How to write a petition correctly? Examples and samples of different petitions. How to write a petition - sample drafting

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There is no petition, the sample of which could not be found on the global network, but difficulties still arise with the preparation of this document. What petitions exist, how to make them and where to find the right competent sample - all necessary information below to answer these questions. There is also presented step-by-step instruction to check the relevance of the found samples of applications.

What is a petition and when is it required?

The concept of "petition" from the point of view of law means nothing more than a request addressed to state or other bodies that have the authority to consider and resolve it.

At the same time, skills in drafting petitions may be needed not only for lawyers who, by virtue of their profession, have to send them to various authorities: to the court, prosecutor's office, preliminary investigation bodies, and so on. It is the petition that draws up a letter to the department of education about the allocation of a place for the child in preschool i.e. in kindergarten. A petition will also be required in order to encourage a particularly distinguished employee or to remove a previously imposed penalty from an employee who has been at fault, but has already redeemed his guilt.

Petitions to the court: how to write a petition, sample

With the question of how to write a petition to the court, it is best to turn to trusted thematic Internet resources, where you can also view and download a sample that is most suitable for a particular case. Details and elements of the application remain unchanged regardless of its subject:

  • the name of the court;
  • data of the chairman of the court (or a specific judge, if known);
  • applicant's data;
  • a description of the subject matter of the petition and arguments in favor of its satisfaction;
  • regulatory and legal substantiation of the application (reference to laws, by-laws and other sources of law);
  • date of the application.

How to write a petitionon the promotion (reward) of an employee, where to get a sample

Rewarding, promotion, removal of a previously imposed penalty, and sometimes promotion - all these, of course, pleasant moments are often preceded by the receipt of relevant petitions to higher authorities. Who exactly should make such petitions depends on the business practices of each particular organization.

As a rule, this is the responsibility of HR employees, but HR managers often shift it onto the shoulders of the employees themselves, who are subject to bonuses or other types of incentives. Nor do they always provide an adequate example of a petition.

Therefore, before making a petition, it is best to find a sample in advance and study each point - later this will help to avoid delays and the need for endless corrections. This can be done by asking the appropriate query in search engines.

So, a petition regarding the promotion of an employee should be addressed to the first head of the institution. The drafting form is free, but in without fail there should be descriptions of the merits of the employee, his personal and labor characteristics. In the operative part, the conclusions are stated as concisely as possible, that is, in fact, the essence of the petition is to reward, reward, recommend for a higher position, etc.

How to write a letter of application, do I need a sample

A letter of petition is essentially no different from an ordinary petition: details, form, drafting style - all this is absolutely identical, the only difference is in the name. It is generally accepted that the letter of petition is called so because it is sent, as a rule, by mail. However, an ordinary petition can be delivered in the same way.

Nevertheless, it is precisely this term - “petition letter” - that most often refers to requests that affect everyday issues:

  • admitting a child to Kindergarten or a school that is not located at the place of residence;
  • the issuance of a cash loan by a credit institution (many banks practice requirements for borrowers to submit an application from the employer);
  • encouragement of an employee if the initiative comes from citizens (for example, a request from a patient to encourage an employee of a medical institution who has shown a high level of professionalism in providing medical care) etc.

In such situations, when wondering how to write a petition, it is not at all necessary to look for a sample - it is enough to state all the arguments in the form of a free story. But it is recommended to follow official style and avoid non-literary and colloquial turns. At the same time, it is still worth observing the basic standards of office work:

  • indication of the addressee of the letter in the upper right corner of the sheet;
  • an appeal to the addressee, adopted by the customs of business turnover: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich, ...”;
  • availability of full personal and contact details of the author of the letter of petition;
  • a clear and concise listing of arguments;
  • if necessary, a reference to legal acts confirming the arguments of the petition.

In the case when the letter of petition assumes compliance with the established form (for example, a petition to the Department of Education), it is better to request this sample from the addressee. There are no templates adopted at the legislative level, so each institution can set its own standards and require them to be observed. Of course, a deviation from such a self-proclaimed form cannot be grounds for invalidating the petition, but following it flawlessly will save a lot of time and nerve cells.

Application Writing Samples: How to Find the Right One

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to trust the results of an Internet search for the query “how to write a sample petition”. To understand whether a particular template or sample is up-to-date at the time of the search, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • study the sample and establish whether it contains references to normative sources (laws, regulations, by-laws, etc.);
  • if any, check their relevance by setting the appropriate search query(name of the normative act);
  • study the specific norm of the law indicated in the sample (it is possible that at the time of the search it has changed).

Important: in all cases, when looking for a sample petition (regardless of its subject and addressee), it is best to use several sources.

Sample petitions can be found on any legal website. However, before downloading a particular document, you need to think carefully. Sample petitions that are publicly available do not reflect the nuances of a particular case. Therefore, we advise you to contact a lawyer just in case for advice.

However, in general, the petition writing patterns have a uniform and logical algorithm, regardless of the specific application.


There are no special requirements to apply for an employee award. It is served in the name of the chief manager by the head of the department for a specific subordinate. Despite the lack of a clear form, it is still necessary to indicate:

  • both work and personal;
  • merit description.

So, Sample: “Employee A. A. Ivanov has proven himself on the positive side. During his work in the sale of goods household appliances department profit increased by 30%. A. A. Ivanov has been working in the organization for more than a year, he approaches his work responsibly, enjoys the respect and authority of his colleagues. Based on the above, I apply for the promotion of this employee with an extraordinary bonus. Director of the Branch, A. A. Petrov.

Sample applications for awards look about the same. There must be a mandatory description of the merit for which, in the applicant's opinion, the person should be awarded.

How to write a petition to the court: sample

AT litigation the parties are endowed with initiative. This means that everyone has the right to apply to the court for the purpose of carrying out procedural actions that should lead to an objective consideration. A petition is a written request for a clearly defined purpose.

The principle of judicial motions

There are many different requirements in a lawsuit. Listing them all does not make sense in one article. We will list some examples of petitions for a general understanding of the picture. Let's say right away that there is no correct, established form.

Each application has its own nuances. However, in general, there are general principles:

  • There is no single approved form, sample.
  • It is not necessary to refer to the laws in the application. If the requirement does not contradict the procedural legislation, it must be considered without fail. However, reference to legal norms will give legal weight to the document. The court will understand that the applicant knows what he is doing.
  • Specifics. The principle of clarity and clarity in jurisprudence has not been canceled. Take, for example, It is necessary to indicate the right of everyone to a fair trial, write that the witness is ready to testify, his appearance is guaranteed, he is waiting in the corridor. Then it will be more difficult to justify the refusal. The court will have to call a witness, otherwise it will be interpreted as a violation of the principle of the independence of the judiciary.

  • Lead time. The ideal option long before the court to file a petition, for example, for the reclamation of evidence, for forensics, calling a witness, etc. If it's tightened up last day, then the court can interpret the requirements as well as refuse.
  • Before the court, it is better to have several forms prepared in advance. It is not known how the process will go. Oral statements are often not reflected in the case. Having several pre-prepared petitions, including directly opposite ones, you can insure yourself against “surprises”. For example, on the removal of a judge, on the appointment of an examination, on the demand for new evidence. It must be remembered that if the court rejected a particular requirement, this can be referred to in the appeal and requested again. If there were no petitions in the first instance, but they are needed in the case, then the second instance, most likely, will refuse to attach.

Apart from universal principles, there are separate rules for certain types of applications. Let's give a couple of examples.

Restoration of the term: a sample of writing a petition

The most common request is for reinstatement, as people do not always know that they have become participants. litigation. In addition, there are objective cases when a party was unable to submit the necessary applications, complaints, petitions (illness, business trip, etc.).

So how do you write a petition? A sample recovery request is provided below.

Mamontovskoye District Court Altai Territory made a decision on civil case No. 223/16 dated 10.10.2016 on the recovery from me, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on 09.09.1988, in favor of Kreditor OJSC, the amount under the loan agreement dated 05.10.2015 in the amount of 15,190.34 rubles, as well as state duty in in the amount of 456 rubles.

I learned about this decision only on November 22, 2015, as I was on a business trip. Copies of the order are attached. As a result, I missed the deadline for filing an appeal against this decision. Based on the foregoing, I request that the missed deadline for filing an appeal be restored. Together with this petition, I am filing an appeal in accordance with the procedural legislation.”

This type has a number of features:

  • It is submitted to the court where the case will be heard. The exception is the cassation instance.
  • Together with the application for restoration, it is imperative to submit the document, permission to submit which must be achieved.

These are the things you need to know. If you find a sample of writing a petition without appropriate explanations, then you can miss something.

Demand for evidence

“Civil case No. 764/2016 is in the proceedings of the Volzhsky District Court of the Samara Region. For the purpose of an objective consideration of the case, I request that the following copies of documents be requested from the defendant:

  • job description;
  • time sheet;
  • labor contract.

These documents contain my working time, location, nature of my work. Therefore, they can prove that my dismissal was illegal.”


Sample petitions will not help in a case by themselves if you do not know some of the nuances. Therefore, we still advise you to contact lawyers for their preparation and submission.

Sample petitions can be found on any legal website. However, before downloading a particular document, you need to think carefully. Sample petitions that are publicly available do not reflect the nuances of a particular case. Therefore, we advise you to contact a lawyer just in case for advice.

However, in general, the petition writing patterns have a uniform and logical algorithm, regardless of the specific application.


There are no special requirements to apply for an employee award. It is served in the name of the chief manager by the head of the department for a specific subordinate. Despite the lack of a clear form, it is still necessary to indicate:

  • characteristics of the employee, both labor and personal;
  • merit description.

So, how to write a petition. Sample: “Employee A. A. Ivanov has proven himself on the positive side. During his work in the sale of household appliances, the profit of the department increased by 30%. A. A. Ivanov has been working in the organization for more than a year, he approaches his work responsibly, enjoys the respect and authority of his colleagues. Based on the above, I apply for the promotion of this employee with an extraordinary bonus. Director of the Branch, A. A. Petrov.

Sample applications for awards look about the same. There must be a mandatory description of the merit for which, in the applicant's opinion, the person should be awarded.

How to write a petition to the court: sample

In litigation, the parties are endowed with initiative. This means that everyone has the right to apply to the court for the purpose of carrying out procedural actions that should lead to an objective consideration. A petition is a written request for a clearly defined purpose.

The principle of judicial motions

There are many different requirements in a lawsuit. Listing them all does not make sense in one article. We will list some examples of petitions for a general understanding of the picture. Let's say right away that there is no correct, established form.

Each application has its own nuances. However, in general, there are general principles:

  • There is no single approved form, sample.
  • It is not necessary to refer to the laws in the application. If the requirement does not contradict the procedural legislation, it must be considered without fail. However, reference to legal norms will give legal weight to the document. The court will understand that the applicant knows what he is doing.
  • Specifics. The principle of clarity and clarity in jurisprudence has not been canceled. Take, for example, a petition to call a witness. It is necessary to indicate the right of everyone to a fair trial, write that the witness is ready to testify, his appearance is guaranteed, he is waiting in the corridor. Then it will be more difficult to justify the refusal. The court will have to call a witness, otherwise it will be interpreted as a violation of the principle of the independence of the judiciary.

  • Lead time. The ideal option would be to file a petition long before the court, for example, on the reclamation of evidence, on a forensic examination, to call a witness, etc. If this is delayed until the last day, then the court may interpret the requirements as an abuse of the right and refuse.
  • Before the court, it is better to have several forms prepared in advance. It is not known how the process will go. Oral statements are often not reflected in the case. Having several pre-prepared petitions, including directly opposite ones, you can insure yourself against “surprises”. For example, on the removal of a judge, on the appointment of an examination, on the demand for new evidence. It must be remembered that if the court rejected a particular requirement, this can be referred to in the appeal and requested again. If there were no petitions in the first instance, but they are needed in the case, then the second instance, most likely, will refuse to attach.

In addition to the universal principles, there are separate rules for certain types of applications. Let's give a couple of examples.

Restoration of the term: a sample of writing a petition

The most common request is for the restoration of the term, since people do not always know that they have become participants in litigation. In addition, there are objective cases when a party was unable to submit the necessary applications, complaints, petitions (illness, business trip, etc.).

So how do you write a petition? A sample recovery request is provided below.

“The Mamontovsky District Court of the Altai Territory ruled in civil case No. 223/16 dated 10/10/2016 to recover from me, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on 09/09/1988 in favor of Kreditor OJSC, the amount under the loan agreement dated 10/05/2015 in in the amount of 15,190.34 rubles, as well as a state duty in the amount of 456 rubles.

I learned about this decision only on November 22, 2015, as I was on a business trip. Copies of the order, time sheet are attached. As a result, I missed the deadline for filing an appeal against this decision. Based on the foregoing, I request that the missed deadline for filing an appeal be restored. Together with this petition, I am filing an appeal in accordance with the procedural legislation.”

This type has a number of features:

  • It is submitted to the court where the case will be heard. The exception is the cassation instance.
  • Together with the application for restoration, it is imperative to submit the document, permission to submit which must be achieved.

These are the things you need to know. If you find a sample of writing a petition without appropriate explanations, then you can miss something.

Demand for evidence

The request for evidence must contain a list of required documents. In addition, it must indicate in writing how they will affect the case under consideration. If this is not the case, then the chance of rejection will be higher. How to write a petition correctly? The sample will help you with this.

“Civil case No. 764/2016 is in the proceedings of the Volzhsky District Court of the Samara Region. For the purpose of an objective consideration of the case, I request that the following copies of documents be requested from the defendant:

  • job description;
  • time sheet;
  • labor contract.

These documents contain my working time, place, nature of my work. Therefore, they can prove that my dismissal was illegal.”


Sample petitions will not help in a case by themselves if you do not know some of the nuances. Therefore, we still advise you to contact lawyers for their preparation and submission.

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By drawing up a petition, management can help well-established specialists with employment.

What is this document?

An application for hiring an employee is a document that can influence the opinion of an official of a particular institution or company.

It can be decisive in the issue of providing a workplace, therefore it is important not only to characterize the employee from the positive side, but also to arrange everything correctly.

Why is it needed?

The document may be needed during the reorganization or liquidation of the company, when the employer is forced to stop labor Relations with employees.

Sometimes management helps subordinates find new job, or there is a need to issue.

It is for such cases that a petition is provided.

Is it legal?

Russian legislation does not regulate the prohibition on the use of such documents. Therefore, they are actively used in practice.

Lawyers believe that the most important task is to competently draw up everything and argue the request.

Drawing up a petition

There is no established sample in the regulatory legal acts, therefore the document is drawn up in free form.

Conventionally, the application can be divided into four parts:

  • introductory- contains the name of the organization, full name and position of the addressee, details.
  • descriptive- an appeal to the employer, a clear description of the essence of the problem, arguments in favor of the candidate for the position (merits, personal and labor characteristics).
  • Resolution- concise conclusions or a request for employment. The date of compilation is required.
  • Applications. If necessary, photocopies of documents confirming the stated circumstances are sent.

Some institutions set their own standards when processing applications.

Their non-compliance is not grounds for invalidating the document, but following the rules introduced will help save time and nerves.

Follow the basic rules for writing a petition:

  • the style of writing is official business;
  • polite treatment and respect for the addressee;
  • lack of non-literary and colloquial turns;
  • information should be presented concisely;
  • the use of phrases that give ambiguous meaning to the text is not allowed;
  • lack of typos, spelling and punctuation errors;
  • logical presentation of information.

The signature is put by the head of the organization in which the employee works. Mandatory certification by seal.

In case of acceptance foreign citizen you need to attach personal information:

  • passport data;
  • copies of diplomas or certificates confirming the presence vocational education, an experience;
    employee achievements (if any).

A sample application for employment of a foreign citizen can be viewed here:

If necessary, a certificate of receipt of the document is submitted.

Often there are situations when, when reforming a business, a stoppage of activity follows. Management may agree to transfer an employee.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that for registration you will need to receive a request from the future employer in approximately the following form:

In response, the company sends its confirmation.

Examples of drafting documents

Situation 1:

Phoenix LLC plans to liquidate. The head decides to write an application for employment of the head of the sales department E.V. Korshunov to the company TekhnikStroy LLC, as the specialist is different high level qualifications, reliability and a good reputation from a professional point of view.

To resolve the issue, it is necessary to draw up something like this document:

An example of a request from the head of the organization

Situation 2:

CJSC Globus was declared bankrupt, as a result, it is planned to terminate its activities. The management of the organization decides to transfer employee N.V. Goeshman, who holds the position of head of the department of economics and forecasting, to the company Region OJSC.

For registration you will need:

Receive a request from JSC "Region" with a request.

The document looks something like this:

Example of an employee transfer letter

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