Chicken skewers on skewers in the oven. Homemade chicken skewers in the oven on skewers

Landscaping and planning 17.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Chicken is a very malleable meat. She quickly absorbs the aromas and tastes of all the components of the marinade. In addition, the price of this product is quite affordable, which allows you to cook it often. For a holiday or just like that, you can bake chicken skewers on skewers in the oven. The appetizer will delight you with excellent taste and attractive appearance.

This is a very simple but delicious dish based on successful combination chicken with potatoes. All this is seasoned with fragrant marinade and juicy vegetables.


  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce and vegetable oil;
  • 2 red bell peppers;
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar;
  • 1 tsp seasoning mixes for chicken.

Washed dried white chicken meat cut into rectangular pieces. From balsamic, soy sauce, seasonings and a spoonful of oil, we prepare the marinade. Fill them with chicken, leave for half an hour.

Peel potatoes, cut into thin circles. We clean the onion and chop it finely. Put potatoes and onions in a deep baking dish. All salt, pepper, sprinkle 1 tbsp. oil and place for half an hour in a roasting pan, heated to 180 gr.

In the meantime, we clean the pepper from the seed box, and cut the pulp into squares the size of chicken pieces. Pepper and fillet strung on wooden sticks by alternating their order.

We take out the baked potatoes from the oven, put the kebabs on top of it and return the form to the oven for 10 minutes. Then flip the skewers to the other side and bake the same amount more.

Chicken skewers in a jar with tomatoes

Such unusual way cooking allows the chicken to stay juicy. And in combination with tomatoes, the meat acquires a pleasant refreshing aftertaste and golden brown.


  • 1 kg of chicken;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.5 kg of fleshy tomatoes;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp spices for meat;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • some salt and pepper.

For the marinade, crush the garlic, cut the onion into several segments. Mix vegetables with refined oil, salt and pepper. Cut the washed dried chicken into medium pieces, put in the marinade, mix, leave for a couple of hours in a cool place.

My tomatoes, cut into fairly thick circles. Small fruits can simply be cut into 2 parts.

Attention! Tomatoes are better to use fleshy and tight so that they can stay on skewers.

On wooden sticks we alternately put chicken, onions and tomatoes. We insert ready-made skewers into a 3-liter jar. We also send a few garlic cloves from the marinade here. We close the neck with two layers of foil.

We put the structure in a cold oven, turn on the heat. When the temperature rises to 190-200 degrees, bake the dish for 1-1.5 hours. The readiness of kebabs is determined by the degree of browning of the surface of the chicken pieces.

Read also: Marinades for lamb skewers - 21 recipes from around the world

After turning off the oven, let the jar cool slightly, carefully remove the skewers. Topped with fresh vegetables and served hot.

Chicken skewers with pineapple

Chicken goes well with pineapples and not only in salads, but also in other dishes. Chicken fillet skewers in a spicy marinade are perfect for a delicious meal.


  • 0.5 kg chicken fillet;
  • 100 g of ketchup;
  • 100 g soy sauce;
  • 1 b. canned pineapples.

We thoroughly wash the fresh fillet, dry it, cut into thin strips. Dip them in a mixture of ketchup with soy sauce for 2 hours. The meat should be completely covered with marinade.

We open a jar of pineapples, drain the syrup (you can bake on it tasty pie or prepare a cream for the cake), take out the rings. Cut them into equal pieces.

Important! It is better to buy pineapples in the form of rings, then it will be more convenient to cut them into triangles and string them on a skewer.

When the meat is marinated, we put it on in the form of a snake. After each turn, we string a piece of pineapple onto the rod. We spread the prepared products on a baking sheet with a sheet of foil on top.

We heat the oven to 200 gr. and bake kebabs for half an hour. Ready treats are served with fresh vegetables.

Chicken skewers with vegetables in ginger marinade

This vegetable and chicken kebab recipe should be in every housewife's notebook. The recipe is very simple, but at the same time delicious and looks appetizing.


  • 4 chicken fillets;
  • 2 bell peppers (multi-colored);
  • 1 red onion;
  • 1 tbsp. dried ginger and garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. sesame oil and soy sauce;
  • 0.5 tbsp granulated sugar.

Each fillet is thoroughly rinsed, dried, cut into rectangular pieces of medium size. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the marinade. We combine the meat with the marinade, mix, leave to marinate for half an hour.

In the meantime, we clean the peppers from the core, and cut the pulp into squares. After removing the husk from the onion, we divide it into 4 parts. Each, in turn, is disassembled into feathers.

We collect skewers on long bamboo skewers, putting on meat, pepper and onion in turn.

Important! To prevent wooden skewers from burning in the oven, soak them in water for 10-15 minutes.

We cover the baking sheet with parchment to save ourselves the hassle of cleaning it. We spread the kebabs, bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees. Turn over once or twice so that they brown evenly. If you want fried chicken, then you can put the dish under the grill for 5 minutes.

Chicken thigh skewers marinated with vinegar

To get juicy barbecue From chicken it is better to use the thigh. The meat of this part of the carcass is a little tougher, so it is better to use a marinade with vinegar.


  • 4 chicken thighs;
  • 4-5 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce, wine vinegar and refined oil;
  • 0.5 tsp sweet mustard and Provence herbs;
  • a little salt and black pepper.

First we prepare the marinade. To do this, mix sour cream, sauce, mustard, vinegar, oil and spices in a deep bowl.

Attention! Herbs de Provence will release their fragrance best when rubbed between your fingers.

My thighs, dry with a towel, cut into two parts. It will be much more convenient to string the kebab if the bones are completely cut out (such waste will make an excellent broth for first courses). Pour the meat with marinade, mix well, leave for 20-25 minutes, tightening the container with a film.

It remains to string the meat on soaked wooden sticks, put it on a baking sheet and bake in a hot oven (180 gr.) for half an hour.

Read also: Karski barbecue - 3 recipes

Chicken skewers with mushrooms marinated with mayonnaise

Chicken skewers in the oven will turn out amazing if you cook it with mushrooms. A simple marinade with mayonnaise and apple cider vinegar will help to reveal the whole bouquet of taste.


  • 6 chicken legs;
  • 12 medium champignons;
  • 200 g of fat mayonnaise;
  • 6 tomatoes;
  • 8 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tsp seasonings for barbecue.

Rinse the chicken legs, dry them, cut along the joint into the thigh and drumstick. We cut off the hanging skin so that it does not burn and does not spoil the taste of the dish.

Attention! It is very important to cut the pieces to the same size so that the chicken cooks evenly.

To prepare the marinade, it is enough to mix mayonnaise with sauce, apple cider vinegar and spices. If desired, the marinade can be slightly salted.

Mix chicken with marinade. We leave the workpiece for 3-4 hours, and even better, marinate in the refrigerator all night.

Before assembling the kebabs, coat the cleaned, washed mushrooms and whole medium-sized tomatoes with marinade. We put on long skewers meat, mushrooms. There should be one tomato in the center of each kebab.

We spread the blanks on a baking sheet, bake for about an hour, preheating the oven to 200 degrees.

Skewers of chicken wings in kefir

Pickling chicken is a simple science, it is best to marinate chicken in kefir. This fermented milk product will make the chicken soft, juicy in a matter of minutes, and after cooking, the wings will simply melt in your mouth.


  • 1.8 kg of chicken wings;
  • 4 large onions;
  • 2 tsp seasonings;
  • 750 ml of low-fat kefir;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • some salt.

Barbecue is not necessarily a brazier, coals and lamb. No, of course, I will not argue that in nature, on open fire the meat turns out to be the most delicious, but ... But what to do if there is no such opportunity - to arrange a barbecue? There is a way out - to cook kebabs in the oven. Yes, yes, it is indeed quite possible, and the result will surprise you very much - in the very best sense. A friend shared with me a recipe for chicken skewers on skewers in the oven: she somehow treated me to this yummy, and I really liked it.

The idea itself is simply magnificent: with such a serving, the dish looks very impressive and appetizing. And the meat turns out to be very soft and tender, I think it's all about a successful marinade: I cook chicken skewers on skewers in the oven with soy sauce, which is why it comes out so wonderful. The recipe for such kebabs is very simple and affordable, fast and convenient. I will be happy to share with you how to cook chicken skewers on skewers in the oven, I am sure you will also appreciate this dish.


For 1 serving:

  • 1 chicken breast (weighing approximately 200 g);
  • 1 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper mixture.

How to cook chicken skewers on skewers in the oven:

My chicken fillet, dry it with a paper towel. If there is fat or films on the breast, then it is better to cut them off. Cut the fillet into cubes with a side of 2-3 cm.

We spread the fillet in a deep container, add salt to taste, spices - you can mix peppers, like me, you can specially selected spices for chicken (they are sold in stores). pouring soy sauce and vegetable oil, mix. And, having packed with cling film or covered with a lid, leave the breast to marinate for 30-40 minutes.

At the same time, we need to take care of the skewers for our skewers, these will be wooden skewers. The thing is that these very skewers can be charred during a long stay in the oven, and to prevent this from happening, they must first be soaked in water. Any container of a suitable size is suitable for this, I usually use a baking dish, which will then come in handy for me to cook kebabs. Pour water into the mold - 2-3 cm - and put the skewers. They need to stay in the water for about half an hour - the chicken fillet will just marinate.

After the allotted time, string the fillet pieces onto skewers. From a fillet weighing 200 grams, I got three skewers. We spread the skewers on the baking dish so that the skewers lie on the sides. Thus, it turns out that the kebab is β€œhanging” with us, and the meat does not touch the bottom of the form. Pour a little water into the mold itself, I left the one in which the skewers were soaked.

And we send the skewers to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Chicken fillet is cooked very quickly, and after 20-25 minutes the skewers can be removed from the oven.

That's it, you're done! Enjoy your meal!

I advise you to cook such a chicken kebab on skewers in the oven for children who are capricious in relation to food: believe me, not a single child has ever refused a kebab on a skewer! It's so interesting and great to get your own personal skewer with meat - just like in adults! By the way, you can also cook chicken skewers on skewers in the oven with potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini - that is, string not only chicken fillet, but also vegetables. And be calm: in this form, everything will also be eaten by little undesirables in the best possible way!

How to cook barbecue

chicken skewers on skewers in the oven

1 hour

80 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Why this particular recipe? I think that chicken skewers are very a simple dish, which does not require preliminary troubles and impressive cooking time. Those recipes that you can find in the article are distinguished not only by their simplicity, but also by their originality, because it is rare to find such a tasty and original dish anywhere.

Chicken skewers on wooden skewers at home

Kitchen appliances:

  • containers for your ingredients;
  • garlic press;
  • cutting board;
  • oven chamber;
  • kitchen wooden skewers;
  • form for baking;
  • food foil.


How to choose the ingredients for the dish?

In order for you to be able to cook the best chicken skewers, you will need to work hard to find a good chicken fillet. When choosing this product, pay attention to its external state, it should not cause you the slightest suspicion. The fillet should not have bruises, tears, defects and the like.

As for the size of the chicken fillet, I will advise you to buy a medium-sized fillet. You should not rejoice and instantly purchase chicken fillet, which is distinguished by its size. It can simply be stuffed with various chemicals or all kinds of growth hormones.

When you choose a chicken in a store, make sure that the packaging in which the fillet itself is stored is completely sealed and intact. In no case should you buy products in violation of the rules of packaging and storage.

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. Like any other well-known barbecue recipe, today's one begins with the preparation of an amazing marinade. Pour olive oil into a deep bowl, and add all the spices to it, namely: ground black pepper, sugar and, of course, coriander.

  2. Pass the garlic through a press and add it to the marinade bowl as well.

  3. Pour all the ingredients with good quality soy sauce and stir the entire contents of the bowl.

  4. Let's get the chicken ready. First of all, the fillet needs to be washed and dried a little. After that, cut off any unnecessary films that can be seen on the fillet.
  5. Cut the prepared fillet into strips, approximately one centimeter thick.

  6. Place the meat in a bowl with marinade, roll it well and leave for forty minutes.

  7. Take wooden kitchen skewers and soak them in water. This must be done without fail, as this prevents the skewers themselves from igniting.

  8. When the meat is completely marinated, you can start stringing it on soaked skewers. Be sure to string the meat in the form of an "accordion" so that it cooks from all sides and from the inside absolutely evenly.

  9. Wrap a clean baking dish in foil and place almost ready skewers on it.

  10. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and send kebabs into it for fifteen or even twenty minutes.

  11. At the end of the cooking time, you can serve the finished wonderful dish on the table.

Video recipe for chicken skewers on skewers in the oven

In this video you can find information on the process of preparing the above-described unique kebabs.


I offer to please my family and guests delicious dish. Cook delicious at home chicken skewers! It's simple!


chicken fillet 600 g
sugar 1 tbsp. l.
coriander 0.5 tsp
black pepper
soy sauce 2 tbsp
garlic 2 cloves
olive oil 3 tbsp

Prepare marinade for barbecue:
in a bowl, combine olive oil, soy sauce, add spices, garlic passed through a press - mix. Wash the chicken fillet, dry and cut off all the films. Cut into small strips about 1 cm thick. Send the meat to the marinade. Leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes.
Soak wooden skewers in water and also leave for 30 minutes. Then we string the chicken fillet onto the skewers with an accordion.
Wrap the form with foil, put the skewers. Bake for about 15-20 minutes t 200 degrees.
Enjoy your meal!

Music - "Orbit" by Josh Woodward. Free download:


Chicken skewers with vegetables in the oven

  • Time for preparing: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 6 portions.

Kitchen appliances:

  • oven chamber;
  • containers for ingredients;
  • cutting board;
  • garlic press;
  • whisk or fork;
  • food film;
  • oven grate.


For barbecues:

For marinade:

Step by step cooking recipe

  1. Let's start with the marinade. To do this, in a deep bowl you will need to mix: olive oil, a tablespoon of wine vinegar, one tablespoon of lemon juice, oregano, coriander, thyme and dried basil.

  2. Chop the garlic with a press. Add minced garlic to the marinade bowl. Add ground pepper and some salt.

  3. Using a kitchen whisk, mix all the ingredients for the marinade.

  4. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes and send them to the marinade. Roll them well in it and cover with foil. Then place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator for forty-five minutes.

  5. Let's prepare the vegetables. With them, you do not have to be smart and spend a lot of time on them, all you need is to wash and clean them well. After that, simply cut them the way you like best. It is most convenient to cut vegetables into cubes so that they look more aesthetically pleasing, and they can be more easily strung on wooden skewers.

  6. Soak the skewers in water before threading the cooked chicken onto them.

  7. Start stringing the chicken fillet onto skewers, alternating chicken pieces with pieces of vegetables. When you have completed this step, you can preheat the oven.

  8. Put all the skewers you have on the oven grate and place in the oven itself. Bake for a short time, about five minutes on each side. Don't forget to flip the skewers so they cook on each side.

  9. When the dish is completely ready, serve it to the table and start tasting your own creation.

Video recipe for chicken skewers with vegetables

I strongly recommend that you watch this video, in which you will find not only very useful information throughout the cooking process of this dish, but you can also learn how to prepare Greek sauce, which is ideal for such a barbecue.

Skewered Skewers | In the oven

You don’t need special conditions for kebabs, just an oven is enough, super if it has a grill function! It remains to invite friends and arrange gatherings πŸ™‚

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↝ Chicken breasts, 500 gr
↝ bell pepper
↝ Red bow
↝ Eggplant or zucchini

For marinade:
↝ Olive oil, 30 ml
↝ Lemon juice, 1 tbsp.
↝ Wine vinegar, 1 tbsp.
↝ Garlic, 2 tooth.
↝ Dried oregano, 1 tsp.
↝ Dried basil, thyme and coriander, 1/4 tsp each
↝ Salt, pepper to taste

For the tzatziki sauce:
↝ Greek yogurt, 250 gr
↝ Cucumber, 100 gr
↝ Garlic, 1 tooth.
↝ Lemon juice, 1 tbsp.
↝ Olive oil, 1 tbsp.
↝ Parsley and dill, chopped, 1 tbsp each
↝ Salt, pepper to taste


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The composition "Daily Beetle" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:

The composition "Italian Afternoon" belongs to the artist Twin Musicom. License: Creative Commons Attribution (

The composition "Life of Riley" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:


What side dish and sauce would be best?

For chicken skewers, you can use a variety of sauces and side dishes. If you watched the video that I suggested to you, then you know that tzatziki sauce of Greek origin is perfect for chicken skewers.

You can also use regular ketchup, which is very good in this case. But for special gourmets, I can advise you to try serving this type of barbecue with spicy or garlic sauce.

Chicken can be cooked however you like. But to surprise someone, you can try to cook, which will allow them to preserve their beneficial properties.
You can also cook. This perfectly complements their flavor range.

Tell us, did you like the recipes for chicken skewers on skewers? Did you manage to cook them? Or maybe you know how to make such a dish in a different way? Share your experience in the comments.

If there is bad weather outside and there is no way to get out into nature to fry meat on charcoal, do not be discouraged - you can always cook delicious chicken skewers in the oven on skewers without leaving your home. Gathering relatives and friends around the table, you can also have fun, just like when relaxing outside the city. All we need for this is a minimum supply of food, a pleasant company and a great mood!

The main thing in the recipe is fresh chicken fillet and marinade, while vegetables and spices allow the chef to improvise and adjust the homemade barbecue to his taste preferences. In our version, the chicken is baked on skewers with zucchini, but if you wish, you can do without the vegetable component. And for the future, we suggest trying and.


  • chicken (fillet) - 0.5 kg;
  • zucchini (optional) - 1-2 pcs.

For marinade:

  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 1 large clove;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • honey - 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • black sesame, oregano or other spices - to taste.

How to cook chicken skewers on skewers

  1. Cut the fillet into roughly equal pieces of medium size and put in a bowl.
  2. Salt the bird (if the soy sauce is very salty, you can skip this step), sprinkle with pepper and your favorite spices. AT this case it would be appropriate to use black sesame - its inclusions will create a decorative color on the pieces ready barbecue. Also, chicken meat is ideally combined with basil, oregano, thyme, etc. - choose aromatic additives at your discretion.
  3. We add honey, pour in soy sauce, vinegar and vegetable oil with a neutral taste. Thoroughly mix the fillet pieces, and then put them on the refrigerator shelf for at least half an hour, and even better for 2-3 hours, so that the chicken is properly soaked in marinade.
  4. We chop the zucchini with long translucent ribbons - the easiest way to do this is with a vegetable peeler. Sprinkle the cut with salt and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. We collect the future barbecue: we alternately string pieces of marinated chicken meat and zucchini slices twisted into rolls on skewers. In addition to zucchini for barbecue, you can use cherry tomatoes, slices of sweet pepper and even pineapples - the dish will be delicious in any performance.
  6. We spread the chicken skewers on a baking sheet and send them to the oven heated to 210 degrees. Bake for about 20-25 minutes - the fillet cooks quickly, so it is important not to overdry it.
  7. Serve hot chicken skewers. You can make an addition to the main dish. Fits great here

How to cook delicious and juicy little chicken skewers in tomato marinade at home

Here is another great version of the second course of chicken, which can also be served on festive table. I really love to cook this kind of kebabs, especially since it's easy to do. See similar recipes for skewers on skewers here.


  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 200 g of hard cheese;
  • 3 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 200 g bacon;
  • 1 tsp without a hill of black ground pepper;
  • 1 tsp without a slide of paprika;
  • salt to taste.

Recipe for mini skewers in the oven

1. Wash the chicken fillet under running water and blot with paper towel. We beat off a little on both sides.

2. Cut into small cubes of 3-4 cm.

3. Pour into a bowl where we will marinate our small skewers. Add tomato paste, salt, pepper, paprika.

4. Mix everything. In order for the kebabs to be well saturated with tomato and spices and turn out to be more fragrant, you can cover them with a plate and put them in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours. If you do not have extra time, then you can cook right away. One way or another, they will marinate a little while we prepare the rest of the ingredients.

5. Meanwhile, cut the bacon into small slices. He will give our kebabs his juice and a pleasant smoked flavor. With bacon, the chicken fillet will not be dry.

6. Grate cheese on a coarse grater.

7. Chicken fillet in tomato sauce Thread onto skewers, alternating with bacon slices. Put on a baking sheet, which is desirable to grease vegetable oil or cover with parchment paper.

8. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and send to a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes. This time will be quite enough for the small skewers to bake and the cheese not to burn.

9. Just in case, we check the chicken fillet for readiness, making an incision to the skewer. If the skewers are well baked - take out and serve hot. Enjoy your meal!

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