The subtleties and nuances of planting and caring for lilies: a complete overview of growing technology. How deep do lilies plant?

Decor elements 14.06.2019
Decor elements

Among the Egyptians, it was a symbol of freedom, among the Romans - hope, and for France, this plant had a very great importance, as it was a symbol of royalty.

A beautiful and delicate lily flower can be found on the coats of arms and coins of that time. Among the Spaniards and Italians, she was considered the flower of the Blessed Virgin, in Germany she was bred at monasteries.

Many legends are associated with this flower, and in our time its popularity is only increasing.

Growing lilies is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the basic principles of care.

Then a firework of flowers with a delicate aroma will appear in your garden.

Classification, popular varieties and types

Lily (Lilium)perennial, has scaly bulbs. It consists of a bottom and a large number of fleshy scales of different colors arranged in a spiral.

The shape of the bulb may be round, ovoid, flattened above or indefinite. Roots depart from the bulb, some of which provide nutrition to the plant, and some are retractors. Bulb life is 1-3 years.

Flowering shoots are erect, 30-150 cm high. Flowers are rarely solitary, more often in inflorescences (up to 50 pieces): brush, panicle, corymb or umbrella. They have different colors with strokes, specks, etc. The shape of the flowers are cup-shaped, turban-shaped, tubular, funnel-shaped.

Varieties are classified into 8 sections, and the ninth includes species:

  1. Asian hybrids (varieties Marseille, Rosita, Chianti, Avignon).
  2. Curly, or Martagon hybrids (varieties Mrs. R. O. Backhouse, Martan).
  3. Snow-white, or Candidum hybrids (Candidum, Artemis, Ares varieties).
  4. American (Shuksan variety).
  5. Long-flowered.
  6. Tubular and Orman (varieties Afrcian Queen, Pink Perfection, Regale Album).
  7. Oriental (varieties Barracuda, Monza, Casa Blanca, Bonfire).
  8. All other varieties.
  9. All known species.

According to the color of the flower, the species are divided into 4 groups:

  • white;
  • golden and yellow;
  • purple;
  • red and orange.

They bloom from June to September, with some species blooming earlier than varieties.

The most common species are white lily (L. candidum), royal lily (L. regale), curly lily (L. martagon), tiger lily (L. tigrinum).

snow white

You can plant lilies on the site in groups or singly on the lawn, near shrubs, in mixborders next to, phloxes, cannes, delphiniums, roses,.


Reproduction methods. How to plant lilies

Lilies can be propagated by seeds, dividing the nest of bulbs, baby bulbs. Species and some varieties are grown from seeds. They are usually sown in greenhouse conditions at the end of winter - early spring (if they germinate quickly) or in autumn (if they germinate slowly).

Dividing a nest of bulbs- the easiest option for breeding varieties. Nests are dug by August - early September, when the aerial part turns brown. Moreover, it is formed 3-5 years after planting the mother bulb. Divided according to the number of stems (4-6 pcs.).

When propagating with baby bulbs, we separate them by carefully unraveling the ground without digging up the bulb. In order to form more of them, the plant must be spud up to 10 cm.

You can also separate the air bulbs located on the stem. They are planted in rows in open ground or in boxes. In the last two cases, the plant blooms only in the 2-3rd year.

The modern way of reproduction- rooting of bulbous scales. They can be separated at any time (the beginning of the growing season, during the flowering period or when transplanting). They are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, dried, mixed with a light substrate (sand, perlite, sphagnum).

Placed in plastic bags, tied and stored warm at room temperature for 2-3 months. As a result, baby bulbs are formed, which are planted in the ground or grown in a greenhouse.

It is necessary to plant lilies in places protected from the wind. sunny or slightly shaded. The soil is loose, nutritious, permeable, with a neutral reaction. Bulbous roots penetrate to a depth of up to 60 cm, live for several years, so before planting, it is necessary to cultivate the soil well and fertilize regularly.

Before planting, make 10 kg per 1 sq. m of rotted organics, add lime (0.5 kg) and complex fertilizers (100 g per 1 sq. M).

The site is dug up and treated with copper sulphate from fungal infections. Large bulbs are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm, small, undersized - 10-15 cm.

It is advisable to add a handful of washed coarse sand to the landing hole. Planting depth is equal to three diameters of the bulb, and if there are also supra-bulbous roots, then up to 4 diameters.

When to plant lilies? Basics of care

Bulbs are planted in open ground in April when the snow has completely melted and the ground has thawed, or in August-September. In dry weather, watering is required. In cold and snowy winters, it is necessary to cover with spruce branches or foliage with a layer of 10-15 cm.

In spring, lily bulbs produce above-ground sprouts later than other bulbs, more often in May. During this period, nitrogen top dressing is necessary, during the formation of flowers - nitrogen-potassium, during flowering - potassium-phosphorus.

The introduction of wood ash contributes to an increase in the size of flowers, increases the brightness of color, resistance to fungal diseases.

Watering is important in early summer and after flowering in dry weather, and moisture should not get on the leaves and flowers. In the first year, it is desirable to remove the buds.

For the prevention of diseases, agrotechnical measures are carried out: loosening, combating waterlogging, top dressing.

Interspecific hybrid of lily - Variety Algarve

Lily is an adornment of many gardens and is very popular with flower growers around the world. Everyone dreams of growing lily flowers in their garden, planting and caring for which is not difficult and accessible, but requires preliminary preparation.

Choosing a variety and bulbs of lilies

When choosing planting material, you need to make sure that it will be suitable for the selected variety, healthy, and suitable for growing in your area. In the issue of varietal compliance of lilies, one can only rely on the seller's honesty, but you can determine the species and quality of the bulbs by their appearance.

The best varieties of lilies for the garden

The genus of lilies is represented by more than 80 wild and cultivated species around the world. Varietal diversity their even more impressive - about 8000 varieties and hybrids, each of which is unique in its own way.

Throughout Russia, including in Siberia and the Urals, summer residents practice the cultivation of Asian hybrid lilies. These varieties are frost-resistant, grow quickly and are not demanding in care. They bloom very profusely in June - July. A feature of Asians is the lack of smell in flowers. The most famous varieties of this group are Marlene, Top Gunn, Lollipop, Yeti, Flore Pleno, Daira, Sorbet.

More capricious when growing Oriental lily hybrids. They do not tolerate low temperatures well, therefore they are preferred to be grown in the southern strip of Russia and in greenhouses near Moscow. They are distinguished by fragrant flowers of extraordinary beauty, up to 30 cm in diameter. The following varieties are classified as Oriental: Casablanca, Barbados, Cassandra, Mona Lisa, Double Surprise, Magic Star.

Lily Curly (Martagon) is famous for its unpretentiousness in cultivation. Martagon hybrids are common in northern regions of our country, especially such varieties as Beykhauz, Markhan, Hayson, Gay Lighte. At the base, the leaves of this type of lily are collected in a whorl, and a tall peduncle is strewn with many turban-shaped flowers.

The right variety is the key to easy care

That is why summer residents prefer tubular varieties. They are not affected by diseases and are unpretentious, and long, up to 1.5 m peduncles with many large flowers of various colors will become an exquisite decoration of your flower bed.

Determine the type of lily on the bulb

Experienced gardeners know that each group of lily hybrids has its own requirements for the composition of the soil, the illumination of the site and has its own threshold of frost resistance. So, growing lilies in open field the Asian group and LA hybrids are probably everywhere, and the eastern varieties do not tolerate wintering; slightly alkaline soil is suitable for growing tubular lilies, and slightly acidic soil is suitable for growing OT hybrids.

It will help to determine which group the lily belongs to. appearance bulbs:

  • White bulbs, sometimes with yellow and pink patches, are characteristic of the Asiatic and Longiflorum (LA) groups;
  • Large bulbs of yellow, rarely purple have Oriental and Oriental (OT) lilies;
  • The tubular lily bulbs are purple.

Choosing a healthy onion

When buying lilies, it is important to correctly determine the quality planting material, since bulbs infected with fungal diseases will cause a lot of trouble and can infect flowers already growing in your flower beds.

  • The bulb should be elastic, juicy, without damage and signs of decay.
  • Planting lilies, the bulbs of which have dried up, do not have sprouts and root growth, will not bring the desired result. They need very careful care, and when flowering comes is unknown.
  • The size of living roots should be at least 5 cm.
  • Bulbs with a diameter of less than 3 cm will begin to bloom only two years after planting. The larger the bulb, the more magnificent the color of the lily will be. The optimal diameter of the bulb is 12-16 cm.

When to buy bulbs

Lilies are planted both in autumn and spring. When choosing lilies, which are planned to be planted in the fall, it is important to consider that they need to be planted as early as possible, leaving a sufficient temporary supply before frost for rooting. Lilies, the cultivation and care of which was correct this year, begin to dig up from the end of August. It is advisable to purchase bulbs during this period.

Be careful when buying bulbs!

Pay attention to bulbs with a sprout, which go on sale in the fall. Most likely, they were not planted in the spring in the ground, and they missed one life cycle. Once in the ground, they immediately move to growth and freeze at the first sub-zero temperatures on the ground.

Buying lily seedlings

It is possible to plant lilies in the summer, especially when it comes to Asian hybrids and Candidum. They are sold as seedlings with a clod of earth, often blooming. Picking up a flower in this case is much easier - all its beauty is available to the eye, and there is no chance of getting off-grade planting material.

Do not buy lily seedlings after forcing!

Often seedlings in June and July are sold after forcing. In this case, the bulbs went through a life cycle in artificial conditions. In open ground, they will hurt, and they will be able to bloom only after a few years. The cost of such planting material is not high, which is a temptation for many novice growers.

Preparation of soil and bulbs, rules for planting lilies

Right choice plot, soil preparation and bulb planting play a crucial role in the successful cultivation of lilies. If you approach these stages responsibly, lilies will grow well and delight in flowering in the garden for more than one year.

Site selection

The choice of a site for cultivation largely depends on the type of lilies and their requirements for certain conditions:

  • Asiatic, oriental and tubular lilies prefer sunny areas without through winds. Partial shade will not affect the growth and flowering of these lilies. If the illumination of the garden is not the same during the day, it is preferable to plant lilies on the east side so that they get as much as possible before lunch sunlight.
  • curly lilies(Martagon) grows well and blooms in partial shade, especially when the leaf rosette is completely shaded and the flower stalks are in the sun.

For shading the bulbs during the summer, it is recommended to plant lilies near low-growing perennials (hosta, daylilies, nivyanik). In this combination, blooming lilies will stand out and look bright, and the bulb will remain in the shade, protected from overheating and drying out. In shady areas under trees and dense shrubs, lilies stretch out, their stem is thin, and flowering is scarce and belated. Such plants very often get sick, and the bulbs die.

The best place to plant lilies

Preference for planting lilies should be given to elevated areas or flat areas. In the lowlands, the bulbs can get wet, be affected by fungal diseases, and in winter they are more likely to freeze.

Soil preparation

Lilies feel comfortable on garden or garden soil, well-drained and without high ground water. Peat or humus is added to sandy soils, and dense clay soil is facilitated by the introduction of coarse-grained river sand.

Lilies grow best when planted and cared for in soil with moderate acidity.

  • Moderately alkaline soil reaction (pH 7.0-8.0) is favorable for growing Snow White and Curly Lilies.
  • Asiatic and Oriental lilies grow well in soils with neutral acidity.
  • The tubular lily also has preferences - its varieties with pink flowers brighter and more beautiful bloom on slightly acidic soils (pH 6.0-6.5).

How to regulate acidity

To lower the pH level, lime, chalk, ash or dolomite flour are added. Heather, peat, acetic acid or colloidal sulfur.

The soil for lilies is prepared in advance: in autumn - for spring planting, in summer - for autumn. They dig it to a depth of 35-40 cm, turning the layers over. For digging, fertilizers are applied to the soil per m²:

  • 1 bucket of humus, rotted manure or compost. The introduction of fresh manure is not permissible, since lilies in such soil will rot;
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, urea, nitroammophoska;
  • 1 liter of wood ash solution, except for those areas where it is planned to plant Martagon and Candidum lilies.

Applying this amount of fertilizer to the soil will provide the supply of nutrients the lilies need for good growth and abundant flowering.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Pre-plant preparation of lilies is necessary to minimize the damage to the bulbs by fungal diseases. Dried bulbs are pre-soaked in water at room temperature for several hours.

Pickle the bulbs for 15-20 minutes in one of the solutions:

  • pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • 2 g of karbofos per 1 liter of water;
  • 2 g of foundationazole per 1 liter of water;
  • special preparation for dressing bulbs before planting Maxim or Vitaros.

After processing, the bulbs are dried in the shade.

Planting lilies in the ground

Early autumn planting of lilies in open ground is considered the most successful. Planted during this period, they will have time to take root well before frost and are guaranteed to bloom next year. The exceptions are Oriental lilies and OT hybrids. They bloom late, by September the bulbs are not yet ready for planting, and when planted in October they will not have time to take root. Therefore, they are planted in the spring, when the soil warms up well.

The depth of planting bulbs depends on several factors:

  • Bulb size. The larger the bulb, the deeper it needs to be planted. The minimum depth is 10 cm. Deeper than 25 cm, lily bulbs should not be buried in the ground either. Baby bulbs are sown in furrows 5-7 cm deep.
  • Soil composition. On heavy soils, it is impossible to deepen the bulbs much.
  • Lily variety. For undersized planting depth is about 10 cm, tall - 15-20 cm.

A distance of 20 cm is maintained between the bulbs. Lilies of the Asian group grow rapidly, therefore, when planted between them, they withstand at least 30 cm. Pictures of multi-colored lilies planted 5-7 bulbs in one wide hole look beautiful.

Planting lilies in autumn and spring is carried out in pre-prepared holes, on a "pillow" of 5-7 cm from river sand. The roots are evenly distributed, after which the bulbs are covered with earth and watered abundantly.

Spring planting material can often be found with a twisted sprout. There is nothing terrible about this, but you need to place the bulb in the hole so that the top of the sprout is vertically above the ground. The bulb itself will take the desired position as the lily grows.

If for the reproduction of lilies it is necessary to obtain a large number of children, the bulbs are planted "on the side". In this position, the nest of bulbs will form faster, and the number of daughter bulbs will increase.

Lily plantings are desirable to be mulched, but a separate mulch is used for each varietal group:

  • Asian, Oriental, LA and OT hybrids are mulched with grassroots peat, sawdust, pine needles;
  • Plantings of Snow-White, Tubular and Curly varieties are mulched with leaf humus, mowed grass, and ash is also added.

Summer planting features

Asian and LA hybrids can be planted in summer. This also applies to White Lilies, whose bulbs are at rest in July-August. Planting lilies in July is carried out by transshipment.

Bulbs must be dug up with a clod of earth. A volume well is prepared in advance (50x50x50 cm), to which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and mix it with the ground. The bottom of the hole is covered with river sand with a layer of 5-7 cm, after which the seedling is placed and sprinkled with earth mixed with humus or rotted manure. The seedling is watered abundantly and, if it is tall, tied to a support. The existing buds and flowers are cut off so that the lily spends all its strength on rooting.

Planting lilies in summer video

Lily care in summer

Growing lilies in the country is not burdensome. Caring for them comes down to regular moistening and loosening of the soil, as well as periodic fertilizing.


The soil under the lilies should be moderately moist throughout the growing season. Moisture stagnation will lead to rotting of the bulbs, while lilies endure short-term drought painlessly. Lack of watering for a long time will lead to wilting lower leaves and poor peduncle development.

The basic rule for watering lilies

Lilies experience the greatest need for moisture in the spring, during active growth. In summer, they are not watered so abundantly, moistening the soil to the depth of the bulbs. Surface irrigation won't do any good. In this case, the plant will be thirsty, and a crust will form on the surface of the soil, which does not allow air to pass through.

It is advisable to water the lilies before lunch under the root, avoiding water on the leaves. During flowering, the amount of watering can be reduced. It is enough to shed the soil 25-30 cm deep, once every two weeks.

Soil loosening

garden lilies, care and planting which is done correctly, need constant air access to the root system. Loosen the soil very carefully, trying not to damage the additional stem roots located near the surface of the soil. At the same time, weeds are removed.

During heavy rains, sand is washed out of the soil, it becomes clogged and hardens. In this case, river sand is poured under the lilies, which, during loosening, mixes with the ground and makes it lighter.

Mulching plantings with straw or wood shavings will help facilitate the care of lilies in the summer. Also, you can maintain a constant soil moisture and protect the bulbs from overheating by planting undersized perennials near the lilies.

Top dressing in summer

If you have an automatic watering system set up, as well as a planting in the prepared soil, and care for the lilies is practically not required - in the first year, the plants need a one-time fertilization.

Complex top dressing is poured under the flowers during budding, using equal amounts of ammophoska and nitroammophoska, at the rate of 30g / m². Dissolving them in 10 liters of water.

Lily care after flowering

Many gardeners have a question about how to care for lilies after flowering. It was during this period that the plant is most susceptible to diseases, since all the forces went to the flower stalks.


After flowering, the watering rate is increased, trying to ensure constant soil moisture at a depth of 25-30 cm. From the second half of August, watering is completely stopped, since the soil must be dry for a successful wintering of the bulbs.

Most of all, this applies to Eastern and OT hybrids. After flowering, the soil is thoroughly dried. In September, the flower beds should be covered plastic wrap so that it remains dry during prolonged autumn rains and thaws in winter period. Take cover in early spring after snow melt, during fertilization.

top dressing

After flowering, lilies need phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. As top dressing, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are used at 10 and 30 g per m², respectively. They are diluted with 10 liters of water and the lilies are watered with this solution under the root, after preliminary watering with clean water.

Lily bulbs do not have a protective shell, like tulips and other bulbs, so organic fertilizers must be applied very carefully. Nutrient solutions based on manure or manure slurry are prepared at a low concentration: 0.3-0.5 liters per bucket of water. Oversaturation of the soil with organic fertilizers will lead to decay and subsequent death of the bulb.

For wintering lily bulbs, the same top dressing as in summer is done in spring during snowmelt. Fertilizers are applied in dry form on a crust of melted ice and gradually get to the roots of the bulb, stimulating its awakening, growth and development.


withered flowers cut off from the peduncle. It is impossible to delay with this, since seed boxes will begin to form on the peduncle, and the plant will spend all its strength on their development.

Lily care after flowering includes stem pruning. It is carried out only after the leaves and peduncle have completely dried out, since they are a conductor of nutrients to the bulbs. In September, the stem is cut “on a stump” 10-15 cm long. In late autumn, in October or November, this stump is carefully pulled out so that it does not enter the bulb through it. cold air.

You need to cut blooming lilies for bouquets correctly!

The cut of the peduncle is made under acute angle so that the remaining leaves completely or partially cover it. An oblique cut is needed to drain water during rain. If the cut is made even, a large amount of moisture through it will enter the bulb, which will cause it to rot.

Protection of lilies from diseases and pests

Lilies can be affected by pests, the most dangerous of which are:

  • Onion root mite. Prevention and protection - planting healthy material; dressing the bulbs before planting with karbofos (5 g / 1 liter of water for 30 minutes); thermal treatment of bulbs in water 50 ºС for 5 minutes.
  • Onion leaf beetle. Struggle - timely cleaning of weeds; collection of beetles; treatment with chlorophos (10 g per bucket of water)
  • Lilac owl. Struggle - timely cleaning of weeds and plant residues.

Often lilies, planting and caring for which were carried out in violation of the rules of agricultural technology, are affected by fungal diseases such as fusarium, rust, and gray rot. The bulbs in this case begin to rot, and the leaves become stained and wither. If the development of fungi is left to chance, the plant will die.

To combat fungal diseases, the bulbs are treated with fungicides before planting: Fundazol, Topsin, Euporen, Bavistin. Plants are sprayed with the same preparations during the growing season, if the first signs of diseases appear.

Viral diseases lilies are much rarer, but effective means To date, there is no way to deal with them. Infected plants are removed and destroyed off site.

Lily care after flowering video

Features of caring for lilies in Siberia and the Urals

Today, lilies are successfully grown in Siberia and beyond the Urals. Asian and LA hybrids, Martagon lilies and tubular hybrids are cultivated there. Some varieties of OT hybrids and Oriental lilies are able to winter in these regions under cover. Planting and care in the Urals and Siberia differ little from growing lilies in regions with a warm climate.

A feature of caring for lilies in Siberia and the Urals is their shelter for the winter. The flower beds are insulated with humus, a layer of at least 7 cm, or fallen leaves - about 20 cm. Oriental lilies and OT hybrids are additionally covered with plastic wrap or agrofibre so that the soil remains dry in winter. Curly lilies calmly endure winters in Siberia without shelter.

Shelter from lilies is removed immediately after the snow melts, so that the sprouts do not appear early and do not freeze out during late frosts. If, nevertheless, the lilies have sprouted, and the threat of frost has not passed, they are covered with spruce branches or straw.

Transplanting and dividing bulbs

In order for the lily, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require special skills, to develop and bloom well, its bulbs must be regularly transplanted to a new place. Otherwise, their stems become sluggish, and the flowers become smaller. The frequency of the necessary transplant depends on the type of lilies grown:

  • Curly and American lilies without a transplant are grown up to 15 years.
  • Oriental and Longiflorum lilies, OT and La hybrids are transplanted every 3-5 years.
  • Asiatic and Trumpet lilies can be repotted every year as they grow rapidly.

Transplant in autumn

The optimal time for transplanting a lily, the care of which was organized according to all the rules, is early autumn. Bulbs are dug in August or early September, a month and a half after flowering. By this time, they will have accumulated enough nutrients and will quickly take root in a new place. With late autumn planting there is a high probability that the bulbs will not have time to take root and will die in the frozen ground.

Children are separated from the bulbs dug for transplantation. Often they fall off on their own, but if the daughter bulbs are tightly collected in the nest, they are cut off with a clean knife, be sure to keep a part of the bottom on each bulb. Bulb division is the easiest and most reliable way to propagate lilies, which retains all the maternal qualities of the variety.

Dry and decaying scales are removed from the bulbs, and roots that are too long are cut off. They are treated with antifungal drugs: 1% solution of potassium permanganate, 2% iodine, 1% iron sulfate, foundationol. After drying in a shaded, well-ventilated place.

It is advisable to plant lilies in a new place within a week after digging, so that the bulbs do not dry out. Small daughter bulbs are planted separately for growing to a depth of 5-7 cm and after a year or two they are again transplanted to a permanent place.

Spring transplant

Oriental and OT hybrids of lilies are transplanted in the spring, as they fade only by the end of August. Their bulbs are dug up in late autumn, dried and stored in a cool place. Place them in plastic bags or plastic containers with ventilation holes and sprinkle with wet sawdust or moss to keep them from drying out. Bulbs are planted in a permanent place when the threat of returning frosts has passed.

Spring transplantation is also acceptable when growing other types of lilies, before the appearance, or at the very beginning of the development of sprouts. It is important to bear in mind that during spring transplantation, lilies develop rapidly and the appearance of early sprouts can lead to their death due to late frosts.

Lily transplant in summer

Snow-white lilies need a summer transplant, growing cycle which has its own characteristics. They enter the dormant phase in July-August, and by September they are already beginning to form a new outlet. When transplanting, it is not necessary to cut the stem, but it is advisable to shorten the long roots to 7-10 cm. Watering the lilies after the procedure is completed should be plentiful, stimulating the growth of new roots.

The division and planting of lilies in July is also possible when growing Asiatic lilies. The dug nests are divided into separate stems with a bulb and immediately planted in a new place. At the same time, the buds and existing flowers are cut off.


Growing lilies in the country is within the power of even a novice florist, provided that he follows the rules for caring for them. It is important to remember that depending on the species, lilies need different conditions, compliance with which will be the key to abundant and colorful flowering.

(17 ratings, average: 4,41 out of 5)

Lilies are very tender and beautiful flowers are very popular with gardeners. Growing and propagating them is not too difficult, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the variety of the selected crop. In order for the lily to please with its beauty and feel great in the open field, you need to properly care for it. Let us consider in more detail how to prepare for growing lilies, planting and care in the open field.

How to choose a site for planting lilies?

When choosing a place where lilies will be grown, you should consider what they are. bulbous perennials capable grow without transplant up to 5 years. In addition, it is necessary to find out about the preferences of these exquisite beauties, and then the planting of lilies can be carried out much more confidently and faster.

How to plant lilies? You should know that they develop well in sunny places, protected from blowing by sharp and cold winds. Therefore, you need to choose a site for planting that will be illuminated by the sun. most day. But varieties such as callosity, two-row, martagon and oriental hybrids grow well in partial shade.

When choosing a site, you should make sure that groundwater does not come too close to the soil surface. Otherwise, it will be necessary to ensure high-quality drainage. Although such flowers love moisture, they absolutely cannot stand stagnant water and its excess.

most the best soil for the area where the flowers will be grown is sandy loam or loam. These flowers do not develop well and feel oppressed in heavy and dense soil. It is recommended to mix such soil with sand and humus, adding mineral fertilizers.

Site preparation before planting lilies

In order for the cultivation of lilies in open ground to be successful, the following facts must be taken into account when preparing the soil: some varieties prefer an alkaline environment, others acidic, and still others are quite satisfied with a neutral pH. If you do not comply with these conditions and plant flowers in a site that does not meet these requirements, then they may die.

Slightly acidic soil preferred for the following varieties of lilies:

On a slightly alkaline site, it is best to grow:

  • white;
  • bulbous;
  • umbrella;
  • Tibetan (regal).

Knowing exactly all the varieties of lilies that are selected for planting, pH level can be adjusted. During the preparation of the composition of the soil mixture, humus should be added in moderate doses. If you add too much of it, then the stems and leaves will grow vigorously, but to the detriment of the development of the bulb, and this negatively affects its resistance to frost.

Growing flowers in open ground is greatly facilitated if peat, fallen needles, river sand and soddy soil are added to the planting holes in equal proportions. If the soil is prepared in this way, then when growing a lily in the first years, it is not necessary to fertilize it.

The soil should be dug deep, removing all the roots of perennial weeds, after which nutrients are applied in an even layer and the bulbs are planted.

Preparing lilies for growing

Before planting lilies, bulbs should be properly prepared. Planting flowers in the ground begins with their careful examination and processing of planting material in order to prevent the possible development of diseases in advance. Sick and rotten specimens should be discarded, otherwise they will infect all healthy planting material.

Bulbs suitable for cultivation, are determined by the following features:

  • roots must be strong and viable up to 5 cm long;
  • integumentary scales of cream or white color, without inclusions.

From such bulbs, you need to carefully remove the upper flower scales, place them in a solution of burgundy potassium permanganate and let stand for 30 minutes. After they are taken out of the solution, they are placed to dry in the shade. If slight damage was found on the bulbs, then they can be treated with a solution of Fundazol or Karbofos, removing unhealthy scales in advance. Such specimens are planted separately, in a quarantine area.

In order for the bulbs to take root faster in open ground, they can be germinated by placing in containers with soil for lilies. After that in certain time they are planted in a permanent place.

How to plant lilies

Gardeners need to know how to properly plant lilies. This procedure is carried out as follows:

  • flowers should be planted to a depth that will be equal to two bulb diameters, and the distance between tubers should be 20 cm;
  • the bottom of the hole is covered with a small layer of expanded clay or gravel, which will be drainage;
  • then put the corm upside down, covered with earth and lightly tamped;
  • on top you need to form a small depression, where top dressing is then poured.

When to plant lilies: autumn or spring?

Many gardeners ask the question: when is it better to plant lilies - in spring or autumn? This is a difficult question that cannot be answered unambiguously.

In order to correctly determine when to plant lilies outdoors, you need to clarify which variety is used for these purposes. Of course, there are no hard deadlines, and lilies can take root and start growing from spring to autumn, but it is necessary to take into account the preferences of some varieties for a specific planting time.

Planting bulbs in spring

If the bulbs are planted in the spring, then this is guaranteed to protect them from soaking and freezing. root system in the spring it develops especially actively, and this is true for late-flowering varieties. Planting lilies in the spring in the ground is most often carried out with purchased bulbs and for this, healthy and large specimens are chosen, with sprouting sprouts. Those bulbs that were purchased in early spring should be taken care of even before they are planted. To do this, they must be stored in perforated polyethylene, which is filled with sawdust or peat, and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

When should lilies be planted outdoors? Eastern and tubular hybrids should be planted after the snow has melted off the site. The last decade of March is a good time for Tibetan, brindle and other varieties that bloom in autumn. Terry lilies are recommended to be planted in April, temporarily covering the landing sites with mulch.

Lily care in spring includes:

  • regular watering;
  • keeping the site free of weeds;
  • mulching the soil to protect the roots from overheating and keep the soil from drying out.

Growing lilies in the spring means protecting them from pests. To do this, you can use the following method: heat a liter of water and dissolve a spoonful of copper sulfate and soda in it, add a spoonful of ammonia, after which the resulting mixture must be diluted with 9 liters of water. Flowers are watered and sprayed with this composition.

Planting lilies in autumn has its advantages: no more sweltering heat, moisture in the ground remains much longer; of the pests, only small rodents that live on the site are dangerous. In this case, when planting the bulbs, it is advisable to place them in special plastic baskets to protect them from damage.

In addition, in the fall, the bulbs have a dormant phase and, if necessary, planting dates can be shifted. At rest, planting material is not afraid to lose some of the roots, which can happen during transplantation.

The place where lilies will be planted, should be ready in 2-3 weeks before planting, so that the soil can naturally compact, fertilize it with nutrients and leave it until planting. Bulbs of Asian lilies and oriental hybrids should be lightly sprinkled with sawdust or peat. This further increases the acidity of the soil. Snow-white lily, martagon, tubular hybrids should be covered with humus with wood ash, reducing acidity.

Caring for lilies in the fall is simple: planted bulbs are watered if the weather is dry and warm, helping them to take root. also in autumn care include planting bushes that grow in one place for more than 4 - 5 years, because the long-term cultivation of flowers without dividing contributes to their thickening. But you can not dig up the bulbs immediately after flowering, as they need time to ripen. For maximum preservation of the roots, they should be dug with a pitchfork.

The bulbs are washed running water , dry, separate the bulbs from the mother tuber with a sharp knife and soak for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are shaken, the roots are shortened to 10 cm and they begin to be planted in the prepared soil.

Basic rules for caring for lilies

Subject to the basic rules of care for lilies, these flowers will delight the owners with their flowering for many years.

Preparation of lilies for wintering

Care for lilies in the open field after they have faded is in reducing the amount of watering and fertilizing. During this period, flowers need potassium and phosphorus. Seed boxes should be removed, and the stems cut off with the approach of cold weather.

Then, in accordance with the varieties, the flowers are prepared for winter:

  • bulbs of varieties that bloom in autumn, when they enter the dormant phase, are dug up and stored until spring;
  • varieties that bloom early should be left in the ground and provided with shelter.

Thus, growing and caring for lilies in the open field is not too difficult. The main thing is to plant the bulbs correctly and choose a certain period of time for this. Only if you follow the rules of planting and care, you can be sure that the lilies will delight the owners with their beauty for a long time.

The first thing you need to remember is that you are not planting flowers for a year, because lilies are, which means that you should thoroughly prepare for planting. Lily bulbs should be in one place for at least five years, gaining energy. And if you constantly dig up the plant, it will weaken the lilies, they will become more susceptible to diseases.

This will answer the question of whether it is possible to transplant lilies in the spring - this is undesirable if you do not want to end up with frail flowers that react sharply to the slightest infection. You can not skip the planting time, because the plant bulbs dry out quickly enough. And therefore, if you see that they are losing their elasticity, be sure to start work.

At the same time, you need to take care in advance about the place on the site where the landing will be made, and if some other plants grew there earlier, dig up the bed, apply fertilizer - only then you can get down to business. By the way, it is best to plant plants in mid-March or early April, but autumn work is also welcome if you properly prepare your flower garden for winter.

Important: lilies prefer sandy or loamy soil, in addition, the soil must be “airy” and freely permeable to moisture, for which it needs to be loosened with high quality.

"Queens of flowers" are planted to a depth of about 20-25 cm, if the bulbs are large. If they are smaller, the hole must also be made smaller. Thus, the diameter and depth of the trench depend on the size of the bulbs of the plant. If you want to do beautiful flower bed, then better flowers plant in a small group (4-5 pieces), leaving a gap of 10 cm between them. So that they get a supply nutrients immediately after disembarkation, put a layer of earth mixed with organic matter into the hole. If the bulb already has roots, they must be straightened when planting so that there is no damage. After all, it is in severe cases leads to the death of the entire flower.

Lilies: planting in spring and care - subtleties and secrets

Planting lilies in the spring, as well as caring for plants, has several secrets. If you know them, then grow truly beautiful and healthy flowers that will make a beautiful and fragrant flower bed. So, for example, we plant low varieties closer to the paths, but tall flowers are best placed in the center of the site. The landing site itself should be sunny, however, a slight shade in the daytime will extend the flowering time.

By the way, lilies especially “like” if their stems below are protected from the sun. Therefore, you can plant in a flower bed (violets or daisies), which will simultaneously protect from the sun and become an additional decoration of the site. Despite the fact that lilies are quite strong and healthy, they can be threatened various problems. For example, in the morning, large dew drops that work as “lenses” are especially dangerous. Because of this, lilies can get burned, which in the future will lead to the appearance of a disease such as botrytis ("gray rot").

The main aspects of caring for beautiful flowers

Caring for lilies in the spring also includes proper watering. Due to the fact that the roots of flowers can reach two meters in length, be sure to water the plants with high quality, trying not to get water on the buds and leaves. By the way, moderate humidity is useful for lilies throughout the season, and therefore make sure that the ground around the trunk is not very dry. The plant experiences a special need for moisture after flowering, when the bulbs swell and retain nutrients for the winter..

Naturally, it is necessary to evaluate the importance of top dressing, otherwise the flower simply will not gain the substances it needs for development and, importantly, normal wintering. Since all varieties of flowers except tubular lily, are "ancestors" wild types growing in coniferous forests, you need to use coniferous litter and sawdust for feeding, which are introduced into the root system zone - lilies will grow perfectly. And so that they do not take away the nitrogen that it needs so much from the plant, we introduce nitrogen-containing appropriate fertilizers.

How to dig and transplant lily bulbs?

If you have already decided to transplant lilies, approach this issue carefully. Having carefully cut the stem and leaves with garden shears, we move on to the hidden "part" of the flower - its bulb. They need to be dug up with a garden pitchfork, and you need to be as careful as possible. After all, if you damage the roots, you can safely throw away the entire bulb.

After digging it out of the ground, inspect the bulb, removing all brown petals from it. Be sure to wash it under water, and then keep it in karbofos for 15-25 minutes. If the bulbs are clean, they just need to be left for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, we put the bulbs in the shade, where they should dry out. After that, we cut the roots of the flower by 8-10 cm, plant them in the prepared soil.

By the way, if you want the lilies to grow quickly, do not "go too far" with the introduction organic fertilizers. After all, this will lead to an imbalance between the vegetative and root parts of lilies. Now you know whether it is possible to plant lilies in the spring, when exactly to do this, and how to ensure their normal development so that your flower garden is even more attractive!

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