Eukomis bicolor (Pineapple lily) planting and care. Eukomis pineapple lily planting and care in the open field growing from seeds reproduction photo

Encyclopedia of Plants 10.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Eucomis (otherwise Eukomis, lat. Eucomis) - genus perennials hyacinth family. AT natural conditions common in southern Africa. The name is translated from Greek as "beautiful-haired" or "beautiful tuft". Among the people, the names "tuft lily" or "pineapple lily" have taken root.


Eucomis is a fast growing bulbous herbaceous plant. The bulbs are large, ovoid, shiny, form a powerful root system. The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, numerous, belt-like, linear or lanceolate, glossy, often with brown spots in the lower part, wavy along the edge, reaching 60 cm in length.

Peduncle - thick elastic arrow with a bunch small leaves at the top, up to 100 cm long. The flowers are collected in a dense cylindrical long (up to 30 cm) brush, multiple, wheel-shaped, white or light green with a brown or purple tint. The perianth is divided into six pale-colored lobes fused at the base, which do not fall off after flowering. Stamens (six) filiform, fused with perianth. Ovary three-ribbed, rounded. The fruit is a trihedral box, opening along the edges. Seeds are ovoid, dark brown or black.

Heat-loving flowering plant. Retains its decorative effect after the withering of the flower brush. Grown as in open field, and in containers or as an indoor culture. The flowering period is June, July, some species bloom in August.

There are 14 species in the genus Eucomis.

E. dotted(lat. e. punctata) - the most popular cultivated species. Plant height 40-60 cm. Greenish flowers, numerous (up to 100 pieces), wide open, with dark dots on the petals. The leaves are linear or lanceolate, flat, wavy along the edges, dotted with black dots or risks below.

E. red stem(lat. e. purpureicaulis) - differs in the spatulate shape of the leaves. Bracts have a characteristic color for this species - purple or purple-red with a green border.

E. wavy(lat. e. undulata) - the leaves are belt-shaped, long (up to 45 cm), wavy along the edge, without characteristic dark dots. The brush is dense, has up to 50 flowers. Bracts numerous (up to 30), wavy, green.

E. autumn(lat. e. autumnalis) - undersized species (20-30 cm). The flowers are white or cream. The only one of the whole genus is able to tolerate small frosts. Flowering later than other species.

Eucomis bicolor in a pot

E. bicolor(lat. e. bicolor) - a decorative look. Arrow up to 50 cm high, painted with numerous purple risks. Flowers with bracts of light green color with purple edging. Blooms in the second half of summer.

E. Pole-Evans(lat. E. pole-evansii) - flowers are large, light green. Very rare in horticulture.

E. crested(lat. e. comosa) - a common species. The height of the peduncle reaches 90 cm, the length of the flower brush is 30 cm. The flowers are light green, pink, purple in color.

E. zambezian(lat. e. zambesiaca) dense brushes with white-green flowers.

Photogallery of species

Cultivation and care

In the southern regions, eukomis is planted in open ground, maintaining a distance of 15 cm between them. Planting is carried out in May. In regions with a temperate or cold climate, the bulbs are pre-germinated in pots, planting them in March - April. Pots pick up deep, as root system Eucomis powerful, branched. The bulbs are not buried in the ground, the top should remain at the level of the soil or protrude slightly from above. After planting, the plant needs poor watering, which is increased in the active growth phase.

Pots with sprouted bulbs are installed in outdoor flowerpots. When the soil warms up well, the plant can be transplanted into open ground by gently shaking them out of a pot with an earthy clod. Eucomis landing pattern: 15-20 cm x 30-40 cm.

Eucomis planting material

Location. Sunny, wind-sheltered areas.

Priming. Light, well-drained soils with the addition of river sand, rich in humus.

Watering. After landing, scant. During the period of active growth - plentiful, regular. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants. After the flowers wither, watering is reduced, when the leaves turn yellow, they stop altogether.

top dressing. When leaving eukomis needs regular top dressing. For abundant flowering every two weeks, complex mineral fertilizers, preferably water-soluble, should be applied.

It's important to know! Evkomis does not tolerate nitrogen fertilizers!

Eucomis flowers

Transfer. When growing eucomis as a container culture, a transplant is required every year with soil replacement.

bulb storage. Eucomis leaves turn yellow and die in September. The bulbs of the plant enter a dormant phase. In the southern regions, bulbs can overwinter in open ground with shelter (spruce branches, needles and other materials). In other regions, at the end of September, the bulbs are dug up, washed, disinfected and dried. Store them in a cool, dry, ventilated place in paper or rag bags. For these purposes, the compartment for vegetables in the refrigerator is well suited. The bulbs can be stored in pots of soil at room temperature with minimal watering.

Eucomis crested inflorescence


Eucomis propagates in two ways: daughter bulbs and seeds.

During the period of active growth, a few children are formed on the eucomis bulb. They are carefully separated during the dormant period. When propagating in this way, all the qualities of the mother plant are completely preserved.

Advice! It is advisable to sprinkle the places where the children are separated from the mother bulb with crushed charcoal powder to speed up drying and prevent fungal spores from entering.

Eucomis seeds

Eukomis seeds ripen in boxes in early September. Sow them in containers with nutrient soil immediately after harvest. Growing eucomis from seeds makes it possible to obtain a new plant that is completely different in foliage and flowers from the mother. The first flowering occurs after three years.

Diseases and pests

The main problem of eucomis is the rotting of the bulbs. To prevent bulb rot, bulbs must be properly stored during the dormant period. It can be affected by mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies, etc. Pest control is carried out using appropriate insecticide-acaricidal preparations.

Eucomis in a flower bed

Use in landscape design

Exotic eukomis immediately attracts attention, can become a bright decoration of any flower garden. The possibility of growing in containers allows you to use the pineapple lily as a mobile decoration of the garden, porch, gazebo or balcony. Structural clear forms make the plant self-sufficient in single plantings.

For joint landings coniferous perennials, gerberas, ground cover annuals will be excellent partners. In rockeries, eukomis will become bright accent during flowering, and then decorate it with their glossy beautiful leaves. Peduncles are suitable for cutting and decorating author's bouquets.

Eucomis - very exotic plant and is rarely found in flower beds. It is not difficult to grow it, and unusual "pineapple" inflorescences will become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the grower.

Eukomis, or eucomis, or pineapple lily (lat. Eucomis)- a genus of flowering monocotyledonous bulbous plants of the Asparagus family. In nature, representatives of the genus are found in South Africa. Translated from Greek, "eukomis" means "beautiful-haired." This name of the plant of the genus was received from Charles Louis Lérithi de Brutel in 1788. Four species are grown in culture, although there are 14 of them in the genus. The advantage of eukomis is its high decorative effect not only during long flowering, but also after it.

Planting and caring for eucomis (in brief)

  • Bloom: long (2-2.5 months from May-June to August), but undulating.
  • Landing: in open ground - in late May or early June. In regions with a cold climate, the plant is first grown by planting the bulbs in a pot in late March or early April, as for forcing.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, light, rich in humus and well drained.
  • Watering: the first time after planting - meager, but from the beginning of active growth, it is necessary to moisten the soil regularly and abundantly. After flowering is completed, watering is gradually reduced, and after the leaves of the plant turn yellow, watering is completely stopped.
  • Top dressing: once every two weeks with liquid mineral fertilizers with a low nitrogen content.
  • Reproduction: species plants - by seeds, varietal - by children and leafy cuttings.
  • Pests: spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies and aphids .
  • Diseases: bulb rot.

Read more about growing eukomis below.

Eukomis flower - description

Eukomis - herbaceous perennials with oval bulbs up to 8 cm in diameter, numerous basal shiny leaves ovoid or belt-shaped. Cylindrical peduncles of eukomis up to 1 m high bear pineapple-like racemose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Wheel-shaped whitish or greenish flowers with a brown or purple tint have six fused stamens with swaying anthers and six fused at the base lobes of lanceolate perianths. At the very top of the flower arrow, above the flowers, there is a bunch of 10-20 green bracts, which make the eukomis look like a pineapple. The fruit of eukomis is a flat-round three-ribbed box with black or dark brown round or ovoid seeds.

Planting eukomis in open ground

When to plant eukomis in the ground

Eucomis bulbs are planted in open ground when the soil warms up well and all frosts pass - at the end of May or in June. If you live in an area with long, cold springs, it's best to germinate the bulbs first in deep pots of substrate and plant them in the garden in late March or early April. When planting in the forcing, do not completely immerse the bulb in the substrate, leave it upper part slightly above the surface.

In the photo: Growing eukomis in the garden

How to plant eukomis

The site for eucomis is chosen sunny, protected from strong wind and drafts. The soil the plant needs is light, loose, well-drained and rich in humus. To increase moisture permeability, add coarse-grained river sand, gravel or broken bricks to the soil for digging. When planting, the bulbs, depending on their size, are buried by 2.5-3.5 cm, keeping a distance of at least 15 cm between them with row spacing of 30-40 cm.

Eucomis care in the garden

Eucomis cultivation, watering and fertilizing

Wherever you plant a eucomis bulb - immediately in the garden or for growing in a pot - watering should be scarce at first. But as soon as the active growth of eucomis begins, watering should become both regular and plentiful. After moistening - watering or rain - it is imperative to loosen the soil around the plants, while removing weed grass. After flowering is completed, watering is gradually reduced, and when the leaves turn yellow in eukomis, moisture is completely stopped.

In order for the flowering of eukomis to be long and plentiful, top dressing in the form of a liquid mineral complex must be applied once every two weeks. However, you should choose fertilizers in which the amount of nitrogen is minimal: this element is not useful for the plant.

Eucomis transplant

Eucomis planting and care in the open field do not require any special skills or specific knowledge, however, this plant needs an annual transplant, not only when grown in a container, but also in the garden, since it does not have the winter hardiness necessary for our climate. Eucomis bulbs will have to be dug up every autumn, before the start of frost, stored indoors in the winter, and planted again in the spring.

Eucomis reproduction

Eucomis reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. At vegetative propagation not only species, but also varietal characteristics of the parents are preserved. During the season, a few babies appear on the mother bulb. During the dormant period, the children are separated, the fractures or cuts are treated with coal powder, and in the spring or early summer, the children, along with large bulbs, are planted in the ground.

Cultivation from seeds is used only for propagation of species eucomis. Seeds immediately after harvest are sown in pots or boxes, after 4-6 weeks they wait for germination and take care of them, for any other seedlings. Eucomis from seeds will bloom only in the third or fourth year.

In the photo: Flowering eukomis in a flower bed

Eukomis also propagates by leaf cuttings: a leaf is separated from the plant at its very base and cut into pieces 4-6 cm long, necessarily marking the upper or lower part. The segments are lowered with their lower part into a mixture of sand and peat to a depth of 2.5 cm, covered with a transparent cap and kept at a temperature of 20 ºC, removing the coating several times a week for ventilation. After 2-2.5 months, small onions will begin to form along the edges of the leaves, which must be separated, planted and grown to the desired size.

Eukomis in winter

When the eucomis has finished blooming, cut off its flower heads, but leave the leaves so that the plant can be fed until the fall. From the beginning of September, the leaves of the eukomis turn yellow, wither and die, and the bulbs sink into dormancy. If you live in the south, where the temperature does not drop below zero in winter, you can not dig up the bulbs, just cover the area with a thick layer of dry leaves or spruce branches before the onset of cold weather. But if the winters in your area are cold, snowless or unpredictable, it is better to dig up the bulbs at the end of September, clean them from the ground, hold them in Maxim's solution, dry them, put them in cloth or paper bags and store them in a dry cool room with good ventilation. A small amount of onions can be kept in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, provided that there are no apples there at the same time. And you can store eukomis until spring in pots with a suitable substrate at room temperature, slightly moistening the soil from time to time.

Pests and diseases of eucomis

The most common eucomis problem is bulb rot. This happens during the growing season from waterlogging, but the bulbs can also rot during the dormant period if they are stored incorrectly. Putrefactive microorganisms are destroyed with a fungicide solution - Fundazol, Topaz, Skora or any other similar drug. To defeat the fungus, it may take 2-3 sessions of treating plants with a solution of leaves and pickling bulbs in a solution of copper-containing preparations.

Of the pests, spider mites, mealybugs, whiteflies and aphids are dangerous for eucomis. The first three pests affect plants grown in room culture, and aphids can overtake eucomis in the garden. Destroy harmful insects with insecticides, and ticks with acaricidal preparations. Such insectoacaricides as Actellik and Aktara will cope with any of the listed pests.

Types and varieties of eukomis

In culture, several types of eukomis are grown.

was introduced to Europe in 1778. In height, it can reach from 30 to 60 cm. The leaves of plants of this species are flat, grooved, lanceolate or linear, up to 60 cm long and up to 7 cm wide. They are covered with brown spots on the underside. Loose brushes consist of 40-100 green flowers, located on pedicels up to 3 cm long. The Strict variety, bred in 1790, is interesting: its leaves are streaked with brown-red longitudinal stripes from below. Eukomis has a crested variety with pink and purple flowers.

In the photo: Eucomis point, or crested eucomis (Eucomis punctata = Eucomis comosa)

or eucomis bicolor comes from South Africa and arrived in Europe in 1878. On its peduncles up to half a meter high, streaked with purple strokes, light green flowers open at the end of summer, the bracts of which are framed by a purple border. The fruits of this species are also dark red. And the variety Alba, which was bred by Tubergen, has white flowers with greenery.

In the photo: Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor)

Eucomis autumn (Eucomis autumnalis)

or eukomis otumnalis differs from other cultivated eukomis in its relative cold resistance and can winter in the garden in the southern regions. Peduncles in this species are 20-30 cm high, and white or creamy-white flowers are formed into a brush. Flowering begins later than other species.

- a pineapple. That's what people call Eucomis. The buds in its inflorescence are concentrated around the peduncle, creating a semblance of a barrel. At its top is a bunch of oblong leaves.

We see a similar one on pineapples. However, more "points of contact" tropical fruit and there is no flower of the Hyacinth group. To see this, let us continue the description of Eukomis.

Description and features of Eukomis

Eucomis flower belongs to the Lily family. Accordingly, bulbous. There are several bulbs underground. They are large and oval. The root system of the hero of the article is distinguished by its power and speed of development.

That's why, Eucomis landing as potted plant problematic. Large flowerpots are required. The way out is undersized varieties Eucomis. cultivation perhaps, for example, in balcony containers.

More often lily Eucomis flaunts in the gardens. By the way, about the beauty. The name was given by Charles Louis Peretier de Brutel. This is a French botanist, lived in the 18th century.

Looking at the bunch of leaves at the top of the Eukomis inflorescence, Brutel remembered the Greek words eu and kome. The first concept is translated as "beautiful". The word kome means "tuft". In general, it turns out a "beautiful-haired" flower.

Whirlwind on Eukomis is bract leaves. This is the name of the green, from the sinuses of which buds or shoots bearing them come out. By the way, ordinary leaves emerging from Eucomis bulbs, also oblong-lanceolate in shape and also assembled into a rosette. The basal bunch of greenery from below is “splashed” with purple spots. They are also found on the upper tail of the leaves.

There are no spots on the back side of Eukomis greens only in a couple of species. In general, there are only 14 of them. 4 are considered cultural. We will talk about them in a separate chapter. In the meantime, back to the buds of the hero of the article.

In shape, its flowers resemble stars with 5 petals. Forming cylindrical inflorescences, they are then converted into boxes with seeds. Triribular fruits. They form 20-100 centimeters from the ground. This is the height range of different varieties of Eukomis. Let's get acquainted with the options.

Types and varieties of Eukomis

Recall 4 decorative species. They are all perennials, but middle lane and, moreover, they do not hibernate in the sharply continental belt. You will either have to move the bulbs into the house, like hyacinths, or plant new ones every year. Pineapple lily Eucomis originally from Africa, which explains the plant's love of warmth.

The most frost-resistant is Eukomis "Autumn". He is also attracted by his short stature. Peduncles rise to a level of 20-30 centimeters. Pictured is Eukomis"Autumn" pleases with flowers, when there are almost none left around.

Hence the name of the species. The buds on its representatives are formed all summer, even in September, pleasing. Some use cut eukomis for bouquets for Knowledge Day.

EucomisBicolor or "Two-color" stretches 40-60 centimeters. In the cultivar Alba, the greens are monochromatic. Greenish and buds of "Two-color" Eucomis. cultivation it gives "fruits" by September.

In the photo, eukomis bicolor

Blooming by autumn, they are distinguished by their large size and tight fit on the shoot-based. Bracts purple. Hence, in fact, the name of the species.

Eukomis "Crested" became the first of the cultivated, grown since 1778. It was about "Crested" that Charles Louis Peretier de Brutel once spoke. He gave a description. Greens, including flower stalks, are dotted with spots.

In the cultivar Scricta, they are transformed into brown-red stripes. Perianths can be of the same color. There are 2 more color options: pink and whitish.

Grown in culture and Eukomis "Pole Evans". It is larger than others, reaches a meter height. The inflorescences of Evans are also large, the buds in them are greenish-white. In horticulture, Eucomis "Pole" is a rare visitor because of the whimsical care, in particular, the requirements of high temperatures.

Planting and caring for Eucomis

Eucomis "Bicolor", "Autumn", "Crests" and "Pole Evans" are planted in late May - early June. Night temperature should be from 9 degrees and above.

These are the conditions for planting seeds in open ground. They germinate for about a month. Therefore, many grow Eukomis seedlings at home, so that by the summer there will already be greenery in the flower beds.

In the photo, eukomis is pale-leaved

For seedlings, seeds, respectively, are planted at the end of April. Germination is average. Germinates, as a rule, every 3-4th seed. Therefore, some prefer buy Eucomis in bulbs. Plants from them bloom in the first year. Shoots from seeds, sometimes, give buds only for the 3rd summer.

Healthy Eucomis bulbs are distinguished by a dry bottom, elasticity, tight fit of scales and the absence of rot or mold. These can be bought, or disconnected from the one already on the site.

Baby bulbs on it are formed during the flowering period. Offspring are separated from the mother by autumn. It is important to powder the cut points of small onions. Wounds become a gateway for infections and a temptation for rot.

Wintering of Eukomis, or rather its bulbs, passes in dryness and coolness. Placed in them planting material at the end of September, after washing, disinfecting and drying, packing in paper or natural fabric. AT polyethylene film, for example, air access to the bulbs is blocked. Ventilation is a must for them.

Most often, gardeners use a refrigerator to store Eukomis bulbs. Planting material is placed in the vegetable compartment. If it is busy, the bulbs will survive the winter at room temperature in pots with dry soil. It is enough just to spray it once every 1-2 weeks.

The bulbs leave the "sleeping" room at the end of March. Eukomis is planted in pots with turf, humus, peat, sand and leafy soil. They are taken in equal amounts. A similar soil is desirable in the garden.

Eukomis loves a light and fertile substrate. The bulbs in it sprout in 2.5-3.5 weeks. It takes another month to grow, and then it can be transferred to open ground.

Plants grown from bulbs become 100% copies of their parents. the seeds are often different from the original. However, in order for the bulb to sprout, you need to plant it correctly. It is impossible to bury completely. The top of the bulb is flush with the ground, or rises above it by a couple of centimeters.

Bulbs will be watered along the edge of the flowerpot. Planting material is afraid of moisture, it can rot. Therefore, 1-1.5 weeks after planting, the bulb is not given water at all. In addition to rotting, moisture provokes the development of fungi.

Protection against fungi is carried out at the bulb stage. It is treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Treatment from other pests is also recommended to be carried out in advance in the form of prevention. 8 sheets on seedlings are enough to use funds from powdery mildew, ticks and aphids.

Other care per Eucomis is reduced to the choice of windless and sunny areas. They are actively watered only during the period of active growth. Moist soil is loosened. Compacting the earth, the water closes the "pores" in it. These are the oxygen inlets. Without his supplies, Eukomis will wither away.

In the photo, eukomis bicolor

Demanding hero of the article and k. You need minerals. They are applied to the ground every 14 days. Water-soluble top dressings are desirable.

It is no secret that plants can receive and assimilate microelements only in the form of solutions. The main thing is that they lack nitrogen. Eukomis cannot stand him. Respectively, organic top dressing alien to culture.

Eukomis in landscape design

The hero of the article has structural and clear forms. These decorate any flower garden. Tall varieties, as a rule, are located in the central parts of the compositions, and low varieties along their periphery.

Eukomis also looks advantageous in splendid isolation. With this landing, there is no need to select partners. The hero of the article does not get along with everyone. Location "deserve" coniferous perennials, and ground cover annuals.

The latter include Arabis, Grass, Thyme and Roofing Young. In other words, we are talking about undersized and bushy, covering the ground like a carpet.

Planting eucomis with bulbs

Eukomis has a decorative look not only in buds, but also in leaves. This combination makes the hero of the article a permanent decoration of flower beds. So that they do not have to be thinned out, the bulbs are planted at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. Find out how much planting material costs.

Price and reviews about Eukomis

Bulbs can be purchased individually or in sets. For a package of 6 assorted pieces, they ask for about 600 rubles. One bulb costs 60-300 rubles, depending on the type of variety.

A package of pineapple lily seeds can be taken for 30 rubles. There are few offers because the demand is low. 80% of gardeners, judging by their reviews, grow exotic flower from bulbs.

Here is what a certain Nisa writes about this on one of the Internet forums: “I planted it in the ground at the end of April. Seedlings appeared in early June. I thought it wouldn't grow. Apparently, she stuck the bulbs early. But, you can wait. A very beautiful wave."

Nisa attached a photo to her message. On it is Eukomis "Bicolor". It is the most popular among gardeners and landscape designers. The latter include Vera Shelest.

In the same forum, she noted: “I most often have bicolor varieties in raised center beds. I take large bulbs. They usually produce 2 flower stalks. The composition is brighter and more voluminous.

It remains, so to speak from the editors, to add a fly in the ointment to a cup of honey. Eukomis smells peculiar. For most people, the scent is unpleasant. But, the smell attracts flies, bees, a number of beetles. In general, we are preparing for the invasion of insects. Without them, the African guest does not "pass" to the site.

Eukomis is a beautiful ornamental flowering plant native to South Africa. In some sources, the name of the culture sounds like eukomis - both names are correct, and a slight discrepancy is explained by the peculiarities of the translation from Latin. The genus Eukomis belongs to the Asparagus family, although many mistakenly put it on a par with hyacinths due to the similarity of peduncles.

The flower is a perennial bulbous plant, which produces a spectacular peduncle at the beginning of summer, and falls into hibernation by winter. In our latitudes, eukomis in the open field feels great only in the warm season, and with a cold snap, its bulbs are dug up and stored until next spring. Despite the fact that this is a fairly thermophilic representative of the flora, growing it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

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    Eukomis - an exotic flower

    There are several species in the genus of this exotic culture, but the most popular is eukomis Bicolor (Bicolor) or two-color. The structure of the plant is typical for all members of the genus:

    • A powerful and rapidly growing root system develops in spring from a large shiny bulb with a diameter of 5-8 cm.
    • Large ovate leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and a slightly wavy edge are collected in a lush basal rosette. The length of the leaves can reach 50-60 cm, and this must be taken into account when planting. After flowering, the foliage turns yellow and dies, and the flower begins a dormant period.
    • From the center of the bulb, a powerful peduncle-sultan is formed from 30 to 60 cm high, and in some specimens it reaches 1 m.
    • The top of the peduncle is crowned with a shock of 10-15 green leaves-bracts, collected in a kind of tuft, for which eukomis is popularly called tufted or pineapple lily.
    • Star-shaped small buds are collected in a racemose inflorescence overall length 30-35 cm. Unlike other varieties, the flowers of Eukomis Bicolor have a two-tone color - white-green with a purple border. From 40 to 100 buds bloom simultaneously on one peduncle, and its surface is decorated with purple strokes.
    • When flowering ends, fruit-boxes are formed, inside of which dark brown seeds ripen. They are quite suitable for reproduction, however, only 3-4 years after sowing, when the bulb grows to a certain size, it will be possible to admire the flowering of young eukomis.

    Pineapple lily blooms for 1-1.5 months in June-August, and in some regions - until September.

    Landing and care

    Eucomis Bicolor can be grown in room conditions as well as in open ground. It should be borne in mind that the flower is quite thermophilic and needs a long daylight. In the open field, the plant is not able to winter - at temperatures below + 10 ° C, vitality leaves it, and the pineapple lily may die.

    Eukomis in room conditions feels great at a temperature of + 20 + 25 ° С. If you allocate a place for a flower on the eastern, southeastern, southern or southwestern windowsill, it will delight you with a dense rosette of long shiny leaves and an unusually attractive inflorescence.

    Eukomis bulbs are planted in a large container or pot, and with the onset of warm weather they are transferred to a garden or flower bed. A separate container is taken for each bulb, although some varieties are planted with several pieces in one container.

    For planting exotic lilies use soil mixture from turf or leaf ground, sand, peat and humus in the ratio 3:1:1:1. When planting, it is important to ensure good drainage from pebbles or broken red brick, as excess or stagnant moisture can provoke the development of rot and the death of the bulb.

    The eukomis bulb is planted in March-April and is not buried in the ground - its top should be at the level of the soil in the pot.

    It is better to purchase planting material in specialized stores, where the range and quality of goods is much higher than from private traders. Usually, eukomis bulbs are packed in several pieces, creating a kind of mix - a mixture of varieties with different colors of inflorescences.

    Further care for the African handsome is simple:

    • In the period from planting to germination, the bulbs should be watered sparingly to prevent them from rotting. For irrigation, always use warm, settled water.
    • With the beginning of the growth of basal rosettes, increase watering, preventing the soil from drying out or waterlogging. In the stage of active flowering, water often, and in the heat - moisten the air around the flowers.
    • Feed every 2 weeks using a complex fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants with a minimum nitrogen concentration. During the season, carry out at least 3 top dressing - during the growth of leaves, during the budding period and at the beginning of flowering.
    • After flowering ends, cut off the flower stalks and gradually reduce watering.

    At the end of autumn, when the leaves turn yellow, the eukomis stop watering completely and prepare for "wintering".

    Storing bulbs in winter

    Depending on the capabilities and preferences of the grower, two options for storing planting material until spring are acceptable:

    • Transfer the pot with dormant eukomis to dark room and store at +8+15°C. Moisten the soil once a month, preventing the bulb from drying out completely. In February-March, partially refresh the soil around the pineapple lily, transfer the container to a warm, lit place, resume watering and wait for germination.
    • Dig up the bulbs from the soil, carefully separate the formed babies, cut off the dry roots, dry and store at a temperature of + 10 + 15 ° C in a room with dry air. Use paper bags, canvas bags or perforated polyethylene as containers. When stored in a damp cellar, lay the bulbs in peat, sand or sawdust which will protect the planting material from decay.

    The basement, cellar or vegetable compartment of the refrigerator with the appropriate temperature parameters are excellent for storage.

    Application in landscape design

    When growing eukomis in an apartment, the grower is limited in choosing a place. But if you have your own garden or country cottage area, there are much more possibilities - an exotic flower will attract attention to itself in any corner, well lit by the sun's rays.

    Pineapple lily will look spectacular as a specimen plant, especially when planted on a green lawn or a small hill. They use it in front gardens and rocky gardens, combining it with a variety of crops: alyssum, lobelia, gerbera, geyhera, annual ground cover and coniferous plants.


    Planting material for propagation of eucomis is obtained in two ways. In the first case, when digging up the mother bulbs, the formed babies (daughter bulbs) are separated and planted in early spring in separate containers. This method guarantees the production of young plants that are completely identical to the parent - all varietal characteristics are preserved during reproduction by children.

    Reproduction by seeds is a longer and unpredictable process. A pineapple lily grown from seeds can be strikingly different in both the color of the inflorescence and the foliage. Ripe seeds are sown in fertile soil immediately after collection, as they quickly lose their germination.

    Experienced flower growers use interesting way obtaining eucomis seeds. They do not wait for them to fully ripen, but cut the peduncle ahead of time and put it in a bottle of water. When the fruit box dries up, the seeds are removed and sown to obtain seedlings. Such a trick allows you to save the strength of the mother bulb, necessary for laying the peduncle for next year.


    Eukomis Bicolor is a unique flower. He needs good lighting and warm weather. The rest of the plant is unpretentious and does not need special care: Regular watering and fertilizing is sufficient. For beginner gardeners, digging and storing bulbs in winter can cause some difficulties. However, subject to necessary conditions planting material will be perfectly preserved and will delight you with a chic inflorescence of star buds next summer.

    Eucomis (Eucomis) perennial bulbous plant from the tropics and subtropics of South Africa. In the middle lane, eukomis is grown only as indoor flower by planting eucomis in pots in early spring. Eucomis flowers are collected in a brush at the top of the peduncle, which reaches 30-100 cm in height. After flowering, the leaves of eukomis gradually turn yellow and die off, and the plant enters a dormant period. Eukomis belongs to the asparagus family.

    Eucomis bicolor and other species.

    Eucomis photo Eucomis vandermerwei

    Most common in our stores Eucomis bicolor (Eucomis bicolor). It is called bicolor due to the fact that the white-greenish flowers are framed by pink lines. The peduncle is also dotted with purple strokes. Eucomis point (Eucomis Punctata)- the owner of an inflorescence of white, pink or even purple, which is crowned at the top with a crown of green leaves. Other types are also popular. eucomis - eucomis Zambian (Eucomis zambesiaca) and autumn eucomis (Eucomis autumnalis)- the most cold-resistant and most compact in size species. These plants are often planted in pots as a group. Flowers are white in color. Eucomis vandermerwei- extraordinarily beautiful view, small in size, with leaves of a spotted, "brindle" coloring.

    Eukomis planting and care.

    Eukomis landing. Eucomis point (Eucomis Punctata)

    The eucomis bulb is large, 5-8 cm in diameter, they need to be planted one per pot. Eucomis is planted in March-April. Prepare soil mixture sod land, humus and sand in the ratio 1:1:1. You can take ordinary garden soil.

    Be sure to provide good drainage - with stagnant moisture, a large bulb can rot. For each liter of the mixture, a glass of swollen hydrogel.

    When planting eucomis, the top of the bulb should be approximately level with the soil. On the initial stages, before the appearance of a rosette of leaves, watering should be minimal. After the beginning of the extension of the peduncle, watering is increased. Only large pots are suitable for planting eukomis - its belt-like leaves form a massive ground rosette and are about 50 cm long.

    During the flowering period, eukomis needs abundant watering and top dressing once every two weeks. Eukomis prefers a bright, sunny location. He needs a moderate temperature and sometimes, in the summer, after the onset of stable warm weather, the eucomis, together with the pot, is dug in the open field in the garden.

    Eucomis has a large bulb that can easily rot. To prevent this from happening use a special hydrogel that will take excess moisture into itself

    Eukomis - care after flowering.

    One peduncle is formed from the bulb, and only in the largest ones 2-3. After flowering, the spike is cut off. But you can wait for the seeds to appear, they will ripen in the fall. Eucomis seeds are planted in the spring - they germinate easily and the seedlings grow actively. Unfortunately, flowering will come only for 3-4 years, when a large bulb grows. Varietal characteristics may be lost during seed propagation.

    At the end of autumn, when the leaves of the eucomis turn yellow, watering is completely stopped and the plant is prepared for a dormant period. There are two options for storing a flower in winter.

    First, the pots are transferred to a dark room with a temperature of 5-10 degrees. Bulbs wintering in pots begin to be watered only in spring, when the plants are transferred to a warm place.

    The second storage option is to pull the eucomis bulbs out of the soil. At this time, babies are formed on the bulb, which must be separated. The bulbs are allowed to dry and stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator at 10-12°C.

    Eucomis - generalization and necessary preparations

    Eucomis has a large bulb that can easily rot. Biofungicides must be applied to the soil. For example- Gliocladin , one tablet for every liter of potted soil. It will protect from rot.

    Like any seed material, the bulbs must be soaked in dressing solutions so as not to introduce fungal diseases. One of the most effective today is Maksim .

    Unfortunately, the large, fleshy onion is very fond of insect larvae. And again, instead of chemistry, we will use biological products. Let's take a novelty biodischarge - a bacterial preparation against any larvae living in the soil.

    And finally Evabeon hydrogel (R) . We bring from the calculation a glass of gel per liter of soil mixture. Such large plant like Eucomis consumes a lot of water. But, like any bulb, with the slightest overwatering it can easily rot. The hydrogel will not only give water for nutrition, but will also take the excess into itself: the bulbs will not rot.

    Still, in the middle lane for eukomis it is not warm enough. In order to significantly increase its resistance to cold and other adverse factors, take an adaptogen Appin .

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