Proper trimming of viburnum Bulderezh. Decorative Valina Bulderezh - a snow-white miracle in your garden

The buildings 14.06.2019
The buildings

The symbol of maiden beauty, love and happiness, Kalina from time immemorial, worshiped by our ancestors. She was considered a faith, appreciated for decorative appearance and beneficial features. And today, her relatives are the desired guests of our household plots. Especially in honor of modern gardeners Kalina Buldége.

Kalina species

The numerous genus of Kalina has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many since childhood is familiar to Valina ordinary. This unpretentious shrub It does not need much attention, because he feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without requiring nothing in return, generously gifts everyone around his bright blossom, lush foliage and healthy fruits.

Other representatives of this kind, looking at the photo of which, do not immediately recognize Kalina in them:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of an empty shrub tall up to 3 meters or a tree with an openwork crown and naked branches. Extracted leaves with acute vertex are covered with rare hairs. Flowers pale yellow, fruit - black, edible, sweet taste;
  2. Willy forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. Possesses large beautiful leaves Reddish-brown shade in spring and bright purple - in autumn. White flowers are replaced by red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky slopes of hills, river banks and swamps. Wounded, pointed bright green summer leaves take the color of red tones in autumn. It has cream-white blossoms. Fruit is blue-black berries;
  4. The gear is a gustwood shrub reaching a height of 5 meters. This type is highlighted by an unusual rounded form of foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Gordovina grows in gliding fruits. It is famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Bulderezh

The most common decorative culture Ordinary viburnum - Variety Bulderezh. In a literal translation from French, this name means a snow ball. This reflects distinctive feature Plants - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter blooming with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball snowball.

Bulthell cultivate as a shrub or a small tree. It grows pretty quickly, height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers sterile and fruit do not give.

Decorative properties Valina Bulderezh

Bulthell disrupts its snow-white balls in May. Flowering long, lasts month and more. The blurred buds have a gentle greenish tint, over time, purchasing white color. Flource, Kalina does not lose its decorative attractiveness. In the fall of foliage is painted in noble crimson tones.

In addition to the decoration as garden Plant, flowers of this variety often use florists to create flower compositions. They are well standing in the cut, so bouquets do not lose freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

In most, Kalina shades. However, decorative species recommend landing on well-lit sections or a half. Landing in the shade is fraught with the weakening of the bush, at the same time the excess of the sun shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture, so excessive moistening of the soil and place near the reservoirs will be optimal conditions For their growth and fruiting. Soil prefers loose, moderately sour. If the ground is heavy clay, add humid, wood ash, peat.

Breeding Kalina

Kalina breed seeds, cuttings, tanks, the division of the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. stratification of seeds is long, continues at least 6 months;
  2. fresh-plated seeds spare only in a year;
  3. vegetatively, decorative forms are breed more often;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. shores cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development is accelerated on the 3rd year of life. For seed reproduction Fruption begins in 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear after 2-3 years.

How to plant saplings Kalina Bulderezh

Since the flowers are sterile bulences and do not give seeds, this variety is available only a vegetative way of reproduction.

Time and landing site Kalina

The season for landing determines the method of breeding:

  1. shutting in spring;
  2. shining is carried out in summer;
  3. planting seedlings are engaged in early spring And late autumn.

Plot for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place will be signed by the corner of the garden. If the selected propagation method provides for the landing hole, it is prepared with dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and wipes well large quantity water. Drainage from bark, stones and others suitable materials. Kalina loves moisture, but the waters will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which contains potash-phosphoric fertilizers, peat, humid, ash and garden land.

Squeeze challenges Kalina

If the bultone is growing in your garden, the easiest way to multiply Kalin will be with a gag:

  1. near the bush prepare a hole in a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. the lower escape is flex to the landing site and pinpoint with a bracket;
  3. on top are sprinkled with humus or just ground, compact;
  4. the soil is maintained wet.

For favorable conditions By autumn, shoots are rooted. After 2 years, the drains are separated from maternal bush. After that, they can be planted for a permanent place.

Summer shuttless Kalina

The reproduction of the cutter is a more laborious process. Planting material Bottles during summer trimming bush. For rooting, cuttings with one intersess are chosen.

Follow the following scheme:

  1. in June, one-year shoots 7-8 cm long shoots;
  2. cuttings plant in humorous land and leave in a greenhouse;
  3. planting are covered on top of the film, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse you need to maintain a warm and wet microclimate. The creation of artificial fog contributes to roouging. The cuttings are sprayed with warm water from time to time. Such conditions are supported until the next spring. Young rooted bushes are frowning in shkling. After that, planted into the ground.

How to plant saplings viburnum with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, it should be taken into account that the bulgery occupies over time large square. The crowns of empty ware-shaped bushes can reach 5 meters wide. Otherwise, the process is infertility:

  1. acceptable drop-down scheme 2x2 meters;
  2. the root neck is plugged at 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. the land is compacted and watered well.

In the first year, Kalina grows slowly. This is due to the rapid root system. Three years old reaches about 1.5 meters of height. Rarely meet 10-year copies above 3 meters.

Care for decorative viburnum

Care for viburnum does not represent special difficulties. To save decorative View Plants, it requires forming and rejuvenating trimming, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Significant gardener troubles can deliver prophylactic measures in combating diseases and pests.

Formation of bush and trimming

Prothesiation of young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground. Bulthell will be bluffing in the future, if in the first year the inflorescences of the plant are removed still unacceptable. Subsequently, young shoots pinch in early August.

Crowning for the formation of the crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, new kidneys will be laid on the branches. You can adjust the shape and cut forward a bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such works stop the Kalina to have to grow to the cold.

With the age of bulge from abundant flowering bends, and the bush can fall. Therefore, the old plant branches are taped.

Stumbaceous shape of Kalina

Very original straak form of viburnum. The molding trim the bulgery allows you to get instances with a wide crown at a high and low strain. Crimping lies in the formation of the crown at an altitude of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful escape. The branches leave about 30 cm long. The young piglet under the bush is regularly removed, and the crown is thinned every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering decorative bush

Comparatives with other plants, Kalina needs more watering. This is especially true of young, developing plants. In the fall, preparing the plant to the cold, the soil is watered more than usual. This reception will warn dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Bulthell feed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are introduced under the sprinkle under the bush. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will need from fertilizers. One or twice for the season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, the ashes are being added under the plant. Once every two years, overwhelming dung is introduced in the fall in the soil.

Tatyana Pronin, Expert

Pests and diseases Kalina Bulderezh

Charging Kalina may be a word. It is struggling with it, processing the leaves with soap solution. Spraying is carried out in the evening in a windless dry weather. The pest scares the pest and the thick layer of ash on the ground around the plant.

If the leaves of Kalina appeared white flagThis is talking about the disease with mildew. Save the bulgery at an early stage of the disease will help the spraying of the Bodros liquid. IN heavy cases A bush is removed from the site so that it does not become the source of the spread of infection to other plants.

Such uncomplicated techniques will provide your Kalina long, in the literal sense of the word blooming life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. And what varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their care, what tricks in the fight against pests use? Share your experience, finds, inventions in the comments!

Kalina Bulderezh is decorative variety Valnes, distinguished by lush and abundant flowers, which are beautiful, white balls with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters. Kalina blooms from the end of May during the month, the number of colors reaches up to 500 inflorescences. The leaves on it from spring to the fall freshly green, and in the fall become purple-red or yellow-orange and do not fall out for a long time. Adult bush reaches a height from 2 to 3 meters. These flowers are well preserved in a vase, giving freshness and beauty around. Kush Kalina Bulderezh is a decoration of any garden, and how to grow it will tell in this article.

Kalina Bulderezh landing

We will analyze under what conditions it is better to grow Kalina, we will analyze the order of breeding vote of viburnum bulgery and planting seedlings.

Conditions for growing viburnum

Kalina Buldéless does not require special attention When growing. it frost-resistant bush, BUT B. cold Winter It can turn around and in the end it will bloom badly. To prevent the frost, the viburnum bush is preferably not at the open shorts and in heavy clay soil. She prefers a sunny, a little darkened place. If the bush put in the shade, then bloom is weakened and gradually degenerate. Kalina Bulderezh - drought-resistant. It grows well on dry soils, but requires enough watering, so it is better to grow it on wet soils. It will also be good to grow on fertilous, nutritious, loose soils, such as garden or garden.

Breeding Valina Buldhell

Kalina breeds vegetatively (they divide the bush, sear summer cuttings and gag). In the summer, during trimming the bush, cuttings are harvested, which by autumn germinate and give shoots. In the early summer, last year's shoots are cut and put them on a 2-3 centimeter in wet, humid soil. In the spring, breeds spread. Plant in wet, humid soil by 10-12 centimeters, pinch and bend the escape. Watering must be sprayed with warm water.

Landing Kalina

Usually landing viburnum bulgery is carried out in spring. Pits for landing should be deep, not less than 50 cm. In clay soil, under the root, pour sand with rubble. A bush is deepened at 3-5 centimeters below the root neck, falling asleep with a compost and a small amount of ash. After, the bush is fading well, and the hole falls asleep from above by humus. At the beginning, Kalina Buldége, grows slowly (30 cm for the first year), after a meter for the year. Total bush reaches a height of three meters, and lives up to 60 years.

Kalina Boulenege care

Consider how to make it possible to irrigate, bait, trimming viburnum, as well as its possible diseases.

Watering Kalina

Care for viburnum bulgers is not complicated. She loves moisture, therefore, to ensure abundant flowering, you need a permanent good watering. It is necessary that in winter to avoid dehydration, late autumn, it is necessary to impregnate the soil moisture.


Kalina is not picky, but once a year it is recommended to introduce organic fertilizers. It may be one - two buckets of compost or humus, as well as some wood ash. Feed the best in spring at the garden popling.


In order to get a wide bush, the young Kalina Bulthell is cut at an altitude of 20 centimeters from the ground. Young inflorescences cut off without letting it bloom, then bloom comes abundant and lush. Young shoots pinch in early August. The formation of the bush, its trimming, is carried out at the end of June, early July, after flowering. Leave one strong escape, the crown is formed at an altitude of 1.5 - 2 meters. In summer, the side branches shorten a little, reduce the volume of the bush, thin the crown. With under the bush, the piglets and shoots are removed. The "old" bushes of viburnum bouulgered should be supported, because over the years, under the weight of the inflorescences, the branches begin to tear down to the ground.

Diseases Kalina Buldhell

Kalina Bulderezh is a resistant plant that is very ill. The main victims of Kalina is the word. It is very dangerous, as it quickly "eats" all the leaves on Kalina. To combat you can use a soap solution. They spray Kalina in the evening, dry, calm weather. To avoid the appearance of aphids, it is necessary to sprinkle the soil around the plant with a thick layer of wood ash, it scares pests.
Kalina Bulderezh is one of the most beautiful plants in the garden. Her flowers are beautiful and pleasing eyes. Grow Kalina Bulderezh is very simple, it does not require large costs time and strength. More attractive plant It's hard to find, and when proper care It will decorate your garden for a long time.

Valina Bulderezh is a widespread tree wide in the middle strip. High decorativeness and undemanding to the conditions made her honorable guest in gardens and parks. This old grade was appreciated by the gardeners in Catherine II for lush white inflorescences, similar to the snowball. The name of the variety is Boule de Neige - translated from French and denotes "Snowball". For the first time, a description of Kalina Bulthell was produced by the French breeder Lemoan, who brought this variety.

Description of varieties

Kalina Buldége is a variety of viburnum ordinary and is a wide-resistant tree with a height of up to 4 meters. For good care This plant lives up to 50 or more years and every year pleases long blossom. Flowers bullying with spherical inflorescences in the early summer. Flowering long, from 2 weeks to a month. Flowing flowers first have a greenish tint, then become bright white, at the end of flowering pose.

A characteristic feature of the variety is the complete absence of smell of flowers. The plant is winter-hardy, but in harsh winters can be partially extinct. Root surface type.

Sedna landing

The life expectancy of viburnum Bulderezh and its bloom depend on the properly selected landing site and subsequent care. The most suitable place for it is good moisturized soil and light half. Replant preferably in spring or autumn, as in summer heat Saplings are worse root. Place for landing is preparing in advance:

  • dig a pit with a size of at least 0.5x0.5 meters;
  • drainage is laid on the bottom - fragments of bricks, crushed stone, sand;
  • prepare a nutritional mixture of compost, ash, and garden land.

The seedlock is immersed in a hole on a hilly from the nutrient mixture, grow the roots, plug in a few centimeters the root neck and fall asleep the remaining soil. After landing, it is abundantly watered and after the settlement, there are still lands. From above, the landing site can be closed for the earth to no longer swam.

In group landings, each seedling is needed at least 4 square metersSince the tree is strongly crazy.

Care for Kalina

Care for vibrant buldies is spring and autumn cropping and regular irrigation into the arid period. In the spring, the tree is inspected and cut into the broken, dry and sick branches. In the fall, the forming trimming is carried out - remove excessively thickening and growing the crowns. With the help of forming trimming, the tree can be turned into a shrub - cut the barrel to the level of the stump. Spring from the root will begin to grow numerous side shoots.

All of the spins after trimming should be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate and lubricate the garden water.

In conditions middle strip In October, there is plenty of waterproof watering viburnum. His goal is to stimulate reinforced root growth and prevent their frozen in winter. Before watering the tree it is desirable to feed.

Fertilizers and feeding

For abundant and long-lasting blossom, Kalina Bulthells need to regularly feed. In the first 2-3 years, the plant is enough nutrientslaid down in the landing pit. In the following year, it is fed in spring or compost, in the fall - phosphorus and potash. Fertilizers can be scattered in a robust circle, spoiling with robbles and plentifully watering. In order for all nutrients to get straight to the roots, use another way:

  • across the circumference of the priority circle, holes in the ground are deplished 20-30 cm with a garden bera, scrap, or wooden cola;
  • in each pour a little fertilizer;
  • the whole rate designed for a tree is divided by the number of wells;
  • then the rolling circle is shedding with water.

The norms of fertilizers specified on the package should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to assimilate them. This will lead to an increase in the weeds and soil contamination with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before the start of flowering, Kalina can be sprayed with a comprehensive fertilizer containing boron. This trace element stimulates abundant bloom.

Options and methods of breeding

Valuation of viburnum Bulderen is possible only in a vegetative way, since it is sterile and seed does not give. It is breeding it in three ways - weeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

In order to get a new plant with grains, you need to perform the following actions:

  • spring next to a bush dig up longitudinal grooves;
  • lay branches in them;
  • press the ground with wooden brackets;
  • fall asleep this place land and keep in a wet state all summer.

Already by the autumn, the decoding is formed their own roots, and in the spring of next year sprouts appear. Aven a year later, when the gag is strengthened and increases the root mass, the new plant can be separated from the maternal, overlooking the spoken spaded branch between them.

To multiply Kalina in the second way - the division of the bush is much faster, but painful for the entire plant, as the roots are injured. This method is suitable only if it has been formed as a bush and there are many branches from the roots. For this root system Partially dump the shovel and destroy the bush so that each part it contains and the roots and branches. Then all parts are sitting separately. After landing, the seedlings are watered.

The easiest way to multiply the decorative Kalina Bulthells with cuttings. Healthy branches removed during cuttings spring trimming. On each cutken must be several kidneys. They are cheered into the ground obliquely in such a way that half the kidneys is in the ground. They are subsequently formed roots. Cuttings are regularly watered. When a young bushes with roots and branches are formed out of the cutlets, it can be rejected on a permanent place or leave on the previous one.

The land around the seedling should be kept in a wet and loose state so that the roots are grabbed and moisture and oxygen.

Valine pests and fighting them

The leaves of viburnum Bulderezh are greatly affected by three pests: leaf beetles, shield and tool.

Sheet brushes leaves to residents and can destroy the entire bush. To combat him, Kalina 2 times per season spray carbofosomes: in May to destroy the larvae, in August to get rid of adult individuals.

To destroy the shield and tli, the plant is treated with "Aktar", "Fufanon", "Agrantin". With a slight lesion, you can do the folk remedies: the infusion of garlic or ash with the household soap.

Also, Kalina Bulderezh suffers from. From this fungal disease will help the set of measures:

  • spraying with a 0.5% copper sulfate solution of early spring to the dissolution of the leaves;
  • reducing irrigation, water should only water the root;
  • processing during the vegetation period burgue liquid;
  • destruction of weeds carrying martherny Dew, First of all, drinking.

On the incidence of viburnum affects bored landings and thickened crown. On any photo healthy tree Kalina Bulthell can be seen that it grows freely, the crown is rather cut, and the grass under the tree is smoked.

The fulfillment of these simple recommendations will help grow healthy and beautiful tree. Decorative Kalina It will live in your garden for a long time and every year will delight the abundance of lush snowy balls.

There are two main methods of breeding vibrations "Bulderezh": seed and vegetative. At the same time, gardeners should be aware that Kalina "Bulderezh", the reproduction of which is produced by the way of evicting seeds, does not inherit all the qualities of its variety. It is best to choose a vegetative method, which is more possible to implement in own garden. To do this, you need to dip the piglery, divide the bushes with special chains of horizontal and vertical type. Kalina "Bulderezh" also tolerates well. The uterine bushes are subjected to extracting every 2-10 years in the autumn and spring period. It is required to dip the soil at the bush up to eight centimeters. The next summer usually sprouts from three to six young shoots. The subsequent emphasis must be carried out after they grow up to about twenty-twenty-five centimeters.

Hilly from sand after dipping requires constant moisturizing. If the care is effective, by the autumn season, the shoots "get acquired" by a strong root system. They must be disconnected from the bush, and then land on a certain land plotWhere a new plant will develop further. Kalina "Bulderezh", the reproduction of which is quite simple to produce, may be subject to another effective method. It is quite real and with the help of weird cuttings, which will be held in water for three or five days, after which they should be planted in a cool place under the shelter from the draftsman. The latter has a certain composition, it includes humus and sand (in equal amounts). Cuttings require moisturies that can be provided with special humidifier.

For viburnum "Bulderezh" reproduction with this method is quite acceptable due to its simplicity and availability. In about thirty days, it is possible to observe the rooting of the cuttings, by the first month of the fall, the seedlings are already raised above the ground, and they can be transplanted. The advantage of this method is the lack of a hot period during the rooting of the plant, which falls on the first or second month of spring, so there is no need to create an artificial shadow.

More complicated way For viburnum "Bulderezh" - reproduction with green cuttings, since in this case there will be additional stimulation of the growth of the root system. As a rule, the level of strengthening the root in the ground is just on the summer hot and arid period, which is not always beneficial as a result. Usually with such adverse conditions The cuttings are poorly growing, so the increase period is lengthened for three more months. At the same time, you can try to grow and root green cuttings in an amount of up to five pieces using the usual flower pot Under the jar (made of glass), inverted upside down. For the preparation of the substrate, sand and peat are used in equal amounts.

It should be noted that the Kalina "Bulderezh", for which it was chosen as the only way, grows quite complete and lush with the right organization of care activities. In the case of breeding with green cuttings, they need to be prepared until mid-June, the leaflets located at the bottom are to be removed, the upper two sheets must be cut into two-thirds to avoid fading the rest of the leaves. The cuttings associated with a bundle should be put in a special solution (heteroacexin) to a depth of three centimeters. After that, it is necessary to withstand about 20 hours, remove them and transplant to the pot (depth - 2 cm), then cover the can, put on the windowsill and constantly moisturize.

Bulderezh translated from french translated as " snowball" This kind of decorative viburnum draws attention to its unusual spherical inflorescences of snow-white.

The plant of French origin not only looks great, but also possesses medical properties and widely known in cosmetology and folk medicine. Bars and tinctures based on the bark and flowers of the plant are able to clean the vessels, lead blood pressure to the norm, restore the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the immune system, relieve from colds, as well as toning and cleaning the skin.

This type of plant belongs to low shrubsreaching the height of the three-meter mark. For abundant flowering Kalina gives a minimum amount of fruits and almost does not give seeds. That is why the plant is multiplied mainly with glood and stalling. Bulderezh is considered a fast-growing plant that a short time Acquires a lush flowering crown of white or color inflorescences.

Decorative Kalina feels positively on wet soils, as it loves water very much. For the full development of its root system, a sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients are needed. For proper landing And the care of Kalina will delight with its bloom for thirty days. Usually this period comes in May - June, depending on weather conditions and climate. The plant is frost-resistant and not demanding for feeding and soils.

Landing is recommended to exercise in spring or autumn time, but different ways. If you choose a landing late fall, then it is better to use a root division method. Side shoots of shrub must be carefully cut together with the root and put on a new site. Per winter The plant will only strengthen, frost and blizzard is not terrible.

For spring landing It is better to take advantage of the reproduction. The lowest branch of the shrub must be tilted to the soil, pinch it with a faded wire and sprinkle with soil. During the period of rooting, it is necessary to abundantly and regularly water this part of the plant before the appearance of full-fledged roots.

With the help of cuttings, planting the plant is not easy, since the root formation process lasts long, and the survival rate of the young plant in a new place is even longer and more difficult. For a cutlets choose a young escape with nine kidneys and planted in the soil. The rooting and cultivation of the cutter should be held in greenhouse conditions with abundant and regular moisture over several months. IN open sad The root Escape transfer early spring into well-moistened soil.

It is very important to note that the entire period of care and reproduction behind the plant is ineffective without sufficient moisture.

  • A landing place must be chosen with a sufficiently moisturized from nature with a soil or take advantage of additional artificial irrigation. From the amount of moisture will depend full development Shrub.
  • Sizes of landing pit - 60 centimeters The length of each side and 80 centimeters in depth. One seedling is planted into one hole, but if you wish, you can have several plants immediately. A group landing will make the appearance of the volume and lifestyle.
  • To ensure moderate moisture in the root part of the plant, the bottom of the landing pit is needed to pour the drainage layer (for example, from the bark of trees or broken bricks).
  • To ensure complete nutrition after the drainage layer, a mixture of feeding with potassium and phosphorus is poured into the pit, as well as leaf Land, humus and peat. The roots of the plant fall asleep the earth and watered with plenty of water.
  • The cutlets of the bulgery must be placed on the depth of no more than 5 centimeters, fall asleep soil and lightly ram, after which there is plentiful watering.
  • It is recommended immediately after planting to cover the soil around the plant with a mulching layer to maintain humidity and heat in the ground. It may consist of small wood sawdust, fallen foliage, beveled herbs, as well as from fir or pine needles.

A unpretentious shrub plant has its own care requirements that need to be carefully performed.

  • Regular and timely watering, especially in hot summer days.
  • Making fertilizers of organic or mineral content, which are recommended for decorative-flowering plants.
  • Timely and regular trimming of old, dried and damaged shoots and removing the bleached inflorescences. This applies only to adult plants and is not recommended for the shrubs of the first year of life.
  • Carefully monitor the appearance of pests or diseases and destroy them on time. The most common pests are leaf beetles, wave and cruciferous flew.

Valina Bulderezh (video)

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