Scorpio: unexpected sides of the zodiac signs Where do scorpions live? If your enemy is Pisces

Plant encyclopedia 28.06.2020
Plant encyclopedia

This sign of the zodiac includes people born in the period from March 21 to April 20. In most cases, these are self-confident and motivated people. Aries is the most ambitious sign of the entire zodiac, which always strives to occupy a leading place in everything. To realize their own interests and goals, people of this zodiac sign are ready to take even the most extreme measures. However, despite their determination and purposefulness, Aries are not a particularly dangerous enemy for those around them.

In dignity to this sign, it is worth noting that rancor is not at all peculiar to it. If you touch a ram for a sore spot or in any way strongly offend him, then he would rather quarrel or even beat the offender than come up with an ominous plan of revenge. The calmness of the ram knows no bounds, but if you still get it specifically, then he can start brutal actions against his opponent. This zodiac sign acts especially violently with those people who offended or made fun of him in the eyes of his sigh. Vengeful Aries are determined and radical. In their revenge, they act in completely different ways than their enemy. They do not let go of ridicule and mockery of the enemy, but "hit right in the heart." After all, the main task of revenge, unusual for this zodiac, is to eliminate the enemy. Aries will not kill or imprison their abuser, he will only get rid of him, will take all measures for the hated person to move to another city or quit his job, etc. In fact, this is not revenge at all, but necessary defense. This is exactly what the Aries thinks, being at the stage of revenge.


This is the second zodiac sign in the zodiac circle, which belongs to people born between April 21st and May 21st. Taurus is characterized by prudence, and at the same time slowness. “Measure seven times and cut one off” is the true motto of the representatives of this zodiac sign. In their lives, Taurus think through everything down to the smallest detail. They value comfort and coziness, have a weakness for beautiful and attractive things.

Taurus are friendly and sweet people who often play the role of a faithful friend or an exemplary family man. These are truly reliable people you can rely on in a difficult situation.

Another character trait characteristic of this sign is determination. Taurus sets clear goals for themselves and stubbornly follows the necessary actions to achieve them. To realize their own interests, they will stop at nothing. All these qualities make Taurus secretive and dangerous enemies to those around them.

Mother nature did not teach the calves to take revenge, so this characteristic, in fact, is not characteristic of them. However, living in the modern world is very difficult and they have to adapt to the current situation. For the sake of special offenders, Taurus can learn insidious and vindictive actions. Gradually, with experience, Taurus seizes a dangerous and sophisticated revenge.

The revenge of the bulls is like the actions of a sinking ship. Serious and reliable connections concentrate the main trump cards in the hands of the representatives of this zodiac sign, which they use for the necessary purposes. For their enemy, they systematically block all paths and fence off all available entrances and exits. Thus, the existence of the offender becomes similar not to life, but to survival.

Taurus have individual opinions about careers, art, personal relationships, fashion, style, and other areas. It is because of this that they are often an authority in various social circles. Taurus do not seek to force others to their opinion, they either approve or disapprove of someone's views. As for the opinions of hated people, their bodies are completely criticized, and they try to do it in front of a large audience. This is a kind of small mockery of the enemy, which sometimes brings him to a state of depression and despair. The bulls also act cunningly not only with their enemies, but also with their defenders.
It is almost impossible to return the location of the representatives of this sign. In order to be pleasantly connected with these insidious cuties again, you will have to come up with so many eulogies and surprises for them!


People born from May 22 to June 21 belong to such a zodiac sign as Gemini. These are sociable people who quickly and easily make contact, thanks to which they acquire a large number of acquaintances and friends. Gemini has a special inner strength, which is made up of devilishly attractive charm and constant self-improvement. Plus, most of the representatives of this sign have creative and innovative thinking. All the presented qualities of twins help them to achieve career and personal success. They are often leaders in a wide variety of companies and associations.

Gemini strives to be recognizable, respected, and authoritative. To achieve these goals, they have to show affection, warmth and flattery when communicating with almost all people around them. However, not everyone reciprocates the flattery of the representatives of this zodiac sign, which causes them not offense, but rather anger. For the most part, this is precisely what encourages the twins to thirst for revenge, they want to hurtfully settle accounts with the people they need who are not going to contact or with those who do not perceive them. Becoming the objects of revenge of these people, you will plunge into the world of endless gossip and intrigue. Gemini compose a variety of fables and spread the most ridiculous gossip about their offenders, enemies and people who prevent them from achieving any personal goals. Due to their intertwined and intriguing nature, they rarely make true friends, which makes them even more angry.
This is always a knowledgeable and implacable enemy that is really worth fearing.


Those who celebrate their birthday from June 22 to July 22 are characterized by the sign of cancer in the zodiac classification. This is the kindest, most cheerful, sweet and sympathetic zodiac sign. Cancer is an interesting conversationalist and bosom friend, ready to share both joys and sorrows. Representatives of this sign often change their mood, but being a cheerful nature, they are more often in a state of euphoria. At this moment, they usually actively participate in the lives of their loved ones, trying to provide them with any necessary help.

Sometimes representatives of this sign literally "choke" with their warmth and help, for which they receive repulsion and some kind of neglect in return. This, of course, offends and hurts the crayfish, but they do not think about any revenge. What revenge! They are not able to offend a fly. The only thing that these individuals can respond to offenders is to cause pain and trouble to themselves. Strange, agree! But for crayfish, this is quite normal. So, for example, they can go overboard with alcohol or go out into the street without outerwear in the cold. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a lot of similar options in the piggy bank of the so-called revenge. The purpose of these techniques is to attract attention. They think, “Let the abuser realize that he was wrong. Let it be bad for me personally, but it will also hurt others. " Here is such an interesting tactic to revenge crayfish.

Too much resentment can force Cancers to end any relationship, including a romantic one. They may not speak to the abuser for years.

Being in a fit of anger, crayfish usually scream and swear, but they are not able to do something especially vengeful. The only thing their hand can touch is the offender's favorite things. They can smash their friend's cell phone to smithereens, or spill out a bottle of their beloved’s expensive perfume, or delete important files from their colleague’s computer.

Cancer men are incredibly hot-tempered and, as a rule, try to physically punish their offenders. Most often, such a vengeful battle is carried out with the use of a dog with a bat, a crowbar or even a frying pan; this person is unlikely to agree to fight with his fists.

But the worst thing that can be obtained from offended cancer is the state of its complete despondency. His tearful eyes and sad expression on his face - this is a true crustacean revenge, which no other sign of the zodiac will tolerate.

a lion

Lions are people born between July 23 and August 23. This is the most cheerful and flirty zodiac sign. He is smart and generous, generous and sociable, kind and understanding. "Lions are the leaders of their flock." They are the undisputed leaders of any campaign. However, despite the attractive qualities of lions, close communication with them is quite a difficult thing. Representatives of this sign do not tolerate lies and betrayal. It is enough to deceive the lion only once, and you will find yourself in his black list. The lion's revenge is terrible and dangerous, it is a truly powerful enemy.

For their revenge, lions resort to the most sophisticated methods. In most cases, representatives of this sign simply ignore their offender, demonstrating to him that he is a complete insignificance. How do they do it? Yes, very simply - they surpass the enemy in everything: career, personal relationships, etc. They can even take on the business in which they are not at all strong. But due to their perseverance and firm character, they will surely surpass the opponent.

Leos are straightforward personalities. They also use this characteristic in their terrible revenge. It will not be difficult for them to publicly expose the enemy and tell others what he thinks of him.

This zodiac sign is especially fearless to their loved ones who have betrayed him. The angry lions will never forgive the betrayal of a friend, the betrayal of his wife, the infidelity of business partners, moreover, they will take revenge on such haters all their lives. In this case, the vindictive lions will attract all their reliable connections to their revenge. The offenders of the representatives of this sign will be persecuted by incomprehensible people who will sow fear in their heads and hearts.


People born in the period from August 24 to September 23 in the zodiac circle belong to the sign of Virgo. This is the most practical and responsible sign of the zodiac, you can completely rely on it. After all, if the virgins have promised something, they will certainly do it. At first glance, the representatives of this zodiac sign are inactive and even withdrawn. But, oddly enough, it is the virgins who find themselves in a difficult moment by their side and completely take the difficult situation on their shoulders and quickly resolve it. Their apparent isolation is not at all associated with neglect of communication, but with personal self-improvement. Virgos devote all their free time to their hobbies, which they have a lot, increasing their own capital and learning. All these qualities make them smart and powerful enemies.

To have a virgin in your enemies is actually very difficult. Indeed, being in constant employment, this sign often does not pay attention to various gossip and other unpleasant little things. In addition, the virgins are quite calm, opponents of conflicts. However, vengeance is still characteristic of the virgins. First of all, the vengeance of the virgins is directed at those people who dared to encroach on their personal belongings. Having the ability for self-study and self-improvement, the representatives of this sign are smart and calculating enough. Moreover, these individuals, to some extent, consider themselves to be perfections. Therefore, if someone is going to compete with the virgins in some personal qualities or professional skills, then these people immediately become the object of revenge.

The vengeance of the virgins is very sophisticated and terrible. They use all their wits and imaginations to punish the enemy. Small mockery of the offender is not at all for virgins, they act more radically and dangerous. They can literally make the life of their enemy hell.

Virgos do not tolerate betrayal of loved ones. Especially painful they experience the betrayal of their beloved. If this happens, then the virgins will endure such situations for a long time, as if "passing them through". But that doesn't mean they don't care. At this moment, these smart individuals are preparing a plan for revenge. They will strictly follow the planned plan and ultimately achieve it. After all, as you know, purposefulness cannot be taken away from virgins. But the most interesting thing is that even in the midst of his revenge, the offender will not even guess about such actions of the secretive maiden.


People born in the period from September 24 to October 23 can consider themselves representatives of the seventh zodiac sign - Libra. As a rule, these are sensitive and gentle natures. They sensitively react to a variety of everyday trifles and from a trifle can inflate a global problem. The scales are so vulnerable that even the smallest trifles can offend them.

In general, the representatives of this sign are incredibly good-natured people who rather remember cute life situations than harbor anger at someone.

Being indecisive individuals, the scales often like to shift everyday problems not to the shoulders of loved ones and relatives, and career troubles are not the shoulders of their colleagues. In this regard, the scales have many ill-wishers who, in fact, do not cause them much harm, but can offend these people with just one offensive word. This is where the reciprocal aggression of friendly scales begins. Unable to take harsh revenge, they usually only gossip about the offender. If someone very much touched the feelings of the representatives of this group, then they can call the ill-wisher to a verbal duel, where they wish to “dot the i's”. As a rule, with such situations, a little ridiculous scales spoil the reputation only for themselves.

The only thing that the scales are strong in is seduction, the ability to flirt and a kind of sneakiness. They can skillfully discourage the object of sighing from a hated colleague, show all their charm when communicating with their superiors and achieve a promotion, etc.


People born between October 24 and November 22 are proudly called scorpions. This is the most dangerous sign of the zodiac. Moreover, according to statistics, these are the most cruel and vindictive people. These are people with a strong inner core and powerful energy. In the case of scorpions, it was mother nature that rewarded them with the ability to arrange terrible situations for their opponents. In other words, the representatives of this sign know how and know how to take revenge. This is a truly dangerous enemy.

Scorpios love power, respect and recognition, and therefore they try to have the maximum amount of knowledge. Sometimes they improve themselves in those sciences that they are simply not interested in. But the desire to be the first in everything is above all for this sign. Scorpions have their own views and beliefs, which they are not ready to change. If someone encroaches on the individuality of the thinking of scorpions, then they immediately show their bitchiness.

Scorpios also do not tolerate when what is rightfully theirs is taken away from them. For example, they do not accept old debts. A person who did not give them something borrowed for temporary use in time immediately becomes hated by them.

As for personal relationships, the representatives of this zodiac sign are creepy owners and, to some extent, selfish. They like it when the beloved (s) takes the initiative, looks after them. Scorpios do not accept when their partner ignores them or does not listen to their opinion. And even more so, these individuals do not accept betrayal and betrayal, although sometimes they themselves are not without sin. Disappointed in a loved one, they are capable of the most extreme measures, up to causing especially severe physical harm.


People born between November 23 and December 21 are under the auspices of the archer. Active, energetic, versatile - it's all about archers. These are incredibly charming and funny people who, as a rule, make new acquaintances very quickly and are often the life of the company. Spitefulness is not at all characteristic of the representatives of this sign. If they are angry with someone, then it is not more than a couple of hours.

Initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, self-confidence and activity help archers to achieve high career results and success in the love field. They are incredibly sociable and benevolent, which has many companions around them. However, positive archers often find haters in the face of people who envy them. The ill-wishers of the archers often make them sneaky and spread gossip about them, which offends them quite a lot. This is what prompts the good-natured archers to retaliate vengeful actions. They take a long time to develop a plan of revenge for the offenders and sometimes never bring them to life. In most cases, their vengeful actions end before they begin.

Sagittarius are typical bureaucrats who will not compromise on their principles. In this regard, the so-called bureaucratic revenge is characteristic of the representatives of this zodiac sign. What does it mean? Occupying certain positions of power, these individuals can often use official powers for their own personal purposes. So, for example, it is almost impossible to get the necessary document or certificate from an archer-bureaucrat if you are in an unfriendly relationship with him. It is here that these lovely natures settle accounts with their offenders.


Capricorns are people born between December 22nd and January 20th. As a rule, these are serious and intelligent people who are often fond of psychology and philosophy. They skillfully communicate with others and can find an approach to any, even hated person. The main motto of Capricorns is: "You need to treat people the way they treat you." Based on this life credo, representatives of this sign are completely non-conflicting personalities and low-risk enemies.

Calmness of Capricorns knows no bounds, they are too balanced personalities to enter into a skirmish with their offenders. In their opinion, gossip and intrigue do not lower them at all, on the contrary, they become more popular and recognizable, which is very flattering to them.

However, capricorns still have a weak point - these are their relatives. If you offend a loved one or, say, the subject of sighing capricorns, then they can be seriously angry. In this case, their revenge will be a little more terrible than the thoughtful revenge of the virgins. They will settle in enemy territory and find a large number of allies. And at the most inopportune moment for the offender, they will "shoot at him from all sides", and they will do it not on their own, but with the hands of their new well-wishers.

It is especially striking that the capricorns' revenge is slow, and they enjoy it like a spectator in a movie theater. Note that all this can be avoided by avoiding the cutest ibex or simply being friends with them.


Aquarians are people born between January 21st and February 19th. These are wayward personalities, about whom they often speak “out of this world”. They are impulsive and unpredictable, but at the same time loyal and reliable to loved ones. As far as distant ties are concerned, these people often neglect them. Betrayal and deception are not uncommon for Aquarius, however, they do such actions not deliberately, but rather accidentally due to their impulsiveness.

As for relatives and friends, they are not in a position to even make an unintentional betrayal. They love and value their relatives and friends very much, not to mention their beloved, whom patient Aquarius can forgive even serious misdeeds.

Representatives of this sign are calm and reasonable enough. They do not want to change the usual rhythm of life, and therefore often "pass through" some misunderstandings in their address.

Revenge is not at all typical for Aquarius. Representatives of this sign emerge victorious from almost all dangerous and conflict situations. The reason for this success is the amazing sense of humor of these individuals.

Most of the haters consider the humor of Aquarius to be that very revenge, because sometimes these humorists give out such sharp jokes about their enemies!


People born between February 20 and March 20 belong to the most recent zodiac sign - Pisces. This is the most mysterious and mysterious sign of the zodiac, representatives of which are divided into two groups. Some fish are adorable and charming, while others can be simply unbearable. The mood of the fish changes several times a day. Often they are quick-tempered, which leads them to conflict situations with others.

Pisces is characterized by discretion, which is the basis for choosing friends and acquaintances. Due to their mistrust, it is quite difficult for them to make new acquaintances. Relationships with people who are truly close to fish can be called trusting and warm. They value and respect their social circle and expect the same from their relatives. Therefore, if a really dear person betrayed them, then they worry about this for a long time. Communication, for example, with a former bosom friend. And now the traitor immediately stops. But that's not all, the fish will punish their close offender by all means. Fish revenge is a really scary thing. These are truly the most insidious avengers. They will intrigue and spread gossip about their enemies.

The trump card of their revenge is public sympathy. Truly offended fish will wear a "sour face" on their face for a long time, thereby acquiring many of their own defenders, and, accordingly, haters of those very offenders.

As for the gossip and rumors about the haters, believe me, they will be so sophisticated, but so truthful that others will have to believe these stories.

Enemy horoscope: find out what to expect from the zodiac signs

The best way to survive when enemies are around is not to make enemies for yourself. But if the enemy is completely by chance (you didn't want to, you are a bunny, it just happened) appeared on the horizon and slowly approaches, smiling badly, you need to find out who he is according to the horoscope. Just to understand what to expect specifically.


Capricorns, as a rule, are rather stingy with emotions, especially with such vivid emotions as hatred. Therefore, if you managed to bring Capricorn to 451 Fahrenheit - congratulations, you are a very talented person. This, in fact, is where the good news ends. Capricorns usually stand on their feet so confidently that it is possible to drop them on their shoulder blades only by massive orbital bombardments. Accordingly, the best way to fight is to hide in a bunker and pray that Capricorn will be wrapped up with his quarterly reports and forget about your existence.


Aquarius is a very nasty enemy. Because he usually has: a) the Internet; b) a pumped-up sense of humor. A week or two, and you are already deleting all social media accounts, since this is the only alternative to hanging. Well, or hang yourself. Another thing is that Aquarius usually do not care about others, they are too fixated on their talents, family and health. So just don't touch Aquarius - he certainly won't start on his own. He won't even notice you.


Oh, Pisces. Well, to have a Pisces surrounded and not to become its enemy - you need to try very hard. Pisces can take offense at completely unpredictable things and immediately begin to brutally take revenge. Since the words "fantasy" and "Pisces" are practically synonymous, revenge is expected to be terrible, sudden and sophisticated. In the art of persuasion, Pisces also has no equal, so literally an hour after the start of the vendetta, every single one of your acquaintances will be sure that you are a radish, do not wash your hands before eating, and killed Kennedy.


Aries will not carefully weave intrigues and voluptuously represent at night in a pillow, as it runs over you with an asphalt roller. Aries will simply run over you with an asphalt roller. The good news is, Aries is hard to really piss off. The bad news is, Aries doesn't know how to stop. Only your death will suit him. This is at best, because ideally, Aries needs your shameful and very slow death.


Taurus love to deal with enemies. Any inexperienced matador will be raised on his horns without even having time to squeak. But after that, Taurus will not go to the well-deserved side. Taurus will very scrupulously look for the deceased's like-minded people (or even just sympathizers) and methodically raise them on the horns. One by one. One by one. But after that you can already shake off the guts from the horns - and on the side. But first, eat.


One of the most annoying enemies. Firstly, he knows a lot, and secondly, he does not hesitate to use it. So all of your joints will immediately become public knowledge. As wide as possible. In an extreme case, Gemini will lie - they know how to lie no worse than Pisces. So the reputation will have to be washed for a long time. One joy - their mood often changes, and if in the morning Gemini is ready to destroy your family up to the seventh generation, by the evening he can already drink vodka with you, amusingly telling how he was going to add strychnine to you in the morning. And - yes - rest assured: he really did.


It is almost impossible to make an enemy out of Cancer. Cancers have only two states: either he loves you, or he does not notice you. Offended Cancer simply erases you from life forever, and this is not a declaration (“oh, I don't care about you and never give a damn”), but a harsh reality. No, in theory, if you try hard, then Cancer can burn down your house, but you have to try very hard somehow. Usually Cancers even disdain to burn enemies at home.


This is completely unintelligible! I had to choose someone else. The lion will not rest until it has rubbed you into dust and ashes. He will do it slowly, methodically and with the traditional lion's pathos. At first, he will just play, lightly touching you with his claws - to show the crazed public how insignificant you are. And then they will stop giving you visas, they will cut you off at turns and detain you until you find out. It would seem that there simply cannot be a connection! But for every failure of everyday life, you will hear, not without reason, a satisfied, rolling roar.


An enraged Virgo will not be vain about you, like Gemini or Pisces. She will not hit you on the head with a locomotive pipe in front of witnesses like Aries or Taurus. She will weave a web, in the best traditions of Japanese horror films, that will certainly lead you to a hospital bed. After that, the Virgo will come to your room with two white chrysanthemums, turn off the faucet of the dropper, kiss you on the forehead, leave flowers on the bedside table and go home. Wash.


Libra is an easy opponent, because Libra is such a Shakespearean character: "It's a shame that the word" honor "is forgotten" and other highly spiritual hardcore. Therefore, there is no need to expect a hit in the back from Libra. If we have to shoot ourselves - so according to the rules, with seconds and, preferably, before the first blood, why do we need this funeral, it’s too expensive. Accordingly, any dastardly trick - and the Libra enemy is defeated. Problems begin when it turns out that too many people love Libra. And among these many there are both Lions and Pisces, and all of them are eager to immediately avenge their flower.


It is the champion of rancor and the leader in the power of poison. You, in short, freaks. Scorpio will not rush into the embrasure or pursue the goal of destroying you as quickly as possible. Oh no. Scorpio will sit under a stone, wait patiently and deliver pinpoint and most painful blows. Not fatal in any way. The enemy must not die. The enemy must suffer. Forever.


Sagittarius are terribly principled, which means they are very easy to offend. Accordingly, they will either in principle take revenge, or in principle they will not. In the second case, we relax and drink tea. In the first case, we start to get nervous. Because revenge from the principle must be at least public. And, at the very least, memorable. Otherwise, revenge will fundamentally be useless. In general, most likely, your head will simply be cut off in the central square of the city.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya

Would you like to receive one interesting unread article a day?

- Whose face is a mask?
- Who is hiding in their tail (in the sleeve, under the hollow of a jacket, in a briefcase) a sting with poison?
- And who, without hesitation, will use this sting, even if you only slightly touch it?
- This is your ardent friend and your insidious enemy - Scorpio!
Scorpio is strong and determined. His ruthless and passionate nature of extremes and contradictions is the most powerful of the Zodiac Signs. You can love or hate a Scorpio, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to him. The vital energy of Scorpions is so great that at his birth additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth, and his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth. And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature: the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. This is what astrologers predict, and so it happens. There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and along with this they have subtle intuition. Energetic, almost always striving for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. They often achieve outstanding results.
Scorpios cheat, deceive, intrigue out of the mere pleasure of destroying. They are pathological sadists and masochists almost simultaneously. They do not disdain any means to achieve the goal. Sparing no effort and money, they create a good opinion of themselves, in order to then treacherously strike from the rear. A career is made by walking over corpses. Scorpio is a product of demonic intelligence and pathological passion at the same time, and his zodiac Sign is a sign of love and death. Likes to philosophize about the problems of being. Attractive to the opposite sex, as he loves to argue and loves to win.
Scorpios are people of extremes: they either passionately love or hate fiercely. They are usually very cruel and distrustful, self-absorbed and inattentive to others. For them, the opinion of the public is indifferent. When faced with obstacles, they develop their own battle tactics. Scorpio loves vulgar jokes and porn films. He spreads rumors about his sexual exploits, while cruelly mocking those who are attached to him. Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the House of Death of the horoscope, forgetting that this House can also bring wealth. Scorpio has tremendous resistance and, like Phoenix, can resurrect.
Scorpio has a dangerous energy like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Scorpio is ruled by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly, which often leads to internal conflicts, neuroses, and emotional dramas. Scorpio has an imperious, violent instinctive character, irrepressible, even if his spiritual fire is hidden under the guise of infantilism. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his good feelings in public. In public, he is rude, inattentive, cruel, suspicious and jealous.
The Scorpio woman is usually born a devil. It was once said about her: “From her very birth, all the foundations have been turned upside down in her. The top turns into the bottom, the right - into the left, the front - into the back ”(St. Pshiby-shevsky). With a sixth sense, at first glance, she recognizes her future chosen one, and he has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft. She is an unusually passionate person. But her passion only has to do with the clitoris, not childbirth. Being terribly jealous, the Scorpio woman hates being jealous of her, although it is very difficult not to be jealous of her, since she attracts the glances of men of all Zodiac signs. Scorpios are very picky in choosing friends, but do not rush to enroll in their number - friendship with Scorpio is dangerous: if Scorpio said that he appreciates your friendship, it means that an hour ago he “rolled a cart on you” to the authorities. The worst enemies for us are obtained from our Scorpio friends.
Scorpio is very dangerous even from a distance. His face is a mask, behind which is unknown what is hidden. It is impossible to get involved with him, since he has a "divine gift" of verbal magic: as he says, so be it. And he can heal with a word, but he can also destroy with it. Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation. Avoid Aquarius and Leo.

SCORPIO AS A PHENOMENON OF NATURE Modern astrologers vyingly repeat that Scorpio is a sign of death and sex. If so, then why9 And if why ...


Modern astrologers vyingly repeat that Scorpio is a sign of death and sex. If so, why? And if why, is it so?

Scorpio is, first of all, a sign of latent, mental changes. A destructive, creative and ever-changing beginning, a dying and resurrecting entity. Scorpio is an eternal metamorphosis of life, a bright butterfly flying out of a nondescript cocoon. A frog that turns into a princess, a Phoenix bird that rises from the ashes, a dove that has to be an eagle.

Scorpio is a deep nature in the sense that the outer side of his life is not comparable to the mysterious and incessant metamorphoses in his soul and heart. It is multifaceted, like the sacrament of rock, unstable, like the weather. His mood is changeable, his psyche is vulnerable. Following the thunderclouds, the sun appears, and the drizzling rain is replaced by heat.

Scorpio is a sign of the predominance of emotions in a person, therefore Scorpio is distinguished by a sensory perception of the world. His thoughts and actions are primarily determined by the emotional background. Scorpio perceives the world and reacts to it sensually, even when others see no special reason for this.

His emotions are stable and strong, stabilized at a high level. Scorpio usually does not want, this is too weak a word, but thirsts. He is not upset, but worried, not happy, but delighted. But he lacks external energy. Hence his passions and instincts, from this those character traits for which he is called Scorpio.


Scorpio only looks impartial, calm, but in fact is more than emotional, because it hides its swamps of sensuality from prying eyes. In him - quiet and affectionate - wild, uncontrollable passions are ready to wake up at any moment, sweeping away everything in their path. The intensity of passions is combined in him with cold.

Scorpio is a purposeful and gentle nature, sentimental and strong, patient, wayward and mysterious. He is restrained and impatient, cautious and willing to go to extremes and adventures. No matter how you agitate Charon, he still floats from one coast to another.

Scorpio is greedy for money, pleasures, but generous to the weak. He is insatiable in spiritual quest, but he can give the last shirt to the person who turned to him for help. Scorpio is proud and ambitious, practical and calculating, independent and daring. He is characterized by strong-willed qualities, love of life, perseverance. Scorpio's hatred, envy, and deceit are also well known.

Latent sensual energy does not allow him to sit still and rest on his laurels. He, as in a song, always lacks something, and he is constantly busy trying to achieve this something. Scorpio is sure if you really want to, but you can't, then you can. And I am ready to achieve my goal by any means. He knows how to achieve success and balance on the edge of the abyss.


Scorpio is a living transformer of emotions, otherwise it is a transformer of sensory energies.This is its magical function.It transforms low psychic energies - instincts, sensations and passions - into high energy of feelings, for example, into love And in real life, into emotions of various calibers If Scorpio is not developed, then he is an animal - rude, impatient, selfish and so on. If he grows spiritually, then the angel is noble, sincere, kind, and the like. Each has its own proportions.

If Scorpio is a transformer of psychic energy, he needs a potential difference, contrast, struggle. Fighting for a Scorpio is a vital necessity. Therefore, when there are enemies, he feels good. When there are no enemies, Scorpio begins to experience an incomprehensible anxiety and in the end comes up with an image of an enemy with which he fights. Any partner can become an opponent for him.

Scorpio also needs an adversary in order to understand himself. He needs to be different from others, to show his merits, he needs a struggle for existence. In battles with circumstances, opponents or himself, Scorpio is realized, grows spiritually, develops mentally, comprehends the environment and his own personality.

Scorpio is weak when recharged and strong when the polarity of sensory charges becomes intolerable. He is restless, sarcastic, anxious - ready for destructive actions and harsh actions. Scorpio is a thrill seeker. The more risky the venture, the greater the chance that for him everything will end the way he wants.

Egoist to Relieve

All people are selfish. And Scorpio is no exception. His egoism is innate, not acquired - from a bad upbringing and an unfavorable environment. He is so arranged that he is an egoist, and this is not a bit to blame.

Scorpio's selfishness depends on his magical transformations, on how he receives and uses energy. He is used to concentrating his efforts on the most important and desirable for himself, and therefore is economical in his actions.

He has less strength than passions. This imbalance gives rise to a special type of psyche. Scorpio achieves his goal emotionally, passionately. And then by his actions.

it is no longer feelings or arguments of reason that begin to govern, but passions, coarse instincts. This is what is usually called egoism. There is no selfishness in nature. After all, animal selfishness is a struggle for life.

So it turns out that Scorpio can behave in a civilized, socially and psychologically arranged world like a scorpion - a creature that stings everyone indiscriminately. But Scorpio doesn't attack first. It still needs to be brought to this point.

Indifference to Scorpio is unusual, frivolity too. It is easier for him to love or hate than to quietly maintain a relationship. Love for Scorpio, among other things, is also a dangerous game. Life is also a dangerous game.

His experiences are intense. Scorpio, when excited, feels like an emotional wave overwhelms him. And at these moments he is really ready to turn into a scorpion or a butterfly flying into the fire. And then one must be afraid of him, because at this moment Scorpio begins to fear himself.

Scorpios are very different. Some are scorpions, others are angels in the flesh. Everything is determined by the quality of their emotional life, by what happens in the depths of their psyche. It is this sign that most of all confuses astrologers. They don't know how to portray him. Either in the form of a creeping reptile, or in the form of a noble eagle, or in the form of a quiet and merciful dove.


Scorpio is attracted by the secrets of the world and other people's secrets. He has an aptitude for unconventional methods in science and medicine. He has a good command of his own psyche and knows how to manage someone else's. Scorpio is shrewd and intuitive, he is a born magician and psychologist, a talented intriguer. Scorpio easily finds weak points in a person. It costs him nothing to get into the soul, to feel someone else's mood, to influence it, consciously or unconsciously using the techniques of everyday magic.

In the dark depths of Scorpio's soul there is an unknowable mystery, devilry - something incomprehensible, frightening and at the same time attractive. If Scorpio feels good, those around him feel it right away. If it's bad, Scorpio may not mention spruce, but others will feel sick.

Scorpio, if it wants to, attracts to itself like a magnet, but it can create a too dense emotional atmosphere in which you can suffocate out of habit. In homeopathic doses, Scorpio is useful as snake venom to the patient. In excessive - it turns into poison Scorpio himself is poisoned along with the rest, but he is no stranger to it.


Scorpio emotionally refers not only to events, people, animate objects, but also to material objects, things. Scorpio loves power and money as a means of achieving their own desires and satisfying passions, but not by themselves. He knows how to take risks, especially in matters related to the material sphere, or, more simply, with money.

Creativity, art is impossible without feelings, and Scorpio is certainly a potentially creative nature. It is important to awaken and maintain creativity in him, if nature itself did not take care of this. In creativity Scorpio is also erotic, passionate and often does not know the measure. Here, as in love, he can destroy himself and others. The other pole of passions is a complete renunciation of the low nature, constant spiritual searches and the yearning of the spirit associated with them.

Scorpio knows how to make decisions, make choices and get things done. He is purposeful, always busy with something. Scorpio is able to concentrate, to withstand where others cannot, he is hardy, he has a high resistance to diseases and adverse environmental factors.

Scorpio is an individualist and does not tolerate outside interference in his life, considering this an attempt on personal freedom. He is used to living by his own laws. Someone else's rules are not a decree to him. Therefore, he will not listen to anyone's advice and will trust his own intuition. While Scorpio relies on feelings, but not logic, he is perspicacious and accurate in his assessments.

Scorpio dramatizes life out of an emotional relationship to it. He painfully experiences setbacks, can withdraw into himself, engage in self-blame Scorpio is vindictive, not used to forgetting insults and forgiving mistakes. His main problem is learning how to manage his own emotions. Not only others suffer from them, but he himself.


Scorpio perceives the world around him sensually, he is emotionally involved in what is happening, emotionally relates to communication and affection. The way they treat him himself is doubly important for Scorpio. When Scorpio thinks about personal relationships, he means benefit, business. When he is busy with business communication, he means personal connections.

If Scorpio likes you and does not see you as a rival or foe, this is your luck. Then he is a loyal and sympathetic friend. If Scorpio has antipathy towards you, beware He will either start to fight you openly, or, if you are stronger, will try to defeat you, not disdaining forbidden tricks. Scorpio is a good ally and bad enemy A Scorpio is better to love than hate. Better to be friends with him than fight him.

You cannot scold him - he will do everything in spite and in his own way. You cannot openly pity him - he will be offended. It cannot be limited - it will rebel. Scorpio must be treated with sincerity and honesty. Firstly, it is almost impossible to deceive him, and secondly, it will be worse for you. If feelings have disappeared from your relationship, write lost.

With people who are lower in intelligence, social and material status. Scorpio is friendly, here he is patronizing, courteous, caring. But if you find yourself in the sphere of his interests and feelings, he will require you to match his efforts and emotions, make you treat yourself as an authority.

To people who are equal to themselves and superior. Scorpio is cold, keeps in touch as needed. Scorpio does not like equals, perceiving them as competitors and potential opponents. He, like a predator, expels his own kind from his territory.

Scorpio's inner passions are clearly manifested in the erotic sphere. Here Scorpio is jealous, suspicious and convinced owner. He is more interested in satisfying his own erotic desires and less in the feelings of a partner. Too intimate sphere of his life depends on natural instincts. Scorpio knows how to love passionately, without looking back. A person who is not capable of this will seem to Scorpio a parody of the Terminator or a pale copy of the Snow Queen.

Scorpio can do anything for a loved one. Even kill him if he betrayed ... He knows how to wait, but does not know how to forgive betrayal. With him you can build a family nest and go on exploration, learn the depth of love and its horror. Stand on the edge of the abyss. The head is spinning, the brain is intoxicated, the mood is elevated, romantic ...

Fear the Scorpio. Love him.


On the other you say: "Well, and dressed up." About the Scorpio woman - never. Her outfit will not be deliberate, but, on the contrary, natural and attractive. She will dress like a gypsy and look her best. Large, oriental-looking jewelry, bright, even colorful outfits or strict dresses with a predominance of dark red, purple, cherry or green tones suit her very much. This also applies to makeup. The Scorpio woman can use rich, catchy colors. What is vulgar or tasteless for others is organic, sensual, intriguing and mysterious for her.

Mysterious, romantic, exotic, she works well for her image. Therefore, it is all from the program of Yuri Senkevich: Bombay, Cairo, Baghdad. A sultry woman is a poet's dream ...

Lucky day for Scorpios is Tuesday. Aquamarine, coral, ruby, topaz and malachite can bring them good luck.

Scorpions (Scorpionidea) are a detachment of the class of arachnids (otherwise called arachnids), such as arthropods, or arthropods (Arthropoda).

Over the millennia, geographical conditions have changed, many terrestrial creatures have undergone significant metamorphoses, whole classes, orders of animals have died out ... Scorpions not only retained their original appearance, but even their way of life remained the same. Apparently, this happened because nature created them so perfect creatures that changing environmental conditions did not bring anything new either to their external or to their internal structure. By the way, the same can be said about the turtles, whose appearance has also remained almost unchanged.

The fact that scorpions have practically not changed over the millennia can be evidenced by the imprints of bodies left by ancient scorpions on stones. They hardly differ from modern representatives. But oddly enough, this most ancient order of arthropods has been little studied.

The most recognized is the theory of the origin of scorpions, created by academician E.N. Pavlovsky. In his opinion, during the Silurian period of the Earth's development, the scorpion belonged to the animals living in coastal sea waters. He became the ancestor of the terrestrial representatives of the scorpion squad. The first land scorpions appeared over 300 million years ago. All modern families of scorpions were formed 70-100 million years ago. Today, 77 genera and up to 700 species are known from the scorpion families.

Where do scorpions live?

Scorpions prefer to live in areas with a warm and hot climate: in Central Asia, America, southern Europe, Africa, Australia ... Over 80 species of scorpions live in India. Some types of scorpions are also found in Russia: in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast, in Chechnya, in Dagestan and in the Volga region.

You can meet scorpions high in the mountains - at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level, as well as at the foot of the mountains, in gorges, hollows and deserts (usually rocky). Sometimes, especially in regions with a tropical climate, scorpions can be found in the most unusual places for them.

Most cases of poisoning with scorpion venom were recorded in Mexico, Central and South America, South and North Africa, and the Middle East. For example, in Brazil, scorpion bites kill 0.8 to 1.4% among affected adults, 3-5% among bitten schoolchildren, and among young children, mortality from bites reaches 20%.

Scorpios: structure and appearance

For its resemblance to crayfish, scorpions are sometimes called land crayfish. Indeed, the body of these animals is covered with a chitinous shell, and 2 large forelimbs end with claws of impressive size. 4 pairs of running legs are attached to the front abdomen and help the animal to move quickly enough in the mountainous area or on the shifting sand in the desert.

The long posterior abdomen, popularly called the tail, ends in a round formation with a sharp, like a needle, a thorn at its end. It is in this thorn that the poisonous gland of the scorpion is hidden. At the front end of the scorpion's body there are a pair of large and up to five pairs of small lateral eyes. But despite six pairs of eyes, scorpions cannot boast of good vision: they see at a distance of no more than three centimeters, and orient themselves with the help of sensitive hairs located all over the body that catch the vibration of the long-awaited prey.

Depending on the species, the sizes of scorpions vary from 2-3 cm to 15-25 cm.

The coloration also varies. There are gray, green, orange, red-brown, yellow-green, purple and even black specimens. In small specimens, the body sometimes looks translucent, in others it has a thicker tone with a brownish tint. For example, a variegated scorpion is known, as well as a black or fat-tailed scorpion.

Males and females in scorpions are generally very similar to each other, so that it is difficult to distinguish them even by a specialist. But females, as a rule, are somewhat thicker, and the outgrowths on the underside of the abdomen in males are usually longer than in females.

Scorpion poisonous apparatus

On the very last segment of the abdomen there is an ampulla - a round formation covered with chitin. Inside the ampulla there are 2 pear-shaped glands, which at the very end of the tail spike-needle end in two small holes. The excretory canal runs from the glands to the tip of the needle. From above and from the inside, each poisonous gland is surrounded by a layer of muscles, with the contraction of which the secretion of the glands is thrown out. Animal poison is very dangerous. The scorpion grabs the victim with its claws, bends the narrow part of the abdomen in an arc forward and plunges the needle into the body of the prey.

Scorpios: lifestyle

Scorpions are predators. During the day, they hide from the scorching sun under stones, under old tree bark, burrow into sand or earth, or crawl into the holes of other animals. At night they go hunting. Scorpions feed on insects and their larvae, spiders, millipedes. Sometimes especially large individuals hunt small lizards and mice. Often, scorpions also eat their weaker counterparts.

The structure of the digestive system of a scorpion is such that it allows the arthropod to go without food for a long time. In captivity, they may not eat for several months.

Scorpios willingly drink water if they find it. In waterless areas, they receive the necessary moisture from the prey they eat.

In cooler areas, with the onset of cold weather, scorpions hibernate. They sleep under stones, in cracks in rocks, and sometimes even in a person's dwelling.

Scorpion enemies

Tough chitinous carapace is a good defense against enemies, but not always. Some monkeys like to feast on scorpions by deftly removing the sting. Mongooses and hedgehogs are insensitive to the poison of these animals. Sometimes the scorpion becomes prey for snakes, birds, bats. But the main enemies of scorpions are people who catch and destroy them in huge quantities.

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