A.P. Chekhov

Engineering systems 24.09.2019
Engineering systems

Chekhov devoted more than one of his stories to the theme of human stupidity, rudeness, and how people fawned and fawned over higher-placed personalities. He represents the most ordinary, everyday situations in his works. He talks about it with humor. But, behind the ridiculous lies a sad picture of contemporary society.

So in the story "Chameleon" he depicts a very simple case. Master Khryukov is bitten by a dog on the finger. He, hoping to profit, begins to call for order and law, calling himself the victim. A passing police officer initially agrees with him. But, as soon as he heard from the crowd that this dog could be a general's, he immediately changes his mind.

He was meant by Chekhov under the "chameleon". How the lizard changes its color, adapting to environment, so the overseer Ochumelov changed his mind. He adapted too. After all, if the dog is not a stray, but a general's, then in his eyes the master is wrong.

Several times throughout the story there is a change in the policeman. As soon as he hears a new opinion from the crowd, he immediately evaluates the situation differently. From his behavior it is clear that he fawns on the general, afraid to offend him in any way. And, such situations happened all the time.

Ochumelov is guided by this fear of a higher-ranking person and self-interest. If the dog was a stray, then he hoped to get something out of this case, to break the fine. The fact that he is greedy can be judged from the very beginning of this story. He is walking along the square with, apparently, just collected tribute from someone for a misdemeanor - with a bundle and confiscated gooseberries.

Not too different from Ochumelov and the victim himself. In relation to the dog, he felt his power in front of her. It is not for nothing that such details fly out of the crowd that he mocked the animal. But as soon as the dog bit Khryukin, he immediately decided to turn the matter to his advantage. He boasts of the fact that he has a gendarme brother. And as soon as Ochumelov's opinion about this situation begins to change, then he begins to grovel before him.

This system of relations, when some bow down and curry favor with those who are higher in rank and position in society, is typical of that time. The author talks about this with irony and sadness. He believed, and saw that this is inherent in most people. The absence of one's own opinion, human dignity and cruel despotism are the fruits of such relationships.

Analysis of the work Chameleon

The story "Chameleon" was written in 1884. The leitmotif of the work becomes a satirical ridicule of petty-bourgeois mores. In the center of the plot is the story of the police overseer Ochumelov, who in the story will play the role of the notorious "chameleon".

As an example of what a person can sink into in his blind subservience to the highest ranks, the author clearly shows the situation with a dog. For Ochumelov, it does not matter how things really are, he does not seek to find out the truth. His main task is to keep his position and curry favor with the general as much as possible. Thus, the whole plot is built around Ochumelov throwing between two fires. It is necessary either to condemn Khryukin, or to shoot the bad dog on the spot. The outcome of events depends on who owns the dog. It is not difficult to guess that in the first case the general will be the owner. Like a chameleon, Ochumelov changes color, skillfully adjusting to the situation.

In his behavior and in his words lies a truly absurd attitude to life. And it's true, with what amazing speed and with what zeal he changes one decision for another, absolutely opposite! The essence of the story lies in the fact that the hero does not notice all the absurdity of his actions, as he is used to behaving in this way and does not worry at all about the impression he makes on others. main idea works is to show such people how they look from the outside, to demonstrate their real essence and force, thus, to change something in your life, to know yourself and become better.

Sad as it may seem, but such a feature as the desire to please, to adapt, is in each of us. The question is how much it is expressed and how much we are aware of it. It is necessary to see this shortcoming in yourself and understand how pathetic and miserable servility looks. It deprives us of individuality, turning us into empty puppets, who want to please or please at every possible opportunity. The effect of the story on the reader is enhanced by humor, subtly penetrating literally every line of the work.

To create a greater comic effect, Chekhov uses various techniques and uses many artistic details. In particular, the author draws a kind of analogy: just as a chameleon changes its color, Ochumelov then takes off his coat, then puts it on again. In addition, Chekhov often uses colloquial expressions and colloquial vocabulary, such as: “theirs”, “mug”, “let them go”, etc. The story also contains speaking names that carry a certain semantic load: Ochumelov, Khryukin, Zhigalov. Wherein external description the characters themselves are absent, which indicates the collection of images. The story is not about individuals, but society as a whole.

6, 7, 9, 10 grade

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The story "Chameleon" by Chekhov, reviews of which are collected in this article, was first published in the journal "Shards" in 1884. The author signed with his pseudonym A. Chekhonte. This work has been translated into many foreign languages, in Russia included in school curriculum, is considered required reading. The story was even filmed. In 1971, he became part of the comedy TV movie by Yuri Saakov "These different, different, different faces ...", and in 2009 formed the basis of the animated short film "Ochumelov" by Alexei Demin.

The plot of the story

The story "Chameleon" by Chekhov, reviews of which are given in this article, tells about a police officer named Ochumelov. One day on the market square, he witnesses an outrageous incident.

Master Khryukin shows the crowd his index finger, for which he was bitten by a greyhound puppy. The crowd begins to find out who owns the dog, whether it is a general or a stray. Ochumelov, depending on how the status of the animal changes, either threatens to exterminate it, or promises to plant Khryukin himself.

Genre of the work

In reviews of Chekhov's story "Chameleon", readers note that it belongs to one of the writer's favorite genres - humorous. In the early period of his work, the author created a whole series of similar works in which he ridiculed all sorts of human shortcomings.

Chekhov uses various techniques in his stories. For example, in "Chameleon" he uses speaking surnames. They emphasize some important feature in the appearance of the hero or the character of the character himself.

So, the name of the master who was bitten by the dog is Khryukin. This fully corresponds to his puffy, half-drunk face. The comic effect is also enhanced by the obvious discrepancy between the surname and the position occupied by the character. For example, Khryukin works as a goldsmith.

Another humorous device is the speech of the characters. It contains a lot of colloquial and slang expressions, as well as expressive and emotional vocabulary. The rude expressions that Ochumelov constantly uses speak of his low cultural level.

Analysis of "Chameleon"

According to reviews of the book "Chameleon" by Chekhov, you can get a full impression of this work. The main theme in the story is the theme of chameleonism.

The writer makes fun of those who instantly change their point of view, depending on certain circumstances. The theme of chameleonism is clearly visible not only in the comic situation described, but also in the speech of the characters. For example, the police overseer Ochumelov, having learned that the dog may belong to the general, begins to obviously curry favor with her. All this testifies to his venality and strong dependence on the influential people of the city.

Ochumelov is emphatically condescending towards his subordinates. But at the same time, he is ready to humiliate himself and grovel before people who have power and money.

Features of the story "Chameleon"

In the reviews of the work "Chameleon" by Chekhov, you can learn about the features of the story. The plot of this work is based on an anecdote, that is, a short, funny and entertaining story.

Also among the features worth highlighting is that most the text is occupied by dialogues, the description of what is happening is minimized as much as possible. It is more like an author's remarks. The story sometimes even becomes like a dramatic work. Internal rather than external events, the psychological state of people come to the fore.

Chekhov manages to vividly describe Ochumelov's paradoxical attitude to the situation. On the one hand, he wants to curry favor with the general, and on the other hand, he wants to show his importance to the people. The mood of the crowd is constantly changing, it is also a kind of chameleon.

Story Composition

In reviews of Chekhov's Chameleon, readers note how skillfully the writer builds the composition. He creates the exposition with just a few strokes, giving a sketch of a sleepy square.

In the plot, the reader gets acquainted with Ochumelov, who, still not understanding anything, says: "Who shouted?". At the same time, as such, the classic climax is completely absent.

The story is dominated by exclamatory sentences. After all, the police warden feels his power, so his speech mainly consists of screaming and imperative intonations.

Character characteristics

The title of the story reflects the whole essence of the protagonist Ochumelov. He is the main chameleon. Everything that happens seems funny only at first sight.

At the very beginning, the police officer seeks to create the appearance of conscientious service by being in the marketplace. He is involved in all matters and incidents. Therefore, naturally, he seeks to understand what happened to Khryukin. He swears, threatens everyone around him with a fine, until he finds out that the culprit was an ordinary dog, which, possibly, belongs to General Zhigalov.

After that, Ochumelov begins to blame Khryukin for everything. Throughout the story, he will change his point of view more than once, and readers will guess about the inner storm that is making noise in him, just from one phrase. Ochumelov will constantly ask his assistant Eldyrin to take off his coat, then put it on again.

At the heart of the story is the lively speech of the characters, each of the characters gives out his own character with his remarks. In reviews of Chekhov's Chameleon, readers note that they gradually begin to feel sadness instead of laughter.

The end of the story repeats the very beginning, so the work loops. Ochumelov continues to walk across the square, threatening Khryukin alone. Such a composition allows the author to emphasize the main idea of ​​the work. Ochumelov is not at all interested in the truth. The main thing for him is admiration and service to the powerful of this world. After all, it is from them that his career growth and future well-being will directly depend. Nothing else in this world worries him.

1) Features of the genre. The work of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" belongs to the genre of a humorous story. In the early period of his work, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a series of humorous stories in which he laughs at various shortcomings of people. Making his own works funny, the writer uses various humorous techniques. For example, in the story of A.P. Chekhov, an ordinary situation acquires a comic effect due to the special humorous techniques used by the author.

For example, in the story "Chameleon" A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of "speaking surnames" when the name characterizes the hero, marking some, as a rule, important feature in the appearance or character of the character. The police overseer has the surname Ochumelov in the work, and the worker of the merchant Pichugin, who was bitten by the dog, bears the surname Khryukin, which fully corresponds to his half-drunk face. The comic effect is also enhanced by the discrepancy between the surname and the position that the hero has. For example, the half-drunk Khryukin is a goldsmith. Humorousness gives the story and the name "Chameleon", reflecting the essence of the police warden Ochumelov. The situation itself described in the work is comical: the half-drunk Khryukin is chasing the dog that bit him, gathering a crowd of onlookers around him, and immediately the overseer Ochumelov, who knows a lot about all matters, appears. The reader learns about the incident and consequences from the dialogue actors. The speech of the tayuke characters is one of the humorous devices used by the writer in the story. In the speech of the heroes there are a lot of colloquial and slang expressions, emotionally expressive vocabulary. For example, believing that the dog is a general’s, overseer Ochumelov talks to Khrkzhin like this: “She may be expensive, but if every pig poke her in the nose with a cigar, then how long to spoil it. A dog is a gentle creature ... And you, idiot, put your hand down! Don't show your stupid finger! It’s his own fault!..” Ochumelov’s rude words testify to his low cultural level and make the story comical. A significant humorous device is artistic detail- a new overcoat of a police officer, who then takes it off, then puts it on, depending on his own condition.

The humorous techniques used by the writer: a special name, “speaking names” of the characters, abusive speech of the characters with emotionally expressive expressions, the ordinariness of the depicted situation - all this gives the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" comic effect.

What, in your opinion, is the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" - satirical or humorous? Prove your point of view, (A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" is humorous, as the writer laughs at the stupidity of individuals.)

2) The main theme of Chekhov's story.
The theme of chameleonism is the main one in A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" and is given through a funny description of a small misunderstanding that happened on the market square on one of the market days. The writer laughs heartily at people who change their point of view depending on the circumstances. The theme of chameleonism is shown not only in the depicted humorous situation, but is also revealed through the speech of the characters. Having learned that the dog is the property of the general's brother, Ochumelov says, touched: “Look at you. Lord... Missed my brother... But I didn't even know! So this is their dog? I'm very glad... Take her... The dog is wow... Such a nimble one... Catch this by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rr... Angry, rogue... such a nut...» The police officer is ready to fawn not only before the masters, but also before their cook and even the dog. Ochumelov's chameleonism testifies to the venality of the police, their dependence on the powers that be. Being condescending towards his subordinates, the hero himself is ready to kowtow to people who have power and money.

3) Features of the plot of the work. The plot of the story "Chameleon", like many other Chekhov stories, is based on an anecdote, a short entertaining story. Note that a significant part of the story is occupied by dialogue, the description is reduced to a minimum, similar to remarks. The story can be presented as a dramatic work - a skit. There is little action in the story, the story is static, external events not happening. In the foreground, not external, but internal events - fluctuations in the psychological state of people. The plot of Chekhov's story is extremely simple: the police overseer Ochumelov, passing through the market square, sees the following picture: the goldsmith Khryukin is shouting at the dog that bit him. Ochumelov's attitude to the incident changes depending on the dog's affiliation: if the dog is stray, then the guard says with a stern cough: “I won't leave this like that. I’ll show you how to dismiss dogs! .. As soon as they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! he asks the policeman Eldyrin to take off his coat and says in a completely different way: “Does she get something to her finger? She is small, and you are so healthy! You must have opened your finger with a carnation, and then an idea came into your head to lie .... ”The sharp change in Ochumelov’s attitude to the situation, the overseer’s chameleonism testifies to his opportunistic character. On the one hand, the hero wants to curry favor with the general, on the other hand, he wants to show his importance to the common people. It's not just about the brightest "chameleon" Ochumelov. The mood of the crowd is also constantly changing. What is funny and comic in the plot lies precisely in the amplitude of the fluctuation of opinions. In Chekhov, with just a few strokes, a sketch of a sleepy square is given - this is the exposition. The plot in the episode, when the bewildered Ochumelov says: “Who screamed?” There is no climax as such in the story. Ochumelov, defending the “general’s dog”, feels his strength and power, therefore exclamatory sentences with the same structure and threatening intonation prevail in his speech: “I won’t leave it like that!”, “I’ll get to you!”

What is the plot of Chekhov's story "Chameleon" based on? (on finding out who owns the dog)

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the Chekhov story.

Who are the main characters of the story? (Police warden Ochumelov, policeman Eldyrin, goldsmith Khryukin, etc.)

What are the names of the characters in the story? How does this characterize them? What artistic technique is used here by A.P. Chekhov? (A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of speaking surnames when the hero's surname is a means of characterizing him.)

How does the speech of the characters in the story determine their character? (Students independently give examples from the text of the Chekhov story.)

5) The meaning of the title of the story. The title of the story reflects the essence of the police officer Ochumelov.

6) The role of the artistic detail in the story. A.P. Chekhov is rightfully considered a master of artistic detail. Accurately and aptly selected detail is evidence of the writer's artistic talent. Bright detail makes the sentence more capacious. The role of the artistic detail in Chekhov's humorous story "Chameleon" is enormous. Police warden Ochumelov, passing through the market square together with the town Eldyrin, is dressed in a new overcoat, which in the text of the story turns into important detail characterizing the state of the police officer. For example, having learned that, probably, the dog that bit the goldsmith Khryukin belongs to General Zhigalov, Ochumelov becomes unbearably hot, so he says: “Hm! .. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat ... Horror how hot!". Here, the coat being removed is a symbol of the hero's nervousness. Considering that such a nondescript dog cannot be a general’s, Ochumelov again scolds her: “The general’s dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one is the devil knows what! No hair, no appearance ... only meanness ... ”But the assumption of a person from the crowd that the dog belonged to the general now inspires fear in Ochumelov for the words that he just uttered. And here, in order to convey the mood of the character, the author again uses an artistic detail. The warden says: "Hm!.. Put on a coat, brother Eldyrin... Something blew in the wind... Chills..." Here the coat seems to help the hero hide from his own words. At the end of the work, Ochumelov's coat again turns into an overcoat, into which the hero wraps himself, continuing his journey through the market square. Chekhov does not extra words, and therefore the fact that the new overcoat in Ochumelov's conversation turns into a coat is important, that is, there is a deliberate reduction in the role of the subject by the hero himself. Indeed, the new overcoat distinguishes Ochumelov as a policeman. But the function of the coat is different; with the help of this artistic detail, the writer characterizes the character. Artistic detail helps the writer to penetrate deeper into the psychology of the hero, and the reader to see the changing state and mood of the character.

What role does Ochumelov's overcoat play in the story? Why does Ochumelov ask to put on his coat, then take it off? (An artistic detail is important in the story: Ochumelov's new overcoat, since with the help of this detail the state of the hero is characterized.)

7) Features of the author's intention.
The story "Chameleon" at first seems very funny. Ochumelov wants to create the appearance of conscientious service when he walks through the market square. “A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries.” The police warden is trying to figure out the "complicated case of Khryukin." "He shakes" the air, threatens the "scoundrels" with a fine, but soon finds out that the troublemaker - a miserable little dog - belongs to General Zhigalov. Immediately Ochumelov changes his tone, accusing the half-drunk Khryukin of all sins. Ochumelov will change his point of view more than once, and readers will guess about the inner storm disturbing the police officer by a short phrase: “Take off my coat, Eldyrin,” or: “Put on, brother Eldyrin, put on my coat .. .” The story is based on lively speech, dialogue prevails, with their speech the characters give out their character. Gradually you feel that laughter is replaced by sadness: how humiliated a person is if he fawns not even before the general, but before his little dog! The story ends as it begins: Ochumelov continues his journey through the market square, only now he threatens not the unknown owner of the dog, but Khryukin: “I’ll still get to you!” The ring composition of the story helps the author to emphasize the main idea of ​​the story - for Ochumelov, not truth is important, but admiration for the powers that be. His career and well-being depend on them, nothing else worries him. But Khryukin does not arouse the sympathy and sympathy of the reader. This half-drunk man's entertainment is completely inappropriate for his age. For the sake of boredom, he mocks a defenseless puppy. “He, your honor, with a cigarette in her mug for laughter, and she - don’t be a fool, and poke ... Nonsense man, your honor!”

1) Features of the genre. The work of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" belongs to the genre of a humorous story. In the early period of his work, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote a series of humorous stories in which he laughs at various shortcomings of people. Making his own works funny, the writer uses various humorous techniques. For example, in the story of A.P. , Chekhov, an ordinary situation acquires a comic effect due to the special humorous techniques used by the author.

For example, in the story "Chameleon" A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of "speaking surnames" when the name characterizes the hero, marking some, as a rule, important feature in the appearance or character of the character. The police overseer has the surname Ochumelov in the work, and the worker of the merchant Pichugin, who was bitten by the dog, bears the surname Khryukin, which fully corresponds to his half-drunk face. The comic effect is also enhanced by the discrepancy between the surname and the position that the hero has. For example, the half-drunk Khryukin is a goldsmith. Humorousness gives the story and the name "Chameleon", reflecting the essence of the police warden Ochumelov. The situation itself described in the work is comical: the half-drunk Khryukin is chasing the dog that bit him, gathering a crowd of onlookers around him, and immediately the overseer Ochumelov, who knows a lot about all matters, appears. The reader learns about the incident and consequences from the dialogue of the characters. The speech of the tayuke characters is one of the humorous devices used by the writer in the story. In the speech of the heroes there are a lot of colloquial and slang expressions, emotionally expressive vocabulary. For example, believing that the dog is a general’s, overseer Ochumelov talks to Khrkzhin like this: “She may be expensive, but if every pig poke her in the nose with a cigar, then how long to spoil it. A dog is a gentle creature ... And you, idiot, put your hand down! Don't show your stupid finger! It’s his own fault!..” Ochumelov’s rude words testify to his low cultural level and make the story comical. A significant humorous device is an artistic detail - the new overcoat of a police officer, who then takes it off, then puts it on, depending on his own condition.

The humorous techniques used by the writer: a special name, “speaking names” of the characters, abusive speech of the characters with emotionally expressive expressions, the ordinariness of the depicted situation - all this gives the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" comic effect.

What, in your opinion, is the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" - satirical or humorous? Prove your point of view, (A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" is humorous, as the writer laughs at the stupidity of individuals.)

2) The main theme of Chekhov's story.
The theme of chameleonism is the main one in A.P. Chekhov's "Chameleon" and is given through a funny description of a small misunderstanding that happened on the market square on one of the market days. The writer laughs heartily at people who change their point of view depending on the circumstances. The theme of chameleonism is shown not only in the depicted humorous situation, but is also revealed through the speech of the characters. Having learned that the dog is the property of the general's brother, Ochumelov says, touched: “Look at you. Lord... Missed my brother... But I didn't even know! So this is their dog? I'm very glad... Take her... The dog is wow... Such a nimble one... Catch this by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rr... Angry, rogue... such a nut...» The police officer is ready to fawn not only before the masters, but also before their cook and even the dog. Ochumelov's chameleonism testifies to the venality of the police, their dependence on the powers that be. Being condescending towards his subordinates, the hero himself is ready to kowtow to people who have power and money.

3) Features of the plot of the work. The plot of the story "Chameleon", like many other Chekhov stories, is based on an anecdote, a short entertaining story. Note that a significant part of the story is occupied by dialogue, the description is reduced to a minimum, similar to remarks. The story can be presented as a dramatic work - a skit. There is little action in the story, the story is static, external events do not occur. In the foreground, not external, but internal events - fluctuations in the psychological state of people. The plot of Chekhov's story is extremely simple: the police overseer Ochumelov, passing through the market square, sees the following picture: the goldsmith Khryukin is shouting at the dog that bit him. Ochumelov's attitude to the incident changes depending on the dog's affiliation: if the dog is stray, then the guard says with a stern cough: “I won't leave this like that. I’ll show you how to dismiss dogs! .. As soon as they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! he asks the policeman Eldyrin to take off his coat and says in a completely different way: “Does she get something to her finger? She is small, and you are so healthy! You must have opened your finger with a carnation, and then an idea came into your head to lie .... ”The sharp change in Ochumelov’s attitude to the situation, the overseer’s chameleonism testifies to his opportunistic character. On the one hand, the hero wants to curry favor with the general, on the other hand, he wants to show his importance to the common people. It's not just about the brightest "chameleon" Ochumelov. The mood of the crowd is also constantly changing. What is funny and comic in the plot lies precisely in the amplitude of the fluctuation of opinions. In Chekhov, with just a few strokes, a sketch of a sleepy square is given - this is the exposition. The plot in the episode, when the bewildered Ochumelov says: “Who screamed?” There is no climax as such in the story. Ochumelov, defending the “general’s dog”, feels his strength and power, therefore exclamatory sentences with the same structure and threatening intonation prevail in his speech: “I won’t leave it like that!”, “I’ll get to you!”

What is the plot of Chekhov's story "Chameleon" based on? (on finding out who owns the dog)

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the Chekhov story.

Who are the main characters of the story? (Police warden Ochumelov, policeman Eldyrin, goldsmith Khryukin, etc.)

What are the names of the characters in the story? How does this characterize them? What artistic technique is used here by A.P. Chekhov? (A.P. Chekhov uses the technique of speaking surnames when the hero's surname is a means of characterizing him.)

How does the speech of the characters in the story determine their character? (Students independently give examples from the text of the Chekhov story.)

5) The meaning of the title of the story. The title of the story reflects the essence of the police officer Ochumelov.

6) The role of the artistic detail in the story. A.P. Chekhov is rightfully considered a master of artistic detail. Accurately and aptly selected detail is evidence of the writer's artistic talent. A bright detail makes the phrase more capacious. The role of the artistic detail in Chekhov's humorous story "Chameleon" is enormous. Police warden Ochumelov, passing through the market square together with the townsman Eldyrin, is dressed in a new overcoat, which in the text of the story turns into an important detail characterizing the state of the police warder. For example, having learned that, probably, the dog that bit the goldsmith Khryukin belongs to General Zhigalov, Ochumelov becomes unbearably hot, so he says: “Hm! .. Take off, Eldyrin, take off my coat ... Horror how hot!". Here, the coat being removed is a symbol of the hero's nervousness. Considering that such a nondescript dog cannot be a general’s, Ochumelov again scolds her: “The general’s dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one is the devil knows what! No hair, no appearance ... only meanness ... ”But the assumption of a person from the crowd that the dog belonged to the general now inspires fear in Ochumelov for the words that he just uttered. And here, in order to convey the mood of the character, the author again uses an artistic detail. The warden says: "Hm!.. Put on a coat, brother Eldyrin... Something blew in the wind... Chills..." Here the coat seems to help the hero hide from his own words. At the end of the work, Ochumelov's coat again turns into an overcoat, into which the hero wraps himself, continuing his journey through the market square. Chekhov has no superfluous words, and therefore the fact that the new overcoat in Ochumelov's conversation turns into a coat is important, that is, there is a deliberate reduction in the role of the subject by the hero himself. Indeed, the new overcoat distinguishes Ochumelov as a policeman. But the function of the coat is different; with the help of this artistic detail, the writer characterizes the character. Artistic detail helps the writer to penetrate deeper into the psychology of the hero, and the reader to see the changing state and mood of the character.

What role does Ochumelov's overcoat play in the story? Why does Ochumelov ask to put on his coat, then take it off? (An artistic detail is important in the story: Ochumelov's new overcoat, since with the help of this detail the state of the hero is characterized.)

7) Features of the author's intention.
The story "Chameleon" at first seems very funny. Ochumelov wants to create the appearance of conscientious service when he walks through the market square. “A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries.” The police warden is trying to figure out the "complicated case of Khryukin." "He shakes" the air, threatens the "scoundrels" with a fine, but soon finds out that the troublemaker - a miserable little dog - belongs to General Zhigalov. Immediately Ochumelov changes his tone, accusing the half-drunk Khryukin of all sins. Ochumelov will change his point of view more than once, and readers will guess about the inner storm disturbing the police officer by a short phrase: “Take off my coat, Eldyrin,” or: “Put on, brother Eldyrin, put on my coat .. .” The story is based on lively speech, dialogue prevails, with their speech the characters give out their character. Gradually you feel that laughter is replaced by sadness: how humiliated a person is if he fawns not even before the general, but before his little dog! The story ends as it begins: Ochumelov continues his journey through the market square, only now he threatens not the unknown owner of the dog, but Khryukin: “I’ll still get to you!” The ring composition of the story helps the author to emphasize the main idea of ​​the story - for Ochumelov, not truth is important, but admiration for the powers that be. His career and well-being depend on them, nothing else worries him. But Khryukin does not arouse the sympathy and sympathy of the reader. This half-drunk man's entertainment is completely inappropriate for his age. For the sake of boredom, he mocks a defenseless puppy. “He, your honor, with a cigarette in her mug for laughter, and she - don’t be a fool, and poke ... Nonsense man, your honor!”

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