What grass is put in a pond to clean. Pond plants: make decorative reservoir

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Correctly choosing plants for the pond in the country, you can give your site a unique look, and not just please the eye, but also create a product of design art, draining all the decorative components. You can emphasize the relief of the reservoir different ways And make a pond little masterpiece. To achieve a unique effect in the design garden Pond We will need months of painstaking work, but they are compensated by their own pleasure, the amazement of guests and beautiful photos In the family album. Making up detailed plan Action on the landscaping of the reservoir in the country should not forget about the trifles.

In this business, everything has crucialstarting with the size of the reservoir, its configuration and depth, and ending externally execution shores and character of plants planted on them because appearanceand compatibility, as well as the time of flowering plants near the pond can perform many additional featuresAnd the decorative is not the most important of them. Plants in the pond will prevent the heating of water and its evaporation, tina and algae ingrowth. Having created a double plan from short and tall plants, you can visually deepen the relief of homogeneous terrain, at the same time giving the plants near the pond mutually protecting each other.

The pond should be planted different species Herbs and algae, try to cover all categories. Be sure to be the following plants:

  • deep-water, adapted for life at a depth of at least 40 cm;
  • superficial;
  • oxyerators producing oxygen;
  • floating blooming.

This is necessary so that the entire surface of the reservoir looks like a green carpet, and at the same time all plants were in good condition.

Deepoded and beautiful

The most common among plants with strong roots are waters, water lilies and lotuses. They received such a prevailing consumption due to their beauty and variety of species. Seeds of pita, properly roasted, can serve as a complete replacement of coffee. Water lilies bloom from the very beginning of summer, differ in variety of varieties and color Gamma., Each flower, blossoming on the surface of the reservoirs, pleases the eye 4-5 days. To obtain a new plant, it is enough to cut the side escape from the rhizomes and plant in a separate container, and after a certain period to transplanted into the pond. You can collect seeds and try to grow water lily yourself, but it is better to use specially treated, which are collected in nurseries. Lotuss are much more difficult to grow than water lily, they are not for any climatic beltBut the pita shirts are perfect in the reservoir and have a strong root, which significantly increases their survival.

Surface blossoms

This category of plants should certainly apply for water bodies, since they, sucking the organic, support environmental equilibrium. In addition, Azole, Wolfia, Water Walnut and the Rubblenik do not need deep, but are protected by water from tina and algae. They are extremely unpretentious, do not require additional effort and, being deliberately delivered, perfectly multiply, sometimes even more than required. Floating flowering (litter, waterfront, bubble and hydrokelis) with all its external beauty require caution in planning. Whether to cover with their leaves should not more than half of the water. Flowers in these plants are not so beautiful as in water lily or lotus, but pleasantly fit into the general solution and harmonize with the reservoir.

Plants for the reservoir (video)

Oxygen suppliers

Rogoltnik and Turcha are the most common among pond plants. There is no root from the rogolistnik, it is cling to transparent processes per il, and Turcha is a rosette of leaves, freely floating on the surface. Both plants are perennial, Turcha usually winter on the bottom of the reservoir, it does not bloom very beautifully, but they are indispensable, since they do not simply supply oxygen to water, but also clean the water and create a very useful microclimate for the remaining dwellers of the pond. Harmoniously balanced the number of plants in a specific reservoir, you can get a fairy tale on the water.

To create a smooth effect of the coast transition to the composite design of the cottage, coastal plants are widely used. The most common of them are iris, reed, rogoz and sowak umbrella. Flowers of the Iris, widely known to all enthusiasts of gardening, appear in July, when many plants near the pond are already losing the ability to flowering. Coastal plants are extremely designed near the pond, because they support the common microclimate and strengthen the shores. Different Iris varieties will also please their eyes abundant blossom. In addition, none of the plants of the coastal zone requires special care.

Combatibility and harmony

When creating a general solution of a cottage or household plot with a pond, you should not forget about plants around it. Plants around the pond should not close it, and the landed trees are strongly shaded. Making everything in the country with their own hands, you need to strictly stick certain rules. Trees should be carefully chosen taking into account their specific properties, compatibility, features of the crown and root system so that near the reservoir did not have those that can, by virtue of specific properties, prevent its beauty and prevent blossoms. It is not necessary to plant trees around the pond, it is possible to refute if you are used to wind up or successfully apply moisture shrubs, for example, some types of barbaris, magonia, juniper or a kislist. Perfectly will look in Thu. Many experienced gardeners It is recommended in the first 2-3 years not to shade the shore to give the opportunity to grow and strengthen the coastal plants. View garden plot At this time, it will not be very rich, but afterwards all temporary inconvenience are compensated by a magnificent view.

After the construction of the decorative reservoir, you can immediately begin the decoration of the coastal zone, as well as the water surface. To plant plants for the pond in the country with their own hands, but it is necessary to strictly observe the growing conditions for each individual type and the rule of care. Compliance with all the requirements will allow an artificial pond to wake in all its glory, but it is important to be prepared for the fact that this will require not one year of constant attention.

How to make a reservoir on the shore and in water

When landing should have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich cultures need to be planted directly into the water, in shallow water and on the shores. This knowledge will eventually lead to the receipt of that result that will delight all family members. Even a novice flower deceased in all nuances, taking advantage of the tips of the experienced.

What to land in the coastal zone

When choosing plants around the pond at the cottage it is necessary to proceed from which of them like wet soil or shallow water. Depending on the location of the reservoir, you should choose the teothelubile instances or, on the contrary, preferring a bright sun.

There are low and high species. Miniature copies are represented by a variety of shape and color, so they are more preferable when planning on the shore. For several years, grow. It should be noted that blue hosts are more like a shadow, and copies with green color will feel good in a half.

Its narrow leaves grow to 60-80 cm. It is valued for the appearance, which is unchanged until the middle of the winter, but the spring is cut off in the spring. Prefers shadow.

3. Praying.

The gardeners do not arise the disputes about what plants put at the pond in the country. Most converge in the opinion that cereals are indispensable attribute Beautiful shore. Praying is a perennial with elegant, long, narrow leaves. There are many types of from 40 to 150 cm high. Differ in color. Long blooms. Loves solar places, but does not tolerate drought. It is better to plant solo, surrounding low cultures.

4. Derbennik is iris.

Widespread in the swampy places of the Moscow region, from where it can be brought to his garden. Derbennik - a bush with narrow leaves up to 150 cm high. Purple inflorescences beautifully shade the water in summer period. Unpretentious. Loves wet soil and half.

Suitable for large water bodies, as it is valued for the volume. Flowers in May. Unpretentious. Frost resistant. For the decoration during the spring period, the foot can land daffodils, irises, primroses. He loves half.

This is the perfect plant for the pond in the garden. There are many types of fern, but they all wonderfully feel on the shore, as they like wet soil. Depending on the species, the leaf pattern is different, the height of which is from 30 cm to 1.5 m. There are evergreen specimens. It is not better to plant from each other better, as it grows up to 3 m. Moofly biting. Prefers shadow.

Gardeners love an astilb carved leaves And beautiful colors hat. Depending on the species, the height varies from 40 cm to 2 m. Low species use in landscape design. Loves wet soil and half.

What plants come down in shallow water

Finished forms of water bodies are produced with special pockets, which are easy to plant moisture-loving flowers. They also close the unsightly edge of the plastic. When selecting plants for an artificial pond, made of concrete and film, also relevant consideration of instances that prefer shallow water.

For a large reservoir, AIR Bolotnaya is suitable, reaching 1 m in height. For a small - AIR cereal tall up to 40 cm. Different long swipped leaves with rolver around the edge. At the beginning of summer blooms. Inflorescence - pillage. Not particularly beautiful, but recognizable. Loves the sun.

White - Poison Plant

One of the favorite plants for the pond at the cottage, the photo of which pleases the eye. Gardeners prefer him for unpretentiousness and large leaves. The whitefall is quickly growing, so it is planted in a container or pot, and then placed in the water, but shallow. Flowers in May-June, a large chipboard on which red poisonous berries are formed.

Some types of irises grow well in shallow water, reaching the height of 80-120 cm. Flowers purple. The plant is important during the day being under the sunny rays of 5-7 hours.

A small perennial tall up to 10 cm. Quickly grow. There is a similarity with clover. Unpretentious. Withstand frost.

The racing plant with a height of up to 50 cm. Quickly grow. Flowers in summer lilac inflorescences. When rubbing, a characteristic mint fragrance is heard.

What to choose for landing into water

When choosing a plant for a pond in the country, you need to understand that water flowers should not occupy the entire surface. Separate green islets look very beautiful. Aquatic instances differ in the depths of the location and are planted into containers. Pots are easy to rearrange if there is a desire to change the design.

To deep-water include:

There are many legends about nymphy, because it is really beautiful. Blossom starts in summer and ends at the end of autumn. there is frost-resistant varieties. Large leaves, flowers 10-15 cm in diameter. There are hybrid species in which 2.5 cm flowers are planted at a depth of 1 m.

His inflorescences rise above the water and publish a vanilla fragrance. It grows up to half a meter. Plant winter-hardy, unpretentious. Original leaves attract attention.

To floating water stroits include:

Often used during decorating. Leaves up to 5 cm in diameter. Flowers are nondescript, white, quickly die off. Watercrax is good at the bottom, and the spring rises and blooms again.

Looks like small fern. Attracts gardeners with their miniature. Quickly covers the water surface, like a carpet, so it periodically needs to be caught. Looks original, loves the sun. In winter it is better to clean out of the pond, as it does not tolerate frosts.

You can choose a variety of crops for decoration, but you can not forget about leaving for round year. In the summer, it comes down to watering and cropping of dead leaves. Also, many are faced with the appearance of ripples, small algae, which are definitely removed. IN winter Many containers are better to pull out of the water and remove to the basement.

Now increasingly and more often on the plots such elements of landscape design appear as artificial reservoirs. And as otherwise, it is so nice to relax in nature, contemplating the water surface. But what a reservoir can do without such a necessary detail like plants. Landscaping in the water space and coastal zone - very important momentwhere I would like to stop in more detail.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Starting to landscaping the reservoir in the country, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. Will plants survive winter in a reservoir or near him. From the answer to this question depends the choice of plants and the way they are landing. Many plants for the design of the coastal territory of a decorative pond in the country can be planted in containers.
  2. On which plants to stop their choice - on deep-water, oxyerators, coastal or floating? Answer this question will help you the classification of plants, which is shown below.
  3. When and how to plant aquatic plants.

Answering all these questions, you can decide with common view Decorative pond, and with its durability, as well as with the ability to provide the life of the aquatic inhabitants, if there are.

Aquatic plants are plants growing and living only in aquatic environment (in the photo).

This is mostly perennials. Such habitat gave water plants with a list of certain signs and features:

  • the leaves in aquatic plants have a form dismembered in the form of a filament,
  • stems - air cavities,
  • roots in aquatic plants are poorly developed.

Water plants are classified differently, and there is no single system for this, but there are basic groups based on which, you can make a choice:

Oxygineranufacturers - plants that actively distinguish oxygen, thereby providing the lives of all the inhabitants of the garden pond - fish, frogs and others.

  1. Plants of this group can be food, for example, for such fish, like carps.
  2. They still perform and function biological purification Water in the reservoir.

So that the hydraulic agents are coping with the purification function, and with oxygen saturation function, it is necessary to choose several types of such plants for a garden pond, but at the same time do not overdo it.

The most popular such aquatic plants that perform these functions:

  • turcha is swampy
  • asterisk water
  • ugut
  • rogoltnik.

Decor Prud

Rogolistnik - a plant that is called a submarine Christmas tree. It is very beautiful, decorative and growing rapidly.

  1. The rogue can live in different ponds, even very deep.
  2. He does not like bright light, preferring shadow.
  3. The rootary system does not have, and special twigs are lowered into the ground.
  4. The rornship is often used as food for the inhabitants of a homepage.
  5. The leaves of this plant actively absorb carbon dioxide, nitrites, nitrates and other elements, so it can be used to clean the reservoir in the country.
  6. On the winter time, the leaves of the rogolistnik die, but shoots perfectly winter at the bottom of the reservoir.

What a rogue looks like, look at the photo:

Floating plants - aquatic plants that float on the surface, giving a pond at the cottage a special charm. Water floating plants can be planted directly on the bottom of the reservoir or in containers. They are both tropical and frost-resistant. In care, such aquatic plants are usually not demanding, but it is necessary to control the growth rates. Floating aquatic plants grow very quickly and without control can take the entire surface of the pond, which is already undesirable.

These floating water representatives are the most common:

  • duckweed,
  • waterfronts,
  • eukhorean.

Watercrews - a plant that is perfect for a small pond.

Most often for landscaping reservoirs, waterfronts are used frog, blooming all summer. It blooms with white flowers, and the leaves are round, as in the photo:

Eukhorenia or aqueous hyacinth is used for water purification, and to decorate the pond.

Eukhore flowers with lilac and white flowers.

This plant is very poorly transporting frosts, so it is better to plant it in the containers, and for the winter to relocate in the aquarium.

Deepive plants - aquatic plants that will help to add floating and create the composition you need. Deepive plants can grow in shallow decorative water bodies with clean water.

Many water plants growing under water can not be overwhelmed there, they need to be planted in various containers so that in winter it can be added to the cool room at the cottage or in the basement.

More common and non-addicts are considered: Nymphi, Cubia, APONTON.

Nymphi is a plant that can be decorate with any reservoir. She is unpretentious and just care for her.

  1. There are more than 35 species of nymph.
  2. They bloom in different colors. Water lilies are white, red, yellow and blue.
  3. In size, they are also different: 2.5 cm is a dwarf view, and up to 15 cm - snow-white water lily.
  4. They distinguish them and in frost resistance, and the depth on which they grow.

Different varieties are intended for different sizes and depth of ponds. What a water lily looks like, look at the photo, and you can learn more in more detail from the article on our site.

Cube is a plant with dark yellow flower and a thick pestle. The diameter of the colors of the cube is from 3 to 8 cm. Floating water from the water, the leaves look very well.

Aponoghethon - perennialwhich is considered one of the best for the pond in the country.

  1. The aponoghethon has thick fatnevous roots and oblong leaves.
  2. It grows well, and his bloom is quite long.
  3. If 60 cm is deeper than 60 cm, plants can be turned in water.

Coastal plants - plants that grow on the shore of the reservoir, decorating its contour and protecting water from unnecessary heating into the summer heat.

It is necessary to choose not very high restart plants, calculating so that the shade falls directly to the pond.

Do not put trees into coastal zones. Roots of trees can destroy the shore line of the pond and damage the waterproofing layer. If there is a need to place a tree, near the pond, then it is better to make it away from the shore.

To decorate the reservoir at the cottage, such coastal plants will help you as:

  • barberry,
  • dwarfish
  • pine,
  • iris.

Iris is a perennial who has a lot of varieties.

  1. Flowering iris can be different colors - from yellow to bright purple.
  2. It transplants it easily and at any time.
  3. Prefer these coastal plants brightly illuminated and well-humidized areas.
  4. In winter, shelter is required.

On the shore of the reservoir, Iris can grow to 1.2 m in height. And what does Iris look like, look at the photo above.

Methods of planting plants

Water plants for landscaping the pond can be placed in containers and vases or directly into the soil in the reservoir.

If plants plant in the ground, you need to adhere to such recommendations:

  1. 8 cm of fertile soil is embanked to the bottom, which follows from sand, compost and cowboat.
  2. Plants are planted into the soil: high - near the coastline floating in the reservoir center.
  3. Plant roots must be filled with 4 cm of river sand. Sand protects the soil from flushing.

More conveniently and rationally, it is considered to plant plants for landscaping a pond in containers.

With such a planting of the plant can be hidden on the winter from the frost and, if necessary, change the composition, placing plants otherwise.

For landing in the container, you will need:

  1. Take a spacious container. Little capacity will limit root system Plants, and this will prevent growth and development.
  2. Put inside the burlap container, which will help protect the soil from leaching.
  3. Plant a plant, falling asleep roots of the earth. The land should be 4 cm below from the top edge of the container.
  4. After disembarking, the plant can be fertilized by clay fertilizers mixed with bone flour.
  5. From above, 4 cm left to the top edge should be filled with gravel. Gravel - protective layerwhich can protect the soil and ensure the stability of containers.

Sutting the plants, the containers will need to be installed on the bottom of the pond.

No matter how you decide to plant plants, you need to observe such a rule: plants whose leaves are on the surface of the reservoir, should not close more than half of the water (as in the photo).

Landing time and waterpapers

Water plants are improving in summer when temperature mode better.

If a decorative pond At the cottage only built, planting plants in it can not be in it. Construction Materials may allocate toxic substancesAnd plants may die.

  1. It is necessary to plant plants in artificial reservoirs not earlier than a few weeks after the end of construction, and it is better for the next season.
  2. Each plant is desirable to divert the software, 4-5 m2 of the area. More accurate data on the necessary water space should be specified when placing plants.
  3. The main departure for plants in the pond is to conduct regular cleaning. If you do not do this on time, you will have to restore, and this is a more time-consuming occupation.

To clean the reservoir and care, such tools will be needed:

  • pond scissors
  • secator
  • forceps,
  • sucker.
  1. Leaves of plants that wished, beat and began to fade, need to immediately cut off and clean out of the pond.
  2. In the spring of pollen, the fluff, the flowers, falling on the water, prevent the oxygen and the light to act in artificial reservoirs, feasting plants and fish. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the pollution of this character regularly. Sachkom do it easy. A similar problem occurs in the fall, but with fallen leaves.
  3. Such plants like a sitney, reed and other shallow-cutting - not need to cut for the winter. Falling, the stems of these plants serve as conductors of oxygen under the ice. Stems of such plants are cut off already in the spring.
  4. If you want to make biochemical preparations and fertilizers in the pond, then you need to do this solely according to the instructions. Overdose can change water quality and its composition, which is adversely affected by plants and on other inhabitants of the pond.

We told you about the most common plants that can be used, landscaping artificial reservoirs. You can only make a choice and decorate the pond at the cottage according to your preferences and wishes of your loved ones.

What plants are best to choose for a pond, you will learn from the video.

Many people have a dream to have a small fishing or decorative pond on a personal homestead. And of course, its exercise requires a lot of effort. But if all this is passed and the reservoir is ready, it remains to be beautifully decorated and finding the corresponding plants suitable for life in water. About how to choose a flora for his pond to tell separately, focusing on some points.

Plants necessary pond

Determine which plants are needed for a particular pond is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Personal reservoir at the house is not only bright landscape designer decisionBut it is a whole ecosystem. A viable environment in which their rules and the principles of arrangement are existed. Absolutely naturally that for normal coexistence of microorganisms and execution various tasks A variety of plants are needed that will perform different functions from each other. It means that the types of water plants will differ in the objectives of their landing in the reservoir.

By general principles Seedlings can be divided into:

  • coastal
  • waterfowl
  • oxigenerator, that is, aimed at purification of water from carbon dioxide,
  • assual.

In this case, if we exclude from this classification at least one type of plants, then the tasks of normal functioning aquatic environment All ecological balance will not be disturbed.

Factors affecting the choice

Select plants for a dacha pond is an interesting and quite complicated task. Find which plants will be appropriate and adequate in the existing reservoir is not easy. The choice of the necessary plants affect different factors. From the purpose of the pond himself will depend on what plants should settle there. It is logical that various plants will need for fishing and decorative reservoirs.

It also affects such a factor as the lead to one side of the pond under the recreation area. General design Must be organically combined with selected plants and idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner. Therefore, along the shore, which is planned to spend time, it is recommended to disembark low plants, grassy type that will not close the view of the pond and access to it.

Plants represent not only design

It is definitely that the decor of a personal reservoir equipped in its territory performs aesthetic function and is an integral part of the landscape design, it is designed to delight and meet the needs of the owner, but its purpose is not limited. Plants around the pond carry out a very important role. Thanks to their leaves, the shadow on the reservoir is partially formed, which protects against unnecessary sun ray And prevents excessive appearance of algae, as well as rotting at the bottom. Water significantly longer remains clean and transparent, and in addition, it does not heat so much, which has great importance For fish living in a pond.

Plants should be planted, given the areas of the reservoir, depending on its depth. Closer to the center of the pond, in its deepest point, there are deep-water plants. Floating shallow plants on the contrary land from the coast or in a wetland. Plants that love moisture and feel good in the soil cheese, placed on the coast. And on the shore shrubs, flowers, soil plants are planted.

Rules for planting plants and decoration of the country pond

Before you do directly disembarking plants, you need to decide on the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning your pond, understand what I want to see ultimately. It is best to make a preliminary sketch of the desired result.

Note! Do not buy all the aquatic plants in a row, as this will not lead to the decoration and refining a pond, but to turning it into the similarity of a crowded tasteless flower shop.

Plants should be chosen taking into account specific needs for a specific pond. It is important that the water was not too empty, but was not crowded. The number and types of plants that need to fill the pond depend on its size, from the presence or absence of fish in it, from general design Landscape.

IN little pond No more than three plants should be planted to avoid the effect of overload. A large reservoir is filled with six or seven species of different plants. At the same time, it is necessary to start the disembarkation from the most unassuming perennials. And already when such plants are nearing, it will be possible to add other, more demanding and even exotic.

Highlight two methods how can plant plants:

  • in containers
  • right into the ground.

Reference! These methods have two sides of the medal, that is, positive and negative points.

Features of the disembarkation in containers are manifested in the fact that you can choose any ordinary pot for these purposes. But the lattice plastic garden tanks, baskets or special containers, which are sold for aquatic plants are better. It is desirable that there are quite large cells that allow you to wash the roots with water. On the bottom of such a container, the bag is lined up so that the soil is not washed away, and the small pebbles are poured over the burlap for weighting of the container. Next, it is filled with soil and plant plant.

The main advantage of this method is the convenience of moving plants in the pond, the ability to easily change the design and interior of the reservoir. If necessary, the plants are quite simply removed from the pond, they do not need to dig. And, in addition, the containers constrain the growth of the root system.

However, plant landing in containers is not suitable for small ponds, as the containers are visible in water, and this spoils aesthetic perception or they have to mask, which creates unnecessary troubles. Soil after a while is exhausted and discomfort, starvation, and, therefore, plants begin to bloom poorly or dying. It is necessary to know that some fish tear the soil from containers, which worsens the position of seedlings.

Plant landing directly into the soil will make the pond more natural and natural. At the beginning of the work on the landing velocity, the soil layer in 20 or 30 centimeters is poured. It is not necessary to choose fertile soil. The best option The substrate collected from loamy soil is considered. But in the absence of the opportunity to independently make such an earth, you can buy a special soil for aquatic plants, which is a good alternative.
This method of planting seedlings plus is that being in a permanent place, they are experiencing less stress, better bloom and such a landing method is well suited for landscaping a pond with a high bank. However, there are both negative sides of this method. There is no possibility to easily move plants along the pond (and near the pond), each time they need to dig and transplant them to the containers.

Which method is more convenient to apply and what is more organic fit into the design of a particular reservoir, only the owner solves.

Right plant plants, starting in April and until mid-July. Landing begins with deep-water oxyerator plants on one bundle per 1 sq.m. Containers with plants are also located after 1 sq.m. In order to run in the pond of the pita, the water temperature should rise to 18-20 degrees. At the same time can be filled with water floating plants. After disembarking aquatic plants, the shore is addressed.

Important! The correct landing of aquatic plants is much simplified by the care of them in the future.

Types of aquatic plants

There are many pond plants. Most of them can live well and develop both in natural and artificial water bodies. Depending on the zone of plants, they are classified for:

  • coastal
  • floating
  • oxyerators
  • deep-sea
  • swamp

Such a separation of species allows you to effectively fill the space and do not miss important elements For the normal functioning of the local ecosystem.

What takes on shallow water

In shallow water, as a rule, we will install moisture-boring plants. Such plants give the pond completed and bright vieware an important stage His design.

All these sementers are suitable for embarking on shallow water and for a swampy terrain, so they can be fully considered not only coastal, but also a swamp.

Floating plants

Representatives of the flora floating on the surface of water strokes belong to the categories of floating, and perform a very important role for a reservoir. So they form a shade and prevent overheating of water, contribute to its transparency, neutralize a detrimental effect on the purity of the pond of decaying substances, support the ecological balance.

The most common green creatures of this variety are spodder, Wolfia, Wedge, Azole. They are completely uncomplicated, easily adapt and grow in sun, and in shaded places. The most beautiful representatives are the Lironium, Hydrokeeis, Watercraft, Bubble.

Feature! It is necessary to remember that floating plants should not cover more than half of the reservoir, but better to plant them in small quantities.


The hydroxyerators are a special genus of aqueous plants, as they purify water from carbon dioxide and is supplied with oxygen. Externally, they are not so seductive as other variations, but their functionality is difficult to replace anything. Thanks to them, there is not only a beautiful fish environment, if it lives in a pond, but also prevents the appearance of algae, since the absorbing mineral substances from water, oxygen generators are deprived of algae. Bright examples are:

  • rDEST
  • whistle
  • elodea,
  • rogolitnik

Deepive plants

Assual Flora representatives live in the thickness of water at a depth of more than 40 centimeters. As a rule, this place is located in the center of the pond, so such sementers are the main decoration of the reservoir.

Reference! Since the reservoir center is the main area of \u200b\u200bits zone and attracts the most attention, it is necessary to plant deep-water plants there, which will be noticeable on the surface.


Water cultures landed in the country pond require a careful relationship and care, along with garden shrubs and flowers. Accordingly, there will be special scissors to take care of them, adapted to work in water, a secateur, forceps, special fertilizers, a cinc.

The yellowed leaves must be cut immediately with scissors, and if they are far from the shore, then you can pull the task and perform the task.

It is important to remove the flowers or foliage from the pond. Otherwise, the rotting will begin, which hurts and the reservoir, and its inhabitants.

Do not cut into coastal zone And shallow water dry plants, since in the winter they will be perfect oxygen conductors under the ice. But when spring comes, they will need to be removed. And before winter, the winter kidneys should be concentrated and stored in a warm place until the next season.

An important condition for the comfort of the pond flora is the use of quality fertilizers.


The possession of its own reservoir brings moral and aesthetic satisfaction. And in order for the water to please the eye when creating a vegetable decor, the main thing is not to rearrange. The coherent structure from plants should decorate the interior of the pond, filling the contemplator with positive emotions and leaving harmony and peace in the soul.

Useful videos

A small pond on the countryside is one of the most popular elements of landscape design, and the aqueous plants for the pond carry not only a decorative function, but also protect it.

Aquatic plants grow well not only in natural water bodies, but also in artificial ponds in the country and panstones. In addition, they can grow in any climatic conditions.

The main thing is to choose the necessary varieties of plants for beautiful decor reservoir.

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    Classification of varieties

    There are 2 types of aquatic plants:

    1. 1 decorative - planted mainly for the beautiful design of water bodies. So, for example, water lilies, hyacinths, lotuses, have floating leaves large sizes And very beautiful inflorescences, their presence gives any reality a great, fabulous look.
    2. 2 plants intended for purification of water bodies, for example, bolotnik, element, rogol, etc., do not always have an attractive appearance, as decorative, but they should also be present in each reservoir due to their ability to absorb the carbon dioxide present in water and distinguish the oxygen . Water in the reservoirs becomes much cleaner and more transparent, and there is no Tina.

    Plants in the pond, depending on the structure and the functions performed, can be divided into the following varieties:

    • oxyerators;
    • floating;
    • deep-water;
    • swamp;
    • coastal.

    The separation of plants on such groups helps with the selection of individual zones of the reservoir to plant them, given the depth. Usually deep-water varieties are planted in the deepest places of the reservoir, and small and floating places near the shore and in wetlands. The coastline of the pond in the country can be issued with simple garden, but moisture-loving flowers.

    Oxyerators for oxygen enrichment

    Such plants should grow in each pond, as they prevent its pollution, absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen. And if there are fish in the reservoir, then the oxyerators will serve them and feed, and spawning.

    The main part of such plants is under water, only their tops can be seen on the surface of the water. They have them in special tanks at the bottom of the reservoir in early May. Some types of oxyerators are sufficiently arrogant to climatic conditions, so some copies may not fit in water and die. It is better to plant several pieces at once.

    Oxygerators include: Boloters, Tilleya, Lutchka, Elday, Turcha, etc.

    Floating and deepwater greens

    Floating differ from other varieties in that they are freely moved along the surface of the water. Their roots float deep in water, and flowers and leaves - on the surface. For such plants, special landing containers are not needed, which is their great advantage. It is only necessary to lay out seedlings into the water. They also protect the water from overalls, so water in a reservoir, where there are such plants, does not bloom.

    The lack of floating plants is that they grow quickly enough. It is important to ensure that they do not grow into the entire surface of the reservoir, so it is necessary to periodically reduce their number.

    Floating include: Flyer, Vodokras, Rock, Pisks, Uponoghethon, Bubble, etc.

    The roots of deep-water plants lie at the very bottom of the reservoir, and the flowers and leaves are on the surface. Their enormous leaves are well protected by water from water heating, which prevents intense reproduction of algae. In addition, they absorb organic substances in water, which adversely affect the ecosystem of the reservoir. Most deep-water plants bloom very beautifully.

    These include: Brazie, Kubashka, Uponogeton Two-Circuit, RESTES Floating, Bolotrotchor Shield, Watercolor (Water Lilia, Nymphi).

    Swamp and coastal

    Not all plants for a pond belonging to the marsh are constantly growing in a wet soil. For example, Iris and Astilba are successfully grown on garden Klumbakh. But most of the plants belonging to the marsh, they like wet soil with organic substancesAnd very poorly tolerated the cristed soil. They planted on the shore of the reservoir.

    Bolotnaya includes: Chastuha, Soyk, Ayir, Chaser, Kaluzhnitsa, Susak, Rogo, Rogoz, Gubastic, Fly, Sitnik, Mannik, White, Watch, Iris, Zaurusur, etc.

    Coastal plants give the final appearance and allow it to harmoniously enter it into landscape design Total plot. Therefore, they are planted exclusively in decorative purposes.

    Plants are better to plant along the shore in special baskets. Each instance is recommended to be placed in a separate basket, as they grow very quickly.

    The coastal includes: Volzhanka, Lily, Host, Verbein, Buzlock, etc.

    1. 1 for a pond in the country, regardless of its size and material, it is recommended to select plants of various types and different sizes. Only in the case proper selection Plants with water will look more voluminous and multi-level.

    Vegetation in the pond should take no more than half of the water surface.

    It is possible to plant in the reservoir plants in conventional containers and baskets. The walls and bottom of the tanks must be with the holes for the ventilation of the soil so that the roots do not start. In order for the soil to be washed out of the tanks, it is necessary to lay a burlap or another coarse tissue and fall asleep with small pebbles. For landing, it is best to take clay soil, mixed with bone flour. The soil can not be fertilized with manure and peat, as this can lead to the death of the inhabitants of the reservoir.

    Planting plant in containers is very convenient, as not only allows you to change the design of the reservoir with time, reduce the number of crushed plants, but also move them to the wintering room into a warm room, to multiply.

    If the pond has high shores, then plants are desirable to plant immediately into the ground.

    1. 2 The best time period for planting aquatic plants - from the beginning of April to July. First you need to land in the reservoir seedlings of hydroxyerizers. When the water warms out enough, it will be possible to release the seedlings of underwater and floating plants into the water. After you can make up the design of the coastal zone.
    2. 3 If it is planned to run fish in the reservoir, it is better to do it in 1-1.5 months after planting plants, since plants need to be rooted and adapted in new conditions.

    Care rules

    It is necessary to regularly clean the plant and reservoir. If you do not clean the cleaning on time, then the restoration will be needed, more costly and time consuming occupation. To clean a small pond on cottage plot, you will need a secateur, scissors, nippers and a cinc. The yellowed, toured and faded leaves need to cut and clean up on time. Such pollution as the floss, wondered flowers, pollen, it is also necessary to immediately clean the chick, because, being on the water, they impede admission to the water required plants Oxygen and light. In the fall, the reservoir needs to be purified from fallen leaves.

    If reed, sick and other shallow plants grow in the reservoir, then it is not necessary to trim for the winter, since their dried stems will make oxygen even under the ice. And the stems can be cropped in the spring.

    Contribute different chemical fertilizers In the water, it is strictly following the instructions. The overdose of the drug can lead to a change in the quality and composition of water, and this adversely affects vegetation and other inhabitants of the reservoir.

    An ordinary pond in the country can become the most important decoration of everything country plot Thanks to the growing aquatic plants. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment with various species Plants regularly care for them, then they will constantly delight their wonderful magnificent views.

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