What the mixer uses. Blender or mixer - which better solves numerous kitchen tasks

Plant encyclopedia 20.06.2020
Plant encyclopedia

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The mixer and blender are electrical appliances that make life easier for housewives in cooking. By rotating the nozzles at high speed, they stir and whisk the food. In addition to these functions, each instrument performs additional tasks. Let's talk about which is better: a blender or a mixer.

Besides mixing food, the second function of a blender is to grind ingredients. Mixing and grinding at the same time is used to prepare cocktails. For this, the device was originally conceived. Sharp metal knives break the ice into crumbs, instantly cooling the drink.

Unlike a blender, whisk attachments are attached to the mixer body. They rotate rapidly, lifting the layers of the product and saturating it with oxygen. The air collects in the form of bubbles, and the mass becomes fluffy.

With the help of it they prepare:

  1. Dough of different thickness;
  2. Whipped cream;
  3. Cream.

The functions of the device are few in number, but it copes with them excellently.

Stationary mixers appear on the market, which are similar to blenders. They are convenient for being able to work independently. The newest ones are planetary. They rotate not only the nozzles, but also the bowl. This promotes the fastest and most efficient mixing possible.

Blender and mixer: what's the difference

The main thing is their purpose.

It is better to beat the whites with a mixer than with a blender with a whisk attachment. Since the mixer has two of them, and they rotate in different directions. If you do not need thick foam, but only a little airiness is enough, a blender will do. The first one is also better to beat the cream than the second.

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For chopping, only a blender is suitable. It is also best for cocktails, as the mixer will leave large pieces of fruit.

The mixer allows you to knead dough of almost any consistency. It is a must for lovers of homemade baking.

A good mixer can greatly simplify the life of both the avid chef and the lover of simple omelets. The key is to equip yourself with the right device for your lifestyle, culinary ambition and budget. In this article we will tell you how and which mixer to choose for the home, in which case a blender should be preferred to a mixer and why a stationary model is better than a manual one.

What to choose - mixer or blender?

The main difference between these devices lies in their different functions:

  • The purpose of the blender is to chop the product with knives, and the purpose of the mixer is to beat with a whisk and knead the dough with a hook. A mixer cannot make cream soups, baby food, smoothies and cocktails, chop nuts, and a blender cannot turn cream into foam or knead yeast dough.

But since the hand blender always has an additional attachment in the form of a whisk and sometimes even a hook for kneading dough, the question arises - can a blender replace a mixer? Yes, but only partially.

  • The fact is that the blender in its capabilities is comparable only with a hand mixer, but not with a stationary one. After all, only a stationary device is able to quickly and efficiently knead a thick and dense dough, say, for pies and dumplings. Neither a blender nor a hand mixer can handle this task.

But with such non-trivial tasks as beating eggs or pancake dough, the blender will cope almost as well as a hand mixer (but the mixer is still more efficient and more convenient for long-term work). If you like the idea of ​​3-in-1 devices, then we advise you to choose either a 500W hand blender with a hook included, or ... a mixer-blender as powerful as possible, which looks like a mixer, but has a chopper attachment. You can find out other nuances of choosing a blender in our step-by-step guide (see the material: Guide to choosing a submersible and stationary blender). And this video will help you not only understand the difference between two similar devices, but also choose a mixer for the kitchen.

6 steps of selection

Step 1. Determine the type of mixer

Mixers are conventionally divided into three categories: manual, stationary and stationary with a planetary mixing system.

  1. - lightweight and low-power (200-500 W) device with two corollas and two hooks included. Ideal for beating eggs, cream, butter, or for kneading semi-liquid doughs such as biscuits or pancakes. It is good because it is inexpensive (from 500-3000 rubles), takes up little space, is easy to clean (just remove and rinse the attachments) and allows you to conveniently whisk very small portions. Unfortunately, the power of the handheld device is not enough to knead yeast dough for pies or steep dough for dumplings, dumplings and mantas. However, if you rarely cook these dishes, then a hand mixer is an excellent choice.
  1. Stationary mixer (household type) Is a stationary device with a bowl, stand and mixer, all with the same whisks and hooks. Thanks to such a device, the device can process the product without your participation. All you have to do is load the bowl with ingredients and start the engine. Since in modern stationary mixers, not only the nozzles rotate, but also the bowl itself, the mixture is processed evenly. In addition, due to the higher power (400-700 W), such a mixer is able to knead even tough dough. If necessary, the mixer can be removed from the stand and used as a normal hand-held appliance. Disadvantages: high price compared to manual ones (average price 2500-8000 rubles), larger size, more noise of the engine and rotation of the thicket. Also, an inconvenience can be called the need to wash the bowl before processing the next product, while a hand mixer only requires cleaning the attachments. Compared to a planetary mixer, a standard mixer is much cheaper, but it is less stable, its motor is much less durable and reliable. Who is the home mixer for use? To all those who not only beat eggs and biscuit dough, but also prepare flour products from thick or yeast dough. But he does this not every day, but only from time to time.
  2. - this is the same stationary mixer, but more powerful (500-1200 W), and most importantly - with a nozzle rotating according to the principle of rotation of the planet, that is, around its axis and at the same time around the entire circumference of the bowl. Thanks to this "focus" it is possible to achieve the ideal quality of the mixture in the shortest possible time. If you cook often and in large quantities (especially cakes, sweets, pies, dumplings), then the planetary mixer will become the most demanded "workhorse". By the way, some models of planetary mixers have another bonus - the ability to equip with additional devices: a meat grinder, grater, dough and noodles-rolling, grinder and even a juicer. These multifunctional mixers are often referred to as food processors or kitchen machines. The disadvantages of planetary mixers include, first of all, the high price (from 5 tr. To 130 tr.), High weight and noise.

To better understand the difference between the three types of mixers, we recommend that you read the following video review.

Step 2. Pay attention to power

When choosing a mixer, the first thing to look for is power. As a rule, the productivity and speed of product processing depends largely on it. The more power, the more dough the appliance can knead. At the same time, the more powerful it is, the higher its cost and the more electricity is consumed.

  • For a hand mixer that only whips / kneads liquid and semi-liquid mixtures, the power of 250 W is quite enough. If you use a hand mixer often and for a long time (more than 10 minutes), then choose a more powerful mixer - 350-400 W.
  • The power of a stationary mixer for domestic use must be at least 500 watts.
  • It is advisable to purchase a planetary mixer for periodic use with a power of at least 600 W, for everyday use - at least 900 W.

Step 3. We look at the materials of the body and bowl

The bodies of inexpensive stationary mixers are most often made of plastic, while more expensive models and planetary mixers are made of stainless steel.

  • Steel bodies of stationary mixers are more stable due to their weight, which is especially important when kneading dense dough. In addition, they are much more beautiful and durable. However, metal mixers are much more expensive than similar devices in plastic.
  • Under heavy loads, plastic cases often start to smell, creak and shake. But they greatly reduce the cost of devices and are easier to transport, move from place to place.

Mixer bowls come in plastic, glass and metal.

  • Glass bowls are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, beautiful, but fragile. Plastic thickets are unbreakable and inexpensive, but can deform and change color over time. The ideal material for the bowl is stainless steel.

Step 4. Choosing the volume of the bowl

Mixers are equipped with bowls with a volume of 1.5 to 6 liters. The maximum amount of product you can whisk / mix at one time depends on this indicator. But there are no minimum limits for stationary mixers - even in the largest bowl, you can beat both a couple of eggs and a dozen equally well. The secret of this ability lies in the same planetary mixing system or in the rotation of not only the nozzle, but also the bowl.

To determine the volume of the bowl, think about what maximum volumes you usually process in a mixer and add 200-500 ml to this number. Such a stock will prevent the mixture from splashing, and flour and sugar from scattering outside the bowl.

Speaking of sprinkling, by the way. When buying a mixer, be sure to make sure it comes with a lid with a hole for adding ingredients. This simple item will protect your kitchen from stains while allowing you to add and add supplies while you work. Unfortunately, inexpensive blenders often don't come with such a lid.

And a couple more useful tips for choosing a bowl:

  • When choosing in-store mixers, try testing their bowls by simulating, say, pouring biscuit dough into a mold. The handle of the bowl should be such that you can hold the container with one hand and easily scrape the contents with the other hand with a spatula. The bowl itself should be easily removable from the stand.
  • It makes sense to buy an additional bowl so that when preparing multi-component dishes you do not have to wash the already used container again.

Step 5. Choosing attachments and accessories

Most often, a stationary mixer is equipped with only a couple of attachments - a whisk for whipping and a hook for kneading hard dough. Moreover, the hook can really be a hook as in the photo below (for kneading a dense dough) or spiral (for a thinner dough). Sometimes the kit also includes a paddle for mixing liquid dough. Some mixers have a puree attachment and / or a chopper attachment (blender) for making sauces, smoothies, cocktails, etc.

Standard set of attachments for planetary mixer

Combine mixers, as we noted earlier, can be equipped with additional attachments: a meat grinder, a dough sheeter, a citrus press and a grater. Sometimes these attachments are included in the kit, and sometimes they are purchased separately.

Step 6. Learn about modes, speeds and additional options

Mixers work in 3 modes:

  • Standard - the device just turns on, starts whipping or mixing.
  • Impulse - the motor works impulsively, as if in jerks. This mode is more suitable for chopping (!) Hard foods, rather than whipping and mixing.
  • Turbo mode - in this mode the mixer works at an accelerated rate, but for only a few seconds, in order to avoid overheating of the engine.

The rotation speeds of the nozzles are available for mixers from 3 to 20. The more speeds the device has, the thinner you can adjust the degree of processing of the product, smoothly slow down or accelerate the rotation of the nozzles.

  • However, as practice shows, 3-5 speeds are enough for most cooks.

Some of the really useful additional options are:

  • A timer that allows you to set the on and off times you need, which is very convenient when you need to go away.
  • A protective system that automatically switches off the mixer at risk of overheating.

Finally, for those choosing a planetary mixer, check out the following video review of a KitchenAid mixer versus a food processor.

Today we'll talk about how to choose planetary mixer for the work of a home pastry chef

There are hand held confectionery mixers in almost every kitchen, but professional pastry chefs often prefer planetary mixer.
This is a device in which the whisk rotates both around its axis and inside the bowl at the same time.

While these mixers are running, you can do other things, such as making cream or cleaning the table. Hands are free and the work is done.

In this article, we will look at both the kitchen machine for replacing the mixer and the mixer itself.

Why do you need a planetary mixer

The main tasks that a mixer should perform for a pastry chef are +

  • knead the dough
  • easy to whip cream, cream and whites

These are two main processes, by automating which you can not only facilitate the baking process, but also significantly speed up it.

This function is available both in a stand-alone planetary mixer and as part of a kitchen machine. Whether you choose a kitchen machine or a separate planetary mixer is up to you.

It's just that the kitchen machine has a number of additional functions that are of dubious need: a meat grinder, a shredder, a grater, a juicer.

If you are not going to use them, then you should not consider this option - just overpay ..

Planetary mixer. Nozzles

The mixer set must include three nozzles:+

  • whisk for whipping proteins
  • mixing attachment
  • dough hook

All of these attachments must be made of certified food grade metal, as this will increase the service life and comply with hygiene standards. +


When choosing a mixer, you may be confronted with a choice of power.
Sellers will assure you that the more power the planetary mixer has, the better. +

But there is one point.

Few people say that this power is divided by the number of jacks in the car.
That is, if you have a machine that has 3 slots: a mixer, a blender slot, for a meat grinder, for example. Machine with a power of 900 watts. +

Therefore, there is 300 W per socket !!!

This is a classic marketing ploy to convince you to buy more.
The popular KitchenAid has 300W of power and is the most branded mixer ever. +

Body material

High quality plastic and stainless steel are the materials that are used to make the body of kitchen machines and mixers.
Models with a plastic case are more in demand. It is easier to clean, more affordable. +

Models with a stainless steel case are more durable, more reliable, but have a significant weight and are more expensive. But you don't have to drag it from place to place.

Also pay attention to the material of the nozzles (whisk, shoulder blades).
They must be made of high quality food grade stainless steel.

It will be very important to ask what material the internal mechanisms are made of. Some cheap (and expensive) planetary mixers and machines have plastic internals. The store is unlikely to tell you such information, but if you call the service center, then you will most likely be told the truth.

I had plastic internal parts on my old Bosch mixer, so it quickly went out of order. +

Planetary mixer bowl

In a mixer, the bowl is sacred. +

You will need it both for making creams and for whipping proteins. It is better that the bowl is made of food grade stainless steel, as plastic absorbs odors and fats. And this is not entirely hygienic.

Most models now come with a stainless steel bowl, but keep this in mind so that you can take this into account when choosing a mixer.

Also pay attention to bowl capacity... A very small volume (2 liters) should not be taken. In order to prepare cakes to order, 4-6 liters are enough.

I once purchased a planetary mixer where the bowl had no handles. It turned out to be very inconvenient. Therefore, when buying a kitchen assistant, choose those models whose bowls have handles.

Whipping speed

When you are thinking of buying a planetary mixer, you will be faced with a choice of speed.
Each model has its own distinctive features in speed.
There are no main recommendations here, but note that it is very convenient when there is the ability to smoothly adjust the speed.+


When choosing a mixer, you should pay attention to safety both for the device itself and for you. +

A planetary mixer or your chosen kitchen machine is a must have overload protection(there must be an automatic fuse).
Different manufacturers produce models with different degrees of protection: +

  • Restart protection
  • overheat protection
  • Protection against switching on when the cover is open
  • Protection against switching on with incorrectly installed bowl

Also pay attention to such little things that will bring you comfort in working with the mixer: +

  • rubberized feet allow the machine to stand firmly on the table and not slip during operation
  • Availability compartment for the cord will allow you to store the machine more compactly. But I do not have such a device and I do not suffer
  • lid on the bowl for whipping will keep your workspace clean and protect your cream or dough from foreign matter. You never know ... Better buy transparent cover... Then you can control the whipping process without removing the lid.

Where to store and How to care

It is best to store the planetary mixer assembled, as it will always be ready for use and there is no need to waste time on assembly. If the space in the kitchen does not allow, then you will have to put it in the closet, but there is nothing you can do about it. +

You can, of course, choose the model that suits your workspace, but that shouldn't be key in choosing this fixture. +

Taking care of your kitchen machine or mixer is very easy.
After use, rinse the attachments with detergent in running hot water and dry. Wipe the machine itself with a damp cloth to remove industrial drops and grease.

Attention! Do not immerse the planetary mixer itself in water. This will short-circuit the device and cause serious injury!

A mixer is a household appliance that almost every housewife has in the kitchen. The main function of this thing is mixing, whipping and chopping products (found in modern versions). In stores you can find a wide variety of models from different manufacturers, which creates certain difficulties when choosing a mixer. Before making a decision, before buying, it is advisable to figure out how they may differ, what you first need to pay attention to.

A mixer is an electrical appliance with which you can whip, mix liquid or bulk products. Thanks to it, many dishes take much less time to prepare. Most often, the device is used to make dough, baking creams, sauces, cream, mashed potatoes and others.

All mixers are divided into two types:

  1. Stationary. These models are large in size. A special stand is used to mount the case. It is also designed to install the bowl that comes with this model. Some manufacturers offer stationary appliances with a rotating bowl to use the entire space of the whipping and mixing bowl.
  2. Manual. They have a small body with a speed switch. Corollas are located at the bottom.

Regardless of the type of appliance, each model is equipped with a motor that allows you to power the mixer. The beaters are specially positioned for maximum product uniformity. Their movement during rotation occurs along an intersecting trajectory.

What is the difference between a mixer and a blender

The main difference is speed. The blender is much faster. The mixer is designed to beat and mix ingredients. It also does not come with sharp blades. At high blender speed, food products are ground until smooth.

Mixer types

The device is classified into 3 types. Each of them is designed to perform certain functions, has its own positive and negative sides.

Stationary (household)

In addition to the mixer, the set of such a model also includes a bowl and a special stand designed to hold them during use. This allows you to free the hands of the hostess and do other work. In most devices, not only the attachments can rotate, but also the stand, which makes it possible to mix the ingredients as evenly as possible. In more advanced models, rotation is carried out not only in a circle, but also along a certain trajectory.

Stationary mixers can have one or two attachments. Thanks to their advanced functions, such electrical appliances have a higher cost in comparison with others.

Before stopping your choice on such a mixer, it is recommended to take a closer look at all its advantages and disadvantages.

The pluses include:

  • the ability to wash some parts under running water;
  • high power;
  • good quality nozzles (made of high-strength metal that can withstand heavy loads).

Among the main disadvantages, perhaps, are its volumetric dimensions. Additional free space is required to store the mixer.


It is one of the most powerful models. In all devices of this type, the rotation of the nozzle occurs not only around its axis, but also around the circumference of the bowl. This allows you to achieve ideal uniformity of food components with a minimum investment of time.

This type of mixer is popular with people involved in the preparation of labor-intensive dishes, especially desserts and pastries. The kit may include additional accessories - grater, meat grinder, etc.

Positive sides:

  • maximum power;
  • practicality and functionality;
  • durability and reliability;
  • high strength;
  • possibility of application in production.

Due to the large number of advantages, the main disadvantage of such a device is its high cost, weight and large dimensions. Also the planetary mixer is quite noisy.


The name itself speaks for itself. Such a model will need to be held in hand throughout the entire cooking process. The devices are relatively light and lightweight. Requires little storage space. Most often, plastic is used for the manufacture of the case.

The mixer is compact, easy to disassemble and clean. Many models are equipped with a special button that allows you to remove the attachments and housings.

But, like any thing, they also have their drawbacks. One of the most significant is the weak power and insufficiently strong attachments. Hand mixers are more suitable for beating eggs, making mashed potatoes, or kneading dough into pancakes or pancakes. It is forbidden to wash the body itself under water, because if it gets inside, an electrical object breaks.

Selection options

When choosing a mixer for the kitchen, you need to pay attention not only to its functionality and variety, but also to other equally important parameters.


It is on this characteristic that the speed of the mixer and its performance depend. Thanks to its high power, the device can perform even the most complex functions. However, it is important to remember that the level of such an indicator leads to a large consumption of electricity. There will also be a higher cost of the model compared to the less powerful ones.

If you choose a stationary mixer, then the most optimal option would be a model with a power of at least 500 watts.

When used in production, you need to choose a device with a power of at least 900 watts.

For a manual model, with its rare use, an excellent option is from 3500 to 400 watts. Such devices do well with everyday food preparation.

Bowl volume

The bowls supplied with the mixer have different volumes ranging from 1-6 liters. When choosing such an indicator, it is necessary to take into account the amount of food that will be used in one go.

Stationary planetary mixers have large bowls, which also does not interfere with cooking small portions of dishes.

When choosing a container, you need to add about 300-500 milliliters to the number of processed components. This is how much stock will be required to prevent splashing of the contents during the mixing and grinding process.

In the event that the mixer is supplied with a lid for the bowl, then the presented task is much easier.

Body and bowl material

In most cases, plastic is used for the production of the case of stationary and manual mixers. However, you can find glass or metal models.


This material is more commonly found in stationary mixers, which ensures maximum stability of the bowl and body during operation. Such units are distinguished by their presentable appearance, practicality and high cost.


It is one of the cheaper ones, due to which the price of the model is low. The material is light, of poor quality, and has a specific smell. Bowls made of plastic are often deformed and discolored.


Often used in the manufacture of bowls. They differ from others in environmental friendliness, beauty and economy. But you should handle such products with the utmost care, since they can be easily broken.


Mixers can be equipped with additional components that perform various functions:

  1. Hook- used when kneading dough with a thick consistency.
  2. Blender- a nozzle for grinding food. Popular in smoothies, cocktails and others.
  3. Corolla- a device for whipping ingredients.
  4. Scapula- convenient for kneading liquid dough.
  5. Bar with a knife made of steel- it is used to prepare baby formulas, mashed potatoes.

Each device has a function that allows you to automatically remove the attachments from the case. More expensive models are equipped with special stops that fix them during operation.

Speed ​​modes

The mixer can have several speeds depending on the model. The more, the better. The main ones are:

  • standard- turns on when whipping or mixing;
  • impulse- the motor works in jerks, which allows you to cope with solid products;
  • turbo- the engine operates in an accelerated mode, which solves the assigned tasks with minimal time costs.

Other functions

One of the useful options is the presence of a timer, with which you can set a specific time when the mixer turns on and off.

Some models are equipped with protection against clogging and overheating. If the system suddenly overloads, then it turns off the motor, thereby preventing the device from failing.

Also, the mixer can be supplied with measuring cups, spatulas, devices that help to clean the electrical appliance.

Price range

Stationary mixers are in the price range from 3 to 8 thousand rubles.

The cost of the planetary version used in production is several times higher and can go up to 150,000 rubles, models intended for home use will cost around 10,000 rubles.

Hand mixers are one of the cheapest models. Their price ranges from 500-3000 rubles. It also needs to take into account the brand, equipment and materials.

Mixers rating

The TOP-5 of the best models includes:

  1. At the first place KitchenAid 5KSM150PSE. Refers to professional household appliances. It has no analogues. Made in a beautiful design. It is characterized by high performance. The main distinguishing feature is the presence of a special socket that allows using the mixer as a full-fledged food processor. Cost - from 35 to 54 thousand rubles.
  2. Sinbo SMX-2734. The most profitable option in 2018 in comparison with price / quality. Stainless steel was used to make the attachments and the bowl. 800 watt motor, thanks to which you can cook even solid food. Has 6 speeds, impulse mode and planetary movement of nozzles. It costs 6000-9000 rubles.
  3. Moulinex HM 4121. This model, despite its inconspicuous design and simple functionality, has earned popularity among consumers due to the quality of its performance. High quality plastic is used in the production of the body and attachments. The motor is powerful, which allows you to knead or beat the ingredients until the most homogeneous mass. The approximate price of the product is 4900-6000 rubles.
  4. In fourth place is the mixer Bosch MFQ 4080 manual type. With its help, you can not only beat various products, but also knead the dough. The body and bowl are made of high quality plastic, which ensures the durability of the model. The package includes not only standard attachments, but also a chopper, blender leg and an additional bowl. Price - from 5100 to 5900.
  5. The fifth on the list is Bosch MFQ 4020- hand mixer with a comfortable body. It has high power and many functions. The cost varies between 2500-300 rubles.

More recently, many housewives quite got along with a hand whisk and a manual meat grinder. And with the advent of technical innovations, some women are in real confusion - a blender or a mixer, which is better to buy in order to solve several kitchen problems at once.

The modern market for small household appliances is oversaturated with all sorts of multifunctional devices that make the life of food cooks much easier. Individual devices may have similar or even the same functionality. It can be difficult to find significant differences. But this is a very fundamental question for those who are against filling the kitchen space with several devices with the same type of functions at once.

It seems to some that the difference between a blender and a mixer is not that big, so it is quite possible to get by with one of the devices. But in reality this is far from the case. These devices are significantly different and have different purposes.

What you need to know about blenders

A blender is a fairly powerful device that can process fruit and berry components, nuts, meat, fish, grind ice, make mashed potatoes, beat eggs or cream mass in a matter of minutes. Its main purpose is to grind and mix. As a rule, they are comfortable, compact and fit well in any kitchen.
There are 2 main types of blenders:

  1. Submersible is a kitchen appliance that successfully copes with the tasks of chopping food. It consists of an extended handle with a built-in motor and a control button. It also implies the presence of a container in which the ingredients will be mixed. In addition, it can be equipped with a variety of bowls and attachments, including mixing beaters.
  2. Stationary is also a kitchen device that grinds food, consisting of a body, a bowl and a lid. All of this rests on a solid foundation. The device can be controlled mechanically or electronically. This device is able not only to grind all kinds of products, but also to chop ice, puree, whip creamy consistencies. Such a device is something between a mixer and a food processor.

Both types of grinding devices have slightly different functionality. Stationary has a narrow specialization due to a single nozzle. With its help, you can successfully prepare cocktails and make mashed potatoes from any products. Some models are equipped with an ice crusher. Submersible models are more functional, thanks to a set of all kinds of attachments.

For shredding devices to have a longer service life, it is better to give preference to models with metal cutting elements. If the device is equipped with plastic parts, then during operation, against the background of heat from a heated engine, they may melt.

Advantages of blenders:

  • the ability to perform many functions;
  • fast crushing of all kinds of ingredients, including nuts and ice;
  • relatively compact size.

Disadvantages of blenders:

  • makes a lot of noise;
  • in submersible models, you must constantly hold the button;
  • with prolonged operation, it can overheat and fail;
  • additional functions (whisk) do little to cope with the tasks;
  • the heating motor affects the taste and healthy ingredients of fruits and vegetables;
  • difficult to clean (it is impossible for the part with the engine to get water).

Well, and, of course, before deciding what is better to buy - a blender or a mixer, you still need to have a general idea of ​​mixers.

What you need to know about mixers

A mixer is a device actively used in kitchens for mixing and whipping soft or prepared foods. In terms of speed, it is significantly inferior to a blender, and also does not include a nozzle with sharp knives. The main working element of the device is a pair of rims made of durable metal.

There are 2 main types of whipping devices on sale:

  1. Manual - implies constant holding of the unit in the hands of the user. He successfully kneads thin dough and combines the various components. Such a device, as a rule, is small in size, easily disassembled and stored compactly. It does a pretty good job of simple culinary tasks. But the device cannot knead a relatively thick dough.
  2. Stationary is a reliable, respectable kitchen device. It includes the mixer itself, a bowl in which the ingredients are mixed and a stand that ensures stability during the working process. A stationary mixer requires permanent space and takes up part of the kitchen surface, but it functions independently.

Both beaters mix any liquid product with ease. They work equally well with whole milk, fermented milk products, ghee, eggs. Such units will easily help you prepare a cocktail with fluffy foam. Creams, sauces and mayonnaise are also within their power.

The mixer cannot handle solid ingredients. A homogeneous mass can only be achieved from liquid or pre-processed components. If, for example, in the process of making a cocktail, berries and pieces of fruit are sent to the whipping bowl, then they will remain rather large particles in the finished drink.

Advantages of mixers:

  • during long-term operation, the engine does not overheat;
  • whipping of liquid products occurs quickly and efficiently;
  • easy to clean and care (all parts can be safely washed in the dishwasher).

Disadvantages of mixers:

  • highly specialized device;
  • the stationary model is rather cumbersome;
  • makes quite a lot of noise.

A mixer or blender can be a real helper in the kitchen. Especially if a rather powerful model is preferred. Thinking about what to choose, the hostess, first of all, must understand her culinary preferences and what processes will be most often in demand during cooking.

Distinctive features of chopping and whipping devices

Differences between a blender and a mixer can be identified based on the purpose of use.

Equipped with paddle knife or interchangeable attachmentEquipped with a pair of beaters and a kneading hook
It crushes and crushes even solid products wellBeats eggs, dough, cream, cocktails well
Creates gruel, mousse, pureeBlends until smooth
Perfectly mashed any food for main coursesSuitable for confectionery purposes
Due to additional attachments it can be a multifunctional deviceA highly specialized device aimed at whipping
Knife rotation speed up to 20,000 rpmRotation speed from 10,000 to 15,000 rpm
Overheats during prolonged operationLong-term work is not scary for him
Doesn't cope with kneading doughNot very thick dough kneads exceptionally well
Proves to be practical in preparing complex dishesIndispensable for baking

And if a blender with a whisk attachment, albeit not ideal, can still knead pancake dough, omelette or reach a creamy consistency, then the mixer will not cope with any task that the blender knives can solve. Generally speaking, in terms of functionality, the blender certainly wins. However, if there is a need for whipping a light weightless mass, then you cannot do without a mixer.

  1. If desserts and all kinds of confectionery masterpieces are not alien to the hostess, and she primarily does this in the kitchen, then there must be a mixer at hand. He will solve several problems at once - kneading dough, whipping cream.
  2. If there are kids in the family or there is a love for culinary experiments, then it would be wise to purchase a blender device.
  3. And if cooking takes the main place in the life of the consumer and he is ready to cook different dishes for days, then you should buy a multi-blender with advanced functionality.

It is worth noting that the third option will really justify itself only if it is purchased for a lot of money from a trusted manufacturer. Cheap multi-blenders turn out to be very weak and dubiously cope with the set culinary tasks. This is due to the fact that the combined technique, equipped with all kinds of attachments, actually loses in power and quality of performance of each individual task.

Of course, in the conditions of serious confectionery shops, it is unlikely that someone will beat the dough using the whisk of a blender. And yet, in amateur home kitchens, the mixer, as a separate device, is gradually ceasing to be in wide demand. This is because blenders have proven to be versatile and cost-effective.

Although the discussed devices in certain situations can partially replace each other, but in their functionality they actually differ and are not of the same type. So, having figured out how a blender differs from a mixer, as well as having analyzed the purpose of the purchase, how much work and how often the appliance will perform, the consumer will not be mistaken in choosing a reliable kitchen device.

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