Treatment of fractures People's medicine. Folk remedies for fractures: help clinical treatment

Garden technique 30.06.2020
Garden technique

Disruption of the integrity of the bone, which is caused by the external influence or pathological process, is called a fracture.

Bone fracture is not a disease, but injury. If the skin in the fracture area is not damaged, then we are talking about a closed fracture, if the integrity of the skin in the fracture area is broken, the fracture is considered open. There are also incomplete and full fractures. Distinguish between traumatic and pathological fractures (as a result of certain diseases); closed (without skin damage) and open; transverse, longitudinal, oblique, condriput, etc. Treatment: Control of fragments and hold them in the correct position (using tires, skeletal extracting, gypsum bandage or operational way) before the formation of bone corn.

Symptoms of fracture.

At the moment of the fracture, a strong pain appears, which is enhanced with the slightest attempt to move the damaged limb or part of the body. In case of inspection, curvature, protrusion or vpina in the fracture area are visible. The exact diagnosis is made using a x-ray study.

Traditional methods of fracture.

First of all, the damaged limb must be fixed so that it is fixed. This is necessary in order not to be injured soft tissues and, accordingly, the pain decreased. The overlaid tire must fix at least two joints connected to the fracture site.

Unconventional and folk remedies for fracturing

Home Treatment Treatment Furniture

    With finger fractures, nails sometimes go. It is not necessary to remove the entire nail. Separated nail part must be trimmed. New nail will grow in 4-6 months.

    Take on an internal empty stomach 0.1-0.2 g mumia, collecting it in warm water. After a 10-day reception, take a break for 5 days. Then hold another 1 course of treatment. Promotes rapid bones rapidly.

    Lift fir oil into the area of \u200b\u200bfracture or ears, it accelerates the process of blowing the bone and healing. Periodicity rubbing -2 times a day.

    Stir in 1 cup of milk 0.1 g of copper powder (it can be obtained using the appliance from the old copper plate or from the old copper coin), add 1 egg yolk, thoroughly stirring and take 2 times a week 1 teaspoon. This composition can be made from copper powder and sour cream or copper powder and egg yolk.

Field treatment facilities:

  1. 0.5 g Mumiya is mixed with pink oil and give to drink, and also lubricate the fracture. The bones are growing very quickly.
  2. Raw potatoes helps very well as a painful. Stit it on the grater and put this cleaner to the place of the fracture.
  3. For quick acclating of the bones, we recommend that there is a little boiled bow. This remedy has been known for a long time: it was used to treat yet Hindus doctors.
  4. If 1-2 times a day in a sore place to rub the fir oil, the bones will grow much faster than usual.
  5. The root of the photograph of the medicinal is taken inward in the form of tincture: dry crushed roots are poured with vodka (1: 5), 2 weeks insist in a dark warm place and drink 25 drops 3 times a day. At the same time, the compresses are used: 2 tablespoons of crushed dry roots are poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos and insist 10 hours. The treatment of the opponent is also shown at dislocation (after order), osteomyelitis, Ishias: This drug relieves pain, inflammation, sharply accelerates healing.
  6. A tablespoon of rose hips of a cinnamon pour 400 ml of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, insist in a dark place 24 hours in a closed dish (better in the thermos), strain. Take 100 ml of infusion 2 times in eating day. It is recommended for bone fractures, in the postoperative period.
  7. 3 tablespoons of dry crushed heather of ordinary brew 1 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours in a warm place. Use for local baths when fractures bones and bruises.
  8. 2 teaspoons of a dry chopped grenade bark pour 200 ml of hot water, boil 30 minutes, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original one. Take 50 ml of rage 2-3 times a day before meals for bone fractures, pain in the joints.
  9. Carefully mix 20 g of spruce resin (zhivitsa), 1 bulb, extinguished by a wooden pusher, 50 g of vegetable oil (better than olive) and 15 g of copper mood powder. This composition is warm on low heat for 25-30 minutes, without bringing to a boil. The resulting mixture lubricate the fracture places.
  10. Flowers coltsfoot, dandelion, lilac, burdock root - equally. Grinding the mixture to fall asleep into a bottle of 3/4 and pour vodka, insist. The tincture is used for rims and compresses during fractures. In combination with the mummy, it is effective for the splicing of "senile" fractures.
  11. Finely crowded flowers and stems of a meadow cornflower and mixed with a tern juice. Drink 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 8 days. Recommended for fractures of ribs.
  12. Tablespoon of dry grass Buddier ivyovoid pour 200 ml of water, boil 20 minutes, insist 45 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the original one. The decoction is used in the form of compresses during fractures, dislocations, arthritis.

Herbs and feels for fractures

    Apply to the place of fracture compresses from the root of the opponent or Chernelin. For this purpose, you can use the decoction of these plants or ointment based on them: unwound or missed through a meat grinder (if fresh) is mixed in equal parts with pork saline bass or saber. This ointment can be rubbed into sick places and make compresses from it.

    Carefully mix 20 g of spruce resin (zhivitsa), 1 fused on a wooden pusher bulb, 50 ml of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and 15 g of copper mood powder. This composition is warm on low heat 25-30 minutes, without bringing to a boil, and lubricate them sick places for fractures.

    With fractures of ribs and other bones: Mix 200 ml of Tern Juice, 2 tablespoons of finely unwound flowers and grass corns. Take daily in the morning on an empty stomach of 1-2 tablespoons for 8 days.

    Take flowers and stepmother flowers in equal parts, dandelion flowers, lilac flowers and burdock root, fill the mixture on a 3/4 volume of the bottle and pour it with vodka. Use as a row for fractures. A tincture in combination with mummy is especially effective.

Self-massage at the bone fracture

Great help with a fracture can have self-massage. It can be started to do on the 2-3rd day after a closed fracture. With open fractures, massage is contraindicated.

Massage makes higher and below the gypsum bandage. In parallel mass and healthy limb. It is recommended to affect shock techniques (phableing, etc.) to the place of fracture, over the gypsum bandage. Massage is carried out easily, the pads of one or two fingers, 2-3 times a day for 5-7 minutes.

After removing the gypsum, the entire limb is massaged, initially above the fracture, and then in the damage zone. The fracture continues to affect shock techniques for 2-3 minutes. Self-massage should be combined with actively passive movements. In all cases, at first they stroke, then the kneading.

The treatment of any fracture is associated with the restoration of the normal functioning of a dice, naturally recreating its integrity. Along with the achievements of traditional medicine, folk remedies are fairly popular for bone fractures. They become an addition to treatment or can completely replace medicines in some simple cases.

The task of all methods used to facilitate the life of the victim and accelerate the process of capturing, the healing of fragments formed during the fracture. Fractures for older people are especially dangerous, since due to age and related features, it is possible to tighten the healing process.

Existing methods and tools help remove the swelling, eliminate pain syndrome, contribute to the ambulance of bone tissues and regeneration of damaged soft skin.


Having information about the symptoms, the clinical picture of the fracture, the victim will be able to independently and emerge to proceed to the treatment process. Along with the provision of help, you need a consultation of the doctor who will determine the presence of a fracture, it will establish a severity and type of injury (see), and can also be able to individually choose the methods of rehabilitation and will recommend how to treat a fracture.

Symptoms pointing to the bone fracture:

  • unnatural position of the limbs;
  • lack or reduction of its mobility;
  • bone mobility in an unusual place;
  • when driving, an extraneous sound (crunch) is heard;
  • with an open fracture, fragments of damaged bones are detected in the wound;
  • strong pain in the place of injury, not stopped in a state of rest of the limb;
  • eveniness and hematoma appearance;
  • reducing the temperature of the limb - this indicates a violation of the integrity of the vessels, the consequence of the consequence of blood circulation;
  • in case of injury, the displacement is observed in the length of the limbs;
  • reducing the mobility of the joint, which is located near the fracture;
  • in some cases, the loss of the sensitivity of the limb is possible, indicates a break of nerve trunks.

Medical Help

Traditional treatment of fractures is not characterized by complex processes. The exceptions are open, burdened by possible infection, with displacement requiring a dense comparison of bone fragments and multiple fractures that are affixed by fragments formed with internal soft tissues and muscles.

Complex fractures require surgical intervention and have a long period of rehabilitation, restoration of disability and treatment in a hospital. With a conventional fracture, medical care is to immobilize (immobilizing) damaged bones by overlaying tires and special designs. After assisting a person with a trauma is at home.


Regardless of where the treatment of fractures can be used by folk remedies for fractures of bones and homemade methods of their elimination, collected by healers and signs of hundreds of years. They effectively affect injury. According to the method of application and manufacturing are classified on:


  • The use of ragger from the rosehip occupies a leading place in the treatment of fractures. The product is rich in vitamin C contained in it and compensates for the need of a person in this element. For its preparation, the fruits of the plants are used, which pour 1 to 2, boil 10 minutes, wrap and put in a warm place for 24 hours, then used.
  • During the recovery period of bone and soft tissues, the grenade bark effectively supports. For this, 2 tbsp. Spoons of the crust of the fine fraction poured 1 tbsp. Boiled water and tomatoes on small fire for about 30 minutes. After another 1 cup of water, it is left to appease. Take 3 times a day at 50 ml. The tool is well suitable for the bath.
  • The infusion of the grass heather is crushed and brew (3 tbsp. Spoons per 1 liter of boiling water), then insist. The tool is well suitable for the bath and for the preparation of the compress.


  • For the warming effect on the site of the fracture, ointment cooked from 2 h. Spoons of sunflower oil, 1 grated bulbs, 20 g of golivits (fir resin) and 15 g of copper mood powder. Everyone is mixed and rubbed to homogeneous mass, heated to a boil.
  • For the effective recovery of damaged tissues, fir oil is used. It is used both a separate agent and as a component of the ingredient in therapeutic oats. It has rare properties and contributes to the successful treatment of injury.
  • Mix 1 to 1 crushed juniper branches and butter. On the weak heat tomatov in the oven 2 hours. Cool and make a massage using the resulting agent. The place of injury is wrapped.


  • To remove the swelling and restore the integrity of soft tissues, the plain coating is applied. The grass is broken during flowering and used to prepare a decoction in a water bath. For this, 6 spoons of grass and 1l water are brought to a boil, boil 15 minutes and insist.
  • With inflammation of bones and joint diseases, an ocean compress is used. For its preparation, the Chernelin and the opponent are used. To make a hood, pork fat and grass warme a couple of minutes on a small fire. Cool and applied to the bandage, which you hold the whole night. Use a week.
  • For anesthesia, the injury is often used with raw grazing potatoes, which are placed in the area of \u200b\u200binjury. Compress wrapped with film and leave for the night.


  • Treatment of bone fractures by folk remedies provides for the use of tincture. The root of the socket and infusion of it is a frequently used tool in this case. It has an anesthetic, antiseptic and restoring effect. The tincture prepares 1 part of the roots and 5 parts of vodka. Insist the means for 2 weeks. Use 20-30 drops several times a day or in the form of a compress the injury to the place.
  • In case of fractures of the skeleton bones and to restore damaged joints, cornflowers are used meadow. 50 g of colors pour 1 l water and insist a couple of hours in a dark place.

We will also consider other means using mummy and egg shell.


Of particular interest is the natural assistant with special components - mumia. The remedy has a positive effect on the injured surface, the process of splicing of bone tissues, speeds up the timing of their recovery for 20 days.

Mumia can not be attributed to any categories, because It is used in different form - dissolved in water, added to the composition of ointments, applied as a compression. Perfectly applied inside and externally.

The origin of this substance is unknown, but it is no secret that it is mined in the mountains, is called "mountain resin" and is used by the mountaineers for a long time.

Every day, mummy consumption should be 0.5 g. The duration of the reception cycle is about a month. With a complicated fracture with multiple fragments, it is advised to pass 3 cycles of drug intake with an interval between them 1 week.

Recipes using mummy a lot, here is one of them:

  • For internal use, it is mixed with a decoction of cumin, rose oil or prepare useful balm with mummy and honey. For this, 8 parts of the mummy and 180 pieces of honey are needed. Mountain resin is dissolved in 1 tbsp. A spoonful of water, and add honey. Take 2 times a day on an empty stomach of 1 tbsp. spoon.


To capture fractures and replenishment of the regulatory supply of calcium in the body, on which the strength and fortress of the skeleton, the normal functioning of the human musculoskeletal system depends, use the egg shell.

Calcium in pure form contained in it is independently poorly absorbed by the body. This recommended a proven use method. Boil 3 eggs, remove the film and thoroughly chop the shell into powder. Add Half Lemon Juice and put in a cold place for 24 hours.

Lemon dissolves the shell, but saves calcium, which was in it. In this form, calcium is well absorbed and used by the body as material for restoration work in bone tissues. For a pleasant taste add honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, throughout the rehabilitation period.

Stages of fractures and treatment

Traditional medicine divides the treatment of a fracture by 4 stages, each, of which is characterized by special processes occurring in the body and recovery methods.

  • At the 1st stage, the organism is fed by bone tissues for the origin of new cells. To strengthen the process, it is necessary to take vitamin A. It is good for rubber carrots with sour cream or sunflower oil. During this period, the body does not need other elements, the enrichment by them can harm him, so you need to make every effort to consume the necessary Vitamin A.
  • At the 2nd stage, cells are divided and protein reproduction, which will be the basis for the formation of a new bone tissue. During this period, the body is in dire need of vitamin C and hardware. To do this, the pharmaceutical "ascorbic" and decoction of rosehip are added to the power supply. Iron fill in a popular recipe. For this, 5 rusty nails are sticking to the apple, enough 12 hours so that it is filled with iron.
  • The 3rd stage is characterized by the restoration of the bone and the need for a large amount of calcium for this (1 g per day). Such a number is contained in 10 liters of milk, which cannot be used in the day. At this stage, the supplement to calcium-containing foods will be an egg shell, loss in powder.
  • At the 4th stage, bone corn acquires smooth edges and a normal mass. Vitamin D is needed for its restructuring, whereas the use of calcium has disappeared. At this stage, fishery and malt chill are taken.

The body actively reacts to physical exertion during the rehabilitation period. At this stage, restoration reactions are enhanced in it, it is important on the way to recovery and is of particular importance for the patient. Permissible painful sensations should be moderate, severe pain should be avoided.

With bone fractures, it is originally necessary to contact the medical organization. After the necessary primary procedures, the doctor will drive you special creams or ointments to accelerate the healing process.

In medicine, there is little use of the fully indispensable force of ordinary natural components. Folk remedies for fractures also significantly accelerate healing.

For what reasons break bones

Mainly fractures occur in the case of:

  • Injuries;
  • Pathologies that happened in the body.

It is necessary to reveal the true cause of the bone fracture in time, with pathological problems, as a rule, the fracture happens to an excellent load on the bone. What can not be said about the usual fracture, where the impact on the bone should be much stronger.

With the treatment of the usual case, more or less clear. But with pathological needs to be struggling with various methods. Together with traditional treatment in addition, very good treatment of fractures by folk remedies.

Let us consider the treatment of the most common ordinary fractures.

How to treat fractures of hands by folk remedies

Folk remedies at a turn of the hands are very effective and fairly simple, everyone who ran into this problem is worth trying. According to statistics, the most common occasion in traumatology serves as a fracture of the hand.

  • Previously, the fractures were treated in Russia here: it was a small cup of copper coin. The resulting copper powder was taken about 0.2 gr. Stirred with egg (yolk). Also fits milk or sour cream. The patient took this mixture every two days. With such a bone procedure begin to recover quickly.
  • You can also make ointment, from the mixture: spruce resin-20 gr.; one bulb (finely grated); 60 gr. ordinary oil; and 20 gr. A finely illuminated copper mood.
  • Ointment interfere with fires up to a homogeneous mass, not letting her boil. Ointment gets burning.
  • Take the Tern Juice by adding the petty flowers of the Vasilka in it (you can half with herbs). They drink an empty stomach every morning of 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • You can take in the morning to 0.2 grams. Mumina, a course of 10-14 days, if necessary, you can repeat, withstanding the break.
  • Make lining from freshly twisted on the meat grinder of the root of a mixed 50/50 with a swine melted fat. The root itself is applied to the affected area, both in dry and raw form.
  • Here is another folk remedy for bone fractures: take 50 gr. Dry chopped pomegranate skins, pour hot water 300 ml. Half an hour boil, after squeeze and add water to the source volume. Use 50 ml before meals.
  • Crumpled lilac flowers, dandelion mix with the grass of coltsfoot and the root of burdocks in equal doses, in crushed form pour vodka and let it stand. Make from this grazing. This is especially good for the procedure together with the use of mummy.
  • A couple of spoons of Burdi sprinkling boil half an hour in 200-300 ml. water. Nasty about an hour. Squeeze, strain the composition. Add water to the initial volume. Use decoction for compresses and lotions. The mixture is also effective when dislocation and arthritis.
  • 1.5 tablespoons of small dry heather pour boiling water half-lies, leave for two hours in a warm place. Make local baths. You can also carry out this procedure with injuries.
  • Two spoons of rose berries, pour boiling water half-liters, boil 15 minutes, insist the day in the thermos, after Tsdy. Consume 100 ml. 3 times a day before meals.

These techniques will be effective not only in the case of hand fractures. They also act in the treatment of fractures of any other parts of the body.

How to treat fractures of feet by folk remedies

Such injuries are also very common. The main reasons for such a fracture are usually:

  1. Careless movement at home or street may become the consequence of the fracture;
  2. Accident and drop from height in second place;
  3. Accidents at work and criminal incidents are also not uncommon.

The big risk of such a fracture has athletes, in their professional activities. Children, because their movements are endless and careless. Pensioners, due to age-related changes in the structure of bones.

Folk remedies at a fracture of legs are very effective. There are a lot of them. Nature always helps a person to cure various diseases, and this ailment is no exception.

We treat a fracture with lemon, brandy, honey and eggs

We take 6 lemons, 6 eggs, 600 grams. Cognac and 3 tbsp. Spoons of honey. If there is no brandy, replace it with koror. Stir honey and raw eggs. The eggshell is separately dried separately. After turning this peel into flour and mix with lemon juice. After a few days, the peel is completely dissolved, further, mix the two compositions among themselves. Perform a day. Take one time a day for 40 grams. Before, do not forget to shake the mixture well.

We treat lemon, shell and nuts lemon

The agent has already appreciated not one generation! Remove the film from the shell. Next, to grind the shell. Add it into lemon juice. Once a day take this mixture before eating. Also daily eating for 2-3 pieces of walnuts. Good when in daily nutrition contained cottage cheese and cold, the healing process increases its speed.

A few more methods Treatment of bone fractures by folk remedies:

  1. 3 bulbs, cut and fry on ordinary oil. Further, in a liter, brought to boiling water, pour this mixture. Cook for 15 minutes. Drink composition 3 times a day on a graved glass.
  2. Place a fracture to smear fir oil, eat daily on a small spoon of flour from egg shell.
  3. Noticeably accelerates the healing of bones. An ordinary magnet. Affect them on a damaged area for 20 minutes daily. Perform the movement in a circle in the direction of the clockwise direction. The course lasts three weeks. After the break, if necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
  4. Sesame seed approximately 20gr. It is necessary to grind into the mortar. Beat it with powdered sugar and 3 eggs. Drink in the chilled form several times a day for a couple of weeks.
  5. One to one mix the ivy-like borde and the plantain. Boil 3 tbsp. Spoons in water 400 ml. 15 minutes pursuer, one hour of the mixture must be broken. Use the third part of this brave daily.
  6. Take celery juice. Add carrot and parsley juice to it. Within five weeks, 300 ml drink a couple of times in a day.
  7. Carrots wipe on a shallow grater, add the abrade and parsley. Mix everything with sour cream. Such a salad is necessary every day for two months.
  8. Make juice from onion and cabbage in a 1: 5 ratio. Two weeks in the morning and in the evening to use the composition. The course can be repeated after two days of rest.
  9. Welcome in the thermos the same number: the grass of the Zopnik, the root of the sabelnik, alfalfa, St. John's wort, the leaves of currant, juniper berries, dear and mint. Insist five hours. Take half liters daily for a month.
  10. Add every day to any dishes 300 gr. Laminaria. There are many useful elements, and due to the large number of iodine, the exchange process is accelerated. You can not soak this product in vinegar, all useful properties will leave.

Combine traditional medicine with folk treatment methods. And your recovery will not make a long time to wait.

The fracture is damage to the bone, which is characterized by a violation of its integrity. The main task of treating bone fractures is the battle of disconnected parts and the normalization of lost functions. You need to connect exercises to restore lost functions. To bones have grown quickly contribute to products rich in silicon: Earthwood pear (Topinamburba), turnip, radishes, radish, cauliflower, Medician drug (infusion of dry grass -1 Art. Spoon on a glass of boiling water, pour 1/4 cup 2-3 times A day.) There should be enough calcium in food. Useful dishes containing cartilage (pork legged jelly) or gelatin (fruit jelly at gelatin).
Rehabilitation after fracture.
The fracture will grow quickly.

To accelerate the healing process at the bone fracture, such a composition: 20 g of pine wines or spruce, 1 bulb (extractable wooden pusher), 50 g of vegetable (ideally olive) oil, 15 g of copper mood powder. All mix and warm on low heat 25-30 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Such a mixture lubricate the fracture places. Pains for fractures quench the raw potatoes, grated and attached to a sore place in the form of a compression. And another advice - with fractures, eat foods containing gelatin (marmalade, jelly, jelly).

1. Cutting screwed eggs (20 minutes) to dry well, removing the film. Grind the shell into the powder, fill with lemon juice and put on the bottom shelf to the refrigerator so that the shell is dissolved. Take 1 teaspoon 1 -2 times a day for 1 month. On the shell of three eggs should take 1 lemon juice.

2. Take inside 5-10 drops 3 times a day, fir oil, burying it into bread balls. Fir oil removes pain, speeds up the healing process, mobilizes the protective forces of the body.

3. The bones will fire much faster, if at the same time 1-2 - a day next to the sick place to rub the fir oil (no more than 10 ml per day).

4. After removing the gypsum to make the baths from the beam of fir branches for 15 minutes. After completing each procedure, scroll the place of fracture with fir oil.

5. 1.5 tbsp. Calendula colors spoons Fill in a thermos 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 cup 4 times a day. This infusion reduces pain, soothes, strengthens the regeneration process.

6. 1 tbsp. Spoon of unwound rose hips pour in thermos by 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 6 hours. Take 1 cup 3-4 times a day. The infusion stimulates the regeneration of tissues, the blows of bones, increases the resistance to infections.

In the nutrition, use a lot of milk, vegetable juices, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.
Mummy with fractures.

0.5 g mummies are mixed with pink oil (red rose petals are wetted with water, the vegetable oil is poured, everything is mixed and boiled. The water evaporates and remains oil, which is filtered through the gauze.) And give to drink, and also lubricate the fracture. The bones are growing very quickly. Proportions: 0.5 g in a mixture with oil in parts 1:20 2 times a day in the morning and before bedtime for 25 days.
Porridge, egg shell and onions during fractures.

Tibetans for fractures eat porridge from millet and rice. And Moldovans for fractures eat corsis from corn. Therefore:
Eat with corn cake fractures and from millet.
Grind egg shell in a coffee grinder and take after meals 1 tsp. of this powder mixed with 1 tsp. Lemon juice.
Eat onions (adult - 1 large bulb per day). It includes natural aluminum, which contributes to the absorption of calcium in bone tissue.

If you comply with these rules, then the fracture will grow very quickly.
Copper for fractures.

In the old nature of the character, when the fractures were treated, practiced such a method: a fine cup with a fine copper coin was distressed with copper powder. A little bit of this powder (1/10 grams) was stirred in milk, or sour cream, or rubbed with egg yolk and gave the patient inside, 2 times a week. This contributed to a rapid splicing of fractures. Before using the coin, it must be washed, and then rolling in the oven. The fracture will heal without consequences.
Treatment of herbs after a fracture, for quick splicing of broken bone.

To speed up the splicing of broken bones, relieve pain and suppress inflammatory processes when dislocations are capable of poisonous herbs. Plispnik medicinal and gibbing high (dolphinium). Try the following recipes:
1 tbsp. Herbs (without coarse stems) of bellyness to pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, insist two hours in warm. Apply externally in the form of compresses and lotions. The opponent is good because they apply with any bone pathology. Fresh sprinkling root Grind and mix with pork lard 1: 1. Lubricate fractures. You can prepare infusion of dry roots. For compresses 2 tbsp. on 1 tbsp. Boiling water, brew on the night in the thermos (it is impossible to boil), or put in a hot cooling oven. In the morning strain. The infusion for drinking is also prepared, just take 1 tbsp. Dry roots on 1 tbsp. Drink on a small throat every 2-3 hours.
Suspending beef - a great remedy for accelerated combustion of bones during fractures!

To accelerate the splicing of the broken bone, a tendon of beef legs can be separated from the dice, skip through the meat grinder, dry, crush into powder in a coffee grinder. In the morning, an empty stomach take 1 tsp. powder filled with water. After 20-30 minutes to have breakfast.
Singer with eggshell with fractures

With fractures for quickly fastening bones of an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, take silver powder at the tip of the knife and 1 tsp. Ground egg shell. Dog all this sweet firmly brewed tea. Silver can be taken from vintage silver coins, losing them with nadfil. This method widespread sophisticated fractures, such as the fracture of the thigh and spine.
Course of treatment of fracture or osteoporosis

There is a wonderful means to strengthen the bone system. To prepare a portion on the course of treatment of a fracture or osteoporosis, one person needs a shell from 10 chicken eggs, the juice of five grenades, 10 medium heads of garlic, 1 l of honey and 250 ml of olive oil. For the prevention of osteoporosis of this composition, enough for two people. Instead of grenades, you can take 10 lemons, and instead of olive oil - linen. Thoroughly wash eggs with a household soap, if there is a ink stamp, wash off his rut \u200b\u200bdipped in a table vinegar. Write them dry, use in food, and clean the shell from the inner film, grind in a coffee grinder and pour lemons juice (grenades). When the shell is completely dissolved, add garlic cassea, honey and mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture at room temperature per day, then put on three days in the refrigerator and mix again. Part of the composition to strain into a small glass jar and put it on the kitchen table, the rest (non-frozen) part is stored in the refrigerator. Take the drug for 1 tsp. three times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals, mixing with 1 tsp. linen (olive) oil. Course treatment - until the mixture is over. It not only strengthens the bone system, but also raises immunity, gently cleanses the liver. Also in 1/3-1 / 2 cl. Powder from egg shell add a couple of lemon juice drops, mix, drink and put it off with any fermented milk product, or chosen or cheese.
Ointment that will help after the fracture of the hip neck

After the fracture of the hip neck for a quick recovery to prepare the following ointment: juniper sprigs with needles in a suitable dish transfer to the creamy oil (1: 1). Tomber in the oven or stove several hours, strain, cool. Ointment rubbing the leg and at the same time massage 30 minutes. Do so daily before recovery.
Recovery after fracturing, knee joint injuries

To restore legs after any injury of the knee joint, it is repeatedly up to 200-250 times a day to raise your legs in a gypsum bandage or straight legs, when the plaster is already removed. This is necessary for the prevention of atrophy of a large extensive leg muscle. In a normal (not injured) state, this muscle has stabilizes the joint at a voltage, performing the same functions as ligaments. Rising legs should be done lying, at a slow pace, 15-20 times. Then a break by 45-60 minutes. And repeat the exercise. If you are very easy to lift your leg, then you need to hang a small cargo on the shin, but no more than kg. Also excellent means are exercise performed in the Hall of LFC or Pool, a bunch of bundles during walking and various types of massage. If you have a traumatologist's doctor in the clinic, consult a physiotherapist for the appointment of rehabilitation procedures.

Consider the most effective means for the prevention and treatment of fractures at home.

Healing powder with shell for the prevention of fractures.
In the elderly, dislocation and fractures of bones often happen. To strengthen the joints and bone tissue, you need to prepare such a means.
In the coffee grinder, it is crushed at 0.5 cups of dry orange crusts, dried rosehip, egg shell. Mix everything. Take a powder 3 times a day for 1 tsp. After eating, drinking water. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then break 10 days and a new course. Treatment to continue courses until all powder end. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2013, №18 p.39)

Altai Mumina.
Woman broke his leg, there were 2 operations. After the second unsuccessful, a fistula appeared, walking turned out with difficulty, only on crutches. Get rid of crutches, the Altai Mumina helped to strengthen the bones
Dissolve 2 g mumyo in 200 ml of warm water. Every morning, on an empty stomach of 1 tbsp. l. of this solution. After 10 days of reception, take a break for 10 days.
After the woman drank 600 g of Mumyoy's solution thus, she was able to change the crutches on the cane, and she was replaced by the second group of disability to the third. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2013, №21 pp.

Homemade treatment of fractures with copper.
Woman broke his leg in ankle. Despite the long and stubborn treatment, the pain in the broken leg did not go and did not give rest. The patient went through all the recipes of traditional medicine and decided to be treated with copper. I found old copper pines, washed, attached to a sore place with the help of a leucoplasty. He went with the pyataks of the day three, without removing, slowly the pain was gone, and the tumors slept almost immediately. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2013, №4 p. 39)

Watch the video - how to speed up the splicing of bones:

Folk remedies that will accelerate the healing of fractures:

Delicious cure for bone fractures - honey + socket.
1 part of the grazed fresh root of the socket mix with 5 pieces of honey, it turns out a delicious, almost black pasta. Take it at 0.5 h. 3 times a day. Dose can not exceed. This folk age will facilitate pain after fractures, remove the edema, will speed up the splicing of bones. You can put a fresh grated root of the socket, without covering it with polyethylene. And you can lubricate the tincture of the socket, without rubbing into the skin. Trooptics: 5 tbsp. L grid roots pour 500 ml of vodka, insist 9 days, the color should turn out very dark. This tincture also helps in the treatment of pain in the joints and in the spine. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2013, No. 11, p. 32).

Treatment after a fracture with a socket.

  • Grate the fresh root of the opponent on the grater and apply to the patient. To mix the same cleaner with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, take 0.5 h. 3 times a day - the fracture will grow much faster.
    Grind 1 sprinkle plant along with root, leaves and flowers, add one finely chopped bulb. All this is pouring a small amount of milk so that only covered, boil 5 minutes, insist. With this infusion make compresses. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2010, №12, Art. 29)
  • Dilute the tincture of the socket with boiled water in the ratio of 1: 2, moisten the napkin and apply to the patient space for 2 hours after removing the gypsum for a faster bones. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2008, №14, Art. 28, 2003, №16, p. 9)

Eggs, lemon and honey are simple folk remedies from fractures.

  • 7 Fresh eggs with white shell, 3.5 kg of lemons, 350 g of honey.
    Wash eggs, folded into enameled or glass containers, pour lemon juice. Put for 10-15 days in a dark cool place. Eggs swell, shell dissolves, eggs will remain in the film. To break this film, the contents of the release into lemon juice, and throw out the film and the remnants of the shell. Mix everything, add honey.
    Take 3 times a day for 1 dec. Spoon 1 hour before meals.
    A man long after fractured legs lay in the hospital, the bones did not grow together. After applying this, the work is rapidly amended.
  • Here is another similar recipe, but with other proportions. Recipe from a phytotherapist T. D. Kovaleva.
    Wash chicken or quail eggs, folded into a three-liter jar on the shoulders, pour them with lemon juice so that it covers the eggs about 2 fingers. Put for 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Then all break with a wand and strain. Add 250 g cognac and 150 g of honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. This balm contributes to the rapid formation of bone corn, fractures grow well. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozzh" 2009, №14, Art. 17).

Effective methods at home.

How to quickly heal a fracture of birch oil.
To prepare birch butter, it is necessary to rinse fresh birch leaves, dry in a dark place, shifting into a can and pour 500 ml of vegetable oil. Insist in a dark place on 21 days, mixing daily, then strain.
A woman was put on a broken leg compress every morning on a broken leg, alternating it with compresses from cabbage leaves. For the night, the sick place and the feet rubbed with birch oil, alternating him with a tincture of Boligolov. The tincture of Boligolov takes off swelling and pain after a fracture, and birch oil accelerates the process of splicing bone. The healing effect of birch oil was manifested by tingling as needles. After each procedure, the patient's condition improved. (Source: Newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2012, №12 p. 8,)

How to treat a fracture of pine alcohol at home.
In Siberia, a cedar resin is considered to accelerate the fire of bones. For the night, the fracture impose a bandage with a resin, which is changed in a day. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2011, №2 p. 28-29)

Clain treatment.
The woman had a fracture of the leg with the displacement, put the gypsum, treated. A bunch was broken, another operation was required, but the woman decided to be treated with clay, since he was afraid of operations. He imposed on the broken leg bandages with clay for 3 hours. I spent 100 procedures for the summer, I didn't have a foot in the fall, the chromoty passed, the weather bones do not react. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2011, №7 p. 9)

Fir oil.
2 times a day rubbing oil over the place of fracture or bruise. Simultaneously with this morning and in the evening, to use mums inside with 0.2 g, injected with honey water or carrot juice. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2010, №19 p. 27)

Copper Pyat.
To quickly cure a fracture of the bone, you need to take the old royal copper flippy and supfil to the copper dust. Eat bread on the knife tip 1 time per day for 3 days.
In a woman, a husband fell from a 12-meter height, as a result of 3 pelvis fractures, a fracture of the hip. Doctors said that if he remains alive, it will be disabled carriage. The wife remembered about this folk method with copper, sank dust and, secretly from the patient, gave her husband, because he did not believe in grandmother's recipes. As a result, a month later, a man left the hospital on his legs and even without cane. (Source: Newspaper "Vestnik Zozhe" 2009, №13 p. 9)

Yolk and salt instead of plaster.

  • A man, scoring nails, got a hammer over his finger. A day later took a picture, put the plaster. But the pain did not give rest. Then his wife prepared a mixture of 1 raw yolk and + 1/2 h. L. Salt. This mass is laid out on a gauze napkin and apply to the patient. Bandage must be changed daily. It solidifies as plaster and need to cut it with scissors and shoot. After this dressing, the male's pain immediately subsided, and he fell asleep for the first time in many days. And a week later I completely forgot that he had a finger fracture.
    This folk remedy helps and in those cases, if he strongly bother, tendered tendon, worried about the pain after the fracture.
  • The woman fell, badly hurt and dislocated his leg, swollen leg, it began to pull. Made a dressing with salt and was able to fall asleep. In the morning I woke up - the tumor slept, the pain was completely passed. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2008, №10, p. 23)
  • The woman broke the big pally on his leg, immediately began to make a dressing of yolk and salt. Only after 3 weeks the swelling after the fracture slept, she was able to wear shoes and go to the hospital. From the gypsum, the woman refused, since he could not get home. I made bandages for another 3 weeks, the next x-ray showed that the finger merged. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2009, №15 p. 25)

Suffers big.
Be sure to have a big or purple one on the household site. Using this plant for rapid bathes after fractures. Some people have no bones for half a year, the scores accelerates this process several times.
2 tbsp. l. Fresh plant pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 100 g 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 12 days, no longer necessary. Cleans can be accepted and then take already to take 1 tbsp. l. 0.5 boiling water. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2009, No. 9, p. 32)

Onion bucking for splicing bones.
So that the broken bones rather have grown, you need to drink a healing decoction. 2 Medium bulbs finely cut and fry in oil. Put the roasted bow in 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Drink decoction uncroligated 3 times a day for 1 cup before meals. (Source: Newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2005, №4 p. 23)

Swine fat is an effective method of treating fractures at home.
Connect the shaken swine lard with a pine alcohol in proportion 5: 1 when heated. At 100 g of the mixture add 3 tbsp. l. Ground in the powder of Chaga.
How to cure broken leg: The woman had a difficult foot fracture in three places with a displacement. Were going to make an operation. But the mother asked the patient to wait with the operation 2 weeks. Prepared a folk remedy. Thoroughly rubbed it into the place of the fracture, removing Langet. At the same time, the patient saw a tool from eggs with a shell, lemon juice, honey and brandy in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. 2 weeks after the start of this treatment, the patient returned to the hospital, so she made a new shot. Doctors were surprised and the operation was canceled. (Source: newspaper "Vestnik Zhoz" 2005, No. 9 p. 12)

Compress from beakovitsa and salt in bone fractures and skull injuries.
50 g of beakovitsa (dry leaves, flowers, roots) - 50 g Grinding, 30 g of salt, 10 tbsp. l. Waters, everything is confused to the poverty state. Apply a mixture to gauze and apply bone fractures or injured skull. This folk remedy relieves pain, lives, splits the bone. (Source: Newspaper "Herald Zozhe" 2000, № 17 p. 7)

Treatment of fractures in the elderly.

The story about how to cure a broken arm.
Elderly woman fell, broke the shoulder joint of the hand. From the operation refused, in the hospital she was given plaster and sent home. The house went over all the hemorship of the head of the head, found the article "fell, woke up - gypsum" for 2005 No. 1 and began to heal the fracture of the hand by folk remedies.

  • Stage 1: Obded with carrot with fat
  • Stage 2: Her cartilage, cooked them 6 hours in the pressure cooker, got a very hard cold
  • 3 Stage: egg shell with lemon juice.

Each stage lasted for 10 days. And in the addition of the broth of Rosehip, Mumina, Vitamin E.
A month later, the pain completely retreated, the woman began to move under the gypsum hand, to make rotational movements - the joint did not pain. As a result, it was in the gypsum just 50 days instead of 90. The surgeon was surprised that the bone corn was so quickly, and she rose smooth without protrusions and growths. (

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