Useful properties of olive oil. Olive oil (Olive Oil): Useful properties and contraindications

The buildings 20.10.2019
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Olive oil has long gained the glory of one of the most useful products. It is actively used in medicine, dietology and cosmetology.

Already the ancient Greeks and the Egyptians, not even think of how rich in useful trace elements are the fruit of olive, appreciated his unique properties and attributed to the olive tree of Divine origin.

So, we will try to figure out what the benefits of olive oil, called the legendary antique poet Homer "Liquid Gold".

The benefits and harm of olive oil: Olive History

The history of the origin of Olives, as well as other well-known properties of products, is shrouded in secret. Scientists suggest that the homeland of olive tree is Egypt. And only thanks to the Phoenician merchants, it fell into Greece, Spain and Italy, where he received the greatest distribution.

In mythology, there is a special opinion on how this magic tree appeared: the Greek legend says that the goddess of Athena, during a dispute with Poseidon, was overwhelmed his spear in the ground, and an olive tree rose at this place. The Egyptians argue that Olive Escape for the first time planted the goddess of the fertility of Isis to the Earth.

Whatever it was, the fruits of the olive tree for more than six thousand years are successfully used as an effective medical and cosmetic agent.

The benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is attributed to so much healing properties that hardly believes that one product is capable of all this. So, we will understand what the benefits of "liquid gold" consists.

Being one of the basic components of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has a positive effect on the digestive system. The secret is in high content in the product of mono-insecured fatty acids, in particular - oleic acid, which reduces blood cholesterol levels. Olive oil is easily absorbed by the body, reduces appetite, accelerates metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

Regular use of olive oil is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases: it strengthens the vessels and makes them more elastic.

Most medicines that contribute to lower pressure decrease are based on the olive tree leaves. In addition, olive oil has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, preventing the loss of calcium, which makes the product especially valuable for children.

The benefits of olive oil consists also in the fact that linolic acid included in its composition contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and burns, it is also useful for maintaining the muscular tone and the normal functioning of the body tissues. In addition, the favorable effect of linolic acid produces for vision and coordination of movements. Not one hundred years ago, our ancestors found that olive oil can help in the treatment of psychological disorders.

But one of the most amazing beneficial properties of olive oil, proven by numerous studies, is that it reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, in particular breast cancer. Oleic acid, vitamins and antioxidants, which are included in the oil, suppress the development of cancer cells, or rather, they remove toxins, which, among other factors, affect cell mutation.

The benefits and harm of olive oil: olive oil in the beauty service

Assessed the benefits of olive oil not only doctors, but also beauticians who actively include this product into creams, masks and balms for face, hair and body.

In antiquity, the beauties used olive oil as a cleansing, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing agent for the skin of the face. Oil mask is a rejuvenating agent that helps reduce small wrinkles due to unique substances - squalene and squalane.

Phenols slow down the aging process, making the skin smooth and silky, in addition, olive oil protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight.

For hair olive oil is also a miraculous means. Everyone knows the recipe for the simplest nutritious hair mask: you need to mix olive and sunflower oil in equal proportions and add an egg yolk or a teaspoon of honey. As a result, the hair will acquire luxurious radiance and strength that the curls of Spanish and Italian women are famous, regular practitioners and olive oils in food. A healthy look and gloss of hair ensures the saturation of olive oil with vitamins A and E.

It is impossible not to mention another pleasant property of olive oil - it is often used for massage and rubbing. Oil softens and moisturizes the skin, speeds up the elimination of harmful substances and improves the secretion of the glands.

The harm of olive oil

Although olive oil is one of the most useful products, it is still impossible to leave some negative consequences to which it can lead to excessive use.

Carefulness with olive oil you need to be people suffering from the inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis: due to a strong choleretic effect, the oil can exacerbate the disease.

Despite the fact that olive oil is widely used in nutrition, it is necessary to clearly observe the measure - no more than two tablespoons of oil per day, because this product is rather caloriene: 100 grams of olive oil contains almost 900 calories, and about 150 accounts for one tablespoon. Calories.

It is also not necessary to be mistaken about the fact that products roasted on olive oil do not carry any harm to the body. In fact, any oil, including olive, as a result of heating not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to eat olive oil that has not passed thermal processing.

However, it is necessary to repeat that all these negative quality of the product are manifested only if a person uses too much olive oil into food.

The benefits and harm of olive oil: how to choose

To make sure the benefits of olive oil, you must select the right product. How to do it? So, you will get acquainted with a number of rules that will help make the right choice.

1. Olive oil, as well as the rest, can be refined and unrefined. All useful substances are preserved only with minimal thermal exposure. Thus, it is preferred by unrefined oil. For example, for oil production Ideal One of the most fertile provinces of Spain is chosen - Seville, where the special variety of olives matures. Like thousands of years ago, Ideal Receive the method of direct spin, without adding preservatives and extraneous impurities.

2. In addition, the package can often find one of the three inscriptions - Virgin (natural), refined (purified) or POMACE (cake). Buy the first option.

3. If the MIX word is written on the oil label, it means that it is produced by mixing various varieties of oils, which adversely affects its properties.

4. The beneficial properties of olive oil are preserved for five months, so you need to pay special attention to the date of manufacturing the product.

5. The lower the acidity of the oil, the silent taste it has. At the highest quality varieties of olive oil, this indicator is only 0.8%.

6. The best olive oil is produced and bottled in the same region. You can learn the origin of the product according to IGP or DOP. IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) means that the olive spin was produced in one country, for example, Greece or Spain, and the oil was packed already outside these regions. Abbreviation DOP (Denominazione D "Origine Protetta) suggests that the oil is manufactured and packaged within the same country.

7. Do not try to determine the quality of oil in its color, this property is influenced by factors such as variety olives, the degree of their maturity and harvest time.

8. The best properties of olive oil retains glass packaging.

There are many useful properties and contraindications of olive oil. The unique properties of this nature of nature were also known to representatives of ancient civilizations. The ancient poem Homer quite rightly called the product "Liquid Gold".

Presumably, the Motherland of Oliva - Egypt. But thanks to the Phoenician merchants, it fell into European countries of the Mediterranean, where products based on it were widespread as effective cosmetic and therapeutic agents.

Olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean nutrition, which is recognized as one of the best for health. It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and retains youth.

Composition of the product:

  • polyphenols;
  • oleic acid (up to 80%);
  • carotenoids;
  • omega-9 fatty acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • linoleic, palmitic, stearic acid;
  • vitamins A, D, K, E.

All substances are absorbed almost completely, which makes the product unique. In 100 ml Olive Oil there are about 900 kcal. In 1 tbsp. l. - At least 150 kcal.

Olive oil (Olive Oil): Useful and Medical Properties

The product is easily absorbed by the body and has a beneficial effect on all organs:

  • normalizes pressure;
  • strengthens the bone, prevents calcium flushing;
  • supports muscular tone;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthens vessel walls;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • restores normal acidity in the stomach;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • helps to temper the constant feeling of hunger;
  • improves eyesight;
  • slows aging.

"Liquid gold" is an excellent means of prophylaxis of diabetes, ulcers of the gastrointestinal organs, obesity, oncology, thrombosis.

Use for men

Men should pay special attention to the product. Regular use of OLIVE OIL - prevention of many cardiovascular diseases. It is these diseases that are the main causes of sudden death among men over 40 years old.

The people believed that Olive oil increases potency. This was known yet in Antique Greece. The high content of fatty acids improves blood circulation, and this directly affects the gender of a man.

What is useful for women for women?

Studies confirmed that high-quality cold spin oil reduces the risk of oncology, this is especially true for malignant breast tumors. The product contains antioxidants that remove poisonous substances, warn the mutation of healthy and suppress the reproduction of damaged cells.

Olive oil can be used both inside and externally. The constant presence of "liquid gold" in the diet is beneficial on the state of the skin and hair.

During pregnancy and for children

In the diet of a pregnant woman, olive oil must be present certainly. It not only saturates the body of the future mother with nutritional elements, but also has a positive effect on a not yet born baby.

In addition, its use prevents the appearance of stretch marks, eliminates constipation and reduces the risk of late toxicosis.

The product contributes to the easier flow of childbirth, as it makes the uterus elastic and soft. Therefore, many obstetricians even recommend pregnant women in recent weeks to zoom in the amount of oil consumed.

For children, the product will also bring only benefit if taking it in the recommended quantities. It strengthens the bones, tendons and muscles, regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, saturates the children's organism with nutritional elements.

How to take olive oil in medicinal purposes

In order for the use of oil produced the healing effect, you need to choose it correctly.

  • The unrefined product is considered the most useful, as it is not exposed to high temperatures. But it can only be used as a drug, to refuel salads and cooking sauces, it is not suitable for frying.
  • It is better to stop your choice on the Extra Virgin inscription.
  • It is undesirable to buy the product on which "Mix" is written. This suggests that it consists of several varieties, which adversely affects its properties.

Oil color can vary depending on the varieties of olives, the degree of their maturity and the collection time. The product is stored in a tightly blocked glass container in a dark and cool room.

The useful properties of oil are successfully used in the treatment of gallstone disease, atherosclerosis, diseases of the oral cavity, liver cleansing.

To dissolve small stones in the bile use such ways:

  1. Make a belt. Move 100 ml of lemon juice and 100 ml of olive oil. Drink after 2-3 hours after evening meals. Sleep on the right side, putting a height under the liver. From morning to clear the rectum again using the enema.
  2. Prepare 500 ml of oil and 500 ml of lemon juice. After 6 hours after the last meal, drink 4 tbsp. l. Oil and drink it 1 tbsp. l. juice. After every ¼ h. Repeat reception. At the end, drink the remaining juice.

It is possible to conduct such procedures only after consulting with a specialist and laboratory research, as the consequences can be deplorable. Large stones can be stuck in narrow ducts, and the patient will not avoid surgical intervention.

Warm oil removes gum inflammation. You need to pick up a brush with a soft short bristle and, dipping it into the oil, gently massage the gums. Also useful daily before taking food rinse mouth with a minimum of 7-9 min., Not swallowing it.

Olive oil on an empty stomach: benefits and harm how to use

In the first 14 days, it is enough to take 0.5 tbsp. l. In the morning on an empty stomach and for ½ hours before the evening meals. Then this quantity can be increased to 1 tbsp. l.

During this period, it is necessary to carefully observe the well-being and condition of the body. In the presence of chronic diseases, the exacerbation may occur, so before the start of the reception it is better to consult with a specialist and constantly be with him in touch.

When weight loss

To quickly lose extra kilograms, it is better to drink olive oil separately, but in combination with honey and lemon. All these components and individually have therapeutic properties, and in combination they give a stunning effect. Honey contributes to the rapid digestion of fats, lemon - removes excess water and reduces cholesterol levels, oil - saturates the body with the useful substances.

Such an elixir of health is especially useful to drink during a diet when the body suffers from the lack of nutrient elements.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Even in ancient times, rich people used olive oil during different body skin care treatments. Now the product is included in many cosmetics.

Benefit for skin

The composition of the oil is unique substances that are rejuvenated, contribute to the smoothing of small wrinkles, make the skin of healthy, shining, smooth and silky, protect the face from the negative effects of ultraviolet. The product is hypoallergenic, so it can be applied even to people with sensitive skin.

Olive oil:

  • slows down the process of aging and skin fading;
  • launches cell regeneration process;
  • holds moisture;
  • smoothes small wrinkles;
  • cleans the pores.

The product can be applied in original form. To do this, it is enough to heat it up to a warm state and apply a cotton swab on massage lines on the face. Almost all masks have contraindications - they cannot be applied to the sensitive area around the eyes. Olive mask is an exception to this rule. It not only does not hurt the gentle skin, but also smoothes the existing "goose paws". The oil should be warm, it is necessary to apply it with light driven movements. It can be left overnight or blown through ½ h. Napkin.

For a variety, you can experiment with masks, adding new ingredients each time. With olive oil, any fruits and vegetables are well combined. They are crushed into kashitz, stirred with butter and apply to face.

Oil is used as cosmetic milk, removing decorative cosmetics with it.

Application for hair beauty

Regular use of hair masks will return to them silkness, elasticity and strength.

Mask Recipe:

  1. Connect olive and sunflower oil in the same ratio.
  2. Add a whipped yolk.
  3. Apply to curls. Hold 20 min., Then wash off warm water with shampoo.

You can also prepare a vitamin mixture and regularly use it. To do this, take half a lemon, squeeze the juice from it, mix with 200 ml of honey and ¼ st. olive oil. The resulting mixture is stored in a cold and dark place and eat 1-2 liters every day.

For nails

One of the easiest ways to return the nails strength and beauty is to massage them with olive oil. Some oil heat in a water bath until it becomes nice warm. Moisten in it a cotton disk and soft, but intense movements to rub the nail plates, as if erasing varnish. After the procedure, additionally dissolve all the nail plates with your fingers.

Other oils are added to enhance the effect - lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, sandalwood. They will be needed quite a bit - a few drops of 1.5 tbsp. l. olive oil. Oil solutions of vitamins E and A. are used as additional ingredients.

Also useful to make baths. A warm oil is poured into a small container and the tips of the fingers are lowered in it for 20-25 minutes. So that the oil is not cooled, a bowl with it put in a small saucepan with hot water. The procedure is desirable to spend 2 times a week within a month.

With regular use of oil, the nail plates will become stronger, stop extinguishing, getting a healthy structure.

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the benefit of olive oil for the body, do not forget about the negative consequences. They are a bit, but still need to take them into account.

People who are diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the bustling bubble can only be used in limited quantities. Oil has a strong choleretic effect, and it can only exacerbate the disease.

On the day enough to use 15-17 ml of oil. It is very calorie, so people who are trying to lose weight should be considered this fact.

The body benefits only an oil that has not been exposed to high temperature. As a result of frying, it loses almost all useful properties and can even bring harm.

Knowing how to take olive oil, you can not only raise the mood and improve well-being, but also to strengthen the body.

Today we will talk about the tool, which deservedly received the status of "liquid gold" in the circles of culinary, cosmetologists, doctors, phytotherapists, namely, about olive oil.

This remedy did not waste its popularity, passing through the millennium of application. The multifunctionality of this substance is so eloquent that it really appreciated in ancient times by weight of gold. The first product was assessed by the ancient Greeks, and from them information about the unique tool was separated worldwide.

Consider more, what is the use of olives oil, as in what purpose it is used, what features of its chemical composition and analyze the possibilities of its use in different spheres of human life.

Chemical composition

Olive oil has a type of translucent liquid and is vegetable fat. "Liquid gold" is obtained from the fruits of oliv European (oilseeds). These fruits can be painted in green or black (olives) color.

Did you know? The duration of the life of the olive tree is about 500 years. But the units that lived and 1500 years have also been known. Long-livers in their form are trees whose age is over 2000. They grow on the oilseed mountain in Jerusalem. According to legend, it was under these ancient trees before a terrible execution prayed Jesus.

Both those and others are useful for obtaining a multifunctional product. For its seizure, the fruits pass the cold prescript procedure. So that the fluid is high quality, it must be squeezed exclusively with the fruits collected from November to March.

The uniqueness of the composition of the product lies in the fact that it does not contain proteins and carbohydrates, its main component - fatty acids. In addition, this healing agent has many vitamins, minerals, useful trace elements:

  • the obstacle on the way to the aging processes will be the presence of phenols, phenolic acids and polyphenols in olive oil;
  • stabilize the level of sugar will help admission to the blood of terpene alcohols and tocopherols, which are contained in such a kind of medicine. And the presence will help prevent the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis and obesity;
  • oleic acids accelerate the metabolism and strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • olive oil effectively in the prevention of oncological diseases, especially in the field of gynecology;
  • the presence in the composition of the product of linoleic acid is a high-quality instrument in the struggle for visual acuity, therefore it is especially valuable in ophthalmology;
  • the remedy is rich in vitamins: which are known for the intestine, bones, leather.

Important! An oil liquid differs in particular quality and even elitism, which is obtained as a result of the so-called "cold spin". Its essence lies in the fact that the crushed raw material is exposed to anneal in temperature conditions not higher than +25 ... + 27° FROM.

What is useful olive oil

The spectrum of use of this fund is quite extensive and impressive. If we use it correctly, you can avoid multiple health problems, and there are no age limitations.

For men

It is the opinion that men who live on the motherland of olives practically do not know what sexual problems are. They are distinguished by their passionism and fermented temperament. A man who is in the food of Maslins is not familiar with the diseases of the genitourinary system.
And such problems are not only a physical, but also a severe psychological blow. Olive oil use helps men again taste all the delights of saturated sexual life, believe in itself and their strength.

The presence of a vitamin product is useful for normalizing the metabolic process in the body of a man, helps to create a correct hormonal picture, promotes high-quality testosterone production (hormone, thanks to which a man feels a man), increases the tone of vessels, contributes to a quality tide to the sexual body, which, In turn, strengthens the quality of the erection.

In addition to the listed advantages, the product is cleaning the liver, destroys cholesterol, outputs free radicals from the body.

Did you know? Since ancient times, this remedy is considered the "gift of gods" or "blood of the earth". According to one of the myths, the Olive tree created Athena Pallada. In this regard, the ancient Greeks sanctified the temples using the oil fluid obtained from olive fruits, and the Jews used this fluid for ritual rites.

For women

For both male and female health (and even beauty), the oil olive liquid is extremely useful. This agent is used for hair regeneration, skin, nails, it has a positive effect on the female organism as a whole, serves as a preventive tool to prevent cancer.

It is especially useful for a woman who shelters the baby, as well as during the lactation period. And for the representatives of the beautiful gender, which put their goal to achieve the cherished model parameters and lose weight, such a means is a real find.

For kids

Information that the growing body of the child needs a huge amount of vitamins, biologically active useful substances - for no one secret. In this case, oil from olive fruit is an indispensable product in the kid's diet.

It is extremely useful for the formation of a child's musculoskeletal system, favorably affects the development of a strong bone system in its body.
In addition, the product contains trace elements that contribute to the development of memory and thinking of the baby, the reaction speeds, soothe the nervous system, effectively affect vision.

For older people

We have already mentioned that in oil fluid from olive fruits, enzymes are contained, which increase and maintain memory, and, accordingly, the sober mind. Today, it often sounds information that people aged became students of the university and successfully obtained a higher education.

Oddly enough, but for achieving such a goal will be perfectly served by olive oil, because the trace elements that are contained in it increase the ability to learn. But this is not all: the product is a preventive tool to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Well, how not to mention its rejuvenating properties and fighting wrinkles.

Did you know?The world-famous Cleopatra has always taken dairy baths with Olive fruit oil, because there was an oil fluid with a real elixir of youth.

Lit can

Of course, the reception of any drug is accompanied by a number of issues, as to whether it is possible to consume a substance under what conditions and in what quantities. We will try to give exhaustive answers to the most relevant of them.


Not only possible, but also need. Olive oil is a source of a set of necessary useful substances, which are so necessary and the body of the woman itself, and the emerging organism of the fetus. It favorably affects the proper development of the brain of the future little man, fills the body and the baby, and the mother of the desired vitamins and the useful substances.

Reception of "liquid gold" is essential if there is a threat of interrupting pregnancy. It saturates the body with vitamins, and, accordingly, the future mommy will decline appetite, and it will not suffer from excess weight, which is fraught with for a child.
Not all pregnant women suffer from toxicosis, but practically everyone has problems with the intestines, often suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as various diseases that appear against the background of the decline in immunity. To maintain the body, Olive oil is a real elixir.

Important! Gynecologists often advise their pregnant patients to take the "gift of the gods" before childbirth, since the enzymes contained in it contribute to the disclosure of the cervix.

Nursing breasts

The body of a woman who feeds breasts is often at the stage of exhaustion. In such an aspect, the reception of the young mammy "liquid gold" will be very relevant because it will supply nursing necessary for the resumption of the forces with vitamins and substances. What is interesting, vitamins with milk will go to the body of the child.

Also, this tool will be appropriate and in the case when a young mother suffers from postpartum hemorrhoids and constipation, and her little child is from Colik. The enzymes contained in it, if the named problems do not completely eliminate, then at least qualitatively reduce their symptoms.

When weight loss

Headache almost every woman is extra centimeters on the waist. They appear without problems, but to eliminate such unexpected guests and achieve the cherished parameters - it is extremely difficult. The assistant in the fight against extra kilograms can serve as the "blood of the Earth".

Despite the fact that the tool is not low-calorie (120 kcal / 1 art. L.), It is, due to its chemical composition, can eliminate the defects of the figure. The fact is that oleic acid contained in the product, mixing with gastric juice and bile, contributes to the acceleration of metabolism.

Products are fast digested, and the brain receives a signal that the body is fed, respectively, the subsequent feeling of hunger is reduced.

Did you know?Only the aroma of the Gift of the Gods is capable of fucked by the feeling of hunger, since it increases the level of serotonin in the blood.

Application in different spheres

"Liquid gold" is in great demand not only in medical circles, but also in cosmetology and culinary.

In cooking

Olive oil is one of the fundamental components in the cooking of many countries. It is used both to impart extraordinary taste with various cold dishes and salads (as refueling) and for frying.

Olive refueling gives cold dishes, salads, souces truly Divine taste and aroma. As for the frying, the temperature modes of cooking dishes with the "gods of the gods" should be observed, while it is necessary to pay attention to the view of the oil itself.

So, in the preparation of dishes using an unrefined fluid of the highest quality (first spin), it is recommended to adhere to the temperature in +160 ° C, and the dishes using the olive refined oil are adjusted at a temperature of +200 ... + 240 ° C.

Important!This component can become unsurpassed refueling for ordinary macaroni, or an integral element of an excellent sauce, for the preparation of which the basil, garlic, lemon will be needed. Such a sauce will be able to qualitatively diversify your everyday menu.

In cosmetology

With this product, almost every woman who wants to look like a queen, as it has a multitude of useful properties and is widely used in cosmetology. On its basis, a variety of skin care products, hair, nails are manufactured.

Dry skin mask

If your skin suffers from excessive dryness, it is useful to "moistry" the next mask: stir "liquid gold" and clay in equal proportions (it turns out something similar to sour cream) and apply it to problem areas. The duration of such a kind of cosmetology procedure should be fifteen minutes. Wash off such a mask with warm water.

Mask for split hair tips

Long, shiny, healthy hair, without disheveled sticking tips - the dream of every woman. Oddly enough, but the "gift of the gods" will help to realize such a dream into reality. Make a mask using this product is quite easy: just apply a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. Oil fluid mixed with 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, full length of its curls.

Before applying the mixture is heated in a water bath. In order to wash the fat from the head, it is necessary to use a large amount of shampoo. Literally for several sessions of such therapy, your hair will surprise you with their luxury and glitter, and their shabby tips will be completely restored.

But on such original therapy you need to spend time - the duration of the procedure is 30 minutes a day.

Body Scrub

Elastic and healthy skin of their own body is another thing of women's dreams. Body scrub, prepared on the basis of the "gift of gods", coffee grounds, a ground of oatmeal, sugar, salt, essential oils in the same proportions will help to realize the cherished desire. Scrub is recommended to apply 2 times a week (half-hour session) and rinse with warm water.

Important!The effect of the scrub is that it contributes to the exfoliation of dead cells, and its oil components penetrate into the epidermis layers and restore them.

In folk medicine

Folk medicine has its own view on the use of the "blood of the earth". Let us consider in more detail, as from what problems, according to Varkharai, the product can heal a person.

With inflammation of the gums

To eliminate the inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to make a toothbrush (it is important that its bristles are mild) into the oil liquid of the olive fruit and rub it into the infused gums. The procedure should take 7-10 minutes. There is no need to swallow liquid.

With a bricken disease

The characteristics are recommended to fight stones in bile ducts, conducting the procedure of the cleansing enema. To fill the enema, you will need 1 cup of mixture made of "liquid gold" and lemon juice in the same proportions. It is advised to conduct an enema two hours after meals, best in the morning.

Important!It is the opinion that the human body is best assisted by vitamin substances after a person woke up. Therefore, medications are recommended to take in the morning. Preparations using the "Dara of Gods" - no exception.

For diseases of the compositions

If you are worried about the problems with joints, you need to go through a two-week treatment course with the following drug: 4 weeks to insist the mixture, which includes 60 g of the Flowers of the Hypericum and 0.8 liters of oil. After 4 weeks, stretch the medicine and squeeze flowers. Take the drug is necessary inside, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

With constractions

Constipation is a day punishment that entails hemorrhoids. Doctors from the people recommend getting rid of the constipation with such a medicine: cut 4-5 lettuce of lettuce, 8-10 olives, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of "Dara of Gods". Take such a medicine recommended on an empty stomach in the morning an hour before meals, as well as in the evening for one week.

Refined or unrefined?

Worth the question of which olive oil is to buy, - refined or unrefined - you need to clearly decide why you need it: if it is unrefined to refuel and cold snacks, then, of course, unrealized because it has excellent taste and aroma.
If for frying is refined, as it does not smoke and does not foam.

Important! For medical purposes, it is necessary to use an exceptionally unrefined product, preferably the first spin, which has a complete set of beneficial substances.

How to choose and distinguish fake

One of the main criteria for the choice of "liquid gold" is free acidity, that is, the presence of oxidized substances in it, which suggest how fast the product can be spoiled when exposed to fresh air and light. The less acids, the more value the product.

Check the quality of olive oil can be used at home: high quality fluid is motionable, if they put it in the refrigerator, and will again gain a seamless view when moving into room conditions.

Another criteria for choosing a natural olive product is its smell: really high-quality oil fluid is distinguished by a saturated aroma. Natural olive oil is lit at a temperature of over 240 degrees. Particularly responsible and carefully, you need to choose this product of the EXTRA VIRGIN quality, which is not only the highest quality, but also an impressive price. In this regard, the product is often trying to fake.

As for this is this subspecies, on the label of the bottle filled with this fluid, the EU symbols and letters of PDO, PGI, which indicate that olive oil is really made of high-quality olives for old recipes.

How to store at home

We have already mentioned that the oil flies at a time when the acid contained in it react with air and light. Therefore, the main product storage rule: a hermetically closed container and a place where the light does not have access. Temperature should be some medium arithmetic between the room and the fact that in the refrigerator.

Important!Over time, the product is cleaned with its useful qualities, so it is recommended to use it three or four weeks after opening the factory packaging (banks).

Contraindications and harm

Today there are no products that would be useful to everyone and everywhere. So in the case of oil olives. Despite the luggage benefits, it has a minor cons and contraindications. It may not be so much a product as its excessive consumption.

Olive oil abuse can lead to deplorable results: obesity, problems with the digestive system, liver infiltration. It is also worth remembering that with frying it is squanding its useful qualities and properties.

Important!People suffering from cholecystitis, diarrhea, obesity, gastric or intestinal infections, as well as in poisoning and other disorders of the digestive organs, the use of olive oil is contraindicated.

As you can see, we are surrounded by a variety of useful products, you only need to be able to recognize them and use it right. One of these products is olive oil.
This tool received recognition in medicine, cosmetology, nutrition, cooking and other life spheres. If you approach its use moderately and correctly - it can turn into a real elixir of health and beauty.

C ancient times olive oil It is considered the gift of gods, medicine given to people in nature itself.

And no coincidenceous inhabitants of the Mediterranean, regularly eating olive oil, retain youth, beauty and health for many years.

Russians have no rich traditions of the use of olive oil, and therefore the purpose of this article is to tell about the outstanding qualities of this solar product, which will certainly form you.

1. Olive oil: unique composition

The main secret of olive oil in his unique compositionThis is a real pantry useful components that are absorbed by the human body by almost 100%.

Olive oil contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin E, which helps to absorb vitamins A, K. The result of such a natural "chain reaction" is the overall rejuvenation of the body, improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

And no wonder in Greece, where olive oil is idle, the life expectancy rate is one of the highest in the world.

2. Olive oil: use for the digestive system

Olive oil is very useful for the digestive system.It improves the activity of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver, helps healing the stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Olive oil has a choleretic and lightweight action. This is a rare and valuable property, because other vegetable oils of choleretic acts do not provide.

A dessert spoon of olive oil on an empty stomach for three months helps to cure the stomach and gastritis ulcers, while the spoonful of sunflower in such a situation is able to provoke the hepatic colic and exacerbation of the gastrointestinal diseases.

3. Olive oil: Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer

Olive oil is a natural tool for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially heart attacks and strokes, as well as cancer. The secret is in the content of a record number of Omega-3 mono-saturated fatty acids, which interfere with atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on the walls of the vessels and even destroy those that already exist.

Teach yourself to take two tablespoons of olive oil per day (refuel salad, add to soups, side dishes, marinades), and your heart will work like a clock.

It is known that the lowest mortality from cardiovascular diseases - in Greece - the world leader in the consumption of olive oil onto a human soul.

In addition, scientists find out that oleic acid contained in oleric acid stimulates the gene, the overwhelming activity of cancer cells. Accordingly, the risk of developing oncological diseases, in particular, breast cancer in women is reduced.

4. Olive oil: benefit for children

Olive oil especially useful children and pregnant womenbecause Fatty acids contained in it are involved in the formation of the brain of the fetus, its bone and nervous systems.

Also olive oil provides a soft translation of infants for adult food. The fact is that the fatty acids of extra class olive oil are very similar to fats that are part of the maternal milk: linoleic acid and in the other of about 8%. Olive oil must be added to porridge and rubbed vegetable purees.

It is important to remember that the lack of linoleic acid in the body is able to cause a number of skin diseases.

5. Olive oil perfect for frying

Olive oil is one of the best oils for frying, because It retains its structure at high temperatures and does not burn.

According to research, the olive oil of the Extra Virgin class begins to burn at a temperature of more than 240 degrees and is practically no oxidized due to the low content of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, lovers of healthy nutrition can safely use it to prepare all sorts of dishes - warm up, passing, frying - and at the same time enjoy a pleasant natural aroma, without which it is impossible to present useful Mediterranean cuisine. For example, IDEAL olive oil produced in Spain by direct pressed method, without adding preservatives and extraneous impurities.

Unlike olive, our favorite sunflower and corn oils have one significant disadvantage - they are extremely susceptible to oxidation, especially when they are heated and left open in air. As a result, we obtain carcinogenic products, destroying for the gastrointestinal mucosa.

6. Olive oil in cosmetology

Since ancient times, olive oil finds wide application in cosmetology. To preserve and maintain the beauty and youth, the women of ancient Greece regularly applied masks based on olive oil.

Today, cosmetics based on olive oil class EXTRA VIRGIN are very popular. It is part of various creams, masks, shampoos, soap.

Olive oil for leather is the perfect means, as:

- well absorbed, does not score pores, which is important for breathing the skin, good face color,

- does not cause allergic reactions,

- prevents penetration into the skin of air pollution,

- due to the content of antioxidants and vitamin E prevents the premature aging of the body and has a rejuvenating effect,

- has a disinfectant and wound healing effect, which helps solve problems of dry, inflamed and dehydrated skin,

- actively affects fat metabolism in the body, which is effective in combating cellulite and skin stretching,

- eliminates brittle and split nails, gives life glitter hair, prevents the appearance of dandruff and hair loss,

- relieves pain, including after sports training. With ancient times, Greek athletes rub the body with olive oil after sporting competitions.

7. Unrefined olive oil

The process of purification (refining) of vegetable oil consists of three main stages: neutralization, whitening, deodorization. The result is a product without explicit taste, color and smell.

Opening the bottle of olive oil and without feeling the pronounced natural aroma of olives, think about the quality of the purchased oil.

Unfortunately, inexpensive olive oils from the shelves of our supermarkets are often a mixture of refined and unrefined oils.

Therefore, choosing olive oil, it is important to remember that high-quality oil can not be cheap. One of the reasons for this is the time required for collecting olives. They are collected in winter and usually manually. One tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and for the production of 1 liter oil you need 5 kg of olives.

8. What is the best olive oil?

The best olive oil is first Cold Pressing Oil (Extra Virgin). This is an unrefined olive oil that has not been subjected to no heat treatment and therefore retained the maximum of beneficial substances.

Basically, the oil is filtered before bottling, but unfiltered oil is valued above.

The main indicator of the quality of olive oil is its acidity. The level of acidity is determined by the content of oleic acid in 100 g of the product. The lower the natural acidity of unrefined olive oil, the higher its quality.

High-quality oil (Extra Virgin) must have acidity of not more than 0.8%.

An acidity oil is less than 0.5% in the Mediterranean, it is considered to therapeutic.

On the quality of olive oil also affects its variety. The best is the oil with a special marking p.d.o. (a sign of protected origin), which is manufactured from olives grown on a certain territory. The entire production process of this oil is carried out at the site of collecting raw materials. Such oil has a unique bouquet and aroma.

The oil with a mark "Bio" or "Organic" means that the olives were collected on plantations with such marking. So, you get an organic product that meets strict system requirements, including a refusal to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and genetic engineering methods.

9. Olive oil: Best manufacturers

World leaders for the production of olive oil They are Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. Moreover, such a fact is interesting: the Spanish production volumes exceed Greek three times, but at the same time the oil class Extra Virgin them has only fifth of the total production.

Greece, with smaller volumes, produces more than 80% of the first cold spin oil (Extra Virgin) and offers an optimal price-quality ratio.

It is known that Olives settled Greece more than 5,000 years ago. There they found a favorable environmental niche. In Crete and in the mountainous part of Greece Oliva, decades are growing wildly, multiplying in natural conditions on the roots of dead trees. Punching the rocks, their roots go deep into the ground, feeding the fruits with valuable substances.

Owls of other countries are often inferior in quality Greek oil. The case, as a rule, is that raw materials are collected throughout the region with specially planted olives that are abundantly watered. Naturally, the concentration of active substances in the olives grown in this way decreases, the taste weakens. And so that the oil corresponds to the specified quality standards, the manufacturers add the required amount of Greek olive oil into it.

10. Oil: taste, color, flavor

Individuality of oil Determined by numerous factors.

Professionals say that for a good harvest olives need five components: the sun, stone, dryness, silence and privacy.

Indeed, the character of the soil and climatic conditions is very important for olive. Depending on their features, the color, taste and aroma of oil can vary.

To determine organoleptic oil performance, spend a small tasting. Make a sip and hold it in your mouth. Pay attention to the color and bouquet, fruit taste, piquancy, light mustard, enveloping the consistency and highlight the disadvantages, for example, voices, shaggy, wooden taste.

You are still wondering: "What kind of oil is the best?". Remember that there are more than 700 varieties of olives growing in different parts of the world from America to Australia, but Greek oil is still a bit "stronger", with a stronger taste.

Olive oil fatty acid molecules are very large, and the larger the molecule, the greater the carbohydrate atoms in it and the more heat it gives. Therefore, olive oil provides the largest influx of energy, which is especially necessary for the normal operation of all organs and systems, and above all in order to cope with stress and stay in the excellent location of the Spirit!

Olive oil - Product of plant origin. It turns out by pressing the pulp of olive fruit and has numerous useful properties. It is used both inward and externally - for cosmetics purposes. However, many do not know how it is correct and in what quantity to use the product for the improvement of the body. In this article, let's talk about the benefits and dangers of olive oil.

Composition, calorie

Olive tree fruits from ancient times are considered useful. Thanks unique chemical compositionOlive oil occupies one of the leading positions among herbal products. Therefore, it is often used to prevent and treat many diseases.

The composition includes:

  • useful, unsaturated fatty acids;
  • wide complex of vitamins (group B, vitamins A, C, E, K, and others);
  • minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and others);
  • phenols (acids).

The concentration of nutrients may differ. It depends on the region of cultivation of olive and oil preparation methods. But the balance of natural components allows you to apply it for many pathologies organism.

At 100 grams of the product accounts for 898 kcal. The nutritional value:

  • fat - 99.9 gr;
  • fatty acids (saturated) - 16.9 grams;
  • water - 0.3 grams;
  • fatty acids (unsaturated) - 13.3 gr.

Oil - Vitamin Cladestherefore it is incredibly useful for a person. Thus, vitamin E, which is contained in large quantities, treats internal organs and skin, strengthens the walls of the vessels and simply indispensable when recovering after operations and heavy diseases.

The product serves as an ideal supplement in the treatment of cancer. It improves digestion, relieves the pain and spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, treats ulcers and gastritis. Regular use contributes to improved memory, lowering nervousness and depressive states, helps to cope with insomnia.

The following positive effects on the body are provided:

  • normalizes the metabolism;
  • improves neuromuscular transmission;
  • warns the appearance of stones in the horizontal bubble;
  • restores the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stops and lowers aging processes;
  • establishes blood circulation;
  • restores skin cover.

Consider the benefit for various categories of people:

  1. Use for men. Since ancient times, the product is used to maintain and restore male health. There is a positive effect on the productive function. With proper use, it stimulates the glands of internal secretions, and also contributes to the purification of the liver, increases the tone, improves overall well-being, lowers blood cholesterol.
  2. Use for women. Women who include olive oil in diet look attractive and able to preserve youth for many years. The product displays harmful radicals from the body, which, in turn, leads to an improvement in the condition of hair, nails, leather. In addition, the hormonal background is stabilized, the cycle normalization occurs, irritability decreases.
  3. Use for children. Pediatricians are allowed to include oil into the diet even kids. It develops and stimulates the work of the brain. Calcium, which is part of the child's bones are durable, and potassium develops muscle tissue.
  4. Use for pregnant women. Oil helps reduce cholesterol in pregnant women. And also has a beneficial effect on the development of the future child, namely, strengthens the immune system, forms a persistent nervous system of the fetus. Regular local application reduces the risk of stretch marks in pregnant women.

Olive oil: benefit and harm how to take

Due to the large number of vitamins and minerals, which are contained in oil, the product has a comprehensive effect on the body. Consider the most common diseases.

In case of liver disease

People who suffer from the liver disease often include olive oil in the menu for both treatment and prevention. Product displays slags from the body and harmful cholesterol. It is necessary to use strictly on the recommendations, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Often, olive oil with lemon is used to treat, but it is necessary to start such treatment after consulting a doctor. Stages of preparation for cleansing and preparation of the mixture:

  1. Approximately per night you can use only vegetable products and natural juices.
  2. 6-7 hours before cleaning, the reception ends. During this period, they put an enema for cleansing.
  3. For preparation mixed in equal proportions of lemon juice and oil (150 ml).
  4. The resulting mixture is drinking every 15 minutes 1 tablespoon.
  5. During the procedure, it is necessary to lie down, while applying a warm heap to the liver.

With cholecystitis, pancreatitis

When cholecystitis should be taken with caution. To remove the inflammation of the gulb bubble, the following people's recipe are often used:

  1. During the week, an empty stomach drinks 30 ml of high quality olive oil.
  2. It is possible to enhance the healing effect with a glass of grapefruit or lemon juice.

This method restores the operation of the organ and strengthens the action of medicines.

You can use the product with pancreatitis only in the resistance. In its pure form with pancreatitis it is impossible to drink it. When recurring pancreatitis, pain and spasm may increase, which will lead to the development of symptoms of the disease. His add as refueling to salads and snacks. Daily norm - 1 tablespoon.

With gastritis, ulce

In the stomach diseases, the oil also has a healing effect. The product is used in gastritis of different acidity. Basically applies as follows:

  • in the morning, an empty stomach, a half-table of water drinks;
  • after 20 minutes, 1 tablespoon of oil drinks;
  • after 30 minutes you should have breakfast.

Oil helps to get rid of pain with stomach ulcers. Improvements appear after a week. The course of treatment is 3 months.

With varicose veins

Use the product with this pathology is necessary. The oil dilutes blood, lowers the risk of blood cloves, makes the vascular walls elastic. Everyday use in a small amount eliminates the causes of the disease, reduces pain and edema.

Effective and cream based on olive oil. I am recommended to rub ointment 2 times a day and improvements will not wait long.

Cleansing and treatment of an empty stomach

How to drink olive oil? To purify the body, it should be used every morning of 20 ml of an empty stomach. Lemon juice is added to enhance the therapeutic effect. If there is an acid intolerance, it does not add it. This method normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to the soft removal of slags and toxins from the body.

Before more thorough cleaning (for example, liver), you need consultation with the doctor. After cleaning adhere to the correct, dietary power supply. Drinking is allowed warm and unsweetened green tea. Thus, slowly can go to the usual diet, while delivering the body from stress.


Treatment of empty shop Effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular changes. The product prevents the formation of cancer, normalizes and restores the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular use, cholesterol in the blood decreases, which leads to stabilization of blood pressure. Often oil is prescribed in the treatment of constipation. Equid olive oil in the form of rinsing, for the prevention of caries and the formation of dental.

In no case cannot exceed the recommended dosage. With incorrect use, you can break all the digestive operation. Since, the product includes a large number of useful components, then excessive use threatens negative consequences for the body. If the body reacts positively to applying an empty stomach, then the treatment should be continued.

Select Product

In the treatment of an empty stomach, only the oil of the first cold spin should be used. It is unrefined and no thermal processing has been subjected. In such a product, all useful components are stored. With the following squeezes, the quality of the product decreases. The choice depends on the scope of olive oil. So, for refueling costs any oil, and for treatment it is necessary to buy a product of the highest quality.

Contraindications when receiving an empty stomach

The use of olive oil on an empty stomach can harm the body if present:

  • allergic reactions to the product;
  • obesity;
  • the presence of stones in the horizontal bubble;
  • gBC diseases, in the exacerbation phase;
  • intestinal disorder.

Application in other cases

In addition to eating for the treatment and prevention of diseases, there are other applications. Apply it in cosmetology and weight loss.

Even in ancient Greece, women used him to maintain youth and beauty. In modern cosmetology, cosmetics based on olive oil are used:

  • helps to improve the complexion of the face and eliminates pigment spots;
  • gives elasticity and rejuvenates the skin;
  • oil relieves inflammation, traces after acne;
  • prevents the appearance of dandruff and the formation of the sequential hair ends;
  • makes nails strong and beautiful;
  • softens the skin of the hands and stop, prevents the formation of cracks.

Despite the caloric content of the product, people are actively used for weight loss. The rich composition of the product has a positive impact, namely:

  • lowers appetite;
  • eliminates the feeling of hunger and quickly saturates;
  • easily and gently cleans;
  • improves metabolism.

For fat burning effect, it is enough to drink every day on 1 tablespoon of oil 30 minutes before meals for a month. Thanks to this method, you can lose weight and get rid of a few kilograms In just one month. Young mothers note that with regular use, in a short time, extra kilograms scored during pregnancy are leaving.

Olive oil - a wonderful product. Thanks to the rich composition, it can be used by almost all diseases. With proper and regular use, it can provide a stunning therapeutic therapeutic effect.

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