Important rules of life Life options: - life - by the rules

Landscaping and planning 30.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

1) Surround yourself only with people who will pull you higher. It's just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down.

2) Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot

3) If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as you behave alone with yourself, then appreciate him as air

4) If you were told that your train has left, remember - there are still planes and yachts

5) When driving a nail into the soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there, which will overgrow for a long time and torment its owner. don't hurt those who love you with all their heart

6) Never make excuses. Not in front of those who love you, and even more so - in front of those who do not love. The one who does not love will never believe you anyway, and the one who loves - he himself will come up with an excuse for you

7) If there are rumors about you, then you are a person. Remember: Never discuss or envy the bad. Envy the best, discuss the best

Can't make a woman happy? Don't interfere with others. Jarrard Butler

9) Know how to forgive, because this is the property of the strong. The weak never forgive. Mahatma Gandhi

10) Fight, because a woman chooses strong, courageous and
persistent, and not those who, at the slightest quarrel, give up and leave

11) Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level, where they will crush you with their experience.

12) Always remember that people become close gradually, strangers - instantly

13) Learn to be happy without alcohol, dream without drugs, communicate without the Internet and be nervous without a cigarette.

14) Choose a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life

15) Don't rely too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark

16) Do not regret your mistakes, because without making them, you will never know how to do it right

17) If you want to have what you never had, you will have to do what you have never done. Coco Chanel

18) When you lose - just smile. The winner loses the taste of victory

19) You must have a dream. Necessarily! So that you can get up in the morning

20) If a bear ties you to a tree, saying something in Latin - go to bed. In any incomprehensible situation, go to bed

21) If you are dissatisfied with the place that you occupy, change it. You are not a tree! Jim Rohn

22) No one can let you down if you don't depend on anyone. Robert Anthony

23) If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. if you are able to live in the world, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it

24) Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, the remaining 20% ​​are glad that you have them

25) Do what you want. Do what you think is right. You will still be judged for the rest of your life.


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1. Do not shift responsibility for the events that occur in your life to another person. It's easy to blame someone else for your own troubles. You will receive strength only when you understand that you yourself are the author of your failures and the creator of your own successes.

2. Don't assume that you can change another person. It is a big mistake to think that thanks to someone else's influence, you can change a person. A person cannot change after persuasion and according to your desire. Only events and circumstances can affect it.

3. The past must remain in the past. It is important to understand that the past cannot be returned, and worries about this are inappropriate. Our future depends on us, on the thoughts and actions that we are doing now.

4. Society needs strong people. When we lose strength, get tired and exhausted, we become useless to anyone. Such is the nature of man. Therefore, do not become limp, be strong so that there are the same people around you.

5. Every action has consequences. Before you commit any act, you need to think about what will follow. This way you will avoid many mistakes.

6. Don't waste your precious time with people who don't like you and who don't care about you. There are many people around us with whom it is exciting, interesting and pleasant to spend time and live. Let go of those who don't need you. You deserve the best for yourself!

7. Do the things you think are important. Do not burn your life in pursuit of illusions and success, enjoy own life. Do things and do things that you think are important, and success is guaranteed to you.

Communication skills are the foundation on which your relationships with other people are built. There are things that people do unconsciously, not realizing how much they harm their own reputation and success in business. There are a few rules that can help you interact with others. Although they may seem obvious, not everyone follows them.

Rule one. Leave grudges

The ability to forgive is very important. Often people keep grievances in their souls for many years. They hoard them, covering them with a mask of indifference and pretending to smile. Getting rid of resentment is important, first of all, for yourself. Negative emotions, if you experience them for a very long time, slightly change the algorithm of the functioning of the brain. If you do push-ups as many times as you can each morning, your results will steadily improve every day. Likewise with resentment. Paying attention to them, you spend your mental and emotional resources on them, and your mind gets used to thinking in a negative way.

Rule two. Others don't have to understand you

All people are different, and often someone does not share your point of view on an important issue. Try to take it easy. Firstly, it is not a fact that you are generally right. Secondly, there are situations in which there can be no absolutely correct opinion. Be open to other people's beliefs and opinions.

Rule three. Do good selflessly

If you undertake to help someone or want to make someone happy, don't expect the person to do the same for you in return. What you do is, first of all, necessary for you. Even if you are asked for help, then give it without expecting anything in return. Otherwise, this is not good and not help, but already a deal or an exchange. If you expect nothing in return for your good deeds, you will not be disappointed.

Rule four. Don't judge

You can only judge someone "from your own belfry". You will never fully understand what the other person feels, why he acts the way he does. Even if you think that someone is fundamentally wrong, do not waste your energy on wasting words criticizing him. In addition, a person who is openly criticized will first of all begin to defend himself. Your words will not reach his ears, he will only understand that he is being attacked and will defend himself.

Rule five. It's pointless to argue

Arguing is a waste of time, as no one can ever prove anything to anyone. People sometimes get so inflamed that it comes to getting personal, while the understanding of the subject of the dispute does not change in anyone's head.

Let people build their own lives. Trust me, they know what they're doing. Despite the call to learn from the mistakes of others, most people still prefer to make their own. Unsolicited advice can only make matters worse. In addition, any imposed display of love and care is really an aggressive attempt at control.

Rule seven. Let others be themselves

All different. Don't try to change someone who is close to you. Be grateful to have such wonderful people around you. If you are unhappy with the environment, change it, find a new one, but don't try to change people. It still won't work.

To fill your life with meaning, it is enough to adhere to nine simple rules.

You need to find three different hobbies. The first hobby will bring you money. The second should help keep your body in good shape. The third should realize your creativity.

Stop overthinking your every move and start taking action. Many hours of analysis will not bring you results, nor will it give you a 100% guarantee that you will avoid mistakes.

Be confident in yourself, but not too much. In the case of excessive shyness, you may miss many opportunities that will open up before you in life.

Rely primarily on your own point of view and opinion. People around you will always criticize you, so don't pay too much attention to their gossip. Live your life according to your script.

Don't have 100 friends, have one real one. Give Special attention when choosing your environment spiritual qualities. The number of people next to you is not so much important as their moral principles and views.

Watch your thoughts and words. Try to nip negative thoughts or remarks in the bud. This will save you energy and allow you to see the pros even in the most hopeless situation.

Improve constantly. As soon as you stop, you will start moving backwards. The learning process should never stop.

Do not become dependent on another person and always love yourself first. You should not dissolve without a trace in someone else's life, especially if such sacrifice is not particularly appreciated.

Set global goals and boldly act to achieve them.

  1. No one will give you an exhaustive answer to the question of how to be happy and successful. The Internet is full of articles giving advice on achieving happiness and success in business. Some of them are even based on real stories very deserving people. But not a single such article, not a single course guarantees that the methods and methods outlined will work for you personally. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe.
  2. The easiest way is not always the right one. We are told from all sides that we need to do only what the soul lies in. However, the most pleasant activity is not always the right and useful one. It is better to do the right things slowly than to quickly and happily engage in nonsense. The path to the goal often lies through impassability and potholes and does not at all look like a pleasant trip on the freeway.
  3. The opinions of others can be destructive. No, don't completely ignore people, but don't let him uniquely shape your mood and agenda. Just take note of it, but no more.
  4. Your inner circle can make you strong or drown you. No matter how strong, intelligent and strong-willed a person you are, you will not be able to achieve much without support. Reread the biographies of great people, and in the shadow of each you will find a spouse, colleague, or even a whole team that helped him. With the greatest care and diligence select the people in your inner circle.
  5. Principles are inconvenient. Following your principles and rules will not make you the most popular, pleasant and gentle person. Sometimes not only you yourself, but also the people you love can suffer from your principles.
    Principles are like a hard bed that is uncomfortable to sleep on, but which forms a good spine.
  6. You will always be incredibly imperfect. But this is no reason to give up.
  7. Comfort kills dreams. There is nothing wrong with wanting to secure a comfortable and enjoyable life for yourself, but remember that this is the case. So you have to choose one.
  8. If you want to achieve something, then for this you need to make an effort. If you want something new, then you have to stop doing something old. If you want something that you have never had, then you must do something that you have never done before. The bottom line is that you will never find yourself in another point as long as you stand still.
  9. Our life is the result of only our choice. The difference between multiple futures is only the choice you make. You are not a product of circumstances, you are a product of your own decisions. Sometimes it's hard to admit and so you want to shift the responsibility to someone else. But in fact, it is you and your decisions that are the root cause of everything.
  10. The only link between desire and possession is action. This law of life operates inevitably, like the law of universal gravitation, and no one has yet been able to deceive it.
  11. If success has not been paid enough for, then it has no value. Only the effort expended and obstacles overcome make your achievement truly important. The world is full of people who have become so by birthright, but who cares about them? But everyone admires people who have achieved something with their efforts, even if their success looks quite modest.
  12. Challenges are part of every success story. If you're having problems, that's good. This means you are moving forward. This means that you are learning and growing.
    The only people who don't have any problems are those who don't do anything.
  13. Focus is everything. You can break through the wall only with a palm clenched into a fist, directing all your strength to only one place. No need to randomly thrash the air with your hands: it may look spectacular from the outside, but it definitely won’t bring results.
  14. What you want and what you will achieve are not always the same. All success stories are drawn to us as a two-dimensional graph of growth and decline. The hero clearly sees the goal and steadily moves towards it, overcoming obstacles. But in fact, any life path is more like an intricate labyrinth with many traps, branches and dead ends. And far from always we come to the very exit that we outlined at the beginning. And many generally choose a convenient dead end for themselves and decide to settle in it.
  15. You are exactly where you need to be at this very moment. Even if things don't go the way you would like. Even if you went to the wrong place and want to start all over again. Each and every step is necessary.
  16. You cannot change yesterday, but you can take care of tomorrow today. Live in the present. But do not forget that it is it that shapes the future.

Life, by and large, is a series random events which we can only influence indirectly. But it is this influence that ultimately turns out to be decisive.

Seize the opportunity to focus on what is truly within our control, and do not regret what is beyond our control.

Don't look back. Just take the right course and confidently move forward. We have no way of knowing what exactly awaits us beyond the horizon, but this is what makes the journey even more exciting!

Life principles are the rules of life. When you have a clear life principle, it guides you towards how you would like to behave in a particular situation. As long as you stay true to their life principle you will know that you are doing the right thing. When you do not stick to your principle, you may experience feelings of guilt, anxiety, or even stress. You are not the only one who benefits from your life principles, other people do as well, as they are offered a setting and a course in regards to how to interact with you. We may not always agree with each other's principles, but when we know each other's life principles, we can better manage relationships to ensure that we work together for mutual benefit. When you regularly communicate your principles to those you interact with, they know how you might respond in a given situation. They won't ask you to do what they know contrary to your life principles. For example, I expect to be notified if someone fails to meet their commitment. If someone is late, I expect to be told by text or phone call. People who do not inform me know that if they are a few minutes late, I may not be there when they arrive. I value my time, so I refuse to spend it endlessly waiting for someone who is not ready to offer me mutual courtesy. I send them a message that I can't wait any longer. It may seem harsh, but few people make this mistake twice.

Some typical life principles

Below are 14 life principles by which I try to live and work. Some of them may seem harsh, but I believe that each principle has helped me well in life. I present these principles of my life only for illustrative purposes. You choose those principles that will satisfy you the most. In addition, I suggest that you read the article.
  1. I don't lend money

  2. Many disputes start with money. I am not a bank, and it is not my role in life to give money to others. If good friend or a family member needs a small amount of money and I can afford it, I will just give him that money. I've found that over the years it evens itself out, but I don't keep score and they don't keep it. Therefore, we have nothing to worry about, because none of us ever feel that we owe anything.
  3. I don't work with people who don't take responsibility

  4. If you want something, you must first take responsibility for your life. You must understand that it is you who must make the necessary changes. No need to blame someone else, you have to determine for yourself what can you change and make these changes. Trying to help someone who doesn't want to accept responsibility rarely brings joy and pleasure, but regularly brings frustration and stress.
  5. Try it yourself before asking for help

  6. If you want to learn and grow in any area of ​​life, you need take on new challenges that are outside of your comfort zone. When you encounter a problem, it's important to first try to fix the problem yourself before asking for help. With resources like Google or Yandex, you can describe the problem and find someone who has had to deal with such a problem before. Trying to solve the problem yourself first is an important life principle and what I expect from myself and from others.
  7. I value my time and allocate it based on its importance

  8. and I choose to appreciate and protect it. If something is not so important to me, I do not allocate time for it. This may seem cruel to some, but I believe that the best way to help myself and others is to focus my time on those things and activities that I consider important.
  9. Need to say "No"

  10. Based on the last life principle, if you don't think something is important, it's okay to say "no". You may be wary of the reaction of those you say no to, but most people actually get it. When people don't understand your need to say "No", the problem usually lies with them. If you want to make the most of your life, you must be able to prioritize.
  11. Silence equals agreement

  12. If I do not approve of something, I must mind. I can't expect people to realize that I have a problem if I haven't made the right effort to let them know. If I don't mind, then by my silence I agree. The same goes for other people. If they do not inform me of their objection, I will assume that they agree. It should be noted that for effective application of this principle, the previous life principle must also apply, that is, it should be normal for a person to say “No”. Staying silent when you want to say "No" can lead to passive aggressive behavior that can cause serious problems.
  13. I don't take jobs outside of my area of ​​expertise

  14. Over the years I have seen far too many people in my profession taking on assignments in areas where they have little to no understanding of the subject. In my opinion this is not fair and they are doing a disservice to their customer. I understand that at times people may experience financial hardship, but for that I appreciate honesty and decency.
  15. If I'm going to be somewhere, I'll be there

  16. This is a life principle that I took from my friend. It's not just the physical presence, I also have to be present mentally. The next time you meet large quantity visitors, see how many people are present but their thoughts are somewhere else. Their presence does nothing. If you commit yourself to something, whether it be with one person or many, give it your full attention. Be there 100%.
  17. If I need to renegotiate an agreement, I do so immediately.

  18. There are times when we have to change our plans, or something is delayed through no fault of ours, and this can affect other people. This is a natural part of life. What should be equally natural is what we informing people immediately that we need to change our plans. The application of this life principle primarily characterizes you as responsible person.
  19. It's okay to make mistakes

  20. An error is usually a sign that someone trying to do the right thing. Where it's true, I try to praise the effort, and instead of berating the person, I use it to determine how to do things differently next time.
  21. Learn something new every day

  22. I love to study. It helps me feel more enthusiastic about life. Every day I try to learn something that I can apply to my life or my business. When you study a little every day, it changes things very quickly. Small daily goals to help you reach your bigger goals is a fantastic way to keep moving forward without feeling overwhelmed.
  23. Tomorrow starts today

  24. This principle is absolutely fundamental to me. Whatever life you plan for the future, that life is built with the actions you start taking today. It will not be that you wake up one morning in the life of your dreams; such a life will begin to be built thanks to your daily activities. The sooner you make this decision, the sooner you ideal life will be created. So start doing it today.
  25. Treat people the way you expect to be treated

  26. It's an old life principle and it's general principle , but unfortunately this is a principle that is often ignored. I admit that I have sometimes failed to apply this important life principle. When I failed, I experienced guilt and regret.
  27. Understand before doing

  28. Whether you're trying to offer help, sell a product or service, or resolve a dispute, it's easier to do so if you first take the time to understand the other person's needs. Listen first, then you will have a much better chance of achieving a positive result.
life principle is a guide to how you want to behave in a particular situation. Principles allow you to live and work to the fullest, allowing other people to understand The best way interaction with you. When you behave in accordance with your life principles, you feel confidence and strength. You know what you believe and who you are. Each person has his own life principles, and they are likely to be different from those of people with whom he regularly interacts. There are no right or wrong principles but if we have the courage to share our life principles with each other, then we will be more likely to enjoy a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship.

Many people in their life path, meeting difficulties, break down and reverse, leaving the dream unattainable. We will talk about the basic rules that will help each person to avoid difficulties or quickly cope with them.

As the great actor of our time, Jim Carrey, said: “If you give up your dream, then what will remain?”. Indeed, a dream is the only thing you and I have. It makes us move forward, move mountains and conquer new peaks. The rules that we will tell you about will help you stay on the right path, as well as find the strength in yourself to continue the often difficult and dangerous path. They will be useful to you in life at any stage.

Rule one: get your priorities right. Think carefully about what you really need. You need money? - Give up what prevents you from earning them. Need love? Do whatever you can to find her. Do not divide into several goals, because, as they say, "you will chase two hares ...".

Rule two: learn to forgive. This rule is not only for those who believe in God. Forgiveness is necessary in order to let go of thoughts, in order to be freed from them. Some successful rich people say to forgive, but never go back to where you were betrayed. Do whatever you want, but in no case do not count on the help of traitors.

Rule three: learn to admit your mistakes and your weakness. None of us are perfect and none of us can be the best at everything. Remember that the pain of admitting your mistakes lasts a fraction of a second, otherwise you will torture yourself for the rest of your life.

Rule four: always try something new. Our life is a movement forward, not stagnation in place. Always look for something beautiful and different from what you have already seen in yourself and in the world around you. This will help in self-development, perhaps even lead to recognition and wealth and lead to the true path, especially those. who has not yet found himself in life.

Rule five: do not be ashamed of asking for help and helping others. We live in a time when mutual assistance and assistance play an important role in survival. It is simply a necessity that makes our lives better. All good things come back to us, so do not hesitate to ask and do not be lazy yourself to help those who are dear to you.

Rule six: know how to keep secrets. This applies not only to other people's secrets, but also to their own. If you suddenly feel that it is worth keeping some information a secret, then so be it. It is better not to reveal other people's secrets and mysteries never to anyone, since betrayal can cost you dearly. Don't gossip, lie or slander someone behind their back, because it can happen to you too.

Rule Seven: evolve. No matter what you do, read books, take courses, learn something new, travel, communicate with smart people. This is very important, because our life is a constant learning.

These rules are very important. If you want to live an interesting and dignified life, then stick to these installations. They are able to help in difficult situations, and also help to avoid their occurrence. These are the main rules of the rich, successful and, most importantly, happy people. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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