Phantom history of the Frankish kingdom of the Meroving and the Roman Empire of Caroling. Pipine short: the first king of Carroling is the first king of Carroling 5 letters

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E.V. Sakharov

Phantom History of the Frankish Kingdom
Meroving and Roman Empire Caroling

The article is devoted to the author's statistical and event parallels detected between the stories of these states and the Roman Empire. The article also addressed the question of when and who committed the inclusion of Roman history into the medieval history of France.

E.V. Sakharov.

Phantom History of the Meroving's France
Kingdom and The Caroling's Roman Empire

This Article Is Devoted To The Statistical and Eventual Parallels Which Were Founded by The Author Between The Histories of These States And The Antique Roman Empire. In This Article It Was Also Raised The Question About When Has Made The Inclusion of The Roman History In The Structure of Medieval History of France.

1. Roman Empire and Frank Kingdom of Meroving

The medieval history of France knew the change of three royal dynasties: Meroving, Carrolings and Cappets, as well as the branches of the last - Valua and Bourbon. The first Frankish king is considered to be Hilderic I Meroving, who reigned in 457. The most famous representative of the Meroving Dynasty is the King Chlodvig I. Even a faded glance at the biography of Chlodvius is enough so that it reminds the biography of the Roman emperor Konstantin Great. And Chlodwig, and Konstantin the first of the rulers of their powers are taken by Christianity and declare him official religion. And that and the other rule about thirty years. Both of them share the power between several sons. It is noteworthy that another Frankist historian Grigory Toursky (alleged VI century) drew attention to this parallel and called Chlodv traffic "New Constantin". The study of the history of Merovingov led the author to identify the parallel between the Frankish kingdom and the Third Roman Empire.

It is believed that Diocletian recreates the empire after the period of the rule of the "soldiers' emperors" and creates a new form of the imperial power - Dominat.

Hilderic I is the founder of Power - the Frankish Kingdom.
According to religion and diocletian and Hilderic I - pagans.
The close duration of Diocletian and Hilderica's reigns I.

When Konstantin I received power, he was young - in 306 he was 20 years old. Chlodwig I also received power at a young age - in 481 he was about 15 years old.

In 313, Konstantin Milan Edict declared Christianity to be equalized, and actually official, religion of the Roman Empire. "The legend says that Konstantin patronized Christians who had a lot in his army, allowed them to depict the cross and the initial letter of the Christ's name on military icons. Therefore, Konstantin and defeated the pagan and enemy Christians Maxéencing. "

In the history of the Frankish kingdom, we see almost the same story: the legend says that in the decisive battle, when the Alamanians have grown up the troops of Clodight, he remembered how his wife Clotilda told him about Christianity, and allegedly Chlodvig exclaimed: "Oh, gracious Jesus! ... I believe you!". After that, the troops of Chlodvi won a complete victory in the battle.

And Konstantin, and Chlodwig were supporters of orthodox Christianity and fought with Arianism.

Konstar the Great wore the title of August. Chlodwig was also recognized as a new Rome Patricium and August.

After the death of Konstantin I, the authorities were divided between his three sons and the nephew of Delmacia, to whom Konstantin left the Balkan Peninsula (Frakia, Macedonia and Ahaya). At the same time, the empire remained uniform. After the death of Khlodv engine I, the authorities were divided between its four sons, and the kingdom remained uniform.

The closeness of the boards of Konstantin I and Chlodiga I. The difference in one year could arise within the framework of various calendars (different beginnings of the year), which could lead to the difference in one year.

Constances II, Son Konstantin I. The ruler of the eastern part of the Empire. Enmity, and then military clashes between the sons of Constantine I.
Theodorih I, Son Chlodiga I, identified above with Konstantin I. The ruler of the eastern part of the Kingdom - Australia (Austra - East). Enmity, and then military collisions between the sons of Chlodvail I.

Close duration of the Board Constance II and Theodorich I.

Constant Son Konstantin I, younger brother and co-guide Constance II. Chlodomomer Son Chlodiga I, identified above with Konstantin I and the younger brother and the coordigator of theodorich identified with Constance II. The duration of the boards of constant and chlodomir coincide.

Valent ruler Eastern Empire. Theloberta is also the ruler of the eastern part of the Kingdom - Australia. The duration of the boards of Valentine and Theloberta coincide.

The close duration of grazian and theodobald boards.

By 392, after the death of co-guards, Feodosius remains the only emperor of the Roman Empire. By 558, after the death of co-guards, Chlortar remains the only king of the Frankish kingdom.

After death and Feodosia and the chlorine of their states are divided between their sons.

Arkady, Son Feodosia I. After the death of the Father became the emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.

Sigebert I, the son of a chlorine I, identified above with Feodosius I. After the death of the Father of the rules of the eastern part of the kingdom.
Close duration of Arcadia and Sigbert's boards.

Horoni, son Feodosia I and Brother Arkady. After the death of the Father became the emperor of the Western Roman Empire, with the capital in the Italian Rome. However, near Kolo 410, Horoni suffered the capital to Ravenna. He was childless. He suffered from some mental illness (in the Middle Ages, people with a disturbed psyche were sometimes considered saints).

Gonran, the son of the chlorine I, identified above with the Feodosius I and the brother of Sigibert I, identified with Arkady. After the death of the Father of the rules in Burgundy (Central part of the Kingdom), with the capital in Orleans. Then the capital was transferred to the chaln-on-sion. Gopran was childless. He was announced by the Holy Frankish Church.

The names of both rulers are clearly consonant. Horoni's name is written as an GnR, but the name of the grank, like NTRN.

In 402, Feodosiya II was proclaimed by the emperor - the co-program of his father. At that moment, he was several months from the family. In 584, Chlocess II was also proclaimed by the king, when he had several months from birth.

Feodosius II - the king of the East Roman Empire, but it interferes with the internal affairs of the Western Roman Empire. So in 425 he helped his nephew Valentinian III will be established on the throne of Western Rome. Chlotar II was the king of the western part of the Kingdom - Neustry (and from 613 - the monarch of the whole kingdom).

It is noteworthy that if the chlorine II is identified with the Feodosius II, the King of the King of Chlorod I is also identified with the emperor named Feodosius (I). Obviously, such a identification of two chlorinations with two Feodosias is not random and gives reason to assume that the inclusion of Roman history in the history of France is intentional. It is possible that during the transfer of Roman history, a conscious replacement of the same names of Roman emperors to others, also the same names between themselves.

Markian Ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire. It is characterized as a solid ruler. In 456, a commander recirator comes to power in Western Rome, who he himself did not occupy the throne, but raised and lowered the puppet emperors. For the period from 456 to 476, seven emperors changed in Western Rome.

Dagobert I in 623, while the father's life was proclaimed, the ruler of the eastern part of the kingdom - Australia was proclaimed (in 629 he joined Nastyrah, Burgundy, and in 632 - Aquitain). It is characterized as a solid ruler. After his death in 639, the actual power of the Frankish kingdom is captured by Mejoroms (literally - the measures of the palace), which shifted and built to the throne of the kings of the Meroving. The kings of this period in historiography were called "Lazy Kings."

Lion I Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. Sigibert III is also the ruler of the eastern part of the Kingdom - Australia.

Leo II, the grandson of the emperor Lion I, was proclaimed the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. However, soon he pulled away from power in favor of his father Zeno and died in the same year. Hilderty, the adoptive son of Sigibert III, was also proclaimed by the ruler of the eastern part of the Kingdom - Australia. However, in the same year he was removed from power and executed.

Zenon Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. Halperic III is also the ruler of the eastern part of the kingdom - Australia.

Odacre rules in Western Rome. At the same time, he tried to restore the unity of the Roman Empire, sending the "Embassy to the East Emperor Zenon with a request to not appoint a special emperor for Italy, but to make it a seacra, a governor." Zeno (474-491) agreed.

Theodorih III ruler of the Western and Central part of the Kingdom of Neustry and Burgundy, and from 687 more eastern part - Austility. Thus, theodorich III managed to assemble the most part of the Frankish kingdom under his crown (compared with the desire of the Odoacra to unite the empire).

The close duration of the Board of Odacra and Theodorich III.

In the attitude of theodorich in historiography there is no conventional opinion: to consider it as a Roman emperor or as the King of the Gothic Kingdom arising in Italy. The fact is that East Emperor Anastasii I (491-518) recognized him by the emperor and even returned to him the regalia, sent earlier by the Odakrom to Constantinople. On the other hand, it is believed that the Western Roman Empire has completed its existence in 476 with the depths of Emperor Romulus Augustus (475-476). It is possible that this uncertainty has led to the fact that in the history of the Frankish kingdom we see Maordome Pipina Geristralsky, who, although not the king, but possessed the fullness of state power.

Amalirich is the king of the Gothic kingdom created in Italy. He was under the "care" of his mother Amalazunters, and Hilperic II - the king of the western part of the Frankish kingdom - neastric. Was under the "care of Maidom Karl Martell (715-741).
Close duration of Amaliarich and Hilperica II boards.

Tothyl actually finishes the dynastic stream of the Western Roman Empire: the next year after his death of the Earth, Italy was subordinated to the Eastern Roman Empire.

Theodorih IV finishes a continuous dynastic flow of the kings of mercoings, and the next, and the last, king of the Meroving Dynasty - Hilderic III became the king only in 741.

Third Roman Empire and Frankish Kingdom

The average shift, at the ends of the boards, is about 178 years. The above parallel says about the phantominess of the ancient part of the history of France. However, the period of phantom rulers in the history of France does not end. Here we almost closely approached the top of the new royal dynasty - Carroling (Pipinggov).

2. II-Aya Roman Empire and Roman Empire Caroling

In 751, the King of the Frankish kingdom was the commander Pipin short, and after his death in 768, the Crown inherited his son Carl, who received the nickname and giving the name of the Caroling Dynasty with his name. In 800 G. Karl the Great crowned in Rome by the emperor, and from that moment began to lead his story the sacred Roman Empire of Caroling. Between the Sacred Roman Empire of Carroling and the Second Roman Empire, the parallel is found below. It is noteworthy that the period of the second Roman Empire falls at the time of the flourishing of Roman antiquity, and during the time of the Empire of Carroling there is a "temporary revival" of antiquity.

Pompey, Krass and Caesar - participants of the 1st triumvirata in Rome, and Griffon, Carloman and Pipin Short - Three brothers who divided power in the Frankish kingdom in 741. Pompey and Crassus, up to 60 BC were enemies. Carloman and Pipin were griffon enemies.

In the seventh year, the rule of Krassi died in war, and Karloman, in the sixth year of the Board, renounced power and went to the monastery.
In 49 BC e. Pompey was broken by Caesar in the farcal battle, and fled to Egypt, was killed there in the please of Caesar King Ptolem XIII. Griffon also, being the enemy of Pipina, in 753 he was killed while trying to get into Italy.

Caesar showed himself the largest commander of his time. Pipin also showed himself as a large commander. Both were characterized by physical strength and courage. Caesar is the first emperor of the Roman Empire from the Yuliyev-Claudiyev dynasty, and Pipin is the first king of the Frankish kingdom of the Karoling dynasty. From 58 to 49 BC e. Caesar was the ruler of Gaul, and the Frankish kingdom of Pipine was also located on the lands of Gaul. Caesar and Pipine's boards duration are close.

Octavian Son (receiving) Caesar. The first emperor and the first August in this dynastic stream. Lived 76 years old. Kai Augustus leads many wars, a conquering nature. During the reign, Augustus lost his only nephew Marcello.

Karl the Great, Son Pipina Short. The first emperor and the first August in this dynastic stream. Lived 72 years old (numbers 72 and 76 are close). Karl Augustus leads many wars of a conquering nature. During the board, Karl lost his nephew of Collap Roland.

According to the identification of the second and third Roman Empires, Octavian Augustus, he is the Saint Constantine I am a great (see). Konstantin gives the Roman dad Italian Rome - "Dar Constantine I Great." This gift of Constantine (\u003d August) correlates with the "gift of Karl I Great," who presented the Roman dad of the Earth Italy. In 1165, Karl Great, as well as Konstantin Great, was declared saints.

It is important to note that the book of the Roman historian Svetonia "The Life of the Twelve Caesarians", in which he, including writes about August, "was at the disposal of the court" academy "of Karl the Great. According to this manuscript, I got acquainted with Little Einhard, when about 818 wrote his "life of Karl Great", diligently reproducing Sveonic biographical schemes. " Thus, it is believed that in order to describe the life of Karl the Great, the scheme of presentation of the lighting of the biography of Augustus was used (since it is similar to the biography of Karla Augustus). Obviously, Einhard simply expressed the history of the emperor of Augustus, whom he called Karl the Great.

We will illustrate this by comparative analysis of the behavioral features of August and Karl. Svetoniy about Augustus reports that "the wines by nature he drank very little ... I drank no more than three cups at dinner ... But he rarely drank an empty stomach, but instead chewed either bread ... either fresh or dried apples." Svetoniy also reports that "after day breakfast, he (August - auth.), As it was, dressed and hooped, lay for a long time to relax." And at night, Augustus "slept, at the most, hours of seven, and even then not complete, because during this time three times or four woke up." From the biograph of Karl the Great - Eingard, it is known that the king "was very simple and moderate in his habits. On ordinary days, the outfit differed little from the clothing of commoner.

He drank wine, he drank a little (he drank no more than three cups at dinner) ... After lunch, he eaten several apples in the summer and drank another cup; Then undressing Donag, rested two or three hours. At night he slept restlessly: she woke up four or five times and even got up from bed. " After reading the testimony of Svetonia and Eingard, it is difficult to get rid of the impression that they describe one person or the description of one person was transferred to another person.

Tiberius I - Son (reception) Octavian Augustus, and Louis I - the son of Charles I am august.

And Augustus, and Karl I Great a year before death, the first - in 13 g., And the second - 813, declared their sons with emperors and co-guards.
In 31, against Tiberius, on the 17th of its rule, a conspiracy headed by sown was organized. Tiberius was going to escape and in the case of his flight, ordered to appoint a warlord (i.e. the emperor) of his Opt relative - Druz Julius Caesar. However, soon Tiberius was able to take the situation under control and return all the complete power. Similar events we observe both in the history of Louis I. in 833, on the 19th year of his rule, his son Lothar appeared against him. Louis was lowled and his rebellious son Lotar took the title of emperor. However, he rules for long, and in 834 Louis returned power.

After the death of Caligula, a short-term troubles begins in view of the ambiguity of the issue of who should inherit the Supreme Power in the Empire. Pretorian Guard supported Claudia's candidacy, and the next day he was proclaimed by the emperor.

After the death of Louis of Piously, the troubles begins, caused by the struggle between the sons of the late emperor, led to the section of the empire in 843.

Here we do not find a clear conformity between the stories of the ancient Roman Empire and the Middle Ages Roman Empire of Carroling: If in the Empire of Carroling Louis II of Rules for 25 years, then in the ancient Roman Empire we see two emperors with a large duration of the Board - Nero and Vespasian, who are just and are located in the time interval of 25 years. Therefore, it is necessary to make either "gluing" of historiographic images of Nero and Vespasian.

Either assume that the twin-prototype of Louis II is only Neron with the duration of the Board at the age of 14, and the remaining 11-year-old time interval "closes" in false-nerns, which were announced for about 79, which gives us the time interval of 25 years. It is worth noting that today we cannot reliably know how these false-nerns really were impostors and whether they were not the same person - a real neron, which appeared in the one, in another part of the Roman Empire, trying to find comrades to fight For power.

Nero - Son (reception) Claudia. Louis II - the son of Lothar I, identified above with Claudia.

There is evidence that in 70 Titus made an attempt to divide the Roman Empire to Western and Eastern. "With the last siege of Jerusalem (Tit - Avt.) He himself struck twelve arrows twelve enemies, took the city on his daughter's birthday and earned such love and the adequacy of the soldiers that they proclaimed him with welcoming clicks, and when he did not want to let him go from Provinces ... This was inspired by the suspicion that he conceived to postpone from his father and become king in the east. " Karl Bald in 843. Together with Brother, Louis German forced the Emperor Lothar's elder's senior brother I split the Roman Empire Caroling.

We also see similar circumstances of the death of Tita and Charles II. Svetoniy writes that Tit on the road to his estate felt hot and soon died. Roman historian Dion reports his rumors that Tit was poisoned by brother Domitsian. Karl II is a fever, and the doctor gave him instead of a physician poison, from which Karl died.

After the death of Tita, his brother Domitsian, despite the fact that Tita allegedly wanted to divide the Roman Empire, he inherited it one. Karl III as a result of death in 882 brother Louis III, and in 884 - Coussena Carloman, became the ruler of the Unified Roman Empire of Caroling. The rule of Domitian was interrupted by the conspiracy against him, as a result of which he was killed. The Board of Charles III was also interrupted by conspiracy against him, as a result of which he was removed from power. In addition, historiography reported to us the characteristic feature of Domitsian and Karl: Sveonius reports that Domitian was a biased belly, and the nickname of Charles III is fat, indicates his propensity to completeness.

It should be noted that the Roman historian of Svetonius finishes the book "Life of Twelve Caesaries" by the description of the rule of the emperor Domitsian, telling about the Roman emperors. At the same time, we see that at the same time, with the end of the story, Svetonia, who completed its narration on Domitiane, there is a decay of the Roman Empire of Cappets after the deployment of Emperor Charles III, which was shown above, is the historiographic "shadow" of Domitsian. Thus, the entire history of the Roman Empire of Carroling is only the arrangement of the book of Svetonia "The Life of Twelve Caesone".

Correlation of dynastic streams
Antique Roman Empire and Roman Empire Caroling

The average chronological shift, calculated at the ends of the boards, is approximately 800 years. This parallel did not enter three emperors of the ancient Roman Empire, with a small term of rule: Galba (68-69), Oton (69) and Vytelly (69). They ruled a short time, so their "loss" does not affect the overall isomorphism of parallels.

The parallel identified by the author put the question: Who and when turned on the Roman chronicles in the history of France? And as a working hypothesis, you can consider the following version: the ratio to the transfer of Roman history to the French historiographic "soil" has the author of "Correction of Chronology" (1583) - Joseph Scaliger (1540-1609). I. Scaliger worked at the court of the French king Heinrich IV Bourbon (1589-1610), and wrote for Henry "Continuous Chronology of the French Royal Dynasties". Thus, the inclusion of Roman history in the history of France is obviously just fulfilling the political order of the late medieval French kings.


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Karl Martell shared his possessions between the sons of Pipin short and Karloman, who became Mayordmomas of Franks. Immediately after the death of Karl, war began and troubled. The brothers needed to preserve the disintegrating kingdom: the Aquitens, Bavarians and Alemanes had already disappeared from them. In 742, they went to Alemania, demanding on the way of the conquered lands pay tribute and issue hostages. But the enemies accused PIPINIDs that they took power from the legal dynasty of the Meroving. Then the brothers went for a concession - they built the throne of one of the Meroving - Hilderic III. However, no real power of the new king received and did not participate in public life, all the power was still in the hands of Majorts of Franks.

The symbol of power in the king francs were long hair

When in 747, PIPIN decided to take possession of the crown, he sent a letter to Pope Zharia, where he asked who should belong to the royal title - in whose hands the real power, or the one who is a descendant of the royal order? Zakhariy replied that the king should be the one who has real power. In November 751, Hilderiga lowered and tonsured to the monks, as now he was useless. The monarch climbed his long hair - the symbol of the royal power of the Meroving, and thus deprived him of all prerogatives. Unfortunate sent to the monastery of Situ, four years later he died. With Carolinga, he was called the "fake king", although Pipin elevated him to the throne.

Karl Martell divides the kingdom between Pipin and Karloman. (

Two coronations

Brother Pipina Karloman tonsured in the monks and went to the monastery. Karloman has always paid special attention to Christianity, precisely thanks to him, the reform of the Frankish church was carried out. Immediately after the reference of a relative from power, Pipin removed the acting king of the Meroving. In November 751, Pipin was a meeting of Franks in Susson, who chose him king. In May of next year, Pipina solemnly coronated Archbishop Mainz Bonifami.

Pipina Short was not alone, but at once two coronations

Soon, Langobard spoke against Rome, and Papa Stefan III asked for help from the ruler of Franks. He personally arrived in the Frankish kingdom for negotiation with Pipin. Dad begged Pipina to start a war with Langobard, and he promised to return the pontiff all the lands that the Langobard Langobard king took away from him. In gratitude for the assistance, the head of the church was provided by Pipine and the entire new dynasty, named after Father Pipina Karla Carolingmi, an invaluable service. On July 28, 754, in Saint-Denis, Pope conducted a second coronation ceremony and the world-nasal Pipina, his wife and sons of Charles and Karoloman. Stefan III, under the fear of overheating from the church, forbidden the venels and the people of choosing the kings not from this dynasty. Pipine promised that he and his descendants would take care of the church and its interests.

Pope Stefan III makes Pipina's world formation to the kingdom. (

Gnown Pipin

Pipin was a formidable and famous conqueror, but sometimes he showed the royal generosity in truth. Immediately after the death of Martell, Brother Pipina and Carloman Griffin, born from the second wife of Charles Svangildy, not without pressure of the mother decided to declare his equal share with the brothers. He captured Lan, in response the brothers went to him the war and even took away the little that left Griffon father. The breath, they concluded in the Ardennes castle, where he stayed while the sole ruler Pipin did not return him freedom and did not give several counties.

In 748, Griffon, who could not forget the resentment and did not want to obey their brother, gathered an army and fled to Saxony. Pipine followed his brother, but it all ended peacefully. After the death of the Bavarian Duke, Griffon rushed into this duchy and captured him, and at the same time his widow Gertrud, Sister Pipina, and the heir. When, in 749, hearing had reached the king, he put forward his troops to Bavaria and captured Griffin. But generous Pipin again forgave his brother and even gave him extensive lands that were the county of the kingdom against Brittany. The griffin did not appreciate the trust shown to him and ran into Aquitain, where the intrigue against Pipina began to weave. When trying to get into Italy in 753, the griffin was killed. The Frankish kingdom rods again under the rule of one ruler.

Pipin presents dad possession of the papal region. (

Papal region and military hiking

Even with Karloman Pipin made several successful military hikes. After the second coronation, PIPIN began to fulfill his promise and sent the Frankish army along with Pope to Italy. However, Pipin did not want bloodshed, and suggested to his enemy Astulfu to voluntarily refuse the land of employed, but, as before, a similar requirement of the Pope Austulf responded with refusal. In 754, the army of the Austulf was broken by Franks, and he was forced to conclude an agreement with Pipin. According to him, besides the return of the land of the Church, Langobard recognized the dependence on the francs, they pledged to issue hostages and pay a significant amount to Pipine and its facilities.

The victims defeat Langobard, however, did not seek to fulfill the promises. In 756, they were besieged Rome. Then Pipine invaded Italy again. Anistulf was forced to retreat to Pavia, and then, without preparing the siege, and ask for peace negotiations. He pledged to fulfill the former treaty and issue Pipin and his third of the Treasure of Pavia, and the Langobard Kingdom had to pay an annual tribute. After the subordination of Langobard Pipin continued to expand his lands. So he conquered the septimia and the borders of the Franksky state now stretched to the Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Pyrenees. He concluded an agreement with Saksami, increasing their tribute. In addition, Pipin began a long war for Aquitain against Vaifara. In her, he won a victory under Zododun, took Bourget and Toulouse. Conquer almost all the stock and devastating her, Pipin ordered to find WiFara, but the Duke of Aquitania was killed on the same approximate. After that, Pipin set his power in all his possession.

Sarcophage Pipina Short and Berti de laon. (

Pipine short and big leg

According to the legend, Pipin received his nickname "short" for a very small growth. He was married on Britre Laonskaya, which was called the "big leg" due to congenital closures and the fact that one leg was more different. Britrd is considered the only wife of Pipina, although some sources claim that the first wife of the King of Frank was a certain Leautburg, who gave him five children. However, there is no reliable data that testify in favor of this theory.

Pypina's wife Shortly wore a nickname "Short leg"

It is also noteworthy that in medieval historical legends, such a character appeared like Berta Bolshnoy. She was directly identified with the wife of Pipina Short. All her biographies were fictitious, and she got nickname for big Noki, for which she was recognized. In general, the plot of all the legends associated with the Bolshoi Berth was reduced to the fact that Pipina's bride replaces the impostor, but in the end, the deception reveal and Berta takes his rightful place. There are several dozen variations of this plot differing in detail.

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The second dynasty in the history of France was Carroling. They ruled the Frankish state with 751 of the year. The first king of this dynasty was Pipine Short. He bequeathed a huge state to his sons - Carlo and Carloman. After the death of the latter, the entire Frankish state turned out to be in the hands of King Charles. Its main goal was to create a solid Christian state, in which, in addition to the francs, there were also pagans.

Was a bright figure in france history. Almost every year it arranged military hiking. The gain of the conquest was so large that the territory of the Franksky state doubled.

At this time, the Roman region was under the authority of Constantinople, and the Roman dad was the governors of the Byzantine emperor. They applied for help from the ruler of Franks, and Carl had supported them. He broke the threatening Roman region of the Langobard king. Taking the title of the Langobard King, Karl began to enter the Frank Device in Italy and connected Gallia and Italy to one state. IN 800 He was crowned in Rome Pope Lvom III Imperial Crown.

Karl the Great saw the royal power support in the Catholic Church - awarded her representatives by the highest positions, various privileges, encouraged the forced Christianization of the population of conquered lands.

The extensive activity of Karl on the Niva formation was devoted to the task of Christian education. He issued a decree on the establishment of schools during the monasteries and tried to introduce compulsory training for children of free people. He invited the enlightened people in Europe to higher state and church positions. Interest in theology and Latin literature, bloomed at the court of Karl the Great, gives the right to historians call him an era Carolingovsky revival.

Restoration and construction of roads and bridges, the settlement of abandoned land and the development of new, construction of palaces and churches, the introduction of rational methods of agriculture is all the merits of Karl the Great. It was by his behalf that the Dynasty called Carrolings. The capital of Carroling was a city Aachen. Although Carroling moved the capital of his state from Paris, on the island of Sita in Paris you can now see the monument to Karl Great. It is located in the square in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the Square of his name. Rest in Paris will allow you to see a monument to this person who left a bright mark in the history of France.

Karl Great in Aachen January 28 814 of the year. His body was transferred to the Aachen Cathedral built by him, and placed in the copper gilded sarcophagus.

The Empire, created by Karl Great, has already broken over for the next century. By Verden Treaty of 843 It was divided into three states, two of which are West Frankish and East Frankish - have become the predecessors of the current France and Germany. But the Union of State and the Church carried out in many ways predetermined the nature of the European society for a century ahead. Educational and church reforms of Karl Great retained the value for a long time.

The image of Charles after his death became legendary. Numerous legends and legends took place in the cycle of Romanov about Carlo Great. According to the Latin form named after Karl - Carolus - the rulers of individual states began to call the "kings".

Under the successors of Karl the Great, a tendency to decay the state immediately manifested. Son and successor Karl Louis I Pious (814-840) He did not possess the qualities of the father and could not cope with the heavy burden of the management of the Empire.

After the death of Louis, three of his son began the struggle for power. Senior Son - Lothar - was recognized by the emperor and received Italy. Second brother - Louis German - Rules oriental francs, and the third, Karl Lysia- Western Franks. The younger brothers challenged the imperial crown at Lotar, in the end three brothers in 843 signed the Verden Treaty.

Lothar retained his imperial title and received land extending from Rome through Alsace And Lorraine to the mouth of the Rhine. Louis came to possession of the East-Frankish kingdom, and Karl is in possession of the West Frankish kingdom. Since then, these three territories have developed independently, becoming predecessors of France, Germany and Italy. A new stage has come in the history of France: she has never been united in the Middle Ages with Germany. Both of these countries were governed by different royal dynasties and turned into political and military opponents.

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