Bake rye bread at home. Recipe for homemade black bread for the oven and bread machine

Engineering systems 18.10.2019
Engineering systems

Any hostess can cook rye bread at home in the oven. Using our recipes, you can treat your family and friends with fragrant fresh pastries from proven products every day.

Rye bread in the oven. Recipe

Subject healthy eating concerns many people. The products of many bakeries and bakeries, unfortunately, are not always of high quality. But a hot loaf will always be lush and surprisingly tasty. Therefore, we will be happy to tell you how to make homemade rye bread.


  • rye flour - 250 grams;
  • wheat flour - 170 grams;
  • fresh yeast - 10 grams;
  • warm kefir - 170 ml;
  • boiled water at room temperature - 80 ml;
  • salt and sugar - to taste;
  • butter - 10 grams;
  • cumin - half a tablespoon;
  • flax seeds - dessert spoon.

The recipe for baking rye bread at home in the oven will not cause you much difficulty. But get ready for the fact that this process will have to allocate a lot of time. So be patient and start cooking with us.

So, first let's deal with the dough. For her, you need to mix in suitable utensils water and kefir, and then add yeast, salt and sugar to them. Beat all the ingredients until smooth, and then leave the mixture alone for five minutes.

When the yeast swells, add four tablespoons of rye and two tablespoons of wheat flour to them. Stir the ingredients again, and then tightly close the bowl with a lid. Send the dough for an hour and a half in a warm place.

When time will pass, mix the base with butter, flax seeds and remaining flour. Knead the dough and let it rise. After two and a half hours, you can bake bread. Transfer the dough to a cutting board, punch it down and transfer it to a baking dish. If you want the loaf to be lush, then cover the workpiece with cling film and let the workpiece rise again.

Preheat the oven, sprinkle the dough with water and place the mold in the oven. After ten minutes, turn down the heat to 210 degrees. Fresh in half an hour homebaked bread he'll be ready. To make the crust beautiful and ruddy, you can lubricate the surface with liquid jelly. Cover the loaf with a clean towel and let it cool.

Delicious fragrant bread will be an excellent company for the first and second courses. You can also use it as a base for sandwiches with any filling.

Homemade rye flour bread in the oven

This time we propose to knead the dough on kvass. Thanks to this ingredient, the bread has a special sour taste and pleasant aroma.


  • rye flour - 450 grams;
  • wheat flour - 250 grams;
  • dark kvass - 500 ml;
  • olive oil - three large spoons;
  • salt - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • dry yeast - one tablespoon;
  • rye bran and flax - three tablespoons each.

Below you can read a simple recipe for rye bread in the oven.

Pour kvass into a saucepan and heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees. In a separate bowl, mix yeast and salt. Pour in the dry mixture warm kvass and oil. Stir the ingredients until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Sift both types of flour into a bowl, add flax seeds and ground bran. Grease your hands vegetable oil and knead the dough until it becomes sticky. Gather the workpiece into a lump, cover it with a thick napkin and send it to heat for one hour.

When the specified time has elapsed, knead the dough again and divide it into two parts. Grease two rectangular silicone molds with butter. Lay the workpieces in them and level the surface. Cover the dough again with a cloth and let it rest for half an hour.

Bake bread for 50 minutes until done.

Rye flour fried bread

Many housewives believe that homemade loaves are best baked in the oven. Therefore, many of them use the bread machine only for kneading dough. And today we will tell you in detail how to cook rye bread at home in the oven in a "mixed" way.


  • peeled rye flour - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour of the first grade - 110 grams;
  • dark dry malt - three large spoons;
  • ground coriander - one tablespoon;
  • buckwheat (or any other) honey - two tablespoons;
  • small dark raisins - 60 grams;
  • chicory powder - one spoon;
  • boiling water - 220 ml;
  • sunflower oil - two tablespoons;
  • large salt and cumin seeds - one teaspoon each;
  • balsamic vinegar (dark) - a tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - one and a half teaspoons.

Delicious rye bread at home in the oven is prepared as follows.

Mix malt and ground coriander in a deep bowl, and then pour 80 ml of boiling water over the dry mixture. Combine the remaining liquid with honey in a separate bowl. After a while, combine both mixtures and mix them well. Wash raisins and soak in hot water.

Pour the oil and vinegar into the bowl of the bread maker, add salt and honey mass. Sift both types of flour into a suitable bowl, and then mix them with cumin, yeast and raisins. Whisk all dry ingredients together and then transfer them to the bread maker. Set the dough kneading program for half an hour.

Put the workpiece on the table and knead it with your hands for some more time. Shape the dough into a loaf and place it in a greased baking dish. Cover the product with cling film and let it rise for one and a half hours.

Before sending the bread to the oven, make punctures on the surface with a fork. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and spray the walls with water. Bake the treat for 40 minutes, then cool it and bring it to the table.

Rye bread with oatmeal

This time we will tell you how to cook a delicious fragrant loaf without using yeast.

You will need the following products:

  • three glasses rye flour;
  • half a glass of oatmeal;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a teaspoon of soda (without a slide);
  • one dessert spoon of salt.

How to bake rye flour bread at home? Check out this simple recipe.

Pour kefir into a deep container and mix with soda. As soon as the liquid begins to bubble, add salt and an egg to it. After that, you need to pour a glass of flour and cereal. Mix the products and put the rest of the flour on them.

Knead the sticky dough with your hands, give it the shape of a loaf and put it on parchment. Sprinkle the workpiece with flour and send it to the oven for one hour.

Rye bread-roll on onion peel

If you like to bring original culinary ideas to life, then take note of this recipe.

Required products:

  • onion peel - one handful;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • white flour - 300 grams;
  • rye flour - 200 grams;
  • salt - two teaspoons;
  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • dry yeast - two teaspoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • one large onion.

How to bake rye bread in the oven? The recipe for this unusual treat is quite simple.

Remove the husk from the onion, rinse it well and pour boiling water over it. After that, cook it over medium heat for another ten minutes. Let the broth (we need 300 ml) brew, and then add sugar and yeast to it. As soon as a fluffy “cap” appears on its surface, add the remaining ingredients and a spoonful of oil. Knead the dough with your hands and send it to heat.

While the dough rises under the cling film, you need to fry the onion in vegetable oil. When the workpiece increases in size, it must be rolled into a narrow long layer. Lay the fried onions on the surface, and then roll the dough into a roll.

Cover the workpiece and let it stand for another 40 minutes. After that, transfer the future bread into a mold and bake it in the oven until cooked. If you have no time to decorate the roll, then you can simply add fried onions to the dough. But in any case, you will get a very tasty product that the whole family will like.

Festive loaf with nuts and dried fruits

Rye bread at home in the oven you can cook not only on weekdays. You will be convinced of this when you bake a loaf according to our recipe.


  • serum - 450 ml;
  • ghee - two large spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • honey - two spoons;
  • dry yeast - one sachet;
  • whole wheat flour - 350 grams;
  • rye flour - 150 grams;
  • walnuts and peanuts - 70 grams each;
  • sunflower seed - 50 grams;
  • flax, raisins, dried cranberries and dried apricots - 50 grams each;
  • sesame - four tablespoons.

Festive bread made from rye flour at home is prepared simply and quickly.

First, sort the dried fruits, rinse them and soak in hot water. After that, cut the dried apricots into small pieces. Walnuts break and quickly fry in a dry frying pan.

Heat the whey and then mix it with honey, salt and ghee. When the mixture has cooled to 40 degrees, pour the yeast into it.

Sift the flour and combine it with whey. Mix food using a mixer with special attachments. Add dried fruits and nuts to the dough. Form two loaves, grease them with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. After that, transfer the dough to baking dishes, cover them with a film and leave to rise for two hours.

Bake the bread for 50 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack and cover with a towel. After a few hours, the bread will ripen and it will be possible to serve it to guests. If you prepare a treat in the evening, then the next morning your family will have a chic breakfast. Cut the bread into slices and bring it to the table with butter, hot tea or coffee.

Unleavened tea-leavened bread

If you have a ripe sourdough at your disposal, then be sure to use it to make fragrant homemade bread.


  • rye flour - two and a half glasses;
  • sourdough - 200 grams;
  • warm water - 80 ml;
  • tea brew - 140 ml;
  • sugar and salt - one teaspoon each.

We will cook rye bread at home according to a very simple recipe.

Connect loose rye sourdough with water and 100 grams of flour. Mix the products, cover them with a cloth and send them to “ripen” in heat for three or four hours.

When the dough has doubled, add tea leaves, flour, salt and sugar to it. Knead the dough (it should be quite sticky), and then cover it with a film, let it stand in a warm place for an hour and a half.

Put the workpiece on the table, and then give it the desired shape. To make it easier, constantly wet your hands in water. Lubricate the form with butter and put the workpiece in it. After this, the dough must be allowed to rise again.

Bake the bread in a well-heated oven for ten minutes, and then turn down the heat. After 20 minutes, you can check the readiness wooden stick or a match. To make the bread covered with a golden crust, grease it with warm water. Remember to chill the treat for a few hours before serving.

Latvian rye bread with milk

You have a simple and fast way preparing delicious homemade meals. Usually rye bread is made with two types of flour, but this time we will use only one.


  • flour - 300 grams
  • dry yeast - one teaspoon;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • cumin, raisins and liquid honey - two tablespoons each;
  • salt and sugar - half a teaspoon each.

Rye bread at home in the oven is very easy to prepare.

Combine water and milk, and then heat the mixture to 40 degrees. Pour it into the bowl of the bread machine, add butter, salt, honey and sugar. Add flour and yeast. Knead the dough for an hour and a half.

Wash the raisins and soak in water for a quarter of an hour. Next, it must be dried and mixed with a spoonful of flour.

Turn the dough out onto a board and sprinkle with cumin and raisins. Continue to knead it with your oiled hands. Give the finished dough the desired shape, put the future bread for proofing on a baking sheet and cover it with a towel.

After an hour and a half, bake the dough in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. When the bread is ready, it must be cooled on a wire rack under a towel in a warm oven. This process will take about two hours, and later you can serve a treat to the table with butter, cold cuts or first courses.

Ecology of consumption. Food and recipes: Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and curative at the same time...

Fashion on home bakery grows in last years. This is facilitated by the appearance of gadgets that help this, namely bread machines and the ever-increasing interest of people in their health and healthy lifestyle life. Therefore, today, more than ever, the question is relevant - how to bake rye bread without yeast?

Since ancient times in Russia - for many centuries the main food - lean bread made from wholemeal wheat. And this is not accidental, it is in such flour that all vitamins and grain shells are preserved to a greater extent.

Bread made from rye flour without yeast is diabetic and curative at the same time. Its use improves intestinal motility, and people who eat black (rye) bread are less likely to expose the body to the development of obesity, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

It is very important to note that black bread helps the body to remove carcinogens and many others. harmful substances, while White bread it can't. Doctors recommend that without harm to the body, consume up to 150 grams of rye bread per day - this is about 3-4 pieces.

Those who like to follow the calories they eat will also be pleasantly surprised by the numbers - 100 grams of black bread correspond to only 117 kcal.

If in your house the yeast leaves at least bread, then the whole family will definitely become healthier. Heartburn will go away, blood will improve, and therefore it is worth spending time on cooking healthy rye bread without yeast at home.

Back to the roots

The first recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Water - 800 ml;
  • Flour - 300 grams (whole grain);
  • Flour - 700 grams (rye);
  • Salt - an incomplete dessert spoon.


  • Pour water(room temperature - neither cold nor hot) into a container and pour salt, mix.
  • We take different seeds- for example, sesame, linseed, sunflower. The seeds are pre-fried a little in a pan. We pour them into our container.
  • Add 2 heaping tablespoons of homemade sourdough and mix everything again. Home sourdough thick, but you need to stir well and you can help dissolve with your hands.
  • Take whole grain flour(this is sold in stores) in its composition, bran, and the middle of the grain, and the surface are preserved. The flour must be at room temperature.
  • Sift flour into a bowl(it will be saturated with oxygen during the sifting process) and all unnecessary particles will be eliminated.
  • Add flour in small portions and mix at first everything will be liquid, and gradually thicker and thicker.
  • The dough is not quite ready at this stage. but it must be left for 20 minutes, covered with a towel, all components must be connected.
  • 20 minutes have passed, we take the dough, it has not visually changed- but in fact there was a combination of flour, salt, water, sourdough and seeds into one whole - into our future yeast-free rye bread.
  • The dough turned out thick, heavy, rested. We take it out with a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula on the board. Flour is poured on the board - about 100-120 grams.
  • We knead the dough with our hands attracting flour into it and removing excess air voids. The warmth of human hands for 2-3 minutes makes a miracle - the dough is homogeneous, thick, elastic and does not stick to the hands.
  • The dough is shaped like a ball and placed in a container for another 8-10 hours. The dough is worth this time, covered with a towel (folded 2-3 times, that is, the fabric is large), in a warm place in the room.
  • In the past hours the dough has risen and it's time to lay it out in baking dishes.
  • Shapes may vary- round, rectangular, square, large and small. The form before baking is greased with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkled with flour.
  • Baking bread in the oven about 60 minutes at 180°C. The oven is preheated.
  • Taking the bread out of the oven cool and only then remove from the molds.
  • Put in the designated place and cover with a wet (wrung out from the water) towel for a short time.

The second recipe for making dough without yeast


  • Flour - 650-700 grams peeled;
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons (replacement - sugar);
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 400 ml;
  • Sourdough - 6-8 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • Additives - various (raisins, dried apricots, seeds).


  • The dough is kneaded of all components, all liquid ingredients and additives are first combined.
  • Next add the flour portions, sifting and mixing.
  • Ready dough laid out in forms he is allowed to stand (rise, come up) for two hours in a warm place, the forms are covered with a towel.
  • After 2 hours the dough has risen molded and ready to bake.
  • So that the dough has a beautiful crispy crust it must be well moistened from above - this can be done with a silicone brush or a spray bottle.
  • Under the bread in the oven water container is placed.
  • Bake in a preheated oven 20 minutes with an oven temperature of 200°C, open the door and moisten the surface of the dough again with water.
  • Now lower the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for another 40 minutes.
  • Ready black (rye) bread cool under a damp cloth and remove from the mold.

The third recipe for dough without yeast on mineral sparkling water without sourdough


  • 2 cups - mineral sparkling water (not cold);
  • 3-3.5 cups - whole grain rye flour;
  • ½ teaspoon - salt.


  • Mix flour with salt.
  • Gradually add sparkling water and mix well. Mix briefly.
  • The dough turned out elastic, not sticky to hands. This can be controlled by the amount of water.
  • We make buns(round, oval, loaf-shaped).
  • Lubricate with vegetable oil baking sheet.
  • Laid out rolls-blanks on a baking sheet and on each workpiece with a knife we ​​draw cuts - parallel or cells. This must be done so that under the influence of temperature and the rise of the dough, it “does not break” and cracks do not form.
  • The oven is preheated put a baking sheet in it and bake rye bread for 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Properly baked rye yeast-free bread is stored for 3-4 weeks without a refrigerator, also his can be frozen This greatly extends its shelf life. Again, the most delicious bread is piping hot, fresh and appetizing.

Rye unleavened bread goes well with dairy products, vegetables and soup. But meat and meat products to it - not the best combination, since the simultaneous presence of bread and meat in the stomach slows down digestion and heartburn and heaviness appear.

Yeast-free sourdough (the second name is uterine)

The basis of this sourdough is lactic acid bacteria of wheat grain. In the process of fermentation, the sourdough is enriched with vitamins, which then pass into the bread. For its preparation, you need peeled rye flour and water.

  • Capacity is taken(at least 2 liters by volume), it contains 100 ml of water and 3-4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until thick cream. The mixture is placed in a dark warm place for 1 day (covered with a towel).
  • The next day, the fermentation process is observed. and not a very pleasant smell, but it speaks of the right process and the formation in the starter of the pathogenic flora we need. This flora is necessary for the nutrition of lactic acid bacteria.
  • Sourdough nutrition- 3 tablespoons of peeled rye flour and a little warm water is produced within 5 days.
  • On the fifth day- the starter has not only bubbles and a pleasant smell, but also the correct sponginess. This indicates a serious development of bacteria and correct formation leaven.
  • On the 6th day, you can use the sourdough for baking yeast-free rye bread.
  • Sourdough storage:
    • Add water to the sourdough in the ratio of 1 part of the sourdough and 2 parts of water - the shelf life is up to 12 days on the top coolest shelf;
    • Add flour to the sourdough, roll out the layer, dry and store for a long time at room temperature;
    • Give (give away) to friends, relatives and acquaintances with good wishes.

Homemade sourdough is the most important and useful part of yeast-free rye bread.

Sourdough with lactic bacteria makes rye bread fermented, rich in vegetable protein. Such black (rye) bread is absorbed by the body by 90-95% and is stored for a long time (for years).

Whichever recipe is chosen, the result will please any family. Miscellaneous additives when baking rye bread - flight a large number options and variety. published

Rye black bread is healthier than wheat: it contains more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fewer calories. It is an excellent addition to breakfast and lunch, can serve as the basis for sandwiches and be added in the form of crackers to salads. You can make rye bread at home, and you don’t need a bread machine for this. Many recipes are designed for baking bread in a conventional oven.

Useful properties of the product are explained by its composition and quality of flour:

  • Most recipes do not contain yeast, which increases nutritional value finished product;
  • A large amount of fiber affects the work of the stomach and digestive organs in a favorable way;
  • 100 g of rye bread contains only about 170 kcal (for comparison: wheat bread contains from 250 kcal);
  • Rye grain is more resistant to the processing process, therefore it retains many vitamins and amino acids essential for the body in flour.
  • Decreased hemoglobin;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Slagging of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Separately, rye bread is recommended during pregnancy. It is rich in iron and magnesium, which stimulates the formation of blood cells and facilitates pregnancy. It has been proven that regular consumption of black bread reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.

Black bread ingredients

Black rye bread, familiar to Russians, is popular among the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Iceland, and Denmark. There it is an integral part national cuisine, but they cook it with various herbs, nuts, vegetables, bran, seeds, cheese and even fish. However, the main ingredients for the product are unchanged:

  • Rye flour;
  • Water;
  • Sourdough or yeast;
  • Salt.

Add to rye flour - wheat or corn, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Rye Bread Recipes

It takes a little experience to make rye bread. Rye flour is more capricious in work, it is characterized by the formation of less gluten and greater viscosity. To get started, you can use simple recipes baking homemade bread in the oven. They include a mixture of two types of flour, which allows you to get a delicious product even with little culinary experience.

Fast way to bake in the oven

To speed up baking and improve the taste of homemade bread, the oven must be preheated to a temperature higher than recommended by 5-10 ° C. This will keep more heat in when the door is opened while the dough is being placed.

Tip: during the baking process, do not open the oven door frequently or for a long time. This lowers the temperature and causes the dough to settle. How long to bake bread in time depends on the type and volume, as well as the composition of the dough.

Traditional Irish Bread

In Ireland, they say that real bread should be tender, fragrant and crumbly. For cooking according to traditional recipe you need to take wholemeal flour or white flour, as well as:

  • 190 ml of kefir;
  • 45 g wheat, oat or rye bran;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder for dough, coriander and soda;
  • 4 dl cumin;
  • Salt - 2 dl;
  • Olive, rapeseed or sunflower oil - 75 ml;
  • 80 g of wheat flour (preferably the highest grade);
  • 80 g of wholemeal rye flour;
  • 1/4 kg of flour from wheat grains.

In a container for kneading dough, mix bran and flour, add baking powder and soda. Kefir is poured into a separate container, salt is added. In a hot frying pan with a thick bottom, cumin and coriander are fried without oil, after which the spices are ground in a mortar and added to kefir. Mix everything well and add to the flour. Replace the dough: at first it will stick to the bowl, but in the process of mixing it will become denser and roll into a ball.

You can bake bread in any baking dish or in a pan with a thick bottom and walls, which is pre-lubricated with margarine or cooking oil, sunflower or vegetable oil. The top of the formed loaf is sprinkled with water and sprinkled with sifted flour.

To prevent the crust from cracking during baking, make several shallow longitudinal cuts.

For this unleavened bread in the oven set the temperature to 220 ° C. At a given temperature, they bake for a quarter of an hour, after which they lower the degree to 190 ° and cook for another 40-45 minutes. The baked bread is left to cool under a cotton towel.

Homemade bread without yeast

Rye yeast-free bread is prepared simply: mix 0.3 kg of rye and the same amount of oatmeal and whole grain flour in a bowl. Add 180 g chopped nuts. Separately, mix the juice of a couple of limes and 10 g of soda. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with flour, and add 0.5 liters of warm water. Knead the dough. As additional additives take fried onion, Bell pepper or chili, dried blueberries or cranberries, dried fruits or seeds.

Put the dough into a mold, make several longitudinal cuts on top. Baking conditions: 60 minutes and 200°C.

Recipe for classic rye bread

The traditional recipe uses sourdough instead of yeast. To make it, you need to mix a teaspoon of sugar and water with a third cup of flour. Water is taken so much that the dough resembles sour cream in its density. The resulting mixture is left warm for 5 days and a couple of tablespoons of water, flour and granulated sugar are added daily. The readiness of the starter is indicated by active fermentation and the formation of bubbles.

For the test, you need to take a tablespoon of thick and dark honey, 0.6 kg of rye flour, a teaspoon of salt and about 2 glasses of water. It is advisable to pre-dissolve honey in water: this way it will be easier to mix and will not form lumps. Everything is mixed and sourdough and 30-50 ml of vegetable (preferably olive) oil are added. The finished dough is dense and elastic, non-sticky.

Bake bread in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C - 5-7 minutes. After that, the degree is lowered to 150 ° C. Baking time is about 2 hours.

Lean rye bread

Lean rye bread without yeast can be prepared with a simple sourdough starter from 120 ml of water and half a glass of rye flour. The mixture is stirred with a mixer and poured into a jar. Leave warm for 48-50 hours. Then another 200 g of the mixture is added, covered with a cotton cloth and incubated for another 24 hours.

To make the dough, you need to add sunflower oil to the sourdough. Sift 0.5 kg of rye flour into a separate bowl, add 35 g of sugar and salt, sourdough. Knead a thick dough, which is then laid out in a bread pan and left warm for 4 hours. Before laying in the oven, the surface is moistened with water and sprinkled with flax, cumin or sesame seeds. At a temperature of 180-185 ° C, bread is baked for 100-120 minutes.

Sourdough Bread Recipe

Sourdough for baking homemade rye bread can be made not only from flour, but also from fresh or dry hops. Ingredients for sourdough: a glass of dry hops (fresh take 1.5 times more) and 2 glasses of water. On low heat, the mixture is boiled down until the volume is halved, after which it is cooled and kept under gauze for about 9-11 hours.

A glass of strained broth is poured into a jar, a little more than a glass of wheat flour and a spoonful and a half of sugar are added, mixed with a whisk. The jar is covered with a cloth and cleaned for 48 hours in heat. You can determine the readiness of a hoppy starter by a significant increase in volume.

Ingredients for a standard loaf of yeast-free bread (weight 700 g):

  • 1/4 l of water;
  • 3 cups rye flour;
  • Fine salt - tsp;
  • Small white sugar- st.l .;
  • Oatmeal or wheat flakes - a couple of tablespoons;
  • Leaven.

The process begins with the preparation of dough. To do this, a spoonful of sourdough and a glass of flour are diluted in 1/4 liter of warm water. Opara rises at room temperature for 100-120 minutes. Next, add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and knead the dough. The desired consistency is thick, not sticky to hands, with good elasticity.

Before baking, the dough should stand for 4-6 hours, and in order for it to fit better, it is recommended to cover it with a lid and a thick terry towel. Rye bread is baked on the middle shelf for an hour at 190°C.

Preparing sourdough bread

You can also cook rye bread in the oven at home using a more complex technology that involves the use of tea leaves. Choux bread is distinguished by its sweet and sour taste and the fact that it does not get stale for a long time. According to this recipe, it is proposed to bake brown bread with ready-made tea leaves "Agram light" (35 ml) or dark agram (10 ml). 40 g of fermented malt is poured into 0.1 l of boiling water. In a separate container, mix: sourdough and 0.5 kg of rye grain flour, a dessert spoon of salt, 55 g of sugar, tsp. baker's yeast and 0.35 liters of water (it should not be hot, but above room temperature). Add brewed and slightly cooled malt.

It is advisable to mix the dough with a mixer for about 10 minutes. Spread the finished dough in a mold pre-greased with cooking oil or butter, sunflower oil. The dough is left in the oven at 40°C for an hour, then the temperature is raised to 170°C and cooked for another 1.5 hours. 30 minutes before the end, the crust is moistened with boiling water. Ready custard bread is removed from the mold and left to ripen under a waffle towel.

This fragrant yeast bread is prepared in several stages. The first is the preparation of the tea leaves. For her, take 130 g of rye flour, 25 g of white rye malt, a dessert spoon of cumin and a glass of boiling water. Everything is mixed well and poured into a thermos. After 3-4 hours, the mixture is poured into open dishes and let cool.

The second stage of preparation is sourdough. It is made from 25 ml of water and 25 g of rye flour. To make a dough, the resulting sourdough and tea leaves are combined with 1/3 tsp. yeast and leave to ferment for 5-7 hours.

It is more convenient to knead the dough for Riga bread with an immersion mixer. To do this, spread the dough into the bowl, 40 ml of warm water, tsp. salt, 0.25 kg of rye grain flour and 50 g of wheat flour, 30 g of molasses. After kneading, the dough is allowed to ferment for several hours. The finished dough is laid out on a flat surface, sprinkled with flour, a loaf is formed. The bread is left in the oven for proofing for an hour at a temperature of 40 ° C, and so that it does not become stale, put a bowl of boiling water under the baking sheet.

Rye bread is baked in the oven at 240-260 °C for 10 minutes, then the temperature is lowered to 200 °C and cooked for another 40-50 minutes.

Recipe for rye cheese bread with nuts

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 150 g goat or sheep cheese (hard varieties);
  • 120-130 g walnuts;
  • 0.3 kg of wheat flour and the same amount of rye;
  • A bunch of basil;
  • About 350 ml of water;
  • Ch.l. baker's yeast;
  • A couple of tablespoons olive oil;
  • Salt.

Sift flour twice with yeast, add salt. Pour warm water in a thin stream and knead the dough well with your hands. Leave for an hour for proofing, knead several times with force and let stand for an hour and a half. Grind the nuts with a blender, cut the cheese into small cubes.

From ready dough form a cake, put a third of the mixture of cheese and nuts on top. Roll into a bun, knead and sprinkle with nuts and cheese again. Repeat the process, but sprinkle with chopped basil along with the cheese.

The bread is laid out on a baking sheet (it can be covered with parchment paper, greased with butter or margarine, sprinkled with flour), covered with a towel and allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes. Baking conditions: 30 minutes and 200°C.

flax seed bread recipe

You can bake rye bread at home in the oven with flax seeds, seeds, sesame seeds. To do this, first make a dough of 40 g of fresh yeast, a spoonful of sugar and 8 tbsp. warm water. The dough is left to come to life for 25-35 minutes.

Sift 0.6 kg of flour from rye grains and 0.25 kg of wheat flour into a container, add half a glass of flax and sesame, a third of a glass of peeled seeds and a few tablespoons of tea salt. Pour in the dough and about 350 ml of water. The dough is formed into a bun and spread on a greased baking sheet. Leave for an hour under a towel, and before laying in the oven, the surface is moistened with water.

The first 45 minutes the bread is baked at 220°C, then another 20 minutes at 200°C.

Lithuanian bread on beer

Bread according to this recipe can be made with or without yeast, but the yeast-free version is more popular. The sourdough is made from a glass (220 g) of rye flour and a glass of water. It should be thick, like sour cream. Leave the starter at room temperature for 72-80 hours, and shake the mixture every 12-14 hours.

From a glass of ready-made sourdough, a couple of glasses of rye flour and half a glass of water, make a dough. For the test, they take all the resulting dough, 250 g of rye and wheat flour, tbsp. dark thick honey and cumin, 3 tbsp. sugar and half a glass of bergamot tea. All mix well, form a loaf and leave for a few for proofing.

The first 25 minutes bake bread at a temperature of 250 ° C, then lower the degrees to 200 and leave the bread for another half hour. The finished loaf is taken out of the mold and covered with a towel.

Homemade Borodino bread

For baking Borodino bread in home oven you will need:

  • 0.4 kg of peeled flour from rye grains;
  • 0.2 kg females 1 or 2 wheat grades;
  • Ch.l. concentrated yeast;
  • A couple of tablespoons of dry malt and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • 0.4 l of heated water;
  • Ch.l. salt;
  • A little dark honey;
  • Dry crushed coriander.

Preparation of bread with malt begins with tea leaves. To do this, dry malt is poured into 150 ml of boiling water, and cooled at room temperature. Dissolve honey in another glass of water. It is advisable to sift the flour twice, add salt and yeast, tea leaves, honey water and oil. Knead the dough: it should turn out a little sticky, thick and viscous. Cover the bowl with cling film or a thick towel and leave for several hours. The rested dough is punched down and transferred to a baking dish. For Borodino bread, the oven is heated to 180 ° C, baked for 40-45 minutes.

Bread with malt

The recipe for malt bread is similar to Borodino: 4 tbsp. malt pour two cups of boiling water. In a separate container, mix 50 g of pressed baker's yeast with 2 dessert spoons of sugar and 0.1 l of warm water. Leave to ferment for 10-20 minutes. The cooled malt and the revived yeast mass are combined with 5 tbsp. vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt. Mix well and add 150 g of flour from wheat and rye. Knead the dough and give 1-2 hours for proofing.

Bread is baked for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C.

Bread made from corn and wheat flour

This bread with seeds and a mixture of different flours is fluffy, fragrant and retains nutritious and beneficial features in a week. For cooking you need to take:

  • 90 g of corn flour, 30 g of rye flour and 400 g of wheat flour;
  • 0.2 l of kefir;
  • 170 ml of fat milk;
  • 55 g butter fat;
  • 20 ml lime or flower honey;
  • Half a glass of seeds;
  • 2 tsp dry concentrated yeast;
  • 2 tsp salt.

Combine kefir, honey, yeast and cornmeal in a mixing bowl. Leave for half an hour. Add salt and sifted remaining flour, softened butter and milk. Stir and cover with foil or cling film. Leave the resulting dough for proofing in heat for an hour or two. Then they are transferred to a baking sheet, crushed, formed into a loaf and given another 2-3 hours to rest. Bake in an oven heated to 230°C for 20 minutes. To prevent the loaf from turning out dry, place a pan with hot water under the baking sheet.

Homemade rye coffee bread

The dough is prepared from 120 g of peeled flour, 0.3 l of strong Turkish coffee, 1.5 tsp. yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar and the same amount of dark honey. Leave to ferment for 2-4 hours.

For the test take:

  • 0.4 kg of a mixture of wheat flour (grade 1 or 2) and rye;
  • A couple of tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 75 ml of any vegetable pure oil.

Sift the flour, add salt and cocoa, mix well. Oil is poured into the finished dough and mixed with flour. The dough is laid out on a flat surface, sprinkled with rye flour. The formed kolobok is coated with oil and left for 1.5-2 hours under the film. After the allotted time, they are crushed, again lubricated with oil and given another hour and a half to rise.

The dough is laid out in forms, covered with a towel and left for 60-80 minutes. Rye coffee bread is baked for 20-30 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C.

Rye bread on rice broth

For cooking take:

  • 120-130 g of white rice;
  • About 0.5 l of water;
  • Flour: from rye grains - 200 g, from wheat - 320;
  • Dry malt - tbsp;
  • Bran from any cereal - 2 tablespoons;
  • 1/2 tbsp mixtures of chopped ginger and coriander;
  • Ch.l. salt;
  • Baker's yeast - 2 tsp;
  • For lubrication - an egg;
  • A little sesame seeds for sprinkling.

Boil rice. Decoction (at least 250 ml) drain, strain and cool. mix rice water, sifted flour and malt, bran, yeast and other ingredients. Knead the dough and cover it with a waffle towel. Leave to proof for 2-4 hours. Transfer the finished dough to a baking dish, leave for another 1-1.5. Before baking, brush the surface with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The oven is heated to 180°C, and the baking time is 40-45 minutes.

Homemade rye bread can last anywhere from a few days to a week if wrapped in a waffle or cotton towel. It has a pleasant taste, aroma, and can be a useful addition to any breakfast, lunch or dinner. Spicy bread goes well with salted fish, pates, butter and cheeses, dried fruit paste or fruit and berry jellies. It is added to salads and served with soups, game or fish dishes, and vegetables.

Most likely, you, like everyone else, missed homemade rye bread. Since according to palatability it is much superior to store-bought bread, and there are more benefits from it. Because it does not contain various additives and baking powder, which are certainly found in store-bought bread. We offer to cook homemade rye bread in the oven.

Basic Recipe

If you decide to make homemade rye bread, but do not know how, then this method is for you.

So, we need:

  • A glass of rye flour
  • A glass of plain flour
  • A pinch of salt and a spoonful of sugar
  • A little yeast.
  • 400 milliliters of boiled, preferably not cold water,
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Sesame, coriander, cumin (the amount of these cereals can be any main thing so that it does not exceed the amount of flour).

So, let's proceed directly to the manufacture of the bread itself.

First, let's make the bread crumbs. Sift all the flours that you will be using one by one.

In the bran that remains, we add spices and crush well. Add the following ingredients to the flour: salt, sugar, dry yeast, pour in the above amount of water and knead the dough well.

After that, the resulting mass must be placed in a warm place and wait until the dough has approximately doubled in volume. Then we add the oil and knead a second time.

The form that is intended for baking this bread must be carefully greased and generously sprinkled with flour to prevent burning. Let's move on to the process of filling out the form with a test.

If you want the bread to be denser in consistency, then fill the mold one quarter, and if you want the bread to be more airy, then fill one third of the mold. Next, you need to make the surface of the future bread as even as possible and sprinkle it with chopped spices with bran. After that, the form must be covered and again put in a warm place and wait until the yeast does its job.

In principle, the whole process remains only to place the form in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees. And keep it there for about twenty minutes. After that, it is necessary to bring down the temperature by twenty degrees and continue to bake for another half an hour.

The bread must be wrapped in a cloth and allowed to reach the desired temperature.

Traditional homemade bread

We will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a kilogram of rye flour,
  • A pinch of salt
  • Tablespoon of yeast
  • Two glasses of water.

We need to place these products in one container and mix them well.

When the mass has lost all lumps, transfer the mixture to another container, cover with a piece of cloth and leave the dough until it increases in volume. When the dough is ready, take it out and give it required view. Here you can let your imagination run wild, as the shape this product depends only on you. But, as a rule, bread is made round.

On the surface of the future bread, you need to make a couple of shallow cuts, then send the whole thing to the oven.

By the way, in advance you must heat the oven to two hundred degrees. It takes about half an hour to bake bread. By tapping on the bread, we check its readiness. The finished bread should have a firm and crispy crust. That's all the bread is ready. It remains only to take it out, cover with a towel and let it cool.

As you have seen, there is nothing supernatural in making rye bread. By the way, people with diabetes and heart disease need this bread in their diet.

Hop sourdough bread

To make yeast-free bread, you can prepare hop sourdough. It can be stored in the refrigerator. Before you start using it, you need to “wake it up”.

How to make hop starter

  • We select 2-3 large tablespoons from the jar and make a dough. To do this, take 350 ml of warm water, add two to three tablespoons of sifted rye flour, mix.
  • We put in a warm place, cover with a linen napkin. It is best to leave the dough in a warm place overnight.
  • In the morning we go to look at the dough, you can see that bubbles have appeared.
  • Now add 150 g of flour, mix and put in heat again. If we taste the dough, we will feel that it is sour. This suggests that the process has begun and the smell of the dough is pleasant.
  • After an hour, we add 2 tablespoons of rye bran, and again put the product in heat for two hours. Hop dough does not work as fast as store-bought yeast. After the dough has risen and entered into force, you can bake bread.
  • Add two large spoons of rye bran, pour in a large number of water in which a dessert spoon of honey was dissolved.
  • We add some salt. Stir, add 70 g of rye malt, mix, add the sifted rye flour.

Cooking dough

  • We take peeled flour. It is imperative to sift the flour, because we should get a living bread. The dough needs to breathe, and breathing needs oxygen.
  • Add flour little by little, knead with a spoon, not with your hands so that the dough does not turn out too thick.
  • Add 25 ml of vegetable oil to the dough, you can take soybean, corn, sunflower, as long as it is unrefined, lively and healthy.
  • Add a handful of raisins to the dough, mix thoroughly. Of course, you can bake bread without raisins, but it tastes better with raisins, and you don’t need to consider raisins a dessert - it’s just delicious healthy food.
  • Put the dough into a mold greased with vegetable oil, compact it.

Bread baking process

The dough is superimposed on a third of the volume of the form, our forms are high, so less comes out. Now cover the dough with a towel. In general, linen napkins or linen towels should always be in the kitchen.

After an hour, we observe pleasant changes - the dough has risen, but let it still stand. After another hour, you can bake, but first we will smear the bread with sweet tea. So, grease the surface with three teaspoons of tea, then sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to the oven, heated up to 200 degrees. Through 50 minutes the kitchen is filled with the smell of rye bread.

Waiting a little more take it out, let it cool down a bit. We help the bread sticks to come out of the molds. These starter cultures are an individual thing, they differently can behave, some wake up quickly and act actively, while others need to be rocked for a long time.

It depends on factors such as the quality of hops and flour, temperature. It is for this reason that you must understand in advance exactly how it works. So that in the future you get beautiful rye bread sticks.

This bread goes well with a glass of milk or a bowl of soup, despite the fact that it is with raisins. Also bread can be eaten just like that. After all, no wonder they say - daily bread.

This time we baked rye bread with malt and hop sourdough. On the same sourdough, we can prepare another portion of bread.

Unleavened bread

Now and then you hear that baking with yeast is harmful and dangerous to health. To be honest, I don't think this pastry is any more dangerous than a dirty one. Environment or radiation from the microwave and wifi. Of course, if you use it more than you need, it will lead to negative consequences, but, as you know, everything should beat in moderation.

AT Russian Empire the soldiers were fed stale bread, waiting for the waste products of yeast to leave it. And today the so-called unleavened bread has become popular.

Unleavened bread - lively, healthy and tasty. Frankly, I do not bake it all the time, because it takes quite a most time, and I have it sorely lacking. But with all this, I can not deny myself this pleasure.

How to make sourdough for yeast-free bread

Pour a glass of hop cones into the pan and pour two glasses of water, put on fire, cook for 20 minutes, as soon as the contents in the saucepan boil, reduce the heat, and continue to cook over very low heat.

Stir lightly so that the petals are immersed in water. After that, turn off the fire and let the contents cool.

The cooled broth of hops is necessary strain thoroughly. Ideally, when you strain it, its temperature should be at least 30 degrees, that is, it must be warm, because we have to add some more components to it, which are better introduced at a given temperature.

I immediately warn you that it is necessary to take grain flour, which must certainly be sifted in order to saturate it with oxygen.

It is advisable to take factory-made whole grain wheat flour, if you don’t find one, you can take flour of the 2nd or 1st grade, but in no case should it be refined.

Flour should be added so much that the mass resembles sour cream in consistency.

Making bread at home

More and more often, modern people there is a desire, and sometimes the need to cook on your own at home what you usually bought in the store. Among such products are bread and bakery products. There are many reasons for this: from the desire to control the process of kneading dough and baking to profitability compared to a store-bought product. It is believed that bread made at home is much healthier and safer than a similar store-bought product.

Experienced culinary specialists prepare bread from various ingredients, selecting them for a specific occasion and a specific dish. Recipes can be very different from the original.

For example, you can make mustard bread, a feature of which is a golden crust of a characteristic yellow color. For cooking, you need to use mustard oil instead of ordinary oil, the amount is at your discretion, but not less than 30 grams. Such bread is formed in the form of a loaf with wrapped edges and cuts in the middle, it is baked in the oven at a temperature of 220-230 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Rye bread with various additives

There is an option to add buckwheat to regular flour.

For this, about 100 grams of buckwheat is ground in a coffee grinder. As an additional ingredient, well-chopped nuts are used (it is best to use hazelnuts chopped with a blender). This component appears at the stage of the initial fermentation of the dough and is added to it. In addition, raisins are added to the bread, preliminarily 20 minutes steeped in black tea. After mixing all the ingredients into the dough, it should rest and rise in a warm place for two hours. Next, the bread is baked in the oven at a temperature 240 degrees about 40 minutes before the appearance of a characteristic blush.

Rye bread with pumpkin puree

A rather unusual bread is made using pumpkin puree.

To begin with, sugar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and yeast in the amount of 4 teaspoons are added to 2-3 tablespoons of orange juice. This mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 10-15 minutes. At this time, from pieces of pumpkin pulp mashed potatoes using a blender, it will take no more than 200 grams. Next, the previously prepared mixture with yeast and flour is added to the puree so that the dough sticks to the hands, but has a constant consistency.

The dough is transferred to a container greased with vegetable oil, and goes to a warm place for 2 hours. Brown sugar, cinnamon and ground ginger are mixed together for the filling. The finished dough is rolled out on a surface sprinkled with flour, the layer is sprinkled with stuffing, rolled up and placed on a greased baking dish. Such bread is prepared in the oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Before serving, the bread is glazed with orange juice and powdered sugar for an interesting appearance.

As they say, bread is the head of everything. It is both table decoration and A delicious addition to almost any meal. With the right use of spices and patience in preparing the dough, the bread will come out soft and satisfying, healthy and tasty.

Bread with nuts and dried fruits

Rye homemade bread, supplemented with nuts and dried fruits, is very useful product, since it has a positive effect not only on digestive system but also for overall health.

Such bread is not quite easy to prepare, but it is tastier than store-bought counterparts, it turns out to be more fragrant and rather unusual.

Do not think that cooking such healthy pastries will be too difficult, since novice housewives will only need to follow the recommendations and instructions that were given in the recipe.

So, to prepare homemade rye bread with dried fruits and nuts, you only need such components as:

  • raw hazelnuts (52 g);
  • high-quality wheat flour (210 g);
  • dried apricots large juicy (54 g);
  • flower honey (at your discretion);
  • rye flour best quality(120 g);
  • raisins dark and large (52 g);
  • whole grain wheat flour (210 g);
  • filtered water (260 ml);
  • table salt of the finest grinding (12 g);
  • whey (120 ml);
  • quick dry yeast (12 g).


All types of flour must be sifted into the most suitable bowl, after such a sifting process the product is better saturated with oxygen and the end result will be more fluffy. Yeast should be thrown into the same container with flour, and it is advisable to use fresh, not dry. If the yeast was used fresh, then they will need to be rubbed well with flour until crumbs appear, after that, add a little salt in addition. Combine filtered water with milk whey, add it to the container where the dough is located, after that you will also need to pour in honey, then knead such a dough that should not stick to your hands.

Before you start kneading the dough, you will need to pour boiling water over all dried fruits, leave them for twenty minutes, as soon as the allotted time has passed, transfer them to a colander so that the excess liquid is all glass. Add chopped dried fruits and chopped, peeled nuts to the dough.

Lubricate a bowl of the most suitable size with refined vegetable oil, roll a ball out of the dough, and place it in the prepared dish. In some warm place, leave the bun of dough for several hours, covering it with a towel beforehand.

As soon as the bun from the dough increases several times in size, you need to transfer it to the work surface, pre-sprinkled with flour and knead again. Divide the prepared dough into two equal parts and create sausages that will resemble bread in shape. Transfer the blanks for rye bread to a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment and additionally greased with some kind of cooking oil.

Leave rye bread on proofing for another thirty minutes, then bake it for half an hour at a temperature of 220 degrees. Then lower the temperature to 180 degrees for another fifteen minutes to cook bread.

Recipe for delicious milk bread

Among the many recipes, you can pay special attention to this one. Bread, which includes milk, is very tender and pleasant to the taste. Any hostess, having tried such a delicacy at least once, will definitely appreciate it. And it will not be surprising if she takes note detailed description cooking miracle baked goods.

Now in more detail:

Products you will need: four cups of flour, 300 ml. sour baked milk, two or three large spoons sunflower oil, two tablespoons of warm water, one large spoonful of sugar, one small spoonful of salt, pressed yeast - ten gr.

First you need to take a clean and dry bowl, add yeast to it, and then sugar and water. After that - let stand for about ten or fifteen minutes. Then add salt, butter and milk. Then gradually add flour. Followed by knead the dough. Transfer the resulting product to a pre-oiled bowl, put it in heat for an hour or an hour and a half, beat and let the dough rise. Then knock down again and put in a baking dish. Leave the mass for a while. When the future bread rises, it should be sent to the oven preheated to 200 degrees and leave for an hour.

Bread without yeast on rye sourdough

Another recipe for delicious bread that does not require the use of yeast can be a great addition to your morning breakfast or lunch.

To prepare it you need:

  • Rye flour and warm water (for sourdough).
  • For the dough: pure and loose rye flour (500g.),
  • a large spoonful of sugar
  • two small spoons of salt without top,
  • two st. spoons of sunflower oil,
  • five st. spoons of sourdough and a glass of warm water.


First it should prepare sourdough. With a glass of not very hot (warm water) you need to dilute one glass of flour. Cover the resulting mass, leaving a small gap and send to a warm place. It must be stirred once or twice a day.

The next day the mass is required add some water and add more flour. On the third day, it is recommended to do the same. Only on the fourth one can already use sourdough. We take a certain amount from it. The rest must be put back in the refrigerator and every day follow the scheme described earlier, then there will always be the right ingredient for baking.

Then it is necessary to knead the dough. It is better to do this not with an aluminum spoon. Next, you need to cover the bowl with a well-mixed and thick dough with a lid and wait for it to rise. It is best to do this at night so that you can start baking in the morning.

When the mass rises, then it must be mixed and put into a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. Then let it sit for about an hour. Then it will be possible oven at 200 degrees just one hour.

Raw and fried onions can be used to make onion bread.

Step 1: Prepare the dough.

To begin with, in a deep bowl, combine half a glass of clean warm water with milk, mix thoroughly. Then add dry yeast, sugar and 100 grams of rye flour. Mix well, and then cover the bowl with a lid and leave in a warm place, for about 1 hour. During this time, the yeast will ferment, and thus the dough will noticeably increase in volume, become lush and soft. Knead the dough that has risen during this time with your hands, while you should not expect too high a rise, as soon as a "cap" from the dough appears, proceed immediately.

Step 2: Prepare the dough.

Then add another half a glass of warm clean water, salt, wheat flour, 200 grams of rye flour and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough. After that, knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly with your hands. It should be very smooth, elastic and easy to fall behind the hands. Then, cover the bowl with a lid again, wrap a clean kitchen towel around and leave in a warm place for 2.5 hours for the dough to ferment and rise.

Step 3: We form and bake bread.

After this time, punch down the dough. In order to make it more convenient to work with him, hands and working space lightly grease with vegetable oil. Shape the dough into a round loaf or an oval loaf. Ready product brush with vegetable oil with a cooking brush or with your hands and place on a baking sheet. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave for 1 more hour. This is necessary so that the product fits, and the dough is prepared for baking. If this is not done, then the bread will not turn out lush and a lot of its taste will be lost. Preheat the oven up to 180 degrees, then place a baking sheet with a loaf or loaf in it. Don't forget to take off your towel. Product baking time 45 minutes. But this is very inaccurate, as it all depends on the individual preheating properties of your oven. The finished product should be browned, and its internal readiness can be checked with a match or a toothpick. To do this, pierce the product with it: if nothing remains on it, then the dough is ready. And if pieces of dough stick to wooden surface, then time heat treatment still needs to be increased.

Step 4: Serve the dough for rye bread.

As soon as the bread is ready, take it out of the oven, put it on a clean kitchen towel, cover with it on top and leave to brew for about 1 hour. Cut the cooled rye bread into portions and serve. It can be eaten with anything: first and second courses. Also, this bread is ideal for making sandwiches and sandwiches. Enjoy your meal!

It is especially useful to eat rye bread during a diet or if you adhere to the dogmas of a healthy diet. This is due to the fact that the fibers of rye bread contribute to the feeling of satiety, although in fact they contain very few calories. In addition, such a product is a kind of "janitor" of the body: it cleanses it and completely removes toxins.

Regular consumption of rye bread reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as its trace elements balance the level of cholesterol in our body. 6-8 slices of this bread per day will significantly improve your heart function.

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