How to remove scratches with paste. Folk methods to remove scratches from the phone screen

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Hello everyone, dear readers! and today I will tell you how to remove scratches from the screen of your phone or your tablet. Did you accidentally drop your phone and it didn't have a protective glass on it? This is all nonsense, for you I have prepared a couple of life hacks on how to remove small and rough scratches from the screen. Go?

How to remove scratches from phone screen

Your phones have both glass and plastic displays, and they work really well with polish (more on that in a moment). The same can be done with the camera lenses on your phones.

To choose the right polish, it's important to look at how deep the scratches are. The methods by which scratches can be removed, I would classify into two groups, such as:


Almost every person in the house has such tools. For polishing, we can use the following tools:

  • baking soda
  • regular toothpaste
  • well, how about without vegetable oil

Others may also come to us. chemical substances, they are common, namely:

  • talc is baby powder
  • analogues of GOI paste and the original, perhaps for example, Displex
  • all car polishes
  • potassium sulfate
  • sandpaper
  • grinder or drill

Now let's take a look and go through each of the points.

ATTENTION! Friends, you must understand that I am not responsible for what you will do. You make a decision at your own peril and risk yourself. So then no questions for me)

We restore the screen with improvised means

Now we will look at ways to remove scratches with toothpaste, soda or vegetable oil. With these tools, it is possible to remove minor scratches, as the screen surface will be the least affected by the tool.

We take toothpaste

First, apply some toothpaste to the display or protective glass. Pasta can and should be taken the most ordinary, classic, mint. After that, with a cotton pad, spread it across the screen in a circular motion, or up and down movements. During this, do not forget to apply a little effort, but do not overdo it.

Take baking soda

If the previous method did not help you, then you can use baking soda, and instead of a cotton pad, take foam sponge or soft matter. We use the same grinding technology.

Attention! Before use, be sure to moisten the baking soda, as a dry solution can only cause more scratches. And also fall asleep in the body of your phone or tablet.

I think this method is a little more effective because the soda seeps into deep scratches and can easily remove them.

We take vegetable oil

Well, here and so everything is clear that with the help of ordinary homemade, vegetable oil, you can also remove scratches on your device. Only one BUT - just a couple of drops are enough and you can rub the display. Look, do not spill and do not drown your phone!

Take baby powder or talc

The most important advantage is that baby powder has a very small particles, and it can't do any more damage to your display. But it can cope with deep scratches very effectively, personally verified!

We take pasta GOI or Displex

This tool is specialized. But I advise you to use GOI paste to clean scratches from the phone's camera. And to clean the screen or protective glass, take Displex.

We take sandpaper

Yes, yes, you heard right. It is with this paper that you can erase the damaged surface to a depth that corresponds to the depth of the scratch. As a result, you simply will not see the scratch itself.

It is clear here that if you use it on the screen of your iPhone, then considering this method is absolutely not handy. But it is possible to bring the goods back to normal.

Now let's look at the table and once again pay attention to the subtleties.

Friends, remember that prevention is the best treatment. If a small scratch appears on your screen, it must be removed immediately, otherwise it will grow larger and it will not be easy to deal with it. Do not forget to ask your questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer. Maybe you have other options? Write, please, I will add to the article.

The unconditional convenience of a smartphone lies in the touch screen - it is easy to work with. The quality is overshadowed only by the formation of cracks on the surface. Damage can be avoided with a protective film, but often this accessory significantly reduces the sensitivity of the sensor. Learn how to polish your screen different ways.

How to remove scratches from the phone screen with professional means

Liquids and pasty mixtures designed specifically for cleaning the front of the device contain components that will cope with the task and do not damage the device. Often, professional products may additionally require a cotton pad or a car wipe, which will make it easier to apply the mixture. In some cases, application tools are included, making cleaning easier and faster. Shop compositions can be polished as an iPhone and other devices.

Goy paste polishing

The choice of screen cleaning method depends on the depth of the defects. When looking for how to get rid of scratches on the phone screen, they remember GOI paste. It uses chromium oxide powder as an abrasive, and the product itself can be of four types. Only the first option, which has the least abrasive ability, is suitable for polishing phone glass. Before polishing, you need to carefully glue the sides of the phone with double-sided tape so that the product does not get into the slots and holes of the device. The paste is produced in two forms, on which the method of application depends:

  • Felt circle with impregnation. Felt containing a certain amount of paste is more convenient to use, but may be inferior to the second option in terms of efficiency. To clean the glass of the phone with such a device, simply walk over it several times, paying attention to Special attention deep scratches.
  • Pasty substance. The advantage of this form is that the user himself can adjust the amount. Squeeze some of the substance onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion with a soft cloth. After cleaning, remove excess with a dry, clean cloth.

how to remove scratches from phone with displex paste

Unlike the previous version, this pasta is more modern. The development was created specifically for displays, including touch ones. When choosing how to remove scratches from the phone screen, the user is more likely to give preference to a specialized tool. Displex comes in a small tube with a pointed nose, which is convenient for applying the composition on the screen.

To remove defects from the glass, you need a soft, light-colored cloth. Its color is important, because during the polishing process the rag will definitely darken, which will allow you to control the result. When finished cleaning, wipe the glass dry and check if the paste has done its job. If you notice that a few cracks still remain, repeat the steps again. You can also polish the glass of the camera in this way, so that the photos are of better quality.

Phone screen scratch remover price

Faced with the problem of small visual defects on a mobile device, the user focuses not only on the effect of the product, but also on the cost. You can put your favorite gadget in order at a very symbolic price. For example, GOI paste will cost only 65 rubles for a 45 g jar, which is enough for more than one phone. A foreign assistant in the fight against cracks will cost much more. At a price of 300 r. you will receive a small five-gram tube. These compositions and the like can be bought in the online store according to the catalog, ordering delivery to any city.

Phone screen polishing at home

It is possible to refuse specialized means and resort to folk methods, but in this case you must be fully aware of the risks. Users who decide how to remove scratches on the phone often face the ineffectiveness of the chosen home remedy. They try to return the surface to a mirror shine using the most unexpected methods, for example, by preparing a gruel from baby powder and water. The result of such tricks directly depends on the depth of the cracks: a fine-grained composition will not cope with serious damage.

How to get rid of scratches on your phone with toothpaste

Damage on the mobile screen is the price of neglecting protective films and cases. If the defects are minor, then they can be dealt with with inexpensive improvised means. This is surprising, but you can clean with toothpaste not only the oral cavity, but also outer surface phone. It is easy to do this by following this algorithm:

  1. Before removing small scratches from your phone screen, wipe the glass to get rid of dust and larger particles that can cause even more damage.
  2. Seal the headphone and charging jacks with tape, and close any gaps that the composition can get into.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of the paste onto the screen and spread it in a circular motion with a cotton pad.
  4. After exposure, dry the device and check whether the desired effect is achieved.
  5. If the scratch is not completely gone, repeat the procedure.

How to polish your phone screen with baking soda

At home, all methods are good, especially those that are familiar to us from an early age. It is known that when darkening dishes, it is better to use baking soda, which will scrape off plaque, give plates and cups a pristine look. Thinking about how to remove scratches from the glass of a smartphone, you can resort to the same tool, which is very affordable. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dilute soda powder with water in a ratio of 2: 1 to a paste.
  2. Cover all the slots and connectors of the phone so as not to damage the gadget.
  3. On a clean smartphone glass, apply a large number of mixtures.
  4. Using a cloth, rub the composition for about 10 minutes.
  5. Wipe the surface first with a slightly damp cloth and then with a dry cloth. Rate the effect.

If during operation the screen of a smartphone or tablet is covered with scratches, then you can restore its radiance and smoothness at home. To do this, purchase ready-made kits, including polishing paste and special napkins. However, you can use proven folk remedies that are no less effective and will be more economical. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to proceed carefully so as not to scratch the display even more.

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    Before proceeding with the procedure for removing scratches, it is worth performing a number of preparatory steps:

    • turn off the phone;
    • seal all external connectors (for headphones, charging, etc.) and the camera with masking tape or electrical tape so that water and other means do not get inside the device during operation;
    • the effect of the selected composition can first be tested on small area, for example, in the corner of the screen.

    Some scratches will take a long time to remove. But in the process of work, you can not rush, otherwise you can damage the display.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damage at home

    Ways to remove scratches

    To remove scratches from the phone screen at home, you can use proven folk remedies. They can be found in almost any home and will not require additional costs.

    In addition, in specialized stores you can buy ready-made formulations and tools for removing microdamages on the smartphone display.

    Vegetable oil

    If there are no deep cracks on the screen, it will be enough to polish it sunflower oil. This will help hide the grid of small scratches and return the display to its original appearance.

    Procedure steps:

    1. 1. Apply a few drops of vegetable oil to the screen.
    2. 2. Rub it thoroughly with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. When the display is flat and smooth, wipe it with a dry soft cloth.

    This gentle method is also suitable for removing scratches on the iPhone screen.


    Get rid of scratches will help and the usual toothpaste. You will need:

    1. 1. Spread a cotton pad with a small amount of paste.
    2. 2. Wipe the scratched display in a circular motion.
    3. 3. When the damage is gone, polish the screen with chamois, flannel, or microfiber.


    More severe damage can be removed with baking soda.This will require:

    1. 1. Mix soda with water to a state of slurry.
    2. 2. Apply the resulting mixture to a cotton pad or soft cloth.
    3. 3. Wipe the display in a circular motion.
    4. 4. After removing all scratches, wipe off the remains of the composition with a dry soft cloth and polish the surface with it.

    Baking soda has strong abrasive properties. Therefore, wipe the screen carefully so as not to scratch it further. At first, you only need to lightly press on the cotton pad. If the integrity of the coating is not violated, you can gradually increase the pressure.

    Instead of baking soda, you can also use baby powder. It also contains abrasive particles.

    Paste GOI

    Return phone marketable condition it is also possible with the help of GOI paste, known since the times of the USSR. It was used for polishing optics, glasses of various instruments and for cleaning jewelry.

    Mode of application:

    1. 1. Put a little machine or vegetable oil on the screen to make it easier to slide.
    2. 2. Apply a small amount of GOI paste on a soft cloth.
    3. 3. Sand the scratched display.

    After that, dry the updated screen with a soft cloth.

    car polish

    You can also use car polish to remove scratches from your smartphone screen. Instructions for use:

    1. 1. Apply a drop of polish to the display.
    2. 2. Rub it all over the screen with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. After removing microdamages, wipe off the remnants of the product with a dry soft cloth or a special napkin.

    Car polish must be removed very carefully. It contains chemicals that are harmful to the body with constant contact.

    Special funds

    If you want to professionally restore the phone screen, you can purchase ready-made compositions and devices for removing scratches. Among them are:

    • Displex. This paste is comparable in efficiency to GOI paste. In addition, in addition to the polishing paste, the HAMA Displex kit includes two wipes. One - soft microfiber, designed for rubbing the paste. The other is with an antistatic effect for final polishing.
    • Polirun. The set from this manufacturer also includes a paste and two napkins. However, a felt pad is used instead of an anti-static polishing pad. The paste is distinguished by the presence of trace elements that lead to heating of the touch display. As a result, the screen becomes smooth and shiny.
    • You can separately purchase various wipes designed specifically for polishing the displays of phones, tablets and laptops. They are used together with both improvised and ready-made means.

    Previously, a large number of products for polishing CDs were produced. Now disks are practically not used. However, polishing compounds for them are quite suitable for removing scratches from the phone screen.

    Prevention measures

    To prevent scratches from appearing on the display of your phone or tablet, you must follow certain rules:

    • Together with a new smartphone, it is advisable to purchase a protective film or protective glass. They will prevent the appearance of cracks and scratches, which fully pays for their cost. For example, a new generation of Gorilla Glass 4 will protect the screen from splitting even when dropped on asphalt or concrete.
    • The screen should be cleaned regularly. During operation, dust and other contaminants accumulate on it. Small particles can scratch the display.
    • You should also periodically polish the screen, erasing greasy fingerprints. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to stick new film or wear a cover.
    • A smartphone or tablet must be carried either in a special tight case or in a separate pocket. The device should not come into contact with small change, keys and other objects.

The main feature and convenience of the smartphone is the touch screen, which is pleasant and easy to work with. However, with the time of frequent use of technology, we notice that the screen began to cover with barely noticeable cracks. In the proposed material, we will consider common ways to polish the screen in order to eliminate scratches that have appeared. Yes, today a variety of protective films and glasses are distributed for these purposes, but often these items reduce the sensitivity of the sensor, which makes working with the gadget less convenient.

Removing scratches from the phone screen with professional tools

The market today is saturated with various liquids and pastes designed to clean screens. Containing components that do an excellent job, these products are great for cleaning equipment and will not damage it.

How to remove scratches with GOI paste?

First of all, the choice of means for cleaning equipment depends on the degree of damage to the screen. Many savvy consumers use GOI paste to get rid of scratches.

The paste can be sold in 4 types, depending on the dosage of chromium oxide in it, otherwise it is called "abrasive ability". To correct defects on the screen of a mobile phone, a paste with the smallest content chromium oxide.

Before you start polishing, you should seal all the sides of the phone with tape so that the paste does not get inside the device. Paste can be purchased in two forms, the way it is used will differ from this:

  1. Felt circle with impregnation. In another way, it is felt, which contains a certain dosage of paste. This option will be less effective, but it is not difficult to use it. It is only necessary to walk with this device on the screen of the device, paying special attention to scratches and cracks;
  2. Paste. Its main advantage is that the user himself regulates the amount of substance used. After squeezing some of the product onto the screen, gently rub the paste onto the phone screen with a soft cloth. When finished with cleaning, the paste can be removed with a dry cloth.

Screen polishing with displex paste

Unlike GOI paste, displex is more modern facility, which specializes in cleaning touch displays. Today, many consumers give this tool their preference.

The paste comes in a small tube with a pointed nose, making it easy to use.

In order to remove scratches from the screen, you will need a small piece of light-colored cloth. Color is important because in the process, the fabric will darken, so you can control the process. After the cleaning is completed, you need to wipe the display and check if you managed to get rid of the cracks. If some scratches remain, repeat cleaning. In the same way, you can polish the camera glass on your phone, so that the photos will be better.

Average prices for polishing products

Prices various means are extremely different. The same GOI paste will cost 65 rubles. for 45 g. This is enough for more than once. However, a professional tool from a foreign manufacturer, on average, has a price of 300 rubles per small tube.

Removing scratches from a mobile phone with folk remedies

Deciding to resort to folk ways getting rid of scratches, you must be aware of all the risks. People who choose to use folk remedies, often face the inefficiency of this method.

Before you begin the polishing process, complete all of the following:

  1. Turn off the device;
  2. Seal all sides, buttons and openings with adhesive tape in order to avoid getting various means inside the phone;
  3. Remember that often efforts do not justify themselves immediately when choosing this method, so you need to be patient.

Polishing the smartphone screen with toothpaste

You can remove scratches from the screen with toothpaste in the following way:

  1. First of all, remove dust from the phone screen, because. it can cause additional damage;
  2. Seal the holes on the phone with tape so that the paste does not get inside the device;
  3. After squeezing out a small amount of paste, spread it over the screen with gentle pressing movements;
  4. After polishing, get rid of the paste on the screen and check if you have achieved the desired result;
  5. If cracks are still present, repeat the steps above.

Screen polishing with baking soda

Soda is used for polishing screens due to its availability and versatility. You can also use baby powder instead of baking soda. This method is hardly suitable for cases with large defects, because. soda has an extremely small grind and will not be able to repair deep damage from the phone screen.

  1. Dilute baking soda with water in a ratio of 2:1. You will get a pasty substance;
  2. Seal with adhesive tape the vulnerabilities of the device: slots, connectors;
  3. Apply some paste on the phone screen;
  4. For ten minutes, gently rub the paste with a cloth into the screen of the device;
  5. When finished, wipe the screen with a dry cloth. If the result was not achieved, repeat the procedure.

Get rid of scratches with polish

Also, a composition designed for cars will help get rid of blockages on the screen. Car polish is not intended for smartphone screens due to its aggressive composition, so you need to use it carefully and in small quantities. If after you rubbed the polish, there is no improvement, you should not repeat the procedure.

In addition to car polishes, there are also screen polishes. This tool will not harm your device.

Removing small scratches on the screen with vegetable oil

Oily liquids are not able to remove scratches from the phone screen, but they can make the device look attractive.

  1. Before using the oil, get rid of the dust on the display;
  2. Apply one drop of oil to the screen;
  3. Rub the oil into the screen with a cloth until the oiliness is barely noticeable;
  4. Wipe off excess with a dry cloth.

How to polish the screen with a mixture of egg, aluminum and potassium sulfate?

  1. Mix egg white, 1 tsp. potassium sulfate, which can be easily found in a pharmacy;
  2. Heat the resulting mass to 65 degrees in an aluminum bowl;
  3. Moisten the cloth with the prepared solution;
  4. Now lay the fabric on the foil made of aluminum and place in the oven heated to 150 degrees until the fabric is dry;
  5. Now the cloth must be kept for half a minute in cold water;

These steps must be performed three times in a row and dried after that the fabric for two days. Such a cloth can polish the screen of devices and successfully get rid of scratches from the phone screen.

And the tablets shine with some special freshness and purity. But not even a few weeks pass, as this pristine purity gradually fades away, giving way to small and large scratches. No matter how carefully you treat your gadget, this process is inevitable. It's good that there are several ways to return worn surfaces smartphone to its former glory without a visit to the workshop and screen replacement.

1. Toothpaste

You will find the first scratch remover in your bathroom. Only it should be regular toothpaste, not gel.

  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a cotton swab or clean soft cloth.
  • Gently rub the paste in a circular motion where the scratch is located on the screen.
  • After that, wipe the screen with a cloth dampened with water to remove excess paste.

2. Car Scratch Remover

Automotive scratch removal creams such as Turtle Wax, 3M Scratch, and Swirl Remover can minimize or eliminate scratches altogether. Simply apply to a clean, soft cloth and wipe the screen in gentle, circular motions.

3. Sandpaper or sander

Sounds a bit unexpected. But the secret is to use the finest sandpaper you can get. This method can be a bit risky, so it's best to practice on similar surfaces before you start cleaning your phone.

4. Baking soda

Food can serve as available means to remove scratches. Here's how to use it:

  • Mix two parts baking soda and one part water in a small bowl.
  • Stir until a thick homogeneous paste is formed.
  • Apply the paste to a clean, soft cloth and gently rub the scratches on the screen in a circular motion.
  • After that, remove the remaining soda from the screen with a slightly damp cloth.

5. Baby powder

Adding water to baby powder will give you a paste that can help remove scratches too. It should be used in the same way as baking soda.

6. Vegetable oil

One drop of vegetable oil, rubbed into the surface of a worn-out screen, can restore its former shine for some period.

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