Why yellow spruce is ordinary. Prevent the spread of the disease

Landscape design and layout 11.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

Elniki near Moscow is under threat of complete extinction. If the fires raged last year, this summer ate began to fall rapidly. Large and seemingly healthy ate, they disappear bark and yellowing of the needles. What happened to coniferous trees, why do they dry? The cause of the deaths of the forest was the active reproduction of the Zhuka-Koroeda, which clarifies the Elniki of the Moscow region.

The pest of Coroed attacks the weakened ate, but due to the overall climate warming and a reduction in humidity ambient, the pest of the croroede in the forests of the Moscow region began to spread with frightening speed, spruce dries and dies. Even quite healthy ate dries, with trees leaves and bark. The cause of the drying of the firness is that they are unable to cope with the mass attacks of the Koroeda. How to save the forest? Urgent human intervention and trees treatment are necessary.

Coroede is striking not only forest trees. The foci of the proliferation of the cores is so numerous that this crust pest attacks well-kept forests in private areas in cottage settlements and forest areas. What to do if one after another dries and dying your favorite fir on the plot? First, you need to find out causes of drying of EDA. For this purpose, an entomologist and a phytopathologist, who finds out the cause of death is invited. If the trees are to blame for drying the trees, then you need to get rid of all the contaminated wood on the site and immediately begin treatment of coniferous trees. It is necessary to do it regularly throughout the summer. Without treatment and preventive measures, all spruce areas of the Moscow region are under threat of extinction.

The cause of drying fir In the forests of the Moscow region in the mass attack of pests. All the pests of the crust and trunk, including the pest of the Coroed-TiRGAF (the main culprit of drying fir), are striking the bark, the lob, the swamp and the wood for which they are transported nutrients. Almost no tree is able to withstand the attack of a large number of beetles at the same time, if they hit the bark across the entire circumference of the trunk (read about the causes of the foci of the cores-typographic). The movement of vital juices ceases, a fir dries, the needles fall from it and the tree dies. In the case when the bark is already quite amazed, then no medical measures will be effective. Such a fir need to immediately cut down and destroy, even if there was still a green needle, but the bark is already falling. Especially dangerous on the plot of a non-spoken wood infected with a sofa. The croroede pest uses such ate as a nursery for settlement to surrounding plantations.

Treatment of fools should be carried out in a timely manner. If you lose the moment and the coroede will form a new focus on the plot, then settling, it can completely destroy healthy eats in just a couple of weeks. In case of detection of signs of activity of the kororad in its forest site, it is necessary to remove contaminated and dead trees, all the angry wood will immediately work out, and the non-sporn firewood burn. Healthy ate and forest litter are treated with therapeutic drugs with a manual engine sprayer. Ehlames and pines make injections insecticide - therapeutic drug. If there is a focus of distribution next to the site (fir forests in the area are yellowing, with trees, it falls with the trees and the bark disappears), then with treatment it is impossible to tighten. It is necessary to call a specialist entomologist, to diagnose and a number of preventive and therapeutic measures. Only in this case, it can be guaranteed that ate on the site will not be amazed by the pest of the koroist.


Coniferous trees are unpretentious, but they need help if they have become infected with the fungal causative agent and a detrimental impact of pests. The main problems faced by the owners coniferous rocks - Spit, rust, tracheomekosis and insects.

This disease is typical only for representatives of coniferous rocks, it provokes fungal pathogens - ascomycetes. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, several forms of this disease distinguish.

Spit on ate

Real spit - One of the main reasons for premature decay of the needles of firs. In the risk area, young, as well as weakened conifers come to the risk. The needles spruce infected with this fungus become brown, dry and fall. Such symptoms can be observed in the spring and early summer. But in the fall, the disease is manifested in the form of small yellow dots on the needles of ate, which gradually darkens. And on the branches where needles crumbled, black bodies are formed - this is a spore fungus. In such a cocoon fungus perfectly worried winter frostsAnd in the spring again crawling out.

Snow Schute - This kind of fungus can be found almost on all types of coniferous, including ate European, blue, conic, twisted and ordinary. This disease is a special danger for snow-covered and northern regions, where it can even completely destroy fir. Infection with fungus occurs already at a temperature of 0 degrees, and very rapidly. The pathogens of this sickness of firings cause the convergence and dying of coniferous needles after melting snow. Throughout the summer season, the fungus is increasingly progressing, the spruce becomes first reddish, and then light gray, as in the photo. The needles begins to crumble and falls. By the autumn, the spore fungus becomes more noticeable, dotting with black branches. Favorable conditions For further distribution, the fungus is falling out and melting of snow in the fall, drizzling rain, heavy snowfall and a protracted spring.

In preventive purposes, do not forget to cover the decorative ate in your garden, especially the fir-tree conic. Although it is considered a frost resistant, shelter for the winter does not hurt.And it will also protect the conic from sun burnswhich she will help get from the beginning of February. As a protective material, use burlap, film, cardboard, leaving the bottom of the bottom open to avoid the debate.

Brown Schute or Snow Brown Mold. Amazing absolutely all kinds of ate (including blue varieties). It is manifested in early spring when it starts to melting snow. The ideal temperature conditions for development is the mark from 0 to +1 degrees. On dead brown coniferous needles, a black and gray raid and point body spores fungus are noticeable. With such a disease of the needles, it may not be imposed for a long time, and thin branches die gradually. Provokes a disease thickening landing and high humidity air.

Snowy brown mold

Preventive measures include: selection of more resistant coniferous varieties (fir twisted and European), regular thinning of thickened landings, timely destruction of patient crumbling needles and dried branches, as well as processing of fungicides. Having a hive, pay attention to the intensity of entering the site sun ray. Remember, shaded places are perfect conditions for distribution spit, especially for small dwarf trees - Spruce spruce and barbed. Treatment of firings is carried out with copper-containing and sulfuric drugs - 1% burglar liquid, Abiga Peak, Hom. As prevention, use these fungicides for spraying in early spring and autumn. With a high risk of infection, the needle treatment is also carried out in summer.

Coniferous needles acquire a reddish tint and shuffled? It is worth carefully look at the root system. Typically, such signs indicate a very unpleasant and dangerous soil disease - tracheomekosis. Most often, this type of disease is striking young coniferous plants with a surface root system and a low-rise rod root. Such rocks applies. Unfortunately, this fungal disease is not amenable to treatment, and fir dies. The plant must be removed along with the ground and burn, and the soil itself, where the conic grew, to decoke with a solution of copper sulphate.

Rust fungal pathogens amaze coniferous needles And the bark of shoots. Their disputes are very quickly applied to neighboring plants, causing them significant deformation. Here are some of the most common varieties of rust coniferous rocks.

  • Rust needle. The development of fungus occurs in early spring. On the needles there are chaotic-plated yellow bubble pustulas. If the disease is launched, ate loses its decorativeness - their needles are starting to turn quickly and prematurely fall.
  • Pine spit, bubble or columnar rust. Infection begins with needles of coniferous rocks, and then applies to the bark and branches. At the site of the affected rust plots, resin is distinguished, and yellow-orange bubbles perform from cracks on the cortex - the eciastulas, they can be seen on the photograph. The fungita forms thickening, which over time provoke the formation of open wounds. Damaged shoots are greatly bent and dry.
  • Rust of cones and fir spit. Inner side Fir scraps is amazed by rounded dark brown esiopulas. This leads to a wide disclosure of cones and incorrect seeds. If the fungus provokes the curvature of escapes, such a form of a sickness of fools is called a spruce spit. The main carrier of the dispute of this fungus is a cherry.

Rust fir

In preventive purposes, try to plant coniferous trees away from plants that have a tendency to infect rust to such sadovy culture Topol, aspen, black currant, cherry and their hybrids. Conduct a constant trimming of affected shoots, cut the dry branches and delete the fallen needles on time. Treatment of fir trees from rust carry out by spraying with drugs Phytosporin-M. and Abiga Peak.

Let's start, perhaps, from the most important pest - a paustic tick. They affect absolutely all kinds cultural plants. Their main activity is manifested in spring and summer in hot dry weather. Cellic ticks feed with cellular juice. The presence of their presence shows the presence of numerous small dots on the needle and entangling needles ordinary web. If the fir is strongly amazed by these pests, the needles are completely white and covered with a numerous cobweb. Carefully looking at it, you can see how the needles are moving. In the quality of these insects, try more often to spray cheese to maintain permanent air humidity.

Spider tick on ate

To combat use special preparations From ticks - Akaricides Apollo, Borneo, Envidor, Floromite, Flumite, as well as proven insecticides Akarin, Aktellik, Phytodeterm, Oberon, Agrarotin, Conducting a processing several times in one of the following means.

The attack of insect-sawers is most often conees, Serbian, European, ordinary spruce, and can also be found on blue needles. As a rule, those affected by these sucking insects were restored for the next year. But who truly cause significant damage to the peelers, so it is pine. Sometimes they can form entire sockets from their own excrement and remnants of damaged needles. The sawmaker themselves are also hiding in the nests, cutting the tissue of trees with the help of a special file where they lay the laying of eggs.

Detect such a masonry will not be a lot of work, the appearance of the larvae look like caterpillars. Special activity of peelers manifest from the beginning of May to the end of June. If you do not start fighting with them in time, soon the branches will look exacerbated and will die with time. And get rid of them quite simple. Mechanically remove the visible nests along with the larvae and spray the coniferous plant with one of the following insecticides - Fury, Aktellik, Bi-58, Decis.

If you notice numerous moves on the crust of the coniferous tree, it means that your spruce settled dangerous pests - Coroes. Laying in the royal stroke of the masonry of eggs, they quickly pumped up and, having hatched out of the pupa, tear off holes in the cortex through which outwards come out. If the cores are populated all the tree - it dies. Basically, the attack of these pests are weakened, patients and drying trees. Of particular danger, they represent for small decorative coniferous trees of the conic type (Canadian ate). Good insecticides in the fight against these insect pests are Bi-58, Befentrin, Clipper, Krona Antip.

Early Hermes - their activity can be observed at the end of June. Features - the formation of small oval galls at the ends of the branches. In August, you can see the activity of yellow sherry, it is possible to determine the presence of quite large green galls. But at the end of August-early September, late chirmers forming large spherical galls at the branches of coniferous rocks. The pests themselves feed with trees juice. The emerging larvae significantly deform the kidney pine and ate. The outer shell of hurmes is covered with a strong downhill, which makes them almost invulnerable. However, among the insecticides, you can allocate decent chemicals High Action - Commander and Aktar.

Early Hermes on Tree

Another frequent pest of coniferous breeds is a spruce word. These are small green insects of only 1-2 mm long. Setting up the colonies, they are able to suck a large number of Coffee juice. Strong damage they apply, such as conic or Canadian spruce, as well as blue needles. It is possible to notice the presence of Tlima by the formation of numerous ant nests around the tree. Needles themselves yellow spots And dry. Insecticides help struggle with these pests Aktara, Match, Dursban. If the damage is strong, the first spraying is recommended to conduct Aktarova, and with alternation in 2 weeks drugs Match and Dursban. As prevention in May-June month, spend a two-time spraying Dursban, as well as take care of the destruction of ant nests - the main satellites of Fir Tlima.

Each of us would like to have on panstone Beautiful spruce. However, this tree is quite capricious and subject to many diseases. To grow beautiful, high, lush fir, you need to make a lot of effort. The most important thing is correct care. In this article, we consider how the diseases and the alert of the forest beauty of ate may be caused.

Did you know? Spray grows in Sweden, whose age exceeds 9550 years.

Causes of diseases, or basic mistakes when leaving

The main diseases of the ate are caused by fungi, infections or pests. Most often caused disease coniferous plants Incorrect landing, adverse atmospheric conditions and care, with the consequences of which we have to face:

  • soil with water status;
  • high soil acidity;
  • high density of plantations, as a result, insufficient injection and reproduction of fungal;
  • lack of light;
  • increased air humidity;
  • too deep landing;
  • lack or excess fertilizer;
  • a strong decrease in temperature leads to the death of young plantings;
  • water deficit is a well-known factor leading to the disappearance of plantations.

Important! If the planting of a fir is carried out in a quickly drying ground, the land around the plant is necessarily murdered.

The main diseases of ate and methods of their treatment

Consider which there are diseases of coniferous trees and what causes their treatment. The diseases of the freshers are most often caused by mushrooms and soil pathogens. Among all diseases, which eat, the tree is most susceptible to spider, fusariosis, ulceated cancer. Meanwhile, coniferous disease is not as scary, so I will identify them and treat them further according to the given advice.

The defeat is caused by several varieties of Lophodermium Pinastri mushrooms. There is a disease in Mae month. If you noticed the coughing spruce, it is spitting. With the further development of the disease, the lower part of the needles is covered by brilliant black outlets of point or bar, which over time increases in size. Subsequently, the plant dries and dies. A particularly dangerous disease is for young plants (up to 10 years) and seedlings.

The causes of the spread of fungal diseases ate are warm weather and abundant precipitation (dew, drizzling rain).

The source of the present spruce is a mushroom Lophodermium seditiosum. As a result of this disease, the ate is prematurely falling needle. The seedlings are affected in nurseries and young weak plants. Throughout the spring and summer, the needles will boil and crept.

In the fall on the needles, small yellow dots appear, gradually they increase in size and acquire brown color. The mushroom is saved in a husky blackened needle.

Did you know? Due to the uniform distribution of fibers in wood, spruce best tree For the manufacture of musical instruments.

The causative agent of brown spider, or a snow mold, is a mushroom not cropotrichia nigra. The disease occurs in several stages: contamination of mushroom disputes begins in the fall, the development of the disease proceeds in winter under the cover of snow at temperatures above 0.5 ° C. The disease is manifested in the spring with the occasion of snow.

The symptom of the disease is the appearance on the brown non-shine needle black-gray plaque, similar to a web, and over the time of point fruit bodies, fungus. Thin branches of trees die, the needles are not satisted for a long time. The disease is subjected to young trees, seedlings and self-seeds. Increased humidity The air, a thick planting of plants, depressions on the territory of growth are the main factors that promote the ontogenesis of mushrooms.

The Snow Chute detonator is Phlacidiumin Festans mushroom, which has taken root in highly snow-covered regions. The development of the disease begins under the snow at temperatures about 0 ºC. Infection occurs gradually: from the needle to the needle, and then from the tree to the tree. With the occasion of snow, the affected needles and branches become brown and die away. Sick trees are covered with gray films of fungny.

In the summer, the needles change color from red-red to light gray, begin to crumble, but do not appear. In the fall on the needles, black dots appear. Spores of mushrooms from these points are transferred to the air flows to the still not affected faces before falling out of the snow. Drizzling rain, warm snow-covered winter, tightening spring, loss and melting of snow in autumn favorably affect the spread of mushrooms.

Important! Disputes of mushrooms have long been kept in dead plants and soil, so when transplanting plants from nursers thoroughly process seedlings.

Stewflow control measures are selected of healthy seedlings resistant to disease, advance thinning and spraying coniferous appropriate fungicides, copper-containing and sulfuric drugs.

Tracheosicose fading belongs to viral diseasescaused by the pathogen of the soil. Amazed root system Plants: Roots raw and begin to rot. Mycelium Mushroom damages the Software system, as a result of this, the beneficial substances do not reach the ground part of the plant.

Due to the defective nutrition, the needles acquire red, then brown color, crept, and the tree dries and dies. Saplings are subject to coniferous seedlings during wet cold atmospheric conditions. The symptom of the disease is a gray-white bloom on the needles. The causative agents of the disease are preserved in dead plants and are distributed with seedlings or affected by the soil.

The treatment of fusariosis ate is impossible, a few years later, the plants die. To prevent trachemic and fiction, it is necessary to plant healthy seedlings, carefully remove the contaminated parts of the plants. With the manifestation of primary signs of infection, the processing of biopreparations or fungicides.

Did you know? In autumn, the christmas trees are reset needles.

Rustful diseases of firings occupy a special place among all diseases that are susceptible to coniferous, and their treatment should be directed to the eradication of Mushrooms PucciniaStrum Areolatum, ColeOsporium, Cronartium Ribicola, which are amazed and large plants. They were most susceptible to such diseases as rusting cones and rust needles.

Rust cones causes PucciniaStrum Areolatum mushroom. The sign of the disease serves the appearance on the inner walls of cones of round dusty brown esi-chip. Subsequently, the bumps are widely revealed and hang, not falling, the seeds lose their germination, the branches are deformed.

The rust path of the needle is a mushroom ColeOSporium. Develops fungal disease In the spring, hitting chevy. Bubble Eziopulas yellow color Placed on both sides of the needle. If the plant is struck strongly, the needale changes its color from green to yellow and crept.

If a rust appeared on a her, it is necessary to fight with it, as with other fungal diseases. Also recommended to cut sick branches and make microfertres.

Necrosis of the crust

Nine crust is fungal bark bark disease. Signs of illness: damage and drying of the crust, formation of brick-colored growths or dark small bubbles. As a result, the bark is donated, and the tree disappears.

The sulfur of the gray rot is the Mushroom Botrytis Cinerea. The disease affects ground parts of young plants. Branches are gray, brown or black. Covered with conidias similar to a layer of dust. Rewarding the plant continues in the process of growth.

As a result, the trees weaken and lose their appearance. Most often, the disease is distributed in territories with dense landings, poor sun and breathability.

Protective measures to prevent gray rot - it is the advance removal of the affected branches, disinfection of the seats with a solution of copper sulphate. If you think than to treat conifers from diseases as prevention, good tools are a borodic mixture, "Sorrow".

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 09:54

Hello comrades! I appeal to you for help and advice!
The situation is as follows: country plot Sick (not sick?) Spruce.
It began all about 5 years ago, first began to dry up the top, in the first year the maximum cm 50, not immediately noticed. Further more. With each subsequent year, the drying part of the top increased, it began to turn the needles. On the this moment The situation is completely deplorable.
Spruce exactly 50 years old, it is known exactly, because Sasit her my grandfather upon receipt of the site, etc. The plant is expensive and as a memory.
I did the cut of the bark, the pest traces were not found.
It matters, or not, 3 years ago on young seedlings of firs and pines, a sawliver (green and brown caterpilts sticking out beams, right?). I left.

p-F. 06-09-2017 10:52

qUOTE: I did the cut of the bark, the pest traces were not found.

coroeda and so seen - small hole in the crust and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 11:18

small holes in the crust and wood flour around the trunk at the roots

no, there is no such thing. I read that under the crust some more creatures dwell, the outside do not seem to be asked, but under the crust of small passing paths leave, they are sort of resin.

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 11:46

sled her my grandfather

Actually, to plant a peasant Christmas tree near the house turns out - bad sign.

I suppose (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree pours with water with roofs of buildings.

Our tree grows on the bank of the pond is probably 150 years old and maybe more for the gardens of my grandfather of my grandfather being in girls (grandfather 1911 g \\ r).

CMS-UA. 06-09-2017 12:03

qUOTE: sress the peasant tree near the house turns out - bad sign

qUOTE: why spruce on the site bad sign? In the villages there is a belief that spruce can not be planted in the courtyard, near the house. It is believed that as soon as Spruce becomes above the roof, death will happen in the family. For another variation, when spruce grown above the person who planted it, he died. Source: © http://grimuar.ru/primetyi/pri...tml

-Rus-36- 06-09-2017 12:18

i had a mother-in-law of the mother-in-law, so a granny looked at the roof of the house and blurted out, the type he said should not be planted, the sign is bad, I was not in the courses, then I learned about something ...
Already after the house planted 4 pines, everyone dried up ....
after I learned believing, attempts did not produce anymore, as stated ...

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 12:24

bad sign

There is a belief in the villages

I feel very calm
qUOTE: Originally Posted by N. Valerich:

plant a peasant tree

qUOTE: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

spruce on the site

qUOTE: Originally Posted by N. Valerich:

I suppose (judging by the photo) that your Christmas tree pours water from the roofs of buildings

I think, hardly. 50 years old lived somehow, not even somehow, and wonderful, the bootshop like a blue ate was fluffy, until recently, and the waterproofs on the buildings have a place, and her root system is very branched.
And the blow of zipper could provoke such a hat?

p-F. 06-09-2017 12:27

qUOTE: no, there is no such thing.

siravno f fake. Pipette christmas tree. In winter, he sleeps while the infection is sleeping, and burn it either. Ce La V.

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 12:32

qUOTE: Originally Posted by P-F:

siravno f fake.

pts would not like, sorry ....

p-F. 06-09-2017 12:42

qUOTE: pts would not like, sorry ....

it will be frightened if it is on the roof of the zavalitz.
people in Malakhovka on the plots were one and a half dozen centenary trees and birches. Christmas trees Coroed. Birza hurricane patted. And nicho. Spilly and live on.

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 12:49

Yes, it should not seem to fall, firmly sitting, and so, yes, you can live a lot without anything), but I do not want)

N.Valerich 06-09-2017 13:06

qUOTE: Our tree grows on the shore of the pond is probably 150 and maybe more

Nearby there were four pines (25 years or a little more), in the summer the breeze revealed and three pines fell into the pond (small and stupid remained). So successfully fell that only the pits remained.
qUOTE: Originally Posted by Maxim @ 79:

So tree, or fir? And I cheered pine

Pines do not count the fir tree or the Christmas tree as who likes and near the house and it is the peasant.
Pines in the garden grows several pieces, there are fir years old. It is planted. There are and trees, but behind the garden, the most problems causes birch planted near the house about 50 years ago.

Six years ago, in late autumn, with a comrade in the village, they decided to plant on the Christmas tree on the garden, it was painfully beautiful grew along the road. I planted my garden "in my guidelines," where he planted do not remember. My died (I did not fit at all). And comrade in the summer in the loop climbed.

Maxim @ 79. 06-09-2017 13:45

qUOTE: Originally Posted by N. Valerich:

My died (I did not fit at all). And comrade in the summer in the loop climbed.

Know how to add positive ...

bigded. 06-09-2017 22:09

At first I thought that it was written in a foreign language.

algol. 07-09-2017 01:45

Most likely - this is a beekend of typographic and forester lying, there is no problem!
On the train ride from Moscow to Alexandrov, look.

algol. 07-09-2017 01:46

Just spire and put a pine or larch.

Maxim @ 79. 07-09-2017 09:00

qUOTE: Originally posted by algol:

Most likely - this is a beetle type

Thank you, I will go sneaking!

Maxim @ 79. 07-09-2017 09:04

No, no symptoms do not seem ...

CMS-UA. 08-09-2017 05:19

Cause the leshoz with the tower and squeeze the patient ... If it seems not beautiful - add the artificial spruce with garlands on top new Year holidays And turn on when boring.

Maxim @ 79. 08-09-2017 08:55

qUOTE: Originally posted by CMS-UA:

adjustable artificial fir tree with garlands

All you have chikhanki hahanki ..... although .... as an option!

N.Valerich 08-09-2017 11:54

qUOTE: It is originally written by CMS-UA:
Call leshoz with a tower and squeeze the sore part ...

The top branches stretch up vertically and there will be a few vertices.
I zai + averaged so chop the tree growing under the wires (trees along the fence were planted before the power line stretched).

CMS-UA. 09-09-2017 18:44

I know the cherry cropped under the wires with some kind of light bulbs that shine from the emissions of the wires are very cool, and the day is not visible, the owner said that the children scared the battered Chinese indicators - and here it is happiness

aG111. 10-09-2017 19:50

Ate alone do not grow. Work as a thunder, but flowing electricity burns the top. When a fir in the forest, the electricity is divided into all ate.

Alternatively, put the thresholds above the ate. Although such experiments are not yet known.

Maxim @ 79. 11-09-2017 09:09

qUOTE: Originally posted by AG111:

Ate alone do not grow. Work as a grossival

Woob. I had a suspicion that her licritism. But how before that, she grew 50 years, of whom is thirty years in this amount?

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