When to plant liatris in open ground. Liatris - blooming candles in the garden

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The plant is from North America is gaining more and more popularity among Russians who have dachas and personal plots. At home, the bush reaches a height of 2 meters, but the spikelet liatris, which will be discussed in this article, grows on average in Russia up to 60–80 cm. bottom like others flowering plants. The culture exudes a delicate but persistent aroma of vanilla with hints of dried grass.

The plant does not impose high requirements for care. Indifferent to hot temperatures in summer heat tolerates dry periods well. Does not tolerate close occurrence of groundwater and waterlogging of the soil.

In order for the culture to form correctly, a place for it is chosen open and sunny. It is undesirable to be near fruit trees or a fence. It is not recommended to plant liatris in the lowlands, as the accumulation of melt water in the spring will cause irreparable damage.

Dislikes culture heavy clay soils. The soil should be loose and light. Drainage is artificially created before planting. Coarse-grained river sand, pebbles, sawdust are suitable.

Caring for spikelet liatris includes hilling. The root system, consisting of tubers, is superficial, so that it does not become bare, periodic topping up of the earth is required.

Landing in open ground

To improve soil fertility, when digging, add rotted manure, compost or peat. Enough bucket for 1 square. m.

Planting can be done with seeds before winter or spring. Calibration is done to ensure germination. To do this, the seeds are poured with water and mixed, the full-weight ones will sink to the bottom, the empty ones will float.

Grooves, 1–1.5 cm deep, are evenly filled with planting material, sprinkled with earth on top, watered and mulched with organic matter. The first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks. If there are already mature plants on the site, then an independent dumping of seeds is provided, which take root well. The disadvantage of this method is the duration of cultivation. The plant will fully develop and bloom in the second or third year.

You can get an adult liatris faster if you plant tubers. Preference should be given to specimens with a diameter of more than 2 cm. The age of the bush from which they are taken must be older than 3 years.

They are deepened into a pre-prepared hole by 7–10 cm. In group plantings, a distance between holes of at least 20 cm is maintained. Before filling with garden soil, it is recommended to throw a handful of humus on the roots. Then plantings are abundantly watered and mulched.

Caring for liatris spikelets

Watering should be moderate, if it rains once a week, then this is enough for the normal development of lyatris. Regular weeding will protect the crop from insect pests, ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of nutrients from the soil.

Mulching the root zone with organic matter nourishes, prevents roots from being exposed, and reduces water evaporation. This procedure is especially useful in preparation for winter period, it does not allow the tubers to freeze.

In the spring, during the growing season, liatris is in dire need of nitrogen. It is brought in during the digging of the earth. Proven nitrogen fertilizers include:

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ash.

A large amount of the mineral contains peat and mullein infusion.

When blooming inflorescences, the plant needs superphosphate. Liatris, fed with calcium, bloom lushly for a long time. This requires watering with an infusion obtained from 100 g of crushed eggshell and 1.5 liters of water left for 10 days.

Potassium sulphate, introduced into the soil during autumn digging, helps to survive the winter.

The preservation of a long decorative culture depends on timely pruning. It is necessary to remove wilted inflorescences, green leaves persist until late autumn. Liatris looks great, retains its beauty for a long time after cutting and when dried.

Preparing for winter doesn't take long. After the leaves wither, the stem is completely cut off, insulated from above with mulch, spruce branches. If the winters are severe, the tubers are dug up and sent for storage. For these purposes, a cellar is well suited.

Liatris reproduction

AT middle lane In Russia, the plant blooms from mid-June to the end of July, so in the fall the seeds have time to fully ripen. If they are not collected in time, they will spread randomly throughout the site and take root well in a new place. Therefore, the maturation process should be kept under control.

You can propagate the culture by tubers. For this, a plant is selected older three years, the root is divided, large strong and intact specimens are selected.

Liatris is recommended to be transplanted every 3-4 years in spring or autumn. In this case, one large bush is divided into two or three new ones. Each delenka with a basal neck and tubers is planted in a hole, the size of which depends on the volume of the root system. If several shoots are planted nearby, then they should be placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The hole is covered with a mixture of earth and organic matter, mulched.

When propagated by tubers and divisions, the lyatris bush blooms in the year of planting, special care does not require, but seedlings obtained from seeds need a pick.

Protection against diseases and pests

Tuber-bulbous plants, which include liatris, attract the following pests:

  • slugs, snails;
  • nematodes;
  • bear;
  • mice.

Slugs and snails eat away all above-ground parts of the plant at night, hiding in secluded corners during the day. They fight with them, collecting by hand, sprinkling flower beds with tobacco dust, pepper, mustard. Slaked lime, wood ash will create a protective barrier against shellfish. Water and food traps work well.

These protective measures apply to bears. An effective method pest control is flooding discovered burrows vegetable oil, water with the addition liquid soap or washing powder.

Nematodes are worms 1 mm in size that eat into the tissues of the bush, eating them and spreading fungal, bacterial diseases. You can get rid of them with the help of the strait of the earth hot water, insecticide treatment.

An effective way to get rid of insects is deep digging of the soil in autumn and spring, regular mowing of grass on all sides of the site, weeding, maintaining order and cleanliness in the garden.

Use in landscape design

Liatris is popular not only for its unique aroma, unpretentiousness in cultivation, but also for the fact that it is suitable for creating compositions in landscape design. You can use group plantings of several varieties of different colors, planting in rows or circles.

Single specimens look beautiful in combination with other flowers, including field flowers, ferns.

Liatris is used in rockeries and for decoration. alpine slides. Single plants look spectacular near gazebos, ponds, benches.

tall, bright, unusual shape culture will add exoticism and become an adornment of any summer cottage or personal plot.

Each flower has its own benefits. For some it's a scent, for others it's beneficial features, for the third - external beauty, for the fourth - it is simplicity and unpretentiousness in planting and growing in open field, variety of varieties. And there is a flower that combines all of the above. This is a handsome liatris.

Features and varieties of lyatris

Liatris is shaped like a candle. The multi-leaf straight stem ends with a bright rosette of inflorescences, which, at the time of flowering, seem to “light up” different colors. A flower blooms from the top, resembling panicle brushes.

Liatris is very reminiscent of delicate and romantic wild flowers.

The subtle aroma of lyatris resembles the smell of vanilla with subtle, subtle notes of hay. The thing is that lyatris leaves contain coumarin, which is widely used in perfumery. Liatris and cosmetologists are no less actively using it, because its decoction has a high tonic effect. It is widely known that this flower helps with diseases of the kidneys, and as a medicine against malaria and even venereal diseases. And lotions from the roots help with wound healing.

The most popular three types of this flower:

Spikelet lyatris. This species reaches a height of 80 cm, its stems are densely covered with leaves, and the inflorescences come in 6 different colors: purple, lilac, pink, purple, azure and, considered the rarest, white.

White liatris

Filmy lyatris. Bright pink or white "candles" of this type of lyatris can reach a meter height. It has very broad leaves.

Rough liatris. The tallest member of the family. Its height reaches two meters. His purple small flowers collected in fluffy panicles.

Rough liatris

Liatris is jokingly called the flower of lazy people, because it is unpretentious in care and is not very susceptible to disease. In addition to all this, liatris is an excellent honey plant. This flower is great for cutting. Flowers can stand in a vase for up to two weeks.

How to plant liatris

When planting liatris in the open field, it should be remembered that the flower feels best in a well-lit place: it is not afraid of a direct hit sun rays. But the shadow can adversely affect the shades of inflorescences, the growth and development of culture. Therefore, he should be given the sunniest place on your site, for which he will definitely thank you with all the variety of his flowers and fluffy bushes.

Bicolor liatris

Liatris can be planted in open ground with tubers or seeds. Planting seeds is recommended to be done as follows:

  1. Sow flower seeds in a cold greenhouse or immediately in open ground in late March or early April.
  2. Seedlings that sprout are grown until mid-autumn, and then, when the greens die, the tubers are dug up and stored with the ground until mid-spring.
  3. Then they are planted in a prepared place.

Liatris sprouts before landing in a permanent place

Liatris prefers dry soil, without proximity ground water. The plant does not tolerate heavy clay soils well.

Suitable care

Caring for liatris does not bring much trouble. It is enough to water the plant as needed when the ground around the bush is dry. In most cases, the lyatris has enough rain. Abundant watering can lead to flower rot.

Liatris requires minimal care

Closer to autumn, when the liatris finishes flowering, the corollas of the inflorescences are cut off so that the seeds are not blown over the entire area by the wind. And at the end of the season, the plant is cut at the root and covered for the winter with a 10-15 cm layer of humus or foliage so that the tubers do not freeze in frost. Frosts below -5 C can harm the plant. So if winters in your area are frosty and snowless, then it is better to cover the plant in autumn. If the climate is temperate, then liatris will be able to winter without shelter.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Liatris is fed three times per season with phosphate-potassium fertilizers. If you notice that the leaves of the flower have begun to turn pale, it is worth feeding the bush with nitrogen fertilizer. Liatris does not need any more fertilizers. Just add some earth to it, because the tubers are close to the surface and can be washed out by rain. For the same reason, weeding lyatris should be done with care. Many gardeners recommend not weeding at all, but limiting themselves to mulching.

Liatris will feel more comfortable if the soil is mulched.

Liatris reproduction

Liatris can be propagated by tubers and division.

If you already have bushes older than three years on your site, then take the tubers directly from their roots for propagation. Tubers should be selected with a diameter of at least 2 cm. They are planted in a hole 8-12 cm, one third filled with humus.

Attention. Before planting a tuber, carefully inspect it and find a recess. This will be the top side of the tuber. If the recess is not visible anywhere, then it is better to plant the tuber sideways.

The second method of reproduction of liaris is no more difficult. From mother bush it is necessary to separate the young. Choose shoots that already have a hardened root collar with tubers. Plant shoots in holes, the intervals between which should be at least 30-40 cm, fill the hole with humus by a third.

corm liatris

Liatris transplant is done either in early spring, or in late autumn, and not more often than once every 3-4 years. Transplanted bushes bloom the next summer.

Diseases and pests

Liatris, planting and caring for which do not bring any trouble, is also not susceptible to disease. However, this does not give him immunity from pests such as the bear. As well as from other insects that prefer to eat garden plants.

Snails can significantly damage the root system of lyatris

Snails and even field mice can also show increased interest in lyatris roots. Therefore, it is worth taking all measures in advance that will help prevent such attacks on your plants. Disease resistance in lyatris has not yet been determined, but cases are known when leaf diseases were transmitted to lyatris from infected plants growing in the neighborhood.

Liatris: combination with other plants

Liatris gets along well with other perennials that prefer sunny areas with loose soil, and tolerate drought better than excess moisture. Liatris also grows together with field specimens, gypsophila, daisies and other flowers.

Liatris in landscape design

In general, liatris is a very harmonious flower. The main thing is to choose the right neighbors for him in the garden, paying attention to the height, color and flowering period.

Liatris snow white or purple hues perfect for creating expressive compositions with terry red-orange or yellow. Next to the liatris, the hosts with their lush inflorescences look picturesque.

Liatris is very often used to decorate parks and squares.

Variety "Picador", which is the owner of bright red-violet inflorescences, will contrast perfectly with snow-white bells and delphinium. It also goes well with stock roses and pale pink.

In mixed-type flower beds, white liatris will look very advantageous along with purple and red or cherry yarrow.

Attention. white variety Liatris is considered the most fastidious, and does not often grow into a fluffy bush.

Low-growing varieties of liatris, planting and caring for which are the easiest, look amazingly harmoniously in rockeries among strong boulders. The most suitable variety for rockeries is "Kobold", which grows no higher than 40 cm and is the owner of bright purple-lilac and purple inflorescences. In rockeries, it will serve as an excellent backdrop for a gray-blue fescue with a Carpathian bell, shading and complementing them.

Color-contrasting landings look beautiful

Another option for using lyatris in landscape design can be longitudinal plantings - along house buildings, flower beds or fences.

Advice. Plant liatris along the line of the sun, whichever landscaping option you choose.

Liatris came to our gardens from North America relatively recently, because it can rarely be found in the flower beds of neighboring gardeners. However, such underestimated attention to this flower is completely unjustified. Indeed, in addition to easy cultivation, unpretentious care and watering, this flower has an excellent aroma and original view. It is increasingly seen in wedding photos in the bride's bouquet. Liatris begins to take pride of place in flowerbeds and rockeries. Having grown this plant in your flower garden, you will not regret it, and maybe someone will come to visit you to take a photo in front of your amazing flower bed with liatris.

Unpretentious liatris: video

Liatris: photo

Plant liatris (lat. Liatris) belongs to the genus of perennial flowering plants herbaceous plants Aster family, or Compositae, native to Mexico, North America and the Bahamas. In natural habitats, there are about twenty species of lyatris. The name of the plant is formed from two Greek words, translated meaning "smooth" and "doctor". In our country, lyatris flowers are sometimes called "deer tongue" or "funny feathers." AT garden culture liatris is grown not so much because of the indisputable decorativeness of its inflorescences-candles, but primarily for its amazing smell, which combines the finest aroma of vanilla and notes of fresh hay. The smell of lyatris attracts a person, while moths cannot stand it: just one sprig of lyatris placed in a wardrobe is enough for a harmful insect to leave your woolen sweaters alone.

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Planting and caring for liatris (in brief)

  • Landing: early spring or autumn.
  • Bloom: June July.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fresh, loose, moderately dry, nutritious.
  • Watering: as needed.
  • Hilling: regular, instead of loosening, because the plant has a superficial root system.
  • Mulching: mandatory.
  • Garter: tall varieties need a garter to a support.
  • Top dressing: mineral fertilizers three times per season: in spring - nitrogen, in summer - potassium-phosphorus.
  • Reproduction: seeds and division of the bush.
  • Pests: slugs, snails and bears.
  • Diseases: gray and root rot.

Read more about growing lyatris below.

Liatris flower - description

Liatris flower is a perennial rhizomatous plant with simple or branched erect stems, densely leafy alternate or whorled pointed linear leaves. The tuberous roots of lyatris, similar to onions, are interconnected by thin roots. With the right location and good care the height of the lyatris can reach two meters. Tubular reddish-purple, violet-purple, pink, red and white flowers make up baskets, which in turn are collected in spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences up to half a meter long. Liatris blooms in summer, and unlike other flowers, liatris blooms from the top, and not from the bottom of the inflorescence. Liatris fruits are oblong ribbed achenes covered with pile. Liatris is used in landscape design and as a solo plant, and in combination with other flowers - gypsophila, brunner, verbena, phlox, armeria. Liatris flower stalks stand beautifully in the cut - up to ten days, and dried inflorescences are used to create winter bouquets.

Growing lyatris from seeds

Reproduction of lyatris is carried out by seed seedlings and in a reckless way, however, the plant is so cheerful, cold-resistant and unpretentious that it makes no sense to spend time and effort growing seedlings. Seeds are sown before winter or in early spring directly into open ground, since they are not afraid of frost, but before sowing, seeds must be soaked for half a day in a humate solution. The earth is preliminarily dug up with organic matter, adding a bucket of humus to the soil for one square meter plot, grooves are made for seeds with a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The seeds are evenly distributed along the furrow, sprinkled with soil on top and watered. However, the grower who preferred the cultivation of lyatris seeds should know that in full height and the full flowering of the plant comes only in the second or third year after planting. In addition, lyatris gives abundant self-sowing in autumn, so that in spring it remains only to thin out seedlings.

Landing liatris

When to plant liatris

The easiest way to propagate perennial liatris is vegetatively. If you already have liatris growing on your site, you can get planting material in August or September, dividing the lyatris tuber into pieces. Planting material for sale flower shops. But first you need to choose a site where the plant will grow comfortably. For lyatris, an open sunny place is suitable. Direct rays will not harm him, and lyatris is indifferent to high temperatures, so he will endure the July heat with firmness. The soil is preferably loose, nutritious and well-drained: what liatris is afraid of is water in the roots, from which its root system quickly rots, therefore heavy damp substrates and areas in lowlands, hollows and in places with soil close to the surface are not suitable for it. water. Liatris planting is carried out in early spring or autumn.

How to plant liatris

Tubers, depending on the size, are planted to a depth of 3-10 cm, keeping a distance of 15-20 cm between specimens. After planting, the lyatris is watered, then the area is mulched with humus.

Liatris Care

How to care for Liatris

Liatris flower care consists in watering it as needed, removing weeds, periodically hilling the bushes instead of loosening the soil, since the root system of the plant is superficial and can become bare during prolonged rains. For the same reason, it becomes necessary to add soil to the site. Tall flower stalks of liatris sometimes have to be tied to a support. Do not neglect the mulching of the site, which, by protecting and nourishing the roots of the plant, significantly reduces the laboriousness of caring for the liatris. In addition, liatris needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers, which are applied three times a season: in spring, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizer, in summer - with potassium-phosphorus. It is also necessary to cut off the withered lyatris inflorescences so that the plant does not lose its decorative effect and even after flowering it pleases the eye with the bright green of its foliage.

Liatris transplant

Liatris transplantation in the fall is usually carried out simultaneously with the division of the tuber once every three to four years. Liatris is dug up, the bush is carefully divided into parts so that each delenka has a root collar with tubers, then the delenki are planted in holes at a distance of 25 to 40 cm from each other, deepening the tubers into the ground by 8-15 cm. A third of the holes fall asleep humus, then supplement it with garden soil and tamp. After watering, the area is mulched with humus.

Pests and diseases of lyatris

As you can see, planting and caring for liatris in the open field is simple and easy. Liatris is as unpretentious as it is resistant to diseases, but bears and snails can harm it. In the fight against them, they successfully use folk way: a bottle with 100 ml of beer at an angle of 45º is dug into the ground so that the neck is 2-3 cm below the surface level, in a small hole. Medvedki and snails crawl on the smell of beer and find themselves in a trap. The complexity of the method is that the beer needs to be changed in the baits regularly.

Sometimes the plant begins to rot from waterlogging. In this case, all rotting places should be cut off on the ground part of the plant, then the liatris is treated with a fungicide. If the cause of the disease is in the close occurrence of groundwater or in too heavy soil, you should think about changing the site for lyatris.

Liatris after flowering

When the flowering of the liatris is completed, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off, cut off the ground part of the plant, and mulch the surface of the site with a layer of compost, peat, dry foliage or spruce branches 10-15 cm high. Do not use straw as mulch, because field rodents like to nest in it, feeding on lyatris rhizome in winter. If winters are not severe in your area, liatris can winter without shelter.

Types and varieties of lyatris

Three types of lyatris are grown in culture: spikelet, membranous and rough.

Spikelet Liatris (Liatris spicata)

native to southeastern North America. Its strongly leafy stems reach a height of only 50 cm. The leaves are linear. Small baskets of 8-13 tubular flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences up to 35 cm long. Flowering begins in June or July and lasts 35-40 days. In culture since 1732. The most famous varieties of spikelet liatris Floristan Weiss up to 90 cm high with white flowers, Floristan Violet up to 80 cm high with purple inflorescences, Kobold - liatris up to 40 cm tall with pink-lilac inflorescences.

For many garden plants winter is a real challenge. Frosts can weaken flowers and even lead to their death. Therefore, the best way out can be considered the creation of special shelters that allow you to calmly spend the winter. A beautiful plant dotted with bright spikelets also needs your protection. So, we will talk about preparing lyatris for winter.

Preparing Liatris for Winter - Pruning

In general, for this magnificent bush in the fall, three usual procedures are carried out:

  • pruning;
  • hilling;
  • shelter.

Pruning is necessary so that the stems do not become a weakening factor that can lead to plant disease. Excess moisture, fungal spores can get from the top to the corm and lead to the development of rot or disease on it. Therefore, there should be no doubt whether to cut the lyatris for the winter. Don't worry, stems will reappear by summer.

For pruning, use a sharp knife or secateurs. The stems are carefully cut, and the stumps are left almost under the root.

Liatris for the winter - hilling

Over the summer, the corm of the liatris is gradually exposed, which is why it needs hilling. In the southern regions, the plant normally tolerates slight frosts down to -15 degrees without shelter. But this is subject to a snowy winter. If precipitation is not expected, and frosts are getting stronger, leatris must be covered. Use what you have on hand. Straw and leaves are an extreme option. Peat or humus is more suitable. You can cover the bush with a small plywood or wooden box.

As for whether it is necessary to dig up liatris for the winter, this rule is relevant for regions with low frosts. Corms are carefully dug up and placed in a container with slightly moistened peat. With the advent of spring, after the frosts end, the rhizomes can be planted again in open ground.

Liatris is a perennial flower belonging to the Compositae family. The plant blooms with a long straight arrow with many miniature flowers. Opening, they cover the entire pedicel with the finest hairs.

Fluffy and elegant flower will be an elegant decoration of any front garden. You can pick up various combinations, because the range of shades of culture is so wide that it amazes the imagination.

In addition to the splendor of flowering, liatris captivates with the sweet smell of vanilla with hints of freshly cut grass. This aroma is the result of the extraction of the natural substance coumarin from the leaves, which is used to make essential oils.

Another advantage of the flower is the fact that it drives away the moth - a lover of furs. Place one branch of the plant in a wardrobe with clothes, and you will forget about pests for six months. Moreover, both dry and fresh branches have a deterrent effect.

Liatris in landscape design photo

The use of culture to design gardens, front gardens, parks, flower beds always gives its result. Medium height and tall varieties trim complex flower beds. Low grades are used to decorate alpine slides. In the garden, lyatris looks great framed by fountains, stone flower beds in the form of candlesticks.

The plant is perfectly combined with other representatives of the flora, namely flowering subshrubs - hydrangeas. Often they are found together with broad-leaved ferns. The flower coexists perfectly with phloxes.

Features and methods of planting lyatris in open ground

In order for the planting of a flower to be successful, you need to follow the recommendations of experienced florists. The culture is propagated by seeds or tubers. Read on for details on each method.

Landing site selection and soil requirements

Before planting a crop in the soil, all the nuances of the chosen place should be taken into account. The plant grows well in sun and shade. To enjoy flowering and rapid growth, you will need fertile soil well-drained soil. To do this, regularly fertilize the land during the growing season and flowering. On the nutrient soil Liatris can grow up to 2 meters in height.

Preparing the landing pit

To plant a flower, you will need to make holes of 8-10 cm and mix them with humus. Bulbs planted in the ground are covered with a layer of soil. After compacting, watering and mulching. Between the rays, you need to leave a distance of up to 30-40 cm, so that the young growth has enough space and nutrients.

Planting lyatris seeds

Before sowing, planting material is soaked in a growth stimulator. The soil is dug up with humus on the basis of: one bucket of fertilizer should go per 1 m 2. Flowers can be sown in the morning. Seeds are carefully poured into holes to a depth of 1-2 cm, mulching with soil on top.

Planting lyatris tubers

The main task is to choose a suitable tuber for planting. A root with a diameter of two centimeters or more is ideal, and if it grows on an adult flower for at least 3 years. The tubers are planted in holes ten centimeters deep and covered with earth mixed with humus.

Correct tuber placement - important point in landing. Inspect the root before planting. The recess from which the shoot sprouts should be on top. The first sprouts will erupt after a month.

Rules for caring for liatris after planting

The plant is not capricious and truly bears the title of "a flower for lazy gardeners." Outdoor care for a crop lies in its watering, loosening the soil, and removing weeds. Young lyatris will require more attention. Once the bush grows, it retains moisture and interrupts the growth of weeds.

Watering the plant

The flower loves moisture. Although it can be distinguished that it will easily survive a small drought. What the plant does not need to do is pour the soil. Excess water will cause the roots to rot. The amount of liquid poured out depends on how massively it has grown. On average, a bucket of water is enough for irrigation. You need to pour water until the soil absorbs it. It is optimal to water more often, but little by little, than to fill the bush and injure the culture.

Weeding and hilling bushes

Periodically, the lyatris is spudded by adding a little soil to the top. Since its roots are close to the surface and may become exposed over time, for example, during prolonged rains.

Weeding is carried out as weeds grow. As we mentioned above, overgrown flowers block the growth of weeds. Therefore, the gardener should not have problems in this matter.


Weeding beds, be sure to carry out mulching. It is not necessary to fluff the soil at the base of the flower. Because of the roots that are on the surface of the earth. After watering/rainfall, mulch the soil.

Inspect the flower carefully, add some mulching materials if necessary. This procedure is also recommended before wintering.

Plant nutrition

Liatris are fertilized three times a season using potash and phosphate preparations. If the leaves of the flower began to change color, feed the bush with nitrogen. The plant does not need other nutrients.

Trimming and garter to the support

Individual varieties of culture grow up to a meter. For this reason, it is imperative to tie a flower. Next to the bush, drive in the sticks and pull the wire (tight rope). Tie a plant to the structure. If this is not done from the masses and unfavorable weather conditions the stems will break and the flower will die.

If you see that some inflorescences have wilted, cut them off. This will make it possible to improve the aesthetic appearance of the flower. And the color of the leaves will become even more saturated. Often the plant is pruned at the end of the flowering period.


The process of planting and caring for a liatris flower in the open field is not so complicated, but you need to know how the culture is transplanted. Adult flowers are transplanted simultaneously with the division of the tuber every 3-4 years. Do not spare time for this procedure. Without it, the pet will become smaller and eventually disappear. So, how to make a transplant:

    The plant is taken out of the ground, the roots are carefully cleaned. The bush is divided into parts with a sharp knife. Each division should have its own root collar with roots. New bushes are planted in holes 8-10 cm deep at a distance of 25-35 cm from each other. The holes are filled 1/3 with humus, covered with earth, well tamped. the soil is watered and mulched.

It is recommended to transplant liatris in October. Then in the new season, young plants will get stronger, and will delight the grower with high-quality flowering. If, due to the prevailing situations, you could not transplant the crop in the fall, do it in the spring. However, in this case, flowering may not occur or may occur late.

Preparation of lyatris for wintering

With the arrival of winter at the end of the season, the flower is cut under the spine. The culture withstands frosts, so it is not necessary to cover it with something significant.

Just wrap the remains of the flower with dry foliage. You can use humus laid out on a flower 10-15 cm thick.

Liatris: useful properties

I would like to note that the plant not only decorates any front garden, but is also universally known as a medicinal crop. A decoction of the flower has a diuretic, astringent, antiseptic effect. Liatris solution helps to treat abnormal abnormalities in the kidneys.

Taking a bath with a flower, you will have a tonic effect on the body. Also, the plant is an antiseptic, it completely saves from itching. Lotions are made to heal wounds. For sore throats, gargling with a decoction will help.

Diseases and pests of lyatris

Landing, further care for a green pet in the open field does not cause difficulties. The plant is not whimsical in cultivation, absolutely resistant to disease. However, snails and bears (kapustyanka) were and remain ardent enemies of culture. To overcome the pest, you can use folk method: pour beer into a container and dig it into the ground. Insects crawl to the smell of liquid and fall into a trap. The method is complicated in that the beer needs to be changed constantly.

It happens that the flower rots due to excess moisture. In this case, you need to cut off all the diseased parts of the flower and treat the liatris with a fungicide. If the cause of the disease lies in groundwater closely flowing with culture, you should think about and transplant your pet to another flower bed.

Liatris: types and varieties with photos and names

In nature, there are many beautiful flowers, captivating look. If we talk about representatives of the lyatris flora, then gardeners distinguish the three most popular types of plants. Read more below.


Blooms during the first 2 months of summer. Depending on the variety, it is pink, whitish, purple, violet, lilac and azure. It has a pedicel shaped like a tube. It is densely covered with tiny flowers. Stems up to 80 cm long are completely covered with leaves. Inflorescences in the form of panicles 20-25 cm long.

Among the well-known varieties of spikelet liatris, breeders distinguish the following:

    Floristan Violett - color various shades purple. Florian Weiss - characterized by 90 cm stems with large inflorescences in the form of white candles. Kobold - opens with lilac-pink pedicels on stems forty centimeters high.


The Liatris view is represented by wide and big leaves with fluffy whitish pedicels. The tops are decorated with fluffy inflorescences resembling balls. They consist of small flowers of lilac and pink tones.

Popular varieties:

    September Glory - has big pink flowers, grows up to a meter tall. Alba - has large pink and catchy flowers with an unobtrusive aroma.

The tallest species. In nature, there are specimens growing up to 2 meters. The flower has strong stems with shiny green leaves. It blooms with small purple flowers collected in long pedicels.

The representative of the species is the White Spire variety blooming with snow-white flowers.

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