Liatris burning star growing from seeds. Liatris - planting and care

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

One would like to start a story about this beautiful flower with a legend that time and people who could admire this handsome man for many centuries gave him. Although it is believed that the birthplace of the plant is North America, it was in Ancient Greece, the cradle of civilization, that the first mention of the liatris flower was made. It was there that the first name was given to this plant, and literally it was translated as “smooth doctor”.

The beauty of liatris also attracts butterflies

Getting to know the liatris plant

Legend. Here's what the legend says. Wanting to cure his beloved, the young doctor was ready to give his life. But the gods did not accept such a sacrifice, and only Apollo, the patron saint of healers and the art of healing, and at the same time the god of beauty, decided to help the young man. He turned it into a flower, which, by its very appearance, aroused admiration. But, as it turned out, the flowers, leaves, and even the roots of lyatris are healing. They were used to make medicines for various diseases.

Distribution area of ​​the flower. The territory where vivo Liatris is found in wildlife - this is North America, Mexico, the Bahamas. Liatris is from the noble and ancient Aster family. At the same time, there are about 20 species of this plant. All of them differ, both in the structure of the leaves, the stem, and in the color of the flowers. For example, there are white, soft lilac, red, purple and pink liatris.

Other names. We got the flower with a legacy. He brought with him not only his history, unusual appearance, but also different names. At home, he was called "funny feathers", "deer tongue". In our area, this handsome man among the people got his own name, worthy of him: "Burning Star". And indeed, the inflorescence consists of small stars that light everything around with their rays-petals.

Liatris is rightly called the Burning Star.

The photo shows that liatris is special, it does not look like any other plant. Its fluffy inflorescences bloom for a long time. And when all (or almost all) flowers open, then from a thin candle it turns into a flower brush.

But the most striking thing about it is the aroma. It smells so subtle of vanilla and a little, very little, of hay. But that's not all. Those who appreciated the flower for its beauty will have to recognize it from another side. It turns out that liatris is treatment plant. And this can be used. A little more about this is said in the video at the end of the article.

Description of the Liatris flower

The liatris flower is a perennial, it has tuberous roots that look like bulbs. Stems erect, simple or branched, densely leafy. Leaves linear, pointed. Plant height from half a meter, up to 2 m flowers are collected in inflorescences. The length of such tubes, under conditions suitable for plant growth, can reach 0.5 m.

When does liatris bloom? From the end of July (or mid-August, depending on the climate) until the end of summer. In more southern regions, flowering can continue throughout September. interesting distinctive feature lyatris is that the "candles" of the inflorescence bloom not from the bottom up, but from the top down.

It is interesting! Cut flowers keep a good appearance up to 2 weeks. AT landscape design are used both for fencing territories and in flower beds. At the same time, lyatris can serve as a background for some plants, and can also act solo. The flower looks great in multi-level flower beds. The combination of some colors of lyatris gives freshness and unusual beauty to any flower garden.

Planting lyatris and caring for it

It is believed that liatris is one of the most unpretentious plants. And yet, for its comfortable existence on your site, you need to know a few rules for planting and caring for open field behind the lyatris.

Rules for planting liatris

The plant is planted both in autumn and in spring. To do this, you need to choose a suitable place and take into account the necessary requirements of the flower to the soil.

Place. Liatris thrives in sun-exposed areas. drought tolerant plant not afraid of the heat. But if you plant a lyatris in the shade or partial shade, then this can affect the growth and development of the plant, and even its color. The color scheme will be paler, and the bush itself will not be sufficiently developed.

The soil. Liatris is no exception, as for most plants, it is important for him that there is no stagnant water in the soil. It is desirable that the earth itself be "light". And if drainage is laid at the bottom of the planting hole, then the roots of the plant will not rot, and the liatris itself will not get sick.

Advice. The planting depth of the lyatris varies from 3 to 10 cm, and depends on the size of the tuber: the larger the root, the deeper the planting. The distance between the landing pits should not be less than 15 cm

Several flower stalks grow from one root

Plant propagation methods

There are several ways to propagate lyatris:

    The division of the bush;



Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should know and consider.

The division of the bush. In this way, liatris can be propagated in late autumn or in early spring. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the roots of the bush, and before separating the young plant from the old one, you need to check whether the young seedling has a strong root collar. And only then can the tubers be separated.

Seeds. Liatris is grown by seeds, sowing them in open ground to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, and seedlings. Previously, after collecting the seeds from the bush, they need to be held for 10 hours in a humate solution. The soil also needs to be prepared by adding 1 sq. m bucket of humus.

Do not wait for the plant to bloom quickly. Only in the third or fourth year will flower stalks appear on it.

tubers. The most common way to propagate lyatris is by tubers. To understand where the tuber has the top, it must be examined in order to find a recess. This will be up. If the recess is not noticeable, then it is better to plant the tuber sideways.

The landing hole needs to be made 2 times deeper in order to put drainage in it. It can be humus, and expanded clay with sand and peat.

This method is also the fastest. In a month, sprouts will appear.

Bush replanting

Under certain conditions, it is necessary to transplant mature plants from time to time. For example, if the earth is exhausted, or approached The groundwater. How and when to transplant liatris?

A warning! Adult liatris bushes are transplanted no more often than after 4 years.

Regardless of when the time is chosen for transplanting the bush, it can be late autumn, literally before winter, or early spring, as soon as the air and soil warm up a little, it is important to try to injure the root as little as possible. Water the transplanted plant moderately, and then the liatris will easily take root in a new place.

Necessary care for lyatris

Do we want Liatris to suffer less from diseases? Then take care of four rules:

    Moderation in watering.

    Plant nutrition.

    Hive update.

    Prepare liatris for winter.

Despite the fact that the hottest territories in our areas are given to the lyatris, this does not mean at all that the bush must be filled with water. On the contrary, liatris will perfectly tolerate the lack of moisture than its excess. Yes, and watering the plant is only warm water to protect its roots from rotting.

But what if the leaves of the lyatris dry? Does this mean that watering is insufficient? The bushes began to dry - this is most likely a sign that the plant needs to be fed. Liatris needs to be fertilized at least 2 times a year. In spring - nitrogen fertilizers, in summer - potassium-phosphorus.

If the bush is very tall, you can arrange props for it. But even with this, faded flower stalks that begin to dry out are best cut off for the sake of an attractive appearance. Once every 3-4 years, an adult plant is transplanted. Liatris tolerates this procedure very well. Liatris is desirable to prepare for the winter. To do this, the entire ground part is cut off. And, if winter promises severe frosts, then it is worth covering the roots remaining in the ground, insulating them.

Advice! It is better to use mulch than to loosen the ground near the plant so as not to damage the roots.

Diseases and pests of lyatris

There is no need to worry about diseases, as the plant is resistant to diseases. But bears, mice or snails can significantly harm the lyatris. the best way get rid of insects and animals quickly - insecticides.

Liatris varieties

In our area, several varieties of liatris feel comfortable. Each of them is attractive in its own way and deserves to grow on our sites.

Liatris spikelet Alba is one of the most common varieties in our area. Its inflorescences are collected in dense boxes. The flowers are white. The bush is strong, tall. Blooms in early July. There are many seeds in the boxes, which it is advisable to collect in order to sow them yourself.

Liatris Picador - unique beautiful flower. The inflorescences are bright purple, about 25 cm long. The bush is low, blooms closer to August.

Liatris spikelet Kobold is the pride of gardeners. Gently lilac, almost pink flowers are collected in small boxes. The plant is small, only 40 cm in height, but it grows well and blooms very densely from early July to mid-August.

There are other varieties that delight with a variety of shapes and colors. So, you can plant only representatives of the liatris family in a flower bed, but its different varieties, and the flower bed will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow! And this will be the best option, since the liatris does not really like neighbors, and gladly occupies all the space on its own.

Different varieties of lyatris

Medicinal properties of liatris

Liatris impresses with the versatility of her talents. For example, one of them is the possession of medicinal properties. The leaves of this handsome man are brewed and with such a decoction you can gargle with a sore throat. If a wasp has bitten or traces of mosquito bites remain on the skin, and they are disturbing, itching and swelling can be relieved by applying crushed leaves to the wounds.

But the roots of the spikelet lyatris will also come in handy. Lotions from the roots can heal wounds. A decoction of them treat diseased kidneys. And even the stems and flowers are medicinal. They have antibacterial, astringent and diuretic properties.

Liatris in combination with other colors is a real find for designers

Liatris is often referred to as a plant for the lazy. And there is some truth in this. It is beautiful, and at the same time, lyatris needs minimal care. And still, in return, this flower generously gives its beauty, and it turns out to be useful for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

The herbaceous plant liatris belongs to the flowering perennials of the Aster family or Compositae. In the wild, liatris grows in Mexico, North America and the Bahamas.

The name liatris is derived from the words "smooth" and "doctor". In Russia, he was given two more names - “fun feathers” and “deer tongue”, thanks to spike-shaped inflorescences resembling huge candles. The erect stems of lyatris grow to a height of 1 to 2 meters. Numerous lyatris flower buds begin to open from top to bottom, gradually turning the candle into an original spike-shaped panicle.

During flowering, the lyatris emits a pleasant, subtle aroma of vanilla with hints of fresh hay. The color of the lyatris flower candle depends on its variety. There are varieties with white, pink and purple hues.

Common types and varieties of liatris flower with photos

Most often in the composition of flower beds you can find the following varieties of lyatris:

  • spiky;
  • filmy;
  • rough.

spicate leatris

The height of the stem is about 50 centimeters, the leaves are smooth, bright green. Blooms in June-July. Inflorescence in the form of an ear 35 centimeters long. The most popular varieties of this species:

  • Kobold. Pink-lilac flowers, shoots 40 centimeters high.
  • Florian Weiss. Stems up to 90 centimeters high. Flowers are white.
  • Floristan Violet. Purple colored flowers.

Liatris spikelet

membranous lyatris

A plant with dense stems with wide leaves of a bluish-green color. Inflorescences paniculate, pink-lilac. Varieties of this species:

  • Alba. White, fragrant flowers.
  • September Glory. Tall variety with bright pink flowers.

Liatris Alba

Rough liatris

The highest type of lyatris, with shoots up to 2 meters. The stem is covered with small leaves of a juicy, bright green color. The inflorescences are triangular or round, located in the upper part of the stem, forming a lush panicle. The flowers of this species are lavender or purple. Variety White Spire has snow-white flowers.

Growing lyatris from seeds

The main method of planting lyatris is growing seedlings from seeds and in a reckless way. Experienced flower growers do not advise spending time and effort on growing seedlings, as lyatris survives well in low temperatures. It can be sown before winter or early spring, as soon as the snow melts.

Where to plant liatris

Liatris is an unpretentious plant, but some rules must be observed when growing it. Most important points– choice of location and selection of soil composition. The landing site should be sunny, but light partial shade is also possible. It is impossible to plant liatris in the shade, since in this case it will bloom very poorly.

The soil for lyatris needs light, well-ventilated. Liatris will not grow in heavy soil. Harmful to the plant and the proximity of groundwater, tk. from waterlogging, the roots of the lyatris will rot.

Liatris loves good lighting

How to sow liatris

Growing Liatris on own site you can start by sowing their seeds directly in open ground. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a solution of humate. The site is dug up, adding humus (1 bucket per square meter). Seeds are sown in grooves 1.5 centimeters deep. After sowing, the soil is lightly compacted and watered.

The distance between plants should be 20-30 centimeters. When sowing, it is better to plant the seeds in the soil much more often, and then thin out the sprouts in the phase of two true leaves. From sowing to germination takes from two to six weeks. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, a month before sowing, they need to be moistened and placed, wrapped in cloth, in the refrigerator.

Important. Abundant flowering of lyatris grown from seeds occurs only in the second or third year.

Liatris flower care rules

Among the people, liatris has earned the ironic name "lazy" flower. This is due to the unpretentiousness of the plant, resistance to diseases and pests. Planting liatris and outdoor care for this resistant to adverse conditions even a novice florist can do it with a plant. Basic care is limited to watering, fertilizing and removing weeds.

Liatris - an unpretentious flower in care

Watering lyatris should be infrequent. If it rains periodically (every 6-7 days), you do not need to water the plant at all. To preserve moisture in the soil, the surface around the plant is mulched.

During the growing season, liatris needs three times top dressing:

  • The first, nitrogen fertilizers, is carried out in the spring.
  • With the beginning of flowering, nitrogen is excluded from top dressing. AT summer period Liatris is fed with a potassium-phosphorus mixture.
  • The last top dressing is carried out immediately after flowering, so that the liatris regains strength. At this time, do not add to top dressing again a large number of nitrogen, so that the tubers gain strength for wintering.

Liatris transplant

Transplantation in the fall is recommended every 4-5 years, combined with the division of the rhizome. This procedure is mandatory, as a strongly overgrown root will prevent abundant flowering. The plant is aging and needs rejuvenation.

Liatris needs periodic rejuvenation of the bush

For transplantation, the bush is carefully dug out of the soil, trying not to damage the tubers, divided into several parts depending on the number of root collars. Each part is planted in a separate hole filled with humus.

Liatris breeding methods

Liatris, in addition to sowing seeds, can be propagated vegetatively: by dividing the bush or growing from part of the root. Each of these methods has some peculiarities.

The division of the bush

Dividing a lyatris bush into several parts is the fastest way to get several bushes that will bloom the very next year. The essence of the method is simple division an adult bush into several parts.

Important. The bush is divided in such a way that each part has a root neck and a full-fledged tuber.

To divide the bush, they dig it out of the soil, cut it, treat the cut site with wood ash for disinfection. For planting, holes are prepared with a depth of 25-30 centimeters so that the tuber fits completely into it. The hole is filled with a small amount of humus, then a lyatris tuber is placed in it. The tuber is covered with soil, the surface around is compacted and watered. Then the surface must be mulched to retain moisture.

Liatris can be propagated by division mother bush

A bush can be propagated by division at the age of four years and the procedure can be carried out once every 4-5 years, not more often.

Growing a crop from a rhizome

Unlike dividing the bush, propagation by part of the rhizome can be carried out annually. The lyatris tuber is a flattened bulb. The root system consists of several nodules connected by processes. The separation of these shoots does not harm the plant and at the same time allows you to get new bushes from them, which bloom quickly.

A full-fledged tuber is formed from the separated process the next year, which actively grows in subsequent years.

When planting a rhizome separated from the mother bush, it is important to correctly place it in the hole: the depression located on the process of the rhizome must be directed to the bottom of the hole. The best time for planting lyatris with part of the rhizome - May or August.

Liatris can be propagated by dividing the bulb

Pests, diseases and control methods

Liatris is a plant that is resistant to diseases, but with an excess of moisture, the rhizome can rot. This situation can occur if the irrigation norms are not observed or when planting liatris on heavy soils, poorly drained areas. If rotting stems appear on the aerial part of the plant, it is necessary to treat the plant with a fungicide and normalize watering. If the disease is associated with the composition of the soil, liatris needs to be transplanted.

From all the variety garden pests for lyatris, bears and snails are dangerous. Chemical preparations help to fight snails, the most effective of them is. You can also fight with a bear with the help of special baits, for example, Medvetoks. The granules are embedded in the soil to a depth of 5-6 centimeters around the plant.

Opponents of chemical methods can use folk methods. A bottle of beer is dug into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees (about 100-150 ml). The neck should be in a small hole 2-3 centimeters below the ground. Pests fall into such a trap at night, and they can be destroyed. The disadvantage of this technique is the need for constant updating of the bait, almost daily.

Liatris is a fairly disease resistant plant.

Liatris after flowering and its safe wintering

At the end of flowering, the stems are cut, but the full pruning of the plant is carried out later. Care in the fall consists mainly of hilling the plant, as the rains wash away the soil from the roots located very close to the surface. Dried peduncles do not interfere with the development of the plant, but if they are not cut off, the lyatris loses its decorative effect.

The vegetative period of the lyatris ends with the fall of all foliage from it. During this period, the aerial part is cut off, and the surface is covered with a layer of 15 centimeters of peat, spruce branches or dry foliage of trees. In a relatively warm climate and during mild winters, liatris can overwinter without shelter. Care in the Moscow region requires careful shelter of the lyatris rhizome for the winter. During severe frosts, especially in winters with little snow, tubers can freeze and die.

Important. It is not recommended to use straw to shelter lyatris for the winter, since mice settle in it, which can eat the rhizome of the plant.

The use of lyatris in garden decoration

Liatris is a real find for landscape design. Spectacular candles bright color able to decorate any corner of the garden. The plant gets along well with chamomile, and other wildflowers.

Liatris among other flowers

When choosing neighbors in a flower bed, it is worth considering the color of the lyatris. White or purple inflorescences look good with red-orange or yellow. Red-purple inflorescences look spectacular with bells and mallow.

In rockeries, it is recommended to use the Kobold lyatris variety. In this case, it is recommended to combine it with night violet, cloves, echinacea,. The height of the plant allows it to be used as the center of a round flower bed. Tall inflorescences-candles look spectacular surrounded by undersized annuals and perennials.

You can get acquainted with the features of growing liatris in the proposed video. Happy viewing!

In many garden plots you can find such an amazing plant as liatris, which looks very beautiful both in the photo and live. This ornamental flower has a pleasant aroma and unusual flowering, besides, he is not capricious. Timely planting of liatris will allow you to enjoy original colors from the beginning of July to the end of August.

This perennial has a large number of diverse varieties, planting seeds of which and caring for sprouts does not require much effort. Due to this, such a culture is considered quite popular. Let's try to figure out what liatris is, planting and leaving in the open field of which will also be considered.

Variety of varieties

The birthplace of liatris flowers is North America, so it takes root well in our country. This is a perennial plant with a straight standing stem, which is decorated with numerous inflorescences, and in height it can reach 2 meters. Many gardeners plant the plant in groups, which looks very beautiful. It is also planted in separate flower beds and is often used for bouquets. To keep it longer in a vase, water is diluted with a small amount of fertilizer.

This plant is represented by varieties, the number of which is more than forty. The most common types are:

  • spicate;
  • filmy;
  • rough.

Spikelet is the most common type of lyatris, the height of adult inflorescences in which is 80 cm. It begins to bloom at the end of June and continues until mid-July. The shades of this species are quite diverse. Liatris spikelet blue (bluish color) goes well with white, purple lilac, pink and purple flowers.

Filmy. A distinctive feature of this species is the leaves, which can reach a width of 3 cm. Some varieties can reach a height of one meter. The most popular variety of this species is "Alba", which has white fluffy inflorescences. Caring for her is very simple, as well as planting and growing.

Rough - this variety is tall, the stems of some varieties can reach a height of 2 meters. The upper part of the stem is strewn with small purple flowers, which are collected in lush inflorescences.

Ways to grow lyatris in a summer cottage

This culture can reproduce:

  • seeds;
  • tubers;
  • dividing the bush.

Planting a plant is carried out in different ways and it depends on which method is chosen.

Growing liatris from seeds in open ground

This method is considered the easiest, and adult flowers can be obtained in the second year. Since seedlings are not afraid of frost, many gardeners sow them in the ground in late autumn. But still it is better to do it in the spring. A place for growing a crop is prepared in advance by digging it up and applying fertilizer (1 bucket of humus per 1 m2).

Seeds need extra care. Before planting, they should be soaked for 8 to 10 hours in ordinary water or in a growth stimulator. The seeds are planted in holes with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. As soon as they are planted, the beds are evenly covered with soil.

Propagation of liatris by tubers

This method is ideal for those who have an adult plant on their site, for which they carry out necessary care. Tubers as planting material are best taken from flowers that are more than three years old. When placed in the ground, find a small depression on the tubers from which shoots will sprout. They are planted in pre-prepared pits having a depth of 10 cm, a third of which must be filled with humus. If everything is done correctly, then the first shoots can be expected in about a month.

The division of the bush

In this case, young shoots of an adult plant along with the roots are used as planting material. The bush is divided in such a way that the young shoot has a powerful part of the mother plant and it can take root well.

For planting such shoots, holes are prepared with a depth of 10 - 20 cm, located at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The hole, as in the previous case, is 1/3 filled with humus, after which this culture is planted. After all the shoots are planted, the beds should be mulched using humus. In the future, lyatris transplanted in early spring or at the end of autumn. Reproduction in this way must be carried out every 3 to 4 years.


If this flower is planted in open ground, then caring for it is as follows:

  • regular watering;
  • weed removal;
  • bush hilling.

Since the root system of lyatris is superficial and can be exposed during rains, the site should be regularly added to the soil. Tall flower stalks sometimes need to be tied to a support. It is also desirable to mulch the site, in this case the roots will be protected and receive additional nutrition.

Liatris needs to be fertilized regularly. Doing so recommended 12 times a week and it is best to combine this with watering, which at the beginning of the growing season contributes to the formation of a powerful root system. But you should not moisten the plant too much, as in this case the roots may rot.

It is necessary to feed the lyatris in the spring with fertilizers that are purchased in a specialized store. An excessive amount of top dressing can lead to the fact that thorns fall off the flower. Also, plant care consists in weeding weeds and removing dried inflorescences so that the flower does not lose its decorative effect even after it blooms and pleases the eye for a long time with its bright green foliage.

Diseases and pests

Liatris is unpretentious and resistant to various diseases, but they can do a lot of harm to him snails and bears. To get rid of them, you must use the following folk method: a 100 ml bottle of beer is dug into the ground at an angle of 45 degrees so that the neck is 2–3 cm below the surface level. Snails and bears will crawl to the smell of beer, as a result of which they will find themselves trapped. It is only necessary to regularly change the beer in the baits.

Sometimes from waterlogging the plant begins to rot. In this case, all the rot is cut off on the flower, after which it is treated with a fungicide.

Thus, we have analyzed what liatris is, its features, a photo of this flower was presented in the article. This is exotic plant takes root well in Russian household plots, as it resistant to various adverse conditions. The process of growing from seeds is quite simple and even a novice gardener can handle it.

spikelet lyatris

Everyone who at least once in his life saw in the garden or in the photo how liatris blooms is unlikely to ever forget its beauty.

Although it is a rarity in household plots, it is certainly a great honor for true connoisseurs of flora to have it in the collection.

Especially considering that given plant refers to perennial and frost-resistant, and its height reaches about 2 meters.

seedling preparation

It has been noted that only 50% of the seeds germinate, so they should be harvested with a margin.

Also, it is not advisable to immediately place it in open ground: although Liatris Spicata is not afraid of the cold, it is still better if the earth is warm.

To germinate seeds, you should take a container or wooden box and fill it with a mixture, which includes humus and river sand.

Before planting, the seeds of the plant are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and left for 8-10 hours. The seeds of empty flowers will immediately emerge, and the full ones will remain at the bottom.

Landing in a container

After everything has been prepared, lyatris seeds can be planted.

Before this, the soil is well moistened, after which the seeds are spread on it in a small layer. To retain moisture from above, they are covered with sawdust.

In about a week, the first young shoots will appear, and the container is moved to a place where there is a lot of light. After 14 days, you need to dive the plant.

A number of gardeners do not transplant sprouts into pots, but immediately plant them in the soil, however, temperatures below +5 degrees threaten the death of the plant.

To obtain selected seedlings of varieties such as white liatris (Liatris Spicata Alba) or blue (Liatris Spicata Blue), you can start germinating seeds in containers as early as March.

Planting in open ground

The soil for lyatris should be prepared in the fall, when it is dug up with humus.

And in the spring, the beds are dug up again before planting and are abundantly moistened. Further, holes are made at a distance from one another and seedlings are placed in them.

Saplings are immersed in the ground to the very fractional leaves, and the rhizomes are abundantly covered. All types of plants are watered abundantly for two to three days so that the liatris is well rooted.

After that, watering should be carried out from time to time, about twice a week. As a rule, the cultivation of lyatris in open ground takes place without top dressing, only when the leaves lose their dark green color, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to the soil.

How to care for a plant

In addition to watering and occasional flower feeding, regular weeding is required, and wilted inflorescences also need to be removed.

If there is a need, then in the spring you can feed the lyatris with nitrogen fertilizer, in the summer with phosphorus-potassium, and in the fall again with nitrogen.

Note: you can give colors a rich color with


and raking to the tubers of the earth.

How to use in design

Liatris Blue and Listris Alba are widely used in landscape design.

Options design solutions can be seen in pictures online. The culture is grown by tubers and has a very beautiful flowers in the form of candles.

As a decoration garden plot liatris can be used as an independent plant, or you can plant phloxes, anafalis, gypsophila and various herbs next to it. Spikelet flower looks great in bouquets and lasts longer than a week.

In addition, liatris is used in the formation of winter bouquets. It will look beautiful with wildflowers. The plant can also be grown solo, planted longitudinally along the line of the sun. It can be planted next to a fence, small buildings, in a flower bed.

How to grow and propagate

Liatris seeds

There are several ways to propagate lyatris:

  • seeds;
  • bulbs;
  • rhizomes.

Planting materials are sold by specialized stores. This plant is a perennial, so you need to choose high-quality source material and create conditions for planting.

In the description of the advantages of lyatris, it should be included that in the open field it begins to bloom in the first year. So "Picador" gives bright and juicy buds.

It is ideal to plant the plant in an open sunny area, as it loves heat and does not tolerate cold. However, the distance between each flower should be 15-20 cm.

Consider the breeding options for lyatris in detail:

  1. Growing a plant by dividing a bush

This method is recognized as the best because of its simplicity, since a mature flower simply needs to be divided into several parts. The main thing is that all parts of the plant have a root neck and tubers.

The area where planting is planned should first be dug up with humus, after which holes 20 cm wide are made, into which the root of the plant is planted. Reproduction in this way is used once every 4 years, which allows you to achieve very beautiful flowers in the first flowering season.

  1. Growing a crop from a rhizome

Under the ground, the lyatris has a rhizome, tubers and many shoots. A tuber is a bulb that is slightly flattened at the edges. The rhizome can and should be divided into parts, this does not cause any harm, but on the contrary, it helps the lyatris to grow and grow stronger.

For example, division allows you to grow pink flowering liatris in the first year. Therefore, this method is considered more productive than using seeds for these purposes. In this way, you can grow various varieties of plants.

After the green mass dries up in the fall, the rhizomes are dug up, cleaned from the ground, dried and sorted. R It is recommended to choose lyatris tubers at least 2 cm. If there are none, it is better to buy them. Tubers of small sizes are best used for growing.

Good to know: adult plants are recommended to be divided into tubers about once every 3 or 4 years. For this plant you need to dig, dry and divide. This applies to any method of planting a plant, since tubers are formed in any variant.

Before planting, tubers should be carefully examined to identify possible rotting or mechanical damage. It is very important to properly position the root, because if there is a depression on it, it must be in the ground. It is important to carry out proper care and watering, especially in the first period.

How to help winter

As soon as the plant matures, the leaves turn yellow, wither and begin to fall off, it must be cut. The earth in the flower bed is mulched with peat, compost, dry leaves or spruce branches.

Straw should not be used because of the possible nests of rodents that will feed on rhizomes. The mild winter climate does not require the plant to be mulched, as it is able to withstand slight frosts without damage.

He is not afraid of even light frosts, since liatris normally tolerates climate changes.

How to divide liatris tubers, see the following video:

ratings, average:

Each flower has its own benefits. For some it's a scent, for others it's beneficial features, for the third - external beauty, for the fourth - it is simplicity and unpretentiousness in planting and growing in open ground, a variety of varieties. And there is a flower that combines all of the above. This is a handsome liatris.

Features and varieties of lyatris

Liatris is shaped like a candle. The multi-leaf straight stem ends with a bright rosette of inflorescences, which, at the time of flowering, seem to “light up” different colors. A flower blooms from the top, resembling panicle brushes.

Liatris is very reminiscent of delicate and romantic wild flowers.

The subtle aroma of lyatris resembles the smell of vanilla with subtle, subtle notes of hay. The thing is that lyatris leaves contain coumarin, which is widely used in perfumery. Liatris and cosmetologists are no less actively using it, because its decoction has a high tonic effect. It is widely known that this flower helps with diseases of the kidneys, and as a medicine against malaria and even venereal diseases. And lotions from the roots help with wound healing.

The most popular three types of this flower:

Spikelet lyatris. This species reaches a height of 80 cm, its stems are densely covered with leaves, and the inflorescences come in 6 different colors: purple, lilac, pink, purple, azure and, considered the rarest, white.

White liatris

Filmy lyatris. Bright pink or white "candles" of this type of lyatris can reach a meter height. It has very broad leaves.

Rough liatris. The tallest member of the family. Its height reaches two meters. His purple small flowers collected in fluffy panicles.

Rough liatris

Liatris is jokingly called the flower of lazy people, because it is unpretentious in care and is not very susceptible to disease. In addition to all this, liatris is an excellent honey plant. This flower is great for cutting. Flowers can stand in a vase for up to two weeks.

How to plant liatris

When planting liatris in open ground, it should be remembered that the flower feels best in a well-lit place: it is not afraid of direct sunlight. But the shadow can adversely affect the shades of inflorescences, the growth and development of culture. Therefore, he should be given the sunniest place on your site, for which he will definitely thank you with all the variety of his flowers and fluffy bushes.

Bicolor liatris

Liatris can be planted in open ground with tubers or seeds. Planting seeds is recommended to be done as follows:

  1. Sow flower seeds in a cold greenhouse or immediately in open ground in late March or early April.
  2. Seedlings that sprout are grown until mid-autumn, and then, when the greens die, the tubers are dug up and stored with the ground until mid-spring.
  3. Then they are planted in a prepared place.

Liatris sprouts before landing in a permanent place

Liatris prefers dry soil, without close proximity to groundwater. The plant does not tolerate heavy clay soils well.

Suitable care

Caring for liatris does not bring much trouble. It is enough to water the plant as needed when the ground around the bush is dry. In most cases, the lyatris has enough rain. Abundant watering can lead to flower rot.

Liatris requires minimal care

Closer to autumn, when the liatris finishes flowering, the corollas of the inflorescences are cut off so that the seeds are not blown over the entire area by the wind. And at the end of the season, the plant is cut at the root and covered for the winter with a 10-15 cm layer of humus or foliage so that the tubers do not freeze in frost. Frosts below -5 C can harm the plant. So if winters in your area are frosty and snowless, then it is better to cover the plant in autumn. If the climate is temperate, then liatris will be able to winter without shelter.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Liatris is fed three times per season with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. If you notice that the leaves of the flower have begun to turn pale, it is worth feeding the bush with nitrogen fertilizer. Liatris does not need any more fertilizers. Just add some earth to it, because the tubers are close to the surface and can be washed out by rain. For the same reason, weeding lyatris should be done with care. Many gardeners recommend not weeding at all, but limiting themselves to mulching.

Liatris will feel more comfortable if the soil is mulched.

Liatris reproduction

Liatris can be propagated by tubers and division.

If you already have bushes older than three years on your site, then take the tubers directly from their roots for propagation. Tubers should be selected with a diameter of at least 2 cm. They are planted in a hole 8-12 cm, one third filled with humus.

Attention. Before planting a tuber, carefully inspect it and find a recess. This will be the top side of the tuber. If the recess is not visible anywhere, then it is better to plant the tuber sideways.

The second method of reproduction of liaris is no more difficult. Young growth must be separated from the mother bush. Choose shoots that already have a hardened root collar with tubers. Plant shoots in holes, the intervals between which should be at least 30-40 cm, fill the hole with humus by a third.

corm liatris

Liatris transplantation is done either in early spring or late autumn, and no more than once every 3-4 years. Transplanted bushes bloom the next summer.

Diseases and pests

Liatris, planting and caring for which do not bring any trouble, is also not susceptible to disease. However, this does not give him immunity from pests such as the bear. As well as from other insects that prefer to eat garden plants.

Snails can significantly damage the root system of lyatris

Snails and even field mice can also show increased interest in lyatris roots. Therefore, it is worth taking all measures in advance that will help prevent such attacks on your plants. Disease resistance in lyatris has not yet been determined, but cases are known when leaf diseases were transmitted to lyatris from infected plants growing in the neighborhood.

Liatris: combination with other plants

Liatris gets along well with other perennials that prefer sunny areas with loose soil, and tolerate drought better than excess moisture. Liatris also grows together with field specimens, gypsophila, daisies and other flowers.

Liatris in landscape design

In general, liatris is a very harmonious flower. The main thing is to choose the right neighbors for him in the garden, paying attention to the height, color and flowering period.

Liatris in snowy white or purple shades is perfect for creating expressive compositions with terry red-orange daylily or yellow evening primrose. Next to the liatris, the hosts with their lush inflorescences look picturesque.

Liatris is very often used to decorate parks and squares.

Variety "Picador", which is the owner of bright red-violet inflorescences, will contrast perfectly with snow-white bells and delphinium. It also goes well with stock roses and pale pink mallow.

In mixed-type flower beds, white liatris will look very advantageous along with purple and red monards or cherry yarrow.

Attention. The white variety of lyatris is considered the most fastidious, and does not often grow into a fluffy bush.

Low-growing varieties of liatris, planting and caring for which are the easiest, look amazingly harmoniously in rockeries among strong boulders. The most suitable variety for rockeries is "Kobold", which grows no higher than 40 cm and is the owner of bright purple-lilac and purple inflorescences. In rockeries, it will serve as an excellent backdrop for a gray-blue fescue with a Carpathian bell, shading and complementing them.

Color-contrasting landings look beautiful

Another option for using lyatris in landscape design can be longitudinal plantings - along house buildings, flower beds or fences.

Advice. Plant liatris along the line of the sun, whichever landscaping option you choose.

Liatris came to our gardens from North America relatively recently, because it can rarely be found in the flower beds of neighboring gardeners. However, such underestimated attention to this flower is completely unjustified. Indeed, in addition to easy cultivation, unpretentious care and watering, this flower has an excellent aroma and original view. It is increasingly seen in wedding photos in the bride's bouquet. Liatris begins to take pride of place in flowerbeds and rockeries. Having grown this plant in your flower garden, you will not regret it, and maybe someone will come to visit you to take a photo in front of your amazing flower bed with liatris.

Unpretentious liatris: video

Liatris: photo

Liatris is a perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. During the flowering period, liatris releases a long straight arrow, which begins at the base as a multi-leaved stem, and closer to the middle, smoothly turns into a huge number of small flowers. Which blooming, cover the entire peduncle with thin long hairs. It's just an incredibly beautiful sight.

General information

This delicate and fluffy flower will decorate any flower bed. You can choose a variety of color combinations, since the range of shades is the brightest, most saturated: white, pink, purple, purple and red. And that's not all of its virtues.

In addition to an abundance of bright colors, lyatris boasts an unusually sweet aroma of vanilla with subtle notes of spruce freshly harvested hay. This is the result of the extraction from the leaves of such a natural flavoring agent as coumarin (used to make essential oils).

An undoubted advantage is also the fact that the aroma of this flower drives away moths. Therefore, it will be enough to put one sprig of lyatris in a closet with clothes and forget about the existence of moths for six months. And this applies to both fresh and dry branches, since even when dried, this flower retains its incredible aroma. Two in one: pleasant fragrance and protection of your belongings.

Varieties and types

Liatris spikelet- is a tubular form of inflorescences, densely covered with small flowers around the stem. This species has well leafy stems about 80 cm long, on which panicle inflorescences 20-25 cm long are located. Flowering occurs for about two months (from June to July). Depending on the variety, there are white, purple, purple, lilac, pink and azure inflorescences.

membranous liatris- has wider leaves and fluffy white inflorescences, and a certain variety September Glory boasts a satisfied high peduncle, reaching one meter in height and having bright pink flowers.

Liatris rough- the highest view. You can find specimens reaching two meters in height. It has a powerful erect stem with glossy lanceolate leaves and small (about 1 cm in diameter) purple flowers that are collected in long inflorescences, but do not grow as abundantly as the previous species.

Liatris planting and care in the open field

The flower feels great both in a sunny area and in the shade. For good growth and bright flowering, liatris needs fertile and well-drained soil.

To do this, do not forget to fertilize before planting and periodically during the phase of active growth and flowering. On rich soils, the plant can grow up to two meters in height.

Watering lyatris

Liatris is a moisture-loving plant, although it easily survives a slight drying out. But what you should not do is to over-moisturize. Excess moisture can contribute to the rotting of tubers and roots.

The amount of water for each bush depends on how wide it has grown. On average, one bucket of water is enough. Pour until the earth absorbs. It is better to water more often and little by little than to pour too much and injure the plant.

Fertilizer for lyatris

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants is carried out three times per season. The quantity and consistency of the drug is indicated on the package. If the leaves of the lyatris begin to lose their brightness, then it is recommended to fertilize the bush with nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 20 g of the drug per square meter.

Do not forget about the need for periodic hilling of the bush and adding some fresh earth. This is due to the fact that the root system is located very close to the surface and with each watering or rain, the tubers and roots are too exposed.

pruning liatris

This flower is suitable for creating bouquets. Stems cut and placed in water can please the eye from a week to two. You can also use lyatris to create ekibana, as it is able to retain its decorative effect even when dried.

Just do not just lay out freshly cut specimens on a flat surface (table, floor). For proper and uniform drying, it is necessary to hang each stem on a rope with the cut up. The room must be dry and dark. The height at which the cut is made depends on the future use.

As for the inflorescences, if you did not use them in a bouquet, then they must be cut off immediately after flowering. Otherwise, the seeds will scatter in the wind throughout the site and the flower will sprout in the most unexpected or undesirable place. Since at the same time not the entire stem is cut off, but only the inflorescences, the plant will continue to delight the eye with green foliage, until the onset of winter.

Liatris wintering

At the end of the season, in preparation for winter, liatris must be cut at the root. The plant is winter-hardy, therefore it does not require any complicated additional shelter, just cover the already trimmed bush with dry foliage from the garden (or you can use humus), a layer thickness of 10-15 cm will be enough.

Liatris growing from seeds

First, before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in a solution of humate overnight. Secondly, pre-dig the earth with humus (on the basis that one bucket should go per square meter of soil). In the morning, you can start sowing. Seeds are evenly poured into holes 1-2 cm deep and closed (sprinkle with earth on top).

When propagating by seeds, one should take into account the fact that liatris gradually increases in growth, only in the second or third year does it gain full height. Therefore, do not worry if in the first year the flower is not the height that was expected.

Liatris reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is pretty simple method breeding. In this case, the required number of shoots are carefully separated from the mother plant (without damaging neighboring shoots). So that each of them has its own healthy and well-developed root neck.

Then holes are dug at a distance of at least 30-40 cm from each other, taking into account the fact that liatris grows very well and new root tubers with young shoots appear around each bush. When planting, the shoot deepens by 10-15 cm, depending on the density of the roots. Then a third of the humus is poured there and sprinkled on top with the rest of the soil.

The number of parts to be separated from the bush depends on the age of the flower, therefore, such reproduction is recommended to be carried out no more than once every 3-4 years. During this time, the bush will be able to grow enough so as not to suffer from division. Separate no more than a third from the entire bush.

Propagation of lyatris by tubers

Choosing a suitable tuber for propagation is the most important task. Ideal is one that has a diameter of 2 cm and if it grows on an adult plant (at least three years). Selected tubers are planted in holes to a depth of 8-10 cm and covered with humus by a third and the rest with earth.

An important point is the correct location of the tuber in the hole. Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the bulb and make sure that the notch (it needs to be found) is located at the top, because it is from it that the shoot will begin to sprout. The first sprouts will begin to hatch in a month.

Diseases and pests

From pests there are attacks bears and snails. In the fight against them, they have proven themselves as effective - folk methods. One is to use a bottle half filled with beer. It is buried in the ground at an angle of 45 °, so that the neck is in a small hole 2-3 cm below the ground level.

The fact is that the smell of beer attracts these pests. It is imperative to change the liquid every day, while destroying those pests that managed to fall into the trap.

Another method is to place a damp cloth around the bush and wait for the slugs to collect there. Just don't leave the rag on overnight. At night, cooler temperatures and a damp cloth on the tubers (roots) can lead to diseases.

One of the ailments is decay from waterlogging. To do this, it is necessary to cut off all rotten places and treat with a fungicide.

What is a liatris plant?

Unusual spike-shaped inflorescences of lyatris can become the highlight of any garden, outwardly resembling huge candles. The mechanism of their flowering differs significantly from similar plants - the buds open gradually, moving from top to bottom. Liatris are grown in almost all regions of the country, they are distinguished by their resistance to diseases and unpretentiousness.

Origin of unusual flowers

Liatris (from the Latin Liatris) is a representative of perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the Aster family (genus Compositae). Like other representatives of aster, the culture is distinguished by a disc-shaped flower head and several arrow-shaped buds. There is a strong similarity with garberia, with the exception of the shape of the latter shrub and karyotype.

In nature, lyatris grow in Mexico, the Bahamas and North America. There are about 20 of their species in natural habitats. The name of the plant combines 2 words of Greek origin, which translate as "doctor" and "smooth". The people call lyatris "deer tongue", "flaming star" and "merry feathers".

They gained their distribution as a garden crop due to the excellent decorative characteristics of candle inflorescences and a refined smell that combines notes of freshly cut hay and a light vanilla aroma. For a person, such a smell is pleasant, which cannot be said about moths: they cannot stand it. Just one stalk of lyatris is enough for a whole wardrobe to completely get rid of the pest of woolen things for six months.

Even a dried or cut plant retains a delicate, refined aroma for a very long time. Its flowers are popular in perfumery, they are used to create perfumes with a delicate pleasant smell. Is successful and essential oil lyatris.

Description of liatris - the most unpretentious culture

Liatrises belong to perennials, experiencing the winter season in the form of corms, forming a rhizome. Their erect stems may be simple or branched, but are always densely covered with simple linear leaves, pointed towards the outer edge. Depending on the variety, another or whorled planting of pagons is found.

The leaves have a rich green color, which remains unchanged until the fall. During the period of fall, the foliage turns into a bright bronze-colored carpet, which can become a decoration for the autumn garden. Lyatris shrubs can be from 30 cm to 2 m in height. Some of its varieties are used as food for Lepidoptera larvae.

Tubular lyatris flowers are collected in baskets, from which spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences are formed, reaching a length of up to 0.5 m. The plant is distinguished by a special aesthetic shape, resembling a candle. blooming lyatris releases buds resembling arrows, creating the effect of a lit candle. The variety of shades of the plant is the widest: white, red, pink, purple, violet.

The rhizome of the plant has the form of corms, which are connected to each other by thin processes. It is usually located near the surface of the earth. The fruits of lyatris are represented by achenes covered with villi, which have a ribbed oblong shape.

A unique plant, in addition to excellent aesthetic characteristics and a delicate aroma, has healing properties. Since ancient times, its decoctions have been used to fight against various diseases, and the cut nodules were applied to the place affected by a snake bite. An infusion of lyatris helps to cope with kidney diseases, they can be used to rinse the throat with a cold or make lotions on wounds for their speedy healing.

The culture is also widely used as a panacea for malaria, a diuretic, a cure for a number of sexually transmitted diseases. Cosmetologists use lotions from the lyatris decoction, which has an excellent tonic effect.

Features of flowering bright "candles"

Liatris blooms long time and very unusual. Its tubular buds bloom from top to bottom, forming a fluffy panicle inflorescence. It is noteworthy that the plant begins to bloom only after the peduncle has fully bloomed. Liatris is rich in a wide palette of colors, but former varieties are considered rare.

The uniqueness of the plant is manifested in the combination of many characteristics that are found separately in other cultures: delicate aroma, originality of flowering, unpretentiousness, medicinal properties. Its flowering period is in the summer. Liatris usually begin to bloom in the first half of July and end at the end of August.

Liatris varieties

In culture, 3 main types of plants are common:

  • spicate;
  • filmy;
  • rough.

Spikelet liatris (from the Latin Liatris spicata) originated from the southeastern lands of North America. His thickly covered simple leaves the stems do not exceed 1 m in height. The inflorescences of the plant are represented by small baskets, consisting of 10-13 tubular buds. All of them form spike-shaped peduncles up to 40 cm long. The flowering period of spikelet liatris begins at the end of June and lasts about 30-40 days. Upon completion, a large number of seeds appear.

Bred spikelet lyatris back in 1732. The most popular varieties are:

  • Floristan Weib - produces white flowers;
  • Floristan Violett - purple;
  • Kobold (Kobold) - pink or pink-lilac;
  • Silver Tips - purple;
  • Pikador - purple;
  • Blue Bird - azure.

For planting spikelet lyatris, ordinary soil from the garden and a fully sunlit area are suitable. Such plants are often used to attract butterflies and birds.

A rare variety of spiky lyatris is Floristan Weib, which is distinguished by the former color of the inflorescences. Its leaves are small compared to other varieties, but this feature is compensated by their quantity. The stem in height usually does not exceed 20 cm, and small flowers form inflorescences 60 cm in size.

This variety of lyatris is considered a good honey plant. Shrub during flowering grows up to 40 cm wide. The fruits are ribbed, covered with small hairs, and the seeds themselves are oblong in shape. White liatris is resistant to low temperatures, so it can winter without additional shelters.

A dwarf variety of spikelet culture - Kobold, not exceeding a height of 50 cm, grows best in sunny areas or in partial shade. The small shrub has a bright pink-purple color, its feather-shaped buds are located on neat stems. The plant blooms profusely, retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time with green leaves that remain attractive even after shedding.

Liatris membranous (from the Latin Liatris scariosa) has wider leaves than other representatives of the culture. They reach a width of 3 cm. The inflorescences of the plant are usually of a dark pink-lilac hue, and the peduncle is close to 1 m in height.

Liatris rough (from the Latin Liatris aspera) is a rare variety of a plant that is distinguished by the largest stem height (about 2 m). The flowers of this plant are small, have a purple-pink color. They grow densely and form long fluffy inflorescences.

The use of lyatris in garden decoration

The use of lyatris in landscape design is popular. garden plots in a single planting of a bush or in combination with different flowers - phlox, gypsophila, armeria, verbena, brunner. The culture can be grown for cutting, its flowers remain fresh for up to 10 days, and after drying, they are used to form winter bouquets.

Liatris goes well with flowers that have an openwork structure of the bush and rounded inflorescences. Neighborhood with field plants will be successful. In solo planting, liatris is used as longitudinal plantings along the line of the sun, for example, near a fence, small buildings, flower beds, architectural design elements.

The plant is often used in complex flower beds-mixborders or for decorating a site at the foot of an alpine hill. In flowerbeds, it is placed in a circle, creating a large, beautiful bush. In rockeries, the lyatris plays the role of a special minaret, which is complemented by a fountain, stones, and other flowers (broad-leaved ferns, hydrangea, phlox, etc.). A wide variety of design solutions are presented in the photo of the lyatris in different combinations.

Growing and propagating lyatris

A plant can grow in several ways: from seeds, corms or rhizomes. Planting material is purchased in nurseries or specialized stores, and also prepared independently. The cultivation of lyatris always begins with the selection of high-quality source material and the creation of conditions for planting.

The advantage of the plant is the possibility of flowering in the first year after planting in open ground. The appearance of the first buds, bright flowers, shiny healthy leaves will not require many years of waiting.

When and where to plant?

Before planting a plant, it is important to decide on a place where there will be maximum comfortable conditions for its growth and development. The best option for lyatris will be an open sunny area. Direct rays will not harm the plant and it tolerates high temperatures well. But this cannot be said about the cold and dampness, which can lead to the complete death of the lyatris.

Do not forget about maintaining a sufficient distance between plants, the distance should be at least 25-30 cm. Despite the love of sunlight, the flower is able to withstand light shade. Liatris are planted in open ground in autumn or early spring. In the first case, it is important to complete all activities a month before the establishment of permanent snow cover. If planting plants in the spring, then it is better to do this as early as possible.

Grown in suitable conditions, lyatris grow well, creating beautiful bushes from young shoots. In height, they sometimes reach 2 m, pleasing the eye with luxurious inflorescences. If the conditions are not so favorable, the plant will be smaller in size, but it will not lose the aesthetics of the species.

Features of soil preparation

Liatris will thrive in loose, well-drained soil rich in micronutrients and nutrients. Absolutely not suitable are damp, heavy substrates, clay soils, which are often found in hollows and other relief depressions. For the plant, soil with a neutral pH reaction or slightly acidic is suitable.

Liatris is afraid of the proximity of groundwater and frequent, abundant watering. Its root system is almost on the surface and can rot, which will certainly lead to the death of the plant. The best option for lyatris is dry soil and no rainfall.

Growing a plant from seed

Propagation of lyatris by seeds can occur in seedling or seedless way. But it makes no sense to spend time and effort on growing seedlings, since the culture is resistant to low temperatures and unpretentious to growing conditions.

Liatris is planted with seeds in late autumn or as early as possible in spring directly into open ground. The plant is resistant to frost, but it is recommended to soak the material in a solution of humate or potassium permanganate for 12 hours immediately before planting. Usually, before the first shoots appear, it takes from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. To ensure better germination of seeds, you can store them for about 30-45 days in a cold and humid place.

The land for planting is preliminarily dug up with organic matter: a bucket of humus and mineral fertilizers are applied to each plot of 1 m 2 in size. Shallow grooves are made for seeds, 1-1.5 cm is enough. Planting material is evenly distributed over the hole, sprinkled with soil and watered.

It is important to take into account the fact that when planting lyatris from seeds, abundant flowering and the full development of the plant should be expected only for 2-3 years after planting. Abundant self-sowing of adult flowers in the fall is also possible, then in the spring it is enough to thin out the seedlings. Reproduction of lyatris by seeds does not always guarantee the preservation of genetic characteristics, which is especially evident when growing hybrids.

Reproduction of lyatris by dividing the bush

The best and most in a simple way The propagation of a plant is considered to be dividing the bush. A mature flower is simply divided into several pieces. It is important to ensure that all parts of the plant have a root collar and tubers. The landing site is preliminarily dug up with humus and mineral fertilizers.

Holes are made in the prepared soil, the depth of which depends on the size of the root and is usually about 20 cm. The separated parts of the bushes are planted in them:

  • the root of the plant is placed in the hole;
  • a small amount of humus is added to the bottom;
  • everything is covered with good earth;
  • a layer of mulch is laid out around the plant.

Liatris is planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other so that new bushes that grow further do not intertwine. This method of reproduction can be used every 4 years and transplanted in early spring or late autumn. This will allow not only to propagate the plant, but also to get flowering bushes from the first year.

Growing a crop from a rhizome

The underground part of the litris is represented by a rhizome formed by nodules. The latter are interconnected by processes. Each tuber is shaped like a flattened onion. The division of the rhizome into parts does not harm the plant and allows you to grow new bushes that bloom in the first year. Therefore, the reproduction of lyatris in this way is preferable to growing from seeds.

The rhizomes are dug up in autumn, after the green mass has dried up. The tubers are cleaned from the ground, dried and sorted. It is important to choose tubers of at least 2 cm. If there are none, then you can purchase planting material in a specialized store. Small tubers can be planted for growing.

In preparation for planting tubers, it is necessary to inspect them for decay or mechanical damage. The correct location of the root is also important: the depression located on it should be directed to the surface of the earth. For planting, you need soil fertilized with compost, in which holes are made 8-10 cm deep. The distance should be 25-30 cm. Regardless of the method of cultivation, it is advisable to dig adult plants every 3-4 years and divide into tubers. The best time for the procedure is May or August.

Safe wintering of the plant

When the green mass of the plant turns yellow and crumbles, the entire above-ground part is cut off, and the surface of the earth is mulched with a 10-15 cm layer of peat, dry leaves, compost or spruce branches. Straw is not suitable for shelter, as rodents can nest in it, which feed on the rhizome of the plant in winter. In mild winter conditions, liatris can winter well without mulching.

Features of caring for lyatris

  • Watering the plant is done as needed, it can tolerate drought well. But liatris does not like stagnant moisture, so during the rainy season it is worth organizing an artificial drainage system so that water does not accumulate at the roots. For the plant, there will be enough moisture from the rain if there is precipitation at least once every 7 days.
  • To temperature regime Liatris is unpretentious, it perfectly tolerates frost and heat. Special attention should be given to the soil, mulch the plant and rake the earth to it, by analogy with potatoes. Loosening the soil should be done with extreme caution, its nodules are located close to the surface and can be damaged, which will harm the flower. Instead, the ground should be mulched organic fertilizer or fertile soil. This will protect root system plants and make it easier to care for, eliminating the need for regular weed removal.
  • Liatris needs to be fed: nitrogen mineral fertilizers are suitable for spring, and phosphate-potassium fertilizers are suitable for summer. Tall flowers sometimes require tying to a support to prevent the plant from breaking off. Withered inflorescences are removed, which prevents the plant from losing its decorative appearance even after flowering. To prepare the lyatris for wintering and strengthen its tubers, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied at the end of autumn. Recognizing the lack of these substances in a plant is very simple: its green mass begins to significantly lighten.

Pests and diseases of lyatris

Planting and caring for liatris is quite simple, does not require special knowledge and effort. It is resistant to diseases, but can be damaged by snails or bears. A simple folk method is well suited to combat them: a bottle of beer (about 100 ml) is dug into the ground at an angle of 45 ° so that its neck is in a small hole, 2-3 cm lower from the surface level. Snails and bears will crawl to the smell of beer and fall into a trap. The disadvantage of this method is the need to regularly update the beer in the bait.

From an excess of moisture, liatris can rot. To save the plant, it is worth cutting off all rotting pagons above the ground and treating it with a fungicide. In the case when the disease is caused by its placement in heavy soil or the proximity of groundwater, it is worth considering changing the site.

The comic name of the lyatris - "lazy flower", is associated with its resistance to the environment and low susceptibility to diseases and pests. All types of plants are good honey plants. Liatris can rightfully take a special place in the garden of an experienced grower, as well as a beginner or amateur.

Outwardly, Liatris seems unremarkable, but in fact this plant from North America has many advantages: it is unpretentious, highly decorative, and its flowers have a pronounced aroma. In addition, the plant has certain healing properties, so it is often used in folk medicine.

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the lyatris, there are certain rules its cultivation. Necessary information about propagation, cultivation and care of a plant in the garden, you will find in this article.

What is a liatris flower

Outwardly, liatris is somewhat reminiscent of thyme or lavender: it has the same erect stem with thin leaves, and the inflorescences look like small panicles. At first glance, lyatris looks like a candle, and due to the variety of varieties and hybrids, the shade of inflorescences can be not only lilac, but also white, pink, red or even purple (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Species diversity of lyatris

The leaves of the culture contain a lot of coumarin. It is a natural flavoring agent that gives liatris a pronounced vanilla flavor with light notes of freshly cut hay. It is because of this smell that dry plants are often placed in wardrobes to fight moths.


Liatris belongs to perennial plants. It has a thin straight stem, densely dotted with pointed leaves. The roots of the plant are shaped like small bulbs, and lie close to the surface, with each root connected to other small thin roots.

Note: Most varieties of the crop are not too tall, but with the right selection of soil and optimal care, the height of an adult plant can reach two meters.

The flowering period begins in summer, and the first inflorescences appear not in the lower, but in the upper part of the plant. At the end of flowering, in place of the buds, oblong ribbed achenes are formed, covered with pile. Fresh flowers can be used to create bouquets, and dried flowers can be used for winter flower arrangements. In addition, the culture is great for decorating the garden: it can be planted as a independent plant, and in combination with other flowering crops.

Liatris varieties

Despite the wide variety of lyatris varieties, only three types are most often used in horticulture and landscape design: spikelet, membranous and rough (Figure 2). Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. spikelet lyatris differs in low stems (no more than 50 cm), densely covered with pointed leaves. The inflorescences are collected in small baskets, and their length reaches 35 cm. The flowering period begins in late June or early July and lasts for a month and a half. The spikelet species group includes the varieties Floristan Weiss, Floristan Violet and Kobold.
  2. Rough the species is rarely grown, although it is highly decorative, thanks to small buds collected in long fluffy inflorescences. In most cases, varieties of a rough look are distinguished by a pink-lavender shade of inflorescences, but there are hybrids with white buds.
  3. membranous lyatris differs from other species in wider leaves: they can reach a thickness of 3 cm. At the same time, the inflorescences of most varieties of this group have a dark pink-lilac hue, although there are several varieties with buds of a different color. For example, Alba has white flowers, while September Glory has hot pink flowers.

Figure 2. The main types of culture: 1 - spikelet, 2 - rough, 3 - membranous

Several varieties can be grown on the same plot. This will help create an unusual flower arrangement and fill the space where other ornamental crops cannot grow.

The use of lyatris in garden decoration

Liatris is often used in garden landscaping. Such popularity is explained not only by the long flowering, but also by the unpretentiousness of the culture. So, the plant can be used for planting in areas with rocky infertile soil, where other flowering crops cannot be grown (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Using a plant to decorate a garden

In addition, liatris is often used to create flower arrangements. It goes well with phlox, verbena and gypsophila.

Growing and propagating lyatris

There are several ways to grow lyatris. It can primarily be propagated by seed (both seedling and seedless), but many gardeners prefer to practice dividing the bush or propagating by rhizomes.

When planning the cultivation of lyatris, it is important not only to choose suitable way reproduction, but also to correctly select and prepare a site for culture. We will consider this aspect of plant cultivation in more detail.

When and where to plant

If your site already has such a flower, but you want to get a few new plants, the easiest way is to use the method vegetative propagation. To do this, they practice dividing the bush, which is carried out in August or September, when the flowering period has ended and the plant begins to enter the phase of vegetative dormancy.

By dividing the roots of an adult plant into parts, you will receive high-quality planting material for the cultivation of new bushes.

It is important to choose the right site for lyatris:

  • You can plant a crop in well-lit areas, since liatris is not sensitive to direct sunlight, burns or high temperatures;
  • The soil should be loose and fertile enough;
  • Preference should be given to areas with drained soil, since the root system of the plant, located close to the surface, is sensitive to moisture stagnation.

Planting a crop, regardless of the chosen method of reproduction, is carried out in early spring. But this event must necessarily be preceded by the preparation of the future beds.

Features of soil preparation

As mentioned above, the only important requirement Liatris is grown in well-drained soil. In areas with heavy and waterlogged soil, there is a high risk of root rot and crop death.

Therefore, the area allotted for the flower must be dug up, freed from weeds and, if necessary, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied. If your area is close to ground water, it is desirable to equip drainage grooves around the flower bed to remove excess moisture, and lay out a layer of drainage material in the planting holes: broken brick, gravel or expanded clay.

Growing a plant from seed

You can grow liatris from seeds both in seedlings and in seedlings. However, if you do not plan to sell seedlings of the crop, you can use the method of direct sowing in the ground.

Note: Liatris is highly resistant to cold and has excellent germination, so the winter sowing method is suitable for growing from seeds.

You can sow seeds in the selected area both before winter and in early spring, immediately after the snow has melted. Before this, it is advisable to place the seeds for 12 hours in a solution of humates to stimulate germination. The bed must be dug up in advance and fertilized with mineral top dressings (one bucket of humus per square meter of area). Further, small grooves are made on the site, no more than one and a half centimeters deep, and seeds are sown in them. From above, the grooves are sprinkled with a small layer of soil and watered.

It should be borne in mind that with this method of reproduction, full-fledged flowering plants will appear only in the second or third year after sowing. So if you want to get flowering plant already in the current year, you will have to use other growing methods (Figure 4).

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is a simple, but quite effective way of reproduction. To do this, it is enough to separate several shoots with roots from an adult bush. At the same time, it is important to ensure that each shoot had a strong root collar with several tubers. Only in this case the plant will quickly take root and begin to grow intensively.

Planting of young seedlings is carried out in pre-prepared holes, located at a distance of 40 cm from each other. If necessary, the bushes can be placed thicker, at a distance of 25 cm from each other, but this condition is relevant only for varieties with small shoots.

Figure 3. Methods of propagation of culture: seeds, dividing the bush and rhizomes

The roots of the plant are buried in the hole by 10-15 cm, and the hole itself is filled with humus by a third, and the remaining space is filled with ordinary soil. On top of the planting, it is desirable to mulch with humus so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and do not experience a lack of moisture.

Growing a crop from a rhizome

If your site already has an adult shrub older than three years old, it can also be propagated by tubers located on the roots. The size of each tuber must be at least 2 cm. Only such planting material allows you to get a healthy and productive plant.

Planting tubers from rhizomes is carried out according to the same scheme as when using the method of dividing the bush. The tubers are placed in pre-prepared holes, sprinkled with humus by a third and fill the pit with soil. At the same time, it is important to correctly position the tuber in the hole: a small notch should be on top, since it is from it that young shoots will appear in the future.

Features of caring for lyatris

Liatris is unpretentious horticultural crops, therefore, care for him can not be called difficult. For example, you need to water the plant only as needed, but it is advisable to regularly free the bed from weeds.

A feature of caring for this crop is the need for hilling the bushes. Loosening is not suitable for the plant due to the superficial location of the roots, which can be easily damaged. In addition, tall varieties require supports, to which flower stalks are tied.

During the growing season, three top dressings are carried out. The first is carried out in early spring, using nitrogen fertilizers for this purpose to stimulate growth. In summer, when the flowering period begins, potassium-phosphorus top dressing is applied and the procedure is repeated at the end of flowering.

An additional care measure is the pruning of faded flower stalks, which not only reduce the decorative effect of the plant, but also take away the strength necessary for building up green mass and preparing for winter.

Safe wintering of the plant

Liatris is resistant to cold, but some preparation of the flower bed for the winter is still worth it.

Note: If you live in the southern region with warm winters, special preparation of the plant for the cold is not required, since the culture will survive the winter well even without shelter.

In a temperate and harsh climate, it is necessary to provide the culture with optimal conditions for wintering. When the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off, the aerial part is completely removed, and the bed is mulched with peat, compost or dry leaves. The height of the layer should reach 15 cm. It is impossible to use straw as a mulching material, since in winter rodents can settle in it, which can damage the root system of the crop.

Pests and diseases

Liatris is distinguished not only by unpretentiousness, but also by resistance to diseases. The only harm to the plant can come from slugs and bears, but they are easy to eliminate with baits.

Of the diseases, it is only susceptible to root rot, which can appear with excessive watering or planting in wetlands. In this case, it is necessary to remove all rotten aerial parts, and treat the plant itself with a fungicide solution. However, if the symptoms of rot reappear, you need to transplant the plant to another, less humid area.

You will find more information about planting and growing lyatris in the video.

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