Frozen raspberry pie recipe with photo. Raspberry pies: delicious and simple recipes with photos

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Thursday, July 17, 2014 1:02 pm + to quote pad

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This way of making jam allows us to keep the taste and everything. beneficial features raspberries. Making this delicacy is very simple and easy, but you only need to store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Raspberry jam - delicious treat, which almost everyone loves, but there is one drawback in this berry: raspberry seeds constantly get stuck in the teeth, but we will fix this in our recipe.

Recipe for summer meringues with raspberries and strawberries and whipped cream, decorated with mint and powdered sugar.

The no-bake raspberry cheesecake parfait is one of the most delicious quick desserts that I know. No baking, minimum effort - and a very worthy dessert on the table.

Recipe for sbitnya. Not a single fair, or folk festival in the old days ancient Russia without such a drink as sbiten could not do.

Recipe for melt-in-your-mouth chocolate mousse with raspberry yogurt, garnished with raspberries and whipped cream.

Raspberry juice has an antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes activity gastrointestinal tract. Raspberry juice - a bouquet of vitamins and useful elements.

At the height of summer, when the raspberry season comes, of course, I want to cook something interesting from this delicious berry, and not just preparations for the winter. So meet - raspberry dessert.

Every self-respecting hostess should know this simple and quick recipe jam, because it will allow you not only to save your time, but also to prepare an excellent treat for the whole family in a couple of minutes.

This simple recipe for raspberry jam without cooking is good first of all because it preserves the maximum benefit of fresh berries, and even in winter, when you open a jar, you will feel the very smell of fresh raspberries!

If you want to try but don't know how to cook raspberry jam in a slow cooker, then this recipe is just for you! Who does not have access to the stove, and there are a lot of berries - the slow cooker will do it!

Your attention - the most useful classic recipe raspberry jam without sugar, - the best medicine for colds and winter blues! Nothing superfluous and harmful - only vitamins and benefits!

I want to tell you how to make seedless raspberry jam with an absolutely simple device! But the jam (or confiture) is really tender and homogeneous.

Raspberry lemonade made from fresh or frozen raspberries is always warmly welcomed at the table. First, beautiful bright color that will brighten up any table. Secondly, the magical taste, freshness and benefits.

Currant is a very healthy and tasty berry, but some do not like it because of excessive acid, but if you add raspberries to it, the taste will be perfect - moderately sour, moderately sweet.

Such raspberry jam without water at home turns out to be juicy and tasty, because, in fact, here the jam is boiled in its own juice, which means it turns out to be more natural and fragrant!

I want to share with you interesting way making raspberry jam with gelatin, it turns out almost confiture, which can be used as a filling for pies. Delicious!

I think that every housewife should know how to make raspberry jam for 5 minutes, because in winter you can’t find a better and tastier cure for a cold! A charge of vivacity and vitamins!

If you love both cherries and raspberries equally, then you don’t have to make jam from them separately, because by combining these two berries in your favorite treat, you will get a unique bright taste.

The jam cooked in the slow cooker is incredibly tasty and fragrant, and the berries retain their shape well, so be sure to make raspberry jam in the slow cooker this year.

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose which of these berries - raspberries or strawberries - you like more. Therefore, I suggest not making this hard choice, but simply combining them and making a great jam.

Cottage cheese dessert with raspberries is a simple and at the same time complex culinary creation! If you cook a cottage cheese dessert correctly, then it will not differ much from a confectionery dessert!

Raspberry jam is the best prevention in the winter cold, especially for children who cannot tolerate syrups and pills. Making raspberry jam will take a little effort, but it will bring a lot of pleasure.

Raspberry biscuit roll is a raspberry bomb that will definitely explode in our country house in July. It looks different every time, but always very tasty and tender. Do you want to know the recipe?

An amazingly tasty medicine, a source of natural vitamins, an excellent filling for pies and a great addition to fragrant tea - all this is homemade raspberry confiture.

Delicious, fragrant and very tender raspberry Easter is brought to your attention. What could be better than pampering yourself and loved ones with something new for the holiday?

Raspberry jam is a wonderful breakfast delicacy that is so loved in Europe. Raspberry jam - tasty, healthy, beautiful and easy! You can make a jar of jam in 10 minutes! Real jam!

Champagne is the main drink on New Year's Eve. I suggest you diversify your holiday bar and make raspberry champagne at home. We try.

This natural recipe cranberry and raspberry juice will open you a drink that can become for you a full-fledged substitute for all store-bought drinks that are full of dyes and other nonsense!

To cook French chocolate dessert you need 20 minutes and good mood. There are very few ingredients, the dessert is incredibly tasty! Try.

Raspberry sauce for duck deserves your attention. A duck is always a duck, but the sauce can give it completely new flavors. The recipe comes from Portugal, where this sauce is popular.

Raspberry syrup is a unique ingredient that has a place in everyone's refrigerator. Firstly, raspberry blanks are healthy and tasty, and secondly, the syrup will decorate any pastries and pancakes.

Roll with raspberries is a very tasty treat for any tea party. Pretty dangerous entertainment for those who follow their figure, but in small quantities this is unbelievable. delicious roll let's say :)

Pies with raspberries in the oven - very tender, tasty, fragrant. Be sure every season I make this fabulous summer treat. Happy children are constantly running to grab another pie :)

Tea with raspberries and lemon balm is a tonic drink that is prepared on the basis of green tea. Suitable for use both in the morning and in the evening. I'll tell you how to cook it right.

Raspberry muffins - very tasty pastries, perhaps my favorite muffins. They are very simple to prepare, but they turn out incredibly tasty. Try it!

Would you like to learn how to cook raspberries pureed with sugar? Great choice! Such a preparation will retain all the benefits, taste and aroma of fresh berries, and at the same time, for quite a long time!

I propose to find out a simple recipe for raspberries with sugar for the winter. After all, we all need vitamins in the cold season, right? Therefore, I propose to take care of them now, in the summer!

Smokva is a type of so-called dry jam. That is, first we cook, and then drain the syrup, spread the "stuffing" with a thin layer on parchment and dry it in the air or in the oven. It turns out a fig.

Raspberries collected in the forest really want to be preserved until winter. To do this, the largest, most mature and dense berries must be frozen. Store them in the freezer in a hermetically sealed box.

We love this simple five-minute raspberry jam recipe very much, because the berries turn out just like fresh ones, and the sweet syrup also helps with colds. So not only tasty, but also healthy! :)

Raspberry fig is especially tender. My grandmother also cooked me thin sweet strips of berries. They were almost black in color and tasted like fresh berries with sugar. Have you savored it?

Raspberry jam - all favorite treat and the best medicine. Not only does it help us fight a cold, but it will also help fight depression and stress. Ready for vitamins!

With a cold, we immediately grab onto raspberry jam, we also use it as a filling for pies, and often just crack it with a spoon. Raspberry jam is a must-have in your storage locker.

Raspberry jelly perfectly quenches thirst and even strengthens the body useful substances. I'll tell you how to cook it.

Raw strawberry-raspberry jam is very easy to prepare and, most importantly, preserves the beneficial properties of berries. Berries are not exposed heat treatment and therefore remain very useful.

Milk shake with raspberries - a great summer treat. Such a treat is interesting for both adults and children!

Linzer cake with raspberries and apples is the real pride of the confectioners of the Austrian town of Linz. I managed to get the right recipe this cake, which I am happy to share with you.

I will tell you how to cook delicious cottage cheese with raspberries - better than in any coffee shop.

If you want to make some interesting sweet sauce, try raspberry sauce.

Raspberry and red currant marmalade

The recipe for cooking, beloved by many, marmalade using raspberries and red currants.

The recipe for an Italian multi-layered dessert, the name of which literally translates as "lift me up."

Italian jelly recipe sparkling wine, fresh raspberries and lemon juice.

Fresh raspberry pudding recipe, sliced white bread, sugar, milk and whipped cream.

Recipe for amaretti with mango and raspberries. Very tasty and popular Italian cookies, which are prepared without flour.

Recipe for meringues with raspberry extract and chocolates inside. Sweet, melt-in-your-mouth meringues make a great dessert for Valentine's Day.

Recipe for a pie with vanilla cream, whipped cream and raspberries. Vanilla cream can be made up to 4 days in advance and kept refrigerated in an airtight container.

“The raspberry beckoned us to itself ...”, Valentina Legkostupova sings about the tasty and fragrant summer berry. And can you argue with that? How many recipes can you count that have raspberries as an ingredient? A lot of? Of course! After all, this is a very popular berry in summer time. Especially widely it is used for the preparation of a wide variety of pastries. Fresh raspberry pie is known in many countries. Housewives prepare it not only as a simple homemade delicacy, such pastries successfully decorate any festive feast. The versatility of the berry and its pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness gives such a field of activity that sometimes you can get confused. After all, almost any dough can be used: unleavened, yeast, shortbread, and biscuit. Put the berry both inside the pie and decorate the surface with it. Well, isn't this a holiday for any housewife, as the most important experimenter in the kitchen? Sponge cake with raspberries in this "modest" list takes pride of place. Do you know why? Not every housewife will boldly undertake the preparation of a biscuit. This is a pretty special bakery. But it's very tasty. And that's why this cake is very popular, because biscuit cakes are the basis for almost all known cakes, even the most expensive ones. In general, all the complexity is only at first glance. In fact, if you follow the instructions clearly at first, you can easily and simply prepare a raspberry biscuit pie. And over time, this simple recipe will become a favorite and unpretentious.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 st. Sahara;
  • 2.5 st. flour;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 300 g fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 2 tbsp starch (preferably corn starch).

Easy raspberry pie recipe

1. Let's start with the berry. We sort out raspberries, remove spoiled specimens that can spoil the result at once. Next, rinse the raspberries under a weak stream of cool water, remove excess liquid with a paper towel, or let dry. Now we place the berry in suitable dishes and sprinkle it with half a glass of sugar. Shake to mix everything. Raspberries are a delicate berry, so we do it as carefully as possible. Let stand for a while to drain the juice that will stand out. Next, fill the raspberries with starch and gently shake again until it is evenly distributed. During the baking process, it should absorb excess liquid and prevent the future biscuit from getting very wet.

2. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar according to the recipe.

3. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar into a foam. After all, the more airy the dough is, the tastier and more tender the sponge cake with raspberries will turn out.

4. Now we begin to introduce wheat flour. Gently, slowly, pour in a spoon or two, mix, lifting the dough from the bottom. We also introduce baking powder for the dough.

5. When all the flour is added, stir it with a mixer at medium speed. The readiness of the test will show the bubbles formed on the surface.

7. Mix with a mixer. As soon as the dough begins to gather on the beaters, it means that it is ready. Its consistency is just right. The density of the dough should be slightly thicker than sour cream or plain biscuit dough for the cake.

8. Ready dough pour into a baking dish. It is better to use silicone. It doesn't need to be lubricated. Getting the finished cake out of it is quite simple.

9. Put the raspberries, which were previously mixed with starch, on top of the dough in the form.

10. If the berry still releases a lot of juice, then you can lightly sprinkle the pie on top with starch or flour. This will absorb the excess liquid and the cake will not be wet on top. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

11. We check the readiness of the pie with a wooden skewer. If it is dry, the cake is ready. It is advisable to remove the fresh raspberry pie from the mold when it has cooled slightly.

12. Raspberry sponge cake is ready! Baking is incredibly tasty and fragrant. In the process of cooking, the berry gives off such a smell that you have to count every minute before opening the door. oven. Raspberry pie is essentially a very simple homemade recipe, but the result is beyond all expectations. Enjoy your meal!

Many people remember pleasant impressions from childhood: a small grandmother's kitchen, from which comes the breathtaking smell of something baked with hints of sweetness. What's this? Of course everyone's favorite raspberry pie, each piece of which simply melted in your mouth, forcing you to reach for a plate of pastries again.

We have grown up a long time ago, have our own children, but that very aftertaste from the grandmother's baked product is not forgotten. Namely, in order to resume the best moments of childhood, we have collected the most unsurpassed recipe for "grandmother's" raspberry pastries.

Fresh raspberry pie - recipe

For test:

  • raspberries - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • yuka - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • raspberries - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;


  1. Take all raspberries (400 grams) and grind them thoroughly with a blender.
  2. Beat the eggs well with sugar with a mixer, then add all the flour and soda to the resulting mass, mix again.
  3. Pour half the mass of raspberries into it, then transfer everything to a pre-greased form and send it to the oven, well-heated, for half an hour.
  4. Take out the finished raspberry pie and cut it lengthwise into cakes, which should be smeared with the remaining raspberry soak and put on top of each other.

From above, this appetizing culinary masterpiece can be decorated with fresh berries.

Pie with fresh raspberries - an old recipe


  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Raspberries - 500 grams;
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Sour cream - 1.5 cups;
  • Butter (for greasing the baking sheet);
  • Vegetable oil - 0.7 cups;
  • Vanilla;
  • Whipped cream;
  • Baking powder.


  1. Beat the mass of eggs and sugar, then gradually add the rest of the ingredients: sour cream, vegetable oil, vanillin, flour and baking powder.
  2. Mix everything and put on a baking sheet greased from sticking.
  3. Scatter raspberry berries over the entire surface of the future pie, “sinking” them a little in it.
  4. Put everything in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  5. When ready, decorate with whipped cream and berries.

Frozen Raspberry Pie - Recipe

When it comes Cold winter or slushy autumn, so you want to treat yourself and your family to the goodies of a warm summer. This is easy to do if you prepare the following baking option, which is created on the basis of frozen raspberries. This dish is indistinguishable from a raspberry summer pie.


  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Vanillin;
  • Sugar - three quarters of a glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Half a teaspoon of extinguished soda;
  • Frozen raspberries - 200 grams.


  1. Leave the butter warm in advance to acquire softness, then beat it well with sugar: regular and vanilla.
  2. Salt, flour, eggs, slaked soda and baking powder should be added to the mass. General state bring the dough to homogeneity.
  3. As a last step, add half a serving of berries to the future pie and put everything in a greased form.
  4. On top of the dough, you need to evenly lay out the second part of the raspberries and put everything in the oven for 40 minutes (180 degrees its heating).
  5. Check readiness with a toothpick. Eat for health.

Pie with frozen raspberries and sour cream

To implement this recipe, you will need:

  • Two eggs;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • Two glasses of flour;
  • One glass of sugar;
  • Two teaspoons of baking powder;
  • Vanillin (to taste);
  • Half a kilo of frozen raspberries.


  1. The technology for creating this culinary masterpiece: defrost frozen raspberries in advance so that they do not spread.
  2. Beat eggs well with sugar, and then add baking powder, sour cream, vanillin, butter and sifted flour. Mix everything.
  3. The form before baking should be greased with oil and put one portion of the dough there, then make a layer of berries.
  4. Pour the rest of the dough on top of it and spread the remaining raspberries on the surface, dipping them a little with the dough.
  5. Bake for thirty minutes at one hundred and eighty degrees. And go ahead, boil the kettle.

Pie with raspberries in a slow cooker - how to cook

Modern technical devices help any housewife save a lot of time and tasty feed her beloved family.

Baking prepared in a slow cooker can also have unique palatability. To prove this, below is an example of such a recipe.

For the test you will need:

  • five eggs;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Vanillin;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Starch;
  • Two glasses of raspberries.

For sour cream need:

  • A glass of fat, thick sour cream;
  • Two tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar.


  1. Preparation should begin with kneading the dough. To do this, beat eggs and sugar in a bowl until white, airy. Pour flour there, carefully, in portions and vanilla. We mix everything in such a way that the resulting mass retains the air state.
  2. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, and pour the dough into it. Raspberries are cleaned (washed, dried, sorted out from garbage) and covered with a little starch. Now they should be posted. top layer on the dough.
  3. For complete cooking, you should select the "Baking" mode, set for about 40 minutes. After the end of readiness, turn on the multicooker for an additional 20 minutes.
  4. To make a cream, you should beat all the sour cream and sugar. After that, with the resulting sweet mass, grease the raspberry pie after cooking. If desired, you can decorate everything on top with grated chocolate. The taste will be simply unsurpassed.

Layer cake with raspberries "Primer"

Raspberry pie can be created in the most diverse ways, because sometimes you want to move away from the standard appearance, then the content seems even more tasty and healthy. This is the recipe for the following.

Such a gift for the day of knowledge will remain unforgettable for any first grader, and everyone can create it with the help of simple products.


  • Packaging of yeast puff pastry;
  • 300 grams of raspberries sprinkled with sugar.

How to cook

  1. Defrost the purchased dough and give it the shape of a rectangle (cut off the excess).
  2. After that, we put the berries on one half, and hide them on the other. The result is again a rectangle, but already stuffed with raspberries.
  3. We give it the shape of a book, making the edges slightly wavy, and proceed to cut out the letters.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix a little flour and water, knead the dough, and roll it out into a thin layer.
  5. We cut out the letters “A”, “B” from the resulting one and fasten it, pressing a little, onto the surface of the cake.
  6. Lubricate it with the yolk of an egg for a blush and put it in a heated oven for twenty minutes.
  7. After the expiration of this time, the letter layered cake with raspberries will be ready to eat.

Well, for adults, according to the exact same recipe, you can cook a puff raspberry pie of any shape.

Shortcake with raspberries - recipe

An alternative option for a delicious baked dish "for tea" can be a raspberry pie made from shortcrust pastry.

For the test need:

  • One egg;
  • Two tablespoons of sugar;
  • 70 grams of margarine (you can butter);
  • 200 grams of flour.

For filling would need:

  • Two glasses of fresh raspberries;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of semolina;
  • To create a sprinkle:
  • 40 grams of butter;
  • Three tablespoons of flour and the same amount of sugar;
  • Almonds (chopped or flaked).

Technology cooking is as follows:

  1. Grind the egg thoroughly with sugar and butter, adding flour. It worked out shortbread dough, which should be laid out on a baking sheet, forming the shape of a further pie, and put in the freezer for about twenty minutes.
  2. Now let's start creating the sprinkle. To do this, mix flour and sugar, where we add almonds and butter. We carefully rub everything with our hands until we get the texture of a small crumb.
  3. We take out a baking sheet from the freezer and spread the top layer of raspberries, and top it with semolina and sugar. Last layer laying the topping.
  4. Now bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour until a crust is slightly ruddy.

At the end of cooking, you will enjoy the great taste and appetizing appearance this culinary creation.

A gray and dull winter, sometimes lasting for half a year, makes us remember warm days with sadness and nostalgia. Since then, there has been not only a shortage sunlight, but also the main summer joy - fruits and berries. But this trouble is just fixable, and today we will talk about recipes that, as if by a wave magic wand will take us to such distant summer months, giving us a real berry delight, the main ingredient of which will be frozen raspberries. Frozen raspberry pie main character our today's article.

sponge cake

Sweet soft biscuit dough just blends perfectly with delicate raspberry sourness. You can see for yourself by trying to cook an amazing berry delicacy.


  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Raspberries - 300 grams;
  • Salt - a pinch;

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the raspberries and let the excess liquid drain. This juice is subsequently drained. It can be used to make syrup or fruit pie sauce.
  2. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Put the whites in the refrigerator for a while, beat the yolks with sugar until thick foam. As for the amount of sugar, here it can be varied according to your own taste. Those who do not like excessive sweetness can safely take half a glass + a couple of tablespoons for sprinkling raspberries.
  3. Sift flour together with baking powder. Many believe that this manipulation is needed only in order to get rid of the garbage that may come across there. In fact, the task is completely different, because the quality of modern flour is already so high in itself that there can be no talk of any garbage. It is necessary to sift so that the flour is saturated with oxygen and turns the dough into a magnificent cloud.
  4. In small portions, add flour to the egg-sugar mixture and knead until smooth.
  5. Beat the cooled proteins with a pinch of salt until the state of steep peaks, after which very carefully add this airy mass to the dough. We try to knead from the bottom up. The result should be a homogeneous dough, with a consistency resembling thick sour cream.
  6. We coat the form with butter or line it with baking paper. Silicone molds do not need to be lubricated at all, since the dough will not stick to them anyway.
  7. Distribute the dough evenly over the mold. We spread the berries on top, which it is advisable to sprinkle with starch first, and sprinkle them with sugar. By the way, raspberries can be added to the dough itself.

We bake it at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden skewer: if you pierced the product and got it dry, then you can wait for a golden crust and take it out. Serve a healthy treat after it has cooled down a bit.

Puff pastry pie

The easiest pie recipe using frozen raspberries. Its main plus is that it is not necessary to make the dough so unloved by many housewives. 15-20 minutes, and the dessert is ready (of course, subject to prior defrosting of all ingredients), however, first things first.


  • Ready frozen puff pastry- 1 pack (500 grams);
  • Sugar - ½ cup (it all depends on taste preferences and the sweetness of the berries themselves);
  • Raspberries - 400-500 grams; Yolk of 1 egg;
  • Starch - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Butter - for greasing the mold.

When the ingredients are prepared, proceed to cooking:

  1. We roll out the frozen dough into thin layers, one of which will be the base, and the second - the top.
  2. raspberries can not be defrosted, but simply sprinkled with starch so that all the berries are completely covered with it. Such a move will not only preserve the integrity of the berries during baking, but also “bind” the resulting juice, turning it into an incredibly tasty jelly;
  3. we coat the form with oil and lay out one part of the dough, making the sides (their height depends entirely on the amount of dough, the higher the better);
  4. lay the berries abundantly on top of the base and sprinkle them with sugar on top;
  5. on the remaining layer we make small cuts and stretch a little to get a semblance of a mesh. If time permits, you can work a little more on the decoration of the top by making a pigtail or braid. When laying out the dough, do not forget to pinch the sides.
  6. Beat the yolk with a little water and coat the top so that our pastries are covered with a delicious golden brown.

Frozen raspberry pie takes an average of 25 minutes to bake at 180 degrees, but start monitoring a little earlier as ovens can work differently. As soon as the top is well reddened, you can take it out. It is advisable to serve it already cooled down, since hot berries can burn you badly.

Recipe for multicooker

Not a single kitchen can do without this assistant, but it is not always possible to adapt recipes and deal with operating modes. Therefore, we will tell you how to properly cook such a pie in a slow cooker.


  • sugar - 150 grams (you can use 200 if you like it sweeter);
  • egg - 3 pieces; flour - 250 grams;
  • raspberries - 250-300 grams;
  • salt - a pinch; vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (optional);
  • baking powder - 1 sachet; starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - for greasing the bowl.

Let's start cooking:

  1. beat the eggs with salt and sugar and vanilla sugar until the grains melt.
  2. Gradually add the sifted flour and baking powder.
  3. Frozen berries are thoroughly sprinkled with starch so that it covers the entire surface and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly so that the berries are evenly distributed.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil and lay out the dough. We set the "Baking" mode. We wait 40-50 minutes, depending on the duration of the program.

You need to get the cake after cooling, otherwise it may tear. Serve with powdered sugar, fruit or cream sauce, scoop of ice cream.

Video recipes

Thanks to dry freezing, we can all year round eat fresh raspberries. But most of them want to cook something tasty and refreshing. For example, fruit drink, jelly, cake or pie with raspberries and sour cream. Baking is more difficult, but you will love this raspberry pie recipe for its simplicity and originality. cook yeast dough not difficult at all, but on the contrary quickly and clearly. Try to bake such a dessert, because to get it you need to train.

Ingredients for Raspberry and Sour Cream Pie:

For yeast dough:

  • Milk - 70 ml;
  • Butter - 15 gr.;
  • Wheat flour - 125 gr.;
  • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.;
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar sand - 25 gr. (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Fresh lemon zest - 1/2 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil for the form - 1 tsp;
  • Flour for the working surface of the table - 5 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • Fresh or thawed raspberries - 500 gr.;
  • Sour cream 20 percent - 150 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 3 tsp;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.

How to prepare an open raspberry pie:

1. First, sift the flour with a slide and make a hole in the middle. Crumble the yeast and send it to the recess.

2. Warm up the milk a little, as for a child. Mix milk with sugar and a small pinch of salt. Wait until the grains are completely dissolved. Pour some milk into the well for the yeast. Dust everything on top with flour. Leave the bowl open for 15 minutes.

3. During this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Melt the butter, remove the zest from the lemon. Zest is a must-have ingredient added to the raspberry pie recipe for a reason.

4. When you see that the yeast has dissolved and started to "play", add the cooled butter, zest, yolk, the rest of the flour and the rest of the milk.
Mix the ingredients for the raspberry pie recipe until you get a smooth batter. Then return it to the bowl, now cover it with whatever seals it, and leave it on the table. Room temperature will suffice. The dough should at least double in size to be ready.

5. Use the time window to prepare the pie filling with raspberries and sour cream. Mix the eggs with a fork. Add sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar. Set the bowl aside to allow time for the sugar to dissolve.

7. Roll out the dough into a pancake and put it in a basket shape.

8. Pour the previously sorted raspberries into the dough baskets.

9. Fill the raspberries with the prepared mixture of sour cream, eggs and sugar.

We will bake an open raspberry pie for about 35 minutes. It is only worth considering the fact that the oven must be preheated to 160 degrees in advance, as for

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