How to grow garden hibiscus. Garden hibiscus: features of growing in open ground

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

As soon as the cold recedes and the first come spring days, garden centers and gardening shops are starting to offer all kinds of seedlings berry crops, varietal roses and others. Sometimes sellers offer nondescript seedlings with an unusual and memorable name "Hibiscus".

Buyers are confused and doubt whether to buy such a seedling, because it is known that this is known to flower growers under the second name “ Chinese rose". The proposed plant is indeed a hibiscus, but it is an outdoor plant and its correct name is Syrian hibiscus. In this article, we will try to give the reader knowledge on how to grow garden hibiscus, how to provide him proper care and do possible reproduction varieties.

Botanical description

The Syrian hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) is tropical plant absolutely not adapted to survive in a cold winter. More than 200 of this plant are found in their natural habitat. At home, it is a shrub perennial, where the plant blooms throughout the warm season.

In our climatic region blooms all summer, flowering begins in July and lasts until the end of September. There are a lot of flower buds on the plant, so the short life of each flower does not detract from the overall decorativeness of the plant. Within two days, the flower goes through a phase from blooming to gradual withering and shedding.

Hibiscus flowers are very large, almost gigantic - the diameter of the opened flower reaches 20-25 cm. The color of the flower petals is white, pink, dark crimson, scarlet, purple - their color depends on the variety of hibiscus.

The height of the flower bush reaches 1.5–2 meters by autumn.

Did you know? Hibiscus not only surprises and pleases flower growers with a pleasant floral aroma and spectacular, bright bloom- the petals of its flowers are the basis for brewing a very tasty drink known as teahibiscus.

Where to plant a bush

Syrian hibiscus is garden flower, its place in the garden, rock gardens and on. It perfectly coexists with bushes and thickets, which surrounds hibiscus bushes with a delicate smell. The fragrance will decorate a warm summer evening and will not allow you to settle on hibiscus leaves. small pest- and other harmful ones.
And of course, by purchasing beautiful plant, it is better not to hide it in the far corner of the garden, because such a spectacular flowering needs admiring viewers. It is best to find a cozy place for hibiscus in the center or at the porch of the house, because every morning dozens of fresh huge tropical flowers will bloom on the grass tree.

Location and lighting

If, planting a tropical guest in a flower garden, the grower wants to provide him with the maximum comfortable conditions, you need to choose a good sunny place, reliably covered from the northern, cold winds and drafts by some kind of building or fence, that is, to provide exotic plant reliable rear.
If you can offer hibiscus only light partial shade, the newcomer will still please you with beautiful flowering. Absolute intolerance in a grass tree only to darkened, poor sunlight places.

Important! When you purchase a varietal hibiscus for outdoor use, opt for a plant with double (multi-layered) flowers. It is varieties with double flowers that are less susceptible to freezing during the cold season.

Like any actively growing plant, a tropical handsome man needs a fertile one. The flower loves soils with good aeration and, because when clay soil stagnation of water at the root system will cause rot and oppression in the growth of the flower, and possibly its death. If the land in your flower bed is poor, not fertilized for a long time, then before planting the hibiscus, you need to bring it to the required state.
If the soil in your flower garden is clayey, this can be corrected by adding to each square meter the surface of half a bucket of crushed peat. Simultaneously with the enrichment of the loose component of the soil, top dressing can be added (rotted manure, humus,). Everything that we want to bring into our soil is spread on the ground in an even layer and dug up with a shovel with a turn of the bayonet.

The dug up soil is leveled with a rake and watered. The soil is ready for planting tropical new settlers. Such land is also excellent for laying a rose garden.

If you have sandy soil, then instead you need to add half a bucket of ordinary garden soil to it and dig up the future flower garden.

Rules for planting seedlings

In order for the purchased seedling to take root successfully, you need to follow a few simple rules when transplanting it into open ground:

  • when you brought home a seedling in a container, it does not need to be watered - before transplanting a flower, its root ball must remain absolutely dry;
  • before transshipment of the plant, it is necessary to prepare (dig) a planting hole for the flower. If the soil in the flower bed is not previously fertilized, then the planting hole is dug 20-25 cm deeper than necessary for planting, and a shovel of humus is placed in it or saltpeter (matchbox) is poured into it. The fertilizer is mixed with the soil. Before planting, the depth of the planting hole should be equal to the depth of the container with the seedling;
  • the container where the seedling is located must be gently tapped on the walls with a knife, thereby helping the dry root ball with the earth to separate from the pot. By tilting the container, the gardener will be able to remove the earth ball and carefully place it in the prepared planting hole;
  • when the hibiscus is installed in the planting hole, the remaining unfilled side voids of the recess fall asleep;
  • remembering that before planting the flower needed watering, it is well watered.

Important!This careful transfer is called« transshipment» and ensures almost one hundred percent survival of plants in a new place (in big pot or in a new flower bed). This method can be applied to any valuable plants.

It must be remembered that planting Syrian hibiscus requires some space so that the gardener can provide watering and care for the flower. open ground. mature plant tall and fairly wide - a bush can gain a volume of up to 70 cm in diameter - therefore, planting pits for planting hibiscus should be at least one and a half meters apart from each other.

Outdoor care for a flower will be facilitated by a support to which the grass tree will be tied as it grows. Untied flowers can be knocked down by heavy winds or downpours.

How does a plant reproduce

Reproduction of hibiscus is possible in two ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • green cuttings.


Hibiscus seeds for seedlings can be sown in a seed box or garden greenhouse. If sowing takes place in a seedling box in the house, you can sow the seeds in early March, but if the grower sows on the street, the sowing dates will shift to the second half of May or to the first decade.
Hibiscus seeds are laid out in pre-prepared planting furrows (the depth of which does not exceed 1 cm), covered with soil and watered. Before the first shoots, the seedling box is covered with polyethylene, which is removed only when the first sprouts appear. The outdoor greenhouse is also kept closed, opening it only for moderate watering and ventilation.

Further care for the seedlings of the southern guest consists in loosening the row-spacing grooves, in timely watering, processing from aphids and thinning seedlings. You can determine whether it is time to thin out the seedlings in the nursery by the appearance of the first two true leaves of the plants.
When 5-6 true leaves appear on the flowers and the height of young plants reaches 15–25 cm, they can be dived into a flower bed, into pots or into a larger seedling box.


To propagate the hibiscus growing in the garden, you need to wait until the end of July, when the bush has gained enough leaf mass for grafting. To obtain planting material are cut green cuttings. The length of such a cutting should be at least 12-15 cm in length, it should have 2-3 internodes. The cuttings are soaked for 10-15 minutes in a special solution for root growth.

To do this, you can use a ready-made store preparation or soak planting material in a solution of water and (10:1.5) or a solution of water and aloe juice (10:1), which are excellent natural growth stimulants.

After processing the cuttings with root-forming preparations, they are planted in small containers and watered. After that, the pot with the planted cuttings is covered with a plastic bag, which prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil and increases the formation of young roots on the cuttings. It turns out a mini greenhouse.
Bags from seedlings should be removed daily to ventilate and shake off the resulting condensate. After two weeks, the nurseries are opened (the polyethylene is removed). Further care for young hibiscus is watering and loosening the soil. In the event of an attack on the cultivated cuttings of harmful insects, they can be treated with any insecticide.

After 40–50 days, cuttings with regrown roots are planted in separate pots with a capacity of at least 3–5 liters. During this period, the plant can be shaped by pinching the skeletal branches, which will give the flower an impetus for additional branching. Reproduction of Syrian hibiscus by cuttings is a simple process and accessible even to a novice florist.

Important! The young hibiscus obtained from seeds will bloom only in the third or fourth year after sowing, so the gardener needs to be patient.

For planting cuttings, use the following soil mixture:
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 part coarse-grained river sand;
  • a handful of bone meal;
  • a handful of .

How to look after

Hibiscus garden - unpretentious plant, but even after planting, the grower's participation in the cultivation of a flower tree does not end. Needs regular care and attention.
So that a grown guest from the tropics would please the gardener with lush and unusual flowering for 15-16 years, he needs weeding, watering, shaping, plant nutrition and protection from pests. The flower grower needs to pick off faded and wilted flowers on the bush, this will help the handsome man to extend the flowering period. A southerner must be tied to a rigid support.

Watering and feeding

During the summer, adult hibiscus bushes need to be fed twice a month. This can be done by scattering ready-made mineral fertilizers near the root layer (on top of the soil), which will get to the roots of the flower along with moisture during irrigation. You can fertilize it with liquid fermented top dressings on bird droppings or fermented plant remains. Such watering is carried out only under the root. Both types of top dressing are the most important supplier of nitrogen and other necessary elements in a form readily available for absorption by plants.
Fermented concentrated top dressing on bird droppings:

  • half a bucket of bird droppings (pigeon, goose, duck);
  • add a bucket of litter to the top with water, close the lid and set it in an accessible sun rays place;
  • stir the contents of the bucket 1-2 times a week.
After 14 days, concentrated fertilizer is ready. They must be used with extreme caution so as not to burn the delicate roots of the flowers. For top dressing, a half-liter jar of concentrate is poured into a bucket of clean cold water, stir and water the plants under the root.

Fermented top dressing based on vegetable raw materials:

  • any large container (bucket, barrel) is taken and filled up to half the volume with any plant residues (,);
  • then the container is filled to the top with water, closed with a lid and left in a sunny place for fermentation;
  • Twice a week the contents of the container are mixed.
After 20 days, the feed concentrate is ready. Before feeding the plants, the concentrated fertilizer is diluted with water (add 7 liters of cold water to 3 liters of concentrate).
Hibiscus is not a big "water drink", so if the summer is moderately rainy, it may not be watered manually. If there is a prolonged drought at an air temperature above 28 ° C, it is necessary to provide the plants with moisture in the amount of 10 liters per adult bush weekly.

It is not advisable to water flowering plants over the leaves, as moisture gets on the delicate flower petals, and they lose their decorative effect. The most acceptable option for watering hibiscus is basal watering.

Rains and frequent watering compact the soil near the stem circle of the plant, which makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the roots. Weeds sprout regularly and readily grow on well-fertilized soil next to flowers. To not be taken away from the flowers nutrients, you need to regularly weed (once every 10 days) a flower bed on which hibiscus grow.

Did you know?Scarlet hibiscus flower garlands serve as a sacrificial offering from worshipers in Hindu temples dedicated to the goddess Kali.


To make the plant happy lush bloom- it must be properly formed. If the gardener does not intervene in the formation of a flower, then it will bloom less, ugly stretching upwards. Some craftsmen with the help of a garden pruner not only increase the number of flowers on the plant, but also form the bushes themselves in the form of geometric shapes. Hibiscus flower buds are laid on young twigs. To stimulate the growth of such branches with flower buds laid on them, the flower must be cut several times over the summer. The branches on which the flowers have already blossomed and withered are shortened by half, in 2-3 weeks new flower buds will appear on them. The plant is not oppressed by pruning; after pinching the adult branches, the bush becomes more magnificent. And most importantly - its flowering will be several times more beautiful and plentiful.

Hibiscus is an annual herbaceous or perennial tree plant belonging to the mallow family, it can be divided into three groups:

  • shrub and shrub;
  • herbaceous hibiscus;
  • treelike.

Low-growing herbaceous species, reaching 80 cm, are good as separate plantings, they can successfully disguise unsightly places in the garden or unsightly outbuildings. A shrub growing up to 3 meters will be a wonderful flowering hedge with which you can zone the site. In a word, hibiscus is very good in landscape design.

In tropical countries, city streets are decorated with low, densely flowering trees.

Shrub with pruning give almost any shape.

In a temperate climate, the Syrian hibiscus has taken root better than all other species because of its frost resistance. In the indoor version, flower growers prefer Chinese hibiscus or, as it is most often called, Chinese rose.

Caring for them is somewhat different, a houseplant requires more effort to maintain it in a flowering decorative state. Although even during the dormant period, when the bush is just green, it looks great in the interior.

root system

Hibiscus root system mixed- there is a tap root, which is then covered with many processes. The root system grows quickly, therefore indoor variant of hibiscus repot often, as it grows.

Garden hibiscus does not need a transplant, it can perfectly grow in one place for many years with good care.


In shrubs and small trees, the trunk is covered with bark. You can grow standard plants, but only in tubs. Some flower growers plant two or three varieties with different shades of flowers for this purpose.

By intertwining their trunks as they grow, you can get a beautiful tricolor tree.

In gardens, you can grow all types of hibiscus - herbaceous, shrubby and tree-like.

Flowers and leaves

Leaves of all varieties of hibiscus large (up to 5 cm) bright green. Different cultivars may have leaves different shapes- just oval, with a clove along the edge and three-segment. The leaves of the Chinese rose are smooth and shiny, while those of the garden (Syrian) rose are matte, slightly pubescent.

flowers- the main decoration of the plant - can be terry and simple, red, pink, yellow, white and purple. However, the breeders have tried so that everyone can find a flower to their liking. Hibiscus flowers large- up to 13 cm in diameter.

Varieties with double flowers less frost-resistant, therefore, in regions with temperate climate best to grow hibiscus simple flowers.

Garden hibiscus - cultivation and care

With little effort, hibiscus will decorate the garden from early June to early September with bright, unceasing blooms. This tropical guest requires no more maintenance than others. flowering plants.

Choosing a place for hibiscus in the garden (light and heat conditions)

Before planting a hibiscus, you need to decide on a place where it will be comfortable. It is necessary to choose it, based on the characteristics of the plant and taking into account the fact that he may not need a transplant for many years.

Hibiscus will grow and bloom well in a sunny place where there are no strong drafts.

He can still endure light penumbra, but a strong shadow will not suit him, this will adversely affect flowering.

Landing in open ground

Having chosen a place, you need to prepare it. The soil must be air and water permeable, so peat and sand must be mixed into the ground. Organics in the form of humus also does not hurt. The ideal option it would be adding perlite and crushed tree bark. The soil reaction should be slightly acidic, well drained.

Then a pit is prepared for planting. As a rule, the plant is transplanted from the container in which it was grown from seeds or cuttings. The hole must be deeper and wider than this capacity. Before planting, fill it with about 5 liters of water. Once the water has soaked into the ground, the hole is ready for planting. The plant descends vertically into the ground.

In cool climates, hibiscus should be planted deeper than warm. In the southern regions, when planting, it is recommended to leave part of the roots above the ground.

Hibiscus is planted in early spring .

A garden hibiscus transplant is practically not needed. But if such a need arose, it should also be done in early spring and using the same technology as planting.


Hibiscus does not tolerate excessive moisture, so you need to water it only after waiting for the soil to dry out. But you can't overdry it either.

It is better to water abundantly, but not very often.

Air humidity

There are no special requirements for air humidity for garden hibiscus. In the event that it is transferred indoors for the winter (for example, a standard specimen grown in a tub), it must be spray.

top dressing

Hibiscus will thank lush long flowering per proper feeding. Plant loves fertile land, so during the season every 2 weeks it must be fertilized.

To do this, use fertilizers with a phosphorus content and a small amount of nitrogen mixed with organic fertilizers. In preparation for wintering, potassium is added to the fertilizer so that the hibiscus can tolerate low temperatures well.


Hibiscus begins to bloom in mid-June and ends in early September. Its feature is the life span of the bud. Having blossomed in the morning, by the evening it can wither and fall, and the next day it appears in this place. new flower.


Pruning is a necessary procedure for hibiscus. It is necessary to prepare a tool for it - secateurs, a knife, a small hacksaw, if the branches cannot be cut with a lighter tool. All this must be disinfected and sharpened. A dull tool can damage the plant.

Branches are cut obliquely, while the lower edge of the cut should be directed inside the bush, and the upper edge - outward. Do not cut more than 23 branch lengths, this can kill the hibiscus.

Only pruned tree hibiscus and shrub.

Trimming types

1. Spring pruning to encourage flowering.

The structure of the hibiscus is such that the bud always forms at the end of the branch. Pruning branches in the spring by one third of last year's growth stimulates the growth of additional branches, at the ends of which flowers will bloom.

2. Thinning or hygienic pruning.

If the branches grow too densely, they must be thinned out, removing weak and dried shoots, as well as old branches. At the same time, you need to inspect the plant for the presence of beetles that can eat fresh shoots with buds.

Sick or damaged branches are cut back to healthy tissue. The sign will be green color cut wood. If it is white, then this part of the branch is inanimate.

3.Corrective cropping.

A bush that has grown strongly or has lost its shape can be cut off in order to return it to a beautiful, neat shape. Single branches are cut off, strongly protruding above the crown of the bush. Pruning is done about 13 lengths just above the nearest bud.

4. Radical pruning.

It is done if the plant is threatened with death. All branches are cut almost completely. If the plant has living tissue left, then it can be hoped that the bush will be able to revive again.

5. Autumn pruning.

It is held in September, after the end of flowering. You can not cut the plant in late autumn before the onset of cold weather, otherwise in the spring it will not be able to give normal growth.

Young plants should only do soft pruning pinching I am. In this case, only the tops of the branches are cut so that they can branch and produce more flowers.

Hibiscus propagation

Hibiscus breeds well and does not require special conditions for the growth and development of young shoots.

There are several methods of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut in the summer from young shoots. They should have 2-3 points of growth.
  • The cut is treated with root or other growth stimulator and planted in a mixture of sand and peat 1: 1.
  • The temperature of the content should not be lower than +23 degrees. Rooting occurs approximately 3-4 weeks after planting.
  • Rooted cuttings are transplanted into a substrate of fertile soil with humus and sand and watered well.

Reproduction by seeds

  • Seeds are pre-soaked for a day in a growth stimulant solution;
  • they are also sown in a mixture of sand and peat at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other;
  • the container is covered with a film or glass;
  • constant watering and ventilation;
  • temperature regime not less than +25 degrees;
  • diving is done when several leaves appear.

Soil with planted seeds requires bottom heating.

Hibiscus grown from seeds usually blooms in the third year.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

  • the bush is completely dug out of the ground;
  • with a sharp knife, the rhizome is divided into parts;
  • planted as described above in the "Landing in open ground" section.

Features of care in the fall

In autumn, hibiscus are prepared for safe wintering. To do this, light pruning and fertilizing with potash fertilizers are carried out in September.

Before the onset of frost, the bush is watered once and very abundantly. A few days later he is spudded.

In November, the plant needs to be insulated with mulching and shelter.

The branches are bent to the ground and covered with a special cloth.

Above the young bushes, you can put arcs and also cover them with a cloth. This can be done when the temperature outside is below +5 degrees.

Problems, diseases and pests

Problems that you may encounter when growing hibiscus:

  • the fall of the tied buds means a lack of nutrition or excessive watering;
  • yellowing top leaves and the fall of the lower ones - an excess of iron in the water for irrigation;
  • the abundance of green mass and the lack of flowering - an excess of nitrogen in the fertilizer;
  • drooping leaves - lack of moisture.

The disease that this plant is susceptible to is chlorosis. This is a fungal disease. It can be infectious or non-infectious. Infectious chlorosis is carried by insect pests, so first of all it is necessary to deal with them.

A diseased plant needs to be transplanted to another place, strengthen top dressing and spray regularly.

Non-infectious chlorosis can occur if there is too much moisture or if the hibiscus grows in the shade. Need to transplant it to a brighter place and adjust the watering regime.


Insect control agents are insecticidal preparations that are sprayed on a bush.

Garden flower - hibiscus will decorate any garden, bringing joy and aesthetic pleasure to it thanks to the most beautiful flowering. It has about 200 varieties, and appeared from Southeast Asia.

Hibiscus Features

Hibiscus is common in warm areas, has large bright flowers. If the climate is cool, the plant is unlikely to grow, but if you really want to, then you can plant it in a pot and leave it to winter indoors. There is a cold-resistant variety - Syrian hibiscus ().

Planted hibiscus in the garden will delight flowering long time from mid-June to early September. The peculiarity of the plant is that the flowers remain on the branches for only one day, then fall off. But thanks to the fact that next day new ones appear, flowering is continuous.

It grows long enough and to please you with flowers with a diameter of 12 cm, you will need patience and knowledge in caring for and growing a plant.

Cultivation and care

You can buy seedlings at any garden market, the price depends on the quality and variety. The plant can also be grown from seed.

Whichever method you choose, it is important to know how to properly plant and care for garden herbaceous hibiscus, as well as its other varieties.

  • Location. Growing and caring for garden hibiscus begins with choosing a location. The plant is very fond of light and looks great in the company of roses, since most varieties have a height of about half a meter. In a single form, hibiscus looks no worse, and if the climate allows, then surround the plant with lavender, as it drives away pests.

  • The soil . In order for hibiscus to grow in comfort, it needs loose, fertile, permeable, humus-rich soil.
  • Watering and fertilizing. The plant does not like abundant watering, it is enough to moisten the soil as it dries. If the climate is warm enough, then you can water daily, especially in the summer.

Top dressing plays an important role, it is better to apply fertilizer at least once every couple of weeks, while it is important that phosphorus is present in the composition, and for easy winter transfer, it is necessary to apply fertilizers with potassium.

  • Pruning . Hibiscus forms its flower buds on young shoots, therefore, the more there are, the more dense the flowering will be. The growth of young shoots is possible only after pruning. Some argue that it must be carried out every 3-4 years, but the plant tolerates such a procedure quite easily, while it receives a lot of benefits.

It is optimal to carry out such a procedure once a year at the end of winter. Along with the growth of new shoots, you will also form the shape of a bush with your own hands to give it a more attractive look. It can be the shape of a pyramid, a ball, a cube, etc.

Thanks to this, hibiscus can grow not only in open areas, but also on a terrace or balcony.

  • Winter care for garden hibiscus is special. So, if the plant is very young, then it must be protected, since it may simply not endure frost. Be sure to spud the plant and cover it with a cloth, if the winter is going to be harsh, make several fabric layers.

Advice! In the event that you have decided to disembark at autumn period, then in winter, be sure to mulch and make a strapping with spruce branches.

Reproduction and transplant

In general, plant propagation is carried out in several ways:

  • sowing seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The easiest way is to choose propagation by cuttings. The care and propagation of garden hibiscus by cuttings is quite simple - the cut cutting must be placed in water. After the root grows, the plant must be planted in a pot with soil 1/3 diluted with peat, taken from the garden where you plan to plant hibiscus in the future.

You can land immediately in open ground. Here hibiscus will grow best if you choose a strong seedling that has a developed root system, especially this nuance is important if the landing will be carried out in cool climatic conditions.

Advice! In order for the cuttings to give a good root, cut them in the summer, while treating them with a growth stimulator.

After the plant takes root in a pot, it must be "relocated to the garden." It is best to do this in early spring so that the hibiscus does not begin to bloom. Be sure to prune before the procedure, do not be afraid to cut the branches - shortening by half will only benefit.

After the plant is moved, be sure to monitor the lighting, and also take care of watering, if the instructions are followed, then in a year the plant will delight with its unique flowering.

You can propagate garden hibiscus seeds. Sowing is carried out from January to March. It is important that the soil is with peat and sand.

Care and propagation of garden hibiscus seeds are simple, after the seeds are sown in a container, they must be covered with glass and adhered to. temperature regime at 25 degrees.

Periodically, the seed container must be opened, saturating the soil with air, and also sprayed. After you notice the first leaves that have come up, dive the plant into pots. If you grow hibiscus from seeds, the plant will please you with its flowering in three to four years.

Hibiscus diseases

Only by appearance plants can determine if they are healthy. In the event that you notice that the buds have not opened, then know that the hibiscus does not have enough nutrients or watering, so be sure to fertilize and moisten it well.

working landscape designer, I always advise my clients on plants that combine visual appeal with unpretentious care. One of my favorite plants is garden hibiscus, which is what I use more often than others when decorating plots.

The plant is able to transform any landscape, looks extremely impressive. In the article I will talk about this plant, share my experience on how to plant and grow garden hibiscus.

Garden hibiscus is a real decoration of the backyard landscape. In addition to the exceptional external decorativeness, the plant can also boast of flowers suitable for brewing delicious tea. It is hibiscus flowers that are used as the basis for the famous Hibiscus.

In addition, the plant is also quite unpretentious: its care and reproduction does not cause difficulties.

In the homeland of the plant - the Hawaiian Islands - it is also called the "flower of love". Hawaiian women adorn their hairstyles with amazingly spectacular flowers.

It can be different in height: tree-like varieties are the tallest. The flowers of the plant deserve a separate description. They have the shape of a pronounced funnel, formed from five or more (terry varieties) petals.

Funnel parameters can be from 6 to 15 cm, there are also varieties in which flowers in a loose state reach the diameter of a soccer ball.

The color is different: pink, white, blue, lilac, red shades are more common. There are also two-tone, striped, bordered varieties - they are the most decorative.

Garden hibiscus is able to withstand frosts down to -20 degrees without shelter. Of course, in most Russian regions, the plant will need to be covered for the winter. The shrub blooms for a long time - from late June to October. Could be like annual plant, and perennial, its evergreen and deciduous varieties are also known.

The plants are malvaceae. In nature, there are about 250 varieties of this flower. The following varieties are cultivated in the garden:

  • hibiscus tree;
  • grassy;
  • semi-shrub;
  • shrubby.

landscape use

Different types and varieties of garden hibiscus are used in the design of the backyard landscape in different ways. If the variety is undersized, it is ideal for borders, including mixed ones.

Herbaceous hibiscus looks spectacular in combination with roses and other beautiful ornamental shrubs.

The tree-like variety is perfectly combined with both massive coniferous trees and shrubs, and with undersized flowers. Hibiscus: photo in the garden.

Since the garden hibiscus loves water, a site on the shore of a reservoir or pond will suit him perfectly. Growing hibiscus outdoors is easy, and miniature varieties of the plant are also suitable for pot cultivation.


Science knows many species and varieties of this beautiful plant, however, only a few of them are usually grown in open ground conditions in Russia:

  • Syrian;
  • trifoliate;
  • hybrid.


This is the most suitable hibiscus for our climate, as it is quite frost-resistant. His homeland is not Syria, as you might think, but China.

V vivo Syrian hibiscus reaches 5 meters, but with cultural cultivation- only 3 meters. It is usually cultivated as a small tree. The plant is decorated with elongated dissected leaves and large flowers, reaching a diameter of 6-12 cm.


Has African origin. Reaches 80 cm in height, has a tap root system and straight elongated branches. The name comes from the type of foliage - the leaves are divided into three parts.

The flowers are small, reaching a diameter of only 4 cm. However, due to their number and external showiness, the shrub looks very picturesque. The color of the petals is yellowish, the core is red. Flowers bloom only in the morning.


It was bred artificially by crossing marsh hibiscus, red and holly. Differs in long years of life and very beautiful, bright and large flowers.

Condition Requirements

We will find out under what conditions the street hibiscus will best show its decorative qualities.


It is necessary to plant a plant in a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden.

In this case, the place should be protected from drafts and gusts of wind.

The soil

Hibiscus does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, which greatly simplifies the task of the gardener. It is better to grow and develop a shrub in loamy soil; it is undesirable to plant it on a site with calcareous soil.

It is important that the bed has good permeability, is loose and drainable: the plant does not like stagnant moisture. And the most spectacular flowering can be achieved by planting hibiscus in the soil in a neutral or slightly acid reaction. It is also important that the soil is sufficiently nutritious, saturated with organic matter.


Garden hibiscus is a tropical flower, therefore it is not indifferent to heat. When the winter shelter is removed in the spring, it is necessary to build a film greenhouse over the shrub to protect it from recurrent frosts. With the onset of sustainable heat, the need for a greenhouse disappears.

View on the topic:


Hibiscus can be propagated in the garden in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.


This method is the longest, but if it is not possible to propagate hibiscus vegetatively, there is no other way out. Seeds must be stratified before planting to harden the plants.

Seeds are placed in the ground, sprayed with water and cleaned in this form in the refrigerator for stratification. The procedure lasts a month, after which the seeds are planted already in the substrate for germination. The substrate should consist of peat and sand.

The container is covered with a film and placed in heat (+ 25-27 degrees). You need to regularly lift the film for ventilation, as well as spray the soil with a spray bottle.

After germination, wait for the seedlings to form a few true leaves and dive the seedlings into separate pots.

Keep in mind that hibiscus will bloom in this case only in the third year.


For this method, it is best to choose spring. The stalk is cut from young shoots 5 cm below the bud node. After cutting, remove from the cutting lower leaves and treat the cut with a root stimulator.

Rooting occurs in the ground: you need to deepen the cutting to the node. From above, the seedling is covered with polyethylene and so kept for about a month. During specified period the stalk takes root, after which it can be transplanted to the garden. In this case, hibiscus will begin to bloom next year.

Planting in the garden

You can plant both hibiscus seedlings grown from seeds and cuttings with roots on the garden bed. The following is a step by step process.

  1. Prepare holes for plants at a distance of a meter and a half from each other. The size of the hole should be twice the volume of the roots of the plant.
  2. Place a drainage layer of broken bricks at the bottom of the recesses.
  3. Pour sand on top, then compost, sand again.
  4. Remove the seedling from the container so as not to damage its vulnerable roots.
  5. Place the seedling in a hole, cover the roots with soil (earth + peat + sand). The root neck should be slightly below ground level.
  6. Spud the seedling, forming a watering recess around the trunk.
  7. Water the plant.

How to care

With proper care, the plant can live safely for 15 years, while annually delighting with its flowering. Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for the care of garden hibiscus.


The plant requires regular and fairly abundant moisture. However, it is important to prevent soil flooding and stagnation in it. Make sure that the soil in the hibiscus bed is constantly moist, but without puddles.

If there is a drought, water the plant daily, and on cool days the procedure can be omitted. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil to ensure good soil permeability.


This procedure is needed mainly by young hibiscus. Usually the plant is transplanted in early spring, trying to be in time before the start of sap flow.

When it comes to herbaceous hibiscus, it should be transplanted especially carefully. The fact is that its roots cannot be damaged - such negligence can very quickly lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, dig out the bush very carefully, trying not to touch its rhizomes, it is better to retreat to a decent distance.

How it hibernates

Since winters in our country are usually harsh, garden hibiscus needs to survive the cold under cover. The plant will not withstand frosts below -20 degrees.

Before cold weather, mulch the root circle with peat, trim and then cover the bush with burlap or agrofiber. In this form, the plant will be able to safely survive the winter.

top dressing

Fertilizers for garden hibiscus should be without fail contain phosphorus. And before sheltering for the winter, feed the plant with potassium - fertilizer will help to survive frosts more easily.

We met with such a magnificent plant as garden hibiscus. This unique shrub boasts a rare decorative effect combined with unpretentiousness. It will decorate any site, perfectly combined with most garden plants.

Now you know how to plant it and how to care for it - following the tips from the article, you can avoid many problems when growing hibiscus.

Hibiscus is a plant of the Malvaceae family. It is very loved by flower growers, since almost all types of this plant bloom very beautifully. Hibiscus flowers, even within the same species, are very diverse. More than 200 species and about 500 varieties of this plant are known.

Did you know?A distinctive feature of all hibiscus is the brevity of the life of flowers. Each flower lives only one day - it opens in the morning and fades in the evening.

In our latitudes, three types of hibiscus are common. One of them is grown indoors and is better known as China rose. Hibiscus Chinese can be taken out in the summer to the garden, but still it is considered a houseplant. The other two types of hibiscus are garden hibiscus.

Garden types of hibiscus

In gardens in the south of Russia, Ukraine and the Crimea, one can often find Syrian hibiscus, which is also called tree-like. This flowering shrub, which can reach up to 3 m in height. Often boles are formed from it, as a result of which they get beautiful flowering tree. With a very close planting of several varieties, you can create a standard tree from a garden hibiscus with different colors.

Hibiscus tree is a perennial. In one place, it can grow up to 10 years. Blooms from June to September. The flowers of the Syrian hibiscus can be simple and double, of various shades, but not large. But in the second type of garden hibiscus, herbaceous hibiscus, the diameter of the flowers reaches 26 cm. Herbaceous hibiscus is also called swamp.

Important!Hibiscus blooms in the second half of May, so do not rush to think that it is frozen and immediately throw the plant away. Herbaceous hibiscus is more frost-resistant, can grow not only in the south, but also in temperate latitudes. It is also spudded for the winter with dry foliage or dry manure.

The varieties of this plant are also very diverse. The height ranges from 80 cm to 2 m, and the flowers have a variety of shades. The plant grows well in one place, but after 5 years, a hibiscus transplant is required to another place in the garden. Rises in the second half of May. Blooms from late June to early September. Sudanese rose, rosella, or hibiscus sabdariffa, comes from India, it is grown in all tropical areas. From this type of hibiscus, a hibiscus drink is made, where dark red petals, calyxes and subcups of flowers are used, they are called roses. All parts of this plant, except for the roots, are edible. The plant can be grown at home in a pot culture, and the seeds can easily be found in a hibiscus tea bag.

Garden Hibiscus Care

Hibiscus propagation

hibiscus breeds different ways:

dividing the bush;




Syrian hibiscus is best propagated by cuttings, and you can use the twigs that were left when pruning the bush. Cuttings 15-20 cm long are placed in water. Roots appear in 2-3 weeks. Then the cuttings are transplanted into pots with light soil.

Planted in the ground the next year. Herbaceous hibiscus is best propagated by dividing the bush in the spring, when the shoots grow by 10-15 cm. Propagation by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush guarantees the preservation of the varietal properties of the plant. Both types of hibiscus can be propagated from seeds. Growing hibiscus from seeds at home is quite easy. Seeds can be bought at the store or harvested seed pods from the bushes in your area when they are ripe.

But with self-collection of seeds, one cannot expect that a plant will grow that exactly repeats the parent. Many flower growers deliberately pollinate the flowers of different hibiscus to get a new variety. For better germination, you can put the seeds in the refrigerator for 2 weeks at a positive temperature. Sow in pots one seed at a time. Planted in the ground the following year. Tree hibiscus grown from seeds can only bloom in the fourth year, and grassy hibiscus will bloom in the second.

Hibiscus Pruning Rules

Prune hibiscus tree in early spring. This is done to remove dried and broken branches, to give the plant more nice shape or provide abundant flowering. Hibiscus flowers appear on the shoots of the current year, so in order to increase the number of flowers, Syrian hibiscus can be pruned before the start of summer. The plant responds very well to pruning and grows back quickly. Of course, pruning is more applicable to Syrian hibiscus, but grassy hibiscus can also be pruned. If the variety of such hibiscus is very tall, then it can be cut at the height you need. At the same time, the hibiscus will start up side shoots, forming a denser bush. But the flowers on the side shoots of the herbaceous hibiscus are much smaller than those on the stem.

How to cover garden hibiscus for the winter

Hibiscus tree is less resistant to frost. Growing hibiscus outdoors is possible where the air temperature in winter rarely exceeds -20°C. A bush of such a hibiscus is spudded with dry foliage for the winter, the trunk is insulated with spruce branches or a frame covered with agrotex or lutrasil is built. But with such insulation, there is a danger of the appearance of rodents under the litter or diaper rash of the bark. If the tree is small, it can be transplanted into a tub and placed in a basement or other cool room until spring.

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