Olive oil - the benefits and harm to the body. Olive oil - useful properties and contraindications

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Olive oil: The benefits of this product for the body are undeniable. The Greeks believed in its divine origin and called it "liquid gold". The Spaniards and Italians have long introduced the divine product into their diet and made it part of the Mediterranean diet. Much has been written about its miraculous properties.

Even the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates began to use olive oil in medicine.

But what exactly are the benefits of olive oil? What is its advantage? And who can it harm? Now let's figure it out.

Composition and energy value

99% of olive oil is fats that contain oleic and linoleic acids. These are unsaturated fatty acids Omega-9 and Omega-6, they are indispensable for the human body.

Olive oil contains a number of important vitamins and minerals for the body. It:

  • Vitamins A, B3, D, E, K, C;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium.

The energy value of the oil is 884 kcal / 100g.

Daily rate: 2-3 tbsp. l.

Benefits for body and soul

Olive oil is good not only for the body, but also for mental health.

The benefits and harms of olive oil are shrouded in some myths: non-existent properties are sometimes attributed to it. You may have even heard that olive oil is the healthiest of oils. This is not true. In fact, neither linen nor sunflower oil do not yield to him. They just have different qualities.

Olive oil and its effect on the human body

"Liquid Gold" has a wonderful taste and aroma, but most importantly, it has a positive effect on health.

The cardiovascular system. It is believed that oleic acid reduces the level of so-called "bad" cholesterol and maintains - the level of "good". Not all scientists agree with this, and attribute the "efforts" to other components of the oil. But no matter what scientists decide, the fact remains: the use of olive oil reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques and other heart diseases.
It lowers blood pressure, so it is extremely useful for hypertension.

Musculoskeletal. Vitamins K, D, A and E help maintain calcium in the body, strengthening bones and joints.

Digestive. Useful for constipation and hemorrhoids, as it has a laxative effect. The vitamins contained in the oil strengthen the muscles of the intestines, and linoleic acid is able to heal wounds. These are the reasons why it is chosen for the treatment and prevention of gastritis and ulcers.

Vision. The content of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the human eye, improving twilight vision.

Skin, muscles. Linoleic acid speeds up the production of new cells and tissue regeneration, so it is great for healing wounds, burns and other injuries. It also helps maintain muscle tone. Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant - prevents skin aging and improves the condition of hair and nails.

Nervous system. Due to the content of vitamin C, it strengthens the nervous system and promotes the production of anti-stress hormones. It has a positive effect on the coordination of movements. In ancient times, it was even used to treat mental illness.

Oncology. Scientists have proven that the use of olive oil - great way for the prevention of cancer, especially breast cancer. This effect is achieved in several ways. First, oleic acid suppresses the gene responsible for reproduction cancer cells. Secondly, the antioxidant vitamin E reduces the amount of free radicals that damage the body. Thirdly, due to the fact that the product removes toxins from the body, the risk of cell mutations is reduced.


The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach have been discussed many times by experts in traditional and conservative medicine. It is believed that one or two teaspoons of oil drunk in the morning help normalize the digestive tract, remove toxins, and prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Positive effect on the heart. Well, this procedure affects the condition of hair, skin and nails: skin - moisturizes, hair and nails - strengthens, appearance - refreshes and rejuvenates.

Be careful! This approach is not for everyone! If you have gastrointestinal problems, cancer, or any type of chronic disease, this procedure can make things worse. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor.

The power of olives for skin and hair

Try applying olive oil to your body and hair and the results will surprise you.

The benefits of olive oil for the skin are undeniable. Since ancient times, olive oil has been used as a wide range of cosmetic products. It was used:

  • as a means for sunburn;
  • for moisturizing;
  • for wound healing.

It is suitable for moisturizing all skin types. Even on oily skin, it is advised to apply a little oil: this will reduce the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Basically, recipes based on clay, honey and lemon are popular.

The benefits of olive oil for hair are no less significant. It can smooth out naughty curls, make them softer, get rid of split ends.

The easiest way: Apply olive oil evenly throughout the hair, paying special attention to the roots, tips and scalp. Not prevent light massage during application. Hold the mask for 10-15 minutes, then wash your hair with your shampoo. If the oil is not washed off the first time, repeat the procedure. The mask can be done several times a week.

To enhance the effect, it is possible to use eggs, lemon, honey and other ingredients.

Caution: contraindications and harm

  • Do not use it for people suffering from cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Since olive oil has a choleretic effect, its excessive use can aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Also, do not get carried away with oil for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, chronic diseases. If you already have health problems, but you are not ready to give up "liquid gold", do not forget about moderation. The benefits of olive oil for the liver and digestive system will be maximum if you eat 2 tablespoons a day.
  • There is a misconception that fried foods in olive oil are not harmful. It is a myth. Any oil changes during frying, releases carcinogenic substances and complicates the work of the digestive system. Therefore, for a healthy diet, it is worth abandoning frying in favor of other types of food processing: boiling, stewing.
  • Even if you are completely healthy, you should not abuse olive oil. High content fats in this product can provoke the development of fatty liver, diabetes and, despite the dietary properties, obesity. So be smart and don't overdo it.

How to choose?

The maximum benefit of olive oil will be if you choose the right product. The main indicator of the quality and usefulness of the oil is the amount of fatty acids per 100 grams. The lower this figure, the better.

Consider its types according to the method of obtaining:

This product is obtained from fresh olives (which are harvested by hand) by cold pressing, so it retains all the useful qualities as much as possible. The acidity of such oil should not exceed 0.8%. The beneficial properties described above are inherent in this particular type of oil.

  • virgin olive oil

Second cold pressed product. Inferior in quality to the first type, but it is natural and useful. Its acidity is not more than 2%.

  • Olive Oil, Pure Olive Oil, Pomace Oil

These types of oils are obtained by processing cake with the addition chemical substances. Such oils are cheap, but they are not useful either. The latter is not allowed to be sold in all countries.

Pay attention to the following:

  • the benefits of extra virgin olive oil are the greatest;
  • quality oil should be expensive;
  • it must be bottled in the same place where the olives are harvested;
  • if put in the refrigerator, natural oil becomes cloudy, a precipitate appears, at room temperature it returns to its natural appearance;
  • buy in small quantities, as the product tends to oxidize.

Bon appetit and more benefits for your health!

And the most curious can see how olive oil is produced in the video below.


A drop of olive oil works wonders. Nutritionists, cosmetologists and doctors are sure of this. The inhabitants of Spain, Italy and Greece confirm this axiom. beautiful skin, well-groomed and Thick hair, lack of "crow's feet" under the eyes. This is what every second woman looks like in countries where the olive grows. The fruits of the tree are tasty, healthy and oily. Extract from olives is nutritious and filled with useful substances. The composition does not compare with other oils. Olive oil is the only fatty product allowed for children from infancy. Many factors speak about the benefits of elastic fruits. What are the health benefits of olive oil and where is it used?

Composition of olive oil

The useful properties of the product are due to the content of fatty acids and substances necessary for the body. Fruit extract is a source of strength, beauty, youth and good mood.

The composition of olive oil includes the following components:

Vitamin E. Responsible for the anti-aging effect. The task of the vitamin is to give the skin firmness and elasticity. Olive oil is included in cosmetics for women over 25 years old. From this age, the first wrinkles appear. The task of the remedy is to stop the aging process and prolong the life of cells.
Fatty acid. Normalize digestion, help the absorption of products. Greek fruit extract is a favorite product of nutritionists. Many diets start with olive oil on an empty stomach. Before starting this procedure, consult your doctor. With cholecystitis and other diseases, the use of olive oil for medicinal purposes is prohibited.
Antioxidants. The main task is to remove free radicals, which are the source of dangerous diseases. The oil comes into action regardless of the form of application. Olive extract is used as a dressing for salads, consumed on an empty stomach for medicinal purposes, rubbed into the skin or hair.

In addition to the main components, olive oil is saturated with vitamins. Among them, vitamins A and D are useful for skin and human health. The remedy acts as a source of iron, which is necessary for of cardio-vascular system rich in micro and macro elements.

Useful properties of olive oil

The peculiarity of the tool is easy absorption. When using an olive extract, a person receives all the substances and vitamins that make up the fruit. Improvement occurs after 30 days of use.

A high result is achieved due to the beneficial properties of olive oil:

Responsible for the balance of substances and elements in the human body. The natural product does not contain cholesterol. The tool is recommended for people with diabetes and patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
Favorably affects the digestive organs. The chair is back to normal. Olive oil heals stomach ulcers.
Subdues appetite. The fatty acids that make up the extract are well absorbed and saturate the body. A person does not feel hunger, consumes less food.
Rejuvenating and firming effect. The walls of blood vessels become elastic. Regular use of olive oil can slow down the aging process. There is a general positive effect on the body. There is a formation of immunity and its strengthening.

The regenerative properties of the product and the anti-inflammatory effect allow the use of a wound healing agent. The oil has a pleasant effect, does not pinch the skin, because it has an analgesic effect. Recent studies have shown that olive oil can protect against skin and breast cancer. Useful properties are used in cooking, are actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

Using olive oil for skin

For medicinal purposes, take a spoonful of olive oil daily. To achieve silky and smooth skin, regular application is also important. Olive extract is used to combat cellulite, helps eliminate dryness and flaking. The product is used separately or is part of masks, balms, creams.

With prolonged exposure, users notice the following effect:

the skin becomes soft, dry zones disappear;
stretch marks formed during the loss of extra pounds or during pregnancy are reduced;
masks and face creams based on olive oil rejuvenate the skin, even out the contour, remove swelling;
small wrinkles located on the face, around the eyes are eliminated, the appearance of new ones is prevented.

The effect of the application is noticeable not only to users, but also to others. The face changes color, breathes with health, and the skin becomes pleasant to the touch.

Using olive oil for hair

Natural products in the form of herbal decoctions or homemade masks always have a positive effect on the strands. But, when using oil, you have to be careful. An incorrect recipe or an incorrectly selected ingredient will lead to loss of color, weighting of curls and excessive fat content. Olive oil is an exception here too. It is used for all types of hair. The main thing is to rinse off the product correctly and combine it with the right ingredients. The result will not be long in coming. Curls become thick, shiny and silky.

If you are afraid for the result, then start using by adding a few drops to the shampoo. The effect will not be noticeable after a week of use. If there are no rashes, discomfort or negative impact on the hair, then proceed to the manufacture of home cosmetics.

Olive oil solves the main problems faced by the owners of lush hair. Impact environment, styling products, improperly selected shampoo or balm lead to the fact that the strands lose their natural beauty and strength. Hair begins to "ache", split ends appear, curls fall out, dandruff forms. Restoration requires natural and safe remedy. Olive oil, penetrating into the hair structure, shares moisture, vitamins with each strand and fixes the result. Covers the curl with a protective film. Stops hair loss, moisturizes scalp. It is easy to achieve a magical result, learn how to prepare healing balms.

Olive oil face masks

The first step is to choose the right main ingredient. The best olive oil is cold pressed. The tool saves beneficial features, third-party impurities are not added to it. Quality olive oil is labeled extra. Before use, it is not necessary to heat the extract from green fruits. The oil will lose its healing properties.

The following olive oil face masks are made at home:

With vitamin E. According to the additional ingredient, it becomes clear that the vitamin complex is used against skin aging. The mask is made by mixing vitamin E and olive oil. For five tablespoons of the main component, one part of the vitamin is added. The resulting product is liquid, so it is applied with a cotton swab. The remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth after 15 minutes.
With lemon juice. The mask fights skin rashes. Recommended for people with oily or combination skin types. The tool is prepared before application. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl of olive oil. The liquid is applied with light movements. Avoid areas around the eyes. The mask is washed off with water or removed with a paper towel.

Fruit. With the advent of cold weather, the fight against vitamin deficiency begins. By the end of winter, the body uses up the supply of vitamins, their absence affects general condition health and skin. Grey colour faces, circles under the eyes are eliminated with a fruit mask. As a puree, any fruit is suitable. The ratio of olive extract and fruit is equal. The mixture moisturizes the epidermis, eliminates dry areas, saturates the skin with vitamins.

Olive oil hair masks

Means are good because they include ingredients that can be found in any refrigerator. The oils included in the composition are sold in pharmacies or specialized stores. The simplest recipe comes down to applying oil to the skin and strands. Then follow the situation. If you make a mask in the evening, then insulate your hair and go to bed. Wash off the oil in the morning by thoroughly washing the strands with water and shampoo. If urgent resuscitation of the hair is necessary, then soak the product for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure after 2 days. This recipe is used as a prophylactic.

For medicinal purposes, such masks with olive oil for hair are made:

Based on egg yolk. There are several recipes. The first is used for curls prone to oiliness. Any fermented milk product (sour cream, kefir) and a spoonful of butter are added to the composition. The components are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied from the roots to the ends of the hair. Half an hour of exposure is enough to rid the hair of a shiny shine and give a healthy look. The second recipe is used for damaged strands that require urgent restoration. The main ingredients remain, and sour cream is replaced with vinegar (preferably apple). Make sure the product is at room temperature before applying.

Olive oil and honey. The classic tandem used in cosmetology. Honey before the introduction is melted and cooled. If an olive extract is introduced into the hot ingredient, then healing effect get lost. It turns out a viscous mass, which is difficult to apply. Treat damaged strands first. For ease of application, periodically moisten your hands with water. After 40 min. the mask is washed off with warm water. The result is thick, fragrant and obedient curls.
With colorless henna. For the recipe, one package is taken. First, the contents of the package are poured into the bowl. The powder is diluted with water, a thick mass should be obtained. Then olive oil is added. The composition is mixed and applied to the hair. The resulting mass is soft and pleasant to the touch. Helps saturate dry curls with moisture, strengthens strands. For best effect Comb your hair after applying the mask. Wash off with water and shampoo.

Olive extract blends well with other oils. will enhance the firming effect, coconut - will saturate with nutrients, castor - will eliminate seborrhea. All recipes are made quickly and easily. The result of homemade masks exceeds all expectations - firm, elastic skin and healthy, silky hair.

December 24, 2013, 18:05

On the shelves of stores flaunts a lot of bottles with a variety of oils suitable for human consumption. Sometimes it is worth abandoning the already familiar sunflower product and paying attention to just such shelves - the most saturated oils in terms of composition and properties are stored there. So, the best option for many, it is olive oil - it has a pleasant taste, suitable for both raw consumption and for heat treatment, and also melts great benefit for the human body.

The chemical composition and calorie content of oil

Olive oil is produced by pressing the pulp of fresh olives that have just been harvested - the result is unrefined first cold pressing (marked Extra Virgin) which is considered the most useful.

The composition of the product is saturated with numerous components:

  • unsaturated fatty acids, most of which are oleic and linoleic (Omega 6 and 9 complexes);
  • phenols and phenolic acids;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • squalene;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamins A, E, K, D.

It should be noted that the product is almost 100% absorbed in the human body, which allows you to get maximum amount substances from its composition. The calorie content of the product is quite high - about 900 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful and healing properties of olive oil

Numerous components of the oil immediately make it clear that it has incredible benefits. The product affects all organs and systems of the body, in particular, the parameters of appearance, which should be considered in more detail.

What is good for health

The main properties of the oil can be called anti-inflammatory, regenerating, healing and restorative action. It refers to food, so it can be safely used inside - without even bothering to prepare individual medicinal formulations while simply taking in food with daily meals. So, among the aspects of a positive impact on health, we can distinguish:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol;
  • increased protective function;
  • the product is useful for the digestive tract - it envelops the mucous membranes and promotes productive healing of both microcracks and ulcerative lesions;
  • decline hyperacidity stomach;
  • a natural mild laxative, used both to cleanse the intestines and as a prevention of constipation;
  • a means of preventing the formation of tartar;
  • positive effect on the condition of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

Benefits for the beauty of the skin of the face and body, hair

Olive oil is often called the elixir of beauty and youth. If you choose a quality product, then it can be safely used for external application in order to improve the condition of the skin and hair. So, the benefits of the product lie in the following properties:

  • the composition qualitatively nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • vitamin E in the composition as a powerful antioxidant helps fight the aging process of tissues;
  • the product gives the skin freshness and velvety;
  • protection of skin and hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • body wraps with olive oil are often used as part of a weight loss program;
  • the product is simply indispensable for owners of dry scalp and brittle hair - it nourishes, moisturizes and gives a healthy shine;
  • makes hair softer;
  • Due to the nutrition of the skin, not only the quality of the hair improves, but also the speed of their growth.

The peculiarity of the oil is that it can be safely used even as a makeup remover, including from the eye area.

How to take olive oil medicinally

Taking olive oil for therapeutic purposes has many options, which differ both in consumption volumes and in the presence of additional components. The recipe will depend on the problem at hand.

How to drink on an empty stomach in the morning

In order to have a general positive effect on your body and strengthen the immune defense, the oil is taken in its pure form in the morning, drinking 15 ml of the composition daily. In this procedure, it is important to follow some rules:

  • reception should be made only on an empty stomach, before it you should not even drink water;
  • do not exceed the recommended amount of the product;
  • breakfast should take place at least half an hour after taking the oil.

Such a procedure is often resorted to as part of the fight against excess weight - the calorie content of a small portion of oil is small, but the procedure normalizes appetite and activates metabolism.

How to use for constipation

As already mentioned, olive oil can have a mild laxative effect, and a delicate one, which is important for the digestive tract. The extent of the measures taken will depend on the specifics of the situation. So, as a preventive measure or with rare episodes of constipation, an hour before breakfast, take a tablespoon of oil with a glass of water with the addition of a few drops. lemon juice. When the situation is in the aggravation stage, the reception is supplemented with oil enemas, which actively cope even with fecal stones.

Liver cleanse with olive oil and lemon juice

You can also clean the digestive tract with olive oil, allowing it to remove all harmful toxins, toxins and other substances. To conduct a cleansing course, you will need to combine the oil component and fresh lemon juice in equal proportions - a tablespoon. The resulting mixture is simply drunk for the first time in the morning, and then repeated every 30-60 minutes until the evening, when the discharge begins. It is worth allocating a day in advance for the procedure so that it does not interfere with the planned affairs.

Youth elixir recipe with honey and lemon

The recipe for this oriental elixir of youth and good health is very common, and you can find a lot of rave reviews about its use. It is prepared from three ingredients:

  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • liquid honey - 200 ml;
  • oil - 50 ml.

First you need to prepare fresh lemon juice, after which it is mixed with other components. The resulting mass is stored in a closed container in a refrigerator, taking every morning immediately after waking up in a teaspoon. It is important to note that the components may separate during storage, so the composition is mixed before each use.

Use for stomach ulcers and gastritis

Many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of these diseases have an oil base. So, olive oil covers the gastric mucosa with a thin film, which greatly relieves pain, helps to relieve the inflammatory process, and also creates favorable conditions for tissue regeneration.

So, they take only high-quality Extra Virgin oil for medicinal purposes - they drink it raw on an empty stomach, a tablespoon 3 times a day. Significant relief even with chronic course ailments occurs after two weeks of regular intake.

Application for weight loss

Given the calorie content of the product, many are wondering - is it possible to gain weight from olive oil? Of course, such a possibility exists, but only when using the product in large quantities. Subject to the following intake scheme, the process of losing weight becomes more productive - metabolic processes improve, the feeling of hunger decreases and the work of the digestive system as a whole normalizes. To obtain such a significant benefit, the composition is consumed by a teaspoon on an empty stomach every morning, after which you can not eat for an hour.

Harm and contraindications for use

Negative effects from the use of the product in question are achieved only if it is used in the presence of contraindications. So, the restrictions include:

  • cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. The choleretic effect of the oil can aggravate the situation;
  • obesity is a high-calorie product, and its consumption in large quantities will negatively affect the figure;
  • individual intolerance.

Feeling at least minimal discomfort when using the product, you should stop drinking it - no matter what, it is still a fatty composition, and its processing is not an easy task for the digestive tract. best solution there will be a reasonable combination and alternation of olive oil with more familiar products, such as sunflower or linseed. Abuse of oil, regardless of its type, is also not recommended.

Ways to use oil in cosmetology

The component composition of the product allows us to judge its significant benefits not only when used internally, but also as a local remedy for skin and hair. Consider the basic recipes with such an ingredient.

Face masks for wrinkles

The secret of the effectiveness of the oil in the fight against age-related changes in the skin is moisturizing and active nutrition of the integument, which increases their elasticity and firmness. With it, you can prepare effective cosmetics:

  • in equal proportions (usually a teaspoon is enough), the oil component is mixed with crushed mint leaves and liquid honey. A well-mixed composition is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. The recommended frequency of the procedure is twice a week;
  • a tablespoon of cottage cheese is combined with two olive oils, after which a spoonful of honey is also added. The composition is applied for 20 minutes;
  • from wrinkles around the eyes, you can apply the oil in its pure form 2-3 times a week. Excess product is soaked with a paper towel and in no case rubbed.

How to use for stretch marks during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy requires special delicacy and attention to your health, since any decision can, in one way or another, affect the baby. Due to the active increase in the fetus, the skin is stretched, and most women have such a problem as stretch marks. Olive oil is a natural and absolutely safe way to fight and prevent.

Before applying the product, the skin of the abdomen should be carefully treated with a soft scrub, and only after that proceed with applying the oil - it is distributed with a cotton pad and allowed to absorb for 10 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a napkin. The composition can be enriched with other skin-friendly oils, such as orange, neroli or rose.

How to apply oil on hair at night

The oil has a positive effect on both the scalp and the hair itself, it is used for both hair and eyelashes. You can get the most noticeable result by applying the product at night - so it will have enough time to be absorbed. For an average length, you will need 3-5 tablespoons of the product, which is taken into the palms in small portions and heated by rubbing them against each other.

First, the oil is distributed over the roots, then special attention is paid to the tips, and only after that it is evenly distributed along the length. Next, you need to put on a hat on your head or wrap it with polyethylene and a warm towel, and then go to bed. The next morning, the oil is thoroughly washed off. The recommended frequency of such a procedure is once a week.

Can you fry in olive oil?

It should be noted right away that any oil from heat treatment does not become more useful, therefore, with therapeutic purpose it is used only in its raw form as an independent product or as a dressing for salads. Frying can be done with virgin oil - it is ideal for products with a high moisture content, such as vegetables, and with a refined composition - it is more adapted to this application, and is suitable for processing products at high temperatures.

How to choose a product and how long to store after opening?

For getting maximum benefit it is important to purchase a specific olive oil, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • it is better not to take a refined product, because this means that it is thoroughly cleaned and devoid of all its features. It is usually used only for frying, so that there is neither a specific aroma nor taste;
  • no need to focus on low price, high-quality oil will not be cheap;
  • it is desirable that the label be labeled "Bio" or "Organic".
  • it is better to buy in a bottle of dark glass - this is necessary in order to protect against direct sunlight.

When buying extra virgin olive oil, do not immediately purchase large volumes - the product oxidizes quickly, which negatively affects its properties. Store the bottle in a tightly sealed container in a place protected from the sun and at temperatures up to 12 degrees. After opening the original packaging, you need to consume the entire volume of the product within 3-4 weeks, despite the shelf life of one and a half years.

Even 7 thousand years ago, ancient people began to grow olive trees for the production of oil. Since then, research on the unique product has continued. Every year, the piggy bank of traditional medicine is replenished with new information about the possibilities of olive oil. New amazing facts. Those who care about the health of the body and the beauty of the skin cannot do without the Mediterranean miracle.

What is olive oil

In recent years, in the CIS countries, this product has won the stomachs of gourmets, the faces of cosmetologists and the hearts of people leading healthy lifestyle life. Olive oil is pressed from the fruit of the olive. The ancient poet Homer reverently dubbed it "liquid gold".

The myth of the origin of the olive

The Greeks were the first to press oil. According to ancient legend, during the founding of Attica, a dispute arose between the gods for the right to territory. To resolve the conflict, the celestials were offered to create something useful for people. Poseidon, waving his trident, carved a spring of water and a stallion out of the rock. When Athena's turn came, she first turned a wild horse into a pet, and then grew an olive hung with fruits. The olive tree was recognized as a more practical gift to mortals, and the city was named Athens.

Types, varieties, characteristics of fruits and oils

It is possible that the cultural olive is indeed a gift of a resourceful goddess, because the tree does not occur in the wild. On the territory of the CIS, green fruits of an evergreen crop are commonly called olives, and ripe ones are called olives. The birthplace of the tree is the Mediterranean. Most olive groves are in Greece.

Of particular value are olive oil varieties, from which oil and canned food are made. The best are large fleshy fruits with a small bone. Olives are also distinguished by the place of cultivation and the degree of maturity. Olive oil is pressed from ripe olives, but sometimes, to obtain an intense spicy taste, from unripe olives.

Depending on the type and temperature of product purification, bottles with "liquid gold" are labeled differently.

  1. Extra Virgin - natural oil, pressed mechanically.
  2. First Cold Press - the first cold press, a sign of quality. Such a product did not heat up above 26-27 o C during pressing.
  3. Unfiltered Oil - unfiltered oil.
  4. Refined - purified (refined) oil.
  5. Pure Olive Oil - pure olive oil. Despite the promising name, most often it is a mixture of refined and natural oils. Sometimes they honestly write - Mix, which means mixed.
  6. Pomace Olive Oil is a product extracted from pomace, refined with chemical solvents. Used for frying and baking only.
  7. Lampante Oil - for non-food use.

If the label says Extra Virgin Unfiltered Olive Oil, this is the product of the best quality and taste.

Do not judge the quality of oil by color, evaluate by taste, transparency, ability to freeze

Chemical composition - table

The table shows the content of nutrients in 100 g of olive oil.

SubstanceQuantity% of norm in 100 g
Vitamin E12.1 mg80.7%
Phosphorus2 mg0.3%
Iron0.4 mg2.2%
Beta Sitosterol100 mg
Omega 6 fatty acids12 g100%
Saturated fatty acids15.75 g
palmitic12.9 g
Stearic2.5 g
Arachinoic0.85 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids66.9 g137.1%
Palmitoleic1.55 g
Oleic (Omega-9)64.9 g
Gadoleic (Omega-9)0.5 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids12.1 g100%
Linoleic12 g

What are the benefits of olive oil

Thanks to monounsaturated fatty acids and sitosterols, olive oil reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases vascular elasticity, modulates immunity, and improves bile flow. Oleuropein reduces blood pressure, suppresses inflammation and fights free radicals. Block the absorption of harmful fats in the small intestine - phytosterols. Polyphenols remove cholesterol from the arteries and remove it from the body through the liver, with the help of bile. Oleocanthal is an antioxidant, similar in properties to ibuprofen: it reduces joint inflammation and relieves pain. Vitamin E heals the entire body, thins and enriches the blood with oxygen.

Olives differ from olives in the degree of maturity, dark fruits are olives

As an aid, Mediterranean oil is used for the treatment and prevention of:

  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys;
  • skin inflammations;
  • malignant tumors;
  • age differences.

The harm and benefits of olive oil - video

How to choose and store oil

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, only high-quality unrefined oil is used. Other types containing chemical additives will be harmful to health, spoil the skin. When choosing a product, follow the advice of experienced buyers.

  1. Quality oils are labeled Extra Virgin.
  2. Don't judge oil by color. A quality product can be both yellow and Green colour, depending on the variety and degree of ripeness of the fruit.
  3. Check the manufacturer on the label, the leading ones are: Greece, Spain, Italy. It is better if the product is produced and bottled in the same place.
  4. When buying, pay attention to the date of bottling and transparency. Normally, oil can be cloudy only if it is very fresh, bottled from August to October. At other times, this is a sign of oil deterioration, the oxidation process has already begun.

Freshly pressed unfiltered oil - slightly cloudy, this is normal - the pulp has not had time to settle

To prevent spoilage, store tightly closed at room temperature in a dark, cool place. Pour into glass bottle if the purchased oil is poured into a plastic container. The shelf life of natural unfiltered oil is 6 months.

Accidentally cooled oil forms a precipitate, but this is not a problem, at temperatures above 15 ° C, it will dissolve.

Precautions and contraindications

Olive oil is a gift from heaven for health and beauty. The product is completely absorbed by the human body. However, moderation is important, because 100 g of "liquid gold" contains 898 kK. Therefore, limit yourself to 2 tbsp. spoons a day. You will have to completely abandon the oil when:

  • obesity
  • inflammation and stones in the gallbladder with a diameter of more than 7 mm;
  • indigestion;
  • allergies.

With caution use the product for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. Due to the strong choleretic effect of the oil, the movement of stones may begin.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditionally, olive oil is considered the best for cooking. However, its scope is much wider. For the treatment of ailments, only Extra Virgin oil is used.

Buy extra virgin oils for healing

Cardiovascular disease: lowering cholesterol

When using 2 tbsp. l. natural oil daily on an empty stomach for 14 days, blood cholesterol levels are reduced by an average of 15%. Such measures are a reasonable prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and the formation of blood clots. Vascular tone, blood properties improve when taking the product for 3 months.

Hypertension increases the risk of ischemia, heart failure, and strokes. Olive polyphenols cause arteries to dilate, resulting in lower blood pressure. By including a fresh olive product in your daily diet, you can gradually lower your blood pressure and stop taking antihypertensive drugs.

If you do not eat fats at all, including vegetable oils, brain function worsens, memory functions suffer.

Adjustment of the stomach and intestines

Olive oil has a beneficial effect on digestion. Taking it on an empty stomach, they achieve a truly magical effect:

  • the mucous walls of the stomach and intestines are enveloped, the food will not irritate them;
  • acidity of gastric juice decreases;
  • mucosal damage gradually heals;
  • the number of potentially dangerous bacteria decreases, for example, Helicobacter pylori;
  • fecal masses are evacuated in time;
  • the pain subsides.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers, take 1 tbsp three times a day. l. olive oil for 30 min. before meals for 2-3 months. After 2 weeks, the condition improves, heartburn disappears.

For constipation and hemorrhoids, drink 2 tbsp. l. oils immediately after waking up. The procedure stimulates the production of bile, which moisturizes and softens the stool. As a result, waste products, moving through the intestines, do not irritate the mucous membranes and do not lead to stool retention.

For constipation, adjust your diet: give up chocolate, fast food, cottage cheese, eat vegetables and drink olive oil on an empty stomach

To relieve pain to the hemorrhoids twice a day for 15 minutes. apply a compress of oil and honey, mixed in a ratio of 2: 1. To heal cracks in the anus, apply a microclyster with 50 ml of oil. It is administered for 3 minutes, then the intestines are emptied. With severe constipation, accompanied by internal hemorrhoids, large enemas are prescribed: 3 tsp. oil in 150 ml of warm water. Such a solution will relieve inflammation in the anus and facilitate defecation.

If waiting for a chair has become unbearable, use the quick method. Take 1 tbsp. l. oil and drink a glass of warm water with 5 drops of lemon juice dissolved in it. Lie down for 15 min.


Folk remedies are permissible only for mild thermal injuries: redness of the skin without the formation of blisters and violation of the integrity of the tissues. For burns with blisters, in order not to cause an infection, it is better to use special pharmacy products: Panthenol, Levomekol. In case of severe injuries, immediately consult a doctor.

The oil applied to the burned area forms a protective film. It allows the skin to breathe, but protects against moisture evaporation and infection. Without urgent need, do not bandage the damage, the cells need air access.

Reddening of the skin from exposure to the sun is eliminated by applying a thin layer of olive fat, without rubbing, in the morning and evening.

There is a recipe for a stronger burn remedy.


  1. Place half a glass of fresh St. John's wort in a jar and pour 200 g of oil.
  2. Close the lid and put in dark place. Strain after 21 days.

Apply the medicine to redness 3 times a day. An oil infusion for burns is also prepared on calendula flowers in the same proportions.

Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory substances in the composition, St. John's wort quickly heals burns.

Liver cleansing

Due to its choleretic action, olive fats are useful for the body's main filter. But cleansing the liver is strictly not recommended without consulting a doctor. If the doctor welcomes the cleansing of toxins, get ready for the procedure:

  • two days before cleansing, do not eat fatty foods;
  • exclude alcohol;
  • Give a cleansing enema the night before.

While the course lasts, reduce to a minimum the use of the listed products. Treat yourself to fruits, vegetables, green tea.

Cleansing Ingredients:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

2 hours before meals, take the oil twice a day, and then the juice. The mixture increases the production of bile. As a result, the liver is cleansed of toxins. The course of cleaning is 4-5 days with a break of 30 days.

During liver cleansing, give preference to plant foods

Increase immunity, treat colds, strengthen teeth

The body's defenses depend on the intake nutrients. To resist the attacks of viruses and bacteria, you need to eat well. The use of olive fats raises immunity, as it normalizes the activity of the digestive tract.

For the prevention of colds, it is enough to eat 1 tbsp with food. l. oils per day. But if a runny nose still attacked, use the recipe for nasal drops.


  • camphor oil - 1 tsp;
  • propolis tincture - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients. Bury 3 drops in each nostril until recovery.

For pain in the ears, drip 2 drops of warm oil into the ear canal and insert cotton turundas soaked in it.

To relieve inflammation and sore throat, it is enough to swallow 1 tsp. oils. For sore throats, mix an olive product with honey.

Cough is treated with a special medicine.


  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 100 g.

Rub the yolks with honey and add the oil. Take 2 tsp. morning and evening until symptoms disappear.

Honey is often added to home remedies for colds as it soothes coughs.

Rinsing will help solve two problems at once: strengthening tooth enamel and disinfecting the oral cavity.

  1. Take the oil in your mouth and swish it from one cheek to the other. For sore throat, rinse your throat.
  2. After 2-3 minutes, spit into the sink. Repeat 1-2 times daily for 10 days.

Oil pulling came to us from Ayurveda. Indians have been rinsing their mouths for centuries to disinfect their gums and teeth.

Restoration of hearing with hearing loss

Used to restore hearing folk method. Fresh garlic juice is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:3. Every day for 2-3 weeks, 2 drops are instilled into each ear. At the end of the course, they are interrupted for a week, then repeated.

Before treatment, find out the causes of hearing loss with your doctor. If the integrity of the eardrum is broken or polyposis growths are present, the recipe with garlic is contraindicated.

Garlic is an irritant and bactericidal agent used in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment of joints and osteochondrosis

Olives prevent calcium leaching, strengthen bones and reduce the risk of skeletal diseases. If the joints are already affected, the fruit oil will reduce inflammation. It is used internally and externally, lubricating problem areas. Try this powerful cartilage revitalizer.


  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • olive oil - 60 g.


  1. Sauté garlic over low heat until browned.
  2. Strain and chill.

Massage the affected joints three times a day for 2 weeks.

With osteochondrosis, a salt composition is used.


  1. In 20 st. spoons of olive oil stir 10 tbsp. spoons sea ​​salt fine grind.
  2. Close the container and leave in the dark until the salt dissolves.

Rub into sore vertebrae with massaging movements up to 8 times a day. Each time increase the duration of the procedure by 2 minutes until you reach 20 minutes. per day. After the massage, dry off with a hot wet towel. After 8–10 sessions, relief is felt: blood circulation and nutrition of nerve fibers normalize, vision improves and headache disappears when cervical osteochondrosis.Rubbing will have to be abandoned if there are purulent inflammations or scratches on the skin.

With osteochondrosis, the intervertebral discs are first affected, and then the vertebrae themselves


Oleic acid improves the processing of fats and reduces damage to pancreatic cells during inflammation. Therefore, olive oil is welcomed in the diet of patients with pancreatitis. The product is also useful for those who are concerned about the prevention of this disease.

Reception begins with 1/2 tsp. and adjusted to 1 des. l. 2 times a day. The oil is taken on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before. before a meal and drink 200 ml of water. In chronic pancreatitis, the daily norm is no more than 1 tbsp. l. a day to prevent inflammation. You can not use olive fats during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. Let at least a month pass after stopping the last attack.


Nighttime roulades of loved ones sometimes disturb the family's sleep. Do not despair, the fat from the olives will help out. 3-4 drops of oil in each nostril into the snorer's nose 3 hours before going to bed. Course duration - 4 weeks. If the silence breaker resists, don't give up, suggest another method: rinse your mouth with olive oil for 40 seconds.

Olive oil envelops mucous membranes, reduces friction, relieves inflammation of the nasopharynx, which often leads to snoring


Olive oils relieve itching, inflammation and flaking in skin diseases. The oil is especially effective in the palmar and plantar forms of psoriasis. Apply it in a thin layer on plaques 2-3 times a day. Already after 3 days of use, inflammation decreases, the risk of secondary infection decreases. Internal use is also useful: adding to dishes or taking on an empty stomach.

Kidney stones, gallbladder

Before trying to get rid of kidney and gallbladder stones, get an ultrasound and consult a doctor. At home, stones are removed that do not exceed 7 mm in diameter. Larger stones require medical attention. If the disease is accompanied inflammatory process, you cannot cast stones on your own. First you need to suppress the foci of infection.

Before cleansing the kidneys, do not eat anything during the day, drink only water.


  • lemon juice - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and drink before going to bed. For next day drink at least 2 liters of water. Repeat the process until the kidney stones are gone.

To expel stones from the gallbladder, the oil is taken half an hour before meals for 2-3 weeks. Start with 1/2 tsp. Gradually bring the daily volume to 1/2 cup. In some recipes, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp oil each time. l. lemon juice. When cleansing the body of stones, alcohol, flour, fatty and sweet foods are avoided.

Depending on the substances from which the stones are formed, they are different color and forms


Olive oil is chosen in the treatment of tuberculosis as an adjunct therapy. It is used as a means of increasing immunity and restoring healthy breathing.


  • honey - 1 kg;
  • aloe juice - 180 ml;
  • olive oil - 1/2 cup;
  • birch buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • linden flowers - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Melt honey over low heat, add aloe and simmer for 8 minutes.
  2. Separately, brew herbs with 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes. and leave covered for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the herbal decoction into the cooled honey and mix.
  4. Pour the medicine into the containers, filling them 3/4 full. Fill the rest with oil.

Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Shake before use.

Youth elixir

I want to prolong life, but in such a way as to live fully, and not suffer. The elixir of longevity will help to avoid senile decrepitude, osteoporosis.


  • flower honey - 200 g;
  • juice of fresh lemons - 100 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml.

Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp. a day after waking up. The course is held 2 times a year, in autumn and spring, when the body is weakened.

Thanks to the elixir of youth, you can laugh, joke, and dress up, regardless of age

Women Health

Olive oil takes care of the health of the beautiful half of humanity and makes her life happier.

Conception, hormonal problems, menopause

Scientific studies have proven that regular consumption of olive oil increases the fertility of women. This is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the product. Plant substances are similar in structure to female sex hormones. Oil is added to food or drunk on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. l. to increase the likelihood of conception.

From the age of 40, ovarian function gradually fades away. From a lack of hormones, “hot flashes” appear, characterized by poor health, headache, mood swings. Olive oil will help relieve negative symptoms - 2 tbsp. l. in a day.

Pregnancy and lactation

Carrying a child is a crucial time when you need to improve the quality of foods in the diet. Olive oil strengthens the immune system, improves digestion future mother. And the fetus will help form healthy nerves, bones and brain.

In an interesting position, it is useful to drink oil on an empty stomach (1 tablespoon each), add it to food and gently rub it on the stomach, chest, and hips. Internal use normalizes stools, relieves constipation, and external use prevents the appearance of stretch marks that accompany pregnancy. In the last trimester, olive oil eliminates toxicosis.

Olive fats are well prepared for the main event in a woman's life: they prevent difficult long-term childbirth, making the uterus more elastic.

When breastfeeding, mothers often experience breast damage. To avoid the appearance of cracks, it is enough to lubricate the nipples with olive oil every time after feeding.

So that you don’t have to creatively play with stretch marks later, massage problem areas with olive oil during pregnancy

Man's health

Olives increased potency back in Ancient Greece. Modern men also take medicine from olives to improve the functioning of the sex glands. The ancient drug is considered an aphrodisiac.


  • flower honey - 1 cup;
  • olive oil - 1/2 cup;
  • walnuts - 1 cup.

The nuts are crushed and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Take 1 tbsp. l. morning and evening until the potency is restored. With regular use of the drug, the male genital organ is better supplied with blood, the erection is enhanced.

Children's health

Olive oil is introduced into the diet from 7 months, starting with 1 ml. By 8 months, the daily norm is 3 ml, by 9 months - 5 ml. It is best to add oil to vegetable puree. Watch how the baby tolerates the new product: is there any itching, diarrhea. In rare cases, an allergy to the olive is possible.

For constipation from 6 months to two years old, put 1 drop of olive oil on the baby's tongue. If the child is 2 years old, offer 1/4 teaspoon of the oil on an empty stomach. If the baby refuses, add medicine to favorite dish. Newborn children with stool retention are rubbed with 3 drops of olive oil. Gently massage the abdomen in circular motions in a clockwise direction for 3 minutes. Enemas with any oil are prohibited for children.

Signs of constipation in infants: the baby cries and presses the legs to the stomach, arches and groans

The skin of babies is very delicate and often irritated by the use of ready-made creams. Caring parents with diaper rash apply olive oil, previously boiled for 20 minutes, three times a day. in a water bath. Before use, it is cooled to body temperature. Boiled butter is stored for 3 days.

If you need to cure diathesis, prepare a medicine: mix olive and fir oil in a ratio of 3:1. Gently rub into irritated areas 3 times a day. With diathesis in children, an oil infusion of St. John's wort is also suitable (recipe in the Burns section).

For a severe cough, offer your child olive oil with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Taken warm, 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Oil is contraindicated in children with indigestion, cholecystitis, obesity.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Olive oil is ideal for human skin. Constantly applying it, get rid of small wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Cosmetologists recognize olive oil universal remedy for face, hair and body care. Unrefined olive oil is the best helper of beauties, because:

  • does not form a film on the skin;
  • does not clog pores;
  • does not dry, but moisturizes.

For facial skin

Olive oil nourishes, protects, tones dry and normal skin. If you have oily skin, don't use it often. Before applying the masks, the face is thoroughly cleansed. To moisturize the skin after washing, apply slightly warm oil on the face, including the area under the eyes. After 15 min. wipe the skin with a tissue. Wash with warm water if necessary. But everything is good in moderation. Do not use oil at night for more than 3 weeks in a row. Take breaks for 6 weeks.

It will be more pleasant to apply the oil if you heat it in a water bath

Despite the greasy texture, the oil is absorbed into the skin without a trace after 3 minutes.

If the skin is dry, inflamed, please it with a moisturizing mask.


  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • banana and cucumber gruel - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix puree with oil and apply on face. In 20 minutes. wash away.


  • cottage cheese - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Combine the components, apply on the skin of the face and neck for 30 minutes. Then rinse. To make the effect noticeable, masks are used in a course of 7 sessions with an interval of 3 days.

If you want to eliminate black spots and pimples, apply a cleansing treatment mask.


After the clay mask, be sure to apply a moisturizer

If you need to remove makeup, you can remove it with a cotton pad with oil. But this is not enough for cleansing. The remaining oil will have to be quickly washed off with warm water. To remove makeup from the face, it is better to use special hydrophilic oils for washing. After all, olive oil is absorbed too quickly, carrying the remnants of cosmetics into the deeper layers of the skin.

Olive oils are great for healing chapped lips. In windy weather, the oil will protect them from drying out.

If not at hand sunscreen Apply a little olive oil to your skin to avoid burns.

Olive oil masks - video

For eyelashes, eyebrows, beard

Olive substances accelerate the growth and restoration of hair, strengthen the bulbs. 2 hours before bedtime, wash your face and apply oil on eyelashes and eyebrows with a clean brush. Eyebrows are covered entirely, and eyelashes - from the middle to the tips, so as not to irritate the mucous membranes. If there is no allergy, next time apply the oil overnight. In the morning, blot the excess with a tissue. Thinned eyelashes are restored within 4 weeks. To prevent eyelash loss, it is enough to use the product 2 times a week.

Olive oil brings silkiness and shine to the beard, prevents dryness and brittle hair. Apply to washed beard and wrap chin with a towel for 30 minutes. Leave the oil overnight, in the morning the beard will become soft and glossy.

The beard will get a nice shimmery sheen thanks to olive oil.

For hands

The skin of the hands always needs additional nutrition and hydration. Olive oil and masks with it are well suited for these purposes. Wash your hands with soap before applying the composition. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off.

  1. Whitening: Mix the chopped peel of 1/2 lemon, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l. infusion of green tea and olive oil.
  2. Moisturizing: combine chopped oatmeal with butter and sour cream in equal parts.
  3. To increase firmness: beat the yolk and add 2 tbsp. l. oils.
  4. From cracks: to 2 tbsp. l. grated fresh carrots, add 1 tbsp. l. butter and cream.

The main thing is to verify the authenticity of the purchase before use. The taste of fresh cold-pressed oil is bright, rich, with bitterness. If you suspect a fake, cool the product to 0 ° C - it will harden. Then leave at room temperature. When heated to 10 ° C, the product will become cloudy. When the oil warms up to room temperature, it becomes transparent, fluidity returns.

Olive oil can be infused with herbs or spices, but this oil does not keep for a long time.

Enrichment of cosmetics

Olive oil belongs to the base oils, so its addition to ready-made cosmetic creams, lotions, shampoos is allowed. It is best to combine the oil with ready-made products immediately before use. Measure a single dose of cream, add 2-3 drops of oil and mix. Apply where you intended. If you have prepared a cream with butter for the future, store it in the refrigerator for no longer than a week.

Essential Oil Compatibility

When composing mixtures, it is important to take into account that the components do not contradict each other in terms of the created effect. Olive oil is healing, soothing, ingredients with the same effect are suitable for it. Among the esters, oils are suitable for partners:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • roses;
  • sage.

Application in cooking

Mediterranean cuisine, in which olive oil plays a leading role, is recognized as the healthiest in the world. However, any heat treatment destroys useful material in the product. Therefore, it is added to ready-made dishes. Most of all, olive oil is “loved” by vegetable salads. If you intend to dress your salad with vinegar or lemon, drizzle with olive oil first.

The most delicious seasoning- garlic: add a few cloves of garlic to a serving of oil and leave for 15 minutes. Do not store such a product for more than 12 days, it will start to taste bitter. Shrimps and fish dishes are combined with garlic infusion.

As we add sour cream to borscht, the Italians add olive oil to vegetable soup before serving. It is believed that in a hot liquid, the bouquet of the oil is best revealed.

It is a common misconception that foods fried in olive oil are safe. This is not so, carcinogens are formed in the same way as when any other vegetable oil is heated. Do not fry anything in elite Extra Virgin oil - both the taste and the benefits will be lost. It is better to use ordinary refined oil.

Dishes with olive oil - photo gallery

It has long been believed that olive branches have a truly divine origin. On the basis of the fruits, an aromatic oil was prepared, which the Greeks called liquid gold. Such a saying is due to the unusual golden tint of pomace. Today, olive oil is widely available, it is consumed with bread and added to salads. But few people know that the product boasts undeniable valuable properties. We will analyze them in order, we will study the chemical composition and the potential danger from taking.

Composition, features and properties of olive oil

The product is obtained by cold cycle. Olives with olives are harvested exclusively from late autumn to early spring. It is this move that guarantees full ripeness and a balanced chemical list of substances.

After harvest, the crop undergoes rapid oxidation, so the raw material cannot be stored fresh. long time. It is urgent to carry out a cold pressing, so as not to lose the precious oil. If all the steps are completed correctly, the output will be oil with an impressive list of useful substances.

The oil contains tocopherol, terpene alcohol, in combination they are necessary to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood. The product boasts polyphenols, phenols, phenolic acids, all of which prevent earlier aging of tissues and skin.

Oil accumulates in large volume Omega acids, they are required for the complex fight and prevention of diabetes, atherosclerotic plaques, and obesity. Oleic acid is responsible for enhancing all metabolic processes and strengthening the walls of the blood channels.

Not everyone has heard about fatty acids, which are called nothing but palmitelaiko and steatico. They are required to remove cholesterol from the vascular cavity, as well as to prevent thrombosis.

Vitamin E acts as a natural antioxidant that prevents oncological phenomena and cleanses the internal organs of toxins. Vitamin K, present in the product, is useful for intestinal activity, hematopoiesis processes.

Vitamin A, which is called retinol, is a “relative” of vitamin E. This substance is required to treat skin problems, ailments associated with the eyes. Vitamin D is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, it prevents rickets in children and improves metabolism.

The pomace from olives and olives is not deprived of linoleic acid, which improves cell regeneration and saturates them with oxygen. Sitosterol in combination with sterol is necessary to reduce arterial and intracranial pressure, as well as to treat heart disease. Squalene is used in the gynecological field in the treatment of diseases of the female genital organs.

Therapeutic effect of oil on the body

All the medicinal qualities of olive oil are considered in terms of the ingredients included. Squeeze from fragrant fruits has the following positive effects:

  • cleanses the liver toxic substances, facilitating the work of the internal organ;
  • promotes increased outflow of bile;
  • prevents tissue aging, enriches cells with oxygen;
  • eliminates the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation, prevents skin cancer in residents of hot regions;
  • promotes the withdrawal of cholesterol, thereby used in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • treats stomach ailments, heals ulcers, lubricates the walls of the esophagus;
  • enhances metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss;
  • increases immunity during viral infections;
  • cleans the bile ducts and bladder;
  • prolongs youthfulness of the skin by increasing the production of collagen;
  • eliminates dandruff, hair loss, dry hair;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • promotes muscle building;
  • used in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • treats constipation;
  • indicated for admission to ladies in a delicate position and girls on breastfeeding;
  • stimulates brain neurons, improving important cognitive functions;
  • treats sensitivity and peeling of the skin, ailments of the dermatological sphere.

The oil obtained by the cold cycle is used in the culinary field, soap making, and cosmetology. Such an extensive area of ​​​​use is due to the useful qualities of the product. Rejuvenating, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect has a positive effect on the state of all important human systems and organs. The value lies in the fact that the pomace contains exclusively vegetable fats which are much more useful than animals.

  1. The oil is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female genital organs. They moisten a tampon and insert it into the vagina with thrush. Ingestion is carried out in order to prevent breast cancer.
  2. During menstruation, the composition will raise hemoglobin, eliminate jumps in arterial and intracranial pressure, relieve muscle spasms and pain in the lower back, abdomen.
  3. If we consider the product in terms of its external use, olive oil is added to almost all face masks. This is due to the ability of the composition to smooth wrinkles, moisturize, nourish.
  4. The product is applied in the form of hot wraps on the hair, after which it is aged for several hours. This tool strengthens the follicles, prevents early gray hair, treats hair loss and dryness.
  5. Ladies who are breastfeeding a newborn should definitely introduce olive oil into their diet. Such a move will increase lactation, make milk nutritious and fatty, and remove its possible bitterness.
  6. The product is also used for weight loss. All this becomes possible due to the enhancement of metabolic processes, the removal of toxic substances and the cleansing of the intestines from toxins.

Olive oil for diseases

  1. Constipation. Due to the fact that the pomace is prepared by cold pressing, the oil has a mild laxative effect. This means that people with constipation can take the product to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. There is no harm to the digestive system, but intestinal motility improves markedly. After 1-2 doses, the stool returns to normal, discomfort and pain in the abdomen disappear.
  2. Gastritis. This disease develops due to malnutrition characterized by frequent bouts of pain. Gastritis has an unpleasant feature to recur and develop into a chronic stage. Olive oil, obtained by cold pressing, gently envelops the mucous membranes, healing sores. The product does not allow food and gastric juice to corrode the sensitive inner walls of the esophagus.
  3. Haemorrhoids. In some cases, the hemorrhoid becomes inflamed, causing pain and tremendous discomfort. To prevent unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to take the pomace inside. Preventive and therapeutic measures are carried out several times a month. If the inflammation has passed into an active degree, you need to apply suppositories with olive oil rectally.
  4. Pancreatitis. This disease is characterized by dysfunction of the pancreas and a contaminated liver. For the purpose of cleansing, it is necessary to carry out a tubage with oil. It is sufficient to take the composition orally with water at room temperature. The liver will be cleansed of toxic substances, will begin to recover. There will be no severe pain in the pancreas. During an exacerbation, taking oil will reduce the number of attacks.
  5. Stones in gallbladder, kidney. In the presence of a neoplasm in the cavity of the gallbladder and kidneys, severe pain appears. The systematic use of olive oil will remove sand and stones up to 4-5 mm in size. Due to the anti-inflammatory and resolving properties, soreness will decrease. Oil provides the withdrawal of formations for short term. The composition is used not only as an independent medicine, but also as an addition to medicines. Do not use without the consent of a specialist, so as not to provoke blockage of the ducts.
  6. Dry skin, acne. Squeeze from olive fruits is good because it penetrates into the lower layers of the dermis and restores it from the inside. It is useful to lubricate the face with oil for acne and purulent acne to relieve inflammation and narrow pores. Also, the composition is indicated for use for aging skin, the oil quickly restores collagen production and smoothes wrinkles.

  1. The vegetable component of the olive tree has gained wide popularity in cooking, industry and cosmetology. Many manufacturers of body and hair care products actively include olive extract in their products.
  2. In cosmetic stores, olive oil formulations are often found in the form of shower gels, creams, masks, emulsions, hair balms, shampoos and soaps. In addition, the oil has not left aside the medical industry. The substance is part of vitaminized solutions for injection.
  3. Olive oil has the highest nutritional value compared to similar products. The advantage of the presented composition is that it is completely digested and absorbed by the human body. The process takes place without difficulty even in people with impaired activity of the gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of the gallbladder and liver.
  4. In ancient Greece, men consumed 30 ml. olive and 20 gr. flower honey on an empty stomach. Such a mixture rewarded the representatives of the stronger sex with a special power that affected sexual activity. Also, the oil is considered a fairly valuable dietary product due to its unique composition.
  5. Among the fairer sex, oil also deserves special respect. The systematic use of pure raw materials preserves the youthfulness of the skin, eliminating wrinkles and small creases. The positive effect is achieved due to the abundance of natural enzymes and antioxidants.
  6. In the cosmetic world, various products containing olive oil are very popular. Such preparations are enriched with tocopherol. Vitamin E helps cells and tissues easily absorb vitamins D, K and retinol from food and cosmetics. Together, these enzymes prevent premature aging of the skin, increasing its tone and protective properties.
  7. From all of the above, we can conclude that this oil is especially recommended for regular use for sensitive and dry skin. To moisturize the epidermis, it is also recommended to use ether. Such a tool can be mixed into the usual cosmetics for body care.
  8. Experts advise to often resort to massage practice using olive oil. Such a procedure with a valuable composition in the complex has a positive effect on the whole body. The composition fully nourishes the epidermis, moisturizes and softens it.
  9. Massage is useful for salt deposits in tissues and the presence of osteochondrosis. In addition, blood microcirculation improves and calms down. nervous system. Keep in mind that this benefit applies only to cold-pressed raw materials of the highest quality. Therefore, do not spare money to purchase a good product.

  1. Body cleansing. In order to fully cleanse the tissues and internal organs of the accumulated muck and decay products, 30 g should be combined in a total container. bee honey and 35 ml. olive oils. Warm up the components on a steam bath and completely dissolve the bee product. The serving is for 1 dose. Take the composition after waking up on an empty stomach for 1 month.
  2. Healing the liver. To improve the activity of a vital organ and cleanse it of toxins, a healing mixture should be prepared. Connect in a convenient container 100 gr. chopped pumpkin seeds and 240 ml. olive oils. After that, heat the components in a steam bath to 55-60 degrees. Leave the composition for 2 hours to cool naturally. After that, send the product to the refrigerator for 1 week. After the specified period, strain the remedy and take 15 ml. 40 minutes before meals three times a day.
  3. Elimination of rashes. If you or your child suffers from persistent diaper rash, it is recommended to rub vegetable oil 4 times a day. Wait for the composition to dry completely. Also, raw materials can be mixed with various cosmetic creams and sera. Olive oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hair.
  4. Fight against wrinkles. To cope with flaws on the face, it is enough to moisten the skin with a vegetable composition and do a short massage. Leave the product on all night. With the onset of the next day, wash your face with a targeted action foam. Olive oil can also be used in a slightly different way. Soak a cotton pad in the herbal formula and wipe your face. The tool can eliminate microcracks and wrinkles. Also, the oil takes good care of the skin around the eyes and perfectly removes makeup.

Olive oil contraindications

  1. With extreme caution, the pomace must be taken orally by categories of people diagnosed with cholecystitis. Since oil increases the outflow of bile, it can harm. Take the product in moderation, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  2. The composition is almost entirely composed of fatty acids, so you should not eat more than 20 grams. oils per day for obese people. Moderate use is good, but don't overdo it.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to subject the oil to heat treatment, because it loses all the valuable characteristics.
  4. At the time of purchase, first study the “Composition” column on the back of the bottle. The lower the acidity of the oil, the better and healthier it is. Focus on European indicators, which state that the acidity should not exceed 0.8%.
  5. Even if you consider yourself an ardent fan of olive fruits and oils based on them, do not abuse the product. Do not take more than 3 tablespoons of raw materials per day.

Olive oil is a product with a lot of useful properties that are used with great success in folk healing and traditional medicine. Olive pomace treats serious diseases of the circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and heart. The oil is used externally in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin and hair, to enrich it with nutrients.

Video: olive oil - benefits and harms

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