Constructive conflict resolution. Destructive and constructive conflicts

reservoirs 13.10.2019

Since the typologies of conflicts are very ambiguous, changeable and dissimilar, therefore there is no single form of conflict resolution.

L. A. Kozer believed that in a social conflict, a clear agreement should be established between rivals regarding its completion. In the event that no mutual agreements have been reached by a certain moment of the struggle, its end becomes possible only as a result of the death of at least one of the opponents. This means that the end of the conflict contains a number of problems that are not inherent in the final processes.

American researcher R. Dahl identifies three possible

termination alternatives: dead end, violence and peace settlement. Those. the conflict ends with the death of one or both parties, "is suspended until better times" or receives one or another constructive resolution. But the death of both or one side does not mean that the conflict is resolved. The end of a conflict is any end of it, termination for any reason, and resolution is a positive action (decision) by the participants in the conflict or a third party, the end of the confrontation and the removal of the contradiction by peaceful or forceful means. The prerequisites for a constructive conflict resolution are determined to a large extent by the capabilities of the parties and other participants. And the main prerequisite for ending the conflict is the elimination objective reasons that gave rise to conflict. Thus, the object-subject nature of the emergence of the conflict implies the object-subject nature of the resolution of the latter.

L. A. Petrovskaya believes that conflict resolution is possible:

1. By transforming the most objective conflict situation;

2. By transforming the images of the situation, the existing parties.

Moreover, both full and partial resolution of the conflict is possible both at the objective and subjective levels.

According to the researchers, in order to resolve and resolve the conflict, you need to find out the conditions:

1) necessary for the resolution, institutionalization and regulation of the conflict;

2) creating an opportunity to resolve the conflict directly

by the parties included in it;

3) facilitating competitive or cooperative conflict resolution.

The main prerequisites for conflict resolution:

1. The conflicting parties must be organized by themselves.

2. Each of the conflicting parties must be ready to recognize the legitimacy of the demands of the other party and accept the result of the conflict settlement, even if it turned out to be beyond its interests. If this kind of readiness is not felt by the warring parties, then they will not have the desire to resolve the conflict, especially if it infringes on their interests in some way.

3. The conflicting parties must belong to the same social community. In this case, the proximity of normative systems, common values ​​and traditions facilitates communication between the parties to the conflict and accelerates its resolution.

Currently, within the framework of the object-subject approach, two models of conflict resolution are known: the arbitration model and the mediation model. The arbitrator examines the essence of the problem, discusses it with the parties to the conflict, and then makes a final and binding decision.

A. G. Kovalev different ways of resolving conflicts in production organization reduces to a pedagogical and administrative decision.

1. The pedagogical path involves the objectification of the conflict (transferring it from the emotional to the rational level), the ability to distinguish between the interests and positions of the participants in the conflict and convince them of the need to resolve the situation, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

2. The administrative path involves taking into account the possibilities of affect from both or one of the parties, collecting the necessary information about the conflicting parties and choosing the appropriate way to resolve the conflict, organizing monitoring of those who have left the conflict.

T. M. Dankova considers it an effective way to resolve conflicts by bringing them to the discussion of the team and making a group decision.

S. E. Aksenenko identifies two ways to resolve conflicts:

1. self-generalization, i.e., creating conditions for a productive exchange of information in a conflict;

2. intervention of other persons, surrounding, and first of all officials. The author considers this way to be the most suitable for use in organizational and pedagogical work.

A. B. Dobrovich believes that the source of the conflict is often the non-confirmation of the role expectations presented to each other by communication partners or the relative psychological incompatibility of people who are forced to contact each other.

Offers the following direct conflict resolution methods:

1. The leader in turn invites the warring parties, asks to state the essence of the cause of the collision, clarifies the facts and makes a decision.

2. The teacher or leader invites conflicting people to express their claims to each other in a group, at a meeting. The subsequent decision is made on the basis of the speeches of the meeting participants on this issue.

3. If, despite these measures, the conflict does not subside, the teacher or leader resorts to sanctions against those in conflict (from criticism to administrative penalties).

4. If this does not help, a way is found to separate the conflicting parties into different classes, workshops.

Dobrovich believes that direct methods of conflict repayment are less effective than indirect ones, therefore he proposes some principles for indirect conflict repayment:

1) The principle of “exit of feelings” is to allow a person to freely express his negative emotions, and then they will gradually give way to positive ones by themselves; after the “exit of feelings”, a person more easily accepts the reasonable arguments of the teacher.

2) The principle of "emotional compensation". You agree that he feels like a “victim” of the conflict (even if he is not), then appealing to his reason and conscience (if he is wrong) will be effective and will lead to repentance.

4) The principle of “exposing aggression” is that the psychologist or teacher deliberately provides the warring parties with the opportunity to express their dislike for each other, encourages them to quarrel in his presence and, having let them speak out, continues to “work” with them.

5) The principle of “compulsory listening to the opponent” is, the author believes, that usually during a quarrel, the conflicting parties do not listen to each other, attributing to the offender a tone and words that were not actually there. Fixing the attention of the conflicting parties on this can remove or reduce the intensity of the struggle.

6) The principle of "exchange of positions". Encourage those in conflict to look at the quarrel through the eyes of the opponent. This technique, according to A. B. Dobrovich, has universal effectiveness and is appropriate in resolving conflicts of any type.

7) The principle of "expanding the spiritual horizon" of the arguing is to analyze the quarrel, to show the dishonesty of the argument, the pettiness and unprincipledness of the causes of the conflict. It is necessary to show those who are in conflict that in values ​​of a higher order they are united, and not hostile.

In addition to the above principles of conflict resolution, the author suggests using special psychological games that contribute to a more successful resolution and prevention of interpersonal conflicts.

V. M. Afonkova believes that at high stages of development of the team, self-regulation of the conflict is possible. When this does not happen, then it is advisable to intervene in the conflict, which can be full or partial and go in two ways:

1. Direct - the method of "explosion" according to A. S. Makarenko, individual and group conversations, collective decision, collective therapy, compromise.

2. Indirect (pedagogical maneuver) - a change in the number of participants in the conflict, a change in activities, a theoretical analysis of similar situations, switching the attention of those in conflict to another object.

1) cessation of real confrontation;

2) elimination of traumatic factors;

3) achievement of the goal of one of the conflicting parties as a result of its successful strategy and tactics of behavior;

4) change in the position of the individual (meaning the removal or weakening of emotional tension);

5) the presence of the skill of active behavior of the individual in similar situations in the future.

Intermediary (mediator) activity to resolve conflicts is a new psychological reality. Seriously this question is considered in the works of NV Grishina. She believes that in domestic practice, leaders and teachers, sociologists and psychologists engaged in practical activities can be attributed to “natural” intermediaries.

1) Understanding the specific nature of mediation, the principles of the behavior of the mediator;

2) Opportunities for the intermediary to go beyond the usual scope of their professional experience.

J. McGrath puts forward three main multidirectional "forces" that influence the behavior of each of the participants and pursue goals:

1. defend the position that is entrusted to defend;

2. find agreement with the opposing party;

3. develop a solution that would be assessed as a qualitative and constructive mediator representing that social community into which the conflict is embedded.

The mediator himself is the object of the action of two "forces" that set different goals:

1) bring the negotiators to the position that will be approved by the social system behind them;

2) contribute to reaching an agreement between the parties.

Osgood proposed the PRISN method (successive and reciprocal initiatives in stress reduction), which is used in resolving conflicts of various levels: international, intergroup, interpersonal.

The method includes the following rules:

1. Make sincere public statements that one of the parties to the conflict wants to reduce tension and stop the escalation of the conflict.

2. Explain that conciliatory steps will definitely be taken. It is imperative to communicate what, how and when will be done.

3. Keep promises.

4. Encourage the opponent to exchange concessions, but do not demand them as a condition for fulfilling one's own promises.

5. Concessions must be made for a sufficiently long time and even if the other side does not reciprocate.

But the concessions made should not lead to an increase in defenselessness and vulnerability of the party making them.

Conflict resolution is the achievement of an agreement on a controversial issue between the participants. Therefore, it is useful that all actions to resolve the conflict are carried out not only by a third party, but also by the subjects themselves. Clarification of the essence of the conflict situation, its adequate

awareness of the participants in the conflict can serve as the basis for developing constructive solution, and in some cases completely resolve the conflict if it turns out that it is based on a distorted perception of the situation by the participants in the conflict.

The main emphasis in the success of conflict resolution is shifted to the personality, its adaptive capabilities and resources. In this case, we are talking about the transition from subject-object forms of communication to subject-subject ones, where each participant in the situation is the subject of activity and is responsible for everything that happens to him at the moment.

The situation of communication is the creativity of both parties, and the elimination of any contradiction between people should be based on respect for each individuality and at the same time on the conviction that a person has many-sided capabilities, for the most part is capable of self-government and work on himself.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that forecasting and preventing conflict is an important component of a person’s work on himself. This increases his personal characteristics, therefore, helps to manage the dynamics of events. own life. And also the social conflict has its own cyclicity in its origin, peak and attenuation. The ability to determine the stage of the course of the conflict forms the further choice of people's strategy.

Many conflicts can be resolved even at the stage of their objective occurrence through a constant and in-depth analysis of the entire system of connections between people in a given group or team, predicting the conflict-generating impact of all changes made, and carefully considering by the interested parties their steps and words.

If you find yourself a participant in the conflict, then it is better to follow the path of its constructive resolution. Conditions for constructive conflict resolution include:

  • 1) termination of conflict interaction;
  • 2) search for common ground in the interests of opponents;
  • 3) decrease in the intensity of negative emotions;
  • 4) identification and recognition of own mistakes;
  • 5) an objective discussion of the problem;
  • 6) taking into account the statuses (official position) of each other;
  • 7) choice of the optimal resolution strategy.

Rice. twenty.

To analyze and search for ways out of a conflict situation, we can apply the following algorithm (Fig. 20).

  • 1. Evaluation of information on the following issues:
    • - the object of the conflict (material, social or ideal; divisible or indivisible; can it be withdrawn or replaced; what is its availability for each of the parties);
    • - an opponent (general data about him, his psychological characteristics; goals, interests, position; legal and moral foundations of his requirements; previous actions in the conflict, mistakes made; in what interests coincide, and in what - not, etc.);
    • - own position (goals, values, interests, actions in conflict; legal and moral foundations own requirements, their argumentation and conclusiveness; mistakes made and the possibility of their recognition before the opponent, etc.);
    • - the causes and immediate cause that led to the conflict;
    • - secondary reflection (the subject's idea of ​​how his opponent perceives the conflict situation, "how he perceives me", "my idea of ​​the conflict", etc.).
  • 2. Forecast of conflict resolution options:
    • - the most favorable development of events;
    • – the least favorable development of events;
    • - the most realistic development of events;
    • - a variant of conflict resolution when active actions in the conflict are terminated.
  • 3. Measures for the implementation of the planned plan are carried out in accordance with the chosen method of resolving the conflict. If necessary, it is correction of a previously planned plan(returning to discussion; putting forward alternatives and new arguments; referring to third parties; discussing additional concessions).
  • 4. Monitoring the effectiveness of one's own actions involves critical answers to oneself to the questions:
    • - why am I doing this?
    • - what I want to achieve;
    • - which makes it difficult to implement the planned plan;
    • Are my actions fair?
    • - What actions should be taken to eliminate obstacles to conflict resolution?
  • 5. At the end of the conflict, it is advisable:
    • - analyze the mistakes of their own behavior;
    • - generalize the knowledge and experience gained in solving the problem;
    • - try to normalize relations with a recent opponent;
    • - relieve discomfort (if any) in relations with others;
    • - minimize the negative consequences of the conflict in their own state, activities and behavior.

The choice of conflict resolution strategy is of great importance. The most effective are compromise and cooperation.

Compromise consists in the desire of opponents to end the conflict with partial concessions. It is characterized by the rejection of part of the previously put forward demands, the readiness to recognize the claims of the other side as partially justified and to forgive. Compromise is effective in cases:

  • - understanding by the opponent that he and the opponent have equal opportunities;
  • – existence of mutually exclusive interests;
  • – Satisfaction with a temporary solution;
  • - threats to lose everything.

Today, compromise is the most commonly used strategy for ending conflicts. To achieve this, it is recommended open conversation technique, which is as follows:

  • - declare that the conflict is unprofitable for both conflicting parties;
  • - offer to end the conflict;
  • - admit your mistakes already made in the conflict (they probably exist, and it costs you almost nothing to admit them);
  • - make concessions to the opponent, where possible, in what is not the main thing for you in the conflict. In any conflict, you can find a few little things in which nothing is worth giving up. You can give in to serious, but not fundamental things;
  • - express wishes for concessions required by the opponent (they, as a rule, concern your main interests in the conflict);
  • - calmly, without negative emotions, discuss mutual concessions, if necessary and possible to correct them;
  • - if it was possible to agree, then somehow fix that the conflict has been settled.

Cooperation considered the most effective strategy of behavior in a conflict. It presupposes the orientation of opponents to a constructive discussion of the problem, considering the other side not as an adversary, but as an ally in search of a solution. It is most effective in situations: strong interdependence of opponents; the tendency of both to ignore differences in power; the importance of the decision for both parties; participants' open-mindedness. It is advisable to carry out the method of cooperation according to the method "principled negotiations". It comes down to this:

  • separating people from the problem: separate the relationship with the opponent from the problem; put yourself in his place; do not follow your fears; show willingness to deal with the problem; be hard on the problem and soft on the people;
  • attention to interests, not positions: ask "why?" and "why not?"; fix the basic interests and their set; look for common interests; explain the vitality and importance of your interests; recognize the interests of the opponent as part of the problem;
  • offering mutually beneficial options: don't look for a single answer to a problem; separate the search for options from their evaluation; expand the range of options for solving the problem; look for mutual benefit; find out what the other side prefers;
  • use of objective criteria: be open to the arguments of the other side; do not succumb to pressure, but only to principle; For each part of the problem, use objective and fair criteria.


  • 1. Interaction - the interaction of people in the process of communication, the organization of joint activities.
  • 2. The conflict can be considered as a special form of interaction and is defined as the presence of opposite tendencies in the subjects of interaction, manifested in their actions.
  • 3. The psychological structure of the conflict can be described with the help of two most important concepts: a conflict situation and an incident. The conflict situation is the objective basis of the conflict, fixing the emergence of a real contradiction in the interests and needs of the parties. An incident is a situation of interaction that allows its participants to realize the existence of an objective contradiction in their interests and goals.
  • 4. All conflicts related to the process of education and upbringing are pedagogical. They can be considered in the positive sense of the normativity of this phenomenon, which not only creates problems, but is also a source of development of the educational process itself.
  • 5. The choice of conflict resolution strategy is of great importance. The most effective are compromise and cooperation. Compromise consists in the desire of opponents to end the conflict with partial concessions. Cooperation is considered the most effective strategy for dealing with conflict. It presupposes the orientation of opponents to a constructive discussion of the problem, considering the other side not as an adversary, but as an ally in search of a solution.

In conflictology, it has become traditional to designate the final stage in the dynamics of the conflict by the term - conflict resolution. However, many authors also use other concepts that reflect the completeness of the termination of conflict actions, such as "attenuation", "suppression", "settlement". The complexity and multivariate development of the conflict imply ambiguity in the ways, methods and forms of its completion. The main forms of the end of the conflict: resolution, settlement, attenuation, elimination, escalation into another conflict.

The term "resolution" of the conflict - is usually used in two meanings: firstly, in the sense of resolving the conflict by its participants themselves; secondly, in the sense of an objective resolution of conflicts based on the establishment and neutralization of their causes and the prevention of open clashes.

Conflict Resolution - this is Team work of its participants, aimed at stopping opposition and solving the problem that led to the collision. The resolution of the conflict implies the activity of both to transform the conditions in which they interact, to eliminate the causes of the conflict. To resolve the conflict, it is necessary to change the opponents themselves (or at least one of them), their positions, which they defended in the conflict. Often conflict resolution is based on a change in the attitude of opponents to its object or to each other.

Settlement conflict - differs from resolution in that a third party takes part in eliminating the contradiction between opponents. Its participation is possible both with the consent of the warring parties, and without their consent.

Conflict fading- this is a temporary cessation of resistance while maintaining the main conflict: contradictions and tensions. The conflict moves from an “obvious” form to a hidden one. Conflict fading usually occurs as a result of:

Depletion of the resources of both sides necessary for the struggle;

Loss of motive to fight, decrease in the importance of the object of the conflict;

· reorientation of motivation of opponents (the emergence of new problems, more significant than the struggle in the conflict).

Under elimination conflict understand such an impact on it, as a result of which the main structural elements conflict. Despite the “non-constructive” elimination, there are situations that require quick and decisive action on the conflict (the threat of human violence, lack of time or material resources). ).

The conflict can be resolved using the following methods:

Withdrawal from the conflict of one of the opponents (transfer to another department, branch; dismissal from work);

Elimination of the interaction of opponents on long time(sending one or both on a business trip, etc.);

Elimination of the object of the conflict (the mother takes the toy from the quarreling children, because of which the conflict arose);

Elimination of the deficit of the object of the conflict (the third party has the opportunity to provide each of the conflicting parties with the object they aspired to possess).

Escalation into another conflict occurs when a new, more significant contradiction arises in the relations of the parties and there is a change in the object of the conflict. However, regardless of the approach, when resolving the conflict should be guided by the following psychological principles.

1. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account the essence and content of the contradiction. In this case, you need:

define it business basis;

· to understand the true, and not declarative motives for people's entry into the conflict.

The resolution of the conflict is significantly more complicated if the leader himself is a representative of one of the warring parties. In this case, it is difficult for him to be objective and the conflict takes on a public character and goes beyond the organization.

2. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account its goals. It is extremely important to quickly determine the goals of the conflicting parties, to draw a clear line between the features of interpersonal and business interaction. If personal goals are dominant, then it is advisable to first apply educational measures to the opponent, put forward certain strict requirements. If one of the opponents has a higher rank in relation to the other, then he should be pointed out the need to adhere to certain standards of behavior.

3. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account emotional states . If the conflict has taken on an emotional character and is accompanied by violent reactions, then it is advisable to show concrete examples how high tension affects the effectiveness of work, how opponents lose their objectivity, how their criticality decreases. In other words, an explanatory conversation is needed in a calm and trusting atmosphere.

4. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account the characteristics of its participants. In this case, before proceeding to resolve the conflict, it is necessary to understand the personality traits of each (an extra argument in favor of psychological testing when applying for a job): are they distinguished by balance, are they prone to affective behavior, what are their character traits, temperament, etc. . This will help not only to correctly understand the motives of behavior, but also to choose the right tone in communication when resolving the conflict.

5. Resolution of the conflict, taking into account its dynamics. As noted earlier, the conflict develops in certain stages. Naturally, for each of them there are certain forms of its permission. If conversations and persuasion are expedient at the first stages, then at the stage of uncompromising clashes it is necessary to apply all possible measures, up to administrative ones. Here it is also necessary to determine the choice of influence, taking into account the personal characteristics of the conflicting parties and the nature of their actions.

In conflict studies, other principles of conflict resolution were also noted, which are more of an organizational nature. They do not contradict the psychological ones noted above and complement them. Applied to conflict resolutionin educational institutions psychological principlescan be formulated as follows.

1. The principle of interest in the psychological consequences of the conflict. This principle means the need to see the educational value of the conflict, possible use it for the moral development of the individual, the extraction of positive experience for each of its participants. Compliance with this principle requires an understanding that formal administrative measures to eliminate the incident are far from eliminating the conflict situation that caused its occurrence, which may require lengthy pedagogical work.

The conflict can have objective consequences: the restructuring of objective circumstances and conditions in the organization of the educational process, in the system of collective norms that govern relationships in the classroom, school, teaching staff, etc., as well as subjective consequences for its participants or persons who observed development of the conflict. By these consequences, one can judge him. At the same time, its assessment must be given differentiated in relation to each individual participant in the conflict and the entire situation as a whole, since for one the conflict can be constructive, and for another it can be destructive.

The most general principle that should be followed in assessing the psychological (subjective) consequences of conflicts is the impact of the conflict on the ability of each of its participants to receive some new experience capable of changing his behavior in the future. The constructive grain of this new experience is that the participant in the conflict becomes able to stand in the position of his opponent and realize the motives that prompted the opponent to the conflict. This new psychological turn in consciousness is an impetus for the participant in the conflict to reconsider his position, his motives, goals and means used by him in conflict interaction, and, consequently, to the psychological restructuring of his personality. In this sense, the conflict is future-oriented: if its participants were able to learn from it, then it is psychologically effective, if not, then it is not effective, and possibly harmful. It is the responsibility of the team leader to manage the conflict in order to make it effective. It should be noted that in the educational process of the leader, first of all, the psychological consequences of the conflict for its participants should be concerned.

2. The principle of systematic analysis of the causes of the conflict implies the use of all three levels of analysis, understanding the relationship between objective and subjective factors in its occurrence, since effective ways to resolve the conflict are closely related to the correct understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence of various factors that influenced the emergence of a conflict situation.

Levels of conflict analysis. Depending on what factors and causes are singled out when considering this conflict, it can be analyzed at the following three levels:

1) sociological (analysis of the conditions for organizing the pedagogical process as a specific system of production relations);

2) socio-psychological (analysis of the psychological structure and characteristics of the team participating in the conflict);

3) individual psychological (analysis of the psychological characteristics of individuals participating in the conflict).

1. The principle of exclusion of unilateral responsibility for the occurrence of a conflict.

Two sides are involved in the conflict, and each makes its own “contribution” to the development of the conflict.

Attributing unilateral responsibility and looking for someone to blame is usually not the best pedagogical strategy for dealing with conflict. It requires respect for each of the conflicting parties, the desire to understand its problems and motives that pushed it to conflict interaction. Before the teacher, managing the development of the conflict, the task is to make it effective for each participant, to bring to his consciousness those internal “defects” that led to the emergence of the conflict on his part.

4. The principle of neutrality. A neutral position in relation to the warring parties is absolutely necessary for the effective resolution of a conflict situation, because. the loss of neutrality by a person who takes the position of an “arbiter” in the conflict, working with the conflict, threatens only with the proliferation of the conflict situation, the involvement of new participants in it. However, this neutrality cannot be contemplative, but must be actively interested in the effective assistance of each of the parties to the conflict interaction.

5. The principle of conflict prevention. AT pedagogical process There are many more potential conflicts than actual ones, and it is better to prevent conflicts than to resolve and eliminate them when they result in conflict interactions. Conflict prevention is associated with the ability to isolate the basis of the conflict - the conflict situation and eliminate it. Effective conflict prevention does not consist in ignoring conflict situations, but in identifying them, in individual work with them. Work with a conflict situation, as we have tried to show, almost excludes formal administrative measures, but presupposes pedagogical ones. If the concerns of teachers are reduced only to extinguishing the incident, then the conflict is able to take on a hidden course, which is dangerous for all participants in the conflict due to its destructive consequences.

These are general principles conflict resolution, they should be based on the organization of conflict resolution activities and the choice of appropriate methods.

The noted principles determine the nature of conflict resolution activities, which should include:

· analysis and identification of the causes and composition of its participants (especially those who are “shadow opponents”);

decision-making on intervention in the conflict, taking into account its possible outcomes;

Implementation of the decision being made, i.e. activities aimed at eliminating the conflict.

In the course of conflict resolution, it is necessary to analyze:

1. Sources of conflict, including purely psychological ones.

2. “Biography” of the conflict, i.e. its history, the background against which it progressed; the growth of the conflict, the chosen methods of conflict confrontation, the crisis and turning points in its development.

3. Opponents, whether they are individuals or groups, their psychological and other characteristics, the real forces behind the opponents.

4. Positions and attitudes of the conflicting parties (including whether the parties seek to resolve the conflict on a fair basis, how firm and uncompromising their positions are, what are their hopes and expectations).

On the basis of this analysis, a complete description of the conflict is carried out, a forecast of its development and outcomes is given, and methods for its resolution are selected. Let's turn to existing methods and methods conflict resolution.

2. Methods and means of conflict resolution.

Let us dwell on the methods of conflict resolution. The choice of conflict resolution methods is not an easy task. Just as there is no abstract conflict, there are no universal ways his permission. And yet, it is advisable to pay special attention to some that have a psychological basis.

1.Formation of public opinion.

Public opinion is a very powerful regulator of people's behavior. Many people are very dependent on the attitude of others, they need approval and support. Conflicting, they can find themselves in isolation, which they experience very painfully and are even sometimes ready to stop conflicting.

2. Appeal to the “arbitrator”.

This method is often found in psychological recommendations. It can be very effective if there is a very authoritative person whose opinion will be decisive for the opponents regarding their confrontation. Practice shows that such a person must first of all have moral authority and be distinguished by justice, adherence to principles, honesty and kindness. True, it is extremely difficult to find such a person now. An appeal to an “arbitrator” will give the necessary result if he manages to separate the object of the conflict from its subject, and this is not easy to do. In this case, the following methods are recommended.

1. 4. "Frank conversation."

Participants are given the opportunity to speak in any form about the conflict itself, its causes, and the behavior of the opposite side. The meaning of using this technique is as follows: if the conflict is caused by business reasons, the opponents will only talk about them, but if it is interpersonal problems, then, after talking a little about the declared reason, the opponents will quickly move on to impartial interpersonal assessments. This is where the “frank conversation” ends, the opponents are given the opportunity to “cool down”, it is necessary to return to the analysis of the conflict in a day or two. The “arbitrator” in the process of “frank conversation” should observe more than speak.

5. “Objectivization of the conflict”.

Participants are given the opportunity to once again speak out about this, but only in a businesslike manner, without any emotional assessments of the opponent - facts, actions, events, information. In this case, the “arbitrator” must decisively suppress any emotional reactions of opponents. The conflict, thus, as it were, is decomposed into its component parts, it gradually acquires a business basis again, opponents begin to see their mistakes, wrong actions and assessments. As a result, the conflict loses its emotional sharpness and tension, false images of the situation and each other are removed from opponents, and psychological barriers are eliminated. interpersonal relationships. The conflict returns to its original state when it can be resolved. This is what the “arbiter” does. It should be emphasized that in resolving conflicts through their objectification, a lot depends on the behavior of the “arbitrator”, including the use of non-standard actions based on the knowledge of opponents. It is necessary to be not only objective, tactful, fair, but also sometimes act extraordinary. I recall a case when the “arbitrator”, having brilliantly analyzed the conflict, discouraging opponents, and realizing that they still had emotional tension, did this: he took out a bottle of good cognac (the opponents were men), two glasses, two sandwiches, said, what is it to them, and he himself will come in two hours. When he returned, one glass was filled with cognac, next to it lay half a sandwich (the bottle was empty) - this was already left by former opponents to him. There was no conflict.

Difficult relationship.

It often happens that even when the conflict is resolved, complex relations remain between the opponents, which can result in a new conflict. In this case, it is advisable to organize their cooperation, although, obviously, this will not be easy. In this case, the opponents are entrusted with one common task, in which they should be extremely interested, but they will not be able to cope with it alone. The situation of forced cooperation at first unites formally, but this contributes to the growth of mutual trust, forms a positive psychological attitude on the opponent. As a result, relationships are restored.

1. 5. "Explosion".

This method is advisable to apply if the opponents do not stop the conflict, understanding its negative consequences for the organization, but at the same time they are valuable personnel that it is not advisable to part with. “Explosion” is a method of public condemnation of the conflicting parties by the whole team. The method, as they say, works, but it must be applied very tactfully so as not to offend people who are already in a difficult situation. It can be used only taking into account the nature of the opponents, the degree of maturity of the team, and also ... with a certain sense of humor.

Now consider the ways and methods of resolving conflicts in which conflict personalities . In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to decide how much these conflicting personalities are worth for the organization, which outweighs: their positive professional activity or damage caused by them as a result of private conflicts. Therefore, if conflicting individuals who are not of value to the organization are involved in the conflict, it is recommended to use administrative methods of resolution. They are:

Structural changes in the team, increasing the degree of its organization;

removal from the team of opponents if their activities began to harm the team;

· changing the opponent's status or including him in another system that "does not intersect" with another opponent.

If conflicting individuals, despite the damage caused by their behavior, are still of value to the organization, then it is necessary to build appropriate relationships with them, communicate in a special way to minimize the manifestations of their conflict. In this case, one should carefully analyze the system of their internal conditions that lead to conflict behavior. For example, if such behavior is due to the presence of an intrapersonal conflict, then There are two ways to resolve it: open and hidden (latent).

open way is based on the awareness of the existence of an intrapersonal conflict and an act of will (self-criticism, self-hypnosis, self-regulation) aimed at compensating it. Such an act may be accompanied by the choice of non-conflicting social roles.

Hidden (latent)methods are much more complicated, but they are spontaneous and constructive.

The natural ones include:

- hysteria, simulation, suffering;

Escape from reality (dreams, fantasies, reflections);


Idealization (separation from reality);

Euphoria (ostentatious fun, demonstration of satisfaction);

Regression (avoidance of responsibility, appeal to primitive forms of behavior);

Projection (the desire to get rid of negative qualities by attributing them to another);

Constructive ways to resolve intrapersonal conflict are:

Sublimation (transfer of psychic energy to other areas of activity);

Compensation (compensation for what was lost by acquiring other values, forming new goals);

Nomadism (change of place of work, residence, marital status);

Rationalization (self-justification with the help of logical reasoning, purposeful selection of facts and the transition to new values).

open and latent constructive ways resolution of an intrapersonal conflict is usually chosen in the process of joint analysis of the behavior, relationships and communication of a conflict personality. The sources of intrapersonal conflict are identified and jointly “a program and means” of its resolution are developed. The spontaneous latent method of resolution is chosen by the individual independently and only intensifies the intrapersonal conflict. Identification of the causes and psychological essence of intrapersonal conflict is a complex and responsible matter, mistakes in it can complicate the situation. Therefore, it is necessary to involve specialists-psychologists with experience in psychoanalytic work in such work.

One of the ways to resolve conflicts is the implementation in the conflict confrontation of certain behavior patterns. Generally speaking, behavior patterns do not destroy the conflict, but can significantly reduce its emotional tension and thus provide an opportunity to look at the situation from constructive positions that allow finding a rational way to resolve contradictions. The use of behavioral models also allows you to effectively manage the conflict in the phase of open confrontation. Consider the main models.

1. 1. Model of "ignoring" the conflict.

It is used when the conflict is not so acute and dangerous and represents postponing the resolution of the conflict for a remote period. Such a model of behavior allows not only to gain time to strengthen the resources of the conflicting parties, but also provides them with an opportunity to reconsider their relations, to analyze the existing contradiction in a different way. In addition, over time, emotional tension may decrease and this will allow you to resolve the conflict on a business basis.

1. 2. The “compromise” model.

The application of this model gives a positive result under the following conditions: opponents have almost equal opportunities and reserves to increase resources; opponents are not interested in the destructive consequences of the conflict. The implementation of the “compromise” model requires certain mutual concessions from opponents, but still does not destroy the system of relations and allows at least partially achieving what is desired. Unfortunately, opponents often view this model of behavior as a tactical trick that allows them to gain time and thereby strengthen their own resources for the incoming application of the “coercion” strategy.

3. Model of "concessions".

It is effective in the case when opponents do not have the opportunity to strengthen their positions and it is important for them to maintain partnerships. It is not difficult to see that this model of behavior is possible if the conflict is business-like, short-term and feverish. In other cases, the application of this model is problematic. The disadvantage of this model of behavior is that concessions are often one-sided, which gives the other conflicting party reason to make more and more demands and thereby complicate relations.

cooperation model.

(This method of conflict resolution was mentioned above, in this case, it is considered as one of the models of conflict behavior). Such a model makes it possible to achieve the desired results under the following conditions: the opponents do not yet experience enmity towards each other; opponents have no experience of conflict confrontation; they are interested in maintaining and developing partnerships. The use of this model is unacceptable if there is no possibility of making a decision that is beneficial for the conflicting parties, and also if one of the parties seeks to use the situation to strengthen its positions.

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Conflicts are integral part of human life.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to peace and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

The concept and psychology of conflictology

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

An unstoppable conflict can lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come to the fore.

As a rule, as a result of the conflict, there are no losers and winners, since all participants expend their energy and, as a result, do not receive positive emotions.

special danger represent internal conflicts, when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires that tear him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize the emerging conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the growth of the conflict and eliminate it at the stage of inception.

If, nevertheless, the conflict cannot be immediately extinguished, it is necessary to be able to build a correct and handle conflict well with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it was determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They arise when participants have any psychological problems, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove their worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior towards other people, caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. Striving to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? True causes and solutions:

Popular methods of resolving the situation

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice for conflict management are:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

From a scientific point of view, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in the professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve the conflict? Similar ways of resolving conflicts are more used in communication.

In order to successfully resolve the situation using constructive methods, it is necessary to form an adequate perception of the situation among the participants, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, jointly determine the root of the problem.

Design styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be applied if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate negative factors that caused controversy.

Such behavior of people makes it possible not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without prejudice to anyone but also to build long-term communication relationships.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out of conflict situations? To get out of a difficult situation you need to take the following steps:

  1. Stop using words or doing actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not respond to such behavior on the part of the interlocutor.
  3. Demonstrate affection towards another person. You can do this with the help of gestures, facial expressions, words. Smiling, patting on the shoulder, shaking hands, using polite phrases - all this helps to smooth out disputes.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

It's best to resolve using constructive methods.

For example, the neighbors of an apartment building may come into conflict over the distribution of parking spaces in the yard.

Some neighbors will insist on the organization of clear markings, according to which each car is assigned a specific parking space. Other tenants will advocate for the possibility of a free arrangement of cars.

In this situation most effective methods dispute resolution will be building a dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

It is enough for residents to organize a meeting and make a decision at it that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, while the other part remains for supporters of arbitrary parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict in connection with inability to work together in the same direction.

Each defines for himself a range of responsibilities, which is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and the inefficiency of joint work.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute must apply the methods of clarifying the requirements, setting goals and assigning remuneration.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear range of official duties. In front of colleagues common goals will be set, reaching which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to properly resolve conflicts? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of the end of the conflict? A conflict of interest can be completed as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be the desire of the parties to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. For the final resolution of the conflict may require the involvement of third parties. This is especially true in the area of ​​professional relationships.
  2. attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties, or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the other side does not find a response to its own words and actions and is forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of end to the conflict is not always the case, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise, reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at the current time and the fact of a conflict of interest automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. Especially often, a similar effect is observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into a mutual exchange of reproaches.

Completion is not always a solution

Does the end of a conflict always mean its resolution? It is important not to confuse the concept of the end of a conflict situation with its resolution.

End of the conflict- this is the moment of the end of the actions of the parties at the current time, the termination of the dispute for various reasons (attenuation, development into a new dispute, etc.)

Completing a dispute now does not guarantee that it will will not reappear after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict is not dividing anywhere, and the parties have not reached any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious application of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

The resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​human life. as a result of the conflict of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to get out of conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation has moved to a serious level.

How to communicate with other people if you have different points of view on some issues with them, in this video:

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