How to plant flowers in the front garden. How to make a flower bed of perennial flowers? Colorful flowers for the front yard

landscaping 22.05.2019

The popular phrase about beauty that requires sacrifice can be fully attributed to the dacha: in order to make it truly beautiful, gardeners often sacrifice their strength, time, money ... But what if there is not enough time or experience yet, but do you want beauty? It's nice to relax among elegant flower beds and flower beds - is it really possible only at the cost of titanic efforts? Not at all!

Botanical tulips are hardy flowers. A photo

Of course, it will not do without difficulty, but decorate your dacha with unpretentious flowers that do not require special trouble neither during landing, nor in care, is a very real task. And if you choose the right plants, taking into account their seasonal decorative effect and the characteristics of the site, you can make your dream come true and enjoy the beauty that does not require special sacrifices from early spring to late autumn.

Unpretentious flowers - beauty that does not require sacrifice. A photo

bulbous plants

Since it is before everyone else that they meet spring in the country, we will start with them. And believe me, there are many wonderful flowers here that will not cause you any worries - except that you need to protect the bulbs from the ubiquitous ones, but for this there are special planting baskets - convenient devices that, over time, will make digging out overgrown bulbs much easier.


Colchicum is born completely "at the wrong time." A photo

Bloom: from August to November (depending on the species).
Landing: July or August, to a depth of about 10 cm.
Height: 5-20 cm.
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable soil (for autumn colchicum - slightly moist, for other species dry is preferable).
Garden use: along shrubbery, on the lawn, in rock gardens, in flower beds; can be grown as a container plant.

It is not in vain that this flower got its name: it is born completely “at the wrong time” - in late autumn, when the foliage from the trees has almost flown around, and the garden has become completely empty and sad. And here, among the general withering, these flowers suddenly bloom, very reminiscent of crocuses.

Such late flowering plus exceptional unpretentiousness is done (or colchicum - lat. Colchicum) welcome guests of the garden. They are planted in July-August, choosing sunny areas or places in partial shade. And then you can forget about any troubles for a long time - Colchicums feel much better if they are not disturbed at all. Isn't it a wonderful property?

Colchicums are beautiful, but poisonous. A photo

However, it is worth knowing and considering that (regardless of the type and variety). All parts of it contain colchicine, a potent poison, so reasonable care must be taken when planting it. Although in my garden, for example, colchicum appeared long before I learned about their possible danger, and they grow to this day.

Colchicum bulbs can be found in our catalog, which includes offers from various online stores.

botanical tulips

Late botanical tulip (Tulipa tarda), photo

Bloom: from March to May (depending on the species).
Landing: autumn
Height: 10-50 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sunny areas with nutritious permeable soil; it is desirable that in summer it be dry, and in spring - moderately wet, but without stagnant water.
Garden use: group plantings in flowerbeds and in discounts; relevant in; look very good on the lawn; suitable for growing in pot culture.

They say that botanical tulips are not only blue - nature has endowed them with all other colors and shades. Then the works of breeders were added to this, and today we can admire these charming little ones, choosing the shape and color scheme to our liking.

Tulip botanical, photo

Unlike their other relatives, they do not require annual digging of bulbs. You can plant them in a flower garden or in the middle of a lawn, and year by year they will only become more spectacular, thanks to the growing nests of bulbs and an abundance of flowers.

In our gardens more often than others are found ( Tulipa greigii), Kaufman ( Tulipa kaufmanniana), Foster ( Tulipa fosteriana), as well as late tulip ( Tulipa tarda), forest ( Tulipa sylvestris) and Turkestan ( Tulipa turkestanica).

Tulip Turkestan (Tulipa turkestanica), photo

Due to their small stature, these tulips are suitable for planting in rockeries and rock gardens; they look great on the edge of shrubbery in, on lawns, but are no less spectacular in or on. They are planted in autumn, like most bulbs, and flowering begins already in April (the earliest are Kaufman, Foster, Turkestan; Greig's tulips bloom at the end of April, forest and late ones bloom more often in May).

Iridodictiums are undemanding babies. A photo

Bloom: April, in warm regions - from the end of March.
Landing: from August until the first frost.
Height: 10-15 cm
Growing conditions: open sunny areas with light permeable soil; if the soil is heavy, sand should be added when planting. A neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction is preferred; wetting is unacceptable, even temporary.
Garden use: excellent plants for rockeries, rocky gardens; grow well and feel good under deciduous trees with a light crown; successful planting in groups on the lawn. suitable for forcing.

We talked about these plants in more detail in the article, and indeed, his flowers in the garden appear among the first. In combination with unpretentiousness and undemanding, this is an excellent reason to settle them in your country house.

Heralds of spring - crocuses. A photo

Bloom: from March to May, depending on the type and variety; there are also species that bloom in autumn.
Landing: spring-flowering crocuses are planted in autumn (from August to the first frosts), autumn-flowering - in early spring; when planting, it is advisable to use special baskets, because crocus bulbs more often than other small-bulb ones become prey to rodents.
Height: 7-20 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in light partial shade (for example, under deciduous trees or shrubs) with permeable soil.

You will find a large assortment of crocuses in our catalog, which combines the offers of many garden online stores. .


Muscari Armenian, photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety)
Landing: Aug. Sept; at the beginning of summer, after the leaves have completely died off, the overgrown curtains can be divided.
Height: 10-30 cm.
Growing conditions: preferably a warm sunny place, but partial shade is also acceptable; the soil can be damp in spring (without stagnant water), but during the dormant period the bulbs should be in dry soil. The plant does not tolerate well, use for top dressing.

A good choice Muscari bulbs of different varieties can be found in our catalog, which includes offers from many garden online stores. .

Daffodils are popular bulbous flowers. A photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 30-60 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in partial shade, with loose, fertile, permeable soil without stagnant water.
Garden use: successfully used in the design of flower beds, mixborders and discounts; look good under deciduous trees; can be grown in container culture; suitable for forcing and cutting.

Narcissists need no introduction. A photo

This flower, probably, needs no introduction - there is hardly a gardener who does not know him. I will note only one curious and useful feature of them: rodents do not touch the bulbs of daffodils. Moreover, it is believed that they, like them, scare away these animals, therefore it is recommended to plant daffodils around the perimeter of flower beds with other bulbs.

Daffodils in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Flowering: April-May.
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 10-20 cm
Growing conditions: preferably a place where in spring, during the flowering period, Pushkinia will be in the sun, and in summer they will be in light shade (for example, under the crowns of deciduous trees).
Use in the garden: group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; along the borders garden paths, in flowerbeds and spring flower beds; the plant is suitable for forcing.


Chionodox - stars in the grass. A photo

Bloom: April May.
Landing: September.
Height: 15-25 cm.
Growing conditions: chionodoxes are relatively undemanding to lighting: they grow well both in the sun and in light shade; the soil is preferably fertile, well-drained; excess moisture is unacceptable.
Use in the garden: very good in rockeries and rocky gardens, because, unlike many small-bulbous ones, they do not tend to grow violently, capturing space; successful group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; can be used in flower beds; suitable for forcing.

And also unpretentious and quite simple to grow, white flowers.

Beautiful flowering perennials

Perennials are remarkable in that you do not need to take care of their sowing or growing every year. At the same time, from year to year they become prettier, growing and becoming more magnificent. If such a plant, moreover, is undemanding to conditions and care, this is a real find for an inexperienced or busy gardener.

Blooming aquilegia are charming. A photo

Bloom: from May to August.
Growing conditions: in partial shade; on moist soils, aquilegia can grow in the open sun.
Garden use: flower beds and flower beds; undersized species can be used in shady rockeries; These plants look good on the shore of reservoirs.

Astilba has attractive flowers and foliage. A photo

from June to September (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: spring (April-May) or autumn (September).
Height: 20-120 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: penumbra; moist permeable soil with a high content of organic matter.
Use in the garden: group and single plantings in the rarefied shade of trees and shrubs, on the banks of reservoirs, in flower beds; compact forms suitable for container growing.

Astilbes in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large online stores of planting material and seeds.

This amazing plant not touched by pests, it is exceptionally resistant to diseases, and the only thing that is required for care is pruning of wilted inflorescences. In dry summers, watering may be required, but in wet soils this is not necessary either. Sometimes it is recommended to cover plants for the winter, but my astilbes, for example, wintered without shelter - however, here it is worth focusing on the characteristics of the species and climatic conditions.

Periwinkle - unpretentious ground cover perennial, photo

Bloom: April May
Height: 5-20 cm (ground cover).
Growing conditions: partial shade or shade - heat and direct sunlight are contraindicated for this plant; the soil is loose, fertile, without stagnant moisture.
Garden use: ground cover plant for shady corners of the garden.

In our gardens, the periwinkle is more common ( Vinca minor), which is found in European forests as a wild plant. Based on this species, numerous varieties have been developed, differing in various decorative features: some have especially large or double flowers; others have an unusual coloration (there are varieties of periwinkles with white, red and purple flowers); still others have variegated foliage. This type of periwinkle loves moisture and shade.

Various varieties of small periwinkle are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Brunners grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from the beginning of May.
Landing: spring (April-May) or August-September.
Height: 30-50 cm
Growing conditions: penumbra; nutritious moist soil; Brunner grows well on clay and loamy soils.
Garden use: under trees and shrubs that give a rarefied shade; at the foot of fences and walls, along the banks of streams and reservoirs.

Delicate blue brunner flowers in the spring garden create a joyful mood, enliven its shady corners. Having planted this plant once, you can not worry about it for many years afterwards. The only thing is that it is advisable to immediately give him more space, since the brunner grows well under favorable conditions.

Breeders have bred variegated varieties - with silver or creamy white patterns, spots or borders on the leaves. Please note that such plants need protection from sun rays And strong wind- they are more demanding on conditions than the usual green leaf brunner, which can only suffer from drought.

Perennial cornflowers sometimes bear little resemblance to their field "relatives", Photo

Bloom: June to September (depending on the species).
Landing: late April - early May or August-September.
Height: 20-100 cm depending on the species and variety.
Growing conditions: most cornflowers prefer sunny places, but some (mountain and round-headed cornflower) grow well in partial shade; undemanding to soils.
Garden use: in flower beds, in combination with other herbaceous perennials.

All cornflowers are good in their own way. A photo

There are several types of perennial cornflowers, and each of them is good in its own way. Cornflower mountain ( Centaurea montana) has several varietal forms - with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers. Cornflower large-headed ( centaurea macrocephala) is distinguished by bright large "shaggy" flowers of sunny yellow color.

Geraniums grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from May to August (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: April May.
Height: 10-100 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: Geraniums are very diverse, and you can choose a plant for almost any conditions, both in terms of illumination and soil types.
Use in the garden: all types of geraniums grow well along shrub plantings, in light partial shade; this is an excellent flower bed plant; undersized species are used in borders and as ground cover plants; some species are suitable for rocky gardens and rockeries.

Wild geranium can also live in the garden. A photo

Wild species have long settled in my garden, which you can read about in the article. You will find interesting information in the article. And no matter what kind of this plant you choose, geranium will not require you to pay special attention to your person, but will give, despite this, bright bloom.

Choose charming geraniums in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .


Derbennik loves wet areas. A photo

Bloom: July to September
Landing: April-May or August-September.
Height: 60-140 cm
Growing conditions: perfect option- a damp area in the shade in the afternoon; loosestrife can grow even on very heavy soils; tolerates short-term flooding, needs good soil moisture.
Garden use: suitable for planting in low-lying, wetlands; looks great on the banks of reservoirs; can be used in borders and mixborders, provided there is enough moisture in the soil.

Sunny flowers - doronicums. A photo

Bloom: May June.
Landing: April May.
Height: 30-80 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable nutrient soil
Garden use: spring flower beds and flower beds; successful placement of doronicum on the edge of shrubbery.

When doronicum blooms, other plants are still gaining strength. A photo

Sunny mood is guaranteed when doronicum blooms! These bright flowers, similar to daisies, are very spectacular in flower beds, because at the time of flowering doronicum most garden plants are still gaining strength, and the bulbous ones are already fading.

When planting, keep in mind: at the end of flowering, most doronicums fade - they begin a dormant period. At this time, strongly growing bushes can be divided and transplanted. If you are planting doronicum in a flower bed, combine it with perennials or annual plants able to hide fading foliage in early summer.

European bathing suit, photo

Bloom: from April to August - depending on the variety; more often - May.
Landing: April May
Height: 50-90 cm
Growing conditions: a site in the sun or in partial shade, with well-moistened soil; not suitable for planting hot and dry places with loose calcareous or sandy soil.
Garden use: registration coastal zone reservoirs, streams; moist semi-shady corners of the garden; well located bathing suits along the bushes, near the walls and fences.

On sale, you can easily find planting material for hybrid bathing suits, the flowers of which have various shades of yellow or orange. Less common is the Chinese bathing suit - a tall (up to 1 m) late-flowering (June-August) plant.

Kupena - graceful plant for shady areas. A photo

Bloom: May June
Landing: April-May or September.
Height: 30-100 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: this plant is for shady and semi-shady areas; tolerates sun on moist soil.
Garden use: design of shady areas, group plantings on the outskirts of tree and shrub plantations, under trees.


Meadowsweet meadowsweet (meadowsweet) - not only beautiful, but also medicinal plant. A photo

Bloom: June-September (depending on the type)
Landing: May
Height: 30-250 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: the meadowsweet grows both in the sun and in partial shade, but the soil must certainly be moist; heavy clay soils with a high humus content are preferred.
Garden use: spectacular plant for the coastal zone of reservoirs and streams; meadowsweet (or meadowsweet) can grow in wetlands, and common meadowsweet is suitable for rockeries or rabatok with calcareous soil.

Choose meadowsweet in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.


The color of lupins is very diverse. A photo

Bloom: June July; re-flowering - August-September
Landing: April May
Height: 80-100 cm
Growing conditions: Sun; permeable, slightly acidic soil; lupins do not like calcareous and highly fertilized soils.

You can find perennial lupine seeds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Small-sized puppies require virtually no maintenance. A photo

Bloom: June to September
Landing: May
Height: 20-80 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: nai the best way- open sunny areas with nutritious loose soil.
Garden use: in sunny areas.

The small-flower is remarkable for its long and abundant flowering, and caring for it consists only in installing props for tall varieties - they tend to fall apart, especially in rainy weather. Yes, and keep in mind: the small-scale hybrid, or erigeron, is a rather aggressive plant; once in favorable conditions, it actively grows and can capture vast spaces, so it is better to immediately limit its growth.

The area in front of the house is the first thing that catches the eye of passers-by or your guests. To keep the area looking its best, make a front garden with bright flowers, lush shrubs, and other plants that bring out the color and natural sophistication of the area.

Let's talk about how to beautifully plant flowers in the front garden in the village and what varieties to choose so that such a site remains attractive for as long as possible.

One of the common mistakes when designing a front garden involves choosing plants purely from a decorative point of view.

In fact, the front garden should also be comfortable: think about how to provide access to all the elements of floristry, so that you can not only take care of the vegetation, but also relax among the elements of nature.

Also pay attention to the following nuances:

It is also important to think about how to equip the front garden so that it is attractive, regardless of which side it is viewed from. We also advise you to take into account the color of the walls of the house, if the front garden is located close to it. When painting the facade in a bright color, plant flowers with a moderate color scheme. If the walls have a gloomy or pale shade, you can diversify the palette of the flower garden due to more saturated and bright tones.

Look at the photo, how beautiful it is to plant flowers in the front garden: as you can see, the size of the area allocated for vegetation is also important here. If the front garden is small, limit yourself to unobtrusive plant varieties without large leaves and buds. For small plot small cold flowers are more suitable colors such as blue or purple. At the same time, their leaves should ideally be light green.

Advice: to visually increase the size of the front garden adjacent to the house, put the loaches on the facade.

You should also consider the placement of plants in the front garden relative to the cardinal points. Some varieties of plants need more sunlight, while others, on the contrary, prefer more shaded areas and the north side.

Principles of plant placement

One of the common questions when designing such decorative zones is how to properly plant flowers in the front garden so that they bloom all summer. To ensure this effect, plant nearby varieties that will bloom gradually. At the end of the flowering period for one type of plant, neighboring ones will not allow the front garden to fade.

Another feature of how to arrange flowers in the front garden is related to the choice of focal point. Think about what to put in the center of such a corner, and due to which you can attract more attention to the front garden. For example, it can be an expressive lush shrub, a large flower bed with colorful filling or a tree. It can also be an arch or pergola with climbing plants.

All other elements of the green zone will be located around such a center. Here you can grow lower flowers, put mafs, equip areas with borders. The most expressive elements are best placed where the most color falls. Often, bright vegetation is left to decorate the zone directly next to the porch or gate.

Suitable ideas can be gleaned from diagrams with a list of suitable vegetation: study the appearance of flowers for the front garden and the names in the photo with such examples.

Suitable perennials

When arranging such areas, it is easiest to focus on the names and photos of perennial flowers for the front garden, since most of these varieties are undemanding to care for and can withstand even harsh external conditions. And this means that in a year your front garden will remain just as attractive. What unpretentious flowers for the front garden will suit you?

For example, you can plant rudbeckia perennial. This tall plant looks like a daisy with yellow or reddish-orange petals. The flowering period is the second half of the summer season. Rudbeckia stops blooming with the onset of cold weather, so your front garden will be bright for a long time. And, given that such a flower can spread by self-sowing, it is likely that in the future your front garden will be filled with even more such plants.

Advice: to prolong the period of bright growth of such plants, get rid of dried flowers in a timely manner.

We recommend that you do not miss the opportunity - and plant in the front garden roses. Firstly, these flowers always look elegant and elegant. Secondly, they have a fairly diverse palette, and you can even combine several different varieties to create bright accents Location on. So that roses do not deteriorate with the onset of frost, it is necessary to provide them with proper care in the fall.

To determine the variety, look at the photo of roses in the front garden. Climbing roses will look great if you prepare a support for them in the form of a small fence, arch, pergola or canopy. It is also appropriate to justify a cozy area for outdoor recreation.

Other photos and names of perennial flowers in the front garden:

The design of the so-called designer gardens in small areas in the front gardens has become a fashionable trend. To embellish such areas, you can plant stonecrop, carnation, saxifrage, loosestrife, sempervivum and many other varieties that will fill the front garden not only with different shades, but also with pleasant aromas.

Colorful flowers for the front yard

We continue to study the photos and names of flowers in the front garden. If you want to achieve the creation of a bright area with a rich palette, flower beds and flower beds in the front garden should be equipped without fail. To create harmonious compositions, you can ask experts for advice or contact your neighbors who will tell you what flowers they have planted and how they react to the climate and available soil.

How to plant flowers in the front garden? Of course, focusing on the seasonality of their blooming. Spring will make you happy daffodils, lilies of the valley and beautiful peonies. With the onset of summer will bloom bluebells, pelargoniums, calendula. We also recommend planting zinnias, which begin to bloom in June and end with the onset of frost. These plants can be yellow, burgundy, white and many other colors.

Suitable autumn colors include geleniums, asters, chrysanthemums and marigolds. If you plant them in the front garden, even in November you will enjoy the colorfulness of your site. As you can see, the design of flowers in the front garden can be quite diverse.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to is what flowers to plant in the front garden if there is a stream or an artificial pond. Since not all plants tolerate a humid environment, choose varieties that are adapted to such conditions. Soil saturated with moisture is perceived forget-me-nots, pansies (violets), as well as irises. The color scheme of such a site will remain saturated, and the flowers will complement the water body and emphasize the beauty of nature.

What else can decorate the front garden

Why not pick up other plants for the front garden? For example, you can diversify the look of this area with lush bushes. And if they also start to bloom in a certain season, it will be even better. Shrubs suitable for the front garden include hawthorn, barberry, elderberry, mountain ash with black fruits, shadberry, gooseberry, raspberry and other plants.

Advice: for those who cannot constantly care for vegetation, varieties of shrubs with a spherical crown are suitable. These include white acacia, which does not need to be trimmed to create a neat shape.

If the front garden is decorated with a wrought iron fence, you can plant vines and climbing plants on this site. For example, decorate a green area with actidinia or grapes. And for extra greenery, choose lush varieties that don't bloom or rarely do so (like bergenia or fern). With the help of such plants, you can even zone a large front garden.

Do not forget about the needles, especially since in the front gardens of some styles it is considered an indispensable element (for example, when decorating plots in oriental design). Plant juniper: it is not easy to take root, but if successful, it can also be used as a medicinal plant. Juniper will clean the air and kill pests in your front garden. Also suitable for you thuja and some other low varieties.

Many people doubt whether it is possible to plant Christmas trees in the front garden, because they have heard about opinions regarding the negative energy of such plants. In fact, such evergreen vegetation will embellish the front garden in any season, so feel free to plant these conifers if you do not believe in omens.

We have given you just a small overview of what to plant in your front garden. Diversify your site with other varieties: the main thing is that the plants take root and do not harm each other during the growth process. See photos of flowers in the front garden - and feel free to add adjoining plot bright colors!


Beautiful front garden

Making a front garden in front of the house is one of the primary tasks for responsible gardeners. After all, the front garden is the “front porch” of your garden, which means it simply has to be beautiful.

In this article I will present my vision of the design of this landscape area. In addition to the basic information, I will also give links to my other publications on related topics.

Front garden in rustic style

Here I will consider options for decorating the front garden with flowers, we will select materials for planting, and analyze the nuances of flower arrangements.

Making a front garden with small forms

Beautiful blooming flowers and ornamental plants delight us not only in the flower beds and, but of course, at the entrance to the courtyard - in the front garden!

What flowers to plant in the front garden

An example of a simple front garden

An example of a front garden design

Colorful, cheerful front gardens are pleasing to the eye and uplifting. Golden balls, phloxes and mallows are reminiscent of childhood spent with a grandmother in the village or in the country. Many amateur flower growers arrange such front gardens in the country.

What mistakes beginners make

Flowers in the front garden

Beginning gardeners often make the mistake of choosing a lot of flowers on high trellises for a design. Caring for such elements is quite laborious and this creates certain inconveniences.

Decoration of the front garden in front of the house with marigolds

It is impossible to imagine a front garden without marigolds. Varieties of these annual flowers are presented in various colors and sizes. In order for flowering to begin in June, seedlings should be planted in April.

A beautiful front garden is impossible without flowers

An early flowering front garden is an example for you

For flowering from the first spring days you can choose hyacinths, primroses and colchicums. These are perennial plants. To prevent hyacinths from dying in winter, they must be covered with fallen leaves or peat. Colchicums and primroses can winter without shelter.

What to plant in the middle of the front garden?

Aquilegia, or in the common people a catchment area, will decorate the middle part of the front garden. unusual shape flowers and decorative openwork foliage will look beautiful in combination with rudbeckia, echinacea, bluebells, annual dahlias and delphinium.

Say no to voids in the design

Temporary voids that form between young ones that have not grown can be filled with a three-month-old lavater. This hardy, fast-growing annual will add a playful touch to your front garden design.

Lavater sowing is carried out immediately in open ground in early spring. Seedlings appear within two weeks. Due to the fragility of the stems, it is undesirable to plant this plant in open areas.

Timely removal of wilted flowers and seed pods will provide lush long flowering from July to the first frost.

Flowers in the front garden - the basis of the composition

On the picture: tuberous begonia- one of the unpretentious plants for flower beds, seedlings of which are often sold already in bloom.

Some flowers in the front garden are propagated by cuttings and shoots.

When transporting cuttings and shoots, it is necessary to strictly observe temperature regime to completely eliminate the possibility of hypothermia or overheating of the planting material. To accelerate the development of the root system, it is advisable to treat the cuttings with a special solution before planting.

How to make a beautiful flower bed in the front garden in front of the house

Interesting video ideas from Tanya Nikonova. I recommend viewing!

My other publications on front gardens:

How to decorate a front garden - a story about different variants organization of beautiful entrance groups -.

3 interesting options front gardens - a rose garden, strict elegance and rural style — .

7 examples of front garden design in front of the house -

The part of the yard on which the flower garden, trees, bushes is located is called the front garden. To decorate the front garden, you need to properly prepare, as it is a mirror of the courtyard and attracts the eyes of guests at home. To equip it, use different types flowers, shrubs, trees. Near it are located garden furniture, playgrounds, ponds. The front garden is a place for the realization of a variety of design solutions.

Key features of front gardens and their types

According to the constructiveness of the design, the front gardens are divided into closed, open, covered and formal. open front gardens most often small. And those that have a large territory are divided into zones, separating them with various barriers. The design of the front garden with a pond according to the degree of openness is determined individually, taking into account the location of the house, how the territory is landscaped, the intensity of traffic along the street. An open front garden is a beautiful picture that can be viewed from a distance or up close. From the side of the road, such a front garden should look impeccable and represent trimmed bushes, even beautiful lawns, and strict lines of hedges.

The closed front garden is designed in such a way that its attractive side is oriented towards the house. it is best to locate if the house is located near a road with heavy traffic, which will make it possible to protect the house from dust and noise.

Covered- represents a lawn, separated on the sides by living fences, consisting of thorny species of bushes. It can be rose hips, gooseberries, or hawthorn bushes.

formal front garden suit if there is absolutely no place for planting flowers, and the entrance area is drawn up various plants planted in containers.

What plants will help give the front garden an aesthetic look

The aesthetic appearance of the front garden depends on the choice of plants, your taste and the style of the house. In order for the front garden to have an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to choose the right plants. For spring, you can plant bulbous plants(daffodils, tulips). Besides plants, blooming in summer(peonies, poppies), do not forget about the autumn types of flowers (roses, lilies). Will give beautiful view flowering shrubs: budley, hawthorn, wild rose. Climbing plants will decorate the wall of the house. For front garden landscaping winter time you can plant spruce, thuja or juniper. The plants used for the front garden perform three functions:

  • decorative- decoration of the yard;
  • ecological- beneficial effect on the soil;
  • economic- many plants bear fruit and have medicinal properties.

What to consider when arranging a front garden

For the effect of completeness of the idea, it is necessary to equip the main element of the front garden with supporting or additional elements.

How to start working on the design of the front garden

The design of the site near the house always begins with a layout that takes into account the wishes of the owner of the house, not forgetting the size of the front garden. The size of the front garden should be equal to the size of the house. But the best option is if the area allotted for the front garden does not exceed 2/3 of the height of the house. Planted bushes near the walls of the house should not be above the plinth.

Front garden outline resembles a valley with a path that leads to the porch. The outline can be surrounded by tall plants. The front garden looks good in the form of a circle or square with shrubs planted around the perimeter. To close the blank wall of the house, you can use the crowns of planted trees - spruce or arborvitae. Bare areas formed after planting young trees must be covered with mulch; flowers look great against such a background.

Front garden ideas

When choosing ideas for a front garden, consider house architecture, near which it will be located. For example, near a wooden log house, you can place a front garden of bluebells and daisies. Near the chalet house, arborvitae and spruces will create a magnificent view, and for mansions built in the European style - well-groomed, even lawns and trimmed shrubs.

Path laid out rectangular tiles, as well as planted flowers blooming in blue ( garden geranium, sage), flowerpots in rectangular pots, trees (nightshade, cherry laurel) and a beautiful comfortable bench will create a laconic design that is suitable for a modern home.

Who does not want to take care of the grassy lawn, use a great idea - fill the front garden with gravel. Replace the grass with colored gravel, and place the plants planted in pots directly on it.

An unusual design option for the site is flower garden, decorated in a rustic style, on which early and late varieties of peony can be planted. Behind them, dahlias and daisies bloom, and autumn flowers will decorate the flower garden: chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations.

Can be arranged front garden with sunflowers. A wooden blue hedge and wild flowers (daisies, cornflowers, poppies), a stone-paved path will serve as a good addition.

If you prefer the Art Nouveau style, you can plant a fern or coniferous shrubs, arrange a hedge from trimmed laurel cherry bushes.

We should not forget about planting trees that provide shade and comfort in the yard. Since the front garden space is limited, it is necessary to plant trees with an unbranched root system (holly maple, false acacia) so as not to damage the yard cover. For beautiful winter landscape in the center of the yard, you can plant a blue spruce or evergreen boxwood. The spring flowering period of the front garden will be decorated with early flowers, such as snowdrops, crocuses, early varieties tulips.

Stages of decorating a front garden with your own hands

The first stage in the arrangement of the front garden is a fence that separates the site from the street and neighbors. Then it is necessary to lay paths, drainage grooves to remove water runoff, break up the lawn and mark the boundaries of flower beds and flower beds.

The next stage of arrangement is the planting of shrubs, trees, selected plants for the front garden. First you need to drop large plants , then move on to planting smaller plants, filling the front garden until the end of the conceived idea.

Each owner will be able to equip a front garden on the site in front of his house. The front garden will turn out beautiful, attractive, if it is carefully thought out and planned. So, turn on all your creative fantasies and equip the territory in front of the house that will serve you. recreation area, cheer up and be a mirror of your household. For everything to work out, only your desire is needed.

Hundreds of species and thousands of varieties of plants are at the disposal of floriculture lovers. In order not to get confused in the names they are divided into groups. This division is very conditional, since one plant can belong to several groups at once.

Annuals that can be planted immediately in open ground

This is perhaps the most popular group of flowers among gardeners who want to have beautiful flower beds in front of the house, but at the same time spend as much time as possible on care.

These plants can be planted immediately in a permanent place in open ground. As a rule, they are unpretentious, drought-resistant and reproduce well by self-sowing from year to year.

  • Kosmeya;
  • Calendula;
  • Clarkia;
  • Cornflower;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Mattiola;
  • Cleoma;
  • Amaranth;
  • Lavater.

Plant them immediately after the soil warms up, while there is still enough moisture in it. It is better to plant them thicker, and then thin out.

Clarkia border.

Border of calendula.

Monolumba from various shades matthiola gray (Matthiola incana).

Annuals grown in seedlings

Through seedlings, those annuals are grown that have a long growing season and several months pass before flowering. Most of them have beautiful blooms, but those that are grown for their beautiful foliage also look good.

Several types of plants in this group:

  • Lobelia;
  • Gatsania:
  • Begonia;
  • Verbena;
  • Zinnia;
  • Purslane;
  • Salvia;
  • Coleus;

These species are planted starting from March, and if it is possible to organize additional lighting, then planting can begin in January or February.

Coleus, zinnia, gomphrena.

Crocosmia “Lucifer” (Lucifer), Monarda ‘Raspberry Wine’, Golden Polygonum ‘Shades of Orange’, Salvia varieties ‘Ultra Violet’, ‘Fuhrman’s Red’, ‘Maraschino’.

Carpet composition of cineraria Dusty Miller and contrasting alyssum.

Biennials and juveniles

This includes plants that have a two-year development cycle, as well as those perennials that degenerate or do not come out of wintering after 2-3 years and therefore they are cultivated as biennials.

Several types of plants in this group:

  • Mallow;
  • Digitalis;
  • Daisy;
  • Rudbeckia;
  • Turkish cloves;
  • Nivyanik;
  • Pansies;
  • The bell is medium.

They are grown either through seedlings or by sowing seeds immediately to a permanent place. You can plant them in June-July, when the rest of the seedlings have already been planted in the garden.

Echinacea, Heliopsis, Veronicastrum, Daylily - this is how a flower garden from these crops looks like in July.

White flowers: Lupins 'Noble Maiden', Digitalis purple f. albiflora, Leuchtlin's Camassia in the topiary garden.

Bell medium terry, variety "Canterbury".

coniferous plants

Thanks to their evergreen needles, they can create the structure of the garden and decorate it in winter. You can plant any species on the site, the main thing is to take into account, a large number of tall conifers give the site a gloomy look and shade it.

Several types of plants in this group:

  • Pine;
  • Hemlock;
  • Fir;
  • Larch;
  • cypress;
  • Cedar.

The most popular for cultivation are low species and varieties of conifers.

Canadian hemlock.

Modern miniature lodgepole pine variety suitable for a front garden - 'Frisian Gold'

Mountain pine.

For your information. Can be planted on site spruce or pine and give it a fluffy look, as well as restrain growth by pinching. To do this, pinch out the resulting buds every spring, leaving one third.

Plants, decorative all year round

These plants are a great addition to conifers in winter. These include plants that do not shed their leaves for the winter, as well as having a beautiful color of the bark. Also, plants with beautiful fruits that last all winter can be attributed to this group, but here it is necessary to make an allowance for birds.

Several types of plants in this group:

  • Derain red;
  • Alder;
  • Hazel;
  • Red rowan;
  • Coniferous plants;
  • Feverweed;
  • boxwood;

These plants will decorate the garden in winter. Conifers and shrubs with bright bark look especially beautiful in the winter garden.

Dogwood brilliant ‘Cardinal’.

Miscanthus ‘Adagio’, Rosehip wrinkled ‘Coeur d’Alène’.

Derain blood red in the spring garden.

Plants for shady places

If you are wondering which beautiful flowers plant in front of the house if the area is in the shade for almost the whole day. It can be decorated with plants that live and develop well with a lack of sunlight.

Most of them have decorative leaves.

  • Periwinkle;
  • Brunner;
  • Lungwort;
  • Aquilegia;
  • Badan;
  • Balsam;
  • tenacious;
  • Kupena.

Most of these plants grow well not only in the shade, but also with constant humidity. But we must remember that some of them, such as periwinkle and brunner in such conditions, may begin to weed. In this case, there is nothing left but to seat them in containers without a bottom.

Brunner ‘Jack Frost’

Zhivuchka and hosts.

The bells have been purchased.

unpretentious perennials

Unpretentious perennials can grow in the same place for years without requiring special attention, and decorating the front garden in the village. Most often, it is they who form the basis of garden compositions. This is the largest in the range of their categories listed here.

Some types of this group:

  • Lumbago;
  • Bells;
  • Hellebore;

They can be propagated by seeds, but more often resort to vegetative propagation. A mixborder created from these plants can be stably decorative for several years.

On the left - hellebore, on the right - bought. This is what this shady front garden looks like in April.

An uncomplicated and low-maintenance front garden with delphiniums. This culture blooms twice a month for a season, providing bright colors in May-June-July and in autumn.

Daylilies, sunflowers and hostas.

spring primroses

These flowers are the first to announce that spring has come. And some of them are able to bloom even during the winter thaw. Most of them are undersized bulbs, but there are also herbaceous perennials.

Several types of plants in this group:

  • Snowdrop;
  • Scilla;
  • Pushkinia;
  • Anemone;
  • Narcissus;
  • Tulip.

The main difference of this group is a short growing season. Immediately after flowering, their leaves begin to dry out and by the beginning - the middle of June they are gone.

A border of daffodils will delight only in spring, but perennials - peonies, rudbeckia, echinacea - can close the place that is bare after flowering, they begin to grow intensively just when the flowering of early bulbous comes to an end.

Rabatka from Pushkin.

container garden. When the tulips fade, they are easy to replace with containers with other crops.

ornamental shrubs

Beautifully flowering or ornamental shrubs are planted in the garden to give it volume. You can choose an assortment in such a way that they will decorate the garden from spring to late autumn. Many shrubs, in addition to attractive flowering, dress in a bright leafy outfit by autumn.

Some plant species in this group:

  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Bloodroot;

In addition to decorative purposes, shrubs can be used to create hedges.

Weigela is a fairly compact and bright shrub, up to 1.5 meters tall.

Forsythia in bloom.

A living fence made of cinquefoil.

Beautiful flowering perennials

This includes both herbaceous perennials, and bulbous and even shrubs. They bloom for a short time, with beautiful flowers, which are emphasized when planting them in a mixborder. It is desirable that the flower garden has one accent of such plants, but during the entire growing season, that is, it is necessary to pick up flowering perennials with different terms flowering.

Some plant species in this group:

  • Gladiolus;
  • Iris;
  • Tuberous begonias;
  • Imperial hazel grouse.

A composition in which luxurious tuberous begonias set the tone.

Autumn composition, which includes dahlias, geraniums, evergreen begonias, stonecrops.

Border of spherical chrysanthemums.

Decorative perennials

These plants are grown mainly for their beautiful foliage, although many of them also have beautiful flowers. They can serve as a backdrop for other flowering plants. And you can create a composition only from them, playing with the color and texture of the leaves.

Some plant species in this group:

  • host;
  • Brunner;
  • Cleaner;
  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Asparagus;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Falyaris.

Most of these plants do not tolerate the bright scorching sun, in which they lose their color, and deep shade is also undesirable, especially for species with white and yellow patterns.

Wormwood ‘Powis Castle’.

Falyaris curtains.

Asparagus, pictured is a variety of Asparagus densiflorus Meyersii.

Plants for alpine slides and rockeries

Initially, plants characteristic only for mountainous areas were planted in rockeries or rock gardens, but now this concept has become much broader - all low plants that can grow with minimal care can be planted here.

For right creation rocky flower beds have their own rules, and they should not be neglected, otherwise the alpine hill will have to be redone in a year or two, as the lushly overgrown plants will begin to crowd each other.

Some plant species in this group:

  • Thyme;
  • Saxifrage;
  • young;
  • Carnation-grass;
  • Small-bulbous;
  • Yaskolka;
  • Aubriette;
  • Arabis;
  • Iberis.

You can create an alpine slide using only succulents: only stonecrop has several dozen species.

Aubriette. Very popular for creating a "fluid" effect.

In the photo there is a geranium (in the center) and a jaskolka (slightly to the right), which is called "snow-summer" in the west.

Young, or stone rose.

Successful combinations in the front garden

IN landscape design there are win-win combinations of plants that can be used in any garden.

Rose - the queen of the garden with other plants

The rose always occupies a central place in the garden, it is the recognized queen in the garden. But the queen needs a retinue that will emphasize her beauty.

The basic rule for combining a rose with other plants is a game of contrasts. That is, the flowers of the companion plant should not compete with roses. Plants also look good with them, the height and shape of which does not look like a rose bush.

Several combinations of roses with other plants:

  • Rose with tall, arrow-shaped perennials. Most often they use foxglove or delphinium (but not mallow, especially terry):
  • Rose, with perennials having small flowers. The most beautiful combination is a rose with gypsophila.
  • Climbing rose looks good with clematis. This is rather an exception to the rule, since clematis also has bright and catchy flowers.
  • - classics of the genre. The front garden, consisting of only roses, looks amazing, you can see it by looking at the photo below.

Classic rose garden in front of the house. Creating such mono-flower beds does not require much effort.

Roses and foxglove.

Roses and clematis. Without peach roses, the composition would be gloomy. And without clematis - not bright enough.

Reverse combination: bright roses and white clematis. In general, the combination of roses and clematis is successful because they are two equal partners, one does not interfere with the other. Roses are usually higher, clematis are lower, one spot bright colors flows into another.

spring flower bed

A spring flower bed is created in such a way that flowering should begin immediately after the snow melts. Such a flower bed can serve as a rockery or an alpine hill, on which small-bulbous primroses are planted.

Several options for spring flower garden:

  • Flower garden from one. If a rose is a queen summer garden, then the primrose reigns in the spring. The variety of its types and varieties allows you to create an infinite number of combinations and compositions. Primroses of different varieties will look best, but of the same type: stemless, tall, auricular.
  • A classic combination of yellow or white primrose with bulbous blue or pink tones:, and tulips. The basic rule is that the primrose should play the role of the lower tier and be planted as densely as possible, the upper tier is performed by a bulbous plant and is planted less often.
  • Creating a flower bed from various types of daffodils. Yellow daffodils pair especially well with blue muscari and crocuses.

Daffodils, tulips, pansies and primroses - a "hooligan" combination of shades.

A calmer combination of primrose daffodils, natural types of hyacinths act as an accent.

A flowerbed of hazel grouses, matching tulips, small-flowered daffodils.

Tulips go well with delicate pansies.

This is a staged flower bed, but the idea can be borrowed for an ordinary country flower bed: lush white hyacinths set the tone, pansies serve as a background.

Lily flower garden

The variety of lilies allows you to create a mono-flower garden that will begin its flowering from the end of May, and will end in September.

For decorative use, lilies are planted in groups, since single plants can simply get lost.

Several types of compositions with lilies:

  • Lily looks good with. If you take undersized variety lilies, then the hyposphilus can be replaced yarrow pearl oyster.
  • Looks great lily flower garden. In this case, it is desirable to choose varieties that bloom in different time, but having approximately the same height.

Oriental lily, cultivar Star gazer.

Lily cultivar Casa Blanca.

Lilies of the OT-hybrid group, varieties "Silk Road" and "Friso".

Lily border.

Mixborder of lilies of different shades.

Examples of complex mixbororders with lilies:

Used in the mixborder: Veronicastrum virginian 'Alba', Lily 'Nova Zembla', Helenium 'Sahins Early', Panicled phlox 'Eva Cullum'

Catnip (Nepeta catmint), Poppies, Roses, Lilies. , Irises, Mshanka, Euphorbia, Astrantia, Osteospermum, Zhivuchka. This is what a mixture of these plants looks like in late spring-early summer.

There are a lot of flower crops that are grown in the garden, but if you wish, you can find a corner for all of them, harmoniously fitting into the existing style.

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