Design of a small room (12 m2) with a sofa. Design of a small room (12 m2) with a sofa Design of a bedroom 12

landscaping 30.08.2019

Many people dream of a cozy bedroom where they could gain strength for the upcoming day and always "get up on the right foot." But in conditions of small dimensions, you have to place all the necessary items in a space of a rather modest area, remembering aesthetics at the last moment. We will try to dispel the myth about the futility of small spaces by talking about the various options and secrets of 12 sq.m. bedroom design.

Choice of interior style

Modern design involves the modification of strict canonical styles to the needs of space while maintaining the main distinguishing features, formative principles and image. The main thing is fantasy, as well as an understanding of what is suitable for a room specifically in your situation.

Bedroom 12 sq.m. in modern style

The most popular option that meets the needs of the time: less details and "beauty for the sake of beauty", more functionality, comfort. Bedroom 12 sq.m. in a modern style can be filled with a minimal set of objects, shaping the aesthetic through lines, light, space or materials.

In such an interior, modular furniture is often used, allowing you to create your own original designs that adapt to the design. For a bedroom that should be a place of rest and relaxation, this solution is good because it helps to create the right conditions for this.

Bedroom 12 sq.m. in classic style

If you prefer the classics, then it can also be entered into a space of 12 sq.m. But for this, it is better to sacrifice quantity for the sake of quality: place a large double bed with a carved headboard and patterned textiles, a small wooden chest of drawers, bedside tables, and also decorate the interior with paintings, sophisticated lamps and light curtains.

It is the harmonious combination of details that creates a holistic composition that can bring a sense of coziness and comfort in their traditional interpretation.

Bedroom 12 sq.m. in Provence style

Provence came to us from the French villages, immediately won love, thanks to its simple charm. This style is able to create a gentle atmosphere that evokes associations with the leisurely rhythm of the life of the province - isn't it ideal for a bedroom of 12 sq.m.? There are not many design rules: pastel colors, floral motifs, antique furniture, mostly natural materials and a variety of decor.

But, despite its apparent simplicity, this is a rather time-consuming option. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on antiques, then you will have to walk around the flea markets, as well as add a little craftsmanship by decorating or aging the furniture. But the result is worth all the effort!

Bedroom 12 sq.m. loft style

A fashionable solution that will bring a little brutality and audacity to the interior. But this is not a one-sided style! With the right design, you can and vice versa - to give the bedroom a more comfortable, as well as warm look.

The loft loves contrasts, like pairing vintage pieces with modern appliances, framed wardrobes with luxurious beds, front-facing wiring with works of art. Random objects take on meaning here, and the variability of filling the space from bare brick walls allows the imagination to roam even on an area of ​​12 sq.m.

Bedroom 12 sq.m. in scandinavian style

Doesn't give up and Scandinavian style, which is gaining more and more popularity in the CIS countries. Despite its "harsh" origin, as well as a modest set of expressive means, it looks very comfortable, light and spacious, conveying these qualities even to a small space.

The best option: a predominantly white finish, in the center of the composition there is a small bed with a bedspread made of natural textiles, a minimal set of wooden furniture, plants and contrasting details.

The color palette for the bedroom is 12 sq.m.

When choosing the color scheme of the room, you should start from several aspects. First, what style did you choose? For example, a loft will dictate white or brick walls, and Provence will dictate a pastel palette.

Secondly, what effect do you want to achieve? For the design of a bedroom with an area of ​​​​12 sq.m. light shades are best suited, which will visually add a few “squares” or at least allow them to be preserved. It is better to give preference to calm colors even for practical reasons - they will create a calming atmosphere that will contribute to sound sleep.

But this does not mean that you need to be afraid of a deeper scale. A dark palette will bring a sense of intimacy to a space that also looks cozy. In this case, it is better to focus on natural shades.

Thirdly, where do the windows in the room go? If the sun rarely looks here, then warm shades will help to compensate for its lack, and vice versa - cold ones will balance the “temperature” in the room.

Finishing a 12-meter bedroom

When choosing a finish, it should be understood that this is not a key element of the interior, but a kind of frame into which a certain composition is to be entered. In order to maintain a balance between boring and colorful design without going to these extremes, you need to follow a simple principle: bright accents can create only a few elements, but not all. For example, strongly decorated furniture balanced by muted finishes, and vice versa.


The bedroom is the place where a person should feel as comfortable as possible. And laminate flooring does the job just fine. The more natural coating- so much the better, because it is on it that you most often have to walk barefoot. The floor in the bedroom is 12 sq.m. should be as light as possible, but not lighter than the walls.


For wall decoration in the bedroom 12 sq.m. suitable traditional paper, non-woven or textile wallpaper which are breathable and environmentally friendly.

Photo wallpapers on one of the walls will also look harmonious - usually the one to which the bed is attached. At the same time, the other sides should be decorated neutrally, “giving” all attention to the central pattern.

Well fit into the interior and just the walls, painted in light colors. But here you should responsibly approach the preliminary preparation of the surface - it should be perfectly flat.


For small spaces, an ordinary light ceiling is suitable. Note that hinged and other types are used for modern style; while Provence, Loft and Scandinavian love simplicity and naturalness.

Decor and textiles for the bedroom 12 sq.m.

Filling the interior with details depends on the chosen style. With a modern style, it is better to get by with a minimal decor, giving preference to modern works of art, photographs, as well as beautiful practical objects. Provence suggests colorful painted figurines, patterned textiles and vintage. Modern art objects are suitable for a loft.

If we ignore the stylistic rules, then the bedroom has 12 sq.m. it is better to limit yourself to only the necessary set of items - this will save space by creating a comfortable environment for sleeping. If the room is supposed to have a working area, it is better to visually separate it from the recreation area.

Curtains can not only hide you from prying eyes and decorate the space, but also visually increase the height of the walls: just mount the ceiling cornice, and extend the fabric to the floor. For the bedroom, blackout curtains or a combination of light tulle with blinds are needed.

How to arrange furniture?

For the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom 12 sq.m. the layout, the number of people living in it and the functions that it should perform are affected. Is the room just a place to relax or does it include work space, storage space and a TV area? Of course, the best option is one a large bed, bedside tables and a small closet. But do not forget that in small spaces the bedroom often plays several roles.

In a room with rectangular geometry, the following composition will look perfect: the bed is closer to the window, and next to the door is a closet. The interior looks symmetrical and balanced.

With square geometry - the bed should be located in the center and attached to the wall. Opposite her: the rest of the furniture, including the closet, narrow workplace or TV shelf.

At the same time, in both options, an armchair, a small table and a chair can be placed closer to the window, while maintaining space at the beginning of the room.

If the 12-meter bedroom has a loggia - consider yourself very lucky! By combining it with a room, you can increase usable area, keeping the division into zones.

Having dismantled the partition and designed the resulting space in a single style, you can use it as a workspace, storage or recreation area. The absence of a wall will increase the amount of natural light in the interior.

At the same time, it is important to comply with all preparatory measures - to insulate the balcony and change windows, if necessary.

If your small bedroom is 12 sq.m. located in Khrushchev, you can expect that the conditions there are even worse: low ceilings, small windows and uncomfortable layout. Such a space requires a special approach when decorating.

The window sill can be used as a workplace, having previously increased it. The window area is suitable for placing a bed there, thereby freeing up space for other items. In this case, it is better to give preference to a little mundane furniture - this will visually raise the ceiling.

Increasingly, designers are using beds on a small podium, which plays the role of storage for things or clothes. A completely radical option is transforming furniture. She deprives the bedroom of traditional comfort, but gives it additional features. In any case, Khrushchev is not a sentence.


The bedroom has 12 sq.m. you can use several levels of lighting: a chandelier, floor lamps and lamps on bedside tables. If the room has a working area, then an additional light source should be placed on the table.

Even the 12 sq.m. can look stylish and comfortable. To finally convince you of this by inspiring new ideas, we have made a selection of photos from beautiful ideas interiors. Happy viewing!

27.02.2017 Read in 12 min.

The design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m it is especially important to work out the functionality of the room. With such a limited footage, such modern ideas, improving the ergonomics of space, such as using a window as a desktop or sofa, as well as arranging complex and multifunctional furniture structures and niches. You can visually enlarge the space of a small bedroom with the help of:

  • a mirror panel located opposite the window;
  • an abundance of light shades;
  • wide cornices reaching the ceiling (they visually increase the height of the room).

In our today's publication, using the example of a photo from the portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies, we will analyze the features of the selection of colors, the specifics of the decor and planning solutions in the design of the bedroom.

Coloristic design solutions for a bedroom 12 sq. m

Pictured: Design modern bedroom in shades of coffee with milk

Cappuccino, latte, americano or frappuccino - every coffee lover has his own favorite type of coffee drink that appeals to him with exceptionally pleasant emotions. Interior designers decided that these very memories from the next “meeting” over a cup of aromatic coffee simply need to be transferred to the interior. To do this, simply decide on the design of the bedroom in shades of coffee with milk.

2. Blurred pistachio shades

In the photo: Blurred green shades in the design of a bedroom in a modern style

Juicy green tones in interiors are still extremely rare. As a rule, they are added a little to children's rooms or design projects of public institutions. But blurry, almost pistachio, shades of green are often used in the design of a 12 sq. m. Such tones, reminiscent of desserts with mint, are perfectly combined with white.

3. Shades of milk chocolate and black accents

Pictured: Shades milk chocolate in the design of a bright bedroom

Shades of milk chocolate in interior design are in demand almost to the same extent as beige tones. They remind me of my favorite desserts. Chocolate gamma, along with light shades, perfectly harmonizes the space. Such "tasty" shades go well with most colors. The design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m in the photo, the beige-chocolate base was diluted with black accents in the form of a pair of designer lamps.

4. Blue accents

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m with blue textiles

Blue textiles in the design of this bedroom perfectly refresh the space. Paired with a beige palette, it evokes a trip to the Normandy coast.

5. Blue accents in a bright space

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m with blue accent

And in this bedroom, the role of one of the color accents is played by the landscape outside the window. And this means that the interior will change literally every day. In summer, a dark blue bedspread that dilutes the beige monochrome will be accompanied by juicy green foliage. In autumn, the room will be filled with crimson-golden colors. And in winter time total light monochrome should be expected.

6. Yogurt shades

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with lilac tones

Pastel shades of berry yogurt add airiness to the space. In combination with creamy beige tones, this range evokes the most delicate desserts: cranberry marshmallow, white and pink marshmallows and fruit soufflés. Yogurt shades are great for decorating women's bedrooms.

7. Shades of gray

In the photo: Gray shades in the interior of the bedroom

The number of shades of gray is indeed in the tens. Stone, pigeon, coal, monsoon, slate - by combining all these tones in one space, you can easily create original interior. Grey colour, reminiscent of the rain, soothes well. It goes well with bright juicy accents, as well as white flowers.

8. Modern bedroom with eggplant accents

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m with eggplant accents

Eggplant accents are perfect for the design of a bedroom in bright colors, gravitating towards a cozy Provence. The floral patterns in this example are reminiscent of sprigs of fragrant lavender, and the white and purple striped armchair brings additional comfort to the room.

Features of the decor of the bedroom in a modern style

The main decorative load in the design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m take over the walls and the bedside area. Chandeliers are also important. Sometimes, in order to decorate a minimalist space, it is enough to purchase only one designer ceiling lamp and a pair of stylish sconces. Wall murals and posters are most often used to decorate the walls of bedrooms.

9. Decorative panel with texture samples

In the photo: Design of a modern bedroom with an unusual decorative collage

The interior is gently turquoise bedroom in the photo original makes unusual decorative panel collage showing different samples invoices. Natural natural shades of such decoration borrow colors from ocean dawns, and, as you know, such a range is perfect for relaxation.

10. Wallpaper

In the photo: Wall mural in the interior of a modern bedroom 12 sq. m

Photowall-paper - an optimum decor for the space solved in modern style. They easily set the right mood. The main thing is to choose the right topic. So, for the design of the bedroom, photo wallpapers were selected with a picturesque view of the observatory in the mountains, which may well be located in the Chilean Andes. The star theme given by the wall panel is supported by a telescope.

11. Floral motifs

In the photo: Floral motifs in the interior of the bedroom

Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in the photo, thanks to floral motifs, acquires a special charm. Here, roses “settled” almost everywhere: on the wallpaper in the bedside area, and in vases on the nightstands, and even the plafonds of the chandelier take the form of slightly blossoming buds. Floral motifs give the bedroom space the charm of spring.

12. Chandelier in the form of swans

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with a chandelier in the shape of swans

Designer chandeliers in the shape of swans can decorate not only the interior in the art deco style, but also the modern space. In the design of the bedroom in the photo, such a white ceiling lamp crowns the composition with a finish, the texture of which resembles cracked soil in the desert. In addition to the chandelier, the room is also illuminated by lighting along the perimeter of the ceiling and silver lamps in the form of elongated drops.

13. Round niche in the form of a spiral

In the photo: Modern bedroom with a decorative niche

A round niche in the shape of a spiral in the design of a bedroom with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m in the photo is very original decorative reception, which brings a touch of futurism to the space. This design is also a great space saver: it does not require square meters, but at the same time you can place many small items in it.

14. Lamps in lampshades

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with table lamps in lampshades

Table lamps in floral shades are one of the easiest ways to make a space feel cozier. In this decor, the sound of Provence is “heard”. So if you want to add a touch of Provence to your bedroom, then just install a couple of lamps with floral shades. A cozy carpet and indoor plants will help enhance the effect.

Bedroom design 12 square meters. m with baby cot

The design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m, due to the limited footage, you are unlikely to be able to create an independent zone for the child. But you can find a place for a baby bed here. Having installed the cradle next to your bed, you can always quickly respond to the crying of the baby.

15. Bedroom with a laconic white bed

In the photo: Design of a modern bedroom 12 square meters. m with baby cot

A laconic white crib is a great solution for designing a small bedroom in a modern style. Such an element of furniture will in no way affect the overall interior composition. Complete lack of decor this case we are only at hand. After all, all kinds of ruffles and canopies in a room of 12 square meters. m can only clutter up the space, and not decorate it.

16. Bedroom in the attic with a cot

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with a baby cot

And in the design of this bedroom with a crib in the attic, a little country touch has been added to the modern style. The designers managed to achieve this effect through the use of wooden furniture and an abundance of textiles from simple fabrics. The chandelier-fan also contributes.

Features of the layout of the bedroom 12 sq. m in modern style

In the photo: Design of a modern bedroom 12 square meters. m with a balcony

Design of a bedroom with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m with a balcony in the photo involves the arrangement of two functional areas. Due to the redevelopment, including the addition of a loggia, the designers of the Foundation Group managed to significantly increase the usable area of ​​​​the premises. On the attached balcony, it was decided to equip a relaxation area with an armchair, which, thanks to the attached pouffe, can easily be transformed into a deck chair.

18. Bedroom with an armchair

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with an armchair

And in the design of the turquoise bedroom, the relaxation area is represented by a light beige armchair and a coffee table. Simplicity planning solution in this case - the key to comfort.

19. Rack-partition

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with a rack-partition

And the design of this bedroom of 12 square meters. m in a modern style is equally suitable for both boys and girls. Conditionally divide the space into an area for sleeping and working area a rack with through shelves helps here with a studio-studio. The independence of the functional areas is also emphasized with the help of a pair of fluffy gray rugs and chandeliers.

20. Mini office

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m with a mini-cabinet

21. Bedroom with "hallway"

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in modern style

"Hallways" are typical for bedrooms with bathrooms or walk-in closets. As a rule, the doors to the office premises are located exactly next to the entrance to the room. The space of such "hallways" is often used to accommodate built-in wardrobes. Here you can also often find dressing tables with pouffes.

Finishing materials in the design of the bedroom

The design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m decorative effect often achieved by combining different finishing materials in space. In the same room, wood, wallpaper, and textured panels. It is important to understand that some trim elements are practically “tied” to a particular style. For example, brickwork and concrete are associated with a loft. Therefore, adding these finishing materials to your modern interior, you end up with an eclectic space with industrial style elements.

22. Brickwork

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m in a modern style with brickwork

The design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m in the photo above, white brickwork is combined with wood trim. As a result of this union, we get an eclectic composition. Thanks to the brickwork, the modern space takes on a touch of brutal industrial style.

23. Floral wallpaper

In the photo: Wallpaper with a floral pattern in the design of the bedroom

When designing a bedroom space in a modern style, special attention is always paid to the decor of the bedside area. To finish the headboard area, you can use wallpaper with a floral pattern, which is best framed with moldings. On a plain background, the pattern will look more impressive. And you can “support” such a floral decor with the help of curtains with floral ornaments.

24. Mirror panel

In the photo: Mirror panel in the decoration of a modern bedroom

An insert in the form of a mirror panel in the decoration of a modern bedroom creates unusual optical illusions. So, in the presented example, the mirror above the bed reflects artistic painting opposite wall, making it part of decorative composition headboard area.

25. Wallpaper with a paisley pattern in the finish

In the photo: Paisley wallpaper in a modern bedroom design

The blue and light blue paisley wallpaper used in the modern style bedroom in the photo fills the room with cheerful marine colors. Thanks to them, as well as small paintings on the wall, the interior acquires an artistic sound.

26. Upholstery with "carriage" coupler

In the photo: "Carriage" screed in the design of the bedroom 12 square meters. m

The capitonné-effect upholstery at the head of the bed brings Art Deco motifs to the space. This finish looks spectacular in any space. And in the example of a bedroom of 12 sq. m turquoise upholstery with a "carriage" coupler also serves as a color accent.

27. Wood in decoration

In the photo: Bedroom design 12 square meters. m s wood trim

In the photo: Dressing table-console in the design of the bedroom 12 square meters. m

Large secretaries with stucco in the design of a modern bedroom of 12 sq. m no space. Instead of them, console tables are often used here, the modest dimensions of which allow them to be placed even in the smallest corners. For convenience, such a table can be equipped with a folding mirror of a laconic design.

29. Built-in wardrobe

In the photo: Built-in white wardrobe in the design of the bedroom 12 square meters. m

A built-in wardrobe in a modern bedroom will replace your full-fledged dressing room, while taking up a minimum of space. Facades of cabinet furniture in the design of a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq. m are usually very minimalistic: they are actually devoid of any decor.

30. Built-in wardrobes with a niche under the bed

In the photo: Multifunctional furniture design in the interior of the bedroom

The built-in furniture structure, consisting of two wardrobes, open shelving, narrow drawers located under the ceiling, will allow you to place all the necessary things and bedding. By fitting the bed into the resulting niche, our designers were also able to save space.

31. Bedroom with sofa

In the photo: Design of a bedroom in a modern style with a sofa

Sometimes when creating a bedroom design with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m wiser to replace the bed with a sofa bed. Especially often this solution is used in rooms for teenagers. Thanks to the sofa, the bedroom can be used as a living room and an office.

32. Bed with canopy

In the photo: Bed with a canopy in the interior of a modern bedroom

A bed with a canopy always looks impressive. If you are afraid that such a design will seem too cumbersome in a small room, then take an example from this interior. The bed is completely open here. A translucent curtain, which adds lightness to the composition, is simply thrown over two opposite crossbars.

33. Bed with wide headboard

In the photo: Bedside decor in the interior of a modern bedroom

The laconic bed, decorated with a milk-coffee-colored bedspread, makes the backrest interesting. A wide headboard with soft velor upholstery in shades of chocolate truffle adds luxury to the space.

Bedroom design 12 square meters. m requires careful study of planning and color solutions. Furniture here is also often made to order according to individual sketches. Therefore, if you want your bedroom to be comfortable from a practical point of view, but at the same time, would have its own "character", then you just need the help of professional designers. GC "Fundament" has vast experience in working on the interiors of small rooms in apartments and private houses. Therefore, we know perfectly well what methods can be used to make you proud of the design of your bedroom.

Text: Natalia Nikiforova

If you started a renovation in your bedroom of 12 square meters. meters, we advise you to pay close attention to the golden rules of design that will make your interior cozy and unique. is a place where a person can relax and gain strength after the daily bustle. Therefore, the layout of the bedroom and the creation of its design are very important stages of repair.

The bedroom should be beautiful, sensual and luxurious to give you joy before bed and give you a good mood in the morning. The layout of the bedroom should take into account that this room is not only for sleeping. You need to think about what else you like to do in it, from reading books to yoga classes. A spacious bed, competent lighting and high-quality curtains are essential attributes necessary to create comfort in the bedroom.

In modern new buildings, bedrooms with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 13 sq.m. are very common. But even in such conditions, with the help of design techniques, you can create the vacation spot of your dreams. Consider the basic rules that designers recommend to apply when creating a bedroom interior.

Bedroom layout

The layout of the bedroom is 12 square meters. meters begins with the choice of a place for the bed. It is better to place it parallel to the wall with windows. At the head of the bed you can place a bedside table, a night table or a small chair. If after bed placement there is a lot of free space left, equip a small dressing room.

If the bedroom is combined with a balcony, then the best solution would be to attach it to the area of ​​​​the room. The balcony will increase the space, where you can store things or place cabinet.

Color palette and finishes

The color scheme can significantly affect our perception of space. When choosing a color palette, first of all, you need to consider the size of the room, and only then your own preferences. If you want to feel comfortable in a 12 sq.m. bedroom, choose light colors when creating your design:

  • pale blue;
  • light brown;
  • pale pink.

Remember that more than three basic colors should not be used. Numerous shades of green from olive to rich emerald create in the bedroom spring mood and visually expand the space. The pastel palette will look stylish and fashionable.

Advice! So that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room does not visually decrease, dark colors should be avoided. Warm and bright colors better to use in decor items.

As for the decoration of the walls of the bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq.m., you should not use large drawings on the walls. Large ornaments reduce space. Of the finishing materials, it is better to choose wallpaper, they will fill the room with comfort and warmth. Non-woven wallpaper is the perfect solution for renovations. They have a dense texture, thanks to which they will hide any bumps and cracks on the walls. They are environmentally friendly, easy to glue and fit well, which will greatly facilitate the repair of the room. You can choose an accent wall opposite the bed or at the head of the bed and paste over it with wallpaper with a bright pattern, as in the photo.

Advice! Design experts recommend for maximum visual magnification space to make the lightest wall of the room a tone lighter than the rest of the walls.

Remodeling a bedroom is no easy task. To create the illusion of a high ceiling, you can install a glossy stretch ceiling or paint the existing glossy paint. Two-level plasterboard ceiling with a darker indentation will also look tall. For the floor, you can choose a light laminate or parquet and lay it diagonally.

Furniture items

The central place that attracts attention in the bedroom is bed. Therefore, choose a beautiful and original headboard, which will become the main accent of the interior. The bed should be comfortable and fit into the style of the room. The standard length is usually 190-200 cm. But remember that the bed should be at least 15 cm larger than your height.

As for its height, there is a rule that will avoid a heavy load on the spine: the lower part of the mattress should rise above the floor by at least 50 cm. So that the bed does not creak during operation, it is better to purchase it on a wooden, forged or metal frame. Frames made of fiberboard, chipboard or MDF are considered less reliable. Drawer under the bed allows you to hide various things inconspicuously.

Basic rules for choosing furniture for small spaces: compactness, mobility and versatility. The material from which the furniture is made is important. Light glossy or glass facades are ideal for small spaces. Hanging cabinets without legs visually appear more airy and lighter than furniture with a massive base.

Advice! Do not load a room with an area of ​​​​less than 14 sq.m. numerous pieces of furniture and bulky cabinets.

Bedroom lighting

The right lighting can make a big difference in a room. For general functional lighting, you can choose a beautiful ceiling chandelier. To create directional bedroom lighting use wall sconces or floor lamps. To create a unique atmosphere in the bedroom and give individuality to the interior, use decorative lighting. Frosted glass lamps will make the light softer and more subdued. The approximate level of illumination of any room should be 15 watts per square meter. So, for a bedroom 12 sq.m. you need to choose a lamp with a power of 180 watts. You can use the lower illumination of skirting boards and furniture.

Design and renovation of a bedroom 12 sq. m. is often of interest to apartment owners. This is due to the fact that such bedrooms are found in most modern new buildings.

But such an area does not limit the possibilities of repair and design, if they are properly approached. In such a bedroom should not be a lot of furniture. It is desirable that it does not turn out dark.

The room will become cozier if you install sufficient lighting and give preference to light finishes in soft colors.

Let's take a closer look:

  • All this visually increases the space. Pay attention to the background wallpaper (see).
    Also suitable wallpaper with a small, but infrequent pattern. Decorate windows with translucent curtains. Give preference to a chandelier and side decorative lighting.
  • Even if you decide to repair a room of 12 sq. m. with your own hands, it is important to think over all the features in advance. Determine the stages of repair even before it starts, even though the bedroom in this case is small.
    Compose first. It is important to consider everything from possible redevelopment to the location of accessories.
  • Then you need to do the rough work. At this stage, carry out electric installation work, level the walls and floor. If replacement windows are required, they are replaced during the rough work. At the final stage level the floor.

  • At the next stage, you can start finishing work. If you decide to install stretch ceilings, start with finishing the walls.
    After that, a stretch ceiling is installed and the floor is finished. If you decide to paint the ceiling (see), all work begins with it. Bedroom renovation school 12 sq. m. will help you cope with this work faster.

Advice. Interior doors and the plinth is installed at the final stage. In any case, before starting the repair, look at the ideas for repairing a bedroom of 12 square meters. m.

Bedroom interior 12 square meters. m.

First of all, pay attention to the functionality of this room. Choose furniture and interior items, taking into account the layout and size of the room.


  • If the bedroom is used only for one person, the bed can be placed in one corner, freeing up space for other pieces of furniture. Two small tables or a small table look good next to the bed.
    If the bedroom is designed for two, you can install a narrow double bed.
  • In such an interior, there is not enough space for a standard wardrobe. You can supply a set of furniture with hanging elements.
    Usually they are hung over the head of the bed or over the door. If there is an empty wall by the bed,. Such furniture allows you to accommodate all things, and mirrors visually enlarge the room.

Advice. If there are niches, they can be made functional. You can place a TV in them or simply decorate it with decorative elements and accessories.

Choice of color solution

There is an opinion that in such a room only light and sandy shades can be used. Look at the photo and you will see that this is not entirely true.

To visually make the room deeper and expand its boundaries, use deep saturated shades. It is important not to use too dark finishing materials.

The best choice would be a calm lilac or greenish hue along with light or white furniture. When choosing white furniture in the same style, the bedroom will acquire additional luxury.

Advice. Do not use dark shades of wenge and dark chocolate in the decoration. But they can be used as some pieces of furniture and decorative elements.

What wallpaper to choose for decorating a bedroom of 12 square meters. m.

Wallpaper Options Recommendations
Wallpaper with a patternIf you prefer wallpaper with a pattern, opt for a fine pattern. A large pattern visually reduces the space.
Wallpaper selection and ceiling heightIf your bedroom has a low ceiling, don't divide the wall with wallpaper horizontally. This technique will visually make the ceiling even lower. If the ceiling is high, this decision will be justified. The main thing is that the transition is not too abrupt.
Compatibility of tonesWallpaper in a small flower goes well with wallpaper in a dark pink tone. Green wallpaper goes well with a fresh light green shade.
Compatibility with other coatingsWhen choosing wallpaper in a light shade, you can lay dark floors. Floors and doors should be made of the same color material.

Choosing an interior style

With small bedroom parameters, there are many interior solutions.

Would look perfect:

  • Country style.
  • You can also give preference to the African style.
  • Provence style.
  • Or neoclassical.

Advice. You should not choose styles that are traditionally used in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Among these styles are English and classic, as well as loft and chalet. They can only be partially used when choosing decorative elements.

How to arrange furniture?

The instructions will help you. Usually in spacious bedrooms a bedroom set is installed.
But in a small bedroom it is difficult to install a full double bed, a large wardrobe, a chest of drawers and two bedside tables. With such an arrangement, there is no room for passage.

For this reason, it is better to buy only the necessary pieces of furniture.

More about placement:

  • The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. But if you wish, you can buy a sofa instead. And yet, it is better to give preference to the bed.
    This is due to the fact that not every sofa can withstand constant unfolding. For a 12 sq. m. a model is suitable, the width of which is 160 or 180 cm.
  • Bedside cabinets should be small. If there is not enough space, buy only one cabinet. As lighting, you can choose wall sconces.
    Designers have developed special shelves, which are designed to be installed above the headboard. As a result, you may not buy bedside tables at all.
  • You can do without a closet if you have a separate dressing room. In this case, a chest of drawers for everyday clothes will suffice.
    But if there is no dressing room, buy a spacious closet. It is better to give preference to a closet, as hinged doors will require additional space to open. Wardrobe can be added drawers, which will allow you to do without a large chest of drawers.
  • In a 12 sq. m. it is better to install high, narrow furniture. So, you can choose a wardrobe up to the ceiling.
    And although its price will be higher, it will give more free space. In addition, you do not have to constantly wipe the dust on it. To visually enlarge the room, buy a wardrobe with mirrored surfaces.

Note. The built-in wardrobe has a drawback, which is due to the fact that it cannot be moved to another place. For this reason, its location should be determined in advance.

Choosing decorative elements

In small spaces, it is better to do without a large number of accessories and decorative elements. Otherwise, the room will look overloaded.

Give preference to a single decorative element of a large size. As such an element, you can use a picture or a mirror installed above the head of the bed.

You can purchase a floor vase if the space allows. Instead of large decorative elements, you can purchase several small ones.

It is important that they are made in the same style. Several small frames or paintings that make up the composition look good.

They are traditionally performed in a single color scheme. They are hung not only horizontally, but also vertically.
They can be on one or two opposite walls. If you have any questions about the repair and design of a 12 sq. m., watch the video in this article.

Who among us would not like to relax and gain strength before a new day of work in a spacious bedroom with high ceilings and huge windows, luxurious furnishings and exquisite finishes? It is great if you can go from a spacious bedroom to an equally spacious dressing room and bathroom, located specially near the room for sleeping and relaxing. But let's face the truth. Most rooms in apartment buildings are modest rooms with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 12 square meters. m, where it is difficult, and inappropriate to equip the interior in classical style with luxurious baroque elements. But this does not mean that there is no way to decorate the bedroom with all the necessary furniture, original finishes and interesting decor. There are a lot of similar options, and our impressive selection of modest-sized bedroom design projects will help you make sure of this. We hope you can find some inspiration to renovate or remodel your own small bedroom, learn some design tricks to visually expand a modest space, and design the sleep and lounge of your dreams.

Before you go shopping to look at furniture, wallpaper and textiles, “sketch” a work plan on paper. Draw a diagram of the room with marks on the location of windows, doors, design features your room, the passage of the heating system - for bedrooms located in the attic, for example, architectural features will dictate the arrangement of furniture. Further, you can follow the simple plan below and carry out the repair and arrangement of a small bedroom with minimal time and alterations.

We decide on the color palette and style of the room for sleeping and relaxing

This will have to be done in parallel with the choice of interior style or options for mixing stylistic trends. The fact is that your preferences in the ways of decorating the space will directly depend on the color scheme of the decoration, furniture and decor of the room. Obviously, a pompous setting in a classic design and variants of offshoots from this style will not work for a bedroom of modest size. Modern style, striving for maximum practicality of the interior, enclosed in an attractive external shell, can very harmoniously include some elements of such styles as hi-tech, country (namely Provence, Scandinavian style), minimalism, shabby chic and art deco. As for the color palette, we all are well aware that light colors visually expand the space, while dark ones can create a depressing atmosphere. But not everything is so simple and the use of dark, rich or bright colors in a small bedroom can not only be justified, but also look advantageous as skillfully placed accents.

Light, pastel colors for a soothing interior

The snow-white finish of the ceiling and walls does a great job of visually expanding the space and serves as the perfect backdrop for any wall decor. You do not need to worry about the combinatorics of colors for decoration and furniture, flooring or textiles - white is relevant always and everywhere. Pure white finishes are like a blank canvas to create a bedroom that feels cozy, comfortable and fun.

In addition to white, there are many options for decorating the interior of a bedroom in light colors - beige and sandy shades will create a warm atmosphere in the room, light gray and bluish tones will create a feeling of coolness. But even in using one light tone to finish all the walls, you can highlight the accent wall with the help of texture - use wallpaper with embossed or relief, as well as wall panels with textured shapes.

Bright contrasts and skillfully placed accents for an interesting bedroom design

An entire wall decorated with dark upholstery is a challenge for a medium-sized room. But a small niche at the head of the bed, made in an accent manner with the help of color and texture, is a good design technique for highlighting the central piece of furniture in any bedroom. In the design of the room for sleeping and relaxing, shown in the photo, the dark surface at the head of the bed is a zoning niche between the sleep segments and the dressing room.

For bold and even adventurous owners of medium-sized bedrooms, we can offer an unexpected option for decorating walls in a dark, almost black tone. Contrasting white trim around the perimeter of the room, the space around the window and door, used for decorating picture and photo frames, will create an interesting dynamism in the interior unusual bedroom. As bright accent you can use bedside tables, a chair by the window or bed textiles.

Another example of using a dark, saturated color to decorate all the walls of a small but high-ceilinged bedroom. Dark indigo blue looks great with snow-white edging, a similar tone of furniture looks very impressive in a dark environment.

The next bedroom design project may not appeal to every homeowner, few will dare to use such an active color for wall decoration and bright decor. But for many, it is important to see colorful shades when you wake up in the morning in order to feel cheerful and be in good shape all day.

Choosing finishing methods for all surfaces of the bedroom

In parallel with the choice of colors and style, you can plan the decoration of the ceiling, walls and floors. Perhaps your room, although small, has high ceilings. In this case, you have many options for decorating the ceiling with the help of suspended ceilings in several levels with built-in lighting (which, among other things, will visually expand the room), the use of wide ceiling plinths and even stucco moldings. In order to visually expand the space of a small bedroom, you can use the layout of the flooring pattern diagonally.

The use of one of the walls (usually at the head of the bed) as an accent has already become a traditional design method for many of our compatriots. As an accent, you can use wallpaper with a pattern if the rest of the walls are plain or painted in a color other than the main palette. Wall panels, including embossed ones, can serve as an excellent material for decorating an accent surface.

Another option for decorating an accent wall with printed wallpaper - the white color of the walls and the blue tone of the upholstery of the head of the bed are reflected in the colorful pattern of the vertical surface finish.

An accent wall in the form of blockwork is a great opportunity to create a unique bedroom interior with elements of industrialization and pop art style. Against the background of gray walls, bright interior items and colorful textiles look especially impressive.

The wall, lined with wooden slatted panels, became an accent among the snow-white palette of the room. For the interior of the bedroom located in country house such a design would be especially appropriate.

As an option for decorating the walls of the bedroom, you can use brickwork. To do this, it is not necessary to decorate the entire interior in a loft style or with an industrial bias. To “soften” the brutality of the interior, you can use original textiles, light curtains, soft upholstery of the head of the bed, and sometimes the entire frame.

In a room with a light finish, the central piece of furniture itself can become a bright, accent spot. Saturated colors in the bed frame, its headboard and textile design will charge the entire design of the room with optimism and festive mood.

Bedroom of modest size in the attic room - features of decoration and arrangement

In the attic room, it is much easier to equip a bedroom than any other room. On the site with the largest bevel of the ceiling, we place a bed, all architectural features, asymmetric niches and other nooks and crannies of space, we try to fill it with storage systems of the sizes that the attic space can only accommodate. We choose the finish from a light palette - the ceilings are white, the walls are pastel colors, even flooring it is better to choose from light wood species or its imitation.

It's no secret that decorating a room with wooden panels brings a warm atmosphere to the interior. Using light wood species to finish the bedroom, located in attic room or a former attic, you can create not just a cozy atmosphere, but also a memorable, unique design of a sleeping room. But do not forget about a couple of accent spots - curtains or a bed cover in a rich shade.

We select models of furniture and its layout

Obviously, the central and largest piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. The modest size of the room should not push you to buy a smaller bed than you would like. This is a long-term investment in your own health - if the bed is uncomfortable or there is not enough space to sleep well, relax and gain strength, then this will inevitably affect your physical and psychological state. In addition to the bed, it is necessary to consider the presence of bedside tables and storage systems - whether it will be a wardrobe, a modest chest of drawers or an entire wall reserved for embedding a dressing room, depends on how many items of clothing you need to store, and whether there is a separate room for a dressing room in the apartment or household room. Even in small bedroom you can find free space for arranging a reading corner by placing an armchair and a floor lamp, an atamanka at the foot of the bed, or a small place for work and creativity in the form of a modest console and chair.

A bed made in the form of a low podium with a mattress placed on it can be a successful option for organizing a bed in narrow room with an impressive storage system located along one wall from floor to ceiling. Light shades in the performance of furniture allow you to create lightness in the interior and remove the oppressive impression of the solidity of the furniture ensemble.

Sometimes, to save usable space in a small sleeping room, it is enough to move the bed against the wall. If you are satisfied with this approach to the bed and the absence of one bedside table, then your room will free up space for installing a storage system, a dressing table or a reading chair.

If your bedroom can't boast large area, but it has a bay window, then this is a great opportunity to organize a zone for relaxing, reading and talking near the window. A pair of elegant armchairs or a sofa and a floor lamp will not take up much space, but will provide a lot of opportunities.

If your bedroom needs a few more functional areas and cannot boast enough free space for this, you can consider installing a pull-out or folding bed, which, when assembled, is placed in an impromptu closet. Usually, manufacturers make such structures according to your size and supply with the necessary accessories, for example, built-in lighting. It is important to consider that such beds have a fairly strict weight limit for a person or people who plan to use a functional sleeping device. The only thing that can serve as an unpleasant reason for refusing such a design of a berth is that its operation depends entirely on the serviceability of the lifting mechanism.

If one person will rest in the bedroom, then installing a narrow bed will create a reserve of space for arranging a small home office. narrow desk or a console that is attached to the wall at one end, and the other rests on only one support, a chair and a table lamp - that's all that is needed to create a workplace.

This way of organizing a bed, like a hanging bed, is not suitable for every homeowner. But for those who like the easy rocking of the structure, fixed on hanging ropes or metal bundles, such a bed can become not only a highlight of the interior, but also a favorite place to sleep and relax for many years.

To save space, you can use open shelves instead of bedside tables or side tables. Shelves can be located both at the head of the bed and next to it.

We create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation with the help of a lighting system

Depending on the size of the room, and mainly on the height of the ceilings, different approaches can be taken to provide the bedroom with different types of lighting. Built-in lighting is created using a false ceiling system, possibly more than one level. There are many options for lighting ceilings. Central chandelier - classic version providing the necessary level of illumination in the room for sleeping and relaxing. Depending on whether your bedroom has an armchair for relaxing and reading or a work desk, you will need to install a floor lamp or a table lamp. Bedside tables can also be fitted with table lamps or wall sconces at the head of the bed to provide local lighting while getting ready for bed or reading in bed.

With the help of built-in ceiling lighting, structural niches, headboards, you can not only provide local lighting for certain areas of the bedroom, but also visually expand its boundaries. Even a snow-white finish becomes interesting with the use of lamps or LEDs of different shades and temperature color levels.

The central chandelier and table lamps with large lampshades on the bedside tables are a “classic of the genre” to provide the bedroom with general and local light, to create a different atmosphere for various pastimes in the sleeping and relaxing room.

Classic chandeliers with many glass decorative elements will never lose their relevance. In a room with a neutral finish and a slight effect of using classic interior elements, such lighting more than appropriate.

We decide on the decor and textile design of a small bedroom

Only at first glance it seems that a bedroom with an area of ​​12 sq.m does not need decor, that it will only make the situation heavier. Firstly, we cannot avoid the textile design of the bed itself - a bright bedspread and original pillows can drastically change the look of the bedroom. Secondly, you need to think about decorating windows - beautiful curtains can not only bring color diversity to color scheme rooms, visually increase the height of the room, but also become a highlight of the interior. In addition to textiles, there are many options to decorate, transform and even change the design of the bedroom - wall decor in a variety of options from paintings and mirrors to relief images, live plants and other little things that can successfully complete the image of the bedroom.

Bright wall decor, supported by a colorful pattern of textiles for the bed, is the simplest and most effective way place accents in the bright room of the bedroom and bring color diversity to its design.

Living plants in the interior of the bedroom refresh the atmosphere, give the image of the sleeping room a pleasant connection with nature. In the bedroom interior, which has a very brutal wall and ceiling finish, green plants have become a drop of femininity and freshness, completing the look of the bedroom with a balanced approach to decor.

If the interior of the bedroom is made in light, restrained colors, then any functional or decorative items can serve as accent spots. For example, bright table lamps look great in an interior with a light beige palette. And the mirror surfaces of the bedside tables and chest of drawers allow you to create a visual effect of blurring the boundaries and expand the room.

In a room for sleeping and relaxing, decorated in a restrained manner, using pastel shades, the easiest way to add variety to the color palette is by decorating. window openings. Bright curtains or curtains with a colorful print can not only bring uniqueness to the bedroom decor, but also visually increase the height of the room if placed from the ceiling to the floor.

Another simple and inexpensive way to transform the interior of the bedroom is a multi-colored or just a bright bedspread on the bed. Depending on the color change of bedspreads and covers on decorative pillows, you can create different moods in the interior of the bedroom.

711 1063 Dix https://www.pngDix 2015-06-29 18:50:08 2018-11-30 11:20:22 12 sq.m bedroom design - practical beauty

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