Happy Bamboo (Dracaena Sandera): cultivation, reproduction and care. Rules for caring for Dracaena Sander

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Increasingly common in flower shops unusual plants with green shoots of a spiral or zigzag shape. Shoots can be of various heights and have small green leaves. On the price tags, they are called "happy bamboo", but they have no relationship with the real one, except for the similarity in appearance. In fact, this is a variety of a completely different plant - dracaena.

Dracaena sanderiana got its nickname for its resemblance to bamboo, but belongs to a different plant family. It blooms very rarely, white flowers with a sweet aroma. An upright stem with green long leaves reaches a height of 2 meters, but in apartments it often grows up to 0.7-1 m. And bamboo became “happy” thanks to Asian culture, in which it is considered a symbol of success and good luck. But the correct name of the plant did not take root and all over the world it is called the bamboo of happiness.

Growing basics

Indoor bamboo is unpretentious, but requires compliance with quite simple rules caring for him. First of all, indirect sunlight, a little coolness and periodic ventilation of the room where it grows.

In winter, happiness bamboo should be kept at a temperature of at least 12, and preferably 14-16 degrees. The comfortable air temperature in the room for him is about 22 degrees. At temperatures above 35, it dies. Does not require constant spraying, occasionally it is worth wiping the leaves from dust. Placed at the bottom of a vase filled with water different size pebbles or expanded clay. As top dressing, special mineral fertilizers for dracaena are used.

Feeding bamboo is recommended every three months. If top dressing is carried out regularly, the leaves and stems will retain green color throughout the life of the bamboo. Yellowed leaves and stems must be cut off, allowed to dry and smeared with soft wax.

water for bamboo

In many apartments and houses, bamboo is grown in water, because its straight or twisted shoots look very impressive in various glass vases. But then you will need to feed it with mineral fertilizers to preserve the green color of the leaves.

The water in a vase with it must be filtered, and preferably distilled, at room temperature. It needs to be updated every 2 weeks.

You can also use rain or melt water - pour filtered or plain tap water into plastic bottle and place in the freezer until the water completely turns into ice. Then let the bottle thaw at room temperature. The resulting water becomes softer and more suitable for growing bamboo in it. If the water has acquired bad smell or a suspicious color earlier than 2 weeks, then you should change it and subsequently change the water in the bamboo vase more often. If his leaves turn yellow, then the water also needs to be changed.

Happy place in the apartment

A vase with bamboo is best placed on the east side of the window or closer to it. You can not leave it on a sunlit windowsill, because the direct rays of the sun burn the leaves. Ideal for bamboo in water is a place in partial shade. If there are no such places in the apartment, then you can place a vase with bamboo on the windowsill or floor, covering the glass with a curtain, blinds or newspaper, protecting the plant from sunburn. When airing the room, cold air should not enter the plant, this negatively affects it.

Pruning and propagating bamboo in water

If the bamboo has grown too much and has ceased to look attractive, then pruning should be done. It is made with special scissors, above the knots, otherwise the cut will come out ugly.

Pruning can be carried out annually, cutting long shoots from all sides, if necessary, removing external reeds at ground level.

By removing side shoots from the desired sides, you can model the shape and look of the bamboo as you wish. Pruning can also be used to propagate bamboo. In this case, either the upper cuttings are cut off and rooted in water, or the stem is cut into several parts, lubricating the cuts with soft, but not hot wax. Never use yellowed areas of bamboo for propagation. If there are no shoots, then you can cut the top and after such an operation a shoot should grow, if it does not appear, then repeat pinching the stem.


Caring for bamboo in water is an opportunity to let your fantasy and imagination come true. From bamboo shoots, you can create various interesting compositions, add to them decorative stones, red and gold ribbons or mascot figurines. "Lucky Bamboo" looks great in a transparent vase with colored hydrogel. Do not forget about its purpose - 3 stems for good luck, 5 for prosperity, 7 affect health, and 21 stems will affect all areas of life. A composition of twenty curled bamboo stems is called the tower of love.

Dracaena sander (lat. Dracaena sanderiana) - perennial herbaceous plant, growing up to 70-100 cm tall, a species of the genus Dracaena (Dracaena) of the needle family (Ruscaceae). Dracaena Sandera has gray-green, slightly twisted leaves, up to 23 cm long. There is a variety with a dark green border. Homeland - tropics and subtropics of Asia, South America and Africa.

Dracaena sanderiana, it is also called “bamboo of happiness” or “happy bamboo” (Lucky Bamboo), while it has nothing to do with real bamboo, except for external resemblance. Widespread as an indoor ornamental plant. Dracaena sander shoots are often sold in flower shops under the brand name Lucky Bamboo. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, being in the house of this plant brings good luck and prosperity.

Reproduction and care of Dracaena Sander

In care, "bamboo happiness" is unpretentious, feels good in bright, ventilated rooms. For Dracaena Sander, diffused light is preferable. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves. It grows in water, but in this case, its leaves may turn yellow - due to a lack of minerals. If desired, you can plant it in the ground. Pour expanded clay at the bottom of the pot to ensure good drainage, and mix the soil with sand. It is advisable to transplant in the spring, and use fertilizers specially designed for dracaena as a top dressing.

The plant can remain viable in water for a long time, and in order for the leaves not to turn yellow, mineral fertilizers must be added to the water. To prevent the shoots from dying, in a flower shop, their lower part is placed in a special capsule with water. If you decide to grow it in water, then you must take into account that the water level should not be very high and cover the roots by no more than 1-2 cm, otherwise there is a danger of stem rotting. If Sander's dracaena has grown too tall a stem, then you can cut off the top and put it in water until the root system forms. This plant can also be grown in a synthetic decorative substrate - hydrogel, adding mineral fertilizers there.

Dracaena sander tolerates dry air well and does not require constant spraying. Dust the leaves from time to time. Comfortable temperature for plant growth is 18-35 degrees.

Sander's dracaena is propagated by apical cuttings rooted in water or moist soil, as well as stem segments with "sleeping" buds. Over time, a real tree about 7 centimeters high with an upright stem and long leaves will grow from the planted shoot. Despite the fact that the “bamboo of happiness” will become less and less like its prototype, it will not lose its decorative effect at all, thanks to its dense green foliage. If you want to enjoy the bare stem, you will have to break out the growing shoots. Shoots can be given a beautiful decorative shape, which is achieved when grown artificially using stiff wire or special tubes.

You can achieve a large number of shoots. To do this, pinch the top, and a small horizontal incision is made above the ringlet. Over time, another shoot grows from this incision (but it may not grow, then the operation can be repeated).

Dracaena sander - "talisman of good luck"

They say that at home the plant practically does not bloom, but if you develop a trusting relationship with "bamboo", then it will reward you for your patience with a beautiful arrow of white flowers with a strong sweet smell. And it is possible that the sander dracaena will settle in your house for a long time, attracting good luck and success.

According to feng shui, if the house has a sander dracaena, then it undoubtedly brings success and happiness, financial well-being, promotes the influx of positive energy, supports good mood, strengthens friendships and love relationships and ensures longevity. Several shoots of "bamboo happiness" in floor vase the Chinese place it at the entrance to the house, thus showing respect to the guest. Considering the “bamboo of happiness” as an ideal gift, the Chinese give it for any occasion: for a housewarming party, the opening of a new company, a wedding. According to an ancient custom, Chinese newlyweds present each guest at the wedding with 3 plant shoots - this should be the key to a long and happy marriage for the young.

The number of stems is also important: three stems attract happiness; five stems attract wealth; seven stems bestow good health; twenty-one stems suggests universal welfare. Four stems are usually avoided because the word "four" in Chinese is similar in pronunciation to the word "death". A composition of 20 twisting stems is called the "tower of love". Such a gift is regarded in China as a gesture of care, friendship and compassion. To achieve wealth and prosperity, the composition should be placed in the south, east or southeast of the house.

A bouquet in a composition with Sander's dracaena can be presented not only to a woman, but also to a man, since in Japanese culture bamboo symbolizes male courage, strength of character, and inflexibility. The name of this genus is derived from the Greek dracaina - "female dragon", according to the bright red resin of one of the species of dracaena from the Canary Islands - Dracaena Draco.

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the repair that a person makes in an apartment turns against him. After all, some Decoration Materials can release into the air unfavorable substances for health - phenol, formaldehyde, benzene. Formaldehyde also enters the air in significant quantities from freshly manufactured furniture based on chipboard. Dracaena copes well with poisons such as ammonia, benzene, xylene, toluene and formaldehyde, removing up to seventy percent of these impurities from the air. Dracaena also has bactericidal properties.

Dracaena recurved

Removes "black holes" of pessimism, thoughtless actions.

Prevents the spread of heavy mood, gloomy energy of drug addiction and alcoholism. Fighting dogma. Brings joy. For those involved commercial activities. Teaches you how to give others pleasure | permission and compliments. Helps to see the joy in learning and trading.

Helps to avoid complications after diseases 1 associated with the intestines and abdominal cavity.

Dracaena dragon ("dragon tree")

Dracaena is an ideal plant for the home garden. Beautiful, unpretentious, endowed, according to beliefs, with magical powers, it will become a real decoration of any apartment. And that's not to mention that a large number of varieties of dracaena will allow you to choose a plant for every taste and color.

Dracaena family

The popularity of dracaena, which is used as a single plant for the living room or hall, is constantly growing. Tall specimens are purchased for offices, and now they appear on sale much more often than before. Dracaena and cordilina because of their lignified leafless stem with a bunch of leaves at the top are called false palms, they are not related to real palms. These majestic trees, which have long been grown as indoor plants, fit perfectly into modern interiors.

It is believed that the combination of the Sun and Mercury in the leaves of the dracaena gave the plant the ability to awaken eloquence in a person. Mercury is the planet of thought and word, and the Sun is joy. It is good to grow dracaena for silent people, from whose silence everyone around suffers. Dracaena awakens in a person the desire to speak, and speak beautifully, so that everyone around likes it.

Dracaena has been appreciated since Victorian times (in the 19th century), but only recently has it made it to the list of the most popular plants. Currently, dracaena is sold more annually than any other large houseplant. There are different opinions regarding the difficulty or ease of growing these plants. The easiest answer is this: the difficulty or ease of growing depends on the type of plant.

Some varieties (Dracaena Marginata, D. Draco and Cordyline Australis) grow successfully. They can withstand shading, careless care, and fairly cold temperatures in winter. Other species require more careful care - higher temperatures in winter, careful watering (the soil should be moist all the time, but not waterlogged), frequent spraying.

Not all dracaena look like false palms. For example, the bushy dracaena is not at all like its relatives. It is a hardy plant, able to endure cooler winter temperatures and drier air than other more gentle congeners. More resistant - plants with green leaves, but dracaena with narrow hard xiphoid leaves require increased attention.

Home conditions for growing dracaena

All dracaena grown in enclosed spaces, surprisingly viable and very resistant to adverse conditions. This is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants.

Dracaena tolerate dry indoor air well, are shade-tolerant and are not afraid of drafts. Although it is still better for them to grow with scattered sunshine: in direct sunlight, burns are likely, and in deep shade, variegated varieties may fade or die.

Most dracaena are tropical plants; they cannot tolerate a drop in room temperature below 15 ° C. Subtropical dracaena prefer lower temperatures in winter (up to 12 ° C), and in summer they feel great on a balcony or in a garden. The crown of the dracaena should be regularly sprayed and from time to time wipe the leaves with a soft cloth so that they do not become dusty.

The soil for dracaena is prepared from equal parts of soddy and leafy soil, peat, humus and sand. They need to be watered moderately, after the earthen clod dries out, fed regularly, with mineral or organic fertilizers(once every 2-3 weeks). At the beginning of the period of active growth, organic ones are preferred, and from mid-summer to the end of the active growing season, it is better to choose mineral ones. The soil when fertilizing should be moist.

At good care Dracaena grows quickly and needs to be repotted once a year in slightly larger pots. And just a little: if the capacity is too large, the plant may die. It is no longer necessary to replant a large dracaena so often - it is enough to only partially replace the topsoil with fresh, nutrient-rich ones. Just do it carefully, do not damage the root system. You can start feeding the plant only a month after transplantation.

Tree of love and passion

In South America, this plant is called Tronco de la Suerte - "the tree of happiness." And this name was given to the dracaena not by chance ...

According to the Aztec legend, which has come down to our days, the beautiful girl Quelkatzcuotl and the brave young man Tetzcaomatl lived in ancient times. As usual, they fell in love with each other. But Quelkatzcuotl was the daughter of a high priest, and Tetzcaomatl was just a simple poor warrior and, of course, not a match for a noble girl. The secret love of young people flared up more and more, and finally the young man gathered his courage and decided to ask the high priest for the hand of his daughter. The cruel priest became angry and, in a rage, seizing a stick for a sacrificial fire lying nearby, thrust it into the ground with force, saying: “I command you to come here every day, to the temple, and pour water on this dry stick. If at least one green leaf of dracaena appears on it, I, so be it, will give you my daughter as a wife. But if in five days the stick does not come to life, you will be sacrificed to the gods for your insolence!

Realizing that he had died, Tetzcaomatl came to the temple in anguish and poured water on a dry stick, as the priest commanded, and Quelkatzcuotl spent her days in tears. But a miracle - on the fourth day a timid green sprout appeared on a dry tree. Not believing his luck, on the fifth day the young man ran to the temple at dawn and saw a magical picture: the whole stick from top to bottom was covered with dense green leaves, slightly moving from the breeze...

The young people got married and went to this tree all their lives, giving thanks to the gods for the happiness they had been given!

Since then, the descendants of the once great tribe believe that a small part of the dracaena trunk, cut off at midnight on a full moon and carefully watered, brings happiness in love. In Brazil, Venezuela and Costa Rica, it is customary to give pieces of dracaena to loved ones, and the speed of leaf growth on them determines the strength of love.

Dracaena absorbs the energy of thoughts and feelings about shortcomings, weaknesses of character. It does not allow the energy of dissatisfaction with oneself to penetrate the atmosphere.

Saves from destructive self-discipline and pessimism. Softens the callousness of the heart, teaches empathy. Develops empathy, attentiveness to each other. Gives voice confidence, teaches you to choose the right words and express your thoughts. Teaches you how to move economically and accurately. It helps to diversify the impressions of life, increase sociability, overcome the fear of the new, the unknown. Creates a sense of security.

Maintains the flexibility of the body - for athletes and artists. Reduces salt deposits, relieves rheumatic pains.

Dracaena deremskaya

AT room conditions Dracaena deremskaya develops well with leaves up to 50 cm long, bordered dracaena with a serpentine, branching stem. And, of course, the well-known "dragon tree" up to 1.4 m tall with elastic, bluish-green hue, narrow elongated leaves, collected on stems in sprawling rosettes. Leaves wilt with age.

Dracaena is sometimes confused with the similar cordinilla. They can be distinguished by their roots, they are yellowish in dracaena and white in cordinilla.

AT natural conditions dracaena bloom and form seeds, usually not at room conditions.

Accommodation. Plants develop well in partial shade on the east and west windows. In winter, they are kept in bright rooms at a temperature not lower than 12 ° C.

Care. In summer, flowers require abundant watering; in winter, dracaena is kept at a temperature of 15 ° C and is watered very rarely. In summer, they often spray and wipe the leaves. Feed once a week during the growth period. Transplanted in the spring every two years in a mixture of soddy land (1 part), humus (1 part) and sand (1 part).

Reproduction. The plant propagates by apical cuttings, which are rooted in wet sand at a temperature of 20-22 ° C under glass or a jar. Rooted in 3 weeks. It can also be propagated by parts of a stem 12 cm long. The cut points are sprinkled with crushed coal and the pieces are placed in wet sand. From one part of the stem, several shoots with roots grow, which are planted separately in pots. Dracaena can also be grown from air layering.

Dracaena. Beneficial features

At home, a resin called "dragon's blood" is extracted from dracaena. Brushes are made from the fibers of the leaves, which have the properties of bristles and horsehair.

Dracaena can be attributed to the most powerful green "filters". Bordered dracaena, for example, is able to absorb poisons such as xylene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene through leaves and roots, and neutralize them.

Clears the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people who are often in a state of excitement, stress. Clears the dust of excessive excitement and fuss.

Saves from misunderstanding each other. Soothes. Removes depression. For those whom life forces to do a lot against his will and who suffer from this. It is easier to bear submission. It is good to have in the army, in places of deprivation of liberty. Removes the feeling of pressure from other people and the environment, inner stiffness, constriction, aching feelings. For those who are under pressure to complete the work.

Dracaena is a very effective antiseptic. Destroying all (all!) harmful microorganisms in the air of our home, dracaena promotes the rapid healing of wounds and abrasions, helps to avoid complications after intestinal diseases and resist colds.

Surprisingly, this plant is able to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, maintain (and correct) posture and maintain healthy teeth. Soothes any pain in the bones. Relaxes. Protects household members from osteochondrosis and muscle pain.

Dracaena fragrant

In nature, there are a very large number of varieties of dracaena, and the most beautiful of those that can live "in captivity" can still grow only in special greenhouses. Ordinary indoor dracaena, as a rule, is either variegated or ordinary, green-leaved. Even for a beginner gardener, caring for a dracaena will not be any difficulty. You just need to know some of the requirements that home dracaena imposes on its content.

How to care for dracaena

Indoor dracaena, contrary to the prevailing (incorrect) idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits shade tolerance, is a light-loving plant, although it also tolerates light penumbra quite normally. But if you want to have a beautiful, well-developed houseplant, give the dracaena more light, especially the variegated forms of the dracaena. Dracaena does not tolerate direct sunlight, but it develops well with good artificial lighting.

The temperature of home dracaena for most species is moderate. Wintering many dracaena prefer cool (it is considered 10-12 ° C). But, as practice has shown, it feels best at 15 ° C. In the summer, the dracaena is the place in the fresh air, in a place shaded from direct rays.

Homemade dracaena does not like overdrying an earthen coma, just as it does not like stagnant water in a pot. Dracaena is watered abundantly in summer. In winter, watering room dracaena largely depends on the temperature in the room. Dracaena homea is great for growing hydroponically. The dracaena plant is resistant to dry air, but during the heating period, when the air in the room is too dry, it must be sprayed, and it is advisable to periodically arrange a shower, this will refresh the plant and wash the dust off the leaves.

Regular spraying of the dracaena will help not only maintain the humidity needed by the plant, but also protect it from the traditional enemies of the home dracaena - spider mites and scale insects, which rage precisely in dry air (but be careful, excess moisture can damage it!).

Dracaena is transplanted every two, maximum three years, in the spring. When transplanting dracaena, it should be noted that its roots are in the upper part of the soil, therefore, the drainage should be good enough, and the pot should not be too high. How to transplant dracaena (in fact, like any other plant), you can read here. Dracaena prefers the earth rather heavy. As a rule, this is a mixture of heavy turf and leaf soil with the addition of greenhouse or compost soil and sand.

From April to August, during the period of active growth, homemade dracaena is fed every two weeks with complex fertilizers. You can alternate with "home" organics, for example - a weak solution of nettle tincture, she loves it.

How to propagate dracaena

Reproduction of dracaena is a rather easy matter. It reproduces well both by pieces of the stem and by the tops. A piece of dracaena stem for propagation should be at least 10 cm long. It takes root in light soil under the film at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. The tops of dracaena reproduce even easier. The top of the plant with a piece of stem (10 cm) is simply cut off and rooted in the ground. But you can root dracaena in water. To do this, lower the cropped top into the water. After two or three months, when the roots of the plant have developed sufficiently, it can be planted in the ground. On the mother plant, if you leave the "stumps", new stems will develop from its lateral buds. Actually, this is how they get dracaena with two or more tops.

It has a great effect on the psychological state of the owners of the house, and on their state of health. Dracaena helps to put in order the musculoskeletal system, skin and teeth. They say that the fragrant dracaena is a plant that creates, it does not tolerate the phenomena of destruction around it, therefore it purifies the atmosphere from the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people for whom the desire to destroy has become part of their character. Dracaena can be attributed to the most powerful green "filters". It is able to absorb poisons such as xylene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene through the leaves and roots and render them harmless.

Dracaena Godsef (cream or white leaves)

Influence on the atmosphere of the house. As befits the plant of the original Aquarius, Godsef's dracaena is the most unusual of the dracaena. Botanists call her the "white crow", and indeed, it is difficult to call her green plant rather, its leaves are cream or white. White color in astrology it is associated with water, with the Moon, which belongs to the water element. In the light leaves of Godsef dracaena, Mercury is closely connected with the Moon, which gave the plant the ability to cleanse the atmosphere from the energies of thoughts and words of overly emotional, lunar, pessimistic people. But many plants have this property, and the uniqueness of the influence of Godsef dracaena lies in the brilliance of the leaves. Glitter is a fiery phenomenon, thus, mutually exclusive opposites - water and fire - were combined in the dracaena, which made the plant useful for those who often experience strong mood swings, who "throws out of the heat into the cold." It is good to have Godsef's dracaena at home if one of the household members often goes to extremes: with full enthusiasm he gets down to business, showing the fire of his heart, and then abruptly quits work, considering it useless, or, experiencing strong feelings, suddenly cools down. Dracaena Godsef smooths out conflicts of collision of opposite energies in the atmosphere of the house.

Impact on the emotional state

Possessing a water-fiery character, dracaena Godsef teaches a person to act in time and retreat in time, to wisely use any situation for the good. Dracaena is for those who are overly active, assertive, who often act thoughtlessly, rashly and fill themselves with a lot of bumps. It is also for those who, falling into melancholy, do not know how to take the initiative in time, who float on the waves of life without oars. It is very good to have a dracaena nearby for people who do not know how to physically or emotionally relax, or, on the contrary, are too often in a relaxed state. Under the subtle influence of dracaena, a person begins to understand when it is time for active action, and when it is possible and necessary to be inactive. Thanks to dracaena, some will have fewer blows in life, others will find Good work earn the respect of others.

Fire and water are the mind and emotions. How often in a person emotions cloud the mind, and the mind struggles with emotions! But in the dracaena they harmoniously got along, so this plant helps us to find agreement between emotionality and rationality, between desires and possibilities. Dracaena Godsef is good to have both overly reasonable, rational, and for those who look at the world through the fog of illusions and perceive the surroundings with feelings. Dracaena will not take away from a person either reason or sensitivity, but will teach you how to correctly use both methods of perception and knowledge of the world.

The main difference between Godsef's dracaena, the "white crow" among Dracaena, and its fellows is in an unstable, very thin and flexible stem. The stems of all plants are controlled by Saturn - an earthly planet of strict forms, but in this dracaena Saturn is not earthly, but mobile, light - airy. In the stalk of Dracaena, the air element of Aquarius was fully manifested. Saturn is associated with law, obstacles, and due to the lightness of this planet in a plant, dracaena helps to overcome obstacles, gives the qualities necessary to negotiate with officials, any people representing the law, or with those who interfere with your activities. It is good to have a dracaena for those who often face seemingly insoluble difficulties, who live in a constant state of overcoming obstacles. Although Saturn gives willpower, strength of character, adherence to principles, the dracaena does not strengthen the will in us, but thanks to the lightness of Saturn it helps to avoid stereotypes in thinking and behavior, which makes the dracaena useful for those who want to be new every day, surprise old acquaintances.

Health impact

Fire-water dracaena acts on the human body like a contrast soul, cleansing and strengthening it. Being present in our homes, dracaena will help households to more easily endure temperature extremes, so characteristic of Russia. The fire of the dracaena burns diseases, toxins, and the water washes away the "combustion products". Dracaena is an excellent plant for those who seek to keep their body clean, who do not want to suffer from clogging of blood vessels, salt deposits.

indoor bamboo, appeared in our homes relatively recently, but immediately gained popularity among amateur flower growers, and especially beginners. Homemade bamboo is very simple, and even a child can be entrusted with its care.

A little about indoor bamboo

In fact, what we call house bamboo has nothing to do with this plant. All these intricate spirals and knotty sticks with leaves are one of the varieties. And she bears the name Dracaena sander (Dracaena sanderiana). It is called bamboo because of the knotted stems characteristic of bamboo. Moreover, this dracaena was previously classified as a subfamily of bamboo, then it was moved to agave, and now it occupies a place among dracaena. But among the people, Dracaena Sander remained an indoor bamboo. It is often referred to as " Bamboo Happiness" or " Lucky Bamboo».

The nodes on the stem of the plant, which give Sander's dracaena a resemblance to bamboo, are actually kind of buds from which new sprouts develop. You can become the owner of indoor bamboo quite by accident. The fact is that this plant is very loved by the compilers of bouquets. After a while, the flowers of such a bouquet will inevitably fade, and indoor bamboo, being in the water, on the contrary, begins to acquire roots and awaken to a new life. This is another advantage of Sander's dracaena over other indoor plants. After all, it can be kept simply in a vessel with water, it can be placed in or planted in the ground. Its plasticity is also attractive. Young indoor bamboo easily curls into a spiral, the stems are intertwined, which allows the plant to give the most bizarre shapes.

Indoor bamboo is widespread among Feng Shui lovers. It is believed that he brings happiness, prosperity, love, prosperity and many other blessings to the house. In China, the number of stems of Lucky Bamboo has a certain meaning. For example, three stems attract happiness, five - material well-being, seven - health. Twenty stems are called the "Tower of Happiness" and are given to the dearest people. And in Japan, indoor bamboo is considered a symbol of strong character, courage and is a good gift for men.

Indoor bamboo (Dracaena sander) - home care

Dracaena Sandera prefers a well-lit place, protected from direct sun rays. When choosing a place for her, provide an influx of fresh air. it is quite suitable for indoor bamboo, although it is able to withstand a higher temperature of maintenance, up to +35 degrees.

In this environment, it looks very impressive and, importantly, requires a minimum of attention. Keep in mind, however, that it will require nutrients, without them, bamboo will not be able to develop normally, the leaves will turn yellow. It will be enough to add fertilizer for dracaena to the water once every two weeks, at half the dose of that recommended in the instructions. Water for bamboo should be well settled or distilled. Most the best option- to defend the water and soften it by dropping a little peat wrapped in a napkin into the dishes overnight. Rain or snow water is often used.

Important! The trunk of the dracaena should only be slightly immersed in water, a maximum of three to four centimeters. Otherwise, there is a possibility of rotting of the trunk.

Growing Dracaena Sander in the ground

For this growing method, it is suitable for dracaena with the addition of a small amount of sand. This method is somewhat inferior in decorative content to water, but indoor bamboo will feel better in the ground and develop much more actively.

Important! Do not allow prolonged drying of the soil. Overdrying the earthy coma will destroy the happy bamboo. Water as soon as the topsoil is dry.

Propagation of indoor bamboo

After a while, Dracaena Sander will stretch out, the stem will become stiff, it will become dark. In this case, rejuvenation of indoor bamboo, growing a young plant will be required. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to cut off the green top and place it in water or light earth. Very soon she will give her roots.

Maintaining decorativeness

As it develops and grows, indoor bamboo grows side shoots. With these shoots, Dracaena Sander looks ugly and neglected. Remove them as they appear. When growing in water, remember to keep an eye on the water level. If growing in the ground, replant every year.

Formation of indoor bamboo

This is a very interesting and exciting activity. As already mentioned, the tables of this plant are very plastic and easy to shape. But sometimes they say that to give happiness bamboo a neat and nice shape at home it is very difficult, if not completely impossible, that this is feasible only in industrial conditions. This is not true. If there is a desire, diligence and patience, then very interesting results can be achieved.

The most popular shape is the spiral. The easiest way to get this shape is to place the growing stem in a special spiral-shaped glass tube. In the tube, the stem of indoor bamboo grows and grows stronger, after removing the tube it retains the given shape. Unfortunately, such tubes can not be bought in every flower shop. It is much easier to intertwine the trunks of Dracaena Sander among themselves, fixing them in places of weaving with soft wire.

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The real name of "bamboo luck" - dracaena sander. Dracaena got its name in memory of the famous collector of flora representatives from different parts of the Earth, Frederick Sander (1847-1920).

motherland Sander's dracaena - the humid tropics of Africa. It's just one of many plants there. They discovered the real beauty of the tree and developed it in China. Since the second century BC, “good luck bamboo” began to be grown in this country, and since then it has been considered a talisman that brings prosperity.

Let's talk in more detail about the Dracaena Sander plant: home care, photos, use and more.

Growing conditions

Sanderiana can exist in water for a long time in any room. These conditions are not ideal, but the plant is quite adaptable to them. With this method, it is necessary to change the water frequently, at least 4 times a month. Water should not contain fluorine and chlorine.

Need maintain a certain water level: you can not overdry the roots, and you should not immerse the dracaena deep. Let only the roots be always covered with water, this is about 5 - 7 cm. Feeding is desirable once a month, use fertilizers for hydrophytes or ordinary ones, but highly diluted in water.

However it is better to grow dracaena in the soil. Cuttings with roots are planted in a small container filled with light soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. There should be drainage at the bottom of the pot.

In this video, you will find more information about growing Dracaena Sandera.

Home care

Dracaena "Bamboo Spiral" is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants.

Optimal for any dracaena natural light without direct sunlight for several hours a day, although it will survive without the sun, for example, in a bathroom or basement with some artificial lighting. With a lack of light, variegated forms turn pale and lose their variegation - they become monochromatic green.

Watered like this so that the substrate is always slightly moist, only the top layer of soil may dry out, but stagnant water is also unacceptable. Spraying and even a shower have a very favorable effect on the plant. In winter, especially at low temperatures, watering is significantly reduced.

Temperature conditions are also varied: in summer, dracaena can withstand +35 degrees, in winter +5.

If possible, then the difference between winter and summer temperatures must be arranged without fail. This will contribute to the laying of flower buds, and hence flowering.

About the care of this type of dracaena is described in more detail in the next video clip.


The least laborious way for Dracaena Sander is reproduction stem cuttings 7 - 10 cm long. The stem is cut into cuttings in the upper part of the plant. The lower part with roots will continue to grow and produce side shoots. It is recommended to dip the upper cut of the cuttings in melted wax or paraffin to prevent drying. The cuttings root well in water.

If for some reason the height of the mother plant needs to be maintained, you can root lateral processes, taken from the trunk, but they have a higher percentage of lunge.

Sometimes from the roots is formed undergrowth. Young plants can be carefully separated during transplantation and planted in separate containers.

crown formation

The spiral stems that Sander's dracaena is presented in flower shops are the result of targeted cultivation on farms. Conditions are created when the light comes in a beam from one side, the shoots are drawn to it, and the plant is turned from time to time.

The spiral forms one revolution in about a year. This is not so much difficult as painstaking work that cannot be forgotten or postponed until later.

Sometimes young stems neatly wrapped and twisted with wire and in the process of growing they achieve the desired shape. Fans of experiments can try to grow their own spiral.

At home, Dracaena Sandera grows with one trunk, perfectly fitting into any space with a combination of elegance and exoticism. Lateral processes do not appear without pinching stimulation.

Appearance and varieties

Dracaena Sandera is an upright stem with sessile oblong green leathery leaves up to 20 cm long and up to 3 cm wide. In nature, it reaches a considerable size, and indoors it rarely grows above one and a half meters.

may bloom white-pink flowers in capitate inflorescences, but at home there is no flowering. Owners of winter gardens and greenhouses have a chance to see it.

Quite common variegated forms with white and yellow stripes on the leaves, as well as with yellow leaves different size.

A photo

Dracaena Sander: photo of "happiness bamboo".

Dracaena sanderiana: photo of a plant with spiral stems.

Dracaena bamboo: photo of a plant planted in a pot.

Pests and diseases

When watered with chlorinated water, the leaves become covered with brown spots. If, under conditions of cool content, it is excessive to water the dracaena, then very soon the remaining tops will have to be rooted - the roots will die off and the plant will die.


Signs relating to plants are spreading among flower growers very quickly. Everything related to Sander's dracaena, an alien from China, is respected quite well.

By Eastern traditions it is favorable when Sander's dracaena stands at the entrance - then the guests feel the hosts' disposition towards them.

You can also present"lucky bamboo" for a holiday or celebration. The number of stems in the bowl also makes sense: 3 - happiness, 5 - wealth, 7 - health, 21 - success in everything!

Florists of all countries have long used Sander's dracaena shoots to decorate their works, to give them sophistication.

Let this “bamboo of happiness”, a new pet in the house, beautiful and unpretentious, appear in you too. Pleased with rapid growth, he will soon Be the center of attention in any room for many years. Good luck!

Dracaena Sandera is a plant that has become popular in many parts of our planet. This unusual name is translated as "happy bamboo" or "bamboo of happiness." However, find general properties with real bamboo is quite difficult. With bamboo, they are united only by a similar appearance.

Indoor palm family

It is quite difficult for inexperienced connoisseurs to identify dracaena among other plants. This unpretentious plant belongs to the family of indoor "palms". This species is especially popular among pets. Surely everyone wondered if this plant really brings happiness and prosperity to its owner.

If luck and well-being are really able to attract bamboo of happiness, how not to take care of it, how not to do everything to make it healthy, beautiful and attractive. Despite everything, it has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. Owners prefer this particular type of indoor plants because of the ease of care for it. Indoor bamboo, or Sander's dracaena, does not require special conditions, it is hardy and easy to grow.

Visual resemblance to bamboo

Dracaena sanderiana, or, as it is also called, sanderiana, is popular all over the world. It can be found in almost all corners. the globe. However, the name of this plant misleads even the most experienced growers. Most are 100% sure that it is indoor bamboo. You shouldn't repeat this mistake. The plant differs in appearance both from bamboo and from other types of dracaena.

The technologies by which these crops are grown are also different from each other. Dracaena has long been a phenomenon of its kind due to its prevalence. The wide popularity of this pet is associated with Feng Shui. It is in this technique that the plant is used as one of the ways to attract good luck and happiness to the house. On the shelves flower shops you can find dracaena as a houseplant. However, today souvenirs with its use are popular.

Refers to perennial plant, which is unpretentious in care and pleases the eye with its evergreen color. Attractive appearance has not only foliage, but also shoots.

Many are misled by its bamboo appearance. On the shelves of flower shops, it is most often found in the form of a kind of palm tree, which consists of stems - “columns” and a bunch of foliage on top. Quite often I form a spiral from the stem. Perfectly cope with the function of decor and numerous twigs-outgrowths. The plant has a fairly well developed root system. In the assortment of the market there are figurines made of small parosts of pseudobamboo.

The height of the dracaena can reach one meter. The length of the leaves is 20-25 cm. In appearance, the dracaena is similar to real bamboo. Dense leaves, which have a glossy sheen, as if varnished, reach a width of three centimeters. Leaf color may vary. Traditionally, dracaena has a light green color. There are plant varieties in which the leaves are edged with yellow or dark shades. Leaves may have stripes. Unfortunately, at home, the dracaena does not have a flowering process.

Features of cultivation and care

Endurance is one of its important characteristics. Dracaena sander, when cared for at home, is able to grow even in water, it is in such conditions that this houseplant is sold. However, happiness bamboo is grown by planting in soil (substrate).

There are only 2 ways to grow a plant:

  1. Can be grown in water. Hydroponics will work too. Decorative pebbles are used as soil.
  2. As a standard, dracaena is planted in the ground.

Do not try to curl it with a spiral at home. Wire, lighting on only one side and other improvised materials will not be able to cope with this task. Curl them artificially.

Necessary lighting

Grow dracaena bamboo of happiness in well-lit places. Appearance is greatly improved good lighting. It has an excellent ability to adapt to any conditions. Therefore, it is possible to breed dracaena without causing damage to it in rooms where there is no natural source Sveta. Of course, the lack of light affects the appearance of the plant, but not so critical. Dracaena can lose their color. Foliage and shoots acquire lighter shades, while they stretch upwards. No other changes will be noticeable.

Thanks to its properties, lucky bamboo is an excellent decorating element of any interior. This decorative element will bring a touch of freshness and decorate any corner of your home. Do not place dracaena under the sun.

Air temperature

It survives quite well in any temperature conditions. But it is worth considering the fact that dracaena loves heat. Therefore, do not lower the temperature in the room below 17 degrees. Optimal temperature regime- 20-35 degrees of heat.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the plant. For the normal development of dracaena, regular ventilation is necessary. Pseudo-bamboo feels great in drafts. You should not move it to the balcony, and also expose it to the open sky.

Hygroscopic conditions and watering

By nature, this type of plant is very moisture-loving. Since dracaena can fully develop in water, it is not afraid of moisture stagnation during irrigation. Dracaena, which is traditionally grown in the soil, is watered as it dries. Humidity should be above average. In addition, drying out the soil below three centimeters deep is fraught with negative consequences. Of course, complete drying should never be allowed.

Growing a plant in water means keeping the water at the same level. AT without fail The water should completely cover the roots. In addition, the water level should be at a height of 2-3 centimeters from the level of the root system. Water levels above this will cause rotting. It is necessary to replenish water supplies no more than 1 time per week.

A special role in the cultivation of this plant must be given to the quality of water. For this purpose, distilled water is used. And also soft water, purified with a filter, will cope with this task. The temperature of water and air in the room should be the same.

Air humidity does not play a special role in the cultivation of dracaena. Bamboo feels great even in the driest room. It is not necessary to spray the leaves of the plant. It can be used as a natural air humidifier if grown in water. This property has a beneficial effect on other plants in the house.

Particular attention must be paid to cleanliness. Dracaena loves rubbing the leaves with a sponge wetted with water. This procedure helps to preserve the natural shine of the foliage and save the plant from accumulated dust.

Fertilizer methods

Growing in water means using a completely different feeding strategy. Most experts are of the opinion that it does not need top dressing at all. However, with a lack of essential minerals, the leaves of the plant acquire a yellow tint. At the same time, all decorative qualities deteriorate. As a result, this slowly leads to the death of the plant. To keep an attractive appearance dracaena periodically add fertilizer for dracaena to the water (it is better if it is a specialized product for this plant).

Dracaena, which are bred in substrates, are also fed with special fertilizers. It is necessary to observe the same intervals between top dressing. Ideally, the procedure is carried out every three to four weeks. If dracaena grows in water, then the dose of fertilizer should be less. Fertilize Dracaena Sander in winter period not necessary.

Cutting technology

Dracaena sander primarily performs a decorative function. In the process of growth, the appearance of the plant does not change in better side. Overgrown old pagons do not look as good as young ones. To improve the appearance of dracaena, it should be trimmed periodically. At bamboo, the top is cut and rooted near the water. At the same time, new ones will grow to replace the old pagons.

Transplanting Lucky Bamboo

For normal development, this flower needs a transplant. This process does not depend on the place of cultivation (water or solid soil). Dracaena Sander needs to be transplanted once a year. If the plant is grown in water, then the transplant is performed when deposits form in the water. The dishes in which the dracaena grew can be left the same. Water must be replaced.

But first of all, the plant is very carefully removed from the container. The emptied container should be thoroughly cleaned. If decorative stones were used, then they should also be washed well. The plant is then placed in clean dishes. Replacement of the hydrogel is carried out according to the recommendations of the manufacturers.

If the bamboo of happiness grows in the soil, then it is better to transplant in the spring.

When transplanting dracaena into water, substrate substitutes are not used. However, in order for young pagons not to break, decorative substrates are used. Pebbles must be round, otherwise sharp edges can damage the root system of the plant. Suitable for these purposes large view sand or granulate. This procedure will make the shoots of the plant more stable.

Particular attention must be paid to the choice of capacity in which dracaena is planted in water. For these purposes, it is better to use transparent dishes (a vase, a glass, etc.). This will emphasize the beauty of the plant, and will also act as a decorative element of the interior.

If the dracaena is grown in the soil, then the main point is the correct location of the drainage. Drainage should occupy ¼-1/3 of the tank. The root system of the plant must be completely covered by drainage. Pebbles or coarse sand will do just fine with this function. If transparent vases are used, then decorative stones can be used. Upper layer can also be different:

  1. Sand.
  2. A mixture of peat and substrate.
  3. Ordinary earth mix.

Diseases and pests

Indoor bamboo is usually not affected by pests. Lucky bamboo can get sick only with improper care. Most often this happens when the water is heavily polluted. Affects the state of dracaena and a change in habitual care. If the plant is located near crops affected by mealybugs or spider mites, then it can also suffer from these pests. Insecticides are used to kill pests. However, this does not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, plants need to be replaced more often.

There are difficulties in growing this plant:

Plant propagation

Reproduces only vegetatively. To propagate dracaena Sandera, you can use:

For better rooting, it is necessary to create a warm temperature regime. Optimum temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees.

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