Why does herbaceous hydrangea not bloom? Difficulties in adaptation: the shrub does not take root in any way

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Hydrangea is very beautiful and unpretentious flower... His lace hats adorn any garden, bringing a special tenderness and comfort to the site. You can plant hydrangea bushes in flower beds, by a fence, or used as a hedge. And although hydrangea has a rather unpretentious disposition, not all gardeners can achieve its flowering.

In order for a flower to be beautiful and give a lush color, it must be properly looked after, properly watered, pruned and fertilized. Why does the hydrangea not bloom, but only gives foliage? Let's take a look at the possible reasons.

Why does the hydrangea not bloom, but only gives foliage?

  • Weak root system- she will be like this with improper care or if the seedling is less than two years old. Some varieties (and there are about 70 of them in total) do not bloom at all in the first 6 years after planting.
  • Wrong planting site - hydrangea loves slight partial shade or diffused natural light. Perhaps the flower will grow and bloom normally in the sun, but in most cases, direct sunlight is destructive for it. It is also not recommended to plant bushes under the crowns of trees, next to a roof slope or a house.

  • There is something wrong with watering - in hot and dry weather, it needs to be done at least twice a week, rainwater or settled water will do. A one-time watering of the bush should take a bucket and a half of water, no less.
  • Poor soil characteristics - hydrangea will bloom only if the soil in which it grows is loose, fertilized and well moistened. For most varieties, it should be slightly acidic - on alkaline and neutral it will be much less likely to wait for flowering (measure the acidity of the soil and change it if necessary - this can be done by watering with a solution of sulfuric acid).

  • Improper fertilization - the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers stimulates the growth of foliage, and fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus affects the abundance of flowering. Nitrogenous compounds need to be applied, but only in the spring - in the summer, the bushes need a different feeding, otherwise they will not bloom.
  • Excessive pruning of bushes - if you prune all branches for the winter, the plant will not bloom the next year. Autumn pruning involves the removal of dry twigs on which there are no leaves, thin and weak shoots, branches growing towards the stem - leave the rest
  • The buds are frozen or the branches are broken off - to prevent this from happening, place stones or bricks under the branches, another option is to close the plant for the winter.

It is impossible to say unequivocally why your hydrangea bush does not bloom, so check all the above possible factors. Something should definitely help!

Hydrangea is especially popular among amateur flower growers. This is due to a number of factors. First of all, hydrangea flowers gather in inflorescences and form large "caps". And the colors range from pale white to bright red or purple.

Such a plant will decorate any flower bed. A feature of hydrangea is that you can grow it at home. However, she is quite whimsical and sometimes it is difficult to answer the question of why hydrangea does not bloom. How should you care for this plant so that it is pleasing to the eye during flowering? Hydrangea can be grown both on open ground, and in a pot. Let's consider each case separately.

Garden hydrangea

This shrub does not tolerate the sun well. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to choose a shaded area, on which direct sunlight practically does not fall. It is constantly necessary to ensure that the soil is moist. Hydrangea, with a lack of moisture, not only blooms poorly, but also slows down the growth rate. A prerequisite for hydrangea flowering is the presence of an acidic soil.

Fertilization and care

Like any other shrub, hydrangea needs fertilization, feeding and pruning. It is advisable to feed the flower several times a month with special substances.


As for pruning, the situation here is somewhat more complicated than with feeding and fertilization. Pruning is done:

  • in the spring, if during the winter the branches of the bush have suffered from cold weather;
  • in the fall, to rejuvenate the plant.

To avoid damage to the branches, you need to cut off all the inflorescences every fall. An exception is the macrophile, which does not need pruning. Such a need exists only when there are branches affected by frost. At the same time, care must be taken not to remove branches with flower buds during pruning. This is often the reason why hydrangea does not bloom.

Care features

You also need to make sure that the soil is loose. If you want to avoid the constant work of loosening the soil, you can add mulch. And it is advisable to water the plant with warm water. Hydrangea can hardly be called a frost-resistant plant. Therefore, for the winter it needs to be covered or dug up.

Reasons for the absence of inflorescences

Based on the foregoing, the answer to the question of why the garden hydrangea does not bloom may be as follows:

  • wrong landing site;
  • incorrect trimming;
  • damage to shoots by frost;
  • insufficiently developed root system.

Due to the fact that there are more than 80 types of hydrangea, each of them has specific characteristics. Consider possible reasons lack of inflorescences for the most popular varieties.

Panicle hydrangea

There may be several reasons why paniculate hydrangea does not bloom. This species is frost-resistant. Unlike many other varieties, it does not need to be covered for the winter. However, it is no less, and maybe even more whimsical, to soils than other hydrangeas. The plant feels good on loamy soils, which have weak acidity. But on sandy soils, panicle hydrangea, most likely, will not bloom. Another reason for the lack of inflorescences in the summer may be the lack of nutrients... Therefore, the hydrangea must be fed.

Pink hydrangea

The answer to the question of why it does not bloom pink hydrangea, is simple. This type of hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Therefore, the reason for the absence of inflorescences may be the freezing of flower buds. You also need to carefully trim the plant. Since you can cut off shoots with already laid flower buds. Also, the reason for the lack of flowering may be an insufficiently strong root system. It must be remembered that hydrangea loves acidic soil. And insufficient acidity of the soil can be the reason for the lack of flowers.

Why the large-leaved hydrangea does not bloom

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is incorrect pruning. It is advisable to produce it in the spring and remove only branches affected by frost. Otherwise, you can lose the shoots on which flower buds are laid. Also, large-leaved hydrangea will not bloom in conditions of insufficient watering.


Why does the tree hydrangea not bloom? First of all, this shrub needs systematic feeding. In harsh winters, the plant can freeze over, which may be the reason for the lack of flowering. Like other species, this hydrangea needs abundant watering.

Indoor hydrangea

Like a garden hydrangea, homemade during flowering does not tolerate direct hits. sun rays and drought. Therefore, you need to choose a cool place, protected from the sun. However, with the onset of winter, this plant must be rearranged to the sunniest place in the apartment. As for the temperature regime, it should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to observing the required temperature, the hydrangea must be watered abundantly, and the leaves must be sprayed. For the winter, the plant sheds its leaves, so watering can be reduced, however, the complete drying of the earth is unacceptable. Indoor hydrangea, like garden hydrangea, needs feeding. It needs to be produced several times a month. After winter, weakened and damaged branches must be cut off.

Reasons for the absence of inflorescences

Here are some facts that can answer the question of why indoor hydrangea does not bloom:

  • the wrong place for the flowerpot;
  • insufficient moisture;
  • wrong temperature conditions;
  • incorrect trimming.

In order for the hydrangea to please with lush inflorescences, it is necessary to monitor the temperature regime and the regularity of watering. These are the most important factors. It is imperative to cover the plant for the winter. If the shoots were damaged in winter, then the likelihood that the hydrangea will bloom in the next few years is very small.

Making a hydrangea bloom is easy

Why does the hydrangea not bloom, we figured it out, but what needs to be done so that this plant begins to delight with lush inflorescences? You can try to find a better place. However, when transplanting, the plant may suffer. Therefore, you need to dig out the hydrangea carefully so as not to damage the root system. Otherwise, it will not bloom until it recovers. And this can take about two years.

It will also be helpful to increase the acidity of the soil. This can be done with coniferous humus or peat. In no case should you use chalk, ash or lime for feeding. These substances reduce the acidity of the soil, and therefore, will cause the lack of flowering.

One of the main enemies of hydrangea is frost. Therefore, for the winter, the plant must be wrapped, and the soil must be mulched. Damage to flower buds from residual frost will answer the question of why hydrangea does not bloom.

You also need to remember to water the shrub at least 2 times a week. If the plant is adult, then it will need an average of 40 liters of water. It is better that it is rainy. If this is not possible, then the water must be defended.

If the hydrangea hasn't bloomed in summer, then don't prune in the fall. Perhaps it was during the autumn pruning of branches that you got rid of the shoots with flower buds. After winter, you will need to get rid of the affected branches, and from the flower buds you will get lush "caps" of inflorescences.

Another reason for the lack of flowers can be pests. These include mosaic leaf disease, downy mildew, gray mold, aphids, weevils, weevils, and spider mites. If you find signs of the disease, then immediately you need to take measures to combat them.

There is one more detail that sellers are almost always silent about. The variety of varieties is very great. However, not all of them are suitable for our climate. If hydrangeas don't fit climatic conditions, then, no matter how you care for the plant, it will not bloom.

Finally, I would like to say a few words about one feature of this wonderful shrub. Hydrangea can change its color. In order for the plant to change color, you can use aluminum alum. In a previously prepared container, you need to put 5 grams of these alum and pour 1 liter of water. If there are several plants, you need to do large quantity solution. However, the ratio of water to aluminum alum should remain the same. It remains to water the soil with the resulting liquid. And the color change occurs due to a change in the acidity of the soil and the amount of iron in it. If you have iron filings at hand, then you can safely replace alum with them. As a last resort, old nails will do.

You can show your imagination and feed the bush only on one side. The result is a hydrangea with inflorescences of different shades. Obviously, miracles do not happen and bright red flowers will not work out of white flowers. However, you can pink color turn into rich lilac, and white into pale blue. Take care of the plant correctly - and you will never need an answer to the question of why hydrangea does not bloom.

Hydrangea - flowering plant, which can be a shrub or a small tree, there are even vines. Her profuse flowering amazed many gardeners with its grace. In Japan, the flower was named Ajisai - which means "sunny purple flower". A huge variety of flowers of inflorescences allows you to create beautiful blooming gardens starting in spring and continuing until late autumn. Main feature plants is that the color of the buds may vary depending on the acidity of the soil:

  • With a pH of 6.5-7.5, hydrangea acquires paler colors - beige, pale pink, cream or white-bluish, white.
  • With an alkaline reaction (pH more than 7.5), the color becomes bright pink, purple, red.
  • If the pH is below 6.5, the flower takes on a color from blue to dark blue.

The reasons why the plant does not bloom?

Despite the fact that hydrangea grows well in all soils, it may still not bloom. There are still reasons for this:

  1. Young hydrangea is able to bloom in the first year after breeding. But if her stalk was very weak and did not gain strength over the summer, then it may not give the expected buds even in the second year, since all the strength will be spent on growth, so they simply will not remain for laying flower buds. To avoid such a turn, it is worth using the regulators. They contribute to the early development of the root system, the formation of stems and branches. After planting in a new place, it is worth feeding with a weak solution of fertilizers so that the hydrangea takes root faster.

  2. Adult plant stops blooming due to the fact that he lacks nutrition. The second name of hydrangea is "hydrangea". She received it due to the fact that she loves moisture very much. Therefore, a lack of watering can lead to the fact that the plant will only lay leaf buds. To avoid such a problem will allow regular watering and loosening of the soil around the root collar (so that the water does not stagnate).
  3. Great amount varieties lays their flower buds exclusively on the tops of the branches. Inexperienced growers can cut them when pruning shrubs. As a result, the hydrangea will not bloom in the current season until it recovers. Before you start forming the crown of a plant, it is worth studying its characteristics.

  4. A difficult climate and poor overwintering can affect the flowering of the plant. In the first case, it is worth giving preference to varieties that are adapted to one or another temperature regime... Secondly: the plant should be well covered before the onset of cold weather, so that the flower buds are not damaged, since they begin to form in the fall.
  5. Improper transplanting can ruin the flowering of hydrangeas. In the process of experiencing, the shoots and the root system can be damaged, as a result, the plant spends its energy exclusively on the restoration of organs, and not on the laying of buds. In order not to damage the roots of the shrub during transplantation, it is necessary to dig it out together with an earthen lump, gently holding it at the base.

  6. The choice of planting site significantly affects the flowering of hydrangeas. Lack of consecration leads to the fact that the shrub buds poorly, or even does not bloom at all. If not found open space for planting - it is worth making sure that there is an installation (pillar) with artificial consecration nearby.

Video about why hydrangea does not bloom

Hydrangeas or garden hydrangeas are amazingly beautiful and lush-flowering plants that look very impressive on summer cottages, flower beds. These beauties can reach a height of one and a half meters! Both a single hydrangea and a composition of several bushes in the garden will always delight you with magnificent inflorescences different colors.
This is favored not only by the variety of shades of spherical and corymbose inflorescences, but also by the shape of the flowers themselves. In the center of the flower ball there are female-type flowers, and larger and brighter male flowers, which consist of four or five enlarged sepals, adorn the edges. In addition, this plant can be not only a shrub, but also a small tree, and even a liana. The design possibilities for a plot with hydrangea are endless!
Typically, the hydrangea bloom period lasts from late spring to early autumn. But sometimes gardeners who planted this plant a few years ago do not wait for the inflorescences to appear. It happens that hydrangea blooms poorly, and why is unknown.
Reasons for the lack of flowering
Before looking for reasons explaining why the garden hydrangea does not bloom, and deciding what to do, you need to know about some of the characteristics of the species. So, tree-like and panicle hydrangea very demanding on the conditions of detention. In addition, young plants will not form inflorescences until they gain strength, but this lasts for years. More interesting: It is difficult to say exactly in what year after planting the hydrangea blooms, because the quality of the soil, and the level of lighting, and the regularity of watering matter.
In most cases, this plant does not bloom due to the fact that its root system is not yet sufficiently developed. If you purchased flowering bush, planted it on the site, and the flowering gradually faded away, do not be surprised. Unscrupulous sellers often use growth stimulants to make the hydrangea bloom. As a rule, for another two years after such a forced flowering, the plants do not release inflorescences, gaining strength.
The second reason is the wrong pruning of plants. Old varieties of large-leaved garden hydrangeas release inflorescences at the top of the shoots that have grown in the past year. If you are not worried about covering the bush from frost for the winter and preparing it for winter, then these shoots will have to be removed due to freezing. More interesting: It is quite natural that during the flowering season your hydrangea will not please with lush inflorescences. Moreover, it will not bloom for the next several years.
Shoot pruning should be done at the end of October. In this case, several pairs of young buds are left on the shoots. In the spring, these young shoots are shortened again so that the flowering is more lush.
The laying of the buds of the garden hydrangea occurs in the fall. If frost hits at the beginning of spring, when they begin to wake up, they will freeze. How many hydrangea blooms It is not recommended to remove the shelter from the bush until the air temperature at night settles at -5 and above degrees.
The birthplace of hydrangeas is middle Asia where the climate is different from the domestic one. When buying a plant in stores, pay attention to varieties that are well acclimatized for our natural conditions... The fact is that the thermophilic hydrangea may simply not have time to lay new flower buds in our short summer, therefore it will not bloom next year.
Providing garden hydrangeas with proper care, you will acquire an excellent decoration in the garden, and fragrant lush inflorescences will delight the eye for a long time. Let your hydrangea bloom as much as you like!

Hydrangea - popular with gardeners decorative flower... It belongs to the category of capricious cultures. Errors in growing technology lead to a lack of flowers. There are several reasons why the plant does not bloom. It is important to diagnose them correctly and then eliminate negative factors.

Features of the cultivation of hydrangea

Hydrangea is grown as climbing vines, a small tree or shrub. The plant has many varieties. A variety of shades and shapes allows you to create a unique decorative combination in the flower garden. It is necessary to understand why the hydrangea does not bloom even in the spring, when they noticed the absence of buds.

Novice gardeners may face such a problem: they bought a ready-made flowering plant in a store, but at home it faded. It is impossible to achieve the appearance of new buds. The reason for this was most likely special means that stimulate flowering, but strongly deplete the hydrangea's strength. After processing, the plant may not form new flowers for several more years.

Advice. In this case, you can help the culture by introducing a growth activator.

If you buy a young specimen and plant it yourself, then it can bloom already in the first summer after breeding. However, without proper attention and care, you can be left without flowers even in the second season, if the stalk turned out to be weak and did not get stronger in the first year. And in this case, growth activators help. Preparations allow:

Hydrangea bloom

  • to strengthen and develop the root system;
  • form stems and twigs;
  • ensure the growth of greenery.

Fertilizing hydrangeas: the basis for full flowering

The correct technology for fertilizing hydrangeas will help grow a plant that can bloom normally. The first feeding is needed for the flower immediately after planting - with a weak solution organic fertilizer for good adaptation. In the process of growing, fertilizers are applied according to a certain scheme.

In early spring, the crop needs a lot of nitrogen. This mixture works well:

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - 10 liters.

Attention! Watering is carried out at the rate of 5 liters per 1 bush.

An alternative is slurry diluted in water (1:10). Later, at the stage of bud formation, the plant is fed with mineral complexes with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. To further strengthen the bush, pour a solution of potassium permanganate over the root zone and directly on the stem. The procedure must be repeated three times. In this case, there should be no situations when the hydrangea does not bloom.

In summer, the shrub must be treated with a strengthening complex for flowering crops. Nitrogen must be used carefully during this period. Its excess will lead to the strengthening of the greenery and the inflorescences themselves, which will negatively affect the strength of the branches. Total number dressing in the summer months is limited to 3 times.

During flowering, gardeners also use non-standard feeding:

  • lactic acid (yogurt, kefir, whey);
  • with soaked sour bread.

Advice. In the fall, hydrangeas need to accumulate potassium and phosphorus, so repeat the course of mineral fertilization.

How to understand why hydrangea does not bloom

The main reasons for the absence of buds in an adult specimen of hydrangea:

Front an experienced gardener the question of hydrangea flowering is not worth it. The main factor behind this is proper care behind the plant.

How to make a hydrangea bloom: video

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