Chrysanthemum flowers: the meaning of bouquets and the symbolism of colors. Why give yellow chrysanthemums to a woman, what do they symbolize

The buildings 11.10.2019
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flower bouquets Give to absolutely everyone and for a variety of reasons. But we do not always remember that each flower is a symbol. It will be right, when choosing a bouquet, to take into account what this or that plant symbolizes in order to further enhance the energy of your gift in the right aspect. Chrysanthemums are magnificent, bright autumn flowers. It's time to find out what it means to give chrysanthemums of one color or another.

Types and description of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums belong to the Astrov family. These flowers are annuals and perennials. To date, there are more than 150 species of these plants. By outward signs they are divided into:

  • large-flowered;
  • bush;
  • spherical.

Most often these are bushy plants. The height of the bushes can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. Most species grow naturally in Asia, Africa and warm European countries.

The leaves of chrysanthemums have jagged edges, a simple or dissected shape, some species are characterized by pubescence. Their color is predominantly light green. Flowers are in the form of baskets and more complex terry inflorescences. Varieties with completely different petal colors have been bred. Chrysanthemums are white, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, pink.

Florists value these plants because they they do not fade for a long time. Bouquets of chrysanthemums are an excellent home decoration and are stored for a very long time. These colored daisies are not afraid of low temperatures, they can be given even in winter. To make the bouquet last longer, it is recommended to remove from the stems lower leaves, leaving leaves only near the inflorescences.

General meaning of colors

Once upon a time, only people knew yellow chrysanthemums, with them the love for this plant began. If you translate the name of the flower from ancient Greek, then it means - golden-colored. The legend about the appearance of this plant was born in the East and it says that once, the dragon grabbed the sun in its paws to steal it from people, but burned itself and tore the luminary into pieces, each of which became a golden flower.

In those days, chrysanthemums were the privilege of the Japanese Imperial Palace, where they have been bred since the 12th century and considered a symbol of power. Members of the royal family decorated their clothes with these flowers, which was strictly forbidden for mere mortals. In this eastern country and today they love and revere the chrysanthemum and consider it a flower equal in dignity to sakura. For the Japanese, chrysanthemum today is a symbol of longevity.

In some European countries, these colored daisies are inextricably linked with mourning. They are placed on the coffin of the deceased, brought to the cemetery. This is done, for example, in Italy and France; for their inhabitants, these flowers personify sadness.

In China, yellow chrysanthemums are used in feng shui compositions. It is believed that in combination with pine or bamboo, these flowers attract a powerful flow of Yang energy into the house, and with it prosperity and good luck. A tall beautiful vase will only enhance their energy.

In Russia, the most famous variety of a flower is chamomile chrysanthemum. Another popular variation is oak trees, so named for the similarity of the shape of their leaves with oak leaves. It is customary for us to give these flowers to everyone and for any reason. When choosing a bouquet as a gift, it’s good to be additionally guided symbolic meaning each color.

What do chrysanthemums of different colors mean

Giving a bouquet as a gift is the shortest way to express your feelings and affection to a person. Florists believe that everyone needs to know the language of flowers. What does the specific color of magnificent chrysanthemums mean?

What flower can be called a symbol of longevity, wisdom and good health? Of course, the beautiful chrysanthemum, often called the queen of autumn. From Greek, you can translate chrysos as "gold", and anthemis as "flower". Chrysanthemums got this name not by chance, because their first inflorescences were exactly yellow-golden in color. There is another opinion: they say that the flower got its name because it appeared in Japan - the land of the rising sun. Today we propose to talk about white chrysanthemums. We will talk about what they mean in the language of flowers, what they dream of, what they symbolize in different parts of the world.

A little about chrysanthemums

To date, there are more than 10 thousand different varieties of chrysanthemums. Scientists cannot reliably say exactly when people began to breed these flowers. It is worth noting that archaeologists often find images of chrysanthemums on fragments of marble and pottery, in the interweaving of oriental ornaments on fine porcelain, on ancient coins and on patterns applied to ancient structures.

The appearance of chrysanthemums

Japan is considered to be the birthplace of chrysanthemum. In this country given flower is called "kiku", which can be translated as "sun". Even in the last century, the image of a chrysanthemum was sacred, and only members of the imperial house had the right to wear robes decorated with images of these delightful buds. Simple people Those who dared to decorate their clothes with chrysanthemums were punished by death. Today in Japan, the highest state order is called the Order of the Chrysanthemum, it is she who adorns state flags, postage stamps and coins. Chrysanthemums came to Europe only in the 17th century. The Dutchman Reede brought them from Japan to England. However, the French have a different opinion on this matter: they are convinced that chrysanthemums first appeared not in England, but in Marseille, this happened in 1789. The famous French traveler Pierre Blancshire delivered the flowers. However, these plants were more like daisies, and therefore did not make the proper impression. Only in the 19th century did the experiments of a French gardener make it possible to obtain unusual varieties that the public became interested in. The bred varieties began to grow in the gardens of almost all of Europe. They perfectly endured drought, heat and even English fogs, decorating gardens until the frost.

Legends of chrysanthemums

Speaking of white chrysanthemums, one cannot but mention the legends associated with this magnificent flower. One of them says: once an evil dragon decided to steal the sun, but, grabbing onto it, burned his paws very badly. Enraged, the dragon began to tear the fireball into small pieces. Solar sparks that fell to the ground turned into elegant white chrysanthemums.

No less interesting is the legend that has become widespread in China. During the reign of an incredibly cruel emperor, a rumor spread throughout the country that a chrysanthemum grows on an island nearby, the juice of which is the main ingredient in the elixir of life. However, a person with a sincere and pure heart should pick a flower, otherwise the plant will simply lose its miraculous power. The emperor sent three hundred beautiful girls and strong boys to the island. However, it is still not known whether they managed to find this plant or not, because no one returned from the island: young people simply founded a new state there.

Chrysanthemums in different countries

What do white chrysanthemums mean in different countries? In Italy, they are considered a symbol of love, death and deep silent sorrow. On the territory of Vietnam, the chrysanthemum represents the clarity of the human mind and its spiritual purity. In England, this flower, according to an unspoken rule, is a funeral. In general, on the territory of European countries, snow-white buds of chrysanthemums are considered mourning. They symbolize deep sadness. As in England, in France, wreaths of chrysanthemums are placed on graves.

Here, by the way, there is a very sad legend: a son of a very poor woman died. Every day she decorated his grave with collected wildflowers. And when the cold came, the inconsolable mother remembered the white artificial flowers, bequeathed to her once as a symbol of happiness. She placed this bouquet on the grave of her child, watered it with bitter tears and fervently prayed. When she got up, a real miracle appeared before her eyes: the grave was strewn with live chrysanthemums, and their bitter aroma spread in the air.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believe: after wine, you should wipe your lips with a cut chrysanthemum and give it to your loved one. This ritual will make feelings immortal. In Japan, it is customary to put a petal in a glass with a noble drink: whoever drinks such wine will gain longevity and health.

In general, donated chrysanthemums speak of a person’s disposition towards you, his friendly feelings. White flowers are no exception. The one who gives you white chrysanthemums (in the photo below you can see amazing bouquets with these flowers) seems to be telling you: "Trust me." In addition, the snow-white chrysanthemum heals the soul from pain and negativity, helps to relax, brings peace. These flowers are especially popular in bridal bouquets. Here they symbolize vulnerability, innocence, tenderness. It is generally accepted that the bride who chooses chrysanthemums for the wedding celebration will be blessed by heaven.

dream interpretation

special attention deserve the white chrysanthemums that a person saw in a dream. If in your night visions you are walking through the garden, and snow-white flowers bloom around you, then in reality new events await you that will give you strength and inspiration. In the event that in a dream you cut these flowers, in real life you cannot avoid bitter disappointments and even serious losses, the death of a loved one is not excluded. In a love dream book, a bouquet of white chrysanthemums is a symbol that true love will visit you, but your carelessness or pride will not allow you to keep it. Snow-white buds can also indicate that someone needs your help and mercy. Chrysanthemums can also mean that you will receive news from a distant acquaintance.

Warm words can affect absolutely anyone. It is not necessary to select a set beautiful words to express your feelings and intentions towards a person, you can do it much more eloquently and more specifically.

For example, you can say about feelings by giving a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. It is especially pleasant to receive flowers as a gift to the female sex. For girls, this is a sign of your attentiveness, care and sincerity. Bouquet of beautiful flowers is a gesture of kindness, respect and serious intentions.

When the hot summer is replaced by golden autumn, rustling with leaves, one wants to pay attention to the beautiful autumn flowers, to their lush bouquets of a variety of flowers. Giving them is bright, unusual and even creative.

If you want to break away from stereotypes, you can safely decide on these magnificent flowers. No wonder they are considered the queens of autumn. The bouquet can be suitable for absolutely different occasions:

  • for a gift to loved ones;
  • to express respect for the male sex;
  • to decorate the interior, including the desktop in the office;
  • from them you can make an ikebana for the bedroom.

These flowers are the oldest in the world. And their history is about 3 thousand years. There is a work called "Faces". Its author is Confucius. So here's what he wrote about this plant.

At first they were very popular in the East. For example, in countries such as Japan and China. And only after a considerable period of time they were brought to European and American countries. Therefore, the second homeland of these flowers is Japan. Even the coat of arms of the country speaks about it.

They are considered a symbol of wisdom, long life and health of the soul and body. Even geishas have been associated with this beautiful plant. They were called "flaming chrysanthemum".

Geisha not only knew how to sing, draw and write beautifully, but also owned an art called ikebana, which means the ability to compose flower arrangements.

Chrysanthemums meant nobility, happiness, and in general for people it was a sacred flower.

Gallery: white chrysanthemums (25 photos)

They were called golden flowers

It's about variety yellow color, they were popularly called golden flowers.

  • In Japan, these flowers were associated with a high position in society.
  • Clothing with chrysanthemum denoted imperial kinship, so only the emperor and his family could wear such designations.

In China, there is a belief that if you wipe your lips after drinking wine with chrysanthemum and pass it to your loved one, then it will bring immortality of love between a man and a woman.

And in Japan, the petal of this flower in a glass is a symbol of health and long life.

If you translate the name of this flower from Latin into Russian, chrysanthemum means "golden". In any country, the chrysanthemum is considered the queen of autumn.

Therefore, varieties are called warm and sublime names, such as "Heavenly Heights", "Spring Dawn", "Joy of Return".

There are over 150 species of this magnificent flower. And each one is unique and beautiful.

Type characteristic

Chrysanthemums are considered ancient culture. This plant came to Russia only in late XIX century.

And now these flowers are very popular among florists and flower growers. Varieties can be:

  • large-flowered;
  • small-flowered.

Small-flowered chrysanthemum is also called "oak".

This plant is a perennial. Only the aerial part dies off annually. The stem has thin thick and wide leaves. They can grow up to 7 cm long and 4 cm wide.

The shape of the leaves of these flowers resemble oak.

But large-flowered ones have wider and longer leaves. They can grow up to 15 cm in length, that is, almost 2 times more small-flowered ones.

The upper side of this plant has a rich green color and smooth texture. But the lower one is thick, fluffy and has small light hairs.

Each variety exudes its own individual flavor. For example, pleasant and subtle, or, conversely, sharp and rich.

The rhizomes of chrysanthemums are branched and give many shoots to the root shoots.

What color to choose for a bouquet

AT flower shops all sorts of varieties and different colors of chrysanthemums are sold. The case is small - choose what suits better than that or to another person.

So, chrysanthemums can be of these colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • white;
  • purple
  • blue
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • blue.

Often, many girls are afraid of yellow. This happens because some people think that, like yellow tulips, the color can mean separation or parting.

However, a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums has an absolutely opposite meaning. They denote love and seriousness of intentions, as well as a kind of marriage proposal. Only a person who has fiery feelings for you can give you these lovely flowers.

yellow color in this case symbolizes only the positive. A person who does not love will not even think about these flowers. Therefore, if you are given yellow flowers, think about it. After all, this means that they have tender feelings and reverent love for you.

Why give chrysanthemums

Surely you are wondering what the colors of this plant can mean. White in these colors means:

  • confidence;
  • sincerity;
  • friendliness.

This is not only a royal plant, but also a symbol of prosperity, well-being, health, it also helps to heal the soul from everything negative. In addition, the flower helps to relax and unwind.

For example, lilac chrysanthemums emit an incredibly strong and alluring aroma, but this color does not carry any special meanings. The maximum that the lilac color can say is about friendliness.

But the red color speaks better than any words - this is a declaration of passionate love.

Pink chrysanthemums can tell about a person's love. blue, blue flowers say: "You are smart"; they denote praise and admiration for a woman.

Now at the peak of popularity among children, young people and even many adults is the anime of Japanese creators. Perhaps that is why many fans of Japanese animation want to know more about the Country rising sun. In fact, the rich history, culture and identity of Japan can not only delight, but also surprise and amaze.

What flower is the symbol of Japan?

Many people are sure that the flower symbol of Japan is sakura. However, this is a big misconception. The inhabitants of the country love the chrysanthemum so passionately that they unofficially recognized it as a flower symbol of Japan. The official name of this plant is "kikkamonsho", i.e. "coat of arms in the form of a chrysanthemum". Moreover, it is a flower with 16 petals that is considered a sign of imperial power, the Sun and wealth. It is often mistaken for the state emblem. The chrysanthemum flower adorns the coat of arms of the Japanese imperial court, and it is also located in the passports of the Japanese.

Chrysanthemum as a symbol of Japan. Legend

Even Japan itself should thank the chrysanthemum for its origin. In ancient times, according to a famous legend, the Chinese cruel emperor learned that a magical plant, the chrysanthemum, grows on the islands beyond the sea. From the juice of this flower it was possible to prepare an elixir of immortality. However, the magic had power if the flower was plucked by an honest kind person with good intentions. The emperor knew that neither he nor his subordinates would be able to maintain this power, since they all had evil hearts. Therefore, he found an honest doctor and selected three hundred girls and boys, so that each one would pick a flower. Of this number, there must surely be at least one person who is able to maintain this action. On the island, all the people were fascinated by the beauty of the area. They all understood that after they returned, the emperor would execute them, so no one dared to come back to their homeland. On the island they founded their own state called Japan.

Some facts about chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is considered one of the most common species flower crops on our continent. The chrysanthemum received universal recognition and love for a variety of types and forms. Certain types of flower came to us from the countries of the Mediterranean and Africa, but China and Japan still act as the main homeland. The first image of a flower is considered to be a drawing on Chinese porcelain products found by archaeologists. These products were made at least 2.5 thousand years ago. The flower can be seen in patterns on fabrics, dishes and vases. AT ancient time the chrysanthemum depicted on was considered sacred, and therefore only representatives of the imperial family wore it.

The symbolic flower of Japan represents happiness and wisdom. the ancient Japanese identified this bright, radiating power and energy plant with the sun. It is the chrysanthemum that is associated with the goddess of the Sun - Amaterasu, who is considered the head of the divine temple and the ancient ancestor of the Japanese emperors.

Flower-symbol chrysanthemum in the life of Japan

Back in the 12th century, Emperor Gotoba during the years of 1183-1198, being a fierce admirer of the chrysanthemum, used the symbol of Japan as a personal seal. Following him, this tradition was supported by other rulers of the Kamakura era. Subsequently, it so happened that the tacit consent of the ruling clan elevated the chrysanthemum to the status of a sacred insignia of imperial persons.

In official order, a 16-petal chrysanthemum was used as the coat of arms of the imperial court in 1869. After 2 years, the government issued a decree, according to which the right of representatives of the imperial house to use the image of a chrysanthemum was secured. At the same time, all other Japanese did not have the right to use it. This ban is no longer in effect.

During the Second World War, the chrysanthemum became a symbol of the Great Japanese Empire. The image of a chrysanthemum was attached to military aircraft and ships. Kamikaze warriors were also allowed to use the symbol of Japan as a sign of courage. Soldiers' helmets, sleeve patches and cases were decorated with anchors and chrysanthemums. The names of military operations also mentioned the name of the chrysanthemum.

Healing and magical properties of chrysanthemum

Ancient Japanese women wiped their skin every day with a piece of cloth that was soaked in the dew of chrysanthemum flowers. It was a kind of ancient facial tonic. In old times beautiful girls called "o-kiku-san" (おきくさん), thereby comparing their prettiness with a chrysanthemum.

The Japanese have long believed that the symbolic flower of Japan, which was plucked on the 9th day of the 9th month, has magical powers. They sincerely believe that these plants can protect against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes. It is on this day that all of Japan celebrates the “Chrysanthemum Festival”. Today it is not a public holiday, but in the Heian era it was celebrated on a grand scale by noble Japanese. The Imperial Court received many guests, among whom there were always poets and musicians. There were competitions for the best poem about chrysanthemums, boat rides decorated with these flowers, and general admiration for flower arrangements.

It turns out that the flower is a symbol of Japan and its leaves can be eaten. They have been used to promote and maintain health for several centuries, and not only in Japan. The substances contained in the chrysanthemum help to stock up on vitality and keep them for a long time.

For cooking, young flowers and leaves of vegetable chrysanthemum are taken, containing maximum amount useful substances. A small amount of this drug is enough to strengthen the health of the whole organism. Vegetable chrysanthemum leaves suitable for eating are called shungiku. They have a pleasant smell and an unusual spicy taste that can ennoble any most ordinary dish. Salads and seasonings for meat and fish dishes, as well as omelets, mashed potatoes and sandwiches are prepared from the leaves. The leaves can be dried and used in ground form. I wonder if you would dare to try such a dish, and would you like it?

The Japanese firmly believe that chrysanthemum petals in a glass of wine will provide good health and long life. The symbol of Japan is tremblingly guarded, its new varieties are being developed and carefully studied by gardeners.

Some more interesting facts about the symbol of Japan - the chrysanthemum

Translated from Japanese language the name of the chrysanthemum means "sun", so it symbolizes this heavenly body that gives life to everything on the planet. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun deeply respect the flower-symbol of Japan and devote a lot of time to its growth and breeding of new varieties.

Love for chrysanthemum in the East is boundless, therefore folk holidays. It is rightfully considered a symbol of well-being, longevity and happiness. A bouquet of chrysanthemums is considered a great way to show friendship, as the chrysanthemum brings fun, joy and relaxation, and also helps to show the openness of friendship. At the same time, a red flower denotes the manifestation of passionate love feelings, yellow color indicates tender love, and white indicates sincerity.

Today, the symbol of Japan exists primarily for aesthetic pleasure. Since the 17th century, an important and major center has been considered Nihonmatsu. It is here that exhibitions are held annually in the autumn. Throughout the province, you can see buildings, statues and flower beds of chrysanthemums. Of great interest to the public are puppets, which are a frame with a head, and robes are chrysanthemums, carefully selected by designers.

Owners decorate their cars with chrysanthemums. Flowers and compositions, where leading role plays the symbol of Japan, can be provided by everyone, from schoolchildren to entire offices of large companies. Therefore, absolutely everyone grows chrysanthemums in Japan: from small to large.

Chrysanthemum is considered a universal flower, almost the oldest on our planet. The rich history of the existence of the plant goes far into antiquity. Many references to the flower are in the manuscripts of philosophers who admired and enjoyed the beauty and properties of a beautiful plant. Thanks to them, the popularity of chrysanthemum quickly spread from the East to Europe in the Middle Ages.

What do you know about the chrysanthemum, the symbol of Japan? Share in the comments.

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The range of flowers in stores today is extremely wide. However, more and more buyers choose a bouquet for a gift. chrysanthemums. The meaning of the flower, the variety of colors and shapes of the bud have long turned it into great way expressions of feelings. But the main thing is that the chrysanthemum looks great both in a mono-bouquet and as part of original flower arrangements.

Symbol of the sun, wealth and power

Chrysanthemum is popular on almost all continents, but the East is considered its homeland. Moreover, disputes do not subside over where it appeared earlier: in China or Japan. In this regard, there was such a legend.

The ancient Chinese emperor became aware that an amazing plant grows on one of the islands. sunny flower- initially there were yellow chrysanthemums, the meaning of which is associated precisely with the luminary - capable of giving immortality. But he acquired magical property only on the condition that it was plucked by a pure person, with an exceptionally kind heart. It is clear that there were none in the environment of the ruler. Then the emperor ordered to send 300 young girls and boys to the island - one of them definitely had to bring a flower with a miraculous effect. However, the young people immediately realized that they were unlikely to survive if they obeyed the order. And they settled on the island, which impressed with its beauty, forever. So, according to legend, Japan appeared, the symbol of which many consider sakura. In fact, it is the chrysanthemum (the meaning of the flower is very multifaceted) that can be found on the signs of imperial power: seals, emblems and even on clothes. And its name "kikkamonse" is translated from Japanese only as "coat of arms in the form of chrysanthemums."

queen of autumn

2-3 millennia ago, chrysanthemum grew only in the gardens and palaces of emperors. But already in the Middle Ages, a golden-colored plant - this is how its name is translated from Latin - appeared in Europe and immediately interested gardeners, and then breeders. Today, at least 150 varieties of chrysanthemum have been bred. The meaning of the flower, originally associated with a symbol of longevity, prosperity, power, has expanded significantly. This is used by compilers who skillfully select chrysanthemums for bouquets. various shapes(with small or large inflorescences, with a ball-shaped bud or resembling a large chamomile, etc.) and color. Moreover, the latter is often of paramount importance, since in the language of flowers a chrysanthemum can say a lot to the one to whom it is addressed.

The colors of this color, supposedly symbolizing separation, are always prejudiced. However, it is the golden (can be considered yellow) chrysanthemum that is depicted on the coat of arms of Japan, probably as a symbol of power and wealth. Remembering the story of the Chinese emperor, you can add a sign of health and longevity to this. Therefore, bouquet designers often add yellow chrysanthemum - the meaning of the flower indicated above, in this case it is difficult to deny - in bouquets intended for the stronger sex. The Chinese, by the way, do not accidentally consider the yellow chrysanthemum to be a conductor of Yang - male energy.

In addition, yellow chrysanthemums - good way assure friendship and fidelity, show sincerity of feelings and openness of relations, or simply cheer up. You can safely give them for a birthday or any other holiday - such a bright bouquet is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Another one good omen: presenting similar flowers to his chosen one, the beloved, along with them, offers her his hand and heart. So do not be afraid of this sunny, warm color - after all, it may well be the beginning of a new beautiful life.

Bouquet of white chrysanthemums

Other meanings

But not only at the wedding, white chrysanthemums are appropriate. The meanings of this color make such flowers simply necessary if you need to ask for forgiveness, assure someone of your sincerity and repentance. After all, the white bouquet seems to whisper: "Trust me and forgive me." And given that chrysanthemums last up to 2 weeks, they will still remind you of their donor for a long time.

However, White color more neutral than the others. This means that such chrysanthemums are also suitable for a completely official setting: they can be presented not only to close people, but also to the boss, teacher, physician, etc.

It should be noted that the inhabitants of some European countries endow white chrysanthemums with the meaning of mourning and sadness. They, for example, can be seen in the buttonhole of an Italian at the funeral of a loved one. But this fact does not detract from the merits of this noble flower and does not make it less popular and in demand for various celebrations.

Red shades

Red has always been considered a symbol of passion and love. As a result, it is these bouquets that are most often given to the fair sex. And in the case of chrysanthemum, you can pick up a bouquet for almost every occasion.

Pink flowers are usually given to girls - this is a great way for a young man to express passionate love, for example, on Valentine's Day. Red and burgundy are the best as a gift for a birthday or March 8 to a mature woman. Such a chrysanthemum would be very appropriate in a bouquet intended for a close relative, for example, mother or grandmother.

Blue and lilac chrysanthemum

The meaning of the flower has already formed in our days, since it was bred artificially. And since the blue chrysanthemum itself is already unusual, with its help it will be great to emphasize the creativity of the one to whom it is intended. As a result, such a bouquet is ideal for congratulating a colleague. But close person will be pleasantly surprised original gift. Often they give blue chrysanthemums to their beloved girls as an assurance of love and fidelity.

Almost the same can be said about the lilac chrysanthemum, adding only that it looks more delicate. So why not surprise your beloved with an unusual lilac bouquet, hinting at her originality and individuality?

green chrysanthemum

This color always looks harmonious, and therefore, in any place and in any situation, it creates a joyful, peaceful atmosphere - just remember the state of mind of a person at the beginning of spring.

The green chrysanthemums bred by breeders will undoubtedly bring positive and remind you of the endlessness of life, its constant renewal and movement forward. This means that the original bouquet will appeal to an old friend, a successful man, and a work colleague. They will be good both in a mono-bouquet and in combination with chrysanthemums of delicate shades. In the latter case, it would be appropriate to present flowers to a girl and even a girl, emphasizing her energy and youth, romanticism and spiritual purity.

Thus, there can be many options for composing bouquets with this majestic flower. And knowing what chrysanthemums symbolize, you can pick up a bouquet for any person and for different reasons.

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