Where are the Alps located? The geographical position of the Alpine mountains: definition, description.

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The Alps are mature mountains, although not as old as the Urals (which are about 350 million years old). The Alps were formed "only" some 40 million years ago, when two giant lithospheric plates - the Adriatic (present-day Africa) and Central European (Eurasia) collided. As a result of the enormous pressure, the rocks of the slabs crumpled like plasticine, and a significant part was squeezed upwards. Thus, the sky-high peaks of a young mountainous country were formed, the glaciation of which occurred only 1.5-1.8 million years ago. Today these mountains are known as the Alps. Together with them, neighboring mountain ranges were formed - the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and the Apennines. With the further "departure" of Africa, the single mountain system was torn, losing its integrity, and the Eurasian plate acquired modern look. The name "Alps", according to some sources, comes from the Celtic word, which means " high mountains".

On the territory of the Alpine mountainous country, Austria and Switzerland are entirely located, and such small states as Liechtenstein and Monaco. The northern parts of the Alps are within the boundaries of Germany, the western - within the limits of France, the southern - Italy. The southeastern ridges enter the territory of Slovenia. Seen from a bird's eye view, the mountain strip of the Alps extends in a semicircle from the Ligurian Sea and breaks off before reaching the Danube. The length of the semicircle along the outer edge is about 1200 km, along the inner edge - about 750 km, the width is from 50 km to 260 km. The total area of ​​the mountain system reaches more than 200 thousand kilometers. Geological history Alp is somewhat confused. It looks unusual, and even fabulous, when among the green hills with smooth outlines and cozy little houses huge Mountain peaks. Hills, this type of relief is called the Pre-Alps, composed of limestone, dolomite and flysch. In the mountains, in particular in the Glarn Alps, the remains of older rocks were found, lying on top of younger ones. In the collision of plates, ancient rocks were forced out by flush upwards, which led to such consequences. Geographically, the mountains are divided into two parts: Western Alps and Eastern Alps, the border between them runs along the valley of the river Rhine.

diagram of the Western and Eastern Alps

The highest mountain ranges are located in the Western Alps, the highest point of which is Mont Blanc. Translated from French "Mont Blanc" means "White Mountain". The peaks of the Alps have always attracted climbers. Many tried to conquer Mont Blanc, but only in 1786 the mountain guide Jacques Balm and the physician Michel-Gabriel Packard were the first to reach the summit, and a year later Saussure (a Swiss geologist, botanist and climber) organized a large expedition, thanks to which the height of Mont Blanc was measured - 4807 meters.

Following them, scientists, aristocrats, and women rushed to conquer the peaks. It is said that by the end of the 1860s there was not a single peak left in the Alps, where no human foot had set foot. Today, the Alps are considered the most traveled among the mountain systems of our planet. The very word "alpinism" - climbing mountain peaks, clearly indicates the birthplace of this sport, which originated in the Alps at the end of the 18th century. The border between the Eastern Alps and the Western Alps starts from Lake Constance in the north, runs along the valleys of the rivers Rhine, Liro and Mera to Lake Como in the south. The Eastern Alps differ from the Western Alps in their wider and less high mountain valley. The highest point is Mount Bernina 4049 meters.

mount bernina

It is interesting that the Eastern Alps are homogeneous in origin with the Carpathians and represent a continuation of the Western Carpathians. It's the same mountain fold earth's crust, but having met the Bohemian massif, consisting of ancient hard rocks (granite, syenite), the Alps deviated from their original direction, and bypassing this massif, turned sharply to the northeast again and took the direction of the Western Carpathians. The main European rivers begin in the Alps: the Rhine, Rhone, Bar, Po, Ech, tributaries of the Danube. The mountain range forms the main watershed Central Europe, and falling with precipitation, the water is carried by rivers in all directions. Most of the Alpine rivers originate in glaciers (glaciers), there are about 1100 of them, of which the largest are 100. Of these, Aletsch stands out - the most majestic glacier in the Alps.

The waters that flow from glaciers look like muddy streams, they are also called "glacial milk". They quickly descend, forming waterfalls and whirlpools on their way, streams of water rush into the valleys and, passing through the lakes, leave their sediment there and come out clean and transparent. One of the main decorations of the Alps are numerous lakes, which are located on the southern and northern slopes. The largest: Geneva, Como, Baden, there are also small lakes that are surrounded by rocks and most the years stand frozen.

small lake formed by a glacier

In addition to high mountains, there are also deep caves in the Alps. Caves are located in the massifs of the Eastern Alps and there are not so many of them, since the mountain system is still young, mainly karst caves formed by rivers, but there are also ice caves. The largest ice cave in the world is the Eisriesenwelt with a length of 42 kilometers.

Eisriesenwelt cave

It is located in the Salzburg Alps in Austria on the very edge of the Tennen massif. Although the cave is called "ice", but it is formed of limestone, and partially covered with ice, only one kilometer from the entrance. The cave was once formed by a river, and the ice was formed by melting snow that flowed into the cave and froze. The temperature in the cave is kept constant, below zero.

On the slopes of the Alps, altitudinal climatic zonality is clearly expressed, which manifests itself, passing from the warm temperate southern foothills to the harsh high-altitude climate. upper parts mountains with frequent frosts, snowstorms and snowfalls. So, up to about 1000 meters there are many orchards, vineyards and fields. In the belt of 1000-1800 meters the vegetation gradually changes to coniferous forests: spruce and fir forests predominate in more humid areas, pine and cedar forests predominate in drier areas. At altitudes of 1800-2300 meters there are many summer pastures, mostly shrubs grow, meadows prevail. In the highlands, glaciers and snowfields, rocks and stone placers dominate. The Alps, due to their location in the very center of Europe, are one of the most densely populated and accordingly visited mountainous countries on the planet.

And her whole history is connected with them, and a lot is known about them in the world. Suffice it to recall the campaigns of Hannibal or Suvorov, and this is only a few moments compared to their age, although modern scientists - geologists and geomorphologists, call the Alps young mountains.

The birth of the Alps began about 180 million years ago - for the history of the Earth this is a short period, but for us - a whole eternity, and the highest mountains, such as Mont Blanc (4810 m), Monte Rosa (4634 m) or Bernina (4049 m ) in the Eastern Alps, were formed about 40 million years ago.

Where are the Alps

There are Western, Central and Eastern Alps.

The flora and fauna of the Alps is very rich, but all these are separate topics, and most tourists come here for the ski resorts. There are dozens of such resorts in the Alps, and Austrian, French and Swiss are more popular than others: earlier only people with high incomes could go here, but now everything is being done so that the “middle class” can also actively relax here. In addition to expensive hotels, tourists are accepted by more affordable guest houses and chalets, and charter flights to most resorts are organized - they are much cheaper than regular ones.

austrian alps

The Austrian Alps are considered the most popular among tourists., although France is always trying to prove its superiority - but here everyone chooses what he likes best. Austria is considered the birthplace of skiing: in the last quarter of the 19th century, the first ski run appeared in the Austrian Alps, and since then this sport has been constantly developing and improving. The equipment and technique is changing, but the Austrian ski school is recognized as the best, although schools in many mountainous countries are trying to compete with it.

The Alps occupy 60% of the territory of Austria, and the ski slopes in them stretch for more than 20,000 km, and both beginners and professionals can ski at any resort - there are all conditions for this. The Tyrolean and Salzburg states are home to the most visited Austrian ski resorts, and Innsbruck is considered the best place - it was here that two winter Olympics were held in the 20th century.

In Carinthia, the southernmost region of Austria, there is a lot of snow in winter, and you can ride as much as you like; however, the resorts are cheaper, and besides, after skiing, you can immerse yourself in a hot healing spring, of which there are many in this area.

Resorts of Germany not so popular, and in vain: for example, in the Bavarian Alps, not far from Munich, you can have a great rest and ski from November until May.

In Slovenia they speak Slavic languages, and therefore Russian tourists are “warmer” and more comfortable here, and the prices at the resorts are lower than in other “Alpine” countries, but this does not affect the quality in any way - many of the local resorts are very good for family vacation. The climate in the Slovenian Alps is quite mild, but there is also a lot of snow - such good combination due to the proximity of the Adriatic Sea.

Holidays in the Italian Alps is attractive not only for lovers of mountain trails, but also for those who are interested in exciting excursions, entertainment and famous local cuisine. Especially popular are the Dolomites, so named because of the high cliffs of an unusual appearance, formed by limestones and dolomites. Their slopes are steep, and the sharp peaks are bizarre, but convenient sports tracks are located next to them - the views here are stunningly beautiful.

In the Arsty region, which borders on Switzerland and Austria, the resort of Courmayeur is famous: it is called one of the most fashionable - hotels and shops here are chic. Courmayeur is considered an international ski area - it connects to the French resort of Chamonix.

France, as already mentioned, all the time "competes" with Austria, and one cannot but say that she succeeds in this: resorts in french alps more than in other "alpine" countries, and in no other country there are ski areas located so high - about 3900 m above sea level. Here is the famous descent of the White Valley, which is considered the first in the world in terms of length, and you can also choose a place to relax in the French Alps for every taste and budget. Here can "find themselves" and lovers of antiquity - in small mountain villages, and those who prefer modern style and dynamic recreation, and you can ski almost all year round.

Most of our tourists still only dream of a vacation in the Swiss Alps: hotels here are expensive, and few people have learned to rent rooms in the villages. The level of service in Swiss resorts is very high, and nature is distinguished by incomprehensible beauty - the Swiss Alps are known for their bright sunny slopes, as if connecting with the sky.

Choose the most the best place in the Alps is impossible: these mountains are beautiful in any guise, and each time they appear before a person new, unknown and unexpected sides. It remains only to wish those who decided to go to the Alps to see and learn as much as possible, and yet even the longest life will not be enough to fully feel their eternal beauty...

The Alpine mountains are one of the main European resorts. Every year not only fans of skiing flock here, but also those who want to enjoy clean air and healing water from local thermal springs. 8 European countries, on the territory of which the Alpine ridges and massifs are located, have been competing for decades in creating attractive conditions for tourists. How to make a program for visiting the Alpine mountains in order to see all the most interesting in a short vacation?

Ithoria mountains

Covered in snow and surrounded by mist peaks of the Alps gave the mountain range its name. It is believed that it comes from the Latin word "albus" ("white").

Age of the Alps impossible to determine unambiguously. Between 34 and 23 million years ago, a collision of tectonic plates occurred, resulting in the formation of the longest European mountain range. The length of the Alps is 1,200 kilometers.

For a significant part of its history, the Alps were an insurmountable natural barrier. They hindered the movement of trade and military expeditions. Local residents avoided climbing to high altitudes, because there you could meet with an avalanche, storm and cold.

The study of the Alpine mountains began only in the second half of the 18th century. Enthusiast scientists explored the flora, fauna, glaciers and geology of the mountain range. At the same time, the concept of "mountaineering" was born, which at that time meant walking along the slopes without special equipment. In 1786 it was first conquered highest mountain in the Alps- Mont Blanc.

The history of the Alps as a tourist center dates back to the 19th century. Then wealthy people came to mountain hotels to enjoy the extraordinary views and take baths from the waters of thermal springs. V late XIX century, winter sports began to gain popularity. Figure skating and skiing championships were held in the Alpine mountains.

The Alpine mountains were the site of the first Winter Olympic Games and still remain the most popular. Developed infrastructure suitable weather and the presence of modern sports facilities have already secured the right to host the Winter Olympics a dozen times for resorts located in the Alps.

Today the mountain range is one of the world's major centers of tourism. Every year more than a hundred million people visit the local resorts. Nature of the Alps attracts not only lovers of extreme sports. Fresh air, medicinal properties sources and the unique local culture ensure a continuous flow of tourists at any time of the year.

Attractions of the Alps

Most tourists go to the Alps to enjoy unique views, try their hand at mountain slopes and swim in local springs. But the Alpine region is a place where several European cultures. Here are located interesting objects of architectural, historical and religious value.

Air travel and ticket prices

In the immediate vicinity of the Alpine mountains there is no major airports. Air carriers sometimes organize flights to Bolzano (Italy) and Innsbruck (Austria), but these connections are seasonal. Most tourists prefer to book a ticket to one of the nearest major airports, and travel the rest of the way by bus or train.

The easiest way to get to the Alpine Mountains is from international airports located in the following cities:

  1. Munich;
  2. Milan;
  3. Verona;
  4. Innsbruck;
  5. Salzburg;
  6. Venice;
  7. Vein;
  8. Bolzano;
  9. Bologna;
  10. Klagenfurt;
  11. Friedrichshafen;
  12. Bergamo;
  13. Brescia.

The most convenient routes for Russian tourists run through the airports of Munich and Milan. They are connected by regular flights with the largest cities of Russia. Depending on the distance of the chosen Alpine resort, the way to it from the airport can take from 1 to 2 hours.

The way from Munich to the popular ski regions can be overcome by car: the city is connected to the Alps by three modern autobahns. From Munich Airport to the mountains it is convenient to get the S-Banh commuter train. In this case, you will be there in 40 minutes.

If you decide to visit the western part of the Alps, then your route will run through the airports of Milan or Verona. Milan is well connected to Russian cities, but you still have to get to the Alps through Verona. If you couldn't find a direct flight to Romeo and Juliet, don't be discouraged: the journey from Milan will be comfortable. From both international airports in the Italian fashion capital, there are direct buses to Milan Central Station, where you can buy a ticket to Verona.

The road from Verona to the Alpine resorts can be overcome by car, spending about two hours on the trip, or by train. Trains run from 5 am to 10 pm, leaving the platform every half hour. Tickets cost from 10 euros, and you will have to spend another 1.5-2 hours on the road.

Location of the Alps mountain system on the world map

(mountain system boundaries are approximate)

The Alps are the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe. Wherein Caucasian mountains higher, and the Ural ones are longer, but they also lie on the territory of Asia.

The Alps are complex system ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland.

The Alps are located on the territory of 8 countries: France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. total length the Alpine arc is about 1200 km (along the inner edge of the arc about 750 km), the width is up to 260 km. The highest peak of the Alps is Mont Blanc, at 4,810 meters above sea level, located on the border between France and Italy. In total, about 100 four-thousander peaks are concentrated in the Alps.

Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains

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Where are the Alps located?

Where are the Alps located? Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located in Central Europe
and are located in the territories of southern Austria, northern Italy, the southern half of Switzerland and the eastern outskirts of France.

On the map below, the Alps are highlighted more dark color than the adjacent plains. To see the snow-covered ridges of the Alps, switch the map to satellite mode in its upper corner.

46.5082512 northern latitude
10.8489056 east longitude

Alps on interactive map which can be controlled:

Alps are on the list: mountains

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Alps mountains: description, where they are on the map, photo, height, peaks

Alps- highest mountains Western Europe- occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from mediterranean sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is approximately 1200 kilometers (about 750 kilometers along the inner edge of the arc). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (up to 4807 meters high, Mount Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4049 meters, Mount Berdina).

In the Alps - the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoye, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).

well expressed altitudinal zonality landscapes. Up to a height of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes - Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, orchards, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and broad-leaved forests.

At an altitude of 800-1800 meters the climate is temperate, humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced by coniferous ones upwards. Up to a height of 2200-2300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-term snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Above, to the border of eternal snows, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, with a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow for most of the year. Even higher - nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, rocky slopes.

The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

Main ski resorts: Megeve (France), Chamonix (France), Courchevel (France), Zermatt (Switzerland), Grindelwald (Switzerland), St. Moritz (Switzerland), Davos (Switzerland), Lech (Austria), St. Anton ( Austria), Kitzbühel (Austria), Seefeld (Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

Photos of the mountains of the Alps:

Where are they located on the map:

Alps or Alpine mountains- the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe.

The snowy mountain range of the Alps forms a massive barrier between northern and southern Europe.

Alpine countries

Some of the highest peaks of the Alps are in Germany, France and Italy, but most of them are within the three Alpine countries: Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria. The ice and rocks of the peaks are replaced by green alpine pastures, colored in summer with bright herbs. They descend to forested valleys and deep lakes.

The melting snows of the Alps feed the most major rivers Western Europe: Rhine, Rhone, Po and the Inn-Danube system.

Switzerland is a small country divided into cantons. Four languages ​​can be heard here: French, German, Italian and English. Although Switzerland has little natural resources, except for hydropower, it became a wealthy country thanks to the production of watches and precision instruments. It is the center of banking and tourism. Impressive mountain landscapes with lakes, waterfalls and colorful villages attract athletes in winter and vacationers in summer. Switzerland is a neutral country that has not taken part in European wars since 1815.

The capital, Geneva, is the headquarters of many international organizations, including the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization.

East of Switzerland is Liechtenstein- a tiny German-speaking state that was able to maintain independence from larger neighbors.

It is a monarchy, but the laws are made by an elected government. It has close ties to Switzerland and uses the Swiss franc as its currency.

Passes and tunnels in the Alps

Crossing the Alps has always been very problematic and dangerous.

Now the roads to the south pass through deep tunnels cut into the rocks.

  • Simplon Tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, the world's longest railway tunnel was opened in 1922. Its length is 19.8 km.
  • Saint Gotthard Tunnel(16.4 km long), built in 1980, holds the record for the longest road tunnel.

Where is it located and how to get there

The address: Europe, Alps

Alps - mountain system in Europe on the map

GPS coordinates: 46.01667,11.18333

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I am a big travel lover, I especially like to enjoy the beauty of the mountains. My geography is so far limited to the mountain ranges of the European continent, such as the Carpathians, the Apennines, the Pyrenees, the Sudetenland. But only the Alps have special beauty and grandeur. Once having visited them, I can no longer imagine resting in another place.

Where are the Alps located

The Alps are the largest mountain range in Europe. Mountains are located on the territory of eight countries. The most big peak of these mountains - Mont Blanc with a height of 4810 meters. In general, there are about a hundred peaks in the Alps with a height of more than four thousand meters. The mountains are the center international tourism and mountaineering. Although the Alps are considered the most studied mountain range, you can discover a lot of interesting things.

Castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau as a visiting card of the Alps

My acquaintance with the Alps began after a tourist trip to the castles of Europe. It is the castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau against the backdrop of mountain peaks and alpine meadows that enchant at first sight. The history of castles goes into the deep past and is associated with many famous rulers of the Bavarian lands.

What attracts the Alpine mountains

As a tourist with experience, I recommend a holiday in the Alps not only to lovers skiing but also to connoisseurs of natural beauty. Clean fresh alpine air intoxicates from the first breath. On the territory of the mountains a large number of popular resorts. The most famous:

  • resorts of the Three Valleys in France;
  • Mayrhofen in Austria;
  • Villars in Switzerland;
  • Val di Fassa in Italy;
  • Gastein Valley in Austria.

The uniqueness of the Alps is that they attract tourists at any time of the year. In winter, you can traditionally go skiing, sledding, snowboarding. In summer, the Alps beckon with the opportunity to go mountain climbing, cycling, and gliding. The presence of mountain lakes attracts scuba divers and yachtsmen. As a lover of warm countries, I like to rest in summer period. Hiking trails with a backpack on my back is my hobby. It is this holiday against the backdrop of the beauty of the Alpine mountains that I prefer.

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