions) by the machine operators themselves.

    The energy function includes: providing jobs with electrical energy, compressed air, process steam and water; heating and ventilation of industrial premises; overhaul maintenance of power equipment. This function is performed by the personnel of the department of the chief power engineer, the electrical repair shop, compressor stations, boiler plants, as well as electricians and plumbers on duty.

    The control function is associated with checking the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and purchased products arriving at the plant. It also includes interoperational quality control of manufactured products, testing and final acceptance of finished products, rejection prevention, acceptance of newly manufactured tooling and tools, quality control of repair of technological equipment.

    By tradition, the most time-consuming interoperational control is carried out twice: first by the contractor, and then by the controller of the technical control department. This procedure does not contribute to increasing the responsibility of performers for the quality of their work, it requires high costs labor for re-inspection by the control staff. With the introduction of a bonus system for defect-free delivery of products from the first presentation, the interest of workers in improving product quality increases, but repeated control still remains. The use of a personal brand contributes to reducing the cost of checking the quality of work performed, but for this it is necessary to significantly improve the skills of workers, strengthen the moral and material incentives for working with a personal brand of the Quality Control Department.

    The warehouse function is reduced to warehousing, accounting, storage and issuance of materials, blanks and components to workplaces. It is provided by the personnel of general factory, intrashop and district warehouses. The transition to in-line production methods contributes to the reduction and elimination of inter-operational backlogs, a decrease in storage space, a reduction in the labor intensity of warehouse processing of goods, and a reduction in the production cycle.

    The function of household and cultural services includes: maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace; providing workers with special meals and overalls; laundry, cleaning and repair of overalls; improvement of sanitary facilities; organization of food and recreation during the stay of people at work; information and cultural services, including the organization of functional music. The work is carried out by the personnel of the economic service, the department of safety and labor protection, junior service personnel, bureau technical information, bureau of functional music.

    The most important requirements for the organization of workplace services are:

    1. Planning. All activities of support services should be carried out in a planned manner. The work plans and schedules of service departments must be coordinated with the main production plan in order to ensure the rhythmic fulfillment of all indicators of the production plan.

    2. Precautionary. All maintenance functions should be carried out not at the moment of emergency, but in advance to prevent any delays in production, downtime, losses and waste of working time.

    3. Complexity. Without exception, all service functions must be carried out in a complex and in full

    volume each. A delay in the implementation of any of them can disrupt the entire system and lead to downtime of workplaces with all the ensuing consequences.

    4. High quality and reliability. Auxiliary shops, sections and workers engaged in maintenance of production must ensure and guarantee the high quality of the work performed within a certain, predetermined period.

    5. Efficiency. Due to the fact that production cannot be insured against unforeseen delays, stops, breakdowns and emergencies, support services must always be ready to ensure that such undesirable situations are eliminated in as soon as possible at minimal cost.

    6. Profitability. The total cost of maintaining support services and performing all service functions should be as minimal as possible, but not at the expense of quality and other requirements.

    Despite the fact that the predominant part of the service functions is outside the competence and sphere of influence of the site foreman, he must be well versed in these matters in order to easily find best solution in case of unforeseen delays for one reason or another.

    Target planning.

    For a reasonable organization of work, a thoughtful setting of life goals, the development of criteria for their achievement and the preparation of individual work plans are important.

    The goal is an ideal, mental anticipation of the result of human activity. The goal is a direct motive that directs and regulates human activity.

    Goals are distinguished: strategic (global) and tactical (local).

    The strategic goal determines the future qualitative state of the system in the long term, which a person strives to achieve. For example, get a higher education, create a family, raise children, create a new enterprise for the production of products.

    Tactical goals determine the future state of individual subsystems and the time to achieve them is limited to the current period, usually up to 1 year. For example, go to college, get married, buy a car.

    Thus, the target has a qualitative meter and a very uncertain temporal and spatial state. Some kind of mirage at the end of the road.

    To plan life goals, a person needs certainty, so the goal must be concretized into real tasks using the criteria for the effectiveness of its achievement.

    Goal achievement criterion - a quantitative indicator that determines the measure or degree of assessment of goal achievement in comparison with other possible options.

    In practical activities, we are always faced with the need to concretize life goals. So, the strategic goal - the role of material well-being can be divided into a set of tactical goals:

    * improvement of living conditions - a place in a hostel, separate room, small apartment, full-sized apartment - a separate house (cottage).

    * Personal vehicle upgrades: bike - motorcycle, car - expensive limousine - plane.

    * Clothes and shoes upgrades: simple seasonal clothes and shoes, - imported clothes set - expensive fashion clothes sets from brand stores.

    * Quality food: cheap "consumer" basket, good quality food, expensive food from organic products.

    * Entertainment and recreation: rest at home (TV, work in the garden), - in a rest house, boarding house - in a sanatorium on the Black Sea, - abroad in an expensive resort.

    * The growth of monetary savings: a ruble account for a "rainy day", - savings in foreign currency - large savings and the opportunity to live on income from them.

    It is so difficult to determine exactly what you actually want from life that so many people cannot force themselves to do it by any means. Most strive to get more out of life, but what this “more” consists of remains not entirely clear even to them. If they set goals for themselves, then more often purely material ones (an apartment, position, money), less often - how to make life more meaningful, improve relations with others. Over time, the goals, of course, need to be clarified and updated, because. a person's aspirations at 16 years old will be different from his intentions at 25 years old, and those tasks that are set at 40 years old will undergo noticeable changes at 50 or 60 years old.

    The planning of life goals has a decisive influence on the planning of working time (for all planning horizons: 5 years, year, month, day).

    Technique of personal work.

    The technique of personal work is the knowledge of the rules and methods of organizing personal work and the ability to use them.

    Ability to organize the workplace. The organization of the workplace, and, consequently, of personal labor, is not so much a personal matter of the leader as the initial link in the organization of the work of the entire management apparatus.

    Ability to use organizational and computer technology. This quality implies the knowledge of modern computer and organizational technology in the management system, the ability to use it.

    Ability to work with information. In today's business world, it is believed that the right and timely information is the key to success. Therefore, the leader must have good awareness of the range of issues being addressed.

    Ability to write documents. It implies mastering the process of writing business letters and record keeping.

    Ability to speak on the phone. It is often not always possible for a leader to talk to someone in person. Therefore, the first means of communication is the telephone. One should never lose sight of that circumstance; that a telephone conversation is a kind of business card.

    The ability to listen. How to listen to your interlocutor? Probably, few people asked such a question. To get started, test yourself by answering the following questions:

    * Are you listening carefully to the speaker?

    * Do you often try to interrupt him?

    * Do you always have the patience to listen carefully to the interlocutor?

    * Do you lose your temper when you receive information that is unpleasant for you?

    * Do you prepare in advance for important negotiations?

    Ability to plan your own affairs. Planning means, first of all, the ability to think ahead of time and implies a systematic approach to work. As you begin planning, review for yourself the possible conditions and factors that may affect your plan in one way or another.

    Knowledge of methods of rationalization of personal work. This quality implies the presence of skills in speed reading, the ability to listen carefully to the interlocutor, the development of techniques for training memory, as well as the availability of convenient forms of business records, etc.

    Ability to use a notebook. Do you use a notebook in your daily practice? There are several types of notebooks. For example, a pocket notebook. The name, patronymic, last name of the owner, passport data, blood type are entered into it.

    Ability to change jobs. The workload of a modern leader can cause serious health problems. The main reason for this is the monotony of classes, constant nervous tension, the inability to "switch" from one type of activity to another.

    Knowledge of communication technology. It implies the art of persuading the interlocutor, rational preparation for public speaking, knowledge of the rules for conducting business negotiations, the interaction of the head with the secretary, and others.

    Ability to find and get a job. It assumes the presence of qualities and skills that allow you to determine your professional purpose, as well as the ability to “get around” competitors in the labor market and get an interesting job that you can successfully cope with.

    Ability to adapt in a team. This quality imposes requirements for knowledge and observance of the established traditions in the team, the manifestation of one's professional and positive personal qualities.

    Ability to interact with the secretary. For successful interaction between the head and the secretary, it is important to learn how to properly coordinate joint work, take into account the regulations of labor processes.

    Ability to delegate authority. Possession of this quality helps the manager in distributing tasks among the employees of the organization, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. Delegation is a method of expanding the managerial capabilities of the leader by transferring part of his rights and duties to subordinates.

    Here you can include an infinite number of skills, the main thing is to be open to new things, to have a desire to develop yourself.

    Regulation of labor.

    Labor processes at the enterprise proceed in certain organizational and technical conditions, which are based on both the specifics of the production process and the general level of perfection of the means of production used.

    Labor regulation is technical basis labor organization.

    Labor rationing is the establishment of a measure of labor, or a minimum necessary costs time to complete certain tasks. Rationing is a means of effective use of labor potential, increasing the efficiency of the economic mechanism, bringing its principles to the primary cells of production, each workplace, ensuring that wages correspond to the labor contribution of workers.

    Study and analysis of working conditions and production possibilities at each workplace;

    Study and analysis of production experience to eliminate deficiencies, identify reserves and reflect best practices in labor standards;

    Designing a rational composition, method and sequence of performing elements of the labor process, taking into account technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors;

    Establishment and implementation of labor standards, analysis of the implementation of labor standards and revision of obsolete standards.

    The main provisions of rationing in the scientific substantiation of the norms:

    1. The volume of production or the volume of work is regulated by the production technology, technical standards for the use of equipment, parameters and indicators of its operation modes. The quality of the norms, therefore, largely depends on the technological standards underlying their definition.

    2. The organization of production processes has a significant impact on the duration of the work. Hence, the form of organization of production processes should be such that the duration of the operating cycle, the technological cycle and the production cycle would be the shortest under given specific conditions.

    3. The qualifications of workers, their production experience, the level of general and vocational education, creative attitude to work have a very significant impact on the success of work. Scientific study, generalization and mass dissemination of advanced production experience are means of increasing labor efficiency and should be used to the maximum in the practice of standardization work at enterprises.

    4. The mode of work and rest can be scientifically substantiated only on the basis of psychophysiological analysis, and in order to ensure the content and attractiveness of the work for the performer, a social analysis of labor processes is also necessary.

    Technically justified norms are used for the correct placement of workers (especially drivers, repair, auxiliary workers), determining the total time of regulated rest and the time for performing the main work.

    The results of labor rationing (norms) serve to identify time reserves and study and generalize best practices, etc., which occurs after comparing the existing and standard values ​​of the characteristics of the labor process.

    Technically justified norms are established by the analytical method of rationing. At the same time, a reasonable time limit is calculated on the basis of a thorough check of the production capabilities of the workplace, a detailed analysis of the technological process, each operation and its constituent elements.

    The analytical method of technical regulation has two varieties:

    Analytical-calculative method;

    Analytical research method.

    With the analytical-calculative method of normalization, the operational time is determined by calculations. The remaining components of the time norm are determined according to the corresponding time standards.

    With the analytical research method of normalization, the duration of all elements of the time norm is determined on the basis of special observations.

    The development of technically sound norms with the help of a group of analytical methods is carried out, as a rule, differentiated by the elements of the norms. This provides an increase in the accuracy of setting standards due to a more complete consideration of differentiated factors affecting each element or group of elements of the norm.

    The methods of forming the database used in the development of the elements of the norms are also different. So, to obtain the norms of the main operational time of equipment operation, the initial data are the results of experimental studies of the modes of this operation; for auxiliary time norms - the results of timing and photo timing of production processes; for other norms (preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and breaks for rest and personal needs) - the results of photographs of the working day, photo timing and physiological studies.

    The processing of initial data when applying the analytical-calculative method of normalization can be carried out using mathematical and statistical methods (correlation-regression analysis) and by calculations at an automated workplace.

    Another method of processing initial data used to develop norms is the graphic-analytical method. In this method, the raw data is processed using various types grids(most often uniform or logarithmic). The graphic-analytical method provides sufficient accuracy and low complexity of calculations with one-factor normalization.

    AT modern production There are three types of technically justified labor costs:

    Time limits;

    production standards;

    Workplace service standards.

    The time norm regulates the time required to produce a unit of product or service.

    The structure of a technically justified norm of time includes the categories of working time costs that are necessary to perform a given job under normal production conditions.

    Output rate - the number of units of production that a worker must produce per unit of time (hour, shift).

    The workplace maintenance rate expresses the amount of labor force (the number of workers of appropriate qualifications) required to perform this work at the set time, subject to the fullest use of the production capabilities of the machine, mechanism.

    Modern requirements for the quality of norms include their progressiveness, objectivity, physiology, economic and technical validity.

    The progressiveness of the norm is determined by the degree to which it takes into account the achievements and prospects for the development of science and technology, advanced production experience.

    The objectivity of the norm requires its establishment by factors that do not depend on the personal qualities of an individual performer.

    The physiological validity of the norm means that when it is established, the psychophysiological characteristics of the human body are taken into account.

    The economic justification of the norm requires the provision of such methods of performing work that would ensure the lowest costs of living and materialized labor.

    The technical validity of the norm requires its adjustment on the basis of engineering and economic calculations when the production conditions change.


    From all of the above, it follows that the organization of labor can rightly be considered as a special type of activity aimed at solving socially necessary tasks for the regulation and control of socio-economic processes in the sphere of the functioning of human labor. The result of this activity is a specific system of labor organization, including the above elements that form it, taking into account the characteristics of the production and management link (shop, enterprise, firm, joint-stock company), but regardless of the industry (industry, construction, transport, trade, consumer services, etc.). .).

    A market economy involves the use in the field of management of a set of rational methods and organizational levers for managing an enterprise (firm), including the socio-economic mechanism of labor organization.

    The state of workplaces, their organization directly determine the level of labor organization at the enterprise. In addition, the organization of the workplace directly forms the environment in which the employee is constantly at work, which affects his well-being, mood, performance and, ultimately, labor productivity.

    In the conditions of decentralization of the management of the country's economy, a decline in production, the emergence of an excess labor force, changes in the legal basis for the activities of economic entities, many management functions at enterprises have become "redundant". managerial function organization and evaluation of labor began to play a secondary, supporting role. In many respects, as a result of this, the divisions involved in the regulation of labor at enterprises ceased their activities. Currently, in most companies, normalization work is not carried out in full, there are no specialists and departments for analyzing the assessment and organization of work of employees. The practice of production management has included and strengthened the opinion about the sufficiency of “contractual” estimates of the work performed, when remuneration is based on subjective judgments and estimates. As a rule, the method of estimating labor costs "by eye" allows the employer to significantly reduce production costs by saving on wages workers. The excess supply of labor, especially in the initial period of economic reform, made it quite easy to manipulate wages. Therefore, a part of the Russian management has formed a conviction that it is inexpedient to develop a labor rationing system as a necessary mechanism for remuneration.

    At present, enterprises (firms) have been given complete independence in resolving issues of organizing and setting labor standards, other tasks in the sphere of labor and labor relations, which is generally confirmed Labor Code RF. Practice more and more testifies to the increasing role of the organization and rationing of labor in modern conditions, the acquisition of a more specific meaning by the problem. Interest in the regulation and organization of labor on the part of employers is currently due to a number of reasons. For employers, of course, it is important to accurately record and control production costs for labor resources, as well as to increase the efficiency of the work of workers of all groups and categories, primarily through the most rational use of working time. This cannot be achieved without labor regulation.

    In addition, organizations should take advantage of methodological and regulatory information assistance in the form of advisory services, participation in ongoing seminars, advanced training courses, conclusion of contracts, etc. Unfortunately, a well-established system of labor rationing is still quite rare in practice. Russian companies. However, it should be noted that recently there are more and more signs of awareness by Russian management of the need to increase the efficiency of human labor, including through its more perfect analysis, evaluation and organization.

    labor scientific organization rationing


    1. Innovation and modernity. Ed. IN AND. Suprun. - N .: FSPI "Trends", 2010. - p. 89.

    2. Scientific works of the Free Economic Society Zvenigorodsky, G.V., doctor economic sciences, professor, academician of RAIN /

    Scientific organization of labor.

    Scientific organization of labor (NOT) is the organization of labor based on modern achievements of science and best practices, systematically introduced into labor activity, and allowing the best way to combine equipment and people in the labor process. The introduction of NOT implies the need to solve three interrelated tasks: economic - ensuring the most rational use of labor resources, accelerating the growth rate of labor productivity, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of production; psychophysiological - the creation of the most favorable working conditions, the preservation of health and sustainable human performance, improving the culture and aesthetics of work; social - increasing the content and attractiveness of labor, creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual, the development of collective forms of labor organization, industrial democracy, involving workers in production management, instilling in them the spirit of collectivism and a sense of responsibility for the final results of the organization's work.

    At the dawn of the formation of the socialist economy, V.I. Lenin, outlining the path of its development, paid great attention to the problem of labor organization. "... For the Soviet government, it is the organization of labor ... that is the most important, fundamental and topical issue of all social life." The problem of the organization of labor in Marxist-Leninist teaching is regarded not as an end in itself, but as an important means of increasing labor productivity.

    The importance of raising the productivity of labor and the problem of its organization increases even more in the period of the full-scale building of communism.

    For the first time the word NOT sounded in 1921 at the oldest institute of the scientific organization of labor in Kazan. At enterprises and institutions, cells and circles of NOT were formed on a voluntary basis. There were special magazines.

    Outstanding figures of the Soviet state, Lenin's comrades-in-arms devoted a lot of energy to this work. For example, Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev was chairman of the Council for the Scientific Organization of Labor for two years. F.E. Dzerzhinsky actively helped the Central Institute of Labor. NOT was actively promoted by G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, G.K. Ordzhonikidze, M.V. Frunze, E.M. Yaroslavsky, N.K. Krupskaya.

    Under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) was created, which developed, demonstrated and promoted the principles of the scientific organization of labor and united the activities of all other organizations studying labor. To organize numerous research institutes, organizations and laboratories, the Council for the Scientific Organization of Labor (SovNOT) was created under the People's Commissariat of Workers' and Peasants' Inspection.

    Propaganda of the principles of the scientific organization of labor was already considered in the 1920s as a means of increasing labor productivity. At that time, tens of thousands of workers studied the basics of NOT.

    The organization of labor means the creation of conditions for the uninterrupted work of each performer as part of a production team in order to increase the productivity of overall labor. This term is understood as such an arrangement of performers, which, with the current level of technology, technology, organization of production and management, provides the least expenditure of working time for the production of a unit of output.

    The scientific organization of labor is not limited to the arrangement of performers. It proceeds from the improvement of the level of technology, technology, organization of production and management on the basis of the introduction of scientific achievements.

    In the draft "Basic Provisions on NOT", prepared by the Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the scientific organization of labor is considered as "a set of constantly updated technical, organizational-economic and physiological-psychological measures that provide for the introduction of new achievements of science and technology into production, aimed at ensuring the production of maximum output at the minimum cost of living labor, as well as at creating the necessary conditions for the comprehensive improvement in the process of labor of participants in social production and the transition from socialist labor to communist labor.

    In the Basic Regulations, the main task of the NOT is considered to be "ensuring a steady increase in labor productivity through the rational use of working time, equipment, physical and mental abilities of each employee and, on this basis, achieving, in specific production conditions, the greatest production results with the least expenditure of working time" .

    With the increase in the level of technology and technology, serious changes have occurred in the content of labor: the proportion of time to perform the function of monitoring the operation of automated units, machines and mechanisms, their settings and adjustments is increasing; knowledge, not production skills, is of decisive importance in assessing qualifications; mutual aid and interchangeability are becoming increasingly important.

    Technological progress and the scientific organization of labor mutually influence each other.

    However, the forms of labor organization change much more slowly than the development of engineering and technology. Overcoming this lag is the main content of the NOT.

    Scientific organization of labor (NOT) or scientific management (eng. Scientific management) - management of the production process based on system analysis.

    The main provisions of the NOT were formulated by the American engineer F. W. Taylor in 1910–1915. The tasks that are solved within the framework of the NOT include:

    Improving the forms of division of labor;

    Improving the organization of jobs;

    Rationalization of labor methods;

    Optimization of labor rationing;

    Workforce training.

    Taylor's system was labeled "sweatshop" and "Taylorism" in the USSR. Nevertheless, the problem of the scientific organization of labor interested Soviet psychologists and was actively developed until the second half of the 1930s.

    Effective production management is impossible without the scientific organization of labor. The scientific organization of labor is a component of the production management cycle at the operational level. It should be based on the achievements of science and best practices, ensure an increase in labor productivity and the preservation of human health.

    The scientific organization of labor is aimed at solving the following interrelated tasks - economic, psychophysiological, social.

    The economic task is associated with the fullest use of equipment, materials, raw materials, ensuring an increase in labor productivity.

    The solution of the psychophysiological task involves the creation of favorable working conditions, which is important for maintaining the health of workers and their performance.

    The solution of the social problem is aimed at increasing satisfaction with the conditions and results of work.

    The scientific organization of managerial work is of great importance, as already mentioned when considering the issues of planning the time of managers. The content and organization of the work of specialists and employees depend on the structure of the administrative apparatus and the chosen system of administration.

    Note that the scientific organization of labor has a clearly defined range of tasks. However, it cannot be considered in isolation from the organization of production as a whole. There is an interaction between SOT (scientific organization of labor) and the improvement of other elements of the organization of production. This is especially evident in the organization of jobs. The organization of labor is associated with such elements of production as machinery and technology. With the introduction of NOT, there is a need for appropriate technical solutions, changes in the technological process, equipment, etc. The type and nature of production affect the organization of labor.

    The most important components of the scientific organization of labor are the division and cooperation of labor. The division of labor is the differentiation of the activities of people in the process of joint labor.

    The division of labor in an enterprise means the separation of individual partial labor processes in order to shorten the production cycle by simultaneously performing various jobs and increasing labor productivity. Increasing labor productivity. is achieved through the acquisition of production skills by workers due to the specialization of work.

    In countries with developed market economies, enterprises pay great attention to reducing the production cycle time. This is due to the fact that reducing the duration of the production cycle is the central task of organizing and managing production, one of the indicators of the effectiveness of managerial work.

    A high level of specialization indicates a culture of production.

    The division of labor is impossible without its cooperation. The task of cooperation is to ensure consistency between the actions of individual workers or groups of workers performing various labor functions. The division and cooperation of labor are two interrelated and complementary aspects of production management.

    The division of labor can be technological, functional, vocational.

    With the technological division of labor, the production process is divided into separate phases, types of work, and operations.

    The functional division of labor involves the division of work performed depending on the role and place of various groups of workers in the production process.

    The professional and qualification division of labor is associated with the division of working personnel by profession (specialty), by category, category.

    The division and cooperation of labor are manifested in different ways in production, since they depend on the influence of a number of factors, in particular the technical level of production. For example, the specialization of labor of the main and auxiliary workers servicing this equipment depends on the technological equipment used.

    The type of production also affects the division and cooperation of labor. For example, in a unit production, a machine operator, in addition to the main work, performs equipment maintenance work (adjustment, minor repairs, etc.). In large-scale and mass production, this is done by special workers (adjusters, etc.).

    The principle of organizing workshops and sections (technological, subject), auxiliary services (centralized or decentralized), the degree of continuity of technological processes, and the laboriousness of manufacturing products are also important.

    The organization of collective labor processes in the brigade should be based on a scientific basis. It should be closely related to the tasks of management accounting. After all, management accounting is a part of the information system of the enterprise, as well as activities aimed at providing information management for decision-making and planning, operational management and control, stimulating the employees of the enterprise in the implementation of the planned programs, evaluating the activities of departments, the management apparatus and individual employees within the organization. Recall that the objects of management accounting are the so-called responsibility centers, cost centers for services and products, the enterprise as a whole, individual workshops, sections, departments.

    The general principles of organizing labor processes are to ensure the continuity and naturalness of labor actions and methods, the rational loading of workers and equipment, etc.

    Specific principles include ensuring the temporal and spatial relationships of production processes, preventing violations of their normal course, etc.

    The division of labor has economic, psychophysiological and social boundaries.

    Economic boundaries are determined by the duration of the production cycle.

    Psychophysiological - the degree of fatigue of workers due to the monotony of labor in monotonous operations.

    Social boundaries are related to the content of work.

    The introduction of a scientific organization of labor requires the following conditions:

    Development of an implementation plan;

    Establishing a unit or executor responsible for this work (responsibility center);

    Clear definition of responsibilities and control functions;

    Creation of a system of training and certification of personnel;

    Creation of a system of material and moral incentives for work.

    Labor efficiency largely depends on the organization of jobs.

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