Forensic handwriting expertise: when it is in demand and what experts study. How to restore items on Steam

landscaping 03.07.2020

First of all, it is worth noting that cheat commands do not work in a regular game. These commands are intended for test mode, in which you can try all the heroes, check out some interesting combinations or work out new strategies. If you are just starting to get acquainted with Dota, then this mode, using cheat commands, will significantly speed up your acquaintance with the game. No one will bother you and you can easily see all the heroes and check all the skills. Of course, the mode is used not only by beginners, but also by professional players. The fact is that Dota includes a huge number of combinations, the effect of which is sometimes difficult to predict in theory and needs to be tested in practice, but it is not always possible to create a specific condition in the game. For example, you may come up with an interesting idea, but to implement it, you may have to play more than a dozen games or even hundreds of games in order for this condition to be met. That's it in order to quickly check something and the mode was conceived using cheat commands.

To begin with, let's look at how to generally launch the game using cheats.

In the main menu of the game we find the "Play" button in the lower right corner, which you probably already used to find matches and play with other players.

A lobby menu will open in front of us, in which you must first enable cheats. To do this, go to the settings (small button at the bottom).

Check the box next to "Enable cheats". After that, all cheats will work in the game you created.

Before starting the game, do not forget to choose one of the sides (light, dark) for which you want to start the game.

In order to use any cheat, you need to press "enter", that is, open a chat window and write a command there. Note that all commands begin with a "-" sign.

In some commands, you need to enter values, and therefore, for such cheats, examples of their writing will be indicated.

-gold- allows you to get the specified amount of gold. Example: -gold 50000.

-lvlup- the hero receives the specified level. Example: -lvlup 25. Please note that the level can only be increased, but not lowered. If you want to check a specific level, then specify it or re-create the game again.

-item- gives your hero the specified item. Example: -item item_abyssal_blade. Please note that "item_" is written before the name, that is, the word "item" is present twice in the command. The name of the item must be entered with a lower case letter, and underscores should be used instead of spaces. Some item names do not match those in the game, so below will be given a table with the names of all items. Of course, you can just buy some items, because in fact you have infinite gold (the -gold command), but for example, you can’t buy a lot of wards with gold, since they have a timer like in a regular game. That is, you buy 4 pieces and you will have to wait a long time for a new batch to appear. By typing in the command "-item item_ward_observer" we will immediately get the ward, regardless of whether it is in the store. This will be extremely helpful if you start testing the use of wards. Item names also come in handy for the "-givebots" command, which we'll talk about in a bit. Some items do not have the same name as in the game, so a separate item will list these items.

-refresh- Recharges all skills and fully restores the health and mana of all heroes on the map. A much needed team. If you die over and over again or kill enemies due to lack of health, then you will have to spend a lot of time running from the fountain.

-wtf- removes the cooldown of all skills and items, that is, they can be used almost instantly. The command is useful if you want to try a huge number of skills or items and it will be inconvenient to write the -refresh command every time.

-unwtf- disables the -wtf command. Skills and artifacts will again have their default cooldown.

-respawn- instantly resurrects your hero at the fountain. The command will come in handy if you accidentally die and don't want to wait for a respawn or, for example, climbed somewhere into the forest (stuck) and run too far to the base.

-startgame- skips the initial timer of the game and the game starts immediately, creeps start to run. A useful command not to waste extra time at the start. It will come in handy if, for example, you are testing some strategies with creeps or just checking some kind of starting strategy.

-createhero- this is one of the most important commands, which is used very often and without which it is simply not possible to check some things. This command allows you to create a bot in a specified place, with which you can later test various things and which will be under your control. Let's start with a simple example: -createhero rubick. After writing such a command, an allied hero Rubik will appear next to you, which you can safely control and test various things. If you want to create an enemy hero, then at the end of the command you need to add "enemy". Example: -createhero rubick enemy. Please note that the names of all heroes are entered with a lowercase letter, and spaces are replaced with an underscore "_". It is also worth noting that the names of some heroes do not coincide with their names in the game, so a list with all the names of the heroes for this team will be given below. It happens that you drive the command correctly and write the name of the hero also correctly, but nothing happens. This is normal, since you are using a test mode in which not everything works correctly. If you want to test a certain hero, but you can't call it with the -createhero command, then just create the game again and select this hero as the main one. Note that the character you are creating appears at the location of the mouse pointer. If you let's say you keep the mouse outside the field, then the hero can be created (it will appear in the command menu from above), but it will not be on the field.

-levelbots- gives all created bots the specified level. Example: -levelbots 20. In this case, all bots will receive level 20 and you will be able to upgrade their skills. I wanted to draw your attention to one not entirely correct moment. When you level up your bots this way and start leveling up skills for enemy bots, you won't see yourself leveling up skills. That is, you seem to click on leveling up, but the skill bar still remains gray. In fact, the skills are pumped, it's just not visible. In the same way, when let's say you use skills, the socket does not react in any way. I would also like to note one very important point. Let's say you gave an enemy bot level 25 and decided to check some of his ult and not seeing how skills are pumped, you start increasing the level of the ult. In this case, the ult will not work. That is, of course, you will raise the level, but you definitely need to pump other skills. That is, there is a kind of check for the availability of skills. In the game, after all, you cannot pump the ult at level 1, exactly the same works correctly in the test mode. He's just a little buggy.

-givebots- allows you to give all bots a certain artifact. Example: -givebots item_bloodstone. For your hero, of course, you can simply buy any item, but to give the item to bots, you must definitely use this command. The command will be useful if you decide to test not just some skills, but the effect of some artifacts. Well, or you just want to increase the health of the beaten bot so that it does not die quickly. Some items do not have the same name as in the game, so a separate item will list these items.

-allvision- gives visibility around all objects and heroes, including enemy ones. In other words, you will see what all enemy creep towers or enemy heroes you created see. It may seem that the team is not really needed, but it is not. The fact is that if you, for example, create an enemy hero and send him somewhere in the forest, then later it will be difficult to find him because of the fog of war. By turning on the vision, you will always see all the heroes on the map.

-normal vision- disables the "-allvision" command, i.e. returns normal visibility.

During the tests, you may need regular creeps that run along the lines. Of course, it is not always convenient to wait for the creeps to come running from the base, so it is easier to call them and put them where it is convenient for you. Creeps are called using the command -createhero. All called units can be controlled and placed where you need. The table will list the names to be entered after the "-createhero" command. Example: -createhero creep_badguys_ranged.

Creep name The name of the creep for the team
Creep-Mage of the Forces of Darknesscreep_badguys_ranged
Dire Creep Swordsmancreep_badguys_melee
Super Creep-Mage of the Forces of Darknesscreep_badguys_ranged_upgraded
Super Dire Creep Swordsmancreep_badguys_melee_upgraded
Mega Creep-Mage of the Forces of Darknesscreep_badguys_ranged_upgraded_mega
Dire Mega Creep Swordsmancreep_badguys_melee_upgraded_mega
Dire Catapultbadguys_siege
Super Dire Catapultbadguys_siege_upgraded
Dire Mega Catapultbadguys_siege_upgraded_mega
Crip-Mage of the Forces of Lightcreep_goodguys_ranged
Radiant Creep Swordsmancreep_goodguys_melee
Super Crip-Mage of the Forces of Lightcreep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded
Super Radiant Creep Swordsmancreep_goodguys_melee_upgraded
Mega Crip-Mage of the Forces of Lightcreep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded_mega
Radiant Mega Creep Swordsmancreep_goodguys_melee_upgraded_mega
Catapult of the Forces of Lightgoodguys_siege
Light Power Super Catapultgoodguys_siege_upgraded
Mega Catapult of the Forces of Lightgoodguys_siege_upgraded_mega

There are a huge number of heroes in Dota who actively interact with neutrals and sometimes you need to try out some interesting tactics using neutrals. Almost every neutral has some kind of unique skills and it is also worth knowing about them. This way you can call on all existing neutrals and see what they are capable of. To call neutral monsters, the same "-createhero" command is used. Example: -createhero roshan

Neutral name Team neutral name
Kobold Soldierkobold_tunneler
Kobold Chiefkobold_taskmaster
Centaur Pathfindercentaur_outrunner
Centaur Invadercentaur_khan
Fallen Soulfel_beast
Hell Bearpolar_furbolg_champion
Hell Bear Crusherpolar_furbolg_ursa_warrior
Ogre Thugogre_mauler
Ogre Ice Mageneutral_ogre_magi
Giant Wolfgiant_wolf
Volkov leaderalpha_wolf
Wildwing Ripperenraged_wildkin
Satyr Soulstealersatyr_soulstealer
Satyr Torturersatyr_hellcaller
Satyr Banishersatyr_trickster
clay golemmud_golem
Ancient stone golemrock_golem
Ancient Granite Golemgranite_golem
Vul Assassingnoll_assassin
Hill Trolldark_troll
Dark Troll Summonerdark_troll_warlord
Hill Troll Berserkerforest_troll_berserker
Hill Troll Priestforest_troll_high_priest
Harpy Scoutharpy_scout
Storm Harpyharpy_storm
Ancient Thunder Lizard (beige)big_thunder_lizard
Ancient Thunder Lizard (blue)small_thunder_lizard
Ancient black dragonblack_drake
ancient black dragonblack_dragon

Using the -createhero command, you can also summon monsters that do not exist in the game, various buildings, and some individual summoned units, but they didn’t get into the list by themselves, since you definitely won’t need them for training and tests.

Using cheat commands for tests is one of the fastest and most effective ways to get into the game and test some new features. Almost every professional player necessarily uses or used cheat commands in Dota, so it’s good to know them and be able to put them into practice.

Steam Support will not restore items that have disappeared from your account for any reason, including items that have been traded, sold or purchased on the Market, deleted or donated.

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Please carefully check the value of the items you wish to exchange. All transactions must be confirmed twice in the exchange window, and a third time in an email sent by e-mail or through a mobile authenticator. Never agree to a trade outside of the Steam trade system.

Steam Support no longer restores lost items. Often, items are transferred across multiple accounts before we receive a refund request. This means that they cannot be restored without being duplicated or removed from the inventories of non-fraud users. Duplicating items reduces their value, negatively impacting anyone who trades or uses the Market.

You can read more about securing accounts during trades and about the Marketplace security update.

For more information about trades and transactions on the Steam marketplace, see the following articles.

addition item tue. element to be added adjustment item adjusted entry adjustment item corrected entry advance item advance document agenda item agenda item anticipatory item early entry arrived item tu. incoming demand asset item item of property asset item asset posting balance sheet item balance sheet item balance sheet item balance sheet item balancing item balance item bargain item subject of transaction below the line item capital expenditure item in the balance of payments briefing item instructing clause capital item unit capital equipment capital item capital good cognizance item subject matter collateral item collateral item combine an item cost item price unit count item cf. counter item counter item monetary document transferred to the bank through the cash window credit item credit record credit item credit transaction data item t. decision item decision item delayed item tth. pending request delivery item departing item thu. request leaving the system derived data item stu. derived item enter an item make a transaction exceptional item extraordinary item expenditure item expense item expense item expense item expense item item expense item extraordinary item special item financing item financial record financing item financial entry first-priority item th. highest priority requirement general item high-priority item thu. high-priority claim immaterial item secondary item income item income item insured item what is insured interaccount item transaction between accounts item accounting entry item type of item item agenda item item unit item write item by item item product item each individual item (in a list, etc.) .p.) item number item paragraph item item position item item item posting item item item balance item item import item item invoice item item export item item item item item wt. data item item by item audit item of budget budget item item of business agenda item item of expenditure item of expenditure item on agenda agenda item liability item liability item logical item wt. logical unit memorandum item memorandum item menu item wt. menu item monetary item negligible item position not taken into account net item net posting nonpreferred item nonpriority claim nonpriority item thu. non-priority claim obsolete item obsolete item off-balance sheet item off-balance sheet item operating item operational posting preempted item tu. out of service claim preferred item thu. priority requirement principal item main item principal item main item prior period item previous period entry prior year item previous year entry priority item tu. claim with priority pro memoria item memorial article property item thing property item property item property item queue-resistant item item wt. request not joining queue reconciliation item matching posting residual item residual posting result data item tu. resulting item revenue item revenue item sale item salable item separate item separate entry separate item separate posting slow-moving item sorting item wt. sorting element speech item report item top-selling item hot item virtual derived data item t. virtual derived element virtual result data item wt. data item - virtual result virtual source data item wt. data item - source copy

It is one of the effective means of facilitating the adoption of informed decisions in civil and criminal cases, arbitration disputes.

The main purpose of this type of examination is to identify the person who wrote a certain handwritten text or made a signature, digital recording. The subject of the examination are the facts (circumstances), which the expert establishes on the basis of special knowledge in the field of forensic handwriting, using the methods of expert research.

Depending on the specific circumstances of the case under consideration, the examination may establish or refute the fact that the text was written by a specific person, establish the methods of execution of certain manuscripts, the state of a particular person at the time of execution of the manuscript, his typological personality traits (gender, age, physical and professional characteristics, state of intoxication, etc.).

Handwriting is an individual and dynamically stable program of graphic writing technique, which is based on the visual-motor image of the execution of the manuscript, implemented using a system of movements.

When is handwriting expertise needed?

In judicial practice today, especially often there is a need to study signatures in a contract, receipt, will, signature lists, written texts - physical evidence and other documents. These include, in particular, financial documents: statements, invoices, receipt and expenditure cash orders, invoices, private letters, etc.

Handwriting expertise in civil proceedings is the most in demand for the following categories of cases:

  • inheritance disputes;
  • divorce cases;
  • cases related to the consideration of housing disputes;
  • disputes over notarized documents (purchase and sale agreements, donation agreements, etc.);
  • disputes over debt obligations (promissory notes).

Example from jurisprudence

The need for handwriting expertise in relation to handwriting and signature on a dubious document can be illustrated by such an example from expert practice.

Mr. K. filed a lawsuit for divorce and division of property. As one of the written evidence, he presented a receipt, according to which he borrowed money from his father before marriage with the defendant. With this money, he then bought real estate. On the grounds that the house was bought with borrowed funds, citizen K asked to be excluded from the list of property to be divided. The defendant (wife) believed that it was not the father who wrote the receipt, so she petitioned the court to order a handwriting examination.

The complexity of the case was that at the time of the dissolution of the marriage, the plaintiff's father died; there were no other witnesses to the fact that money had been transferred to him before the conclusion of the marriage to buy a house. That's why as comparative handwriting samples her father-in-law, she presented congratulatory letters and postcards, captions under photographs .

Handwriting experts found that the receipt was made in imitation of the handwriting of the deceased. The expert opinion became one of the evidence in the case, and the judges included the house in the list of property to be divided.

What does a handwriting expert find out?

  • specific executor of the manuscript, signature, digital recording;
  • the conditions under which various kinds of documents were executed (the physical condition of the writer, his position when writing, deliberate distortion of handwriting, imitation of the handwriting of a certain person when compiling a document on behalf of the latter, etc.).

The limits of competence are determined by the range of issues of an identification and diagnostic nature that can be put before an expert for his permission.

What is the object of handwriting expertise?

Initial data: information about the performer, age, profession, native language and possible diseases, as well as the circumstances of the case

In a broad sense objects include materials of a civil or criminal case sent for forensic handwriting examination and related to its subject.

From the case materials, the handwriting expert receives the initial data necessary for the initial expert analysis.

In the narrow sense, the object of forensic handwriting examination is handwriting, as well as the system of handwriting properties expressed in it.

The objects of forensic handwriting examination include:

  • Handwritten text: type of manuscript, the content of which is fixed using alphabetic or numeric values;
  • Signature: a type of manuscript that reflects the surname, often the name and patronymic of the person in the form of letters or conventional written characters. The signature has a credential value;
  • Brief record: type of manuscript, the content of which is fixed with the help of one to three words or one to seven digital designations;
  • Recordings made under unusual conditions associated with intentional modification.

What tasks does a handwriting expert solve?

The main objectives of the forensic examination of handwriting are setting the executor or setting the properties and states of the executor.

Forensic handwriting problems can be divided for identification and diagnostic.

Identification tasks

  • establishing the group affiliation of the executor of the manuscript under study;
  • individual identification of the executor of the studied manuscript.

Identification tasks related to the individual identification of the performer are divided into tasks:

  • associated with the establishment (identification) of a specific contractor;
  • associated with the denial (exclusion) of the identity of a particular performer in the absence of a natural similarity of the compared handwriting;
  • associated with the denial (exclusion) of the identity of a particular performer in the presence of such a similarity.

Diagnostic tasks

When they are resolved, the expert answers the following questions:

  1. Is the handwriting written by a man or a woman?
  2. What age group does the author of the handwritten text belong to?
  3. Was the handwritten text (signature) made in an unusual environment (for example, in the cold, in an unusual position for the performer, etc.), in an unusual state of the writer (illness, alcohol or drug intoxication, a state of passion, etc.)?
  4. Was the manuscript under study executed in a deliberately altered handwriting, imitating a poorly developed handwriting, the handwriting of a specific person, with the left hand (if he habitually writes with his right hand)?
  5. Have the words or numbers been added to this text by another person? Were fragments of text, separate documents executed by different persons?
  6. Whether the text or signature was made in imitation of the handwriting or signature of a specific person on behalf of a fictitious person.

What fakes does a handwriting expert most often work with?

In expert practice, there are often signatures made by technical forgery. This means that the signatures are not authentic, but made on behalf of a certain person using some kind of technique and using a specific signature (usually genuine) of this person.

The most common are the following methods of technical forgery:

  • redrawing to the light (possibly with preliminary preparation with a pencil, followed by aiming);
  • recopying with carbon paper;
  • squeezing the strokes of the signature-model, followed by guiding with a coloring agent.

Signatures made with the help of techniques are difficult to study objects due to a number of factors due to the way they are applied.

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