How can you open a legal consultation from scratch. How to open a legal consultation

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The provision of legal services today is more relevant than ever, and legal companies are often approached by both individuals and legal entities. How to open a law firm and make money on consulting and legal services?

Business specifics

Today, almost every citizen needs the help of a lawyer, since the laws are often changing and not too clear legal regulations in many situations, they raise questions. This means that there is a need for clarification, which can only be provided by professional lawyers.

At the same time, people need legal assistance on many issues, including legal support for business, assistance in registering companies, filing bankruptcy, protecting the interests of legal and individuals in court, representing the interests of the parties when concluding transactions, etc.

Someone needs advice to complete a major transaction (real estate purchase, partnerships, etc.), while someone needs constant service from a lawyer and is ready to conclude a cooperation agreement with a law firm.


Having decided to open a law firm, you should first decide on the range of services that you plan to provide to your clients. Of course, the wider your range of services, the better. But when choosing, you should be guided by the demand for one or another type of legal services. This means that in a small town there is no point in counting on great demand from legal entities, but it is better to focus on legal assistance to individuals. In general, a law firm can offer clients:

  • protection of the interests of individuals and legal entities in court, as well as representation in state bodies;
  • legal consulting for individuals;
  • assistance in registration activities;
  • legal support of companies' activities;
  • legal expertise and drafting of documents;
  • preparation and drafting of agreements, statements, contracts, claims;
  • information support of organizations and advice to specialists in the legal field;
  • consulting and accounting support;
  • Notary Services.

It should be remembered that legal services can be provided without a license (with the exception of the notary), although many areas require additional permits, and the activities of a law firm will be regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law on Advocacy and Advocacy.

Registration of a law firm

  • After you have made the decision to create a law firm and have decided on the services provided, you can start registering a business.
  • First, you need to find an office space and conclude a lease agreement, as well as draw up a business plan for the future law firm.
  • After that, you need to go through state registration with the tax authority. Preferred (limited liability company). This will show that you are planning to conduct serious business and are ready for long-term cooperation.
  • Choose a taxation system. The best option- (according to the "income minus expenses" scheme - this is beneficial with a large number of employees and a significant rent for office space).
  • Select codes: 74.1 Activities in the field of law, accounting and audit; consulting on the issues of commercial activity and enterprise management.
  • Make repairs in the office, equip it with furniture and the necessary equipment.
  • Hire employees and organize an advertising campaign.

Office - the face of the company

Everyone understands that clients won't go to a law firm that doesn't inspire confidence in them. This means that the office of your law firm must say that your business is reliable, your employees are competent and can solve any legal problems. How can this be achieved? Rent an office space in the city center, in a crowded place, in a prestigious building. It is not bad if there is a transport interchange, a business center and convenient parking nearby.

Besides good location for the office of a law firm, it is important to design that will demonstrate the integrity and respectability of the organization. This means that you need to make a good repair, choosing a strict design for registration, equip the office with a comfortable and modern furniture, which will create a positive impression on customers, as well as install computers in the office and provide high-quality communication and high-speed Internet.

In the office, it is also necessary to equip a convenient place for clients waiting for their turn, a meeting room, specialists' offices (it can be one office, but with partitions that guarantee good soundproofing), a room for technical personnel, and a bathroom.

Client search

So, you opened a law firm and started working, but clients are in no rush to your office. What to do? Conduct an advertising campaign, offer your services to various companies and individual entrepreneurs. Ask your regular customers to recommend your firm to their business partners and business colleagues.

You can negotiate with potential clients (we are talking about legal entities) and offer profitable terms cooperation, as well as expand the range of services offered. This works great, especially if customers who have come to you for help at least once are satisfied with the level of service in your company. So, having completed a one-time order well, you have every chance of getting a contract for permanent legal services for a particular organization.


In terms of staff, the law firm must have a staff of qualified lawyers with a university degree, work experience and a license to practice law. If you plan to provide a wide range of services, it is better if you have a separate specialist in a narrow profile for each area, for example, in family, criminal, financial or land law. This will help streamline the conduct of business by referral, and once again Demonstrates to clients a serious approach to work in your company.

But it is clear that not everyone is able to maintain a large staff of highly qualified workers, especially at the beginning of the company's activities. So it would be appropriate to hire a few law students to assist the core staff. You can also invite law students for internships (by concluding an agreement with the educational institution).

We also need a secretary-administrator who will receive calls and transfer them to the right specialist, ensure the life of the office, register documents and engage in archival activities (for the post of secretary, you can also take a law student from the correspondence department of the university).

In addition to legal specialists, you will also have to hire technical personnel - a cleaner of office premises and a janitor to put things in order in the territory adjacent to the office (if, of course, there is one).

Initial investment

It is very important for a law firm to make a good impression on potential clients immediately after opening and create an atmosphere of respectability around itself. Therefore, you do not need to save on office, furniture and equipment. How much does it cost to open a law firm? Let's calculate the approximate costs of opening a law firm, taking into account that the office area is 200 square meters, and the cost of renting one square meter 3,000 rubles a month.

As for the profitability of the legal business and its payback, it all depends on the specific case. If we talk about average indicators, then this is about a year or a year and a half (subject to vigorous activity). During this time, your company will demonstrate its capabilities, acquire regular customers and it will already be possible to summarize the first results.

Starting a business, you have to work for authority, and only then it will work for you. So at first you will have to take on any business, and each time prove that you are competent, competent and capable of solving any issue in favor of your client. Of course, it won't be easy at first, but authority in the legal services market is crucial, so you'll have to earn it.

Qualified professionals are the main resource of any law firm. So you need to try by all means to attract and retain leading experts in the field of law in the company. This will add credibility to your business in the eyes of competitors and potential customers.

Another feature of the domestic legal services market is high competition. Therefore, you always need to be aware of the market situation so as not to become easy prey for another large law firm. And also do not spare funds for advertising their services and paying for the work of qualified specialists (otherwise, competitors will simply outbid them). Well, and, of course, you need to constantly fight for clients, each time proving your high professional level.

In this material:

How to open a legal consultation from scratch? This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can start in this business without any investment, from scratch. This explains the presence of a large number of small businesses that provide the population with legal services on a paid basis. Let's consider how to do this and what difficulties you will have to face.

Starting a business

It is possible to open a legal business from scratch in the absence of the appropriate education. There is no need to have a diploma from any university that prepares lawyers in order to provide the population with legal services on a paid basis. If you are literate in the field of law, you have come across this more than once, you had to conduct your own practice, then you can easily do it for money and without a diploma.

It so happens that people who are faced with some life situations go to court for solving difficult issues. Taking an active part in trial delving into the intricacies of the current legislation, such people may come to the conclusion that they understand it no worse than qualified lawyers.

For example, if a person, alone or with a lawyer, went through a difficult divorce process, used the acquired skills to help friends and acquaintances in a similar situation, then he can help others in this matter. It is practice that makes a real qualified lawyer, not diplomas different colors and forms.

And if there is no such experience, then this is not a reason to put an end to this project. There will always be those people who have both diplomas and some kind of experience. Moreover, they are ready to work honestly and conscientiously for hire. Not everyone believes that individual entrepreneurship is simple and accessible to everyone. Oddly enough it sounds, but among legal scholars there are many for whom the idea of ​​starting their own business does not even lie in the plane of their dreams.

You must choose a specialization. The legal services market is saturated precisely because of the availability of this project. It is difficult to compete successfully in all areas of law. Choose one or more directions. If you have experience, as stated above, in divorce proceedings, you need to specialize in it.

The only thing that will not work without a diploma and a lawyer's certificate is criminal cases. Only a criminal procedure requires appropriate education and qualifications.

What needs to be done to open

How to open a legal consultation? The process of starting a legal consultation business is facilitated not only by the absence of the need to have an education. Everything you need for it is in any office that is easy to rent. Is it written or computer desk, office chairs and armchairs. It is enough to bring your computer or laptop, a cell phone, a printer combined with a scanner, and paper with office supplies. After that, it remains to order a plate on the office door with the inscription "Legal advice".

But before opening such an office, you need to register as individual entrepreneur... If you do not work anywhere, register as unemployed at the Employment Center and go simple procedure registration of a subsidy for starting your own business, prepare a business plan. The state supports the unemployed who start their business. The minimum amount of subsidies is from 25 thousand rubles. That's enough to buy a laptop and a printer.

If you are going to hire staff, then you can provide that each employee already has his own laptop. It is rare to see a lawyer or university graduate who does not have their own laptop. Otherwise, it will be necessary to include expenses in the business plan and increase the amount of the required subsidy. You can see a sample of how to prepare a business plan in Appendix # 1.

Refusal to receive a subsidy is not a reason for frustration. Buy several devices on credit or by installments. If you have any funds to get started, buy used laptops. They will cost 8 thousand rubles each. Thus, to open an office for 3-4 jobs, you will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles.

This minimal set, but there are also small businesses of legal advice that work without an office at all, using rooms in business centers for meetings with clients. This approach requires good self-confidence and professional capabilities. This makes some sense.

A company located in an office with a sign at the entrance is capable of attracting a part of customers by itself. But the rent of such offices is high, and all such places have already been taken. Renting premises in a multi-storey business center does not provide such advantages. All the same, you will have to get involved in the active promotion of the services provided, encouraging potential customers to make at least one call. But where to receive this call - at home or in the office - makes no difference. Just make sure that when answering the call, the background for the client is not a child's cry or crying, dog barking or cat meow.

What difficulties await

The main difficulties that you will definitely have to face when opening a legal business are as follows:

  • very high competition;
  • it is very difficult to provide the company with a constant and solvent clientele;
  • dishonesty of staff.

Many citizens consider themselves unsurpassed lawyers, therefore they consider it necessary to work in this niche. And since you cannot find legal offices for everyone, the remaining applicants open their own consultations. Add to this a very low start in this business, and here comes the formula of high competition, which does not diminish.

This leads to the following difficulty - clients are very difficult to find. Those that come across either offer to take up hopeless cases that other lawyers have refused, or do not have enough money to pay the due cost in such cases. Do not rush to give up such cases. Perhaps they are the pass to the Olympus of the legal business. If a rumor spreads in the city that a new office has opened, which provides services to the poor at half price and takes on hopeless cases, wins them with success, there will be no end of clients and it will be necessary to increase the staff. Take note of this.

They find out about the dishonesty of employees when they leave the office, taking with them a dozen good regular customers.

To prevent such a development of events, the business owner needs to independently search for clientele, to establish relations with them.

The client must understand that he is turning to the manager, and his employee only helps in this matter, performing routine work.

But the employee must also understand that clients do not come to him by themselves, that this process is complicated, time-consuming, and requires certain investments and developments. And if their office leaves, he will have to independently resolve this issue, which will be more difficult than the process of providing services itself.

How best to promote services

Having a sign does not mean a flood of customers, and a newspaper ad will not improve the situation. It worked badly 10 years ago, but now it is completely ineffective. Focus your efforts on the following:

  • creation of a website for legal advice;
  • regular publication of valuable legal advice on it;
  • duplication of publications on the company's page in the social network;
  • recruiting subscribers through contextual and targeted advertising;
  • creating a legal literacy mailing list for subscribers;
  • conducting online seminars and consultations;
  • cold calls to potential customers.

Such promotion should contain a business plan for the project, and they will have to deal with before opening a legal consultation in order to start successfully.

Order a business plan

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Investments: Investments 600,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

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Having carefully studied the question of how to open a law firm, you can avoid the mistakes of predecessors and build profitable business.

Capital investments - from 500,000 rubles.
Payback - 1 year.

The legal profession has been considered one of the most profitable and promising for many years.

Thousands of applicants choose jurisprudence as their main specialty, but not all of them find a job after graduation that suits them.

The collapse of all hopes can be avoided by carefully studying the issue, how to open a law firm.

There are plenty of private law offices in any city today, but not all of them provide high-quality services and can boast of having qualified specialists on their staff.

If you avoid the mistakes of predecessors, you can build a profitable business.

Who should start a legal business?

There are many types entrepreneurial activity, which you can do without having a special education.

But entering the legal business without a special education is very bold, because you will in no way be able to control the work of your subordinates and risk losing your legal office at one fine moment.

It is best to try to open a legal business to people with a legal education and work experience who are tired of working for someone and dream of their own business.

If we take into account the number of law school graduates who graduate from domestic universities every year, we see that there are enough such people.

If you have enough money to start a business and dream of your own law firm, you can invest in one using lawyers as employees.

Although this path is associated with certain difficulties.

For example, the inability to act as a lawyer in a criminal trial or difficulties in monitoring the quality of the work of subordinates.

What types of activities should a law firm provide to become profitable?

Even before engaging in the registration procedure, decide what services your law firm will provide.

In order to maximize profit, and the client base is formed quickly, you should involve in your consultation lawyers who would specialize in:

    Legal disputes.

    It often happens that the state interferes in the affairs of private entrepreneurs or another businessman, trying to snatch a tidbit, violates the rights of another entrepreneur.
    Lawyers will be able to defend the rights of your clients in legal disputes.

    Family litigation.

    In the United States and Europe, family lawyers rarely sit out of work and make huge profits from divorce, inheritance or child custody.
    We also have a wide field for the activities of family law specialists.

    Registration procedure.

    The legislation of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries is so imperfect, and bureaucracy and corruption are flourishing in such a magnificent color that aspiring entrepreneurs cannot do without legal assistance during OOO or.

    Criminal law.

    People with money who are accused of a felony prefer to pay for the services of a highly qualified private lawyer rather than be content with a public defender.

    Notary services.

    Registration and re-registration of property, confirmation of the correctness of copies of documents and translations of documents from / to foreign language, issuance of certificates, etc.


    This does not mean that you have to knock out debts.
    Your task is to explain to the debtor instead of the borrower what the risk of non-payment of debts is in accordance with the legislation of the country.

    Intellectual property law.

    A relatively new, but very promising field for the activities of law firms.

Nuances of legal business

The first rule of business is to make money, no matter how other rules get in the way.
Mikhail Mamchich

It is not so difficult to figure out how to open a law office, especially if you yourself are a lawyer and know this kitchen from the inside.

And yet, the legal business, like any other, has its own nuances that should be remembered:

  1. The competition in this sector is quite high, so you definitely need to take care of the competent formation of competitive advantages:
    • payment for your services in installments;
    • discounts for regular customers;
    • convenient location of the office;
    • a wide range of legal services provided by you;
    • acceptable pricing policy, etc.
  2. You can open as an office that provides some specialized services, for example, specializes in family law, or you can open a legal company that will help in any matter related to jurisprudence.

    Experts advise to opt for the second option, although opening such a business requires large investments.

  3. Any law firm needs a manager who will handle administrative issues, advertise the business, look for new clients, etc.

    He does not have to have a law degree, but he simply has to be an excellent manager.

  4. When aiming at the legal business, it is imperative to formulate a long-term strategy.
    This is the only way in short terms recoup capital investments and occupy a niche in the market.
  5. You should approach the law firm as carefully as possible, especially given the high level of competition in the market.

    You should not only calculate how much money you need to open a business, focusing on prices in your city, but also conduct a preliminary market analysis: count the number of competitors, find out about the solvency of citizens, what legal services are lacking, etc.

How do I look for clients for my law firm?

The main difficulty faced by those who are thinking about how to open a law firm is the need to quickly form a client base in order to make money.

Indeed, with such a high level of competition and a modest average level of well-being of citizens, it can be difficult to find a way to customers.

To be successful, the management of a law firm must act in different directions:

  1. Good advertising campaign.
    • involve the media;
    • place ads on billboards, banners, in public transport;
    • leave your leaflets and brochures in banks, shopping centers, government agencies;
    • use the Internet (contextual advertising on sites and social networks).
  2. Bypassing potential customers with offers of their services.
    These can be office centers, banking institutions, large shopping centers and much more.
  3. Creation of your site with a list of services, prices, information about your lawyers.
    The main thing is to order the creation of a site and writing texts for a good SEO specialist, because if your site remains "invisible" for search engines then the money you waste on it.
  4. Paid cooperation with those who can help you find potential clients: law enforcement officers, ship clerks, tax officers, bankers, etc.
  5. Word of mouth.
    Your legal office should provide its services in such a way that all clients (both large and small) are satisfied.
    Only in this way they will not only become your regular customers of services, but will also recommend you to all their friends and acquaintances.

How to Open a Law Firm: Time Schedule

It is not difficult to open a legal consultation if you are a lawyer yourself and have a sufficient amount of capital investment, in which case it is quite possible to accept the first client in 3 months.

If you run into certain difficulties (you will not find a suitable premises right away, you will have to look for a partner who will share the financial burdens with you, etc.), then starting a business may take more long term: six months or more.

The optimal period for opening a law firm is 5 months:

Premises rental and repair
Purchase of furniture and office equipment
Site creation

Legal business registration

As we have already found out, any person can open a law firm, even without a legal education.

Legal business is not subject to licensing, but registration is not.

To begin with, you have to choose one of the forms (individual entrepreneur or LLC).

Experienced lawyers advise nevertheless to open a legal consultation like an LLC, because this gives a wider field for activity.

To, you must have a legal address.

Be sure to choose the system by which you will pay taxes.

The best option for LLC is STS with one of the interest rates:

  • 6% of income;
  • 15% of income, the rate of which is reduced from expenses.

If you yourself are a lawyer, then there should be no problems with the registration procedure - you can easily collect the required package of documents, and also prepare the premises in which you are going to open a law firm for inspections of the SES and the Fire Service.

They must give their permission to operate the office.

Premises in which you can open a law firm

You need to search not only ideal room in order to open a law firm, but also to take care of the favorable location of your office.

You cannot organize your business somewhere on the outskirts, it is better to choose the central part of the city.

Also, make sure that the entrance to your office is from the street - serious clients will not look for you in the courtyards for a long time.

The size office space directly depends on whether you want to open a large law firm and how many lawyers will work for you.

Let's say you intend to open an office in which 2 lawyers would work, which means that you will need a room with a total area of ​​at least 70 squares to equip 3 offices (for you and two lawyers), a hall with a secretary's workplace and a waiting area, a small kitchenette ( to prepare tea and coffee for their clients) and a bathroom.

Each lawyer should have his own office (you, as a manager, of course, too), because attorney-client privilege must be preserved.

Even if you are renting rather than buying a space, be sure to make good repairs in it to impress serious clients.

Keep it succinct business style: contrast of light and dark shades, no flashy colors, natural materials etc.

If you're not too tight-fisted, invite an interior designer to spice up your office.

Equipment without which it is impossible to open a law firm

The list of equipment for a law firm will not differ much from any office space.

You will need desks with chairs, filing cabinets, office equipment, etc.

And you also need to equip the hall with furniture (best of all - sofas), where clients will wait for an audience.

You shouldn't buy the cheapest or second-hand furniture - this can alienate your money customers.

For the office environment, where 2 lawyers + a secretary + a manager will work, and the purchase of equipment, you need to allocate about 300,000 rubles:

Expenditure itemQtyCost (in rubles)Amount (in rubles)
Total: RUB 280,000
Computers or laptops
4 20 000 80 000
Printer (3 in 1)
2 10 000 20 000
Air conditioner
4 15 000 60 000
4 3 000 12 000
Chairs and work chairs
8 2 000 16 000
Sofa in the reception area
1 20 000 20 000
Cabinets and racks
8 3 000 24 000
Plumbing for the bathroom
15 000 15 000
Kitchenette equipment
20 000 20 000
Other 13 000 13 000

How to open a law firm: staff

Even if you have a law degree and are going to work by profession, it is not very smart to think about how to open a law office without involving other specialists.

You are better off taking over the administration and advertising functions, focusing on PR for your firm and finding clients.

It is better to transfer accounting functions to an outsourcing company, whose services will cost you about 5,000 rubles a month.

For a law firm to function properly, you need to hire at least two lawyers, a secretary, a system administrator and a cleaning lady.

Payment for staff services in small town will cost you about 100,000 rubles a month:

QtySalary (in rubles)Total (in rubles)
RUB 110,000
Lawyers2 30 000 60 000
System Administrator1 20 000 20 000
Secretary1 15 000 15 000
Cleaning woman1 10 000 10 000
Outsourcing bookkeeping 5 000 5 000

How much does it cost to open a law firm?

Getting into the legal business is not cheap.

To do this, you need to have a decent amount of capital investment, moreover, than bigger city, in which you are going to work, and the larger the office you want to organize, the higher the costs you will expect.

For example, to open a law firm in an office with a total area of ​​70 square meters, with two lawyers and a secretary in a small town (population 200-300 thousand), you need to have at least 500,000 rubles.

To feel safe on initial stage business start-up should be laid in start-up capital the amount necessary to pay staff salaries, pay office rent, advertising, etc.

Starting a legal business from scratch is not easy; it will take about six months to build up a client base.

On the specifics of doing legal business

also described in the video material:

Is it profitable to try to open a legal business?

The legal business can be both profitable and bankrupt its owner. It all depends only on you and on your ability to form a client base.

In general, jurisprudence is a rather profitable occupation, if you look at the approximate cost of office services in small towns:

But the rates for corporate clients are much higher than for individuals.

What can we say about litigation.

On average, law firms, even in small cities, can generate income from 220,000 rubles.

If you subtract the costs of maintaining the business, then the owner of the company is left with about 50,000 rubles of net profit.

Even with such indicators, it is realistic to make the business self-sufficient in 1 year.

And if you form a large client base and get several large clients from the face of large entrepreneurs, then your monthly profit will be from 100,000 rubles.

All this indicates that legal business- a profitable occupation, if you approach its organization with the utmost care.

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Starting a business takes time and money, but with the right approach, all this can take up relatively few resources. It is very attractive to open your own legal advice office for a person with a higher legal education. First of all, by the fact that it takes a little time. In addition, legal advice can be not only real, but also virtual. The demand for a lawyer on the Internet is very high, and this is because people do not always have enough time to go to consultations.

Opening your own legal advice office from scratch is not so difficult. First of all, you need to have a legal education and register as an individual entrepreneur. It is important here that in the future it is possible to expand the range of services that your consultation will provide.

A huge advantage of organizing legal advice is the relatively small start-up capital. A lawyer does not need to provide advice in a huge room. A small office for two specialists is quite enough. It is better to open a consultation together with another lawyer. First of all, because all costs will be halved. True, and profit too.

The main costs will be required for:

  1. rental of premises;
  2. purchase of office equipment;
  3. payment for communication services;
  4. registration as a legal entity;
  5. business plan for legal advice.

It is worth noting that in the absence of hiring employees (partners do not count), it is more expedient to open an individual entrepreneur. In terms of taxation, it turns out cheaper, especially since at the initial stage there are no guarantees that the business will immediately pay off. However, the LLC inspires more trust among customers.

To immediately establish itself as good specialist, you can create your own website for legal services and provide online advice. The more and better you answer, the more clients you will attract to your firm.

24/7 online consultation

Who said that online consultations should be free of charge? Practice shows that many lawyers successfully make money on replies on the Internet. You can do your legal advice on the Internet around the clock and shareware. For example, you invite lawyers from all over the country to your website, who will gain experience and experience for themselves, and provide consultations for a fee. The first questions should be free.

Why is it beneficial? Because a person who decided to get a consultation will ask a question for free at first. Having received a general answer to him, he will be happy to pay for the details and full chewing of the topic. You can attract lawyers to work through special sites and freelance exchanges on the Web.

The advantage of such consultations is that the work will be provided around the clock, without days off and breaks. The main thing is to organize the site correctly and introduce as many payment methods as possible. You, as the organizer of the system, can make a profit not only from visiting the site, placing advertisements on it, but also from users (that is, lawyers). At the same time, when organizing your individual entrepreneur, as OKVED codes, you need to indicate not only those that regulate legal activity, but also activities on the Internet.

Keep in mind that you can organize your online legal consultation right from home, without setting up an office. Or you can combine work on the Internet and in reality. Exactly quality work on the network, a properly designed site, the presence of good content on it, allows you to attract clients to the office.

Online consultation of an auto lawyer

If you are a narrow specialist in law, for example, an auto lawyer, then it is advisable to open an online consultation specifically for this profile. Initial costs:

  • webmaster services (turnkey website development);
  • services of copywriters-lawyers (for filling the site with articles);
  • lease of hosting on the network for the site (it is desirable that the domain name reflects the essence of your activity).

Moreover, these clients may not even be from your city, but from the region. Therefore, it is important to organize your online activities correctly, to give only legally correct advice in an accessible language.

On the site, you can indicate not only the office number and its address, but also your personal telephone number for communication. It is also better to place the price list on the website right away. The first free consultation in the office can be your "trick", which will help to beat your competitors a little.

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Online consultation of a lawyer for free

In order to organize your activity as an online lawyer, you need to have a completed higher education about this, register as a legal entity and create your website on the network. It can even be a one-page site, the maintenance of which is much cheaper.

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