Sucked everything out of the eggs. Dishes from boiled eggs: cooking recipes with photos

Engineering systems 17.10.2019
Engineering systems

Egg dishes are tasty, nutritious and varied. Eggs are cooked as an independent dish, used as an element for the first, second, dessert, as well as for baking and in sauces. Not a single restaurant menu and, of course, home cooking can do without them.

Simple breakfast of eggs and sausages

Even the simplest breakfast can lift your mood for the whole day if it is prepared with love and creatively decorated.

For one serving:

salt, pepper, seasoning to taste.
To fasten the figurine you will need a wooden toothpick. When serving food, it must be removed.
The first option is “Heart”: cut the sausage lengthwise, without cutting through one end, turn the cut outward, bending it in the shape of a heart.

The second option is "Chamomile":

1. On the sausage, make transverse notches without cutting through to the end.
2. Bend, notches outward, closing into a ring.
3. Fasten the free ends with a toothpick.
4. Fry the workpiece in hot oil on both sides.
5. Pour an egg into the center of the figurine. Season with salt, pepper, herbs to taste.
6. Carefully transfer the finished scrambled eggs to a plate with a spatula.
7. Decorate with herbs, tomatoes, inscriptions or patterns of thick sauce and so on. Don't forget that eggs are served hot.

egg pancakes

These pancakes are not an independent dish, but the basis for filling with any appetizing filling. They make beautiful and delicious appetizers.


six eggs;
six tablespoons of milk;
Milk can be replaced with vegetable oil or sour cream. These ingredients are added to eggs in a 1:2 ratio.
1. Whisk the mixture lightly. Pour into hot skillet in small portions.
2. Fry pancakes in oil on both sides.
3. Stuff warm until they curl well.
When serving, fold in half, in the form of a roll, or cut into rolls from it.

Egg omelette with tomatoes for breakfast

Many people choose egg dishes for breakfast for the speed and ease of preparation. Oddly enough, even a simple omelette can be a real test for a cook. It is a tradition in many French restaurants that when applying for a job, job seekers first demonstrate the art of making an omelette.

For the exam you will need:

Three eggs;
hard cheese;
small tomato;
olive oil;
salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste.
A French omelet is like a thin flatbread or pancake folded in half with a small amount of filling.

It is not customary to add milk, water or flour to the egg mixture, this is considered bad taste.

1. First you need to prepare the filling: grate the cheese, chop the greens and the tomato. The tomato can be lightly stewed to make it soft. The egg cake is very tender, so you can not overload it with the filling. Enough one and a half tablespoons of cheese and tomatoes per serving.
2. Chefs use two whole eggs and one yolk to achieve soft texture and rich color. Eggs for an omelet are not beaten, otherwise it will turn out tough. It is enough to mix the whites and yolks until a uniform color.
3. Salt and pepper the mixture.
4. Grease a hot pan with olive oil. Excess can be wiped off with a dry cloth. For a delicate creamy taste, an additional tablespoon of oil is also heated here.
5. The egg mixture is heated, while making sure that the edges of the omelette are easily separated from the pan. It is cooked over medium heat so that the protein quickly "grabs" but does not burn.
6. While its surface is still a little liquid, spread the filling on the omelette and fold the workpiece in half with a spatula. Sometimes it is folded into a roll. In France, a slightly undercooked omelette with a liquid filling is considered ideal. The underside should retain the color of the butter. By standards, fried crust is unacceptable.
7. The dish is decorated and served immediately.

Eggs are perhaps the most masculine food of all. And their constant presence in the refrigerator will save any starving bachelor who does not want to spend a lot of time preparing food. And we will prove to you that you can cook from eggs not only scrambled eggs, but also delicious and original dishes.

We won't tell you how to cook hard boiled eggs; we better tell you how to cook eggs cool.

1. Fried Fried Parmesan Bread (Serves 6)

This classic egg recipe makes for a light and savory breakfast that redefines the way fried eggs are made.


- mayonnaise;
- 100 grams of grated Parmesan cheese;
- 6 slices of bread;
- 6 large eggs;
- salt and freshly ground pepper;
- hot sauce (optional)


Mix mayonnaise and cheese in a bowl. In the resulting mixture, dip each slice of bread on both sides. Then we cut out a small circle of pulp in the middle of each with a diameter of about 6 cm. After that, put the bread in a pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown (about 1-2 minutes). Flip the bread slice to the other side and pour the egg into the hole. Sprinkle the top of the toast with salt and pepper. Reduce the heat on the stove to medium to low, cover the pan with a lid and leave the toast with the egg to fry for about 3-4 minutes. Do the same with the rest of the bread slices. When serving, you can season the toast with hot sauce.

2. Huevos rancheros (serves 6)

Mexicans also know how to cook eggs, and they do it very elegantly. For example, they add black beans, cilantro to their scrambled eggs, and replace bread with tortilla.


- 1 cup black beans;
- 3 large tomatoes;
- 1/2 red onion;
- 3/4 cup olive oil;
- fresh lime juice
- chopped fresh cilantro
- 3/4 teaspoon hot sauce;
- 3/4 teaspoon of salt;
- 15 g of spring greens;
- 6 corn tortillas;
- 6 large eggs;
- queso fresco cheese


In a medium bowl, gently toss the black beans, tomatoes, onion, 1/2 cup olive oil, lime juice, hot sauce, and salt to make a fresh salsa. Put it aside. Divide all available greens into 6 servings and also set aside. Spread the remaining oil on both sides of the tortilla and lightly season them with salt to taste. Then fry the tortillas in a pan for 1 minute on each side. Cook each egg in a pan like an ordinary fried egg. Transfer one egg to each plate and top with the prepared salsa. You can decorate the dish with cilantro. Serve salad with fried tortillas.

3. Baked eggs with spinach and tomatoes (serves 4)

This aromatic breakfast (or even a light dinner) is sure to impress any of your guests.


- 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
- 1 medium onion;
- 150 grams of fresh spinach;
- 1 tomato;
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin;
- 1 teaspoon of salt;
- 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper;
- 1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika;
- 2 teaspoons of hot sauce;
- 4 large eggs;
- 1/4 cup shredded feta cheese


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan, add the meadow to it and fry for 5 minutes. Then throw in the spinach and carcasses for another 2 minutes. In a medium bowl, stir together the chopped tomato, cumin, salt, pepper, paprika and, if desired, the hot sauce. Add the cooked spinach and onion to it and stir. Divide it all into 4 oiled pots. Pour one egg into the center of each of the pots. Sprinkle it with feta on top. Then place the pots in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes.

4. Egg cloud (serves 4)

This impressive dish is much easier to prepare than it looks.


- 8 large eggs;
- 1 cup of grated parmesan;
- 200 grams of ham;
- salt;
- freshly ground black pepper;
- finely chopped green onion.


Preheat the oven to 230 degrees and put food paper on the surface of the baking sheet. Crack the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks into two separate bowls. Whip the egg whites until stiff for 3 minutes. Then add Parmesan and ham to it, sprinkle with pepper and salt and mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in four equal piles on a baking sheet, making a small indentation in the center of each. Bake them for 3 minutes. Then take the baking sheet out of the oven and place an egg yolk in each indentation. Sprinkle the top of the yolk with salt and pepper, to taste, and return the baking sheet to the oven, continuing to bake for another 3 minutes. Before serving, garnish the dish with green onions.

5. Cheese rolls with ham and egg (serves 5)

Who needs bread when there's ham? Try at least once to cook ham rolls from eggs, and you will not be able to forget about them.


- 10 eggs;
- 2 cloves of minced garlic;
- salt;
- freshly ground black pepper;
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 1/2 cup grated hard cheese;
- spinach;
- 1 chopped tomato;
- 20 slices of ham.


Crack the eggs in a large bowl. Whisk them together with the garlic and season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, pour in the eggs and fry them, stirring for 3 minutes. Stir the cheese into the eggs until it melts. Then add spinach and tomato to it and mix again. After that, put a piece of ham on a cutting board. Put a tablespoon of cooked scrambled eggs on it and roll it up. Do the same with the remaining ham slices. Place the rolls in a shallow baking dish and bake in the oven until the ham is crisp (about 5 minutes).

6. Omelette waffles

Have you ever thought that you can make waffles from eggs?


- 3 large eggs;
- salt;
- freshly ground pepper;
- 2 tablespoons chopped ham;
- 1/4 cup grated hard cheese;
- 2 teaspoons chopped parsley.


Whisk the eggs in a large bowl. Salt and pepper them, then toss with ham, cheese and parsley. Pour the egg mixture into a waffle dish and bake in the oven until golden brown, 4 to 5 minutes.

7. Hot dog with egg (serves 4)

One of the best breakfast options is to make a hot dog with sausage from eggs.


- 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
- 4 sausages;
- 200 grams of bacon (cut into small pieces);
- 4 large eggs;
- salt;
- freshly ground black pepper;
- 1 tablespoon of oil;
- 4 hot dog buns;
- 2 tablespoons of fresh green onions;
- spicy sauce.


In a frying pan with oil, first fry the sausages until golden brown on all sides. Then take them out and fry the chopped bacon until crispy. Drain the bacon on paper towels, reserving about 1 tablespoon of oil in the skillet. Then, over medium heat, fry the eggs in the same pan, making the usual fried eggs. Take hot dog buns and stuff a sausage in each one, top with an egg and sprinkle with bacon and onions. Season hot dogs with hot sauce and serve.

Every time you cook regular scrambled eggs or boil them soft-boiled or hard-boiled, you lose the opportunity to try this healthy product in a new way. But you can get the same amount of protein, but at the same time try an original, tasty dish, which is also aesthetic in appearance. Here is a selection of new ways to cook eggs and diversify your meal.

1. Baskets with eggs

For cooking, you will need muffin baskets, bacon and eggs. Roll thin slices of bacon in a basket, break an egg in the middle of the basket and bake it all in the oven.

Basket with eggs

2. Fried eggs with yolk of medium readiness

If you like a slightly liquid yolk, but not so much that it flows out, you can cook scrambled eggs like this: break the egg into a frying pan greased with oil, cover with a lid and do not turn over until cooked. Due to the lid, the yolk will bake better.

Medium scrambled eggs with yolk

3. Golden Eggs

The French prepare this dish for Easter, but you can eat it at least every day. The basis of the dish is a cream sauce made from flour, butter and milk. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk from the finished egg.

Finely chopped protein is mixed with cream sauce. After that, the finished sauce is spread on toast, and the yolk crumbles on top.

golden eggs

4. Crispy poached eggs

Such eggs can often be seen in various French salads. First, boil the egg soft-boiled, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 30-60 seconds in a greased frying pan. The dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Crispy poached eggs

If you are too lazy to boil or fry eggs in the morning, you can make it easier. Break a raw egg, beat it a little to mix the yolk with the protein, add green onions and ham and pour it all into a regular coffee mug. One minute in the microwave and your breakfast is ready.

6. Cheese toasts

Soak slices of bread in a milk-based sauce, top with cheese, and bake in a baking dish along with eggs, milk, and mustard.

Croutons with cheese

7. Omelette rolls

Whisk the eggs, pour them into a greased pan so that the layer of raw eggs is about 2 cm thick. Wait until the eggs are cooked on one side, then turn the omelette over, put on top everything that you would like to wrap in a roll, for example chopped ham and pepper. After the second side of the omelet is cooked, simply roll it into a roll.

8. Egg soufflé

Initially, the soufflé was made from eggs, we just forgot about it since the chocolate soufflé appeared. But you can always make egg soufflé at home. To do this, you need four yolks, three proteins, a little milk, butter and flour. It turns out air pleasure.

This is a Danish pastry dish, but it contains more eggs than the actual dough. To begin, beat the egg whites until thick foam, then in a separate bowl mix the flour, salt, sugar, yolks, butter, buttermilk and add the whipped whites.

The finished dough is poured into a special form, greased with oil. After the appearance of bubbles, the pancakes must be constantly turned over in the recess so that they do not burn.

You have probably tried such an omelette in cafes or restaurants, but it was impossible to cook such a magnificent dish at home.

Here is a recipe that will help you make a really fluffy omelet.

For the omelette you will need:

  • large eggs (separate yolks from proteins) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • butter or margarine - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.
  1. Preheat the stove to 160°C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg whites, water, and salt and beat with a mixer on high speed. In a small bowl, mix the yolks and ground black pepper with a mixer for about three minutes. Pour the yolks into the bowl with the beaten egg whites.
  3. Melt the butter in a heated pan and pour the beaten eggs into it. Slowly reduce the heat to low, cook for about five minutes, or until the omelet is fluffy and the underside is light brown (carefully lift to see the color).
  4. Continue cooking the omelet for about 12-15 minutes. Check readiness with a knife: if you manage to stick it in the middle and get it clean, the omelet is ready.
  5. Tilt the pan so that the omelette slides onto the plate, carefully fold it in half and serve with salsa or tomato paste sauce.

Every time you cook regular scrambled eggs or boil them soft-boiled or hard-boiled, you lose the opportunity to try this healthy product in a new way. But you can get the same amount of protein, but at the same time try an original, tasty dish, which is also aesthetic in appearance. Here is a selection of new ways to cook eggs and diversify your meal.

1. Baskets with eggs

For cooking, you will need muffin baskets, bacon and eggs. Roll thin slices of bacon in a basket, break an egg in the middle of the basket and bake it all in the oven.

Basket with eggs

2. Fried eggs with yolk of medium readiness

If you like a slightly liquid yolk, but not so much that it flows out, you can cook scrambled eggs like this: break the egg into a frying pan greased with oil, cover with a lid and do not turn over until cooked. Due to the lid, the yolk will bake better.

Medium scrambled eggs with yolk

3. Golden Eggs

The French prepare this dish for Easter, but you can eat it at least every day. The basis of the dish is a cream sauce made from flour, butter and milk. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk from the finished egg.

Finely chopped protein is mixed with cream sauce. After that, the finished sauce is spread on toast, and the yolk crumbles on top.

golden eggs

4. Crispy poached eggs

Such eggs can often be seen in various French salads. First, boil the egg soft-boiled, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 30-60 seconds in a greased frying pan. The dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Crispy poached eggs

If you are too lazy to boil or fry eggs in the morning, you can make it easier. Break a raw egg, beat it a little to mix the yolk with the protein, add green onions and ham and pour it all into a regular coffee mug. One minute in the microwave and your breakfast is ready.

6. Cheese toasts

Soak slices of bread in a milk-based sauce, top with cheese, and bake in a baking dish along with eggs, milk, and mustard.

Croutons with cheese

7. Omelette rolls

Whisk the eggs, pour them into a greased pan so that the layer of raw eggs is about 2 cm thick. Wait until the eggs are cooked on one side, then turn the omelette over, put on top everything that you would like to wrap in a roll, for example chopped ham and pepper. After the second side of the omelet is cooked, simply roll it into a roll.

8. Egg soufflé

Initially, the soufflé was made from eggs, we just forgot about it since the chocolate soufflé appeared. But you can always make egg soufflé at home. To do this, you need four yolks, three proteins, a little milk, butter and flour. It turns out air pleasure.

This is a Danish pastry dish, but it contains more eggs than the actual dough. To begin, beat the egg whites until thick foam, then in a separate bowl mix the flour, salt, sugar, yolks, butter, buttermilk and add the whipped whites.

The finished dough is poured into a special form, greased with oil. After the appearance of bubbles, the pancakes must be constantly turned over in the recess so that they do not burn.

You have probably tried such an omelette in cafes or restaurants, but it was impossible to cook such a magnificent dish at home.

Here is a recipe that will help you make a really fluffy omelet.

For the omelette you will need:

  • large eggs (separate yolks from proteins) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • butter or margarine - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.
  1. Preheat the stove to 160°C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg whites, water, and salt and beat with a mixer on high speed. In a small bowl, mix the yolks and ground black pepper with a mixer for about three minutes. Pour the yolks into the bowl with the beaten egg whites.
  3. Melt the butter in a heated pan and pour the beaten eggs into it. Slowly reduce the heat to low, cook for about five minutes, or until the omelet is fluffy and the underside is light brown (carefully lift to see the color).
  4. Continue cooking the omelet for about 12-15 minutes. Check readiness with a knife: if you manage to stick it in the middle and get it clean, the omelet is ready.
  5. Tilt the pan so that the omelette slides onto the plate, carefully fold it in half and serve with salsa or tomato paste sauce.

Eggs cannot be classified as rare products. Dishes from them are tasty and satisfying, nutritious and healthy. And these qualities are enough to become one of the favorite products.

Not only breakfasts are complete without eggs. Eggs are an indispensable ingredient in delicious pastries and, and. In addition to ordinary dishes, symbolic and festive treats are prepared from this popular product.

What comes to the mind of most when you need to cook a dish in which the central component will be eggs.

Of course, fried eggs and scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and scrambled eggs - and this is usually where the fantasy of amateur cooks is excised. What could be simpler - knocked a couple of eggs into the pan and breakfast is ready, the amateur will say. But this product produces original treats that are not ashamed to be served on the festive table.

And skillful housewives are able to create real holiday masterpieces from improvised and familiar products.

Starting from pagan times, special magical qualities were attributed to eggs, which gave rise to the creation of numerous legends and beliefs associated with them. Some traditions have come down to our times. They do not do without symbolic painted eggs, Easter eggs and specks. It is with the consecrated eggs that the festive meal begins for.

It is also connected with the holiday, which is celebrated by Christians on July 13th. On this day, it is customary to serve various egg dishes on the table.

egg omelet recipes

Making a real omelet is an art. It would seem that eggs and milk are no secrets, and the result can be either a lush, tasty perforated dish, alluring with aromas, or a cyanotic rubber cake, which is a shame to remove from the pan.

It turns out that such a simple dish as an omelette has many nuances and secrets associated with its preparation.

Remember these tricks and your omelet will always be amazing.

The amount of milk used to make an omelette should not exceed half the volume of eggs. Otherwise, the dish will not be able to rise during cooking.

Fry the omelette in a heavy-bottomed pan with the lid closed.

Do not open the lid until the dish is ready - the omelet will settle and become rubbery.

Do not use baking soda in the recipe - it gives the omelette a blue tint.

Start cooking on high heat and bring the dish to readiness on a minimum flame.

And for those who have mastered the art of making the perfect omelet, original recipes from eggs and milk will come in handy.

Egg and Milk Dishes: Herb Omelet

A familiar dish will acquire an unusual taste and aroma if finely chopped herbs are added to a mixture of eggs and milk.

Experiment with the proportions and combinations of greens and you are sure to find some of your favorite recipes. Green onions, dill, parsley, spinach, thyme are suitable for an omelet.

Egg and Cheese Dishes: Omelet with Mushrooms and Cheese

By expanding the list of ingredients, you can get a hearty dish with an original taste.

First, fry the mushrooms in a pan. Then pour in the egg-milk mixture and pour the workpiece with grated hard cheese on top. Bring the omelet to readiness under the closed lid.

Serve an omelette with mushrooms for a festive family breakfast, which will help recharge not only the energy of the sutra, but also the festive mood.

Delicious Egg Dishes: Stuffed Omelet Rolls Recipe

To prepare rolls, you will have to learn how to fry a thin omelet.

Splendor in such recipes will only be a hindrance. In addition, you need to get used to twisting the roll.

This must be done quickly, before the omelette pancake has time to cool.

Lubricate the surface of the omelette with sauce and lay out a thin layer of the filling prepared in advance.

We wrap the finished roll in a film and send it to the cold to solidify.

As a filling, you can use:

  • fried mushrooms and bacon;
  • grated cheese and finely chopped greens;
  • fried carrots with garlic;
  • stewed onion rings;
  • mashed cottage cheese and pieces of red fish.

You can grease the finished omelet with sour cream with herbs, a mixture of mayonnaise with fermented baked milk and garlic, soft curd mass.

Fried eggs and assembled dishes from chicken eggs

Each hostess has more than a dozen variations of cooking scrambled eggs.

And if you add recipes for scrambled eggs from different nations to this culinary list, you can not only delight your family with new dishes every day, but also choose an original recipe to serve on the festive table.

Egg Recipes: Scrambled Eggs in Pepper

Love the original serving - cook a dish in a dish.

Roasted bell peppers themselves have an unsurpassed taste. And if you drive an egg into circles of fried pepper, you get a juicy and mouth-watering treat.

A kid will like this dish for his birthday, especially if you bake colorful peppers.

Liked the idea of ​​cooking a dish in a dish? Make scrambled eggs in toast, for which you will have to remove the middle of the bread slice and fry the workpiece in oil before driving in the egg.

But we will make scrambled eggs in a bun in the oven. Add bacon and cheese pieces to the dish and a hearty holiday egg breakfast is ready.

Each nation has its favorite and national dishes. Eggs, despite their prevalence, are no exception. And if the classic omelet is a French idea, different tortillas are a Spanish trick.

But no one forbids preparing an exquisite Spanish dish for the Slavic table. Moreover, the products in this dish are simple and affordable.

There are countless tortilla recipes. But the mandatory ingredients, in addition to eggs, are potatoes and onions.

We start cooking by frying onion rings, to which we add circles of boiled potatoes in advance. When a golden crust appears, we drive chicken eggs on top.

We do not forget to season the dish with salt and pepper, and wait until the main ingredient, the eggs, is cooked.

True, a familiar dish. Probably everyone has tried a combined dish, which contains the leftovers of food that remained in the refrigerator.

You can cook tortilla with mushrooms, ham, cheese, spinach, chicken, sausage. The main thing is to fill everything with eggs - and an exquisite Spanish dish is ready.

Egg dish not only for breakfast: Florentine eggs

This is a combined dish that will boldly take its rightful place on the festive table. In addition to eggs, we need spinach, cheese and cream. For toast, you can take toast bread or a regular loaf.

First, prepare the spinach mixture. Why useful greens will have to be boiled for no more than a couple of minutes in salted water and sent to a colander. We put the finished product in a bowl, where we mix it with cream and grated cheese.

Now let's prepare the poached eggs.

If you have no experience in cooking gourmet eggs according to a classic recipe, use cling film.

Lubricate a piece of cut-to-size film with oil and place it in a cup. Drive an egg into it and immediately tie the film neatly.

Send the egg in the film to boiling water, and in two minutes a complex dish will be ready. It remains only to untie the film.

We begin to collect Florentine sophistication. Put the spinach mixture on the toasted toast, and the finished poached egg on top.

An incredible play of colors and taste will appeal to any gourmet.

Easy Egg Dishes: Shakshuka

It is difficult to determine whose idea is to fry eggs with vegetables. This egg recipe is probably thousands of years old.

Fry finely chopped onion with garlic in oil, not bringing to frying. Add bell peppers and tomatoes to the pan, which are an essential ingredient of shakshuka.

At the same stage, salt and add herbs. When the vegetables are stewed, we make small indentations, where we drive in the eggs. We bring shakshuka to readiness.

If you want to serve shakshuka for a festive breakfast or as an appetizer on a festive table, cook the dish in bowls.

To do this, make a vegetable part in a pan, arrange it in portioned dishes and beat in one egg at a time. Bring the festive shakshuka to readiness in the oven.

Boiled Egg Dishes: Stuffed Eggs

This original way of serving is quite often used by housewives. Effective and appetizing appearance is in no way inferior to the taste of the dish. Therefore, stuffed eggs can often be found on the festive table.

Stuffing for stuffing boiled eggs can be quite varied.

It can be a classic dish with red caviar or a dietary dish of mashed cottage cheese with herbs.

Try to make original options by stuffing eggs:

  • pieces of rolled bacon;
  • boiled grated beets, garnished with a piece of herring on top;
  • a mixture of canned sardines and yolk;
  • grated cheese with garlic.

Quail eggs look pretty nice on the festive table.

These microscopic stuffed halves are suitable both as an independent and for decorating a salad.

egg salad recipes

Believe it or not, more than 70% of holiday salads are prepared with eggs. It is hard to imagine a classic Olivier or a fur coat without boiled eggs.

Today we will get acquainted with dishes where eggs act as the leading component.

Egg salads can be served on the table as an independent dish, as portioned salads and used for spreading toast and or stuffing tartlets.

Greek egg salad

The dish is easy to prepare, but loved by many housewives for its versatility.

Greek egg salad is prepared with a minimum amount of ingredients. You will need at least 8 boiled eggs. and the same amount of good cheese, which will be approximately 400 gr.

An obligatory component will be garlic, which you need to add to the dish, focusing on your taste preferences and fat-free mayonnaise.

Grind all the ingredients on a fine grater and dress the salad with dressing. This salad is suitable for making appetizers, sandwiches or tartlets.

If you want to serve such a dish as an independent treat, chop the eggs and cheese not on a grater, but with a knife into larger pieces.

Salad with stuffed eggs

Original serving, in which stuffed quail eggs will take center stage.

For stuffing, he takes out yolks from boiled and cut in half eggs, which we grind in a bowl together with mustard and herbs. We fill the halves with the resulting mass.

In a salad bowl, place lettuce torn by hand. It is advisable to take different varieties that have red and green foliage.

Add halves of cherry tomatoes and avocado, as well as coarsely chopped walnuts, to the salad.

For dressing you need sauce. We prepare it from mayonnaise, in which we add a little chopped garlic, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice.

To the sauce you also need to add a little grated cheese and bring the taste with black pepper.

After dressing the salad with sauce, lay out the prepared stuffed halves of quail eggs. Literally after 15 minutes, which will be enough for the ingredients to make friends, we serve the dish to the table.

Egg and onion salad

Such a simple appetizer will cause a sensation at the festive table. Salad of eggs and onions looks great and surprises guests even more with an unusual taste.

We will use two types of onions for its preparation. Onions will compete with eggs in the dish, and green onions will go for decoration.

Onions must first be marinated. To do this, we take medium-sized onions and, after cleaning, cut them into half rings. We add and rub gently with our hands. Add a spoonful of sugar and vinegar to the bowl with the onion. Mix again so that the onion starts up the juice, and immediately pour boiling water over it. We will marinate the onions according to this recipe for literally 15-20 minutes.

Boil the eggs and cut in half after peeling. Cut each half into strips.

In a salad bowl, mix the finished onion after the marinade and large pieces of eggs. For dressing, sour cream is suitable, in which you need to add a little mustard. We spread the egg-onion salad in a slide and sprinkle with green onions on top.

We cut the feathers at an angle to get unusual beveled rings.

Experiment with ingredients. Eggs can be safely attributed to the universal culinary component, which is combined with many products. Try unusual combinations and invent new holiday dishes with eggs.

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