What is the danger of free Wi-Fi. Why should he be afraid

Decor elements 18.10.2019
Decor elements

The router is a small adapter that consists of a case, a network adapter and an antenna. Some modern devices have a built-in antenna. The device consists of a case and a board that is responsible for converting a wired signal into a wireless one. The router can also act as a splitter for a wired connection (router). Thus, several computers can be connected to the router (up to 4 on average) and all of them can use one wired Internet connection. The most expensive and advanced models of routers also support USB technologies for the ability to work with data storage devices and convert the signal from USB 3G modems, which can be useful in an office environment. Some routers can be used as file servers to store and share files over an internet connection.

Router standards

Routers differ among themselves in the number of supported standards and implemented functions. To date, most modern devices support the 802.11n standard, which is the most advanced and fastest to date. However, there are still models that work in already outdated 802.11b and 802.11g networks, which, unlike 802.11n, have a lower data transfer rate and radio coverage area.


You can buy a router at any computer store or electronics supermarket. Try to buy devices from well-known network equipment manufacturers (for example, D-Link, TP Link, ASUS, Zyxel, etc.). The initial price for an ordinary router can start from $15 for the simplest models, which are quite suitable for home use or use in a small office. Depending on the requirements for the device, its cost will also increase. As a rule, the key characteristic when buying a router is the coverage area, which is determined by the presence of amplifiers in the antenna and the number of additional antennas that will provide a wider signal broadcast. Some devices have the ability to work in VPN client mode.

The speed of modern routers, when providing ideal conditions, cannot exceed 600 Mbps, however, in the conditions of modern wired networks, the use of routers that give speeds above 150 Mbps is justified, because most often a speed of 600 Mbps cannot be achieved due to limitations of both the radio signal and wired networks of modern Russian providers.

The essence and principle of Wi-Fi

Literally, this letter combination means "Internet network of wireless accuracy." At the initial stage of its development, this communication mechanism was available only for wireless local area networks (the so-called wireless LAN). A few years later, Wi-Fi became available not only for local networks.

The main feature of this technology is that it is convenient to use for large networks, within which it is impractical to deploy a huge amount of cable. From the presence of wireless communication support, the quality and speed of information transfer do not suffer losses. In modern wireless networks, the speed of information transfer via Wi-Fi is even several times higher than the speed of systems with a similar amount of data that do not use Wi-Fi.

Thanks to a well-organized data management system, a user who switches between different access points of the same system is able to stay connected to the network.

With the advent of wireless internet networks, our lives have changed. Almost every house, store, transport or shopping center has at least one or more Wi-Fi access points. By the end of 2015, many transport companies throughout the CIS promise to equip every metro and tram car with an Internet router. A rapidly growing Wi-Fi coverage network is capable of supporting a large number of users. Handling hundreds of terabytes of data per day, Wi-Fi technology makes our lives easier by providing access to an uninterrupted stream of information on the global Internet.

In 2014, the international organization for the development of world information technologies developed and approved the latest standard for using Wi-Fi. Its code is IEEE 8o2.11ac. At the moment, routers that work according to the latest standard are not distributed in mass production, however, the continuous process of their introduction into our lives is just beginning. The standard is capable of operating at a frequency of over 5 GHz, this frequency contributes to the fact that signal interference becomes almost imperceptible.

The following illustration will help to explain in more detail what Wi-Fi is. It shows that any Wi-Fi router has its own territory of influence, within which users can access the WWW using their devices that have Wi-Fi support.

The main advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi technology

Among the advantages of Wi-Fi, the following points can be distinguished:

  1. The possibility of organizing a network without using an Internet cable, thus reducing the cost of this network by several times.
  2. Mobile use. The technology allows users to connect to existing access points as quickly as possible and provides fast data transfer between the client and the server.
  3. All devices (personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices) that are connected to the same network can interact with each other, exchanging content and information.

  1. The maximum territorial coverage of one Wi-Fi access point is one hundred kilometers. This characteristic depends on the technical capabilities of the wireless network.
  2. Wi Fi routers are very easy to install. They do not require dismantling if you suddenly need to change the location of the network or change your place of residence.
  3. Wi-Fi is very convenient for use in places where it is unacceptable to lay a large amount of Internet cable. For example, it can be various kinds of museums, exposition centers or exhibitions. All organizations of this type require the competent organization of their work, and it is Wi-Fi technology that can provide them with such an opportunity.

Among the main disadvantages are the following:

  1. At the initial stage of organizing a Wi-Fi system, you should pay attention to all the architectural features of the selected building or a particular room. Wi-Fi coverage must be available in all parts of the building. who need it. Incorrect placement of routers can cause some areas of the room to not be equipped with Wi-Fi.
  2. All data encryption algorithms available today that are transmitted via Wi-Fi are subject to hacking. Passwords can be easily cracked by a hacker by brute force. To pick up even the most complex password, a powerful hacking system will take time from several days to a maximum of a month.
  3. The use of wireless access technology and the Internet significantly reduces the life of a single charge of the gadget. When transferring or downloading large amounts of data, the device may become very hot, which damages the battery, processor, and power supply.

The spread of Wi-Fi in everyday life

Over the past twenty years, the Internet has become an integral part of people around the world. On the Internet, we spend most of our time communicating, having fun and working. It is thanks to the use of Wi-Fi coverage that the mobility of using the Internet has increased significantly: it has become possible to access the global network from absolutely anywhere.

By installing Wi-Fi in your home, you save a lot, because earlier, in order to connect all your gadgets to the Internet, you had to run several Internet cables into the house. Now, for example, you can purchase one Wi-Fi router and connect an Internet cable to it. Thus, all devices gadgets that support connection to a Wi-Fi network have access to the Internet.

Small firms and large corporations use Wi-Fi coverage in their work. This technology is becoming available in almost every place: in cafes and restaurants, clinics, public transport, shopping centers, private apartments and houses. With the help of Wi-Fi technology, online gamers from all over the world can instantly connect to the same server and play as fast as possible, while there is practically no data loss on both sides.

The impact of Wi-Fi networks on the human body

There is a theory that the waves emitted by Wi-Fi coverage adversely affect the nervous system and the human body as a whole. The opinions of experts regarding this theory are divided: some argue that radiation can cause changes in the body at the cellular level, others believe that Wi-Fi is not harmful.

The most accurate study on the effects of Wi-Fi on our body showed that the radiation affects us 10,000 times less than the radiation emitted by the ordinary microwave oven itself. Exposure from 25 routers at the same time is equivalent to exposure from one smartphone.

A person can receive stronger exposure from a computer monitor. These examples indicate that Wi-Fi carries some radiation, but it is much less than other devices that we use every day. However, you should not neglect the basic safety rules: do not place a Wi-Fi router close to where you sleep and, if possible, turn it off at night.

Wi-Fi is a technology for connecting wirelessly to a network using radio signals. That is, WiFi conducts wireless transmission of information (down with the annoying wires and cables that get under your feet). The technology itself was created in 1991 in the Netherlands. The logo of the company is the emblem.

It can be seen in areas where wireless networks are active. Initially, it was created for cash register systems, but after a while the creators realized the full benefits of their offspring, and Wi-Fi was allowed to the masses. Do not rack your brains over how to decipher the name Wi-Fi, it was created to attract the attention of the consumer from Hi-Fi, based on a pun.

Today, Wi-Fi is one of the most commonly used Internet connections. So, to begin with, we will figure out how Wi-Fi works, who needs it and why, and also talk about free Wi-Fi, which is provided in many entertainment establishments to attract customers. Important! If you don’t have internet at home, then you can use Wi-Fi only if your neighbors have not password-protected their access. That is, Wi-Fi without paid and connected Internet does not work! Scheme WiFi networks contains an access point and as many clients as it wants to connect to this access point.

Let's see how this system works.

Access point contains a radio module

performing the function of receiving and transmitting data. Exactly the same module must be installed in your computer

or other mobile device. As a result, the access point provides you with a connection between the provider and.

The wireless technology itself is ideal for access over short distances, when high speeds are required, the speed in Wi-Fi reaches 54 Mbps. The distance you can use your Wi-Fi depends on the power the router you are using. The signal transmission distance can reach 400 meters. Access Point and Router

or wireless router (Wireless Router) are the main types of devices.

How to use WiFi

So, you have connected the Internet, the next step is to buy a router that supports Wi-Fi. Having set up a wireless network, you can see several connections, do not be alarmed, it is quite possible that your neighbors have not set a password for their access and, as a result, you can use this if you do not have unlimited Internet. In order not to repeat their mistakes, it is necessary to set a password for your wifi,

because the more people connect to it, the less speed you will have.

It was already mentioned earlier that some establishments, in order to attract visitors, install free Wi-Fi, you just need to come to such an establishment with your mobile phone or laptop, connect to the network and immerse yourself in the vast expanses of the Internet. Usually these establishments have a badge.

However, it should be noted that the speed of the Internet in such establishments is not too high. To connect to someone else's network, just click on the network icon located on the right side of the taskbar,

and select the appropriate network, the connection will be made automatically.

Pros of Wi-Fi

So, we list the benefits of Wi-Fi:

Firstly, it allows various mobile devices (phones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-books, and more) to access the network.

Secondly, at the time of data transfer, the radiation from Wi-Fi devices is a hundred times less than from a cell phone (so you don’t have to worry about the effect of waves on your health).

Thirdly, absolutely all equipment that has Wi-Fi is compatible (and this is a big plus, since you no longer have to look for a variety of wires, cables, jumpers and adapters in order to reset any information).

Fourth, it significantly reduces the cost of network expansion due to the absence of cable (and your Internet is no longer afraid of pets who love to feast on wires so much).

It only remains for me to wish you fruitful communication, work and entertainment thanks to Wi-Fi, because the absence of wires and the mobility of your laptop is a great achievement. It is worth keeping up with the times and being constantly connected thanks to Wi-Fi.

At the beginning of the development of the Internet, the network connection was carried out with a network cable, which had to be laid indoors in such a way that it did not interfere. They fixed it and hid it as best they could. There are still cable holes in old computer furniture.

When wireless technologies and Wi-Fi networks became popular, the need to run the network cable and hide it disappeared. Wireless technology allows you to receive Internet "over the air" if you have a router (access point). The Internet began to develop in 1991, and closer to 2010 it has already become especially popular.

What is WiFi

This is the modern standard for receiving and transmitting data from one device to another. In this case, the devices must be equipped with radio modules. Such Wi-Fi modules are part of many electronic devices and equipment. At first, they were included only in a set of tablets, laptops, smartphones. But now they can be found in cameras, printers, washing machines, and even slow cookers.

Principle of operation

To access Wi-Fi, you need an access point. Such a point today is mainly a router. This is a small plastic box, on the body of which there are several sockets for connecting the Internet via wire. The router itself is connected to the Internet through a network wire called twisted pair. Through the antenna, the access point distributes information from the Internet to the Wi-Fi network, through which various devices that have a Wi-Fi receiver receive this data.

Instead of a router, a laptop, tablet or smartphone can work. They must also have a mobile Internet connection via a SIM card. These devices have the same communication principle as a router.

The method of connecting the Internet to the access point does not matter. Access points are divided into private and public. The former are used only for use by the owners themselves. The latter give access to the Internet for money, or for free to a large number of users.

Public spots (hot spots) are most often found in public places. It is easy to connect to such networks, being on the territory of this point, or near it. In some places, it requires you to log in, but you are offered a password and login if you use the paid services of this institution.

In many cities, their entire territory is completely covered by a Wi-Fi network. To connect to it, you need to pay a subscription, which is not expensive. Consumers are provided with both commercial networks and with free access. Such networks are built by municipalities and private individuals. Small networks for residential buildings, public institutions become larger over time, use a peer-to-peer agreement to interact freely with each other, work on voluntary assistance and donations from other organizations.

City governments often sponsor similar projects. For example, in France, some cities provide unlimited access to the Internet to those who give permission to use the roof of the house to install a Wi-Fi antenna. Many universities in the west allow students and visitors to access the web. The number of hot spots (public outlets) is steadily growing.

WiFi standards

IEEE 802.11– protocols for low data rates, main standard.

IEEE 802.11a– is incompatible with 802.11b, for high speeds, uses 5 GHz frequency channels. Ability to pass data up to 54 Mbps.

IEEE 802.11b– standard for fast speeds, channel frequency 2.4 GHz, throughput up to 11 Mbps.

IEEE 802.11g– speed equivalent to 11a, channel frequency 2.4 GHz, compatible with 11b, bandwidth up to 54 Mbps.

IEEE 802.11n- the most advanced commercial standard, channel frequencies 2.4 and 5 GHz, can work in conjunction with 11b, 11g, 11a. The highest speed is 300 Mbps.

To get a better idea of ​​how different wireless standards work, consider the information in the table.

Wi-Fi network application

The main purpose of wireless communication in everyday life is to access the Internet to visit sites, communicate on the network, download files. There is no need for wires. Over time, the distribution of access points across the territory of cities is progressing. In the future, it will be possible to use the Internet using a Wi-Fi network in any city without restrictions.

Such modules are used to create a network within a limited area between several devices. Many firms have already developed mobile applications for mobile gadgets that make it possible to exchange information over Wi-Fi networks, but without connecting to the Internet. This application organizes a data encryption tunnel through which information will be transmitted to the other party.

The exchange of information is carried out much faster (several tens of times) than with the known Bluetooth. A smartphone can also act as a game joystick in connection with a game console or a computer, and act as a remote control for a Wi-Fi TV.

How to use a Wi-Fi network

First you need to buy a router. It is necessary to insert a network cable into the yellow or white socket, configure according to the attached instructions.

On receiving devices with a Wi-Fi module, turn it on, search for the required network, and connect. The more devices connected to one router, the lower the data transfer speed will be, since the speed is equally divided among all devices.

The Wi-Fi module looks like a regular flash drive, the connection is made via the USB interface. It has a low cost. On your mobile device, you can enable an access point that will act as a router. During the distribution of the Internet by a smartphone via an access point, it is not recommended to load the processor too much on it, that is, it is undesirable to watch videos or download files, since the speed is divided between the connected and distributing device according to the residual principle.

Wi-Fi technology makes it possible to access the Internet without a cable. The source of such a wireless network can be any device that has a Wi-Fi radio. The propagation radius depends on the antenna. With the help of Wi-Fi, groups of devices are created, and you can also simply transfer files.

  • No wiring required. This saves money on cabling, wiring, and saves time.
  • Unlimited expansion of the network, with an increase in the number of consumers, network points.
  • There is no need to spoil the surface of walls, ceilings for cable laying.
  • Global Compatibility. This is a group of standards that works on devices made in different countries.
  • In neighboring countries, the use of a Wi-Fi network without permission is allowed to create a network in premises, warehouses, and in production. To connect two neighboring houses with a common radio channel, an appeal to the supervisory authority is required.
  • Legal aspect. Different countries have different attitudes towards the use of Wi-Fi band transmitters. Some States require all networks to be registered if they operate from premises. Others limit transmitter power and certain frequencies.
  • Communication stability. Routers installed at home, of common standards, distribute a signal at a distance of 50 meters inside buildings, and 90 meters outside the premises. Many electronic devices, weather factors reduce the signal strength. The range of the distance depends on the frequency of operation and other parameters.
  • Interference. In cities, there is a significant density of router installation points, so there are often problems connecting to a point if there is another point nearby operating on the same frequency with encryption.
  • Manufacturing options. It often happens that manufacturers do not adhere to certain device manufacturing standards, so access points may have unstable operation, the speed differs from the declared one.
  • Electricity consumption. Sufficiently high power consumption, which reduces the charge of batteries and accumulators, increases the heating of the equipment.
  • Security. WEP data encryption is unreliable and easily hackable. The WPA protocol, which is more reliable, does not support access points on older equipment. The WPA2 protocol is considered the most reliable today.
  • Function limitation. During the transmission of small packets of information, a lot of proprietary information is attached to them. This makes the connection quality worse. Therefore, it is not recommended to use Wi-Fi networks to organize the operation of IP telephony using the RTP protocol, since there is no guarantee for the quality of communication.

Features Wi-Fi and Wi MAX

Wi-Fi network technology was primarily created for organizations to move away from wired communications. However, this wireless technology is now gaining popularity for the private sector. The types of wireless connections Wi-Fi and Wi MAX are related in terms of tasks performed, but they solve different problems.

Wi MAX devices have special digital communication certificates. Full protection of data streams is achieved. Based on Wi MAX, private confidential networks are formed, which make it possible to create secure corridors. Wi MAX transmits the necessary information, regardless of the weather, buildings and other obstacles.

Also, this type of communication is used for high quality video communication. You can highlight its main advantages, consisting in reliability, mobility, high speed.

Articles and Lifehacks

Such an interesting and useful thing as WI-FI was invented relatively recently - in 1991 in the Netherlands. At first the name sounded like HI-FI and was deciphered " high accuracy". After a while, the name was rephrased to " wireless precision". Now the decoding of the invention has been abandoned, it is simply used by a short abbreviation. This access point is popular and indispensable in almost every corner of the world.

What is Wi-Fi in a mobile phone? This is a wireless connection to the Internet that is based on radio signals. That is, the Wi-Fi itself goes to other devices using a router (router). The more people connect, the slower the data transfer rate.

Where to find Wi-Fi and how to connect to it

Often, many establishments provide a service such as a wireless network for free. Cafeterias attract busy people who dine and work online without looking up from their phones and laptops. For students, this is also a free salvation: I downloaded the abstract, printed it out - and it is already ready for the seminar.

In such establishments, it is easy to see an icon that lures you with wireless Internet. It is very easy to connect: you need to go to the phone settings, turn on WI-FI (in some it is referred to as " WLAN"). After that, go to " wireless networks”, a list of all devices that your phone sees and can connect to will be displayed. There are password-protected networks. It must be entered, and access will be immediately allowed.

You can connect to various shopping centers, for example, as well as at home, if a router is installed.

Pros and cons of wireless connection

Of the pros:

  • It does not matter the location - whether the house, office, favorite cafeteria.
  • The scale of the zone, the possibility of movement.
  • Low emissivity of the device.
  • High data transfer, while saving mobile Internet.
Of the minuses:
  • A password that restricts access to the network.
  • If the access point exceeds 100 mW, then registration is required.
  • Experienced hackers can easily break the protection.
  • Phones that only use Wi-Fi have a short network range.
  • The quality of the connection is affected by foreign objects (walls, furniture, vehicles).

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